> The Story Of Zolziac > by Trainboy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1: Croitas' Crime > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The alpha strode up to his part of the ledge. He was a particularly muscular wolf, with dark grey fur and a scar over his eyebrows. He looked down impressively at the anxious faces of the pack below. They all wanted to hear what he'd say. Now that the moon was high in the sky, and that it was clearly full, he cleared his throat. "My beloved pack" he began "We are gathered tonight to sentence a wolf to his punishment." The pack looked towards a wolf isolated on a rock. He had black fur and shining blue eyes. "This wolf" the alpha continued "Is none other than a sneaky betrayer. He is being charged tonight with one of the worst crimes a wolf can commit." He looked down at the shivering wolf. "Becoming tame!" he finished. Wolves in the pack snarled and growled at the isolated criminal. "Niak?" the alpha looked towards a white wolf sat on a lower ledge. "Does the guilty wish to say anything in his own defence?" Niak said, looking threateningly down at him. "Please your honour" the wolf protested "I can prove that being tame isn't all bad..." "Croitas" the alpha interrupted "Please. Think about what you're saying." "But your honour" Croitas went on "The ponies have food, warmth, shelter, everything we need to survive that isn't here." The wolves behind him snarled loudly. Niak raised her paw for silence. "Croitas" she said "Please think about this. Are you saying we should all become tame?" "Well" Croitas paused "If it please your honour, it wouldn't harm anyone..." "Wouldn't harm anyone?" the alpha interrupted again, as the growling from the pack grew louder "You full well know the sentence that we have for wolves who become tame" Croitas looked horrified. "Oh no your honour." he begged "Please not expulsion!" "I may have to consider it" said the alpha "It all depends on what the witnesses say" "Bring forth the witnesses!" Niak called. Three pups strolled out from the pack. One was black, the other white and the other orange. "Please speak your cause" Niak said. "We saw him in the clearing today" said the black pup "He was talking with a pony" said the white pup. "Talking with ponies?" the alpha snarled "You know that is strictly forbidden!" "He even accepted meat off the pony" the orange one finished. "Meat from ponies?" Niak growled "You said you'd hunted a rabbit!" "Clearly" the alpha said "This case has been closed by the final pup. Croitas, you are officially expelled from the pack." In the pack. A young wolf pup watched all that was going on. This young wolf pup's name was Zolziac. He had heard about a tame wolf, and had come to see what all the manic fuss was about. He shivered and stood closer to his mother, Claudic, as he watched the goings on. "But your honour" came a voice from the pack "Surely he has broken more pack laws than we can count!" "Who speaks?" Niak called. Another white wolf strolled out from the pack. "If you ask me" she snarled "This diabolical criminal has done the exact opposite of all the pack laws" she looked at him "and we all know what that means." Niak paused. "What does the pack think?" she called. The pack answered with long howls of agreement. The alpha shifted uncomfortably. "Very well" he said "Take him, and kill him when the moon is in the height of the sky." Zolziac watched, shaking, as Croitas screamed and begged his innocence as wolves took him behind a large rock. The pack looked up and counted down the seconds until the moon was in the height of the sky. "Ten... nine... eight... seven..." Zolziac tried to shut his eyes, but he couldn't resist watching the shadows of Croitas, still screaming his innocence, and the pack still counting down. "Three... Two... One... Zero!" the pack finished. "Let this be a lesson to all of you" the alpha said "That the tame one will not only be expelled, but will also be killed at the full moon" When the alpha had finished his speech, all eyes turned to the shadows on a tall rock. Croitas, still screaming, wriggled helplessly under the wolf that was pinning him down. Zolziac watched on in his horror, as he saw the shadow of a second wolf coming in and grabbing Croitas' head. "No! Please!" Croitas called "Please!" The second wolf then twisted Croitas' neck around. Croitas screamed in his agony, as his neck was twisted 360 degrees, until... CRACK! ... Silence fell over the pack, and Croitas was no more. > 2: The Early Years > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zolziac had learnt a lot from the night Croitas was killed. The next morning he still found himself shivering next to his mother. But he had taken the alpha's (Shamak) advice seriously and decided from that night, that he would never become tame. When he told this to Shamak the next day, Shamak laughed. "Good young pup" he smiled "I hope you understand that it gave me no pleasure to sentence him to death. I'd been a second father to him, but you must understand Zolziac that what he did was not right, and that should not have to happen to you either" "Don't worry sir" Zolziac squeaked confidently "I'll make sure to follow you at all costs!" "That's what i wanted to hear Zolziac" Shamak smiled "You never know, when you're a little older, you can learn to be a Beta and help the alphas hunt." "You really think so?" Zolziac said excitedly. Shamak chuckled. "If you carry on the way you are now" he said "I know so" Zolziac made it his mission, from that day, to be as loyal to his alpha as possible. In about a year, he was nearly fully grown. Shamak then invited him to attend an alpha and beta school, which would last until next spring. In fact, one day, when he was practising his hunting skills in the clearing, a grey wolf ran up to him. "Hey" he said "Your Zolziac aren't you?" "Yeah" said Zolziac "Hi" said