> Whats Left of Us - Once Upon A Hero > by CptFloatsYourBoat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1. Whats Left of Us: Prologue and The Standard of Champions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------ //Story: Whats Left of Us //Author: Graybard //------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------ //Prologue: Who we were and what we Became Once upon a time... So many stories have started this way, stories of princesses guarded by dragons in towers, of chivalrous knights and their struggle agaist tyranny, or simply a boy and a girl who fall in love and have a happily ever after. If it were really that simple, then in my eyes this story wouldn't be worth telling. This is a story of a race of Dragons, unlike those mostly know, these are Dragonkin, a bipedal wingless breed of dragons. Its said that our origins are in the lab of a mad magican as an experiment gone awry, others believe we were summoned from the eathreal plan. The last one at least sounds plausible do to our inherant ability to detect and control magical laylines in the universe, but most likely we simply came about along with every other species in the world. But I digress... Our species is rare, so rare in fact that in earlier times our survival depended on either the best possible relations with our neighbors, or winning the savage wars that came from not-so-good-relations. We were nomadic, so most thought us wild. That could never have been farther from the truth. We were scholars, who seeked for knowledge in every nook and cranny we traveled too. And knights, who followed all things ritous and good. It was we who created The Codex of the Righteous, the book that defined what being a hero meant. Its contents were a monument to Heroes, all the greatest achievements that had ever been done were written there, from the Rising of the Banner of Guardians, to The Great Dragon War, to the Fall of Lord Discord, and The battle between the Sun and the Moon. Its why the Dragonkin finally settled on the top of the worlds greatest and tallest mountain, Heavensgate. So we could look down over all the land and see evil wherever it rose, and there we would be to stomp it out. We became known as the Guardians. We were an army of the finest smiths, engineers, warriors, wizards, scholars, and diplomats that this world had ever known. We were the apex of all the technology and teachings our planet could provide. Our name alone was more terrifying than any army. We were for all intents and purposes, the caretakers of this world and all its inhabitants. Our goal was to create an everlasting peace, no easy feat. War after war smashed our order like the tide against great rocks, but we held fast to hope and courage. The years passed, kingdoms rose and fell and after so many years of war, destruction and chaos, we finally had it, all of the lands near and far celebrated almost one thousand years of peace and prosperity. It was on that day, the day when shadow blotted out the sun, that my people fell. //Chapter One: The Standard of Champions There it was, a shield with a tall powerful silver tree with four large branches brazened across its front, each branch carrying a symbol at its end. This was the standard of the Guardians. The dragon-boy couldn't help but want to reach out and touch the glass. "Orpheus!" the sound startled the boy, making him fall away from the stand, it was is father Thraseus that spoke "What have I told you about touching that hmm?" Orpheus had always been overfearful of things around him, but he still had heart, that was enough for his father. "But papa I wasn't gonna touch it!" "Oh, you weren't were you?" Thraseus asked with a mocking smile "No I was just gonna..." little Orpheus' voice trailed off as his father stared down at him, he rubbed the light blue scales on his snout as a sign of nevousness. He knew he was busted, and even if not, he couldn't think of an excuse. "That is priceless, and not for playing with." "Why is it so valuable daddy?" "Well...that son is a long, long story." Thraseus picked up his son "It was your grandfathers, during the War of Sun and Moon." "In the final battle your grandpa stood on the hill before the dark princess Moon. It was he who battled her, for time, time for the Great queen of the Sun to reach the hill with the great elements and smite her. It was this shield," Thraseus pointed to the glowing symbol "that deflected her mightiest blow against him, when all his weapons had failed. And it was this shield that Moons sister, Celestia the Sun, appeared behind when it was lowered. The suprise was all hers, and with it she..." his voice trailed off, as if he had heard something. Orpheus looked on, dieing in anticipation of what would happen next "What! What happened next, daddy!?" "The whole story..." he continued "Is too long to tell now. Go on, you need to finish your studies for the day." Orpheus couldn't help but look on in dissapointment "And if you do, I can tell you the whole story at bedtime." Orpheus' face lit up in excitement, his heart jumping at the mere thought of a good story. He ran of to find his scripts and finish the days teachings. Thraseus called after him "And remember, tomorrow we start out to find you a combat trainer!" Little Orpheus couldn't hear him, his mind focused on finding his tome and reading. He loved reading, and spent every minute he could doing so. There was just something about a good book that the boy couldn't quite shake. ...The branches of the Great tree stand for the circles of power. The farthest left stood for the parchment and quill, which meant knowledge and diplomacy, the first of all things that should be used by those who believe in good. The second from that stood for the shield and sword, which meant protecting the innocent and standing fast for the battles needed to secure the peace. This was the tedious duty of those who had sworn the oath to justice. The third stood for the void of the eather, which meant magic, in its purest form. It was magic's infinite power that formed this world and the founders who used this awsome might to forge our society. The final branch stood for the hammer and gear, which meant metalwork and enginuity. It was these that gave us the tools to defend civil and just, and to thwart those whos wicked ways would leave us in ruin. These were the tennants of all Guardians. The boys eyes laid heavily as he imagined these at work, sword and shield in the hands of a brave knight or the eather at the command of a wize old wizard, in some far away land doing battle with a evil king. Or the gears turning on a trebuchet as it vollied heavy boulders at an evil monsters magical keep. His focus changed, Orpheus could feel something was wrong, someone was...angry, fustrated even. Orpheus had these premonitions from time to time, his father believed it to be a possible magical talent. Just then the silence was broken by yelling in the main hall, and the boy snapped out of his trance. He wanted to go see, but was affraid being caught from his studies would get him punished. However as most children are his curiousity got the better of him. It was most definitely his fathers voice he thought, but the other voice was unfamiliar. "It is folly to believe that a mere princess can hold both Discord AND Nightmare Moon!" The unfirmiliar voice spoke. "We must keep at least the statue under guard here, where noone can meddle with it." "I've told you no, this cannot pass, it was our agreement that princess Celestia had the right to decide their fates, and she has decided!" The voice grew agitated "This is madness Thraseus! The girl is keeping the most dangerous creature know to our kind, as a garden ornament!" And like the sound of thunder his father spoke "I AM IN COMMAND AM I NOT?!" his every word seemed to spill fire from his mouth. "Yes Hyperion, but I only meant..." "NO! I WILL NOT START EVEN THE TINIEST CONFLICT OVER THIS!" his rage subsiding "I've known Celestia almost all of my life! She's as powerful and wise as most of the elders, and damn it if I don't trust her as much as...as much as..." he seemed to crumple at these words. "I appologize Thraseus. I did not mean to bring your wife to memory." "No it is I who should appologize Seragi. I'm just so tired of these damned politics." For a time there was silence, only permeated by the falling of rain that had started outside. Thraseus spoke "Ahh look at the time, I must get little Orpheus to bed." "I only hope you are right to trust her Thraseus. To me she seems only a youngling." "She is my friend, and she has every right to both of their fates, please let her have them, in her hands Discord will remain a stone, and Luna is well looked after, she may have been corrupted, but they are still sisters." And at that Seragi said his goodbyes and left. It was now as Thraseus tucked his boy into bed, that he remembered his promise. "I believe I owe you a story." He said "One of your grandpa, Ireseus." "Now, in a far away kingom, there were two sisters..." "Sun and Moon!" Orpheus said "Yes, Sun and Moon. Who ruled together, in harmony. The eldest, used her magic to raise the sun each dawn, and the youngest, brought the moon to start the night. As time passed, the youngest became resentful of her sister." "How come?" "Well, all living things would relish her sister's daytime, but sleep through her night. On one fateful day, Moon refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn. Her sister tried to reason with her, but something had placed dark seed in her. The bitterness of envy fed that seed and it grew into corruption in the youngest's heart. She swore she would force the land into eternal night!" A blast of thunder outside made little Orpheus throw the covers over his head. He sat there for a moment and shook. His father chuckled. "Moon then gathered to her an army of darkness, creatures of similar corruption that would plunge the world into destruction and chaos. It was here that Sun called for aid, knowing that what her sister had summoned could not be beaten by her alone. And the Guardians answered." Orpheus had poked his head back out from the covers. "Where's grandpa in this story?" "Anxious are we?" Thraseus chuckled again "Grandpa Ireseus was only a young lad then, just gaining his first battle rank among the Guardians. His father worried for him, so he had the Hephesti, or Grand Smithmaster, forge his son a shield from a recently fallen star." "Woah, grandpa's shield is a STAR!" "Made from one, yes. And it was enhanced tenfold by special magics known only to the Hephesti himself. To bad, at the time, grandpa could barely hold a sword! At this point the war was getting out of hand, and it seemed as though, even with the Guardians, that Moon was winning. So reluctantly, Sun decided to end the conflict, she must harness the most powerful artifacts known to her kind. The Elements of Harmony!" Thraseus threw his arms up and waved them about to symbolize the feign shock, which got Orpheus giggling. "Moon somehow found out about her sister's plans, and to stop her, assaulted Sun's castle with all the forces under her command. The battle was terrible and fierce, and the men were losing hope, they were outnumbered and their lines were collapsing inward. And still Sun was nowhere to be seen, still trying to harness the power of the elements." "All had seemed lost, and it was then, at this lasting nights darkest point, that light was cast on the battlefield. A light so bright that it rivaled the sun. All there turned to it, looking for some sign of Sun, or her fabled elements. Instead it was a young Guardian, his shield now alight from within guiding all around him forward. He had found hope, and it eminated from the mystic metals inspiring those around him. They charged, battering back the enemy again and again, until the line broke." Thraseus had gone stonefaced, Orpheus looking on at him intently for the next portion. "Now some say Ireseus