> Autumn's Embrace > by Nightlock106 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Season's Beginning Pt.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a brisk morning for the residents of Ponyville, the streets were lively, the air was filled with the smells of fall, and the world was peaceful. I was sitting in the park, listen to my music as the Running of the Leaves was about to start. I had my headphones on, drowning out the sounds of everypony's overwhelming excitement. Not that I minded it, it was just a little bit too much excitement for just making the leaves fall off the trees. I looked as everypony was lining up at the starting line, ready to take charge and run their hearts out. The one thing that rad really caught my eye was Rainbow Dash with her wings tied to her side. I tilted my head in confusion, but didn't really think anything of it. I giggled to myself as I remembered talking to Applejack yesterday. She had mentioned that she and Rainbow Dash had made a bet that required Dash to have her wings tied down. Though, I don't really remember the rest of it, but it didn't matter. I was just glad to see that Dash was taking this more seriously than she takes a lot of other things. I looked around at the rest of the ponies, soon being caught off guard by Twilight standing at the starting line with a book. Same old Twilight, always with her books. I thought to myself. My thoughts were soon interrupted as another came and sat down next to me. I looked over at her for a second and then looked back at the finish line, taking off one of my headphones in case of small talk. The mare looked over at me and smiled, "You having fun?" I shrugged my shoulders, "Not really. I just think that this is a bit too much for just knocking leaves off of trees." "Yeah, but they really seem to enjoy it." "Are you gonna be running?" "No, I just think that they should try to start using magic to change the seasons like they do in Canterlot." I turned to look at her, "You're from Canterlot too?" "Well, not originally. I was born in Baltimare, but I had moved to Canterlot three years ago." "What brings you to Ponyville?" "I'm here on vacation. I'm working as an entertainer for one of Canterlot's finest concert halls. Though, things have been slowing down every since ponies started listening to this new, DJ Pon-3, character. From what I hear, she's a really talented artist." I began to blush deeply, "T-Thank you." She gasped in shock, her body nearly flying off of the bench, "Y-You mean...y-you're..." "Yep. I am the one and only, DJ Pon-3." Her eyes began to light up like a start struck filly, "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm, Octavia Melody." "It's nice to meet you Octy." She tilted her head in confusion, "Octy?" "A bit of a nickname I came up with. Though, DJ Pon-3 is my stage name. My real name is, Vinyl Scratch." Her smile broadened to the point that it was touching her ears, "I never thought I'd be sitting here with the famous, DJ...I mean, Vinyl Scratch." I looked back to the starting line and quickly took notice that all of the ponies had long began their running, "Looks like we missed the start." Octy looked back at the starting line as well, "I guess so." "Well...Do you have any plans for this afternoon? We could go get some lunch if you're hungry." She gave me a small, enthusiastic nod before getting up from her seat, "That would be lovely." I got up from where I was sitting and began to lead her to my all time favorite restaurants. We continued our small talk along the way there, I found out that she has been traveling all across Equestria, performing for thousands of ponies every night. She even played one of her original solo pieces for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I was surprised by how much that she had accomplished. She was awarded Equestria's best solo cello player twice, she had performed at some of the biggest events in Equestrian history, including the Grand Galloping Gala. She was amazing. Before long, we had finally made it to the restaurant. I opened the door and let her in first before quickly following behind her. We found ourselves a small booth near the back of the restaurant and began to look over our menus. Octy looked up at me and smiled, "So, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself?" "Well, I was born in Manehatten. My mom was a seamstress for a major fashion designer, and my father was a guitar player who constantly toured around Equestria. I hardly got to know him, but my mom told me all kinds of stories about him." "What kind of stories? If you don't mind me asking." "She would tell about how my dad would always be really nervous around her, and how he tried so hard to win my mom's heart. She told me that they first met when he was playing at a bar. Mom was always a sucker for the rockstar type. My dad offered to buy her a drink, but he had forgotten that he didn't have