> The Queen in White > by sbaf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Beginning To End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight opened her eyes, awakened by a strange laugh. A towering shape of strange familiarity was floating in the air, right above her bed. It was smiling. Twilight tried to jump out of the covers, to react, but she couldn't move. She was desperately trying to understand what was happening, but a dark veil was slowly filling her vision, clouding her mind. A dark voice, speaking in a forgotten tongue filled the room. Suddenly, every sound disappeared, and she was alone again. She tried to stand up, but her legs bent under her weight, and she blacked out. When her eyes opened again, she was in her bed, a strange ache in her groin. She got up, still confused, trying to piece together what happened. When she entered the kitchen, dizzy, Spike had already prepared her breakfast. “Maybe you should start eating less, I had to carry you to your bed last night, you weight a fucking ton.” “Fuck you Spike,” she said. “Wait what?” “What what?” ”You said you carried me?” “Yeah, you probably fell asleep on the ground or some shit...” “Haha, I knew it wasn't a dream!” “And I don't care. Just make sure to aim the bed when you fall, because it's the last time I transport your fat ass anywhere, Twily.” *THUMP* “What was that?”, said spike, surprised. Twilight blushed, as she realized her massive boner had just hit the table from beneath. “Actually, I don't care either, I need a nap,” Spike said, closing the door as he left. Thus Twilight was left there, confused as fuck, milk and cereals all over her lap, and the biggest erection she ever had brushing against the rough underside of the wooden table. Fuck. She started walking in circles in the tiny kitchen, not giving any mind to the milk dropping from her belly on her legs (and dick), leaving tiny delicious footprints around the kitchen. “Calm down, focus and think. Let's not complain too fast, this thing is the size of a small foal. How fucking cool is that. Look on the bright side, you can do this Twili-” She cringed, as her monologue was interrupted by a sharp sensory burst from her private parts. In a scientific spirit, she decided to try again. “Twilight Spark-” She couldn't finish. The orgasm was so intense much of the floor was suddenly covered in spooge, as if plastered by an angry purple fire-hose, joining the milk, cereals, and shame. Twilight made a few steps, stunned from the delight, then fell down in the bed of semen. A week of less-interesting events passed. When Twilight woke up that day, she was surrounded by her friends. That dick of a tiny dragon must have let them in. “Twilight, you have a problem, and this is an intervention,” said a concerned Rarity. “What, now? Girl I have such a fucking head-ache...” “It is not a matter than can be belated any longer,” interjected Rarity. “What are you talking about...” grunted Twilight “It's your libido. It's been, like, out of control,” said Rainbow Dash. “Eh, not my fault...” “So ya'll are saying that when ya splooged all over those kids asking fer an autograph, it wasn't yar fault?” asked Applejack. “Nope.” “And when you did that thing with the water supply?” asked Pinkie. “Neither” “And when you literally shot down all those pegasi?” asked Rarity. “Especially not that one.” Rainbow Dash flew above her bed menacingly: “Then whose fault is it? It certainly isn't ours!” “And people say your... hum... stuff...” tried to say Fluttershy. “It's been makin' people all sex-crazed like, that's what it's been doing!” ”Listen girls, I don't know what causes this, I can try to explain if you can just promise not to say my-” ”WE'LL PROMISE ANY-ABSOLUTELY-ANYTHING TWILY!” As Pinkie finished, Rainbow Dash was violently struck by a violet mass erupting from the covers, hitting her in the stomach, sending her straight to the roof, before falling again on the giant purple dick, half-stunned. “She did it again!” “Grab her!” Twilight didn't like the intervention, but she certainly didn't like what they were planning. She quickly teleported on the balcony, and took off, her giant cock hanging and swinging from under. Outside, royal guards had been preparing for the worst, and many took off trying to catch her. “Princess Twilight, you are under arrest, land immediately!” shouted a guard with a megaphone. With the sound of thunder, a white streak traversed the sky, hitting her pursuers violently enough to make some fall, and others too sticky to keep flying straight. “You don't have to do this, Twilight!” Redefining the expression “extreme bukkake”, her jizz went straight for the megaphone guard's face, sticking it to the ground. “Please Twilight, stop!” shouted Fluttershy. “No you stop!” said Twilight, as she inadvertently shot down the yellow pegasus. “Stop saying my name!” Twilight continued, with more anger than pleadings. “What did ya say, Twilight?” Asked the oblivious fill-in earth pony. Needless to say, she ended up more white than orange. If Twilight had been watching behind her, she could have seen the majority of the enemy casualties were know furiously masturbating or going at it in various manners, but instead, she focused on aiming her giant dick at a perfect 135° angle to her body, before saying her name multiple times as fast as she could. The resulting thrust was incredible. As she accelerated, a light cone of air appeared in front of her, as her tail left a lavender trail. Suddenly, with the sound of thunder, she broke through the sound barrier. The ponies who weren't masturbating witnessed a giant circular rainbow of semen and magic filling the sky, and were stunned with an intense feeling of joy and awe. But as Twilight thought she was free, a white, grossly incandescent figure appeared in front her, blinding her with light. “STOP!” The world tuned black. She woke up in a tower in what she guessed was Canterlot. She was shackled to the wall, a gem-encrusted metal piece on her horn, wings bound with an unseen contraption, and hoof firmly chained to the bricks. Her dick was covered by a thick metal sleeve bound to the ground. But Twilight wasn't the kind of pony to give up her freedom so easily. If she couldn't figure out her problem, she didn't have one. If she didn't have a problem, then Equestria had one. How could they get to decide on whom she could jizz or not? What gave them to power to limit her ejaculation freedom. Those simple restraints were made for lesser ponies, ponies without an anti-tank gun for a penis. Saying her name 3 times was enough to break her cock-sleeve, chains and walls alike. Time for payback. She crashed, in a rain of white goo, inside the royal throne room. A startled Celestia was looking in disarray to the angry, mare-dicked, white-covered, steel-chain barded living jizz gun. “Who are you?” “I. Am. The Cock. I am the one who sticked you guards to the floor like movie posters.” “This can't be...” “Oh it can, now say my name.” “You... No.” “SAY MY NAME.” “Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight barely twitched to the orgasm rocking her body. She felt as in slow-motion the ridiculous amount of semen moving from balls to shaft, bulging her flesh through the shear ludicrous amount of strength and pressure. The white stream emerged with incredible velocity hitting Celestia like a boulder, like a cannon ball. The crown fell on the tiled floor, and rolled a little, to finally stop against Twilight's hooves. With a tap, she placed it on the head of her penis. She slowly walked toward the throne, and took her place, next to the half-unconscious masturbating body of her ex-teacher. Magical fragments flew from the deposited monarch toward Twilight, filling her with an immense feeling of power. Hence commenced the reign of Twilight Sparkle, the Queen in White.