Broken Wings

by sluceros

First published

Alone in the world with nothing but a malicious voice to keep him company a young man seeks his own destruction.Little does he realize the journey it will take him on and the love he will feel but more importantly the pain he will endure.

This is the story of a young man hoping to end his life only to be thrown into a world that will test his limits. How much pain can he endure before the malicious voice emerges victorious or will a particular Pink mare save him from his self inflicted tortured existence? Or perhaps will he die and be beyond saving.

Authors note: This is my first submission of a fanfic that i have been working on for a while. I have plenty of chapters to upload but I wanted to see what the outside world thought of it before continuing. Thanks in advance for any feedback.

Chapter 1: A Tormented Soul

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Chapter 1

Well this is weird. Never once have I attempted to write a story. Actually that is not entirely true but those stories were taken on while I was very young and to be honest they were terrible. Sure I thought they were decent at the time but never once have looked back and said “man, I was definitely a good writer back then”. I would draw most of the time. I love sketching and free handing anything I can see or imagine. Despite what you might think I do not consider myself a very good artist. Mediocre I feel best describes my style and while I still enjoy sketching from time to time the more I look the more inadequate my skills seem I could try my absolute best to convey a meaning through a picture but in the end I always felt it fell short.

So here I am trying to think of some way to put this…. that’s just it I can’t really explain what this is. Perhaps it was a journey filled with self-discovery or maybe an epic filled with acts of heroism and bravery. I don’t know but maybe by putting it out in the open can help enlighten the issue.

Sweltering. That is how I felt both inside and outside. I clenched my hand flexing it to the point my knuckles turned white. The veins popped out a bit and pulsated ever so slightly. I would call this a coping mechanism I use to get through the day. College English was the name of the game, the interesting details pertaining to an ancient epic were flooding out of my professor’s mouth. It helped keep me distracted I barely noticed how tight and uncomfortable my digits had become. That is until I heard my knuckles cracking and quickly unclenched my hand rotating my wrist a bit to get rid of the soreness and brought my attention to the window as I watched numerous students mechanically come and go to and from classes. When I was out there with them I was normally taller than most being at 6ft 3 in with short black hair usually buzz cut. Normally sporting a shaven look despite the fact I could easily grow a beard. I have bad teeth never had braces but, my mouth was never so bad that I needed them desperately. Just a bunch of gaps between each tooth that were somewhat yellowing. I have big lips and big ears not much muscle to speak of except for what resided in my legs which I felt were the strongest part about me seeing as I ran cross country for many years and continued to run not competitively in college. Overall I am unattractive and weak.
Most days I could get by putting on a neutral face and going through it as though my life as a college student were as easy as it could be. Where the only things I had to worry about were when should I study or whether or not I should ditch class to play some videogames like StarCraft. After all everyone within my major was always kind to me never berating always welcoming me to whatever they were doing. And I consistently thought to myself what do I have to complain about people are kind to me my college is twenty minutes from the pacific there is nothing wrong with my family they support me and do all they can for me. Then why was it I always felt like I was worth worse than nothing? Why I was so weak compared to everyone else.
“Sam, can you please explain what you thought of Gilgamesh’s solo journey and its significance compared to the quest he took on with Enkidu?” “Sam?”

I snapped back to reality and quickly explained my answer which seemed to be satisfactory as my English professor decided to move on. My mind drifted back to its main train of thought and the Darkside came out. I always told myself I am weak this is the truth you are worthless. You can try as you might but in the end you will never amount to anything, You tell yourself you can make up for your weakness by giving up everything for someone else but, in the end what do you have to offer that they couldn’t get somewhere else? Where they could get something more than what you could ever possibly offer.
My hand clenched instinctively trying to force the stress out in a way no one would notice. The dark side continued on berating myself internally I struggled to ignore it hoping to avoid attracting undue attention. Sweat was forming on my brow, arms, and my legs. My fingers grew moist and I began frantically sliding my fingers against each other in an attempt to hide my distress. The dark side always explained that people do not need to hear your petty problems nor do they need to care about you at all. You have nothing to offer except pathetic problems that you should be able to contain on your own. I am pathetic truly pathetic.

I couldn’t take it I had to leave luckily for me the prof decided we had discussed enough for the day and we left early. I bolted out of the room trying to clear my head. I needed to be completely alone. Clenching my hands I walked out to a deserted lawn in front of the building my English class was in. I laid myself down, the grass was very wet but I really didn't care. I laid there for what felt like hours eyes closed trying to distract myself. Suffice to say it wasn’t working I needed feel pain.

Pain to me was like a personal cure for my stress. If I could push myself to the point of agony I could and would feel better some of the time. Whether this be in athletics or study the latter usually involving a knife of some sort where I would carve lines into my shoulders and lower neck. Places people don’t see. This time however, getting up from the grass I decided as soon as I got back to my apartment I would run. Running was somewhat easy for me so pushing myself usually meant distance wise going very far from campus. I would leave around six pm and return around eight pm each time I was out there I never wanted to comeback. I wanted to simply disappear. And this time I felt certain I would work up the courage to do just that.

I walked back towards my on-campus apartment complex at a brisk pace weaving through the throngs of students enjoying one another’s company.
“SAM!” I looked to see who called my name and it was none other than Catherine. AKA the goddess on campus.
I slowed my pace and put on my neutral face attempting to hide my discomfort. I desperately wanted to reach my apartment.
I spoke up once I reached Catherine, she was sitting on a bench texting by her apartment building
“Hey Katie.” I said politely.
“Hey” so I just finished texting Ian and we think that our next geology club meeting should have a better sandwich bar.” “You think you could bring some bread and extra condiments for it?”
Considering Katie was the closest thing I had to a friend in this place I could hardly refuse her. Just like how I couldn’t refuse her when she asked if I could be a geology club officer. We had shared many classes together but we weren't exactly close. I would question sometimes whether I meant anything to her at all but, regardless I was always polite and kind to her more so than I was with anyone else. Oh and did I mention she used to be a model for a clothing brand Hollister I think. In my eyes she is the most beautiful girl I have ever met.
“Sure” I replied trying to speed things along by avoiding conflict “is there anything else you need?” secretly hoping she would say no. as I could never deny her anything.
With a happy face she answered “Nope that’s all I’ll be bringing some stuff too along with Amanda.” Then do you really need me to bring anything at all if you two already have it covered I thought to myself figuring I am not really needed to contribute anything but decided not to voice my complaint she doesn’t need to hear it. I looked back down at her phone a sneer I noticed appeared on her face.
“Something wrong?” She answered in disgust “Ian just texted me saying he won’t make it to the next meeting!” “ugh I am so stressed out.” Knowing how much Katie would normally put on her plate each quarter at college I wasn't surprised. She never knew when she had taken on too much until it was too late.
“Just take a deep breath and calm down” thinking back that seems really hypocritical for me to say.
Ignoring what I said Katie proceeded to explain all the problems plaguing her including what her boyfriend had done that really ticked her off.
All I could think of in reply was “wow…. Katie you really need to slow your life down if your boyfriend is bugging you try talking it out no sense in stressing over something you guys won’t talk about”
She appeared to ignore me either that or didn’t seem to hear me completely. I guess I do have a soft voice.
“Anyway” she exasperatedly replied “I need to start studying for my calc quiz tomorrow. Argg I have so much to do. Bye Sam.”
Just like that she gathered up her stuff off the bench and headed indoors.
“Bye Katie” I called out.
I let out a sigh and sadly watched her enter her building. I have always known I never had a shot with her from the day we met in our Earth Science orientation class. I told myself you could never be good enough for her you are weak and pathetic there is nothing you could ever offer her that she couldn't find somewhere else. That pretty much sums up how I felt with all my relationships with other people. I am simply a ghost that does his best to give something meaningful to your life but in the end it matters not. I am not needed around.

With new resolve I ran into my building. Upon entering my room I slammed the door. Taking deep breaths trying to calm myself as leaned against the door. Darkside was still there. It continued to say “Sam what are you doing?” do you see how pathetic and weak you look right now. I looked into the mirror built into my small closet. I saw my face how disgusting it was made worse by anguish I was feeling at the time. Not thinking I ripped off my shirt grabbing my Swiss army knife and dug the cold blade into my shoulders. “Harder deeper” the voice urged on as I felt the pain and blood begin to pool on my pale shoulders. I looked to my arm where I saw that the cuts I previously had given myself were healing. I took the knife to them again removing the black scabs and watching as fresh blood and agony spurt from my skin. I was completely aware that what I was doing to myself was wrong and I needed to stop. I threw the knife from my hand and quickly place my running clothes on and walked outside.
Leaving my apartment around seven pm I realized it would be dark soon. I looked up at the sky the sun slowly disappear behind the horizon while new rain clouds took its place. Perfect I thought. Perhaps I’ll disappear in weather I actually enjoy. Unlike most people I loved storms and especially the rain. I would take a rainy day that was windy and freezing cold over a sunny temperate one in a heartbeat. The Darkside spoke up “Get a move on. run, run until your lungs burst, until blood runs out your nose then keep going until you die.”

I couldn’t have agreed more so I left running at my race pace off campus into the steep twilight covered hills behind the apartments. Rain was beginning to fall.

Chapter 2: The Shack

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Chapter 2

My chest was burning my legs ached as if lead weights were glued to my calves and I kept going. I reached the agriculture fields surrounding the campus the abandoned fields are about 5 miles from campus past the hills. My body was desperately trying to stop sweat poured from my body making salt water with the rain. I couldn’t go any further. I fell to my knees and let out a scream “WHY AM I SO WEAK!?! WHY AM I SO WORTHLESS!?!?” The sky appeared to hear me as lightning flashed and thunder roared. I felt so helpless, I had thrown myself at the mercy of the storm and I cared not what it did with me. I began to enjoy the freezing rain. I felt a chill running to my core and the Darkside reminded me that I should let myself freeze after all it’s why you came out here when you think about it. But for some reason I couldn’t stand the cold any longer and survival instinct kicked in. I was afraid. I didn’t want to die and yet I did at the same time. I frantically began to search for shelter as the storm intensified. The ground was becoming slick and sticky thanks to all the smectite clay in the soil. In the distance I noticed a small broken down shack towards the edge of the field I was on. I was protected somewhat from the storm as it was flanked by two immense oak trees. Without thinking I sprinted towards the dilapidated structure. The wind was so intense by this time I could barely keep my eyes open and rain was coming down in sheets soaking my body to it’s very core. The cuts I had given myself earlier caused my shoulders to burn as though they were on fire as I slogged my way through the mud to reach the shack. About half way there my feet felt like rocks and looked down to see my running shoes covered in mud and the bottoms seemed to have adobe bricks built in as the clay caked the treads. I quickly yanked off my shoes and socks forcing my naked feet to endure the freezing mud and ice cold rain.

“Almost there” I said aloud. However, about 20 ft. from the shack my body gave out and I collapsed into the muck that surrounded me. I could barely move as the tempest raged around me. My vision was blurring I knew it was only a matter of time before I just laid there and went to sleep. Darkside ever present was encouraging me to give in.
“Just let it go. Curl up and die it would be easier for you and the world.”
And yet some part of me refused to give in. Using the last of my strength I crawled towards the shacks entrance. With my goal within reach I pulled myself up using the steel handle that was attached to the grey sheet metal door. I flung it open and threw myself inside.
As hit the ground a sharp pain surge through my left foot. I looked down to see that I had fallen of rusted metal of some sort. Crying in agony I pulled my foot off the mangled metal’s spike and clutched my knees. As the pain turned to a low throb I noticed with cleared vision the it was bleeding profusely. Despite the chill my body had I needed to stop the flow so I removed my sweat laden shirt and tied it around the jagged cut on the bottom of my foot. I pulled it tight and pressed hard with my hands and to my satisfaction after about 15 minutes the bleeding slowed to a stop.

Unfortunately the storm seemed to intensify as the shack began to creak and groan as though it were in pain. Through a hole in the ceiling I could see the mighty oaks outside begin to sway as they fell to the sheer strength of the gale force winds howling all around us. To my disbelief I heard a loud CRACK and felt the shack shudder with impact. It appeared that a large limb from the tree had fallen off. The shacks corrugated roof began to cave inwards. Horrified by the idea I was about to be crushed I searched for an escape. The front door wasn’t an option as the jagged metal that surrounded it was impossible to avoid and I could barely walk let alone crawl out that way. There was a shuttered window in between the shelves of old farming equipment. Perfect I thought. I attempted to stand. Excruciating pain shot through my body. I quickly returned to the ground face first. I had fallen towards the window and upon closer examination it looked far too small for me to get through. “Damn it” I cursed under my breath. I was on the verge of giving up as exhaustion over took me. I left my head on the ground as the shack groaned again the metal roof caving in dramatically. In about two seconds I would become a blood red stain in this metal death trap. Content with my fate I rolled myself into a sitting position and watched the roof yield further to the oak limb above.
With the stress the shack was under I heard a rake fall. But instead of the solid thud I expected to hear it was a hollow drum like sound. I saw a hatch in the floor right next to where I was sitting. Without thinking I desperately tried to open it. The storm was still raging the roof was about to give I grasped the nearby rake and wedged the handle in the gap between the hatch and the floor which thankfully was fairly large. I stood up ignoring the pain and attempted to lever the hatch open. It flung open the entrance. And I fell onto my back more pain rocketing through my body. I looked to see that another broken piece of metal had embedded itself in my arm. The pain was overtaken by fear as I saw the roof give. With a thundering crash the oak limb broke through and nearly smashed me into the floor. In a split second I threw myself down the hatch as the rest of the roof collapsed around me.

I landed below the ladder that led up to the shack. The ground was shockingly soft as I felt around and realized the floor was finely ground dirt. So soft it was like lying on sand. I took a moment to get my bearings the musty smell of old redwood greeted my nose, the entire space was about as large as a typical living room with a few side doors leading off into what I suspected to be bed and bath rooms. There were a few overturned desks littered with old papers and files. And as I pulled myself up to a sitting position I noticed numerous mounted magnifying glasses and microscopes on shelves lining the room. In addition the ground was littered in what appeared to be broken petri dishes. I felt as though I had fallen into an abandoned laboratory. But what on earth would a place like this be doing under an old farm shack? As intrigued as I was my body was exhausted and before I knew what hit me I leaned back against the wall and passed out.