any bits that night. Though, my mom didn't really mind, she was more than happy to pay for the drinks." "Then what happened?" I giggled softly and smiled, "You're looking at the results of that night." Octy's face began to grow really red, "W-Well...t-that is very interesting. What about you? What got you into the music scene?" "Well, I remember one Hearth's Warming Eve, my father bought me a DJ set as a gift before he went on tour again. I remember trying my best to figure it out at first. But, once I managed to turn it on, my dad handed me a record that he'd been saving for that day. The record had never been opened before, and I was excited to hear what it was. He opened it up and put it on the table and soon the music started playing. I looked at my dad with wide eyes, giving him a major hug. He smiled and reached his hoof over to the table and began to scratch it. He told me to try it out and then that's when I found that I had a talent for mixing music." "Wow. You're father sounds like a big inspiration for you." "He was, that's why it's been really hard for me to get over loosing him." "What happened?" "He was performing at the same bar that he and my mom met at. There were two stallions that we about to start fighting. Dad, being a natural voice of reason, tried to get them to stop. But, one of them pulled out a knife and stabbed him in the throat," a tear began to roll down my cheek as I thought about what happened. "I'm sorry to hear that." "That's way every song I make is made in his memory. He was the one who got me started, and I'm not gonna let anypony forget that." I looked up to see the waitress standing at our table, tears running down her face, "That's so beautiful." I handed her a napkin to dry her eyes with, "How long have you been standing there?" "Five minutes." "I'm sorry to make you wait." "It's alright," she crumpled up the napkin and stuffed it into her apron pocket. "What can I get y'all to drink?" Octy looked up and smiled, "I'll have some sweet tea please." The waitress looked over at me, "And for you hun?" "I'll have a root beer." She wrote down our drink order and walked off to the soda machine, quickly returning with our drinks in hoof. She gently set them on the table and pulled out her pen and pad, "What can I get for y'all to eat?" "I'll have the hay burger with extra crispy hay fries." The waitress looked over at Octy, "And for you?" "I'll have the chief salad." "I'll get these orders in right away. Let me know if you need anything else," she walked off into the kitchen, the door swinging behind her. > The Season's Beginning Pt.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The waitress came back out with our food and set it on the table, "You two enjoy! Let me know if you need anything." I smiled to her and gave her a slight nod, "We will." As she left, I looked back over at Octy, her smile still as broad as it was when I first met her. I shrugged it off, it really wasn't uncommon for ponies to act this way when they meet me. Though, it did a little out of hoof every now and again, but that's what happens when you become a big star. Octy set her napkin in her lap and licked her lips hungrily, "This looks really good." "I know, that's why I like coming here." "So, Vinyl, why are you here in Ponyville?" "I moved here to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. I know that it may not seem like it, but I do prefer the peace and quiet." "You and me both, but living in Canterlot makes that a little bit hard at times. What with all the gatherings, events, and parties. It's hard to imagine anypony actually getting any rest there." I giggled lightly as I took a bite of my hay burger, "Manehatten isn't that much better. Almost every night there's always something going on." "I'd imagine so." I started to get a little bit nervous, we were starting to run out of things to talk about. I needed to think of something fast before things get really awkward, "So, what kind of stallions do you like." I mentally slapped myself, out of all the things that I could've picked to talk about, that was the first thing to come out of my mouth! Octy's face began to turn red and she diverted her gaze a bit, "W-Well...I-I'm not really into stallions." "You're not?" She shook her head, her blushing burning deeper into her grey coat. She looked back and forth quickly before leaning across the table a bit, lowering her voice to a soft whisper, "I'm a fillyfooler." "I never would've guessed that." "Well, I try to keep it a secret. If my parents ever found out, they'd cut every single tie that they have to me." "I really don't see why it matters. I've never really had any problems coming out to ponies myself." She reared her head back a bit in surprise, "You're a fillyfooler too?" "Yeah. And do I care what ponies think? No. As far as I'm concerned, as long as you don't let it bother you, you have nothing to worry about." She sat back in her seat