Rainbows in the Sky

by Regis-Th3-Lesser

First published

As soon as Spike began to grow his wings he has been training with Rainbowdash growing fond of the pegasus so as their time together begins to increase they slowly realize ho much closer they've grown.

Spike has now grown into a fully mature dragon who has a naive outlook on the world but he knows right and wrong. What he doesn't know is when someone has feelings for him instead of the other way around. Noticing Rainbow Dash is more open to be around him and near him will he realize that she has grown to love him. Read to find out. (Rated M for sexual situations and language)

Ch.1 Perfecting Your Craft

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“C'mon do it already”! Rainbow Dash screamed to a figure standing on a nearby cloud.

“Give me a second okay”!
The figure was none other than Spike the purple and green drake; he was much older taller than most stallions only when bipedal.

“Ok *sigh* I can do this. Three years of practice is gonna pay off right here right now”. He mumbled silently to himself.

“Y'know you could quit before you get ahead”! The cyan pegasus yelled.
Rainbow Dash aged as well yet looked pretty much the same; the only difference was that her mane was longer and more maintained.

“I'm not chickening out if that's what you're implying”! Spike shouted Back.

She crossed her forelegs impatiently waiting for him to make his move. Spike began to unfurl his wings feeling the cool spring air filling them. He took a deep breath while leaning forward allowing gravity to pull him to the ground. He was in an all out nose dive pumping his wings as hard as he could gaining speed as he grew closer to the ground. Almost got it . A shock cone began to appear in front of him signaling that he was about to punch through the sound barrier.

Rainbow Dash watched from a high cloud chanting. “He's gonna do it”.

Spike couldn't see much do to the intense speed. All he heard was a high pitched whistle accompanied by a muffled boom, then silence. Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped as she saw a luminescent ring of emerald and magenta dominate the sky below.

“YEAAAAAAAH”! was barely audible leaving his mouth as he done what others only thought the famed Rainbow Dash could do."This is awesome Dash will be so prou..” his words trailed as his wings began to stiffen. He remembered something that Rainbow had told him; something about wing cramps.“OH NONONONONO!!!” was all that came from his mouth before he hit the ground with so much force and speed he carved a tenth of a mile long trench into the ground below.

Spike's Dreamscape

“Hey get up sleepy-head”.
Spike awoke or so he thought to the sound of a mare's voice. Fluttering his eyes he saw that he was in what seemed to be a hospital covered in medical bandages, hooked up to the most sophisticated of machines. He lazily craned his neck around the room looking for the source of the voice.

“Over here”. The voice said in a calm manner. He groggily met the gaze of Twilight; she had a look of worry and relief.

“Twilight” he groaned “where am I”.

“Well after everypony saw your accident we rushed you to the emergency room”. Spike's face became hot as he realized what happened.“And Rainbow Dash....” she started to trail off.

“And Rainbow Dash what”. He said with curiosity present in his tone.

Twilight gathered herself before saying “She.......she was here everyday until” she stopped again seeing the worry on Spike's face. “She ran away; we haven't found any trace of her”. Spike was trying to hold back tears as he realized that getting hurt must have filled her with so much guilt she couldn't face him.

Spike swallowed a large knot then proceeded in a low tone. “How long was I out”?

“About two months”. Twilight replied.

“When did she run away”? He asked with a unsteady tone.

“Three weeks ago”. She said with two long rivers of tears running down her face. Spike could only lay on his hospital bed; his eyes were wide and full of tears. No.... She can't be gone. Why? Rainbow Dash NOOOO! He and Twilight cried silently as the heart monitor rhythmically sounded in the background. Twilight dried her eyes before walking up to the bed.

“Spike Spike Spiiiiiike”.


“SPIIIIIIIKE”. A female voice called. He was lying in a shallow ditch dazed and confused.

“Huh.....whaaa..”. He moaned trying to focus his vision.

“Oh my, are you okay dear”. Rarity asked with a hoof to her cheek.

“Yeah I think”. He said while still trying to return his normal vision.

“Are ya sure because ya carved one heck of a tench”. Applejack added gesturing toward the shallow canyon in front of him.

“Yeah I'm okay”. Spike said while sitting up slowly. “I had one hell of a nightmare though”.

“Well we are glad your okay” Rarity stated“We wouldn't want anything bad to happen to our favorite dragon; isn't that right Rainbow Dash”. Rainbow Dash blushed furiously without saying anything. The others agreed with Rarity and hugged him. He let out a small yelp of pain; they all stepped back cautiously.

“It's okay guys; my wings are a little tender”. He said while cringing.

“Well Spike. Lets get you home”. Twilight stated happy and relieved.

“Airtight give me a sec”. He tried to get up, but for some reason he wouldn't budge. “Uh guys I think my tail is implanted in the ground”. He said with a chuckle. He tried to free himself a few more times before admitting defeat. “Hey Rainbow Dash; think you can help me out”. She was a little caught off guard by his question.

“Sure”. She said quickly gliding over to him. With one long agonizing pull Spike was free. He stood up and stretched his sore muscles. Rainbow Dash watched hungrily as he stretched, taking note of how well toned his back was. Spike turned around calling her name a few times.

“Hey Dash..... Rainbow Dash..... Hello” he said while waving a claw in front of her face.

“Huh”. She finally responded.

“Soooo...... HOW AWESOME WAS I”?! He exclaimed with pride in his voice.

“You were soooooo COOOL. I've never seen anypony else do a rainboom before”! She replied energetically. “But it faltered when you started to eat grass”.

“Heh yeah”. He laughed.

“Spike in all seriousness, you had me really worried”. She said in a quiet tone.

“How long was I out”? He asked.

“For about an hour; Twilight had to use a spell to wake you up”. She said with her head hung low. “I thought that you weren't gonna wake up”.

“Well I am okay now, but I think I may be grounded for a while, literally”. He said flexing his wings.

“Just be careful okay”. She said tenderly hugging him.

“Don't worry I will take extra precautions next time”. He said while stroking her mane. Rainbow Dash Started to fly home with a smile in her face accompanied by a slight blush. Spike simply sighed as he watched her fly away. He turned around to see four large equine eyes gazing upon him.


Spike began to blush furiously. “Wh....what”? He asked while stepping backwards.

“You two are so cuuuute together”. Twilight giggled with a large smile spread across her muzzle.

“I agree completely dear”. Rarity said giggling.

“Look c...can we just go”. Spike said while putting a claw over his face. Twilight and Rarity nodded. Spike followed behind them while looking at Rainbow Dash's cloud mansion, smiling as it floated overhead.

Ch.2 Realizations

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Celestia's sun rose over the land signifying a brand new day; most of her subjects or creatures knew that when the sun has risen all shall follow. Well all but one dragon lost in a deep sleep.

Spike's Dreamscape

Spike sat on the top of a small hill looking far off into the distance admiring how the mountains dwarfed the rolling foothills which seemed endless, while thin clouds danced harmoniously above. “This is truly beautiful”. He said to himself in a low peaceful tone.

“It really is”. Said a feminine voice in a near whisper. Spike slowly lowered his gaze to meet that of a cyan Pegasus lying on his lap.

“And so are you ”. He whispered lowering his head to hers. She lifted her head up slightly locking him in a deep passionate kiss. She reached her hoof up to his face, rubbing his radial splines; pulling him into a deeper kiss. They continued to kiss for several minutes; breaking for air Spike stared lovingly into her large ruby eyes. Rainbow Dash sat up pulling spike with her.

“Fly with me big boy” . She whispered in a playful loving and seductive tone. Spike followed with a large toothy grin. They flew around doing tricks, dives and swoops enjoying each others company before entering her cloud home. He had always loved being this high off of the ground looking down on the lands below feeling like he was a king, superior to all. “I have a surprise for you”. She said in a sultry tone.

“I wonder what it is”. He said going along with her game.

“Follow me”. She said give him a seductive glare. They entered her room which to no surprise was mostly clouds. Her bed was covered in a sheet that had her cutie mark on it with a few of old wonder bolt posters on the walls. She turned around to face him; propping herself up on her hind legs she placed her hooves on his chest. Spike wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close. They both closed their eyes, falling into another deep passionate kiss. “Now let's have some fun”.She whispered while slowly pulling away from his lips. Laying him down on the bed, she sat upright on his stomach just about where his crotch is. “Close your eyes”.

Spike obeyed and closed them tight. Nothing happened until he felt wind rushing. He began to flutter his eyes; there was nothing but darkness until he saw the ground closely approaching. Screaming wildly he braced himself before impacting the ground with a solid thud.


“Oh man what the hell”. He mumbled, slowly opening his eyes. Spike had fallen to the floor with the lower half of his body still in bed. He moved his eyes lazily around his room; looking up he saw the tip of his tail levitating in front of him. He smiled before righting himself; he stood up, yawning and stretching. “OW”! He yelped. Cringing he remembered the damage he had done to his wings.

Twilight was reading downstairs when she heard the commotion coming from his room. She decided to check on her assistant; she trotted down the hallway and slowly opened his door.“Hey Spike are you oka...”? She was at a loss for words as she saw that not only the drake was awake but so was his friend. “Umm Spike”. She asked in a tone that continually elevated.

“Mornin Twi, what's up ”? He said groggily while rubbing his eyes.

Twilight motioned for his crotch while covering her face to hide a growing blush.

Spike followed her motions; he slowly dropped his gaze down to his waist. His eyes bugged instantly; realizing the situation that he was in he reached for his blanket in an attempt to cover himself. “OH MY GOSH TWI I'M SORRY I HAD THIS DREAM ABOUT DASH THEN...”. She cut him off there.

“Look just make sure that you cover yourself whenever you......wait”. She lowered her hooves. “Did you say Dash as in Rainbow Dash”? She stated as her eyes grew wide.

Spike’s pupils shrunk to near imperceptible slits while his cheeks glowed in mix of purple and rose. “N..no..” He said defensively.

“But you just said Dash; we only know one pony with that alias”. Twilight said while giggling. Spike gulped loudly. “What was the dream about”! she asked with excitement that could only match Pinkie's.