was lost in the confusion, somehow winding up behind the enemy lines. Others believe the dark princess teleported him away from his comrades so she could deal with him herself. Either way it was the same, he stood face to face with Moon. And up on the top of the highest hill, he fought her, the inexperienced welp trading blow for blow with the battlemaiden Moon. He grew weary, soon only with his shield keeping her at bay, holding it high. Then a voice whispered in his ear. Show her my face, lower your shield" "He complied, not understanding why, and at that moment he dropped to one knee and lowered his shield to reveal Sun, standing behind him in all her glory, the elements of harmony glowing in all the colors of the rainbow." "What did Sun do? She didn't hurt her sister did she!?" "No, but she had to remove her somehow, so as pennance for her misdeeds, she was banished to the moon. The elder sister took on Moons resposibilities, and balance in her kingdom has been maintained for generations since. After that, grandpa became a legend among us. And so far we've lived happily ever after." Orpheus yawned "Will I ever be brave enough to become a legend daddy?" "Maybe son, but thats up to you to decide..." Thraseus tucked Orpheus in. "Goodnight little hero." "Goodnight dad." > 2. Whats Left of Us: The Trial > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------ //Story: Whats Left of Us //Author: Graybard //------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------ //Chapter Two: The Trials "There is nothing for you to fear here." Thraseus said trailing his claw against the great doors to the trial room. The nine year old dragonkin boy holding on to his pantleg was not so convinced. "What if I can't make it, what if I don't come out? Will they throw me away? Will they banish me!?" "We would never banish you tike! Who would keep the great beacons lit if not for you!" said Raine, smiling down at Orpheus, her silvery scales seeming to almost reflect her inner pride for him. Raine was the closest thing that Orpheus had to a mother, and one of the few things that kept him from closing up in the face of fear. All of his prowess and courage was taught to him by her. It was to be smithing that was his trade, but it was Guardian code that had him trained in combat. It was Raine the Bladequeen that took Orpheus as her apprentice, and in the ways of battle, Raine had no equal among the Guardians ranks. Canidates flooded from all over the town fortress of Heavensgate, wanting their sons or daughters to be her apprentice, to be the best. She was offered weapons and machines, rank and calibur, even troves of gold and jewels. But she never saw those things, only the canidates. Heart and a simple will to better himself, that was the only thing that gave him the strength to stand before her, to walk through that door at all. Even then he cowered behind his weapons. The little dragonish boy was chosen for nothing special, nothing extrordinary, simply his heart, the way that he held himself even through his own fear. And his want to conquer his fear. And that training now led the boy here, the Guardian's right of passage, to become that which those who tread the dark path fear most "And to illuminate the world with hope!" Raine had said. "I would rather just be home, with a good book." he mumbled Orpheus was pulled forward by his father, his reluctance melted under his next sight. Before him was the great tree, the symbol of all of his hard work. He would be a errant, the first rank of the righteous path. The room around him washed away as the tree's light grew more and more intense. He stared into it and felt as if it stared back. He heard a loud slam, the door had shut behind him, his father and teacher were now gone and he was all alone. His first response was to run to the door, but it was so dark that finding it was impossible. He took a step back but all he could see was the tree. ever still, never moving from his vison, almost as if following him, and then it spoke. The voice booming across the room "COME BEFORE ME AND BE JUDGED!" Orpheus closed his eyes, he was so affraid, hoping beyond hope it was simply a dream "COME BEFORE ME AND BE JUDGED!" it said again, even louder. Orpheus knew he must confront it, knew that in the end he would have to, or never leave. He opened his eyes, what was once a dark room was now a field at sunset, storm clouds on the horizon, chasing the sky away. What was once a tree, was now a chainmailed figure in white, the ghostly scales on his face seeming almost translucent. His visage now seemed calm, even comforting, but that was drowned out by how firmiliar the face was. It was his grandfather...standing their ghost white holding the shield with the tree that Orpheus had tried to play with as a child. It was impossible. "Not as impossible as you might think child." Had it read his mind!? "I could have, but the look on your face said enough!" at this the phantom bagan laughing "I'm suprised you remember old gramps. Oh the last time I saw you, you were only a tike! Oh how you've grown!" He couldn't believe it, all he wanted now was to run to him and hug his leg like so long ago. The most fun he had ever had was grandpa Ireseus' visits. "And I would much enjoy the embrace child, but now is neither the place nor time. This is your judgement, all you have worked for is beyond the white tree, but first you must face the trial. Do not worry, I shall watch over you, but remember, no matter how close I am, to succeed you must face this alone." And with that he faded and was gone. All that remained was the field, rolling hills of green rolling on forever, the darkness of a coming storm looming in the distance as the sun fell. It seemed as though the hills moved beneath him, sliding him forward against his face, as the light began to fade out, something else faded in. Weapons of all shapes and sizes and types, all around him and in all directions as far as he could see. Behind him was a woman, she lay their in a heap crying over what, Orpheus could not guess. He turned, opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, his words were halted by the barage of warnings going off in his head. It was his premonitions agian. It was as if their was a palpable evil close behind him. He spun and was greeted with the sight of another knight, dressed in red, sword and shield at the ready and charging strait for him. Before he could think the knight was apon him. As fast a lightning he struck across the chest, Orpheus barely able to leap from its path in time. Blood now trickled from a knick across his front, he reached down, a shield lay near his right and the knight was closing again. He raised the shield, impact, then all he felt was fire in his arm and warm blood trickling down his side. The kight had cut THOUGH the shield, the splintered wood tracing the swords path, through the shield and into the side of his arm, barely, but enough to cause severe pain. He could barely breath. The shield, now loose was easily torn away from him, the knights sword now free, he lunged down again, now met with an axe's edge. It was all Orpheus could do just to hold the axe, and repel this monsters onslaught. His breath was labored and his strength fading, and his terror was growing. All he could figure was the knight was here for something, and if it was this poor woman than to the nine hells with him, no man with this much darkness surrounding him was going to get anywhere near her. His breath was taken from him as the knight's leg kicked out and threw Orpheus from his feet. He fell to the side knocked nearly unconsious from the fall, it was his eyes that trailed the knight. His pace steady, heading toward the crying woman. he could not allow that to pass. But he was only nine, how could he face this? His fears welled up inside, all he wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry. He would fail, he would be cast out to the mountain below to wander the world forever alone. He needed his father and Raine, they'd know what to do, they were Guardians...and so was he. He concentrated on that, and the fear began to ebb away. He was only nine, but he was a Guardian, he thought, just like all the others that had been before him. He may not be strong, but he had to be now, for them. What would his father say. You are only nine, but you are a Guardian. And Guardians have faced greater odds before and won. With renewed vigor he reached out, a claymore caught his grip first. Leveling the massive blade he raised himself and charged. "If my ancestors could do it, so can I!" He growled at the knight. The knight swung out toward him with fervor, attempting to dowse the boys words with a rage of his own. This time he did not buckle, he did not fall and was not thrown away. He stood fast against the red terror, pushing back against him. The claymore held fast, neither splintering nor cracking, holding fast like Orpheus' resolve. With one mighty push the knight lurched back. It was his chance, Orpheus swung the blade wide in a downward arc. It caught agaist his shoulder and carved in. The knight dropped to one knee and jumped back, freeing himself from the blade, his shield arm now useless. And in again Orpheus charged, not giving the knight one breath, the knight dived left and swung in, attempting to go around Orpheus' guard, but Raine's teachings were set well in the boys mind and no half assed tactic like that would touch him. With a single swipe the knights sword...and sword hand, came free. Orpheus reversed his blades momentum and carved into the knights side. The knight fell before him, turning to wisps of smoke and vanishing before Orpheus' eyes. Orpheus did not care, he had to find the crying woman, see if she was okay. It was his Guardian instincts that led him now, the neverending desire to do the right thing and keep the innocent safe. She laid there, her crying had stopped and she glowed pale white, like his grandfather before. Orpheus reached out his claw, again trying to ask her if she was okay, she looked up and the words yet again caught in his throat. It was Muse...his mother, it had been even longer since he had seen her face, yet he remembered the day she left so clearly. Commanding Protector Muse of the Shieldmasters of Brook. She was a master in the heaviest of armors, her shield stood from the ground to her neck. He remembered her eyes the most, Seashell green like his. It was a mission to an outerlying farmstead called Penburry, there had been reports of shadowlike creatures lurking in the fields. She left on the brightest morning in June, contact with them was lost for almost a week, and when they sent scouts out to find them... The farmstead was razed to the ground, and the Shieldmasters and farmers were gone and all that remained was ash and the smell of death. That was all the report had said, but what it didn't include was the knowlege that one young boy would now grow up motherless. That that boys father would go on to be the Hyperion over all Guardians and have his time taken up by duties and procedures. And that a young Dragonkin would have to find his own way alone. Orpheus couldn't help but to run to her, crying tears of joy, all he could hear was her voice almost singing how proud she was of him. His eyes closed in what he thought would be a great big hug to his mother, but when his eyes opened he was holding his father, back outside the doors to the trial room. "You've done it my son!" At that the boy was conflicted, in his stomach brewed both great happyness that he had achieved the ultamate goal, and yet great sadness...how close he was to her one last time, and now she was gone. "YOU HAVE SUCCEEDED!" The mighty voice echoed from the room behind him. "YOU HAVE PROVEN YOU ARE WILLING TO LAY YOUR LIFE DOWN FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT DO IT THEMSELVES! YOU HAVE BECOME ONE OF US! YOU ARE A GUARDIAN NOW AND ALL THAT YOU DO WILL UPHOLD