> Clashing Symphonies > by DCLzexon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A song of Madness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cello cases are heavy. This was the foundation for my whole line of logic as I walked along the the lush gardens of the university campus. It was a simple idea, but my analytical mind could not refrain from calculating out velocities and trajectories. While the idea had come to fruition multiple times before, it was, mostly, a harmless means of venting my frustrations. Holding myself over with mere visions of directed wrath resulting in carnage, rather than attempt such barbaric acts in reality, that admittedly, would end fruitlessly. Despite my inner storm, the campus grounds where at a state of utter serenity. The birds chirped their melodies, while the wind made the grass whistle a muted song of nature’s calm. The sun shone proudly over an impressive display of floral beauty and constructed elegance, as ponies everywhere smiled, laughed, and enjoyed the simple privilege of being alive. I wanted to set fire to it all. I tried again to banish the ill emotions, but yet again, I failed. A year ago I would have never sucomed to such feelings, but that was before I had to stay in close proximity to the utterly corrupting force I had to call my room mate. Some more moments of walking and I finally came apon my favorite spot; a small outer table isolated from everypony, save for my incredibly small echelon of two. A minty green, lean, and all too smiley pony who slouched in her seat, grinning like she was in on a joke that others were simply too slow to catch onto. Adjacent to her sat a thicker, cream colored mare with hair the hue of purple and pink candy wrappers, who was welcoming me with a warm look. Lyra Heartstrings, and BonBon, my lifelong friends converted to my bastions of sanity. I trounced over, barely resisting my urges to break proper etiquette and slouch over out of exhaustion in my now proclaimed seat. But a loud, unlady like sigh still escaped me. “Oh dear, I know that scowl and sigh.” Started BonBon, emanating motherly concern through her voice. “The ‘Ivory Menace’ raising your blood pressure again?” Lyra said, not even trying to hide the laugh in her voice. “Lyra, BonBon,” I said, keeping my voice low and leveled “do you mind if I vent for a little while?” “Like you could keep it in even if we said no-- Ow!” BonBon promptly elbowed Lyra. “Of course you can vent to us, we’re always here to listen.” BonBon reassured me. Breathe in, breathe out. I let it all flow from within me. “Vinyl is taking her antics to a completely new level. I had assumed she could do no worse when she started blasting her music to startle me, or had continued drawing crude pictures on my blank sheets. I don’t even want to speak about the incident with the leaf blower and the turtle again. But now she's prancing around our room half naked in her underwear like a total buffoon, hosting parties at late hours with her obscene friends, up to only the stars know what, partaking in all manner of reprehensible acts. She’s even devoting more time to deliberately target me for her harassment!” “Yeesh, calm down Octavia, your accent is slipping again.” Lyra cut in. It was true, I was breathing heavily from self inspired exertion. My rapid words were meshing together with my clipped Canterlot accent that I was still stubbornly trying to subdue. “I’m sorry…” I said after devoting some effort to calming myself, returning my voice to a whisper. “It’s just... Vinyl drives me to states of complete disdain.” “Don't we know it. It’s at least a few times every week now that you come boiling over, reporting something else she’s done to mess with you.” Lyra chuckled, she enjoyed my strife, as per usual. But not so much that she failed to dodge the incoming elbow from BonBon. “I’m surprised the guards haven't carted you off for trying to pummel the mare.” “Not from any small lack of effort, mind you.” I huffed. “The girl simply moves too fast, I dont even get the luxury of having natural earth pony strength over her.” “How about we try working through your problems,” said BonBon. “And getting solutions to them. Ones that don't involve violence...” Lyra was about to respond, but BonBon interjected. “...Or pranks…” Lyras face twisted up in thought, she appeared to have stumbled upon a solution, before BonBon shot it down. “...Or sexual acts.” That gave ample cause for me to stare down Lyra. “Hey, all I’m saying is that I haven't heard of many personal disputes that couldn't be solved with a good romping.” Lyra raised her hands in front of her, as if that would protect her from the potential beating she was swiftly earning her way to. “Let’s start somewhere simple…” BonBon said with a look aimed at lyra even more dangerous than mine. “These parties she’s hosting, couldn't you report them to the staff to bring an end to them?” “Ha, negative on that one,” Lyra chimed. “Not unless you want to explain to Princess Luna herself why her newly dubbed favorite party spot got canceled.” “Seriously? She has Royalty attending her little soirees?” I asked. “The pony knows how to have a good time; something you could learn from her.” “Well what about the half-nudity? And the teasing? I’m sure she only means it in good fun, she would probably stop if you sat down and seriously talked to her about it.” said BonBon. I scoffed. “Do you honestly think that I have not attempted diplomacy over the time I have spent with Vinyl?” “Well, your first response to anything that annoys you is to hit it with your cello case.” Lyra said. “Your second response is often to set it on fire.” BonBon added as well. “There is no documented evidence of me ever doing such things!” I defended myself, voice raising louder than I would have prefered it to be. Though not consciously aware if I meant the case swinging, or the fire starting “My point being that any negotiations with Vinyl Scratch have ended with only a head ache, and further need for anger management classes being gained.” “Well, this is a crazy idea, so stay with me here… Have you ever thought about, I dunno, moving out?” Lyra said with sarcasm laden in almost every word. “I can’t.” I groaned “Why not?” BonBon inquired. “Because, this is all a game to her. If I get up and leave, she gets the satisfaction of having influenced my actions to such an extent. It would be a major victory for her. She knows it, I know it, and she knows that I know it. She garners a perverse pleasure in toying with me. Celestial Sisters know why…” “Well, you are quite entertaining to watch when you're angry, you're like a one pony train wreck.” Lyra snickered. Even BonBon wasn't rushing to my defense on this one. “True, and then there is that thing you do with your voice, how your accent becomes more pronounced the madder you get.” “My Canterlot accent should have absolutely zero bearing on my treatment involving matters such as personal boundaries!” My words came out polished, clean, and acute, an air of haughtiness flavoring my pronouncement of every syllable, along with my rage. Only further proving their point. “Yeah, exactly like that. It’s pretty interesting to listen too. It’s like having a Trottingham dictionary get angry at you and start talking.” Lyra giggled. BonBon was chuckling as well, but at least had the good sense to elbow her partner to sedate my infuriation. Lyra started talking again, fingers held up to count off a list.“So you won’t leave, can’t report her, and you aren't even willing to resort to actual arson-” “Despite her pushing me to have legitimate cause for it.” I cut in “And both talking too, and/or trying to hit her doesn't work. So that leaves you with complaining and groaning to us every week to gain some false sense of calm, so you can go back to your room yet again, and start the cycle of suffering all over again.” Said Lyra. “Thank you for your quite elegant way of summarizing it, Lyra.” I growled. “It’s what I do.” She said, kicking back in her chair. “Well, this is all quite problematic, and I have only one other idea that could even possibly help.” said BonBon. I raised my eyebrows at that. I could hear her choosing her every word carefully, as if she was preparing to request that I go up and toss rotten apples at Celestia’s face. I said nothing, and waited for her to continue onward. “She seems to like messing with you because you react. I know this is pretty corny, but if you pretended not to care, or even more, pretended to enjoy it, she might stop.” Might as well bring along manure to throw along with those apples. “That’s a horrible idea,” Lyra whined. “Nobody ever falls for that, at least not unless you do it from the start, She already knows how to push your buttons, pretending that you don't care will just be more amusing for her.” For once, I could say that Lyra was being the voice of reason, not a form of authority she earns often, if at all. “What you need to do is start pushing back. The way I see it, you’ve been playing mental pacifist for a year. Sure you swing around that cello case of yours time from time, but she’ll just dodge that, and laugh at you all the while.” I flinched, because I could actually hear Vinyl’s sardonic laugh echoing in my ears. “You have to start playing her game. Getting to her, and giving mental blow for blow back at her. Find out what she dislikes and what buttons to press, start fighting dirty.” BonBon shot a look that said ‘Lyra, I love you, but you are such a idiot.’ Lyra returned it with a look that said ‘But I’m your idiot, and I love you too.’ I sat there with a look that said. ‘I’ve known you two for far too long, and I’m starting to question the rationale of our friendship.’ “I don't think Lyra’s idea is a good one,” BonBon was the one to break the silence “It would only escalate the situation, it wouldn't fix anything.” “Well duh, This situation is far past fixing. At this point, the best you can hope for is too fight the good fight, and try to enjoy what ever victories you can get.” “Pardon?” I couldn't help but blurt. “Listen Ta-... Octavia. With the Universe’s sense of humor, you're probably going to end up stuck with Vinyl for the next three years of your life. You're only going to get angrier if you don't do anything. Sure, the pranks and jabs at each other are only going to get worse, but at least you’ll be giving some of your own licks. Nothing lamer than going down without a struggle.” “That almost makes sense, in a stupid macho sort of way.” responded BonBon. “Can’t be macho if you're a mare.” Lyra said. “You find a way. But seriously Octavia, think this over before you try to turn this into a full blown war. Vinyl had a reputation before she even came into this school, albeit not a bad one, but a crazy party mare is more likely to have some tricks up her sleeve than a posh and polished aristocrat. No offense.” Bonbon gave a weak smile. “All offense taken.” I deadpanned. “However, Lyra has a point; my patience has long been past gone. It’s time I retaliated, even if I have to lower myself to a level less than what I am…” I blinked, realising far too late what I had said “I-I’m sorry, I didnt mean to infer that-” “Save it girl.” Lyra said. “We know what you meant, no harm done.” she waved, as if to clear the air of my wretched statement. “We know you're not the same mare you once were, you’ve changed.” BonBon told me. My voice wilted as a lump took its place in my throat, but I managed enough will to speak anyways. “Thank you…” “No problem, now if you excuse us, me and BonBon here need to bump uglies.” Lyra got up and said with a smile. “We have a project to do.” BonBon said with a edge to her voice. “Yeah, you and me alone to ourselves in a room, you can bet bagels to bits that the project won’t be the only thing to get ‘done’.” Lyra said, thrusting her hips through the air. BonBon tried to look stern and disapproving, but a smile cracked through her facade in seconds. I rolled my eyes, lacking any appropriate words. I had already spent them long before, and Lyra was not the kind to care for such objections. They waved me goodbye and made their way, leaving me to sit here, mulling over my new option presented before me. I had to do something completely new to me, which was to play along with Vinyl’s twisted tune. Her own little song of madness that she had personally held reign to probably since she got her cutie mark. The gentle breeze that had previously made the grass beneath me hum songs of peaceful relaxation had turned into a subtle foreboding tone for events to come. As if the clouds themselves were trying to hint at what lay ahead, but telling me nothing more than that I wouldn't necessarily like it. But I was quite finished playing emotional toy to a demented, ivory unicorn who had the good fortune to move faster than a speeding cello case. It was time I put my own spin unto this crazed song, and turn it into a duet. Vinyl will get her dues, for transgressions old and new. … Just as soon as I figured out exactly how to get under her skin. > Frantic Rhythm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking to one's inevitable fate brings a certain calmness to the mind, almost as knowing that you have no other option but to face it makes it a meditating force, rather than a panic inducing one. I still walked with leisure, taking note of the sounds all around me. The symphony of insectoid wildlife, coming to fruition at the wake of the moon. The background noise of mixed chatter from ponies sharing their last moments of the day to relax and lower their societal guards. The whisp of my long, pitch black hair that trailed behind my waist. The way each hoof step I took was crisply isolated, having almost nothing else but a few select buildings to resound off of, now that the streets were empty.     I tend to wax poetic about the sounds that I hear, but it’s hard for me not too. Music being not only being my muse, but my very outlook and understanding of life. Sounds held so much subtle emotion and meaning, tone and inflection crafting feelings or expressing them, and all one had to do was tune their ears and listen. Voices were my favorite things to listen too, I could always tell a lot about a pony just from a few conversations with them. Good examples where my only two friends, Lyra and BonBon. Lyra had a laugh embedded in almost every one of her words, a child like sarcasm and glee in everything she said. She didn’t take things very seriously, because to her, most things were simply not worth taking seriously. She had a life to live and enjoy, opportunities and adventure to be had, even in the most mundane of things. BonBon, was gentle and soft spoken, every word she said had care and wisdom that came before it. Sentences structured around forethought and guided planning. She genuinely cared for those around her, and wanted to see ponies live out their lives to the fullest. No emotions she put forth were faked or contrived for some hidden agenda. She just wanted what was best for everypony. I especially favored being around them when the two were together. The love and passion that burned behind their shared words was that of a beautiful song. They were truly exemplary ponies, and I was beyond fortunate to have them as allies in life. I have many other examples, both good and bad, but I am one to get lost in painting scenery with my diction, trying to create an image with a thousand words. But now, standing in front of my dorm room door, my diction had quickly darkened, leaving me only with shades of gray and black to paint with. I sighed, I didn't need to hear myself to know that I was already tired of whatever events I would soon endure. I opened the door, and I swear under every star crafted by the hands of Luna, that a hulking, three headed beast of a canine stood poised near inches away from me. My mind went blank. My first reflex was to swing my cello case around like a weapon, but the inclusion of my cello within said case made me instantly halt in that thought. Woe is it to be an artist, when tools of trade have value surpassing thy beating heart. My second reaction was to become acutely aware of the fact that I  lacked a flame thrower. Third, to take a moment and curse my predictability in instinctual choices. And my fourth, was to listen. The beast was sitting, heart beating in a calm tempo. Its breath panting, almost singing along with a soothing piece that I had in fact created. Its three faces slobbered in a doggy grins. It, by all accounts, seemed pacified. Just as I was weighing my dignity versus spending a night out on the street, the music playing changed. Electronic, angry buzzes roared through the air. It made me jump, and it made the beast charge towards me at break neck speeds. I tossed my case to the side as I was bowled over. Promptly, I was covered in slobber by energetic licks covering most of my upper torso. My protests were only silent due to my full body cringe. The beast lumbered off to the outside night. The only sound that could be heard was the maniac laughter of a pony who found this all too amusing. "Haha... Wait, Spot! C-come back!" A voice choked through giggles.   The instant her voice had even touched my ears was the moment all of my calm had died. I seethed, I could feel my voice come out in a low growl fueled by my very hatred . "Vinyl Scratch," I spat. "What manner of displeasure have you wrought this time?" "Oh, hiya Tavi. Didn't see you there." She lied. "I wasn't  'wroughting displeasure' or whatever. I was doing my own little experiment." I got up and wiped some slobber from my face. "Entailing?" "Music taming the savage beast, that old mare's tale." "Loud and blasting wubstep falls within your definition of music meant to tame?" "It was a valid attempt to see the limits of the experiment..." She said, laughs coming through her voice.  "... I also wanted to piss you off." She broke down to a fit of giggles. There was a number of reasons I loathed Vinyl, this was the first: her laughter. It was the sound of heartfelt enjoyment, and I had almost always heard it at my expense. I stormed up and grabbed her, thankful that she was wearing a shirt for once so I could grasp her by the collar. I picked her up and slammed her against the walls, in no mood for games. knocking away her purple tinted shades that usually hid away her magenta red eyes. Her frizzy, electric blue and cyan striped mane that exploded around her face was tickling my nose, because I was so close to her. Her white coat was so pure it that it almost hurt the eye to lay its gaze on. Her loose shirt and plain underwear did nothing to hide her admittedly attractive form, that was more suited to be on an Equestrian top model, rather than a ruffian disk jockey. “You have no idea how badly I want to strangle you right now, you heathen. I am going to hold you responsible for every single thread you’ve caused ruin too.” I was fuming, voice steady and constricted from anger.  “You...You ill tempered, foul mannered, poorly conceived little-” “Oh yes.” Vinyl moaned. Her hands rising to travel along my lower midriff. “I love it when you talk dirty to me!” I stumbled in my grasp, for the moan sounded completely genuine “I, err… What?” While I was still confused, Vinyl shunted me. I went tumbling onto our shared living room sofa, now with a healthy dosing of blush to diminish my still scowling face. “Oh man, you fall for that every time!” She just couldn't stop laughing, her scratchy, tom colt voice over taking the air. That was reason number two I couldn't stand Vinyl. She knew about my sensitivity to sound, and she amply abused it. Vinyl could fake what ever tone she wanted to throw me off balance. It was mostly lust,, but she also did sorrow, kindness, happiness, all of it. She could pretend to hold any emotion, and I wouldn't be able to tell if she was serious or not until she started laughing seconds later. She could read me like a book, and I couldn’t puzzle out  her specific traits, other than the fact that she enjoyed tormenting me. I depend my scowl, got up,  and went to retrieve my cello in silence. “Man, if you’re this mad about the slobber, wait till you learn I used up all the hot water for the night.” I didn't say anything, simply walked passed her and into my room. “Oh come on Tavi, don’t give me the silent treatment, I love to hear your accent when you get angry.” “My accent has-...” I stopped myself, knowing that going down that line would just be giving her what she wanted, and returned to my silence. I set my case down and started to undress, knowing that telling her to leave would just end up in a another scuffle. “Whats this? Giving me a show? Why Tavi, you naughty, naughty filly. I won't complain, you certainly have a lot to show me.” Vinyl purred. I turned around to throw my shirt in her face, but still said nothing, looking off to my wall. I didn't want to face her, which was a mistake on my part. Vinyl materialized right next to me, slinging an arm around my shoulders and nuzzling my neck like a cat. I flinched, and not just from her silent approach. “Talk to me, Tavi, I’m too kinky a mare to get the engines going unless you're yelling at me.” She chuckled. She was making stroking motions with one of her hands, playing with strands of my hair while I stood there, half naked. I could feel her breath tickling my fur as her lips hovered inches away from my nape. The tempo of my heart started speeding up, and I could hear its pounding in my ears. Vinyl’s breathing became painfully loud as I halted my own. She looked at me, unflinching, letting her magenta eyes swallow me whole. Time seemed to stop, the only thing assuring me of its passage being the steady ticks that came in over the now silent area. Her playful smirk turned positively devious as we stared at each other. And this, was the most prime example of reason number three for my frustration with this menace.  I was sexually attracted to Vinyl. It was nothing so profound as love or infatuation, the mare was simply beautiful, unfairly so, and she knew it. Her body uncovered inspired envy; lithe, small, and modestly proportioned, but all smoothly transitioning curves. Her whole figure and profile demanded attention, coupled with her tartarus-may-care attitude that was fine with showing off, it was made all the more alluring. Even her scratchy voice held a note of a sirens song, you wanted her to speak onwards, simply so you could ponder on the beautiful sound of it. And her eyes, those striking, wonderfully colored eyes on top of that gorgeous profile. It was hard to look away. Vinyl had matched almost all my preferences that I could possibly hold for a mare physically. And once I had accidentally let slip my sexual orientation a few months prior, Vinyl had directed all of those ‘preferences’ into teasing me. I would have been overjoyed at the prospect, if I could simply stand the mare. And if she wasn't just doing it to mess with me. And if I wasn't so overly shy about anything involving sex. She stayed mashed against me, still toying with my hair, I stood my ground and glowered at her. Flinching away would be a win for her, as its what I always did. Lyra’s words rung in my ears, steeling my determination to grab some form of victory from the nights trial. What felt like eons passed before Vinyl broke contact, she seemed to finally give up. “Jeash Tavi, something crawl up your flank and die?” And then I had to go ruin my victory. I picked up my cello case and swung at her, screaming. “STOP CALLING ME TAVI!” It wasn't as if it was hard for her to dodge my clumsy swing, She simply stepped out of the way and let my momentum swing me. “Celestia lay scorn upon you! You insufferable simpleton!” I shouted “Ah, there we go, that’s the song I wanted to hear you sing.” I threw many of my more colorful obscenities at her, and from the look of half amusement, half confusion she gave back, she had never heard most of them. I retired to my shower, I didn't care that it was cold, If anything I turned it even lower so its chill could clear my head. Vinyl by all usual means seemed infallible. She was too fast for physical violence, too lackadaisical in her outlook to be afflicted by pranks. We were musical rivals of sorts, but our genres were so different that most of our competition in that regard was in popularity, and even then we attracted completely different crowds. What I needed was a game, a modus operandi of attack that I could place faith in. Something that would shake Vinyl to her inner core. I could use my talent for listening and discern when something bothered her, but I would have to hold a conversation with her over multiple topics, and I’m not sure I could even bare such a thing for that long. But the longer I stood in the icy water, the more it came clear that my only hope, was to start talking to her. I normally only spent my time yelling at her or ignoring her, Just the idea of actually trying to make chit chat and banter with her was incredibly awkward. I shivered, signalling my need to get out of the shower. I dried myself off, and kept my towel wrapped around me. When I came out, Vinyl was waiting on my bed, drumming on my case. She wouldn't go so far as to actually mess with my instrument, a small honor among musicians that even she values it seems. “Vinyl.” I said with no joy or welcome. “Tavi.” She said as if it were the most amusing word in the world. “What are you still doing in my room?” “Oh don't give me that, we've known each other for what, a whole year now? And yet we never really talk.” “You want to talk. With me.” “Well, other than stare at your massive titts, pretty much.” I felt the scowl before I made it, and was about to give her some choice words on the matter of what I thought about her and her desire to ‘talk’. But something stopped me, and that was the fact that Vinyl was smiling. No doubt a preemptive joy from my expected response. She wanted me to get angry, to be upset and start yelling, and it was a marker for how much she had played mental mind games with me that even the offer to talk was enough to send me into a rage. No. I would not give her what she wanted, not that easily, not anymore. “Alright Vinyl,” I said, Bringing up one of my desk chairs and sitting in it, towel and all. It was hard to tell through her shades, but she blinked. She actually blinked, My single change of manner that was willing to share the same room with her for more than two seconds was so contrary to her expectations of me that it had momentarily shocked her into silence. I could almost hear the cogs of her head turn, trying to figure out if she should pull out, or keep playing her hand and try to call my bluff. I sat there momentarily realizing how dysfunctional the two of us were as roommates for idle talk to be such a shocking turn of events. But I would talk, and during our little talk, I would keep pushing until I found something that made her want to push back. And then the song would begin. It would no longer be a solo, but a clashing duet, Vinyl would probably win the first few rounds, but I had confidence that I could return the ire in short order, once I knew where to aim said ire. Oh yes Vinyl, we’ll have our talk. And then, I’m going to make you sing, and it's going to be a very sad, bitter, and angry song.   > Play me Like a Instrument > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hated my voice. The reproach for my very means of societal communication is rather new in retrospective. I was never truly a fan of my vocal talents, otherwise I may have become a singer. But for the past three years, I’ve tried hard to keep my voice subdued, and my accent controlled. Why? Because voices are another means of representing who somepony is. You can hear it, their history, their emotions, outlooks, disposition, general attitude. It was all there to be heard, or atleast I could hear it. And I did not make for a pleasant sound. I was a Trottingham born earth pony, raised in the elites of music in Canterlot. I was rich, considered a prodigy, and praised to bring about a musical revolution in my coming years. But I was aloof, and held disdain for almost every pony I met. I was a musician, so I communicated my emotions via string and song, but every other pony simply had their mouths, which they used to lie, cheat, and harm others. I believed myself better than everyone else, becoming a cruel, spoiled little brat. I alienated everyone who came in contact with me, off the assumption that they could not compare to me, and therefore, weren’t worth my time. Lyra and BonBon changed my outlook a simple three years back. They showed me that I wasn't truly listening to anyone else at all. I made a vow to change, and with it, my voice took on subtle differences, but most of them due to conscious efforts. My old voice was stained