Simple Gifts

by Robo00

First published

Octavia is stranded in Ponyville on Hearth's Warming Eve.

After playing at a Hearth's Warming Eve concert, Octavia is unable to return to Canterlot to be with her family due to a snowstorm.

Complicating matters even further is that she has to spend it with Lyra, Bon-Bon, Ditsy, and the pony she doesn't want to be with, Vinyl Scratch.

Vinyl, on the other hand wants to use the holidays to repair her shattered relationship with Octavia. But will the lonely Octavia take her back?

By The Fire's Glow

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Simple Gifts




It seems like a little thing when it falling gently from the sky, but when it's falling in sheets then you have a problem.
The entirety of the Ponyville train station looks like a sugar factory exploded and dumped its contents all over the
entire town. So here I am. Imprisoned in Ponyville for the time being until the snow subsides and it can be cleared
from the tracks. Looking longingly out the window from the concert hall at the snow covered train station, I let out
a sigh.

"That was a good concert."

I wheeled around and noticed Ditsy Doo behind me. She patted me on the back and gave me a warm smile. Her
small daughter, Dinky was right behind her wearing the same smile. Silently, Ditsy reached into a red saddlebag and
pulled out a muffin.

"You want it? I have more.", she said, with that smile that can melt even the coldest of hearts.

"Thank you.", I croaked, taking the baked good from her. Again, Ditsy patted me on the back.

"Wanna talk about it?", she said. I managed a few sniffles as I told her my plight.

"The train station has been shut down due to the storm.", I said, my sniffling increasing. "And...I...I..."

"Won't be able to see your mom, dad, and sister?", said Ditsy in that gentle, reassuring folksy voice of hers. All I could
do was nod sadly.

"Why don't you come to our house, Auntie Tavi.", said Dinky. "Aunties Lyra and Bon-Bon will be there, too."

"It wouldn't be too much trouble for you?", I said.

"Of course it won't!", Ditsy said with that disarming smile. "We can decorate the tree and drink hot chocolate and..."

"All right.", I said, managing a weak smile. "Just let me get my cello and we can go."

The walk back to Ditsy's house was a relatively short one. Lyra and Bon-Bon were already outside waiting. Them and
one unwanted guest. Her. Vinyl Scratch. I manged a small chuckle seeing the normally "too hip for the room" Vinyl
wearing a green floppy hat with a bell at the end of it. She almost looked charming. Almost.

"Let's get this party started!", shouted Vinyl. She garnered laughs from the others and an eye roll from me. Ditsy opened
the door to her modest home. The sights and smells of the holiday already started to assault my senses, making me feel
even more lonely than I should. We all stepped inside and sat by the fireplace.

"So. How's school, Dinky?", Vinyl said, with that silly hat on her head.

"Fine.", said Dinky. "We're learning how to count."

"You are?", Vinyl said, sounding more like a silly aunt than the hip DJ she tries to be. "How high can you count to?"


We all chuckled warmly at the little filly. I eyed Bon-Bon and Lyra nuzzling each other. Pangs of jealousy started to poke at
my heart. All of my failed romances came back to me as I watched them. The only thing I can think of is why can they have
such a good relationship and I'm stuck reading the singles page, trying to get a date. Heck, they're even married.

"So.", I said to Lyra and Bon-Bon. "What are you Hearth's Warming plans?"

"Nothing we can say in front of Dinky.", said Lyra, getting laughs from Vinyl, a confused look from Dinky and angry stares from
the rest of us.

"Well," said Bon-Bon, cutting off Lyra's smut. "We're going to have a nice dinner and exchange gifts. You know, nothing fancy."

"How do you do it?", I said, the loneliness setting in. "How did you two last so long?"

My little quasi-outburst brought stares in my direction. Namely from Vinyl, who then turned her gaze to the floor in sadness. A
more petty pony would have laughed at her but not me. I had nopony this holiday. No family and no significant other. Quite
frankly I was surprised I haven't started crying. This is what I'd guess they call it the "Holiday Blues". Bon-Bon brought her hoof
to her chin and started to think.