Chapter 3: The Mineral

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Chapter 3

I awoke to the soft patter of rain hitting sheet metal above me. It was still cloudy but still light enough for me to realize it must have been the next day perhaps around 10 am. I shakily got to my feet. A sharp jolt of pain ran through my body as I put my weight on my left foot.
“At least I can stand” I said to myself. I have a tendency to talk to myself. I guess it’s cause I normally don’t have anyone to talk to. I wandered around this lab. Walking over to the overturned desks that riddled with yellowing documents and files. Glancing over a few they all made mention to some type of mineral that was under study by a lone geologist. Reading further it seemed he had come across a unique mineral that had the strangest properties and all this other nonsense about the professor seeing images and encountering strange otherworldly sensations when in direct contact with the mineral.

The pain had subsided for the moment I felt as though I could search around for this so called magic mineral. After all I was essentially trapped in this crazed professor’s secret lab and I was in no real hurry to find a way out the Darkside made certain of that. I continued to limp my way around the area and my eyes chance upon seeing a calendar,
Although still weathered and yellowed I could just barely make out the text.
“October…year…1958” Weird, perhaps because of the Cold War this farm constructed a fallout shelter and this supposed crackpot took it over and turned it into a lab of sorts. Upon further investigation of the desks I found a journal which was the personal one of this so called scholar. None of the details in it were particularly interesting just random tests and hypotheses on where and how this mineral came to be formed. The last entry however, was of some importance as it explained that this mineral could not be formed by act of natural processes here on earth. Strangely enough the final theory explained that the stone was synthetic in origin and functioned as a two way communication device due to the fact that whenever in contact with the mineral the scholar explained he could feel and experience things on the other side so to speak. When taking two samples of the mineral, from the details of one experiment , and placed in separate rooms one being kept at a cool temperature and the other at mild 70 degrees Fahrenheit the stone transferred cold air to mild room and vice versa.

This was fascinating to say the least but it had no bearing on my current predicament. Feeling tired from all the reading and the constant throbbing in my head I decided to find a more comfortable place to sleep. Looking around a side door went off down a buttressed hallway. As luck would have it a small bedroom was discovered complete with a king sized bed and a few blankets. Unsure as to how sanitary the area was I decided to just grab a few blankets and sleep on the floor.
Little did I realize as I began tugging on the sheets something was holding them down. With a powerful pull I yanked the sheets out and much to my horror a decayed, bone white skeleton was there to greet me. I didn’t scream but the mere fact as I was this close to a dead human being this whole time was extremely unnerving. Despite how fearful I was of touching anything around this corpse I noticed an object glittering in his right hand. It was teal in coloration giving off a soft glow that reflected off the skeleton’s stark white bones. His left hand held what looked like a note of some sort and curiosity overwhelmed my fear. I quickly snatched both the mineral and note at once and left the room slamming the door behind me which seemed to shake the whole basement. Making note not to do that anymore, I gave the mineral a closer look. It was shaped like well, nothing in particular but touching it made me feel warm. As if every care or worry I had would work itself out. I pulled out the note and began to read.

"October 23rd 1960, well I have been down here a good two years now. Ever since I chanced upon this mineral while on a geologic survey in Greenland my life took a turn for the worst. I became obsessed with figuring out what this thing is. Why do I feel as though I am not myself when I hold it? Why did I take a knife to my loyal assistant while under its effects? I became a murderer and had nowhere else to go. I disappeared and started my false life as a field hand on the nearby farms. The toil and arduous work was downright spirit shattering but the mineral for whatever reason kept me going. I became a fanatic upon discovering the old shack off the farm I made it into my base of operation and I continued to study this fascinating stone. I suppose it does not matter now the cough has gotten worse blood has come up more than once. I can’t sleep anymore sweating all night thrashing about the only thing that keeps me sane is this stone…my work was for nothing….too tired now…."

The note ended. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for this man. He did nothing wrong and yet the stone almost seemed to in itself kill him. Angrily I said “he didn’t deserve this” as I threw the mineral at the wall. It shattered on impact sending shards everywhere. For a second I thought the stone had explosive properties as the fragments flew out at extreme speeds. Pieces managed to imbed themselves in my skin around my hands and arms. The pain in my foot paled in comparison to this agony. I toppled to the floor in a heap clutching my arms close to my body as they began to burn like fire. Enjoy the pain, relish in it the after all it’s what you deserve Darkside said as I gritted my teeth holding in a scream. Strange sensations over took me I felt as though I was reliving someone else’s memories. I saw a small village with thatched roof houses. Everything was vibrant and cheery, I heard laughter and conversations coming from a small café in what looked like a downtown of sorts. I spotted a large tree which seemed to have been hollowed out to function as a house and gravitated towards it. WHAM!! A cyan colored creature slammed into me and shocked me back to reality. The pain was so intense by this time I barely noticed the shards in my arms begin to glow. My blurred vision could barely make out the spot where the stone shattered but I saw a vibrant teal colored glow engulfing the room.

I couldn’t take the pain anymore as I felt the warm light wrap around me I passed out all the while hearing a voice in the background a faint whisper “Oh my gosh oh my gosh, Pinkie pie are you okay?!”

Chapter 4: The Forest

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Chapter 4

Where to begin… well I guess I should say the pain was still present when I awoke. It was dark, the air felt thick as I looked up to see a canopy so dense no sunlight penetrated through. Wait a second how did I end up outside? I felt around with my hands and notice the floor was stone and I was surrounded by three ruined walls in various states of decay. As my eye adjusted to the lack of light making out the silhouette of an ancient archway. To be honest this whole part of my journey is a little fuzzy so bear with me. I pulled myself up off the cold stone and attempted to walk around and once again I was too weak to even shuffle I along. The pain was too much. Darkside came back as well “look at you so weak, so pathetic can’t even push yourself to walk on your mangled foot. You worthless waste of space you should have just let yourself perish in that shack.” I shut my eyes clenched my hands and tried to calm down. Deep breathes… get your bearings. Holding back it in for now I managed to shuffle along the wall using it to support my weight as I made my way to the archway. In the distance I could see a faint glimmer of light through all the trees that surrounded the ruins. Just have to make it there I thought to myself there is no way anyone would find me in these woods…if anyone was looking which they most certainly weren’t. SNAP! What was that?

Breathing, gurgling, growling those are the three sounds that greeted my ears as I started crawling towards the edge of the forest. I looked to my left and saw nothing but darkness, I shifted my vision to the right again saw nothing. Then I saw it. Dead ahead was what I could only describe as a wooden dog. It’s snout looked like a freshly cut log leading to its blood chilling yellow eyes. In my eyes If wood could look muscular it would probably look like this creature. It seemed to radiate raw nature almost as if the plants and tree decided to fight back against any possible threats to the wilderness. It growled coming closer those eyes narrowing preparing to lunge and rip open my throat. Whelp at least it will be quick I thought by this point I really just didn’t care what happened to me. The dark side had won. I laid there accepting my fate as the creature neared my wounded body on hidden in the foliage. It was upon me I closed my eyes hoping its bite would be swift and precise my heart was racing, sweat was pouring from my brow dripping everywhere. I waited and waited. Huh? Why am I not dead yet? The wooden monstrosity appeared perplexed by what it saw on the ground. Sniffing me a few times the creature yelped and sprinted off into the forest.

“Ooookay….” I whispered to myself. The Dark side chimed in “hah you’re so weak and disgusting even a ravenous predator doesn’t want to end you. Might as well do it yourself.” “

“SHUT UP!” I screamed as I clutched my head… “Just leave me alone I…”. I desperately wanted to just end it all right there but some part of me willed me to go on. I guess I still didn’t want to die. I restarted my slow crawl towards the edge of the forest. Finally I reached my goal without any strength left I collapsed. As vision faded I noticed a small cottage with little bridge leading up the entrance. And what I saw I can say shocked me beyond belief there was a…pony with a cream colored coat and flowing pink mane and….were those wings? It was tending to a pink pony who appeared to be unconscious on the back of another pony. It looked very worried about the pink pony while the cyan pony carrying her was lowering her head in I could only describe as shame she looked very guilty. My vision was too fuzzy by this point to make anything out on the cyan pony other than that she looked like a rainbow.

Chapter 5: Crisis In the Storm

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Chapter 5

Now this next part is not a firsthand account of what happened but rather It was explained to me when I awoke.
“Oh Rainbow Dash what happened?” Fluttershy said appearing very concerned for the pink party pony Pinkie Pie.

Ashamedly rainbow dash hung her head “It was an accident! I swear I was practicing some agility exercises by weaving through the buildings in Ponyville when pinkie appears out of nowhere sprinting towards the library! I never even had a chance to slow down before we collided.”

“Oh dear, you do know how dangerous it is to practice like that in town? Look what happened!” Fluttershy said In a soft but firm voice.

“I know I know I am really sorry” Rainbow Dash apologized desperately looking more ashamed than ever. “Please tell me you can help me patch up Pinkie?”
“You can count on me” replied Fluttershy looking somewhat annoyed with Rainbow but more concerned with how to help Pinkie.
“Let’s bring her inside and get some ice on that bump on her head. We also need to get some bandages for those cuts as well as for you too Rainbow.”

“No don’t worry about me my body is a lot more resilient since I crash all the time I’ll heal up in no time” RD answered nonchalantly but, her voice filled with concern for the pink mare “Please let’s just focus on Pinkie.”
“well if you are sure….” Fluttershy looked hesitant to ignore her the cyan Pegasus’s injuries but, was put at ease when RD seemed well enough to carry the earth pony into her cottage.

“Alright, I am going to need some alcohol and disinfectant for these deep gashes on her temple" looking over the unconscious Pinkie. I’ll get some ice from the kitchen to help bring down the swelling could you run and grab the supplies from town?...I mean if it’s not too much trouble?”

“Say no more I am on it!” and just like that RD was gone in a flash.

“You’ll be just fine Pinkie rainbow dash and I will make sure of that” Fluttershy whispered placing the bag of ice on Pinkie’s for head. 10 seconds later Dash returned with the needed medical supplies and got to work with Fluttershy patching up their friend.
At last they finished and brought pinkie upstairs to Fluttershy’s bedroom. Pinkie sure looked funny like a pink and white striped zebra. “Thanks for helping me out Fluttershy” RD said softly still looking very regretful of her reckless behavior.
“It was no trouble Rainbow I’m just glad you brought pinkie here and neither of you got seriously hurt.” She smiled “Don’t you worry Dash Dr. Fluttershy is on the case I’ll be sure to tell you when she wakes up.”

Rainbow looked up comforted by Fluttershy’s words “Thanks for that I really want to apologize in person anyway. I’ll be back a bit later to check in still gotta get my own cuts cleaned up and then I have to help prepare tomorrows thunderstorm.” As she shot out the door she gave one last concerned glance at pinkie before leaving.
Fluttershy seeing Pinkie fast asleep on her bed grew drowsy as well. She let out a contented sigh and decided she would sleep on the couch downstairs and with that left the bedroom.

It was about 5am when Pinkie awoke a bit confused as to how she ended up in Fluttershy’s cottage.
“Ouchy, it feels like someone hit my head with a block of lead. Ha that rhymed. Hmmm how did I end up here? Oh I remember silly Dashie was practicing in Ponyville and hit me, she much of been going pretty fast to leave a bump like that” she said rubbing her head. She slowly brought herself out of bed a wave of pain hit her. Wincing a bit Pinkie managed to stand up on her hooves.
“Ooooo I am a little dizzy” she shakily walked over to the window. “ I’ve been hit by Rainbow plenty of times during her practice runs and so have all my friends. But why does it feel so much worse this time?”
Another wave of pain hit her causing her to stagger backward falling onto her rump. Something toppled out of her mane hitting the floor with a thud.
“What was that?”

Looking around the floor of Fluttershy’s bedroom she spotted a small teal colored light emanating from under the bed. Curious as to what it was Pinkie quickly reached under and pulled out a strange looking stone her head started throbbing as soon as she held it close.
“Ouch!.. she quickly dropped the stone and the pain subsided a bit. “that’s really weird but I guess that’s what I get for carrying a rock in my mane I can be such a silly filly sometimes.”
Hearing the commotion from downstairs Fluttershy groggily got off her makeshift sofa bed.
“Oh my, what time is it?” she said sleepily glancing at the clock it was 5:30am. Letting out a yawn I better go check on Pinkie I do hope she is feeling better.”
Upon reaching her bedroom Fluttershy knocked softly “Hello Pinkie are you awake?”
“Heya Fluttershy, I’m wide awake and ready for action you can come in.”
Attempting a mock salute as Fluttershy opened the door Pinkie quickly stood up on her rear legs. Just as quickly she stood up she let out a yelp in pain falling back down on the floor. “Ouch my head still hurts wait a minute my legs hurt a lot too….the more I think about it the more I realize that my whole body hurts.”
Fluttershy raced over to her “Oh my Pinkie are you alright?!” She reached down and attempted to prop the pink pony against the side of the bed. “Don’t ask stupid questions Fluttershy” she whispered to herself “Just help Pinkie”.
“Oh I’m fine Fluttershy” pinkie replied in her cheery tone “Just lost my balance that’s all”.
She attempted to raise herself only to collapse back on the floor mumbling “Never hurt this much before”.
Fluttershy very alarmed by the condition her friend was in said
“Oh my, Pinkie we must get you back in bed. You need to lie down immediately Dr. Fluttershy thinks you need proper medical care.” Fluttershy was trembling very afraid that Pinkie’s condition was much more severe than she realized.

“Angel!” Fluttershy called. The irritated snow white bunny climbed out of his hole looking angry at having been woken up early. He impatiently tapped his foot and pointed towards the clock.
“I’m so sorry to have woken you up early Angel Bunny But this is serious pinkie pie is hurt much worse than what I had thought yesterday.” “Could you please go and fetch Rainbow dash as fast as you can we need to get Pinkie to the hospital soon.”
Noticing the lack of energy in the pink mare and the pain filled expression she had on her face Angel gave Fluttershy a determined salute and ran off to inform RD.
“Come on now Pinkie let’s get you back in bed we need to make sure you are as comfortable as possible.”
“Okie Dokie Lokie, pinkie replied attempting to lighten the mood while still clearly in pain. Fluttershy fluffed Pinkie’s pillow and gently laid her in bed reassuring her she would be just fine.
“Fluttershy you silly filly I’m fine really. See?” pinkie tried raising her head only to immediately wince and lay it back down again.
“Pinkie you most definitely need help. Now please be still and tell Dr. Fluttershy what happened yesterday there might be some detail I missed that could explain why you are in so much pain.”

