A Pink Herd

by Ponyess

First published

I had just moved to a little farm a few miles outside of town, as my friends came over. Among the gifts are a small herd of formerly Holographic Characters. Three Satyrs by the name Pinkie Pie, which would make up a minimal herd.

I had seen how festive and delightful Pinkie Pie could be in her Satyr form, as I visited Risa a month back. She had offered me to help me to initialise one for me, when I moved out on my own where I could enjoy her to the fullest.

Once I moved out, I had to invite my closest friends, including Risa, who promptly brought me a Character as a moving out gift. Since I love the pink mare Pinkie Pie, she bought the character for me. Since she had promised it, she initialised it for me, just the way she knew I wanted it.

On the day before the party, Risa had come, bringing my Pinkie Pie characters. Apparently, she had made three of her for me, only the third is clearly male. With that, I had a complete herd.

Now I will breed my Pinkie Pies’, but I will enjoy her as intended as well. I could never bring myself to let her live like cattle for milk or meet production. She is a friend, even if I had never met any of the three given individuals.

Moving In: 1

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When I arrived at the farm, there is little to no belongings there. I have a bed and a sofa, aside from that, the entire building is barren and empty.

I had brought some food and a few books, but how long would these last me? On the other rubbery hoof, my friends had promised to come. Aside from that, I have an entire farm to explore. I guess I could last until they arrived, even if it may take them an hour or two, before they were knocking on my door.

As I arrive, I unlock the door and pull the door up since it opens outwards. I am greeted by a small hall, maybe a yard in square all in all. To the right I see the door to the girls’ room, knowing I have the shower, right behind the left wall. While entering the girls’ room, I am turning my back on the hat-rack, under which I could place my shoes and hang up my jacket. Although I am wearing neither jacket, not hat, I was wearing a pair of boots since I like wearing them.

The final door leads to the living room, where I had a large bio sofa facing the TV mounted on the wall, with a small sofa table before it. Between each seat, there is an armrest built to allow for a glass or small bottle. The Master seat is in the middle and has the remote for both the TV and the video, which incidentally also have an emitter, in case I wanted to play around with a Holographic character or just see the film in more depth.

I have bookshelves on the wall on my left, where the door to the hall, shower and kitchen had been hidden. Behind the TV is a door to the dining room and my bed room. The final wall does hold both the door to an additional bed room a library and to the backyard.

As I entered, I noticed that there is a glassed in room before me. This is where I could find the stairs down to the basement where food would be stored, right along with anything else, although there is also a girls’ room and a shower.

The other flight of stairs leads up to the upper floors, where a few small bed rooms could be found and a girls’ room and shower.

Since I live alone now, I did not need more than this. Although I had been promised a herd of Ponies, but we could build a barn for them later. Maybe I should buy an Apple Jack to help me build these buildings for my coming herd, but it could wait for a while longer.

The one thing I felt I needed to see is the kitchen, so Iwent to check it out. I have both the freezer and the fridge on the outer wall, just where I wanted them to be. Then there is a stove and oven, aside from the sink with both water and streamer, aside from a boiler for tea. Then I noticed that I could even find ice cubes by the freezer.

When I turn my back on the sink, I find the shelf on which I could place the dishes, in order to get them into the dining room, as well as all the kitchen equipment, easily accessible from both the kitchen and the dining room, if and when required. Only the small sliding window is currently closed.

As I opened the fridge, I found milk, eggs, vegetables and meet, all I could possibly wish for, even if it isn’t exactly plentiful, but it is enough for the day or possibly a few more days.

I chose to pick a bowl of cherry tomatoes, washed them, dried them off and slipped them carefully into a large bowl and carried them into the living room, where I placed the bowl on the table.

After I had rummaged around in the pantry, I could find the ingredients for streaming my soda, including the coke variety, which I chose for this occasion. Once I had pulled the small pint size bottle out, I poured a cap into the bottle with carbonized water from the streamer. After shaking the bottle in order to get the contents mixed properly, I carried it into the living room, where I slipped it into the cup-holder in the sofa and sat down.

