> Therapy > by smxsonic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue (Discord) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Twilight Sparkle flew around her castle, gathering miscellaneous books, notes, and assorted reference guides. Guides to what? Well, the Elements of Harmony, of course. After the battle with Tirek and The Dazzlings, Twilight was furthering her research of the artifacts and how they worked. It seemed simple right? Just pump friendship into them and blast your enemies with a rainbow laser of magic. They’re  stationary now yet they traveled between worlds to blast three sirens with a good times lance and stripped them of their magical singing voices. Twilight poured over her books and they provided no new information.She read every friendship letter she and her friends ever written.  She read their friendship journal, she even wrote some… Hypothetical friendship letters, most of them involving her friends confessing their undying love for one another, oddly enough. But nothing answered her questions. Time went on as Twilight searched for any clue on how Element redemption worked, eventually she sighed and threw her papers in the air and face-desked. “You know, I thought you were past all-nighters by now,” A smooth , jovial voice snarked from the darkness, "and you should be more mindful of your furniture." “ Go away, Discord,” Twilight deadpanned from the pile of papers she buried herself in. “I’m bored, you seemed to be the only pony up at this hour, and between you and me, Fluttershy’s been keeping me on something of a tighter leash than usual,” Discord Replied as he made a leash appear around his neck and pulled it tight. “I wonder why.” Twilight replied. Discord appeared behind Twilight, leaning on the alicorn. Twilight faltering at the sudden weight on her head and them glowering angrily at Discord. “I mean, I did fall to the dark side. I said I was sorry and let’s be fair, I’m new to this whole friendship thing --“ Twilight jumped up, shifting Discord's weight off her head. She then flew up to eye level with him. “Hold on... “ She started , looking at the draconequus “That’s right, you are new. You literally didn't know one thing about friendship before we reformed you!” Discord looked away from Twilight ,“You don’t have to rub it in.” “Discord, I’m studying The Elements of Harmony right now, and you might have just cracked my research wide open.  Everyone we've used the Elements on  reformed instantly. They all felt remorse for what they've done. You were never given that chance, The Elements just turned you to stone.” Discord looked back and stared at Twilight blankly for a bit, blinking his eyes. “And your point is?” Twilight made a sound that was between a giggle and a chuckle. It disturbed Discord a little bit. “The Elements thought they couldn't reform you, so they just turned you into stone so you wouldn't pose a threat anymore.” Discord donned a professor getup and produced a chalkboard saying,“My dear alicorn, The Elements and I are merely on opposite ends of the spectrum. It’s like oil and water.” Twilight promptly ignored him and went to fetch a sheet of parchment. She took out a quill and wrote: Dear Princess Luna, That feels odd to write after writing to your sister for so long. Anyway, I would like to invite you over The Friendship Rainbow Castle. “I still think you should consider a better name.” Discord interjected, looking over Twilight’s shoulder. She shot a glare at him and contiued to write. I have come upon some research and you happen to be one of the central subjects. It would be a great pleasure to talk to you about some of the things I have come across. Pleased send me a reply  as soon as possible. Your Friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Twilight rolled the parchment into a scroll, put her own personal seal on it, and put in in her “Out” box for Spike to send later. “And what, pray tell, are you going to talk about with Princess Moonshine?” Twilight looked to the God of Chaos. She flew to one corner of the castle and came back with a book Containing the stained glass depiction of her and her friends fight with Nightmare Moon “Princess Luna was the first pony we ever used The Elements of Harmony on. I want to ask her how she felt when we used the Elements on her. If I’m right, the Elements induced feelings of remorse, almost like you've let everyone down. Which brings me to you!”Twilight said, pointing a hoof at Discord. Discord stood in a spot light, wearing a disheveled blue shirt. “Me?” he toned innocently. “Let’s be honest, you didn't regret brainwashing us, did you.” Discord went silent for a moment and then mumbled, “I do now…” “But you didn’t back then, you didn’t regret anything because you didn’t care what was right. The mere concept of morality was foreign to you. There was no way to make you feel bad about anything.” Discord crossed his arms, “You’re doing a pretty good job of it now.” Twilight gave an actual giggle this time . She then flew up to Discord and booped him on the nose. “I know, you’ve changed, we’re all grateful for that, but looking at how The Elements affect ponies is a complete the breakthrough in how we should use this castle. Thanks, Discord, you were a big help.” Discord gave a big toothy smile,“Aw, what are fri-“ “Now get out of my castle,” Twilight interrupted sweetly Discord's face fell for a bit before saying,“Fine, fine, I’m going to brunch with Fluttershy anyway. I make a mean Eggs Benedict,” Then a mini discord popped in, wearing a revolutionary war uniform and simply yelled “Traitor!” Discord rolled his eyes and asked “Who asked you?” Before grabbing the mini-Discord and  disappearing. Princess Twilight Sparkle allowed herself a small chuckle at that, Before returning to her studies. Awaiting the story of Luna's redemption and reintegration. > Princess Luna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dawn and dusk were special times for The Royal Pony Sisters. While they didn’t need as much sleep as the normal pony, they still used the time outside of Court to themselves.  