with bitterness, arrogance, and selfish cruelty. I tried my hardest to bury that sound, but it always came back whenever I got mad, maybe because back then, I was always angry. It was yet another reason for my resentment towards Vinyl, the mare seemed dedicated to unearthing and enjoying that old voice, much to my chagrin. It made the talk with her all the more harder. Well… In all honesty, we ‘talked’ the same way two disgruntled minotaurs ‘talked’ about their personal disputes. The threat of violence hanged heavy in the air, at least from me. Vinyl seemed to be enjoying watching me flounder for some topic of discussion that she was uncomfortable with. I had chosen to remain wrapped in my towel, and Vinyl had done a extraordinary job at reminding me just how near naked I was. When she wasn't talking, she was shooting dirty leers at my body, reminding me of my ‘assets’. While I was certainly not fat, I had a rather burdening pair of H-cup breasts, and wide hips to match. I used to get plenty of stares, before I started staring back, and being known to swing my cello around when angered. Sure, I was called ‘pretty’ and ‘beautiful’, both mares and stallions to this day tried to win my affections. But I was focused on my musical pursuits, and knew that I was not one to settle for any pony that wasn't of the highest character. So basicly somepony who could stop ogling my breasts. Frankly, they only got in my way, and made the cello all that much harder to play. Not that Vinyl cared, she would use it as just another means to get on my nerves as she always did. “-and that’s how I learned the secret to pocket dimensions from Pinkie Pie.” Vinyl said. “I swear, you just made all of that up to give me a headache.” “Maybe, maybe not. If you saw her work in person, you would be more willing to believe.” “Speaking of unbelievable, where in all of Equestria did you get a cerberus?” “Oh, Spot? He isn't mine; he belongs to another one of the students, shy mare, pink hair, doesn't talk much. He’ll find his way back on his own.” She leaned in and wiggled her eyebrows. “She’s quite the looker, I bet you would like her. She’s also got a pretty voice. Your moans together would make an awesome sound.” I rolled my eyes, but stopped short of a groan. “Honestly, what is with you and your constant referral to sexual acts, and I mean besides the fact that it ‘pisses me off.’ Are you seriously so prone to hold such thoughts?” “Like you’d want to know, miss prissy and posh.” That was strange, the laugh in her voice wasn't as heartfelt as normal, I decided to push a bit. “I don’t think I will have the state of mind to discuss it with you at a later date, you might as well tell me now.” “Why do you care?” “Why do you? You’re the one who is suppose to, and I quote, ‘not give a flying flank.’” I quipped. “And you're the one who’s suppose to be too ‘prim and proper’ to even talk about this kind of stuff.” “Doesn't seem to bother you from practically feeling me up and catcalling me like a young colt lacking manners. Stop stalling and talk for Celestia’s sake, otherwise I’m sending you the bill for my premium uniform, pride be damned.” She flinched. “You wouldn’t dare.” “Oh I’d dare, I can swallow my pride, as long as it means you have to empty your wallet for your previous hijinks.” “That’s a low blow, Tavi.” She said, for once not amused. “I guess I’m starting to play with your toolset then,” I smiled, happy for my first little victory. “And stop referring to me as ‘Tavi’. Now discuss.”   Then she did something I would have never seen coming. She scoffed. Scoffed! As if she was about to explain something to a small child who would be too ignorant to possibly understand. “Being a high and mighty ‘Canterlot elite’ type like yourself, you wouldn't understand what it means to bring joy and accept others, but I’ll try my best to explain it to you.” She said condescendingly. My smile became very strained. “I’m listening.” “It’s like this, Tavi,” She accentuated my name, clearly making a jab at me before evening out her tone. “Sexuality is about openness and honesty. You have to accept who you are as a pony, and who other ponies are as themselves. Sex is natural, and a beautiful thing when done between ponies who actually give a flank about one another.” She perked up in her seat, trying to focus on create fitting words to express herself with. “It’s like… It’s like…. Music! Yeah, specially music in a band or something. You can't just go off and do your own thing without thinking about everyone else. It’s when everyone works together that you get something really awesome.”  She smiled, pleased with herself that she seemed to express her ideals. That smile died moments after when my laughter started. “And just what's so funny?” she snapped, angry at me for the first time in ages. “I’m sorry, but I’m not sorry. Thats the most juvenile, filly-school promotion for sexual openness I’ve ever heard.”  I could tell she felt true conviction and passion behind her words, but that didn't make them any less ill spoken, and my continued laughing made her even angrier. I was starting to see why Vinyl prodded me so much, It was truly entertaining to see her white face go bright red. “And just what would you know?” She shouted back. “Your a total prude! I doubt you even know what hole to put where.” I composed myself, finally having the upperhand for once. “I am not as prudish as you would like to believe, I simply know restraint. I plan to wait for a mare worthy of my attention, a mare of true quality and elegance.” I closed my eyes, and was swept away in a fantasy I have long held. “It would be a romantic candle lit night, after dining on a succulent dinner, just the two of us. We would retire to somewhere more personal, where we would let the night play out as we danced, slowly shifting too-” I failed to finish my recounting, due to Vinyl’s laughter cutting in mid way. “I bet that dream chick of yours would be as boring a lay as any other of you Canterflop trolls.” She laughed. “Trottingham born, and Canterlot raised. And I am sure they would have much more mastery over the finer points of lovemaking than any other brute like you.” “Pft, yeah sure. No better bed partner than some uptight stiff who only knows one position.” “Why, I’ll have you know-” “That you know nothing about nada.” “Alright then, what are your experiences?” I snarled back, tired of her attitude, when suddenly it changed. “Erm...what?” She stammered “Yes, tell me your exploits, what merits have you earned that grant you such a position of authority? Can you recall them to me?” “You don’t want to hear about that.” She said, I could almost see her eyes shifting behind her shades. “No please, enlighten me Vinyl Scratch, free me from the burden of my naivety. I give you full permission to destroy the innocence that you so feverishly proclaim that I have.” I challenged. “Well...alright. I mean, there was this one time…. At this one party…” She mumbled. I couldn't help but notice that I had completely caught her off guard. Her rhythm was off, a shambled mess of her usual song. She was fidgety as her voice cracked with uncertainty. Then Luna had dropped the bloody moon on my head in revelation. “You’re a virgin!” I exclaimed. “W-what! NO!” I could tell by the wavering inflection in her voice that I had hit the mark. “I can’t believe it, Sexual deviant and prominent rave master Vinyl Scratch, is as pure as her snow white coat.” I was singing, It was hard not to as every note stung Vinyl like a dagger through the flesh. “Oh, like you can talk! You’re a virgin too!” “Yes, but I am someone who has been saving herself. I don't flaunt around like some sexual goddesses who has unlocked the secrets to the ways of the flesh.” “I still know more than you.” She quickly snapped back. “How many times do you even clop?” Now it was my turn to be taken back. “Pardon?” “Clop. Clopping. Masturbation. The one trick pony. Doing the solo act. Playing the golden instrument. Teasing the one eyed monster?” “I… I’m almost positive that you made half of those up!” I countered. “Doesn't matter, how many times you do it is the question.” “I, well…” I straightened, gaining a Idea. “I won’t tell you, because I don't have too.” “What?!” she cried, as she jumped from her chair to get closer to my face. “I just told you that I was a virgin, and you won't even tell me how many times you screw yourself? Thats some serious personal info, you can't just go taking something like that and not give anything back!” “You didn't tell me anything of the sort, I pieced it together for myself." I  got up from my seat, and rose to her challenge. I was taller than her by clear inches, and took great pleasure in looking down at her flushed face. “And you have no leverage to make me say anything right now.” “So that’s how you're going to play this, huh Tavi?” “A bene placito: up to the performer. And you’ve given me more than enough cause to play this kind of tune.” She stared at me for some moments more, before her scowl turned into a haughty laugh. “Ha, you know, Your really sexy when you're so assertive.” I shivered a little as a hand touched my side, reminding me that I was still naked, covered only by a towel. I grabbed the hand, ceasing its climb. “I’m not falling for that ruse this time Vinyl, I know I hold the advantage here.” I smiled a wide, victorious grin, as I moved in for the proverbial kill. “To think, all this time I was being flustered by a virgin, just as innocent as I.” I sang, letting my accent come out without hold for the first time in three years. “You're just as inexperienced as I, your sultry