"Well, I'd guess one of the reasons is trust.", she said. Now my spirits were officially in the toilet. And looking at the ashamed
look on Vinyl's face, so was she. Ditsy started to realize that I was bringing down her little get together.

"I got it!", said Ditsy, eager to change the subject. "Let's sing carols."

"An excellent idea, Ditsy.", I said, also eager to change the subject. I started us off and then we all started singing and laughing.
All of us except Vinyl. She just stared off into space. Part of me still wanted to ignore her but, strangely enough, part of me
wanted to comfort her. Don't get me wrong, I still hated her but...well, its hard to explain. Must be the holidays that were
making my brains into mush.

After the caroling and some milk and cookies, Ditsy went upstairs to put little Dinky to bed. Lyra and Bon-Bon sat on the
couch, nuzzling and making goo-goo eyes at each other. I decided to stare out the window at the drifting snow. While the
snowstorm let up, it was still enough that the train station wouldn't open anytime soon. It was then Vinyl tapped me on the

"We need to talk.", she said, walking out of the front door. Like a fool, I followed her. The snow drifted around us like
angel feathers.

"Tavi, listen. I..."

"Save it, Vinyl!", I spat back. "If you want to apologize, you're too late!"

"But...", I still didn't let her get a word in edgewise.

"You betrayed me! You destroyed my career!", I shouted, a little surprised that everypony didn't hear us.

"Would you shut up about your stupid career!", yelled Vinyl. She then softened her tone. "Look, I know all of the "I'm sorrys"
in the world won't fix things. But I...I..."

Hot tears streamed out from behind those silly looking sunglasses of her's. I started to feel for her, if even for a little bit.
All I could do was turn away from her.

"Remember when I brought you those silly looking things?", I said, trying not to cry myself.

"Yeah.", said a dejected Vinyl. "You also thought of the "DJ Pon-3" name."

"Vinyl.", I said, still not facing her. "You didn't just betray me, you betrayed us."

"I know. And I don't expect you to take me back after all of the junk I've done."

I never got a chance to give Vinyl a reply, as I was tackled from out of the darkness.

"TAAAAAAAVIIIIIIII!", screamed the all too familiar tackler as she stood over me.

"Fiddlesticks!", I said in shock. "How did you get here?"

"Big Mac done picked me, Ma, and Pa up.", said the grinning Fiddlesticks. "And some of Applejack's friends helped us too."

"Why?", I said. "It was a snowstorm."

"Cause, it's Hearth's Warming Eve. Duh!", beamed my sister. "C'mon, we're goin' to cousin Applejack's farm for some cider."

"Be right there!", I said, running back inside Ditsy's house. Lyra and Bon-Bon were still on the couch and Ditsy came down
after tucking Dinky in.

"Would you three like to join us? We're going to Applejack's farm for some cider.", I said.

"Sure.", said Bon-Bon. Ditsy and Lyra nodded in agreement. We all left out of the house. It was then I spied Vinyl who was
mostly silent during my little family reunion.

"Want to come?", I said, extending my hoof to her. Vinyl just shook her head.

"Nah.", she said, obviously lying. "I gotta plan my set for that New Year's party Pinkie's gonna throw. Have fun." And with that,
she turned and left but not before stopping for a second.

"Hey, Tavi. Catch."

Vinyl tossed a crudely wrapped package at my feet. The others were already starting to leave as I picked up the package.
I slowly unwrapped my gift. Wrapping paper lain at my feet as my took out the gift. My eyes started to water as I stared at it.
In my hooves was a small locket with a picture of me and Vinyl in our younger days. On the back was an inscription.

I can't undo what I did. But I'm still thinking of you.

Through my tears, I managed a small smile. Vinyl was already gone. She was right. We can't go back to the way things were. As
much as we both wanted it. Deep down inside, despite her lies and betrayals, maybe, just maybe...

"Taaaaviiii!", yelled Fiddlesticks. "Ma and Pa are waitin' for us."

"Coming!", I said. I looked back one last time before joining my family and friends.

"Happy Hearth's Warming Eve, Vinyl", I said, before leaving.