“Nothing”. He replied in a rapid embarrassed mumble.

“Fine I wont force you to tell me”. She said with a little smirk.

“Thank you”. He sighed backed on his bed clutching his blanket.

"Well I went to the spa and picked up some medicine for your wings. Just put it in your bath and relax". She said while placing a bottle on a nearby shelf.

“Thanks”. He replied in a low defeated tone.

“Hey”. She said as she began to walk over to him. Getting up on her hind legs she looked him in the eyes and told him. “I’m only teasing because I think it's cute that you have a crush on Rainbow Dash. I don't want you feeling pressure from a little teasing okay?”

“Thanks Twi”. He said in a near whisper.It feels like more than a crush.

“Good”. She started walking toward the door. “Oh and another thing, you should probably take care of that tent your pitching there”.

Spike looked down realizing that the blanket didn't help at all .“Oh come on”. He exclaimed, crossing his legs
Twilight giggled then left the room. Spike usually avoided anything that aroused him, but that dream felt so real and right. He shook his head thinking that either he hit the ground to hard yesterday or just a few minutes ago when he woke up. Walking into the bathroom spike looked in the mirror and began to admire himself. He never knew why but when it came to mirrors and him he couldn't help himself flexing and contorting his muscles. Turing on the bathwater he mumbled the instructions to the bottle of medicine.

Meanwhile downstairs Twilight was getting breakfast ready. She wasn't that bad of a cook anymore, but she still had her moments.Twilight stood thinking intently to herself. I wonder what was Spike dreaming about had that made him get so exited. I mean WOW he is not small anymore he really has grown. She used her magic to pour a cup of tea. I feel bad for whoever has to take that thing when he gets real worked up. Maybe they'll like it. She levitated the cup to her mouth before a loud audible crash was heard. Looking at a window that had shattered Twilight sighed as rainbow streaks careened throughout the library.“Ugh Not this shit again”. She groaned; using her magic to capture the supersonic pegasus she held her in place. “Honestly I should put a bulls-eye on the Library so you can have a little target practice. I mean why is it always a window why not a door, or a wall”! She said in a frustrated tone.

“Heh sorry”. Rainbow Dash said sheepishly.

“What where you doing anyway?!” Twilight screamed.

“Well” Rainbow Dash started. “I was in Cloudsdale helping collect some stray clouds when I forgot to return my Daring-Do books so I rushed to get here”. She said with a chuckle.

“I admire the fact that you wanted to return your book on time but, you, little lady, need to work on breaking”! Twilight scowled.

“I'm Rainbow Dash I don't brake for nothin”. She proudly announced.

Twilight dropped Rainbow Dash on the ground.

“OOF!” she gasped with a thud

“Well since you made the mess you get to clean it up”. Twilight authoritatively stated walking back to her cup of tea.

“WHAT! Oh come on Twilight it was an accident”. Rainbow Dash groaned.

“This ACCIDENT has happened more times than i can count”. She shot back. “Besides Spike will help you”.

“Spike?” Rainbow Dash asked with a lightened expression.

“Yeah Spike, you know the dragon who has been living here since we first came to Ponyville”. Twilight said while placing sipping her tea.

“Right heh, sorry”. She nervously answered while hiding her blush. Unfortunately Twilight noticed and giggled.

“What”? Rainbow Dash questioned.

“Nothing just thinking about a joke Pinkie told me”. She answered.

“What's the joke”? Rainbow Dash asked with a raised brow.

“It's an inside joke”. Twilight answered while placing some steaming hay on one plate and hour rubies on another.

“Riiiiight.... So where is he anyway”? Rainbow Dash asked.

“He's upstairs taking a bath”. Twilight responded while looking back at Rainbow Dash who started to blush slightly.

Spike in the shower.“Is he okay”? Rainbow added quietly.

“What do you mean”? Twilight asked.

“Remember yesterday”? She said even quieter.

“Oh” Twilight gasped “that's why he is taking a bath. I got him some medicine for his wings”. She explained.

Rainbow Dash sat silently with her head down.

“It isn't your fault; he was hurt because of his own mistake”. Twilight said while slowly turning to her.

“He wouldn't have gotten hurt it I didn't push him to do it”. Rainbow dash said quietly.

“Look, he did it on his own; he wanted to do it to impress you. Besides he is okay, it's just wing cramp; they'll heal in a few days. He doesn't blame you and he is one hundred percent healthy, okay”? Twilight explained.

“Okay”. Rainbow Dash said with a bright smile.

“See nothing to worry about”. Twilight said with a reassuring smile.

“When do you think he'll be done”? Rainbow asked while trying to steal a pancake.

“I Honestly don't know, but that doesn't excuse you from the mess you made, so start cleaning”. The alicorn declared while levitating the pancake away from Rainbow Dash's mouth.

A sigh followed by a mumble was all that dared slip out of the cyan pegasus as she began to straighten up the library. “Are you gonna help”? She asked while picking up shards of glass.

“Yes”. Twilight responded while sipping her tea. “After I eat”.

Rainbow Dash mumbled grumpily before continuing.

Spike was still upstairs relaxing as the hot bathwater was soothing his aches and pains away. He sat and thought about the two dreams and how they were vividly different. In one he lost her yet in the other he had her to himself. He slowly rose out of the bathtub and began to dry using his fire. He hated using a towel because the fabric would always get caught in his scales and was near impossible to remove. Double checking himself, he made sure every scale was in place. He walked out of the bathroom into the ruined main-room of the library. He looked around in shock as he saw Twilight at the door speaking to someone and Rainbow Dash was cleaning. His gaze dropped upon her as he chuckled inwardly. “Hey Twi did Rainbow Crash come though the window again!” He shouted causing Rainbow Dash to drop a few books in surprise.

“Oh ha ha; should I bring up a plate of dirt. You look like you're hungry”. She quipped back. Spike chuckled before calmly walking down the stairs.

“Good morning Spike”. Twilight said while closing the main door. “Would you mind helping us; well after you eat of course”.

“Okay, will do”. Spike answered. He day down to eat taking down rubies, pancakes, and hash browns heartily. It didn't take to long for him to finish; cleaning up his mess he joined the two mares. They were cleaning and reorganizing for about two hours. Spike was taking occasional glances at Rainbow Dash thinking about how cute she was with a small frown glued to her face.

“And done”. Twilight said with a satisfied sigh.“Now I have to go and get a new window”. She began to trot away until she turned around. “Oh and Spike. Apple Jack needs your help covering the trench we found you in.”

“Damn” he muttered “when”?

“Before dark”. She said walking out of the door.

Spike and Rainbow Dash stood stock still in the library, surrounded by awkward silence.

“Soooooo”. Started while scratching there back of his head. “What did you do today”?

“Nothing but returning books and gettin chewed out by Twilight”. She said with a shy smile. The silence continued.“Are your wings okay”. She asked shyly.

“Better” he answered turning to show his back “that bath helped out but I wont be able to fly for a few days”.

“Well” she started looking into his eyes. “The sky is gonna be lonely without you”. She said before hugging him tightly. Even though he was a dragon his scales were always so soft and smooth.

“Don't worry; I'll be back up there with you before you know it”. He said while softly stroking her mane. He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. He loved the way that her large ruby orbs showed a competitive and compassionate soul.

She began to blush and turn away smiling.“Well I should go before a storm hits”. She whispered before leaving his embrace walking away slowly.

“Bye”.He said watching her flank becoming mesmerized by the way her tail switched ans she walked. She noticed and began to blush.

“Bye Spikey”. She said before exiting ironically through the window she broke.

“Welp”. He said walking to the door.“Might as well go and help AJ”. He sighed exiting the library. Walking toward Applejack's farm he looked up and saw a rainbow streaking across the town. He took a deep breath and began his walk with a big smile.

Ch.3 A Nudge in the Right Direction

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Spike smiled contently as he walked through the busy streets of Ponyville. A few would say hi or gesture to him; being the only dragon for miles he was accepted by the townsponies. It was noon; around this time the streets were filled with the clamor of everyone going about their day.

“HEY SPIKE!” Screamed a cheery voice.

Spike instantly who it was. “Hey Pinkie”. He said looking over his shoulder.

“Watcha doin”? She asked with a innocent smile.

“I’m heading over to the apple farm to help out with the damages”. He responded warmly.

“Really”? She questioned. “You seem awfully happy about that”.

“Yeah, today just feels like a good day”. He said while shrugging his shoulders.

“That's GREAT! Everypony should have a great day”! She said with glee.

“Yeah, they should”. He replied while looking up into the sky.

“What are you looking at”? She asked turning around only to see a speeding cloud with a long rainbow following. That must be Dashie. She turned to see Spike still watching the cloud then she turned back. Double taking a few times she realized what was going on.

“Soo Spike”. She started while slowly turning around. “Out of all of the ponies in Ponyville, who is your favorite mare”?

Spike’s gaze fell upon the pink mare. “Hmmmm I really don't have a favorite. Some are nice, some are bi..”. She shot him a death glare. “Ahhh I mean, mean some are mean.... heh”. He said with a forced smile.

“Choose one. OOOOH I KNOW! How about Rainbow Dash”? She asked with a big smile.

“Yeah she’s okay”. Spike said while trying to be casual.

“Oh she is more than okay my dear dragon; she is RAINBOW DASH the fastest pony in all of Equestria!!”. Pinkie screamed enthusiastically.

“She really is”. Spike said while looking at the ground, blushing.

“She is smart, strong, loyal, caring, pretty, and...... Well she is just a great mare, don't you think”? Pinkie said with a outpointed hoof.

“She really is amazing”. Spike said looking towards the sky.

“You like her don't you”? She asked shuffling closer to him.

“Ye...”. He stopped realizing what he was bout to say.

“OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH I KNEW YOU LIKED HER”!!! Pinkie screamed ecstatically.

Spike blushed and motioned for her to shush. “Calm down okay, I don't really know what I feel yet. It feels like more than just a simple crush, but I don’t know okay”? He said while holding her still. Pinkie just looked him in the eyes while giggling uncontrollably.

“Okay” she peeped. “I wont tell a soul until your ready to announce your UNDYYYYING love for Dashie”.

