The Shadow's

by Secret-Lover

First published

Rule 63 is now in effect. But will this love only be a one way type? Or will the feelings be mutual?

Did you ever fall for someone you know you shouldn't?
Try hard to fight your feelings, but you just couldn't?
You fall deeper with each passing day,
But try to hide it in every possible way.
He's only a friend, and nothing else--
That's the lie you keeping telling yourself.
You keep on saying he's just a bud,
But deep inside, you're falling in love.
You get so giddy when you meet his eyes,
But keep reminding yourself it isn't right.
A simple glance turns into a stare,
But you pretned that you don't care.
It's "not right" for you two to be.
Is that why you hide it so no one can see?
But how long will you pretend?
Keep lying that he's just a friend?
Perhaps your feelings you can never show.
Perhaps it's "wrong" for him to know.
Your friendship can't be risked over this,
So being his girl is an impossible wish...
- Momei Qu

Well this story is all about Rule 63 being put into effect! Applejack seems to being Falling for vinyl scratch. Yet because of everything going on she must keep it in the shadows. She truly loves her best friend, but the true question is not of her love; but is of wither or not this mare will return her love. Or will Vinyl's love interest Dr. Whooves get in the way? Read on to find out; about this story of Rule 63 coming true; or having everypony's love crushed !

Chapter 1

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She woke up to hard style blasting from the stereo set Vinyl gave her. Such an amazing way to wake up. It was about 10 o'clock. Normal time to get up. It was just another Wednesday.

'Great time to get ready. This should be just another wonderful day.' she said sarcastically in her head. She hated Wednesdays. It was the day He had dumped her. The day she gave up on all stallions because all they had done was hurt her. So every Wednesday she woke up feeling like crap. It had been almost a month since he had broken her heart. Destroyed her mind, and broke what had already been broken. Yet she still wasn’t able to pick herself out of this ditch. She knew she was only being stupid. Yet still, she had trusted him. Told him everything and hoped he would stick around. Believed him when he said he would help her. So she trusted him. More than she had trusted any other stallion before. More than she probably ever would.

Of course she was probably only being stupid. Yet still, no one else had hurt her this bad before. And she had been through hell and back. She turned to look over at her Apple Alarm Clock.

"Only 10:05," she whispered to herself. She could already tell that this was going to be a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng day.

'Great Grand Wonderful' she thought to herself.

She slowly began to uncover herself from the mess of blankets. It was always a job and a half to do. Yet somehow she always managed it. She trotted over to her dresser. Looked through her collection of CD's and chose the one her best friend had given her. It was nothing but hard style. It was the only type of music that could and would keep any of the bad thoughts out. That was mainly because she couldn’t hear herself thing over the music. That was always a good thing. She turned it as loud as her stereo would go. Knowing she would be shaking the entire house with her bass, but really not caring at all.


She finished getting ready fairly soon, and went to go turn off her music. Sadly her stereo was right by her window and she couldn’t help but look out and notice the fact Caramel and Vinyl were walking side by side. Anger filled her from the inside. If she was able to she would have burst into flames. Instead she just turned off her music and walked away. Knowing if she had stood there any longer it would have ended badly. Hatred filled every inch of her pony body. She couldn’t help but let a tear fall. Yet that was it. Only one tear, neither was worth any more than that. She may have hated caramel with every inch of her being for what he did to her. Yet she only could find love for Vinyl. Knowing she was only with caramel because they went to school together every day. Vinyl was not one to break habit. So Applejack didn't question it any farther.

She slowly walked to downstairs. Trying to steady her self. Anger was not her friend when it came to being still. All she wanted to do was bash face. Yet instead she grabbed her apple pod, and headed to school. While everyone else had school supplies she didn’t. She never did. She never needed them. She was smarter than most at school; yet never showed it. So instead she just failed everything but quizzes tests and exams. Everything else she didn't care about. If she had she would've graduated a long time ago. But it was easier being "stupid" than being smart some days. So she just played music throughout school, and talked to almost no one, except for Vinyl and a few others. The teachers would ask her questions and she would just glare back. Finally they gave up on her, and she really didn’t mind. She was passing and that’s all she cared about. Anything else would be too troublesome.

