> A Demon In The Shadows > by Lesbian Adagio Dazzle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > You Must Be New Around Here... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The halls of Canterlot High were filled with a sea of rowdy, howling teenagers, each going about their daily business, some clustered in groups spouting mindless chatter and others heading to class worrying they'll be late. The doors of school's entrance opened; the crowd was rendered silent. The new girl glided down the halls, the students swiftly moved out of her way. They didn't want to be around her once Sunset Shimmer arrived, the last new student was still hospitalized after her introduction to their ruler. The new girl's sun-golden locks of exaggerated proportion was elegantly tired back into a styled ponytail with a spiked hairband that almost resembled a crown. She wore a short lilac jacket with puffed shoulders, underneath was a royal purple one-piece that stopped up to her thighs, a spiked, golden belt rested on her hips, in the center of her belt shone one magnificent deep-golden diamond, it attracted everyone's gaze. Her legs were covered with light purple, small triangular patterned tights, the heeled boots she wore were as deadly as they were dazzling. they were studded with white-gold spikes going up the heel and around the ankle, the boot itself was the same shade of royal purple her one-piece was. her hands were covered with fingerless lilac gloves, on both of her thighs hung an accessory of the same golden diamond and a musical note. The most intriguing feature about the girl was the leather choker with a blood red pendent embedded on it, the piece hung loosely around her neck. The girl arrived at the Principal's office. She knocked on the door exactly three times. As the door opened, she was met with what she assumed to be was the Principal. "Ah, you must be Adagio Dazzle, It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Principle Celestia. Here, take a seat." The Principle sat behind her desk, she motioned for the golden haired girl to sit on the chair opposite her. Adagio sat down and waited for her to speak. "Now, I understand that you moved here from, was it an "Equestria?" Adagio nodded. "I don't think I've ever heard of it but I digress, class will start shortly, if you need any help around the school, I'm sure many of the students can help you out but just in case, take this." Principal Celestia handed the manipulative girl a planner which consisted of the various lessons that she'd be attending, Adagio took it. "Welcome to Canterlot High, Miss Dazzle I hope you enjoy it here as much as your previous school." Celestia held her hand out for a handshake, Adagio reluctantly grasped it. "You're quite shy aren't you? Don't worry in a few days or less I'm sure you'll be out and about making friends in no time, Now I believe you should head to your first lesson, don't want to be late on your first day now, right?" Adagio walked out of the older woman's office. The secret siren took one look of the planner and threw it in a random direction. "I swear this place is full of idiots..." Adagio only joined the school because she sensed there was some kind of intense Equestrian magic radiating from it. She was a scavenger, hunting energy wherever it may be found, but here, it was like she struck a goldmine. Without it, this place was as desirable as a decaying corpse, though at least the corpse would be a lot more bearable in the siren's mind. The rose eyed girl was too deep in her thoughts to realize that the entire hall way was a ghost town. She was only pulled out of her thoughts when she heard the sound of a person's footsteps tapping against the tiled floor, amplified by the echo of the empty halls, stride towards her. Whoever they were, they stood behind the golden haired girl. Adagio could practically feel their sinister smirk digging into the back of her skull. They finally spoke. "You must be new around here." With Sunset Shimmer being the queen of the school, she had many useful advantages; she was respected, feared and most importantly she was well informed about everything that went on in her territory; thanks to her many eyes and ears. She was quite literally everywhere. When the former Equestrian heard that a new girl joined the school today, She decided to personally welcome them to their own little nightmare. The banished siren could sense it, that was the source of the magic. It was pulsing, swirling, glowing off of that girl. All she had to do was get her into a secluded area and that sweet, alluring, powerful magic would be hers. Adagio smirked, she turned around to meet the girl. With hair like flames, a spiked black leather jacket, a dark crimson sleeveless shirt stopping by her midsection with a burning, hellish sun emblem in