My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic. The Light at the End of the Tunnel.

by StormBreaker

First published

When Jason finds six girls from Equestria on the high school football field, things in his life change for the better. Can these 6 girls tea

Looking for a better name, open to suggestions on the tittle.
Jason has never had a very good life, but when six girls land on the high school football field, he learns there's more to life than just what he has. Jason with his new found friends must over come many obstacles, and trials in his path. But can these girls give him the strength to pass them?
Please thumbs up and comment if you like it, constructive criticize um is very welcome.
*Any and all fanfics, episodes, characters, etc. Belong to their rightful owners/producers*
Riley Patterson played by Thunderclap421.
Cole Swim played by SunnyDay.
I suggest you read there stories, as there pretty good also.

Ch.1 Sometimes you know the world hates you.

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"It's dark... can someone turn on the lights?" I asked, not realising I said it in my head.

I soon realised I had my eyes closed, and opened them to a place that seemed to be even darker.

"Hello?" I called in my head again. "What's going o-ah!" I screamed as I noticed I was falling. Along with the feeling of dropping, the air kept whistleing against my ears and face, making it impossible to consentrate.

"Wha-whats going on?!?!" I yelled loudly, as my breathing bulleted threw the roof.
The place looked like a big cilander with about ten feet across the middle. And of course, it went very deep.

"You... I meen we had so much potential..." a voice rang in my ear. And it wasn't a normal voice, well of course it's not because who really.. but, well you get the point.

When he talked, It seemed to work like a telephone, when he was talking it cut out all the noise around me.

"Who's there?" I yelled, not realising I was talking in my head again.

"Oh now that would take all the fun out of it? Wouldn't it Jason?" he said with a hint of arogance.

"How do you know my name?" I demanded, my descent begining to speed up.

"Oh I know many things... things that the very concept, could destroy a weak mind like yours, or ours?" the voice said.

"Who are you calling weak!? and what do you mean by ours?" I yelled, getting angry.

"See what I mean? You'r so easy to control! With one word, I could control every aspect of your... or should I say our, life.... And for the other question, I won't answer. You have to find that out for yourselve.." it said aragently.

"What do you want?" I asked it, again speeding up.

"This isn't about me... It's about you, or us?" it said, walking out. It looked really strange, you know, since we were falling. I don't know how, but he seemed to be standing on the air, descending at the same speed as me.

"What are you talking about us?" I asked, trying to speak over the rushing air.

He looked really weird, like each limb kept changing into a diffrent person... or creature. You couldn't give him a discription, because one second, he'd be fat and ugly, and a second later he'd be a toothpick, and good looking.

"I have a message for you, I mean u-ah who cares!?" he said disgruntled, then changing his face intell it solidified... into mine. "You must let them go, it will destroy the balance of your world. It is better for you not to interfere!" He yelled, his face shifting again.

"What would you know about balance?" I yelled, his presance alone, let off the feeling of anger. I couldn't control myself. "What makes you special? Because you can stand on air? Big deal!!" I said, beginning to gain control again. "And who are you talking about!" I finished.

"More than you know..." he said, with a hint of grief. "And for your other question." he started. "Well... thats not how this game works. Dosn't it?" it pushed, expecting me to answer the question. "Oh look at the time! You must be going! Goodbye Jason! We will meet again!" it finished.

Only realising seconds before I hit the bottom, that I was going to die.

"Wha-?" I groaned, sitting strait up in bed. My entire body was sweating, and it felt about 200 degrees.

"What was that?" thought to myself as I got out of bed.

I walked over to my small bathroom connected to my bedroom. "I need to lay off the sugar..." I thought before quickly taking a shower, brushing my hair, and overall geting ready.

After I was finished, I started walking- wait, wait, wait. Sorry I forgot to introduce myself!

My name's Jason, most call me Jace, I'm in my Senior year, and... the best part. I'm a brony!! A group of the biggest My Little Pony fans of the century! (Sounds stupid right? No, no it dosn't, its awesome.)