and began to fidget a little bit, "I-I see...But, to answer you're question, I like a mare that I can really get along with. Somepony that has a good personality, a great sense of humor, and is always fun to be around. I also like a mare who shows that she cares about me in anyway she can. I don't mind fancy gifts, but I feel that it's not really required to show love that way. I feel that even the smallest of things can mean a whole lot more when it comes from your heart." My eyes had filled half my face by the time she was done explaining. Her blush finally faded and she let out a light sigh, "I know it may sound corny, but that's just the way I feel about these sorts of things." "I know what you mean." She smiled and looked back up to me, "What about you, Vinyl. What kind of mares are you into?" "I like a mare who's not afraid to try new things. Somepony who had a kind heart and a strong mind. I want somepony that I can really talk to when I need to relief my stress. I want somepony that I know will be there for me through thick and thin. I want to have a strong connection with somepony, not just a small fling or one night stand. I want somepony that I know I will be with for the long run." I looked up at Octy, my eyes full of determination. She smiled and put her hoof on mine, "I'm sure you'll find a mare for you someday." "Who's to say that that day isn't today." Octy tilted her head, "What do you mean?" "I mean, who's to say that you and I haven't already found our special someponies?" "I still don't follow you." "Octy, you and I have both just sat here and listened to what type of mares we both like. Who's to say that we don't fit each other's description of the type of mare we're looking for." "But, that's hard to believe. I mean you and I have just met, and we barely know that much about one another." "No reason why we can't get to know each other better. What do you say?" She removed her hoof from mine and sighed, "While I'm sure you mean well, I just think that it's way too soon for us to start even thinking about dating. I don't doubt that you and I might have a connection. But, it's still too soon to tell. I'm sorry, but I think we should wait a bit before we let things get any further." She got up from her seat and smiled at me one last time, "Maybe we can get to know each other over breakfast tomorrow." "I'd like that. What time?" "Nine, if that's not too early for you." "Would meeting up here be alright with you?" "Sure." "Then it's a date." She playfully rolled her eyes before leaving her half of the bill on the table and walking out. I got up from my seat and left the rest of the money on the table and watched through the window as Octy walked off down the street. > Morning Visit Pt.1 (Teaser Chapter) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up the next morning just as the first rays of sunlight were streaming through my window. I sat up and stretched my hooves. I looked around my room, well, disaster zone to put it lightly. I sighed to myself, still annoyed that I forgot to clean up last night. I flipped the covers off and got out of bed, my hooves crunching a small bag of chips next to me. My horn lit up and a small tornado formed in my room, sucking up all of the energy drink cans and chip bags and spitting them back into the trash can. Sometimes I wonder if earth ponies and pegasus ponies wish they had magic to make things easier. My random morning thoughts were interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. I rushed out of my room and almost tripped on the table in the living toom before answering the door. My eyes widened when I saw Octy standing on the other side. She smiled and let out a sigh of relief, "I thought I had the wrong address. Morning, Vinyl. Surprised to see me?" "Wait...How did you...When did you...HUH?!" "I went to the library after lunch and asked Twilight if she knew where you lived at. She wasn't really too sure if she remembered your address correctly, but I guess I got lucky with what she gave me. I know it seems kinda like stalking, but I thought I'd surprise you and come over here for breakfast instead of going where we went yesterday." "It's too early for confusing stories, let me at least have a cup of coffee first." I stepped back inside and went into the kitchen, Octy following close behind. I closed the door with my magic as I finally made it to the coffee pot. I'm not really used to waking up this early really. I used to sleep almost all day and stay up all night. Then again, my job kinda requires me to be nocturnal. I sat down at the kitchen table across from Octy. She cleared her throat and kinda pointed to my mane, "I take it you just got up." I looked up to find my mane a tangled mess, "Yeah. I really didn't have time to fix it before you got here." I quickly took care of that though as I brought my hair brush into the kitchen and started brushing my hair. "It must be nice being a