“Not a soul okay”? Spike said with pink cheeks.

Pinkie gave him a salute before bouncing away to continue doing whatever she does outside of Sugarcube Corner.

Spike sighed and continued to walk thinking to himself. “How do I really feel about her”? he continually asked himself. Much to his surprise he nearly tripped stepping into the trench his antics caused. “Man I did that”. He mumbled while examining his work with an impressed smirk on his face.

“Ahh, there you are”. Said a approaching mare.

Spike lifted his gaze quickly to meet that of the blond haired tan pony. “Uuum yeah I’m here. he replied scratching the back of his head nervously. “Sorry about this”. He said motioning toward the depression in front of him.

“Well”. Apple Jack started. “You gotta be careful where you land. From the looks of it ya missed the town on purpose”. She declared staring at the trench.

“Really”? Spike asked.

“Yeah, it looks like ya tried your best to find a open field; which unfortunately turned out to be mah orchard”. Applejack said with slight annoyance. “Alright then‚ let’s get this over with”.

Spike followed minding the gap before he hurt something other than his wings. He entered the barn taking in the surroundings; he had been in here as a kid but only a few times.

“Since you're all big and strong now‚ you get to take the soil outside. Think ya can handle it sugarcube”? She said leading him to a corner with bags of soil piled high.

“Sure‚ I can handle it”. He said approaching the first sack he saw.

“Oh really”? She asked with a smirk. “I know I have had trouble with these darned things‚ heck Big Mac even strained his back liftin those bags”. She finished.

“Well”. He said while clutching a bag. “Let’s see how I compare”. With a loud groan he began to lift the bag. For the love of Celestia this is heavy!

“Are ya sure ya got it”? Applejack asked concerned.

Spike only gave a split second nod before proceeding. With one long groan the bag began to lift off of the ground as he tried to position it over his shoulder. “AAARGH!” He growled while lifting the bag on his shoulder.

Wow he did it. Now ah see why mares are always croonin over him. He ain’t a little dragon anymore.

“Hey”. He said straining “Where do I put these”?

Applejack was stripped from her thoughts to see that he was carrying two bags. Oh damn. Her eyes went wide as she drank in every detail of his form. His toned scaly chest rising and falling with his breath,to the way his arms exploded from the weight, bulging with veins that pulsed in harmony.

“Hey, I’m trying to be cool about this, but these bags are really heavy”. He groaned through clenched teeth.

“Oh.....um...uh s...sorry Spike. Take em to that wheelbarrow over there”. She said with a pink tint on her muzzle.

Spike began to heavily walk over to the wheelbarrow.

“Wow”. She mumbled before approaching the bundle. She tried to lift a bag onto her back. “Spfike ah need helf”. She said with a bag in her teeth.

“Ill be there in a sec”. He groaned rotating his shoulder. He walked over to her and lifted the bag off of her back.

“Thanks sugarcube”. She replied.

“No prob”. He hissed through clenched teeth.

“You can handle the bags while ah go get the tools”. She said leaving the barn.

“Kay *sigh*Okay here we go”. He whispered. He transferred the bags back and forth for a half hour; after the last bag was outside he collapsed on the dirt exhausted.

“Well‚ I didn't expect you to be done so soon.” Applejack said walking up to him.

“I’m full of surprises”. He chuckled while looking at the blue sky.

“Ah bet ya are big guy”. She said with a sly smile. “Now come on‚ we need to get started with filling up this trench here”. She said while trying to sit him up. She snaked under him; she tried with all of her might to lift him off of the dirt. “Ah.... Remember when you.... Used to be able to ride on.... mah back”. She groaned.

“Well like everypony says, I’m not little anymore”. He said smugly.

“C’mon now……..get uuuup”. Applejack groaned with a pained expression.

Spike shot up lightning fast. Applejack fell to her face from his sudden movement. “HAHAHAA! Are you okay AJ”? Spike laughed while gripping his stomach.

“Yeah Ahm fine; musta been reaaaal funny to laugh at a mare with her face in the dirt”. She scolded. Spike stopped laughing almost instantly.

“Sorry”. He murmured.

“It’s alright, ah dont mind a little dirt on mah face. Now c’mon we need to finish this”. She said while dusting off her hat. Spike lifted the first bag of soil out of the wheelbarrow and set it on the ground. Applejack took a small knife out of her saddlebag and proceeded to cut it open. While she was doing this, Spike took a glance at upward; he saw another familiar rainbow streak rapidly crossing the sky.

There she goes again. Sooo beautifuuuuaaaahhhh I mean pretty, heh. She is pretty though, with her long rainbow mane, those eyes..

“Spike…..Spike……...SPIKE”! Applejack shouted from behind him.

Snapping out of his thoughts he turned to Applejack. “Yeah”. He said nervously.

“Didja hear a word ah said”? She asked with a raised brow. Spike gave a forced innocent smile. “You really like her huh”? She asked quietly

He looked down at the ground and began to blush. “Well I don’t really know if it’s just that; it doesn’t feel like a simple crush or attraction”. He said in a quiet slur. “I mean, what does she think of me”? He collapsed to the ground with his head towards the sky, searching for answers.

“Ah think ya already know”. Apple Jack told him sitting next to him. He gave her a confused look.

“Look, besides Fluttershy I’ve know Rainbow for a long time, and I ain’t never seen her act like the way she does toward you except for this one colt some years before you and Twi came but that's besides the point”. She put a hoof on his shoulder. “Just come clean”.

“Yeah right, she’s probably looking for a colt like Soarin instead of a dragon”. He said with a pout. Applejack gave him a blank expression before hoof smacking his cheek.

“OOOW! Hey what the hell was that for!!” He shouted while holding his cheek.

That was fer sayin somethin as stupid as that. Don’t you ever compare yourself to anypony else; Rainbow Dash likes you for you. She is always lookin for ya, she loves to be around you, and durin our last sleepover ah saw an entry in her diary about ya. It had somethin to do with confused feelins, cute, funny, smart, cute crossed out and replaced with sexy; look the point is she likes you, and ah know there is no doubt she can't directly voice her feelins to”.

Spike smiled brightly as he hugged her. She enjoyed how his warm tight grip could make any mare feel safe; leaving the hug she slapped him again.

“OOOOOOW DAMMIT, WHYYY”!?!? He whined only to be slapped again.

“Those were fer cursin TWICE. She said while rising to her hooves. “Now Let’s hurry up and finish this. I don’t wanna waste another second”.

While the two worked on the earth below, Rainbow Dash had just finished clearing the sky. “Ahhh, another beautiful day thanks to me”. She sighed while soaring over Ponyville. She loved to be in the sky flying free with him; she thought about how spike wouldn’t be able to fly with her for an indefinite amount of time. It doesn’t feel right being up here without him. Spotting Fluttershy's cottage in the distance be decided to check up on her timid friend. She landed in front of the cottage, narrowly missing a nearby tree. “Hey Fluttershy are you home”? She asked while knocking softly.

“Just a minute”. Fluttershy shouted muffled by the door. “Hi Rainbow Dash, what brings you here”? She asked in a sweet tone.

“Mostly boredom”. Rainbow sighed.

“I never thought I would see the day that Rainbow Dash was actually bored of flying”. She said surprised. “Really I thought you’d be with Spike”. The shy Pegasus stated as a bird landed upon her head.

“Well he had to go to Applejack’s farm to help clean or something”. She sighed with her head down

“That’s unfortunate”. Fluttershy replied. “I feel bad for him though, Twilight told me what had happened; how long is he grounded, technically speaking”?

“I don’t know, a few days maybe”. Rainbow Dash replied with her head near the ground.

“Does that bother you, if you don’t mind me asking”. Fluttershy whispered.

“Well yeah” Rainbow Dash started in a depressed tone. “It's just that ever since he grew his wings he has been in the sky with me almost all of the time; he’d even miss out on helping Rarity to come fly with me. Now” she stopped squeezing her eyes shut. “Now I'm gonna be all alone in the sky”. She finished with a tear trailing down her cheek.

Fluttershy flew over to her giving her a comforting hug. “He is still going to be able to fly with you, he just needs time to heal is all”. Fluttershy soothed.

“I know I just feel like it's my fault that he hurt himself; I told him to do it”. She sniffled.

“He did it to impress you”. Fluttershy said in a soothing motherly tone wiping away Rainbow Dash's tears. “He knew what could've happened; he did it for you”. She finished while lifting Rainbow Dash’s head up.

“That’s exactly what Twilight said”. Rainbow Dash hissed.

“And she was right. Spike wont blame you for getting hurt; he is old enough to know what to do and what not to do. It was on his own free will”.

“You really think so”? Rainbow Dash asked with wide eyes.

“Absolutely”. Fluttershy said still looking at the broken down Pegasus. “Just go and talk to him and this’ll all be over”.

“Thanks Shy”. Rainbow said finally ceasing her tears. “Oh and Fluttershy”. She started

“Yes”? Fluttershy asked, walking back into her cottage.

“We tell no one I cried okay”. She said with a stern look

Fluttershy was at first surprised by this but she smiled and nodded.

“Ahhh good”. Rainbow sighed. “So”. She began to ask while walking into the cottage “What are you doing today”?

“I am taking a picture to Rarity so she can sketch a design for a new outfit”. Fluttershy said with her nose in a drawer.

“What is it”? Rainbow Dash asked stepping forward.

“Uh baby Pheenis”. She replied with a rolled up image in her maw.

“Oh”. Rainbow said flicking a robin off of her tail.

“Do you vant to come wiff meh”? Fluttershy asked while trying to put the image in her saddlebags.

Rainbow was a little reluctant to say yes because all of her previous encounters with Rarity ended up with her in a dress. Fluttershy gave her the please stare. Rainbow Dash tried to resist, but eventually she gave in. “Fine, I’ll go.Who could say no to such an adorable face”.

“Fantastic”! Fluttershy exclaimed. “Let’s get going”. She said as the two pegasus’ walked a short distance before taking to the air. They flew onward toward the ivory unicorn’s boutique. The whole way there Rainbow Dash was lost in thought. Thinking about her and Spike.

