> Chrystal Corruption > by Penguinbrony24 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 – Unresting Curses > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrystal Corruption Chapter 1 – Unresting Curses The story begins in the castle of the newest equestrian princess, Twilight Sparkle, where Spike is pacing back and forth nervously. “Uugghhh... Where is everypony?” Spike said in a bit of a panic. Pinkie Pie rushed in, bouncing, accidently landing on him without noticing. “SPIKE! We're here! We're here! What's going on?” Pinkie asked, springing on the lavender dragon. “Spike? SPIIIIIIKE? Where are yooooouuuu?” The baby dragon let out a grunt. “Oh! There you are, teehee.” The puffy pink maned mare said, getting off him, as the others arrived. “Spike, what's going...? Why are you laying on the floor?” Twilight said, raising an eyebrow. “Pinkie jumped on me.” “Oh goodness, darling.” Rarity helps the dragon to his feet. Twilight looked at Pinkie and rolled her eyes while smiling. “So, Spike. What is it you called us in a hurry for?” Twilight asked. “Princess Celestia wanted us to get a plan together should more danger show up.” “Really? So soon after the defeat of our previous foe?” Twilight said, pondering. “Well, I guess we can never be too careful... What did Princess Celestia say, exactly?” “To watch out for anything suspicious, especially changeling activities.” “There's still some around?! I thought we defeated all of them!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “We did, but not permanently. also, her hive wasn't the only one.” ‘So that's what this is about... I wish it didn't unfolded this quickly.’ Twilight then thought to herself. Her friends frown in interrogation, looking at each other. “Ahm, Twi. Whaddya mean, ‘her’? If I reckon', Tirek was a ‘he’. Plus, I don’t think he had a hive or som...” Applejack’s eyes then widened in realization. “W... wait, Twi. Ya couldn't mean...” Applejack trailed off. “Yes, I'm talking about Queen Chrysalis.” Twilight stated, closing her eyes in slight discouragement. A simultaneous reaction spread across the hall. “WHAT?! You gotta be kidding!” RD yelled. “Eeeee!” Fluttershy squealed, covering her face. “This is horrible...” Rarity gasped. “Woohoo! Wait a minute... no, this isn't right.” Pinkie said. Among the commotion, Applejack pondered briefly before approaching Twilight. “But how was she able to come back?” AJ asked. “She wasn't killed or anything. She was just sent back to her hive. She's still out there. Princess Celestia is worried that she might be planning another attack. I got the word yesterday's night, but it was too late to contact all of you.” Twilight stated. “Well, there's NO WAY we'll let it happen!” Rainbow yelled. “Nopidy nope!” Pinkie said. “What should we do, then, darling?” The glamorous mare asked, looking at her alicorn friend. “Dear Spike mentioned keeping an eye out for anything suspicious, namely changeling activities. Does that mean there could already be some of them around in Ponyville?” Rarity asked. “Yes. There could be.” Twilight said, letting out a brief sigh. “But finding the other hive should also be a priority, according to Princess Celestia's commands.” Spike said. “She already sent Shining Armor with a squadron of guards, for this matter, yesterday's night.” Twilight looked at her dragon assistant. “Oh, Spike, please make note of it.” “Right away!” Spike said, noting what the lavender alicorn said on a piece of parchment. Fluttershy uncovered from her fright and approached the others, now gathered around Twilight. “Well, I doubt we can scrutinize all of Ponyville in an attempt to look for changelings.” AJ said. “That’ll take WAAAY too much time.” Rainbow said. As the group pondered about what course of action to take, Spike suddenly hacked up a scroll. “Ouh! Ouh! What does it say!?” Pinkie yelled, as she suddenly jumped from behind the baby dragon's back. This one bounced, almost dropping the scroll, in shock. Spike glanced at Pinkie, with a bit of frustration, then faced back the piece of parchment and unrolled it, then began reading. “Oh no... Twilight! It's about Shining Armor... He's missing!” Spike exclaimed. “WHAT?!” She promptly bumped Spike away in order to read the message herself. “GAAH!” The catapulted young dragon said, hitting the ground, face first, as Twilight took hold of the scroll with her levitation spell, reading it attentively. “Agh... As if we didn't already had enough trouble as it is...!” Twilight yelled, visibly angry. Spike, now back on his feet, approached her as she finished reading. She handed the message to her dragon assistant and tried to evaluate the situation, despite nervousness taking hold of her. “We need to think this through. Rushing ahead won't work, and we need ponies here in Ponyville to look out for danger as well.” Twilight said. “Want me and Fluttershy to scout Ponyville's perimeter while you go look for your brother?” Rainbow asked. “I... I don't know. We're not even sure what we're looking for. We need more help... help to find sources of evil magi... Oh dear...” Twilight suddenly stopped, realizing who they would have to ask for help. Her friends looked at each other, as if knowing what she was thinking, then all glanced at Fluttershy. “Oh... oh, yes. Well... I... I'm sure he won't be betraying us again... I mean, after what has happened with Tirek...” Fluttershy said, uncovering her face. “...Lets sure hope so, sugarcube.” AJ said, looking a bit worried. “We don't really have a choice, here.” Twilight turned around. “Rainbow Dash, you follow Fluttershy to her cottage to bring back Discord.” “Aw, COME ON!” Rainbow yelled in discontent, but as the lavender colored alicorn gave her an irritated look, she compromised. “Ugh... fine, but he better not pull any trick on us...” The two winged mares began setting out, Rainbow Dash crossing her front legs with a grumpy look on her face. “And what should WE do, Twilight? Should we start looking for your brother?” Spike said. “I shouldn't probably say that, but searching for my brother will have to wait a little. Like I said previously, rushing won't work. If we just head out to where my brother was without any preparations, we may just end up being ambushed by Queen Chrysalis and her changelings.” Twilight said, watching her two pegasus friend flying away. “We're gonna have to wait until they're back with Discord to plan anything else, but in the meantime...” Twilight faced to Applejack. “I want you and Pinkie Pie to go warn Mayor Mare of the situation and tell everypony to remain in their houses and lock the doors, until further notice. Hopefully, changelings haven't started spreading around too much. Then, come back here as soon as you can.” “Aye aye, commander Twilight!” Pinkie said, getting an army helmet out of nowhere and putting it on, then saluting her friend. “Alright Twi, we'll be back in a jiffy.” AJ replied. “Good. As for me and Rarity, we'll remain here to discuss the matter with Discord and see how he can help us, when Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy come back... and...just... try to think of another course of action. I'll see if I can find anything on changelings in the books I have.” Twilight said. “I’ll gladly assist you in this search, darling.” Rarity said. “Thank you, Rarity.” Twilight said, nodding at her. “Well, we're getting going. You ready, Pinkie Pie?” AJ said. “Are you KIDDING?! What are we still doing here?! I left a bunch of muffins in the oven, at Sugarcube Corner! We gotta go, NOW!” Pinkie exclaimed. “What about me Twilight?” Spike asked the lavender mare. The lavender mare turned to her scaly assistant as Applejack and Pinkie Pie got going. “Spike, I want you to write a letter to Princess Celestia, explaining what we've taken as measures, for now. Afterward, we will need your help searching for information about changelings.” Twilight said. “Understood!” The two remaining mares headed to the library as the young dragon began his assignment. A few minutes later, the letter was complete and sent right way. “Alright, it's sent.” Spike said to himself as he hurried to join Twilight and Rarity in the dense library. “Twilight! I'm done sending the letter to Princess Celestia!” He shouted from the entrance of the bookcases filled room. “Good! I'd like you to start looking from the east side of the library!” Twilight shouted back, her voice reverberating from the northwest. “Got it!!” Spike yelled back. “I'll meet you and Rarity in the center section once I'm done in the Northwest one!” Twilight yelled. “OK!!” Spike yelled back to her. About half an hour later, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy came back with Discord. “Discord, stop it already!” Rainbow said, annoyed, as the mischievous Draconequus was manipulating her rainbow mane into colorful balloon animals. “Oh, Rainbow Dash, you are simply no fun at all.” Discord said, looking back at Fluttershy. “Wouldn't you say so, dear?” “Alright Discord, leave Rainbow Dash alone. We're here.” Fluttershy said, as she giggled quietly. The mythical beast rolled his eyes and turned the balloons back into mane with the snap of a finger, as he let out a bit of an unamused sigh. “There. Now where's dear Princess Twilight?” Discord snapped his finger again, teleporting Twilight right before him. “OH! There you are! How good to see you!” Discord said on a falsely happy tone, giving the lavender pony a hug. “We need your help Discord.” Twilight said, with a rather serious tone. “Yes, yes, I know.” Discord interrupted the studious alicorn, turning his back to her. “Mean old Queen Chrysalis is back and her little change-bling-blings have started causing havoc here and there in Equestria. Blah... That cackling hag and her minions really have a bad taste of chaos, if you ask me...” He looked back at Twilight, who was giving him an annoyed expression. “And I WILL lend you my help...” He snapped his fingers and gathered the three mares in his arms. “...my friends.” Discord giggled. “Ugh...” Rainbow sighed, peeved by Discord's mannerism. Although, before she could fully express her irritation, the draconequus teleported himself a few feet away, making the three mares unexpectedly pummel on the ground. “Now... you need my help sensing around their dark magic, right?” Discord said, yawning. “Couldn't you have given me something MORE entertaining to do? Like... I don't know, plan a little trick on dear mingy Chrysalis?” He tenderly requested, beaming into Twilight's face with a big grin on his face. “No. You must help us save my brother from her.” Twilight said, bringing her right hoof to her face and sighing. Discord's grin switched to a rather bored expression as he turned around, stepping away from the alicorn princess, crossing his arms, his back to her. “Ah, yes. Prince Shining Armor... I am surprised he has been taken over by her.” The draconequus spoke, bringing his left hand under his chin and pondering briefly. “She must have a few new tricks up her hooves, I presume... hmmm..., but... I guess this could still be fun... eheh.” Discord muttered, smiling with contained excitement. “VERY WELL!” He flipped around. “I shall assist you in recovering your dear brother, oh Princess Twilight.” Discord theatrically bowed. “Now then, where to begin our search? Surely we cannot depart before making sure Ponyville is safe from changelings, wouldn't you say?” He rang up, with an intended tone. “Well, we should probably start in the everfree forest.” Twilight stated. “That is indeed a well-thought idea, my dear Twilight, but... I seem to be actually sensing some dark energy, right now... juuuuust outside the castle...” As Discord discretely glanced out one of the upper windows, he noticed a changeling, most likely eavesdropping to their conversation. He looked back at Twilight, subtly giving her a sign to carefully glance out the window as well. After making sure she had done so, he winked to her with a smirk; the alicorn slowly nodding to him, in response. Having both understood each other, Discord then whispered, “Ready? ... In 3, 2, 1....” In a flash, they both teleported outside the castle, surrounding the spying changeling. The dark creature gasped, startled, quickly looking at both of them. “We’d like to gather some information from you, if you'd will.” Discord said. The surrounded changeling hissed and tried to escape, but Twilight quickly managed to stop it with her levitation magic and brought it back. “Now now, we asked politely.” Discord said, employing a fake friendly tone. “Go to hell, you filthy piece of crap!” The creature yelled with a creaking voice. Both Twilight and Discord shook their head in astonishment, as their eyes widened. “Wh... WHAT WAS THAT?! WHAT KIND OF HORRIBLE LANGUAGE IS THIS?!” Twilight yelled in shock and disbelief. “Oh dear...” Discord face changed from shocked to serious. “I see Chrysalis has been taking her evil to a higher level... It has indeed been a long time since I had heard this foul crude tongue.” “What do you mean, Discord? You know about this language?!” She said, still looking confused and disturbed. “Well, I did used to be on the EVIL side, my dear Twilight.” The draconequus stated as he teased the changeling by pinching his snout. The response from the changeling was an angry grunt. “Evil knowledge goes FAR beyond what you might already know. This be a language that was considered amongst the darkest and, even to some, most repulsive of all. However, grand evil masters like me, would never dare use it. Oh dear no. It be only for the LOWEST classes of evil...” Discord intentionally let out, looking the pitch black equine right in the eye with mild despise. Being more than annoyed at this point, the changeling tried to once again make a break for it, but without any obvious success, as Twilight easily captured it back. “Where do you think YOU are going?! We're not done with you, here!” Twilight said in a pissed off tone. “You stupid horny bitch! Lemme go!” The dark creature said in a grouchy high-pitched voice, as it struggled to escape. Another surge of irritation rushed through the lavender mare, by the foul language of the black pest, but not strong enough that she couldn't calm herself down and keep focused on casting the spell. “You are going to cooperate and tell us everything about what your Queen is planning!” Twilight blared. “AS IF, you bloating fart face!” He roared angrily. “WHY YOU!” Twilight said, now enraged. The reformed master of chaos interrupted both of them. “Twilight, dear. Let me handle this.” Discord said, trying to calm the lavender alicorn. Twilight made sure to keep the changeling within her magical grasp as the draconequus slowly approached it, closing in on its ears and starting to whisper. “Now then, little fella. We both know I know how to make you talk.” The arrogant creature tried to spit on Discord, but it rebounded off the magical barrier and back on its face. The interlocutor grinned. “I've followed the same teachings you did and far beyond, so I know what to execute in terms of discipline if a subordinate, especially such a low class as yourself, tends to not be cooperative.” Discord giggled softly, then piercing the changeling's eyes with a provocative gaze. “You understand?” “F...fine, just tell the horny freaktard to not do anything stupid.” The jet black changeling said. “Quite alright.” He said, mockingly patting the dark equine's head. “Now, then, Twilight. We can begin the interrogation, if you please. It should be cooperating.” From within the castle's hall, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had been watching the scene, unfolding on the other side of the window. The tomboy mare tries to contain herself from going outside and give the changeling a good bash. “Shall we bring it inside?” Discord said. The studious pony, looking skeptical and still annoyed from the changeling's previous words, took a brief moment of pondering before answering the draconequus. “A... alright...” Twilight said. “And I'm a HE, by the way, you long ass face!” the changeling said arrogantly to the master of chaos. “Yes, yes. Let's proceed, dear Twilight. Oh, and we are not allowed to do anything…” Discord emphasized with his fingers and a dumb tone of voice. “...’stupid’, by the way.” “Shut it, you old fart!” The changeling yelled. “What? What does that mean?! Not do anything stupid?!” Twilight said, irritated. “As if WE'D be the ones doing that!” “Dear Twilight, try to calm down.” Discord said, softening his voice. “But you're right... hmmm...” He put an innocent interrogative look, “What kind of ’stupid’ could we possibly try?” Discord then playfully smiled, mocking the captive creature. “Maybe we should ask our new little friend, shortly, once we get back inside. Eheheh...” “I said SHUT IT, YOU CUNTS.” The changeling angrily said. The three of them got back inside the castle. The others, then, join them at the entrance. “And by that I mean: ANYTHING that would even KINDA annoy me. You hear?!” The changeling angrily said. At the sight of the changeling, Fluttershy couldn't help but step away, a rush of uneasiness traversing her body. Rainbow Dash appearing behind her and beginning to fly toward the changeling, charging her hooves. “Alright! Lemme handle this!” Rainbow said, pumping herself up, ready to interrogate the pitch black creature Rainbow Dash style. “No, Rainbow Dash. That won't be necessary. Discord already seems to have a plan to make him talk... or so it seems...” Twilight said, unsurely glancing at the draconequus. “Wh... WHAT?! AW, COME ON!” Rainbow exclaimed. “RAINBOW DASH!” Twilight yelled back, looking more than annoyed. “Uuuuuugggghhhhh! FINE!” Rainbow pouted, letting herself fall on the floor and crossing her front legs, displeased. At this moment, Rarity and Spike just came out of the library. “Hey, Twilight. I think I found som... AAAHHH!” Spike yelled, as he noticed the black ominous equine within Twilight's floating magic barrier. Rarity looking as surprised as he was. “Whu whu whu...” Spike stammered. “Don’t worry Spike. He can't do anything in his current state.” The lavender alicorn stated, as the changeling loudly grunted. “My... they're appearances never DO improve, do they?” Rarity said, with slight repulse. “Hey shut up, you glamorass bitch!” The foul-mouthed changeling yelled from across the room. Everyone's face, expect for Discord and Twilight, turned to complete dumbfounded expressions, especially Rarity, who suddenly felt very woozy and moderately tumbled before fainting. Spike trying to catch her when she fell, as he filled up with anger. “HOW DARE YOU SAY THIS TO RARITY!??!?!” Spike .roared, boiling with rage. Rainbow Dash, who was shaking with fury, now standing still, furiously glaring at the impudent changeling as she was trying her best to restrain herself from exploding with violence. “SPIKE!” Twilight bellowed in a merciless voice. Spike promptly stopped and tried to contain his unnerving feeling, angrily clenching his fists and teeth. Her alicorn friend's voice softened. “I'm... I'm sorry for yelling at you, Spike. I don't have time to explain. ‘Or rather, I don't want that horrid creature's hurting you or any of my friends.’ We'll be back soon, so take care of Rarity while we're discussing with...” Twilight despairingly gazed at the changeling, roughing her voice. “That thing...” She looked back at the equine chimera, who seemed completely unfazed. “Come on, Discord, we're taking him to another room.” Twilight voice sounding more serious. Not another word was heard, as they both left the group, heading toward the study. Fluttershy could be seen abundantly crying in fright in a corner of the hall, as Rainbow Dash freed some built-up anger by stomping her hooves in the rock-solid floor, making the tiles underneath her crack and tear. Before leaving the room to head upstairs, Twilight took one last look down the hall, seeing Spike carefully laying down Rarity and gently caressing her head, while silently sobbing. *** *** *** The trio who had made their way to the third floor of the castle all entered the study. Discord closed the door and made sure to lock it as safely as possible, making the key disappear with a snap. “Discord, bring me a chair and some ropes. We need to restrain him, I don't see myself holding him like that all day nor do I expect him to happily stay here with us.” Twilight said. The draconequus made both the objects appear instantly and carefully tied the changeling's wings and hooves. Twilight then proceed to sit him on the chair and finished bonding him up. “I hope this will be enough.” Twilight said, seemingly calm, as she let go of her levitation spell. “You filthy whore! Let me go so I can beat the shit out of you!” The dark colored changeling said. That last remark from the cursing creature made Twilight lose all the care for irritation she had been building up, as if all the intense negative emotions she was keeping in, even if only from a few minutes ago, reached a point where she couldn't mentally support them anymore and just vanished, leaving her but mildly annoyed. “I can't even understand HALF of what you're saying, for Pete’s sake...” Twilight said in a monotone voice, as she slowly approached him. “It’s alright, Twilight, dear.” Discord chuckled. “I can assure you I can understand every word he's saying, but I'm afraid it'll only feast your anger beyond what you could take if I told you.” “It's too late for that, Discord, and... actually... I think I just gave up on caring if I don't understand his unbearable vocabulary. Just as long as he's bright enough to use common words everypony uses to tell us what's going on...” Twilight stopped, slowly raising her right hoof to her forehead and took a very deep breath in, the exhaling in a long heavy sigh. “Alright... let's start the interrogation.” She used her magic to close the drapes and lit up a few candles to illuminate the room. “Ouuhhh.... real cozy atmosphere. Wanna suck my dick?!” The injurious dark parasite spit at the alicorn princess. She turned back to him, looking completely empty of will to reply to his blasphemy. “Just tell me what Chrysalis’s plan is and what happened to my brother, Shining Armor.” Twilight walked back to the center of the room. “Why the fuck would I tell you, bitch?!” The changeling again cursed at the lavender alicorn. “I... You're not going to answer us what we want to hear, are you?” Twilight asked, emotionless. “Maybe... or maybe not.” The changeling provocatively looked at her, but all of a sudden, withdrew his glare. “If I do... my sentence for treason is death. That's it.” He said, trying to hide his worry by looking away from his interlocutor. “Wait... KILL you?” Twilight said, slightly raising an eyebrow. “Yeah. Death. That's what I said, you dipshits. Didn't you understand? Tsssk... Dumbasses.” The changeling said with more derision. The lavender pony looked over at Discord, boringly playing chess against a copy of himself he poofed, then turned around and thought to herself. “As much as I'm not in the mood to care about his foul mouth anymore, that death sentence is not something I can bare to look over. Queen Chrysalis has definitely changed her ways... for far worse than I could have thought. No matter how much of a pain this pest is turning out to be, I can't let myself getting himself killed by her. That is not what we ponies do.” Twilight faced the changeling. “We're not the likes to KILL, here, in Equestria. The worse we do as sentences is banishment; and that usually works well... MOST OF THE TIME...” Twilight gave another quick glance to Discord who was now cheating at his own game of chess. She rolled her eyes and began walking around the room. “And which is also what we SHOULD have done with Chrysalis... instead of just... blowing her away...” Twilight said, frowning interrogatively. “Why did we even DO that, instead?” She shook her head, confused. “AHAH! BLOWING her...” The changeling giggled. Twilight faced back the giggling captive tied on the chair, having no reaction to the comment he just made. “So if you do cooperate, banishment is what we'll do, instead of having to suffer death from your queen. Does that seem acceptable to you?” Twilight asked, gazing at him. ”Re... really? Only banishment? You ponytards are WAY too soft..., but...” The changeling paused, realizing he might get his life spared. “As... much of an ass as I am... which I do want being, by the way; don't you guys doubt it, and I have my own reasons...“ His true emotions started to show. “That... that Queen Bitchalis... She scares the living fuck outta me... I wasn't even a changeling before, I was just a regular dumbtard pony like you and the others out there.” He tilted his head toward the door, still evading the alicorn's sight. “And then that... fucked up maniacal hag came and attacked our village. She freakin’ mercilessly killed about half of the ponies, there. The remaining minions that were still with her, after you guys... just... send her fucking flying away, instead of actually getting rid of her for good!... , so NO SHIT I'm being an ass to you and the others!” Tears began building up in his eyes as he lifted his head and glared at Twilight, who felt instant guilt taking hold of her, waking her from her unfazed state. “But... that's also due to the horribly sadistical training she's putting us through... those who can handle it, anyway... and most of us having the best reasons to... since that FUCKED UP WITCH is holding my damn family captive! Oh, and that's not the freaking worse. You wanna know what I get if I betray her even in the slightest...? LIKE I ALREADY DID, by getting freakin’ CAPTURED, by you fucktards!? DO YOU?!” The changeling said, tears starting to roll down from his eyes. Even if Twilight was having trouble understanding her addressee, she gradually cannot help but tear up as well, feeling the guilt now clenching her upper body. “I'll tell you. That... insane BITCH, is giving me a nice LIVE SHOW of my family getting slaughtered before my very eyes!!! YEAH! THAT'S WHAT SHE DOES! OH, but at least she has the MERCY of allowing me to get killed by HER, but not before torturing me for HOURS, getting my limbs slowly cut off, one by one, then ripping my guts out, taking out my eyes and tongue, and then maybe, and I say MAYBE, allowing me a death stab to the heart, with her razor sharp ass horn! OR... and that's the other option; making me kill one of my best friend, with my BARE FUCKING HOOVES, like, literally, and living with the weight of it, AND the LIVE SHOW of my family getting KILLED in cold blood, for the rest of my life AND becoming one of her multiple SEX slaves, and that means playing it HER FUCKING HARDCORE BONDAGE WAY! So... HEY! I GOT TWO PRETTY FREAKIN GREAT DEALS, HERE, DON'T YOU THINK?!?” He finished, in a roaring yell, as he finally shattered and heavily started crying, overwhelmed by his thoughts he was painfully holding in. Twilight was frozen, having tears that could not stop flowing from her eyes. Never had she heard such diabolically horrid things in her entire life, especially done to other living beings. The new Queen Chrysalis's ways were inconceivably farther that what she could have ever imagined. Discord, for himself, looked indeed shocked, but already being aware of such possible extents that could exist amongst the fields of evil hundreds of years ago, did not seemed likely to be crying, but rather, repressed with hate. He slowly approached the alicorn princess, who was still blinded with the emotional trauma she was experiencing, kneeled before her, paused, and swiftly embraced her, lodging his head against hers, keeping the same hatred in his eyes. “It seems the situation is worse far beyond what even I could have imagined, Twilight. You will not need to ask if I'm truly willing to help you, now; my decision is undeniably made. I WILL assist you the utmost best as I can, my dear friend. You can bet the faith of Equestria on it” Discord vowed, his tone of voice rarely having sounded so serious and determined. He then moved his head in front of hers, gazing into her eyes. “However, if you wish to have any hopes of saving the sake of all of those endangered by the Queen of changelings, you must break free from your current state and focus.” He paused. “Do you hear me, Twilight? ...TWILIGHT?!” Despite his voice ringing in the room, the draconequus could not seem to wake her up. “...Forgive me.” He moved his left eagle hand to her face, carefully placing one of his claws on Twilight's left cheek, and with one quick scratch, cut her face, covered in flowing tears. “Wh... what? OW! Discord! What are you...?” Snapping out of her emotional prison, Twilight rethought about all of what the changeling said, but before her feelings could succeed in overwhelming her again, she vigorously shook her head. “NO! Discord!” She looked at the equine chimera still kneeling before her, remembering what he just told her. “...Thank you.” She hugged him briefly, hugging her back himself. “Alright!” She wiped off her tears, shaking herself in order to give her courage and determination. Discord steps aside and invites he alicorn friend to go toward the changeling. “I am extremely sorry for the faith that has befallen upon you. Having heard the thoughts you were holding in that forced you to be who you aren't, being confined to only obeying Queen Chrysalis upon the fear of losing your family, friends and yourself, is more than enough for me to assure you that you will NOT either be KILLED or BANISHED.” Twilight said. The changeling who was abundantly crying from despair only but a few seconds ago, abruptly stopped at the words of Twilight. “W… what?! Wh.. wh...” The changeling sobbed. “What do you mean?!” “She means that you will be freed from your cursed faith, little fellow. It is up to you, but only on one condition.” “WHAT?! OH DEAR FUCKING PRINCESS CELESTIA, WHAT IS IT?!” The changeling roared. “In order to escape both the sentences of death and banishment, you will have to join our forces against Queen Chrysalis in order to defeat her, and for GOOD, this time.” Twilight, the still tied-up captive looked hesitant. “What we have done, by not successfully defeating her at that time, is a mistake that will now haunt me forever and I insist on taking, not only me, but all those who were involved, the blame for the unsuspected aftermath that took place when your village was attacked and any other catastrophes that occurred and still are happening to this day, because of our negligence.” Twilight said, the dark equine creature carefully listened to the princess's words. “I cannot ask for your forgiveness, as we have caused