the wolf "I'm Harinka" "Harinka?" Zolziac paused "I swear i've heard of you before" "Well i know i've heard of you" Harinka smiled "The whole school is talking about you. Apparently you're Shamak's star pupil" "Really?" Zolziac asked "Sure" Harinka continued "He sure does like you. Apparently he's training you to be a Beta." Zolziac suddenly remembered. "I remember you" he said "You were the son of Niak, the secondary Alpha" "So i Am well known" Harinka smiled. Then he paused "They say you saw the death of Croitas at a very young age" "Why is he so famous?" Zolziac said "He committed the greatest crime, and he's being seen as some sort of legend" "I'm not sure" Harinka said "Apparently he did some great stuff in his life, and that's why Shamak killed him... Because he was jealous of Croitas' popularity" Zolziac was horrified. "He would never kill out of hatred!" he growled "I know him better than anyone, he would never do that." Harinka smiled. "Your loyalty is great" he laughed "No wonder you're Shamak's favorite student." Zolziac stopped growling. "I saw you were practising some hunting" Harinka said after a small pause "Mind if i join you?" "Sure" Zolziac said "I'm currently pursuing this rabbit. Ready? Go!" The two wolves started off into the forest, sniffing the ground and air as they went. At one point, Harinka thought he'd found the rabbit, but it turned out to be a squirrel, which the two enjoyed chasing for a short while. Eventually they came to a small field. In the field was a herd of elk. Zolziac tried to move away but Harinka held him back. "Can you imagine the praise we'd recieve if we took down a full grown elk?" he said, his eyes lit up. "Harinka" said Zolziac "No. We're not experienced enough yet" "So much the better" Harinka grinned "Imagine how proud Shamak would be if he found you'd taken down a full grown elk" "Well" Zolziac paused "I guess he would be... But we're merely tail wolves. We don't have the knowledge or the training." "Even better" Harinka continued "We'd we looked upon by the highest ranks" "Still" said Zolziac "I don't know" But before Zolziac could say another word, Harinka had strolled out into the field. "Harinka. Get back here!" Zolziac hissed. But Harinka only beckoned for him to come out into the field. The herd had noticed Harinka and Zolziac. They slowly started to make defence positions. Zolziac and Harinka circled around them. Making long, low growls as they went. The herd were unsure what to do. Suddenly, it happened. Harinka barked and the herd charged. Zolziac dived into the cover of the forest. But that was when he realized Harinka was still in the charging herd and flying dust. "Harinka!" Zolziac cried. He ran into the dust, dodging about six deer. "Harinka!" he called "Harinka! Har...." he stopped dead as he saw the body of a wolf on the ground. He strolled up to it. He then sat beside it, before slightly poking it with his paw. Suddenly Harinka started breathing. The herd had long gone by now, so Zolziac was able to hear his hoarse whispering. "Zolziac" he said "You were right it seems" "I knew we should never have tried such a thing" said Zolziac "But what about you?" "I'm afraid i'm not going to be able to make it back to the territory" Harinka said with a nasty, throaty cough. "Sure you can" said Zolziac. He then howled as long and as loud as he could. This went on for a few minutes until he heard the scatter of running paws behind him. Six wolves emerged from the forest, all of them betas. Also among them... was Shamak, who had recognized Zolziac's help call and had come to see what was wrong. "Zolziac" said a Beta "What on earth happened?" Shamak looked at the hoof print covered ground. "You tried to take down a full grown elk didn't you" he said. Zolziac was about to reply, when Harinka spoke up. "Sir, please... You must understand that Zolziac was against the whole thing." he said in a hoarse cough "I was the one who wanted to do something foolish." Zolziac scooped Harinka onto his back. "Sir" said Zolziac "This is Harinka, son of Niak, please help him" Shamak paused for a few seconds. He sighed. "Very well" he said "Betas, bring him home. Zolziac and i are going to have a little chat" Zolziac gulped as the Betas took Harinka back towards the territory. He watched them for a little while, before slowly looking up to Shamak. Who stood towering over him. "Zolziac" he began "I expect a lot more from a star pupil. He was insistent that you do this yes, but you could have saved his life any time and you chose not to." "Saved his life?" Zolziac said "Y... you mean he's not going to..." Shamak slowly and silently shook his head. If there was any time Zolziac felt like the smallest wolf in Equestria, now was the time. He could have saved a wolves life, yet he went along with a plan and now got him killed. He had to think about things. Shamak put a paw on Zolziac's shoulder. "I know you must feel very unhappy about this" he said "But i'm afraid i have to..." Zolziac knew what was coming. "Oh no please sir" he blurted out "Please don't send me away, i'd hate to end up like Croitas a few years ago, i can learn sir, honestly i can, please don't send me away" Shamak was startled. "Why would i want you becoming tame?" he said "Your grandmother became tame before you were born, but that doesn't mean i want you tamed." Zolziac paused. "You mean i have a grandmother... Whos Tame?!" he asked slowly. Shamak sighed. He knew this day would come. It wasn't that he didn't want to tell Zolziac of his past, secretly he was just as keen as anyone. But he was unsure of how Zolziac would react. "Yes" Shamak said briefly "Yes, your grandmother became a tame wolf to a pony. Cele... something i don't know her name" "Celestia?" Zolziac asked. He'd heard the name mentioned a few times while he was growing up. But never knew that it had a connection with him. "That's