THE RIGHT IN THIS WORLD!" It was Ireseus again, his scales glowing almost a silver now, his tail whipping triumphantly into the air. Now staring at Orpheus with his head held high and a lively glow of pride in his eyes. "RAISE YOUR RIGHT HAND AND REPEAT AFTER ME!" Orpheus obeyed knowing what this was, knowing that all he had struggled for was coming to fruition. "WE ARE THE SHIELD AND SPEAR!" his grandfather began Orpheus repeated "We are the shield and spear!" "WE ARE THE STRENGTH OF THE WEAK!" "We are the strength of the weak!" "WE ARE THE RIGHTEOUS AND THE VIGILANT!" At this Orpheus used all his strength to match him "WE ARE THE RITOUS AND THE VIGILANT!" "FOR WE ARE THE TREE AND OUR BARK PROTECTS THE INNOCENT FROM EVIL!" "AND OUR BRANCHES KEEP IT AT BAY!" "AND OUR ROOTS STRIKE IT OUT WHEREVER IT MAY HIDE!" "WE ARE THE GUARDIANS!" Thraseus lifted from his neck, a silver pendant of a shield baring the great tree, a symbol of both his house and his Guardian heritage. "This was of my father passed to me, and now from me passed to you." as he said this he slipped the the pendant over his sons neck. The oath was spoken and it was official, Orpheus was now a Guardian till death take him. "OH AND ORPHEUS!" Ireseus' hand reched into his robes and pulled out a long package wrapped in leather. "IT HELPED YOU HERE, SO I BELIEVED IT MAY ALSO HELP YOU AGAIN! TAKE THIS AND KNOW YOU ARE NEVER ALONE!" At that he tossed the package toward Orpheus. The boy leapt to catch in and when he looked back Ireseus was gone and the doors closed with a snap. Orpheus could guess the package from what his grandfather had said, but it felt heavier now that before. With a pull on the leather the handle of the claymore was revealed and Orpheus' eyes lit up like stars. > 3. Whats Left of Us: Dark Days Ahead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------ //Story: Whats Left of Us //Author: Graybard //------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------ //Chapter Three: Dark Days Ahead He was a Guardian errant, and what a thing that was. Well technically he was and errand boy, but it was still improtant, "Because all clocks had to have well oiled gears" Thraseus had told him "no matter how big or small the gear is, it was important." "Sharpen this, tack that, craft this, hammer that. This is so boring!" That was Hagan, the smithmaster Heimenger's other apprentice. Orpheus was a smith now, finishing his second and a half year under Heimenger's tutelage, that made Orpheus twelve years old. Heimenger had once said he was a natural, but that hadn't stopped the smithmaster from working both boys to near death within the first week. It was nice though, what he mended and repaired protected the other Guardians from harm and armed them against their foes, what better a job was their? Or at least Orpheus thought so, which is why Hagan was the only one slapped in the back of the head, because he's the only one of the two who would think like that. "And what would you do if not this, eh?" retorted Heimenger "be a big brave knight and save the day?" "Yeah, I would be right there in the action, saving the day and getting the girl." Orpheus couldn't help but laugh at this. "An' what would you be if you were out there boy?" Orpheus turned to Heimenger, the smithmasters dark brown scales shone in the light of the furnace, even through all the soot that covered him. His eyes were intent on Orpheus' answer. "I would be a Scholar." Hagan scoffed at this. "A useful thing, but I never thought you the scholarly type!" "I really really like books..." The smithmaster began to chuckle, "Thats all well and good, but not my question." Orpheus reached up and grabbed at the pendant at his neck. It had never left his neck since the day of his trial. He flipped in over in his grasp thinking hard. "Out there? I'd be a Relikair." his voice unwavering "Noble work, bein' a Relikair." Heimenger said "Dangerous, but noble. The seekers of the past, those who delve deep to find our oldest knowledge, fighting traps and mosters alike! Would you really be willing to sacrifice yourself for simple knowledge and dusty old trinkets?" Orpheus' answer was simple, but it was right from his heart "Knowledge is our greatest weapon, without it we are ignorant and blind. Sacrifice is the risk we all take being Guardians. Everyday our brothers face death head on, should I do any less than that?" Heimenger laughed at this, "Aye boy, you have the heart of a hero in you! However it is here we must work, because without us, there is nothin' between our brothers and sisters and the enemy steel! Now finish up lads, we be closin' early today for the festival!" It was with quick hammerwork and an even quicker cleanup that the anxious dragon boys scurried off for the festivities. It was the festival of stars, held in the castles great courtyard, in commemoration of the end of the War between Princess Celestia and her Sister, the corrupted Nightmare Moon. It was on this day the last real threat the Guardians had faced came to an end. It had almost been a thousand years since a true war was fought by them, and no war was good war. Hagan said his farewells and Orpheus rushed through the crowd, trying to reach the back of the courtyard, that would lead strait home. Raine waited there, at the bottom of the steps up to the castle. "Come on tike, we gotta get you cleaned up before the big event!" Raine had stayed close to Orpheus even after the trial was complete, continuing to train him hard even with the smith teaching going on in the backround. "Making sure you aren't going to get soft" was her excuse, but at the end of the day Orpheus knew better. Raine pushed them a path through the crowd, pulling Orpheus behind her. The castle was bustling with exitement, all turned their eyes on the castle strewn with banners and streamers and wind chimes and all other sorts of "fanciful nonsense" as Seragi had once said. Yes Seragi, all the things he could say about that old coot. Powerful wizard or no, good intentions or no, he was a pain. Even so, it didn't stop him from casting shining light and beautiful flame spells to entertain the children. Orpheus let his eyes wander, and let Raine lead, and who could blame him? The castle had never been so decked out in wonderful treasures for the eyes to behold, the whole thing was an explosion of color, shining bightly in the midday sun. And before he realized, they were home, walking in the front door to the sight of his father, standing tall in a new velvet robe. "Ah, there he is! The man of the hour!" Cried Raine looking on the edge of collapsing from laughter. Thraseus looked on at her with a grimace "Oh, I hate these things, I feel bloody naked out there without at least chainmail on underneath, but its so tight I can't wear any! And you young man! You need to go clean all that soot off of you before the festival, your dress armor is back on the rack, try not to fall down any steps this time. Or at least if you do have the decency not to ding it up so much!" Orpheus scuttled off to the back, ready to scrub the grime out of his light blue scales and get on with the fun. The soot stuck fast for awhile, but finally it had come off. He looked up from the bowl, full of black water, and into his own green eyes in the mirror. Then he noticed it. It seemed as though the light from the window behind him was fading, almost as if sunset at great speeds. Orpheus walked to the window and looked out, the sun was being covered by darkness, an eclipse. A chill of fear ran up his spine, the feeling of something horrible, almost a vileness in the air. "TO ARMS! TO ARMS!" Orpheus could hear it being yelled in the distance, being picked up by more and more voices as the black moved closer and closer to covering the sun. Orpheus ran back to his work clothes, a simple cloth shirt and pants, no protection there. A bang at the door made him nearly leap out of his scales. "Orpheus, somethings wrong we need to get you safe" it was Raine. Orpheus swung the door back a bolted past Raine "Hey!" she shouted, but he was to engaged to listen. He ran to his room and to the window. The north wall was being flooded by Guardians, preparing their ranks for whatever was coming, in the distance beyond, a great dark fog rolled toward the wall. Its evil could almost be smelled from here. He looked over to his dress armor, better protection than sack cloth. No time to get it on, but his claymore...there was always time to arm himself. He lifted the heavy sword and pulled back on the sheath, fear welling in his chest at the thought of open combat before the end of the day, but now was not a time for fear. He lifted the sword over his shoulder and tyed the braid that held it their. "COME ON!" Raine was at his door staring in at him "We have to go now before they seal the sanctuary!" The sanctuary was a large stronghold deep withing the mountain that castle Heavensgate sat apon. All non-combatants had to go their during battles on the fortress. Through the front doors and down the hall they fled, the tip of Orpheus' claymore dragging in the sheath behind him. Raine should have been at the battle, but she believed her first duty was to protect the son of the Hyperion. They were closing on the doors to the tunnels, turning the last corner... Closed... "What!? Thats not possible, they never close this door so early!" Raine pulled on the doors, bolted and barred. Both of them knew this made no sense yet there it was. "Orpheus come on, help me pull! You listening Orpheus?" she turned to him, his face pale and contorted with horror, but she didn't understand why. "Its okay kid. They'll open it for us once they've heard us. C'mon we need to figure out how to..." Orpheus began to shake "You okay kiddo? What wrong?" Orpheus' could barely compose a proper sentence, the breath in his lungs burned, the smell of vileness, comeing from inside the door. "Can't y-you smell it...C-can't you h-hear it? They're screaming..." Raine was concerned now, she knew he had a sixth sense about certain things, but this? It was stronghold down there, how could anything but Guardians be within "Calm down Orpheus, there's nothing to fear down...there..." She heard it now, screaming coming up the tunnels then all at once banging and the sounds of people, Guardians, screaming for escape. She was horrified, as the screaming intesified, now behind them, on the walls. The screams quieted behind the door, only the last words of those beyond, gurgled out with mouths of blood. THUM THUM THUM, like a great drumbeat against the door, THUM THUM THUM, the door shook with the great blows of thousands of hands. The hands of whatever evil lay beyond. THUM THUM THUM "Run, Orpheus, for the love of wind and sky RUN!" This sent them both running in a flurry back toward the Hyperions chambers. THUM THUM CRACKLE CRASH the door gave way, to the monsters beneath them, chasing them down the hall and up the stairs to the doors of the only place Orpheus thought safe. Raine and Orpheus pushed the mighty doors shut behind them, barring them and bracing them with everybit of furniture they could find. THUM THUM THUM, it began again on the door to his home. THUM THUM THUM, there was nowhere to run now, all they could do was ready themselves, Orpheus' trembling hands holding his claymore before him. Raine, both her swords, steady and battleworn. It was the battle below that pulled Orpheus' fears away, he was close enough to the window to look down on the walls below. They were crawling with dark figures of fire and shadow, swinging sword and claw alike, tearing the greatist force on the face of this planet down before Orpheus' very eyes. Through the darkness of the eclipse it was hard to make out any real resistance, but there at the center of the hoard, was Thraseus and Seragi. Seragi throwing lighting and fire in all directions, his words casting far off into the sky as Thraseus' magical war hammer swung across the demons ranks