far beyond what can be retrieved for you, but I vow that I am ready to pledge my allegiance to saving you, your family and all the others who have fallen under Queen Chrysalis's conquest, so far.” Twilight said “I...” Tears began flowing, once again, from his eyes, but not from despair. And then, to his amazement, both Twilight and Discord bowed before him, sealing their pledge. “I... Iiiii....” It was as if his torment had been hit with deliverance. He could not believe what had just occurred. His cries were now from an overwhelming joy. Something that the changeling hadn't felt in what seemed like eight years. The alicorn princess rose back up, the draconequus following her lead. “We shall let you take your time to make your decision...” Twilight said. “What the hell do you think my decision is, you... you... dumb... “He endeavored saying. “YES!!! YESS!!! OF COURSE!! YOU DUMB BI-I-IIITTCCcchh...” The changeling finally managed to say, as his crying of joy renewed. “We will be honored to help you, sir.” Twilight happily said, as tears began rising up her eyes. She looked up at Discord, who smiled on her, putting his left hand on her head and ruffling her mane. > Chapter 2 - Hungry Desires > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrystal Corruption Chapter 2: Hungry Desires Twilight and Discord patiently waited for the changeling's sorrow to diminish. “I am still beyond myself about how sadistic Queen Chrysalis appears to have become... What she did in Canterlot already seemed horrible at that point, but now... now... I don't even know what to think of it and I'm finding it very hard to believe.” The alicorn princess whispered to her equine chimera friend, still standing beside her. “You'd be surprised how diabolically cold-blooded evil can become, my dear.” Discord griefully said, the same hatred-filled expression still present in his eyes. “I have witnessed many massacres in my life, as a learning master of chaos that I would now rather be able to forever forget. Equestria is a paradise compared to what lies in some part of the known universe, I can assure you.” He looked down at the still heavily sobbing black equine. “You may not believe it, but the entire domain of evil actually follows a strict hierarchy that cannot be broken once you've been assigned to one of its level, depending how well you did in your studies at the Evil Academy.” Twilight looked up at him with an unimpressed expression. “Yes, I know. I can't say I'm too fond of the originality, for this one, either, but that's essentially what it is: learning all there is to know about evil... and I'll tell you this...” He closed in on the lavender mare's right ear. “...Queen Chrysalis actually started as a very unsuccessful student. A laugh of the stock, she was..., but her growing hatred from the intimidation slowly started awakening her true potential... although, she still couldn't bear to undergo the higher studies... as the further you progressed, the more merciless the teachings were for one's mind. If you were wishing to make it to the summit of the academy, you had better get rid of every single fragments of emotion that would block your progress... basically turning your heart into a freezing titanium solid mass. That was something Chrysalis was unable to achieve... being too sensitive at heart, so she only graduated with a degree that would qualify her to the 11th Rank of evil conquests... which, to be sincere, is considered VERY low amongst the success rate of the academy...” He invited Twilight to go further away from the changeling, who seemed to have fallen asleep from the overwhelming emotions he had just gone through. “But... what about you? When we fought and vanquished you, surely we were experiencing distress, but nothing in the likes to what you mentioned having witnessed. Not even Princess Celestia ever told me about such... horrible events, of back when you two, along with Luna, were in conflict. ...How do you know so much? I'm starting to wonder what we truly DO know about you, Discord.” Twilight asked, inquisitively. “...The less you know the better, I believe. That imprisonment those two sisters kept me in for hundreds of years... left me plenty of time to reconsider what I wished to go on with, for the rest of my existence... but I shall spare you what I longingly pondered, about. I believe you've had more than your share of brutal emotions, for today...” “A... alright. I agree. I need to remain focused to try and solve our current ordeal... I wouldn't be ready to go through what happened earlier again, anytime soon.” The alicorn stated as she noticed the changeling who was now snoring, peacefully. “...I think I should go warn the others about what's going on... so they don't get too worried...” “No no... I shall go. You need to stay her and continue with him if he ever wakes up... Your soft and calm voice should work much better than my grouchy old crouton chords to carry on with the interrogation.” Discord said, softly as Twilight giggled in response. “I shall be back soon...” He paused. “...Be sure to ask for his name...” The chimera unlocked the door, then left the study, heading downstairs. “Ask for his... name?” The deep purple maned mare tilted her head in confusion, as she securely locked back the door. A soft grunt was heard. Twilight turned around in surprise, as the changeling was starting to wake up, probably from Discord's leave. "My... my name is Hika, Miss Twilight." The creature sleepily stated, his short nap having calmed him down. "Mister Hika..." The young mare said, slowly walking back toward him. "...please take your time to recompose yourself." "It's alright, I already have... and I wish to tell you what's really going on, here, now." Hika deeply breathed in. "Truth is that Chrysalis wants you either a changeling, or dead. Same thing with all your friends and the other princesses. There's no fucking way she's gonna stop..." He chuckled, with a light smirk "...not until she's leading Equestria. You can bet your ass on that." Twilight rose an eyebrow. "Oh, sorry, and um... let's just say I might have a bit of a history with Discord. I kinda overheard the last thing he said, before he got out, as I was waking up, and... I think HE might not remember me completely, but I personally do." The changeling concluded. "What... what do you mean?" The curious alicorn asked. "Well, Bitchalis sent me to spy on you ponies about 5 months ago. Discord kind of... found me spying on you." Hika said. "Wait... 5 MONTHS ago? And we only started noticing your activities about 2 DAYS ago? ...That means that crazy queen had already started her plan back then?!? WHAT?!" The startled mare exclaimed, angrily confused. "The plan really didn't start to move until about a month ago, though." Hika replied. "Still, I can't believe even princess Celestia was unable to notice anything, before." Twilight sighed, looking away as she considered the thought. "Well, too late for that, now... wait! You said Discord caught you spying on us 5 months ago! And HE never told us?! WHAT?! ...That darn chimera... he's gonna have some explaining to do, when he comes back..." She sighed. "But... in the meantime..." She brought her sight back to Hika. "Is there anything else you'd be able to tell me, about Chrysalis or... your encounter with Discord?" "This may not be a surprise, but let's say Chrysalis has gotten a BIT too fond of power. Too fond and TOO much of it, if you ask me. Bitch's gone completely berserk! She's already corrupted Sombra, FUCKING SOMBRA, into being her King! Not to mention she's also gone after the animals in the Everfree Forest. Those Timberwolves, Cock-a-trices, Chimeras and shits! They all under HER control, now!" The blaspheming changeling said. "Oh dear... Zecora lives in the Everfree Forest! I hope she's alright..." The concerned alicorn princess realized. "..But, anyways, let's focus... Anything else?" "Ahm... let's see... She's also corrupted a few of the gryphons and... I don’t know... a whole bunch of other things! Wouldn't be surprised if she corrupted TREES, for that matter!" Hika heavily sighed. "... So... yeah, like I said. She isn’t gonna stop until all of you are changelings or six feet under." He finished, as his belly growled loudly. Twilight smiled. "We'll get you something to eat once Discord comes back. Speaking of which... is there anything you can tell me about your encounter or... relation with him?" "We... we kinda... became..." Hika sighed. "Gay lovers." "WHAT?!? You and... WHAT?!?? LOVERS?! AS IN..." The completely startled alicorn princess trailed off. The pitch-black equine blushed and looked away for a brief moment, before letting out a long sigh and focusing back on the still dumbfounded mare. "Yes, we did have sex..." Twilight was about to scream. "...JUST ONCE, though! And it's not like either of us enjoyed it, hell no! We were both under the control of that bastard King Sombra! That stupid power hungry prick... Still a bit better than that damn witch, though...” The nervous changeling clarified with haste. "I... I..." Twilight was once again speechless from what she had heard, however this time, instead of falling into another state of emotional paralysis, she forced her mind to keep on focusing. "GGAAAAAHHHH!" She let out a scream and stomped her hooves onto the wooden floor, trying to expulse the negative feelings that were invading her. "NO! I won't let it happen again! No matter how unsettling this is making me feel! OK?!" She shouted as she concentrated back on Hika, who looked rather frightened by her reaction. "You and Discord are lovers and THAT, IS, FINE! I will not be feeling oppressed by my uneasiness toward sex or anything related, at least, NOT NOW, at such a crucial moment where I need to keep track of the interrogation and gather as much info as I can from you! The faith of Equestria is FAR more important than my fear of such matters!" After emptying part of her emotional bag and letting out a very long breath, the alicorn princess, who was feeling slightly woozy, stumbled as she approached the changeling. "Ok..." She took another deep breath, feeling a little relieved of having expressed herself so openly. "Ok... Le... let's move on." She slowly straightened herself. "Oh... hum... before, though, I'd like to make a recap... of what we talked about." She picked up a piece of parchment with a quill and feather, with the help of her levitation spell. "OK... Sorry for earlier. I think you have understood that I'm not, and neither is really anypony in Ponyville, for that matter, REALLY comfortable talking or hearing about... hum... what you just brought up or anything connected..." "You serious, here? No one in Ponyville is comfortable talking about sex, or even HEARING about it? Damn..." Hika unimpressively looked at Twilight, frowning. "Well... anyway, before you write down the recap, I want to add that I and Discord were actually FORCED to be lovers, against our own will. Maybe this can help you calm your hormones..." "Wait... but didn't you say you and him are STILL lovers? And... Well, regarding sex... I... I don’t know. I guess it's just the view from... hum..." The concerned mare tried to explain, then stomped her right hoof. "I actually don't know where this... this... FEAR of sex comes from, in Ponyville! Maybe it comes down from values that were transmitted long ago... or... something else, but one thing's for sure... it's DEFINITELY weighting us down! I mean JEEZ! It's hard enough to contain ourselves when we're in heat without going completely insane!" She abruptly stopped her rant, covering her mouth. "... I... I mean." She nervously looked at the smirking sinister creature, still tied up to the chair. "UGH! See?! I'm all... CLUSTERED and stuff, with that whole SEX thing, but no one's got the guts to... just... feel free about it! MYSELF included!" She let out a deep frustrated sigh. "Anyways... Would you just help me write down what has been said so far?" As she asked, the locks on the door came off and Discord entered the room. He looked a bit annoyed. "Discord? ...Hum... are you feeling okay?" The still slightly irritated alicorn asked. "Those friends of yours SURE let it out on me with their arsenals of questions. I could barely take a breather..., but at least now they're willing to hear what our..." He looked over at the ink jet equine. "...dear guest, here, has to say." He smiled, gently. "Um... okay..." Hika said, looking very nervous. "Oh, no no no. They do not want to pulverize you, I swear." The draconequus slowly approached the changeling, using a rather calm tone, as Twilight relocked the door. "I've told them, in the most that I could remember, what you told me and Twilight, here, and they are... rather touched and compassionate about your story... yes, compassionate, but also disturbed and shaking... maybe expect for Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy, though, might need to sleep with a few dozen candles lit for the next few nights." Hika's eyes widen. "Oh, no no. Do not worry, I left the most gruesome for you to tell, if you wish. Dear Fluttershy is simply... very easily frightened. Nonetheless..." He turned to the alicorn. "...I will need your help." The lavender mare was all ears. "Your friends still have many questions they feel asking, and considering the emotional breakdown you just went through..." He glanced over to the carefully listening changeling. "...being bombarded with numerous questions about your painful past and such wouldn't be all that favorable." "Alright. I was about to run down and write what we had discussed so far, with Hika. Maybe after we're done we could let one in at a time, so they can ask their questions and we'll be both here to supervise? Would that be alright?" Twilight asked to both those in the room. "As you wish. I shall go warn them and come back shortly." The chimera acquiesced, then looked over at the still bounded pitch black equine. ‘So that DO is dear Hika...’ "A... alright. I'm ok with this." "Good." The studious mare nodded. "Then I'll see you in a little bit." Discord confirmed before leaving the room once again. Twilight made sure to replace the locks, before moving on. "Alright. We'll begin." She brought the parchment and ink back in front of her. "Let's just recap what you've told me ever since the interrogation began, but if there's anything you rather avoid mentioning, you don't have to, okay?” She asked her addressee. "Ok. Thanks for your concern, ma'am." Hika gratefully nodded. The alicorn princess rolled her eyes, chuckling. "Please just call me Twilight, Hika. You don't need to be so formal... A whole bunch of ponies already are... WAY often, for that matter... so no worries." "Hum... okay, miss Twi." The mare lightly shook her head with a light smile. "Nevermind. So... the first thing you brought up... and we don't need to go deeper into it, just passing it by, I believe was about the sentence for betrayal against Queen Chrysalis." She started writing everything she painfully remembered Hika saying on the subject, as he was in a traumatic emotional state. Tears were slightly wishing to build up in her eyes, but she recomposed herself and continued scribbling for a few minutes. "I can remember most of what you've said on the subject, so no need for you to talk about it again." "Thank you" The dark creature said, letting out a sigh of relief. A few minutes passed as Discord silently came back into the room. "Your friends are all aware and ready when we will be." "Understood." The alicorn stated, as she finished writing about the first entry. "Now... next was..." "You allowed me to spare my death and banishment... in exchange of allowing me to work alongside y'all to take down that hag... which I am forever grateful for and can't freakin’ wait to start helping you out with... Thank you so very much, again." Hika responded, trying not to let his sad emotions get the best of him, again. "I then talked to Twilight about the Evil Academy, as you were delivering yourself from your emotional torment." The draconequus proceeded, as the next subject in the summary of the interrogation. "Wha... what did you tell her?!" The changeling shouted, as if offended. "Do not worry, Hika. Nothing regarding what YOU have done or been through. Simply some background information about dear Chrysalis that I could share with you some other time." Discord reassured. "Okay." Hika said, his belly now rumbling loudly. "You know what? We'll continue after lunch." Twilight called, as she couldn't help hearing the gurgling screams. "I'm starting to feel rather hungry myself, anyway. How about you, Discord?" "I could indeed go for a light snack and perhaps this would be a good time to untie our new friend, here, wouldn't you think? Unless you'd like to feed him his food?" He joked, looking over at the alicorn. "Nah..." Twilight positively responded, turning back to the pitch-black equine. "I do also think we've acknowledged your case enough, so far, to free you from your bounds, Hika, but just for 'LAW' security measures, you're not allowed to get out of the room until the whole interrogation is over... Sorry about it. That's just something I'm bound to obey, even if it were for a close friend." She lightly sighed. "Fine with me, princess. I could eat anything!" Hika hastily replied, starting to look impatient from his roaring belly. "Well... how about I go fetch some strudels, fritters and buns, at Sugarcube Corner? Does that sound good?" The smiling mare tenderly openly suggested. Hika instantly started salivating, as he vigorously nodded. "I believe you have a yes from Hika, Twilight, and from me as well, Although, I'd rather go for a piece of apple pie, if you'd please." Discord politely answered. "Alright." Twilight confirmed, as she put down what had so far been written from the recap. "I should be back in about 20 min or so." She headed toward the door, removed the locks, and then turned to Discord. "Make sure no one gets in. I'm counting on you." She turned the handle. "Alright! See you both in a bit!" The draconequus waved to her as she flew downstairs. He could hear the alicorn's friends assaulting her with questions as she reached the hall. He slowly closed the door and replaced the locks, before turning to the still tied-up creature. "A bit different than what you were used to eat in training, isn't it? Are you sure you'll like it?" "Like it?! Fuck, Discord, you kidding me?! What we ate in camp was SHIT compared to them things Miss Twilight just mentioned!" The chimera chuckled as he approached his past acquaintance. "Although... there's one thing we did used to eat... sometimes not being able to feed on anything else... Sure, it was kind of gross in the beginning, but the more we got to eat it... no matter WHO it came from..." The young obscure equine trailed off, as Discord eyebrows raised in surprise. "Oh, so you've grown quite fond of the lustful fluid, haven't you, dear Hika? Hmm?" The draconequus mockingly intended, making the ink jet equine blush. "Well I'd tell you. When I got to taste yours against my will, it wasn't completely devoid of positivity in terms of gustative fragrances, I dare say. What Sombra did may have been amongst things I would have NEVER attempted myself, but I confess that it indeed lead me to develop a certain link to you... Not that it could really be avoided, anyway. Having been mind-controlled into falling in love with each other’s..." He nonchalantly kept going on, making Hika starting to feel slightly aroused. "You're as despicable as you were back then, Dis..." The unamused, yet blushing changeling stated. "ME? DESPICABLE?!" Discord zapped right in front of his addressee, removing the ropes with a snap and gently petting the changeling's head. "... Why thank you... By the way, you got little something showing." He pointed down to the now uncovered penis of the sinister creature. "YOU ARROGANT PRICK!" Hika jumped onto the chimera, showing both a smirk and anger, but was stopped in mid-air by dark levitation magic. "Now, now... You are far too easily affected by stressful emotions, my dear friend." The draconequus giggled as he let out his tongue that began to impressively stretch beyond a meter in length. "Maybe I fould allow you to 'releaffeh' some of it? Hmm? What do you ffay?" He mischievously babbled, wiggling his tongue in front of his magic's prisoner. "Ugghhhnnn... you're not fooling me, Dis! You've grown just as much addicted to cum as I did, haven't you?! And you still have a thing for me, riggghhhtttt?!" The minion grinned. Discord jumped, blushing, then began twirling his now two meters tongue around the small ink jet equine beast's body. "That may be fffo..." His tone softened. "...my dear fffwiend." "Uuugghhhhhuuughhh.... I.... I hate youuummm...." Hika started moaning, feeling the wet dripping draconequus's tongue enveloping and bonding his levitating body. The chimeric beast took off the ground and popped a beach chair on which he comfortably laid himself down, with a pair of sunglasses appearing on his eyes, as his own reproductive organ started showing. "About 18 minuffes and 11 seconvvs to go... ow maybe mowwe... We fffould have plennny of time... Don'ff you ffink?" He impishly giggled. "Aaaahhhhnnnnnmmmmm....!" Is all Hika was able to say as the tongue reached his crotch, building up around his now fully erected seven inches shaft. His eyes peeled on the more than lustful sight that made him generate an excited gush of seminal fluid. "Ouuuhhh.... gezzing excidded, awen't we?" Discord mumbled through his versatile snake's tongue as his own misshaped pinkish member, mixing of a feline, dragon and equine, grown and throbbed in goal of reaching its full extent. The changeling's moans intensified as he witnessed more and more neon green pre-ejaculatory liquid spurting from his ink and glowing green cock, now fully coiled in the draconequus's slurping tongue. "Aaaaahhhhnnnnn..... HHHHMMMMMM!" He screamed, suddenly feeling the wet muscle warping and squeezing around his testicles and growing toward his buttocks. "Ffeems you awe almofft vere, now, hmmm? Fffo ffenffitive, avv alwwayzz..." Discord mockingly muttered. He looked over at his own throbbing cock, generously gushing with his own pre fluid, and grope it with his lion paw. He then gradually started striking it, silently letting moans of his own escaped his aroused body. The dark tangled creature shrieked with pleasure as the progressing tongue, who had reached his anus, started delicately massaging it. A significant jet of precum burst from his impatient, squeezed penis, reaching Discord's pawing hand, about half a meter away. To this notice, the dominant draconequus tightened his drooling muscle's grip around the base of his prey's member. "I will nofft leff you owwgazzmm vvat eavvily, vvear... We fftill havve ffouurrfftteen minuffes fto goh..." "Hhhhgggnnnnhhhhnn!!! WHAT'R YOU DOINGHNNNHH?!? YOU FFFFFFUCKING... UUUGGGHHHNNNNN!!!" Hika loudly groaned in pain and arousal as his testicles and shaft slowly began becoming denser by the constriction that restrained his genitals' blood flow. "Vafts a pwetty dumb quefftion..." Discord replied, rolling his eyes. "And fow ffowwing suff poow thoughftf pwocesss, I ffall givve you a bonuff!" He promptly inserted his still lengthening tongue into the trapped changeling's anal entryway and immediately started to vigorously fondle and massage its interiors. The black equine yelled with sexual excitement, his balls now slowly inflating with the accumulating semen generated by his gonads, trapped in their own organic vicinity. "Oouuuhhh... looksff like you'we gowing ffo dzenewate qwuitfe vthe loadvv. Lefts's keepf at ith fow a liffle whileh, fftill. I'dv likeh to welievve myfelf ath vthe ffame timeh avzz you." The chimeric beast lustfully muffled, accelerating the rhythm of his own masturbation, his exotic foot-long penis pulsing with excitement, feeling closer and closer to the brink of its release. Hika was at the complete mercy of the impious master of chaos's serpentine muscle prison. Pain and pleasure overdosing his body as his genitalia swelled beyond twice their original size, begging to get freed. "FFFFFF... FUCK! SSO..... HHMMMMGGHHH!!!... AAAHHHHHHGGHHNNNNNHHH!!!!" Both creature were nearing their imminent seminal eruption. "OOouuuhhmmmmm! I hopfe you aweh wweaby, deaww Hikah. Fthe ffinal acpt iv aboupt tpo beginneh!" At these words, Discord made two fairly large measuring cups appear from thin air as he mischievously glared at his friend. "...Avv a felebwaffion ovv ouww weencounthfer, we ffhall havveh a mofft belicptable ptoasth ovv bolognah and cweeamm! Hahahhahaaa!" He playfully laughed as he feverishly pawed at his swelled up misshaped penis, its knot slowly growing to the volume of a cantaloupe. "Andv fthath iv onnly halffh ov whath I haveh in wesewved fow you! Fftill ften mowe minuffes toh go! HAHAHAAAH!" He laughfully claimed, bringing one of the measuring jugs closer to him as the other began floating near the bullet-sweating changeling. "WH... WHATTGHHNNN?!? YOU EXPECTHN ME TO.... AAAAHHHNNNMMMMNNGGHH!!!... DRINK MY OWN... MY OWNNNGGGHHHHGGGAAAHHHH!!!" The dripping with sweat and draconequus's saliva dark creature's balls had now each reached the mass of a large grapefruit, visually clear bloated veins pulsing on their surfaces. Every part of his body felt boiling with lust and heat, especially his filled-up anus and rectum, still being sensually ravaged by the now excessively drooling tongue that was causing non-stopping amounts of saliva and anal secretions to drizzle from Hika's tailhole, onto the study's hard wooden floor. "Oh, noh noh noh. 'I' ffhall be dwinkignn vhat! And dvat meannss, of couwse..." The chimera trailled off, smirking and winking at his prey then leading its sight to his ready to orgasm voluptuous dark pink shaft. "Awe you weady...?" "I... I..." A sudden rush of unsustainable sexually painful energy rushed through the changeling's body, making him give into Discord's intentions. "AAAAHHHHGGNNNHHH!!! YES!!! I'LL DRINK YOU'RE FUCKING JIZZ!!! I'LL DO IT! JUST LET ME COME, ALREADY!!! GGHHNNNNGGGAAHHH!" He beggingly yelled as his constricted dick hurtfully throbbed, asking for eager deliverance. "MAHAHAHA! Ekffellent! Bupt fiwsth..." Without giving his prisonner take a breather, the draconequus suddenly began rougly manipulating Hika's testicles with his sleezy tongue, already squeezing them. "...letfs ffee howeh mutff cweamm we canm ftill dvenewate wifth wone laft bwew..." As if the lustful torture hadn't reached enough of an extent for the poor ink jet creature, the merciless Discord took the liberty of giving it one last sexual torment by proceeding to make his tongue vigorously massage, squeeze and fondle every coiled part of its body, mainly focusing on the heavily pulsing seven inches neon green shaft that had more than already implore its release. "GGGNNNHHHAAAAHHHHHGGGGNNN!!! FOR THE LOVE OFFFFHHHGGG CELESTIA'S GLORY ASS, LET ME FUCKING COME!!! AAAAHHHHHHNNNNNGGGG!!!" The completely defenseless Hika blared with moans, tears of pain and lust flowing from his neon green eyes as his entire body kept being pushed beyond its sexual endurance's limits. Although the changeling's pleads were clearly heard, the master of chaos, appearing incredibly mischievous and merciless as he kept making the libido-filled torture last, was deep down wishing to offer his old friend the most of their present experience, as truthfully, like Hika suggested, he still had much fond love for him. "Hmmmngghhh... Dvust a feweh mowe... ghnnnhh.... fecondss... gguuhhhhnnn" He wanted to make sure he would also be at the utmost of his arousement and anticipation before ultimately freeing his own mighty cock of its processing seminal load, wishing for his and Hika's imminent climax to be as memorable as possible. "GGGGAAAAHAHHAAAHHGGHNNNNNNNN!!! P... PLEASE, DISCORD!!! PLEASE!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! AAAAAHHGHHHNNNHHHAAAHHH!!!" Streamers of begging tears were running down the helpless dark creature's face, as his completely swelled up neon green penis felt as if it was about to literally explode from how inconceivably hard it seemed. As these last imploring words reached his ears, Discord's excitement reached its own apogee, giving him the signal for the orgasm to ultimately begin. "UUGGGHHHHAAAAHHHHNNN!!! LETEH YOUW BE FWEED FWOM YOUW LUFTFUL TOWMENT, MY DEAWWW!!! I AM SOWWY!!! LET UFF WELEASE BOTHE OUW PLEASUWINGG LOVEH TOHGETHEWEH!!!! GGGGUUUAAAAHHHHHHNNNN!!!!!" After seeming like an eternity, Hika finally felt the constricting tongue around his shaft's base slowly releasing its grip, the rest of it still continuing with its lively massage. A louder than he ever thought before moan escaped from his drooling mouth, but has he prepared to impatiently free his monumental load, the chimera's black levitating magic quickly enveloped the ready to release glowing green genital organ, performing an impressive suction on its tip. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!" Simultaneously, Discord performed the same for his own voluptuous member, and thus, the love fluid's eruption finally took place. They both yelled in marvelous sexual relief as massive streams of semen began gushing from their heavily shaking penis, each delivered doses then captured within the master of chaos's black hovering magic, the measuring jugs still floating very much nearby, awaiting the aftermath. For more than two full minutes did the climax continued, filled with constant moans, spurts of cum and gratefulness expressed by the two united creatures, excitingly looking at each other. Their deeply confined love seemed to definitely have sparked once again. As the last drops of fluid dripped from their exhausted urethra, the drained draconequus slowly started retracting his tongue from Hika's body, making sure to thoughtfully and tenderly caress him, as he delicately brought him back to his feet, on the solid ground. Still heavily panting, the completely drained changeling collapsed on his side, barely able to stand on his hooves. His genitals, even if still lightly bloated and loose, had mostly regain their original composure, "Ahhh... ahnnhh..." From the corner of his right eye, he could see Discord licking off the leftovers of his own ejaculation as he began letting the confined cum pour into the two impressive cups. "No time for rest yet, my dear friend. We have yet to celebrate our reunion with a sealing drink." The slightly oozing fluids kept drizzling from the levitating magical masses into the two 3 liters jugs, seemingly to be filling them to the brim. One, faintly glowing with luminous green, and the other, looking almost perfectly white. "Hehehee. I am quite eager to savor mine, aren't you?" The draconequus playfully spoke to the black equine, lying flat and immobile. "You... are... a sick... sick... bastard... D...Discord." Hika whispered in a mix of disgust and love. "Why, thank you all so very much." The chimeric beast slowly nodded while finishing delivering the semen into their assigned mugs. The floating cloud of dark magic disappeared as he made two thick straws appear out of thin air. "One for me..." He dropped one into the cup containing the lightly fluorescent green creamy liquid, bringing it close to his lips. "...and one for you." The other levitating cup slowly moved down next to the still resting changeling. "I would most definitely enjoy if we could gulp this together, but you seem a bit too out of breath to be able to do it yourself. Hehe." He giggled naughtily as he removed his sunglasses and zapped off the beach chair. "Tell you what..." He replaced the straw in Hika's jug with a long curved one while approaching him. "...you won't even have to stand up to drink it and I'll even help you finish it. How's that sound? Hmm?" He impishly asked with a huge grin. Still panting, the dark creature slowly moved his head to look up at his addressee. "If... if you think I'm... I'm gonna drink that... Ah! You can... very well choke on that cum of mine... jackass..." He playfully cussed. "Oh, really? Well, you are simply breaking my heart, now, dear Hika." The master of chaos comedically answered. "You sure you do not even want a sip? I even ate some fresh fruits this morning, it tastes really swee-eet!" He mockingly insisted while hovering the cup with his cum onto the changeling's right cheek, making him feel the still warm content, the straw poking the top of his head. Even if partly against his will, Hika relented and lightly opened his mouth. "Just... just get it over with, you bastard... Bring the straw in my mouth, my entire body is still numb..." "Ahhh... there we go. A definite pleasure to share this toast with you, my friend." Discord bent over the black equine, his impressive penis still not fully retracted into its hide, and did as he had been told while leaving a light kiss on the creature's forehead. He then sat next to him, carefully resting his eagle hand on his still slightly short breathed body. "To our reunion as old dear buddies! Cheers!" He made the two mugs clang together with his levitating spell and then proceeded to take a sip of Hika's love juice while putting down the other cup. "Ahhh....! Yes. Such a very memorable taste and aroma... hmmm..." The dark creature frowned in minor disgust at the sight of the draconequus now happily chugging down the remaining glowing verdant semen. "Blahgh..." He grimaced as he then shut his eyes in negative anticipation and began carefully suckling on the straw's end in his mouth, the slimy pearly fluid gradually closing in from the measuring jug. Meanwhile, the master of chaos cheerfully watched his friend as he licked his lips with much satisfaction, also making sure not to leave a single drop left in the mug. "An absolute delish this was! I am very much grateful to you! Thank you!" He purposely embraced Hika, who startled and reflexed into inhaling, making him suck stronger against his will, thus resulting in the cum rushing into his mouth and throat, unexpectedly. The changeling choked quite a bit as he noticed a distinctive sweet taste rolling on his tongue. But as he was about to cuss back at Discord for his careless action, they both started hearing the locks of the door starting to come loose. "WHAT?!" The taken off guard chimeric beast loudly whispered as he quickly glanced over at his watch. 'Oh dear! Twilight is back earlier than expected!' Rushed in a gust of panic, he quickly hid his jug behind his back and tried his best to hide his and Hika's still showing dick, while remaining seated next to him. ‘OH BARNACKLES, THE OTHER CUP!’ He realized, but a moment too late, as the lavender alicorn stepped into the room. "Hey guys, I am back! I wanted to hurry and... What are you two?" Discord stammered, looking up at Twilight carrying a basket filled with apple pastries, using her levitation spell. "Oh, hum! Just... hum... relaxing on the floor and... ah... dear Hika was still feeling a bit tired so he decided to just... ah... lay... on the floor... yes... That's... that's what he decided to do... Didn't you, swee, I MEAN, dea, I mean... Hika?!" He nervously answered, staring down at him. "Uh? Ah, yeah, sure. I hum... felt COMPLETELY DRAINED OFF, all of a sudden..." He smirked back at the draconequus, this one starting to sweat a little. "O..... kay..." The studious pony skeptically answered, dropping the delicacies on one of the study's desks, lowering her sight at the obvious mug filled with white liquid, and curved straw in it, oddly oriented toward the laying black equine. "... And... What about..." "OH! We... um... prepared some... CU... I mean SPL... I mean FROSTIING! SWEET VANILLA FROSTING! YES!... for the the the... PASTRIES!..." He quickly picked an apple fritter from the basket, with his own magic, and dipped its tip in the cup, brought it back out, the sticky fluid drizzling from it, and took a good munch out of it. "You see?! FROSTING! AHAHAHA! And... and... OH THE STRAW! Ahm, ah... Hika just wanted to taste the FROSTING, DEFINITELY FROSTING, before we used it! YES!" He hastefully replied, putting on a huge grin as his own cum rolled around in his mouth. He then noticed the dark creature trying not to laugh from the master of chaos's ridicule. The alicorn tilted her head. "And... how did you manage to... MAKE that frosting?" "Oh! That... Well... um... It's all natural ingredients, really..." Hika discretely sneered at Discord, leaving him to answer. "AHAHAHA! YES! All NATURAL, as in NOT from our PEN... PENDING! hum... idea of going with premade FROSTING, but from all root ingredients I just poofed with my magic, OF COURSE!..." He replied, actually enjoying eating out his own semen topped pastry. "Which he then BEAT until it CAME out perfectly, RIGHT, DISCORD...?" The now rested changeling mischievously forced on the chimeric creature, who was shaking with nervousness and cold shivers as he slowly swallowed a piece of the fritter. "I... I... hum.....Y... Yes..." The master of chaos silently replied, not knowing what else to do, hoping Twilight would buy the clumsy explanation. "Well..." She paused, carefully examining them and the still filled mug. "...alright. Thank you very much to both of you, although you didn't had to make THAT much, unless you were planning on DRINKING IT, AHAHAHA!" She cheerfully giggled as she picked up a cinnamon and apple bun and dipped it into the sticky fluid. Discord's eyes widened as he realized he had successfully managed to dupe her, but mostly, because she was actually about to munch on his splooge. As for Hika, he was just covering his mouth, trying not to burst out in laughter "Twilight, WAIT!" The draconequus shout as she took a big bite out of the pastry. "Hmmmmm! Very sweet and savory!" She exclaimed, appreciating the very distinct taste of the frosting. "Oh, sorry Discord. What is it?" She asked, her lips slightly dribbling with the creamy gooey fluid. "Y... You... There you go..." He popped a damp handkerchief for her, seeing the situation turning in his favor, even if to his uneasiness. "...So you can c...clean your face, after eating.... Hehe..." He tried to look away from her mouth. "Ohhh! Thank you, Discord!" She looked over at Hika. "Well, what are you waiting for, dig in! You DO were starving, weren't you?" She merrily said, taking another bite of the bun. "Oh, FUCK YEAH!" He slowly tried to stand up, his cock having almost fully retracted back into its hide, then tumble a bit over to the basket and picked up a big crispy strudel and prepared to chomp away when Twilight interrupted him. "Oh, wait! Wouldn't you like some of your frosting on it? You both went to the trouble of making it, after all." This response from the lavender mare gave an advantage to the chimeric creature who was halfway through his own delicacy, dipping it in jug again. "Yes, Hika... it would be a shame to NOT get some of that DELICIOUS FROSTING onto yours as well... You even got to taste it, earlier, and found it rather YUMMY, DIDN'T YOU?" He impishly thrown. The changeling glared back at his interlocutor. "Uh... Y... yes... it... it was..." He muttered, grinding his teeth a little, as he approached the white fluid, seeing Twilight happily licking her lips having already finished hers. "Ahm...." "Well... what are you WAITING for, dear Hika?" The master of chaos grinned while staring him in the eyes. "O... Ok..." He slowly began reaching into the semen with his strudel in hoof. "CAREFUL!" The draconequus purposely shouted, making Hika drop his pastry in the mug, completely covering it with semen. "Discord! That was rather uncalled for." The alicorn sighed. "Here, let me help you, Hika." She lift off the strudel drooling with love juice and removed the excess by making it fall into her mouth. "I don't know what's you guys’ trick, but even though I was mostly kidding, sooner, I think I could very well drink a full glass of this and feel very much satisfied with it, if it wasn't so full of sugar." She giggled as she gave back the thoughtfully coated patisserie to its original eater, dropping it on his hoof. Discord and Hika looked completely dumbfounded to what they had just witnessed. "Well...? Come on, eat up Hika! Or is it too sugary for you, maybe? I wouldn't mind sharing it, if it is..." The unaware mare said with a smile, as she still licked her lips. "Ah, eh..." The changeling shook his head. "YES! Please! Share it with me, because there's no way I'm eating all of that sh... Sugary goodness, as you said. Eheh..." He nervously chuckled. "Gotta watch them damn... hum... ah... hips and... rump, right?" He glanced over at Discord who still looked fairly petrified by Twilight's actions. "I know, I know... but we can't work on an empty stomach, ouch..." The scar on her left cheek, done earlier by Discord, started to sting a little. "Oh... that's right. I still haven't tried to disinfect this scratch, yet... I'll be right back, and then we'll continue on the recap and the interrogation. Is that alright?" "Oh, yes! Sure! Fine with me, Miss Twi, I mean, Twilight!" The black equine clumsily answered. "Good. Then maybe we'll be ready to let everyone else in, afterward." She turned to the master of chaos, who still seemed lost in state of shock, as she ripped the strudel in half, taking her share. "And you, Discord... Discord? ...DISCORD!" "Ah, eh, what?!" He snapped out of his trance. The studious mare rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna need to have a word with you, once the interrogation is going to be over with, okay?" "Hum... ahm... yes. Understood, dear." He slowly nodded. "Alright. I should be back in a few minutes. Keep some frosting for me! Haha!" She laughed, opening the door and putting the locks back on, as she started merrily nomming on the half pastry she was carrying. Once she closed the door, the remaining two looked back at each other’s in bewilder. "Gaaahhh!" In disgust, Hika suddenly threw the remaining part of his strudel on the floor, but the unamused chimera stopped it with his magic and forced it back into the changeling's mouth. "You admitted it yourself, "it's YUMMY", so EAT UP, sweetie!" He playfully called, stuffing the pastry deeper in his loving friend's cavity. "HHHMMGNNFFHHHGGG!!!" The poor creature muffled. > Chapter 3 – Hasty Fluctuations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Twilight came back from the washroom, having thoroughly washed and healed the scratch left on her cheek by Discord, she headed to the hall and invited her eagerly waiting friends, Spike included, to come upstairs. As they all reached the study's door, she started explaining the upcoming procedure. "Alright girls, and Spike... Now, Discord already told you about Hika and the tragedy that has fallen upon him and his village, along with his family and friends... and I tried to briefly explain it to you all as well... so I'm asking you all to try and forget about what has happened earlier, when we brought him in, and try to not let your anger get the best of you, if you are still feeling some." Each of the mare had a distinct expression on their face, along with the alicorn's little dragon assistant. Both Fluttershy and Rarity were trying to contain their tears from only the little they had been told by Discord, as Rainbow Dash and Applejack seemed to be holding in a mix of intense anger and sorrow, having but one idea in mind; stopping Queen Chrysalis from her evil schemes. Pinkie Pie, on her end, was completely silent and forced herself to appear cheerful despite the situation, trying to mentally prepare for when she'll be talking to Hika herself, if she could. Spike, him, was staying not far behind, looking more frightened than anything, being unable to get the horrible things he heard out of his head. Perhaps the draconequus should have made sure he hadn't mentioned them, for his sake. "Any of you who wishes to speak with him will go in one at a time, as me and Discord will be there to supervise and just... hope that nothing bad happens or that anypony gets offended. Is that alright with you all?" All the ladies nodded, even though the jewel cutiemark mare still looked upset about the sinister equine's behavior on her. "Alright, who wishes to go first? Remember; you do not have to if you do not wish to. Hika is ready to talk to you all, but only if you are feeling like it. No need to make anyone uneasy." The bookish mare swept her eyes across her friends. "Oh! That's right, I forgot to mention..." Everybody lifted their heads toward her. "...Hika has thankfully accepted to join us in our mission, wishing to never go back under Chrysalis's control that already caused him horrible amounts of pain. So if you are not wishing to discuss with him at this very moment, you might have your opportunity later on. It is as you wish." She concluded, giving one last overall look at her companions. They all remained silent for a few seconds, not knowing what to answer or what actions to take. They were all feeling a part of guilt for misjudging Hika, but at the same time, they couldn't knew anything with their only lead being their first impression until Discord spoke with them. Applejack be the first to break the silence. "I think I'll go first, sugarcube." She stated to her alicorn friend, then turned to the others. "And if there's anythin' y'all would like to say, but can't seem to find the guts to do so, just tell me; I'll try speaking in all of our names... that's if my own guts don't go down shut themselves..." She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, trying not to let her emotions take the best of her. "So... anypony wishing to say something? Just whisper it in my ear... I'll try and transmit the best I can." Nothingness flew through the air once more as nopony had any idea how to even explain what they were thinking without breaking into tears or anger. "Alright... I'll just say my part and try to talk for the rest of us as well..." "Applejack, wait." Rarity interrupted as she slowly approached the cowgirl, trying to keep her blurry eyes from shedding their tears. "Here is what I would like for you to say..." She closed in on her earth pony friend's ear and started whispering. A few seconds passed, the two of them focusing on each other, then the glamorous unicorn stepped back, showing a small smile as drops started flowing down her cheeks. "....Alright dear. Thank you very much. I'll say it, promise." The cowgirl responded to her amethyst maned friend, then she took one last look over the others. "...Anypony else?" As her last call reverberated across the crystal and stone walls, not another stepped forward to follow Rarity's action. "Okay..." She turned to Twilight who had been carefully watching over the scene. "I'm ready Twi." Her addressee nodded and started unlocking the door to the study, before slowly walking in, carefully closing it behind them. The draconequus greeted them with a head gesture, leaned back on one of the drawers with his arm crossed. The room was still dimly lit with half consumed candles, the chestnut drapes still shut over the windows. The pastries basket along with the remaining semen jar was still in visible sight, Hika still grimacing from Discord's force feeding, a few minutes ago. "Mister Hika, this is my friend Applejack. She would like to speak with you." The lavender pony announced, leaving the lead to her friend. The fluorescent green eyed creature slowly nodded, his mind having moderately settled from the previous events. "Ah... hello, sir. I'm a... I'm Applejack, and I... ah... wish to apologize for our behav... well... more my friends' than mine and Pinkie's, but still... I speak on their name to say sorry for what happened earlier. We be not used to yar kind of... ah... speakin' 'round here..." The changeling rolled his eyes and chuckled, making the ponytail mare frown a little, but continuing nonetheless. "... and... well... after hearing from Discord and a bit of Twi what's happen'd to you... we..." She paused, trying to gulp down her sadness for him. "...I don' think there's any kind of sympathy tha' could suffice to ease your pain, but we humbly present them to you and... that last part is from Rarity, you know the one you called..." Hika turned his sight to her, looking unimpressed yet feeling definitely concerned. "... hum... never mind. She says... that we can't let you down, not after everything you've been through and that we'll gladly assist you in... trying to get your family, friends and everypony back and try to defeat... that horrible Chrysalis once and fo' all..." She crossed her heart and bowed before him, her actions speaking of her bestowed element of honesty. As the pitch black equine creature felt uneasily moved by her words, she approached him slowly, staring him in the eyes, him not moving a single inch, then as she got barely a foot close to his face, still not leaving his sight, she promptly hugged him as hard as she could with all of her emotional sincerity. The changeling gasped in surprise and was about to try and get away when he abandoned his struggle and hugged her back, his eyes filling up with tears. They stayed like this for several seconds, silent. He gradually began to sob and then cry abundantly, as he felt another rush of freeing relief going through his entire body, beyond happy that he had been forgiven and that support was offered to him. As they heard Hika's liberating sorrows, the rest of the mares silently entered the room, one by one, to witness the very emotionally charged scene, making a few of them let go of their tears they had been painfully keeping in. It didn't took long for the small ink jet equine to notice their presence, which only amplified his appeasement, and as he did, so did Fluttershy, who surprisingly, being the most affected of all by his told past experiences, came forth before the others to add her reassurance. She paused for a few seconds, carefully looking in his flooded glowing eyes, and embraced him as well. "I forgive you, Hika. Please let us help you." And as soon as these words were spoken, in a single silent wave, all the remaining mares, including little Spike, slowly approached the changeling to offer their forgiveness and friendly empathy. In the next few minutes that followed, all cried their hearts out. Trying to feel, live, the pain of their new companion and maybe, just maybe, try to ease it or make it disappear for a brief moment, forgetting all about it and only focus on the warmth of friendship that was shared among them, all aimed toward Hika. * * * "Alright ladies, mushy time over. You'll have plenty of time for that once Chrysalis is gone for good." Discord brought, starting to feel impatient. "Discord!" Twilight blared. "It's alright, Miss Twilight. I'm more than alright, now." The pitch black equine calmly responded as all the mares, and the young dragon, let go of their comforting embrace. "...I don't know how to thank you all for... for what you just did..." Guilt and shame took hold of him. "... When Discord and Miss Twilight caught me... I sure as hell didn't look like it, but I was freakin' scared, because I knew what would happened if words of me getting captured got around to Bitc... I mean, that... hag, Chrysalis... so I tried to be as obnoxious as possible, hoping that if I didn't cooperated, you softy ponies wouldn't be able to bare me... but... when I got interrogated by miss Twilight here... I don’t know... it's like a super tiny ray of lost hope appeared and... and I took a chance, knowing the other option that waited for me was... was... " He stammered, tears building up in his eyes once more. "... So I confessed... I told EVERY FUCKING THING that had happened to me and what was going on with that... that beyond evil horrible witch! I was thinking that if I was going to... to die... anyway... I might as well spit it out so maybe you guys could do something about it... but I was sure I had already screwed that up by being a jerk to you all... And yet... here you are... all you dumb... friendly... incredible ponies... forgiving me and making me feel like I had a freakin chance to live..." He wiped his eyes as a grateful smile appeared on his face. "I don't think I've ever felt so... happy to be alive... It's been like... forever..." He then stepped forward, turning to Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and little Spike, then, after looking at every single one of them, bowed in his most sincere respect and gratitude. "I thank you all... so very… very much..." He faced the other way and bowed once more. "Thank you, Miss Twilight... You too, Discord." "Watch yourself, Hika. Softness doesn't suit you too well." The draconequus retorted. "Hey, shut it, Dis. I used to be like them at some point, you know that..." The bug-like pony chuckled. "You mean you used to be a pony?" The butterfly cutie mark pony asked him in her quiet tone. "Well... yeah. Didn't he told you all about it?" Hika replied, surprised. The mares all shook their heads in negative response as the changeling looked up at Discord, lifting an eyebrow, slightly discontent. "I guess I must have accidentally left it out." The chimera responded, seemingly careless. "Well..." The ink jet creature brought his sight back to the timid mare and her friends. "...yes. I used to be a Pegasus who lived in the small village of Neighlor, about... 200 miles from Ponyville, I think." "Oh! I read about that village. Its population tends around 150 ponies, if I remember right. Well... hum... tended..." Twilight brought up, feeling kind of disrespectful, after consideration. "That... is correct." Hika answered. "I'm surprised you know of our small suburb, Miss Twilight." He added as memories from his previous peaceful life begin to arise, starting to make him uneasy, but he quickly shook his head to get rid of them. "Anyways! Now's not the time to be screwing around... I mean, getting distracted... I'm really grateful for your support, but what are you guys' plan?" "Easy! We find that psycho Chrysalis and force her to change you back!" The tomboy mare exclaimed as the Spike burped a scroll and promptly unrolled it, the others going silent and focused as he began reading. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dear Twilight, I knew you would try and take the best course of action in this situation. I have faith in you and your friends, as well as Discord, however his still mischievous personality may be. I have unfortunately not gotten any further news about your brother's condition. I also do not know the whereabouts of the second hive yet, considering the lack of response from the squadron I have sent. I will try to solve this matter as quickly as possible even though we are starting to have more than our hooves full with Chrysalis’s minions beginning to spread across Canterlot. Be of great caution down in Ponyville. I will stay in contact with you through Spike if anything else gets to my notice. I leave Ponyville in your care, although I will deploy guards to assist you in the protection of the town. May the outcomes of your decisions be greatly successful. Keep well, all of you. ~Princess Celestia" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "That's all it is..." The purple dragon silently declared. Silence stood across the study as everyone considered the content of the letter, reminding them of their objectives and what might be necessary to accomplish them. On her hoof, Twilight was getting lost in thoughts, worrying about her lost brother and what might have happened to him, hoping he was alright and that they'll be able to rescue him. "Are you okay?" Spike asked her alicorn friend. "Wh... what? Oh sorry... I was just..." "Thinking about your brother, sugarcube?" Applejack interrupted. "Yes... It's alright, now, though." She blinked a few times. "Okay. A plan... What was it again?" She brought her right hoof to her forehead, having lost focus on what was going on before the letter arrived. "We could split up, maybe?" The cowgirl unsurely inquired. "Well... it depends what we are wishing to do first." The studious pony replied. "I believe our very first objective was to look out for changeling activities... and that is why we required Discord. My brother may have gone missing, but... knowing him... I think he'll be able to hold himself out for a while... I hope... So we would need to secure Ponyville before departing... and... We... will need to actually get rid of the changelings... in some way..." "Oh! Oh! I know, I know!" The baby dragon rose his tiny arm. "Go ahead Spike." Twilight nodded. “Rarity and I have found some info about them in the library, after you got poofed out of it by Discord." The green spine reptile proudly stated. "And I believe I could be of some help on that matter as well, Spike." Hika added. "Oh! Yes you can! Actually, want to start first, Hika?" The addressed happily asked his new friend. The changeling, still a bit surprised by the young dragon's enthusiasm, lightly blushed. "Hum... ok. Sure." He looked over the others, all giving him a comforting smile. "Hum... let's see... What would you like to know? F...friends..." "Well... how about... what was your name, as a Pegasus, darling?" Rarity first pronounced. "My... name, as a Pegasus? Wh... Why would you want to know that?" He blushed. "Weren't we going to talk about what I know on changelings?" "Oh... yes... Sorry." The glamourous mare looked down, feeling a bit silly. "No no no! It's alright, it's just... I... didn't thought it would matter... maybe. My name was... ahm... my last name... was... was..." He frowned. "... I... I can't seem to remember... It's been... too long since I was asked or... even saw my last name... I didn't even get to keep my first name when I got captured and changed... All I had was a number... yeah... that's what we were... numbers... Worthless puppets... under that... THAT..." He closed his eyes, and breathe in. "I'm... I'm sorry, R... Rarity. I can't remember... I'm lucky enough to be able to remember my FIRST name..." A grey Pegasus with a black mane trotted in. "His name is Hika Thunderhead, and..." "PAAAAATTTTT!!" All of a sudden Pinkie Pie bounced off the ground and lunged herself onto the newly arrived pony, giving him an overly tight hug, attracting the attention of all the others, including the especially shocked changeling. "Who the..." The pitch black equine cut his own words as a flash of vibrant memories rushed through his head. "You're... you're... my cous-... YOU'RE MY COUSIN!" At those exclaimed words, Hika sprinted toward his relative, his eyes instantly starting to flow with tears as he embraced him, the pink puffy mare quickly stepping away, her eyes widening. "PAT! PAT THUNDERSNOW! THANK CELESTIA YOU'RE SAFE!" "Augh... not with the mushy, again." Discord quietly slipped out. "It's good to see you too, Hika, even if as a changeling." The cousin comfortably said. "Let me guess... Chrysalis?" "N... NO SHIT, SHERCLOP!" He answered, as he continued heavily sobbing in his relative's shoulder, not having loosen his grip. The silvery pony hugged him back. "You know, these bug wings don't look all that bad on you, actually." "Sh... SHUT UP, you..." The changeling looked him in the eyes with annoyance, but as soon as he saw them, the tears immediately began flowing again. "NOT FAIR!!! YOU STUPID... I'M SO FREAKIN GLAD YOU'RE SAFE!" "Why wouldn't I be?" Pat asked, lifting his left eyebrow. "B... because..." Hika's sobbing suddenly softened. "W... wait... HOW are you... here? Why are you in Ponyville? And not in Cloudsdale? Hasn't Cloudsdale been targeted by Chrysalis, yet?" "Not that I know. I moved here a while ago and got engaged to Pinkie Pie." The Pegasus clarified. The bug-like pony slowly withdrew his embrace, his crying having abruptly came to a halt, as he slowly looked over at the puffy maned mare and the others who were all showing bright blurry eyes, except for the usual unfazed draconequus. "You... " He then brought back his sight to Pinkie Pie. "YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED, COUSIN?! HOLY CRAP!!! THAT IS AMAZING! CONGRATULATIONS, DUDE!!!" The embrace resumed. The changeling now almost squeezing his relative breathless with happiness, every signs of sadness seemingly gone. "OK! Sorry to interrupt this unexpected family reunion, but every minute we spend riding the FEELS boat, is another minute Chrysalis's minions are continuing their mischiefs... and judging from my ability to sense their auras... I'D SAY IT'S ABOUT TIME WE GET MOVING!" The impatient chimera impatiently growled. "Okay, okay. Sheesh, Discord. That's why I came here for, anyway. To help you guys out." Pat said. "YYYAAAYYYYY! Oh wait, I already knew about it, YAY ANYWAY!" The bubble gum party pony exclaimed, as the rest of the mares and Spike wiped off their eyes and all focused to discuss a strategy. After a few seconds of silence, Twilight stepped forward "Well, as we indeed mentioned before, I think splitting up will be a good idea. There will be two groups: one lead by Discord, and the other, led by Pat and Hika." "Fine, but I don't want to be on Discord's team..." Rainbow Dash grumbled. "Oh, come on Rainbow Dash it'll be... Actually, no, this won't be fun. Chasing after some flimsy oversized bug pests and..." "AH-HUM!" The bookish mare interrupted, sneering at the draconequus then tilting her head over to the pitch black equine. "Aww... don't you worry Twilight, little Hika doesn't fret about what an old master of chaos like me dares to say about anything. Don't you, deeeaarrrr?" He mockingly intended on the changeling, who looked back at him with mild annoyance. "Think I'll enjoy NOT being in your group, Dis." He turned his head to the alicorn, standing near one of the window. "He's right, though. Some of Chrysalis’s OFFICIAL minions, or... completely corrupted ones, can be quite the pain to handle, that is, if you don't know how to do it." "Um... I'd like go with Discord." Fluttershy timidly brought into the discussion. "Alright. Well... let's decide the teams first, then we'll discuss about how to get rid of them." Hika declared. "So... Pat and me are definitely going to be on the same team, although, it might be more effective to organize the teams in functions of the different sectors to cover in Ponyville. I mean, we will need to also prepare for our departure, after taking care of the matter going on here." He turned to the orchid mare. "Twilight?" "Yes Hika?" She asked. "Do you have a map of Ponyville and the surroundings we could look at, to figure out who's going to cover which part?" He inquired. "Of course!" The studious pony opened one of the drawer and levitated a large scroll out of it. She then unrolled it and carefully placed it on the study's wooden floor. "There you go. It dates from about 5 years ago, but nothing much has changed since then... Well... maybe a few additional buildings, but... the overall is still the exact same." "Thanks. Ok, let's see..." The bug-like pony examined the map carefully. "Do you... also have like... a translucent scroll or something we could put on top to scribble on? I don't think you'd like ink to get all over that map, not being able to wash it off, afterward..." He requested. "Translu-what?" The tomboy mare asked out of ignorance. "Ah... let me thin- OH YES, I DO!" Twilight lightened up. "I'll be right back!" She hurried out of the study's door and upstairs. "What the hay does translucent means?" Rainbow Dash persisted on knowing. "It's a surface that's not quite transparent, like a window, but that you can still see through... There was a unicorn artisan in our village that used to make see-through paper sheets with her magic and some special ink. Well... see-through is a big word for it, but it was still transparent enough that if you put it on top of another that had stuff written or drawn on it, you could still see it. That was very handy for map-making in large quantities, since all that had to be done was to copy the lines and drawings from the one underneath... We even had a map maker in our little village. Both of them were working together to try and make a few bits to live... and fu... I mean, boy did it worked well." As he finished his explanation, the alicorn came rushing back down with nothing seemingly apparent in her levitation magic. "There you go, Hika. I found it." She smiled. "Ah... found what? There's nothing there, Twi." Applejack remarked, confusingly looking at the empty magic aura. "You... ARE YOU FREAKIN SERIOUS TWILIGHT?! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!" The changeling suddenly exclaimed. "Wh-wh-what?! What is it?" Spike joined in. "Hehehe. Princess Celestia is the one that provided me with that superior quality ink so I could make those." Twilight happily grinned as she laid down over the map what sounded like a piece of scroll, but with nothing visually apparent to be seen. "Wow... that is... incredible." The ink jet equine said, still looking very much impressed. "Ok! Can somepony PLEASE tell me what the heck is going on?! What are we even looking at? There's nothing there!" The rainbow maned Pegasus demanded. "Relax Rainbow Dash. It's what Hika asked for. Well... actually; even BETTER than what he asked. It's a 97% transparent paper scroll painted with the highest quality paper pigment reducer ink. In other words: when you paint that ink onto a piece of paper or scroll, it becomes visually invisible. Pretty neat, huh?" "Dear me... that is indeed very fantastic! How come you never told us about this, dear?" Rarity added to the surprised reaction of the group. "Well... that ink DOES come as very much expensive... and only small quantities are available at a time, so... it isn't something to happily use on an everyday basis and..." The lavender mare trailed on. "Oh, FOR CHAOS'S SAKE! CAN WE PLEASE GET ON WITH THE PLAN!? You may STILL not be aware of this, HOW I don't know, but EVERY MINUTE we are wasting blabbering about irrelevant subjects, I can sense one and another dark aura floating around in Ponyville! SO GET A MOVE ON, ALREADY!" Discord burst with restlessness. "Already on it, Dis." Hika retorted. "Alright, so... where do each of you girls live on that thing?" "Ouh ouh ouh! I live at Sugarcube Corner!" Pinkie Pie bounced over to the map. "Okay... and where's that?" The changeling asked. "RIGHT THERE!" The puffy pink maned mare tapped her hoof on the south-west part of the town. "Ok. Twilight, can I borrow a..." "And here's where Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack and Spike and Twilight live!" She carried on before the bug-like equine could even finish his words. "...feather and ink... please..." "Sure. There you go." The alicorn handed him the materials. "Want any help?" "Sure!" Hika agreed. "Hmmm... How about..." She took hold of the feather and started sketching on the transparent surface. "Pat and Hika's team take the area from Sugarcube Corner to Sweet Apple Acres, and around like this..." The entire group, including the draconequus looking over them, gathered closer. "... And... The other team will cover the rest, including Fluttershy's cottage, Rarity's boutique and Rainbow Dash's private cloud shack." "Hihihi. What you drew looks like a puppy, Twilight. Or maybe a tamir? OH! A fox! What about a tiger with very short legs? OH, I KNOW..." "PINKIE!!!" The rest of the mares shouted. "Wait... let me look at this..." The tomboy pony took a closer look. "...AW, COME ON! That means I'm going to be on Discord's team!" The referred chimera teased her in response, ruffling her mane, to which she grunted and left the group to go pout at one of the windows. "So... Okay... That means the two teams are going to be..." The changeling scrolled over the sketching. "Me, Pat, Twilight, Applejack and Pinkie Pie on the team to cover that part... and Discord, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash..." "AAAAUUGGGHHHHHH!!!!" The named mare loudly sighed. "...and Rarity for this one. Does this seem alright with everypony?" The pitch black equine asked aloud. "NO!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, unamused, as all the others nodded or replied positively. "Excellent! And if needed, I'll ask some guards to help us out." Twilight added. "Good! Now... HOW to exactly take care of the changelings when we find them... THAT might be an issue." Hika thought. "Oh! That. Pff... Easy-peasy. Not to worry." Spike brought up. "Well... I wouldn't say SO easy, but we do indeed have an idea that could perhaps work." Rarity added as the others looked at each other in wonders. "We still haven't told you what we found out about changelings in your library, Twilight. And I think we found out something that could help us get rid of them." The small dragon said with a proud smile. "Oh Spike! That's wonderful! Thank you!" The lavender pony rushed to hug her little scaly friend. "So what did you find?" She let him go, everybody else listening closely. "Well, ah-hum..." He cleared his throat. "...as I read a part about the changelings' origins, I came across a very interesting paragraph. It says that the first changelings were created from the metamorphi... metamorphost..." "Metamorphosis, dear." The glamourous mare intervened. "Ah! Yes! Metamorphosisezzseh... Ah..." He blushed as the mares giggled silently. "ANYWAYS! They were born from a carnivorous plant that grew from a rotten acorn that fell into a magic pond under a cemetery. There!" He proudly finished as Rarity continued. "So, maybe aside from the magic pond and all, the essential is that they were created from a carnivorous plant. Therefore, we thought that this could give us a hint as to how to get rid of them." "Ohhhh! You're right!" The alicorn lighted up. "If the changelings still retain the properties of that carnivora sunt herba to this day, a chemical composition resourcing its values in a counter-productive process could very well work in order to suppress their metabolism!" She gasped and grinned with enlightenment as the others all shown interrogative and/or confused faces. "Um, you don't mean... kill them, do you?" Fluttershy asked, worried. "OH! Nonono, Fluttershy! I'll try to come up with something to simply slow down their metabolism so that they fall in a very deep sleep; a bit like hibernation, if you'd like. What to do with them, next... that I am not sure." Twilight pondered. "Best I can think of would be to imprison them... I guess we could leave that to the guards of Canterlot, once they're put to sleep. We would have to signal Princess Celestia beforehand, though." "Actually... I could do that... Guess you guys don't know this yet, but she's my great aunt from over 1000 years ago." Pat said on a humble tone. "WHAT?!" Most of the mares and Spike shouted as Rainbow Dash seemed unaffected. "Yeah, RIGHT!" She replied. "Making such a claim would be an easy thing, but I can assure you all this is true. It HAS been a while since she last saw me, since I was just a filly last time it happened, but I'm one of the great over 1000 years grandson of... well... the THIRD daughter of Celestia and Luna's mother." "Wowowowowow... THAT is impossible, Pat!" The studious mare stepped forward. "I have about every single history books and articles and... well... EVERYTHING about Equestria's entire chronology, and NEVER, EVER, have I read or heard of a THIRD alicorn sister among Celestia and Luna! Why are you saying that?! Who told you so?!" "Well... You know... I read a lot like you do, and... while making a trip to the families archives of the great Canterlot library, I decided to take a look at the most complete family tree of my generations, out of curiosity and... When I found it... under Queen Galaxia, Celestia and Luna's mother, there also was this third one; Vitalia, and the branches of the tree went all the way down to my mother... I was surprised at first, but when I went to find her highness and shown it to her, she looked away for a moment, but then back to the tree and confirmed that was indeed her sister, who went missing about 250 years after they were born... I tried to ask her for more information, but she evaded my questions and tried to change the subject... I haven't talked to her about this again ever since." The silvery Pegasus concluded. "I... I NEVER READ ANYTHING ABOUT THAT!!! WHAT THE HAY IS THIS?!? BE-DJE, EH, HUH?!?" She paused as she began walking frantically in a circle. "Nonononono... There must be a mistake! That can't be! My brain can't take it! So many questions! So MUCH KNOWLEDGE LACKING ALL OF A SUDDEN! I'M GONNA-" A closed zipper suddenly appeared on her face in place of her mouth. "Ahh... much better." Sighed Discord in relief, before calmly speaking. "Now, Twilight Sparkle, I know this new addition of information must cause quite the tantrum in that little head of yours, but PLEASE..." A surge of annoyed impatience escaped from his goat mouth. "...can we keep this to the 'ESSENTIAL' subject of what we are gathered HERE for? HMMMMM?!" The zipper still closed on her mouth, all the orchid colored pony managed to answer were muffles. "I didn't heard that, could you please just give me a nod if you understand that you mustn’t... and that goes for ANY OF YOU, let ANYTHING ELSE distract you for as long as we haven't concluded that plan! UNDERSTAND?!" The draconequus forcefully emphasized. They all hesitantly nodded or looked away silently. "Perfect..." He removed the zipper from Twilight's mouth. "Discord, was that really necessary?!" The alicorn shouted, furiously looking up at the chimera. "The plan, Miss Twilight Sparkle. Let's carry on with it, if you please." He looked her back in the eyes, very much unamused. "Hum... Twi?" Applejack carefully intervened. The bookish mare took a deep breath and let it out. "Understood... but Pat..." She turned to the black maned stallion. "...you WILL have to tell me more about what you said, later. I would really like to hear more about it." "For sure, we indeed have things that we need to get started, right now." Pat confirmed as they all focused back on the map. "So... let me make a list of what needs to be done." The purple pony brought out another scroll and began scribing on it. "Okay. Now... Have two teams scouting out Ponyville and the surroundings; check. Making a potion that will put the changelings asleep; not done, but on its way... and, Pat warning Celestia about our plan; will be right on its way too." She read what she wrote once more. "Hmmm... Anything else?" She openly asked. "What about me, Twilight?" Spike asked, feeling left out. "As always, I know you want to help, Spike, but giving the situation..." "I should stay somewhere safe while you guys face danger... I know, I know..." He sighed, looking unpleased with the idea, as he looked down from his alicorn friend. "That doesn't mean you won't be able to help, though. I'm sending you over to Celestia. Something tells me she will be needing your assistance with something." She tried to cheer up her small purple assistant, as she looked over to the silvery Pegasus. "Pat, would you take him with you to Canterlot?" "Of course, Twilight." He laid down. "Come on, Spike. Climb up on my back." The young dragon sighed once more before clumsily getting onto the grey pony. "Don't look so down. You know you'll be of use to her." Twilight said as she opened one of the study's windows. "...Be safe you all." Spike unhappily answered before they flew off out of the castle. "Thanks. You too, my number one assistant." The lavender mare silently said as she saw them getting away. "Well then... Shall we continue, then?" Discord brought. "Yes, let's split off into our groups now." The studious pony responded. "Actually, you might be forgetting something, Twilight.” Hika interrupted. “You didn't asked Pat to ask Celestia to send us some guards to capture the changelings once they're asleep... and you haven't even made that potion of yours, yet... and where do we meet up after we're done?" “Oh... yes. You're right. Sorry. A bit out of focus here, due to all that's going on through that head of mine right now.” She chuckled while approaching back the group. "Well... we could meet at my house." Fluttershy said. "That's... actually a good idea. As we need to investigate the Everfree Forest, afterward. Making sure Zecora is alright." The alicorn agreed. "That reminds me... Hika." The changeling turned his head away from the map. "I never DID asked you about Queen Chrysalis's plan. What are her intentions, not for us, because you've already told me, but for the rest of Equestria?" "Well, from what I know, she intends to take over Equestria from the inside out... and the better strategy she came up with was to try and first aim for its military resources." The bug-like pony answered. "And... she will do that by changing all the ponies, not only soldiers, into changelings... like she already started doing... with those who went missing, already..." Twilight considered the discouraging thought for a few seconds, before straightening herself. "Well... we'll do everything we can to make sure it doesn't happen." She turned to the rest. "Alright, everypony! I want you all to follow me to the laboratory, in the basement. I will need your help making that potion!" "Do you know how long it'll take, sugarcube?" The farmer mare inquired. "I... I've got no idea Applejack. Maybe... an hour?" The purple mare unsurely answered. "AN HOUR?! Oh... OH NO! I am not sticking an hour in here waiting for your 'slumber' potion to be ready, Miss Twilight! I'm going to take matters into my own hand until you're done! And if any of you who are supposed to be on my team want to join me, YOU ARE MORE THAN WELCOME TO DO SO!" Discord furiously responded. "Discord, please calm down. The potion takes time; you just got to be a bit patient." The timid mare said as she kissed him on the cheek, to which the draconequus blushed and silenced, the rest of the mares giggling to his reaction. This actually only made the chimera shake his head off in stubbornness. "NO! I will not have it this way. I'm going out and beginning my OWN part of the job with those changelings! I'm the Master of Chaos, for crying out loud! I can definitely take care of a few change-dings!" He stepped next to the opened window. "See you all in an hour, GUUURRRLLLS..." He mocked, looking very much unamused, before promptly taking off. "I know he wants to help, but for Celestia’s sake... he needs to work" The bookish alicorn sighed, as she opened the study's door to head downstairs. "I... I'll go after him." The butterfly cutie mark Pegasus hesitantly said. "Go with him then, Fluttershy." Twilight answered, chuckling and smiling. "You're pretty much the only one he really listens to." Rarity turned around. "Well... I doubt he will use any kind of unnecessary force on the changelings he will find, so I actually will go with them, if that is alright, darling." "Might as well. You'll get a head start on your part." The lavender pony replied, then looking over at Rainbow Dash who was still pouting, as they began heading down the stairs. "What about you? Want to join them?" "Aaauuugghhhh... I hate Discord’s guts... but I hate waiting doing nothing even more, so... I GUESS I will..." She rolled her eyes. "Thank you girls." Fluttershy nodded to her friends. "Go right away, darling; don't lose track of him. We'll be right behind you." The jewel cutie mark mare added, to which her gentle friend nodded and left through the study's window. "Is there anything else you'd like us to do while we're gone for that short period of time, Twilight?" The glamorous unicorn asked, looking back. "Well... not necessarily. Just make sure to come back to get the potion once it's ready. I'll still have plenty of hooves to help me out and I think I got all the necessary ingredients down in the laboratory. You girls can go right ahead." "Roger!" The tomboy mare saluted her alicorn friend, Rarity kindly nodding in response, before they began rushing downstairs and out of the castle. "BYE BYE! TAKE CARE! HAVE FUN!" Pinkie Pie shouted, waving at them. "Oh! That's right! Applejack?" Twilight lightened. "Yes Twi?" Her cowboy hatted friend answered. "I'd like you to go look for a patrol of guards and tell them that I request a team of O.C.C.C., Ominous Creatures Control of Canterlot, with as many dark magic-proof imprisonment carts as they can provide, and to meet me at my castle." The studious mare instructed as she wrote her orders on a scroll that she officially signed. "Got it! So I just show them your letter and that'll be enough?" The freckled earth pony last asked. "Yes. They shouldn't be too hard to find. I'm thinking Celestia has already sent about 20 or so patrols down here." The orchid colored pony nodded in confirmation and handed her friend the letter. "Understood, Twi. I'll be off right away. See ya later!" Applejack saluted before galloping down the stairs. "Aww... couldn't I have gone with her, Twilight?" The bubblegum maned mare asked a bit disappointed. "It's alright, Pinkie. Besides, since I'm making a potion, I need someone who can easily look for ingredients and mix them together, and I think you'll fit that role perfectly." Her alicorn friend reassured as they continued heading to the basement. "Anything I'll be able to help you out with, miss... I mean, Twilight?" Hika added to the conversation. "Help out Pinkie Pie with whatever she will be needing, but mostly, just..." Twilight moved in closer to the changeling’s ear, lowering her voice. "...keep around her so she doesn't lose focus on what she's doing. She's quite talkative and tends to go off track of her work when it's... not enough stimulating for her brain, but if you keep her entertained by talking to her, she'll stay focus. You got it?" "Got it. I actually wanted to get to know her a bit more, being my cousin's fiancé and all. She's part of my family, now and she seems like a very nice pony." The changeling whispered back. "Hey, what are you guys talking about?" The party pony in question asked as they reached the bottom floor, turning to the right. "Hika here's going to keep you company while you help me out making the potion." The purple mare replied, putting on a grin. Pinkie Pie gasped. "REALLY?! OH MY GOSH! IT'S GONNA BE SO MUCH FUN! AND EVEN MORE, since you're my new relative and all. IT'S GONNA BE A BLAST! HIHIHIHIIHI!!!" She tightly hugged the ink jet equine, clinging her face against his. "OH! Maybe I could show you how to make cupcakes, sometimes! Pat and me LOVE cupcakes. We make some every day! Well, not every day, like, today we don't make as much; since there's trouble and all, but we usually like make DOZENS of them, and we have so many flavors and all. Like there's this one with lemon and cherry..." Hika kept on a big unsure smile, as he glanced over to the bookish alicorn, happily smiling back to him. "Alright. We're here guys." Twilight announced as they stood before an empty wall, in one of the main hallways, the other two looking rather confused. "Oh... just a little more security to protect my researches and experiments." She used her magic to open a secret panel to her right, the imprint of a hoof revealing. She put her hoof in it, making a keyhole appear where she inserted a golden complexly carved key. A heavy thud was heard and the wall began to move, priory forward, then sliding to their left, exposing a narrow marble staircase going down into the basement, illuminated by a row of hanged candles on the right wall. "Watch you steps!" The lavender pony warned as they went down, the wall slowly closing behind them. * * * Meanwhile, Fluttershy continued fastly dashing after her draconequus friend. "Discord! Please wait for me!" The master of chaos faintly heard her voice and turned around. He stopped his flight and descended onto the ground. "Yes? What is it, Fluttershy?" He answered, looking fairly grumpy. The gentle mare promptly hugged Discord with a sweet smile on her face. "I know you're worried about our safety, but Twilight doesn't want to harm the changelings in any brutal ways, so that's why she opted for making that potion." She explained, softly. "Oh, Fluttershy, dear. I wouldn't have really 'brutally' harmed them myself. Just make them inoffensive with a few magic tricks." He showed a light smirk. "Oh oh oh! Speaking of which, I think I'm sensing one right now. A little pip-squeak of a change-bling-bling... probably a scout... Hehehe... Where AAAREEEE YOOOUUUU?" He mischievously giggled as the light yellow Pegasus rolled her eyes, following him close. "Discord, please... do take it easy." She incisively suggested. * * * "CAN YOU SEE THEM FROM UP THERE, RAINBOW DASH?!" Rarity shouted, running after her Pegasus friend up above, as they searched for their two friends. "NOPE! NOTHING AT ALL! *Can't believe they were fast enough to escape me! Shoot!* THEY CAN'T BE FAR, THOUGH! I think..." The cyan blue Pegasus answered. "I hope we find them... more for our sake than theirs, although I am indeed worried." The glamourous mare talked to herself. "I don't think I could properly defend myself against a bunch of those creatures all at the same time... Rainbow Dash might, but without Discord's power, we can't even sense them approaching if we ever get ambushed..." She looked back up. "UNDERSTOOD! LET'S KEEP ON LOOKING!" * * * "OH! What's that you say, Changy-Bling? You don't like being a doll? *NO! I HATE IT! GRRR GRR!* "OW OW OW! HEY! Don't you do that to uncle Discord! YOU HEAR?!" *GRRRRRR....* The impish chimera acted. "Hum... I am thankful that you did not hurt him, Discord, but... seeing you tease him while he's in that form... it's making me uneasy." Fluttershy told as she looked at the doll the draconequus was playing with. He looked back at her, raising an eyebrow. "...Alright. I indeed shouldn't go against my own words when I said we should hurry. Let's move on." "Oh! Could we stop at my cottage? I need to feed the chickens and tell Angel about what's going on." The butterfly cutie mark mare brought up as Discord made a present box appear and put the changeling doll in, then gave it to a clone of himself, who looked fairly unamused by the gift. "Oh... yes yes. We sure can. I'm sure we'll find some more new FRIENDS on the way." He giggled as he poofed away his clone and kept the box hovering next to him as they headed for their destination. * * * "Come here, my dears! Lunch is served!" Fluttershy happily said as a group of chickens came out of the henhouse. The sound of seeds pouring onto the earthy ground quickly drew them together as their master carefully leaned down the burlap bag. "I should be done in about fifteen min, Discord!" "Oh... ahm... alright, dear." The master of chaos hesitantly answered, feeling a source of dark energy nearby. "Hum... Fluttershy?" He shouted from the other side of the fence, near the house's front door, but seeing the chicken clucks were too loud for her friend to understand, he decided to head toward the back to find the source of what he was sensing. 'Probably another harmless changeling I can get my hands on. What am I gonna do with it? Hmmm... OH! Ohohoh! I got it, yes that'll be... Wait a sec... Did it just get... stronger? WHAT?!' Noticing the flux of energy the draconequus made haste to find it. 'Oh... oh dear... that's DEFINITELY not the darkness of a scout changeling... and... It's coming from the Everfree Forest...' He transformed himself into a bird and carefully flew toward the source that only seemed to grow more significant for every meters he took. 'Oh... oh no. If that is what I think it is, I better take care of it as quickly as possible. Fluttershy and the others could be in REAL danger if that thing ever shows up.' He looked behind him, taking one last glance at the cottage before covering more ground. 'Come on... Almost there... Wait... WHAT?! It's still further?!' And so, after about two minutes of flight, the track finally came to an end. "That... that CAN'T BE RIGHT! It's gotta be around here somewhere! There's no way I can let it escape. There is WAY too much risks..." He continued searching around, Fluttershy's house now barely visible in the distance. * * * "Alright... next I need to feed the pigs. Oh! And I got to talk to Angel too." The smiling Pegasus said to herself, not noticing Discord's absence. "Now where did I put the buckets, again? I think I saw them behind the house last time." She headed in the back while happily humming a soft melody. "Oh! Discord! There you are. Would you help me carry the buckets to feed the pig, please?" She picked one up as she turned around to head toward the pigs' pen. "I think there might be something ELSE I could help you out with, little one." A dark and deep voice sounded from the words, instantly startling the pale yellow mare. "Di-discord?" She turned around to witness a most shocking sight. Before her, her draconequus friend transformed into an imposing and bulky changeling. "H-ah-AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" She screamed as she tried to fly away, but the mighty beast quickly caught up to her and easily pummeled her to the ground. "GGGAAAHHH!!" "Oh sorry, little fluff ball. Did that hurt?" Without hesitation, he brusquely turned her around, so she faced up, nailing her wings down to the ground with his very strong front hooves. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" She yelled in pain and she felt her bones getting crushed underneath the hit and weight, her eyes instantly filling up with tears. "HEY! Look here, you little pony CUNT!" Though the words were harsh and clear, Fluttershy was too afraid and in pain to focus. "I SAID..." He leaned down and grabbed her mane with his teeth, brusquely pulling on them and forcing her to look up to which she screeched feeling the nerves of her skin almost ripping from the haul. "There... that wasn't so hard. Now... wanna guess what I’m gonna do with you?" He softly said in a very sleazy and menacing tone. "F... fuck me?" The scared stiff Pegasus asked. "Tempting, but no. We do have some policies to follow. NO IMPREGNATING OF THE CHOSEN SIX OF THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY OR MAY YOU ENSUE THE DIRE CONSEQUENCES BY ORDER FROM THE QUEEN." He saluted, lifting his left hoof, then putting it back down, hitting the poor mare's wing again. "Oh... ohoh..." He leaned in closer to her mouth. "NOT sorry about that, dear. By the way, I'm Sergeant Major Krutch. Nice to meet ya, little girl." He then promptly engulfed her lips into his, forcing his tongue into her mouth and roughly giving her a deep throat kiss as she heavily cried and choked. The sight made the changeling sergeant fairly aroused and it didn’t took long before the completely submitted Fluttershy felt something stiff and fleshy poking and pulsing on her belly. "HMMMMGGHMMMNNNNN!!!" After a few seconds of mouth ravaging, Krutch lifted his head to reveal his impressive foot-long and two and a half inches wide solid member to the completely frightened Pegasus. "NNOOOOOO! HEEEEEELLPPP! DISCORD! DISCOOOORRRD! HEEELLL-" She got interrupted as the sergeant quickly forced his fully erected member into her mouth. "Fuck you're one annoying little pony bitch! SHUT THE HELL UP and feel my manwood in that whining mouth of yours, so I can corrupt you already!" He spat at the helpless mare, still heavily sobbing as her breath became more and more difficult to maintain. "HHHHGHHMMMHGHGH?!!??!" She muffled in shock. "Oh yes... Guess you weren't aware of it, yet, hmmm?" He slowly began thrusting his equinesque dong in his victim's delicate buccal cavity. "Know what our queen found out that made her plan to rule over that land of yours so much easier? Hmm? DO YOU?!" He gave one hard thrust down Fluttershy's throat, then continuing on with his slower paste, noticing her sobs beginning to silence as she started lacking air. "Changeling seeds... In other words, their semen. Guess that would explain how we are so easily reproductive, eh! But get this... if getting in contact through skin, sexual intercourse, injection, or... in your case to be, ingestion AND fucking oral sex, all of this with OTHER life forms... they become changelings too, now isn’t that neat? Wouldn't you SAY?!" He began literally fucking her face, spurts of precum escaping from the tip of his throbbing cock. "You see... gnngh... changeling cum is VERY easily absorbed by the organic system of the home body to be... Blood vessels just can't get enough! HGNNHHNN!" He increased his thrusts speed. "And it only... only takes about THIRTY MINUTES for a regular dumbtard p... pony to become a full-fledged changelIINGGGHGHGH! OHHHH! IT'S FUCKING CLOSE, NOW!" He humped as hard and fast as he could, the pale yellow Pegasus completely as his mercy, having almost stopped breathing. "WHAT'LL HAPPEN IN YOUR CASE...? THAT I DUNNO, BUT WHAT I DO KNOW, IS THAT I'M GONNA GET ONE HECK OF A FUCKING PRAISE FROM OUR QUEEN! AHAHAHHAHAHAH! AAAAAHHAHAHHAHH!!!!! GHGHGHHMNNNHHHGGHHNNNHGHGGGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OHHHH YEAAAAHHHH! TAKE IT YOU FUCKING PONY WHORE!!!!!" And with those words out, massive gushes after gushes of changeling cum exploded into the barely conscious and miserable mare. Being forced to swallow every single ounce, her belly quickly filled up and the rest of the erupting man milk overflew from her throat, mouth and nostrils, then down her chin and onto her chest. After a minute that seemed like an eternity for the poor girl, Sergeant Krutch removed his empty horse-like penis from her buccal vicinity and gave her one last kiss on her fluid covered lips. He then satisfyingly licked his own, before flying off, evilly laughing as dribbles of cum still oozed from his balancing member. Down on the ground, the completely ravaged Fluttershy tried to move, but as she did, the pain, exhaustion and entire throat, filled with semen, caused her to finally lose consciousness. Only several minutes too late could the draconequus be seen coming back from is unfruitful search. "That was very much unusual... Where could it have gone too? There's no way it- WAIT! What is- THAT'S COMING FROM THE COTTAGE! AND IT'S THE SAME ENERGY I SENSED BEFORE... FLUTTERSHY!!!" Rushing toward where his inner energy radar was telling him, he kept on screaming his dear friend's name. "FLUTTESHY!!! ANSWER ME! 