it" Shamak said "Celestia. But she is tame Zolziac, i don't want you following the same path." Zolziac thought for a moment. "What if i went to visit her sometime?" he asked "I'm sure she, or Celestia wouldn't mind." Shamak, also thought for a little while. He didn't want to have his loyal-est wolf leave and become tame. But he had to know of his family background someday. Now might as well be the time. "Very well" he said "I'll let your mother and the school where you've gone. But i'm only doing this because you are my loyal one. You won't become tame." "Don't worry sir" said Zolziac "I'll make sure i won't. Tell mum i said goodbye." and with that, Zolziac set off into the sunset. Determined to find his grandmother. > 3: Journey to Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zolziac woke up the next day under a tree. He then had a terrible thought. He had no idea where Celestia actually lived. He had heard she was the "Alpha" of the ponies in Equestria, but he didn't know where she, or his grandmother, was. Suddenly, the tree behind him shook with a loud crack. Apples then toppled down and landed directly on Zolziac's head. "Ow... ah..ow ow!" he said, rather loudly. Suddenly the falling apples stopped. "That's better" said Zolziac, starting to relax again. He had to think about where an alpha would be. Suddenly he heard a voice. "Alright put 'em up!" and out from behind a tree came an orange pony. She was wearing a cowgirl hat and a saddle bag with apples in it. Zolziac jumped on the spot. Hackles raised and teeth bared, he growled menacingly at the pony. Who, in return, had her hooves in a sort of, boxing position. Zolziac had to look deadly and try not to look confused. "Alright Wolfy!" she shouted "Tahme for you te get outta here! Stealin' mah apples!" "Why on earth would i want to steal these itty bitty things?" Zolziac asked. The pony screamed and hid behind a tree. "You... you can talk?" she asked. Zolziac suddenly had a terrible feeling. He had broken a pack law, to never speak to a pony. He lay helplessly on the floor. "Yes" he said simply "But i'd appreciate it if you didn't tell my alpha about this. It's a pack law not to talk to a pony" The orange pony was still a little shaken up that this animal was sentient. But she plucked up courage and introduced herself. "Howdy doo" she smiled "I'm Applejack. You are?" "Umm" Zolziac paused "I'm Zolziac." "Zolziac? huh" Applejack said. Zolziac had only been on this farm for about ten minutes and already he had been taken inside and sat down on a carpet that said 'Winona' Applejack had made a mug of cider and was sat down in an armchair. "So whatcha runnin' from Zolziac?" Applejack asked. "Oh i'm not running from anything" Zolziac said "I'm trying to find a pony. You see, my grandmother is a tame wolf. I'm trying to find the pony who tamed her so i can meet my grandmother as well." "Who maght that pony be?" she asked, taking a drink of cider. "Celestia?" Zolziac answered. Applejack spat out all the cider she'd just drunk. She wiped her lip before looking down at Zolziac. "Celestia has a relation to your granny?" she asked. "Yes" said Zolziac "Do you know where i could find her?" "Oh ah know better than that sugarcube." Applejack said "Ah know somepony who could take you to her" The barn had been quiet for several hours. Zolziac rested on the rug. Applejack had gone to get a pony called Twilight, so she had asked him to stay on the rug while she went into town to find her. Suddenly the barn door opened, and Applejack strode in with a purple pony. Zolziac looked up. "Afternoon" said the purple one. "Hello" Zolziac said cautiously. "So you're Zolziac" she said "I'm Twilight Sparkle." "Hello" Zolziac said after another pause. "So i hear you're from a pack in the Everfree forest. You're looking for Celestia" Twilight continued. "I know that she's in Canterlot, you can catch the train there" "The what?" Zolziac asked "Sure" Applejack smiled "Ah bet Locopony will be happeh te have ye on his train" Zolziac was still confused. "Hang on" he said "Celestia, Canterlot? Train?" "Erm" said Twilight "It's a mode of transportation we use" "The train?" "Yes" "Okay and Canterlot?" "It's sort of, the territory of Equestria" Twilight explained "It's where Celestia, Luna and, presumably, your grandmother lives" Zolziac thought for a moment. "Or i could just walk there and save all the confusion" Zolziac offered. Twilight laughed. "That would be best" she smiled "Can you read a map?" "Uhhhh. A what?" Zolziac asked. "Nevermind" smiled Twilight "I can just show you the way" "You'd do that for me?" Zolziac asked. "Of course" said Twilight "Or Fluttershy would" "I would what?" Everyone looked as Fluttershy's head appeared around the door. "Ah Fluttershy" said Twilight "How would you like to show this wolf to Canterlot" Fluttershy looked at Zolziac. "Oh, a wolf?" she squealed quietly. Zolziac looked confused as she stroked his fur. "But i'm not the tame one" Zolziac said "I'm looking for my grandmother. She's the tame one." Twilight and Applejack laughed. "You'll show him where to find his granny wontcha" smiled Applejack. "Oh of course" Fluttershy smiled. Zolziac paused. He wasn't so sure about having the company of a pony he barely knew. Especially one who had introduced herself by, of all things, attempting to tame him. Zolziac realized that the tame world was going to be a harder place to be wild in than he'd first thought. All the same, he was glad when Applejack and Twilight waved them off as he and Fluttershy made their way to, what was it called? a station. Zolziac knew, that if it was this easy to be tame here, he must have to put up a real fight once they got to Canterlot. For if this Celestia could tame his grandmother, that mean't she also had the power to tame him as well. All in all, he had a lot to think about when he sat in the compartment of a... Carriage. "Are