The Night King

by What_to_do

First published

A story of how a long respected clan earned their respect

This is an old tale of how a long respected clan earned its reputation and fame. The Night King, The blood surfer, the immortal vampire, locked in a stalemate against his enemy Discord finds help in the lest suspected souls that walk the land. Two souls that have a greater hatred for Discord.

Special thanks to New Spark for editing.


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It was an especially cold winter night, the wind felt as if needles were being slapped against your face, leaving behind a cherry red color to your cheeks. snow layered the landscape with white just as much so with the air. The snow, being so dense, kept it difficult for any means of travel. Lets just say that not even the bravest of all fliers would be out in this weather. Ponyville and most of Equestria was feeling the wrath of the snowstorm, the last one of the season.

There, just outside of Ponyville, stood a manor hidden in the storm only visible by lights emitting from the windows. But unlike most manors owned by snobby nobles, this one was owned by the most respected family known across Equestrian lands, the Blades. What made the blades so famously respected was their dark and noble history in the ancient times before, but that is for you to find out. The manor itself had three floors to its own. Both the second and third floor held Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and two offices. The first floor inhabited the kitchen, the living room, the gallery, and a bathroom or two.

Each room was kept neat and well cleaned, each looking formally and lively. The building itself was positioned atop a hill looking over Ponyville, easily spotted from anywhere within the quiet town. The manor itself to an impressive and important look to it. It was a southern colonial with the marble pillars reaching up two stories, the third floor rested over the pillars. The outer walls were patterned with weathered, grey bricks, The shingles on the roof were darker than the very shadows that night (if you could see them through the snowflakes). Now you may ask, "who is the pony that keeps the manor so nice?" That would be Marline H. Blade, Greatly referred to as Granny Hilt.

Granny Hilt was a wise earth pony, far older than she puts off. Her dark grey hair is kept small bun held in place by two ancient hair picks with witting that dates back to to the rule of discord ‘એલેક્ઝાન્ડર બ્લેડ, મારા પ્રેમ’ which translates to ‘Alexander Blade, my love’. Her coat was a color of dirty gold, a hammer striking an anvil was what she claimed as her cutie mark.

This night the family had all gathered from all over equestria to spend the holidays of Winter Wrap-up together. Having just finished supper the large family all gathered to livingroom for one last time with each other before they go to bed and leave the next morning. Granny Hilt sat in her wooden rocking chair nearest to the fireplace that filled the air with warmth and the familiarity of home. All the little colts and fillies, pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies alike, all gathered in front of Granny Hilt stumbling over each other; all except the few pegasi who learned how to fly and where hovering, were begging her to tell them the story that she shares with them every year. The adults either sat in the chairs and sofas that dotted the room or stood around the three large windows on the opposite side of the fireplace that reached the ceiling at 12ft, with scarlet curtains that just swept against the floor. All talking about their life since the last time the gathered.

About after two minutes of watching the little ponies beg and plead for her to tell them of the story she gave in and began the tale. Every adult hushed instantly and gathered around with anticipation on their face, for since the last time the family got together some had acquired a spouse and where very eager for them to hear their new families history.

“Now now everypony, settle down. My memory isn't as good as it used to be,” Ganny Hilt was interrupted by the disappointed “aww’s” brought by the children. “Please don’t be so sad young ones, I wrote down the entire story in my book, let me just go and get it.

Granny hilt, carefully getting up from her chair was stopped by grey pegasus filly who insisted that she could go fetch it no problem, pounding her hoof against her chest proudly. Granny Hilt nodded approvingly and pointed to a black book on the shelf with the title ‘The Night King’ in golden letters. The pegasus swiftly flew to the shelf grabbed it and presented it to Granny Hilt with a smile on her face. Granny Hilt took it from her hooves returning the smile and turned to the first page and began.

“Long ago, far before the rule of the two alicorn sisters, there was an immortal king in a forever lasting feud against Discord, lord of chaos, his name, Shadowfang Alexander Blade the IV”.


Very well, somepony brought it to my attention that I, Shadowfang Alexander Blade the IV, should keep a pretty, little, pink diary (I took it upon myself to add the pink part) to write down the story of my life. I simply told her, and I quote, "I'm sorry, but do I look like a slutty high school cheerleader!". It probably didn't help that I had currently taken the form of a slutty high school cheerleader and was checking myself in the mirror (which now that I think about was fucking stupid since I have no reflection). Of course she didn't get it since, well lets just say that I have watched a special race wipe each other out of existence with discord by my side, and she hadn't.

This "somepony" then told me of all the innocent, clueless, unscarred little children out there who have no one to ruin their pretty little minds. I just couldn't refuse when she put it that way, I had to change my panties afterwards, since I was still a sexy fucking cheerleader.

The very next day I set out for the quest to find the most badass diary out there, I labeled the quest The Search of the Badass Diary of Doom. So the very first Chaos merchant I walked up on in the middle of the woods I killed, brutally killed, I mean I literally tore his dick from his screaming corps and hung on the nearest tree branch (and that's not gay because I was still wearing the slutty cheerleader body), so how fuckind brutal was that?

The only item that I "bought" from the kind, loving, dickless, merchant was the single most badass book I had ever laid my seductive vampire eyes upon. It was blacker than the shadows brought upon by the moon countered by the slickest golden trim, I nearly had to change my panties again. The pages were all either blank or was in previous possession of a necromancer who wrote down all kinds of dark magic spells in the book then hid them with some fancy enchantment of sorts; but what are the odds of that? Anyway I believe that I should start my epic three weeks ago when I blew up discord's castle.