'Oh NO NO NO! THE ENERGY IS GETTING STRONGER!' FLUTTER-..." Has he reached the back of the house, he witnessed the immobile body of the fragile mare, lying face up with her eyes closed, her mouth over dripping with white liquid and her wings visibly trampled. "No no no NO NOOOO! DAMN IT!!!" He instantly dashed toward her, fearing the worst. > Chapter 4: Rising Calamities > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrystal Corruption Chapter 4 – Rising Calamities Analyzing the alarming situation as quickly as possible, Discord popped a drainage tube and tried to suck the liquid out of Fluttershy's brimming mouth. "DAMN IT! Just as I feared... WHY DID I LEFT HER ALONE?!" He carefully tried to lift the crushed wings as his eyes teared up. "You're gonna be alright, dear. You're gonna be alright... COME ON DISCORD, SUCK THAT SEMEN OUT OF HER!!! YOU KNOW THAT STUFF HAS NO EFFECTS ON YOU! GET THAT PUMPING GOING, THERE MIGHT STILL BE TIME!!" The mid afternoon sun was warmly shining upon them, but the situation was of the most dreadful they could have ever conceived. He rolled her over to her left side, trying to let the corrupting fluid flow out of her cavity as he hurried on with the draining before wiping his eyes. "Please tell me it's not too late..." The pale yellow mare's eyes suddenly flashed open, much to the surprise of her chimera friend who choked on the semen he was strongly sucking. She gasped and coughed, getting out most of the clogging sticky solution oozing on the earthy ground as the draconequus tried to catch his breath, immediately lying next to her. He engulfed his mouth over hers, extending his tongue inside her throat, alternatively through her esophagus and trachea, to try and remove the excess changeling cum. Her tender eyes were now looking slowly toward him, blurring up as well. They both gazed into each other’s pupils, feeling relieved to be together after her troubling misfortune. Discord delicately put his left lion paw on her mane and slowly began petting it, closing his eyes as he progressed with the draining of the seminal fluid who had almost completely disappeared. For a few moments, they stayed there, completely still, feeling their loving sharing warmth. He finally gathered the last of the white liquid, very relieved of being to her side, and proceeded to softly kissing her, though as he did, he oddly began feeling a slight poke on both sides of his tongue near the front of the female pegasus' mouth. Feeling a little concerned, he slowly began retracting his serpentine muscle as he also felt her breathing rhythm beginning to gradually accelerate and her body starting to tremble. He instantly opened his eyes only to notice the tender mare's ones were starting to fade away into a cloudy form. The soft pink mane under his lion paw began to darken into a sinister desaturated variant, as did the pale yellow fur. He immediately retracted his entire tongue and rolled away from his close pegasus friend who suddenly screamed in pain as her wings began literally disintegrating onto the ground to reveal translucent insectoid ones in their place and to which her silky gentle ears constricted and extended into pointy misshaped replacements. The master of chaos sat frozen on the ground as he witnessed the terrifying sight and corruption taking hold of Fluttershy, who's still yelling mouth grew menacing sharp fangs completed with a reconstruction of her once very delicate face, now much narrower and ominous. The mane and skin, which had already taken much sinister tones, lengthened into denser and irregular patterns, as the screeches of her voice began sounding deeper and deeper, before finally fading, as the frightening transformation came to an end, leaving her silent. The chimera took a few moments before resuming from his state of consternation and carefully approached the dark yellow mare. "Tell me this isn't happening... Tell me she's still there and only her physical appearance has changed and we'll be able to return her back to normal..." He anxiously thought, as the corrupted mare slowly began standing up, her eyes still closed. "F... Fluttershy?" He hesitantly asked, the female pegasus now easily standing up as if no harm had been done to her. She gradually opened her blue, empty eyes and looked over at the draconequus with what he could define as a neutral expression. "Do you recognize me, dear?" He carefully inquired, attentively staring at the somber pony who responded with an unreassuring smile, showing off her newly acquired set of changeling fangs. "Of course I do, my darling." She said in an especially sensual voice. "F-Fluttershy?!" Discord shook his head, feeling instantly affected by the sound of the sweet words. "Wh-..." As he was about to pronounce himself, the darkened maned mare swooshed toward him, now centimeters away from his face and deeply looking in his eyes with a charming glaze. "Thank you for worrying about me, love. But as you can see, I am more than fine now." She playfully giggled, caressing his face and gently pushing him downward with her left front hoof, making him lay on his back with ease. "F... Fluttershy..." He started dozing under her now impressively seducing intimate friend, before promptly shaking his head off and carefully picking her off of him and dropping her to his side. "I... No..." He looked away, now sitting on the soft earthy ground; significant anguish taking hold of him. "You are... NOT fine... I was too late. You've been savagely corrupted as a result of my failure to protect you... And this... THIS..." He paused, feeling a deep emotional ache fogging his eyes with tears. "...I cannot accept from my stead. I have failed you... and now... what I was SURELY... frightened of... has realized... and... AND I know not HOW TO INVERT IT!" He firmly shut his sight, holding his head between his arms, feeling the painful weight of the situation breaking his mind and body. "Aww... Do not be silly, darling." The ravishing female sweetly said, slowly closing in on the chimera. "I am feeling wonderful... and... more than ever... in love... WITH YOU!" The draconequus swiftly rolled away, looking back at the gloomish pegasus, glimpsing for half a second what had seemed to be a savage beast with powerful dark energy coming from her as she now appeared only tenderly smirking to him, a few feet away. The chimera's expression quickly sterned out of sadness as he noticed a revealing feature about the metamorphosed Fluttershy. "Yes... You are definitely no more of who you used to be... I just saw that newly acquired cutie mark of yours, dear..." The mare's smirk grew wider as she walked closer again to him. "... A bleeding black rose... how fitting..." She licked her lips, showing off her sharp fangs and snake-like tongue, narrowing her eyes. "... But if you're source self is still the same..." She prepared to lunge herself onto him, clearly visible in his sight. "... YOU NOT KNOW OF HOW FEEBLE YOUR KIND MAY BE!" He projected a dark immobilization spell as she viciously launched herself toward him, stopping her in her track. "Oh...? Is that so, sweetie?" The seducing pegasus said on a false tender note before dark light built up around her body, making her eyes shimmer greatly. "How about you stop lingering about this poor excuse for a pussy that she was, hmm?" "What are y-" Before Discord could realize it, the new corrupted Fluttershy burst out of his restricting magic with a blast bright red light, seemingly without any effort. "Oh no... Oh nonoNONONO!" The master of chaos tried to turn around and fly away, but was immediately stopped and flipped around by the dark seductress. "Now... what was that you called me? Feeble was it?" She impishly said, floating in closer to him, her body surrounded by an ominous red aura. "Please... if anything..." She flashed in his face. "... YOU'RE the tender one, now..." With a swift motion of her right hoof, she knocked the draconequus on the dirt once more, easily spreading his arms and legs apart, as he tried his best to resist. "Could it be you've grown a bit rusty, Dissy? Unable to resist the charms of the Seductress of Despair, now? Hmhmhmhmhm..." She softly and evilly giggled, now hovering above his helpless body. "Oh... Dear... That is NOT something I wanted to hear..." Discord replied in worries, having quite the idea what the sleazy mare was talking about. "And... you are right... Perhaps a visit to the academy WOULD be in necessity right about nowowWAAAOWWWAWGGGGHHHHGGG!!!" He trailed in exclamation as he felt an uncontrollable rush of lust traverse his body, making his chimeric member suddenly pop out of its shaft. "AAAHHH! NO FAIR!" The dark yellow pegasus rolled her eyes. "Really now?" She approached his face, still levitating. "Has the Master of Chaos really become THAT sensitive?!" She enhanced as she sent another wave of dark sexual sensations through the chimera's paralyzed body, having his penis now fully extended and already gushing with preseminal fluid, after which she swiftly proceeded to give him a deep tongue kiss. The master of chaos moaned loudly as the intoxicating sensual powers coming from the evil love enchantress infected him, making his mind and body numb with lust and arousal, despite his best efforts to fight back. And so with the last of his unaffected consciousness, he processed one last thought. Why did it had to be this....? One of the Veterans of Katastrofon... reincarnated from... from... His eyes filled tears as he acknowledged his inevitable defeat in protecting his loved one. I am so sorry Fluttershy... His lids then slowly shut, giving in to the sinister mare's overtaking magic. She released her lips and tongue, witnessing her successful takeover of the grand draconequus and gently caressed his goatee beard and equine face. "There there, Dissy... You will get back to your former worthless self once I am done with you..." She hovered away from his mouth and lowered down to his crotch showing off his completely erected and throbbing foot long misshaped cock. "Such a fine specimen as yourself should DEFINITELY not be let go of before having had any time to fully appreciate its exquisite features, don't you think? Eheh... EHEHEHEH... AHAHAHAHAHAH.... AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!!!" She demonically burst out laughing as Discord's eyes brightly reopened, now glowing with an intense red aura. "Awake so soon? My... THAT'S JUST WONDERFUL! AHAHAHAAAAHA!!" The malicious veteran pegasus sent another wave of lust down into her prey's body, making him shake with excitement and his penis gush out with streams of pre cum all over his belly. She then poofed out a black horse whip with which she used the tip to tilt the pulsing foot-long member of the submitted chimera. In response, he couldn't help but to heavily convulse in arousal. "Please, mistress. Do not allow me to endure this intolerable lust. Take me as your prey and savagely assault me as you please. I beg of you." The sedated master of chaos spoke in a completely monotone voice, overly affected under the numbing spell of the dominating winged pony. "Ugh... There's no way I'll enjoy my ways with such bland expressions. Let's see if I can fix it." She remarked, closing her eyes and channeling another mass of levitating energy, this one brightly yellow, that she then promptly propelled into the draconequus' head. His eyes widened with a spark. "UUUUHHGGHHHHNNNNHHH!!!! MISTRESS! PLEASE! PUNISH MY PLEADS WITH YOUR DAMNED OBJECT OF SUBMITTANCE!!!" He screamed in demand. "Ahhh... MUCH better! Teehee." The mare giggled softly, before uproaring again, giving hints to a possible double personality. "SCREAM, MY SLAVE! YES!!! SHOW YOUR DEVOTION TO YOUR SUPERIOR!" She yelled as she brandished her whip and gave a violent hit on the imploring fleshy member, an impressive flow of sticky liquid gushing out of it, landing on her face. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! YESSS!!! PUNISH ME, MISTRESS!!" The submitted chimera shouted. "SILENCE! YOU INSOLENT FOOL! YOU WILL ONLY BE ALLOWED TO ORGASM WHEN I SAY YOU WILL!" The dominant seductress yelled back, now making a glowing circular device, resembling a donut with soft end screws around it, and shoving it down to the base of Discord's helpless dark pinkish sexual organ. The cursed draconequus screeched in pleasure as the ring magically tightened around the root of his venous shaft, the screws forcefully poking its tissues and nerves with a pleasurably painful sensation. "AAAAGGGGHHHHHGGGAAAHHHHHHH!!!! MORE MIS-MISTRESS!!! MORE!!!!" "I SAID SILENCE!!!" She unleashed a powerful series of swipes from her sturdy whip, bruising the constricted from semen-release penis, as she turned around facing it, her back now toward her prisoner's face. "YOU 'WILL' SHUT UP AS YOU DEVOUR MY GLORIOUS ASSHOLE, YOU HEAR ME?!" She ordered, as she began floating down, trying to position herself onto the salivating chimera's muzzle. "YES MISTRESS! OF COURSE MISTRESS!" Discord promptly responded, immediately starting to extend his voluptuous snake tongue and gently caressing the evil veteran's butt cheeks with it; his profusely throbbing foot-long cock reacting with surges of lust filled blood flows. "Hmmm... Yes... That feels pretty good, KEEP IT UP!!" The in control female pegasus ordered, her face starting to blush as she released two moderate hits of her whip onto the master of chaos' equine like member, making him loudly muffled. He then continued stretching his tongue, already grasping the seductress' ass firmly. It moved onto her front and downward, reaching her clitoris which he impatiently started licking and squeezing. "AAHHHHNNNNN!" The bloody rose cutie mark mare let out, heating up. "WHO SAID YOU COULD GO THERE YET?!?" She screamed in a mix of delectation and anger, before forcing her butt hole down on the draconequus' snout and rimming her crack up and down, feeling his equine facets and fleshy muscle drooling and slowly lubing her anal entryway. "NNNFFGNNNGGNNHHFFFMMM!!!!" It is all the chimera could make out as his protruding face slowly began sliding in the well dilated hole of the dominant seductress. "HHHMMMMMMM!!! AAAAAAHHHHH! YESSS!!! MAY YOUR IMPUDENCE BE PUNISHED BY HAVING YOUR ENTIRE EQUINE FACETS UP MY ANUS!!!" She screamed in pleasure, closing her eyes and lifting her head, now feeling half of Discord's muzzle inside her. However, this one did not gave up on his prohibited actions and before eagerly ravaging her mistress' guts with his tongue, he promptly twisted it around her love button, strapping over her labia and then backward, now entering her anus through the very tight space still left underneath his lower mouth. Loudly moaning once more from her prey's audacious actions, the vicious glowing eyed pegasus brought her sight back down to witness a very much amusing sight. The draconequus' dick had now grow up to two feet in length from the intense blood flow trapped inside by the mystical cock ring, that had also greatly influenced his testicles, now looking very dense and having more than doubled in size. "Hmhmhm... YES! Just a little bit longer and MAYBE I will be benevolent enough to allow you to get your very much exquisite and impatient shaft eaten out by MEEEEE! EEEHEEEHHEEHHH! HHMMMMMMM!!!" The master of chaos' rim had almost completely disappeared into his mistress' ass, his closed eyes feeling the soft dark fur of her butt as he struggled more and more to breathe, but it being all rewarding at the intoxicating scents and taste of her rectum which he savagely continued to pleasure and stimulate, making sure to lick all of its walls. In the meantime, his monstrous shaft continued on growing from the painful yet awfully thrilling pulses due to the constricting glowing circular device at its base. It was now reaching a staggering three feet and begged to be released. "AAAAHHHH!!!! HHMMMMM! AAAAHHHNNNNN! YESSS!!! YESSSS!!! THAT IS IT, MY WORTHLESS DISSY! RAVAGE MY UNHOLY TAILHOLE!!! AAAHHH-AAAHHHH-AAAAHHHNNNNNN!!!!!" She began feeling close to orgasm as the tongue constricted around her clitoris and flattened over her labia continued their subtle yet fully sensual motions, procuring the mare with utmost pleasure, giving in to the temptation of feasting over the massive chimeric penis that stood before her. "ALRIGHT!!!! YOU HAVE SHOWN E-ENOUGH AAAAHHHH! OF Y-YOUR WELL BEING FOR ALLOWING ME TO HMMMMMMM! SAVOUR ONTO YOU-YOU-YOURRRHHHHAAAAHHHH! PETTY BEGGING COCK!!!! AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" And thus, giving into her own overwhelming lust, she carefully popped her anus out of Discord's muzzle, still working on roughly licking her insides, leaving him the chance to finally catch on with his breath, his snout, mouth and face covered in anal secretion and saliva from his tongue, which he didn't let rest for long, stretching it again to now deflect himself of her dripping wet pussy he could already taste the juice from, still not having let go of the love button and her juicy vulva's lips. His extendable serpentine tongue rushed around her thighs, binding them to his will, and in a swift motion, forced it into the shadowy maned veteran's pussy through the narrow space in-between her labia and his already tightly laid fleshy muscle. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" She promptly reacted, secreting a generous amount of vaginal fluid from the stimulation, feeling her entire body rushing with heat, before immediately gobbling up the tip of her prey's beyond massive cock, continuously flowing with a thin stream of pre ejaculate, all the better lubing it up. The delusional chimera screeched in pleasure as well, feeling the quick yet gentle mouth of the seductress suckling the summit of his manhood, his balls having now reached the size of grapefruits. She popped her mouth off her delectable feast. "SLAVE! SHOW HOW MUCH YOU WORSHIP YOUR MISTRESS AND I MIGHT RELEASE YOU FROM YOUR MISERABLE FATE! DESTROY MY FEMININE INSIDES WITH YOUR IMPISH TONGUE AND SHOW NO MERCY!!!" She ordered, before performing quick yet soft bites onto the draconequus' shaft and resuming her meal, now feverishly striking it with her front hooves, bringing both of them busy with the final stretch of their luscious act. The corrupted chaos master twisted and turned his vigorous tongue around the walls of the dominant pegasus' vagina; squeezing, massaging and moving around the soft lubricated meaty tissues, making them constrict their associated muscles in a rush of constant pleasure and stimulation, intensifying every few seconds, nearing the inevitable climax that would follow. All simultaneously, the mistress herself was rubbing her body against the impressive base of the tremendous rocking misshaped penis, now three and half inches wide, to its very top, shivering with pain and sexual thrills, all while performing fervor pleasure enhancing actions with her delicate tongue, silky lips, sharp fangs and libido driven hooves. Then, as in a decisive rush to procure more than enough stimulation to have his deliverance granted, the completely hypnotized and burning with sweat Discord extended his tongue deeper into the somber yellow mare's glory hole, reaching the borders of her uterus and slowly proceeding inside, giving all the better he could, motivating himself with the still very fragrant anal fluids remaining on his face and his complete blind devotion. "AHH-AHH-AAAAAHAAAHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNN!!!" She loudly responded to the chimera's wicked movements in an uncontrollable burst of moans. "OHHHHH D-DISSY!!!! YE-YYESSS!!! I WILL AHHHHLLOW YOU TO BE HMMMMM! FREED FROM YOUR AAAHHH! TORMENT!!" She accentuated the rhythm of her giving pleasure, abandoning into her devastating sexual feelings. "CUMMM!!! ERUPT ALL OVER YOUR BELOVED MISTRESS' BODY AND SOUL, GLORIFYING HER IN YOUR CHAOTIC SEMEN!!!" And so, in an instant, the ring was hastily removed, freeing the incredible cock, having reached a dark purplish scheme of colors, ready to explode. Upon his liberation, the draconequus blasted his fleshy muscle through the final sensitive barrier of the lustful veteran's pussy, making her yell as her orgasm felt just seconds away. It was as well for her sexual slave, who's still too stiff colossal shaft needed barely any loosening up to finally allow its inner conducts to free the lust- boiling semen from their confined humongous vicinity. "AAAAHHHHH! AAAHHHHHHH! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! DISSSSSYYYYY!!!!!" The bleeding rose cutie mark pegasus finally shrieked in moans, giving to her and the master of chaos the signal that their climax had begun. And so, large streams of silky white cum started eagerly erupting all over the scene; heavily staining, within seconds, the entire body of the grand seductress of despair, whose own internal convulsions harmonized with the helpless Discord as she widely opened her mouth. For more than two full minutes did the conclusion to their final act took place. Swallowing of sticky gooey seminal fluid ravished the corrupted mare's mind and body who was more than satisfied with the successful experience; now heavily panting. "C-congratulations, my dear... Dissy. Your... devotion... has pro-proven m-more than worthy of my... my expectations." The still completely under control draconequus was still clenching his fists from the arduous throbs of his still heavily dripping misshaped penis, as he started retracting his tongue. His mistress weakly started hovering, turning to him and slowly laying on his elongated body before showing her merciful gratitude with a deep kiss and removing her evil enchantment from his wretched mind and body. "Here you go Dissy, you should be back to your feeble pathetic self within minutes, now." She happily giggled as she licked her lips with much contentment, lifting herself up from his sticky torso, her whole body still dribbling with large stains of pearly white semen. "And don't worry too much about that useless Fluttershy of yours; she's far off better with me. Teehee." She grinned with much amusement as she gave Discord one last kiss, a string of cum joining their lips as she let go. "Now if you excuse me, even if none will be as exceptional as you, I'll see if I can find myself some more easy preys to have some fun with and bring under my control.” She slowly hovered above him, looking down with a joyful smile. “Goodbye for now, my dear worthless master of chaos. Ta-ta!" She then nonchalantly waved to him, gradually flying off into the air, heading toward Ponyville as the panting chimera just started getting back to his former self. However, the previous event had left him entirely drained from all energy and so before he could even get himself up to go warn his friends of the tragedy that had just unfolded, he felt into a deep slumber on the soft earthy ground of the cottage's backyard, now partially covered in spreads of lengthy semen jets. * * * Only about an hour later, the alarming voices of two mares could be heard from their discovery of the scene. "DISCORD! YOU JERK! WAKE UP! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH FLUTTERSHY?!" Rainbow Dash yelled in anger and shock as she punched the draconequus in the face multiple times, holding his head by the top of his mane with her left hoof, while standing over his still lain down body. "R-Rainbow Dash! You don't have to hit him! I'm sure he has a logical explanation for what happened. Please calm down...!” Rarity exclaimed to her friend in disapproval. “And... hum... could you please cover that... thing of his with a cloth or something... it's making me pretty uneasy." She then added, partially covering her eyes. The tomboy mare incredulously looked at her while continuing slapping Discord's face at steady pace. "Really Rarity?! Don't tell me you never seen one of THOSE before." She hinted toward the gradually retracting equine-like shaft behind her. "Well... hum... No. I mean, yes. I mean... It's just... it's Discord. I already have a hard time appreciating his personality... so... seeing his..." She trailed off with a shiver, not wanting to remove her left hoof from in front of her face. "...Whatever." The cyan pegasus replied, rolling her eyes. "COME ON ALREADY! WAKE UP! WA-" A lion paw suddenly grasped her throat, instantly making her try to break free, gasping for air. "DISCORD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" The amethyst maned mare screamed. "LET GO OF RAINBOW DASH! LET GO!" She lunged herself on his lion arm, making him remove his firm grip, the rainbow maned pony able to get away, instantly rubbing her neck. "BLOOD ROSE!!!" In an instant shriek, the chimera sat on the ground, shaking. "FINALLY!" Rainbow Dash strongly grabbed and pulled him toward her face by his goatee. "WHERE'S FLUTTERSHY!?! AND WHO THE HECK IS BLOOD ROSE?!" "DASH, STOP IT!" Rarity roared, getting up. The still confused master of chaos looked into the gamine mare's eyes. "Fluttershy..." He whispered, his eyes uncontrollably beginning to tear up. "WOAH! WHAT THE?!" ‘Discord can... CRY?! WHAT?!’ Rainbow Dash let go of her grip in surprise and stepped back, giving him space. "Discord... What happened?" The glamorous pony softly asked, trying to look away from the still very visible reproductive organ on her right. The draconequus' sobs quickly transitioned into serious anger. "We gotta go back to Twilight and the others, NOW!" He slowly stood up, trying to keep his balance, his body still feeling a little wobbly. "What? WHY?" The light blue pegasus retorted, bewildered, but before she could get an answer, Discord swiftly grabbed both mares and teleported himself to Twilight's Castle. * * * As they arrived, the chimera quickly tried to sense Twilight's energy to teleport her to him, but was unable to. "Wait... What time is it?" He nervously asked. "WHAT THE HECK DO YOU NEED THE TIME FOR?! And why are we not waiting for Twilight and the others at Fluttershy's cottage?! And WHERE IS SHE ANYWAY?!?" The tomboy pony demanded, her whole body twitching from impatience. "MISS DASH! I DO NOT HAVE TIME TO ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS RIGHT NOW. WE NEED TO FIND TWILIGHT!" Her addressee impulsively responded, very much on edge as well. "It's... it's 4:07 PM, Discord..." Rarity silently answered, starting to look worried. "WHAT?! OH NO NO NO NO NOOO!!!!" He rushed outside the front door. "DAMN IT!!!" The rainbow maned mare caught up with him. "UGH! DISCORD, MAKE SENSE ALREA- AAAAAHHHHHH! WHAT THE HECK IS-" She instantly stepped back in the castle's porch as the gallant white unicorn slowly walked to them. "Wha... what is going on? Ponyville... Why is there so many here already and-and... WHAT ARE THEY DOING?! THIS ISN'T LIKE LAST TIME WE FOUGHT THEM! WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!" She looked up to the draconequus, her eyes blurring from the events happening outside. The troubled master of chaos the door, sighing very heavily and bringing his eagle claw to his face, trying to think and recompose. "Alright... I will tell you both what's going on... as quickly as I can... BUT WE'LL HAVE to find Twilight as soon as possible afterward. Understood?" The two mares nodded a bit hesitantly before attentively listening to him. He grunted, sitting down against the main door and taking his head in between his paw and claw. "Where do I even begin...?" He murmured to himself. "HOW ABOUT WITH: WHERE'S FLUTTERSHY?!" Rainbow Dash pressed, her confusion making her unstable. "..." Discord felt tears begging to roll out of his eyes at the mention of the name, but tried to keep himself under control by taking in a very deep breath and letting it out, jolting. "There's no time to be merciful on the subject, so I'll tell you directly..." He paused, taking another breath in. "Fluttershy..." His throat tightened, he could feel his face heating up and his nostrils getting moist. "Fluttershy has been..." He sniffles. "She's been corrupted... by one of Chrysalis' changeling. An elite, most likely..." He covered his face, partially freeing some of his sorrow. "Oh no... OH NO NO NO! YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS HERE, DISCORD! COME ON! HOW THE FFFFFF... HOW COULD YOU LET THAT HAPPEN?! YOU WERE THERE WITH HER THE ALL TIME, FOR CELESTIA'S SAKE!!" The furiously upset cyan pegasus brusquely separated the chimera's arms from each other, uncovering his face stained with tears. "YOU..." She paused, feeling a rush of anguish heat and personal sorrow flow through her body. The draconequus promptly embraced her, letting his cries out, screaming. "I'M SORRY! I'M SO SORRY RAINBOW DASH!! I was so careless... If only I knew about that STUPID TRICK! IT WAS SO OBVIOUS, YET I STILL GOT FOOLED SO EASILY, BECAUSE I WASN'T CAREFUL ENOUGH... And now... NOW...." His body rapidly started shaking, making the gamine mare jump a few steps away. Violent liberating screeches exploded from Discord's chords and lungs, as a vivid dark red magic aura began surging from his skin, almost burning the air around him. Two powerful red energy beams then suddenly shot from both his claw and paw, crashing through the walls and ceiling, as well as the cathedral windows and crystal columns around the hall, no doubt getting noticed by the commotion going on outside. "WH-WHAT THE HAY YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING DIS-" Rainbow Dash promptly silenced as the master of chaos glared at her, his expression fired with intense raging crimson light in his eyes. A spilt second later, he was gone, having flown outside one of the shattered windows, heading toward Ponyville. "WH... WHAT'S GOING ON!?!?!" The multicolored tailed pony almost teared her mane off with her hooves, knocked out by the weight and flood of the dire situation, visual tears of utmost confusion escaping her eyes, but she quickly tried to regain control by slapping herself in the face. "I'm going after him! We need him to know about what else happened to Fluttershy! AND WE GOTTA FIND TWILIGHT, ASAP! I CAN'T HANDLE ALL THAT'S HAPPENING, RIGHT NOW! You're with me Rarity?" She turned around to see her friend completely unresponsive. "Wha... RARITY!!! SNAP OUT, COME ON!" Her calls were in vain, as Rarity, who had kept silenced for the last few moments, now couldn't help but stay frozen in fear, completely speechless. "UGH! Come on! You gotta wake up! I'm not gonna PUNCH y-" She stopped, looking away for a split second, then hovering to her friend, trying to swallow her own sadness and appearing strong and positive. "Ok... I can't punch you... but there's something I think is bound to get your attention... no matter how stupid it sounds to me...'' She sighed and rolled her eyes. ''Ah-hum...'' She cleared her throat. ''OHHH! Wait, no, that's not convincing enough... ah...'' Pausing once again to get her act right. ''Ok... OH... OH NO, RARITY! AREN'T THOSE YOUR NEW DRESSES GETTING RIPPED APART AND RUNNED OVER BY CHANGELINGS, OVER THERE!? COVERED IN DIRTY MUD AND DIRTY DUST AND DIRT! SO MUCH DIRT!" Please let this work... "AAAAHHHHHH!!! WHERE?!? THOSE HORRIBLE PESTS! I'LL DESTROY THEM!!!" And in a waking flash, the amethyst maned mare began frantically galloping away from the castle, her tomboy friend quickly chasing after her. "WOAH WOAH! RARITY! STOP! IT'S A JOKE! I JUST WANTED TO MAKE YOU SNAP OUT OF IT! COME ON!" "I WILL NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS!!! I'VE WORKED HUNDRED OF HOURS ON THESE! THEY'RE GONNA TASTE MY BACK HOOVES UP THEIR BUMS, I SWEAR!!" "RARITY!" Rainbow Dash hovered down and tried picking up the overly agitated unicorn to resonate her. "IT'S A JOKE! A JOKE! NOTHING IS HAPPENING TO YOU DRESSES! COME ON! SHEESH!" "NO! I MUST, I...! What?" The white female pony finally came to. "RAINBOW DASH! WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!" She asked, highly displeased. The light blue pegasus reached under her friend's chin and lift her head up to the sky. "THAT!" A few hundred meters away from them, up in the air, the blinded with fury draconequus could be seen savagely and mercilessly attacking changelings trying to take over Ponyville. Everywhere, the somber creatures, ranging from the lowest scouts and privates to the few lieutenants scattered around the vicinity, conducted their plans to inseminate, corrupt and pillage. A cacophony of screams and moans reverberated across the town as the mares desperately tried to get away from being violated, while the stallions and the Royal Canterlot Infantry, along with the Ominous Creatures Control of Canterlot, tried to stand up as much as they could to the merciless military force of the reborn Queen Chrysalis, having without any doubts reformed to staggering offensive powers and endurance. Among all the chaos, two very distinctive scents permeated the air. Scents that would stain for an unimaginable amount of time, the horrified minds of Equestria's inhabitants. The abominable reek of blood and semen, along with the unmistakable smell of carbonized flesh coming from the master of chaos' rampage over the enemy. Disintegrating or severely burning them with his magic, crushing their skulls and bodies onto the ground with mighty force or ripping apart their flesh and guts with his claws and horns, leaving most of them either agonizing or dead. "That... that can't be... I..." Rarity's eyes quickly blurred up once more. "OH... OH NO YOU DON'T, RARITY! No matter how freaking disturbing what's happening to Ponyville AND Discord right now, you are NOT going to freeze up again! I'm bringing you with me; AND WE'RE GONNA PUT SOME SENSE INTO HIM, WHETHER HE LIKES IT OR NOT!" The rainbow maned mare exclaimed, trying to lift both their mood and positivism even in this traumatic position. "I... R-Rainbow Dash... I... ‘gulp’ I don't think..." Despite her friend's encouragements, the sensitive unicorn felt her stomach turn at the penetrating aromas and sights of the battlefield. "OK OK! I get you! I... Yeah... I gotta agree... That's... that's some... very nasty stuff going on, here..." The gamine winged pony descended behind the nearest house, putting her ill-looking friend on the ground. "I'll go and try to reason him, okay? Just... hide, or something... or... defend yourself. We already kicked those jerks' butts before; you were handling yourself pretty well, ya know." She bumped Rarity's shoulder with her right hoof. "You got this!" "DASH! Oh... Oh no..." The deep purple maned pony covered her mouth, before hastefully reaching for a garbage can nearby, behind the house. "Uh... guh..." "Oh... Sorry... well, better out than in... right?" Rainbow Dash appeared to pleasantly frown in light guilt, although inside she couldn't help but feel an immense pressure in her throat that was wishing to burst from the emotional build-up of all the tragic cumulative events that just kept on mercilessly unfolding before her. "Ah...'' She paused, trying to reorganize her mind. ''Anyways... be back with Discord in no time! Gonna bring him here so you're not left alone... to avoid... ah..." Her voice jolted. "... Never mind..." She gulped, but with much difficulty, before vigorously shaking her head, trying to stay positive. ''See you in a jiffy!'' She put on an encouraging smile and then flew off about three hundred meters further, keeping an eye behind her; making sure to remember which house her friend was hiding behind. The closer she got to the out of control draconequus, the higher the body count of lifeless or suffering dark equines lay amongst the unsettling contrast of the healthy green grass and rocky ground, now sparked with green blood, guts and other unrecognizable changeling remains. I... I know it's Discord... but... am I really doing the right thing, here? Doubts started surfacing in the cyan pegasus' mind. I mean... ending up like them doesn't seem... But she quickly tapped her face to remove them. No... NO. He's angry at the changelings... there's no way he'd hurt me! Besides, we NEED him to fight off these... ah... Wow... She carefully took a look around her. Actually... They're not just jerks... THEY'RE UTTER MONSTERS! HOLY... She sped up toward her goal, painfully trying to hold her heartache in. Ok... She took a few deep shaky breaths. I can do this... "Hey, Discord!" She affirmatively called, but with no answer. She slowed down her flight, now only a few meters away from the frenzied chimera; trying again. "HEY!!!! DISCORD!!!" He finally turned around in a split second motion. In his eagle claw, the gushing with verdant bodily fluids half-decapitated carcass of another eye glowing minion. His eyes were still brightly shining with a vigorous red that dimmed down into the same aura he had when fleeing away. The obviously shaking gamine mare, now additionally weighted with fear, tried to keep him in her sight, not wanting to risk anything she thought would be dangerous as a changeling corporal tried to take advantage of her presence to sneak up on the master of chaos. "DIS, WATCH OU-" But before she could finish her warning, he had already vaporized his attacker with a surging flaming laser from his lion paw, not even looking behind him. The multicolored maned pony felt an icing shiver running through her entire fur all the way to the tip of her flapping wings. Discord threw aside his last prey that hit the ground with a loud splattering of bones and entrails, and began drifting toward her. His expression still just as frightfully menacing and silent. Fudge fudge fudge fudge fudge fudge FUDGE!!! COME ON RAINBOW, MOVE, DANG IT! She was completely paralyzed with terror, as the chimeric beast got closer and closer, finally only inches away from her. Even if a part of her inner thoughts and trust knew that he wouldn't be able to harm her, the overwhelming opposite could only think she was about to get savagely murdered. Whichever it would turn out to be, her confusion was far too great to properly care about it. So, in an attempt to not witness whatever would happen next, she forced her eyes shut and braced herself. "I'd rather have that you both wouldn't have had to see this..." The master of chaos calmly said in severely grave tone, never before heard from the rainbow maned mare who instantly let light flow back into her retinas, looking up to the slender figure. "It seems I have awaken a long forgotten side of mine... A bit drastic... but under these circumstances..." He suddenly aimed his right arm at his blind spot, another scorching ray escaping from it, calcining a scout sneaking up on them, about a hundred meters away. "... maybe it is for the best…" The flaming dark creature screamed in agony as the nerves of its flesh disintegrated and the intense heat melted his eyes, after which he dropped down completely inert, most likely having turned unconscious. Rainbow Dash was in complete disbelief, her mouth partly agape. Nothing but shaky gasps could escape from her vocal chords as she then felt a warm furry paw on her right shoulder. The draconequus eyed her for a few seconds after which he gave her a corner grin before lifting his claw and putting it on her shaking head. She could feel a very present heat, although not burning, emanating from it as it gently shook her mane, instantly drowsing her in reassurance and partially soothing her mind's turmoil. She let her eyelids fall under the comforting warmth for a few seconds before finally being able to speak again. "D... Discord... We need-" As she slowly opened her eyes back, she was now more than a quarter of a mile away from where she had just been, soaring at high speed through the late afternoon sky. "How did- WHAT?!" In the distance, she saw two impressive black figures rushing toward Discord as three smaller ones stealthily flew around where Rarity was hiding. "AAAHHH! NONONONO!" The light blue pegasus charged toward the small group of scouts, trying to remain as silent as possible. Wait wait wait... I think I should get around their backs so they can't notice me and call reinforcements... She headed to her left, making a large curve away from the small group of dingy creatures, before silently coming back behind a row of houses. Ok. Almost there... I'm just gonna take care of all three of them quickly... that shouldn't be too hard, and then I- She stopped her inner thoughts. SHOOT! THEY ALREADY FOUND HER! She put her flight speed in overdrive. COME ON! COME ON, DASH! CO- ... WHAT THE!?... She slowed down noticing a most startling sight. WHAT THE HAY WAS THAT?! One of them just got sucked into the bush where Rarity's hiding and the other two are baling! THE HECK IS GOING O- "AAAAH!!" All of a sudden, something popped out of the shrub behind the rock wall of the glamorous mare's hiding spot; a frail changeling skeleton with little to no remains of blood on it, as if chew and licked clean. Oooo-ooo-kay... I have NO IDEA what's going on, but... course seems ... clear? The tomboy mare carefully hovered closer, little by little. "Hum... Rarity? You still there?" She unsurely asked in whispers, stepping around the dead scout's frame on the bloody grass. An incredibly impressive belch resonated from behind the brushing leaves when an obese and plumpy blob, colored in cheese yellow with dark red spots, started appearing before the stunned rainbow tailed pony who cautiously took a few steps back. What in the hay is that thing?! She puzzlingly wondered as the blob figure continued emerging; unexpectedly revealing something that made her screech in terror. "WH-WH-WHO THE HAY ARE YOU?!" Rainbow Dash rapidly backed away. A pudgy equine face wearing a unicorn horn turned around with the help of a levitation spell enveloping its entire bubbly self with a purple aura. Its light brown crust mane looked nastily messy yet somewhat elegant at the same time, heavily falling down over some very puffy cheeks underneath which a rather idiotic drooling with blood and flesh grin satisfyingly shown itself. "Name's Besity... little Dashie...." The beyond chubby pony-like creature snorted, hovering closer to the cyan pegasus, showing off a weighty drooping belly and two jiggling plumpy crotch breasts with charcoal red nipples. She then let herself rest on the ground, creating some minor vibrations from her adiposity. "And you look like you could use a little more meat on you... scrawny..." She made a hefty silver plate with cover appear out of thin air, an invigorating aroma of roasted food instantly emanating from it. "Care for a little..." She exposed the meal. "...maple glaze roasted pork twin with some butter parasprites on the side? Hmmm?" "TH- WHAT?! NO!" The gamine pony bounced and turned her head away in utter disgust and trauma, feeling her stomach turn at the sight and whiff of the meal. "HOW CAN YOU EVEN EAT THOSE?! YOU you... wait. What ARE you anyway?! NOPONY would even CONSIDER eating another animals... that's... that's just..." The consideration of the idea made her feel sick, almost on the verge of vomiting. "WHAT I AM?! Don't you know the Titan of Suffocation, the most beautiful of the six veterans of Katastrofon, when you see it, you dumb little pegasus?! I'll make my very fat and SEXY butt show YOU who I am, just you wait!" The jiggling monstrosity spat, leftovers of blood and guts from her changeling meal flying out of her lips and teeth as she then gobbled down the two burnished adult pigs, one by one, barely chewing, followed by the avalanche of grilled greasy parasprites going down her hatch like if it was some kind of unbelievable waste disposal. The rainbow maned mare froze in horror and revulsion at the vision of this unconceivable act that was happening barely a few meters away in front of her, but the most dumbfounding had yet to come as the weight of the bulging Besity visually quadrupled within seconds from the ingestion of the entire silvery plate dripping with melted butter and fat. "You like my hot figure, little rainbow toothpick? Hehe... WAIT TILL YOU GET TO TASTE MY GIANT BUTT!" Despite her mass having tripled, reaching a shocking average of about 800 pounds, the titan easily managed to lift herself off the grass that had left bloody stains on her hooves. She wiggled her rump, showing off her now clearly visible cutie mark, the disturbing image of a pony's lung topped with three cubes of butter, served on a luxurious and decorative plate. A brief smirk appeared on her face as she then rapidly lunged herself toward the still lost in awe Rainbow Dash who barely avoided the attack. "WOAHWOAHWOAHWOAH!!! WATCH IT! DANG... OKAY! You're DEFINITELY not on OUR side, I can at least see that! I... How did you even appear in that bush! Rarity was supposed to be hiding the-" Freezing shivers run through the tomboy mare whose mouth and eyes widened in a horrid thought. "You... you couldn't have..." Besity charged again, but in vain. "... Rarity... PLEASE TELL ME YOU DIDN'T EAT RARITY!!!!" The light blue pegasus attacked the giant blob in a reflex of sudden sorrowful rage, but her mighty punch only but barely bruised the titan's face, covered in a thick layer of fleshy cushion. "Rarity?" The enormous veteran simply inquired, completely unfazed by the athletic mare's hit. "Oh... that yucky excuse for a unicorn? Oh HELL no... But I do know who she is..." She looked up to her head. "She's in here... somewhere... I don't really know where. I think I can hear her annoying voice now and then... Sure would like her to shut the HECK up! She's such a DRAMA QUEEN, SHEESH! Can't even handle being trapped in someone as gorgeous as me... What a waste..." Just as Rainbow Dash thought that her friend not having being eaten was a relief, she had now learned something all as much disturbing and awful; unforgivingly adding its gravity to her thoughts about Fluttershy's terrible fate. "B-b-but HOW?! I was only away for like... two minutes or something, and I KNOW Rarity could have beaten those three scouts, and-and I would have heard her scream if she was in trouble, at least! I wasn't even THAT far anyway! A-A-AND then I would have come back right away to save her! N-NO?! .... no...?" She insufferably anguished, feeling she had been gravely careless, her mind too preoccupied by her childhood friend's condition, and now, it had veritably cost her the loss of another dear companion. "Aww... is the skinny twiggy pegasus gonna cry? Hmm?" The morbidly obese mare taunted, taking advantage of her opponent’s severely clouded mind to strike again, rocketing herself with remarkable velocity using her powerful magic. "WHY DON'T YOU TRY CALMING YOUR SORROWS IN MY SNUGGLY CURVES?!" She easily made her whole lump twist around, her massive bubbling rear charging straight ahead; as if a clasping pair of jellied spheres, ready to trap anything in their path. No reactions could be seen from winged female pony who had seem to lost all of her dynamism and will over the staggering accumulation of troubling events, making it more than convenient for the titanic veteran's unsettling intentions. "OHOHOHOHOH! YOU'RE MAKING THIS TOO EASY!!" Besity's plowing butt cheeks reached their target in less than a second, instantly smothering it in their overwhelming pudginess. "So tell me, LITTLE PUNY TOOTHPICK, isn't my fabulous ass just the most BEAUTIFUL and SENSUAL thing you've ever been caught in?! HMMM?! OHOHOHOHOH! OHOHOH!-" A repulsive smell of sweat and anal filth exuded from the greatly corpulent unicorn's crack; one that could surely, in addition to the mighty pressure of the squeezing beefy pillows, make one gasp in emergency for fresh air in fear of dying from the poisonous stench and choking space. Thus seemed to be the case of the gamine pegasus who still remained defenseless and emptied of all hopes. "-OHOHOHOH!" The massive blob mare's overly amused and luxuriant laughs continued as she jiggled her buns on her prey, staining her with her abhorrent scent. "Well well! Now that you are all well marinated from my delicious aromas, I will gladly allow you the honor of being slowly devoured by my, OH SO VERY gorgeous mouth. HMM HMM HMM! YESSSS!" In a swift upward swing of her huge butt, she repulsed the now sewage smelling cyan mare into the air, quickly catching her in a strong levitating spell, making sure to not let her escape. "Come, now! Feel the WONDERFUL PRIVILEGE of being caressed by my smooth silky lips and tongue before being disappearing into my superb belly! You are SURELY going to make for a VERY YUMMY TREAT! OHOHOHOH!" The vore motivated veteran exclaimed, as she slowly approached the absentminded Rainbow Dash from her gaping mouth, savoring every moment of this one of a kind appetizer she was about to consume in much delight. "Any last words, little bony dash of rainbow?" Alas, the psychologically shattered pony did not replied, unconsciously accepting her demise of being gobbled down alive. "OHOHOHOH! I'm gonna LOVE suckling you up. HMMMMMM! AHAHAHA! AHAHAHA- GAAAHHH!" An unforeseen vibrant burning ray shattered the dark magic of the titanic mass of plumps, liberating the light blue pegasus who suddenly woke up from her emotionally demolished mind. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!? WHO'S THERE!?! HOW DARE YOU DISTURB MY MEAL!?" The unicorn veteran angrily shouted, as she lift her head above to the sky. "I'm Discord, the master of chaos. And I'm presuming you must be Besity, correct? It is not a pleasure." The draconequus calmly responded, swiftly catching his rainbow maned friend in his own spell; hovering her to safety at his side. "Ohhhhh... Yes... I believe I DO remember you... My... how NOTHING seems to have changed from you? Still has miserably-looking as ever. But where are my manners, how are your students at the Krophos Institute, hmm?" The corpulent pizza colored mare nonchalantly asked. "Mostly all dead, like you should have remained." The chimera retorted, seemingly unfazed, his dim red aura still much visible around him. "Ah... yes... yes...'' Besity replied, uncaring for the remark. ''But it feels oh so wonderful to be back and delect my tummy once again. How about joining me for dinner?" She inquired with an arrogant smile. Discord stared for a few seconds at the grossly taunting lump of lard before casually flying away, carrying his emotionally drained companion in his levitation spell. "Well then..." She poofed a jewel encrusted bib that she fixed around her bulging neck. "...more for me! OHOHOHOH!" With a swift lift from her magic, she carried herself further amid the chaos reigning in Ponyville, in search of a few more fresh snacks to satisfy her insatiable and peculiar appetite. > Chapter 5 - Moody Brews > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why does this even have to happen? Discord carefully thought to himself, gritting his teeth. And all because of a 'single' insect. A single miserable bug is what lead to this day. How inconceivably absurd. He chuckled as the psychologically destroyed tomboy pegasus, with out of control tears flowing on her silent face, was still floating in the magical aura at his side. We're gonna have to try and stay away from the havoc as we search for your remaining friends, dear Rainbow Dash. He looked over her, the same solid seriousness in his dimly glowing eyes. A quick bath could do you well before we do, although. The vile smell of chaos does not suit you at all. After making sure they were far enough from the disastrous commotion going on in Ponyville, the draconequus headed down to hide amongst a heap of trees and gently put down the rainbow maned mare on the soft verdant grass. The still warm sun of late afternoon barely shined through the opaque cover of leaves above them. The chimera popped a complete portable shower with a snap of his fingers. Maybe this will wake you up from your current torment; who knows. He started the water, adjusted the heat and carefully placed his friend into it–sitting her on the bottom of the tub—as he opened a bottle of lilac-scented shampoo. "I'm sure you won't complain on my selection of fragrance, will you?" He squirted some of it on the cyan pony's mane and began rubbing softly; slowly making it foam. "Hm... Yes. Already much better," he commented in a calm and reassuring tone. His dark crimson aura had dimmed down, but was still clearly flowing around his slender body. His eyes were now giving only but a faint glow yet keeping the same serious expression. He continued making the shampoo bubble up. His hands' motions almost seemed like the ones of a caring and loving father washing his dear daughter's hair. "Could you tilt your head a bit forward?" He silently asked when Rainbow Dash suddenly snatched the bottle from his claw and poured its content all over her head, fur and tail, vigorously rubbing everywhere while letting out repressed sobs and grunts. She scrubbed and rubbed as hard as she could, as if almost trying to tear her fur and hair off, but the horrible scent wouldn't seem to leave her, so she scraped harder and harder before finally collapsing in a torrent of cries under the raining warm water. Discord stood silently beside her, solely watching her release the quelled emotions she had been painfully trying to manage in order to carry her and Rarity's positivism. He patiently waited for a few moments—his face appearing unreached by the emotionally charged atmosphere—before delicately continuing cleaning his friend. A few minutes later, the storm raging inside the cyan mare had subsided and she was now laying on her left side, completely still, at the bottom of the bathtub. She looked exhausted but relieved, with her eyes relaxed. The draconequus gently rinsed off the accumulated shampoo using the hand-held head of the shower. "Perfect... I can now only smell of you the delectable aroma of the calming lilac," the master of chaos lightly jested on a neutral tone, not even showing a smirk. "You know about them..." A faint whisper was caught by the draconequus who pricked his ears. "You know about what happened to Fluttershy and Rarity, right?" He tilted his head; the very faint voice was coming from the gamine pegasus who slowly tried to lift herself and sit in the tub as the chimera carried on with the final rinse. Her head was low. He took a few seconds to respond, waiting for the foam to have been completely washed away and turning off the water so she could clearly hear him. "I indeed do," he answered in all seriousness while putting the shower head back on its bracket. Her pony friend's eyes widen as she looked down her hooves, but she did not reply as she usually would have. Instead, she simply kept gazing down at the tub's bottom. He lifted her with his magic and began drying her with a nearby towel, making the shower set disappear in a flash. "And this is why we must quickly find Twilight and the others." He swiftly rubbed her thoroughly and made the towel disappear, leaving Rainbow Dash's mane, tail and fur completely disheveled. "Charming," Discord pleasantly remarked, still not showing an ounce of a grin. "Keep your jokes for when this is all over." the light blue female pony replied in an empty tone before quickly shaking her body and combing her mane in her iconic style. "All set?" the draconequus asked, seeing his pegasus companion in good enough condition to fly. She stretched her body. "There's one last thing." "And what might this b—" The master of chaos spontaneously felt the tight embrace of the rainbow maned mare around his lithe upper torso. He looked down—light confusion showing on his still stern face—and slowly raised his lion paw before delicately setting it down on his companion's head. "Thank you, Discord," the faint voice of the tomboy pegasus spoke. "Right now, I am beyond glad to have you with us." Her blank yet blurry eyes began to flow. "And I am grateful for all of your help in my reform. However, try to dry those tears of yours for now dear; we got some fairly urgent issues to attend to," the chimera sincerely responded, an ounce of impatience in his voice. Rainbow Dash let go of her tight grasp, backed a few steps and slowly nodded. "Lead the way." They started soaring away from the group of shady trees in dire pursuit of the others. The distant early evening sun was dimly glowing, foreshadowing the cool November night that was about to set on the ongoing chaotic outbreak, currently spreading all over the respectful land of Equestria. * * * “Woah! Your new secret lab is so much 'cooler' than the one you had at the Golden Oak Library, Twilight!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as they arrived, along with Hika, in the grand room filled with all sorts of equipment from the latest magical and scientific technology. "Well, that seems to be 'one' of the advantages of being a princess, Pinkie. Although, to be fair, I do miss my old one," the alicorn replied, showing a bit of nostalgia in her voice. "I mean, this one is the best I could have ever asked for, but... it just still feels a bit 'too' big right now." She let out a light sigh. "It's alright, though. Just needs some getting used to." The other two followed her in the central section of the vast circular chamber surrounded by tall smooth stone walls, baring shades of light blues, and touches of yellow, green and white on furniture and other decorative elements. The floor presented a simple bright blue-gray surface of large tiles, as the dome-like ceiling offered a vivid white color accommodated with blond encrusted lights procuring just the right amount of luminosity all around the room. The equipment, ranging from chemistry's to biology's and throughout, conveniently fitted amongst the overall design by wearing metallic and/or silky white tints and hue. "Well, I got to say, it's very impressive, but the size is what really surprises me the most. I mean, how big 'is' this room?" the wide-eyed changeling inquired. "Well, since there had to be space for everything that was willingly 'offered' to me... it's got a perfect one hundred feet in diameter, and that's not including the storage, cold rooms, freezers and others. I haven't even gotten around everything since I've moved in," Twilight chuckled as she started gathering the necessary materials for making the potion. "Wow! One hundred?! That's like two and a half Sugarcube Corners next to another! That's hu-ouh, what's this!?" Pinkie Pie interrupted herself in spontaneous curiosity. "Pinkie, stop!" the studious pony shouted as her friend was about to turn on an unidentified piece of machinery. Pinkie Pie froze in mid-air, showing a huge grin, while looking back at the alicorn. "But it's all red and bumpy. It's like it's just 'asking' to be pushed!" She pummeled to the ground with a thud as Twilight heavily sighed. "Hum... what 'is' that thing, Twilight? Looks like some kind of... giant metal carrot on a... crane-like structure," Hika asked, standing still and looking fairly confused from the situation that had just unfolded. "A... hum... a heat ray... And if you"—the studious mare stared at Pinkie Pie who got back on her hoof and was now pretending to grill some imaginary marshmallows under the contraption—"push that button, 'right here'..." She stretched her right hoof, clearly identifying the round protruding switch, making sure her cotton candy colored friend had heard and seen her. "Um... It will... It will... uh..."