you okay?" came the quiet voice of Fluttershy. Zolziac was brought back down to earth with an unpleasant bump. "Y... yes thanks" he stuttered "You don't seem so okay" Fluttershy continued "Come on, i'm an expert with the animals, i bet i can find out what's wrong just by looking at your face" Zolziac grinned. When he was younger, he used to do this to the rest of the pups. He was the only one in the pack who knew how to pull a completely emotionless face. This was going to be fun. "You're a little worried because there's a law in the pack which says you can't become tame, and since your grandmother is in fact tame, you're worried about meeting Celestia, the pony who tamed her" Fluttershy finished with a squee. Zolziac's jaw dropped. This was impossible. "How on earth..." Zolziac began. "I have other friends who are wolves" Fluttershy said. "Yeh?" grinned Zolziac "Like who? I may know them" "His name was... Croitas i believe" Fluttershy said. Zolziac stopped. "Do you know him?" Fluttershy continued. "You could say i've seen him before" Zolziac said slowly Fluttershy looked puzzled. "You say that as if you saw something terrible happen to him" Fluttershy said "That's because..." said Zolziac "I did" He told Fluttershy all about what he had seen that fateful night. The pack's snarling, Croitas' cries for help and the snapping of the neck. By the end, Fluttershy was hiding behind her mane. "No wonder you don't want to become tame" she whispered. "It isn't that bad" Zolziac smiled "Shamak knows how loyal i am. He trusts me" Still, both were silent as they stepped off the carriage and onto the Canterlot platform. > 4: Meeting Grandmother > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zolziac looked at the large castle that stood before him. Shaking a little. Fluttershy put a gentle wing around him. "It's not that bad" she said "Celestia is real nice, there's nothing to be afraid of" "I wasn't afraid" Zolziac said hurriedly "I was just taking it in" Fluttershy giggled and Zolziac made his way up the steps and into the castle town. As he strode down the streets, ponies pointed and whispered to one another. Zolziac didn't hear all of it, but what he got was... "Look! Fluttershy's got another one" "Poor dear, walking into a busy place like this" "Is that the biggest dog you've ever seen?" "I hope it doesn't bite" "How does she feed it and... "I sure hope he doesn't eat ponies" By the time that Zolziac and Fluttershy had walked up to the big, brown castle doors, the whole of Canterlot had heard about the 'Mysterious Wolf' that was roaming the streets. Fluttershy asked for Celestia, and a huge, white Alicorn stepped out. She was so tall, Zolziac almost fell over backwards just to look at her. "Fluttershy?" said Celestia, she looked down at Zolziac "Who's this?" Zolziac gulped "This is Zolziac" said Fluttershy "He's come to meet his grandmother" "Anique?" Celestia said in surprise. "I think so" Zolziac said, "I never met her" "Oh do come inside" Celestia beckoned, holding the door open. Fluttershy strolled happily inside. However, Zolziac remained reluctant for a few minutes. This Alicorn seemed friendly... Too friendly. Perhaps she was trying to lure him in, before turning him tame. What if her and Fluttershy were working in unison to turn him tame. He stopped, and slowly crept in, around the door. Celestia smiled. "You don't have to be afraid of me" she said "I won't hurt you" This lightened Zolziac's mood a little, but he was still cautious. The room had a fireplace and armchairs. It also had a rug, which Celestia said he was welcome to lay on. When he was curled up near the fireplace, she sat down with Fluttershy and started. "So your grandmother is Anique" said Celestia. Zolziac nodded. "He's come from the Everfree pack" said Fluttershy. "They have a law which says that you can't become tame. So i want to meet my grandmother, so that she can show me where she went wrong and can help me to avoid going down the same path" Zolziac explained. Celestia looked at him. "Are you sure you don't want to become tame?" she asked Those words rang in Zolziac's mind. He had been right, Celestia just wanted to tame him. But she wouldn't succeed. He leapt up and snarled loudly. His teeth bared and his hackles raised, he looked almost ready to attack her. He snarled and leapt towards her in a menacing way. "Now Zolziac" said Celestia "Stop It!" She released a large fireball at Zolziac, which somehow seemed to seal his lips. This was exactly what Zolziac didn't want. He was obeying her command. He was submitting to her authority, he was becoming Tame! He tried all sorts of things to open his mouth, but nothing worked. His lips remained sealed. Fluttershy then spoke up. "I think we'll take that as a definite no" she said sweetly. Zolziac would have bitten her head off if his mouth wasn't closed. "He just needs a few minutes to calm down" said Celestia "Wait and see" An hour passed, and Zolziac was getting more and more tired. He struggled one last time before he collapsed on the floor. He had become exhausted, and didn't even have the energy to stand anymore. "Good" Celestia continued "I think you may meet Anique before we do anything else" She stood and called. Zolziac recognized the call, it was the same that his mother had used to call him, when he was a pup. "Yes Celestia?" came a voice. Zolziac looked. There she was, she was a light grey wolf with black ears. He kept his eyes open for a second before blinking... and falling fast asleep next to the fireplace. He woke up in the same place about five hours later. Fluttershy and Anique were talking, and Twilight, Applejack and some other ponies were talking to Celestia. "He's awake!" one of them called, when they spotted Zolziac's eyes were open. Anique looked at him. "So you're the pup who wanted to see his grandmother" she smiled. Zolziac slowly nodded. "Wow! You