The Hoofball Team Ménage(r)

by Sparkle Fire

First published

Hoofball team manager gets it on with two of his best players after winning a championship game.

After winning the Equestria Junior Varsity Hoofball Championship game for the first time in more than thirty years, two of the best Cloudsdale Flight Academy Junior Speedsters show you, their first-year head coach, a special play that they've been planning just for you...

Inspired in part by "Dash Academy" by SorcerusHorserus. It's worth checking out.

Rated Mature for explicit sexual content in part two!

Cover photo courtesy smiba11/sorcerushorserus on DeviantArt

Part One

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Part One

You've only had your second cup in what is bound to be a constant stream of coffee; you would certainly need it. Meetings, practices, and endless streams of nonsense - such is the life of the assistant head coach of the Junior Speedsters hoofball team at Cloudsdale Flight Academy.

It just makes you regret ever accepting that coaching job in the first place...

You see, you've had this position for seven years, and while your co-workers were quite nice and easygoing, they really were incompetent, incapable of running a damn hoofball team. All that ever went on during practices was useless crap and not actual play, and that reflected on the field; they only won four games in the seven regular seasons you were there.

However, the team appreciated all the help you could give, whether it was handing out water and snacks to transporting sweaty jerseys to the cleaners, and that was all that mattered. And for that sort of dedication to the team as a whole, the players took a serious liking to you. You also became a very respected member of the community as well as at the Academy.

Most of the time, interaction was quite friendly, however, some mares on the team would even try to get in your pants (not that you minded). On occasion, you were invited to team parties, where you would get drunk and fool around (not that they minded).

That was the case...
until last year.

The head coach at the time announced that he would be taking a job coaching for a big-league team in the Midlands, leaving you with big shoes to fill.

On your first day as head coach, you were immediately met by two of the biggest power players on the team, Rainbow Dash, a sophomore, and Firefly, a senior. They told you that since their old coach was very absent-minded, they practically ran the whole team by themselves.

The rest of the team was made up of pegasi from all walks of life. Derpy Hooves, Surprise, and a few other familiar acquaintances were thrown into the mix as well.

With their help, you swiftly put your plan into action: frequent practice and conditioning, team building, strategy improvement, and, most importantly, less bullshit. The populace quickly began to take notice as soon as they began winning games, and soon, you and the team you led became a force to be reckoned with. Business sponsorships skyrocketed, pay raises rolled in, and life was good. For once in your life, you were taken seriously, not only as a central figure, but as a person (amongst ponies, that is).

The team did great during your first year; wins were clinched against teams from Las Pegasus, Ponyville, Manehattan, Appleoosa-Dodge Junction, Fillydelphia, Clydesdale, Vanhoover, Baltimare, Canterlot (to everypony's surprise), and the Crystal Empire.

With the first undefeated junior varsity hoofball record in school history, you were guaranteed a spot at the playoffs. The team as a whole transformed into a hoofball powerhouse overnight, garnering win after win. Rainbow Dash and Firefly were inseparable as leaders of a truly awesome team. And with you at the helm, the Junior Speedsters of Cloudsdale Flight Academy would be practically unstoppable.

You first defeated Manehattan's Junior Mane-iacs in the first round, knocking them down a peg, especially denting their coach's ego.

Two more hard-fought wins, against Clydesdale and Hoofington, brought the Speedsters to the semi-finals, with a victory against Canterlot Academy's Purple Dragons in the fourth quarter cementing Cloudsdale's date with destiny.

And now, you were really in for it. Wracking your brain over the piles of expense claims that you were made to fill out stacked on your desk, you briefly wondered if your sanity would be left intact afterwards - not to mention your brand-new headset, since you broke your last one in a fit of rage during last week's trouncing of the Dragons.

But no matter - you were almost ready to head to the train station. You marched out the door and locked it, then helped load everypony's luggage and the gear onto the carriage. Once it was loaded, the carriage would take off and escort you to the train station, where you would no doubt be swarmed by members of the community cheering you on.

"Is everypony and their luggage accounted for?" you asked.

"Yes siree, Bob," Rainbow Dash responded.

"Alright," Firefly checked off the rest of the things on her clipboard. "We're ready to go."

The team boarded the carriage, and you set off for the train station. You sat next to Rainbow Dash and Firefly, discussing hotel arrangements once you got there.

"I've arranged a block of rooms at a hotel near Canterlot Centre; all we have to do is cross the moat in order to get dinner, do whatever."

"Awesome," Firefly said. "Where is it exactly?"

