> A Pink Party Favour > by Ponyess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had been cleaning the attic as I found a large beige cardboard box. No labels or any other visible markings anywhere to be found. Without signs of what the box contained, I had to open the box in order to see what was inside; curious as I am, I broke the age old seal and peeked inside. What I found is clear rubber valves, the likes of beach Balls one may take to play with as foal. Just highly elastic, glass clear rubber valves. It couldn’t hurt to pick one up and look closer at it. At least, it is what I had thought. I had the silly idea and placed the capped valve over my belly bottom. To my surprise, it did not fall off or slide as I let go. Strange? As I pulled at it, I noticed another, unexpected detail, there is a small ring on the valve, it turned as I twisted it, as if it had been meant to regulate something. Pulling harder, it soon let go with a strange squeaking pop. “Who would I ask to help me out?” I pondered, soon realising it was fairly obvious, Rainbow Dash. Since I had just cleaned out the entire attic, it was late. I walked down the flight of stairs, then followed the narrow hall. As I got to the door to my room, I opened it and stepped in. The few balloons on the floor made me giggle, looking up, only to see most of the ceiling covered in yellow and blue balloons I had inflated, years before. Up against the right side of the room, there is a desk on which I keep a few images and the rubber chicken, momentos from past parties. memories of past joy flooding my conscious momentarily as I see images flashing before my eyes. This is the desk where I write most of my personal notes and where I wrote the books on party rules. The windows opposing the door is covered with light pink curtains, decorated with streamers right and left. These are among my favourite curtains, they always bring a smile to my face. My bed is on the left side of the room. It was crafter out of red cherry, while the fabric is pink, decorated with a balloon pattern. Like the balloons on my flank, they are yellow and blue. I couldn’t have them any other way. I opened my blue eyes early in the morning. A wide grin on my face and an amused giggle slipped over my lips. As I shake my head momentarily I feel the tight curls brush against my pert ears, this promised a bright day, the village would be safe. As I sat up on the side of my bed, I placed both my hooves on the wooden floor, looking around for a moment before I rose to my hooves. Once standing, I picked up the top, pulling it over my head with both my arms pointing up to the ceiling, then I picked up the skirt, gracefully stepping into it and pulling it up over my generously curved hips. I puled the curtains aside in order to allow the sun to brighten the room, rather than the light in the ceiling, then I turn back to the door, pulling the door open before I could walk out the door, affording my diminutive finger-hooves a short glans on my way, the pink hooves still sparkle since I was with Rarity at the SPA, a week back. I surely had enjoyed the time with her there, Aloe and Lotus know their job quite well. Aloe had made a flawless Hooficure for me. Just as I step over the threshold, leaving the room, I hear my belly rumble, eager for my imminent breakfast. I guess I should have known. Maybe this was why I woke up this early, even if I am known to be very early, as Ponies went. Framed images of parties out of my past beamed with joy at me on my way down the flight of stairs on my way to the kitchen. I couldn’t help but bask in the radiant glow of the joy I had spread on these parties. Maybe it is merely the mood I was in, or I am just the silly party pony, out of control. Either way, I soon reached the final step of the stairs and walked along the hall, entering the kitchen. It isn’t time to buy any ingredients just yet. I found the cabinet where the last day’s pastries were stored and pulled out a plate full, before I got to the fridge and pulled out a pitcher of juice, before I finally did walk over to the table, pulled out a chair and sat down. Sitting quiet, thoughtful as I chew on the Muffins one at the time, pouring up juice in a glass, sipping, washing down the pastries one at the time. One by one, I swallowed them, every last one. Now I carry the pitcher back and close the door to the fridge before I leave the room, whistling a jolly tune as I walk out of the house, pondering where I had in mind to go. Once I had left my home behind; however, I ended up bouncing along the street in my customary manner, picking up the tune I had been whistling earlier, even if the tune