> My Guests The Dazzlings... > by Blissful Vanity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Unexpected Guest's > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Unexpected Guest's "Where is my list." I had asked myself. "I really should be keeping more mental notes." I had been shopping for the usual. Fruits, Veggies, other food to put into my belly. I was very tired today. You wanna know why? Well running around is a way of putting it. It was only so late in the night and, truth be told, I was no doubt about it....tired. There were things I needed to do but that could wait. I was just about to check out of the store. It was weird I did not see hardly anyone. I was previously invited to a 'Battle of The Bands' Concert. Maybe that's where their at. I paid for my food and carried my them home and walked, my eyes were beginning to look baggy. I was approaching my house, the cloud's became dark and it looked like it was about to rain. Not wanting to get wet I grabbed my keys and unlocked the door. Everything was going smooth. "Finally I can lay in my bed." I said just about to shut the door when it happened.... ************** Aria ran from the angry crowd's that were yelling and shouting at her. Right along side her was Sonata and well Adagio....was nowhere to be seen. Probably split up... Sonata and Aria both ran and ran. Building up a sweat as they ran into a alley. "I think *huff* there off of us." Sonata said with a nervous look. She looked around and focused her attention on Aria who looked back. . "We need to find somewhere to go. At least until the crowd dies down an we can leave." Aria replied peeking around the corner looking both ways. "By the looks of it...I don't see anyone." She said turning back. "Aughhh!!!" She gripped her fists with anger in her voice. "Why did this have to happen! We were so close!" She said kicking a can on the ground. There was a brief silence. Sonata didn't know what to say she just looked at the ground twiddling her thumbs. She opened her mouth but no words came out. She wanted to say something but decided not to. She kicked at the ground a little until she saw something out of the corner of her eye. She took quick notice and ran to the corner. "Hey!" She said to Aria. "What?" Aria said walking to her slowly, arms crossed. "Look at that guy." Sonata replied "What Guy?" Aria said confused "Riiiight there." She points. "What about him?" She followed her point to someone looking at him. Sonata was about to answer when she felt something touch her face lightly. Little drops of something. Water...Water was falling down from the sky. It was about to rain. "Well let's think here." Sonata said "Something you barely do." Aria said with a smirk. Sonata jabbed her in the shoulder. "Ow!" Aria said comforting her shoulder with her hand. "Anyways! We need shelter. The least we can do is ask to come in and let our reputation clear a little." She said smiling. "Yeah and what if he doesn't let us in?" She questioned. "Well...than we go by force." There was some thinking and gears turning. She nodded. "Alright but let's hurry. I don't want my clothes dreneched." She said as they both quickly paced to the house. They both quickly ran to the door. As they approached it Aria took a deep breath forcing the door open. "What the hell- I mean *cough* *clears throat*...What the hell! Who ar-." I was about to say as I was interrupted. "We need to stay here. That's alright isn't it?" She said with such intimidation. "We shouldn't be here that long!" "I don't know if this is such a good idea." I said with slight concern. "But it's raiiiining! Please don't let us go out there in the cold!" Sonata said pleading. "Don't you have a home?" I questioned. Something about this seemed eerie and I wasn't sure about it. I looked at them both. Observed them, their attitude and actions. I could already tell the blue one was at least slightly nicer than the light violet one. And the light violet colored girl seemed as if she didn't care. I couldn't exactly look intimidating with a bag of fruit. "So two attractive girls bust in my home and expect two stay over with out permission...AND I'm supposed to say yes?" I questioned "Well Duhh." Considering the odds they probably weren't gonna give up. I just decided to let them in. "Wait what about that attractive part." The violet one chimed in. "Alright....Alright...I guess you can stay for the night. But after that...I don't know." I said avoiding the question. The blue one seemed to be happy. The purple one just smiled. "By the way I'm Sonata Dusk that is if you didn't know already." I didn't know but I heard that name from somewhere. It sounded familiar. So the blue one is Sonata. Good. "I'm Aria, and