—her eyes suddenly twitched before she finished her explanation—"Humm-melt... the floor! Yeah! I... I think." "Ooh! So you don't actually 'know' what it does, hmm?! Then does that mean I can try it out? Pleeease?" "No, Pinkie! You and Hika are here to help me make that potion to take care of Chrysalis' minions outside and we have to hurry! We're supposed to meet Discord and the other girls at Fluttershy's cottage later on, after we've took care of things around here! That, and the O.C.C.C or, Ominous Creature Capture of Canterlot, are going to be here soon with Applejack. I got to greet them to explain what they'll have to do. So no fooling around!! Okay?” Her words resonated, but there was no response. “You understand me, Pinkie?!" Pinkie Pie blankly stared at her alicorn friend for a few seconds before responding with a smile and her eyes closed. "Okie Dokie Lokie! So what do you want me to do?" "Just a sec, I'll write down the ingredients you'll both need to gather while I finish installing the equipment and gathering my own base ingredients. It should take about five minutes." She discretely winked at Hika before heading toward a nearby desk and getting out a quill and some parchments. Pinkie Pie sat down with a huge grin, before turning her head almost 180 degrees toward the changeling whose face quickly became overwhelmed with astonishment. "Hum... hey. So... I guess you're my new cousin, kind of, now. That's cool." he nervously chuckled as Pinkie Pie's body twisted back in place without her head moving a single centimeter. What the heck was that?! He internally shouted in bewilderment. Hika felt her sight locked on him, almost like a sniping predator waiting for just the right moment to pounce on its prey. "I... Would you like to chat or something while we wait for Twilight to be done with the lists. You, uh, just seem like you're 'dying' to talk about something... or..." he trailed off, having no clue how to handle the awkward situation. "Do you remember what your pony self looked like? Cuz I wanted to see if you had any resemblance with Pat. By the way, I'm super-duper happy to have a new friend and relative like you, it's not every day you get to discover you have a new cousin all of a sudden. It's really super cool, cuz it's like I should have known you, because Pat introduced me to all his family. He never mentioned you, I dunno why, and now you're with us to kick Chrysalis' butt, cuz of what happened to you and that's really horrible, and you're such a nice guy and now I wanna know more about you. That's only natural, cuz you are my new cousin and all and family members have got to know each other, at least that's what I think. Hey! I just thought you'd make such a good uncle for Cotton Candy Cirrus! That's my daughter, she's four months old, and she got the cutest little silly filly face I've ever seen, maybe I say that cuz she's my daughter, but the Cakes also have babies of their own. They're a unicorn and a pegasus, and Cotton is a pegasus too! They get along together super well, but Mrs. Cakes usually got her hooves full watching over the three of them. I mean I'm usually the one doing it, but when we gotta save Equestria, I gotta go, even though I'm leaving her behind, and that makes me sad, but I'm also happy and reassured cuz the Cakes are really great people and really caring and since they have babies of their own already, they know how to take care of it and..." As Pinkie Pie continued with her seemingly endless rambling, Hika, starting to look much affected by the unique dynamism of her new relative to be, tried his best to remain concentrated on what she was saying, remembering the task he had been assigned by Twilight. "Oh! Do you have a picture of her? Your daughter?" He finally managed to cut in, his face smiling in relief of having been able to find something to say. "Oh! Sure I do! I... oh, wait... It's in my saddle bag. I left it home coming here in a hurry, this morning. But when we're done with the potion and I go get my stuff, I could show you for sure! Wait, what am I saying, you'll see her for yourself! Oooh! I can't wait!" Pinkie Pie jumped in excitement, giving a rest to her hyperactive chat for a few seconds. "Hey, sure thing! I'd be glad to meet my, um, niece in law," Hika answered, nervously glancing over at Twilight still writing the ingredients on two pieces of parchment. A few opened references books were scattered on a workbench before her. Please tell me you're almost done, Twilight! It isn’t that I don't like your friend... but this... this... his mind trailed off, feeling uneasily charged. He looked back at Pinkie Pie still happily bouncing in place, the sight making his eyelids heavy. I'm going to have to get used to it, aren't I? So much energy and dynamism... I'm feeling 'my' entire energy drained just being near her! "Hum... Hika?" Twilight suddenly called out, covering her eyes from one of the levitating reference books she was consulting to list the ingredients. "Ah, yes, what is it, miss Twilight?" Hika replied, letting out a sigh of relief. "There's... something I gotta tell you. Could you come over here?" She gestured him to get close. "Hey, what's going on?" Pinkie Pie inquired, starting to get close as well. "Pinkie, there's something I got to speak with Hika in private. Please wait. It won't be long." "Awww... 'more' waiting?" She let her legs give in and her weight slowly lower her body down onto the floor, a light pout showing on her face. "Come in closer," the alicorn whispered, looking over to Hika and back to book; inciting him to take a look at it. "Something wrong? Why are you whispering?" "There's one ingredient I'm needing that, well... if I want to actually be able to brew the potion within the hour..., actually, make that about forty-seven minutes from now, I'm not too sure how to acquire... not having really thought about it beforehand." She made the book float over to her changeling companion, the tip of her quill pointing at a specific line. “Hum... ok. Let me see that.” Hika approached his head from the page. “This right here? ‘The DNA of a changeling; preferably active bodily fluids for more efficient brewing.'” He raised an eyebrow and looked over at Twilight having turned her head away. "So what's the problem, I just got to give you some blood, no?" Hika asked, confused as to why Twilight seemed concerned about the line, when the quill tapped on the parchment, showing a mention underneath. "Hm?" The changeling switched back to the floating tome. "'As followed: about three hours for saliva, one hour and a half for blood and forty-five minutes for..."—his eyes expanded in shock—"forty-five minutes for what?! How does that even make sense?!" he exclaimed, his voice reverberating across the room; Pinkie Pie getting notice of it. "Forty-five minutes for what?! For what?! Let me see, let me see!" She bumped into them, the book falling on the tiles before she quickly managed to pick it up, abnormally curious about Hika's reaction. "Pinkie wait, don't read it!" Twilight shouted, promptly getting hold of the volume, but the party pony hold on tight to it; her curiosity too great for her to let go. "Wait! I found it!" The book began to tear from Twilight's levitation spell's pull and her friend's firm grip. "I said 'let go'!!" The alicorn extended her spell on Pinkie Pie and used it to tickle her belly. This one burst out in laughter from the action and finally retracted her hooves from the tome, reaching down to her ribs; gasping for air. "It's too late! I-I already read it! Stop! Stop with the tickle!" As she spoke those words out of hilarity, the spell finally ceased. When she got up, she looked over Twilight and Hika; both showing a completely startled expression. "Forty-five minutes with semen!" Pinkie Pie casually exclaimed with a big grin and much enthusiasm. "You— wh— You... actually 'ok' with that, Pinkie Pie?" Hika asked, wide-eyed and confused. "What do you mean? You think I don’t know what 'semen' is? Please...”—Pinkie Pie giggled and swiped her front right hoof forward—"Pat and I had a baby! 'Of course' I know what it is! You guys worry for nothing." She got in close to Hika and gave him a hug. "You two 'still' feeling awkward about that whole sex thing? Really?" She let go of her embrace and stepped back. "Well..." Twilight hesitated, her face obviously blushing. "The one I'm the most surprised by is Hika, though. I mean, after what you've been through and all...” Pinkie Pie paused, thinking about her words. “Sorry, didn't meant to bring back bad stuff, but... you really still afraid of it?" "Me? Uh... Well... To tell the truth... I am not necessarily 'myself' afraid of it. It's more that I pictured a person as seemingly free-spirited and uplifting as you to... maybe not be all that comfortable with it herself." He paused. "Thinking about it, though... It seems pretty unfounded to have this kind of vision; I apologize." He inclined before her. "Silly Hika. You don't need to apologize." Pinkie Pie tenderly smiled at him. "Where do you think I stood before I met Pat? I was super shy about that subject as well. The only ones left that are feeling not so 'okay' with it are, well, we all know Twilight's still very shy about it..." She looked over at the concerned alicorn who hid her flushing face. "Rarity's somewhat 'alright' with it, but her 'standards'"—she emphasized with her hooves—"are getting in the way and make her super picky." She switched back to Hika. "As for Fluttershy. Well... to our surprise, she's actually the last we would have thought would come out of her shell, giving her very quiet personality. I mean, she doesn't like 'talking' about it when there's more than three or so ponies around, but in a little private chat, she seems to know quite a lot for such a timid one." Hika's face showed much focus regarding the words from the positive and–to his surprise–now very down to earth Pinkie Pie. "And... what about Rainbow Dash and Applejack?" he inquired, stepping in closer. "Oh, they're pretty... Hum... They like it, yeah. Barely or not at all shy on the subject, but they know not to bring it when others aren't." Pinkie Pie's head jumped a bit. "Oh! By the way! That book said you needed some changeling semen, right, Twilight?" She turned to her alicorn friend. "Ah... well... yeah. You read it yourself, after all," Twilight responded, still looking much uneasy by the situation. "Well... you heard the princess, Hika." Pinkie Pie approached him and put her right hoof around his neck, clinging her body and face against his. "You need any help? I can make Pat orgasm within seconds. They'll be plenty of time to brew the potion afterward," she casually offered. "What?! I mean... Oh! Ah..." Is there still some of my semen up in the study, or did Discord... "Fudge..." Pinkie Pie tilted her head. "Fudge? What do you need fudge for? Is it an aphrodisiac for you or something?" "Oh! No no no! Just, hum..." He twitched his head toward his alicorn friend who had now completely turned around from their direction. Her face was low and she was heavily breathing. "Twilight?" "Ah! Hum... Y-Yes?" she answered in whispers, her whole body shaking. "Is it okay if I go up in the study to... ah... prepare that ingredient? It's the only place I really know so far and–" "Hm-mm. You can go.” The completely bashful studious mare cut in, trying to avoid discussing the subject any longer. Her voice ringed high and suffocated. "Just knock when you come back so we can open the door for you, 'kay?" "Ah, ok, thanks. Do I need a vial or some–" Before Hika could finish, Pinkie Pie handed him a graduated cylinder. "I'm sure this will do, just don't spill any, okay?" She warmly grinned at him. "You sure you don't need any help. I'm pretty skilled, you know?" "Oh, no no! I'll be alright. I'm..." Oh fudge... it's already peeking out. “I'll go right now! See you in... Ah... I don’t know. Not so long! Bye!" He hurried answering before rushing up the stairs. "Ok! See you in a bit!" Pinkie Pie waved to him, before checking back on her alicorn friend. "Aw... come on, Twilight. Hey, can I do anything while he's up there? You done with my list?" * * * Hika rushed into the study and quickly closed the door behind him, although, making sure not to slam it. "Fudge!" He sat down against the door, left the graduated cylinder next to him and covered his face with his front hooves. "Oh, sure... I don't have trouble talking about it... but I still have trouble keeping my cool when any subjective thoughts crosses my mind!" He peeked down at his crotch and let out a long sigh before bumping his head with his right hoof. In between his legs, his gradient black and glowing green shaft had completely erected to its full seven inches of length and was giving out shorts spasms of excitement. "That Pinkie Pie really shouldn't have talked like that. Now, after what she said, all I got in my head are fantasies of what she proposed to me. I mean, for Celestia's sake! I know she told me she all willing and stuff, but she's my freaking cousin in law, or... will be, when she'll marry Pat." He stood up and looked around the room, his equine cock still as stiff as a stick. He chuckled a bit as he saw the huge jug of Discord's cum still standing on the wooden floor. "Must be very cold now. There's no way that'd make good frost—" His cock delivered a very heavy throb as the image of him orgasming all over Pinkie Pie crossed his perverted mind. "Stop it! Just... stop!" He hit himself on the head multiple times, trying to get rid of the thought. He began roaming around the room. "Just what kind what kind of 'relation' has she established with Pat, anyway? I mean, you don't just go out and offer to help your relative jerk off! That's just... 'What?!' I get that they might be free spirited, but jeez! Never have I heard something like 'that' before.” The right study's window was still opened from when Discord bailed about half an hour ago. Hika looked out from it, noticing the sun still high up in the clear sky. A nice breeze was flowing in and agitating the chestnut drapes. He continued with his aloud thoughts. “You got a wife and... Well... you might agree to practice some new stuff with other couples or peoples, but within your own family!? When did that even become a thing!?" he shouted in whispers, roughly shaking his head, but unable to make the immoral images go away. He noticed the basket of pastries that had now dried up a little. He grabbed one—an apple strudel—and started taking small bites out of it while walking around the room, trying to think of something else. "Why do we have to be so constricted in time? And tell me this: how the fudge is my splooge better than my blood for the brewing time? What's so special about changelings' semen? I... ugh!" He threw away the sugary bun that unexpectedly landed into the jug of silky fluid, the impact creating a small radial wave that expelled some of its content onto the floor. "Are you fucking kidding me!?" he screamed and burst out laughing from the irony of his action. A few seconds later, he deeply sighed. "Well... that took care of the thought for at least ten full seconds... but now it's obviously back. How the heck am I going to manage, here? There's no way I want to jerk off to... her..." He paused. "Maybe I do should have accepted her offer. Ah, what am I saying?! Really now, Hika?! Come on! Miss Twilight requires that you provide her with your... ugh... seeds, so she can make that potion that hopefully will help us get rid of these bastards, fortunately, without having to kill any of them. I hate the killing. I'm fortunate enough that I haven't had to do so, yet... but not enough to have escaped witnessing it." He walked around the chair he was tied-up to, earlier. "Only a few hours... that's all it takes for me to go from cursed to almost saved..." he chuckled, and suddenly, the perverted images in his mind changed to memories from earlier; from where his fate changed. "I owe them a lot... a whole lo—" His personal thoughts were disturbed by a knock on the door. "Hika, are you having trouble with the semen? It's been five minutes already! Twilight is waiting for you, she's gathering the rest of the ingredients on your list!" The voice of Pinkie Pie rang through the wooden door. The changeling shouted in surprise. "What!? Five minutes already!? Really?! Uh... I... just a moment!" "Hika..." Pinkie Pie sighed on a positive tone. "I'm coming in; you're taking too long." "What!? No! Stay out! Stay—" He immediately sat down and tried to cover his pulsing member, his face in complete panic. She entered the room with a calm smile, nonchalantly cantering toward him. "Oh! Well... at least you got it ready for action. That's good, but how come you not able to get it going? What's the matter?" Hika sighed, looking up to her. "Well... I'll guess I'll put in bluntly, since we are hurried by the time.” He paused and took a deep breath. “Just minutes ago, when you suggested to help me out getting it off..."—Pinkie Pie slowed her steps, now inches away from the dark equine—"Some pretty uncontrollable thoughts sprung into my mind, right out of nowhere. And... Well... Wouldn't you know; those thoughts were about you, and they gave me what I'm currently trying to hide in-between my hooves." His nervous eyes looked away when he heard an unexpected response; a giggle from Pinkie Pie. "Hika. I really don't mind. Of course you'd be getting all kinds of 'sexy' thoughts about me when I told you that earlier. I'm the one who put them in there." She giggled some more. "But... I'm your relative. Your husband is my very own cousin! Does he even know!? Does he accept that you can just... willingly help me out with that?" the changeling responded, upset, confused and wishing to get some answers. "Oh. Yeah. You're right. We're living on a somewhat free relationship, guess I should have thought about mentioning that to you. Teehee." She grinned in a silly manner as Hika's head heavily fell forward. "But hey, now you know, so it's all good, right?" She took a sit in front of him, reaching out to his hooves. "I... Wait! No no no! Not yet." He pushed her back. "Let me just... Just give me a few seconds." He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. "So... Pat, is okay with you... just... having sex with other ponies?" "Well..." She casually leaned back, spreading her back legs and thus showing off her hindquarters. "As long as we promise to keep our love strong and never forget each other, it's alright, but I don't believe we agreed on having other lovers. Sexual partners, tough, we are allowed to. And besides"—she reached down to her vagina and open its labia, lubricating fluid flowing out of it—"I'm sure he won't mind if it's you, and it's a required ingredient for the potion anyway." She gave her clitoris a little rub. "So... we best get to it. Twilight is waiting." "How... What... Why do you..." was all Hika replied, filled with complete astonishment. His penis was almost painfully throbbing from the audacious tease Pinkie Pie was executing. "To make you more sexually excited, you doofus. It's working, isn't it? And the more you're built-up, the quicker you'll orgasm." She vigorously massaged her labia and rosebud one last time, giving Hika one last arousing sight—heavy drops of vaginal fluid leaking out—before getting more intimate with the very stiff changeling. "I... Pinkie Pie... What—" The feeling of soft lips pressing against his suddenly cut his words short. Pinkie Pie had took the liberty of engaging in a deep kiss with him, covering his own tiny mouth and caressing it with her agile yet gentle tongue. Wha-what is she doing? How the heck can she be so b-b... bold... That's not... hmmm... It barely took a few seconds for him to succumb to the skilled sensual actions of the seducing pink mare, who had now moved to insert her fleshy muscle in his cavity and gracefully entwining his own tongue; her right hoof carefully placed around the back of his neck. His consciousness' guard now breached, Hika closed his eyes and let his front legs fall to his sides, exposing his luminescent shaft that was now eagerly pulsing and beginning to produce pre-seminal fluid. Pinkie Pie noticing her successful charms, slowly retracted her lips over Hika's. Strings of saliva stretching from the separation of their mouths. "That tiny mouth of yours is very fun to kiss, you know? I feel much more in control of my tongue. I like it," she nonchalantly commented with a tender grin at the completely relaxed and mind-blanked changeling. "I... ehuh... gehh..." "Woah... Was I really 'that' good? I mean, Pat does say I'm a 'super kisser', but I didn't thought I could have so much impact," she softly giggled. "Well, if you thought 'that' was good, wait till I get on the next step; my honey really gets the hots for it." She gave Hika a little kiss on the snout before leaning down and gently getting a grab of his impatient horse member. Hika let out a quick soft moan, the delicate touch of her to be cousin feeling quite skilled in procuring him sexual stimulation. "You're so eager. That’s gonna be a snap," Pinkie Pie happily chuckled, massaging the throbbing penis with care using both her hooves. "I'm betting about... two minutes, oh, no, make that forty-five seconds, I can tell how turned on you are, Hika." She looked up seeing his completely entranced face, unable to speak. The sight made her grin with delight. "Alright, let's move on." She moved her left hoof at the side of his fluorescent shaft's base—now drizzling with pre-cum—and her right one down to his testicles; starting to dearly fondle them. "Those are very adorable. I'd be happy to play with them some other time." "Ehngeh... muuhh... mmm..." A short laughter came out of Pinkie Pie in response to the sedated with lust gibberish Hika had just mumbled. "What's that you say, Hika? You want me to suck on your yummy looking candy stick? Why, I'd love to! Thanks for the offer!" she amused herself before giving the rock hard, equine cock a little nudge with her snout, making it swing about. She then opened her mouth wide and gobbled the unflared shaft's tip. She then pulled out her tongue and started moving her lips all the way down to the base while performing a long and slow lick—making sure to feel every lumps and veins—then ascended back to the very summit. She suckled it, getting a taste of Hika's juice, and poked the tip of her tongue inside his urethra, drops after drops of pre-cum gushing out. Hika convulsed in great pleasure. Continuous moans—gradually getting louder—escaped from his gaping mouth, flowing with a stream of drool dripping down his chin and onto the soft and sweet scenting mane of Pinkie Pie. She retracted her tongue from his cock's canal and then proceeded to generously roll it around the gland while applying subtle suctions, continuously gathering the accelerating flow of the pre-seminal fluid. After a few more seconds of gluttonous enjoyment of her fleshy snack, she realized it was beginning to try thrusting in and out of her mouth with much eagerness. Understanding the situation with amusement and acceptance, she let her muzzle slide onto it, her buccal muscle gently fondling its length lubed with saliva and pre-ejaculatory liquid. Hika—now conscious of Pinkie Pie's approval—started his in and out of her mouth with much sexual impatience. He put his hooves down on her head with caution—feeling the fuzzy and soft texture of her mane—and lightly held onto it in order to have better control on his thrusts. Pinkie Pie let out a relieved moan. Phew, I'm glad one of my hooves is free. The heat and lust are starting to drive me coocoo as well. Couldn't wait to have my own little fun while he gets his way. Not that I mind, though; that changeling penis feels pretty great in my mouth! I'd like to try out some other time for su-ouh! Maybe I could have Pat and him have a threesome with me! Ohhh! That would awesome! As she fantasized, she reached down to her drizzling wet impatient vulva with her right hoof and started giving it a thrilling rub. Hika's moans intensified. His penetrating motion grew faster and deeper down his cousin to be's mouth—hitting the back of her gagging throat—getting close to his orgasm. The climax was also feeling close for Pinkie Pie who was ravaging her pussy with stimulating motions, a considerable puddle of vaginal fluid now visibly apparent on the wooden floor of the study, reverberating with laments of pleasure until Hika screamed in gladness and relief as his climax began. A consecutive row of thick gushes of glowing green semen filled Pinkie Pie's cavity, and in an urgent reflex to regain air and swallow her delivered protein feast, she forced herself out of the erupting penis; all while achieving her very own orgasm as well. A generous amount of secretions heavily leaked between her labia, covering her hoof. She quickly tried to swallow the copious amount of fluorescent jizz occupying her mouth, after which she let out a huge mix of a gasps and moans; still feeling the heavy twitches of her vagina's muscles. Hika's streams of cum continued for a few seconds, frosting Pinkie Pie's face and mane. His moans gradually lessened in energy as he let himself fall on his back—spent from the experience—his equine member still producing a few more pulses as it emptied the last of its dripping down juice. "Aaahhh.... hmmm...," he sighed in much satisfaction. Pinkie Pie crawled over his panting body and gave him a gentle slimy kiss on the snout before standing up with a bit of wooziness and beginning gathering his cum into the graduated cylinder. "Do... do we have enough... for th... the potion?" Hika asked between short breaths; his body and mind still feeling somewhat under the effect of the sexual thrill. "Yup! The bottle thingy is almost full. You gave out a 'big' load, you know? Didn't knew those little balls of yours could produce that much." Pinkie Pie commented, carefully putting the cap on top of the scientific flask and then helping Hika back on his hooves. "Well... I don't really know how to explain it, but... even though they look small, for some reason they retain the efficiency from my pony self, which was... well... you've seen for yourself..." He managed to stand—a bit wobbly—his sticky cock slowly starting to retract back into its sheath. "I think you might just have one as big as Pat! And I'm not complaining, I love my husband's load," she shortly giggled. "Oh! By the way, would you like me to lick you clean before we head back to Twilight? After a good oral, I usually do so to Pat, and he does so with my labia too. Well... that, or we go take a shower. Or... we can leave it like this, we do are in a hurry, kind of. That little fun lasted a bit longer than expected," she chuckled, acting a bit guilty. "Ah... I... Well... I'm afraid of still getting an erection from your"—he frowned, showing Pinkie Pie a rather mixed expression—"very impressive tongue, and considering what you've told me about Twilight, I doubt coming back to her with a hard-on is going to make her comfortable and able to focus on her work. So... I'll just quickly go to the nearest bathroom and clean it up myself. You can go see her with the semen; I'll be right back. You know where the nearest bathroom is?" "Oh, sure, there's one on the right end of the hall." She approached him and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "Be back quick." She tenderly smiled at him, then started heading down on a canter. A distinctive blush had appeared on Hika's face as he began trotting toward the restroom. How... the hay... is she able to do that? I mean, seriously! That's still blows my mind! It's like it's nothing to her! No shame at all, whatsoever! 'It's all cool and all.' I... I know she told me she's in a 'free' relationship with her husband, my cousin, but... holy freaking... Gahhh! He internally shouted and roughly ruffled and scratched his mane and scalp. And 'of course', now all I can think of is her! Jee! I wonder 'why'! Oh! And not only that! He reached the door of the bathroom and shut it behind him, sitting down at its step, exasperated. Now I got another freakin’ 'boner', because my perverted mind is going crazy about wishing to 'fuck her'! Freaking hay! As his unwanted thoughts continued to trail off, he unconsciously grabbed his erected member and began penetrating one of the holes in his right leg with it. "Wh-what the hell am I doing!?" He instantly removed it. "Get a hold of yourself, man! Come on! Shove it away; stay focused!" He forced himself to stay concentrated on thinking of the situation at stake going on in Ponyville and proceeded to wash off the mixture of sperm and saliva that was covering his hard shaft—with the use of a small damp towel—trying not to succumb to the tempting urge of striking it. "Keep focusing, keep focusing, keep focusing..." he continued mumbling to himself for the next few minutes he carefully wiped off every trace of remaining bodily fluids. His erection finally managed to settle down and was almost entirely back in its sheath. He dried it off and let out a relieved sigh. "Alright... managed to do it... Now, just keep focusing and hurry back to the lab to help out with the potion, ok Hika? Ok... Alright. Keep focusing, keep focusing..." he kept whispering as he cantered down to the main hall and the entrance of the laboratory. "Wait, what's that?" Before he knocked on the door leading to the basement, something caught his changeling sense's attention and he rushed to one of the cathedral windows. "Oh fuck!" He immediately got to the ground, hiding underneath the window's frame. "Ok. Yeah. That potion needs to be brewed as soon as possible. That was a sergeant. Fudge... I hope their attacks won't happen before we're done with it." He peeked out again, seeing the lightly armored changeling stealthily flying away. “I gotta warn them.” He quickly knocked on the lab's door—that opened almost instantly— before rushing back to his two waiting friends, galloping down the stairs. "Hey! There you are." Pinkie Pie waved to him as she was holding onto her list of the ingredients and looking them up on the shelves and cases. "Were you able to clean off everything?" She nonchalantly asked, Twilight only meters away from her. "I... ah... yes," he whispered. "Shouldn't you keep it down? You're the one who told me Twilight was uneasy with that stuff. By the way, I..." "Oh, don't worry about it. I forgot to mention, but even though she's like that, she actually has read a bunch of books on the subject. So... she knows, she just isn’t used to it, yet." Pinkie Pie turned around to her blushing studious friend. "Isn't that right, Twilight?!" she shouted. "I... hum..." The alicorn hesitated for a few seconds. "Pinkie, please give the remaining list to Hika so he can start searching for the ingredients too and hurry up, we're already behind the time estimated for the potion to be made!" Pinkie Pie giggled at her friend's reaction and approached Hika. "Here you go, cousin." She handed him the small parchment. "I'm almost done finding mines, so I'll help you get yours when I'm finished, okay?" She gave him a light kiss on the cheek, before turning around to continue with her own scavenge. Hika's face instantly flushed. Oh no no! Don't you dare come back on me, okay?! He internally spoke, focusing on his crotch in an attempt to control his erection. No matter how 'big' of a tease she is, you are to keep focusing at the tasks you've been assigned. You hear me, Hika? Ok? His body stood still as he waited for his arousal to fade away, which only took a few seconds. He sighed in relief. "Alright... I believe I'm good, now. So...”