was intermittently interrupted by attacks of giggles. The day had apparently been intended to have a bright sunshine, not that I was the first to complain. I like sunshine just as much as the next Pony. Some would claim that my smile tried to outshine the sun, but it does sound ridiculous, doesn’t it. Not that I care, right now. I just couldn’t hold back the smile if I tried. Why bother? I have no reason to hold back, I am the element of laughter, entrusted to keep the village happy, to entertain any and all. --- --- --- > After Breakfast: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had just enjoyed my breakfast at the Sugar-Cube Corner as Pinkie Pie walked up to me with a wide grin on her face, and a hint of a teasing giggle. “Hiya, Dashie!” she greeted me as she reached my table, just before I was about to rise to my hooves. “Hiya, Pinkie. You look particularly excited today!” I responded. “I was just thinking of something I found the other day, if you would like to come up to my room with me? I’ll explain once we are out of earshot of the customers!” she pointed out. “Now you piqued my curiosity. What ever it is, I just have to see what it is!” I put forth. “I know, Dashie. I love you for it. I am sure you will enjoy it and have some fun, once we’re upstairs!” she offered as we walked out the door. “You are my best friend, right along with Twilight Sparkle, Apple Jack, Rarity and Flutter Shy. I love Scootaloo and Spike too, in a different way!” I put forth as I followed her up the flight of stairs. “They are all my bestest of friends too. Almost there, Dashie!” she continued as we reached to end of the flight of stairs, continuing towards the door to her room. You always have something fun, funny or hilarious on your mind!” I pointed out as I followed her into the small room. “That is me, Dashie. I’m not the element of laughter for nothing, you know. Oh, and here we go!” she stated as she reached the desk and picked up a small object as she turned around in order to hoof it to me. “What is that?” I enquired as I accepted the clear, rubbery item she offered. “I found this along with a ship’s load of identical items in a cardboard box in my attic. Only I have no memory of who put them there, or why. By the looks, it appears to be an ordinary valve for a beach ball, but on second thought, place it on my belly button. The I like you to place your lips on it and exhale!” she explained matter of fact, in her usual hyper giggly voice. “Then you need my help in exploring exactly what they are? Are you asking me, because I am the Pony who you expect to enjoy helping you with this the most? If so, I am sure I will enjoy helping you!” I pronounced. All of a sudden, I felt an eagerness bubbling up within me, as well as a slight anxiety, worrying what this little item could possibly do to her, once I put my lips to it and exhaled as she had so eagerly asked me to. “Since they were in my attic, I fell the need to know exactly what they are. They do look innocent enough to try and see what they are. Depending on what happens and what we find out, we could ask Twillie later, if and when we feel the need for her guidance or advice? Right now, I am dying to see what this one would do if you did exhale into it, while it is attached to my belly!” she pointed out firmly. “Very well, then. I will do you the favour since you asked me to. It isn’t something I could deny you, unless I knew it would have unwanted or unpleasant consequences to either or both of us. For now, I have nothing that indicate towards it, so I will enjoy helping you!” I offered, squeezing the clear rubber between thumb and forefinger for a moment, before I reach over to her and slowly pressed it directly to the indicated spot, before letting go. “I love sharing everything, particularly the fun and excitement with my friends and you are on the top of my list for this. It just feels a bit strange for a moment. Now, if you would apply a breath into the valve so that we can see the effect?” she responded eagerly, her voice bubbling over with excitement over the prospect at hoof. “Yeah, this sure does feel funny, but if you are excited about it, I will go along with what you suggested!” I pointed out, once more putting my fingers on the sides of the clear valve, barely visible, squeezing it, giving it a tentative tug, only to realise it refused to let go, uncapping it and lean over before I placed my lips around the valve and carefully exhale once, slowly and carefully, only to notice that it eagerly swallowed all the air without any resistance, before I carefully capped the valve. The first thought that came to mind was that the valve would