I have very near blond hair that comes about half an inch pasted my eyes. I usually have eight or nine zits on my face, but for some reason I didn't have any today.

Now that introductions are threw, lets continue with the story.

I opened my closet which, like usual was very cluttered, but it was less so then usual. My closet was sepearated into two sections, my regular cloths, which I wore on a regular basis. And my My Little Pony stuff, that I wore whenever I felt like proclaiming to the world I was a brony. Which was pretty much every day.

Oh yeah, did I mention I was a brony? Probably not, I have a horrible memory...

After I finished putting my cloths on, (a pair of levi's, and a white polo shirt with the mane six sticking out of the fake pocket). I walked out of my room and sat in the living room.

Like she usually did, my mother left for work early, so I had the whole house to myself. I looked at the clock in the living room, and noticed it said 6:50 at the moment. School started at 7:50, so I had roughly an hour intell school started.

Once I had eaten and done my morning chores, I grabbed my binder and walked out the front door. I decided to take the long away around and see if I could see my friend Riley Patterson.

After five to ten minutes of walking, I finnaly cought up with him. He's in my same year, about six feet, and acourding to another friend, ok looking.

He wouldn't have very much trouble with ladys... if he didn't act stupid around them.

We would have been talking about what we thought the new episode of My Little Pony would be about tomarow, but apparently there having a big break between the end of season two, and the beginning of season three.

As we walked inside our giant school and to our table, we noticed Cole Swim, another friend of ours. Was sitting already there. He usually didnt get to school untell about ten minutes before so it was a little odd to see him.

"Hey Cole," I said as we walked up to our regular table. Cole was a bigger man, not that strong, but definatly not weak. And unlike us, he is brilliant. I'm not talking smart, I mean brilliant! He's aslo much better than both of us combined, when it comes to girls.

"Good, hey guys, look at my awesome shirt!", he said pointing at his shirt.

The shirt was compleatly black and had a picture of Derpy in a really fancy suit. It said at the bottom, "Riviting tale, gentlecolt". After we stopped laughing, we started talking about random gibberish, from My Little Pony, video games, and of course, fanfics.

After school finished, we walked outside the school and began to walk home. Laughing and making fun of each other along the way.

"If you were able to visit one of the mane six in real life as a human, which one would it be?" Cole asked as we walked.

"Well, for me it would be Rainbow Dash", Riley said as he laughed at the stupid question.

"Well of course it is Riley. You've written about 15 clopfics inclouding you and her.

"But for me, well I like them all, but Fluttershy is easly my favorite.", I replyed.

"Rarity for me.", Cole said, answering his own question.

"Why do you ask?" I questioned as we passed my house.

"I dont know, I was just wondering", he answered.

"Well, we passed your house a second ago, ill come over later and hang out". Riley said.

"Ok, bye guys.", I said as I backtracked and entered my own house.

As I entered the house, I could smell the fresh scent of cookies. "My mom must be home.", I thought as I walked threw the seemingly empty house to the source of the smell.

"Mom!", I called when I traced the smell of the cookies to the living room.

"Oh, your home! Good, I'm going to be gone for a few weeks, four at the most.

"Why?" I asked.

"Work's sending me on a buisness trip to Las Vegas", I heard my mother say from her bedroom.

"Going to stay with grandma are you?", I replyed as I helped myself to the cookies.

"Yep," she said as she exited her room with a really big breifcase. "Remember, no big parties, no-", she stopped noticing I was talking.

"No wild partys, not to many friends, I know your credit card numbers if I need them, and only if I need them.", I spouted out. "I've been home alone, I remember."

"Ok, well I love you. And Goodbye.", my mother said as she walked out of the door and drove off.

And that quick, she was off, "Thanks for leaving again", I said sarcasticly as I went back inside and layed on the couch watching tv.

After an hour or two of just waiting around and doing nothing. My friend Riley finnaly came over.

"Hey," he said as I opened the door.

"Hey, want to play some soccer at the high school?", I questioned.

"Sure! I love soccer." he said as we started walking.