"Right down the road from Canterlot Centre and the Grand Central Station. We can loop around town in five minutes and be at the stadium, ready to play."

"We're taking gear with us?"

"Yep, into the hotel rooms as soon as you're assigned them," you replied. "Once we get that taken care of, we'll go into town and eat dinner, preferably in the East Side or the suburbs. It's cheaper out there."

"And we've taken the liberty of asking each team member to bring their own money with them," Rainbow added, "and to spend it wisely."

"So we're not begging for pocket change. Perfect."

Once they arrived at the train station, a commendable throng of fans and supporters were already congregated there, holding signs and cheering on the team in an epic community send-off. You simply didn’t see a spectacle like this every day.

You disembarked the carriage and made your way to the station’s entrance. Teammates were already shaking hooves and doling out greetings as the doors were opened for you.

After making sure that everybody had their tickets on them, everypony presented them to the ticket attendant to have them stamped. You boarded the train, again sitting by Rainbow Dash and Firefly. Right across the aisle sat Derpy and Surprise, who were chatting away.

The conductor took a few minutes to give his obligatory health and safety lecture, and then had the crew readied.

You spent the better part of the rail journey raiding the refreshment table in the dining car and discussing the Junior Speedsters’ past exploits and conquests.

Five hours had passed, and you were already pulling into Canterlot Grand Central Station. It was a spectacular work of art inside the place, with marble statues and other pricey features, indicating that every bit that was spent was put to good use.

The three-block walk to their hotel wasn’t as much of a pain for you as it was a pain for your team, who had to carry both their gear and their luggage with them. You sort of felt for them, having carried dirty jerseys to the cleaners and transporting broken equipment, often being asked to foot the bill. Not this year, you thought, smiling to yourself.

Now, if I can make my old bosses pay back the money from all those broken headsets and visits to the doctor, that would also be great, he added.

They arrived at the hotel, which was almost as beautiful as the train station, with an atrium at the top letting in natural sunlight and several running water features.

They set their things down in the lobby and chatted while you and the assistant that you hired (the father of one of the varsity players) sorted out the room situation. Once the hotel clerk handed you the keys, you had Rainbow Dash pass them out. There would be four to a room; each team member received a key that they would be responsible for. The room arrangements were, unfortunately, sex-segregated at the insistence of your other half out of concern for their safety. Since there were only three other males on the junior varsity team, you would have to room with them as well as your assistant.

Now that rooms were taken care of, there was the matter of getting to them. You took the liberty of requesting rooms on the top floor because the rooms were said to be more spacious than the standard rooms in the rest of the hotel, allowing for all the players' gear and their luggage to be stored with little difficulty.

You took four players at a time up in the elevators, gear and all, and escorted them to their rooms, leaving your assistant to supervise the rest. Disembarking the elevator on the twenty-fifth floor and slipping into one of the hallways which ringed the atrium on every level, you quickly located room 2510 and asked a teammate to unlock the door and opened it.

Each room was laid out roughly the same: deep red wallpaper offset with a white trim, a comfortable couch with a pull-out mattress, television, minibar, kitchenette, and enough storage space for everypony. A fully-stocked bathroom was also tucked to the side. In the bedroom, it was the same appearance as in the front room. Two queen-size beds stood side-by-side, separated by the nightstand. Another television was situated nearby, accompanied by ample closet and drawer space.

You did the same with the next eight rooms down the line, with room 2519 being the man-cave. Just goes to show that males truly are a minority here, you thought, exasperatedly. You then decided to crash on the couch in your room and rest your aching head for a while.


You felt well-rested and ready to go as you and the team prepared to head to the stadium for the junior varsity championship game. Under Rainbow Dash and Firefly's leadership, you got all your gear loaded onto a hired carriage to meet you at the stadium when you got there.

After you made it to the visitors' changing rooms, everypony got their gear and headed in to change into their jerseys. Meanwhile, after you promised your assistant that you wouldn't break your new headset, you became reacquainted with the ground, having just rode here on Derpy's back.

Once they were suited up and in the proper mindset, you delivered a rousing speech in the alleyway:

"I shouldn't have to remind you of all the hard work and dedication that you put forward in order to get here this evening... but I'll do it again.

"We rose from being a losing team to a winning team, a team that knows how to achieve their goals. We have literally transformed this team into a powerhouse. When we work, we work. We laid out a plan at the beginning of the season and we stuck to it, and that's why you're here. We stuck with that plan, and your accomplishments throughout the season and post-season have built up to this final game, our chance for the ultimate victory!"

Cheers resound.