She left her house, in no rush to get to school. She was almost always late now. That was because Caramel was in her first class and she tried to avoid him as much as it would allow. Yet it was hard when they had the same collection of pony friends. Yet she managed as best as she could. They shared maybe a few words a day, but that was getting shorter and shorter as time went on. There was no way to tell when they would stop talking but she always hoped it would be soon.

'I wonder were they’re sitting today. Looks like I get to find them. I could use a hug from Vinyl right now.'

By now vinyl realized some days were harder than others for her. So normally when Vinyl saw apple upset, she would rush over and hug the shit out of her. Of course never literally because that would end up award. Most of the time; that small token of friendship of kindness, and daringness is the only thing that kept apple through the day. Sometimes it would help others though. Well she would just add to the amount of scars on her body. It was horrible, she knew it. Yet no other pony did. They thought she stopped. And she had. She stopped doing it in certain places. But what pony would guess?

She made it to school a little bit earlier than she had wanted, yet it at least gave her a chance to talk to vinyl for a couple minutes. She saw vinyl and started to walk over to her. A small smile breaking out. I guess you could say being with Vinyl was always the highlight of her day. Yet even though they were friends forever, a little more couldn’t help but be felt. Apple always shunned it away. And even now when happiness over took her every trot towards Vinyl, she still denied every possible feeling towards this mare.

'It's not right,' was all she thought to herself as she goes to were Vinyl was. Still happier than ever. Until she saw somepony that made her want to gag. No it was not Caramel, somepony much worse than that......

Chapter 2

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She could feel her head getting light. Her body began to shake, and she could feel her eye sight blurring. This always happened when she saw Vinyl with him……. The one stallion she disliked more than anything. Although she did not hate him, hate was not a word she used. Mainly for the fact hate was a very strong feeling, a word with a lot of power. In a sense, hate was the same as love. Two words she strayed as far away from as possible. She almost never used either. For the fact so many people used the words incorrectly. She despised when people used them incorrect. So almost always she refused to use them, unless of course she truly meant it. All of her pony friends knew that. Almost every mare and stallion knew this. So although he would make her hooves sweat, her vision blur, her body shake, and her entire being crumple; she did not hate him. She couldn’t hate him. Especially for something that was not his fault. He was handsome; he was respectful, wonderus, a true stallion. She couldn’t hate him for that. Yet she could dislike him for what he was doing. He was making her fall for him. He was making her best friend fall for someone she didn’t believe was all that right. But what pony was she to think that. So as soon as she saw them talking she turned and trotted away. Trotted into her hiding place. No one knew about it, she liked it that way. If ponies did; well then she’d be royally screwed.

*sigh* ‘If only I…..’ No that was crazy thought. She could never, she would never. It was too risky it was too dangerous. She couldn’t risk doing something like that. She knew it would never end well. So she just shut her mouth and said nothing; said nothing like always. It was simpler and easier that way. It made life for this pony easier. Although shutting her mouth was the easiest way to keep things fine, she still wanted to get rid of the stress the nagging want. That undying feeling like whenever she was around her she just wanted to pour her heart out and never stop. Like all she wanted to do was hold her in her arms and have her begin to fall for her just like she was falling already. Yet that was a crazy thought, a stupid one. It would never happen that way, it never could. There was no way she would feel the same; especially not with that stallion around. Gosh all stallions are nothing but trouble. They cause nothing but heartache and heartache. She could never trust one again, would never fall for one again, and hated the idea of her best friend possibly going through what she had. She didn’t want to see that happen. Yet there was no way she could tell Vinyl. She barely could admit it to herself. She wouldn’t even begin to admit any feelings for Vinyl. Not to any pony. Not herself not to vinyl. She couldn’t ever do that. There was no way for her to. It would ruin everything and she knew it. She knew that she would tell her and that would drive her right into that damn stallions arms. There was no way she was going to let that happen. So just like always she kept her mouth shut, and just hid away into the darkness were no pony could ever see her. It was that simple. That easy. But no pony had any idea how badly she wanted to just pour her heart out. Yet she knew better, she made that mistake before.