came all this way?" said a Blue pony "Pleased to meet ya. I'm Rainbow Dash" Zolziac slowly stood up. Applejack offered him help, but Zolziac snarled loudly. So she backed down. "Why are you so sensitive?" Anique asked "Because" Zolziac explained "It's a well known fact that, ponies touching you, is the first sign of becoming tame" Anique thought for a few minutes. "Come with me" she said "I have a feeling your pack have been deceiving you" Zolziac curiously followed. The castle turrets were white, but they turned a dark grey against the late night sky. Anique continued to walk along the long castle walls. "You know, i expected a lot more from someone like you" Anique said "I've heard a lot about you from your parents. Sounds like Shamak has enrolled you into the Alpha and Beta school." "He has" Zolziac said, puffing out his chest in a proud manner "Shamak says i'm his star pupil" "Sounds like fun" said Anique. "Just one question" Zolziac paused "Why did you become tame?" Anique paused. "Because of the feeling that comes with it" she said "You can have food, warmth, shelter, happiness. Everything that the wild doesn't offer" Anique sat on a turret facing the moon. Zolziac sat directly beside her. "So you became tame, just for that?" he asked. "Is that all you came to ask?" she asked "I wish to hear of your friends in the wild. Tell me all about them" So Zolziac explained to her all about the Everfree pack. Anique was a very good audience, she paid attention in all the right places, gasped when needed, and when Zolziac told her about his adventure with Harinka, she even asked if he knew Harinka was okay. "Well, that's what i've been up to" Zolziac finished "But did you really become tame just for the benefits?" Anique looked up and smiled. "Not just that" she smiled "But because i also love Celestia, and i love a life like this" "Why?" Zolziac asked "Because Celestia is so generous to us" Anique explained "And we don't have to worry about hunting our own food either" "Why?" "Because the food is brought to us" Anique said "We don't have to worry about going hungry or thirsty, because all our needs are provided for in advance" "I'm not sure i get it" Zolziac said, looking up at the moon. Anique looked at Zolziac's mesmerised face. She smiled lovingly. "Tell you what?" she said "You can stay with me until this time tomorrow. I can introduce you to my flock" "A ... what was it?" Zolziac said. "A flock of sheep" Anique explained "I help herd them in the fields over there" she pointed her paw in the direction of the hills. "You mean you herd lunch?" Zolziac asked. Anique laughed. "No" she laughed "They're not lunch, they belong to Celestia, as do all the sheep in Equestria." Zolziac lay that night, in front of the fireplace. His grandmother lay fast asleep on the armchair. Zolziac looked at the dancing flames, thinking about the tame world which he had experienced the past day. It didn't seem all that bad, but he was worried about what Shamak would say if he said he'd found the tame world really nice. He lay in front of the warmth, before drifting off to sleep... > 5: The Flock & Return To The Pack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zolziac stared in bewilderment at the flock of sheep that stood before him. Anique ran past him and around the outside of the flock, she then ran through the middle, snapping at legs, and at last she got them in a small pen at the edge of the field. Zolziac's jaw dropped. "That... was... Amazing!" he cried "Yes, even at my age" Anique smiled "One can still herd sheep very well" Zolziac smiled. He was starting to think differently about the tame world. Anique made it out to be very nice indeed, he'd even had food brought to him earlier that morning. Anique had then mentioned that they get meals like this every day. He had been very snug and warm in front of the fireplace, and was now able to run and play outside. It really was the opposite of everything in the wild. "Come and meet them" Anique said. Zolziac paused "But what if they don't like me?" he asked "Nonsense" Anique smiled "They like anyone and everyone" "Even a wild wolf?" "Even a wild wolf" "Ok" Zolziac said "But don't blame me if they become panic stricken" They began to walk towards the grazing and gossiping flock. "All right you lot" said Anique "This is Zolziac, my grandson, he's come from far away to see the tame world" Zolziac waited with bated breath for the sheep to scream and run. But they didn't. On the contrary, they huddled around him, talked to him, greeted him, treated him well and said how nice he looked. Anique laughed at Zolziac's surprised expression. "Weren't expecting that were you?" she asked. Zolziac slowly shook his head, as more sheep came up to greet him. Eventually, Zolziac managed to calm the sheep down. He then asked Anique if he could go to the top of a nearby hill to think about the tame world. "Of course you can sweetheart" Anique smiled. Zolziac trotted off. Much later, when the sun was high in the sky, Zolziac was looking over the valley. He had even more advantages now. The sheep had been more friendly in the past hour than the Everfree pack had ever been. As he stood looking over the hills, he decided he would tell everyone about his experience in the tame world, when he got back to the pack. "You're going back?" Anique asked. "Yes" Zolziac replied "But i'll come back and visit, i promise." Anique agreed, and Zolziac set off back to the castle. "You're leaving us already?" Celestia asked. "I promise i'll come back and visit" Zolziac smiled "As much as possible" Applejack walked over and gave him a warm hug. "We know ya will" she smiled. Zolziac had never been hugged by a pony before. "One more time?" he asked. Applejack hugged him again. "Goodbye" Celestia said. "See you all later" Zolziac smiled. "You did WHAT?!" Shamak bellowed. "I only stayed there for a couple