There was an intense flash of lightning and thunder shook the house. Fluttershy let out a yelp and quickly hid behind her bedroom door.
“Oh Fluttershy, there’s nothing to be afraid of it’s just the Thunderstorm they planned for today. Remember what I always say just laugh at you fears and they will disappear.” Giggling as she said it her laughter soon turned to a cough and some blood appeared around her face. Her cough subsided and weakly looked at Fluttershy
“My chest hurts”
Fluttershy couldn’t help but admire the pink mares persistent cheery attitude despite the state she was in Pinkie was trying to make herself feel better.
In an instant Fluttershy was back by Pinkie’s side
“Please Pinkie don’t worry about me just try and be still and tell me what happened yesterday” Her voice cracking as she was on the brink of tears filled with worry for the party pony.
“Well let me think…” her voice raspy like when she decided to be a singing telegram for Gummy’s party.
“Early in the morning I took a walk over to Zecora’s to see if she had anything that could spicen up some super-secret recipes I was working on for Sugar Cube Corners bake off next month. It was really early when I went out so the sun was barely coming up.”
Fluttershy spoke up “you know you shouldn’t enter the Everfree Forest while it’s still dark Pinkie it’s so dangerous” trembling a bit.
“Oh you. It was only to Zecora’s and she only lives a little ways into the forest so I knew I’d be fine”
“Anyways since it was dark I kinda got lost I guess I missed the turn so I went further into the forest than I needed to. It got darker the further I went and when I turned around I saw a pretty glow of light.”
“ I thought It was the light coming from the end of the forest so I knew if I followed it I could get out of and wait until it was light to visit Zecora” Pinkie had another coughing fit.
Startled Fluttershy said “I think you should stop now Pinkie you need to rest more I’m sure Rainbow will be here any second and you can explain more at the hospital”.
“I’m ok Fluttershy and like you said there might be something that could help explain why I feel so broken right now”
“Now then let’s see…that’s right I followed the light until I realized that I wasn’t any closer to the end of the forest. Instead I found this really old castle thingy. I think it was some old granite turret of some kind.”

Fluttershy gave her a quizzical look of surprise “Hey I grew up on a rock farm I know em and I’m proud Pinkie let out a weak giggle
“ I walked around for a while and then I found this really teal colored stone and It was glowing. I had no clue what it was or where I was so I decided to use it was a flashlight. I eventually found the path and made my way out of the forest. I decided to ask Twilight if she knew what it was and I headed over to the library. I placed the stone in my mane and began bouncing to Twilight’s.”
“Well that explains the bump you have on your head no wonder you were knocked senseless when Dash hit you. That must of really hurt but it doesn’t explain why the rest of you hurts” Fluttershy said as she looked over Pinkie’s body.
“You’re right Fluttershy, now that I think of it I don’t know where that stone is now I think I dropped it somewhere around here” she said glancing around the room.
“Oh dear Pinkie you shouldn’t be moving I’ll look for it” Fluttershy began looking around “O I wish Rarity was here she always has a knack for detail and finding these kinds of things”.

Pinkie was staring up at the ceiling grimacing all the while. “Oh where could it be?” Fluttershy whispered to herself. Boom! A flash of light and a clap of thunder shook the cottage.

“They really outdid themselves with this storm” Fluttershy muttered very frightened. The power went out. While electricity is not usually necessary in most ponies homes Fluttershy requires it to ease the task of taking care of so many different animals requiring many contrasting levels of heat light and water. The room was pitch black the only light came from the sporadic flashes of lightning. Out of the corner of Pinkie’s eye she spotted a faint teal glow coming from under the Fluttershy’s Wardrobe.
“Ooo,oo there it is Fluttershy under your closet” she immediately had a coughing fit sound far worse this time.
“Pinkie Please try not to speak I’m sure Rainbow will be here any minute.” Ignoring the fact that pinkie pointed out where the stone was.
“But Fluttershy the stone might be important after all we don’t know why I feel this way” Pinkie protested her voice noticeably weaker.
“You’re right, I’ll try and pull it out from under there” Fluttershy replied seeing the wisdom in the party pony’s words.
She reached under with her hoof
“OUCH!” Fluttershy raised her voice as she pulled out the stone which apparently was covered in Jagged edges and crumbled a bit as she held it in her hoof.
“Oh my this is very sharp why my hoof is bleeding.” “This stone hit Pinkie in the head I wonder if….Oh my, Pinkie let me examine your head again”
“Okie Dokie…Lokie” pinkie replied in barely a whisper.
Examining Pinkie’s head “HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED THIS?!” Fluttershy blurted out in fear and shame. Pinkie had several small shards of the stone imbedded in her skin around the bump on her head. The whole spot was a deep shade of red and was noticeably infected.

“Pinkie’s mane was in the way no wonder I wasn’t able to see this earlier” Fluttershy whispered to herself feeling so guilty.
“Please Rainbow Dash get here soon…Pinkie needs help desperately…if something happens to her on my watch I…” Fluttershy broke down and cried all the while racking her brain for anyway she could help Pinkie until RD arrived. “Don’t give up hope Fluttershy, just try and do what you can until Rainbow gets here” Fluttershy whispered sobbing.

Chapter 6: Escaping Death

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So there I was again, trapped out in a storm broken and bleeding. I wanted to have it all end right there as I laid on the hill in agony. I must have passed out as when I awoke it was dark and the sky was filled with monstrous but magnificent storm clouds. “Maybe the infection from my injuries will kill me…or maybe I’ll starve to death or perhaps I’ll get hypothermia from this storm and freeze to death” I said to myself I was beyond any hope of assistance now and I thought I accepted the fact that this is where I will die. Darkside chimed in “It’s what you deserve… you know it…I know it and the world will be better off this way”. He laughed a cruel and bitter laugh at that. “Good riddance”. I couldn’t accept it. For some reason my body began to crawl I found myself squirming through the mud towards the cottage at the bottom of the hill. Sweat poured from my body the salt stinging all the wounds I had. At the lip of the hill I felt myself roll down mud splashing all over my face. I couldn’t see I could barely breathe. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a cyan pony coming towards me and it did something I never expected. It pulled me out of the mud which it seemed to have a hard time with. The wind was howling the rain falling in sheets as it pulled me to the door of the cottage. I could hardly fathom the idea that this creature or…pony was helping me. Why?! It doesn’t need to care about me. My mind was a mess, drifting in and out of consciousness “Fluttershy!”

The cyan pony called and as I looked I saw a cream colored Pegasus carrying a pink mare on her back.
“Thank goodness you’re here Rainbow, Pinkie is much worse than I thought and we need to get her to the hospital right this minute.”
“Say no more I am on it” BOOM! A flash of lightning appeared directly overhead. The cyan pony looked nervous from what I could tell and was very anxious as well.
“I don’t think I can fly in that Fluttershy this storm is way intense even for me”

I don’t think the two of them really even remembered I was there I guess I was caked in mud so I blended in pretty well.
I involuntarily moved my arm and groaned trying to let my presence be known.
Fluttershy seemed to notice she gasped “Dash what is that?!” Rainbow looked down at me with eyes that almost looked as if they were worried.
“Oh yeah I found this… I don’t really know what it is but, it seemed hurt I brought him to your door to see if you could help him…”
Fluttershy clearly flustered with all that was happening “Rainbow I am so scared right now but, Pinkie needs professional medical care right this moment and so does that creature we have to get them to the hospital NOW!”

The forcefulness of Fluttershy’s voice shocked Rainbow Dash. Only a few times before had she seen Fluttershy so upset and yet so determined
“But how do we get them there I’m not sure I can fly them both by myself especially in this….” She sounded almost embarrassed.
“ I have an idea I know it’s risky but Pinkie needs us and so does this…thing we have to fly there I’ll grab my wagon I use to carry frogs and we can use that to carry both of them.”
“Alright then let’s get to it!” the cyan pony yelled as the wind suddenly intensified as it started howling.
The last thing I remember was being rocked back and forth in a wagon and oddly enough the smell of cotton candy and fruit filling my nose. The last thing I remember thinking was why the hell am I still alive.

Chapter 7: The Hospital

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Chapter 7

I awoke feeling sore as all get out. I tried moving my arms and found that they were completely bandaged. I lifted one up only to be greeted by another jolt of pain my vision blurred for a second and I closed my eyes. When the pain subsided I slowly raised my head and found that I was in a hospital. Several heart rate monitors and other
medical devices were hooked up to my body.

“How did I get here?”
“the question you should be asking: why are you still alive?” Darkside whispered. Then it began its rant.
I clenched my eyes, dug my nails into my arms and tried to breathe. I tried to stop listening but, knew deep down all that it was saying was true. I rocked back and forth trying to control myself. I heard the heart rate monitor beeping like crazy and before I knew what was happening I felt a prick on my arm I opened my eyes to see a white pony with a red cross mark on its flank stick me with a syringe. I felt myself relax to the point where I could think straight.
Dazed I asked “where am I?”

A pleasant mare’s voice answered “you are in the Ponyville General Hospital in the Emergency Care Wing”
I vaguely remember nodding “who brought me here?”
“Why that would be Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. You were in very rough shape when you got here and we had no idea how to treat a, what was the term Twilight used, “hue…man” lucky for use she had some books on ancient mythological beasts and it just so happens huoo..mans were in there own section.” She replied in a very upbeat tone
“I see…” I was starting to come to my senses.
“What was in that syringe?”
“Oh that is just a mild drug we use in trauma situations to help a patient calm down. Didn’t really know if it would work but I am glad to see it did. Anyway I need to go check on another patient please try and relax. I’ll be back later to check on you.”
She walked…or I guess I should say trotted out of the room.
“Well this is weird as hell.”
The Nurse pony popped back in
“By the way I believe a couple of other ponies told me they would be coming by to see you”
“I see…” not quite understanding who would be visiting me.
Just like that she was trotting down the hall to attend to her other patients.
“Well then guess I should try and relax for a bit” the drug was actually doing wonders for my mood I felt more relaxed at that moment then I had in a long time.
“Need a drug to make yourself feel better I see hmmm?” Darkside spoke up.
“WEAK!” I felt myself scream out just as the door was opening. I quickly laid back down trying to appear I merely cried out in my sleep.
In came two ponies. Two pegasi from what I could gather. They looked at me nervously.

“Hello” I said politely attempting to lighten the mood.
They gasped. Rainbow looked at Fluttershy dumbfounded
“It can talk!? You never mentioned that!”
“Well I um you see twilights books never um….said….” Fluttershy stammered feeling embarrassed she didn’t know the answer.
I spoke up trying to diffuse the situation “Yes I can speak, I am more surprised that we speak the same language to be honest”.
“That is so…so… AWESOME! Names Rainbow Dash and this here is Fluttershy”. The Cyan Pegasus explained pointing a hoof at Fluttershy. She was hiding under her mane looking I might add more adorable than anything I had ever seen.
“Hello Fluttershy pleased to make your acquaintance” I said still trying to remain formal and polite.

“Hello” I heard her shyly squeak out.
“So yeah we are the two ponies that got you here to the hospital. How have you been feeling?” The rainbow pony asked
Trademark Response “I’m feeling alright…..thank you for what it’s worth for saving my life. You didn’t have to help me out there and you did.”
“Hey no sweat me and Fluttershy don’t leave anyone hanging when they need help. Besides we needed to get another friend of ours to the hospital as well. I’d never let a friend down when they needed me.”

Those words struck me like a brick. Another friend? Perhaps it was that pink pony I saw during the storm. If that’s the case then what if I delayed them? What if I slowed them down and that pony’s injuries were severe?
“Your other friend is she alright?” I asked fearing the answer.
The two pegasi glanced at each other nervously
“Well….” Rainbow began.
Fluttershy looked fearful at first but her look quickly turned to one of anger
“While we were bringing Pinkie to the hospital your extra weight in the wagon slowed us down! Pinkie’s injuries wouldn’t be so serious if we had gotten here sooner! It’s all your fault she is in such terrible condition!” Fluttershy yelled staring at me with those imposing eyes.
I didn’t know how to respond. I felt like the world needed to end my life right there but, it was taunting me,
“You have to do it yourself” Darkside whispered to me.
Rainbow spoke up very much appalled by what he friend had said
“Fluttershy… we both know it’s no ponies fault… we did what we could and that’s all that matters”
Fluttershy had tears in her eyes
“I know whose fault it I….I….it’s mine! If I had just noticed how serious her injuries were we could have avoided all of this!!”
And just like that she broke down sobbing uncontrollably right before my eyes. I let what she said sink in if Fluttershy had noticed earlier they would probably never of found me….this whole fiasco would have been prevented. I would never of been a burden to them and I could have died out there. I couldn’t take it my pulse was racing. I needed to die.

Looking around as Rainbow was consoling Fluttershy I noticed a jar of pens. They were old school metal italic pens. I grabbed one feeling the edge. Not sharp but it’ll work I thought. Without thinking I jammed it into my wrist, the cold metal cutting like a blunt knife through my soft skin and luke warm blood. I let out a scream as I pulled it out for the strike on my other wrist.

Rainbow noticed what I was doing immediately.
“Whoa! NURSE WE NEED HELP IN HERE!” Soon after the sound of hooves echoing through the halls began getting louder.
I needed to escape otherwise they would try and stop me
“You need to finish the job” Darkside whispered
He was right. I managed to get to my feet and shakily began running through the hospital past a terrified looking Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.
“Wait stop I….” I heard Fluttershy say as I was bolting out the room. I ignored it only one goal was on my mind at the time. End it all.
Pain and Blood coursed through my body as I stumbled down the halls. My wrist was dripping blood. I needed to find a place to hide. A place where I could bleed out in peace.

My mind was racing
“They’ll think I left the hospital if I leave a trail of blood towards an exit….” I held my arm low to the ground my eyes fixated on the exit sign. Upon reaching it I quickly wrapped my arm up in my shirt apparently they kept me dressed while they treated my injuries. Hoping they would buy the blood trail to the outdoors. I then ducked into the nearest what I thought to be empty patient room.

I leaned my back against the door slamming it shut. Thankful to have some silence. To be alone in my pain just like it should be.
“Now you can die and no longer be a burden to anyone ever again, your worthlessness will never again plague this world or any other. All you need to do is cut the other wrist, it’ll make it quicker.” Darkside whispered.
“Is someone there?” I heard a weak female voice coming from the bed in front of me. I raised my head just enough to see a pink pony all bandaged up with an IV hooked up.
“No one important is here, go back to sleep”
“I have never heard your voice before are you new to Ponyville?”
“I guess I am….but none of that matters now I’ll soon be gone.”
“All he has to do is slit his other wrist and he won’t bother you anymore.” Darkside chimed in darkly.
“What!? You can’t do that! I may not be sure what a wrist is…I think Spike has em but whatever, slitting any part of yourself isn’t right!” the pony yelled.
“You don’t know me I whispered bringing the pen up to slash my other wrist. This is the slow way I thought to myself just go for the neck slit it open.
“I’m not worth it, I am pathetic and a burden to everyone in this world or my own. No one needs to care about me and no matter how much I give it would never be enough. I deserve to die.”