reject the air since there was no room for it in the first place, then I feared the valve could simply fall off of her as the pressure mounted between the valve and her belly, both neither happened. Was I supposed to be relieved, excited or scared at the unexpected result? I had no idea, so I waited for her to pass judgement over the result. “That was fun, just a little bit more, Dashie?” she exclaimed as I pulled my head back. “What happened?” I enquired before I had the time to look at her. “Why don’t you look for yourself? I think you need to examine the result further in a moment, though!” she responded. “Okey? Just tell me how much air you want me to expend?” I urged her. “Okie, dokie, lokie!” she exclaimed, somewhat louder than I had expected, even from her. I had known she was an excitable Pony already, but still. I carefully rose to my hooves and looked critically at her, only to notice bumps on her top, that is where I knew her nibbles should be. “Is that what I think it is?” I offered curiously, before I slowly bent down in order to accommodate her latest request. “If you are looking at what I think you were looking at, it sure as sugar is. Just imagine the fun and excitement as you exhale? I want you to help me examining them as you are done!” she promised in a more serious tone of voice, indicating just how much she meant what she said. “The bumps under your top, these are your nibbles, I take it. If so, we could have some fun exploring this!” I whispered just before placing my lips on the extrusion that was the valve I had so recently placed there on her request, before I slipped my lips over it firmly and exhaled once more. Since she said nothing, I inhaled through my nostrils, while my lips still encircled the base of the valve tightly, then I exhaled once more, waiting for her reactions. After that third complete exhale, she finally did speak up over a growing giggle. “Wow, I never expected them capable of growing like this. I feel them rub against the fabric of the inner surface of my top. I am going to take it off, then I want you to have a closer look at them in order to say what you see!” she pondered with growing conviction. I licked the outer edge of the tip of the valve, before I managed to cap it and let go. Pulling back a foot before I once more rose to my hooves, looking into her blue eyes before looking down at her now greatly expanded and excited nibbles where they could be seen on her jigglies. “Woah, did I make you that excited? You are infectious, Pinkie, you know that? You do want me to examine and explore them as they are now?” I exclaimed in excitement and surprise, I couldn’t quite help myself. “I guess that is part of being the element of laughter. It sure does help me keep the lot of you happily smiling, wouldn’t you think? On the other hoof, I rarely consider these things, more than I think of how my Pinkie-Sense works, know it would merely interfere with its workings anyway. How did it feel to put my valve in your mouth?” she responded eagerly with some excitement to her voice. “Yeah, you sure are. I enjoy that with every Pony else in Ponyville every day, you know. I think you did explain that part, way back. Oh, that? At first it was merely smooth rubber, I think. then it slowly grew warm, as if it had been a part of you? Maybe it is. My guess is that it has a connection to how it affected you as I blew air into the valve, but I wouldn’t put a bit on it just yet!” I pondered. “That is exactly how I like it to be, I need you all to be happy and smile, I just can’t quite put words to it. Yeah, I have explained it a few times. That would make sense, it is made out of rubber, for all I know. Though it is curious, I didn’t really feel the air flow through the valve or getting inflated, but after a moment I was starting to feel your lips around it and your tongue as you caressed it as you explored me!” she continued. “Then you want me to help you explore now?” I enquired with more excitement to my voice and a slight hint of a growing giggle. “Please!” she merely moaned in response. “This should be fun, would you slip the top off, or would you prefer me to go around it?” I enquired. “Work around it. We could explore further angles along the wa as we go, later!” she responded. “As you wish, Pinkie!” I responded, lifting my hands to her waist before I slide them up her chest, thus pushing the tight top before me. A slight moan escaped her lips as I worked my way up, before I felt I could reach her now fairly large, still brightly pink nibbles. Once her top was out of the way, I placed my hands just under her jigglies, sliding them up until I reached the firm and excited