false promises have lost all meaning.” I laughed. I had won, for once I was the one teasing and demeaning, and after a year of frustration and hardship, it felt good. Vinyl Looked mad, hurt even that I was treating her like this, but did it ever serve her right. I decided to go for the full karmic retribution, and moved closer into Vinyl. I put my hand on her neck, and toyed with a bit of her hair, All while I leaned in, and whispered into her ear. “You lose Vinyl, and I win.” Vinyl stepped forward, catching me surprised and off balanced. My towel came partly undone and slid down my legs, leaving my body bare. “V-Vinyl! what the stars are you-” my face came crashing against my room wall, as Vinyl took position behind me. She held my arms in place with one hand, and used her weight to hold me against the wall. “Vinyl! Don't you think you're taking your jest a little too far?!” I yelled. “Who’s joking, Tavi?” Vinyl cooed. There was a low edge to her voice, something dangerous that shook me to my core. It bypassed my ear and tickled down my spine, the feeling making me want to jump out of my fur. And that was before she started biting on my ear. My own intake of air poorly hid the underlying moan. But the panic in my voice was pure. “Vinyl! Stop this at once! Do you have any concept of what you’re doing here?!” I tried to struggle and thrash about, but not even earth pony strength could overcome proper leverage. She had me good, and with my legs half bound by my towel, I was completely at her mercy. Vinyl simply applied more force, trying to hold me still while making shushing noises. “Shhhh, Shhhh. It’s going to be alright.” “Vinyl! VINYL!” My voice rose to higher pitches, fighting spirit leaving me as the futility of my actions became more apparent. Naked, pinned, and complete embarrassed beyond belief, I stopped my struggles, whinnying as my eyes stared blankly at nothing. “That's right, This will be all the better when you just calm down and go with the flow.” Vinyl continued whispering, trying to calm me down further. “Vinyl. You realize I’m going to completely ruin you for this.” I snarled “Ha, don't even try and play that card, Tavi. I know you want this.” Wait, what? I thought, the accusation jarring me.          “Wait, what?” I asked, needing to express that confusion on reflex. “You're not as subtle as you think, I’ve seen you eyeballing me when you think i’m not looking. And you get way too flustered for someone who isn't secretly into the idea of having some fun.” Well, she had me there… “Yes, but I loath you. I don’t care how much I want it, I won't fornicate with a menace like you.” “Good job confirming my theory, I was honestly going to have to drop out and turn myself in out of guilt if I made a bad call in the heat of the moment.” She laughed. I swear, I utterly detest this girl. “So here we are,” I spat, still defiant out of stubbornness. “You have me up against a wall, naked and helpless, but you’re still a virgin and completely inexperienced. You have no idea to what you're doing.” “Virgin doesn’t mean clueless, And we’re going to have a little study session.” She beamed from behind me. “You're going to tell me exactly how and where you want it.” “Oh really? And what happens if I don-” I screamed. At least I prefer to think what escaped me was wholly a scream. Vinyl bit me harshly on the neck, without preamble or forewarning. I jerked forward and spine stiffened. I redoubled my efforts to break free, which only made her press harder against me, and sink her teeth further in. I could feel her body heat as she grinded against me. I was suffocating, squeezed between the wall and my captor. “That’ll happen, is what.” She panted out, the squabble had left us both breathing hard. “Though I might do it again, just to see you squirm.” Held against the wall, powerless, with a maleficent foe demanding submission from me, it would have only been wise to give her what she wanted. But for some reason my mouth spoke for me, without consent of my thinking brain. “Be cast into the sun, you uncultured barbarian!” The teeth came again. This time I let out a undignified squeal. My legs felt weak and were only supported up by the pressing weight and wall. I sucked in air through clenched teeth, but pain was honestly the last thing my mind was focusing on at the moment. “Again?” she asked, her voice was shaky, frantic, barely controlled enough to form the sounds needed to produce something other than guttural moans. Her voice fared better than mine, for when I responded, my chosen insult of “Perverted heathen,” came out as “Haa….hnng!” “Sounds like a yes to me.” and she bit me again. At this point, it would be utter denial not to recognize the wetness between my legs. I was freely grinding myself against Vinyl, and had no doubt that if she weren’t forcing me against the wall, I would be redirecting my efforts of breaking free to simply moving closer towards her. But I liked the fact she was holding me still. Held, restricted from all movement, completely within the clutches of my sworn enemy, I had found a twisted joy that I had no previous knowledge of.   “Feeling more co-operative now?” Vinyl asked, finally giving my neck time for rest. I could still feel the bites in a phantom, lingering pain that gave me the pang to receive another. Hormones and desire were now forthcoming. Vinyls voice was like ambrosia to me, what simply was a casual desire to hear her talk was now a burning need for her very sound. I nodded, not trusting my voice to do anything but plead animalistically. I almost whimpered in protest as Vinyl relaxed her grip on me, she caught the half sound and chuckled to herself. “Don’t like where this is going? Well you're just going to have to speak up then.” She leaned in, until even her breath could be felt, I quavered as I relished the enclosing weight. I wanted to feel it over as much of my body as I could, and Vinyl was making a clear effort to fulfill that want. When she spoke, she was languid with the deliberation and control that only came from someone who knew they had truly won. “Tell me what you want, Tavi. What do I have to do to make you sing?” Hearing that confidence in her voice was almost enough to spur me from my stupor, and start fighting back. Almost. “M-my nipples. I want you to touch my nipples.” I squeaked. Her hands moved from my sides immediately, and started sliding over my breast like oil. Silky soft hands only contrasted by the sharp scrape of nails covered every inch of my large bosom. The action had inspired constant hums of approval, my whole body rocked to and fro along with the general motion of Vinyl’s caress. I could barely breathe, pleasure seemed to rob me of the ability. She had to be firm with the kneading due my size, they were so big that Vinyls small hands disappeared into them. I continually crooned as she squeezed harder on them, And bit my lower lip, in some small attempt to remain quite. Vinyl had got her first few, true notes when she pinched my nipples. It was a harsh sting, just like the bite, it melted away the fluffy haze and threw my mind into searing hot pain, that had pleasure in even greater amounts right behind it. She tweaked and pulled them, at different angles, in different variations, all to see what noises her sensitive new toy would make.   My pride struggled against me, I wanted to bite back my pleasure, at least pretend that I wasn't this easy to manipulate. Resistance ultimately backfired when it came crumbling down, I was relaxing into it or not. But it wasn’t long before I wanted… No, needed more. “Lower...” The only word amongst the moans for what seemed like hours. Vinyl obeyed without response. It would be ill form for a musician to speak during their performance, after all. Vinyl’s nails made contact first with my clit as they brushed by. The electricity that exploded within me from that alone made me jump. Vinyl punished me by ramming her hips into my backside. Hard. I cried out to show that I enjoyed her ‘punishment’ and might have wished for more. The fingers drew closer my nether lips, but they danced around the entrance, rubbing wet flesh that was just off from the true prize. She even spread me open, letting the air of the room tease against my waiting marehood that was winking ineptly, begging for something to come and fulfill it. I almost thrusted my hips down, trying to rub against anything for pleasure, but I restrained myself. I wanted Vinyl to do it, to give it to me. I wanted to accept this loss, and enjoy it fully. Vinyl gave me a few more teasing half strokes, but decided I had been teased enough when my mewling had become completely incoherent. She thrusted in, and my legs buckled, I went limp as a high pitched high note invaded my ears, and I realized a few seconds later that it was my own voice. She didn't even give me time to adjust, the cruel bint, before she started thrusting in and out at a steady increase of speed. I had touched myself before, more times on a more normal basis than I would like to admit. But my own touch was nothing compared to hers. The pleasure she gave me was so sharp that I almost couldn't stand it, I had to let my voice sing in earnest so I didn't completely lose my grip on the world, It was more fulfilling than simple touching, the sensations stuck a chord deep within me that made my whole body quake Here I was, pathetic and senseless, filling the air with my noise. I was nothing more than a instrument to Vinyl, a tool she had so masterfully controlled to play her own perverted symphony on. I had a front row seat to my own shameless howls and groans, as Vinyl