> Chance for the Damned > by Ice4smaster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > That one night to haunt forever… > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That one night to haunt forever… My story starts in Manehatten, many years ago. Funny how I thought back then my life was hopeless, pointless, bleak. Then again I was nothing more than a young, somewhat clueless pony, just a week before being kicked out of the orphanage. And tell you what, I was so horribly wrong about it. Now as they say.. things escalated quickly. That one night to haunt me forever… My hooves carried me at a brisk pace, something felt so horribly wrong, and before you think, I'm not one mare who get scared of her own shadow, as i did in fact grew up in the shady, unwanted side of Manehatten. Being an orphan who live her life in a small rundown orphanage i was used to the dark side of life. However now I felt a chill run through me, dancing on my back, needle like tokes, like tiny daggers as the foreboding feeling made it’s presence well known to my mind. I did double my pace, and nervously grace around, ruffled my web-like wings. ‘Come on mare, you are the night!’ As yes, most of the time I was the one who intimidate others, baffling so, but then again Terrestrials had a reputation after all, and being one myself, i should known better. Then a loud crash and a wild alley cat run out from it’s hiding place before me. I could feel as my blood froze, my heart not dare to beat for a moment as stretched on. Then the long moment was over and I let out my breath, not even realizing I was holding it back. ‘Okey, this getting ridiculous! But really, better get the hay out of here… i don’t recall ever i felt such threatened out here and i bloody live in this cursed city!’ As did my head dart around quickly and my hooves move once more. Mentally bucked myself to ever try to get a shortcut through this block and surrounding buildings. The place was once a ghetto, poor ponies lived in the surrounding buildings, then one day the block burned down. An accident, yeah right. Now that towered around me the burned out skeleton of the already miserable houses. And oh, before you ask, it would have cost to much to demolish them. Why? The pony who might buy this land in the future will deal with it. Never mind the dangers it might possessed, lets save money! And so my eyes darted back and fort. Then I froze, a black unicorn stood before me, tall and strong, and fear creeped over me. I was sure my white fur got paler. Don’t ask how that’s possible, I’m sure it did. He did not move, and was back to me, though I could see the edge of his muzzle, a sly smile on it. I blinked and inhaled, about to give a piece of my mind as it was gone. He wasn't there. I blinked again and again and the place was empty, except for the crumbling rubble, dust and trash that was all around. Blinked one last time and lift my fore hoof. I was about to break into a full speed gallop, right in the opposite direction as my body turn. Then, then I saw a pair of black eyes, cast shadow on shadow as i stare into them and fall into the void, and the sly smile. It was the stallion who towered over me just from a moment before. I tried to inhale, tried to turn away. But all I could feel the world suddenly spin, explode in intense pain. Not a moment later feel the ground give me the second half of the punch I received. Was not even a question, I bounced like a rubber toy. My ears rang, the world spin and blurry as i was fighting to stay awake... The next thing I know I was no longer in the alley, but a place worse. It stank infinitely worse, and I was tied up and…. and I open my eyes. Mangled, torn pony bodies hang on the wall before me, paint in gore and blood, but in the center of my view was the nightmare. “Wakey wakey my little pony~” I suddenly was aware of many things, and i wish i wouldn't. I was being raped. Then he.. lunged forward and i screamed, a scream that might been way overdue, and sure was late for it, but I screamed as he sank his fangs into my neck, tear my flash. The pain was so intense, or so I thought. You guessed it. It got worse. Mixed with the unwanted pleasure paralyzing me all the way more, radiating from my marehood. I was a piece of meat, rutted, and eaten alive. Time have lost it’s meaning as it got worse and worse. I could only sob quietly, my tears wet my cheeks, and my own blood begin pool up, soak my mane as the beast suck my blood out. The world first was cold, become dull, but then that dullness was gone as I could feel my veins… no… my whole being cast into an inferno. And i burned without a fire. And finally the universe grant me a piece of mercy as i passed out, all my thought seized, only the grasp of death, pain and pleasure remain, but no longer able to make sense of it, process it… Yet somehow i can recall what happened to me. I was transformed, changed at the very base. Turned into something I never thought existed. I was turned into a vampony, just like my twisted sick attacker was. For him this was all a mere game, and I was his new game piece to do all the bidding's, what his sick mind could think of. And that's how Crimson Aid end, and Crimson Blaze born... One night to haunt forever… one night I wish would have never happened.