After about an hour of walking and talking, we finaly got to our schools football field. It was a 15 minute walk, but that's kind of what happened when we walked.

"That was a weird question Cole asked a while back." Riley said.

"Yeah," I replyed. "But just imagine if it was real. It would be really cool huh?"

"Well, lets play some soc-"


"Wha-?!?!", we said in unison, being shoved to the ground.

Ch.2 Riley, I think were hullucinating.

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"Wha-?!?!” Riley and I both screamed, as we were shoved to the ground.

"What the shi-" I tried speaking, as something landed on me.

"What in tarnashin?" I heard, realising it belonged to a western accent a few seconds later.

"Wow! That was fun! We should do it again!" another voice said excitedly, as my hearing cleared.

"No, Pinkie Pie!” a third gir-.

"Wait, did she just say Pinkie Pie?” I thought as I opened my eyes.

But it didn't do me any good because as soon as they opened, the ash created by the explosion started falling into them, forcing me to be siteless for a little bit longer.

"Girls...” a voice so faint, I could barly hear it over my own thoughts, squaked.

"Oh, I'm going to get all muddy!” a fifth girl said.

"What the buck is going on here?" (side effect of reading to many fanfics). I thought, questioning the entire situation.

"Like this could actually happen, people just fall out of the sky and make an exsplosion as they hit." I countinued, questioning my own sanity now.

"Fluttershy, can you get off my mane?” another girl exclaimed.

"Fluttershy... mane???, Yeah, I'm insane." I wispered.

"Girls...” the faint voice from before said, a hair louder.

"Ah, can' see a darn thing!” the western voiced girl said.

"I'll fix that!” the third voice replied.

Almost instantly, a purple haze appeared, then moving outwards in every direction, taking all the smoke and ash with it.

"AHHH!” four of the voices screamed in unison, almost deafening me.

"Hu, Hu, Hu, this dosn't usually happen, this is a really easy spell...” I faintly heard behind the background noise of the screaming, I think comeing from the girl who had seemed to have done something with the wind.

Deciding it probably wasn't the best idea to let the two remaining girls still sit on me, I decided to bring there attention to myself and Riley.

"Um, hello?” I said threw a raspy voice, being hard to breath, it was even harder to talk.

"Yeah?” the excited ones voice said, after scrambling from wherever she was previous.

"Oh! You look diffrent, what are you?” she asked, as if stareing into my very soul. It was rather creepy.

"Um, uh, wha-what do you mean?” I asked as I had not understood the question.

"Where are we? When are we? What are we?” another of their voices exclaimed.

"WHAT IT GOING ON HERE?!?!” Riley screamed, who you could easily tell was very uncomfortable with the current situation.

"AHHH!!!" all the girls except the one who noticed me yelled, while also trying to get away from the source of th noise.

"Oh, sorry...” the faint voice said as she pulled her friends off of us. “I tried warning you...", she said, barly auditable under the remaining screams of the others.

After I had gotten up and cleared my eyes from the rest of the smoke that had lingered in my eyes, I looked at each of the girls.

"Yo-you look like the girl from that sh-show!” Riley stuttered, "Asre you seeing this?!" he continued.

After studying the guirls over, (Which was by the way, very hard since they were running... well... trying to run.)The six girls had an uncanny similarity to them; they all had the same type of tee-shirt but with a different "style", color, and symbol on the side of it.

The western one looked like Applejack; her shirt was orange and had three apples on the side. This fitted AJ’s cutie mark. Her jeans were regular roughed up blue jeans, and she wore brown cowgirl boots. She had Emerald green eyes and several freckles, and a good tan from being outside. Her hair was blond, and tied at the end was a red bow. She also had her signature, brown cowboy hat on top of her head.

The next one, which I thought to be Pinkie Pie, had a bright pink shirt, and three balloons on the side of hers. And while she did were the same type of jeans as the first, they weren't nearly as ruined and torn up. Her shoes were bubblegum pink and looked as if the style was geared towards little kids. She had bubblegum pink hair that matched her shoes and her tee-shirt, and also seemed to stand on end. Her eyes were a brilliant shade of blue, which didn't really fit her really well. Being just about drowned in pink.