"We are the best damn hoofball team in this country, and this is our last chance to prove it! Together, we have a strategy that will carry us through all four quarters of this game; I can take that championship trophy and slam it on the head principal's desk and say, 'I told you so.'

"At first, he didn't believe in me - he didn't believe that we, as a team, would ever get this far. Well, guess what? We believed in this team, we believed in ourselves, we worked together! We are about to prove everypony wrong! We are about to prove Equestria wrong, and that is why I am so proud!"

Tears sprung from your eyes and streaked down your face as emotion overcame you.

"Now go out there and play hoofball like champions; play like you've never played before!"

The entire team ran towards the edge of the stands, ready to charge onto the field. Rainbow Dash patted you on the back and accompanied you to your place on the sideline.

"It's okay, coach, it's okay."

Firefly trotted alongside and clutched you in her hooves, calming you down.

"Don't worry about a thing, we'll take care of everything for ya."

"Thanks," you said, wiping your face dry. "I'm not usually this emotional."

"Mares and gentlecolts, if I may direct your attention to the scoreboard side of the field... the two teams vying for this year's Equestrian Junior Varsity Hoofball Championship Title are prepared to take the field.

"Tonight's first team has frequently appeared in post-season play, their most recent performance being cut short by the Las Pegasus Junior Blazes in the final. But they have rebounded from that disappointing loss and have trained their hardest, netting big wins where it counted the most. Even though they grow up in the rough and tough gem mining region, this team have never given up - now give it up for the Big Creek Junior Eagles!"

As Big Creek did their little show of cockiness upon entering the stadium, you didn't seem the slightest bit impressed; you flashed them a two-fingered salute for their troubles.

"And now, for tonight's second team. The Junior Speedsters of Cloudsdale Flight Academy have risen from the ashes of mediocrity to their first post-season appearance in over three decades. Their new head coach may be partly responsible - with the backing of his senior quarterback, Firefly, and sophomore wide receiver Rainbow Dash, a new strategy was introduced. That strategy has led to crucial wins and their first playoff breakthrough, unheard of in the Academy until this year. Yes, it's clear that together, this team will go far - please welcome the Cloudsdale Flight Academy Junior Speedsters!"

You cheered like a maniac as your amazing team sped onto the field. And in that moment, you felt a wave of exuberance wash over you. You couldn't be any prouder of your team - or your 'boss mares', for that matter.

You huddled them up and discussed the opening.

"First off... either Brolly Brella or Dash will receive the opening kick, since Big Creek won the coin toss. Whichever one gets the ball will then run straight through the center on the return," Firefly issued the order. "Big Creek use an odd offense, so it'll confuse them."


Both teams assumed the starting positions on the field for the start of the game. Big Creek kicked the ball to the left side, towards Brella. He caught it and ran in through the offense for a 24-yard punt return.

You turned on your new headset to strategize with Firefly on the field.

"Alrighty, let's start off with the FB/HB Cross-shot, see if we can throw them off some."

"Got it."

In the FB-HB Cross-shot, Surprise would get the snap, run left, and toss it to Argie, who would be on the right side, ideally past the defense.

Here's the snap. Surprise shimmies off to the left and rises a bit. Argie slithers past the Big Creek defensive line, backed by Brella. Surprise sees the two, passes the ball...

And Argie completes the pass! He hands it to Brella, who takes it all the way into the endzone for a touchdown. 6-0 Cloudsdale before the extra point.

"Lovely work. I told you that would throw them off. That was perfect!"

"Seems all that practice paid off," Firefly responded through her earpiece.

By the end of the first quarter, the score was 14-7, with Cloudsdale in the lead and you, the coach, over the moon.

At three minutes to in the second quarter and with halftime approaching fast, Rainbow Dash suggested a powerful play.

"I see that they've beefed up their defense a bit; I think we should try the ol' One-Two."

"I like the way you think," you replied. "That'll piss 'em off some."

The ol' One-Two uses roughly the same technique as the Cross-shot, the only difference being that both wide recievers are involved.

Firefly snaps it to Surprise once again. The defense seemed to steamroll over the Speedsters; but the Speedsters had strategy on their side. Surprise first passed to Dash, who flew twenty yards before passing across the field to Brella and back to Dash again, who carried the touchdown. This fast-paced play had the effect of disorienting their pursuers; in the confusion, a few of them even tripped over themselves.

By the interval, the score was 21-7, Cloudsdale. During the players' meeting, you beamed words of praise for your team.

"I like the way tonight is going... you're practically in control of the field," you began. "We're busting through Big Creek's defense. But here's what I'm afraid is going to happen: they might catch wind of what we're doing and prepare accordingly. We're going to have to change strategies at some point in order to prevent a disaster from happening."

