Battletech: Friendship is Firepower

by phantom360

First published

Mechs, Ponies, Explosions, 31st century Pirates with vengance on their minds and this all started due to magic and because someone spilt coffie... over the FTL drive controls... yeah im as suprised as some of you, 3059AD and no coffie holders sheesh.

it is the 31st century and man kind is once again in a civil war, a war where giant humanoid battle machines are the kings of the modern battlefield. standing between 6 and 18 meters of height these fusion powered metallic monsters rain death and destruction to their enemies, their pilots are the Elite of the Elite knowing that each battle they go into is a battle they might not return from, they are MechWarriors.
However in a different universe on a peaceful planet that has not known war for a millennia, The nation of Equestria must prepare for the worst when cities and towns on its boarder start to go missing.
How will things change for the ponies during this time of tension, When a mercenary unit of the most feared war machines to ever be rolled off an assembly line and piloted by maybe not the smartest of pilots but perhaps the luckiest bunch of pilots this side of Outreach, land right in the middle of negotiations between the nations.
Whilst being hunted by another group of individuals with there own plans and agenda for the new planet.
What will happen?, well were just gonna have to roll with it and find out Solaris fans :raritywink:.

P.S: id like to thank anyone giving this story at least a look, I will endeavour to update this story whenever I can but as with everything else, RL and Exams tend to be slightly obstructive for us writers especially newby writers such as myself :twilightsheepish:.
P.P.S: if you have come here expecting a stern Battletech lore faithful story you will be disappointed because as the story is tagged it contains OC's that me and some friends created and comedy (however I do intend to make it dark in some areas of the story, because... you know... Mechs verses infantry).
P.P.P.S: if you have any problems with my story please don't just leave a dislike, please elaborate on why you don't like this fanfic so I can improve on it and make it not so much a pain to read.

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Date: September 5th 2014

Location: Equis, Country of Equestria, Canterlot

Time: 03:17

It was a beautiful night in Equestria.

The stars sparkled in the clear night sky and the moon shone dimly across the lush green land. Even Starswirl the Bearded would have found the sight breathtaking.

Sadly due to how late it was very few ponies were awake to witness the beauty, This always saddened Luna. She always felt like her nights where unappreciated by the populace of Equestria, Quickly she banished the thoughts from her mind.

'No, Such thoughts are what caused me to turn into Nightmare Moon all those years ago'

Bringing her mind back to the task at hand, Princess Luna began to finish her regular task of checking the dream realm of her subjects. The many ponies of Equestria never usually managed to surprise the Princess of the Night with what their minds could conjure up, however, there was the odd occasion where she was quite startled by what she had stumbled onto. Like that dream Applejack's elder sibling had where he was in a cave fighting against a ferocious dragon and wining!?, or that time she had entered into the dreamscape of Derpy Hooves, ponyville's resident mail mare, never before had she seen so many muffins in one place.

So caught up in her reminiscing of past experiences the princess didn't notice the unusually dark dream cloud until she bumped face first into it.

"Ouch!", Luna began to rub her nose with her hoof gingerly whilst examining the object she bumped into. 'Somepony's bad dream, well fear not my subject, I'm going to rid you of this ominous creation conjured by your mind'. her horn began to fill with magic before she touched it to the troubled dreamscape, what happened next was not what she had expected.

Her mind was instantly filled with images of ponies running and flying for their lives as gryphon soldiers flew over head and darted in between the streets of ponyville, Luna was to shocked to believe what she was witnessing. 'The Gryphon kingdom attacking Equestria, why?!' this question raced through her head just before a consistent sound of large hoof falls are heard by her over the noise of screaming ponies.

A giant bipedal creature rose up on to the hilltop to the east of the town, its large sleek, birdlike form dwarfing any creature Luna had seen before in her whole life, besides a dragon. The creature raised both its arms, which Luna could now see had what looked like barrels for arms, and they fired beams of pure light into the crowds of fleeing ponies.