nibbles. “Ooooh!” she moaned. “Does this feel good for you?” I enquired eagerly, hoping I was doing it just right for her. “Yes, if you would start teasing them, I need to know just how much you are prepared to do for me and what the extent of the effects are!” she responded as her hands moved down to her hips, her right hand then moved inwards and finally stopped on the top of her mound. With my hands still on her firm B-Cup Cup-Cakes, my fingers now slowly closing in on and around her nibbles. I could clearly feel the area around the nibbles now extending slightly further as it pushed out from the orb-like jigglies my hands rested on. “They feel so natural, just larger than I had expected!” I put forth as I slowly squeezed tighter around her nibbles, while my hands soon left the comfort of her hooters. “Just a little bit more!” she cooed, as the fingers of her right hand reached the clear rubber the valve had been created out of, sliding her fingers along the smooth surface, only to get a good grip of it and incidentally pulling it off of her body, feeling a momentary sensation as it stretched before letting go of her, but nothing more happened. “Like this? I enjoy the feel of your nibbles as they turned out!” I pointed out in response. “I can feel that. Just caress them for a moment before you give them a tentative tug, would you?” she responded, now giggling, while adjusting to the change pulling he valve caused her. “Sure could get used to this, although I am curious to experience it first hand myself too. If you don’t mind?” I put forth, curious, gigging slightly as I pronounced the words. “Uh?” she uttered as she lifts her hand up before her eyes, thus revealing the unexpected result of her latest action as she holds up the valve in the air. “Don’t say it fell off, just like that?” I responded as I give her the tug she had been so eager to explore, only to feel a slight squirt of milk as reward for my effort. “Yeah, it did. I barely touched it. It did feel strangely good, for as long as it lasted, though!” she responded. “We will just have to put it back, when you feel the urge to explore that further. Til then, I have another detail to explore!” I put forth as I let go of her nibbles, before I licked my hands clean and then moved on to lap at her right nibble. “Ooooh!” she moaned, as I started to lap at the nibble. I merely started to lap at the left nibble for a moment, before I placed my lips gently on the right nibble, then pushing forwards, feeling her slide into my mouth, while my lips parted just enough, which was still fairly wide for me. “That feels good. If you want to try this, I sure will be only too happy to help you!” she responded. At this point I couldn’t really say anything since my mouth had been filled up with her nibble. I tried my best to tighten my lips around the large nibble and started to suck before I made a new tentative tug, only to be rewarded with a new sweet squirt, which flowed down my throat. The nibble stretched, but refused to slip out. Slowly pulling gently, feeling the nibble stretch just a bit further without slipping out in the least. My reward was a slight squirt as I pulled back. In shock and surprise I tried to open my mouth, but the nibble just refused to slip out. I stopped and relaxed, then made a renewed attempt to pull off of her, but this time I managed to slip off of her. “Delicious!” I exclaimed. “You really put it all into it, there”Pinkie exclaimed as I managed to pull free. --- --- --- > At the Library: 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Dashie had left me in my room, I had teased my nibbles for a moment. The sensations were surprisingly enjoyable. Not just because Dashie had been helping me out. I realised my nibbles had grown sensitive, not merely grown in size. After a while, I had pulled the top back down. As tempting and enjoyable as it was, I had other business to care for, aside from other friends I felt a desire to visit. As luck had it, Twillie at her castle ended up first on the list, so I picked up a second valve, hid it in my saddle bags, after I had returned the one valve I had played with, where it belongs, in my belly button, where I had capped and pushed it in firmly. Out of sight and out of mind, as the expression goes. Once I had pushed the valve in firmly, I gave me a short moment, rubbing it, just to feel it once more. As I had suspected, it was just as sensitive now, as it had been as I pulled it out, just after Dashie had helped me inflating, or expanding my nibbles. From Sugar-Cube Corner to her castle is a stretch to walk, but I bounced off eagerly. I wanted to go see my friend Twillie. With that