of days" Zolziac protested. "Just a couple of days is enough to make a wolf go Tame!" Shamak roared "You're lucky she didn't try to get you to do that... that" "Herding?" Zolziac offered. "You see!" Shamak pointed "He's even aware of the terminology these ponies use!" "It's just a little promise" Zolziac said "and i kind of enjoy their hugs" "Their what?" Shamak asked. By the time Zolziac explained to him what hugging was, his eyes were flaming. "You let them touch you?!" he bellowed. "Yeh, but i'm still wild aren't i?" Zolziac asked "Just" Shamak cut in "If you hadn't returned to us when you did..." he broke off. "But Shamak" said Zolziac "When i'm a Beta i can't wait to teach this kind of thing to the pups" "You will do nothing of the sort!" Shamak said hurriedly "In fact. I'm stopping you going to that school" "W... what?!" Zolziac said, shocked. "I can't risk my pack, being talked to about things that happen in the tame world" Shamak said angrily. "B... But sir..." Zolziac began. "Enough!" Shamak shouted "Get back to the den. We'll discuss matters further there." Zolziac was silent. Then he remembered. "Sir" he asked "How is Harinka?" "Harinka?" Shamak said "Oh... him... he's in the den waiting for you." Zolziac went to the den and saw the whole pack there. They all had worried expressions on their face. "Zolziac!" called a voice. It was Harinka. "I thought you'd been turned tame." "Okay listen up" said Shamak. Standing in front of everyone. "I want you all to know that Zolziac was in the school of Alpha's and Beta's, following his dream of becoming a Beta someday" Everyone looked at Zolziac, who hung his head low and didn't look at anyone. "However" Shamak continued "and i want this to go as a message to all students, Thanks to his recent association with the tame world..." He was cut off by a series of growls and snarls. "I have no choice..." he continued "To expel him from the school. He will remain a tail wolf until further notice." Zolziac sighed. Tail wolf was the lowest rank possible. Suddenly though, he remembered something from earlier. "But sir" he said "It was you who gave me the idea to go to the tame world" "What's this?" came a voice from the pack, and all turned their heads towards Shamak. "I never said you could go as long as that" he said "So in sight of this new evidence..." Zolziac continued, ignoring Shamak "I will continue to visit the tame world for years and years to come." "Zolziac" said Shamak "Why put yourself in that position. You're just asking for trouble." "I need you all to see how easy it is" Zolziac said "Or are you so afraid of all things tame?" Snarling and growling continued in the pack, until Shamak raised his paw. "Very well" he said "But i must warn you, break any pack law to do with the tame world and you will be expelled from this pack." Zolziac's heart sank. He had already broken the pack law about talking to ponies. But he stood proud and determined. "That was a close one" Harinka said after the meeting "You better watch yourself. Now he knows you're enthusiastic about the tame world, he'll try anything to get you expelled" "Don't worry" Zolziac smiled "I'm pretty sure he won't find any evidence" > 6: Busted! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a few years, Zolziac continued to visit Ponyville and Canterlot. He loved it there, the sights, shapes and the smells! But he knew that he couldn't enjoy it that much, as he knew that Shamak would be spying on him from every bush and tree. A number of times Anique, Applejack and Celestia had suggested finding his own flock of sheep to herd. Celestia even said she could make arrangements for Zolziac to be Applejack's farm wolf. But Zolziac had to turn them all down. "I don't like turning those opportunities down" Zolziac said to Anique one day "But i need the pack to see that they can visit the tame world without becoming tame" Everytime he arrived back at the pack, he would see wolves eyeing him suspiciously. No one wanted to hear about the tame world. Only Harinka, and his friends, were willing to have Zolziac's company. They were the only wolves in the pack that would ask him about the tame world. Though never wishing to go themselves, they loved to hear about Zolziac's adventures in the tame world. "You'd better watch yourself kid" Shamak said to him one day "Put one paw out of line, and i'll be onto you" "You won't have anything to go by" Zolziac smiled. One day, Zolziac was out in the field with Applejack. "So he flew straight onto his back and slid all the way down" he laughed. Applejack giggled. "Sounds lahke you're always havin' fun" she smiled before she hugged him again. Zolziac looked at her. "Sorry" Applejack said. "Why do you ponies do that?" Zolziac asked. "Well it's to show affection" said Applejack "What do you wolves do?" Zolziac snuffled Applejack's ear. Which made her laugh again. "That" he said. "Are you sure you don't want to come and stay on the farm with me, granny smith, applebloom and big mac?" Applejack asked. Zolziac smiled. He had enjoyed working with Big Mac and playing with Applebloom. He had enjoyed listening to Granny Smith's tales about the history of Ponyville and the orchard. Since they had met a few years ago, he and Applejack had developed a real friendship. But no one else knew about it, except those from the tame world. "Shamak doesn't want me in the pack anymore" said Zolziac "So i don't want to say that his accusations are justified" "Ah see" said Applejack. Suddenly. A voice called over the field. "ZOLZIAC?!" it was Harinka "What are you doing?!" Zolziac's heart stopped. Harinka had seen him talking to a pony. Harinka stood there, staring in bewilderment for few minutes, before he ran off. "Harinka!" Zolziac called "Wait! I can explain!" But Harinka was much faster than Zolziac. By the time Zolziac arrived at the den, he saw everyone looking at him in