"No, stop!" the princess yelled. Before Luna could attempt to change anything, the nightmare turned into a horror show. The creature turned its attention to her and it's weapons of light started to glow an ominous green. Luna tried to fly away but suddenly the sensation of searing heat across her wings and back made her cry out in pain and freeze up, she started to plummet uncontrollably to the ground.

She landed on her side with all the grace of a rock but started to try and rise on to her hooves, however, the ground started to shake violently and rhythmically. Luna hesitantly looked up into the barrel of one of the creatures terrifying weapons as it began to charge up, Feeling defeated Luna collapsed to the ground before hearing a distinct cold and monotone voice of a mare announce "Target destroyed". After that announcement a blinding flash and wave of heat hit Luna and she was promptly knocked out of the nightmare and back into the regular dreamscape.

Slowly but surly Luna razed herself back onto her hooves, "What in the name of Faust was that monster, and whom was the one that had created such a thing?!". She quickly tried to identify who the owner of the nightmare was, with a quick magical scan a name she hadn't heard of in a while appeared on the dream cloud.

'I must warn sister of this' with that thought in her head she started to use the magic tether stuck to her body to pull her mind back into that of her material form. Air rushed into her lungs as she jumped out of her dream state back into her regular body, she got up off of her bed and made her way to her sisters royal chambers.


location: Canterlot castle

time: 4:30 am

Bursting through the doors into her sisters room, Luna had forgone any formalities due to the severity of what she had witnessed. "Sister, it is most important we speak with you!", a grizzly tired voice was all that met her statement.

"Please, just five more minutes Lulu", the figure under the covers of the bed pleaded. "Sister this is no trivial matter, it is of the utmost importance we speak with you post haste, the fate of Equestria could hang in the balance!" At this sudden mention of possible danger Celestia stopped with the childish tired routine and shot out of her bed, a blinding flash illuminated the whole room, the light dimmed and Luna stood before Celestia adorned in her royal regalta.

"Luna, I trust this isn't some sort of prank to get back at me for that cake incident is it?", Celestia asked in her trademark stern motherly voice."No Tia. one of the ponies from ponyville, she had a very realistic nightmare". Celestia looked at Luna, a slightly annoyed expression starting to show on her face.

"Luna, all of this fuss over a dream?", Celestia deadpanned. "Sister we have traversed the dream realm for over a thousand years, we believe we can tell the difference between an ordinary nightmare and what I saw in that mares dream", Luna stated, feeling hurt at her sister's mistrust.

Celestia, seeing the hurt expression on Luna's face was quick to remedy the situation. "My apologies Lulu, I'm not thinking straight as its still quite early in the morning". Luna looked up at Celestia, "we are also sorry Tia for the rude awakening, It's just... the dream came from the mare every pony in ponyville tries to avoid". Celestia cocked an eyebrow at this, "do you mean Miss Light Spectre?", Luna slowly nodded.

Celestia let out a heavy sigh, "Do you know what happened to make the villagers of Ponyville scared of her?", Celestia asked her sister. "Well... we... no sister we hath not been told, we hath only heard roomers". Luna started to look ashamed at herself for being so prejudice of one of her subjects based on only the suspicion of others. The Princess of the Day let out another sigh 'Maybe I should have told Luna about this instead of keeping it a secret like Light asked me to'. With this thought in her head, Celestia turned to face Her sister.

"Luna, what I am about to tell you has to be kept a secret even from your personal guard, do you understand?" Luna nodded in understanding.

With the confirmation that she wouldn't be telling anypony about this Celestia began to recall the story behind the mare known as Light Spectre, she sighed, "It all started about 2 years ago..."


Date: September 6th 3059

Location: Planet Tharkad, onboard the Dropship Megalith out bound for the Nadir jump point to dock with the jump ship Chimera.

Time: 05:30

Nathan Ward was by any regular onlookers imagination, a standard Clansman. Being about as cocky as that of any young Clan MechWarrior with an average pilot build and a close shaven head of brown hair, The only abnormality was him being born with a condition which caused him to have one brick red coloured eye and one cyan blue coloured eye.

Other than that. He had lived the life of any normal clan warrior, who had been saved by a mercenary company after betraying those he once followed blindly, he was calm collected and always hated doing irrational and stupid things, including doing anything related to socialising with the mercenary scum he owed his life to and was forced to work with.