I left the café. In the end, it did only take me a few minutes to get from my door to hers. Once there I gave it an enthusiastic knock, letting her know I was eager to see her. “Pinkie? Is that you? If so, step right in, she will be with you momentarily!” came Spikes voice from somewhere behind the door. I opened the door and stepped right in, closing it behind me and walked farther inside. “Hiya, Spikie. Have you seen Twillie?” I enquired. “Hiya, Pinkie Pie. Seems I was right, it was you after all. Yeah, she is down in the basement, going over the latest test results from a new experiment!” Spikie pointed out, pointing a hand in the general direction towards the flight of stairs leading to her basement. “Thanks, Spikie. Maybe I could distract you with a little tease later, if you have the time?” I responded. “Don’t mention it, Pinkie, you are quite welcome, you know that. I may have a moment for one of your little teases, later this evening, I think!” he responded, chuckling at an idea I had just incited. Then I will not step on your toes, Spikie, I will just go down to her in the basement. I just may see you by your next break, Spikie!” I responded as I bounced on my way to the stairs to her basement. Naturally, the stairs was no real problem to me as I bounced down the flight of stairs and towards the little office where I knew Twillie used to go over her scientific work. Of course she was there, just as Spikie had promised. “Hiya, Twillie. How is it going? Spikie told me you were here, reading the latest on your little exploit!” I greeted her. “Greetings, Pinkie. Nice to see you here in the depths of my private little dungeon of scientific research. I take it you had something fun and exciting on your mind, Pinkie? You always do!” she greeted me. “Oh, Twillie, I am only too happy to help a friend out and lend a hand. If it makes you happy. What are you up to, this time? Yeah, I always do, you know that. Even if I guess there are those who may find some of my ideas less than fun or exciting from time to time!” I responded. “Oh, I know that only too well. I was just studying, like always. Some Ponies does enjoy a good book from time to time, I just so happen to be one of them, you know. Like the time you had yourself cloned at that Mirror Pond in the Everfree Forest? Yeah, some of us still do recall that episode, as insane as that went down. I could as well take a break and spend some quality time with you, Pinkie. What did you have in mind, this time?” she responded with a crocked smile. “Studying is fun, if you learn something you enjoy. In your case, I would guess Magic is on the top of the list. I don’t read much, but I don’t need to keep books around, I just read them once, then I know the story, I can’t forget a single detail, you know. I thought that was going to be alot of fun, but I lost control of them and the events that followed. A break is good, you need to rest and relax from time to time. Let me show you, then you can say if you like it?” I proposed as I extracted the two inch long clear rubber valve from the saddle bags, while I flipped out the one on my belly as to demonstrate it in action. “Yeah, I guess I do study Magic quite alot, Pinkie. Sounds practical, but I guess I can see the drawbacks of it as well. I guess you could say that, but we all lose control of something, at some time, or the other. What did you have in mind to use that on?” she responded as she saw the item in my hand. “If you place it on the top of, or rather in your belly button, and I can show you exactly how to enjoy using it. Then I want you to hand me a small favour in a moment!” I pointed out, as much a matter of fact as I could, considering the situation and what it promised. “That sounds simple enough, I could manage that!” she responded as she accepted the valve in her right hand and pressed it into the small bump in her belly, surprised that it did not fall right of as she momentarily loosened her grip on it. “That looks just about right. Now I can give you a demonstration of how it works!” I responded as I knelt before her, placing my thumb and forefinger on the clear rubber and turning my hand around slightly, thus adjusting the device to inflate the part of her I had intended, before I uncapped the valve. “Woah! It didn’t fall off!” she exclaimed in surprise. “Oh, of course not. That would be entirely useless. Now, if you let me put my lips on your belly button in order to make the point!” I offered as I leaned forwards and placed my lips on the tip of the clear rubber, slowly licking it tentatively, before I pushed my face all the way up, thus making a tight seal, before I exhaled. “Ooooh!” she