> The Eclectic and the Orderly > by MadPonyOfGames > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Encounter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Encounter The lights slowly dimmed as the music came to a gradual lull before blasting out once again as ponies cheered and jumped to the beat of the music. The bass flooded through the club enticing more ponies to join in the dancing on the main floor, bobbing and bouncing to the bass. Glowing rods wrapped around hooves and neck bounce as they jump and cheer. Above all the partying ponies Vinyl stands watching as they dance to her music her mane bouncing to the beats. She observes, watching as her fans slowly tire and one by one take off to the bar to drink and rest. As each pony stops and the crowd starts to thin she slows the music showing that the party is slowly coming to an end. Over time the beats become soft and ponies leave in sets until there is none left but the staff. Vinyl descends from her perch above the dance floor heading towards the bar herself. Vinyl sits at the stool her mane slicked back with sweat. She looks around at the club; the staff picking up the chairs that were knocked over during the mosh. The Blank Mare, she had performed several times at this club in the past, but they had never been as pack as they were that night. Ordering a drink from the bar she sat waiting for the manager to come talk about payment. Several minutes later a navy blue pegasus approaches her with a smile on his face. He extends a hoof in greeting to her which she takes standing from her stool. "My name is Bleak Mane, I just recently came into ownership of this club and i am a huge fan of your work." Bleak says leaning his head back taking out a envelope and passing it to Vinyl as she encompasses it in her magic. "Thanks, I'm always happy to perform for the ponies of the Blank Mare" She says storing the envelope. "But i really do have to get going, call me again if you want to set up another gig" Vinyl says as she turns leaving the club, her setup would be delivered at her apartment in the morning. As she walks the streets of Canterlot heading towards her apartment she stops seeing a advertisement hanging on the wall to the Canterlot Musical Theater. Listen to the musical prodigy that is Octavia Melody! Canterlot Musical Theater Seeing this Vinyl's interest was peaked. Her and Octavia and gone to school together through High School but had never really talked very much. She had always seemed like the "I'm better than everybody else" type so Vinyl never payed much attention, but after seeing that she had done so much afterwards really interested her. Walking up to the door the usher looked at her with a look that would be given to a homeless pony trying to get into a fine dining restaurant, giver her current appearance she couldn't blame him. She passed him the needed bits to enter with her magic and walked past him into the theater. Needless to say the interior of the building was immaculate. There were crowds of ponies all in seats facing the front stage. A gray pony stood at the front of the stage, a cello propped against her. Slowly the mare ran her bow across the strings. Vinyl sat in one of the seats at the back watching quietly, amazed at the music the mare was producing. She had heard classical music before but nothing like this. Watching as the cellist gracefully played her piece vinyl watched in awe. As the music ended the crowd stood up stomping their hooves in approval. The mare bowed her head, her mane flowing down her neck. She sat up and slowly walked off stage as ponies started exiting the building, her being the last performance for the night. Vinyl walked towards the stage and headed towards where she would be coming off stage to see fans. She waited in the back as the mare gave the ponies in front of her autographs and took pictures with them, being as nice as one could imagine. After the large portion of the ponies has moved on Vinyl approached her with a smile. "Octavia Melody," she said with a smile slowly walking towards her "I haven't seen you in...four years." Vinyl said stopping in front of her. The look on Octavia's face made it clear that she did recognize the DJ. She stared in disbelief at the pony standing in front of her. "Vinyl Scratch... I didn't expect to see you here. It has been quite a while" Octavia said looking over the pony "I heard that you have made quite a good name for yourself in Canterlot," she said smiling. Octavia put out her hoof towards Vinyl smiling "It is good to see you again" she said as Vinyl put hers out in return cautiously. "It was really nice seeing you but i must get going, i have rehearsals in the morning" She says turning and walking away from the DJ offering a wave as she left. Vinyl watched as the cellist walked away, she turned and walked out of the building walking towards her appartment. When she arrived she found her window broken and the door busted in. She rushed into the apartment magic ready to fend off anypony but found the apartment empty. As she looked around she found her DJ equipment was missing along with all of her other instruments. Devastated Vinyl sat down on the couch looking over her destroyed apartment. She knew that wouldn't be the last time she was going to run into Octavia. Packing up what was left of her belongings she left her apartment, leaving her last months rent in the payment office after reporting the incident to the guards. Turning towards the music theater she started walking hoping to find somewhere to stay. She stopped in the music theater and asked where Octavia was staying. Regretting having to ask Octavia for help she turning and went to where the pony had told her she was staying. Walking up to the door of Octavia's suite she stood there nervous. First time she had seen her in four years and she was having to ask her if she could stay at her place. Slowly Vinyl lifted a hoof and knocked on the door, almost instantly she heard stumbling a banging as someone came to the door. As the door swung open Vinyl was welcomed with the sight of a disheveled Octavia. "Oh Vinyl... what a surprise," she said looking at vinyl "I wasn't expecting any visitors." she said turning and looking into her house, keeping her door closed enough so the other pony cant see inside. Vinyl nervously looked down and explained the situation with her apartment and having nothing left. Octavia looked at her for a few seconds before closing the door. The noise that followed was the equivalent of a elephant tearing through a china factory. The door then promptly opened with Octavia standing holding it open, panting. "Please, come in..." she said between panting breaths. Vinyl slowly walked in thanking Octavia repeatedly. Octavia proceeded to give her a tour through the house showing her where the bathrooms are, where the kitchen is, where her room was and finally to the guest bedroom where Vinyl would be staying. "Please stay as long as you need" She said smiling. Vinyl walked into the room thanking Octavia. It was peculiar that she was acting so nice for barely even knowing her but that was something she could worry about later. Right now she was exhausted from the events of the day. She lied down on the bed and quickly.