However the position he found himself in at this moment of time may just have undermined everything he convinced company commander Exodus put in his pilot dossier about being calm and collected.

But then again who could blame him, he was a Clans man after all born and raised for combat.

“Gaaah!”, Nathan yelled as he started rebounding off the exit to the Mech bay.

“You filthy FREEBORN!” Nathan lunged at his attacker intending to rip his head off.

However the figure that had attacked Nathan merely laughed and executed exact same manuver, pushing off the back of Nathan's Mad dog and yelling “you just had to insult me didn’t you!”

The two connected mid air and started ripping into each other, kicks and punches furring between the two men; this exchange went on for the better part of 5 minutes before an explosion happened and a darkened, covered in soot, smoking technician floated past.

“God damn it Jake!” the man who had been fighting Nathan yelled at the technician as he floated past with his left arm on fire.

“Hay at least I didn’t set off the inferno rounds in the Vulture’s side this time” The tech retorted as he floated by while patting his burning arm and trying to put out the fire, when finished he folded his arms over his chest and gave a look of amusement towards the two fighters his brown eyes focusing mainly on Nathan.

“So you ladies decided to kiss and makeup yet?” Jake retorted angering Nathan even more but garnering an audible laugh from the attacker, After the laughter subsided the older man looked over at Nathan.

“No but I believe the Lieutenant was about to apologise for calling me an inbred, freeborn whelp”, the man gave Nathan a glare with his dark crimson eyes.

Nathan sighed “Very well I concede the field and I apologise for simply pointing out what you are lance Commander Exodus”, he stated with a smug grin, however he regretted it after a right hook quickly collided with his cheek bone, after regaining his bearings and quickly rubbing the blood from his mouth Nathan shot his own glare at the half wolf half man who he had worked with for the last 10 years of his life.

“That bloody hurt you stravag!”, Nathan winced as that little outburst had just reviled his British base accent. Both Exodus and Jake looked at him their faces struggling to hold in the laughter, their faces couldn’t hold it in any longer “HAHAHA”, both men rolled backwards in the 0G environment of the Dropship not being able to control their tumbling due to the laughter.

Nathan grunted as he proceeded to leave through the bay exit, however as he did he looked back at Exodus and Jake and gave them an evil smile “Don’t worry gents, It’s only my turn on watch duty at the next base camp", at that both Exodus and Jake froze.

“Best check your rooms for any surprises in the coming nights”, he smiled as his last sentence had the desired effect, However as he left he thought at the way he had talked to the two mercenaries, and then winced as he thought of what Natasha Kerensky would have done too him if she caught him speaking with such contractions.

He made his way to the kitchen of the mess area or what would class as a kitchen on the faily large sized union class Dropship, He turned a hall to find it only had one occupant and that occupant was Chris Blaze, Chris turned to look at Nathan “Greetings Chris, how is the meal” Nathan said trying to sound calm; he didn’t know why but something about Chris unsettled him, the guy was about the same age as Exodus with blue eyes and close shaven brown hair, however he was not a boastful pilot, mostly keeping to himself unless combat called for him to communicate with the lance on rare occasion.

Chris looked at Nathan, then he nodded no emotion showing on his face, “If I didn’t know any better id say the Stravag is enjoying this a bit too much” Nathan thought to himself as he tried to stop a loud gulp but failed.

“GULP”, the room went silent once again as Chris once again looked at Nathan but this time a smirk was crested on his face. Nathan just slowly edged around the seated man and made his way to the fridge.

After Nathan's little exploration in the kitchen fridge and mess area he decided to go for a stroll back towards the Mech bay, however he decided on not making his way there just yet as a females voice bellows out throughout the ship “1 mike until we latch with the jumpship, Captain Gale out”, with that Nathan decided to make his way to the observation deck which was much closer than the Mech bay.