"And we're probably gonna be on defense for the second half anyway. So why don't we dig through the playbook and plan ahead?" Firefly asked.


Rainbow Dash nudged your side. "Can we do the One-Two again?"

"If we're still on offense, then maybe," you hinted. "I don't want to risk getting smashed by Big Creek, since their defense is like a stone wall."

Once the second half commenced, Cloudsdale was put on defense; you and Firefly quickly came up with a plan.

“We’re doing the Stone Wall defense,” you said through your headset.

“Gotcha.” The team assumed their positions for the play.

Big Creek, after snapping, sneaked past you on the left side and banged it home, resulting in a touchdown.

“That didn’t exactly work,” Rainbow Dash remarked, speaking through her piece.

Their attempt at the extra point failed, leaving you feeling somewhat vindicated.

“Alright,” you said, “they’re piling on their defensive line. Let’s try Slip Through The Crack, that always works when we’re facing a heavy defense.”

“I’ll have Surprise on it,” Dash said.

There was two minutes left in the third quarter. At this point, Big Creek was closing the gap [21-13] and the challenge was on.

Firefly snapped to Surprise once again, who smashed directly through the opposition’s defensive line, knocking out five of the Eagles, including two linebackers. Their coach claimed foul play, but the referees declared otherwise, and no penalty was incurred.

Right after that, a Big Creek receiver pushed Derpy Hooves almost out of the sky during a run for the endzone. As she was reorienting herself, the receiver was, thankfully, sacked for dirty play.

“Okay… if they want to play like that, we’ll be aggressive,” you told Rainbow Dash after you explained Derpy’s situation.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get aggressive!”

With the score at 21-19 and Cloudsdale ahead by just two points, it became very tense, and it showed on the field, with small scuffles even breaking out during play. It was clear that, for Cloudsdale, an injury to one is an injury to all.

After a few minutes, Derpy was okay after all and was allowed back on the field.

In the fourth quarter, Big Creek played a rough game. With five minutes to go and Cloudsdale on defense at their 10-yard line, the opposition plowed into the Speedsters, breaking wings and limbs in the process. Most of your defensive line was rendered incapacitated. Big Creek was swiftly disciplined, being stiffed with a 15-yard penalty.

On the next play, the two teams were neck-and-neck; their fullback slithered around the right side, shoving Brella to the dirt before she was sacked at the 3-yard line.

The referees saw dirty play and gave Big Creek another 15-yard penalty. It continued like this for the last few minutes of regulation play.

But Cloudsdale pulled through at the very last second - and here’s how they did it.

Firefly snaps to Surprise as normal. But just as Big Creek was about to sack her, she passed the ball to Argie, who, like a greased pig, slipped from the opposition’s grasp. He ran for two seconds before passing it off to Derpy, who in turn threw it to Rainbow Dash on the other end of the field, resulting in the game-winning touchdown!

The score was 27-19 at the final whistle, and the crowd was ecstatic. You had just cemented a place in the history books; you had just turned lemons into lemonade. You threw your headset to the ground and ran to your team, victorious in their struggle.

Tears burst forth from your eyes as you became the center of a deep, bonding embrace from the very ponies you coached and befriended during your time here. Rainbow Dash and Firefly held you tight to them.

"We have done it! We've won the championship title, for the first time in 30 years!"

You held up the massive trophy that you and the team worked very hard for to earn. A few members of the team even had it mind to kick the celebrating up a notch, pouring a bucket of water on your head. Everypony broke out into a fit of laughter. You were just thankful your new headset wasn't soaked as well.

"I'm very proud of you all," you remarked on the way back to the changing rooms. "We've stuck together and worked as a team, and this is the result. Thank you for a wonderful season!"

Rainbow Dash and Firefly then reared up and kissed you on the cheeks, making you blush and tear up.

"Thank you," you said.

"You're welcome," Firefly replied, before giving you an affectionate nuzzle. Dash followed suit, snuggling her head into your chest.

At this point, you climbed into the carriage to prepare for the ride back to the hotel; you've had a very eventful day.

Part Two

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Part Two

Like the rest of your team, your bones ached; you longed to go to sleep as you sat there in the hotel lobby while your assistant gladly volunteered to take a head count.

Thankfully, it ended before you had a chance to doze off, and everyone was dismissed for their hotel rooms.

You opened the door to your hotel room and stumbled towards your bed. Since you were in a room with the only other males on your team, you fell into a deep sleep just as your roommates began showering and conking out on the floor or on the couch.