no we don't have somewhere to stay." I closed the door finally and walked into my kitchen putting away groceries. "I see so why's that?" And she completely ignored my question...well than time for the milk to go in the fridge. "Well this is my home. That means there are rules. Rules that would be Appreciated if they were followed. *Ahem* Aria." She rolled her eyes and Sonata giggled. I smiled at that but quickly wiped it away. "Alright, there are two rules. No going on something without permission because like I said. My house. Number Two. I'd appreciate it if you'd take proper care of everything and everything you touch." I said with a smile, then something dropped. "Breaking the rules already?" I said. "No!" Aria declared. "How late can we stay up?" Sonata said with a bowl of popcorn. "How the hell did you-..." I said with confusion. I shook my head. "How late can you stay up?" I asked. She nodded her head. "Oh I don't care as late as you want. Don't get to loud. I need to sleep. Unlike some people." I marched my way into my room. Hopping down on the bed. Let's face obvious I did not get that much sleep the night. They weren't quiet to say the least. I can't say I didn't get any sleep that night but it was different. There were countless occasions where I was close to sleep. Then I'd wake myself up. Something about their presents unsettled to me I couldn't quite put a finger on it. At one point I was desperately of need for some sleep so there I was. The room it's blurry, dark, and most importantly quiet. It didn't seem… What's the word.Normal. Just as I was about to get up but the door opened to my room. I looked around and saw no one. There was some light shining down from the window in my room. "Hello?" I called out. "Hi..." I heard a soft voice call out. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Just looking around. It's kinda cold in there." "It shouldn't be. Where's Aria at?" I asked with slight concern. "She left.." "What?! Why?" "She's going to look for Adagio. She said she'd be fine." "Who's Adagio?" I asked, clearly they were together. Sisters maybe. I don't know I'll try and sort it out later. "She is one of the lead singers in our band. 'The Dazzlings!'" She said with a smile. "What happened." As the words slipped out of my mouth I didn't realize that changed her smile into a frown. "Well let's say some evil stuff. Than we split up and tried hiding from a angry mob." The thought of holding someone that is in huge trouble in my household was unsettling. "That's good enough for me." I said tucking my self under the covers. I felt her presence walk over to me. "Hey uhh...do you think I could sleep in here..." She said. I gathered my thoughts up and looked at her. "Well it's not that I don't mind but two reasons why." I'm gonna sound so much like a dick. "There's a couch in the living room and well the bed only fits one person.." I said shrinking back a little. She opened her mouth but nothing really came out. She looked around then at the bed. "It looks like it could fit me in there. That and it's really cold in there...and I-I uhh can't really sleep alone.." she said her head dropping. I frowned before putting on a reassuring smile. "Well I guess I could make some room." I was seriously doubting it was cold in the living room, I was sure it was one of the warmest rooms. As she got in bed I was surprised to see that we both fit perfectly. Sonata squeezed right in surprisingly with no problem although it was kind of tight. Now two things I need to say right now. She was fucking freezing. I have no idea why. She had hugged up against me for warmth. The cold pangs of cold were shooting up my body. "Your really warm." She said. "Your really cold." I said. "Please keep me warm." She said. "I can't promise anything." I teased. We sat there in silence enjoying the warmth (well some of us were) and each other. It felt nice. "I never got your name." Well...I'm a Idiot... I haven't even told them my name yet. Aint I just the perfect host. "Oh yeah I uhh. *Clear throat* I'm Blissful Vanity... Sorry I didn't mention it earlier." I said nervously. "Tis fine." She said. "That's good." I laid there gaining my warmth back. I was starting to drift off. Right before I was on the verge of falling asleep she spoke up. "You know what day it is." "Yeah it's Tuesday." "It sure is. Taco Tuesday," "Is that a good day?" I was slightly concerned with concerns about tacos. Personally I like them. I'm a little more of a burrito person if it comes all out. But wait...what? Why am I talking about this again. "Oh of course. There is a sale on Tacos." "I'm assuming you like tacos Sonata?" I put on a smirk with a raised eyebrow. "Of course I do. There so