its light a divine white lighting the area around them like a wall of power. THUM THUM THUM Seragi jerked, one of the vile weapons had reached him, even from here Orpheus could tell he was bleeding heavily, his words volume weakened on the wind. Thraseus looked up to the window, almost matching eyes with little Orpheus reaching out to him, with only the proudest smile on his face. "NO!" Orpheus cried out, hoping his retaliation of what he saw would happen, would be enough to change it. And in that moment the duo were swallowed by the mass of shadows. THUM THUM THUM "Orpheus! Their almost through!" Raine cried out to him, the boy seemed almost about to faint, but she needed him clear for this. She grabbed out and smacked him across the face. "You have to get out." "What?" The question was uncomposed, confused from the blow. Raine was on the edge of tears now "I know how hard this is, but you have to find a way out!" He had never seen her cry before now "There is no way out, and I can't just leave you." Orpheus retorted. She openly began to weep right there in front of him, he could not help but join in, realizing this was the end. "Boy, I have been there for you since you were almost a baby. I have watched over you, cared for you, and watched you grow. You were so young when I met you, and yet you are still young, but theres not more time for us." THUM THUM THUM "You have to flee, do whatever it takes to go on, tell the other nations of these things or all of the lands will fall before them. You have to go on, find whatever remains of us after this day and go on. You must hurry now, they'll be through soon." "But, I can't..." Raine rose off her knees "NO BUTS! A Guardian can do anything, just believe you can. Listen close now, this is important! Go through the Elderwood to the west, follow the flow of the river of Cradiis to the dark wood of Everfree, through it you will find the land of Equestria under their monarch Celestia, find her, she is an old friend of your fathers and will help you in any way she can. Warn them of these creatures." Orpheus didn't understand, how could he even reach the Elderwood? The wood behind cracked and splintered, dark shapes flooding through the holes into the room behind them, thrashing at the air enraged that anything still lived. Raine grabbed Orpheus by his arm and ran. She led them into the longest and narrowest hallway, in the back of their home. The claws of the dark beasts tearing at their sides as they flew down the hall. Raine screamed, the words from he lips sounding of gibberish. She push Orpheus ahead of her, their pace frantic into a dead end. Orpheus never had payed much attention to the mirror at the end of the hall, never thought twice about its strangely ornate frame, or the markings adorning its sides. The mirrors smooth surface began to ripple like liquid, each of her words lighting the runes on the sides. Raine reached forward and scooped Orpheus up, his shock about the lift was witheld by the even greater shock at the sight in the mirror, treetops. Raine felt them almost over them now, there was no more time and little hope, she pushed herself, running with all her speed. Then threw him through the mirror. In those last moment before his body slipped through, seemed almost still. The woman who had cared for him for so long, somehow smiling through her tears, her arms outstretched toward him. Thousands of red eyes behind her reaching out hungrily toward her. Then all he could see was the empty sky, small ripples of where he had come through growing farther away as he plummeted to earth, falling farther and farther down toward the ground. Then all at once he hit something, bouncing under cracking branches as the trees beneath him broke his fall, he slowed as if the branches were reaching up to grab at him and help him down. Nonetheless he tumbled downward uncontrollably simply trying to orient himself, he felt a hard smack against the back of his head, then darkness. > 4. Whats Left of Us: The Beasts of Elderwood > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------ //Story: Whats Left of Us //Author: Graybard //------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------ //Chapter Four: The Beasts of Elderwood Orpheus awoke nestled between two great roots, curled over him in a criss crossed imbrace to seemingly protect him from harm, his sword laying to his side. What had happened after the fall, he thought, and how had he ended up here? His hand reached up to feel his chest, his fathers pendant resting beneath. And all of a sudden those thoughts didn't matter, where was everyone? Was anyone okay? What happened to Raine? Deep down, Orpheus knew, but he wasn't ready to believe after all he'd seen she could do, that Raine the Bladequeen would fall. But then how could she have survived, if his own father and Seragi the Wizened had not? No, there was no time for any of that now, all that mattered was reaching Princess Celestia, it was his mission, his duty to warn them. He had to find his way out, make his way west, down the mountain. A light chittering noise behind, caused Orpheus to nearly jump out of his scales. Spinning to and fro, his sword leveled, looking for the attacker. His eyes locked on the source, a squirrel. The boy fell back down to a sitting position, holding his sword loosely. His nerves had gotten the better of him...again. Orpheus looked up, trying to see past the canopy of trees, there was no obvious hole of broken branches where he had fallen through. It was early, and the sun headed away from the eastern sky. "Walk with the sun to your back in the morning," he thought "and your front in the evening and you will stay headed west." This trick was one of many he had picked up in the great library, looming over one of many random books. Orpheus lifted himself up, no time to waist. He sheathed his sword and began to walk, the cage of branches catching his eye again. There was something to think about, his sword had been placed, and from the lack of a hole in the tree tops he came to the conclusion that he had been MOVED between those roots. As he walked he pondered it, thinking of what it could have been. He felt calm here, a still peace, permeated the air around him, as if it was the forest itself looking out for him. He was free to think as he walked, of the day before. What were those things and who brought them there. There were hundreds of thousands of Guardians, though caught by suprise, they were ready, armed and trained for any situation. The most feared army in all the lands. And yet the walls fell, the castle crumbled and all he had ever known was destroyed. But they were inside! They had somehow come from both outside and within the mountain itself, all at once. They had come from the dark, striking at all within, their soul purpose seemingly to kill the Guardians. They had failed however, with the bravery of one woman, they had failed. He was only a boy though, to young to know what being a Guardian was like, to unpracticed and untrained. He was small, weak, and to top it all off, easily scared of by almost everything! No, not now, he couln't think about the wrong in him, only what was right. He could do this, lives could depend on his warning, and he would let no more blood be spilled on his account. He pushed forward, driving downward through the trees and thick brush, over stream and under rock. The sun flowed through the sky, its dim light winking at him from over the trees. He thought to stop, maybe sleep, but his message couldn't wait, he had to push on. He was cold and hungry the first night, his ribs ached, and with no knowledge of survival outside the castle walls, he felt helpless. He had to be tough, make sure he did his job, but he felt as though every second of walking was another second he had to mess up and fail. He walked on, pushing himself sleepy eyed, through the night. The sun broke the dark sky behind him, and he sighed in relief. His first night hadn't ended in a disaster, dispite his worrying. The woods seemed to guide him, almost like whispering in the distance toward his destination. The ground seeming to slide foreword beneath his feet pushing him ever on at a fast pace, the sun slowing fading again on the horizon. It was his nose that led him now, off to the side of the path he had been treading, he smelled flowers, and that meant sustinance. He saw it, a clearing filled with daisies. Orpheus rushed forward, dropping to his knees and devouring handfulls of the delicious plant. Feeling like he hadn't eaten in ages. Where most other species of lizard either ate only meat or gems, Dragonkin were leaf eaters. They could of course handle the occasional gem, but meat was as poisonous to them as it was to every other herbivore. He layed on his back, full of his delicious meal and happy for the feeling. His tired eyes drifted off, the well needed slumber engulphing him. It happened again in the night, he had moved what seemed miles away from where he had origionally slumbered. His back propped up against a tree, his claymore yet again laying beside him, his pockets filled with daisies that he hadn't himself placed there. He heard rushing waters, what he assumed was the river Cradiis, was now before him, he could see it just beyond the trees ahead. The morning was passing, and Orpheus had many a mile left to trek. He stood, collecting his sword, leaning over and placing a hand on the tree behing him. "Thank you" he called out, it was strange but he knew it was the trees. This forest that had protected the mountains southern border for millenia had helped him. He could almost feel the trees hum to one another in response to is thanks. A smile spreading across Orpheus' face, he continued his journey down the flow of Cradiis. His walk kept him thinking...thinking of how sheltered his life had really been, living behind the walls of that fortess on the mountaintop. He had felt affraid before, but nothing like what he had felt lately. Even in the Elderwood his nerves had felt on the edge of his scales. He had read stories of orcs and ogres, gremlins and witches, and all other manner of evil being that lurked in the dark, he had not feared these things before, but he was in the library then. The most exilerating thing he had ever done was the trials, and even then he had been told afterword that the whole thing was in his mind! A great illusion that looked into the soul of a person, no a true fight. And here he was, walking leagues through dense forest, alongside a possibly treacherous river, with creatures of unknown origins looking out at him from everywhere at all times... He needed to calm down, it was daylight still and the Elderwood was still to the left of him. Its branches still seeming to hum to him as he walked past. It was safe here, and he would remain safe as long as he kept his wits about him. The days passed slowly by, the forest leading him to edible plants and fresh water pools, the river an ever flowing guide to his goal. Twenty more suns rose and fell to this rhythm, his journey ever onward into the unknown. It was of the first light of morning at the end of the third week that he set out on the last leg of his adventure. The trees hum became a cry of warning, a suttle whisper to avoid the dark trees ahead, but Orpheus could not, he had to go on. He turned, looking into the Elderwood behind him, waving one last goodbye to the kind forest, and pushed on. His fear stuck in his throat and made him shake. Unlike the trees he left behind, this place was shrouded in a wild heartbeat, danger was around every corner and all he could see was a wild overgroath that blotted out the sun above. This was Everfree, the wood in the dark. The plants hear were tangled and twisted, a perfect hiding place for many creatures. It was shadowed and misty, as if in a constant shroud. It smelled of exotic flowers with untold venom. Orpheus feared this place, for it was barren of shelter for the