The Pony raised her head seeing the pen in my hand. Her eyes widened in terror. I pressed the edge against my neck the cool metal digging into my skin.
It all happened in an instant. I heard the pony scream she flung herself out of bed and lurched forward landing right in my lap. She…she was sobbing crying out
“Please don’t….PLEASE!”
“I don’t care what you think of yourself just please don’t do it! I care I may not know you at all but I care.”
I was stunned. I dropped the pen. And then I broke…I split in two like a tree branch.
“You are lying” I whispered choking
“You shouldn’t care.”
She didn’t answer aloud she simply wrapped her forelegs around me more tightly than before sobbing.
Her warmth. Her aroma of cotton candy, and her billowy mane enveloped all my senses and I cried all along with her until I passed out.

I awoke after what felt like an eternity. I looked to the wall the clock showed 3:30am. I looked at my wrist to see that it was completely bandaged. And I was back in my hospital bed. Empty and exactly the same except one small detail there was someone watching me.
“So you are awake.”
He had a gruff gravelly voice compared to most of the Ponies I had met. He stood up his coat was dark grey his mane the color of ash. His tail was short and again black he appeared to be wearing some type of black and gold body armor that covered his body. He would be menacing enough and when I saw his face let’s just say I looked away a little too quickly
His eyes, or I should say lack of eyes. There was one empty socket, not eye patch no glass eye, nothing at all just a vacant hole scarred all around. The other was a filled with some type of device. Not quite a glass eye but almost. It appeared to glow a deep shade of red the pupil swiveling up and down staring at me as if appraising a gem for market value.

“I was to inform Princess Sparkle when you awoke please excuse me.”
Perplexed I simply nodded. A few minutes later a purple unicorn or Pegasus…what was the word….ah Alicorn entered the room.
“I see you are finally up I hope you feel rested. I placed a sedation spell on you in an effort to avoid waking you as we brought you back to this room.”
“You gave us quite a scare back….” She seemed nervous but at the same time her eyes hid some kind of unbridled curiosity.
“Yeah….please…let me apologize even though I know it is inadequate.” I didn’t expect to be forgiven for all the chaos I caused earlier but, still part of me still wanted to try and apologize.
The purple alicorn looked perplexed by this.
“Please, there is no need to apologize. You had been part of a difficult series events and you simply weren’t in control of yourself.” She said quickly still staring at me with those quizzical eyes I also noticed a quill and note pad sticking out of a saddlebag she was carrying. perhaps she has some things she wants to ask me.
“Oooo what am I doing!? Let me introduce myself my name is twilight sparkle former student and now assistant of Princess Celestia here in Equestria.”
I finally had some information on where I was. For some reason it didn’t really phase me. After all the crap I had been through the past couple days ending up in a completely different world didn’t seem like a big deal.

“I see….well then, thank you for informing me as to where I am Miss Sparkle, you can ask your questions now if you like.”
She looked a bit embarrassed
“How did you know that?” she looked to her left and noticed the quill and notepad sticking out of her pack,
“Oh…” she looked at me sheepishly
“I hope you don’t mind answering a few most ponies know next to nothing about humans, most are believed to have been myths or fables.”
I really wasn’t in the mood to be questioned but, I really didn’t want to be rude either.
“Just please go ahead and start.” I said curtly
She seemed taken aback by my response
“I could come back another time there is no rush, after all Celestia did want you confined here until we could interr…..oops.” She had slipped up.
“What do you mean confined? Am I a patient or a prisoner?” I asked attempting to keep the anger out of my voice which didn’t work.
Twilight looked down ashamed

“ I’m sorry, but Princess Celestia wanted you kept in the hospital until you were deemed safe, if it was found you were a threat I was asked to keep you magically imprisoned here until you could be transferred somewhere else. Celestia tells me I need to work on my rhetoric.”
At this point I should have been very upset; however, anger seemed to be leaving my mind as if something else was influencing me. I was feeling weaker and weaker.
“What are you doing to me…” I mumbled feeling myself going light headed.
“Me? I’m not doing anything….” She examined me more closely to see a gray aura surrounding my head.
She looked out the hall and saw her bodyguard concentrating.
“CAPTAIN Rhyo! I told you not to use any passivity spells unless absolutely necessary. Stop it right now!”
The captain walked in, he was the same guard as before.
“My apologies princess but I felt it best to pacify the subject, you did tell him information he shouldn’t be privy to. I judged the situation to be dangerous for you.” He said in a formal manner.
The purple alicorn could not object to this fact, and opened her mouth only to shut it again.
“You are right Captain, I should not have divulged that information, regardless I can use magic myself and I feel I can continue this…interrogation without your help.”
“I see well then I shall interfere no longer. My apologies Princess I will be outside if you require my assistance.” The captain said curtly as he bowed and left the room but not before looking back and giving me a look that made my blood run cold.
“Now then”

Twilight said turning back to face me. I was still somewhat shaken up from the spell. I felt cold and my skin was pale.
“I am so sorry for that. Please let’s start over this hasn’t gone as I wanted it to go….”

I was fed up at this point

“Look just ask your question and leave me be please Princess” I said as politely as I could trying to hide the anger in my voice.
Seeing how upset I was Twilight simply nodded and with a look of regret began her questioning.
“So as far as we know Humans no longer exist in Equestria and have only survived through myth and legend, so tell me how did you end up here?”
I wasn’t sure how to respond. After all her guess was as good as mine as to how I got here. So I gave her the whole story minus my desire for self-destruction. I also left out the strange hallucination I had getting hit by a cyan pony probably wouldn’t make sense considering I was still on Earth at the time. She doesn’t need to know that.

20 minutes later

“So you are from this realm called Earth. That is so fascinating most of the magic I know of only allows teleportation from one area to another. But in your case you managed to get from a completely different world to Equestria. It must be connected to that stone you found in that basement somehow. That’s incredible.”
She has this look of wonderment on her face and I couldn’t help but smile she really did seem to have a passion for this kind of stuff all things magic and what not.
“You see Miss Sparkle magic as far as I know magic does not exist in my world, in fact I think the only way I could have gotten here is through the properties of that mineral. The stone I found exploded while I was in that basement and I think a few pieces were embedded in my skin.”
“Your skin!?”
“Yes in my right arm I believe.”
“Oh my gosh maybe the hospital staff still has a sample…” she said excitedly
“Perhaps they do” I said quietly
The princess looked embarrassed as if she just now realized she was not the only one in the room.
“Please I’m so sorry I get so caught up in my new role of being a Princess with royal duties I forget the really important things. I can’t believe I didn’t ask how you were feeling especially after the hospital staff told me you had tried to escape”.
“I am feeling alright” I responded in a neutral tone another trademark response. Saying I feel good always tastes like a lie probably Darkside’s fault therefore my own. But, to be honest it had been a long while since I actually felt good about myself.
“Are you sure?” she asked not quite believing me.
“Alright well I have just one last question to ask. Do you mean to cause harm to any pony in this world and are you a threat to anything here?”
“No I am not I have no intention of doing anything that could harm the inhabitants of this world nor am I a threat to anyone” except myself I thought.
I was nervous almost shaking if she didn’t believe me I could be imprisoned on this alien world for who knows how long.
She stared at me more a few more seconds then she smiled and nodded
“Well then I believe you” she said kindly
“You do?” I asked somewhat surprised

“Yes I do believe you deserve a chance to show us we can trust you. Therefore as a first gesture of this trust I will have the captain move you out of this isolated room.”
I odd mixture of relief and dread came over me partly because I was relieved that is no longer a prisoner and partly due to the fact that the captain would be escorting me to another room. That dark stallion I won’t deny scared the crap out of me but at the same time he would be taking me to a place where I wouldn’t have to be alone with Darkside.
“Captain Rhyo!” she called in a formal royal voice.
“Yes Princess?”
“Would you please escort our patient and guest to the two pony room recovery room down the hall?”
The captain scowled but quickly saluted the purple princess
He trotted over to my bed and lowered his back.
“Climb aboard” he said in a gruff voice glaring at me as I grasped his mane.
I didn’t have much strength so I simply laid my head on his neck.
“Well then this where we part for now” Twilight said as we headed out the door.
“I work and live at the Ponyville library so once you recover I am sure we can meet there to talk as friends hopefully. You can’t miss it the library is in the center of town inside a large tree.”

That last detail hit me like a freight train. Perhaps I had experienced the sensations of a certain pink pony walking to the library only to be hit by that cyan blur that could have been Rainbow dash. I felt kind of stupid for not thinking of that earlier.
“Yes you are stupid” Darkside chimed in my head as I watched the princess trot away.
Once we were at the Recovery Room door. The captain stopped a few feet from it.
“Why did we stop?” I asked confused “the room I believe is right here”.
He didn’t answer. He simply turned and issued a threat in a voice that made my blood turn to ice.
“Just know this, I do not like you, in fact it is taking every ounce of willpower right now to stop me from crushing your skull!”
Now normally my first instinct would be to jump off this crazed stallion’s back and sprint out the hall, but given my condition I could only lay on his back paralyzed in fear. Darkside however was unperturbed.
“Do It then. It’s what I deserve after all, break my bones and decorate the hall with my blood.”
“I may despise you, but that kind of death is much too quick and it would definitely jeopardize my station in Canterlot. Therefore I will wait for you slip up and of course I will make sure to put you in a cell where you can rot forever, after what your kind did to my ancestors you deserve nothing less.”
With that he tossed me off his back, I fell head first onto the white tile floor. Groaning in pain the Captain proceeded to place a hoof on my arm near my recently bandaged wrist slowly applying pressure until blood began spurting beneath the gauze.
I screamed but I had neither the strength nor the will to try and remove his hoof. My vision blurred but I could make out a sadistic smile on Rhyo’s face. Twisted and cruel almost as if Darkside broke out and became this demented creature tormenting me. If only he were that kind instead he is stuck in my head.
After what seemed like an eternity the captain lifted his hoof, blood had seeped through the bandages and began to pool on the floor. I pulled my throbbing arm toward myself applying pressure to my wrist to stop the bleeding, whimpering like a pathetic dog.
“What a pathetic creature you are it’s a wonder how your species manages to survive at all.”
With that he trotted down the hall. My arm slowly stopped bleeding. I tried to pull myself up but to no avail the handle to the door was just out of reach. I felt myself fading out my body simply couldn’t handle all the stress it had been put under recently. With my last ounce of strength I slammed my fist against the door hoping someone would hear.
“You should just stay out here cold and dead is what you should be but, cold and alone is how you should die” Darkside remarked.
I didn’t have the energy to argue or protest.
Suddenly the door opened slowly
“Is someone there?” a high pitched female voice asked.
I managed a weak yes.
She gasped “who said that? You silly ghosts you don’t scare me” she giggled.
“Down here” I squeaked out
Her eyes widened as she saw me.
“I know you! You were that human that stumbled into my room here at the hospital……” her voice trailed off as she noticed my bloody bandaged wrist.

“Yes that was me” my voice weakening as I struggled to get on my knees.
The pink mare then did something I did not expect she placed her head low down beside me and managed to shimmy my body on to her back.
She stilled smelled the same fruit and cotton candy as I rested my head in her mane. Simply lying there was the best I had felt since I got to this world that wasn’t due to some drug.

She seemed to be in much better shape than when I saw her last as she easily trotted us over to an empty bed. This was the first time I really got a good look at her given how high off the ground I was she probably came up to my waist in height. Considering how close my feet were to the ground she was fairly long since they weren’t dragging on the floor. Her mane was rather billowy almost like it was inflated with air and she had what appeared to be a tattoo of three balloons on her flank in different colors. She gave me a halfhearted smile her eyes filled with concern.
“You think you could slide off on to the bed… or wait you shouldn’t be moving maybe I could make a ramp or maybe…”
“ I can manage” I said as I slid off my head landing on the pillow.
“Thank you Miss erm… I am sorry I never got your name”
“Oh it’s Pinkie Pie. We just met and I haven’t gotten your name…but really though I am no Fluttershy at examining injuries. You need rest right now. We can be friends when you wake up” she giggled a little trying to lighten the mood.
I laid there clenching my good hand trying to suppress Darkside. The last thing I wanted was to push this kind young mare away.
“Thank you Pinkie Pie I should be alright now” I said weakly
“Oh silly don’t mention it, it was no trouble.”
I just laid there cold but at least I wasn’t alone. I closed my eyes and heard Pinkie trotting over to her bed. She has wasted enough of her time on me I thought.
I was freezing cold and shivering but I couldn’t bring myself to get under the covers. I simply didn’t have the energy. Sighing I resolved to just get some sleep.
To my surprise I felt someone pull the sheets out from under me and lay them on top. I peeked out one eye to see pinkie again covering in me in the blankets.
“Thanks” I whispered.
“Shhh just get some rest you really need it” she whispered back.
As I laid there warm and with someone or rather somepony I felt content. The world wasn’t as dark as it was in the hallway. And for once Darkside didn’t show up keeping me from sleep.

Chapter 8: Shenanigans

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Chapter 8

Have you ever woken up and had someone staring right at you as soon as you crack your eyes open? Me either but that changed when I opened them up that morning. Two cyan rimmed orbs were looking down at me a few inches from my face. Pinkie was sitting on my legs,
“GOOOOOD MORNING!!!! DID YOU SLEEP WELL?!” Pinkie yelled paying no mind that it was about 6 am according to the clock. I was surprised all right and was wide awake thanks to her.

“Yes I did in fact” I answered trying to keep the confusion out of my voice, granted I was still in some pain but that was the best night of sleep I had gotten in a very long time. I noticed the energy Pinkie had. “I am glad to see you are getting better Pinkie I take it your injuries are healing properly?”
“Yep! I have never been hurt that bad before, the doctors said if they had gotten to me sooner I would have been out of faster but I don’t mind. It’s fun hanging around with the other patients doctors. Plus all the meals they give you come with a free dessert. Isn’t that amazing!?”
I couldn’t help but smile. After all this pony had been through her spirits were still high. A pang of guilt suddenly hit me. “Yeah I guess getting free dessert is pretty awesome…listen Pinkie I wanted to apologize, if it wasn’t for me you could have gotten to the hospital in no time as Fluttershy said. And your injuries would have been much less severe it’s my fault you are even still in here….”