The next girl, who looked like Twilight, had a black shirt, with a purple stripe on the opposite side from the mark, which was an oddly shaped star. She wore a purple skirt, which went about six inches past her knees, and a set of purple and black sneakers. This didn’t really fit the style she was wearing. Her hair was black, and had a purple stripe down the middle, just like her shirt did. Her eyes were also dark shade of purple.

The fourth girl looked like Fluttershy, and she looked amazing. Wait, why am I saying that? There's no reason too...

She had a vanilla colored shirt, with the mark of three butterflies, (obviously). She was wearing a skirt that was also vanilla colored; it went about a foot higher than her feet. Which were sporting vanilla flip-flops with a butterfly design on them. Her eyes were a very soft cyan blue, while her hair was a light pink that went passed her shoulders. But it always seemed to cover half her face.

The next girl presumed to be Rarity. Her shirt was a combination of black and white stripes that spiraled downwards along the shirt. Her mark was a triplet of cyan gemstones. She had purple hair, which usually wouldn't suit a human... But she made it look good. Her eyes were purple. Her jeans were jet black, and looked very designer. While her shoes were White, with a black soul. They were high heels, which brought her shoes a whole half an inch off the ground.

The last girl, which was obviously Rainbow Dash, had a cyan shirt with a mark that looked like a cloud with a lightning bolt of red, yellow, and blue. Her jeans were extremely ripped up, even worse than the one that seemed to be Applejacks. She wore regular cyan shoes. Her eyes were very deep velvet and seemed to look scared and deadly at the same time. Her hair was red, yellow, and orange at the top, going about three inches up and in a swoop. While the rest of her hair was green, purple, and cyan blue which swooped across her left shoulder.

"No Riley, I do not see them, I chose to deny this reality and substitute it with my own." I answered solumly.

"Um... uh... hi, but... who are you?” Twilight asked me.

"Um, ah, da" I said with major amounts of stupidity. "How... just, what?" I continued. "Hello? Are you ok?" Twilight said, a little more concerned than scaried.

"Nope! I can safly say I am NOT ok." I answered, slowly getting a grip.

"Do you need some help then?" she asked, even more concerned.

"No, I'm fine!" I answered back.

"But you just said you weren't fine?" Twilight questioned.

"No, I didn't mean it like that, I mea - Ah! What am I doing? I'm talking to TV show characters!!! This can't be real! This must be an illusion! They're not real!!" I yelled, mainly to myself.

"Hey! Who are you calling fake?!" Rainbow Dash said, (Trying to look tough, but thats kind of hard to do when your on all fours and raising your hand in a fist motion.

"Ok...." Twilight pushed, trying to stop th arising conflict. "Can you tell us where and what we are?” she asked nervously. You couldn't blame her nervousness, she was in a place she knew nothing about, and was talking directly to an alien she knew nothing about!

"Well..." I thought, "This is Earth... and... not Equestria." I said dumly.

"What? First of all, how do you know of Equestria, and how far away is it?" she questioned.

"On the Equestria part... well its a long story, and on the other question... well, I don't know." I answered.

"Ok, well can you point us to the nearest lodge or inn?" Rarity asked.

Remembering that they probably only had bits, I told them, "They won't take bits, but you can sleep at my place!" I hurryed, not realising what I had gotten myself into.

"Plus, I can help you in any way I can!" I finished.

"Thank you for the offer, but I think we shouldn't. It's not right to burden you with our problems.” Rarity said.

"Rarity, let me be a gentleman, and please let me help you", I pleaded.

"I don't think we should, but you seemed determined on this, so if you’re sure we will stay with you. But just for the night, we need to find out how to handle this on our own.” Twilight answered.

"What’s a... 'Gentleman'?” Rarity asked.

"I'll explain later, come on, I show you to my house" I answered.