Two years ago, she had poured her heart out to another. Except this time it was a stallion. Of course it was a stallion that hurt her, just like fucking always. He was the first, I guess you could call it relationship, she had had. They were only hanging out. She had one of the strongest feelings towards him. *She couldn’t get Rule 63 off of her mind.* they had stopped at a mountain side, just to talk. She didn’t know why, but before she could stop herself she poured her heart out to him, she told him everything and she thought he would feel the same. She told him about rule 63 and how she thought it applied to them. Yet she had been wrong. Horribly wrong. Once she had finished pouring her heart out he turned to look at her. Fear and sadness filling up his eyes. She felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach and then turned away. She realized she was wrong to say anything at all; she should have just shut her mouth and said nothing at all. But she didn’t and that was her mistake.
She remembered each word very clearly as he spoke them. Each word tearing another hole larger and larger inside of her heart. Each word slowly making her crumple from the inside out and losing pieces fast than can be imagined.

“I’m sorry apple, that’s not how I feel. I wanted to talk to you because I don’t think we fit together. I didn’t know that’s how you felt. I didn’t plan to lead you on; I just didn’t know how to break up with you.” Each word felt as though it was being spoken in slow motion. It took only seconds for her to comprehend what he was saying, for the sadness to fill her up like a rushing waterfall. It only took seconds but each second felt like an hour in her mind. She didn’t know what to say back so she said nothing at all. She only turned and ran away. There was no way for her to know what had to be said. So she just ran away. She ran as far as she could go, and didn’t stop for anything. She didn’t stop until she got home. And there she cried, cried until she couldn’t produce anymore tears.

Her flashback ended quickly though. The bell for classes interrupted her thoughts. So she left it at that and said nothing more. She got up slowly from her hiding spot; as if she had gotten up any faster she would have fallen back down. She felt completely weak and had a hard time getting to first period. Yet today it looked like she was staying in class. She pulled out her headphones and started blasting Hard style. That was all her Apple-pod was filled with. It was the easiest way to have Vinyl on her mind, while attempting to avoid Caramel’s eyes. Throughout homeroom and first period he would keep looking to her. So by now she knew how to avoid it and how to keep him away from her. Most of the time she managed it, other times she didn’t. There wasn’t a way to this morning. Caramel had walked in with Vinyl. As soon as she saw the two of them together she turned away.

‘At least she was with Caramel and not that other stupid stallion.’ Damn she really could not stand seeing Vinyl and Dr. Whooves together…….

Author’s Note:

I have officially mentioned rule 63 and for those of you that do not know what it is, it basically means that for every female there is a male counterpart. Who is exactly like them. Also Vinyl’s love interest IS Dr. Whooves. You have to keep reading though to find out the rest ! Enjoy! &Please leave feedback!!!

Chapter 3

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She was having a hard time seeing Vinyl and Caramel together. She understood they were friends. The three of them used to be friends before the whole thing with caramel and her started. It wasn’t a fun thing that happened; yet it did and there was nothing she could do to change it. I mean she wouldn’t change it because she realized her feelings for Vinyl while the whole breakdown happened with Caramel. So that is one thing she definitely wouldn’t change for the world. Yet she was upset the fact Caramel seemed to hate her now. For no reason.

‘He was the one who broke up with me. Yet he’s acting like I did something wrong. All I ever did was care about him. I was always there for him and yet now he hates me. What the hell is that? I guess that's just how some people are. They begin to hate you although you never did anything truly wrong to them.'

That's when she reminded herself of what Granny Smith had told her a few days before. Granny Smith had told her sometimes when feelings were to strong, and a person didn't know what to do about it they would run, they would run away as fast as they could. In order to protect themselves, some people don't like being out on the open and sometimes they run and push away so that they have no chance of being hurt. Weather or not it hurts someone else in the process. That's just how it is.