Every morning at sunrise and every evening at sunset, The Royal Sisters would meet, have a meal and do their duties. This evening was no different; Luna and Celestia were having dinner in the royal banquet hall, Celestia telling Luna about her day and Luna telling Celestia what her plans for the night were. “…And So, I had to deny that ‘diplomatic request’” Celestia finished as she sipped her tea, “I would not wish Blueblood as anyponies consort” Both of the sisters giggled as they both finished their meals and headed to the Balcony to end the day.  Once there both horns glowed as the sun lowered over the mountains, and the moon took its place in the night sky. “Beautifully done,” Luna Admired. “It always is” Celestia Replied, both of them turned re-entered the Castle “What are the plans for the queen of the night?” Luna rolled her eyes, “Tia, you know I don’t like being called that!” Celestia just chuckled at that. Luna scoffed, “If you must Know, I am visiting your former student, I am helping her with some research” “Research?” Celestia smiled wide, “Come now, Luna, No need to use code words with me, I’m so happy for you two” Luna’s eyes went wide and her jaw dropped, “Princess Celestia Solaria of Equestria, You stop that kind of talk right now! By our mother, I don’t know who’s worse with crazy love fantasies, you or Cadance.” “If you were talking about that, Cadance would’ve owed me 50 bits.” Luna stared at her sister for a moment before she said, “You two have problems, Sister. If you’ll excuse us, we will be going to Ponyville.” In Ponyville, Twilight was preparing for Luna’s visit. She was setting up her note taking supplies, while Spike was brewing tea.  Already on the table were cookies, and other assorted treats. The Castle’s bells rang, announcing a visitor. Twilight steadied herself as the vibrations slowed, “Spike, remind me to ask Celestia to lend me a couple of guards to help around here.” Twilight flew to the entrance of the castle, and opened the gate. Revealing Princess Luna. “We really need to get you some Castle Guards, Twilight” Luna stated “Hi Luna, Come in,” Twilight motioned. The two walked to the dining room, where the tea had been set out. Twilight sat herself down as did Luna. Twi poured some tea for herself and the moon princess. “Now,” Twilight started “The reason why I wrote to you is that I wanted to get firsthand accounts on how The Elements of Harmony affected ponies.” Luna nodded pensively. “Would you be comfortable with that?” Luna steeled herself and nodded. Twilight readied her quill, “How would you describe how you felt as The Elements were used on you” “Well, at first, The Nightmare was still dominant at that time so, it was the usual ‘this can’t be’ reaction, but as the Elements enveloped u- me, I received visions, of my sister and I, when we were younger.  I started remembering all of the good times we had, and then my thought turned to what The Nightmare and I were going to do. I expelled it from myself, with the help of the Elements of Harmony. After that I just felt an over whelming guilt.” Twilight looked up from her pages. Luna was quite composed for talking about this traumatic of an experience, but years of mystery novels told Twilight everything she needed to know about the Princess’s true feelings. Her eyes were down, focusing on the cookies. “How long did you feel that guilt?” Luna looked straight at Twilight, "Are you aware of my year-absence after your conquest of the Nightmare?" “Yeah?” Twilight replied, then she paused a bit in realization, “Oh…” “This is a tale that’s going to take all of my night, so you best get comfortable” The Royal Chariot left a celebrating Ponyville. Celestia in high spirits, Luna despite the garland of flowers around her small body, wasn’t in the same mood as her sister. She stared through the sky, thinking about what The Nightmare had made her do and was going to make her do. Luna’s brooding was interrupted by a big, bone crushing hug, made all the more bone crushing because her weakened state made her a little less fragile than your average unicorn. “Oh, Luna, you have no idea how much I’ve missed you!” Celestia exclaimed. “Tia, you’re crushing me…. Can’t breathe!” The solar princess let go. Stifling a giggle as her sister regained her footing. “Sorry, Luna, my emotions got the better of me” Canterlot came into their view in all its pristine glory. “There it is, Luna, our new home,” Celestia announced. “It is… Shiny, to say the least, doesn’t offer much in the way of protection from siege” Luna observed Celestia let out a gentle laugh as the carriage landed on the balcony, “Luna, we haven’t had any kind of war here in a long time, in fact the last major problem we’ve had was Nightmare Moon.” Suddenly, a wail sounded throughout the room, Celestia turned and saw Luna on the ground, her eyes shooting tears like a fountain. “By Mother,” Celestia swore to herself, “Luna, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.” “I-I was going to trap you, and –and rule over the ponies. I thought I would be a good leader, but it was going to be night all the time, nopony can live by night alone…” Luna kept babbling like that until her sister nuzzled her. “Luna, that wasn’t you, you were just as much a victim as everyponyelse,” Celestia stood up and helped her sister using magic, “Now come with me while I show you your room.” The sister traveled through the castle, Luna was recovering from her break down. Celestia acting the part of tour guide, showing Luna where everything in the castle was. Celestia stopped at a door, The midnight blue paint made it clash against the normally white wall. What was strange was that no pony ever seemed to notice it and if one looked at it they would have a strong urge to look away. Most importantly was the padlock on the door, it had no space for any kind of key, it