After about 20 minutes of teaching them how to walk, (Thw whole, only two feet thing), We walked home in endless chater. As the eight of us walked home, Riley and I let them ask us whatever question they had for us. And not surprisingly, Twilight asked the most. After a few minutes, the girls got used to walking on their feet, and not on all four.

About ten minutes into our 20 minute walk, I noticed Fluttershy was lagging behind. "I'll be right back", I said to Twilight, who I was currently in a heated discussion about how our government works.

I walked over to Fluttershy, and noticed she was shaking profusely, she looked extreamly cold.

"Here, take my jacket, I don’t need it", I said as I took of the jacket and gave it to Fluttershy.

"Oh, no. I couldn't... its fine", she replied to me.

"No, I insist.” I said as I again handed the leather jacket to her.

"Thanks...” she said as she took the jacket and tried putting it on.

Noticing she didn't know how to put on a jacket, really. (Probably because of the new body thing.") I helped put it on for her.

The rest of the walk home was uneventful, if you can call meeting and talking to your favorite TV show characters which aren’t even supposed to exist, uneventful.

Ch.3 Ramen is Best Pony.

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"Ok..." I sounded, as I unlocked the door and invited the seven in. "What do you girls want to eat?" I asked them.
"Hay Fries!"
"Dandilion Soup!"
"Flower Sandwich's!"
"Apple Fritters!"
"I agree with Pinkie Pie," Riley pronounced. "Cupcakes with rainbow frosting!" He laughed.
"No." I replyed, closeing the door in his face, as he was the last one in.
"And girls," I said, turning to face the six. "Here, on Earth. That stuff isn't really that good for you."
"Oh..." Pinkie exhaled, but was soon replaced by a smile again. "Then what are we having?" Pinkie continued.
"Whats this?" Rainbow questioned as she picked up one of many stacks of papers. All being fanfics.
"Whats the title?" I asked Rainbow.
"Rainbow Factory." Rainbow said, begining to read.
"Oh no!" I said, quickly grabbing the fanfic out of her hands. "Beleave me, you don't want to read that." I continued.
"Wait in the entry way while I clean this mess up" I finished, pucking up the thirty or so fanfics, and throwing away the ones that weren't apropriate at all.
"Rainbow Factory, Cupcakes, 40 oz. Bounce, Big Adventures Tons of Fun..." I said to myself as I threw them away.
"Ok, you can come back in, I've finished cleaning" I said.
"So... what are we eating?" Pinkie asked again.
"Well, I'm not a very good cook. So..." I said as I thought. "You girls ok with ramen?"
"Ramen?" Twilight responded quizzicly.
"Noodles." I responded.
"Sure!" The six responded in unison.
"Ok," I thought to myself.
"How do you cook ramen?" Pinkie Pie asked.
"With hot water and a microwave." I replyed.
"What's a microwave?"
"A big box that heats stuff up."
"What next?"
"You dump the water out."
"Is this your house?"
"Gah!" I screamed, her constant questions were distracting me.
"Can you give them somthing to do?" I asked Riley.
"Like what? I don't know if you know this, but I'm not a very good entertainer." He replyed.
"Huh..." I sounded, turning to face the girls.
"Applejack, theirs a garden outsi-"
"Slam!" we heard as Applejack face-planted into the screendoor leading outside. After a second of fiddling with the handle, she pulled it open and dashed outside.
"Ok..." I continued. "Theirs a sewing machine over there, Rarity."