Pinkie cocked her head looking perplexed as to what I just said. “It wasn’t your fault I got hurt, it was mine for not avoiding rainbow dash we she was doing her loop de loops and whooshing through town. Besides Fluttershy came through yesterday to check up on me. She felt awful about what she said to you was sorry. She even told me that she would come by later to apologize in person. Plus if none of this had happened I would have never of met you…oh my gosh…then we would have never been friends and I would have one less friend than I could have had.” I felt I had to interrupt her before she got lost in a contemplating multiple friendship scenarios and to tell the truth I had a hard time believing she genuinely thought of me as a friend.
“Pinkie, ok I get it, but I still feel like I have to apologize so please let me.”
“Okie dokie lokie, but you don’t have to, plus I got this really cool scar on my head that I can show off at parties, oh but that might make people uncomfortable well I can always keep it hidden in my mane” she said as she lifted her mane to show a series of jagged dark pink lines.
“You did that…” darkside whispered in my head. Instinctively I tensed all the muscles in my body and held my breath trying to shut him out.
Pinkie noticed “Hey are you ok? Oh are seeing who can hold their breath the longest? Here let me try I love that game.” She quickly took a deep breath and held completely still.
Distracted from darkside for the moment I let my body relax “Pinkie how long are you going to keep that up?” she stomped hoof two times and indicated at the clock. “Two minutes huh? Is that a record?” I asked her face a slight shade of blue now. She nodded looking determined. “Well I’ll leave you to it”. She stayed completely still her face turning bluer by the second. Not wanting to disturb her I decided to grab some reading material from the bookshelf built in to my bed, pretty fancy now that I think about it. There were all sorts of interesting topics but one book in particular caught my eye. It was titled “Aces Of Equestria” it was pretty much an in depth look at pegasi flying techniques while also detailing fascinating equipment pegasi use to improve their aerial performance. I began reading for a few seconds only to notice Pinkie staring at me. “Something the matter?” raising my eyebrow perplexed. She shook her head with a smile. She looked like she was trying to hold in a laugh. I continued reading astonished by all the fascinating things developed for Pegasus flight. Pinkie had been holding her breath for a good minute. Her face more magenta in color now and she was struggling not to laugh. “you sure you’re ok pinkie?” I asked raising both my eyebrows and widening my eyes. I guess she couldn’t take whatever I was doing and busted out laughing.
“What’s so funny?” I asked very confused.
“Your face, the expressions you can make are hilarious.” She answered in between giggles.
“I see…., well I am glad I can make someone laugh, sorry for ruining your chance at a record.” I quietly said
“Don’t be, it’s just a silly old record anyway I got loads more that you can try and beat once the hospital lets us leave.”
“right, well what should we do till then?” I asked more to myself than Pinkie after all my injuries were pretty severe.

“Oh we could play some board games, or we could throw a mini party with the two us here or we could…..” I lost track of all her suggestions as she started listing off dozens of
things we could do in the meantime. Hard to believe she was injured at all anymore.

Pinkie seemed right as rain she could probably check herself out if she wanted. I wondered why she hadn’t done so already. Not that I didn’t enjoy her company but she didn’t need to be wasting her time in this plain, sterile, well regulated hospital and she shouldn’t of been wasting her time with me. Like I said I am not that interesting.
“Pinkie mind if I ask you something?” I said interrupting her current plans to try and bring an inflatable pool into the room. “ What is it?” she asked with a smile. “you seem to be feeling better and look to be in good health. So why haven’t you gone home? I’m sure that you would like to get back to your life in Ponyville right? With all the rest of your friends? ” Part of me was terrified of what she would say and yet I desperately needed to know. For once she didn’t have an answer prepped and ready to go. She raised her fore hoof to her chin lost in thought. A long pause later “Silly, I stay because I like spending time with you. We’re friends after all and I want to get to know you better since I know everyone in Ponyville, everyone but you.” It was strange to hear this coming from Pony I had known only for a couple of days. “Pinkie I don’t deserve to have someone like you or anyone for that matter as a friend, you don’t need to waste your time on someone like me you have a life beyond this hospital and I shouldn’t be the reason you stay here. I am weak and not worth it.” That last bit was from Darkside. Pinkie seemed confused by what I had just said her head tilted to one side. After a short pause she gave me a
gentle smile

“I don’t know that much about you” she giggled “I don’t even know your name, but as far as I am concerned you are my friend, you are nice to me and you make me laugh. And if I am wasting time hanging out with someone I like, then that’s alright because like I said you are my friend.” I wanted to believe her, and I think part of me did. Darkside was in my head all the while telling me to ignore what she said. That it wasn’t true, she simply pitied me, that’s why she was kind and continued to stay. For once I mustered the strength to ignore him and with my voice at a whisper uttered “Thanks Pinkie, you have no idea what that means to me”. She beamed “You are very welcome”.

Pinkie spent the next two days with me as I regained my strength, regaling me with stories of what she and her friends did. She made me laugh a few times, I try to keep control of myself and remain stoic, after all no one can hurt you if you don’t react to anything. They can’t judge you at least not negatively. You can turn yourself into an enigma, no one can pinpoint exactly where you belong and as long as you attempt to be kind, generous, and loyal they will be content with that picture even if it’s not really you. That aside I couldn’t help but crack up at some of the jokes she made a few times she even pulled out a set of drums and cymbals to go along with her comedy acts. Where she kept those in a hospital I’ll never know. Although I could have sworn I saw her stashing the set in some weird portal like thing. I decided it was better not to question it.

Soon enough Nurse Redheart gave me the all clear and that I was free to go. Most of my cuts and bruises had healed leaving me with some unseemly scars. While I have always found scars to be a marker of someone who is tough and experienced, it doesn’t really count when you inflict them on yourself. Now the only purpose they serve is a marker of weakness and shame.

Pinkie was ecstatic when she heard this news “Wooo! This means I can finally throw you a welcome to Ponyville party. This party has to be amazing but….” She paused almost looking perplexed.
“But what?” I asked
Most ponies myself too know nothing about humans… that goes for what they eat and stuff…” Her face lit up as if she had just had the most brilliant Idea ever.
“I know we can ask Lyra, she never really tells any pony about it but she is secretly fascinated by humans and studies them lot with all sorts of books and legends. I betcha she’ll help us plan your party!” Now I suppose I should mention I don’t do well in social gatherings party or otherwise but to disappoint the one being in this world that saw some worth in me….well I couldn’t do that.
“That sounds fine Pinkie” I answered attempt to show some enthusiasm even though It wasn’t really there.

“ALLLright!” Pinkie rocked to the ceiling bouncing around like she had just won the lottery, but at this point I realized she treated everyday as though she was most optimistic pony in the world. To be honest part of me envied that. To be able to look at everyday knowing only good things could come out of it. I already know my future that is assuming I get to leave this world but…I won’t write it down now. Also assuming that captain Rhyo doesn’t kill me first. Yeah I am not that optimistic.
Pinkie Pie and I left soon after. It was kind of a strange feeling leaving the hospital; after all it was the one place in my opinion that cannot be that different between our worlds. Earlier the hospital staff had washed my filthy and blood stained running clothes, my shoes included which I might add were in very rough shape with my big toe sticking out the front of my right shoe. The laces were frayed as if a dog had been chewing on them but in the end I was grateful they were still wearable. My white running shirt smelled fresh but it appeared that a few spots of blood could not be cleaned. The shorts were gray but now mixed with a hint of brown as if the mud I had been caked in at Fluttershy’s house could never truly be cleaned. At least I have clothes I thought, not that it really matters after all these ponies walk around naked. If course my body somewhat below average by my own standards a hairy chest fairly pale skin, occasional minor acne appears on it from time to time. I noticed my beard had begun to grow a bit during my six days in the hospital. Great now I have to find out how to shave in a completely foreign world I thought.

Chapter 9: Snow At Sunset

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Chapter 8

The first step outside of the hospital, I took a deep breath and exhaled. The air was so clean back on earth I went to school near the coast in California, the air was always crisp and clear but there is really no comparison. It was if I was breathing the spirit of winter, the gale that runs through a frozen meadow as the sun begins to set. I guess in the hospital I never realized what the weather was like outside, the ground was covered in a thick blanket of snow. It was captivating every tree was made of ice and sparkled in the evening sun. and while I looked around at the beauty my body brought me back to reality. It was cold….no it was down right frigid. I brought my arms to my chest and looked down at pinkie who seemed a bit chilled but not nearly as cold as me. She looked up at me with a smile which turned to a frown quite quick.

“You look freezing!” she exclaimed “Yes I am a bit cold I’ll admit but I think I’ll be fine until we get to….” I frowned I didn’t remember where we we’re going. “Idiot” I muttered under my breath.

Pinkie didn't hear me luckily and finished my sentence “ To Lyra’s place. But since it’s late and I don’t want to have you turn into a Popsicle let me run back inside. I am sure the hospital has something warm for you to wear. Be back in a flash.” And just like that she nearly teleported back into the hospital. The sky was growing darker it looked like it might snow tonight and I was grateful pinkie was willing to run back to grab something warmer for me to wear. At the same time I wish she didn’t after all silent suffering was something Darkside wanted me to experience everyday. With that darkside spoke up after being absent for a while, “Don’t accept what she brings you are not worth it and she shouldn't see you for anything more than extra useless baggage” he whispered. I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing attempting to shut him out. I almost didn’t notice when pinkie suddenly reappeared with what a looked like a very worn wool blanket. “I asked nurse redheart if there were any spare blankets around. She seemed sorry but told
me that there weren’t any and the hospital isn’t a charity that can afford to give out those things.

“I see so where did that blanket you are holding come from?” I asked raising my eyebrows. After all pinkie doesn't strike me as a thief.
“Wellll….. when I was leaving I spotted a room that had all kinds of cloth and stuff that no one was using and well that’s where I found it” she said sheepishly.
While I wasn’t exactly comfortable with the fact she obtained it under the nose of the hospital a sudden gale chilled me to the bone. I shut my eyes to keep out the ice hugged my chest trying to keep warm. I felt the blanket being draped over my shoulders bringing some much needed warmth.
“Thanks Pinkie, I don’t think I would last a minute out here without your help but, once we finish our business at Lyra’s remind me to return this blanket. It doesn't feel right to have taken it without permission.” Not to mention I don’t deserve it or her kindness but I didn’t say that aloud.
“Okie dokie lokie” Pinkie replied sadly. I guess she felt guilty for taking it without Nurse Redheart knowing.
“Hey cheer up, it means a lot that you would go through so much trouble for me”. I did my best to smile for her and it seemed to lift here spirits.
“You’re welcome, alrighty then let’s get to lyra’s before we freeze our hoovesies off out here” And with that we began our walk.

Chapter 10: Cold

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Chapter 10

Suffice to say that walk was one of the coldest I’ve ever been on. Somehow though, being with Pinkie made up for the fact that I was freezing as the sunset behind the hills surrounding Ponyville. In the distance I could make out a Castle painted crimson and orange as the daylight faded. The turrets I saw shone like beacons and sparkled like several stars as if the day was giving its last gift to this world. Beautiful is one word to describe that sight and yet every time I looked to my right that pink mare looked equally if not more spectacular than that sunset and castle. We walked in relative silence the only sound being the crunch of hoof and foot upon snow. Not surprising considering how late and cold it was we were the only two outside at the time. Most of the houses had thatched roof tops with each road appearing to converge onto a grand central plaza with a breathtaking town hall in the center. We passed through a mostly deserted market place that looked very similar to the farmers markets I knew from earth. A lone shopkeeper was closing up his stall and glanced warily at me. He was mostly a gray earth pony with teal eyes and what appeared to be an image of a molten steel bar on his flank. I did my best to look friendly after all I towered over most of these ponies by a solid three feet. I gave a halfhearted smile knowing I needed to make a good impression. Despite it all the shopkeeper sneered and quickly put up the “closed” sign for his stand and trudged off in the opposite direction. “Oh don’t let him bother you that was just Scrap Iron, he doesn’t come to Ponyville much since he works in the metal industry in Canterlot. He mostly comes here just to sell his really cool junk and stuff.”
“Interesting…. I didn’t know there were ponies that did that.” I replied attempting to ignore the look that pony gave me.

We continued are journey to Lyra’s place which took a little longer than I expected. Along the way we past the town library built inside a tree just as the princess explained. Near the tree’s crown I noticed a certain purple alicorn preparing a telescope of sorts on her balcony. Noticing us pass by she waved excitedly and gave a cheerful smile. I found it a little odd after all we had only just met on a formal basis and yet she acknowledged me as a longtime friend. A bit encouraged by this find I waved back. It was nice having someone to wave to even for that brief moment the mere fact somepony remembered me and made an effort to be friendly nearly made tear up as we continued walking. “Heya Sammy you okay?” I had barely noticed Pinkie ease her pace to walk right beside me.
“Yeah sure, I’m good just got some snow in my eyes that’s all”. I tried to play it off casually obviously I didn’t want to show weakness in front of a pony that I cared for. She had already done so much for me I really didn’t desire to cause her anymore concern. I needed to be the one to give something back. At that moment I wasn’t quite sure what I could give to a mare that seemed so content with what she had. Of course I knew that Pinkie was probably not always this cheerful and happy but I had a hard time picturing a situation that could actually dampen the spirits of this rambunctious pony. Regardless I resolved to think of something that would truly delight her.
“Okie dokie….lokie.” She didn’t really buy my response and gave me a quizzical look but soon became distracted by other things.
“Hey, hey look at that cloud it kind of looks like a éclair, I just love eclairs they are so sweet and filled with cream that just makes my mouth water. Have you ever had an éclair??!” Pinkie’s face lit up and she stopped abruptly in the snow.

“You look like you have come up with the best idea ever.” I said amusedly as we resumed are walk. “That’s because it is the best idea ever we should totally go to sugar cube corner tomorrow. I can try out the new éclair recipe and you look like you’d be an excellent taste tester.” "Well I'd like nothing better. after all I have yet to taste anything in this world that isn't served as hospital food."

"Oh you haven't had eclairs as good as mine...well if applejack makes them they might be as good." Pinkie lifted a hoof to her chin. "It seems to me that you take Applejack to be a rival, well perhaps I should try her pastries first" I said teasing Pinkie a little. She snapped back to reality "Oh well my Eclairs have a special ingredient in the cream….it’s super special I meet with a super-secret provider!”
"oh really?”
“Yeperooni in fact whenever I meet with him he is surrounded by tough looking guard ponies…… but why would elcair crème be that important?” I couldn’t help but grin and play along “You know I bet the crème is secretly laced with some type of drug that they are using to zombiefy the whole of Ponyville…I mean it makes perfect sense who doesn’t like éclairs?” I said feigning my suspicious face.
“I KNOW and I bet the guards are there to use some magic explosive bombs in case someone catches on to there devious plans” pinkie exclaimed adamantly. Seeing her serious demeanor at the thought of something so silly I couldn’t help but burst out laughing and pinkie quickly followed suit. “This is the kind of thing I can only do with a few people in my world” I said in between giggles. I noticed Pinkie had stopped laughing and her mane if it’s even possible deflated from its normal poofy appearance. “Something the matter? I’m sorry if I said anything that upset you” I quickly stuttered fearful that I had hurt this kind mare in someway.

