> Life Of ScarHoof (Shortstory-ish) > by ScarHoof > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Right At The Start > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I blinked wearily as I woke up, I don't remember or know... anything, I can breath and move but that is all I know. These ponies are taking care of me and speaking gibberish to me, I don't understand... ONE MONTH LATER I can speak now, I understand what they were saying to me. I can walk and eat hay. (Its about time we get to the good part, Shall we? x3) "You know what to do at flight school right Hoofey?" My mother said as she was sending me to flight school "Yes Mom! I know what to do and where to go!" I replied annoyingly I started to walk out the door when I noticed that I had no Idea how to get to the school. "MOOOOOM!" Today is the first day of school for me, Ever. The teachers name is Ms. DewBerry, she is a purpley Blue pony with a darker purple tail her tail has two blue streaks next to a light green one that goes right down the middle, Her mane has the same pattern but her mane is long and curly in some areas, straight in most. On the other Hoof there is Rainbow-Dash She is the most beaut- I mean.... Uhhh she is cool, Okay? Blah Blah Blah Yeah yeah yeah, I wont deny you, I do Like her a bit... JUST A BIT DON'T BE WEIRD! Anyways, she is a cool friend. She sits next to me in class. Oh jesus... Oh god... YOU MADE ME THINK ABOUT HER, Shes staring at me weirdly now... *Wingboner* For Celestia's sake ponies don't do this to me! > Flight School > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah Yeah, Now that you know about me liking Rainbow-Dash...- Who really cares anyway..? There is a Philly in my class named Firefly, she seems cool, She sits to the direct Left of me while dash is on the right, Behind me is a colt by the name of... Whats his name again...? Meh Screw It, I'll get to know him later. Later in the day our teacher let us go outside for recces! I go over to talk to dash but she is busy with her other friends like this really shy Philly called FlutterShy she seems cool but SHE IS OVER THE TOP WITH THE SHYNESS! You can barley get near her without her shaking in fear... Of your shadow, that's why you need to be downwind of her with your shadow behind you. I decided to sneak over to dash and scare her, as I tippy hoofed up behind dash FlutterShy Started to shake and mumble which gave me away. "Heeeeey guys..." I said nervously. "What do you want Scar, You Scared Flutters away." Dash Said Impatiently. I watched FlutterShy Hide behind a cloud bush shivering and making little squeaking sounds. I craned my neck to see what she was doing or to say Hi to her from over the bush but she was curled up shivering in the bush, so I realized it wasn't a good Idea. "So Dash.. I've Uhh" I started Shaking "ikindaliekyoualotmaybesoormaybenotidunno" Then I Dashed quickly ran off, thinking about how stupid I was to tell her so early. ABOUT TREE DAYS L8TER In class we are learning about cutie marks, I WANT ONE NAW. GIMME! GIMME! Sorry, I've been a little restless the past few days, I still cant fly and I have discovered Dubstep and my love for music. I actually have one headphone in my ear right now that the teacher hasn't noticed yet, I'm listening to- 'Tristiam- Flight' Pretty sweet music! Oh crap, the teacher is looking at me weird.... Oh no... "Scarhoof What in Celestias Mane Do you think you're doing!?" She Bellowed towards me. 'Oh Cheeze Balls' I think to myself. > Cutie Mark Crazy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cutie Marks, A little image on your flank showing what your special talent is. I don't know why I want my cutie mark so bad but it just seems so cool! I want to know what my talent is... I like music, that might have something to do with my cutie mark. Although I don't have one yet! I guess I might find out at school today! My hope is still high! AT SCHOOL I walked to school with dash, she told me that we had a flight test today. I still cant fly, Celestia help me! Can I skip today? Please?! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When we went outside to start the test everyone seemed nervous, I know my cutie mark wont be in flying, 'cuz I cant! Also, Did I say I cant fly? The test was where we had to race others and go through hoops. Seems pretty simple, For ponies that can fly. Rainbow-Dash Was first, She was just a blue blur with a rainbow streak! It was amazing! As She starts to go for one of the last hoops in first place, the hoop was on the ground right by ponyville, She dove straight down! As she goes through the hoop there is a loud bang and a giant rainbow nuke flows over equestria. She passes the finish line. History has been made this day, a sonic rainboom. I couldn't stop watching the boom, the patterns flashed and the colors filled my eyes. I saw it in a rhythm, a kind of beat. Then My cutie mark appeared, I haden't realized because you know, my best friend just did a sonic rainboom. My wings fluttered in excitement, I started to lift off the ground and lightly hoover over to dash "THAT WAS AWESOME!!" I yell "YEAH IT WAS" She yells back I turn around and see my cutie mark, A cracked open heart with music notes coming out. Hmm.Now all I have to do is figure out what my cutie mark means! > Cutie Mark Spark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cutie Mark? What does it mean? Where does t come from? What does Mine mean? Rapid questions rushed through my mind. "I still don't understand what my cutie mark means" I tell Dash as we walk home "You made history! Your cutie mark makes sense, Why doesn't mine?" "Some Ponies Cook, Some Farm, And some sell things." She explained "For you, well. Don't you like music? That could explain the notes, But the heart. I have no Idea" "Maybe the heart means no-pony will ever like me, Or it means... I dunno." It makes me think, What does this mean? If No-Pony Likes Me... What will happen? Wait a second... Did I just lose my common sense? Rainbow-Dash Is my friend so It cant mean that... "Well It doesn't mean that no-pony likes you, Scar" She Said "Because You have friends, And if you din't have friends it would mean that, but you do. Soo." Now I'm confused We both think... It's about time I figure out what my cutie mark means, but first, I need to eat dinner! --------------------------------------------------------------------AFTER DINNER--------------------------------------------------- I go upstairs to my room, I get out paper and a few pencils. I start to sketch out my cutie mark on a piece of paper, I label the parts, the notes and the heart. It's very strange how I would get a cutie mark like that... Or is it..? "I GOT IT!" I accidentally yell out loud. I got what the heart means! Since I'm stronger than most colts my age and I like more violent games and music... The heart represents strength and violence and the music notes, well represent music! I have to tell Dash!