moaned as Ilicked the valve. “Just a little bit more!” I suggested as I had pulled my face out from her belly. Then I merely adjusted the valve once over and inhaled before I placed my lips over the valve and pushed my face back in place before I exhaled again. “Ooooh!” she moaned as I licked the valve as I blew in more air in throw the valve, before I promptly capped it and pushed it into the belly button, thus hiding it, as it merely looks and feels as smooth skin, while it is capped and pushed in fully. “I think you need a mirror, in order to see yourself right now. Oh, but wait, I have an idea!” I pointed out as I once more pulled the valve out and uncapped it, before I adjusted it once more, but this time I inhaled slightly, before I capped it and pushed it back into place. “Now, that sure does feel strange!” she responded as I took a step back. “Since we are out of sight and out of mind, maybe you could just drop your clothes for a moment. Then I will drop mine, so we can enjoy a moment together. What do you say?” I proposed, licking my lips as I looked at her now diminutive muzzle. “Since Spike is busy with his duties in the library on the ground level, while we are down here, I guess I could explore your proposition, just a step further, I guess!” she responded as she allowed her panties and skirt fall to the floor, before she kicked them up in order to levitate them to a more convenient place out of the way. “Yeah, he will not be bothering us for a good while. Just the top too, and I will follow suit!” I suggested. “Sounds fair enough!” she pointed out as she levitated her top of, thus leaving herself nude before me. “There you go, my turn. How about you conjure up a full body mirror for yourself while I drop my suit?” I suggested as I slipped out of my panties and skirt, kicking them up and placed them on a nearby shelf, void of books at the moment, before I pulled my top up and over my head, before I allowed it to share the space with my panties and skirt. “Wait, what is that? My horn is double the size it was before, my mound has also grown considerably, while my muzzle does look about half the size it was before!” she pondered in confusion as she looked into the mirror she so recently had made to appear before her. “Exactly. If you would just focus your magic in order to adjust your panties and I will show you how much fun this could be!” I enticed her in a cooing voice with a slight hint of a giggle under my breath. “Guess I could do that!” she responded as he magic started to flow through the now much larger horn, just so much easier than she had expected. I merely placed my right arm around her waist before I placed my left on the top of her mound, allowing my index finger to slide over her orchid, slowly teasing her before I managed to maneuver her head down so I could lick the tip of her horn while she was still performing her magic, only to force a moan out of her. “Just a little bit more!” I urged her as my right hand slipped in between her plump rear orbs, while I finally started to feel the thick nectar flow from within her orchid. “Ooooh!” she moaned as I felt the thick juices cover my finger as I continued to tease the slippery surface of the orchid. “You may need to distract your fingers for a while, how about you hold on to my nibbles and tease them for a while?” I suggested seductively. “Oh, okay!” she responded agreeably as she lifts her hands up to my jigglies and placed her hands up in order to hold my nibbles. “Uh, are these your nibbles?” she then exclaimed as she felt the large nibbles on the top of my jigglies. “Yeah, they are. Feel free to tease them to your heart’s content!” I merely giggle as she squeezed my nibbles in her hands. --- --- --- > Spiking the Game: 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On my way back home from Twilight Sparkle, I ended up at Rarity’s Boutique. I still do have a few valves with me, after I had left one with Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle respectively. The chimes jingles merrily as I enter the lobby of the small business. I can’t help but smiling at the simple trick to help her keep track of customers entering and leaving her. Some days she is swamped, other days she is abandoned. Apparently, today she is alone by the table in the kitchen at the back of the store. “Hiya, Rarity!” I exclaim as I enter the room. “Greetings, Pinkie Pie; welcome to my Boutique!” she responded, a wide grin firmly over her face. “How are you on this glorious day, Rarity? I see you managed to take a break from your work!” I commented. “I am doing quite well, thank you for asking. Are you trying to outshine Celestia’s