Fluttershy had noticed that she had a blank expression glued to her face.I wonder, what is she thinking about? Rainbow Dash wasn't the calmest of flyers usually showing off doing loops and spins or sparking up conversations. “Hey Rainbow Dash”? She asked while gliding closer.

Rainbow Dash only shook her head and looked at the yellow Pegasus who flew next to her.”What’s up”?

“Are you okay”? Fluttershy asked.

“Um yeah; I’m good”> Rainbow Dash answered in a forced tone.

Fluttershy looked away. “Well you’re usually doing tricks or trying to race me there”. She responded.

“I’m fine, just feeling a little spent is all”. Rainbow Dash answered staring straight ahead. They flew on in silence for what felt like forever to Rainbow Dash; they soon landed at the Carousel Boutique. Fluttershy knocked with her front hooves on the door. There was some clamoring, thuds, and crashes coming from inside. The door flew open to show Sweetie Bell rubbing her head with her hoof.

“Oh hi guys”. She said with a groan. “Rarity was expecting you”. Sweetie bell had grown into quite the young mare. No longer searching for her cutie mark she had a hot pink heart with two outstretched curly arms with a lavender eighth note in the center.

“Oh, thank you dear”. Fluttershy said. She walked into the boutique; to no one’s surprise it was a jumbled mess.

“Whoooooa”. Rainbow Dash said with wide eyes.

“Yeah, some of that organized chaos she’s always talking about”. She said pointing a hoof around. “Well me, Scoots and, Apple Bloom are gonna go help out some fillies today so I’ll see you two around”. She waived while exiting the door. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy walked through the maze of fabrics and mannequins. They made their way up the stairs nearly falling because of some random tapestry. They approached Rarity’s door. They opened it slowly revealing a room in complete disarray. There were materials everywhere, even stuck to the ceiling. Fluttershy approached her and began to nudge her.

“Rarity I,m here with your picture” She said softly to her.

Only a mumble and groan came from the unicorn who appeared to be out cold.

“I got this”. Rainbow Dash said walking up to her. “HEEEEY RAAARITY TIIME TO GET UUUUUUP!” she screamed which caused Rarity to jump clean out of her chair landing on her back.

She looked around a little dazed then stared angrily at Rainbow Dash. Sitting up she screamed. “HOW DARE YOU WAKE A LADY IN SUCH A BARBARIC MANNER!”

“Well you were out cold on your desk, and Fluttershy already tried soooo”. Rainbow Dash said with a chuckle.

Rarity frowned then regained her composure. She stood with her head held high. “Well don't do it again okay”. She walked over to her mirror looking at herself she sighed and went to the ‘salle de bain’ as she called it make herself look something of presentable. “So what brings you by”? She asked muffled by the door.

“I brought over that picture of the Phoenix that you needed”. Fluttershy answered.

“Oh thank you darling; and what of you Rainbow Dash”? She asked.

“I’m just here with Fluttershy”. She answered staring at a mannequin with a rainbow dress.

“Oh”. She answered stepping out of the door “What about Spike”? She asked with a sly smirk.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes bugged as she began to blush. Why is she asking me that? “He’s okay. He had to help AJ cover that trench we found him in”. She answered without taking her gaze off of the dress.

Rarity was no fool, she has seen denial before and it was written all over the cyan pegasus’ face. “You must have been worried seeing him like that”. She added walking over to Fluttershy who had a confused and curious look on her face.

“O..Of course I was worried, I thought he was hurt”. She answered in a shaky tone.

Rarity grew impatient as she walked calmly over to Rainbow Dash as she cowered like Fluttershy. “You care for him don’t you”. She asked calmly.

“Yeah”. She answered trying to regain some of her confidence. “He’s a really good friend”. she replied with her head down.

“I mean, you reeeeaaaly do care for him don’t you”?

"Yes" Rainbow Dash whispered swallowing a hard knot in her throat.

Rarity was about to scream with joy but contained herself as to not make her friend feel anymore awkward than she already does. “It's okay darling”. she said while lifting Rainbow Dash’s head. “He is a great gentledragon who anypony would want to be with. Not to mention he has grown quite attractive over the years”. She finished with a hoof to her chest. “The point is that you need to tell him how you feel before it ends up tearing you apart”. She said gaining a understanding smile from Rainbow Dash.

“Thanks Rares”. Rainbow Dash said hugging her friend.

“Aww that was sweet”. Fluttershy said joining in the hug.

“Well, I’m gonna go home and figure out how to do this. Bye guys”. Rainbow Dash said while walking toward the door. Rarity looked out of the window to make sure she was gone; she then began dancing around like a little filly squealing with delight. She picked up Fluttershy, swinging her around in the air.

“R..RAAARITYY”. Fluttershy squeaked from the tight embrace of her friends hooves.

She released her grip on Fluttershy. “DO YOU KNOW THAT I HAVE BEEN SAYING THAT THOSE TWO SHOULD BE WITH EACH OTHER FOR AGES!” She squealed with a large smile on her face.

“Yeah”. Fluttershy answered while rubbing her flank.

“OOOOH!” Rarity squealed. “THEY WILL BE SO CUTE TOGETHER! I just hope they will find the right words”. She said calming down. “Well no more tome to waste; I must continue with my work”. She said returning to her desk. “Care to help me dear”? She asked looking at Fluttershy.

“Sure”. Fluttershy Responded. They worked together while Rainbow Dash came up with a plan to tell Spike about how she really feels.

Ch.4 Saying the Right Words

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It was just before sunset when Spike and Applejack finished covering the trench. "Well ah reckon that oughta do it" Apple Jack said while wiping her brow.

"Yeah" Spike said as he started to stand up "that was actually quicker than i expected".

"Well it woulda took a heck of a longer time if it was just me".She said with a sigh."Thanks Spike".

"No problem" he said with a genuine smile. "Well I should get going before Twilight decides to have a heart attack".

"Why does she still live in that old library anyway. She does have a whole castle right" Apple Jack asked with a hoof to her chin.

Spike simply shrugged his shoulders. "I'll have to ask her".

"Kay hun. Be safe and remember" she stopped with a raised brow.

Spike looked confused but then he smiled remembering the advise the farm pony had given him."I will. Thanks AJ". With that he was beginning to take off only to remember that he would not be able to for a few more days if lucky. So he began to walk happily down the dirt road into town. He was smiling like a child who had just gotten their most favorite thing in the world. He couldn't put a claw on it but he was just extremely elated. The world was so full of joy and wonder that no one could ever know. Not even realizing where he was lost in his own little world he jerked out of his hypnotic happy trance to find his nose face to face with the library door. He pushed it open to see that it was still as clean as he left it despite a few books strewn about, but he guessed that was Twilight's work. I wonder where she is. Spike thought to himself. Soon he saw a lavender mare walking down the stairs that led to her room.

"Oh there you are" she said cheerily "did you and AJ clean everything up" she asked trotting over to the bookshelf.

"Yeah it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be". He stated with a big smile on his face.

Twilight raised her eyebrow with a smirk on her muzzle."Well I didn't expect that. I'd figured you'd dread even the thought of menial labor" she said examining a few books.

"Why do you say that" he asked stepping in and sitting down near a desk.

"Because the last time you were there you complained about sore muscles and fatigue."

He nodded in agreement taking a piece of paper in his claws. "Hey Twi why do you still live in this old place" he asked fiddling with the piece of paper.

"Well" she stopped for a moment and thought about her response. "Well.......I...I like the atmosphere here. Don't get me wrong the castle is great and all but it feels too.......empty for me".

Spike simply nodded. "I see that you got the window fixed" he said looking a the window that was previously shattered.

"Yeah. I had rainbow come back and install it" she said staring at the window. "Oh and speaking of Rainbow Dash"she added with a playfully evil grin growing across her face.

Spike shot straight up in his chair. Why is she looking at me like that. "Ummmm......wh....what about her" he said in a nervous stutter.

"Oh nothing" she said in a sing song voice. "She was looking for you though" she said nudging Spike's shoulder.

Spike blushed and turned away blushing.

"Oh come on Spike just talk to her" she said leaning on him. "Just walk up to her and tell her that you looooove her" she peeped putting extra emphasis on love.

"]Twi you know it isn't that easy. I mean come on its Rainbow...she could probably care less about how i feel" he said low and defeated.

"Spike you know that isn't true at all" she said raising his head while squeezing his cheeks. "Who couldn't love something as handsomely adorable as you" she added kneading his face.

"Do you tink so Twy" he questioned with his cheeks still in Twilight's grasp.

"Of course I do. Besides according to Rarity and Fluttershy she is feeling the same way" she said while releasing the young drake's face

"Well what do I do" Spike asked rubbing his face.

Twilight sat on her flank raising a hoof to her chin. "Well........even though Rainbow Dash puts up a tough front she is very timid when it comes to these matters. Try to warm up to her slowly don/t go all out on her like she is Rarity. You know her pride" Twilight said standing back up. "Just talk to her tomorrow".

Spike just nodded then let out a yawn with a small puff of smoke escaping his jaws. "Well *groan* I'm beat so I think I'll turn in".

"Kay Spike see you in the morning".

"*yawn* g'night Twi" he yawned with heavy eyes. Laying down on his be he began to think why do I feel so nervous this I mean she is still the same Rainbow right? What will she do if...... his thoughts trailed as he gently drifted off into Luna's world of dreams.

Spike was lying in his bed blissfully sleep before on of Celestia's sun's light shafts shone into his eyes. He woke with a groan and began to stretch. He got up and began to walk to the bathroom to freshen up. There was a clamor coming from the kitchen, he had just concluded that it was just Twilight cooking something that actually smelled appetizing. He grinned and began to walk toward her. "*YAAAAWN* good morning Twi" he said half awake.

She jumped and turned around lightening quick. "Oh it's just you Spike. Man I will never get used to how deep your voice is when you first wake up. I thought you were some random stallion that broke in". She said holding a hoof to her chest.

"Heh sorry" he said in a low voice.