—he began reading his list—“chamomile extract... Where is that?" * * * Twilight skimmed through the gathered ingredients and lists. "Alright. Good job you two. I've got all the ingredients I needed and all my installations are complete. Just got to get to the brewing. Not much else you can do now to help me out, but”—she turned to Hika and Pinkie Pie—“don't go too far in case I need something. Okay?" Her two assistants nodded. "Understood. Is it okay if I go up to the library, or would that be too far?" Hika inquired. "Ah... well... I would prefer if at least one of you could stay down here with me." "Oh! I could, Twilight! I don't mind," Pinkie Pie hastily responded, bouncing in place. Twilight's face twisted a bit. "Ah... actually, no. Never mind. I can just teleport in the library if I need anything." It's not that I don't trust Pinkie being able to stay calm or anything, but... actually... no, I 'do' do not trust her being able to do so, even if the situation is dire right now. You're just too... I'm sorry, Pinkie. "I'll be better off by myself for the brewing anyway. I'm just used to it. Sorry. You two can go upstairs and I'll signal if I need any help, okay?" Pinkie Pie abruptly stopped her hopping motions and her entire face went emotionless. Hika frowned and tilted his head. “Hum... Pinkie Pie?” Twilight felt guilt build up inside, making her head drop. Oh no... Don't tell me she's thinking what I thought... I should be more frank with her, but... I just don't want to hurt her feelings. I know how... sensitive she can truly be under that face... I... She paused for a split second, reconsidering her thoughts. No. Okay. Got to make it clear, and right now would be the best since we're in a situation where she wouldn't be allowed her... extravagant ways and personality to get the best of her... The threat is... I think beyond anything we've faced so far. And it's going to distract me in my work anyway if I don't tell her. She raised her head toward her pink friend. "Hum... Pinkie. I didn—" "Okie dokie lokie, Twilight!" Pinkie Pie replied in her usual positivism, her smile and merry eyes having come back in less than a second. "You ready, Hika?" She turned to her to be cousin in law. "I... hum, yes?" he hesitantly answered, having understood the possible unease between the two mares. "Alright! Let's get going, then!" Pinkie Pie trotted behind Hika and began pushing his rear toward and up the stairs, her joy feeling a bit odd. "Wo-oah! Ok ok! No need to push!" he chuckled. Pinkie Pie removed her hooves from his flanks. "Oops. My bad." she giggled lightly before going around and facing him. "Well, I'll be waiting for you, then!" She looked over to her studious friend. "Say, Twilight. I've seen some apple fritters and pastries, earlier, up in the study along with some frosting in that jug. Would you mind if I had some?" "Ah, eh, um... no! Please do! Oh! And you're going to 'love' that frosting! Hika and Discord made it themselves! They didn't told me what ingredients they used, but I have a feeling you might be able to figure out—oh, but it must be pretty cold right now—Well, if you manage to find out what's in it, I'd really like if you could maybe add it to the menu at Sugar Cube Corner; if I am given Discord and Hika's permission, of course. I have a feeling a lot of ponies are going to love it just as much as I have." Hika's eyes enlarged when he heard Twilight comment on the creamy seasoning. His body shivered a little as he glanced over to Pinkie Pie. "That sounds like a great idea! I'll try to figure out what's in that 'icing'"—she turned to meet Hika's eyes, her face looking delighted—"you and Discord made." Hika gulped; goosebumps running through his body. "Well, we better get going to not stop you in your work, Twilight! See you if you need us!" Pinkie Pie bellowed, grabbing her frozen with sweats to be cousin by his front hooves and dragging him up the stairs on his chest. Twilight waved to them lightly. She knows... I know she does that I wasn't frank with her just now... She's trying to hide it. Poor Pinkie... I'll really have to tell her; at least before we head out later. Although... I'm really glad Hika has joined our side and already became friend with her—She chuckled with a smile—I think they're going to be really good siblings... She turned around to her tree of tubes and other lab equipment she had prepared for the brewing. "Alright. I’ve got to start now if I want to be done in time." She carefully levitated the semen-filled graduated cylinder and approached from her workbench. * * * "Ow ow ow ow! Ok ok! Pinkie Pie, you can stop dragging me! Stop it!" Hika exclaimed as they arrived at the door leading to the east castle hall. It magically opened before them. "Oh! I'm sorry." She let go of her grasp. A preoccupied expression covered her face. They crossed onto the dark violet stone floor slightly heated by the mid-afternoon sun that shined through the pale cathedral windows. On his far right, Hika could notice the cracks having been left by Rainbow Dash, earlier this morning. He frowned a bit before looking back at her cousin to be. "Pinkie Pie?" He approached her. She was hiding her face and appeared to be wiping her eyes before she turned around, trying her best to smile. "You're sad she isn't sincere with you, are you?" Hika asked her, having a strong feeling of what was going on. Pinkie Pie sighed, rubbing the back of her head and looking down. "She's kinda right, though. I do have a hard time keeping still and serious. It's like I always got to have something to do or else I'm just gonna end up letting my boredom find something and that usually doesn't really please everypony." She chuckled. "You know, before I got my cutie mark, I really 'really' wasn't like that; complete opposite, actually." She stood on her front hooves and began walking on them. "I mean, I wasn't especially happy, and I'm glad I ended up being who I am, but what 'that' brought along... whew! ...I even gotta control my own self, sometimes, cuz it's going too far. That's... if I can. “I ended up having a lot of trouble staying focused and not getting distracted by anything if I wasn't given a task or job or anything to be busy with." She landed back on her fours, now walking around with her head to the floor. "That's why I'm super glad Mr. and Mrs. Cakes allowed me to stay at Sugarcube Corner and taught me to become a baker, cuz that's definitely something I needed to keep my mind steady, and... now that I have a family, it's even better, and I'm very grateful for it as well, and I love it and couldn't ask for anything better... but, I still can't seem to relax and not feel so hyper all the type, you know?" She began sobbing with a mix of forced chuckles, feeling the weight of her own words as her eyes watered. Her voice gradually sounded more and more in distress. "I mean, Pat tries his best to help me out and figure out how to deal with it, but it just doesn't seem to go away, and it's keeping me from being what I wished I could be 'more', for my friends, other than a sugar rush coocoo head, when they're telling me to wait or be patient... Every emotion feels rushed; nerve-wracking!...," she trailed off and stopped in front of one of the stained glasses, before letting her turmoil push her down into a sitting position. She firmly closed her leaking eyelids. "And some of my friends just aren't able to tell it straight to me 'Pinkie, you're too hyper! I would like if you could go somewhere else, please.' I mean, I wouldn't really mind it, if it wasn't that it keeps reminding me of something I'm apparently unable to change and—" She suddenly felt the very tight embrace of dented hooves around her, to which she gasped in surprise and opened her blurry eyes. “Sorry... Couldn't really think of anything else...," Hika whispered. She turned and hugged him back even tighter and they stayed silent for a few seconds. A small smile then gradually formed on her face. "Don't worry, it... it did helped. Thanks cousin. I was about to somber in blues, and maybe beyond that... That hug really managed to stop them from going any further. You did the right thing." She slowly stood up and gave him a light kiss on the cheek, after which she took a deep jerky breath—still sobbing a bit—and exhaled all the way; trying to calm herself down. She looked up to him, staring in his eyes for a brief moment, then let her sight drift away as more thoughts crossed her mind. “I... 'have' been wondering about telling my friends to be frank with me and that I wouldn't mind...”—her head and body swayed to her words—“but I just can't seem to find the guts to do it, cuz at the same time... I can toughen it up. So, it can be alright. I can manage, but... it's just..."—she vigorously rubbed her mane and scalp—"Uuuhhgh! I wish all that confusion pudding would just go away!" she shouted in exasperation, covering her face once again as she let her rear hit the hard floor once more. Hika calmly walked to her side and sat down. "Hey, Pinkie." She peeked through her hooves. "I'll back you up." A sniffle could be heard from her hidden nose. "W-what?" "Maybe I could try and help get rid of that pudding with you? You've been able to confess your troubles to me and that you wish you could find the guts to tell your friends, Twilight, in this case, how you feel. You just need some help getting it through." He reached for her hooves and slowly began moving them aside. "I say we go see her and try to solve this situation. I'll be right there to back you up in case you need it." Pinkie Pie's watery eyes glanced around the hall as she began thinking about Hika's proposition, putting her front hooves back on the ground. Hika kept his sight on her. "Keeping all the negative stuff in is really not something somepony should put itself through." He paused, the reminiscence of this morning's events coming back to him. "It's a prison that pains you from the inside and... can do a lot more damages overtime than finally letting it out and to deal with its present consequences." Pinkie Pie gradually stood up. Her eyes, focusing on Hika, began frowning in a gradually building confidence that slowed her sobbing. "Thing is... doing it alone isn't always something that 'can' be..." He got up as well and laid his right hoof on her left shoulder. Pinkie Pie glanced down to it, then back to Hika. Her expression was very gradually turning from troubled to confident, hesitation of his offer slowly fading from her mind. She rose her right hoof and positioned it in manner to mirror his—deeply looking in his glowing green eyes with growing determination—and proceeded with giving him a tight embrace. He lightly blushed and smiled. "So, I'm guessing you might want to give it a shot?" "Yup." she answered, keeping her hooves around him for a few more seconds before withdrawing them and putting them back on the floor. "Thanks again, cousin." She took a deep breath and let it out. "Ok... I'm ready." Hika nodded and let her pass in front. She started heading toward the door to the laboratory's stairs. A panel opened with a magic voice recognition unit. “Pinkamena Diane Pie.” The panel retracted and the door opened, but just before going down, she checked behind her to see that Hika was indeed following her. He smiled back and nodded in encouragement. They could hear the sound of boiling and hissing from the chemistry tree—indicating the brewing was in progress—as they stepped onto the stairs. Twilight was patiently standing right next to it wearing her white scientist coat and protective glasses. "Oh... She looks really focused, maybe we should wait until she's done?" Pinkie Pie whispered to Hika, doubt gaining back on her. "Did she ever mind having someone interrupt her during scientific experiences before?” he asked looking her in the eyes. She glanced back at him then down and in front of her. Her eyes jittered a bit. “Pinkie. She's your friend, and I'm sure she's concerned with what happened as well. I got a feeling she really won't mind." He paused, looking at the hesitation on Pinkie Pie's face. "Would you rather that 'I' be the one to make her known of our presence? I don't think she's hearing us coming down." "I...” She took a moment before answering. “Yes. Please," she replied, letting him pass in front. "Alright." He gently gave her a pat on the back. They reached the lab's cold bluish-gray floor in silent. Twilight was keeping a close eye on her work as she scribbled some notes on a levitating parchment. "You're ok?" Hika asked Pinkie Pie. She partially nodded, staring carefully at her alicorn friend only a few meters away. She could feel tension building up inside her. "Stay here if you like. I'll try to warn her we've come back." Hika began silently walking toward the workbench where the experience was ongoing while Pinkie Pie sat down, beginning to bite on her tail. "Twilight?" Hika called out while being careful not to startle the studious mare at work. "Miss Twilight?" he tried again, but without success. That is some pretty steady concentration. He moved in closer, reaching about only a meter away from her. "TWILIGHT?" She jumped a little and turned her head around. "Uh? What?" "May we have some of your time?" Hika titled his head behind him toward Pinkie Pie who startled and let go of nibbling on her tail to hesitantly wave at them. "Oh! Um... sure." Twilight's face gloomed a bit as she give one last glance at the vat heating the potion. "Well... actually, could it be possible for you two to wait about ten more minutes? I still got some more steps in the process. All that would be left after that is just letting the potion heat up so all the ingredients are properly brewed together. I'll be with you two then. Is that alright?" She looked over at Pinkie Pie with concern. This one kept her eyes on Twilight for a few seconds before lowering her head to her left side. "Don't worry Twilight. Take your time. Come get us when you're done." Hika responded in his cousin to be's stead, nodded in acknowledgment and began heading back toward the stairs. "Oh, um..."—Twilight added—"You can stay down here, if you'd like. That's alright." Hika slowly turned around and gestured with his head again. "Thank you." He then continued walking toward Pinkie Pie who seemed to have a rather stern look on her face. Just a few steps further, Hika joined and sat before her. "So what do you say? Do you wish to head back upstairs or wait here?" Pinkie Pie looked around the laboratory. "I can feel she's concerned about me, but I'm still feeling uneasy about having to wait, even though it's necessary. This is only making me feel even more nervous." She let a long sigh jolting roll through her lips. "I'm feeling all my emotions mixing together in a big dough... I really don't like it..." "Do you know what you're going to tell her?" "I... I think. Kind of... I'm not too sure. Do I wanna be sincere or be careful of not hurting her feelings? I know what I 'feel' like I want to say, but... 'how'... I, I don't know..." Pinkie Pie sighed again—her dilated eyes staring at the floor—reflecting her troubled state of mind. Hika looked over to her. "Well, you wish for her to be frank with you about finding you too hyper to sometimes stay around to help her. You also have lots of trouble controlling it and it pains you. You wish it could calm down, but you are afraid to ask for help..." Pinkie Pie remained silent. "Sorry. Maybe I was a bit too direct just now... My bad." Hika turned his head away feeling a bit guilty. Pinkie Pie's eyes remained locked on the cool gray tiles. "N... no. Thanks for reminding me and resuming it..." She rose her head and looked at Twilight who was delicately pouring additional prepared ingredients into the simmering concoction. A yellow tinted vapor rose from the chemical reaction. "I shouldn't... be afraid to be frank with her if I want her to be frank with me. I'll tell it like I feel it... and, I'd really like if I could do it alone. I really want to." She stood up to get closer to Hika and gently hugged him. "Thanks again cousin. Seems you just keep on coming in handy.” She chuckled. “I think I'll be alright to sort it out." He embraced her back. "No problem. I can always not be too far in case anything happens." Pinkie Pie withdrew her hooves and brought her sight to Twilight again. The stern look on her face had only barely softened. "I don't..." She turned around. "Actually, yes, cuz I dunno what might happen with my 'looniness'”—she emphasized with her hooves—"so standing by could be nice, please." She nodded before looking back toward the chemistry tree. "Alright." Hika smirked. "Well, I'd say you still have about five minutes before she's done; would you like to keep your mind focused on mentally preparing yourself until then?" Pinkie Pie did not responded, her vision glued to Twilight who was mixing together what seemed to be the last remaining ingredients for the potion. Hika chuckled and headed toward the heat ray they saw upon arriving in the laboratory earlier. Can this really melt the floor? I mean, I'm not going to try it out, but I sure would like to see it in action at some point when all the... Wait a minute... If it can melt the floor, then why wouldn't we use it to defend ourselves against Chrysalis' army!? Duh! Why didn't I thought of that sooner! That would be so... eh... that would be a horrible sight... but nonetheless a very good defense! I'll just 'have' to ask Twilight after the potion is do- wait... what is that sound? He twisted around to see Pinkie Pie's hooves impatiently tapping on the ground. Wowowowowow... He quickly walked back to her; trying to make as less sound as possible on the stone floor. "Pinkie Pie," he whispered, as he had almost reached her. Her eyes were twitching and intensely targeting Twilight who was almost finished with her work of having assembled all of the ingredients into the bubbling brew, now emanating grapefruits colored fumes and a rather spicy and sweet aroma. "Pinkie!" Hika whispered louder right next to his to be cousin's ears. "Uh? What?" Her head promptly twisted toward her name being called. "I... Hika? What was I doing just now?" He contemplated her reaction for a brief moment. "You were grinding your teeth and tapping your hooves almost frantically." "I... I was?" Her eyes darted and blurred up as she lowered her head. "Are you 'sure' you're gonna be able to talk to Twilight?" Hika asked in concern. "I know there's only about four minutes left, but would you like if I helped you change your mind until she's ready? Maybe this could help in calming you down a bit? I could tell you about my family if you'd like." Pinkie Pie's face quickly rose back to his. She wiped her eyes, her expression looking rather distressed. "Yes. Please. Thank you. I'm really not feeling right. I need to focus on something else. I'm sorry." She hasten to respond. "Alright. Take it easy.” He approached her and gave her a hug, caressing her mane. “Take a few deep breaths with me.” He guided her with his own respiration for a few seconds. Her heart was beating abnormally fast. “I'll begin. Are you alright?” he asked, feeling the rhythm of her chest gradually decreasing. “Y-y-yes...” She followed Hika's calm and controlled breaths. “I'm... I'm fine.” “Ok.” He gave her fuzzy mane a gentle stroke. “So... As you already heard from Discord, earlier, unless I don't remember correctly, I have a wife and two—" Hika's face instantly froze. "Two...? Two foals?" Pinkie Pie inquired, confused by the sudden halt in her Hika's words. His eyes started welling up with tears. He let go of Pinkie Pie, turning around. "Y... yes. We had one... but another was on the way when Chrysalis attacked the village..." He shook his head and wiped his blurry eyes. Come on, man! This isn't the time to go 'opened faucet' while Pinkie's already having her own overwhelming flow of troubled emotions... You're going to save them! Your family, and all your friends! Think positive! "Hika?" Pinkie Pie paused in consideration, lifting her right hoof toward him. "You know, if it hurts to talk about it, don't worry; we can change the subject. I'm better now. I guess maybe...”—she frowned while briefly pondering—“I dunno, cupcake recipes could have been a better choice." She chuckled a bit. "Guess that's kind of another thing I got trouble letting go off: that big fascination with pastries and stuff." "No no no. It's alright...” He slowly swung back to her, meeting her slightly hazy eyes. “Well... I 'do' am much worried about them, but... now's not the time to linger on what can't be changed at the present moment... At least I know they are kept safe... mostly... but anyway, hum... How would you like to talk about your daughter? Perhaps we could share about both our families? I'd be happy to also hear how you and Pat met." A faint smile grew on Pinkie Pie's face when she heard Hika's proposition. “Ok.” Her eyes grew a bit nostalgic. "Pat moved into Ponyville from Cloudsdale during summer, last year. He was previously training to become a weather pony and tried to make it into the Wonderbolts, but that didn't work out." She paused. Her expression began changing into a more positive one. "He took it pretty hard because his parents were both in them, his dad even being the leader before Spitfire." Hika sat down before his to be cousin and listened closely to her words. "It took a little time for him to find motivation again, but one day he saw an opening for Ponyville's weather crew in the newspaper, and decided to apply." She looked over at Twilight who was still combining different substances together into the simmering cauldron. "He got hired and needed a place to stay. I didn't met him right away, though. Fluttershy is the first that did, having a room for rent at the time; that's where Discord stays when he's there, now." She turned back to Hika who was lightly grinning at her story and looking pretty interested. "It didn't took long after that for him to visit Sugarcube Corner. Being a big fan of all sugary things, which actually was something he grew up with as well, because his parents, after retiring from the Wonderbolts, opened up a bakery in Cloudsdale, and that's also something he kinda got trained in." "Oh? So maybe you were both kind of meant to meet each other?" Hika remarked. Pinkie Pie let out a soft giggle. "Maybe." Her smile grew larger and her eyes much more hopeful. "I remember when I first saw him at the counter..."—a light blush appeared on her face—"He looked really impressed and pleased with our products, and we started chatting right away about cupcakes, fritters, buns, cakes, pies... before I could even take his order." Another louder giggle escaped from her. "Oh yes! By the time we were done, there was a line of five other ponies behind him!" Hika softly giggled as well. "So what did you do?" "We both felt a bit silly and so he hurried on with his order: a strawberry cream cheese cupcake—I'll always remember that—and then he quickly went to find a seat, feeling the annoyed looks of the other customers glaring at him." She snorted. "I took the rest of the orders and then brought him his..." Her eyes turned deep with serenity. "I always smile at my customers, no matter if they're grumpy or jolly... but for Pat, I dunno, I just had this huge overly happy one that I just couldn't wear off. That first encounter we had really had sparked that candle in what was going to be our relationship." OOOO Twilight had finished her tasks and slowly began walking toward her, taking part in listening to her words. Pinkie Pie—having not noticed her—sat down on the blueish floor, looking lost in her memories while still facing Hika. "We quickly began hanging out and soon, he even started willingly helping us out in the bakery. Mr. and Mrs. Cake were very grateful and hired him as a part-time baker. I remember him reacting by jumping in joy and hugging me very tight, before blushing and quickly releasing me, feeling a bit sorry to have done so in front of them." She let out a good laughter and proceeded. "A few days later, he asked me out, which I definitely agreed to. That was a day I don't think I'll ever forget... and being so madly into each other, that's also the day I lost my virginity. That was only about a month after we first met." As she finished her sentence, heat run up to her face and her heart rhythm increased. "And so... about seven months later, he proposed to me, and four months after that, Cotton Candy Cirrus Thundersnow Pie was born, but shortened to just Cotton Candy Cirrus for everyday uses. We kinda wanted to share a part of each of us in her name. Our love for sweets and the fluffiness that can be found in clouds and cakes, and we both love her absolutely very much." As she took a break in her words, she turned to her right and jumped a bit. "Oh! Twilight! Are you done already?" "Since just about the part where you talked about when Pat first started helping you out at Sugarcube Corner," she tenderly answer with a smile. Pinkie Pie's cheeks heat up even more when her head suddenly hopped a bit. "Oh! That's right! I..."—her face instantly lost its joyful smile—"There was... something I wanted to... talk to you about. Something very important... I think you already know, but I want you to hear me out and... be open to how it might come out." She glanced at Hika and stepped toward her alicorn friend. "It's okay, Pinkie. I got time to think on my own while you two were upstairs. I'll listen to what you have to say," Twilight nodded. Pinkie Pie took in a long breath and slowly exhaled. "I want you to understand that I don't necessarily 'like' being hyperactive like I am, all the time. Sometimes, I even fell like it's a burden and I have a hard time dealing with it and can't control it as I wish I could." Her eyes started to moisten, but she calmed herself down before continuing. "I know it's not your fault for not noticing and it's my own stubborn idea of trying to hide it because I do not want to make my friends worried..." Silent drops fell onto the cool tile underneath her. "I hate making my friends worried, and you—along with the other girls—are my best friend, Twilight, and I wish to ask for you to try to understand what I just said so we do not hide these feelings from each other anymore. I want you to be as honest as you can be with me, and I will try my best to do the same." Soft sobs escaped from her as she seemingly ended her words and sat on the ground; her energy drained from this weight she had just lifted herself from. "Pinkie..." Twilight narrowed the distance between them and also installed herself onto the ground, inches away from her friend. "I understand what you said, and... truly, having reflected on my own thoughts... I don't care if you are hyperactive, quiet, loud, or anything else. You are my friend. If you ever feel like I'm doing you wrong, or am not being sincere with you, which I will also try my best to be, please tell me." She dabbed the tears off Pinkie Pie's cheeks. "I'm the Princess of Friendship, yes, and although I sometimes think I understand most of what there is about it, I'm faced with situations where I truly don't seem to... That's something that is, for me, very hard to also deal with... And in those cases... I need help, and you all manage to help me, sometimes, without even realizing it, and you shouldn't be afraid to ask me for help either... especially with things that are deeply troubling you. I did not wanted to hide what I thought from you... I'm sorry." She leaned forward and hugged Pinkie Pie who promptly returned the gesture very tightly and began crying out in relief. Hika admired the scene with a light smirk on his face, his own eyes a bit blurry. That's how it was in... No conflicts that couldn't be solved and nopony that would be left misunderstood... I really wish for Neighlor to one day get back to what it used to b— His head brusquely turned to the ceiling. “What was that!?” Twilight felt something shaking her right ear, but did not bothered too much with it and continued letting her friend empty her remaining sobs. Hika's eyes widen and a rush of shiver went down his body. He silently approached Twilight, noticing that Pinkie Pie's ears were trembling. "Hum... Twilight? Pinkie?" He whispered, but without any answers. "Pinkie P—" "Aaaahh! My ears! Pinkie sense alert! Pinkie sense alert!" Pinkie Pie suddenly freed herself from her friend's hug and uncontrollably flipped backward, a few tears still flowing from her blue eyes. "What the hay is Pinkie Sense!?" Hika asked, very startled. "It's a special ability I got that predicts the immediate future, but I never felt 'that' one before. It's the first time my ears are shaking like thi—" A piercing sound of shattering glass interrupted her. "What was that!? One of the windows in the main hall broke?" Twilight exclaimed. "Not only that, Twilight. I think we got some unexpected visit and it's not the very welcoming kind." Hika's expression became stern. "What do you mean!?” "I'm sensing a pretty important presence coming from another changeling. Is there anyway the door to your lab can be broken?" “I... It's never really been tested with brute force before! I don't know!” Heavy and brutal thuds resonated from the upper level along with what sounded like shouting. “...We have to make sure they can't break in. You fly up first, we'll be right behind you! Now!”