"Finnaly, I need to make a new outfit. This one's ok, but I need a few more choices than just... this..." Rarity responded as she walked into the room I pointed at.
"Riley, show Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash how to use a TV".
"Whats a TV?" Pinkie asked.
"Don't worry, I got this." Riley responded, grabbing Pinkie by the shoulders and steering her to the living room where we had the TV.
"Twilight, theres a library over there."
"Good! I've been wanting to do some research on humans, they seem very interesting!" Twilight exclaimed as she left to the room.
The girls were really fun, but they were a hand-full. "Good thing I asked Riley to stay over." I thought to myself as I continued to cook.
It wasn't that hard to make, but I had to do some problem solving. They probably didn't want to taste chicken or pork, being vegaterian.
"Um, hi... I was just wondering... If you had... you know... something I could do... maybe?" Fluttershy said.
"Oh! Sorry, I tottaly forgot!" I responded, continuing to think about somthing she could do.
"Don't worry about it, people usually forget me..." Fluttershy added.
Now I just felt bad.
"Don't say that." I said, continuing to think.
"Well, what do you want to do?"
"Do you have any pets?" she asked.
"I have an ant farm..." I answered. "Or you could cook, or watch TV with Pinkie and Rainbow." I suggested.
"I'll help you cook! I allways liked cooking!" She said excitedly.
"Cool," I continued.
For the next hour, I tought her how to cook and use the equipment. She allready knew how to, but I had to show her how to use her hands instead of her teeth.
It was fun to see how she reacted to all the things we take for granted.
"Well, were finished." I said as we finished.
"That was fun!" Fluttershy said.
"Come on everyone!" I pronounced across the house. "Time to eat!"
"TV. Is. Awesome!" Pinkie Pie and Rainbow said in unison as they entered the room. Soon fallowed by Riley.
"This book, It has so many bad words, but I can't put it down!" Twilight responded.
After everyone had gathered and sat down to the food, we started to eat.
"Dis is goob!" Pinkie screamed, threw a mouth full of ramen.
"Huh..." I groaned. The girls were eating with there hands, even Rarity couldn't stay clean.
"Here" I said as I grabbed some washcloths out of the kitchen. "Use these to clean off your face." as I threw the washcloths to each of the girls.
"And use this," I said, holding my fork up for them to see. "To eat" I said, showing them how to use it.
They all began to eat the way I showed them too, except Pinkie Pie, who was still shoving her face full of ramen.
"Humans or whatever are so confuzen." Applejack said as she tryed to master the fork.
The rest of the night went rather smoothly. I gave them some of my sisters old PJ's to sleep in the night.
"Here are the three rooms you six can share, Riley and I will sleep in the living room if you need anything." I said, showing them my room, the guest room, and my sisters old room.
"Thanks, I can't even begin to thank you for what you've done for us." Twilight thanked.
"No problem, just get some sleep and I'll see you in the morning." I replyed.
"Goodnight girls."
"Goodnight Jason." The six said in unison.
Somthing about hearing those words, hearing all of them say that. I just couldn't help but smile.
"Maybe I'll get a goodnight's sleep finally..." I thought as I walked over to the living room.
"Wild night huh?" Riley said.
"You bet", I replyed. "Well, goodnight".
"Goodnight" he replyed.
For the rest of the night, till I feel asleep, I could only think about the last five hours of the day.