good." "So it's 'Taco Tuesday'" I asked. She only nodded her head. "IT should be renamed to something more appropriate like 'The-Day-That-Sonata-Sells-Out Taco Bell.'" She laughed at that one. "Well come on I have a big morning tomorrow and who knows when those two get back." I let out a big sigh. We both slept. My dream it was slightly vivid. I could almost remember every detail. Like it just happened. There was a some sort of evil dream. It gave me a horrible throbbing headache. Something I don't want to think about. It had to do with a red amulet. Something like that. Next thing you know it was morning. Aria Blaze looked high and low. She even called her cell phone, no answer. She paced nervously back and forth afraid of someone spotting her. Considering she had no power and her job as a siren completely vanished. She was powerless. Magic wise. "Where is she at she could be anywhere." Aria said to herself. She checked near the stadium, near the alleys, but there was no sign of her. It was beginning to turn to morning and the sun was rising ever so softly. The slight beams of light peaking through the hills and clouds. "Maybe she'll show up sooner or later." She said walking nonchalantly to the residence that Sonata was at. She approached the small home and grabbed the handle. The handle was cold and the cold bit her palm as she pushed the door open. She closed it and sat down. It was cold but bearable. "Where is the warmth. Why is it so cold." She wanted to get up and look for the problem but decided not to. She knew she was tired. She was up all night for nothing. She found blankets and wrapped herself up with them and went to sleep. Something was not right. I woke up feeling miserable. My heart was racing and I was sweating. It was almost like my heart was coming out of my chest. Luckily the only good thing was I could keep quiet while going through my short heart attack. I looked around quickly seeing the sun light peek through the dim shades. I could feel something squeeze onto my chest. As much as I want to say this it was true. Sonata just looks plain adorable while sleeping and her hair was a little messy. I wanted to get up but I couldn't wake her up like that. I laid in the bed slightly uncomfortable. "Well there's nothing like sleeping in right?" I kept repeating in my head. I could feel my drowsiness come back and I was about to fall asleep. *Ding Dong Motherfucker.* My door bell screamed at me. "I wonder who that could be." > New Problems > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "This is a horrible idea to do this right now!" I said my heart beating at a astounding rate. "No! This is a perfect opportunity to do this." "Why here? This seems *huff*...impratical." I said taking heavy breaths. I honestly was so confused. "Just shut your trap and do this before I change my mind." I took a deep breath and with a lot of thought taken in, I started. *(Two Hours Ago)* I knew I was in trouble now. That doorbell kept ringing. Whoever it was, they would not stop. I looked at Sonata, by the looks of it something told me she was happy. She looked so peaceful. Her bangs were messy instead of the rounded point thing. The best part about it all is she talks in her sleep. I couldn't make out all of it, but she was definitely dreaming about food. I wanted to embrace her in such a big hug. Something told me I couldn't do that though. Something told me that I'm going to have to kick my guests out, I mean that is what I said right. Something also told me that if I don't answer that door I'm gonna get a migraine. So I placed my hands under her soft ones and gently unwrapped them from me. I gently put them down. I got up one leg at a time taking it slow. The thing I wanted least at this point was to get light-headed. I only had a plain shirt and shorts on. I didn't feel like changing so I went to the door. It didn't feel necessary to switch. I swiftly walked around the obstacles in my path. I then approached my bedroom grasping the metal handle and turning. I opened the door to see my living room perfectly in tact. I hurried to the door. I looked through the peephole to see who exactly it was. When I did see, I did a complete 180 and started for my room to get pants on. The ringing turned to hard knocks on the wood of my front door. I walked to the front door zipping up my fly. I opened the door, the bright light burning into my irises. I blinked a couple hundred times before rubbing my eyes. I looked up at the blurred figure before gaining composure and posture. "Hello?" I asked before my eyes fixed on the figure. I knew it was Aero. Why he was here confused me. "Vanity! What's up bro?" He said with such a happy expression. "WHY are you here!" I said