the center, a skirt with fiery colors and black, spiked boots; she looked like a typical bad girl. They both stared each other down. Cold, controlling, calculating teal clashed with devious, dark, deceitful rose. The golden haired creature spoke. "Indeed, I'm Adagio Dazzle, a name you won't soon forget. How about you be a good girl and show me around this place. I'm the new girl, after all..." Sunset's smirk widened at this response, no one had ever dared been so demanding with her before, this girl was very interesting. "I'm gonna make this quick. I'm Sunset Shimmer; the ruler of this place. And you..." Sunset brought her hand under the new girl's chin, bringing her face mere inches a part from her own; their eyes met again. The Siren's orbs flickered a demonic green, they looked hungry. She continued. "... Don't tell me what to do, but there's something very different about you..." Her breath was ghosting over the captured siren's lips; she could feel small embers of magic dripping from the tan girl's lips. Adagio shivered with ecstasy from its raw, unrefined energy, its effects were driving the siren mad, and this was only a small sample. Sunset noticed this, her voice was husky. "...and I like it." She released the girl. "See you around, Dazzle." Just like that, Sunset casually strolled off. The siren watched her until she was out of her line of sight. To Adagio this whole thing was just too easy, she'd enjoy making that bad girl scream her name repeatedly. The bell rang and Adagio headed to class, wherever it was. She almost regretted throwing the planner away. Almost. After a few hours it was time for lunch. Before Adagio passed through the doors that led to the cafeteria, she noticed a small, faded poster. It read: "Taco Tuesday!" She scowled at the poster. Adagio was not a fan of tacos, she would rather lick the floor than degrade her taste buds with such common, greasy slop the humans called food. Adagio pushed open both of the double doors, once the other students noticed her, they all whispered in hushed voices. She could barely make out what they were saying, though she'd wager it was about her introduction with that bad girl: Sunset Shimmer. Most were wondering how she survived without even so much as a scratch. Even Adagio didn't know the answer to that, but it's not like it mattered. Soon that girl would be moaning, writhing, panting underneath her, crying out her name just to finish her off, the thought excited Adagio. After getting her lunch, the siren sat on a mostly isolated table, she hated interacting with those half-witted, imbecilic students, they all followed Shimmer like mindless fools, desperate to appease their master. If anything she was curious as to how she rose to power, Adagio figured it had something to do with the magic she possessed or, most likely, she found incriminating evidence about dear, poor, unfortunate Principal Celestia and used it to blackmail her. The scheming siren could see her now, she was sitting on a table surrounded by a few dozen boot-lickers; begging to be acknowledged by the fiery haired young woman. The flaming monarch noticed her staring, she retaliated with a very seductive glare, for a split second the siren felt violated by those teal eyes. The golden haired siren inwardly scolded herself for easily falling victim to that predatory gaze. Their eyes locked again. Both refusing to look away. They stared for two whole minutes until Sunset got up. She sashayed out of the cafeteria, not even bothering to look back. This was Adagio's chance to finally get her reward. Adagio tailed the enigmatic mystery, that was Sunset Shimmer into what looked like a locker room. Once inside, the door slammed shut, a click was heard indicating it was locked. Sunset stood in front of the sturdy, grey, towering, metal door. "So I see you've been watching me all day, Dazzle, care to explain why?" Adagio couldn't help but grin like a psycho, Shimmer just literally handed herself on a silver platter to the siren, this was meal a she was going to savor. "It's very simple, Sunset..." The rose eyed siren sauntered towards the bad girl. "I want you." Adagio's pendent began to pulse a deep blood red, without warning her entire body was encased in a monochrome aura that cracked and shattered, revealing Adagio Dazzle in her siren/human form. Her eyes glowed the same shade of pulsing, vibrant crimson her pendent did. A pair of beautiful, dazzling, translucent, royal purple wings sprouted from her back. Her teeth morphed into razor-sharp fangs. Her ears were as pointed as an alicorn's. She roughly smashed Sunset against the strong, metal door, holding her in place by pinning her arms by her head, pressing her form into Shimmer's; she could feel every feature, every curve of the teal eyed girl's body against her's. Adagio's excitement