just had Celestia’s Cutie mark. “Is this…” Luna Began, looking at the door with little effort. “We I had this castle built, I secretly added this room for you. No pony knows about it, hidden in plain sight, waiting for you, just as you left your old room,” Celestia exposited. She then cast a spell on the lock and suddenly, all wards on the room were released. The door opened and the two sisters walked in. The room screamed gothic, midnight blues and blacks enveloping everything. Flying buttresses supported the ceiling in many places. There were little to no furnishings, just one desk to the side and a four poster bed. On the bed was a stuffed rabbit holding a mallet. “You even saved Tsuki,” Luna commented, overwhelmed at what she was seeing. Celestia smiled, “You must be tired, let’s talk more in the evening,” Luna nodded and took her plushy and went to bed. That evening, Luna was awoken by a guard, who then led her to the Dining hall where Celestia was waiting for them. “Good evening, Luna, Did you sleep well?” Celestia greeted. Luna nodded and sat next to her sister. “Luna,” Celestia started, “This morning had me thinking about your current condition” “Do not worry about my current form, it is just magical atrophy, nothing to worry about,” Luna dismissed “Your physical form isn’t what bothers me, It’s more your mental state” “I am… fine, Tia” “Luna, you were possessed with The Nightmare forces for a thousand years, a pony does not go through that and heal easily,” “I am a princess, Tia, I am more resilient than most,” Luna’s gaze was darting around looking at anything but her sister. Celestia smiled warmly “Yes you are, and that’s how you’ve held up for all this time. Even so, It wouldn’t do for a princess to break down crying every time Nightmare Moon is–,” As expected Luna was hunched over the table, ocular gushers on in full force. Celestia paused for a moment, “Case in point,” The larger Alicorn hugged her sister and then said, “In order to help you sort through this, I have assigned one of my secretaries to you,” Celestia then turned to the side and called out, “Shorthand! You may come in now.” A male unicorn wearing a tie, glasses, and a pencil behind his ear entered the dining hall. His short, brown hair perfectly combed. His tan coat was well groomed and neat. Despite That, he was just … bland.  Even his notepad cutie mark was generic. Celestia turned to Luna, “Not only is Shorthand here one of my best secretaries, he also has a PHD in psychology,” Luna cocked her eyebrow , “ P… H…–“ “He can help ponies sort their minds out.” “I still don’t know, Tia…” “I’m afraid I must insist on this matter, you are to have a session with him for at least one hour each day and for the rest of that day, He will act as your secretary,” Luna just sighed and nodded. Each day after, Luna would spend an hour with Shorthand, talking about her overwhelming guilt and her stress. Luna was less than receptive to the treatment at first, usually deflecting questions and trying to change the subject. As time went on, Luna became more comfortable and started taking the treatment more seriously.   It was now the time of the Grand Galloping Gala, and Luna was already dressed to the nines. Her magic was slowly coming back in, as evidenced by her mane and tail, both sparkling like starlight but still lacked the ethereal quality her sister had. Luna looked out of her window anticipation. Today was the day where she would get out of the castle and meet her subjects in a better light. There was a knock on Luna’s door. “Come in!” Luna called Shorthand entered the room, “Good evening, Princess” “And a wonderful evening to you, Shorthand” “Well, you’re certainly lively this evening,” “How could I not be? Today is the day I finally present myself to the ponies of Equestria!” Shorthand fidgeted a bit, “Is that really a good idea, Princess?” “My dear Shorthand, I know there is still some work to do, but I think I can hold my own in a social function,” The secretary lowered his eyelids and simply said, “Night mare Moon,” Luna emitted a small whimper, then swallowed it, “S-See? There was barely any reaction!” Shorthand sighed, “Your majesty, most of the ponies here are high-ranking nobles very set in their ways, when you meet them they will say that name, and how you react will tell them all they need to know about how you will rule.” “As always, you are right, Shorthand, but none the less, I have made up my mind. Even if I don’t make my grand entrance, I shall still enjoy the festivities.” “If you’re sure, I shall be by your side” So, Luna and Shorthand went into the gala, where the opening ceremonies had just ended. The two walked to the main hall of the castle, when Luna suddenly froze. Shorthand inquired, “Princess? What’s wrong?” “So… Many… Ponies…” Luna stammered, “Oh Yeah, you haven’t had to deal with so many ponies since you returned, have you?” Luna shook her head, “No, I am a princess, I can over come this.” A few seconds went by and Luna was still at the door. “Do you want to go somewhere less populated?” Shorthand asked, concerned for the princess. “Yes, Let us go to the gardens.” Luna answered quickly. Once at the royal garden, Luna calmed down considerably. The cool night air combined with the local fauna gave a great atmosphere. “Oh, Why am I cursed to have these problems” Luna lamented “It isn’t you, Princess, Any pony would experience this after facing the kinds of trauma you’ve faced,” Shorthand assured. “Thank you,” Luna smiled They walked through the gardens, until they heard some talking over the hedge. “I'll catch you yet, my pretties... Oh yes, as soon as one of you little birds, or monkeys, or bears touches this net... you'll be mine! MINE! Hahaha, Hahaha! Whoa!” They heard a voice ramble. Luna and Shorthand both peeked in from the hedge to find a buttercream pegasus hanging in a net. “Isn’t that one of Twilight Sparkle’s friends?” Shorthand asked. “Why yes, Fluttershy, I believe her name is” Luna