Nathan had always hated the docking procedure with jumpships, as the sudden jolt usually meant he had to put a death grip on whatever was close by to stop himself from face planting the floor, wall or ceiling in the 0G environment. However the one thing he did like about the docking with the jumpship was the jumping from system to system process, it only lasted for a split second but the sight was one to behold, Nathan strapped himself into one of the observation area’s chairs preparing for the sudden jump through the hole that was to be ripped in space.

“Megalith docked, Jumpship Chimera jumping out system in 3..."




For a split second, brightness unlike anything Nathan had witnessed in a jump before had enveloped his whole vision. A rainbow of colours swirled around the two ships then everything went Black as Nathan passed out from the Extreme G-forces being forced on his body as did the Crews of both ships.


Date: 6th September 3059
Time: 14:00
Location: Oberon, Pirate controlled space, on board the union class dropship Fenris

Commander Alexander Blake stared into the deepness of space, it was a beautiful sight and it almost reminded him of the time when he was just a young boy full of innocence.

The Commander was interrupted from his train of thought when a Coms officer young man not even in his 20’s yet ran into the Commanders quarters, forgoing any formalities the boy panted and struggled to catch his breath.

“gahh... *pant*... *pant*... Commander... the marc’s... th...they just jumped... *pant*... away from Tharkad” the man managed to finally blurt out.

“Is that all?” Alexander asked him, his tone cold and calculating as space itself.

“*pant*... yes sir” the boy finally caught his breath and said.

“Hmm... very well I shall make my way to the bridge then” the Commander said as he passed the teenage boy, however as Alexander was about to pass the boy he turned with something in his hand.

“And corporal...”Alex said in a very low voice.

“yes si...”the guy never finished his sentence as a bright lance of pure ruby hit him in his left temple and he collapsed to the ground in a heap, blood oozing from the charred hole in the side of his head.

“Never walk into my room and talk too me, without showing proper military respect” the Commander growled to the now deceased Coms officer on the floor in the middle of his doorway, Alexander paid it no heed as he kicked the corps aside, holstered his laser pistol and began his march up to the bridge of the Dropship.

“Time for the hunt to begin” he thought to himself as he continued his leisurely march towards the Bridge.

“Soon Shadow Lance, I shall have my vengeance”, He said quietly to himself a smug grin begin to form.

Said the Spider to the Fly...

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Chapter 2


The Aerospace fighter flew low overhead shredding the ferro-titanium armour off the remnants of a Draconis Combine Mauler. It's quick, accurate and deadly volley of Streak Short Range Missile's shredding the Kuritan war machine, high explosive warheads detonating the Auto cannon rounds stored within its right torso.

The giant 90 ton war machine stood upright for a few seconds before collapsing to the ground, the pilot was knocked unconscious after receiving so much punishment. However, the pilot of one of the Clan mechs didn't leave anything to chance. she manoeuvred her Ice Ferret into position above the collapsed behemoth of a mech and sent a volley of fire from the arm mounted laser and particle cannon into the cockpit.

If the freeborn had survived the initial destruction of his machine, then that last shot Alexus put into the head of the Mauler should have finished the job.

She sighed, ‘Another world liberated from the pathetic Freeborn rulers of the Inner Sphere,’. She looked around, taking in the amount of destruction done to the civilian infrastructure.
but are we truly any better as Liberators than the aggressors we are trying to save this galaxy from? or are we just-‘. Alexus was cut from her train of thought as the computer alarms bleared in her neuro-helmet.

“WARNING!, Missile lock detected”, the female monotone voice chirped out.
Alexus jinked her small medium Omnimech on its right leg, the fast and strenuous move, causing some internal damage to the actuators and straining some myomer conduits. Ultimately the Ice Ferret avoided the double volley of Long Range missile that slammed into the ground she had been occupying a few seconds ago.

The computer spoke up once again “WARNING! Enemy detected. Targeting.... New target acquired”.

Looking to where her computer and radar indicated, she saw something that made herself shiver... but grin at the same time with anticipation.

Pushing the throttle stick on her command couch as far as it would go, she attempted to close the distance between herself and the Catapult support heavy Battlemech. The enemy Heavy attempted to bring her down before she could close, using its contingent of medium lasers to try and bring down the much smaller machine. as she approached the LRM dead zone, the pilot of the Catapult attempted another volley of missiles, a handful of the small guided explosives detonating across her frontal armour, something Alexus did not think the Free born had the skill to pull off at such a close range.