Just leaning back, relaxing in the sofa, picking a diminutive tomato and slipping it int my mouth, slowly chewing it. Picking another tomato, just enjoying the sweet taste in my mouth.

All of a sudden, I notice that I had run out of tomatoes. For a moment I felt disappointed, but then I realised I had had my fill, I am no longer hungry, as good as the tomatoes had been. They do taste wonderful, if I am to say so myself, not that I had been growing them, but still.

For a moment I just sit there, enjoying the moment, thinking back at my exploration of what is to be my new home. The sofa is apparently covered with a luxury shiny black leather I feel quite comfortable sitting on. The floor is covered in polished oak tree tiles that made me feel right at home, while the walls are covered with red cherry tree panels. The bookshelves are made out of the same cherry tree wood as well.

Then as I though back, I realised, these details had been a general theme all across the house. Although the floor in the kitchen, girls’ rooms and shower had been covered with white tiles, shimmering slightly in teal to blue hues I couldn’t quite put a finger to. The effect was astonishing to me.

Just the same, they had avoided white for the details in the kitchen as well, leaving them a high gloss finish of silver metallic. This had left me wondering if they had in fact been installed rather recently, or as late as no more than a year ago.

Funny thing, I had walked around most of my home and seen it all, yet I had not really seen the details or paid attention to it. Now I still do recall them as I think back, while I wait for my friend to come over in order to help me getting all settled in.

Now I just sit where I had seated myself for the remaining minutes until the time when my friend was expected to arrive. Lazly sipping from the bottle, while waiting, enjoying myself, while anticipating her arrival.

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Arriving at Umi’s Farm: 2

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I had just walked to the door and knocked, waiting for her to reply.

“Greetings, Risa and welcome!” she responded as she had opened the door to see me.

“Hiya, Umi. I brought you the three Pinkie Pie Characters. Two mares and a stallion, just as I had promised!” she responded as I stepped aside and guided her into my home through the hall.

“Hiya, Umi. Pleased to see you and we are quite happy you wanted us to live with you here on your little farm!” PinkiePie greeted me as she carried a humongous cake into my home, soon placing it on the table in the living room.

“My name is Pinkamena Diana Pie, but call me Diana, since there is more of us. You can’t just call us all Pinkie Pie, I know!” the second Pinkie Pie responded.

“Hope you like cake and pastries!” the stallion pointed out in his much deeper voice.

“Pastries, as in Muffins and Cup-Cakes? I am sure you three could provide the best once I could ever wish for. I love to have one, or a few from time to time. Cake could be great, on certain occasions as well!” I responded.

“Then it will be our pleasure to bake all the pastries you could eat and make every cake you may need, whenever you ask for one!” Diana put forth.

“Between the three of you, I would suggest you establish a Café, where you could bake and sell pastries and cakes. Then you could cater for and throw parties when ever appropriate as well. I think his is how one would best portray you too?” I responded.

“Unless there is a Sugar-Cube Corner in town, that seems like a good start. There are countless reasons, or causes for a party to be thrown. Doesn’t People like parties around here too?” Pinkie put forth.

“To the best of my knowledge, there is no Café by the name in town. I am fairly sure People around here would appreciate partying, even if we have numerous ideas as to how a party is ideally thrown!” I explained.

“With some help, we could build a Café, ourselves!” Bubbles pointed out.

“We could rebuild your, our home. We would need to adjust it!” Diana proposed.

“On second thought; Pink Bubbles Café would be more to the point!” I pointed out.

“The Sugar-Cube Corner belongs to the Cakes, even if they are not here. This would be our Café, as you pointed out!” Diana responded with a wide grin on her face.

“Our farm, our home, our Café and our barn. It is our responsibility to make it all work. I am looking forwards to the challenge!” Bubbles responded.

“Our little Herd could make it, if we try our best!” I proposed.