“No it’s not your fault….it’s just….” Pinkie’s voice was no louder than a whisper. “It’s just what?” I asked “Well I have great friends here I couldn’t ask for another five ponies plus a dragon that cared about me as me about them. But I can never really act this way around them I mean Twilight with just brush it off and me being silly or something, Rainbow Dash would cut me off and ask me to watch one of her latest tricks, Fluttershy well that goes without saying she would hide inside afraid of what I had made up, Rarity is not the type of pony that is into this kind of thing and Applejack is too busy on the farm and to serious to enjoy this happy silly moment we just had.” I wasn’t sure how to respond I had only just met this pony and well I’m not the kind of guy to butt myself into the personal matters of others. That said we had grown closer during our hospital stay and we’ll darkside had been quiet at the time. “Pinkie I’m sure if you talked to them about this they would listen although I can only speak for Twilight I don’t really know your other friends that well. I can fully understand after all it’s the kind of thing that should happen naturally.” Pinkie gave a sad smile “You’re right, it’s just talking about these kinds of things is not my strength.” “You seem to be doing alright talking with me…Hey look up ahead I see a house is that Lyra’s place” I asked somewhat eager to distract Pinkie from her sudden depressed mood. She looked toward where I had pointed her eyes lit up and her mane reflated “Yep, that’s the place now we can finally figure out how to plan a proper Human and Pony Party.” With that we quickened our pace as the last slivers of crimson gold sunlight faded behind the snow covered hills.

Lyra’s cottage or I guess mansion is the more appropriate descriptor is located just on the outskirts of Ponyville. It was more modern looking by pony standards with a dark green tiled roof. It is three stories tall with several ornate statues decorating a balcony that hung over the main entrance. Windows flanked the large mahogany door and stretched to encompass the entire front wall of the mansion. The mansion’s most striking feature however was the circular gated courtyard that surrounded the mansion. It is blanketed with scuptures of a thousand different species and interspersed with cedar, oak, and cypress trees that were blanketed in snow. The moon was just beginning to rise in the sky giving the entire property an almost ethereal glow. Suffice to say it was beautiful when I first saw it however the odd thing was no lights were on and the blinds had been closed. “Do you think she is home?” I wondered aloud. Without a word Pinkie bounced her way up through the courtyard and crunched through the snow to the massive doors which held four different handles, one obviously designed for ponies and two I couldn’t guess what creatures they were for. The last handle further up on the door was different it was noticeably taller than most ponies could reach and grooved for four fingers and a thumb. It had a silvery polished glow in the moonlight. Pinkie gave the door a firm knock “Lyra you home?!” she called out. There was no answer. “I guess she isn’t I said a bit disappointed that I wouldn’t get to meet her or rather that I was going to lose some of my toes to frostbite if I had to spend another minute in the bone chilling night. “Hmmm I guess Lyra decided to stay at Bon Bon’s tonight, I should of known those two are inseparable just like Scootaloo when she finds Rainbow Dash.” Pinkie shivered as a gale blew through the somewhat protected overhang around the door. “I th-ink that L-Lyra keeps a spare key around here we sh-should look for it b-efore we freeze into popsicles out here” Pinkie stammered her teeth chattering. “Alright let’s look around the balcony first then. With that we got to searching but it didn’t take long to realize that it was far too dark and cold to look for something as small as a key. “Pinkie Pie you keep searching in front I’ll go see if there is another way in around back”. The party pony simply nodded her coat turning a little blue. I looked down at my fingers to see they too were numb and a bit blue. Clutching my blanket close to my body I rounded the corner to see if there was a back door or something. As luck would have it there was an old metal ladder lying on the ground outside."I might be able to reach the balcony with this" I said to myself. I let go of my blanket to pick it up which was a mistake the immediate temperature chilled my body to the core and the metal was so cold it burned the flesh on my hands. I scooped up the blanket and padded my shoulder as I held the ladder against it and made my way back to the front entrance.

Upon reaching the front I didn’t see Pinkie. “Pinkie you still here?” I called out as the wind was picking up and a steady stream of snow began to fall. I heard no reply, “PINKIE WHERE ARE YOU?!” I yelled out again beginning to panic. I frantically scanned the courtyard searching for any bright pink spot hidden among the statues. It was in vain the snow was creating whiteout conditions. Without a second thought I dropped the ladder by the door and ran out calling out her name trying to make myself heard above the howl of the wind. I searched for what felt like hours desperately hoping to hear anything from the only Mare that had ever showed me genuine kindness and compassion. I was about ready to collapse in the snow right then and there when I called one last time and I didn’t hear anything rather I saw a slight movement of a pink head half buried in the snow. I bolted over to Pinkie who was stone cold and shivering in my arms as I pulled her out from the ice and snow. Her lips were blue along with the ends of her legs. I lifted her up and held her body against my chest with her head on my shoulder and began trudging my way to the mansion entrance.
My body was like ice and my legs felt like lead weights but I couldn’t allow this mare to simply freeze to death out here, it may have been a death I deserved but not her….Never her. I reached the door and laid Pinkie down gently all the while the wind was howling and the temperature dropping. I quickly went and grabbed the ladder and hoping against hope it would reach the third floor balcony. And of course it was too short. Desperation mode kicked in. I needed to get Pinkie inside I needed to get her inside! Out of the corner of my eye I spied a statue that was a few yards out from the balcony and about its height as well. Without a second thought I ran out to it with the ladder in tow. I leaned the ladder against the cold statue and began to climb. Upon reaching the top I wedged myself in between the two appendages near the summit and bent down to grab the ladder. The rungs were spaced out just far enough for me to jam the ladder around the head of the statue as I slowly lowered it to the balcony creating a makeshift bridge. Adrenalin pumping through my system I crawled along the ladder to the to the balcony. About half way through the ladder slipped from the balcony guard rail and hooked itself on to the rain gutter that ran along the balcony floor. I quickened my pace realizing that the ladder was slipping further. I wasn’t going to make it crawling the gutter creaked and groaned under the pressure and just as it looked ready to give I flung myself forward reaching out to grab the guard rail. Luck was on my side that time and I managed to wrap my hands around the railing as the ladder fell bringing the head of the statue down with it. “Oops” I muttered to myself as I pulled my body on to the balcony floor. I reached the ornate glass door and realized in my desperate plan to get up here I wasn’t even sure if this door would be unlocked. “Another half assed plan Right?” Darkside whispered. Ignoring him I tried the handle and again I was lucky the door opened. I ran inside to the stairwell nearly flinging myself down 2 flights of stairs to the front door. I brought the shivering Pinkie inside.

I laid her on the sofa in what appeared to be a living room which had a few unburned logs in a fire place. I looked around to see that a few matches were sitting on the mantle along with some newspaper. Wadding up the paper and shoving it into the fireplace and I quickly struck a match and watched as the flames roared to life. The room was definitely warmer but Pinkie was borderline hypothermic or at least that is what I feared. I scrounged around the house looking through closets and cupboards for any warm material or clothing. I came upon a linen closet and grabbed several blankets. I raced back over to her and wrapped her up in a cocoon of sorts. It seemed I had done as much as I could for this pony but she was still shivering and her lips still blue. I removed my shirt and climbed on to the sofa shimmied my way under the blankets and pressed my body against hers. She was freezing cold and as I laid there frightened out of my mind I hoped to….something….. anything that everything would be alright when we woke up.

Chapter 11: A Search and A Memoir

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Chapter 11

You know the more I write this….memoir I guess….the more I feel like ever since I entered this world I have faced more challenges than any on Earth…regardless let me continue with Lyra’s place. The wind was howling when I awoke and drafts of cold air could be felt dancing throughout the house. The fire I made was still relatively warm with the embers giving off a therapeutic warmth. It was difficult to determine the time given it was still dark outside but the clock that hung over the fireplace read 6:30 am. I groggily swung my legs off the sofa and glanced to wear Pinkie should have been but she wasn’t there. A jolt of panic swept through me. Where could she of gone, she was near hypothermic when I brought her inside.

“Pinkie Pie? You in hear?” I called out as I pulled myself off the sofa and placed my shirt back on. I immediately regretted that decision. Apparently snow melts when brought inside and my shirt was soaked same with my shorts but less so leading to some frigid water sliding down my back. Putting aside the fact that pinkie was missing I realized she was probably exploring the house and her condition was probably not as serious as I thought. With an exasperated sigh I resolved to strip down in the living room to allow my clothes to dry in front of the fireplace. I glanced around the living room grateful for probably the first time that the Party Pony was nowhere in sight. Removing my clothing placing them to dry I searched the cupboards and closets for a blanket to make myself decent. “Not that I am that decent to begin with but no one needs to see me naked that’s for sure” I whispered to myself. I searched and searched and finally stumbled upon a large quilt from a walk-in closet inlaid with gems depicting a night sky with the reverse side mountains in the daylight. It was very intricate and the coolest quilt I had ever seen. I’ve told you that I sketch or free draw from time to time and I spend most that drawing imaginary landscapes and you can imagine why I loved the detail put into that quilt.

“This is gorgeous, and the mountains even have oak trees intricately sewn in….the obsidian stars in that jet black sky shimmer just like a real night sky….”
“Watcha doin?!” I yelped and I think my heart skipped a beat. When I turned around I saw Pinkie Pie dressed up in a wool snoe cap with booties and a down black jacket. I also realized too late that in my surprise I had dropped the quilt revealing…. Well you know….
“Pinkie!?.... I err… was just umm… admiring this quilt here since I am letting my clothes dry…. And…” I tried to answer flustered and embarrassed
“Oooo…preeetty!” she exclaimed entering the closet and reaching with her mouth to pick up the quilt I was now standing on. Reflexively I backed further into the closet hoping Pinkie hadn’t seen what I thought she saw. Hiding in the forest of Fabrics and blankets I saw Pinkie place the quilt on her back using it like a cape and obviously admiring herself in the mirror built into the closet door.
“I look just like Rarity in one of her fancy gowns! You see Sammy?! Sammy?! Where did you go?”
“I’m still here Pinkie.” I called back from deep within the closet I looked around hoping to find some cloth around me that I could cover myself with unfortunately all of the clothing was made for ponies and not a single blanket was the size of that quilt. Sighing I grabbed two pony sized sweaters and tied them around my waist making a quite revealing and ridiculous loin cloth. I stepped out of the shadows and immediately saw a certain pony struggle to maintain her composure upon seeing me. I tried to play it off cool.
“Something the matter Pinkie?”
Pinkie fell on the floor bursting with laughter. I frowned for second but upon seeing myself in the mirror I couldn’t help crack a small smile.
“I do look pretty ridiculous don’t I?” I said more to myself than to Pinkie.

“You look so silly! Here let me give you this quilt it covers you better than those itty bitty sweaters.” Pinkie said in between giggles. Relieved that Pinkie hadn’t seen me in buff I accepted the quilt from her and wrapped it around my waist as a make shift robe leaving my hairy unsightly chest exposed.
I couldn't help but feel embarrassed despite how relaxed I had been around Pinkie, to put it frankly if you haven’t already gathered my self esteem is pretty low. I lowered my head and attempted to vacate the closet hoping my clothes were dry enough to wear while Pinkie was still giggling on the ground.

Heya Sammy what’s the matter you seem down and your face is all red?” Pinkie asked seeing me leave the closet, her abrupt change in mood surprised me she was after all just laughing her head off a moment a go. I suppose I am not so good at hiding my emotions or at least from Pinkie.
“Nothing…” I replied as I walked over to the fireplace to examine the dampness of my clothes.
“Dang it, still wet and cold.” I muttered sighing I plopped myself on the sofa content just to let the warmth of the fireplace overwhelm my senses. I leaned my head back and covered my eyes with my arm. “Lucky she didn’t see the hideous body you have” darkside whispered. I clenched my fingers a bit taking deep breaths. The room seemed to shrink as darkside returned it felt as if he was on the sofa with me his damp sickly breath whispering into my ears.
I was so lost in my mind I barely noticed that Pinkie had climbed onto the sofa and was lying next to me.
“It doesn’t seem like nothing is bothering you…” Pinkie murmured putting a hoof on my knee. I lifted my arm from my head and opened my eyes to see Pinkie Pie staring at the fire looking a little more melancholy than usual. I tried to lighten the mood. Using my chipper voice
“Don’t worry about it Pinkie I’ll be fine. You on the other hand almost froze outside how are you feeling?....I was so worried….”

“Oh I’m fine” She replied solemnly.

“You don’t sound fine….” I said quietly

“Neither do you….”
We sat there in silence for a while staring at the flames as they flickered leaving dancing shadows on the floor. The wind was still howling outside.
“You saved my life.” Pinkie said softly breaking the silence
“Well…I suppose I did…you saved mine as well if you recall.” I was uncertain how to reply and immediately regretted saying that. I didn’t save Pinkie from the storm simply because she stopped me from…well you know…suicide.
“What I mean to say is that ummm… I care far too much about you Pinkie I couldn’t just leave you to freeze outside.”
“I care about you too Sammy. You are a true friend and I want to help you. But, for some reason you won’t let me silly. You saved my life but you don’t seem to care about your own.” Pinkie replied sadly.
“I know…I just…I’m just not ready to talk about it…you merely talking to me right now is enough Pinkie.” I didn’t want to sound like I wasn’t glad Pinkie was willing to help but there were things at the time I could not share with her. I was afraid. She sighed giving a gentle yet sad smile.
“Alright. Then could you at least tell me why you were blushing in the closet?”
Again I was unsure how to respond. “Well you see back on my world people like me, men and women have to wear clothes while in public. It’s considered indecent to be naked outside of say private areas like bathrooms and such.”
“That’s totally weird!” Pinkie exclaimed “We ponies wear clothes and dresses when we feel like it or for special occasions like a costume party…..OH MY GOSH WE SHOULD TOTALLY MAKE YOUR WELCOME PARTY A COSTUME PARTY!”
I smiled “Sure Pinkie that sounds like it could be fun, but how about we make it a scary costume party?” I never mentioned this but I think some things are just more fun with a little fear added to the mix.
“You betcha, this party is gonna be awesome!” Pinkie exclaimed and just like that I felt better and I think Pinkie Pie did as well.