The Kurita Warrior then ignited his mechs jump jets and flew forward towards Alexus in an attempt to crush the much smaller Ice Ferret under its weight.

'Death from above...'

Alexus realised she was moving too fast to try and stop without sending her machine sprawling across the country side and possibly ending herself, so instead she turned her machine to face the mid air Inner Sphere warrior full on.

She aimed.

Then She pushed the firing studs, firing everything she had at the Kuritan mechs torso.

The cockpit temperature spiked, becoming almost unbearable, even with her cooling vest, the sweat drenched her body as her weapons fired off. Her extended range Particle Projectile Cannon impacted and melted the last of the armour off the already damaged left side of the Catapult, Her extended range medium laser hitting the same area. With most of the armour already gone from that section, the smaller energy weapon began cutting into the internal structure. However, the Streak SRM 2 launcher failed to lock on and missed the target going wide and detonating into the hillside the Catapult had jumped from.

Time seemed to slow as the catapult approached its inevitable impact; Alexus knowing that her death was imminent closed her eyes...

Only to be met by nothing...

She cracked open one eye to see the burning wastes of the city her Clan had captured, the Flag of the Draconis combine burning slowly above the local garrison's base.
As she turned her torso observing the destruction she noticed a small amount of debris, the debris pile kept growing as she turned her torso a full 90 degrees before changing her legs orientation.

Then she saw it.

The Catapult that had tried to crush her was lying on its side, along with a large blackened and rent hole where its side torso used to be. As well as shattered, burning cockpit. For the second time that day a smile touched her lips, a smile of triumph as she wiped the sweat from her brow.

Just before...

*Beep beep* “WARNING! Reactor Breach detected!” *Beep beep* "WARNING!” *Beep beep* the warning klaxons continued to sound off in her ear.

“whaaaa-!?“ was all Alexus managed to exclaim before the detonation.

A bright flash of light encompassed her vision and a burning sensation unlike anything she had ever felt before shot through her body. The burning, feeling like she had just been thrown into the local planetary star racked her body until.....


Date: 6th September 2014

Location: Ponyville

Local time: 11:37am

Light Spectre awoke with a scream, her rose red coloured coat soaked with sweat and her eyes blinking away tears.

“th-that dream again...” getting out of her bedding Light dragged herself over to the bathroom of her small apartment, her hooves making a quiet clip clopping noise as she proceeded towards her destination. She turned on the light in the bathroom and was instantly assaulted by the horrific image of her sleep deprived complexion, a sigh escaped her muzzle.

“Great... just great, and here I thought this Jelly mane stuff is supposed to help avoid situations like this” the mare groaned as she began the arduous task of styling messy mane coat back to a somewhat semi presentable state. Her navy blue and dark grey mane hanging loosely on her head, contrasted strongly against the colour of her coat in even in the darkness of her bathroom, turning on the sink and sticking her face under the cold running water helped to calm her nerves, it was not the first time she had that dream but it was also not the only one she had.

A few hours ago she had another nightmare where the giant metal monsters that seemed to dominate her dreams had brought forth unimaginable suffering on to the populace of Ponyville... her home, at least for the moment.

She knew not why she was having these dreams, nor what may stop them. She had tried magic wards provided to her by Princess Sparkle, the local Princess and magical wizz, but they didn’t work.

She had tried sleeping on clouds as Ponyvilles resident weather manager had recommended, Spectre still had the healing burn mark from when she had accidentally fallen through a thunder cloud. Although it hurt badly at the time of the strike, it provided her with something to chuckle about whenever she tried remembering moments after her... appearance.
The only things Light Spectre can remember from her whole life in Equestria were after she had crashed through one of the stained glass windows of the Royal palace a few months ago, it was there that the palace guard and staff had detained and diagnosed her with an extreme case of amnesia. her confused babbling and attempts at walking on her hooves after the crash had all pointed towards severe concussion, in the opinion of the medical staff present at the time.