stated. “Poor thing’s suffering from Cutie Mark Failure Insanity Syndrome,” “Come again?” “It’s a phenomenon where a pony stops thinking rationally once they fail to meet their special talent,” Shorthand explained, “I guess nopony told her that these animals are a bit distrusting of ponies,” The two removed themselves from the Hedge and stared at each other for a bit. “Shorthand, I wish to join the gala at the courtyard.” “Agreed, it’s not pretty when they blow,” They went into the court yard and they joined the gala. They still hid in the back, Luna was still afraid to actually mingle. They saw that Applejack had a stand selling various apple themed pastries. Luna gave Short hand a few bits to buy them each an apple fritter. Shorthand returned with the desserts and passed on to the princess, once Luna ate the pastry, her eyes lit up. “Shorthand, remind me to personally endorse Sweet Apple Acres in the near future, these are simply divine!” Shorthand just smirked, the more he got to know the lunar princess the more she acted like her sister sometimes. They both walked the gala, sticking mainly to the background, most of the nobles were too absorbed in themselves to even notice the princess in their presence. They both saw and pitied Rarity for trying to woo the least like pony in Canterlot. The classical music came to a halt when Luna noticed Pinkie Pie on stage. “Shorthand, I believe we must vacate this room,” “Are you feeling alright, Princess?” “I feel that the gala is going to get much more interesting, and the best place to be is not here.” Luna dragged short hand out of the room as Pinkie’s jaunty party song permeated the room, and chose to stay in the hall to see what the moon princess was talking about. “I’m not sure I see what-,” Luna silenced him and beckoned him to watch, Applejack bursted through the door with a giant apple cake on a cart, Pinkie then did a stage dive into the cart. The Cake flew towards Blueblood and would have hit him if he didn’t use Rarity as a pony shield. That proved to be the last straw as Rarity shook the cake off of her and on to him. This caused the unicorn to run away, knocking over a statue that was in the middle of the room. Shorthand’s jaw dropped as the chaos unfolded. Luna just smirked. Blueblood brushed against her in his cake covered haze. “Watch where…, Princess Luna” Blueblood yelled before realizing who he was about to chastise, “It’s good to that there’s somepony with class here. I wouldn’t go in there, It’s worse than Nightmare Moon in there,” Luna squeaked “In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if you transformed right now, to cow those plebeians,” If the trigger word wasn’t enough, the implication that Luna would ever do such a thing or had the much control over her counterpart had made Luna take a deep breath. “Between you and me, I would have preferred Nightmare Moon’s rule,” Blueblood added. One would suppose he thought he was being clever there. One would suppose he thought he was playing politics, but even the stuffiest of the upper crust had a saying about Prince Blueblood: First rule of politics, don’t be Prince Blueblood. In reality, the use of the trigger and the implication that she would even consider usurping her sister had been too much, and Princess Luna started to bawl her eyes out. Fortunately, that had been about the time Fluttershy had come into the hall, proclaiming that all animals will love her whether they wanted too or not. Thus, the chaos was complete and every pony ran out of the main gala. Shorthand had taken Luna to her room and calmed her down. Celestia left a donut for the sleeping alicorn. The next day, therapy was once again in session. More months went by, Shorthand started to help Luna with social anxiety as well as the Nightmare Moon trigger. The more time went by and Luna’s magic came in, her mane finally becoming the image of the night sky. Her coat turned to a midnight blue and she gained height.  She basically looked like a miniature situation. “It is with great honor, that I deem Princess Luna to be of sound mind and fit to rule Equestria’s night!” Shorthand announced happily as several guards and Celestia Applauded as Luna took the stand. “Thank you, everypony, It is with great pleasure to join my sister on the throne of Canterlot. The time couldn’t be any better. For in a weeks time, We understand that there is a holiday that is dedicated to The Nightmare, therefore We shall go out on this night and make ourselves known to our subjects” Celestia leaned to Shorthand “Does she know that the Royal We is a bit archaic?” Shorthand coughed into his hoof, “That’s something I was wondering about, She also puts on an archaic accent in the presents of other ponies, I don’t think it will intrude on her ability to rule,” “I will trust your judgement on that, Shorthand.” “And So, on Nightmare Night, I decided to visit Ponyville first, to thank you and your friends of course. In hindsight, I should’ve known that the town The Nightmare terrorized first would fear me the most.” Twilight put her quill down and organized her papers. “I think we can end it there, I know pretty much what happens from there. Thank you for opening up, Luna” “I should be thanking you, It felt … Refreshing to tell this story” The two princesses smiled at each other. “You’ve come a long way since I saw you on Nightmare Night,” Twilight assured “Thank you Twilight, I do hope I helped with your research.” “You definitely did, and now I think I know who to interview next,” “Pray tell, whom?” “That will be a surprise, for now let’s just talk, I’ve been dying to get some face to face time with some of my fellow princesses” Luna had a sly grin on her face, “Getting a bit cocky, aren’t we?” “Let’s just say I’m getting used to my Title” So, the two princesses talked through the night, all the while, Twilight kept her eye on a certain book emblazoned with the crest of the sun. After this meeting, she was going to give her own student her first assignment. > Sunset Shimmer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a lunchtime at Canterlot Highschool, it was usually at this time when The Rainbooms started Band practice . Ever since the Battle of the Bands, The Rainbooms kept playing, usually school functions, The animal shelter, the odd benefit. Point is, they were still a band.   