It was around mid-afternoon according to the clock above the fireplace you couldn't tell really since it was still snowing outside making the hour seem much later. My clothes had finally dried and I slipped into a closet to change. When I finished Pinkie was waiting very close I might add to the closet door. I jumped in my skin a little surprised
“Whoa Pinkie! You scared me. Why were you standing so close to the door?”
She seemed a bit frazzled “Oh I was umm…. Just making sure the… the umm spirits I mean… the ones I felt with my pinkie sense didn’t lock you in the closet.” She was blushing a little

“Oh really. And I suppose these spirits haunt Lyra’s place just so they can lock ponies in closets where they then trap their victim and perform a ritual to turn the innocent
ponies into spirits using dark magic right?” I said hiding a grin.

“Yep! that is totally why I kept my head near the keyhole to make sure no ghost key locked it!” She was blushing much more now.
“I see well, why don’t we get to searching the bookshelves to see if there is anything we can look up that deals with Ponies and Humans, I haven’t a clue what you ponies eat or anything about the culture here.” I was genuinely curious and wanted to find out more about this world.
I noticed Pinkie give a relieved sigh “Phew,….Yeah and I will totally keep three eyes out for any books dealing with Pony or People parties.”

And with that our investigation of Lyra’s eerie mansion began.

Chapter 12. A Disturbing Story

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Chapter 12

Let me start off by saying that there are some perks to being tall especially when it comes to bookshelves. Walking around the mansion I began to notice just the large amount of stuff covering everything. Knick knacks were everywhere ranging from small figuring to full size stone carvings of instruments. One instrument in particular seemed to interest the owner of this mansion being and that being the Lyre it was littered around the house in various forms from the instrument itself to sheet music titled “Melodies of Spring for the Lyre”. It was odd but at the same time it was refreshing to be in a place where you could see the devotion of one pony to the arts.

On the wall I noticed a frame holding what looked like a certification it read “Rewarded to Miss Lyra Heartstrings for her ground breaking research in the fields of Centaur Anatomy and Music based Spellcraft.” It was from the Canterlot Mage and Sorcerer College of Anomalous Creatures”.

Our search lasted several hours but it proved fruitless. Most of the literature and books we found focused on music and history. With titles like The History of Equestria, Nobles and Dukes of Early Equestrian Society, Ancient Economics nothing about humans and most certainly nothing about parties.
“Find anything?!” I called while rescanning a couple of bookshelves in a study room next to the fairly small and simple Kitchen. Quite surprising given the grandeur of the exterior. Perhaps Lyra has a taste for the simple things in life.

“Nope, nada, zilch, nothing, negative…” Pinkie called back sliding her hoof across the spines of several books lining a very antiquated bookshelf. In fact it looked a great deal older than most of the other pieces of furniture in the study. Cobwebs lined many of the shelves and a thick layer of dust covered many of the books. The shelves themselves looked about ready to come tumbling down and some were noticeably disintegrating into wood chips and saw dust. Perhaps the most striking thing about it was that it was built into the wall itself. I walked over to Pinkie as she began climbing up a ladder to scan higher shelves. Instinctively I held it steady for her, having to help my father with many a home improvement project taught me not to take chances when climbing up high on an old ladder.
“Thanks Sammy” Pinkie called down with a smile as she began to look over the shelves. As far as I could tell from Pinkies expressions as she searched the top shelves held nothing of interest either until
“What in the HAY?!....OMY GOSH!” Her voice nearly made me knock over the ladder.
“What is it Pinkie?” I asked my voice a little shaky.
“You are never gonna believe this but I found an old diary up here!” She climbed down holding a deep teal colored book.

The cover was leather with gold inlaid on the spine.
Curiously enough the gold patterns were shaped into human forms faceless but very much like cave paintings on earth. There was no title except for the word “diary” written in black cursive. Not surprisingly it was in poor shape crumpled and worn but, it was missing the thick layer of dust that covered the other books and a metal black locket that prevented the book from being opened.

“Looks like someone has been writing in this” I said pointing out the lack of dust. “The shapes too are like a human’s don’t you think?” I asked Pinkie. She took it from my hands and examined it carefully

“Yep, I betcha there’s load of stuff in here about humans if only we could unlock it…” She tossed it in her hooves a few times.
“Careful, that diary looks ancient it might fall apart and I doubt the pony who wrote it wants it in a thousand scattered pages.” I said it afterall looked like it could break apart with a little tug on the spine.

“Hmmm…” Pinkie appeared lost in thought. “We could a wait for Lyra to come home but the snowstorm doesn’t look like it’s gonna let up anytime soon… hmmmm…” She continued to toss book and then “Schrrrck” I heard the book tear as it hit the floor the front cover now lazily hung off the side attached only by the locket now.
“Oops.” Pinkie squeaked timidly. She brought her face down to the floor desperately hoping she could fix the cover somehow. I sighed
“Well I suppose we might as well take a look inside who knows it might tell us something about what our worlds have in common.” And maybe it could tell me more about that mysterious mineral I found back on earth I thought.
I picked it up being careful not to let the front cover completely fall off and began to read.
“Bipedals and Ponies: A Culmination of the History of Equestria, Human Kind and my Memoirs by Celest Keys.”

My story begins in the Everfree when I was not but a Foal. The world seemed so grand and so wild and I was always seeking places to explore and adventure in. Wait…how foolish of me here I am writing a memoir and I have said nothing about my appearance. I am an old mare at the time of writing this with a light green coat a maroon mane and perhaps most importantly I am a unicorn. I reside in the village of Solid Stone and seek to understand the connections Equestria has with other realms, and if not for recent events regarding the Royal sisters I perhaps would be closer to understanding these connections. Alas it is not meant to be but I feel it is necessary to record what I have learned so that some may continue my quest if they so desire.

As a young Filly it is easy to see the allure the Everfree forest presented, even back then it was a wild and untamed place although much smaller in size than what it is today. There were always rumors of fugitives running to escape the law in that forbidden place only to come out insane and half-starved or perhaps more mercifully not at all. Being filly I knew better than to go very deep as many a monster would love to lazily snack on a slow young foal-… I paused and realized that Pinkie and I had made our way over to sofa together once again. She rested her head on my shoulder gently breathing in and out.
“Why did you stop Sammy? Keep it going please!” Pinkie said excitedly. I stared at her for a second then smiled somehow I didn’t expect this mare to enjoy books this much but I guess I was wrong like I am about so many other things.

In fact many although rare foals and ponies alike would go missing just for skirting the edge of that foreboding forest. When I look back on it now I was either incredibly brave or exceptionally stupid but it did get me my cutie mark so maybe I’m a combination of both. One evening I meant to venture to the Royal Sisters castle which isn’t that difficult of a trek but I wanted to forge a shortcut through the forest. My village was on a primary trade route between The Royal Castle and the rather small city of Doge. Goods traveled to and fro and everywhich way in my village. The primary means of getting to the castle was by boat since the road was often stalked by monsters and black Wyverns that dwelt in the Everfree. The road followed a convoluted and cumbersome path and in my mind I felt as though a shortcut was necessary since I saw an old musty map that detailed the terrain. The rode meanders it constructed in such a way as to avoid the denser parts of the forest where the particular dangerous creatures make their homes making the journey long and arduous. My mindset and a machete in my saddlebags I sought to cut my way through these thickets and create a wonderful path for all in the village. Man was I stupid….anyway to make a long story short I was lucky.

I was around halfway along the road when I came to the first thicket I meant to hack and slash my way through. The vines twisted around my machete like snakes the canopy quickly extinguished any daylight as I quickly lit my horn the trees seemed to inch toward me as if they would envelope me in their roots silencing this adventurer trying to bring order to that chaotic forest. Delving further into the abyss the sounds of nature were both horrifying and beautiful. The song of the Maroow Jays were wonderful a treat for the ears while the gaseous hisses of blatterbugs threatened to make me sick. Nonetheless I continued forward my body gashed and scraped by the razor sharp leaves of the Camzer Vines. I paused to drink from my canteen wiping the sweat and dirt accumulating on my hands and face. Oddly enough the Forest for all of its terrors and vicious creatures the thicket I was in was rather calm and almost relaxing the calls of manticores and cockatrices only faintly echoed off the trees surrounding me.
That peace was shattered when I heard a scream. A bloodcurdling-…

I turned my head to see Pinkie’s eyes wide with fear and worry. She was still staring intently at the pages I was reading.
“Wh-Why did you st-stop keep reading you can’t leave the st-story hanging like th-that” She said holding a hoof close to her face as if to hide her anxiety. “Are you sure? I can stop if you want?” I asked concerned this was a bit scary for a pony like Pinkie.

“No no keep going I want to hear the rest” she replied confidently although her voice wavered a bit.
“Yes Ma’am” I gave her a mock salute. She giggled “Keep going!”

“Alright Alright
-A bloodcurdling scream that seemed to be emanating from the edge of the thicket. “HELP SOMEPONY HELP ME PLEASE!” I quickened my pace slicing through the branches and plants. I have to reach them I can’t let them die were the only words running through my head. I heard a screech followed by the sound of teeth gnashing and bone crunching. I could no longer hear the screams of the pony I only saw a pair of black leathery wings erupt above the forest where it the creature soared through the sky at an astonishing pace. A sense of desperation took over my body. My horn ached with the magical strain I was putting on it breaking through the limbs of so many trees. Sweat poured from every orifice stinging the bloody cuts like a thousand angry venomous hornets.

At last I broke through thicket with the only a shattered caravan wagon to greet me. The red sun at dusk gave the whole spectacle such an eerie feel. I carefully walked toward the remains of the wagon fairly. A pool of blood was forming and seeping underneath the wagon and the smell of fresh meat beginning to attract flies was overwhelming. I fought the urge to vomit as I rounded the wagon to see the mangled remains of the driver. From what I could tell it was a Pegasus stallion with a light gray coat. He was wearing a black suit of armor that shined as if it were made out of pure crystal. Gritting my teeth I walked forward trying to avoid the intestines mixing with the dirt road under hoof. A swarm of black horse flies had already settled on devouring this Pony their pincers making sure to grab every last morsel of flesh.
Upon closer examination of the shimmering black armor I saw the dreaded emblem a sideways red tear drop with a jet black scythe inlaid surrounded by gold inlaid fractures and cracks.

The emblem of the Crystal Empire…Sombra’s Emblem. The stallion wore flexible leather armor over his wings around his neck the shredded bridle for the wagon lay. A silver and black pike laid at his side dripping with black blood. A blood even the flies didn’t seem interested in. It was very strange to see a soldier so well equipped caught by surprise even in the Everfree especially if he managed to injure his assailant as most just run off if the prey is too dangerous… which ponies aren’t most of the time. Lowering I took a closer look at the pike I knew little about military weapons in Equestria but it was common knowledge that soldiers in militaries around the world kept their identification tags in a specialized compartment in whatever weapon they so wish. Mission orders and intel were also rumored to be hidden inside these compartments with a magical failsafe built in that is meant to self-destruct upon the death or capture of the owner. Okay so maybe I know more about the military than most ponies but I’ll get to that later. Tapping on the pike I discovered the hollowed out section near the bottom of the shaft and unscrewed the black metal cylinder. So many questions a dead soldier well equipped to handle the forest is dead, his weapon did not self-destruct and a mysterious creature with black wings flies off without a trace somehow?

Emptying the contents the soldiers dog tags fall out: Corporal Jasper Rhyo and a note as well.
It detailed his last words if his mission were to fail along with a sketch of himself a mare and a young colt at their feet. He was smiling. Apparently he was defecting to the Equestrian Royal Army and as a token of good faith he was bringing along a certain newly discovered communication system that would prove invaluable to whichever side possessed it. I was so wrapped up in thought I barely noticed the smell anymore. . I glanced sadly at the dead soldier he didn’t deserve a death like that no one does. I looked around the mangled remains of the wagon see if this item the note spoke of was still around virtually all of the crates and barrels the wagon held were burned to ashes intermixed with some sparkling rock dust. If this item was so important I felt obligated to find it and deliver it myself to the princesses. I dug move hooves into the ash piles hoping to find something anything at all really. I removed my hoof after the digging through the last pile I could see sighing. I was ready to give up when I looked at my hoof to see it was bleeding and what followed was almost indescribable.

My whole body started shuddering, sweat poured and emotions coursed through my entire body growing in intensity like a boiling pot of oil overflowing it’s cauldron burning my insides. I felt it all happiness at its peak, unfathomable sorrow, unimaginable grief, and then rage. This uncontrollable fury coursed through my veins, I had the sudden urge to lash out at anything in my field of view. I wasn’t in control and a monster entered my mind, my head turned to the soldier on the ground. Without a second thought my magic flared grasping the machete and pike and…I….I…mutilated the body. I hacked and slashed through the skin of that dead soldier red blood and intestines filled my vision, the insects of the Everfree flocked to the fresh meat I created. I dove head first in driving my teeth into the entrails thrashing in guts and gnashing my teeth swallowing hunks of flesh whole…..I need to stop writing this it’s….. too hard…I must…for my research.
I will spare any further detail suffice to say I passed out and awoke covered in the entrails of that soldier my mane sopping wet with blood. Hysterical would be an understatement I had no idea what entity overtook my senses. I looked over to the now unrecognizable corpse, I swallowed tasting blood, I ran my tongue along my teeth to discover chunks of flesh were still nestled in my mouth. I immediately retched right there on the spot. The air hung thick with the stench of vomit, blood and rotting flesh. The smell seemed to knock me out of my hysterical daze and gave me the chance to feel the searing pain coursing through my hooves. I looked down to see and almost enchanting teal glow emanating from the wound with pulses of agony flowing through as the light brightened and waned. I remember thinking what in Equestria is creating that glow? Was this the new communicating device the Princesses were so interested in? Being a Pegasus of both adventure and science I thought it best to take a sample and analyze it back in town, assuming I could make it back in my condition. I winced pulling a teal shard from my fore hoof…..

“EEP! Grosss!” Pinkie exclaimed. “I mean umm, you can stop reading for now Sammy this is a little too- Intense for me.” She was shivering and her face was a little less pink and a little greener.

I couldn’t help but feel guilty “I’m sorry Pinkie I didn’t realize this would be so-so- graphic in my world I guess we humans just get used to hearing, or reading about this sort of thing, kind of sad now that I think about it.”

“No no it’s fine besides I wanted you to keep reading after all the more I think about it the more that crystal seems like the one that gave me such an icky lumpy bumpy on my head. It even gave off the same colored light” She gave a weak giggled “Hehe that rhymed”.
There was a pause the house was unnervingly quiet, I glanced out the window the snow had stopped and the wind died down. The lack of white noise made the once relaxing mansion into a foreboding cave. The only sounds were that of Pinkie’s and mine own breathing. Pinkie looked around warily “This place has suddenly become super spooky and not in the good nightmare night spooky either.” She said her voice shaky.
I concurred and suggested we vacate the house “You know maybe we should go back to town, I mean so I can apologize to Lyra for breaking the head off one of her statues and maybe twilight has some books about similarities between human and pony parties we can look over?”