The next issue presented itself when the doctors tried to find where she came from. 'It's amazing how much of a cluster buck their checks can be with with no cuttie mark for identification...' No relatives or next of kin could be found, as well as no registered home. this of course, got allot of attention as well as hushed rumours of possibly being a changeling scout of some sort...

most of these rumours where put to rest however once several magical scans took place, confirming that she was 'low and behold' a healthy Pegasus mare with a long life expectancy.

After those few days of confusion, no pony had any idea on what to do with her. But with some help from the local monarch, Princess Celestia. Light was able learn to walk like normal again... well as normal as others would see her.

She was also re-taught in the Ponyville rehabilitation centre under the care of a Mrs Twilight Sparkle, how to use her feathered wings for flight, she wasn't the best flier in the world but she could carry her own weight as a substitute for the local weather team. Quickly finishing up with getting herself cleaned up she decided to take a glance at the time on her digital... clock

11:58AM. . . . .

“...” she stared for a while... bewildered, before realisation hit her like the late express train on its way to Canterlot.
Her eyes widened and she bolted for the door.

“OH BUCK, I’M GONNA BE LATE!” Quickly throwing on a saddle bag, she shot out the door as fast as she could, unfurling her wings she prepared to take flight into the morning skies of the quint town. But of course, the inexperience in flying combined with a parcel hitting her in the head multiplied by gravity resulted in her spinning out of control and crashing into the coffee table of a familiar group of ponies.

'Pony feathers...'


the Elements of Harmony looked onto the crashed form of Light Spectre with a large amount of shock.






“Hay Look, its Lighty! Haya Lighty” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as Light began to regain her senses.

“uugh... Hi Ms Pie” she winced as she felt the area on her head that connected with the oak wood table, no bleeding but there is defiantly going to be a large lump later on. Glancing around Light also noticed the rest of the Elements looking at her with mixture of emotions the most prominent one being surprise.

“Umm... Hi Light Spectre, so... to what do we owe you dropping in?” Light Spectre almost froze after being asked that by Twilight.

'Did the Princess just... make a... horrible pun!?' Light shook her head clear.

Rainbow was the first to break from her shock and fall straight into a bout of laughter "hahaha heheh", after a few seconds she calmed down. "y-your learning Twi, keep it up and you might end up being as good at jokes as me"

“heh... yeah" Spectre chuckled painfully "kinda did drop in on that one didn't I?” Suddenly she heard a noise she thought she would never be more scared of in her young life, the clock tower of Ponyville began to ring signalling that it had just reached high noon.

“No, no, no! I am so dead!” Light bolted up out of her prone position and tried to fly off, but stabbing pain lanced at the base of her wings causing her to yelp.

Rarity was the second to recover from the destruction of their lunches due to the kinetic, organic missile now starting to pull her injured self up out of the wooden table wreckage. “well that was quite... unexpected” Rarity stated as she levitated her now destroyed tea cup up to examine, wincing as she realises the cup was beyond saving. "I'm sure it wasn't too expensive..."

“Wow Spectre. your wings look banged up worse than that time I flew through Applejacks barn window during cider season," Rainbow stated as she observed one of Light Spectre's badly bruised wings. The usually red fur covered joint starting to show colouration of blue and black. "I think you might want to get that checked out..." She helped the still slightly dazed Pegasus up right.

"I Don't need to get checked out, I need to get going" She grumbled out in response to Rainbow Dash.

Grunting, Light Spectre abandoned the idea of flying and decided on racing away to her destination on hoof. "Sorry about the mess and all girls! I'll pay for it later, I swear!" kicking up a cloud of dust in the process and ignoring the Element bearers as they called after her.

“Light Spectre wait, you left your bags here!” Twilight called, receiving no response back from the pony as she disappeared off into the distance. She decided to place the abandoned saddle bags onto her back and return them to the Pegasus as soon as possible.

Looking over to the five of her friends, twilight voiced what the others were similarly thinking at that moment. “Come on girls; let’s go see what’s got our friend so worked up... other than being late for something” with this all but one of the Mane Six began their brisk walk after the hectic mare.