completely agitated. "If it's for something stupid I'm gonna be pissed." It was still early and if I got stressed for something stupid I'm gonna be angry. "Well I did send you texts." He told me as I grabbed my phone on the table near by. "Seventy-Nine New Messages?! Jesus Aero what's wrong with you?!" I said in shock. "Well you didn't reply or read them so I came here." "So it's a better option to ring the hell out of my doorbell?" I asked. "Yes, anyway there are a couple things I need help with." He said with a stupid smile. "Yes?" I replied. I forgot whenever Aero needed help he'd always come to me. I also remember he doesn't like to talk on the phone. Then there is the fact, of me being one of the brighter bulbs out of his other friends. "I need some advice. One of them being girl issues." He said. My mouth dropped. "Aero! You having girl problems? Please tell me you didn't get someone pregnant." I said. "Yeah, yeah. I know and to answer your question. No. So I want you to be one hundred percent honest with me." I nodded my head. "What would you do if a girl broke into your house." He said shyly. I thought over my answer carefully. There's always the answer of telling him the truth. I could tell him that two people broke into my house. No that's a horrible answer. The best thing to do is not bring any of that up. "Well personally I'd call the authorities." I said proudly. "Well what if she threatens you." "What do you mean Aero?" I asked completely oblivious to what he was talking about now. "Tell me what happened." "Well there is this girl that busted in my home, while I was eating yogurt. She also threatened me with a knife, she said that if I were to say anything about her or try and leave she'd kill me." He said. "You don't look hurt or cut. Where is she right now?" I asked. "At my house...asleep." He said "Wait...so she just threatened you and fell asleep, without thinking you might leave?" "Nonononono, you see she was up ti'll five in the morning watching me. She knocked herself out." "You realize you broke like two of the rules she established?" "Yes." He said with a nod and no expression. "Anyways what else do you want?" "I need help choosing a Peanut Butter." He said pulling out a pen. "Creamy...always creamy." I said as he wrote it down. A thought popped in my head as he was writing. "Hey do you know what kind of clothing she is wearing?" I asked him as he finished writing. "Well let's see. It looked like disco clothes. Like purple and stuff." "Do you know her name." "Something with a 'A'." He answered. I pondered upon that answer hard. After thinking I slipped on my shoes and told him. "I need to go to your house." "Alrighty then. But I need to head to the market so you go and I'll be there shortly." He said turning to make his leave. I looked behind me looking around the clean room. Something seemed wrong, and I couldn't quire put a finger on it. "It'll be fine. I hope." I said closing the door. Upon closing the door I saw Aero walking to the market. I walked in the cold weather. The ground was wet and there was constant rain puddles that I tried to avoided. I can't avoid them all and ended up stepping in one. Tears were shed that day. I looked around my area. I could see that cars were flooding the area. Familiar faces could be seen and I waved. I honestly was not looking forward to this, but something deep inside of me yelled at me to do it. Almost like it was necessary. The Dazzlings were clearly separated and needed to be reunited right? That's what I thought to myself at least. I finally reached his nicely bought property. I took everything very cautiously. I was scared, I could be killed by doing this. "Alright Bliss, first you should check if she's still asleep." I said approaching the door. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I stepped in and looked around. I checked my corners before stepping into the huge living room. I saw the walk-in kitchen in front of me. And to my left was a a bedroom. "She's probably in the master bedroom." I thought to myself. After all that is where Aero eats. As I passed the living room I entered the kitchen. I wanted to grab a knife or one of his spare guns but I knew there was no purpose for that. I didn't want to seem intimidating. I turned to my right slowly opening the door to the huge bedroom. I passed by his closet and saw the massive bed. I didn't see her anywhere, so I assumed she was in another room or behind the bed. So I went to see if she was behind the bed. I walked over to the spot quietly. I looked. "She's not here, where is she?" I asked outloud. She's probably in the second bedroom. I said checking his secret drawer just in case I needed that gun. It was gone. "What