grew by the second. "You look so frail, so weak, so delicious; I wonder how you'll taste..." Sunset was unfazed, in fact she simply laughed at the Siren. Adagio was confused. "Impressive trick, Dazzle. Though it's a shame you're so stupid." With an unknown beastly strength; Sunset easily broke free of the siren's grip. Adagio fell backwards, she landed on her backside, her resolve was torn asunder. She scooted away from Shimmer as much as she could until a tiled wall cut off her exit. "The moment I saw your eyes, I knew exactly what you were. You were a Siren; a simple lustful creature, craving only for power. Your plan wasn't that special either. You wanted me alone. Now you have me..." An ungodly blaze consumed Sunset Shimmer, a hellish demon was all that was left once the lingering flames cleared. Her monstrous bat-like wings were as black as the darkest of unholy nights, her ruthless talons could shred through the strongest of metals, her eyes were pure black but her irises were a radiant teal, her maw was full of jagged, twisted, carnivorous teeth, dripping with venomous liquids, her hair was a blazing infernal. Adagio's fight or flight instinct kicked in, she went for the latter. She escaped Sunset's sight and hid behind a row of lockers, maybe if the Siren was very quiet the demon would leave her be. Adagio's hopes were dashed once she a felt powerful claw grip her shoulder. "How adorable, were you really trying to hide from me?" The hellish being's other claw slowly raked the Siren's delicate wings causing the siren to cry out in pain and a hint of pleasure. She spun the siren around so they were facing each other once more. The demon savagely forced a deep, heated kiss with her new pet, claws held Adagio by the waist, bringing her closer to the beast. Being this close to the demon made a slow throb build in the captured siren's core. The kiss was vile. Hot burning, liquid filled Adagio's mouth, overflowing and dribbling down her throat. The venom infected her mind and body. Energy slowly drained from her. If not for Sunset supporting her pet, she would've collapsed onto the floor. Her mind was hazed, torpid. Her eyes were unfocused, fogged. Sunset was chewing, biting and sucking Adagio's lower lip, those teeth pierced her skin with each bite, blood started to run down the siren's chin. The demon broke their venomous, bloody kiss. She smirked at Adagio's vulnerability. She could do what ever she wanted to her and the siren would be powerless to stop her, not that she could anyway. She laid her golden haired pet down against the lockers, with Sunset's knife-like talons; she shredded Adagio's once dazzling outfit. A shiver went down Adagio's spine once her bare breasts were exposed to the cold air, they were already hardened. Sunset grinned at that and climbed on top of the helpless siren. The demon gently left a series of butterfly kisses trailing down from Adagio's jawline to her navel, the siren unconsciously let out a sighs of approval. The demonic girl stopped once her prize was in sight. The hellish beast teased, licked and grazed Adagio's left breast and emulated the feeling on the right with her claw. The siren squirmed at the assault."S-sun...Sunset... s-stop..." A raspy voice, barely audible whimpered. She whinnied and begged for the demon to just stop. But she didn't. The Siren's back arched, she moaned in delight as the demon took her entire left breast into her mouth suckling and biting it. Musky juices freely flowed from Adagio's center. It was time for the demon to stop playing and finish her pet. Sunset lowered herself to the source of Adagio's excitement. She looked up at the captured creature. The siren's eyes stopped glowing long ago, all that was left was an empty, hollow, shell just staring back, wanting her to end it all. Sunset happily complied. Her demonic tongue nimbly slipped deep inside Adagio's lower lips twisting and swirling. The siren howled in intense pleasure as the demon explored her relentlessly, lapping away any juices pouring from her pet. After a few more minutes, Sunset hit a spot that sent her prey over the edge. "S-sunset! Please! I-I can't!" Sunset knew what was about to happen next, she increased her efforts. The walls around Shimmer's tongue tightened as Adagio reached her peak. The siren's liquid gushed out like a violent volcano. Her world went black. After Shimmer was done licking away any remnants of Adagio's excitement, she got up and reverted into her human form. She stared at the disheveled mess lying in her own fluids passed out. "Now you know why I run this place. See you next time, Dazzle." Sunset Shimmer left the siren alone in the cold locker room. Everyone in the school knew that this was coming. It was just a matter of time until the she-demon will strike her next unsuspecting target.