“I’m sorry super sweet delicious strawberry cupcake... but I wont be able to enjoy your fruity taste for now” Pinkie quickly pushed herself to look in the direction of her friends, her mood becoming serious. “because I’ve got a friends emergency to fix!” with that said Pinkie's mood took a 180 degree turn and she started happily bouncing after the rest of the group. However, just as she landed the sixth bounce of her happy stride she was struck by multiple leg and tail shakes followed by both her forelegs getting an itchy knee’s which was then followed by a huge smile spreading across her face as she resumed her bounce after her friends.

'Ooooooooo, Lighty's gonna have such a big surprise!'


Date: Calculating... Unknown

Location: Calculating... Unknown

Time: Calculating... 22:18

“Ughhh, my head” Nathan grunted groggily as he undid the restraints and pushed himself off the chair he was in. His vision was blurred considerably, so as he looked out the observation deck all he could make out was the rough shape of the jumpship.
It was not a pretty sight.

The nose of the ship was executing a slow spin as if something has smashed into the doomed vessel, this was further enforced by the way the ships nose was unaligned and unattached with the rest of the vessels body. Along the hull of the star ship where areas of shredded metal, so bad where the scares on the once interstellar ship that it looked as if someone had decided to go too town on the hull of the ship with some over sized shotgun.

Nathan went to swear again, but something caught his attention. A globule of blood floated past his vision, quickly he began checking himself over for injury. He moved a hand to his head only to pull it away feeling the sticky wet substance steadily leaking from the back of his cranium.

Nathan was now floating through the observation deck with a possible concussive injuries and no idea if anyone else survived.

“Perfect... just perfect” Nathan pushed himself away from the non damaged observation window and began to try and open the doors that kept him from his hopefully still breathing comrades and the greater supply of recycled air on the other side. The door didn’t budge...

“Great father, the one time that we planned to return home for some rest and this happens!” Nathan continued to tug at the door for a few minutes before letting go and deciding to allow himself the zero gravity movement across the room.
A light beeping grabbed his attention, turning his head about and seeing the oxygen monitor on the side of the room reaching critical levels.

"So some systems are still working..."

he started thinking about all that happened in his life. From his failure in his first trial, too the first time he went on a mission with his new comrades whom he owed his life too, Nathan went through all the memories.

'So this is my life flashing before my eyes hmm?... It would be wrong to lie and say I wasn't expecting more of a spectacular show' he began to breathe more steadily as oxygen in the room became more and more scarce.

Nathan's vision started to blur as more and more of the precious oxygen supply began to run out.

No!, now is not the time for sentimentality! I refuse to die here like this!’ Nathan spun around in the 0G environment, grasped the doors that had imprisoned him in the observation room.

With all of his remaining strength he pulled, and pulled, until finally...

The door budged by about an inch, this allowed more oxygen to flow into his enclosed space. With a few more precious minutes of air secured Nathan started to think about his next move. ‘Sit here and hope someone survived? Or try and force my way out? So many choices...’ It was at that moment he looked up, and the universe heard a face palm unlike none other.

“w-what...?” Nathan voiced as he stared dumbfounded at what he had seen.

Twisting around once again he placed his feet on the back of the seat he woke up in and pushed himself towards the ceiling, grunting as he grabbed a hold of the shut steal vent of the ventilation system, he then proceeded to pull out the pocket knife he had acquired from Exodus during their scuffle and started to undo the screw that held the sealed vent in place. ‘I wonder how our fearless leader is handling this situation right now.’. He undid the last screw and bolt and pulled the sealed vent off leaving it to float about the room, he then proceeded to pull himself into the tight passageway and began to pull himself through.

“for all of our sakes, he best be alive and well enough to come up with a plan to get off of this dead hulk or magically come up with an idea too fix it” he said to no one in particular as he made his way through the ventilation system towards what he thought was the elevator shaft that would lead him to the Mech bay.

He had a gut feeling this is where he would find Exodus and others from his company, a familiar piercing cry of pain reverberating through the vent system from the direction of the bay further enforced this idea as he continued to Navigate in its direction.