basked in my voice, my unfiltered song of utter pleasure. And she loved it, but nowhere near as much as I. I was ashamed, and that only made it better. I couldn't hear anything anymore, couldn't even see anything. My ears were working, my eyes functioning, but pleasure was the only sensation my mind could process. The last remnants of language I could grasp were Vinyl’s words, yelled directly in my ears. Things like ‘Naught filly’, and ‘Filthy little Tavi.’, a plethora of other demeaning pet names that made my ears swivel, and folds twitch to hear them. “Your moaning like such a slut, Tavi.” She would say. “You’re enjoying every bit of this aren't you Tavi?” She would tease. “Moan louder if you want me to go even harder and faster, show me just how badly you want this, Tavi.” She would command. Vinyl’s dirty talk only sent me further into depravity, as if having verbal confirmation that what I was doing was obscene made it all the better. And it did. I never wanted Vinyl to stop talking to me, to never stop berating me so that I could be taking to higher heights. If I had still held mastery of my own voice, I would have been shouting my agreeance with her, but as it stood, I could only moan louder. Vinyl kept her word, she increased intensity as I grew in volume. Her hips bucked against me, as if she were a stallion who had the sex to penetrate me with. It was a steady, loud, ground shaking sound, as Vinyl dedicated her athletic body to her faux fornication, wet, plump flank colliding with pelvis. It increased the pressure holding me to the wall, and made the fingers within me drag harshly. The motion even doubled as a dubious spanking, cracking most of my rear with heavy blows. It was heavenly. Vinyl was exerting herself, grunting in key with her thrust, It could barely be heard over me. Sounds I didn't even know I was capable of making escaped me. I couldn't even tell if I was close, so within the throes of ecstasy that it was all just a constant orgasm to me. But I hit my peak, it was in the form of a messy explosion of liquid. What little subconscious control of my body I had left was obliterated. I writhed and contorted like a mare  possessed. I bucked and heaved against nothing. Pleasure took its claws and dug them deep into me, I just couldn't take it, the pure overload of emotions and feelings and sounds. Every cell of me ached in a way that made me scream ‘YES’! I made further mess of myself as I gushed again, the pleasure not done destroying my intelligence just yet, and it didn't finish for what must have been years afterward. I slid against the wall, I had no strength to do anything anymore, and Vinyl followed suit, still clutching me close to her. The ambient noise of the room returned, I could once again hear the ticking of the clock, the slight, subtle noise of air circulating around a room. Both me and Vinyl were panting, trying to regain our breath from an act that took our everything from us, I didn't even know If she was satisfied herself, I never got the chance to touch her in return, but she seemed just as pleased as I was. I sat there, covered in my own fluids, voice strained, and the most primal, unintelligent grin I must have ever given in my entire life.  The afterglow was almost enough to make me climax again, but as it was, it just made my hips twitch every so often, as I waited for its effect to completely wash from me. In that moment, everything could have changed. Vinyl Scratch, the mare I had sworn to hate, the beautiful goddess that had swept me up into a world of bliss, into an orchestra of primal delight, was everything to me right then and there. If she had asked me in that moment to forsake my music and become her mare, I would have done so, consequences be damned and thrown into the sun! But what she said next, did something to me, something so profound that even in the wisdom of hindsight, to this day I cannot describe as to what exactly that something was. “Hey Tavi…” She started. Voice still angelic in its awe. “Y-yes?” I responded meekly. She didn't say anything at first, she just smiled and started laughing, laughing a low, satisfied, assured laugh to herself, that I was just close enough to here. “...I won…” > Off beat. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silence. Stunned silence. Despite being out in the beautiful gardens yet again together with my two comrades, there was nothing to be heard for quite some time. “Wait… that’s rape… Isn’t it?” BonBon stuttered. “I...I don't know, I mean, should we report this or something?” Lyra said, even she was confused after my retelling of the events. “I mean, you are upset about this, aren't you?” BonBon inquired I groaned and dramatically threw up my hands. “It doesn’t matter! Thats not what I’m upset about at all!” “Then what are you upset about?” Asked BonBon. “The fact that she won!” I nearly exclaimed. “err… What?” The two said together. “She won!” I started aggravated. “She saw through me, she completely read my emotional state, and used it to her advantage! She even made me enjoy losing to her! And now I’m back at square one, I have nothing against her, nothing!” I planted my face into the table, too frustrated to even face the sky. “I think this rivalry the two of you have is getting rather unhealthy.” BonBon muttered. “Speak for yourself,” Said Lyra. “They could be duking it out, or covertly ruining each others lives. Compared to that, having some good ol’ nookie to settle their scores is like waging a war with pillows.” “You really think being sexually assaulted is a ‘positive’ direction for this relationship to take?” BonBon deadpanned. “Hey, it’s make love, or make war, they just found a way to do both at the same time. Besides, she said she enjoyed it didn't she? If finger banging someone to orgasm is a crime, then I needed to have you arrested for these scratch marks on my torso.” BonBon blushed furiously “You promised you wouldn't talk about that!” I let out another groan to remind the two that I was still sitting here with no solution to my problems. “Honestly, if you want my two bits on this situation,” Lyra started. “I think Vinyl likes you.” “Say what?” BonBon said. “I concur.” I said with a raised brow. “How did you even come to the idea that Vinyl holds me within a favorable light?” “Stay with me here.” Lyra continued. “She’s been bugging you for like, ever right? And as soon as she found out you were into mares, she started making sexual advances towards you. And I don't know about you, but you usually don't sex up people you dislike, specially in a way that doesnt give you any direct pleasure.” “I do think it’s strange,” BonBon interrupted. “That Vinyl would dedicate so much time to you for so long with no good reason.” “Until yesterday night, we had never even held a formal conversation.” I started, flustered at the nonsense of their idea. “We knew nothing about each other. There’s no way she would be infatuated.” “Correction.”  BonBon started. “You knew nothing about her, she seemed to know plenty in regards to your habits and dislikes. She even records your practice sessions from the sounds of it” “Yeah, and besides.” Lyra stated. “You can get crushes on ponies and know next to nothing about them, most of the time they just fade away, but I can imagine a lot of ponies getting hung up on someone like you.” “But that’s so...juvenile. How would irritating me ever gain her my affections?” I asked “She might just be trying to get you to loosen up and have some fun, you are a bit of a stiff.” Lyra said. “And you can be oddly prudish with your life views.” BonBon added. “And you can be a real ice queen to someone who doesn't meet your immediate standards.” “And let’s not forget that one time you-” “Enough!” I cut in. “Vinyl absolutely, positively, cannot hold any such feelings towards me. I might have believed you two, if she didn't declare herself the winner of our argument after all was said and done.” “Well, maybe thats just what she’s into?” Lyra ventured, which gained her dirty looks from both me and BonBon.  “Hey, some of the best sex I’ve ever had was directly before or during some big argument with BonBon. Some people just like to be angry and competitive. Apply that logic here and it makes sense.” I stayed silent, while BonBon asked a question for me. “What are you on about, Lyra?” “Every time Octavia comes to us talking about Vinyl, all she can focus on is ‘who won this’ and ‘I lost that’. It’s a game, and you’re both keeping score. You were just saying yesterday that you didn't want to move out to another dorm, because if you did, you would be losing the game. This is a competition between you two, and you both get off on winning.” “I… I…” I started, but couldn't find any words to defend myself. “Look, I’m not saying to go over and mary the mare. For all I know you two just had a incredibly kinky night off the heat of the moment, but there are a lot of things you two need to be asking one another, like why do you two try so hard to get on each other’s nerves. Maybe Vinyl thinks your really hot and just wants to rutt you into oblivion, and doesn't want to admit it, or does admit it to get on your nerves, and you’ve just been too blind to see that she really means it.” "I... Well," I said dumbly. "Lyra may not be too off the mark here" said BonBon "Between the way you two act, there’s probably a lot of pent up sexual tension. Last night may have just been a form of release." I was blinking rapidly, mouth slightly ajar. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but at the same time, I couldn't outrightly refute it. "I think you two need to have another talk, one that doesn't end in sex." BonBon said. "Or another that does, maybe this time you'll get to be on top." Lyra chuckled. I laughed a bit at the idea, but said nothing. "Octavia," BonBon reached over, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Are you going to be okay? Are you sure you don't want to report what happened last night?" "I’m fine BonBon," I gave her a reassuring smile. "And don’t worry about last night, ultimately I enjoyed the experience, even if I'm still upset over being so masterfully duped." She didn't seem to accept that fully, but was happy that I was at least not breaking down from some traumatic event. "Alright, just remember that we're here for you." BonBon said. "That includes if you want to get really kinky and make it a foursome." Lyra laughed. BonBon elbowed Lyra, but I noticed that she didn't deny her marefriend's statement. But I was at yet another emotional impasse, And one that seemed to lack any clear choice. It was still early, but on a lazy saturday afternoon, no one had anything of consequence to do, including me. So i decided to head home, and see if I couldn't work out my situation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~★~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The cello makes for a beautiful sound. It was the normal set up for my saturday’s starting a year back. I would sit in some space of our shared living room, and Vinyl would spend her time lazing about. I played something simple and slow, to give my mind time to ponder. The dragged out notes sluggishly sauntered through the corners of the room to evoke the feeling of melancholy, as it was lazy, and a bit saddening in its sound. This seemed to take a effect on Vinyl who laid on the floor with a thousand yard stare, or maybe she was still thinking about last night, maybe she regretted it. We hadn't talked since she uttered those words confirming her triumph, so it was possible. As I thought about that, I realized that these moments of practice were the only breaks of peace I had ever gotten from the Ivory Menace. And that every time, like a dutiful pet, she would rest about in silence while I played. It had never occurred to me that she might be listening to my music, after all, what modern ruffian would have a taste for classical? But as I looked over to her, I could see her ears swivel and move in time with the beat. She seemed to be listening intently. Was she always doing this, filling in as my silent audience while I honed my skills, or played for relaxation? "H-hey, Tavi." My thoughts and playing came to a stop, as Vinyl, for the first time in... Ever, interrupted my playing. She stayed silent, I assumed she was waiting on my acknowledgement. "Yes, Vinyl?" I said with no inflection. "About last night..." She said then stopped, she seemed unable to continue easily with this topic. "What about it?" "I um, I might have..." She sat up, turning her back to me. The room was so quiet that the itching of her mane was audible. "I might have gone a little overboard." "What, you mean with you sexually assaulting me?" I said icily. "Yeah... That..." She sounded completely crestfallen, shame was soaked into her voice. "I know if you were going to make a big deal out of this, I'd be expelled already. So thanks for not doing that." “I did not  refrained from reporting you for your specific benefit. It simply was not worth my care.” “I know, I know. It’s just…. yeah…”   More silence, lately I was getting used to silence and all its flavors. This one was awkward, painfully so, but I kept on as if I was immune to it. Vinyl spoke again some moments later. “Think we could ever do it again?” “Excuse me?” I sputtered. “Well, you said you didn’t care. And last night you seemed preeeeetty into it.” She said with a shrug. “I’m not going to dignify that question with a answer.” I said, preparing to return to my playing. “Yeah, alright.” She lowered her voice, trying not to be heard, but I caught her next words anyway. “Just ignore me, like you always do.” I got into position, planning to do just that, when my mind had gone down a line of logic, meshed together from the previous days events and advice. Vinyl Scratch knew a lot about me. She knew my habits and tendencies, and often played off them to get me agitated. She knew my favorite composers and musicians accurately, so that she could make fun of them. She even knew my birthday, and had planned a particularly elaborate prank on the same day. She knew a lot about me, and I knew almost nothing about her. I always ignored her, pushed her out of sight and out of mind, only paying attention to her when she was reaping chaos on my life. And the one time we had actually chatted, and she shared something personal about herself, I had laughed at her face, then used a personal secret of hers as a means of torment. And the way she had taken revenge for such a thing, albeit without permission, was to send me into orgasmic outcry. It didn’t make what she did right, or even okay... But... I had blocked out the tune that was Vinyl Scratch from the song of my life. I was doing the exact same thing I vowed not to do three years prior. “Uh, yeah?” “Somepony had pitched the ridiculous idea earlier today, that you might actually hold me within favor akin to a lover.” A pause. “Who gave you that stupid idea?” “Oh, just a friend of mine.” “Well you should stop being friends with that pony, because if they say stupid stuff like that to you she’s going to start rotting your brain.” “It is a silly notion, is it not?” I got up from my seat. She flinched.          I walked towards her, taking my time with every step. When I had reached the sofa she was sitting on, I took my own seat right besides her. “After all.” I continued as I reached over and plucked her tinted shades away from her face. “You don't even like me in the slightest, do you?” I stared at her, straight in her eyes while I waited for a response. It happened again, all the silence of the room faded away, to highlight the details of the subtle sounds. I could hear her breathing, even the small thudding of her heart beat. She sat completely frozen in front of me as I gazed unblinking at her.          This was a game. A game she was good at playing. A game she was used to winning. A game she couldn't afford to lose this time. A game that would cost her to much if she did lose. And she lost. “I’m going to go mix a few beats in my room, I’ll bug you later.” She said, getting up as she reached for her shades, I grabbed her wrist. "Sit." I commanded. "But I've got to-" I didn't raise my voice, I lowered it as i repeated my words. "Sit." And she sat. "Vinyl, there are some questions I want answered from you." "Why? We going to have another chat like last night?" "No this isn’t a chat, this is an interrogation." "Pfft, you and what dungeon? You going to hold me down and give me a spanking if I dont say anything?" "..." "..." "..." "Please stop looking at me like that's a good idea." She mumbled. "Don’t worry Vinyl, we'll start with simple questions. Ones you wouldn’t mind answering." "Okay, shoot." She said with a shrug. "Whats your favorite food?" "Pizza." "Passions other than music?" "Partying, video games, sleeping." "Your favorite color?" "Blue." "... That was a lie." Vinyl raised a brow. "Why would I lie about my favorite color?" "You tell me Vinyl." I said, still keeping eye contact. "... Okay, so maybe its purple." "You mean like the color of my eyes?" "Or you know, like my shades. Speaking of which, can I get those back?" "It’s rude to wear such things during a conversation." "I thought this was a interrogation." "It is, you just don't know it yet." I absently tossed her shades behind me, she tried to get up and get them, but i held her wrist firm. "Next question." I continued "You know, your really starting to-" "Why do you refer to me as 'Tavi'?" "Because it pisses you-" "That's a lie." "What? Why else would I-" "Why do you never address me by my full name?" "Seriously Tavi, I don't know what you want me to-" I snatched her other wrist and pushed her over, pinning her beneath me. She was completely wide eyed as she pitted herself against my strength. She was used to dodging me, and last night she had caught me by surprise. But this time, I had genetics backed with a lifetime of heavy instrument carrying. She wasn't going anywhere I didn't want her to go. "I can tell when you're lying to me Vinyl, it’s part of my talent." "My left ass cheek you can, I trick you all the time." She countered. "I wasn't truly listening before, I also didn't hold the advantage. Now you're playing by my rhythm, and I will not have you lie to me. Now tell me why." "It’s a stupid reason! It’s not even worth all of this!" She stammered, but her eyes were unable to look away. "Tell me." "It's..." She looked so frightened as I bore sight on her very soul. There was no place to run or hide, and she was slowly realizing that. "It’s because... It’s because your name sounds so important and official, like I’m talking to my boss. If I say it, its almost like..." "Almost like?" "Like I'm admitting that you're better than me..." She broke the stare. She couldn't look me in the eyes and admit it. But i knew it was the truth. "Say my name, my real name." I ordered. Vinyl paused for a moment, taking in a deep breath, as if having to ready herself for a huge task. Her eyes darted around, refusing to hold my gaze as she mumbled out the word. “Octavia.” Hearing it felt good. “Say it again Vinyl, I couldn't hear you.” I said with a malicious smile. “O-Octavia.” She tried again, her voice shaking a little