Ch.4 1.21 Jigawatts!!!!

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"What the heck?" I thought as my vision finished focusing after my startled shock.

"Ow" Pinkie said, her hands on her face while she stumbled back a few feet. I probably hit her when I was abruptly awoken.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Pinkie." I apolagized, quickly getting to my feet.

"Are you ok?" I asked sincerly.

"Yeah I'm fine, hey whats this?" Pinkie asked, noticeing blood was dripping from her nose.

"Aw crap" I said, almost to myself. "Come with me, and block your nose so it wont drip anymore." I continued.

"Okey dokey lokey!" Pinkie said in her usual over-excited voice, apperently she wasn't really bothered by it.

I grabbed some cottonballs and gave them to Pinkie to stop the blood-flow, and asked, "Why are you up this early, it's - 10:30?" I asked.

"Humans sleep that much? They must be reeealy interesting if they need that much rest, so what do humans do? I know what I do, I like to hang out with friends, help friends, solve mysterys with friends, and bake cupcakes with frie-".

"Ok, ok, I get it. So, back to my previous question?" I asked, walking back into the living room.

"Oh, were cooking you colts breakfast!" She replyed.

"Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep!" the fire alarm sounded. Waking Riley up.

After noteing that I have to teach the girls how to speak properly, I walked into the kitchen what mayham was probably in the making.

As I walked down the hall that lead into the kitchen with Pinkie, and a Groggy Riley, we heard a bunch of clashing pots, and rushed comments.

"Whats going on-" I stopped. The ENTIRE kitchen was in about 12 inches of pancake batter and slowly dripping into the eating area, strips of bacon were thrown around everywere, and a small crocadile with a party hat on was slowly swinging from AppleJack's hair.

"Ha ha ha ha!" I laughed, "How did this happen?" I asked, barely able to get it out from my laughing attack.

"I-I-I'm s-so-sorry," Twilight said, shaking.

"No, no, its fine Twilight! I just can't figure out how you did it!" I hurryed, finnaly stopping to breath for a second.

"Well..." Dash started. "The food wasn't cooking fast enough..." Applejack continued. "Twilight misread a spell." Rarity finished.

"Ooooh." I sounded. "Well get out of that, stuff and lets eat!" I finished.

I noticed as Twilight walked out, she bent down and rummaged threw the gunk untill she picked up my moms oldest cook book. I mean really old, like 40 years old.

"Here Jason, you should get a new one, this cooking spell book isn't very acurate." Twilight concluded.

"Um, Twilight." I asked.

"Ya Jason?" Twilight responded.

"Can I talk to you in private for a sec?"

"Sure." She answered, fallowing me into the other room.

"Um, Twi... in this world... magic dosn't exist, we don't have any spell books, magic dosn't exist here."

"Oh..." Twilight said sadly.

"Other people... besides Riley, the others, and I. You can't trust them, they'll tell people that... would do horrible things to you. I don't won't that to happen. Even to the point of talking of magic and flying even. Most people don't have the capasity for that kind of stuff." I finished.

"Oh, ok." Twilight sulked. "But, what am I supposed to do? My only talent is Magic. I can't just throw away who I am."

"Twilight, theres more to magic then just the abilities. If for some reason, you would never be able to use magic ever again. I know for a fact, everyone in this room, and back at home, would still say your magic Twilight. You, are magic, not just your abilites. You, are magic. Don't let any abilites, or lack of, get you down." I comforted.

"Thanks Jason, thats just what I needed." Twilight said with a sincere smile, grabbing my hand and walking back to the now batter flooded eating room, dragging me along.

"Huh, I guess this whole thing is real." I thought as Twilight pulled me.


"Huh..." John thought, looking at his blinking computer screen. Quickly taking a peak at his suroundings to see if anything interesting had happened in the last few minutes.

Johns office was like those computer war rooms you see in the movies. In the center of the room, were slowly descending stairs, leading to a giant projector screen which showed the overall power consumption of the small state of Utah. Across from each section of stairs, were five workers, each paying attention to a diffrent region companys reach.

At the top of the room, was a balcony that held the Head Executive of the power company, and the Head Supervisors, entrusted to overlook everyone elses work.

"This is so boring... why couldn't I have been premoted last month?" John thought, slowly tapping his pencil on the desk, then speeding up, then slowing down again. "If only I didn't call in sick, I would be siting up there right now."

John quickly took a glance at the balcony, stairing at the head supervisor all the way to the right. Giving him a look like, "Your gonna pay for this", and receaving back a look that said, "Get back to work or I'll fire you."

With a groan, he began paying attention to his screen again.

Sudenly, the screen began to flash red and produce an annoying sound that went alot like a police siren. "Ah!" John screamed, quickly turning down the valume after realising the adjacent worker had pulled a fast one on him.

Shaking, John quickly stood up and grabbed the newly printed results.

"Um, sir?" John question his supervisor.

"Whats the problem?" He said, not looking away from his computer.

"As if his pac-man game is that important... really?" John thought as he scanned the paper. "There was a power influx at the Woods Cross High School.

"How much?" He asked, looking up from his pac-man game.

"1.21 Jigawatts!" John exclaimed, suprised at the extreme power of the problem.