the hell..." I said shocked. I heard a floorboard creak as I froze in place. "Who are you." I heard a voice call out. I froze straight in my tracks. My heart might have skipped a beat. "My...name is B-B-Blissful." I said beginning to turn around. "Don't you dare turn around." The feminine voice commanded me. I obeyed and stayed where I was and kept quiet. I knew that if I appeared in anyway hostile, she would take the opportunity to hurt me somehow. "I don't mean to appear hostile in anyway. I promise I just came here for you." I said speaking out of pure fear. "Oh yeah? Why's that? Here to take me away to the police? Oh wait! I know! You want to be my friend! Well both of those aren't happening." As the words escaped her lips I could hear a gun click. "Listen I just need to-." "Be quiet!" She said before walking over to me. I felt her presence nearby. "What makes you think that I want to turn you in? I don't even know who you are, what you've done, or why you're so defensive, but I can assure you that I'm not going to do anything." I said feeling the cold, barrel dig into the back of my head. "What makes you think you can trick me. Your telling me, that you weren't at the Battle of the Bands?" She said poking me with the barrel. "No...I wasn't there. I was at home when two girls busted in my house." I said squirming around a little. "Wait, two girls?" She said confused. "Yes two girls. By the names of Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze." The words tumbled out. I can feel my heart beat, I was about to do something completely stupid. I turned around. I saw her big puffy hair. Her clothing somewhat fit the description that Aero told me. "You can trust me." I said with a reassuring smile. I saw her begin to back up slowly. I stood up weakly one leg a time. I put my hands in the air, not wanting to seem intimidating what so ever. She would not put the gun down. "So that's where you've held the idiots?" She said waving the gun around. "I hope you know they care about you. Maybe one more than the other." I looked around at my surroundings. My plan was to rip that gun out of her hands. I needed to find a solution for that. "Oh please. If anything they revolve around me." I could tell she was cocky as well. Or maybe just incredibly confident. "Of course you are. Why wouldn't you be. Your clearly the biggest part of your little group." I saw her reaction to that. It looked like it was telling me 'Blissful I don't give a shit' but then it looked a lot like 'Wow maybe your right'. I needed to distract her. "So what is your group called?" I asked taking a slow step forward. "It's clearly 'The Dazzlings'. We are the best. Why have you not heard of us is the question." She asked raising a eyebrow. "Oh, I have. I never thought to likely of it though." I replied taking another step closer. I was close, close enough to take the gun. "Why are you here?" She asked gripping her weapon. "I wanted to reunite you with them. Maybe you don't need them but they need you." At this point she could pistolwhip me. As soon as I saw her loosen up her grip on the gun, I found that as an opportunity. If I missed this she was going to shoot me no doubt. She still had the gun aimed at me I figured if I kick it out of her hands, it would be a better way of doing it. But there always is a alternative. Considering the odds I thought kicking it out was the best idea. So I acted. I used sheer force and flung my right leg after her weapon. If her reaction was fast, she would have moved her pistol. Luckily she was short on time. I knocked the gun right out of her hands. The weapon was hard and definitely not the easiest thing to kick. I flung it against the wall. Almost immediately she lunged for the weapon. I expected that. I figured she would try and pull something like that. I grabbed her arm and pulled her toward me with sheer force. After that I had a fighting female trying to beat the shit out of me. I had no other option other than to pin her down. I forced her on the bed pinning her arms. "What are you Doing!?" She yelled at me. "Trying to stop you from hurting me!" I yelled back. She tried to kick at me. I held her legs down with mine in a very awkward position. I heard a door shut in the background over the loud shuffling of the sheets. It honestly was difficult to hold her down. She was strong. "Will you stop trying to fight back!" "Are you going to rape me?!" She yelled. "WHAT?! NO!" I yelled back with a completely shocked reaction. "Hey what's going on?" I heard a voice call out. All that was going on in my head was how I'm going to need to explain my self. The person opened the door. "Vanity?! What are you doing?" I looked at Aero with a agitated look. I