unicorn." "What do you mean?" "You can use magic to make almost everything easier." "To tell you the truth, magic kinda takes a toll on the brain." "How so?" "Using too much at one time can give you a major migraine, and it can really wear out your stamina." "Oh, I didn't know that." "Alicorns have it easier than unicorns. Their magic can do damn near everything, and it never effects them." "Anyway, putting the random topic aside. There was also another reason why I came over here this morning," She looked down at the ground, her face turning a deep red. "What's that?" She didn't say anything, but her face more than told the story. I guess it was that time for her. She looked back at me, her voice trembling, "I-It's more of a...personal...problem. I-If you know what I mean." "I don't really see how that involves me. Not to sound mean or anything. But, why can't you just take care of it by yourself?" "I-I already tried that. It...wasn't...you know...enough." I began to feel a small heat flowing through my body, focusing particularly in one area. And a heat doesn't go away unless you have a way to cool things down, "S-So you're saying...you came over to give me something to eat. If I'm following you correctly." Her blush deepened even more as she gave me a slight nod, "I...I just didn't really know who else to turn to. I hardly know anypony here, and you're the closet pony I know here right now." I smiled and walked over to her. I wrapped my hoof around her shoulders and held her close to me, "How about we have our breakfast before we have our desert, okay?" She looked up at me, a deep sense of need growing in her eyes, "I don't know if I can wait that long." And with that, she wrap her hoof around my head and pulled my lips into hers. > Morning Visit Pt.2 (Clop Chapter) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My eyes slightly widened before I closed them. I wrapped my hooves around the back of her neck as I sat down on her lap. She let out a light hum of pleasure as she slipped her tongue into my mouth, happily dancing it around mine. I began to move my hooves down her body, gently coming to a stop when I reached her flanks, giving them a teasing massage. She broke the kiss and looked deeply into my eyes, her own lust more than a little obvious, "Vinyl..." I didn't give her much time to speak as I buried my muzzle into the crook of her neck, kissing up and down it's length. "A-Ahh!" I smiled a bit as I began to gently nibble her neck, her body tensing up from the pleasure shocks. "Mmm...Vinyl..." I stopped kissing her neck and looked at her for a moment, a lustful smile on my face, "Yes, Octy?" "Feel..." She grabbed one of my hooves and moved it between her legs. I giggled when I felt how wet she had gotten from just me kissing her, "Somepony's a little excited!" I began to move my hoof around in small circles around her soft, soaking folds for a few moments before pulling my hoof away. "Ohhhhhh...you tease," Octy complained. "Don't worry, there's more where that came from," I got up from her lap and started to walk into my room. Octy followed close behind me, her voice still a bit shaky, "I can't wait." We entered my room and I closed the door behind us, quickly turning the lock. I looked at Octy with a teasing smile, "How about we let me take control for this one?" "W-What do you mean?" I used my magic to pull a pair of huffcuffs out of my nightstand, "I think you know what I mean." Her face grew a deep red as she stared at the cuffs, "You mean...bondage?" "In a sense, but without all of the sexual torture." "I-I don't know..." She looked away, a slight worry in her eyes. "We don't have to do it if you don't want to." "N-No...I want to...I just never thought you'd be so...forward about it." "Can we stop talking before the readers get bored?" She gave me a nod as she started walking towards the bed. She was waving her tail, giving me slight glances at her continuously moistening treasure. She climbed up onto the bed and looked back at me before laying back and placing her front hooves near the headboard. I walked over to the bed and put the cuffs around one of the posts, holding her hooves in place. I could tell she was still a bit nervous about doing this, but it's what she and I wanted. "Are you ready?" I asked, trying not to get too into the dominatrix mindset. "You're not gonna talk down to me like I was some kind of slut?" "Not unless you want me to." "I thought that was the whole point to BDSM." I leaned in and started kissing her neck a bit more, "If you want it to be more extreme, then I'll give you more extreme." I reached my hoof down between her legs and began to rub her clit, her body immediately shivering in pleasure. Her legs began to clamp down around my hoof, trapping it in a vice like hold, "Ohhhhh!" "You like that you little slut?" She gave me an enthusiastic nod, "Y-Yes mistress...ahhh." I put my leg next to her face and put my pussy