"Really?" he questioned, not believing there actually was a problem. "If your really certain, look at the video footage and see what happened." he said, paying attention to the screen again.

"Finally, maybe I can win back that premotion..." John thought, as he walked back to his desk to investigate.

Ch.5 Registration Situation.

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After breakfast, everyone went to do there own thing. Pinkie wanted only to become friends with everyone. (I mean everyone, she already has a good 15,000 friends on ponysquare).

Applejack wanted to finish the garden, and plant some apple trees. (To her suprise it takes many a years to grow an apple tree).

Rainbow Dash wanted extreamly badly to learn an instrument. So I brought out my guitar, which she was realitivly good at. (Not realy).

Twilight again continued her bet against herself that she could learn every human fact there was to be learned.

Rarity insisted that I be the test dumby for her first attempts on human outfits. (Much to Rileys entertainment, before my fist encouraged he take a nap).

Fluttershy just cought some pets the entire day. (Although I'm still trying to figure out how she convinced a deer, three squirels, two bunnys, a baby bear, and a family of gardner snakes to stick around).

After helping Applejack finish the to-be apple orchard in a hundred years, I walked inside and started making some lunch. (Leftover burnt bacon, and floor batter pancakes).

"Jason?" Twilight asked, in that tone kids use to convince their parents of something.

"Whats up?" I answered.

"I've been reading about somethiing called school, we do it back home. But our education ends yeeeeeears before human education." Twilight started. "And I was wondering..." she halted. "If we could go to school with you and Riley!" She bursted.

"Why are you asking me? I'm not you'r dad. I don't know how you'd do it, but sure." I laughed.

"Oh, well. Thanks!" Twilight said, shocked for a second.

"Do you know how you would get an ID?"I asked Twilight.

"Actually... no." she said nervously.

"Wait a second, I'll be right back." I said, grabbing my phone off of my dresser. (Which was now technicaly in RD's and Pinkies room, so it was kind of weird).

"Wait." I mouthed, to Twilight while I called my mom.

"Hello?" my mom answered.

"Hey mom, its me, Jason. I have a question." I asked.

"Sure, whats up?" my mother answered.

"Lets say... you found this person on the high school football field, and they didn't have an IDentity in our world. Oh, and they previously lived on a TV show." I said, waiting for my mom to start laughing.

"And?" she answered.

"Well... how would you get one?" I asked shepishly.

"Illegal imagrents?" she asked.

"Kind of."

"I told you to stop hanging out with the wrong crowd!"

"I wasn't! I promise!"

*Insert awesome instructions to get ID. Will someone help me on this? I don't know what to do.*

"Thanks mom! I'll call you tomarrow!" I said, hanging up.

"Wow, your moms awesome to just tell you how to get a fake/real IDentity just like that." Twilight exasperated.

"Yeah, well... yeah shes awesome." I replyed.

"Want some burnt bacon?" Twilight laughed, handing me some of the bacon she re-heated for all of us.

"Sure!" I said with a grin.


"Um, sir?" John asked his Head Supervisor.

"Yes? What now?" he said grogaly, not looking up from his intense game of Zuma.

"I've found something realy interesting with that video footage." John said, holding a little tablet with the downloaded video footage.

"Well lets see it." the Supervisor grunted.

"Here." John said, setting up the video, and starting it.

Two kids walked onto the video footage, then stopped and began to talk. And within three or four seconds, a blast of lightning shuttered the ground. Knocking out the footage.

"What was that?" the Supervisor questioned.

"I don't know sir. I think we should look into it more. What do you think?" John asked.

"Yeah, I agree. Forward the footage to the police in that area. They may be able to tell who the youths are to sort this out." the man said with suprise in his voice.

"Got it sir." John answered, walking back to his desk to carry out what his boss said.

"I wonder whats going on?" John thought as he sent the video.

"I know I shouldn't... but I'm gonna track this. I want to know whats happining with this." John continued in his mind, as he started creating a virus to track the fotage and its path.