motioned with my head over to the gun. "Oh right!" He said walking over to the gun. He climbed onto the bed at such an incredibly slow pace. He finally grabbed the gun and held it with him. "Will you two idiots let me go!" She was nothing but anger. "Only if you answer a couple of questions." I told her. "What! What do you want to ask?" "Oh nothing much, just what is your name." "It's...A-A-...Adagio." "Good. Now listen carefully you are coming with us. Don't fight back. There is no reason to." I said looking her straight in the eyes. "You need to realize were not trying to hurt you. Just develop trust." I needed to get through her that we are not bad. "Then let go of me..." Adagio asked wiggling her hands around. I was very unsure if I should do what she requested. Over some time there was conflict in my head but I decided to let her go. "Alright. Don't do anything stupid." The words crawled out of my mouth slowly as I released on her wrists. I backed up waiting for her to do something. But she did nothing. She just laid there like she was sleeping. "Adagioooo" I called out walking up to her. She got up slowly and looked at me. "Take me to them." She said nothing but that. I nodded. "Aero give me the gun." I requested. He lazily threw it at me. "HEY watch what your do-" i said trying to grab the gun. Instead of holding it I pulled the trigger. A bullet went off and straight into my leg. The bullet tearing it's way through anything that got in it's way. It penetrated my jeans, then through my muscle and bone. After the bullet passed through, my leg gave out on me. I leaned next to a wall for support. I was screaming in pain inside but kept my cool on the outside. A couple drops of tears fled out of my eyes. "Oh shit. That looks like it hurt." Aero said looking at me. I looked at him with a pissed off look. I picked up the gun cocking it. "Do you want to find out *huff* what it feels like?" I said pointing the gun at his leg. He just bunny hopped out of the room. "How can you just take a bullet like that and not feel any pain?" Adagio asked, her concern starting to show. "Oh believe me it hurts more than anything. I can hide my feelings fairly well at some points." I said emptying the magazine and throwing it across the room. I took the emptied gun into the kitchen as I limped weakly. Adagio followed after me. Aero stared at my limping figure. "You need help?" He asked with the slightest hint of generosity. "That would be great." I heard him shuffle his way over to my location. He wrapped my arm around him as carried me out the door. As we exited the house the first thing on my mind was to get to my house. The warm gentle atmosphere was nice. The breeze was nice and soft moving through my clothes and hair so gently. It was great, at least until I got near my house. The breeze was turning to a cold one. "I wonder what's going on." I asked myself. Meanwhile we reached the door. I turned around and looked at Adagio. She looked annoyed as usual. I turned to the door. "Alright my plans for today are pretty much screwed up. So I'd appreciate it Adagio if you don't make my day harder on me." I told her with a dead serious look. "Yeah I get it now let's just get inside I'm freezing out here!" "Yeah, Yeah." I limped to the door grabbing onto anything that will support me. Since my leg was injured for the time being that means I'm limited to certain activities. Either way my pain is going to come back and bite me in the ass. I limped my way inside. Adagio followed in along with Aero. As we stepped inside I looked around to see some difference. I looked around my furniture as the door shut. There were blankets spread out on the floor. I thought about picking them up, then I realized my injured leg. It gotten to the point where when I walked I couldn't feel the pain. "Aero get over here and pick this stuff up." I asked him. "Yes sir." I looked at him and rolled my eyes. He came over and picked the blankets up and threw them on the couch. "Alright can you guys please wait here." I asked. They both nodded there heads. Leaving Aero with Adagio was probably a horrible idea, but I wanted to enter my bedroom alone. I limped across the hallway opening my bedroom door. I turned around and closed it. I heard bed springs. That meant one of two things someone was jumping on my bed or... "About time you got here!" Sonata said jumping on my, formely clean, bed. "I have company." I plainly said. I limped to the bathroom having intentions on cleaning my wound. "I thought I was your company!" "You are, along with the rest of your crew." I was in the bathroom now. "Why *huff* are you limping?" "I got shot. Not much to it..." As I said that, I remembered something. "Where's Aria?"