weak and weary, and only held doom for those who were unprepaired. Orpheus nonetheless pushed onward, his quest to important to be stopped by his fears and doubts. His scales itched in this place, his nostils and throat burned, his eyes ached. It was something about the air in this place that disagreed with him. He walked till his ankles burned, he rested against a tree with heavy roots. The way he sat between the roots was at least a familiar feeling in this unsettling place. He layed back and closed his eyes, attempting to fall asleep. He tossed and turned, his ears perking at the slightest noise. He woke sometime in the night to the sound of footsteps, light and quick. Whatever was moving in on Orpheus, didn't want him to know they were there. Orpheus moved up and over the root beside him quickly, he was ill prepared for a fight and he knew it. He attempted to move on, trying his hardest to simply slip by unoticed, but to no avail. The creature was massive, how it had ever thought to sneak up on him was a mystery, Its lion head rearing down to his height. It unfurled its great bat-like wings a roared. Manticore, he knew, its dark eyes staring upon him in hunger. Orpheus ran, he knew his sword would do nothing against a monster this massive, and he would die in vain standing against it. He fled fast through the darkness, a flash in the distant sky and a boom, told of a oncoming storm. The manticore closed on him, it wings beat against the open air driving it forward faster and faster. Orpheus dodged through the trees, bobbing in and out trying to slow the creature behind him in the thick foliage. This dance drove them on for untold distances, even as the sky opened up and the rain poured down, soaking the dirt and making it harder to run. Orpheus ached all over, his body simply wanted to surrender. That was not an option. He had to go on, he thought, no excuses. Raine had trusted him with this, Raine and Hagan and Seragi and Hiemenger and his father Thraseus. He had to drive on, keep away from the beast and deliver his message. No matter the condition or struggle, Guardians persevere. A claw swiped out at him, caught him in the leg. He fell forward over a bush, his body rolling through the thick mud downhill. Orpheus stood, his eyes wide from fear as the beasts scorpion tail struck down at him, plunging into the dirt as he rolled away. It all flowed out of him now, his doubt, his fear. He was only twelve years old, a boy not a soldier. He was always in books not fighting, even Raine's teachings had only been at the start. He couldn't think, only cry as he shoved himself forward in fear of death. The false bravery that had drove him, faltering with each step. He had watched everyone he had ever known die before him. He denied it before, but he had felt it, the screams of thousands of lives atop the mountain silenced in so short a time. The very walls that protected them becoming a giant trap keeping them in. Even now he felt the hole in his heart where the living had once been. Maybe he wan't the only one who had escaped, but if so, he was one of very few. It all fell out of him, his tears mixing with the rain on his scales, he couldn't hold it back anymore. He looked forward, now up a great slope toward the clouds above. He could see the clouds... He felt Raine again, yelling in his ear behind him. Pushing him onward toward the sky, there were clouds, no trees! The end of the forest was there! The manticore, tired of the chase pounced forward with all its might. Orpheus crashed to the ground, his hold body crushed beneath the great lions paw. The manticore rolled him over, its tail coiled back to strike down and end his life. He couldn't die here, without even drawing his sword. Orpheus thought quick, using his free claw he reached over, pulling a vine full of thorns forward, slamming it down into the top of the creatures paw. The manticore roared out in pain, its paw shooting up in reflex. He was home free, just get up and start running. The thought was cut short as the manticores stinger shot down, catching Orpheus in the left shoulder, cutting deeply. The stinger retracted back, poised for a second strike. It never had the chance as Orpheus shot up, his blood flowing heavily now. He pushed on, through the blinding pain, he had to keep going. The trees parted, the dark grey sky grew ever onward beyond sight. His vision blurred and the wound was burning, venom, he though. His other senses began failing, but he felt the manticore closing now. A famhouse there in the distance, he cried out with all his might. Now more than ever he needed help, needed someone to hear him, praying it wouldn't be to late. Light there in the distance, safety so close by, he was so close, so close. His mind couldn't think anymore, his legs gave way beneath him, no longer heeding his call. His face buried in the mud, he could barely breath. He heard the manticore. He rolled over and saw it, only a blur now in his failing vision, curling back for the deathblow. He closed his eyes, and his heart sunk. Readying for the final blow, he was so close and yet so far. It was the strangest thing...he smelled apples. A loud cry echoed through the air past him "NNNOPE!", a streak of red shooting forward and crashing into the beast headon. It flailed backward, scrabling to its feet and running as fast as it could back to the forest. A green blur leaned over him, stark white atop its head. "You okay, sonny?" The world swirled around him, and he fell into blackness. "First Applejack leaves for the big city, now this youngin'? And so heavily armed for just a boy, these are strange times Big Mac." The red pony nodded, the truth behind his granny's words only compacted by the breed of the boy. Big Mac had never really seen anything more than ponies in his life, now all of a sudden a lizard person comes running from the forest, manticore in tow. One of the many doctors walked back up the hall of the old farmhouse toward the two seated ponies. "It was smart calling us first Granny Smith. The movement would have only spread the poison faster. On top of that, he had lost alot of blood and had major muscle tissue damage from the puncture." The doctor cringed at recalling the amount of blood. "He's stable now, but I don't suggest moving him for a few days. We'll have to keep staff on site to watch over him." Granny Smith thought about this for a moment, she was a kind pony and wouldn't turn down anyone in need. "Consider the farmhouse his hospital, doctor." "Thank you Ms. Smith," the doctor paused for a moment, trying to recall something "Oh yes, we found this around his neck." from the doctors forehoof dangled a small depiction of a shield on a string, a tree with four great branches engraved across its front. Granny Smith darted forward toward the necklace, grabbing it and pulling it in close to one eye, examining its every detail. Her pupils shrunk in realization "I know that mark." she mumbled. > 5. Whats Left of Us: Hope for the Future > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------ //Story: Whats Left of Us //Author: Graybard //------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------ //Chapter Five: Hope for the Future A warm bed, sunlight through the window, a cool breeze, and the pleasant smell of apples. These are the things Orpheus woke to. At first it seemed so simple, then he remembered where he had been recently. What he was doing, and where he needed to be. He shot up, a sharp pain running down his arm as he pulled out the needle in his arm, the IV leaking from the end of the needle and down his arm as he did so. He jumped from the bed and straight to the door. He wobbled and fell, his legs weak from the ordeal. How long had it been, he wondered, and was there still enough time to warn Celestia? He heard someone down the hall, their feet making a, clop clop sound as they fell. Orpheus was greeted with the sight of a large red horse, actually pony, with a crop of orange atop his head. This was a good sign, pony's made up the most of the citizenry of Equestria. "Heya." said the big red pony his expression barely moving into a grin "Hello, is this the farmhouse?" he asked as he struggled to his feet The red pony walked over to help "Eyup." "Are we in Equestria right now?" "Eyup" the pony reached out a hoof to help him up. Orpheus took it, and stood. It took everything he had to make a step, he felt so tired...and hungry. The red pony was there letting him lean against him for support. "Big Mac, the apple fritters are ready!" yelled a kind old voice "So your Big Mac?" "His full name is Big Macintosh, but thats his nickname, yes." Orpheus looked up, it was a white pony with wings, a pegasus, her mane and tail green and a stethoscope around her neck. She had a...symbol oh her flank, the rod of Asklepios, a scepter with snakes wrapped around it. "I am Doctor Able. You really shouldn't be up and about just yet." "I'm sorry doc, but I can't do this now, I need to speak to your queen immediately." The doctor stepped forward "Princess Celestia? You can't go anywhere in your condition! You need to rest that arm, you've been through a great deal and stress will only make it worse." The pony's eyes were full of sincere worry. "Fine, but I need an audience with her, as soon as possible." "Well arn't you spirited?" the kind old voice spoke again, now coming from a little old green pony, her hair stark white, a symbol of a pie on her flank. "Must be somethin' urgent if it involves Guardians!" Orpheus was shocked "Wait how do you know I'm a..." "The doc found this 'round yer neck." she held up his necklace "I know that symbol anywher'. Not ta' mention all of ya' dragonkins ARE Guardians! You nice folks been orderin shipments of our apples since afore Macitosh here was born." Orpheus reached out for the pendant, it had never left his neck before today. Now that he realized he wasn't wearing it, he felt naked, vulnerable. "We've already sent a letter to the princess." piped in Able "She should be arriving to ponyville any day now. So will you do me a favor and rest, we'll bring your food to you in awhile." "In that case, would you help me back to my room..." it took Orpheus a second to remember the name "its Big Macintosh right?" "Eyup." Big Mac turned around, supporting Orpheus back to his room "Is that all you can say Big Mac?" "Nope." Orpheus threw a pebble in the small lake, its velocity carried it across smooth surface of the water and almost to the middle. It had been several day of sitting and waiting, he had been okayed by the doc to walk around after the fourth day, but not to go farther than the outlying property. It had been a tough wait, if those mosters still walked the lands somewhere out there, they could be apon them any day now. With each day passing less and less time was available to prepare. What would happen to these innocent people, if they weren't ready in time? Orpheus wandered, moving through orchard after orchard of apple trees. It was a good thing their land was immense, reaching from the Everfree forest to the farthest road to the town of ponyville, all the way to the river surrounding the town. The massive scope of the land, filled with nothing but appletrees, explained why even the Guradians got shipments from Sweet Apple Acres. Which is why Granny Smith had taken the news so hard. She wept openly at the loss of his people, friends of hers from a long life in this business. After her youngest grandchild had left for the city, only a few days prior, this hammered the poor old mare's emotions even more. He could still here her crying when he had left the house. There was no time for him to cry now, though. No matter how much he wanted to, he had to consentrate on every detail, remember everything he'd heard and seen. Something wasn't right about what had happened, the beasts almost appearing from nothing during that strange eclipse. It was his consentration that had led his feet astray, walking