“You know I, we always do our best, our very bestest, Umi!” Pinkie subjected.

“We just need to organise our efforts, in order to reach the targets towards our common goals, then!” I concluded.

“First we need a total of four beds, including the one you are currently using, Umi!” Diana pointed out in a matter fact tone of voice.

“Beds are fairly easy to come by. Just a matter of finding the once for you? Diana, would you follow me to the store in order to try them out?” I offered.

“Okeley dokeley!” Diana responded.

“Pinkie, would you go over the inventory, then hit the store in order to make sure we have all the ingredients for baking, before we could open the Café?” I continued.

“Sure thing, will do!” she giggled in response as she burst out into the kitchen, rummaging in search for ingredients.

“I guess it falls upon you, Bubbles, to go over what we have in terms of carpentry, then purchasing what we need for building the Café, firstly!” I concluded.

“Checking inventory, if it is what you need me to do, I can do that!” Bubbles pointed out.

“I think I am speaking for all of us as I say; I am looking forwards to see the Café up and running!” I put forth.

“That is why I am so eager to help preparing for building the Café!” Bubbles responded.

“Once the Café is up and running, we can start building a few other structures, like a festive hall, and a barn, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. By then I expect us to have everything we need right here, in order for us to get started. I would make a few calls in order to get a few friends here to help us building as well!” I put forth.

Bubbles hasted out to investigate the resources available, while Pinkie burst off to the kitchen.

“While they are performing their preparations and gathering what we need, we could as well go to find the beds for you. I know you will need your sleep just as much as I do, aside from the other purposes for you to have your own beds. I want to have these beds here before nightfall, tonight!” I pointed out.

“Yes, we do need these beds by nightfall, just as much as you need yours. I know you could imagine other reasons for me to want my bed, we have a Stallion in our herd, after all!” Diana expressed, as she followed me out.

“I like you, just the way you are, even if it could have been convenient to have you as quadruped in some cases. Regular Ponies doesn’t need beds, but you never were regular Ponies in the first place!” I pondered.

“No, we never were. I may be Equine in nature, but I still need a bed in order to sleep comfortably at night. With all the comforts that come with it!” she responded while we slipped out on the road, walking to the bed store.

“I have always loved Ponies. Always had the dream to have my very own Ponies. I never realised I could actually have a herd of my own in this fashion. Not until a friend of mine explained she had already made all the preparations. Apparently, she knew me better than I had expected, thus you are here with me, right now!” I pondered.

“Ponies are great friends, I know, I made every Pony in Ponyvillemy friends. I put some effort into it, but it is well worth the investment I made. They gave me a purpose and all the joy I could ever have wished for. If you want to be my friend, I will extend my friendship to you as well!” she responded.

“How could I ever ask for a better friend? I feel you are completing my life, in ways I never imagined possible!” I pointed out.

“Is this the store you wanted me to follow you to? Furniture, the sign reads!” Diana pointed out.

“This was my first choice. They have quality furniture at reasonable prices. They are bound to have the beds you would enjoy sleeping in. I just need you to pick the one you find the most comfortable, for all three of you!” I responded as I walked into the store with Diana in tow.

“I usually do like the first choice. Although I am open to suggestions and alternatives too. Beds to the right, first floor!” she continues, reading the sign on the wall as she saw it.

“This is where we are going. Let’s see what they have in store for us. I hope you find your bed here!” I pointed out.

“Me too. Just curious, just what kind of beds are available to me. It is the first time I buy furniture here!” she explained.

“There is a first for everything, you know. Take a good look around, find your ideal bed. Then we can conclude the deal and go home. Then we can go home and see how they are doing, presenting them with their respective beds!” I offered.

“Some of these beds are beautiful. Too beautiful for me. I need a bed that can support me and my weight. A bed needs to be strong, and resilient to support me and my weight, regardless of when or why I am in the bed. This steel frame seems like the deal!” Diana reasoned as she moved around, examining the beds as she passed them on her way along the aisles in the store.

