> Meet Beanie Bon > by Yosh-E-O > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Meet Beanie Bon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Welcome to the Carousel Boutique!” greeted Rarity as a milk-white pony with a blonde mane came in through the door. “How may I help you?” “Um,” he said. “I need a suit.” Rarity walked towards the stallion and admired his mane cut. “You’re mane style is simply fabulous!,” she complimented. “I simply must know your stylist!” “Uh,” he said bashfully. “I did it myself.” “Are you serious?” asked Rarity. “I’ve never seen you in any of the salons in town.” “I, uh, don’t work in a salon,” he stated. “You really should,” complimented Rarity. “That mane cut is simply divine!” “Thanks,” replied the stallion. “Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Beanie Bon.” “Well, Beanie Bon,” said Rarity. “I just know I can make you a marvelous suit to go with that most delightful mane and coat you have.” Beanie Bon blushed as he said, “Thank you.” Rarity went about taking Beanie Bon’s measurements. All the while going on-and-on about how well groomed and styled he was. “I’m sure ponies mistake you for a prince all the time!” she proclaimed. “Are you a prince?” Beanie lightly chuckled and replied, “No. I’m just Beanie Bon.” Rarity cooed as she wrote down the last detail she needed for the suit. “Well you’re going to look most regal once I’m done with your suit.” “How much do I owe you?” asked Beanie. “You know what,” said Rarity. “If you would just let other stallions know who made your suit I’ll do it for you free of charge!” “Are you sure?” asked Beanie. “Of course, darling!” stated Rarity. “I don’t get many stallions to come by my boutique and I’ve always wanted to show how I’m more than just skirts and dresses for fillies and mares.” Beanie Bon blushed. “No need to be bashful, darling,” assured Rarity. “You’ll be the beau of the ball when I’m done with this suit!” Rarity asked Beanie if she could have a day to make his suit. He agreed and was about to leave when his eyes caught sight of something interesting on a table in the far corner by one of the boutique’s windows. “Do you do weddings?” he asked while trotting towards the table to see what appeared to be wedding cake toppers. “Oh,” Rarity chuckled. “Those are from the wedding of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor.” Beanie picked up the figurine of Shining Armor. “Did you make these?” he asked. “I’d love to do weddings,” stated Rarity. “But parties are Pinkie Pie’s specialty and cakes are, well, for the Cakes.” Beanie picked up the Cadence figuring and began to play with the pair. “So these are souvenirs?” he asked. “Actually,” said Rarity. “They belong to my little Spikey-Wikey.” “Oh,” said Beanie as he quickly put the figures down. “I’m sorry.” “Oh, darling,” assured Rarity. “It’s okay. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind that you looked at his dolls.” “His, dolls?” asked Beanie. The boutique door opened and a small purple dragon clad in an apron rushed in. “Sorry I’m late, Rarity!” he gasped. “Twilight needed me to bake some cookies for tonight’s party.” “Ah, Spike,” Rarity commented as she went towards and nuzzled the purple dragon. “You’re always such a help.” Beanie was surprised at what he was seeing and hearing. This little dragon was talking about things he liked to do. He was also wearing an apron with pink frills and a big red heart on it. Something he personally wouldn’t mind having for himself as he did his daily chores. “Oh!” cried Spike. “I didn’t know you were with a customer.” “It’s okay, Spike,” she said while gesturing towards the white stallion. “This is Beanie Bon and he is going to help me prove to every pony that Rarity the Unicorn can do far more than skirts, dresses, and tops!” “That’s wonderful!” cheered Spike as he ran towards Beanie Bon. “You won’t be disappointed! Rarity is the best designer in all Equestria! She even made my tux!” “Really?” asked Beanie. “Oh, yeah!” cried Spike. “I can’t wait to see what she makes for you! It’ll be amazing!” “Well,” said Rarity. “If you’ll excuse me I have some work to do. I know you can handle things here, Spikey-Pooh.” Spike blushed as he smiled and waved towards Rarity as she entered into her workshop. “She really likes you,” commented Beanie Bon. “You really think so?” asked Spike. “I mean, uh, I’m just glad to help a friend.” Beanie looked towards the cake toppers he was admiring. “Are these, yours?” he asked. “Oh, yeah!” cried Spike as he picked them up and began to play with them. “I do. Do you? I do. Muah, muah, muah, muah.” Beanie blushed as he watched Spike bring to life the dolls as to reenact the wedding. “How cute,” he commented. “Were these two friends of yours, too?” Spike smiled. “Shining Armor is Twilight Sparkle’s older brother,” he said. “And Princess Cadence was Twilight’s foal sitter when she was little.” Beanie Bon didn’t know what to say. “Would you like to hear about Twilight, Shining Armor, and Cadence?” asked Spike. “Uh,” said Beanie. “Sure. I, uh, yes. I’d love to hear about them.” Spike looked around to see if any pony else was in the room. He then scurried over to a desk in the far corner and pulled out more pony dolls. “It’s more fun when you can show things to tell stories,” he said. “Would you, uh, want to help me?” Beanie couldn’t believe the opportunity to be jovial had presented itself. He was always so afraid of others judging him for wanting dolls or liking to cook or other things in which often were associated with being childish or feminine. Now this little dragon was opening the door wide open for him to do so. “Okay,” he said. “What do I do?” “Here,” said Spike as he handed the Shining Armor doll to Beanie. “I’ll be Twilight and you be her big brother.” “Got it,” said Beanie. The more Beanie played the more he learned about Spike and his friends. It was a wonderful time. They only ever stopped playing if a customer came in the door. They never thought they were caught but truly didn’t worry a whole lot if they did. It was a good thing, too, since Rarity would often peek on the pair and smile seeing her Spikey-Wikey having such a good time with another male. Something she knew he didn’t often get and thought was wonderful Beanie would be so kind as to help Spike feel like he wasn’t alone in being a boy and liking what he liked.