on her muzzle, "Then show me that you want me to keep going." A shock of pleasure shot up my spine as I felt Octy's tongue brush my clit. I put my other hoof on the back of her head and pushed her muzzle deeper into my aching cunt. I let out a light moan as Octy pushed her tongue into my love tunnel, feeling it touch and dance around every sensitive inch it could reach. I continued to rub her clit, feeling her moisture soak my hoof completely. I could tell that she was getting close, but I didn't want her to cum, at least not yet. I removed my hoof from Octy's pussy, receiving a groan of annoyance and need. She stopped eating me out and looked up at me, "Why did you stop mistress? I was so close." "There's plenty more where that came from...But for now, I think it's time we move on to something else." I climbed onto the bed next to Octy and gave her a sultry smile. The need in her eyes grew deeper as I began to run my hoof up and down her chest, occasionally flicking her clit every so often. She looked as if she was about to cum from just the anticipation alone, her need continuing to grow in her eyes, "Please mistress...Give me more..." "Give you more of what? I won't be able to do what you want me to if you can't learn to beg like a good girl." "Please mistress...I want you to push me to my limit...I want you to make me cum!" "That's a good girl. I think I know just the thing to use too," I reached behind me and opened the top drawer of my nightstand, pulling out my surprise for Octy. I turned back around and gave Octy a smug look, "Close your eyes." She obediently closed her eyes and giggled a bit in anticipation for what I had planned, "What are you going to do to me mistress?" "Hehe...You'll see," I put on my strap-on and walked to the end of the bed. I grabbed the tip of it with my hoof and began to rub it teasingly over Octy's holes. "M-Mistress?" She started to open her eyes a little bit. "Keep them closed until I tell you to open them," I pressed the strap-on against her tight asshole and began to gently thrust my hips, the tip slipping in easily thanks to Octy's juices. She let out a light grunt when she felt the dildo slip into her ass, "O-Ohhhhhh...A-Are you...ahh...h-hoofing me?" "Nope. But you can open your eyes now." Octy opened her eyes and looked down at my "cock", her eyes widening at the sight of it, "O-Oh...my." I pulled the tip out of her eyes and began to rub it over her holes again, "Do you want it?" "Yes mistress...I want your cock inside of me." "You have to tell me where you want it. I won't fuck my whore until she tells me where to fuck her." "Please mistress...fuck me in the ass!" "That's a good little slut," I pressed the tip of the strap-on against her tight ass again and started to push it into her. Octy let out a loud moan as the toy started to go deeper into her ass. I could tell it wouldn't take much longer before she couldn't handle it anymore. But, I was wrong. I finally bottomed out on her and she looked at me with a bright smile on her face. "I'm no stranger to anal. I-It's kinda the only hole I let anypony fuck." "You naughty bitch." She giggled and laid her head back down, "Please mistress...fuck me as hard as you can...I don't want to able to sit right for a week." In my mind I thought that that was going a little too far, but I decided to give her what she begged for. I grabbed both of Octy's leg and began to thrust my hips as hard as I could, causing loud smacks to echo throughout the room. Octy's face was one of pure bliss, her moans in time with every thrust. I pulled my hoof back and gave her ass a hard slap, causing her to yelp in pain and pleasure. "Ohhhhh...fuck me mistress...please...I'm so close...I'm so close...AHHH!!!" I continued to fuck Octy's ass as hard as I could, wanting nothing more than to see her body writhe in orgasmic bliss. With ever thrust I made, more and more of Octy's juices flowed out onto the strap-on. I knew she wasn't too much further from cumming. "Come on slut! I want to hear you scream my name!" I gave her ass another hard slap. "Ohhh...fuuuuuuck...I-I'm...I'M CUMMING VINYL!" Octy's asshole tightened around the strap-on as a major stream of juices started shooting out of her pussy. I continued to fuck her as her body started to ride out her orgasm, only making her moan louder and louder. After a few minutes, Octy finally came down from her pleasure high. She looked back up at me, exhaustion plastered across her face, "T-That was...divine!" I pulled the strap-on out of her ass and took it off, quickly tossing it aside, "I'm glad you enjoyed it Octy." "I more than liked it. Hell, if you had continued fucking me, I would've came a second time." "How about we just leave it at one for now? Besides, I need to change the sheets." We both looked down at the large puddle of juices and giggled. I unlocked the cuffs and put them back in my nightstand before Octy and I started to clean up our mess.