So Apple knew Caramel regretted it, weither or not he would admit to it. There was no way to get him to anyways, he wouldn't even spit in her direction unless it would be to hit her. She knew that better than anything. The sound of the bell broke her thoughts and she realized Vinyl was trying to talk to her.

".... so yea did you ever do it?" Vinyl asked.

"Do what? I'm sorry i was spacing out ! My bad."

"The homework we had to do? Or did you "forget" about it?" She asked putting air quotes around forget.

"Yea i forgot, i'm just going to nap." Really she hadn't forgotten about the homework, she was just in no condition to present it, there was no way she could. The home work had asked for a poem. A poem describing the one they loved, it was an easy assignment. Yet she wouldn't present it. All because she knew Vinyl would know it was about her the moment she read off the first line. She had it clearly memorized, and she kept going over it in her head:

"It took my breath away,

The clear beauty,

The clear way there was power, and yet so little faith,

Yet who was to know?

A forbidden love? Strung across the world? Held so high above no one would assume.

No way to know? No way to understand,

The eyes the smile the laugh, no way to guess.

I love you my dear. Please believe me, these words have never rang truer,

If Shakespeare himself had spoken,

I love you, please, stand beside me,

And i'll watch fire crash apon us, as we stand together,

Not a single flame touching.

I love you my fair, please don't leave me with this despair?"

She knew vinyl would figure it out, she when the teacher came by her seat of hay, she pretended to be asleep. She could hear the teacher click her hooves, and yet she didn't turn her head up. She couldn't tears were starting to form and there was no way she would let anyone see that, not with Vinyl right next to her. No way in hell.

It seemed as though Apple actually fell asleep, because next thing she knew it was time for Lunch. Though she wouldn't be eating, it didn't matter she had to show up. They take hoof prints in the cafe so they know who was there and who wasn't. She could always just ditch out, yet she knew her brother would rip her tail out if he found out. Which he always did. There was no point in hiding that.

'I'll just got to the office and chill there. They won't mind, they know by now i have issues. Even though the only issues are a torn apart heart. What could being in there hurt?'

She headed over to the office, taking the long way around so she could avoid the crowd of ponies going into there. Yet there was one she couldn't avoid. That was Dr. Hooves.

'Crab apples' She thought. Of all damn stallions to run into it had to be him !

"Hey Apple, what's going on? Aren't you suppose to be going to lunch?"

"Yea i am, i'm just taking the long way around. Easier way to avoid people."

"Yea i guess that's always a good thing. Hey do you think i could ask your advice on something?"

"Sure what is it?"

"Well you oviously know that me and Vinyl have this ish thing going on. But well i'm kinda dating someone else. I want to let her down easy, but i have no idea how. Could you help out?"

'OMG this is what i've been waiting for and wanting ! Finally !

"I think the best thing would be to let her know straight up, otherwise it's very messed up. I'll act like i don't know though so she thinks you actually have some balls. Alright ?" Apple had to try so hard to keep her composure and no crack a smile right then and there.

"Yea, that would work best. And Thanks Apple, i figured you would know how to tell her. I owe you one. ! Cya later."

Apple had to try her hardest to not act out of place. She needed to keep her composure. The rest of her school day seemed to fly by and she raced home, she knew she would be getting a text from Vinyl and she needed her phone which she had stupidly left at her house. She got inside and put all her stuff down, made sure she had her phone beside her and turned on the TV.

'Now just to wait, i know it will come soon.'

Yet while she was waiting for the text she seemed to have fallen asleep. By the time she woke up there was Vinyl's text message.

"I can't believe what just happened, i don't believe this! Apple i need to talk to you! answer ASAP! Please!"

Chapter 4

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The feelings were horrible as she read that text message. She knew it was wrong and that she shouldn't be sorry giddy and that she shouldn't be wanting this to happen. She should feel the opposite because she knew that was what Vinyl was feeling, and yet she couldn't stop these feelings.

She replyed back with, "What happened dear?"

The reply was instant, "I completely poured my heart out to him, layed everything i have out on the line. And he crushed it. It's like he had a giant boot and i was nothing but a small ant. It feels like my entire world is caving in and theres not a thing i can do, like im dead inside but still stuck alive. What do i do?!"