Rainbow and Sunset were usually the first to practice and set everything up. Rainbow would say it’s to Teach Sunset guitar, but really it’s to have a guitar contest to see who plays lead. After they both set up the stage and their guitars. Rainbow gave a signal to Vinyl Scratch, the Rainbooms’ resident sound mixer. Scratch nodded and played a simple Clap Beat. Rainbow started a fairly slow guitar jam, and Sunset responded in kind. It Progressed until they wordlessly agreed on entering a chorus. Both really got into the song, backing each other up as they traded off lead. By the second instance of the chorus, they both really got into the jam. Sunset then picked up the tempo and played a Solo that soared over the rest of the song and ended it there. “You really need to stop showing off, Sunset,” Rainbow snarked in her usual way. “I don’t need to take that from you, Miss “Awesome as I Wanna Be”,” Sunset shot back almost replicating Rainbow’s singing voice perfectly. The two girls shared a laugh as they noticed their other friends standing in the doorway. Applejack and Rarity both had cheeky smirks, Fluttershy just stood there bashfully, and Pinkie was just jumping up and down, in her own world. “How long were you guys standing there?” Sunset inquired “Long enough to hear you to rocking from here to Las Pegasus.”  AJ stated, Her natural drawl  lending itself to snark. “Darling, You have such amazing Talent!” praised Rarity, her hands clasping together while her eyes were sparkling. “It’s really not that amazing, Flash just taught me how to play when we were dating” Sunset confessed. “Yeah, She’s good, but She’ll be even better when I get through with her” Rainbow boasted. Sunset raised her finger, about to contest that point, but Fluttershy just put her hands on Sunset’s arm, and lowered it, shaking her head. A strange ‘zap’ sound emanated from Sunset’s backpack. Sunset went over and took out her magical journal. “Do you keep that book with you everywhere you go?” AJ questioned, cocking her eyebrow a bit. Sunset stared at her friend through half closed eyes, “Of course, I am Princess Twilight’s Student after all,” Rainbow scoffed and crossed her arms, “Yeah, and probably something more.” “What, Th-That’s Ridiculous, It’s a strictly professional, Student-teacher Relationship, that’s all” Sunset stammered “Why, Sunset Shimmer, your face is getting redder than your hair” AJ teased. “Guys, come on, there’s nothing there, besides, I’m like at least 5 years older than her.” The Rooms then chorused into various sounds of shock. Mostly it was just variations of “What !?”.   “Well I was already about 21 when I came here,” Pinkie burst out from the crowd and started to jump in place “ WOW, so you should, like, be in college, with Twilight’s twin, Partying it up! Oh, I hear colleges have the wildest parties, like they’re so fun the Police show up because that amount of fun should be illegal! OH! When we graduate, I am SO throwing a party every chance I get, I already have AJ’s secret Cider Recipe on standby, I could make cider sooooo good-” AJ slapped a hand over her cousin’s mouth, “Calm down there, cuz, you’re making everyone a bit overheated,” Indeed, the other girls stood there, confused at Pinkie’s Random stream of consciousness. “I have so many questions…” Sunset said, while her eye twitched, She then shook her head and looked at the book, “Anyway, yeah, I don’t really know the mechanics behind the mirror, Trust me I’ve wasted enough time trying to understand that thing. For now, I have a message from our princess friend and as her student, I have to pay attention to what she says,” Sunset opened the book and saw a Lengthy letter to her, Usually she wrote the more verbose letters detailing a friendship lesson and Twilight would respond with something like “I am glad to see you learning about friendship”, Or “I wish I could have seen how you handled that”.  This message was very formal. “My dear Sunset,” The letter started, “ When I was Princess Celestia’s Student I would send Letters almost weekly, and I would wonder how Celestia felt to receive these letters detailing some concepts so simple as ‘Don’t take a friends generosity for granted.’ I imagine she felt the same way I feel when I get your letters. I know technically you’re my senior, but I can’t help but feel so proud of you. I’ve been looking into the psychological effects of The Elements of Harmony and to that end, I have an assignment for you. I know during the battle of the bands you dealt with a lot of adversity and then some. Your first assignment as my student of friendship is to tell me how you were affected by the Elements, and  how your friendship grew. I expect this report as soon as possible.” “Your friend and mentor, Princess Twilight Sparkle of ponyville” Sunset finished reading. Rarity sat down, next to Sunset, “So the princess wants to know the how you handled becoming our friend?” “Hoo wee, Do we have stories for her then,” AJ stated wistfully. “ Yes, you probably do.” Sunset said quickly as she got up and tried to make a beeline for the band equipment, “However, this is my assignment and oh look at the time, we should start practicing,” Rainbow blocked Sunset’s path, “Hey, what’s with the sudden jitteriness?” Rainbow’s lips curled up in a cat like manner, “You afraid we’ll embarrass you to your girlfriend?” “That’s ridiculous! A-and I already told you, It’s not like that!” Sunset shouted “Come on, Sunny,  We have a lot of stories to tell The Princess!  