"Well try to make yourself know next time" she said turning back around. "Soooooo..." she started while levitating a pan in front of her face with her magic " are you going to hang out with Rainbow today".

Damn why does she keep pressuring me about this. Spike shot straight up like he did the night before. "W...we....I...umm..." he said while glancing around the room.

"Oh come on Spike" Twilight said while making two plates with her magic "we all know how you feel. Why are you so nervous".

Spike simply sat there trying to think of an answer.

"I'm waiting" Twilight said impatiently setting his plate down in front of him.

"Because I........I...I don't know okay. I just choke up at the thought of it because someone like me couldn't even compare to her. I don't think I'm good enough for her. She needs someone like her fast, strong, smart, and brave" he said with a low sigh.

Twilight simply sat there giving him a stare that simply said "Really". "You are an idiot sometimes, you know that right".

"]HEY NO I'M NOT" Spike shouted defensively.

Twilight took a sip of some juice then paused. "*sigh* you may be a full grown dragon but you still think like a kid".

"Ohh yeah how" Spike said leaning back an crossing his arms.

"You just literally described yourself. You have gotten much faster since your wings grew in fully, you are one of Ponyville's strongest I mean you literally lifted a building off of Pinkie, your one of the only people who can give me an honest challenge when it come to any intellectual matter, and you've saved all of us AT LEAST ONCE".

Spike sat simply grinning cockily.

"The point is you have no confidence for some odd reason. Now eat before your breakfast gets cold".

Spike looked down and began to eat wondering how am I even going to approach this. It was about eleven when spike decided to head out. He still had his duties to the library, but he was his own dragon and could leave whenever he wanted to. He walked to the edge of town to a hill he had nearly crashed into during his flight training some time ago. He just sat and waited for somepony.........

Rainbow dash was relaxing on a cloud having finished her duties for the day. It's a nice day today seems like everyone is out. Maybe even spike. She started smiling once his name entered her head. I wish he was up here with me just relaxing. Maybe is should go and see how he is doing. She got up stretched then began to fly toward the library. Almost as soon as she left the cloud a glint of purple hit the edge of her vision. She stopped for a moment wondering if it was him. She eventually decided to investigate moving almost unconsciously. It didn't take long for her to reach her destination, she landed and his behind a nearby tree. Okay Rainbow there he is right there alone you can do this.She sat behind the tree for a few minutes trying to summon the courage to face the dragon. C'MON YOU'VE NEVER BEEN SCARED OF ANYTHING BEORE JUST DO IT! She stepped out from behind the tree then hesitated. Maybe he doesn't want to be bothered. She took a step back only to snap a twig. In an instant Spike turned around and met the gaze of the Pegasus he had been expecting.

"Hey there" he said with a large smile growing on his lips.

"Oh...um...hey...Sp....Spike sorry for bothering you" she said backing up a little.

"It's all alright. To be honest I actually wanted you to find me here" he said with a chuckle. "come sit with me and enjoy the view". He patted the ground next to him. Rainbow Dash walked up to him relaxing a little.

"Wow it really is a nice view" she said looking around. "How did you even find this?"

"Well remember when I had just started to fly and you pushed me off of a cloud" he asked while looking at a mountain in the distance. Rainbow Dash nodded. "Well when I started to glide i found this hill and it just mesmerized me so now I come here to relax".

"Oh" she said scooting closer to him. "Well I see why you come here It's really nice". She scooted over to his shoulder then rested her head on him. Spike looked down at her then smiled and rested his head on hers. Even though it was a warm day Dash seemed to be hotter, and she was soft to. Rainbow was in the same situation, she couldn't help but melt into his soft scales.

He is so warm and close. I hope this never ends. "Y'know Spike" she started "I really like hanging out with you".

"Yeah this is just perfect" he said taking a deep breath. The air had a grassy fresh scent mixed in with the scent of clouds, he figured it was Rainbow Dash. Rainbow was still sitting enjoying the feeling of being so close to her crush, until she felt something touch her wings. She looked up and saw Spike smiling with his eyes closed. She was going so say something, but Spike had hit a sensitive point on her wings. She stifled a small gasp but still shuddered. Spike noticed and pulled her closer thinking she was cold. Rainbow was tooken a little bit by surprise by this. She looked up into his big emerald eyes. It was just like the library, she could see how gentle and caring his soul was.
Spike was also locked into a deep stare with her fiery ruby eyes.

She is so beautiful.Spike continued to look into her eyes as their faces grew closer. Rainbow Dash saw this and began to inch forward also once again driven by some involuntary force. She didn't know what was going on, all that she wanted was do do this here and now. They were close enough to now feel one another's breath. Rainbow closed her eyes and waited until she felt her lips touch his. She was in absolute heaven kissing the dragon who had plagued her mind for months. Spike was deep into the kiss feeling like he was flying again. They broke the kiss looking deep into eachothers eyes. Rainbow was still lost in the bliss of the moment.

"Wow" she whispered gaze still locked onto Spike.

Spike smiled with a furious blush on his cheeks. "Rainbow I.....I have never felt this way before even toward Rarity. I don't know why but this feels right......you make me feel right" he said with a claw on her chin.

"Spike.....I.....I'm sorry I never noticed you before. If i had know just how awesome you are you would've never had to chase Rarity for as long as you did" she said with a hoof to his cheek.

Spike simply smiled and pulled her into another deep passionate kiss. They went on for a few minutes before breaking for air. "Well what do we do now" Spike asked.

"I dunno be happy be healthy" Rainbow said with shrugged shoulders. They both chuckled and sat on the hill enjoying their day. Unknown to them one curious ivory unicorn had saw everything.

"THIS IS SOOOOO GREAT" she shouted walking up behind them.

"AHHHHH WHAT THE FU......" Spike yelled turning around as quick as a whip.

"R...R....Rarity how long have you been there" Rainbow asked with a blush as red as one of the streaks in her mane.

"OOOH I saw everything darling. It was simply adooooorabe" she said clasping her hooves together. "Come we must tell everyone" she said dragging the new couple with her. Spike and Rainbow Dash just went along with it. Oh what fresh hell have we gotten into.

Ch.5 Privacy Please

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Rarity, Spike, and Rainbow Dash were headed into town to inform everypony about the newly anointed couple.

“Y'know we can still walk RARITY”! Rainbow yelled while immersed in a blue aura.

“Yeah”. Spike agreed while squirming around. "Besides this magic is starting to make me cramp".

Rarity stopped and turned around; she eyed the two for a minute before releasing them. “Okay there now don't try to run”. She said in a joking singsong voice. Little did she know that's exactly what the two were planning on doing.
Spike and Rainbow Dash stretched while coming up with an escape plan; Spike leaned over as casually as possible to Rainbow Dash's ear. “Okay here is the plan,you're going to fly somewhere outside of Ponyville while I lead her away; I'll meet up with you later okay”?

“Sure Spike that plan is foolproof”. Rainbow Dash whispered sarcastically while readying herself.

“Well come on you two don't you want to be the talk of the town”? Rarity asked inching toward the awkward duo.

“Well” Spike started scratching his head frills “we were actually gonna....NOW”! With one beat of her wings Rainbow Dash took off into the blue sky. Rarity was running after Rainbow Dash trying to get her to come down; she was so wrapped up in trying to get Rainbow Dash she almost missed Spike who was galloping away on all four of his legs, which he didn't do unless he was in a situation that called for such.

“OH NO YOU DON'T”! Rarity shouted before she started to pursue Spike. He was pushing himself as hard as he could trying to shake the ivory unicorn who was hot on his tail; even though she wasn't the type to get her hooves dirty she was very athletic; nearly besting Applejack at times. He ran straight into the market knocking down kiosks in an attempt to slow her down, but it worked to no avail as she maneuvered through every obstacle with flips and aerial twists.

Spike looked back over his shoulder in amazed horror. What the hell is she some sort of super parkour unicorn? He increased his pace still running through the market muscling past anything in his way.

“SPIIIIIIKE”! She screamed closing the gap between them; she nearly had a grasp on his tail until at the last second he jumped and unfurled his wings. Rarity was to close to him to see the fence she was about to collide with. Spike flew over the fence leaving Rarity to slam into it with a loud thud. Regaining her composure she dusted herself off then began to calmly saunter away. Spike sighed in relief at having gotten away.

“Well now to go and find Rainbow Dash”. He said to himself before trying to fly away not realizing his wings were not fully healed.”Oh son of a BIIIIII”! He plummeted for about a second before crashing through the roof of a small cottage; he got up and began dusting himself off not knowing that eight eyes ,wide with surprise, were staring at him intently. He turned and looked at them instantly adopting a look of embarrassment and confusion. “Oh....um....heh that smells pretty good what is it. Oohh spaghetti huh? Looks like a delicious home cooked meal heh”. There was a long pause. “Well thanks for having me I'll be going through other ponies houses now. Bye nice meeting you”.
He facepalmed himself while walking out of the door as casually as possible. “Okay *sigh* Now to find Dash”.

“Okay everypony Ms. Rarity has a small bit of news to tell us”. The Mayor said authoritatively. Everyone was quiet and attentive ready to hear the news.

“Thank you mayor” Rarity said stepping forward while clearing her throat. “Everypony our favorite dragon has found himself a beautiful young mare to looove. I bet you will never guess who it is”. There was a clamor of names coming from the crowd. One dark brown unicorn raised his hoof.

“Is it Applebloom”? He asked. Deep in the crowd she appeared bashful with a small smile on her face.

“No my dear sorry”. Rarity said shaking her head. Soon Applejack raised her hoof. “Yes Applejack”? Rarity asked turning toward her.

“Why not Applebloom she's Spike's age and I know that they used ta have a thing goin”.

“Hey if that's the case why not Apollo she has liked Spike too”. An anonymous female voice added in.

“Spike and Apollo have no history”! Applejack quipped.

“Yeah well apparently Applebloom is a one hitter quitter”! The female yelled while shaking her hoof.

“Oh I'll give ya a one hitter quitter pardner”! Applejack yelled back. Soon the crowd erupted in argument; different ponies were screaming names of suitable mares for Spike. The argument was on the verge of becoming physical before Twilight appeared in the sky.