“If this is your bed frame of choice, all we need is the matrass and associated accessories!” I responded, looking closer at the bed.

--- --- ---

Further Preparrations: 3

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Following Umi to the store had been fun, I had picked out the beds for us all. In the end, she had chosen to buy not three, but five full-size beds for us, aside from three foal size beds, for the day the time came. A herd is after all relying on new foals being born into the small family unit. A very tight-knit community of Equines, such as myself, even if I had been born as a Satyr, but it still does apply.

The bed rooms are all on the top floor. Since we have but a single Stallion, he get to have his own room at the end of the hall, while we Mares take the rooms on the right and left. The extra bed went into Bubbles room, in order for us to sleep with him. We take turns, occupying the second bed in his room. Umi got the honour to take the first night. I don’t mind, knowing full well I will have my turn too.

Who is jealous here, we are all Pie’s, we share everything equally. I know Bubble Berry will give me all the fun I can take, on the matter of his duties to our herd.

Naturally, the beds had been sent home. Bubble Berry is putting them together in a haste, like only a Pie could. How we manage what we do, I do not know. What I know is that we do what we do, for the good of all. For the good of our herd. All in good fun, with compassion. What else could there possibly be? I do not now, I do not care.

I may be the sober, the somber one of us, but that doesn’t make me any less of a Pie. Bubbles is the male, the stallion of my, our little herd. Then we have Pinkie, the one liable to be out of control party animal. She is hyper energetic to the point where chaos takes over. There is no stopping her. This is simply the way we have gotten used to see her. The third mare or female of our herd is Umi.

Comming home, only to see all the beds had been put together, made and prepared for the night ahead. Should you have been surprised to see the glistering black sheets, and the matching pillows and quilts, covered in blue and yellow balloons, and the streamers and confetti to top it all off.

The floor now covered by the chosen tiles of a bright and shiny beech wood. The wallpaper in a theme matching the bed, naturally. How could he not have?

On the other rubbery hoof, Pinkie had managed to bake, piling up a mountain of pastries on the table in our dining room. Even if we know her, I guess one could say that every Pony would be just as surprised, seeing what she could accomplish, when she put her mind to it. What ever she put her mind to. Of course, partying, preparing parties and baking are among the things you would expect.

She had placed four plates before the respective chairs, one for each and every one of us. The naked muffins, in every flavour one may imagine. Just true to her spirits.

--- --- ---

Confirming the Herd in Pink: 4

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It is my night with Bubbles. Not only that, it is that time of the month. Maybe it isn’t all that much of a coincidence, it was bound to happen sooner or later. It is just a monthly cycle, after all. Besides, he only has three of us to share his bed with.

I have the third day of the week, not as if it would make any difference which day I have. I get just as many days and as much time as Umi and Pinkie. I know Bubbles will give me as much as I can take, or enjoy. As a Pie, he is inexhaustible. There is no end to his energy. He will do his best to make me happy and enjoy myself with him.

Actually, we are all Pies, even if Umi isn’t it on the genetic level. Yet, Bubbles will make no difference between the three of us. Yet, he will respect our different personalities and adjust accordingly. Not that he can change himself or who he is in any way, that isn’t the Pie way. Still, he makes the time just as intimate and up close personal for each of us, just the way Pinkie Pie personalised her parties, when she threw them at her friends.

Of course, in bed we are both nude. Wouldn’t make sense to be prudely dressed up and wrapped in layers of fabric, now would it? We are all consenting adults, capable of understanding and deciding for ourselves.

As I enter his room, he already lies on his bed, resting on his back.

“Time for some fun. I can clearly see how excited you are, my dear!” he expressed, just as I had closed the door.

“You know, just how much I have been looking forwards to our night together. Of course I am excited!” I responded in a more teasing, alluring tone, a sly smile spreading out over my face.

“Time to taste the honey!” he teased with an excited grin all over his face, looking up at me.

“Have your fill!” I responded with a sly smile, giggling with pent up excitement.