You faintly recalled the time being 11:30 or so just as you boarded the train to Sleepytown.

At 1:00 in the morning, you were roused awake by none other than Derpy Hooves, who had her nightgown and sleeping cap on.

"Coach, RD and Firefly want somethin'."

You reluctantly rolled out of bed and followed her, struggling to stay up. You sat down on the couch, discombobulated, noticing Derpy going to the restroom and another teammate sleeping on the loveseat.

You decided to get up and make a cup of tea to ease your mind. You first filled up the top of the small water heater in the room, closed the lid, and pressed the button that began the heating process. In a paper cup provided by the hotel, you tossed in a little bit of sugar and prepared a tea bag to go inside it. Once a buzzer on the machine sounded, indicating that the water was done, you poured the hot water inside the cup. You stirred it for a few seconds with a tiny spoon, setting it on the counter once you were done.

You allowed it to steep for a few more minutes before stirring it again. After that, you squeezed the tea bag and tossed it into the rubbish.

Taking the prepared cup into your hand you lied down on the couch again, sipping the tea and blowing into it often to cool it down so it wouldn't burn your tongue.

You had half the mug knocked down when Rainbow Dash poked her head out through the crack of the bedroom door.

"Come in," she beckoned, calling your name.

You got up and made your way over to the door.

"And cover your eyes, too," Dash said. You did as she asked. With your sense of sight obscured, it was a bit difficult to find the door handle. Luckily, you managed to find it.

You pulled the door back to you, and uncovered your eyes once you stepped inside the bedroom...

...which had been transformed into a love den, complete with candles, a bottle of expensive champagne on the nightstand, romantic music playing in the background, and your two best players, Rainbow Dash and Firefly, dressed in sexually provocative outfits that showed off every mouthwatering curve of their bodies.

Dash wore a pair of pink panties that hugged her delectable butt, teamed up with a set of pink stockings to go over the legs; the way she could be seen with her tail flagging in the air, presenting her hindquarters to a lover, gave you an erection of the soul.

Firefly also presented herself in a sensual manner, wearing a deep blue pair of panties and stocking to accompany it; she gave you a ‘take me right now’ look that wasn’t to be believed. You’ve never seen them act like this before. They were always leading the team, not throwing themselves at you. Which begged the question: what are they up to?

“Come here, lay down with us…” Firefly begged of you. You set your tea on the dresser, hesitantly obeying her command.

“You’re the best coach we’ve ever had,” Rainbow Dash said. “We’ve not only won the junior varsity championships, but the varsity team made it to the playoffs.”

“And we want to thank you for what you’ve done for us… because we love you,” Firefly added.

“You… love me?!” you replied, astounded.

“Yep. And to prove it…” Rainbow Dash said, which was the cue for Firefly to pull the bottle of champagne off the nightstand, which was still ice cold with condensation round the outside.

You first pulled back the foil wrap over the cork, then twisted the metal loop on the cage surrounding the cork in order to loosen it.

Holding the body of the bottle securely between your thighs, you carefully wiggled the cork loose until it popped. You held the end tightly in your hand so it didn’t fly across the room and damage the light fixture.

“You’re going to make love to us,” Firefly stated, matter-of-factly. At that point, she snatched the bottle out of his hands and took a swig from it. Sighing contently, she passed the bottle off to Dash, who drank a little more.

“That tastes nice,” Dash said. “Have some, baby.”

You blushed profusely after Rainbow Dash, your star wide receiver, called you baby. Feeling obliged to thank them for their kind gesture, you put the top of the bottle to your mouth. You tipped it back and tasted the sparkling wine as it washed over your tongue, the bubbles tickling your palate, the alcohol gaining a foothold with a slight punch to your taste buds. That was one sip, though.

“Mmmm, that tastes very good. Where’d you get it?” you ask.

“Gilda was in on it,” Dash explains, draping her hoof over your body. “She knows a place in Canterlot that sells stuff like this. I gave her the money for it before we got on the train.”

You smirked at her, surprised that she would do something like this. After that, you drank some more; you let the champagne slide down your throat and bottom out once it hit your stomach. Firefly stopped the flow shortly after, leaving just enough inside the bottle for one, maybe two glasses worth.

“Now that we’re all nice and… soused, we can get to work.”

With that, Dash began kissing you and your hands found her waist. You threw yourself into it, softly biting her lips and scratching her ears from time to time. You could feel your cock start to move as she kissed you harder, occasionally getting a taste of the alcohol on your breath.