“EVERYPONY CALM DOWN”! Twilight screamed while landing in front of Rarity. “Now what the hay is going on here”?

“We were trying to find out who is the mare that Spike is with”. One deep voice said.

Twilight raised her brow then turned to Rarity who just gave her an innocent smile. "Look everypony you're fighting for nothing; it's Rainbow Dash". A chorus of gasps, ohs, and ahs came from the crowd accompanied by a “I thought she was a mare lover”. Twilight's eyes bugged at that last comment.

“Well where are they”? Pinkie asked while poking out of a window. Twilight simply shrugged. “We should find them and throw a huuuuuuuuge party for newfound love”! The crowd erupted with screams of agreement.

“Everypony wait, let's give them their priva.” She was cut off by “Well lets find em”! With that there was a thunderous sound of hooves going off in every direction in search of Ponyville's newest and most exotic couple. Twilight stood dumbfounded at what just happened wondering why the town would be so boisterous about a new couple; she soon added it all up and turned to face Rarity.

“I had a feeling this was your doing before I even landed”. She said looking her unicorn companion in the eyes.

Rarity hung her head down, not wanting to meet the gaze of the princess before her. "Sorry Twilight. I didn't think that everypony would get so excited about this". Twilight picked up Rarity's head.

“It's okay, you just have to be careful about how you deliver news; now do you care to help me save our little lovebirds before they get torn apart”. Twilight said while stretching her wings. Rarity nodded then began to gallop of in search of Spike. Twilight took to the sky starting her search for the notorious cyan pegasus

Rainbow Dash was airborne over some small hills, scouting out a meeting place for her and Spike. I hope he'll be able to find me given the fact that we really didn't have a set meeting place. She flew over the places just outside of town that she would go to nap, relax, or read. Looking down to the earth below she couldn't see a light gray pegasus flying straight for her.


The next thing Rainbow Dash knew had collided with the pegasus face first. She put a hoof over her nose while trying to keep stable flight. “OW DAMN IT YOU IDIOT WATCH WHERE THE HELL YOU'RE GOING”!! She opened her eyes to see Derpy mimicking her actions. "Oh hey Derpy". She muttered in a calmer tone. Of course Derpy Hooves would be the only pony to hit something in a clear sky.

“Oh hiiiiii Dashie". Derpy said while looking somewhat directly at her. "Everypony is lookin' for you and that dragon pony, Spoke I think”?

“You mean Spike”. Rainbow Dash said while crossing her fore-legs.

“Yah that's the pony....or...uhh..dragon. Anyway everypony will be sooo happy I found you”!! She peeped with glee.

“Whoa whoa wait; why is everypony looking for us anyway”? Rainbow asked with a raised brow.

“Rarity told the whooole town that you two love doves were together”. Derpy said while circling around Rainbow Dash.

Damn your big mouth Rarity! “Look Derpy I'm going to go and find Spike, okay”?

Derpy nodded.

“Tell no one you saw me, okaaaay”?

Derpy put a hoof up symbolizing a thumbs up. “Oooooh wait you two are really together”? Rainbow Dash slapped her hoof to her forehead in annoyance.

“Yes Derpy we are together now I have to go”. No longer than half a second later she was flying as fast as she could. Derpy simply sat there watching Rainbow Dash fly away.

Spoke must be a girl there is no way in Equestria that Dashie would like a colt. She sat in place for a while longer before chasing a butterfly that landed in her nose.

Great just......great now the entire town is gonna be bothering us. DAAAAAAMN IT RAAAARITY!!! Rainbow Dash continued to fly on in search of her dragon.

Spike was walking along the edges of Ponyville searching for his beloved pegasus while also keeping an eye out for Rarity. He walked peacefully submerged in his thoughts. I don't know why I never noticed before; her smile is so comforting yet intimidating, her eyes are just so......beautiful kinda like two rubies that test and tease my will. She is just soooo.......woooooow. A large smile grew on his face the more he thought. “Heh look at me”. He stopped and looked over a small lake; taking in the view, the sound of the wind, and the feel of the warm summer sun shimmering as it cascaded upon his scales, Spike was simply in bliss. He heard flapping coming from behind him. “Well I see that you made it beautiful”.

“Awwwwww that made my day”.

Spike jumped when he realized that it wasn't Rainbow Dash but Fluttershy. "Sorry I thought you were someone else; I....I..mean it's not like you're not beautiful, you are very attractive I...it's ju.". She cut him off.

“Spike I get it you don't have to explain anything; I know you like Rainbow Dash”. She finished while putting down a basket full of water.

“Heh thanks”. He said more relaxed.

“So what brings you out here”. She asked while placing the bucket in the water.

“Running from Rarity, waiting for Rainbow Dash”. He said shrugging his shoulders.

“Oh why are you running”. She whispered while releasing five small catfish into the lake.

“Ahh Rarity wanted to tell the whole town about us, we weren't really feeling it seeing as how we have only been together for a half hour”. He said while looking at his reflection in the water.

“Well you know how Rarity is”. Fluttershy giggled.

“Yeah”. Chuckled Spike.

“Well I should get going; I haven't fed the animals yet”. She said rising to her hooves. She outstretched her wings preparing to take off. Turning around she said “oh and Spike”. He gave her a look of inquiry. “Even though you thought I was somepony else, thank you for the compliments; you're a really sweet dragon”. He smiled with a small blush present beneath his scales. She gave him a hug then flew off.

He sat alone for another ten minutes before he heard the sound of galloping hooves. Opening his eyes he saw a group of ponies closing in on him; they didn't look threatening but he was still cautious.

“Look there he is”! A gold female unicorn yelled. Soon a large group of ponies were closing in on Spike.

Spike lost his footing a few times before running off in a full gallop. He did what he had done with Rarity earlier; narrowly missing obstacles in an effort to throw his pursuers off.

“Hey we just wanna talk*pant*about you and Rainbow Dash”. One voice called from behind him.Those words only made him run faster; followed by ponies like he was a star and they paparazzi.

Rainbow Dash had made it back to town in her pursuit of Spike only to find it empty. “Where is everypony”. She muttered to herself as she floated through the streets. She looked around corner after corner only to find them empty.

“Rainbow Dash over here”. A familiar voice whispered. Rainbow Dash carefully followed the voice until she was pulled into a dark room by a purple claw. She was about to scream until she saw two emerald orbs staring at her.

“S..Spike”? .she asked in a worried tone. He spat a green flame that illuminated the candles in the dark room.

“Yeah it's me”. He said with a smile.

“What are you doing in sugarcube corner”? She asked.

“I'm hiding from all of those ponies; they were chasing me all over town until Twilight hid me in here”. He finished while sitting down on a nearby couch.

"Why were they chasing you". Rainbow Dash asked while sitting on her haunches.

“Because they all wanna know about Ponyville's newest couple”. He said throwing his arms up. They both sat silent for a moment before Rainbow Dash broke the silence.

“Well how long do you have to hide”?

“Until Twi calms the town down”. Spike said while playing with his tail. There was another long awkward silence. Rainbow Dash was stealing peaks of Spike while trying to stay as inconspicuous as possible.

He is built so much more differently than a stallion; he has much more muscle in his chest and stomach, and those arms, or legs, look so......good. I....I..just want to touch them one more time. Soon she began to act like she was tired; letting out long yawns, fluttering her eyes, and bobbing her head.

“Hey, are you tired Dashie”? Spike asked while looking at her.

“*yawn* Yeah looking for you all day tired me out”. She said with a hoof over her mouth. “I.....Is it alright if I use you as a pillow”?

“Sure”. Spike said while adjusting his position so Rainbow Dash could be comfortable. She walked over to him lying down half draped over him; usually when others called her Dashie she would cringe, but hearing Spike say it made her feel warm. Spike was enjoying the soft feel of her fur while she enjoyed his smooth scales. Rainbow Dash began to rub his chest with her hoof, feeling his soft scales combined with his hard muscles. She thought what would it feel like if...but she shook that thought out off her head only to have it return with more wonder. I know a dragon and pegasus can have sex, but can they have a baby; and if they could what would it look like. The more she thought about the subject, the more she wanted to try it. Looking up at Spike she came up with a rather clever plan.

“Spike” she started “d...do you think I'm pretty”? He locked his eyes with hers lost in how they glistened in the light.

“You are a unique brand of beauty Rainbow Dash; you don't need makeup or jewelry to make yourself look pretty; you don't need to go to the spa to get facials or pedicures, you are natural uncensored beauty in the purest form..........the beauty from within”. She almost didn't believe what she heard; he was so poetic and true.

“Do you really mean all of that”? She asked slowly bringing her face to his. Spike wanted to say something in return, but all that came was silence. They hesitated for a second, feeling the other’s breath. Spike closed his eyes while leaning forward; Rainbow Dash let out a small gasp before she felt his soft scaly lips meet hers. Spike lowered his head back down bringing her down with him. Deep in the passion of their kiss Rainbow Dash moaned softly as Spike began to rub her wings and back. She nearly jumped out of his grasp as his claws grazed over her flank.

“Oh I’m sorry, I….d.” She cut him off with a small peck on his lips.

“It’s okay; I just wasn’t expecting that”. She moved his claw back over her flank. “Besides, I would be lying if I said it didn’t feel good”. A seductive smile grew on her face as she resumed the kiss. Spike was groping her flank bucking slightly as he did so earning moans of ecstasy from his cyan lover. They continued on in their game of pure passion; Spike’s member was beginning to emerge until the door flew open. They both looked at the figure in the doorway; eyes full of surprise and embarrassment.

“Oh heh sorry….am….I.....interrupting something”. Twilight said while walking in. They both let out a synchronous uhhh before sitting upright. “Ummm okay weeeeell...everypony has agreed to calmly ask any questions as you see fit”. She said while turning around.

“Okay”. Rainbow Dash said while getting down from the couch. She walked away while swaying her tail back and forth making sure that Spike could see. A large smile grew upon his face before he got off of the couch following the two mares.