bit. “Say it again, slower and more pronounced this time.” She was trembling, I could feel it as she started to lay into me more and more. The little mare was trying to seek comfort in my body as she amassed the strength needed to repeat the words. “Octavia.” She lingered on every syllable, that scratchy and tomboyish voice of hers turning musical. I was surprised with myself when the next words that came from my mouth where low and husky. “Look me in the eyes, and whisper my name to me.” I commanded Vinyl became short in breath, and she clenched her fist as she brought her eyes up to mine. We stared at each other in silence for a moment, Vinyl’s small and trembling body against my own, electricity dancing where ever our skin met. She finally breathed the word, barely audible to anyone but myself. “...Octavia…” I could hear it, everything that was mixed into her voice at that moment, the submissive sound of need and desire. It made my own body quiver as my name left her lips for the fourth time. I had to close my eyes as I was swept away by a wave of euphoria. I really enjoyed how Vinyl looked like this, so small and vulnerable in front of me, the eagerness in her eyes, the fear in her breath, and the closeness of herself to me. I had never been so turned on. “You’re infatuated with me.” I said. It wasn't a question, and she didn't deny it. “What does it the most for you? Is it my breasts? My face? My eyes?” “Your voice,” she croaked meagerly. “It’s beautiful.” “And what happened last night? Was that a result of it?” “Yes, It was. I was getting so desperate, a year of living with you and you still never truly noticed me. You're just so beautiful, so sexy, so incredible, and the more I learn about you the more I want you. Everything I did last night was because I couldn't control my lust for you. I'm so pathetically obsessed with you. There, thats all of it, that’s the truth.” She looked like she was on the verge of tears. I picked her up and held her into my arms in a hug, stroking her mane to calm her down. She buried herself into my embrace, I could tell that she had yearned for this kind of touch since the day she laid eyes for me.          “...Liar.”         But that wasn't the whole truth.          I threw her down across my knees and kept her still by the neck. I destroyed the flimsy panties that she was covering herself with, leaving her with only a oversized shirt  and socks on. “Last night wasn’t about love.” I said, as my hand came cracking down on her exposed flank. The magic she was gathering as some probable means of retaliation dissipated, and a yelp exploded from her. “Last night wasn't about lust.” I spanked her again, this time the other flank, flesh rippled as it con-caved under my palm. I kept it there and squeezed a handful of her plush, little behind while she let out panicked sounds of confused mewls. “Last night was about winning, about being the dominate over the other.” My third strike was aimed straight down the middle. The sound that echoed throughout was wet, splashes of arousal were sent spraying, and my palm became damp. The sound Vinyl made was as much agony as it was bliss, she let out a whole body quaver and her head lulled. “Last night, was about you seeing me in a position of subservience. You wanted to have me squirm under you, and it aroused you like nothing else to have me moaning like a whore while you had your way.” At this point, I was knuckle deep in soaked flesh, violently stirring Vinyls marehood. “Y-Yes! Yes, YES!” I can't even tell if she’s answering my questions, or just moaning out her joy. I barely care as each of her screams pierces me and sets my loins ablaze. I'm shifting in my seat as I drench myself in arousal, I want to touch my self so bad, but I want to see Vinyl slide down this road even more. I remove my dirtied fingers and gagged Vinyl with it, forcing her to taste her own sex. Her tongue wafts and she suckles at my hand when I remove it. She whines like a mutt when I don't immediately return my attentions to her, so I silenced her with another slap across the middle. It’s mere moments before the room is stained with the scent of her arousal, the tangy musk flows into my nostrils and gives me even more confirmation that I should push harder and further. When Vinyl had me dancing on her fingers, she was gentle, but I was never a gentle pony. I was always cruel, always cold, I could hear it in my very voice. It was that voice that Vinyl fell for, and what lead to this road a year after the fact. I would not be gentle. I clutched her by the mane and crained her head up by it. “I wonder what you enjoy more? Having me as your moaning slut, Or being under my heel.” I didn't wait for a answer. I smacked her. Hard. Fast. Repeatedly. Without mercy. THWACK, THWACK, THWACK, THWACK. Every hit sent the two of us bouncing. Vinyl shrieks cut through me, so shrill and base in their sound that I ached in empathy. I doubted my cruelty for a second, but only a second, as Vinyl raised her flank in the air, brushing her tail completely out of the way. Her puffy marehood making a beautiful ensemble when matched with her reddening cheeks and freely flowing juices. "You seem to be enjoying this more than I am." I tested my words with a particularly malicious hit. The sound she made in response was so guttural that I did it again seconds after. I figured I was reaching the limits of what I could get away with, any more and I would be seriously aiming to cause pain. “Octavia!” Vinyl moaned, lacking any shame or hesitation. “Please! Harder! HARDER!” I couldn't believe it, the bloody girl wanted it harder? She was asking me to become a true monster, bent on nothing more than destroying her. And by the Goddesses did that drive me INSANE. "Raise your flank higher, I’m going to make these next ones count." She did so, and i leaned in to whisper in her ear. "I’m going to make you pay for a year’s worth of headaches, are you prepared?" "Yes Octavia! Yes yes yes! Damn it all, yes!" THWACK, THWACK, TWHACK, TWHACK, THWACK THWACK, THWACK, TWHACK, TWHACK, THWACK. It was a nonstop onslaught, my hand burning and my ears ringing. I bit down on my lip so hard out of mind numbing lust that it bled. Vinyl’s euphoria twisted her into something less than a pony, she was a mess of moans, cries, and dripping secretions. She sang as her nethers twitched and legs spasm, enjoying a body wracking orgasm from the pain of it all. There was a true beauty in her unrelenting cries, The siren’s song that was covered came out unhindered through each one. It was an addicting sound to listen to, one that inspired you to push harder, to go further, just to hear it more. Vinyl was singing me her song of love, and it only grew stronger the more I tried to break her. Oh how I wished that I was a more loving pony, that I would have done something along the lines of what Vinyl had done to me, bringing her tenderly along the edge and guiding her through it. But this was not a mare looking for love’s gentle touch. This was a dirty masochist, wanting to revel in her mistress’ torment, her sopping lips, grinding hips, and face devoid of anything but joy told me that. She practically slammed herself into each of my spankings with what little motion I had allowed her. I had overused my stick, so I decided to give her the carrot. I plunged my fingers back inside her, mid orgasm, and used all of my arm’s strength to jill her into oblivion. She’s thrashing in my grasp as she goes utterly insane, all i can hear is her repeating my name, ‘Octavia, Octavia!’ as she makes a mess all over herself and me. Seeing her like this is too much, I’m so enraptured by the display that my arousal is hurting. Here i am, no restraints, no cares, as I abuse this poor mare who had the misfortune of falling for me, the cruel bitch that I am, and she is begging me for that exact same cruelty, having the orgasm of her life off my manipulation and mistreatment of her. Never for as long as the sun would stay burning would I have imagined such a wonderfully perverse moment happening in my life. Vinyl fell limp into a whimpering mess. Her body was shivering as she fell from her peak. I petted her, I couldn't refrain from doing so, she looked so frail, so weak. I realized with great pain that I was still horny out of my mind. But I felt for some reason it could wait. "Every day." I said. "W-wha?" She stuttered. "Every day I pleasure myself, and to completely obscene images and stories. I’m a pervert, and that fact is my greatest shame." Vinyl seemed to mull this over in her lust induced befuddlement. Once she caught her breath, she said. "Why? Why did you tell me?" "Because, after giving you that secret, we are now even. Even the year of annoyance is balanced by your year of being ignored by me." She looked at me, unsure of what to say for a moment. "You aren’t going to stop 'playing', are you?" "I am not a pony who accepts 2nd best, or average. I don't stop until I have won, and with you," I brought myself down until I was tonguing her ear, little squeaks escaping her as I spoke. "I’m not going to stop till I utterly destroy you." "I- I will fight back." She said, trying to muster resistance. But I could tell from her voice that she was excited by my declaration. "I want you too, Vinyl, this game wouldn't be so much fun if you didn't." I shoved her off me and let her unceremoniously fall to the ground. I got up, walked over, and returned to my seat by my cello. I picked up my bow, and continued playing. And just like always, Vinyl laid there in silence, my ever dutiful audience. Listening along to the tune of my song.