Firefly butted into your makeout session and pulled you into her body. She then put one of her front hooves to your mouth. You took the stocking between your teeth, bit down, and slooowly tugged it off her leg. At the same time, Dash stuck one of her back hooves at you; you did the same with her, tugging off the stocking using only your teeth and tossing it to the floor.

“I’ve got to say, Dashie, those socks really accentuate your bottom. You think you can wear them more often?”

“Maybe I will,” Dash said, confident that you liked her more "feminine" side.

You repeated this process with the other socks - pulling them off with your teeth with a brief spit-swap in between each successful sock removal.

Now, with the three of you breathing heavily and the symptoms of inebriation setting in, you prepared yourselves for the main event. You started by having Rainbow Dash face away from you on the bed so her flank would be in your line of sight. You moved your hands to the waistband of her panties and slid them down over her gorgeous hips, revealing the plump and petal-soft folds of her womanhood, which were already soaking wet with her juices.

With Firefly, when you pulled her undies down, her ‘lily’ was even more moist than her teammate’s - you could notice a stream of her nectar dripping from between her creamy hips and making a stain on the bedspread.

With that out of the way, you gauged your collective arousal and readiness for sex…

Your cock stuck out like a sore thumb, throbbing and erect; your heart was getting ready to leap out of your chest. Check.

You turned your attention to the two beautiful mares opposite you. You noticed that not only were they desperately begging for a rut, their hind legs splayed apart, their glistening pussies dripping like leaky faucets, and clits ‘winking’ enticingly at you, but the mix of intoxicating pheromones they were putting off made you higher than Cloudsdale’s own city centre. Fuck yeah.

Formalities aside, Rainbow Dash laid on her back, legs spread apart, presenting to you the gates of her marehood. Your first order of business was locating the clit, one of her most sensitive bits. You reached down and gently tugged apart her marehood, and after a second of searching, you found the pearl of her orient; you pulled back the hood that surrounded her love button and delivered a firm lick to it.

“That felt awesome!” she said as she shuddered in ecstasy. This only spurred you on.

Out of pure curiosity, you grabbed all of her junk between your thumb and index finger and saw as her clit popped out, as Firefly was quick to explain.

“That’s her clitoris… It’s basically your dick if it were the size of a pea. We mares like to play with those when we’re horny.”

“And what am I doing now?”

“You’re essentially jerking her off… try playing around with it, see how she reacts.”

You pulled it, you squeezed it between your fingers, you wiggled around with it, watching Rainbow’s breathing get heavier and her wings begin to spread apart.

“Better than you licking it, Firefly!” Dash exclaimed.

You backed off in surprise, not knowing what to say at this point. “You do this?!”

“Yep,” Firefly boasted. “And we’re showing you all of our sweet spots.”
“Well, thank you for doing that.” You bent down to kiss Dashie’s swollen clit several times, making her moan.

“Now, to the next spot.” Firefly directed your attention once again to Rainbow’s mare bits.

“This spot… between her clit, and the hole where she pees… is also incredibly sensitive. Touch it, it’ll feel good.”

You got your finger wet once again. You had to spread her labia apart to find and touch where Firefly had directed. Dashie moaned some more. Your finger moved slowly up and down since there were so many nerve endings in that area. Getting ever and ever wetter, Dash told you to stop.

“That was a little much for me,” she said. “Pet my pussy, baby...”

“Will do, Dashie…”

As you touched and massaged her passionate spot, you began to talk sexy to her - how beautiful she was, how cute she looked, how warm and wet she was, and so on.

“And now, you put your mouth over her entire pussy, suction your lips over it, and move your head around very gently...”

You did so as per her instruction. “Now suck on it!”

“Okay, if I must.” You sucked on all of her mare bits, especially her clit, and tonguing the area from time to time. Dashie loved it, so you moved your head back and forth and slid two fingers into her cavern. As she cooed and called out your name, Firefly was getting busy, sending a hoof down to play with her own clit as her best mate drove closer to climax.

After a few more minutes, Dash’s body tensed up, and a rush of intense sensations washed over her. She squirted into your mouth, so much so that a bit of it ran down your throat and you almost choked. She cried out your name, shuddering and screaming; she held you close to her. That’s when you realise that she just climaxed, mainly into your mouth and all over your face.

You wiped off the excess from your face and took another swig of the champagne as Dash cooled herself down.

“Do me now, sweetie,” Firefly then asked of you. You nestled your head between her legs and started sucking and licking her clit, alternating as she began to use you as a masturbatory device. Eventually, she orgasmed, and while you were cleaning up, she told you of several other things you could do to her.

“See these flower petal-looking bits? Those are my labia minora. You’ll make me feel very good when you play with them.”