I move up to the top of the bed, permitting my hips to cover his face in order for his lips to reach my orchid. As I could feel him hitting the spot, his lips parted and his tongue escaped, then slowly, carefully entered me, lapping gently at the smooth sensitive flesh.

Quietly, he moved his hand to my hip, holding me in a firm grip as he teasingly prepared me for what was ahead. At this point, there was little to nothing I could do to escape him, had that actually been what I had in mind.

As I hold on to his cheeks, I slowly grow wet, first from his saliva, then gradually from within as excitement teases me into heat. Awarding him with the sweet nectar I knew he desired so hotly, as he eagerly laps away, pushing me ever further.

Sadly, this moment could not last for as long as I had liked, but it will be replaced with the next stage of teasing and joy. He licks his lips greedily, as I lift myself up as he lets go of my hips, permitting me to get up, in order for us to move on to the next stage.

Once in place, I feel his hands on my jigglies, caressing them with fond gentleness, teasing my nibbles. Caressing, rubbing, squeezing, twisting and in general pleasing the hell out of them. Stopping just at the point.

Meanwhile, I had managed to reached down to my goal, my destination, slipping my fingers over the sheath, rubbing, caressing and teasing him out of his hiding place. Making absolutely certain, he could hide no more.

Once her is out of the lair, I continue teasing him. Permitting no slacking. From there I slowly, gently start licking his head. Covering him with saliva and filling him to the brim. Feeling him harden and stiffen up to the point. Teasing him all the way up, preparing him, readying him for what is up and ahead.

Just as I hear the moan I had been waiting for, the sign of him being ready. It is finally time for what the game was all about. What I had been waiting for and looking forwards to.

Rising to my hooves, before I sit down once more. Only this time I am sliding down over him, feeling his head slipping into me. Slippery and juicy, just the way he wanted it to be, the way he prepared me for what he knew we both wanted, desired and had been looking forwards to. The highlight of the day. Only this time, it is just a little bit more, as we are confirming the herd, together in wet, hot union. The way a mare and stallion is supposed to make it.

Once I am down, hitting the bottom, his hands move up from my waist on top of my hips from where they had been helping me, guiding me down comfortably, up along my waist and back to my jigglies.

With my knees firmly on the top of the bed, holding him firmly in place under me, I slowly lift myself up. Feeling him firm within me all the way up, before I can get the game going. Feeling his hands on my jigglies, supporting me with all his strength. Teasing my nibbles with caresses, squeezing and rubbing, pushing me back to the top.

From the point where he is on the brink of slipping out; if not for me squeezing tightly, thus preventing him from coming close. Slowly pushing my hips back down, then up and down. Building up the cadence.

Moment by moment, keeping him exactly where I want him, thus permitting him to tease me from within and up front. Feeling him firm, his firmness holding me in place.

Moans growing louder, more excited, warmer, until they finally start to gather exhaustion at the very end. This is when I peak, maybe an hour after he entered me. Or if it was two hours.

Feeling him inside as he finally hit the wall, staying up for a while longer. His hands still in place.

Of course I know what it means, just as much as he does. A new gentle smile spreading out over our faces. I slip off of him.

With a sigh, he calls me back, causing me to move up, pushing myself forwards. Knowing the reward. Then feeling his lips hitting my mound just before he manages to find the spot. From there he parts his lips, permitting his tongue to escape. Granting me the last of what I had come for as he slowly eats me.

Once my mound and orchid is finally dry, I can finally slip back, moving over to my bed, lying beside him. Resting in exhaustion. Moaning for a few minutes, as we pant rapidly, yet slowing to regular breathing. It had been a bliss.

Quiet, basking in the afterglow, fondly remembering the short moment, the instant. Together in a complete union. What better way to end a day?

Outside the light grew dark as the sun was setting. We quietly enjoyed the moment of bliss as the day came to an end, no need for words or speaking. It is complete. Then the night came, permitting sleep.

Tomorrow is a new day, with new opportunities. A new life for our little herd.

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