onward without real direction. He ambled on, directly into a wooden beam. His face hurt when he looked up, he had face planted against the shell of a...house? He thought standing, no it was to large, a barn? Yes that seemed to fit. Orpheus leaned on the beam, shaking it with what strength he had. It may have been unfinished but it was sturdy. He pulled vines away from between the walls empty framework, walking in between the beams. On closer inspection the wood seemed old, as if exposed for to long. Orpheus walked to where the doors should be, the bridge across the big river into the town close to the right of the entrance. "It was so close to ponyville, then why was it never finished?" Orpheus thought out loud "Big storm whipped through, oversoaked and ruined the wood." Orpheus jumped slamming himself, yet again, into the barns frame. He fell with a thump against the wooden floor of the unfinished barn. His head shooting up to see Big Mac standing there, his face screwed up trying not to laugh "Ya have a visitor" he choked out. From behind him walked a small white pony, her hair purple in a fine curl, a white horn protruding from the locks, a unicorn. At her sides, a set of small saddlebags. Orpheus picked himself up off the floor. "Hello there!" the little pony spit out, her face breaking ito a ear to ear smile. "I heard about your ordeal, and thought I'd come to visit, figuring it would be so dreadfully dull out here alone all day." Orpheus looked up at Big Mac, the red pony just as confused as he, only shrugged "And you are?" "Oh! Of course, how rude of me! You may call me Rarity. As I was saying, I live in ponyville just over there and I heard all about your sad ordeal. I figured you could use some more company up here all alone, so I figured I'd stop by while I waited for the rehearsal of the school play. I, of course, am designing the costumes." "Wait, wait, wait...you know why I'm here? Who told you all of that?" "Why the whole town knows, and might I say their best wishes go out to you. Anyway I figured I would stop by and give you these." The little white pony reached in her bag and pulled out a simple shirt and pants. "I appologize if their small, but as I had yet to meet you, I had no idea how large you were." Orpheus took the shirt and held it up, a fine red cotton well stitched and probably more comfortable than the dirty torn clothes he wore now. "I know it seems simple, but I hadn't much material left for making them." "No, this is great, thank you Rarity, that was very generous of you." The little pony lifted herself onto her back feet, claping her forehooves together, "Oh wonderful, I'm glad you like them! And you must look presentable to meet the princess! Speaking of presentation, would you like to attend my school play? Its the thursday after next and I would just love for a Guardian to attend! It would be the talk of the town!" Orpheus smiled "Well how could I say no to someone so kind, yes I will be there." Rarity opened her mouth to respond, the words failing as a great yell was heard across the grounds. It was calling Orpheus' name trying to find him, it was Doctor Able from the sound of it. "We're here!" He called back. She ran up in a huff, out of breath she struggled to form her words. "The princess, town hall, need you immediately." They went to the farmhouse, to gather Orpheus' affects. After he changed into his new attire and collected his things they were off. With all haste they made their way into town, the eyes of all the many colored ponies following them as they walked. Orpheus felt like a creature on display, the many eyes following him up every street to town hall. It had finally sunk in, he was truely alien here to these kind people. It did not matter, they were people under the watch of Heavensgate, therefore they were in his charge to protect. His heart sunk as they reached the towns center, no princess was there, only an empty chariot, two royal looking pegasi, adorned in golden armor, at its front. One of them motioned for Orpheus to come forward, stuffing a letter into his claw, and it read. Young Guardian, I have recieved your letter and will accept your call for audience. This Chariot will take you to Canterlot with all speed where I will be waiting to recieve your grave news. I appologize for the how long this response took to reach you, our mailing system has become overtaxed from a flood of concerned letters about large billows of smoke from the east. As the smokes origin seems to have been from the mountain of Heavensgate, I can only assume your news coincides with these reports. As such I have dispatched a contingent of my finest soldiers to investigate your home and with their due haste a report of the state of your home will arrive for you soon. Please know my best wishes go out to you in this seeming time of crysis. Princess Celestia Orpheus read this aloud, his heart jumping at the news of an investigation into his home. At this he jumped into the chariot, looking back he saw the kind ponies who had taken care of him. All of them looking back onto him smiling with hope and well wishes in their eyes. "Thank you all for what you've done, you have given me strength to go on in these past days. I will never forget your kindness." Orpheus caught sight of Rarity, her head down, shyly hiding behing Big Mac, sadness in her eyes. "And Rarity, I said I would see your play, and I plan to!" Rarity jumped out from behind Mac, a glow across her face "You promise!?" "I promise! And remember this, a Guardian NEVER breaks a promise! I will see you all soon!" The chariot lifted off the ground, speeding away into the sky. Orpheus looked back, watching the waving ponies shrink in the distance, he turned, now looking forward to the task at hand. He had a message to deliver. It was amazing, its clever design giving it the structural stability to hold itself to the side of a mountain. Only one mountainside road led in or out making it umatched in defensibility. Its towers, and walls, soaring into the sky over her land, letting all below know that this city and its ruler were always watching. This was a truely Guardian-like city. They began to decend, carrying the chariot to an oustretched balcony at the base of the castle, its garden entrance lush and green, covered in all forms of colorful plantlife. There stood yet another guard, this one an orange unicorn, he motioned for Orpheus to follow, and he did. His footsteps echoed in the grand hallways, every guard pony along the way bowing to him, an unnecessary gesture. The more he saw this, the more worried he became. They stopped at a set of humongous doors, their wood surface carved into the most complex of shapes. They slowly parted to reveal an even grander throneroom. The floors were pure marble, the walls and pillars of clean white stone, decorated with the finest tapestries depicting the sun. Its windows grand stained glass murels of days gone by, one in particular Orpheus recognised as the fall of Nightmare moon. And there at the center of the room a gold throne, its backing a red velvet. There sat Princess Celestia, easily diserned from any other pony in the room. Tall and powerful in comparison to her nearby guards, she had both wings and a horn, her body a white that seemed to shine. Her mane a collection of many colors, flowing of its own accord. She talked to a pony in robes, his head hung low as if saddened by something. Celestia looked up, her eyes seemingly full of the same sadness. "Greeting, young Guardian. It is ill tidings that have brought you, and yet I now have even darker news for you. Come, I must tell you this in private." Orpheus' heart sank. How could it be any worse now, than it was when he left. He followed Celestia through the castle to one of the highest towers, her study, where two unicorns waited with parchment and quills. Orpheus looked on at them confused, didn't she say in private? "Before my news to you, I must record what you have come to tell me. I've heard it is a long tale, but I must stress that every detail that can be remembered, must be remembered. I need to know whatever it was that could do that to your home." The way she had said it made him feel as though it had gotten worse. Orpheus pushed those thoughts away, this message nearly took his life delivering, and he will damn well retell it. And so he began, calling forth all his memory into the smallest details about the attack, the way the sun was eclipsed, the dark smog, how they had been within the sanctuary, and most importantly what the beasts looked like. The recording unicorns never missed a beat as they scribbled every word down from the long tale, all the while Celestia's face twisted from horror to shock to sadness and pity for what Orpheus had experienced.. It was almost sundown when he finished. It was a long time before anyone spoke, the princess shooed the two unicorns, coming back to Orpheus. Her face now showed dark gloom, her news coming back to mind. "It has been a long time Orpheus, you don't really remember me, but I was a friend of your fathers and met you once, when you were but a baby. I wish that we could have met again under better circumstances. As the letter I sent stated, I sent a team of my guards to investigate the smoke from your home. What they have found is...tragic." Celestia was unable to meet Orpheus' gaze, she stepped out to the balcony and stared out. "Many of my unicorn mystics went along on the mission. What they found were hundreds of thousands of small runes beyond the walls, these runes were of a dark nature, and as soon as they had all been cleansed, they were studied. They were runes of summoning, bringing forth the darkest and foulest creatured that the underworld could produce, in mass. You may be comforted by the fact that the mosters no longer exist in this plane." She was right, it was a relief. "...you will however be saddened in the fact that this attack was directed at only the Guardians. And if not for you fleeing, whoever summoned the creatures, would have succeeded in what I believe to be their goal. A few days prior to this event, your father sent me a list of instructions, and expected a possible evacuation, asking for sanctuary here. Somehow he knew, or at least suspected, the attack." Orpheus was shocked at this, his father had KNOWN! It must have been for a short time, otherwise he was sure that they would all be sitting in this castle now, leaving the dark creatures dumbfounded to find an empty city. "On the day in question the guards on the outter wall found a small glowing bird. It was magically created, a farmiliar spell from one of your fathers comrades, I believe his name was Seragi. It had in its clutches a note, written by your father during the attack." Orpheus' jaw dropped open, how could it have been written then! They were overrun and he stopped to write a note!? "The note too, was made magically, created directly from Thraseus' thoughts. In this note it entailed to certain parts of your code, which I am farmiliar with, along with instructions for you. He knew your caretaker, Raine, would get you to safety. It detailed vaults of money and the books in Heavensgates' central library, most importantly books on certain Guardian teachings, would now be yours. Most of these things are have been collected and are on their way here as we speak." His eyes began to well with tears, this was a last will, even in the face of death his father thought of nothing but making sure Orpheus would be ready without him. He began to shake, his father knew he would die, and all he thought about was him. Celestia put a hoof on the crying boys shoulder. Celestias voice was sad and quiet now, trying to be comforting. "I am sorry to have to lay this final burden apon you. The scouts searched through the castle and outlying grounds. Many detection spells were cast, searching for the creatures or other Guardians, all they found were..." Orpheus could not here her