Who better to tell stories about friendship than your friends.” Pinkie said. “That’s what I’m worried about,” Sunset deadpanned Applejack put an arm around Sunset, “ Tain’t that bad, Right? I mean, I’m sure Twilight has some crazy stories.” “I-I guess I can let you guys write-” Sunset started, but was interrupted by Pinkie stealing her journal. “Oh, you won’t regret this, Sunny, It’s nice to remember things and laughing, and-” Applejack took the book from the dancing pink person, “I think we should start off small, like the time Sunset helped on the farm.” Sunset nodded, “That actually sounds nice.” Aj took out a pen and started writing. “Howdy Twilight,” AppleJack started to write, “I hope everythings going good in your world. I’m just writing to tell you about the time Sunset helped out on my farm. I know you gave her the assignment but I think we can tell you these stories better. It all started a few days after the Fall Formal….” ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Winter wrap up, winter wrap up… “ Sunset sang how ever unsteady her voice was.   The song didn’t really match what she was doing, but it was the only equestrian folksong about work to come to her mind, never mind that it was the exact wrong season to be singing that song. Winter was just beginning! Nevertheless, it was a song she could sing to herself while laying bricks. “Alright, You’re done for the night,” A voice drawled from behind Sunset. Sunset looked behind her to see Applejack with her hands on her hips. Sunset froze in the middle of her work. Unsure of what to do, the two girls just stared at each other. Sunset’s tear stained eyes were wide in surprise. Applejacks eye drooped to a half lid as she called out to Sunset again. “Well, are you gonna keep starin, or are you gonna come with me?” Apple jack Drawled as she crossed her arms. Sunset got to her feet and ran to the orange girl. “What happened? Is everypo-,” Sunset caught herself, It was strange but she found herself slipping back into pony customs ever since Twilight showed up, “Is everybody alright?” “Calm down, Missy, Everyone’s fine, I’m just relievin ya from your punishment over there,” Applejack assured “ How?” AJ took out a piece of paper and held it to Sunset, “The girls and I convinced Principle Celestia to ease on your punisment, a mite,” Sunset looked a the paper, which turned out to be a time card. “You’re still doing community service, but at least ya got us now, and today, you’re helpin me on the farm.” Applejack motioned Sunset to follow her.  They both arrived at Big Macintosh’s pickup truck. “Alright, Big Mac, I’m Ready now!” AJ called a “Eeyup” emanated from the truck and the two girls climbed in. “Mac, I believe you’ve met Sunset Shimmer,” AJ introduced. “Pleasure,” Big mac said in a way that was sorta hard to read. It would have been apathetic if there weren’t a taste of edge in his voice. It was an awkward ride all the way to the farm. Really there was no way for it not to be awkward. Applejack was trying her best, but it was just generic southern hospitality, nothing warm like Sunset saw when Applejack talked to her friends. Applejack didn’t even call her “Sugar”, something she called everyone. The Truck pulled up to the farm and the two girls got out of the truck. “Alright, Sunset, first thing we’re gonna do: Finish harvestin’ the apples.” Applejack said as the two went over to the shed. Applejack pulled a ladder out and handed it to Sunset and they both walked to the orchard. AJ put the ladder to the tree, grabbed a bucket and motioned for Sunset to climb the ladder. Sunset just stared. “You want me to climb up there?” Sunset questioned “Well duh, Girl, Those apples ain’t gonna pick themselves!” Applejack said flippantly Applejack handed Sunset a bucket and held the bottom of the ladder. Sunset slowly picked the apple and filled the bucket. She struggled to keep her balance, but Applejack was there to catch her, and that made her feel safe somehow. When the Buckets filled, Applejack would pass Sunset another bucket. It was still silent. “So, why are you Girls doing this?”  Sunset said While climbing down the ladder after gathering ten buckets of apples. “Pardon?” AJ Responded. “Helping me, trying to make my punishment not as bad,” “ Aw, no, You’re not goin to do this whole, ‘I went evil, I don’t deserve to be your friend’ nonsense!” AJ Exclaimed Sunset was taken aback by this. “Listen here, Missy. What you’ve done in the past don’t matter no more. Twilight showed us that even the most messed up of friendships can be mended.” Sunset closed her eyes halfway, “Yeah, Sweet sentiment and all, but I was a raging She-Demon, I don’t think I can recover from that easily” “I suppose not.” Applejack pondered as she put the last bucket into the cart, “If’n I’m bein honest, I don’t really know what to make of you yet, I don’t think none of us do. But we’re tryin and maybe our small group of friends may go a long way.” Sunset set her gaze to the ground. “I guess I don’t know what to make of my self.” AJ put an arm around Sunset, “Aww, don’t worry yourself none, Look, I have a surprise for ya if ya do a good enough job on the rest of the chores,” Sunset cocked her eyebrow, “A Surprise?” AJ wagged her finger “Not until we finish, we’re plowing the fields next” When most people think about plowing the fields, they think about putting a harness on a horse, and the horse pulls the plow. Sunset thought that too. She was wrong. As soon as they got to the field, AJ fitted Sunset with the plow harness, or as close as she could with Sunset being human and all. “You know just because I used to be a pony, doesn’t mean I can do this kind of stuff” Sunset said. “Oh, I figure, but yer not done bein punished and this is a tried and true Apple family Punishment.” Aj Explained with a cocky smile “What did you guys do?” “Let’s Just say, Big Mac’s not allowed near the cider anymore.” Sunset stood silently for a moment and trudged onwards. The plow was heavy and only got heavier and heavier as she went on. Sunset pulled along still singing the winter wrap up song. Applejack wasn’t so hard on her that she didn’t allow her the odd break for water. These breaks weren’t enough to stop Sunsets legs from hurting but were enough to keep them from falling off. Sunset plowed out 6 rows before AJ declared that sunset was done. “How… Did … you… do… this…” Sunset gasped. “Our legs are naturally strong,” Applejack replied, scribbling on the time card, “Well, I think it’s time for your surprise!” “AJ, I appreciate it, But I think I lost all control of my legs,” Sunset groaned, Her legs her so stiff, she couldn’t even collapse. “Aw, Don’t be such a baby, Come On!” Applejack grabbed Sunsets arm and dragged her away. Sunset didn’t know where Applejack was dragging her to. All she knew was that she would possibly be going to school in a wheelchair tomorrow. On the plus side, her legs were going to look totally awesome.  