Ch.6 So Many Questions

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Twilight led the two out of sugarcube corner making sure that no one had seen or followed. “Alright come this way”. She whispered from around a corner. They continued to walk around buildings and down alleys, the whole time Rainbow Dash had a permanent smile glued to her face.

No pony has ever made me feel so wanted before, or have they ever made my legs so weak”, she thought to herself. Spike followed with the same expression, dreamily drinking in her shape.

Wow she is just amazing, wow”, he thought with a large woozy grin. Twilight peered back with a satisfying smile.

Finally they both have somepony. I wonder, where is my somepony?”, she thought. She payed all of her attention to the pair behind her nearly missing their destination. “Oh where here”. She said in a quick gasp. They all walked into the town square where all of the trouble had started. On their way up to the platform Spike and Rainbow Dash encountered looks of encouragement, disgust, confusion, and happiness.

“Oh there are the two love-birds that caused all of the trouble, well how about answering some questions for the citizens of Ponyville”? The mayor asked with a large smile. Spike and Rainbow Dash simultaneously swallowed large knots that had been present for some time. Rainbow dash walked over to a couple of chairs that were set for the two, Spike wasn’t feeling to sure about the situation though. He began to walk slowly backwards, Rainbow Dash took notice and reached for his hand.

“C’mon ya big baby”. She whispered with a big smile. That smile made Spike nearly melt in her hooves as she led him to his chair. He sat down readying himself for whatever the town had to throw at him. “Alright, all of you ponies brought us out here to ask questions, so shoot”. Rainbow Dash chided crossing her fore-legs. A green hoof went into the air. “Yeah, you”. She said impatiently.

“So what are you guys gonna do now?” The mare asked.

“Well, what any other couple would do”. Spike answered nervously.

“Like what”? The made added.

“Well I dunno, whatever stuff couples do or something”. Spike answered with a shrug.

“Does that mean you’re gonna fuck”! An anonymous voice shouted from the back.

The entire crowd, including the two in question, went wide eyed except Pinkie, who was grinning.

“Please only appropriate questions”! The mare declared.

“No no it’s okay, it was a legit question”. Rainbow Dash said with a small smirk. “When the time comes, absolutely. Maybe sooner than all of you think”. She said while caressing Spike’s cheek.

“So wait, can a dragon and a pegasus even have sex”? A make voice asked. Rainbow Dash nudged Spike’s arm.

“C’mon I answered the last one go for it”. She whispered.

“Well I do have compatible reproductive organs”. He stuttered with a bright red blush. Twilight stood with her mouth agape dumbfounded, she shook her head and stepped forward.

“Are there any actual question like; what are they going to do for Ponyville, how long do they want to be together, do they want children”!? Twilight exclaimed. The last question sparked heated debates in the crowd about their childrens’ appearance, or if they could even conceive. Pinkie Pie emerged from the crowd still grinning and giggling.

“Oh Twilight, no pony cares about that technical stuff they already know that these two are good ponies, I mean pony and dragon.” Twilight though for a second before accepting the situation. Twilight raised her brow while looking over Spike and Rainbow Dash.

“I guess you’re right Pinkie”. She sighed. Walking up to the edge of the platform she flared her eyes began to glow, and her wings flared as she stood on her hind legs. Within seconds the crowd was calm and attentive. “Everypony can ask any question that crosses their mind”. She looked over to the mayor then to Rainbow Dash who have her a permissive smile and Spike who was about to die from anxiety. “There are no boundaries”. She declared. Another hoof came from the middle of the crowd. “Yes you there”. Twilight said looking towards the hoof. Applejack rose bashfully from behind big Mac.

“Well ah um have been wonderin’ since there no inappropriate questions and all, how are y’all gonna umm do it. Ah have never seen your penis.” She stuttered. Spike’s face turned a whole new shade of purple as he sat up straight and wide eyed.

“Well mine is hidden better than a colts”. He muttered while looking at the ground. “It’s under my scales”.

“Oh well, thank you”. Applejack pulled her hat down to hide her embarrassment.

“Ah saw it”! Applebloom shouted. Spike nearly turned white the moment he heard her voice.

“Uh, Lil sis, ah hardly think that's important now”. Applejack said while clearing her throat.

“Ok but ah tell ya know, fer your own sake Rainbow Dash, he ain't a small one”. She declared with pride. Spike was up on the platform slouching limply in his chair, trying to hide his embarrassment.

“Wait, when did you see it”? Rainbow Dash asked envious and curious.

“It was the last time we all had a sleepover. Ah woke up and saw that his cover wasn't on him, so me being a good friend ah tried to cover him. That's when ah saw it, plus a few other times”. She said with even more pride. “It was all big, red'n veiny”.

“Okay that is enough of that”! The mayor quipped. “I’m sure that they would love to be alone for now”.

Thank Celestia”, Spike thought with a sigh. The crowd disbanded calmly and without any complications.

“Well, they took that well”. Rainbow Dash said quietly. “Well what do we do now”?

Spike threw his gaze in all types of directions before looking her in the eyes. “Oh, w-were you talking to me”? He asked pointing a claw to himself.

“Who else would I be talking to dummy”? She giggled playfully. Spike chuckled with a blush that made her giggle even more.

“What's so funny”? He stuttered with his blush growing larger.

“Oh nothing”. She teased with a hoof to her mouth. “Wanna go do something awesome”? Spike gave a her a smile with two thumbs up. They slowly walked off of the platform to go about their day.

Ch.7 A Night Alone

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Spike was as happy as could be, despite the embarrassing event that recently took place. He strode pridefully next to his newly anointed marefriend. Even though she wasn’t the mare that he would drool or croon over in the past, she is the one for him.

“So what do you wanna do?” Rainbow Dash asked happily.

“Hmmm, how about we just go around to some different spots and hang out”?

“Or we could fly”! Rainbow Dash took to the sky with haste. She halted her ascent noticing that Spike was still on the ground. “Your wings are still screwed, huh”? She asked, slowly gliding to him. Spike hung his head down to the ground.

“Well not exactly”. Rainbow Dash’s expression went from sadness to curiosity. “When I was running away from Rarity I did manage to get into the air, but after I did my wings wouldn’t move”.

“Oh.’ Rainbow Dash hung her head low in disappointment.

“Scared the heck out of a small family though.” He chuckled with Rainbow Dash.

“Well since you can’t fly, how about a race?”

“Okay, Where to?” Spike asked energetically.

“To Everfree!” Rainbow Dash motioned in the direction of the revered and feared forest.

“Are you kidding me? That’s all the way across town.” Spike protested.

“What’s the matter? I thought dragons could do anything better than a pony”. Rainbow Dash teased.

“Okay , you’re on, but you can’t fly”. Rainbow Dash crossed her arms with a pout. “Like I'm going to challenge a pegasus, who can break the sound barrier almost at will, to a hoof race”.

“Fine, but I'm not going easy on you, dragon boy”. Rainbow Dash quipped

“What, you think that you’re gonna beat me in ten seconds flat, Dashie”? Spike shot back.

“You know I will”! They stood side by side, ready to see who was the fastest on hoof, or claw.

“We go on three. One.....two...three!” Spike shot off like a purple bullet appearing as a blur to any bystanders, but Rainbow Dash was hot on his trail barely a step behind. She pushed hard while ducking and dodging through town. Spike was right ahead of her dodging ponies and buildings gracefully. He turned around and saw that she was gaining on him. In panic he tried to give himself a boost by pushing off various objects, but nothing was working. Rainbow Dash bolted ahead of him with ease.

“I’ll see you on the edge of Everfree.” She chided, accelerating well beyond him. Spike knew that she was much smaller and faster than he was. This situation called for dire matters.

“Y’know, Rainbow Dash,” he gasped. “You’ve always had a great looking flank, especially when you're runnin’.” she turned her head violently, face as red as a Cardinal’s feathers. She was so caught up in what Spike uttered she didn't see that an open cellar was directly in front of her.

“Oh no!” she screamed down the stairs with a series of loud crashes and booms. Spike smiled triumphantly at his actions, but couldn't help to feel like a jerk. I hope she won't be mad when she gets out of there”, he thought while still running at full speed until he heard a deadly howl tainted with his name. Not wanting to end up the last dragon of his kind he pushed on vigorously.

Nearly five excruciating minutes later he arrived at the edge of the forest.
“Wow, that was something.” he rasped with a claw to his stomach.
“At least I beat her.”

“Think again numbnuts.” Spike turned to see her voice seemingly come out of nowhere.
“Up here.” he craned his neck to see that she was lounging on a branch smugly eating an apple.
“I was wondering when you’d finally show up.” She said while taking one last bite out of the Apple.

“How long have you been here?” Spike asked with annoyance present in his tone.

“I’m the fastest mare in all of Equestria remember?” she boasted while dropping the apple core onto his head.

“You flew didn’t you?” He asked, wiping the apple juice from his brow.

“So what if I did?”

“That’s cheating.”

“Hey you cheated first.” she protested while gliding towards him.

“What I can't tell my marefriend that her butt looks great.” Rainbow Dash blushed a furious crimson with eyes wide as saucers.

“That was a dirty move Spike.” she said hidden from behind her mane.

“I’m sorry.” he replied like a child who was in trouble.

“Don’t do anything like that again, okay?”

“You have my word.” he said nobily. “What do you want to do now?”

“We could just relax here. We are outside of the busy parts of town.”

“Is this Rainbow Dash that I’m talking to? You never want to relax unless you’re napping”.

She walked over to a small patch of grass and took a seat. “Yeah, c’mon”. Spike took his seat next to her.

“No practicing new maneuvers, tricks, or whatever?” he asked, settling into place.

“Nope, just relax”. She sighed while resting her head on his shoulder. They sat silent and still watching the sun slowly burn across the sky.

“Yeah”. He replied in a low calm tone.

“What is it about me that made you like me”?

Spike said nothing for some time, worrying her.“Well I always had a high opinion about you already. You're cool, brave, funny and of course loyal. I guess it really manifested itself when we started to fly together. I saw who you really were, not that tough-mare act that you put up, but your actual feelings. You love to read, you actually like certain girly things, you sing to yourself all of the time, you can be a bigger egghead than Twilight.” She giggled bashfully. “But best of all I love you for you. From your fiery spirit to how stubborn you can be.”