"You breath. You let yourself calm down and just keep taking breaths. He's a waste of hooves if he did this to you. Did he explain why?"

"No he just said that he didn't feel the same anymore and that i was better off moving on. Apple i don't know what to do!"

"Well dear i'm here for you and no matter what you'll always have me, i wont break your heart apart. Millions of ponies and stallions might, and yet i never will. I'll always be here. I'll only ever hurt you, if theres a God damn good reason. And know if i hurt you, it will feel like im tearing my skin apart with my own nails. It will feel like im digging inside my body and trying to grab a hold of my heart. And once i do i will tear it out and stomp on it, so that it never beats again. Vinyl, i'll always be here, and i could never hurt you without completely dying inside."

"Thank you Apple. That means alot. I'm glad to have you as a friend, i know you'll always know me best and be here for me. Thank you."

"Anytime anywhere Vinyl. I'm here for you."

"I feel slightly better. Thanks to you :) "

"Well i do have something to tell you, i dont know how youre going to react, but i need to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I have feelings for you. I cant get you out of my head, youre everything to me, i need you in my life, and i cant stop smiling when i think about the possiblity of you and me. The only thing that's been stopping me has been you and hooves. Also the fact this could ruin out friendship. Yet i need to tell you, you make the air i breath worth it, you make waking up in the mornign possible, you saved my life, and youre saving me over and over, by me just seeing your face. You are everything to me, and although it sounds crazy it's true, and i can't help but tell you. I want to be with you always, you light up my world, your life is sweeter than music to my ears, your face is the most beautiful creation i have ever seen. And i want to be wrapped up in your arms forever and always. I never want you to let go. Damn it Vinyl, I Love You.! I have since day one, and i always will !"

Fear wrenched in her mind soul stomach and heart as she sat there staring at her phone, not accepting what she just said or did, but also knowing she did it. That it couldn't be undone, and now she must wait. She must wait through the sick feeling of this horrible pain, and fear. There was no way to get around this. She couldn't hide, she must face what ever Vinyl replied back to. She must deal with every moment of this. IT felt as though the world just engulfed her, and her breath was fading with each second passing. The seconds felt like ages, and finally there was a reply. Yet she was to scared to read it. There was no way she could. She felt sick and so many what if's ran through her head like horses at the track. What the hell to do? She could read this or leave it. She had no clue, she might as well get it over and read it. Facing the music was the worse thing ever. It took moments for each word to register, finally she managed to muster it all together.

"I don't know what to say. Can i think about this please?"

Apple felt like her whole world was just put through a shredder, like everything was being ripped slowly and she could feel the pain, and sadness racing through her body. She felt like jello, and she couldn't move. She couldn't think, she didn't want to. It took everything she had to not break down right there and then. She picked the phone up for she had dropped it, and texted back,

"However long you need, i can wait."

Little did Vinyl know each moment was killing her faster and faster. She felt like there was a poison slowly over taking her body and there was no cure. There was no way to stop it. Then the world went black, she passed out, and dreamt like none of this had just happened.

They were by the water. Were she went to go and think, her most private part of the entire town. Her and Vinyl, and only them. No one to interfere, no way for anyone to tell them no. And Apple leaned in and kissed Vinyl. It was exhilarating, it was pure chaos coursing through apples veins and it felt like she was on top of the world. There was no way to describe it, as wonderful as it was, as pure as it seemed. The kiss was so light and gentle, so quick and soft, and yet it sent shocks through every part of her. She'd kissed many before, but none like this, and she knew she would never kiss another like this. She knew she loved Vinyl, and the pure exhilaration she was feeling was more proof than anyone would ever need. She Loved her, and it was as simple and as sweet as the kiss.

Then she woke up, she woke up to her phone going off. Wondering what the hell it could be. It seemed like she was out for about 8 hours, and she had a text from Vinyl. That's when the world hit her like a speeding train. She opened her phone and went to go read the message. Shock hit her like no tomorrow, and her entire world spun into circles....