bitter hatred. "Hello Zolziac" came the familiar voice of Shamak. Shamak prowled out from a bush "What was it i said? Break any pack rules and you would be expelled?" Zolziac said nothing. "Meet me, and everyone else, tonight when the moon is in the height of the sky" Shamak growled. Zolziac went back and explained to Applejack what had happened. "Oh my. Ahm so, so sorry sugarcube" she apologized. "What are you apologizing for?" Zolziac asked "Go back to Ponyville before they take you" Applejack turned and ran for the town. "Zolziac" Shamak said on his rock "You are being charged tonight for crimes against the pack." Growling and snarling came from the pack behind him. Zolziac stood his ground. "Niak?" Shamak said. Niak stepped forward. "My son is a prime witness sir" she said "He say's he was talking to a pony in the field today" "Talking to ponies eh?" Shamak's grinning face turned to Zolziac "My, my that is a big crime. But we have a bigger crime than that on our paws tonight my pack" he continued. "For Zolziac has gradually become tame over the past few years" "How can you say that?" Zolziac said "I haven't accepted anything off them!" "Oh really?" Niak asked "Then what is this?" She threw a collar down at him. The collar was a red dog collar with the name 'Zolziac' beared on it. "That was a gift" Zolziac explained "From Celestia, in case i did decide to become tame someday. I've never worn it though" "and even that can make you go tame" Niak said "Wearing those tatty things around your necks." A wolf came from the pack and ripped the collar to shreds. Zolziac stared solemnly at the shredded mess. "Look at the way he stared at it your honour" Niak growled "He looked at it, as if he was sorry it was torn up" "Indeed" Shamak grinned "May the witnesses step forward" Harinka came from the pack. Zolziac glared at him, but Harinka didn't even look at Zolziac. "Please speak your cause" Shamak said. "I saw him with that farmer pony" said Harinka "He was talking to her and she was offering him the opportunity to become tame. He said he would if he could still visit the pack" "That's not true!" Zolziac burst out. Harinka growled. "Thankyou" Shamak said "You may be seated with the rest" "Why did you lie?" Zolziac hissed as Harinka walked on past. "He pays Zolziac." He said simply "A whole carcass for just a little white lie? It was an offer i couldn't refuse" Zolziac snarled as Harinka sat back down with the rest of the pack. "Well my pack" Shamak said "Clearly i have enough evidence to go by when i say that Zolziac, you will be taken and killed at the height of the moon" "Killing me won't get you anywhere" Zolziac said. Shamak paused. "You know something Zolziac?" he grinned "You're absolutely right! Bring in the second prey!" Zolziac then heard an extremely familiar voice. "Get your paws off of me! You rotten tailed son of a Mary Sue!" It was Applejack. "We found her in the forest" said the wolf carrying her "Said she had some 'Important farm business' to attend to" "I would have done if you damn wolves hadn't stopped me!" Applejack cried. "and the lies continue" Shamak smirked "Interesting" "Let her go" Zolziac said "Oh? and i suppose a tame like yourself is going to stop me are you?" Shamak grinned. "I'm NOT TAME!" Zolziac roared. "Take her and kill her" Shamak said. "You know something Shamak?" Zolziac repeated "You're absolutely right!" With one second passed, Zolziac leapt from the rock he had been seated on. Now Shamak was going to pay... > 7: The Final Battle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zolziac leapt up the rock, jaws open, and slipped them around Shamak's neck. Shamak reflexed quickly and got Zolziac back in the leg. Zolziac yelped and fell down a ledge. Niak came up to help, but Zolziac grabbed her by the stomach and ripped her inside out. "Mother!" cried Harinka from the crowd. Zolziac, blood dripping from his muzzel, snarled up at Shamak. Applejack took the opportunity. She bucked the wolf who was carrying her and sent him flying into a rock with a sharp Crack! "Still think i'm so tame Shamak?" Zolziac asked. Shamak looked and saw the pack advancing on Zolziac. "Hmm" he pondered "I'll wait and see how you handle them" he pointed to the pack. Zolziac saw the group of snarling, druling wolves coming straight for both him and Applejack. "Applejack!" cried Zolziac "Run!" Zolziac and Applejack ran through the forest, wolves snapping behind them. Zolziac looked behind him and saw Harinka at the front of the charging pack. His mouth looked just about ready to murder both of them in one snap. "Applejack!" cried Zolziac "Get to Ponyville! Twilight's an alicorn right?" "Right" cried Applejack "Then get her and the rest of the gang to come to me! Go!" Zolziac said. "What about you?" Applejack shouted. "I'll lead them away" Zolziac cried. "But Zolziac..." "GO!" Zolziac snarled. Applejack shot in a different direction, and Zolziac drove the pack in the opposite direction. "You'll Pay For This Zolziac!" Harinka roared. Zolziac ran and ran. Until, at last, he began to feel tired. It was then that he noticed the howling ledge. While the wolves were getting tired and falling behind, Zolziac took his chance and pelted up the hill and howled over the ledge. He gave an emergency C.Q.D call towards Canterlot. He howled it louder than ever. "He's getting reinforcement!" bellowed Shamak "After him!" "Oh not more running" Zolziac sighed. He finished his howl and hid in the nearby bushes. The pack got to the howling ledge, and looked around. They sniffed the air and the ground. Until one found Zolziac's scent. The other wolves followed it to a bush. They opened it and... Zolziac was nowhere to be seen. "Hey guys" came a voice from behind them. Zolziac was sat smiling on the edge of the ledge. The pack advanced on him, but Zolziac jumped over the edge. The pack stopped and looked down. Zolziac