She finally felt AJ stop and opened her eyes. “Dear Sweet Celestia,” Sunset gaped “Still kinda weird that you swear to our principal” Applejack drawled. They had stopped at the horse stable. Sunset’s eyes were wide in awe as she beheld the sight. While Applejack stood at mild amusement. “You Mean… I can… With them!” Sunset all but squealed. “I mean, If you don’t try anythin weird with the stallions” AJ snarked, Sunset ignored that and ran over to the ponies that were outside. Naturally she was spoiling them, giving the best ear scratches, and giving them strawberries. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Seein Sunset like that made me forget that she turned into a she demon that almost  enslaved the entire school” Applejack wrote, she then looked up to Sunset, reading over her shoulder. “Uhhh, No -” AJ started and then was interrupted “Don’t even start,” Sunset commanded, with a stern glance. “Quite a lovely Story, but it’s missing something…” Rarity commented, “Ah, I have a story that the princess will LOVE!” “Well, Write it, Pearly White,” AJ said while handing the book to Rarity. “How many times must I tell you to stop calling me that,” Rarity sighed as she opened the book. “To her Royal Highness Princess Twilight Sparkle of…” Rarity paused in the middle of writing, “What’s your world called, again, Darling” “Equestria,” Sunset deadpanned “Ah Yes…” Rarity continued writing, “...of Equestria, Regarding Sunset, I have a story that will show you the full extent of her reformation process” “Celestia help me,” sighed Sunset, thumping her head tiredly against the pillow her arms formed on her lap. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sunset didn’t know how she got into this, helping out local business did count as community service, however…. “Darling, are you ready?” Rarity’s voice called from beyond the curtain Sunset found herself behind. “Is this really an appropriate costume?” Sunset responded, gesturing downwards with her hands . “Oh, don’t worry Sunset, It’s perfectly acceptable” Rarity responded, nose in the air, “as if a woman of my culture would suggest something scandalous.” Rarity pulled the string to her show curtain to reveal, in many senses of the word, Sunset Shimmer in a very skimpy version of a japanese school girl outfit. It was black and only consisted of , for lack of a better term, breastplate with red suspenders that covered only just enough. The suspenders were connected to a skirt that is certainly too short for any sane person. “This barely counts as a costume!” Sunset whined, in itself a rare occurrence, If she was still a horse, her ears would be flat against her head. As she was not, they could not assume that position. This didn’t stop them from making an earnest effort. “Nonsense, I’ve adhered to the convention’s guidelines perfectly!” Rarity then turned her whole body to face Fluttershy sitting next to her, “What do you think, Dear?” Fluttershy gazed down at the floor and scuffed her foot against the tiles, “Well, It’s…. It’s very true to the series,” “Yes, Continue…” Rarity pried, making small beaconing motions with her right hand. “Well It’s just that this show is very played out, and We’ll see at least ten of these costumes.” Fluttershy squeaked, two balled fists pressed tight against her lips. “You have a point there, Hmmm.” Rarity rubbed her chin in thought. “Can I change my clothes now?” Sunset cried using a curtain as cover. “Oh, Yes, of Course dear, so sorry,” Rarity said expansively motioning Sunset to the dressing room, ushering the other young woman with both arms. Once Sunset was in the dressing room, Rarity looked to Fluttershy, “Are,you sure, you don’t mind Sunset being here?” Rarity cocked her head to the side, letting it drag her whole body somewhat diagonal in a parody of curiosity. “Oh no, not at all,” Fluttershy said, shaking her head fervently, “ In fact, she seems to be shying away from me in particular,” “She should be, She was absolutely horrid to you.” Rarity waggled a finger at Fluttershy “Rarity,” Fluttershy’s voice took on a more scolding tone, “ Princess Twilight told us to show Sunset the magic of friendship, we shouldn’t be holding grudges.” She gently grabbed Rarity’s finger to stop the wagging, then quickly pulled her hands back like she had been burned. Rarity sighed, “You’re Right,  I guess it’s a challenge for all of us.” She put one of her hands on her hips, and the other on her forehead, then posed a moment. “Um, Rarity! Are there any more costumes I should try on?” Sunset called from the changing room. “There should be another box on the left of the Mirror there, deary!” Rarity called out, hands theatrically located to the sides of her mouth in the universal shouting gesture “ I didn’t know you made so many costumes, Rarity,”  Fluttershy commented, holding her fists together in front of herself. “Inspiration comes from many great places, But I have to admit, most of the costumes are commissions for when the next comic book convention comes to to town. You’ve been to some, Yes?” Rarity said, attempting to brush Fluttershy’s hair out of her face so