“Wow, nopony has ever said that about me.” she whispered.

“Well somepony had to.” He nuzzled her. Spike chuckled warmly as she tried to hide her blush.

“What”? Rainbow Dash turned to him, locking her eyes with his. He lowered his head to hers. Her breath deepened as she closed her eyes in anticipation for the soft touch of his lips. She let out a small gasp at the feel of his draconic lips locked with hers. The feel of his strange exotic lips on hers was intoxicating bliss. Rainbow Dash pushed Spike onto his back deepening the kiss. They broke away soon after panting like a couple of dogs trapped in summer heat.

“Wow.” she panted

“Yeah I know.” he chuckled

“Maybe we shouldn’t do this out in the open.”

“Yeah it feels like somepony could sneak up on us.”

“So how about we enjoy the rest of the day
instead?” she curled up on his stomach as if he were her own bed. He looked down on her with a smile while he stroked her fur. They lay there basking in the warmth of Celestia’s magnificent sun, glowing with the power of the princess herself.


“Hey Rainbow Dash, wake up.” she slowly opened her eyes as Spike continued to stir her from her sleep. “C’mon the sun is setting.” she peered lazily west to see the sun taking refuge behind two large mountains.

“Five more minutes.” she groaned.

“We have to go.” Spike softly chuckled.

“Awww, but you're like a bug purple cloud.” she snuggled deeper into his body.
“Can I lay on your back while we walk back to town?”

“Okay.” he grumbled as she lifted herself off of him. He got to his feet, stretching before falling down on all four of his legs.

“Hey Spike?” she asked while climbing him as if he were a playground set.


“How come you don't walk like a pony all of the time?”

“I don't like getting my claws dirty, and I like to feel that I’m a king looking down on his subjects.” he joked.

“Well you’re walking like one now, and you were galloping earlier, egomaniac”. she teased.

“I only gallop when I can’t run fast enough upright, and you wanted to ride on my back.”

“Yeah.” she rested her head on his neck while closing her eyes allowing the comforting embrace of sleep claim her.


“Hey Dashie, wake up we're here.” she woke again to find the library filling her vision.

“What did you do today?” Spike asked playfully.

“What I always do, fly around and be awesome!” she exclaimed proudly.

“Apparently that was very exhausting.” he replied in a teasing sarcastic manner. Spike opened the door to find the library dark and empty. “Hold on.” He shot a continuous flame that lit every candle in the room.

“Whoa, how did you do that?” Rainbow Dash asked in amazement.

“Twilight never changes where she places the candles. I’ve remembered where they’re all at.” he stepped inside, looking over to Twilight’s desk he saw a note. Rainbow Dash rose off of him while he walked over to the desk. Spike I have gone to Canterlot to assist Princess Celestia with tracking new celestial bodies. I should be back by morning. Twilight. P.S. Don’t take another three hour bath!
“Well it looks like I’m going to be alone for tonight.”

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash muttered while looking through old romance novels.

“I said that Twilight is gone for the night.” he repeated while giving her the note. She read over it realizing that this was the perfect opportunity to try something a little naughty.

“Well that sucks.” she placed the note on a nearby table. “Well I guess I should get going.” she said, slowly walking to the door.

“Okay, bye.” He replied sadly.

“What’s wrong?” She asked with a devious grin.

“It’s nothing, I’m used to being alone in here. This isn’t the first time she’s had to go away to assist Princess Celestia.”

“Well I could stay the night with you.” she offered lovingly.

“Don’t you have to clear the sky tomorrow?” he asked with a lightened expression.

“There are other pegasi in this town, besides I could use a day off.” she closed the door behind her.

“Well where are you going to sleep?” he walked over to the kitchen. She looked at him with an unamused blank expression.
“Oh yeah.” he said while looking back over his shoulder.

“I’m going to go lay down.” she turned towards the stairs. Spike turned also lost in the way her tail would sway gently as she walked making his imagination run wild. “Why does she tease me,” he thought completely forgetting why he was in the kitchen until his stomach growled.

“Now let's see here.” He mumbled while rummaging through cabinets. “No..
no...no, yes turquoise!” he exclaimed. He took the bowl and inhaled the gems heartily. “Ooh all nice, sweet, and crunchy.” he moaned with cheeks full of gem shards. In one big gulp he finished his snack. He went around blowing out all of the candles that he lit. Nearly tripping twice he found his way to the stairs that led to his room. He opened his door and lit a candle to find that Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be found. He stood on the edge of his bed contemplating about where she might have gone.

“Looking for me.” he turned to see two ruby eyes staring at him lustfully. Before he could answer she pounced causing him to stumble backwards onto his mattress.

“Did you wait there the whole time?”

“Maybe, what does that matter?” she seductively replied. Rainbow Dash kissed him tenderly sliding her tongue into his mouth savoring the mineral rich taste. Spike caressed her back moving lower ever so gently until he brushed over her flank causing her to shudder. He caressed her cutie mark then he clutched her rear causing her to moan. Spike took control by rolling her on to her back. They broke the kiss panting wildly.

“Are you in heat?” Spike gasped.

“If I were we'd be on round three by now.” she replied in a sultry tone. Spike chuckled then resumed the kiss. For nearly three minutes they made out until Spike broke the kiss and began to lick her neck. He moved slowly down her body planting kisses along the way. He reached her teats and began to poke and tease them with his claw.

“Wow these are big. How have I never noticed these before?” He asked while rubbing her nipples.

“Because *ah* they swell whenever we are *ahn* turned on.” Rainbow Dash moaned. Spike left his claw on one of her breasts. He came to face level with her swollen lips noticing the scent of fresh rain. He still played with her breasts as he examined the only part of a mare that was forbidden to all. Spike became dizzy as his thoughts became fuzzy and his breath became labored. The position that he was in was to arousing to resist. He buried his face into her marehood earning a surprised moan from Rainbow Dash.

“Oh Spike.” she moaned sweetly. Spike began lapping at her opening greedily licking away any liquid that dared escape. Rainbow Dash began to squirm and twist at the feeling of Spike’s long tongue teasing her vagina. She bit her bottom lip in an effort to stifle her moaning. She was succeeding until something long, skinny, and forked entered her making her groan loudly. Spike pushed his tongue deep into her folds suckling as he did so.

“Oh my Celestia yes Spike! Go as deep as you can!” she squeaked. Spike did what he was told and pushed his tongue as deep as it could go. Rainbow Dash felt her climax building rapidly. She tried to hold it off but Spike was more determined than she thought. She put her hoof to his head and held it in place. Rainbow Dash knew she wouldn't last much longer. She was about to warn Spike when he licked just the right spot causing her to erupt into her climax.

“OOOOH! SPIKE!” she screamed while forcibly holding his head to her crotch. Spike pushed back falling to the ground coughing.

“Were you *cough* trying to drown me?” he asked with a claw to his chest.

“Sorry*pant* Spike”. she sighed. Spike crawled back to the bed. He stood up looking down on Rainbow Dash. Spike admired how sexy she looked with her fur matted and her body covered in sweat. He lowered himself on to her kissing and nibbling her neck. She moaned quietly and softly. She wrapped her fore-legs around him and pulled him closer feeling his erect member rubbing up against her breasts. Spike began to shudder and slowly buck his hips. He kissed Rainbow Dash while increasing his rhythm Spike's breathing became heavier while Rainbow Dash was panting and moaning quietly.

“Spike. No more teasing.” her blush deepened. “I want you to take me.” Spike nodded while propping himself up on his arms. Steadying himself with one claw he used the other to guide his penis to her marehood. He bucked his hips slightly forward pressing his throbbing member to her waiting vagina. A nod was all the permission Spike needed to proceeds. Rainbow Dash reached out to grab and pull Spike down to her. She clutched his back as he went deeper.

“Are you okay?” Spike asked with genuine care. Rainbow Dash rapidly nodded. Spike pulled back all the way to the tip then he sharply thrust back in making Rainbow Dash squeak. He trusted hard and quick slowing down for a few then resuming his rhythm. Every thrust made Rainbow Dash's mine flood with pleasure. It was to the point where she was only huffing in high pitched bursts.

“I never knew he was so big!”, she thought as he trusted away. Seemingly out of nowhere he increased his pace.

“OH SPIKE YES!! FUCK ME HARDER!” she shouted while clutching him tighter. The only sounds that could be heard were Rainbow Dash's ecstasy filled screams and the slapping of Spike's thighs against her flank. Rainbow Dash felt the familiar build up to an orgasm beginning to manifest in her loins.
“Spike I'm about to aaaahhh!” she roared into her second orgasm of the night. Spikee slowed his pace enjoying the feeling of her walls convulsing around his member. He sat idle until Rainbow Dash pulled him into a deep kiss.

“I never told you to stop.” she whispered seductively. He instantly adopted the rhythm he had before he stopped.
“Fuck yes Spike”! He trusted hard and fast knocking several pictures down in the process.
“Hold on.” Rainbow Dash rolled over onto her stomach and lifted her flank in the air presenting her glistening lips to him.
“Fuck me until I can't walk right.” Spike realigned himself and with one powerful thrust he resumed his action causing Rainbow Dash to squeal in delight.

“Almost there” Spike groaned through clenched teeth. Rainbow Dash was biting the covers reveling in the feeling of being completely dominated.
“R..Rainbow Da..sshh.” he groaned. “I..I'm about t..to c..c..cuuh” A loud groan was her only reply as he thrust faster and faster ramming her as hard as he could. Rainbow Dash felt his member swell fit to burst at any moment. With one last buck he released a torrent of seed deep into her folds as they spasmed and convulsed, milking him dry. Rainbow Dash threw her head back as he wings flared violently.

Coming down from his high Spike slumped over her panting loudly.

“That was the most incredible thing I've ever felt.”he panted.

“I don't remember the last time I came that much.” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Wanna go again?”

“Yeah, just gimme a second.” They lay there in silence until Rainbow Dash spoke up.

“Hey Spike can I ask you something?”


“I just noticed this but, where are your balls”?