now, over his own sobs. He was at the center of a great travisty. His home now destroyed and family gone. The few others who had escaped must feel like him now, helpless and so alone. She raised his head with her hoof now. Her eyes were tearing up, yet she held her composure, her voice took on an edge of seriousness. "Orpheus, son of Thraseus, son of Ireseus. You have been noble, risking life and limb to warn my people. You are your father's son. So with his loss, and the loss of so many others, I regret to lay this final burden on your shoulders." Final burden? He thought this, as he heard others enter the room. He turned, the unicorns, and one of the pegasus guards at the door entered. "Under the athority, granted me by my father and mother's consent to the Guardians code of protection, and with my subjects," she nodded toward the ponies at the door "as witnesses, I hereby bestow apon you the title of Hyperion, lord of all Guardians." "Hyperion!?" he stammered, not able to comprehend the news behind this title. At the passing of a Hyperion, the next in rank would inherit the title, and if he should pass, the next down, and so on. This was the system of passage, belonging to their heirarchy. Orpheus, a blacksmiths apprentice, actually sat at the bottom of these ranks. Surely there were others that would inherit the title before him, though he was the son of the last Hyperion. Blood had nothing to do with it, only rank, so why was he Hyperion now? She must have been mistaken! Silence fell once more, as the gears ticked away in the dragon boys head. What rule or law made the heirachy jump down to him. Celestia spoke now, trying to remain clear through her now uncontrollable sobs. "I did all I could, used ever ounce of my magic to detect all over this continent, this planet, in hopes of finding someone." The true meaning behind her words began to sink in, the tears in his eyes pouring away. He looked on at her in blank disbelief. It all hit him like an avalanche, his brain jumping from one thought to the next connecting the dots as the truest sadness and horror anyone had ever felt filled him, she was wrong, she had to be wrong! There was no way after all his race had accomplished, after all they had saved and done! "You...are all that is left. You are the last of your kind." Celestia collapsed now, crying into her hooves, the guard dashing across the room to comfort his princess. Quiet sniffles coming the two unicorns behind him. Orpheus couldn't comprehend it, he couldn't accept it. He flew out of the room in blind rage, unable to control himself. His tears felt like a river to him, soaking his shirt and the floor beneath him as he ran to somewhere, anywhere to escape this horrible fate that he had been dealt. He fell in the grass, a courtyard maybe, he didn't know or care. He curled up, crying and shaking. That night, the cries of a broken hearted dragon boy echoed all over Canterlot. And the city wept for him. Orpheus wandered the halls of the castle, unable to think or act. Like a ghost he drifted along, at times, weeping or curling up and remaining motionless for hours. He was alone now, the only Dragonkin left alive, there was nowhere for him to go. His father had insured that Orpheus would have enough, to live comfortably and without worry of debt. Yet the boy wished not to live at all, only fade away and be forgotten. He believed he should not have lived, that this only ensured future torment to him, that he would be without his kind for the rest of his days, the last of an endangered species. All over Equestria and beyond, the news was passed to those who knew the Guardians. They came from far and wide, hoping to wish him well, appologize for his loss and give him hope. He would here none of it, only close himself away and weep. Every moment his eyes were closed, he saw their faces. His father Thraseus, Heimenger, Seragi, Hagan, Raine... On the ninth day Celestia came to him, begging to speak to him. Bah! A princess begging to speak to HIM! He thought, he was no Hyperion, not even a Guardian, if he were a Guardian then he would have fought, would have stayed and defended his home...not ran away like a coward! Celestia shouted through the door "Orpheus please, come out! You must listen to reason. You have to be strong now, as your father would have wanted." "My father! What do you know about my father! The great and powerful hyperion." Orpheus' took a mocking tone "He was a cold hearted old man! He never cared about me, always away, never enough time for his family! To him I was only his legacy! I was to sybolize HIS greatness! " The doors to his room flew wide, exploding off the hinges with great force. In walked Celestia, her wings spread wide, her horn glowing, a fury on her face. "Your father was a great man! He cared about you with all his heart! In all the years we talked, he only wished to cast down his mantle as Hyperion and spend his remaining days taking care of you!" Orpheus sat there, is eyes lined yet again with tears, ashamed with his own words. Celestia began again, calmly "I know your pain, I am, as well one of the last of my kind, yet I also cannot know your anguish. Some of my kin remain, and a hope of my species continuing remains with them. You must go on, you must live for them. All your father wanted was for you to be happy, don't dishonor his memory by living with nothing but pain." "There is noone to teach me. I am alone and unready to fight monsters or evil or be the Hyperion. There is no way I can live up to what my father would have wanted." Celestia walked over to his side, she sat with him on the bed "You are young, yes, and you have been ill prepared for this, but you are not alone. He was the man who gave me strength, stood beside me through the hardest part of my life. He was my greatest friend...maybe even a little bit more." Orpheus looked up at her, her eyes averted from his, as her face turned a bright red. She turned her gaze back on him now, looking on at him, like everything would be alright. "He was family to me, and therefore so are you. You will never be alone Orpheus. You will be challenged in you life, and there will be doubt, but you must live on, not as a Guardian, but simply as a person. Thats what your father would have wanted." Orpheus' sobs slowed, the comfort of her words finally washing over him. He still had his doubts, but he knew he had people to count on. People who cared, one even now sitting right next to him. It was on impulse, he sprung toward Celestia, wrapping his arms around her neck an a tight hug, crying into her as he did so, and she hugged him back. She whispered to him now "Remember when you are in doubt, there will be signs from those who care and they will drive you on. Look for those signs." Orpheus pulled back and looked at her now, she was no longer the great and powerful ruler, simply a friend, a kind pony who cared. "Your father's letter told me to tell you that when you were ready. I figured now was the best time." He smiled now, looking out over the land from the many balconies and windows. He thought hard, knowing the challenge to come, but still in doubt. Celestia was a sign, like his father had said. A sign of kindness in these cruel days. He still felt weak, unsure of what to do now, of where to go from here. Even as he sat now, next to the princess, in the gardens. His future was now of his own design, but what to do? He could stay here train, guard the princess. Maybe he could travel back to ponyville and work for the Apple family, have a simple life. With all the vaults contents that his father had left, he could do anything. They talked about it, coming up with options, but none seemed to fit. "I am sorry Orpheus, but I have to cut this short. I have to go meet with some examiners from the school for gifted unicorns in a little while and I can't be late." "Its okay Tia, I'll be here when you get back..." He had begun using the same pet name her sister had once called her by, at first he thought it disrespectful, but she insisted. Orpheus layed back in the grass, huffing at the thought. "You should try and meet with some of those who came here to see you, they really do care. And it would be healthy for them to be allowed closure." "I'll try..." With that she was gone, off to her royal duties. Orpheus just lay there, looking up at the clouds, wondering what to wonder, there were so many things swimming in his head, so much to think. He had to many choices, and didn't know how to even get started on any of them. "When in doubt, look for signs." The thought shuffled to the front, it seemed so important for him to know this, but what signs? Orpheus felt a strange stillness. Almost an unnatural calm. He sat up, listening for the feintest sound, and heard voices far away, in the castle most likely. All the people that came to see him. He stood and looked out over the horizon, back to ponyville where they were just beginning their day. Bustling about, he imagined, doing everything day by day, simple and carefree. It came at first, a simple gust, then the sound of rushing air aplified a hundred fold, like rolling thunder, all other sounds being snuffed out by it. The sky lit up, an explosion of rainbow cascading in all directions flowing through the sky like a tidal wave. All the wonders in the world would never compare this awe inspiring sight. In its wake a gale of wind, strong enough to throw him to his back, like a wall of force heading outward from the center. A rainbow seeming to flow to ponyville below, lighting up the sky in its wake. He lay there on his back, now staring into the blue sky. Joy, pure clear as crystal joy, Orpheus had only once felt near that before, the moment he succeeded at his trial. He reached down to the pendant at his neck, his whole body filled with electricity. He knew what to do. Orpheus shot up and ran for the castle, throwing open the doors to the throne room, grabbing the nearest pony and lifting them in a great hug, spinning around in circles. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" He cried "You're welcome?" Orpheus knew that voice, he leaned back, it was Big Mac. Big Mac had come in his grandmothers stead to wish him the best. He gave Orpheus a letter from Granny Smith, speaking of a Belotis, the man who ran the caravan that collected the apples, Orpheus knew Belotis, bought apples from him ever day. Orpheus turned to the next pony, a gray maned fellow, his tale about a Medusa killing innocent ponies in manehattan, the gray pony's brother was saved by a Guardian named Nylo, giving up his right arm in the process. Nylo had been the guard captain for the eastern wing of the castle, that included the library where Orpheus had spent most of his days, he knew the captain well. He turned to another pony, then another, and another, and all the while he knew these brave souls who risked their lives to better all of these people. They did deeds belonging in song and story, and here were their legacies, standing before him giving him blessings in these Guardians names. He left that day happy, knowing that what he had to do now. He brought Macintosh along, that was important, because he had a few plans for that old barn near the edge of Sweet Apple Acres, and he needed to start now. He was finally ready. Ready to dive into the unknown and live again, ready for a brilliant life ahead. "Ahh there you are Orpheus! I've been looking everywhere for, whoa!" Celestia was cut short as Orpheus rushed past her with all haste, his room now a mess covered in papers and scrolls from the royal library, him all the while sketching away at Celestia...a blueprint? "I have it Tia, everything I need to do, I've decided I will do as I've always really wanted and devote my life to knowledge!" "Knowledge?" Celestia face twisted up in confusion "Yes! Specifically Guardian knowledge, I will learn from them, be the best of them, be the best person I can be, I will craft and tinker, and