sun, Pinkie?” Rarity inquired. “Naeh, I am just in a good mood. The shock, Rarity!” I teased her in response, knowing she commonly did enjoy my kind taunts royally. “You are always in a good mood, Pinkie Pie. You always giggle and laugh at anything and everything. We love you for the positive spirit. Maybe you could have a cup of tea with me, Pinkie?” she put forth. “With a village full of friends to keep happy, it is hard not to smile, Rarity. I guess a cup of tea with you would be welcome right about now. You are such a wonderful hostess, Rarity!” I responded with a grin all over my face. “That is a very heavy responsibility on your part. I merely have to craft the suits we all love to wear; when we need to have something to wear, for whatever reason. Yet, I sense another reason behind your smile today, other than your happy friends. What is it?” she put forth. “You have Sweetie Belle to look after and raise as well, even if it may look like a small and less important responsibility? You are quite correct, I did have another reason to smile. Something I found in the attic earlier today, if you would like to try one on?” I teased, not directly hinting towards what I was indicating just yet. “Indeed, you are correct there, Pinkie Pie; I can never forget her at any time, no matter what. Which is, Pinkie Pie?” I concluded. “This!” I exclaimed, pointing at the little clear and highly elastic rubber valve; “If you just allow me to show you how it works?” I continued, pressing the valve into her belly button before she had the time to protest, or make any response at all. “It looks like the valve of a Beach Ball!” she responded; “But, how could that be exciting, even to you, Pinkie Pie!” she continued, as she felt the rubber pressed against her flesh. “Simple; first you uncap it, then you blow it up by exhaling into the valve. Then you simply cap it. Although the fun is in where the effect goes, if you would permit me to demonstrate?” I responded, leaning over and uncapping, before I checked where the air would go, before I gave her a good exhale, making her nails grow to a full inch and a half, twisted the little ring on the valve and continued, making a set of pads sprout and develop on the tip of each of her fingers, from the joint and all the way out to the nail. “Fancy, how did you do that? Rarity exclaimed as she noticed the effect I had on her, by merely exhaling into the little valve I had placed on her belly button. “Just like this!” I explained, turning the ring further, inhaling and making her jigglies into a firm orb-like B-Cup, then exhaling and making her nibbles grow considerably. “That looks quite presentable!” she put forth, placing her fingers onto the right and left nibbles, slowly, carefully rubbing them with the tips of her fingers, only to give me a deep gasp in shock and surprise as response to the sensations she had elicited from the mere touching the nibbles, large as they are now. “Yeah, but also quite enjoyable; you just need to take the time to adjust to the effects. Be careful!” I pointed out, turning the ting once more, before I exhaled and turned it yet again, giving her yet another tease as her mound and orchid expanded delicately while the orchid grew considerably more sensitive in the process. “I barely noticed that. Yet, what I think you just did is for my private joy, not for public exposure?” she suggested carefully in a more diplomatic voice, glad she did not have Sweetie Belle close by at the moment. “That feels like a good observation. I can touch details great and small, private or public. Easy as that, with just a bit of sensitivity, just like this!” I responded, inhaling on the next turn, then exhaling again on the next, feeling her waist narrow and her hips expand nicely. “I think I may have to sit down for a moment. I hope I can manage to control the effects!” she responded. “Maybe this is enough of a demonstration?” I inquired as I finally capped the valve and pushed it back into the belly button all the way, leaving it invisible to any Pony who didn’t know exactly what they were looking for. “Sounds about right. I need some time to get used to the changes. Aside from playing around with certain aspects of myself in order to get used to what you just gave me!” she pointed out. “Then I will leave you to your business. Here is a spare you can give Sweetie belle; if and when you feel it is right for her to have it. I imagine you have some experiences to enjoy exploring, Rarity!” I put forth. “Thank you, Pinkie Pie. I will look forwards to when you come by next time. Have a nice day!” she responded. “I will be seeing you soon enough, Rarity. I love spending time with