was safe and sound on the bottom. "But how?" Harinka called. "You don't visit the tame world without picking up a few tricks you know" Zolziac smiled. "After Him!" Harinka called. The pack charged after him, but some where stupid enough to jump off the ledge in an effort to capture him. But only ended up showering the ground and rock with their own blood. "You want some more?" Zolziac asked innocently. By now, Harinka's rage was at boiling point. "Zolziac!" Harinka called "I will get you back for the death of Niak!" "Come on then" Zolziac said bravely "I dare you!" That was enough for Harinka and the rest of the pack. Zolziac ran again. This time, back to the field where he had been spotted talking to Applejack. It was also the field where he had first met Harinka. Harinka eventually appeared. "Where's the pack?" Zolziac asked. "I told them i'd face you alone, they all went after that pony friend of yours" Harinka snarled. The two circled each other, snarling and barking fiercely. Harinka jumped and made a grab for Zolziac's neck, Zolziac dodged and Harinka fell flat on his back. Zolziac then grabbed Harinka by the paw and swung him around. Harinka kicked Zolziac in the nose, and was sent flying across the field. He stopped himself soon after though, and charged for Zolziac's neck. But Zolziac was ready. In a single snap, he grabbed Harinka's neck and Crack! Harinka stopped shaking. His body lay with only Zolziac's jaws for support. Zolziac dropped him and his lifeless body collapsed on the grass. Blood came frothing from his mouth and covered the surrounding area. Zolziac slowly left the scene. While the wolves were trying to find Applejack, he could get his revenge on Shamak. But when he stood on the Alpha's ledge, he heard a growling from the ground. There was the pack. Growling and roaring fiercely. "Well, well, well" Shamak grinned, stepping up to be level with Zolziac "Zolziac, Zolziac, Zolziac." "Why'd you say it" Zolziac growled "Why did you say to Harinka to lie?" "Because" said Shamak "I don't want you here anymore. Don't you get it?" "Well if you don't want me around anymore" Zolziac said "Why not prove it" "I'll be happy to" Shamak grinned. Suddenly, Twilight appeared from behind the alpha's ledge. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew by her either side. "Without the pack!" Zolziac said "Or i'll get these guys to fight for me" "Fine" Shamak smiled. He then gave a signal. Within seconds, the pack was in panic. Shamak had signalled to his shoulder wolves, and now they were killing every member of the pack. The elderly, the mothers, the fathers, the pups. Carcasses of all were being scattered around the area. "What the hay is wrong with you!" Applejack said, outraged. "I couldn't fight with this pathetic little group watching" Shamak said. "That's why isn't it" Zolziac said "You knew i would find you out someday. Find out that you were never mean't to be an alpha, and so you wanted me up and out so i wouldn't spread anything bad about you" "Well done" Shamak grinned, as he looked down at the slaughtering of pups down below. Zolziac didn't want to see any more. He snapped for Shamak's neck, but he missed and went flying off the alpha's ledge. Shamak stood and smiled at the turmoil going on below. But suddenly, he saw fireballs being fired at the shoulderwolves. Celestia was using her horn as a sort of, fireball machine gun, and was shooting down all the wolves that were threatening to kill even more. Zolziac finally took Celestia, as Shamak's distraction and launched himself onto his back. Shamak shook around, while Zolziac sunk his teeth into the flesh of Shamak's neck. The taste of blood filled Zolziac's mouth, before he was shaken off. Zolziac and Shamak circled each other. "Now, now" Twilight said "I'm sure things can be sorted out with the power of friendsh..." a stone hit her directly on the head. "Y'know what?" she snarled "Screw friendship! Get over here you son of a Mary Sue!" As Twilight and Celestia took on the shoulderwolves, Zolziac continued to bark and snap at the, bleeding, Shamak. Shamak made a dive for Zolziac's leg. Zolziac felt a sharp pain, as Shamak's canines sunk into his flesh. He shook off the wolf before making a grab for the tail. He pulled it and pulled it, until he used the fact that Shamak was now rather close, to rip his stomach open. A long, low howl filled the air. Shamak's lifeless body lay in front of Zolziac. "Oh Zolziac" said Applejack, giving Zolziac another hug "Your pack" Zolziac looked over the sea of wolf carcasses that scattered the area. "They weren't my pack" he said "I was expelled tonight" "We're so sorry Zolziac" Twilight said Zolziac joined in a group hug. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zolziac went back to Sweet Apple acres with Applejack and her family. He plays with Applebloom, he works with Big Mac, he listens to Granny Smith's stories about the history of Ponyville and the farm. Twilight then came with the mane 6. "Hello" she said "I hope your paw is feeling better" "Much better thankyou" Zolziac smiled, showing off a bandage on his wound. "I think he'll have to stay off it for a little while though" smiled Anique from an armchair. "I don't believe you met all of us" Twilight smiled. "This is Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Spike" A pink pony, a white pony and a baby dragon strolled in. "Hi there" smiled Zolziac "Come on in" "Hi" smiled Pinkie Pie and Rarity. "Hi. I'm Spike" said the dragon "I heard a lot about you. Did you really take on the alpha of your old pack" "Yes dear" smiled Anique. "Oh. Please tell me about it" Spike begged .... So the mane six, and Anique, listened as Zolziac told his story. How he'd grown up, how he had met Harinka, how he had met his grandmother and how he eventually took on a fully grown alpha. ... and that is what you, have just finished reading...