that Rarity could see both of the other girl’s eyes. It didn’t work. “Oh yes, they are so fun and there are so many costumes” Fluttershy commented, flinching away from Rarity’s hands. Sunset’s voice called  from the other room, “Rarity, is there more to this costume?” “Everything should be there…” Rarity responded, with a heavy lidded stare. Sunset walked out of the dressing room wearing a red Scarf, a tan bikini top with a dark green miniskirt, with boots and a blue headband. “Oh, I should have realized the the scarf would clash with your hair…” Rarity said, hands pantomiming braiding hair behind her head. “ I don’t get it, do video game characters not get cold or something?” Sunset questioned. “That’s okay, Dear, you can change into your normal clothes.” Rarity generously offered, palm up. Sunset walked back into the dressing room and changed back to her normal outfit. She walked out. “So am I done here, Should I… ?”  Sunset asked indicating the door. “ Oh, no, you can stay..” Rarity said indicating her feet. “If you want to, that is…” Fluttershy added, indicating nothing in particular. “I mean we know next to nothing about you, dear.” Rarity pursed her lips theatrically, pressing a thumb against her chin, and tapping a forefinger against her cheek. Sunset rolled her eyes “ What you saw was what you got , Really, It’s no big secret” “Oh, come on, Sunset, there must be something there” Rarity suggested and then something hit her as she gasped and sang, “Ideaaaaa!” “ Oh my…” Fluttershy sighed. “ We should all sleep over here, you, Fluttershy, and I” Rarity said, while holding Sunset’s shoulder “That sounds fun,” Fluttershy said standing behind Rarity, arms tight and stiff against her side . “Yes, We can talk and bond with our newest friend” Rarity thumped Sunset solidly on the back. Sunset smiled a bit, but on the inside her guts were twisting inside of her. She wasn’t all that ready to share with her newfound friends just yet. Sort of comes with the territory with megalomania, you can’t really find a kindred spirit for that. Really Sunset Shimmer was like that as long as she can remember. The three girls sat in Rarity’s room, all in pyjamas. Snack foods put down meticulously on the floor. “Okay, Sunset, tell us…” Rarity commanded while laying on her stomach, Her hand propping her face up. Sunset cocked an eyebrow, “Tell you what?” “About your past, Darling!” “I told you, There’s not that much different about me then than at the Fall Formal,” Sunset said, slouching over herself. “Oh, Come now, Dear, We all have ugly sides we would rather not talk about,”  Rarity consoled. “I once took an assertiveness seminar and it took an entire month before anyone at school stopped cowering in front of me.” Fluttershy admitted, looking out from her hair. “One time I was in charge of school decorations and I got so Carried away, you can still find the odd bow around the school.” Rarity shared, putting the back of her hand on her forehead. Sunset winced guiltily. “I... don’t really think the situations are comparable.” “You’re stalling, Darling,” Rarity sang. Sunset sighed “... Fine…” Sunset laid on her back, sighing once more. Sunset began to describe her escapades from when she passed the entrance exam for the School for gifted unicorns and became Celestia’s personal student. Her discovering the mirror. Her fight with Celestia, and then subsequently going through the mirror. “I had thought that the mirror led to a great power, and by the time I got here, the portal closed, and I was stuck in high school. I’m also pretty sure I’ve been banished from Equestria.” Sunset deadpanned, though the effect was ruined from the redness of her eyes and snot on her face from prior emotional moments in the story. “Sunset! Why would you say such a thing!” Rarity exclaimed, while hugging her pillow. “It’s probably true,” Sunset said her, eye drooping down to the floor. “Well If your Celestia is anything like our Celestia, then she’d be more than willing to give you a second chance.” Fluttershy offered. “Your Celestia isn’t a magical sun horse.” Sunset extolled in deep sarcasm “That may be, Dear, But I’m willing to bet that they are both kind, compassionate and caring.” Rarity sashayed “... Maybe when the Mirror opens again… I’ll go back,” Sunset slowly said. She rolled the words reluctantly across her tongue. “ Until then, you have us Darling.” Rarity then hugged Sunset, and then Fluttershy joined in. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________         “I think That was the first time I felt truly connected to Sunset” Rarity finished writing, she went to close the book when suddenly Sunset shouted.         “Wait, don’t close the-” *klunk* A puff of dust wafted out from between the closed pages.                  It was too late, Rarity had closed the book, and a wave of magic energy flowed through the book, signifying the sending to the recipient.         Sunset stood silent for a moment before commenting, “Well, There goes my report…”          “Aw don’t be so sad, Sunset, At least they were happy stories,” Fluttershy said while massaging the redhead’s shoulders. Sunset sighed, “I guess you’re right, they weren’t as embarrassing as I thought,” Rainbow Dash scoffed and said, “ At least Pinkie didn’t write about the time she taught you accordian,” The Rainbow haired girl indicated Pinkie Pie, who now was holding the offending instrument on her frame. “Speaking of which…” Pinkie started. “Pinkie, it was very clear, and unanimous, that the Rainboom Party Polka is not going to happen,” Sunset Interrupted, as she went over to her guitar and picked it up. “Besides, I have something to show you guys,” Sunset continued as she strummed her guitar. It was finally time for the Rainbooms to practice. But unbeknownst to them, they were going to have visitors. The thing about Celestia’s kindness and care, it provides second chances to those who want them. Those second chances usually come to those who seem… unsavory.