you too, you know. If you don’t mind; maybe I will see you tomorrow?” I exclaimed as I walked out, only stopping by the door in order to open it and close it behind myself. Seems we forgot the tea, but I distracted her with the valve. Since I am close to home, maybe I should finally get home now, bouncing the short distance from the Carousel Boutique to the Sugar-Cube Corner. “Why do I feel so wet, all of a sudden?” Rarity exclaimed quietly, making sure not to whine since it was not befitting her in the situation. “Maybe I had better explored what she gave me now, before Sweetie belle comes home?” she thought to herself. Rarity merely made herself a cup of tea, slowly sipping on the hot brew, before she cleaned up the kitchen and walked up the flight of stairs. Once on the second floor, she went into her room, closing the door carefully behind herself; not because she expected any Pony to get up to the second floor where her room was located, more on the count of her sense of decency. Exploring what she had before her would be more comfortable if the door is firmly closed behind her. First she merely lifts her right hand up before her face, looking critically at her no long nails. What she could see give her the impression others would imagine she had been at the SPA, in order to have her nails meticulously made. The smooth, shiny surface glistering like gems, feeling as if Lotus or Aloe had been hard at work polishing them. The perfect, even curve of the now semi square nails, both ends had the same curve by the looks of it. As she lifted her left hand up before her; palm up, she could clearly see the pads in a slight hint towards pink, looking as if it had been made out of a coarse rubber, which would ensure the grip and desired sensitivity. Rubbing the tips of thumb and fore finger together; lightly, she could feel a heightened sensitivity, which would take her a while to get used to, as pleasurable and convenient as it may be. As she finished rubbing her fingers together, she placed the tip of her left forefinger onto the right thumb nail, rubbing it, just to see how it would feel. The surface as smooth as could be wished for. Rarity chose to go to the desk and sit down onto the share. Once firmly seated, she placed her hands on her jigglies, feeling the stiff firmness of the orbs her jigglies had turned into. Momentarily enjoying the complimentary sense she extracted from what her friend Pinkie Pie had gifted here, mere minutes earlier. Once she had satisfied herself with the feel, she placed the tips of her thumb and forefingers on her now large nibbles. Rubbing the nibbles still shocked her, even as the initial surprise had subsided. This was certainly something to get used to. The sensitivity and excitability was well beyond her wildest expectation and experience. Then there is the squeaking noises from rubbing her nibbles with her fingers. If the sensitivity of her fingers had been a shock, the nibbles were close to overwhelming now as she had the time to explore it more fully. With a gasp, she let go of her nibbles and placed her right hand on top of her mound, soon finding the orchid where she knew it would be, only larger and more sensitive than she had dared to imagine. The wetness I had imagined from the expressed sensation was confirmed squarely. I certainly am just as wet as I had imagined. On second thought, my juices are much thicker than I had imagined, but the surface is just so much coarser than I had dared to hope, as if made out of specifically made rubber. A new gasp escaped my lips, each and every time my finger slip over my orchid. Before I knew it, I was coming, hard and fast; in time with my breathing as it turned out. I just couldn’t make myself move my hand off of my mound and thus take the finger off of my orchid. I did not want to let go of the experience right now. Once I finally managed to make myself pull my hand up to my face I realised that the finger still is dry, none of my juices had smeared on the pad on the tip of the finger. I hear a sound from downstairs, Sweetie Belle had apparently gotten home. I make an effort to gather my wits and compose myself. Once I feel secure in leaving my room, I raise to my hooves and open the door as I walk out of the room, closing it behind me. The valve hidden in my left hand as I slowly walk down the flight of stairs. “I think I need a cup of tea, would you like to have a cup too, Sweetie Belle?” I inquire. “Yes, Rarity, a cup of tea would be great right about now!” she responded. “Then I make enough for the both of us!” I declared, placing the valve on her belly button as I walk past her in the small kitchen. --- --- ---