You licked clockwise around her slit, brushing by her clit and her vaginal opening each time you circled around. Her pelvis surrendered to the pleasure, gyrating with the movement of your tongue. She then hungered to have something inside her…

“Stick your tongue in my pussy!” she cried out. You did as you were told, sliding your tongue inside her moist caverns, thrusting in and out, tongue-fucking her.

“Ohhhhhh… that’s gooooood….” she moaned. Stretching your tongue out as far as it would go, you stumbled upon her “G-spot”, causing her to gasp and back up all of a sudden. Still panting, she tried to recollect her thoughts.

“What was that all about?!” you demanded to know.

“You… just hit my G-spot,” she assured you. “There’s nothing to be worried about.”

When she relayed that information to you, you came up with a dastardly plan. You penetrated her depths with your middle and index fingers in order to press on her “G-spot”, while your thumb would be on clit duty.

Once your fingers were inside her, you got to work, doing two things at the same time to give pleasure to Firefly. You stroked her special spot using a petting motion while your thumb kneaded her love button.

It was all too much for the mare to handle, giving how quickly she peaked. Getting your hand nice and wet in the process, the explosive release she experienced shook her body like nothing else.

“Yes! I’m cumming! Ohhhh yes…” She was still hyperventilating as you removed your hand, hypothesising that very arrangement of sensitivity as one of the greatest mysteries in the universe.

You got back up and walked over to the dresser to find the cup of tea that you somehow had abandoned through the mares’ seduction powers. It was about to get cold, so you swigged down the rest, setting the empty cup back once it was empty.

This was only a brief respite, however, because their needs weren’t fully satisfied yet.

It was then that Rainbow Dash, eagerly volunteering as tribute, perched her rear over the edge of the bed and spread her legs apart. She lifted her tail to reveal her gorgeous marehood, dripping wet with excitement; your gentleman's area ached painfully, struggling and stretching for a release.

"How do you want it?" you asked her.

"Just put it in already, and I'll tell you everything," she said.

You slid your bottoms off, showing off your magnificent manhood to the mares. Firefly nudged her head underneath your loose-fitting shirt, wanting you to take that off as well; you pulled the front of the shirt over your head and anchored it on the back of your neck. Your heart beated in a frenzy, you were sweaty all over, and your nervousness was not helping things a bit.

"Come on, baby, stick it in already!" Dash demanded, her clit winking furiously.

The moment when your cock first entered her slick depths was nothing short of electrifying. You encountered a slight resistance, but pushed through it. Her vagina then seemed to grip you tightly as she whimpered.

"What's wrong?"

"It's her first time with a guy," Firefly explained. "You have to be gentle with her."

You stayed in her warm depths for a while to let her get acquainted with your virility. You grasped her flanks and moved back and forth, enjoying the sensations rolling over you. Dashie seemed to like it too, moaning and begging for more.

"Faster, baby..." She cooed at you to hump faster. Every time you bottomed out inside her, your balls would slap against her clitoris, giving her another degree of pleasure to indulge in. You moved your hands up and down her plot, rubbing her cutie marks, and losing yourself in her sultry curves.

"Ohhhhh yeaaaahhh..."

"Do you want me to do anything else?" you managed to grunt.

"Play with my teats," she said. Doing as she asked, you reached down and squeezed her breast. She squealed in delight as you touched them and pinched her nipples.

All the while, her vulva was sucking you in, deeper and harder, and you were getting close.

"I'm almost there!" she groaned. "Yes! Yes!"

You yanked on her tail. That action alone caused her to shout and scream your name as she climaxed, assaulting your member with delectable sensations. It was too much for you to handle; you surrendered inside her womb, your tip kissing her cervix. You melted on top of her, the world flashing around you. Dashie’s love tunnel doused you with a sizable splash of mare cum.

You felt light-headed, and your knees were on the verge of giving way. You slid your slickened manhood out of her, allowing her to cool off and enjoy the afterglow.

You wiped the sweat off your brows with your thumbs before laying belly-up on the bed. There was almost no feeling in your legs, and you were breathing heavily. That was when you felt something sweep across your forehead.

"Don't forget, you still have to do me," Firefly reminded you.

"Did you lick my forehead just now?"

"I just wanted to get you ready for my round," she explained. "I've got a little more experience when it comes to this stuff, so I know a few tricks."

"Plus, I want to cool you off."

"Is that all there is?"

"The best is yet to come, baby," she told you with a measure of finality before giving you a passionate kiss on the lips.

She went back to Rainbow Dash to take care of her; you did your best to soak up the delicious feeling.