make this world a better place. And when the time comes I will show the righteous hand of the Guardians has not been defeated yet!" "Thats alot to handle Orpheus, you said not a few days ago that you weren't ready for anything big." "Thats right, not yet I'm not, but I have a whole life to prepare, to enjoy and read and make into a wonderful adventure. I talked to those ponies like you said, and what they said spoke volumes. All the things Guardians had done, all those they had touched with their kindness. They went out of their way to make others lives wonderful, and I can't be asked to do any less. I have to be something now, a good Guardian, but a better person." Celestia smiled at him, her face beaming with happyness for the little dragons revalation. "Oh, how was your day anyway? Probably really boring talking to teachers." "Quite the opposite, I believe I have finally found a pony powerful enough to become my personal pupil here at the palace! Her name is Twilight Sparkle, in fact she's in the main hall now, maybe you should go meet her, she's probably intrested in making a few friends." How wrong she was, other than asking certain questions about his species and background Twilight never talked to him, being to busy wrapped up in her books. He could hardly blame her, books were the same way to him. This would change one day, becoming friends and having adventures, but that was for another time. The little white unicorn stood backstage, her head poking out to see the audience as they oohed and ahhed over the many gems in the costumes. The teacher beamed down at her for all of her great work, Rarity had done it. She was destined to be a fashion star, she looked down to her blank flank and saw a set of three diamonds appear, she was overjoyed. She looked back out over the audience, and noticed a certain somepony not there, she frowned, she had heard about his family, and all the other Guardians. She thought if he just could have made it, seen the play, maybe for a little while at least he wouldn't be sad. She heard a high whistle from the audience as the applause picked up, it made her raise her head, and there he was. Orpheus stood in the crowd applauding, he had made it! Rarity walked out with the rest of the cast and bowed, Orpheus waving to her the whole time. She ran down off the stage to her parents, they smiled and told her how well she had done. "Those were spectacular costumes Rarity!" It was Orpheus smiling as if he never had a trouble in the world "Thanks for coming to the play Orpheus!" "Well I promised didn't I? And besides, what are friends for!" They smiled together, Orpheus thought again, "Look for signs" and thought a little white pony, coming out of the blue to do nothing but be kind, had to be some sort of sign. The small celebration at sugar cube corner following the play, had lasted many hours. Hours of games and laughing and Rarity priding over her new cutie mark. The sun had just risen, its soft light casting ghostly shadows in the orchards. The birds sang sweet notes, noone in ponyville awake yet to hear them. Orpheus sat on the wooden floor of the half built barn looking out onto the river, this view he hoped, was that of his new home. He heard a rustle from the trees behind him, it moved to fast for him to catch more than...orange and yellow? Orpheus hit the barn floor, the small orange blob sitting on his chest. "GRANNY SMITH! BIG MAC! I CAUGHT AN APPLE THIEF!" The accent of the orange blob was similar to the friendly residents here at Sweet Apple Acres, but this pony was far from being friendly right now. Orpheus tried to raise his head, explain who he was, and was rewarded with a hoof to the face. "What in 'tarnation is all the hubub!" Granny Smith ambled up, her eyes squited in confusion. Big Mac came dashing out from the behind her, a baseball bat in one hoof. "Mind getting off, I need to breath ya know." "Not till the athorities can get here! Big Mac call the police!" Nobody moved, finally causing the orange pony to look around in confusion. "Aren't yall gonna do somethin?" Big Mac couldn't help but laugh now, shaking his head "He's not a thief." "If he's not a thief, then what in tarnation's he doin here?" "Deary, thats Orpheus." The color of her face began to match their famous apples, "Oh, gosh I'm sorry Orpheus." She hopped off him, giving him a hoof up. "Sorry for that, didn't mean ta' attack ya. Umm, I just figured..." "Its alright, you were doing what you thought was right. More importantly you did it regardless of personal safety, thats shows guts. Figured the big city life was to dull for you?" "Thanks, I'm Applejack by the way. Not exactly lacking in excitement, its just that it doesn't fit me. And you wouldn't believe the reason I decided to come back." "Umm...A super explosion, followed by an intense rainbow streaming back home, inspiring you to come back?" Orpheus smiled, figuring the look on Applejacks face to be one of confusion. It was of suprise "How the hay did you know that!?" Orpheus had a double take. Seriously, the same explosion made her come home? At this he couldn't help but laugh harder, Applejack joining in with him. They spent the day from there talking and telling stories, trying to one up each other in a sort of compitition. It was late afternoon when Orpheus' chariot to Canterlot arrived, he needed to go through the mess of books that had been delivered and decide on their fate. He would definitely see Applejack again, they got along so well, yet another good friend for him to trust. And if a orange attacker in an old barn wasn't a sign, he didn't know what was. It had been three years. He had stayed at the castle for most of it, training his swordmanship and hand-to-hand with the guards, studying the combined books and scrolls from the moved Guardian library (which had its own wing built for it) and the Canterlot archives. He was happy, trecking through the large hallways, or dropping in on Twilight or Celestia and pulling pranks on the snoodier officials of the court. It had been a long wonderful three years, and now his home was completed, he bought a small piece of the apple family farm and turned the old soaked barn into his home. It was stripped down and rebuilt then added onto, basically a barn with a house glued on the side. But did it look good now! Its was spared no expense with the money his father had left him. The barn half, a blacksmithy for Orpheus' needed crafting and repairs, and a loft and tower where he could place a plathura of random projects and doodads, all the while watching out for ponyville. The house was everything needed to live, 4 bedroom (even though he mostly slept in the loft) 3 bathroom, full kitchen/dining and small personal library. The whole thing made of the purest oak, then strutted, renforced and binded with quarter inch steel on all sides to take the most brutal of punishments. He would finally move there in a few days, and they had a party planned. The whole town had gotten to know him. However only his closest friends and a few others had been inside the house. Apparently they had hired a young, up and coming party planner for the job. She was new to town, but came recommended from sugar cube corner, so it was worth a shot. "I want you to have this, Tia. Its a going away gift." Orpheus stood near the chariot, packed with the last of his things. He held up the package and smiled, "I figured I owed you for all the hospitality." With a wisp of magic, Celestia lifted the package from Orpheus and began to tear the wrapping. "You didn't have to get anything for me. Oh my goodness!" It was a perfect glass sphere with a base of marble. It was slightly filled with small shining flecks that floated in the clear liquid when it was shook. Inside was a small copy of his pendant, the tree on the shield glowing faintly. On the shields reverse was her symbol, that of a sun. "It shows our closeness, our friendship. Wherever one of us is, the other will always be right there behind them. You taught me that." The princess wiped her eye. With one last hug he was off to ponyville, a short trip now from his years of flying it over and over. Their landing was greeted with early partygoers, it seemed the festivities were already if full swing. He began to unload, going up to the loft to check on the party from above. There sat an all pink pony, looking out the tower windows bouncing all the while. "Hello?" "Oh hi! You must be the man of the hour!" she hopped down the tower stairs and right in front of him. She reached out a hoof and began to shake his claw wildly. "I'm new to town so I was super exited when you decided to hire me so I could meet everypony while I made this such an extra special party, and I'm sorry about the punch, there wasn't enough for everypony to drink but more should be arriving soon so it wont be to much trouble but I might need to run to town for more after so everyones happy because all I want is everyone to smile and I hope you had a great flight in because I heard the weather was rough in Canterlot earlier which is why I could only use my party cannon this morning..." Orpheus was dumbfounded, he put his free hand over the pink pony's mouth "Wait wait wait, your the party planner? There was a problem with the punch? And what in the great galloping wargods in a PARTY CANNON?" She released the hand she was shaking "Yes, I know I'm kinda young, but the best time to start is early. As I said I fixed the punch problem. And the party cannons my personal invention, it quick fires decorations for easy party setup...still working the bugs out though, got your doors covered in cake earlier, a tad mixup, I sorta loaded the first salvo with cake mix, found the balloons and streamers in the oven later on." "Slow down, you haven't even told me your name." "Oh, thats easy, I'm Pinky Pie!" This pony drove Orpheus to smile uncontrollably, she was insane and surely driven by the purest of sugars. But she was sincere, and funny and always tried to keep your spirits up. She led Orpheus out into the party, never stopping her speech for a second, but he never minded. She hopped and skipped about without a single care. She was a bright pink, crazy, out of control sign. The whole night was laughing and dancing and singing. Orpheus introduced little Pinkie to Rarity and Applejack, and the three hit it off, immediately being friends. He saw it here, surrounded by those who cared, what he would aim for the rest of his life. A wonderful adventure. Three more years, some self-teaching incidents, alot of reading, and a kind yellow, and loyal cyan pony later. The small magical candle exploded into a bright silver flame, from its center formed a letter, its middle of the note wrapped and stamped with the royal seal, it read. My dear friend Orpheus, Twilight Sparkle, will be arriving today to check up on the festivities for this years Summer Sun Celebration. She will need someone to guide her, and so I ask this of you. I would send someone with her, but she knows you and you know the town well. She is to cooped up here in the castle, and I believe she needs to try and make some friends. The best place to start is familiar ground so try and be nice to her...as in no more pranks. If you cannot do this, please send back a rebuttal post-haste. Otherwise she will be arriving in Ponyville square just outside town hall, sometime around early morning tomorrow. Your friend, Celestia "So Twilights coming to town, huh?" Orpheus thought aloud "Well this will be exciting!" He rolled his eyes, little did he know, he would be right... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well that was long huh? Hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it. Special thanks to zabrath, spark, sheep, and element for all the support... :D Thanks to all of you who support me, I need constructive criticism so don't feel bashful to go over these stories with a fine tooth comb. Please favorite and thumbs up if you enjoyed it!