It was going on 2:00 in the morning, and you were on the verge of falling asleep. The champagne was screwing with your head, making it difficult to think rationally. You decided to fix another cup of tea to try and stay awake. That was, until you got to the counter.

"The hot water doesn't work on that one," Firefly called in your direction.

"Shit......" you groaned, making you way back into the bedroom. Luckily, your starting quarterback knew just the thing to get your head back into the game.

She started by pinning you up against the bedroom wall and kissing you passionately, moaning and making little gasping noises. Your hands went straight for her voluptuous butt; patting her cutie marks coaxed more sensuous sounds out of her mouth.

"That feels so fucking good!" she said into your ear, making your masculinity build up again, aching for release.

Luckily, she had the solution to this problem.

She took the very tip of your cock into her maw, taking very brief licks, ratcheting up the tension little by little by swirling her tongue round the tip of your virility. After that, she went to work on the first few inches - slowly easing it in, then wrapping her lips all around, the moist, tight feeling urging you to utter praise:

"I want you... so goddamn bad," you managed between your moans of ecstasy. "Take it all."

So she did, and boy, was she amazing at what she could do. She sucked your dick even faster and harder, making you shout louder.

"I love the way you're making me feel," you told her, reminding her of the huge impact her stimulation had on you. "Oh God..."

You gripped her withers as you bursted inside her, your sweet cum lining the back of Firefly's throat as rapture overtook you. You heard a distinct gulp before she licked your tip clean.

"That felt absolutely incredible," you said as she licked your balls, the icing on the devilishly good cake you'd indulged in.

"And I know just the way to thank you for that," she said in a husky voice, eyes half-lidded.
"Get on the bed."

"You got it, boss mare," you shot back, obeying her command with a smile on your face. You grabbed the champagne off the nightstand and took a generous swig. Firefly hopped right on top of you, licking your face.

"You're all mine, sugar britches," she declared, asserting her dominance. She then spread your legs apart. Here we go, you thought to yourself.

Firefly crawled atop your body and kissed you sweetly; you felt her body heat mingling with yours as her kisses grew more intense by the second.

"You're a wonderful kisser," you told her.

Firefly giggles and kisses your forehead before saying, "I've also been told that I'm a wonderful lover..."

Rainbow Dash then made her way back to your side, clutching your neck in her hooves as Firefly began to ride you.

She rubbed her marehood along the length of your dick and your swollen nuts, her arousal drawing you in as she soaked it with her juices.

She then took the tip of your cock into her soaking wet little slit, gasping a bit as she did so. Her hips grinded around it, and the volume of her moans increased.

"You are the queen of fucking everything," you told Firefly.

She then beared down on you, burying your cock to the hilt and claiming her throne. She wrapped her hooves around your chest, and your hands reached out to hold onto her exquisite hips as she rode you.

She moved up and down your length exactly as she liked, moaning and groaning the entire time. It was difficult to not get caught up in the mood yourself.

"Yes... yes, oh yes! More!!!" she wailed. Her inner walls gripped you tighter. Rainbow Dash turned your head towards her.

Dash kissed you ferociously as Firefly continued to ride you. While Dash snuggled up to you, the mare on top was nearing her peak, beginning to breathe rather heavily.

"Baby, I'm close," she told you. Speaking of close, you were rapidly approaching your breaking point.

"Me too..."

As soon as you said that, she collapsed onto you and held on for dear life; a passion suddenly seized her, causing her to moan your name over and over again as she convulsed and quivered on top of you. Your earth-shattering climax came right on the verge of Firefly's. You expended what felt like gallons of cum into her depths, her womb seemingly taking it all and devouring every last drop. You could barely notice her teats press against you as you looked up at her.

You shared a tender kiss between the two of you, your eyes lulling shut. Rainbow was still snuggled up next to you, now fast asleep; you gave her a quick peck on the cheek so she knew you were still there.

Your cock softened inside Firefly. You pulled it out on your own, your collective love juices spilling out onto the bed.

You and Firefly went into the bathroom to clean yourselves up a bit, wiping yourselves down. You went back into the bedroom, putting your shorts and underpants back on. You took your shirt off and tossed it onto the floor.

You knew you had some explaining to do once you rejoined the rest of the team in the lobby the next morning for breakfast; rumors would be swirling like the cream in your morning coffee.

But all that didn't matter to you at the moment.

You wanted nothing more at that particular moment but to share it with the two mares who made your wildest dreams come true tonight.

The three of you cuddled up close and slept the night away, dreaming the sweetest of dreams.