Pinkie gave a large nervous smile “YES!- I mean yes that sounds amazing let’s get out of Lyra’s creepy ghost house…. I mean mansion!” In the blink of an eye she wrapped me up in the quilt we discovered earlier and tossed the hospital blanket over my shoulder. She bundled herself up as well and bounced like a cricket over to the front door. I collected the diary from the sofa and eyed the coat rack by the door. A deep brown satchel bag-or a purse whatever you want to call it was hanging from a hook.
“You think lyra will mind if a borrow this bag?” I asked. “Nope! Lyra is a cool pony she usually lets me borrow stuff for parties so I think that bag would be fine besides you already have that quilt on too.” Pinkie replied.
“You have a point there, and I think I’ll make it a point to pay back Lyra for destroying that statue out front and burning her wood it’s the least I could do for a pony I haven’t even met.”

Pinkie giggled “Don’t worry Sammy I am absolutely positive that Lyra is going to just LOOOVE you!”

With that we headed out the door leaving the mysterious mansion and its secrets alone for the time being. The Sun just barely broke through the storm clouds creating breathtaking shafts of light shimmering off the canopy of the Everfree giving it an emerald glow. I remember thinking as the mansion faded away and Ponyville came into view, this place is beautiful but, damn it is exhausting.

Chapter 13: Sanctuary Well...Sort...Of

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Chapter 13

The Ponyville library, a rather normal looking structure aside from the fact it was built inside a still growing oak tree. The upper canopy drooped under the weight of the snow piled on top and the branches still held a few green and brown leaves despite it being the winter season. Icicles clung like fingers to the underside of the observatory

platform holding a telescope that should probably be brought inside.
We came to the door just as the sky was beginning to darken with the sun setting behind the passing storm clouds where I looked up to see Pegasi darting through the tuffs of grey and white. One pony in particular caught my eye as she left a dazzling rainbow blur in her wake.
“Pegasus like Dashie control the weather around here!” Pinkie explained seeing what I was gazing at. “Well at least here in Equestria, except in the spooky everfree forest where weather happens all on it’s own. Sometimes storms come from beyond our nation’s border too and it’s Dashie’s job to break em up!”

“But you still let some storms through.” I pointed out.

“Well duh! We need the water and stuff to live, pegasi make our weather and rain normal so we can avoid big nasty storms, but sometimes on or two might get past us from out
of town or the everfree.”

We watched the Pegasi for a while longer. I noticed a multi-colored blur speed towards us at an astonishing rate almost like a fighter jet using it’s after burner. Within a millisecond the pony I now recognized as Rainbow Dash stood in flight goggles and a maroon jump suit. Some frost and ice still clung lto her beautiful rainbow colored mane
adding streaks of white that spread along her cyan coat like veins. The words “Extreme Weather Patrol-Division 1” were emblazoned on the side in black.

I was about to greet her however, she simply strode past me and embraced Pinkie Pie in hug.
“Pinkie Pie! You’re okay! We’ve been going crazy after you left the hospital with that human-thing none of us could find you especially with the weather like it is!” Rainbow exclaimed still holding the Pink mare in a tight embrace. “You’ve been missing for two whole days!!”
“I’m right as rain Dashie, Sammy here and I were at Lyra’s mansion looking for books about humans and ponies and stuff.” Pinkie replied smoothly. “Besides I think with how good Twilight is at magic you girls could find me lickety split even with this storm.”

Rainbow released Pinkie and rolled her eyes. I got the impression she was annoyed with Twilight to a great degree. “Ugh, don’t get me started on that egg head ever since she met Sam over here she’s been locked away with Spike in the library studying up on this as she put it * something about a new teleporting rock and the discovery of a species that was thought to be myth or ex-ex….” Rainbow sighed exasperated flinging her hooves in the air.

“Extinct?” Pinkie chimed in cheerily

“Yes that! Whatever! The point is she wasn’t very useful when we were looking for you!” she sighed and looked over to me “By the way about, what happened at the hospital….” She looked nervous discussing that incident. “Fluttershy, wanted to apologize for what she said and told me to pass it on if I ran into you. We were still anx-anx….”

“Anxious?” Pinkie helpfully interrupted.

“Yes what Pinkie said, and tired from the day before. Fluttershy especially, she blamed herself for what happened to Pinkie and well now she’s not been the same Pegasus I grew up with in Cloudsdale she’s still nice and everything but as soon as she tends to her animals she holds herself up in that cottage.”
A silence followed. Not the awkward kind but one where no one was sure what to say next. Does that make the silence awkward? I remembered back to when Pinkie said Fluttershy would visit to apologize she. She never did.

“Maybe it would help if I went and talked to her?” I more asked than declared.
RD looked up it her face held a small smile “Would you? I think it would totally help if she had someone to talk to she barely even replies when Rarity or me knock on the door. And normally she tells us she’s fine and we don’t need to come in. I don’t buy it one bit.”
“Sounds like me…” I muttered involuntarily.
“What was that Sammy?” Pinkie asked her head cocked.
“Nothing! What I mean is, I will definitely go and talk to her tomorrow I need to apologize to her after all and to accept her apology in turn. It’s not like what she said wasn’t true.” I said rather quietly.

“Oh no! Don’t you go start and blaming yourself for what happened I already got enough of that with Fluttershy. The whole thing was no pony’s…eerrr…or human’s fault!
Besides I’m the one who ran into Pinkie in the first place and I said I was sorry already.” Dash was adamant on that point. “I’m paying for Pinkie’s medical bills too.”

Aw Dashie you don’t have to do that…”Pinkie was embarrassed
“Yes I do.” Rainbow replied. I could tell there was no arguing with her once her mind was set and I was impressed by her commitment.
“That’s very selfless of you Rainbow I’m glad to see someone like you is looking out for Pinkie”.
She blushed a little but snapped out of it quickly “Yeah well don’t go getting all mushy or anything it’s something any pony would do.” She looked up to see some pegasi struggling to break up some of the massive storm clouds overhead. “I better get back to my team they look like they need my help.. Again! Catch ya later guys. Say hi to Spike and Twilight for me. And please tell her to stop being such an egghead.” Just like that she was back with her team overhead.
I smiled but I couldn’t help still feeling guilty. Even so it was nice to hear what Dash had said. Thankfully Darkside decided to keep quiet but I could still hear him inside festering and feeding on my guilt.

The door to the library opened suddenly. A frazzled looking purple alicorn wearing a pair of reading glasses rubbed her eyes. “EEP! The human! I have SO much more to ask you!”

“Hiya Twilight!” Pinkie yelled excitedly

Huh?! Pinkie! Where have you been!?”She sighed exasperated. “It doesn’t matter, I have so much to tell you both!”

“About what?” Pinkie asked quizzically.

Twilight sighed again impatiently “About everything that’s happened these last few days. Now inside the library quick. We have much to discuss.”
Pinkie and I shared a confused glance at each other. “But Twilight, Sammy and I were gonna find Lyra and ask her to help us plan a fantabulous super spooky, welcome to Ponyville party where I’ll be serving my super-duper signature éclairs. Plus we gotta return this quilt to her that Sammy is wearing.”
Twilight raised an eyebrow looking me over “Right….”

I was clutching the quilt around my neck while the now ratty hospital blanket hung over my shoulder. I doubt they would want that blanket back after what it went through. Twilight shook her head
“Lyra and Bon Bon are inside, ever since I told them about a human in Equestria they’ve been studying with me-well mostly Lyra but, where ever she goes Bon Bon is never far behind. Regardless you two will meet them soon enough. Now get inside.”
She picked us up in her magic which was a rather unpleasant experience as I felt a sense of fatigue and unbridled excitement overwhelm my emotions. It didn’t take me more than a second to realize that unicorn magic seems to be controlled by the casters state of mind.
I suppose I should have been more astounded with witnessing my first act of magic, but to be honest it was only mildly interesting. This was probably due to my current fixation on the diary under my quilt.I hoped that Twilight and Lyra would provide some insight.

Twilight levitated us inside gently placing laying Pinkie and myself onto a green couch infront of a roaring fire. The whole room smelled of oak and old wood. A musk that I could never forget. The shelves full of tomes and books swallowed the light brown walls spilling over into a second room. Each case reached the ceiling towering over Ponies and humans alike. Stacks of ancient knowledge littered the floor and any open desk space available. A map of what I assumed was Equestria and the lands beyond it was projected as if it were a hologram floating over a strange magical contraption emanating a purplish light. A kitchen laid off to our right and a small bedroom above a short staircase looked over us like an indoor balcony. The entire spectacle gave off a sense of home and safety as if nothing could hurt you inside this immense and powerful Oak tree.
Twilight or Princess Twilight.- She’s told me I can call her either one in this piece of writing but she prefers the former. Walked off to inform Lyra and Bon Bon we had arrived. Pinkie and I were alone again.

“You didn’t mention to Rainbow our accident at Lyra’s.” I pointed out as Pinkie got comfortable on the couch.

“Neither did you silly.” Pinkie giggled

“Well I didn’t really feel it was place to after all the only pony I really know here is you….” I paused for a moment. Did I really even know this Pink mare, I mean sure we already experienced many shall I say, life and death situations but could I say I knew her as well as a Pegasus like Rainbow Dash or an alicorn like Twilight?
“Don’t worry about that. I’m sure that my other friends will like you, besides Twilight was new here and we got to be bestest friends even though she is super shut in bookworm egghead or at least was.” Pinkie said casually.
“Who’s an egghead?” Twilight asked in a chastising tone.

“You were Twilight, when we first met!” Pinkie called.

Twilight sighed shaking her head. She pointed a hoof accusingly at Pinkie. “Well you were an out of control party animal when I met you for the first time.”
Twilight didn’t seem like she was in the mood for jokes, thankfully Pinkie corrected herself quickly. She excels at reading ponies and situations I have found.

“I’m only teasing Twilight” she glanced around nervously “Anyway where are Lyra and Bon Bon…”Pinkie paused then beamed. “Are we playing hide and seek! Are they sneaking around like snakes in the basement??!”
Twilight sighed putting a hoof to her face. I suppose it was the pony equivalent of a human face palm.
“ No Pinkie, it’s just that Lyra is very nervous about meeting our friend here.” Said twilight calmly pointing a hoof at me.
“I told you not to tell them that!” A voiced yelled from below us. Twilights ears flattened she looked embarrassed.
“Are the floors really that thin…no no… I do my soundproofing spell. I reenchant every first Tuesday of the month…let’s see it’s January and the first Tuesday was last week but that was when Celestia called me to Canterlot about a human in the hospital…” She facehoofed again. “oohhh pony feathers.” She was muttering this whole time.

“You sound like Applejack!” Pinkie laughed.

Twilight sighed again losing her composure a little. “Lyra this human is perfectly nice I think you will get along fine with him, please come up! Don’t you want to tell him all that we have discovered?!” She called down looking a little silly yelling at the floorboards.

We waited for an answer, to tell the truth I too was nervous about meeting Lyra considering I defaced an undoubtedly priceless statue in her yard and “borrowed” an ancient diary along with an ornate quilt without permission. I clenched my fists trying to hold a relaxed facial expression. I heard whispering down below though I couldn’t make out what was said. It got heated the pony pair’s voices rising but still just barely out of understandable range.
It stopped abruptly, the clopping of hooves began up the basement steps. Upon reaching the top a unicorn and an earth pony greeted us. I deduced Lyra to be the one with a lyre on her flank…herp de derp she is a unicorn with a brilliant mint green coat with a cyan and white mane. She was quite visibly terrified biting her lower lip and trembling. The pony next to her gave a nervous smile putting a forehoof on her companion’s back in an attempt at reassuring the unicorn. Bon Bon, a name I still find quite charming, has a cream colored coat with a deep blue and pink mane and tail.
Bon Bon ushered Lyra forward, “Say hello Lyra.”
The green unicorn seemed about ready to faint but she managed a quiet greeting “He-Hello…M-My name is Lyra Hear-tstrings.” She gave a anxious smile. “I’m s-sorry it’s just I-I never thought I would meet a hu-human in real life…”
I tried to give a relaxed smile “Well Lyra it’s a pleasure to meet you, Pinkie has told me you study humans quite enthusiastically.”
She seemed to relax a little or at least she stopped visually shaking, although her mane was matted in a nervous sweat as if she was staring into the eyes of a killer.
“Oh ye-yes in fact I have a degree from-“
“The Canterlot College of Anomalous Creatures.” I finished for her.
Lyra’s anxiety faded further her eyes shone with surprise and curiosity “Why yes, how did you know that?” she asked perplexed.
“Well…you see when Pinkie and I left the hospital the first place we headed was your house to see if you, Lyra had any books regarding similarities between my species and the ponies in equestria and…well with the storm and all we were kind of trapped there for the past two days.”
“Well then that certainly is understandable, I mean I don’t exactly have an easy access house being on the outskirts of ponyville and all…but still how did you get in I know I gave Bon Bon my spare key” Lyra replied warily.
Twilight was also giving me a suspicious look as if she was second guessing her decision to trust me.

“I understand if you are upset with me I am a stranger to most of you-“

“Hold on a Second!” a Pink mare interjected.

“Pinkie maybe you should let me explain this-“ I tried to continue.

“Nuh uh, let me Sammy.” Pinkie gave me a look that adamantly dissuaded any argument and turned it towards Twilight and Lyra. Their faces expressed surprise at the sudden change in the party pony’s demeanor.
“Listen girls, going to Lyra’s manor was my idea. I totally wanted to throw a great awesomely humongous party for Sammy here, but this time I didn’t know how. I mean it’s not everyday you meet a completely different species!”
“Pinkie we are-“ Twilight tried to interject
“Nuh, uh, let me finish Twilight!”
Twilight opened her mouth to protest then promptly shut it again.

“When we reached Lyra’s place I couldn’t find the spare key to let us in, so Sammy and I split up to look for the key. The storm was super duper bad by this time I could barely see and when I decided to search the front courtyard I must of collapsed from the cold. I laid out there for a long time before Sammy came around looking for me. I was too weak to call back but somehow he found me. I felt really sleepy and passed out, the next thing I knew we were inside on Lyra’s sofa with a fire going.”
Pinkie gave me an affectionate smile and turned back towards the three mares “So stop being so suspicious of him, he saved my life and I trust him. And I’ll even throw in a Pinkie Pie Promise that Sam is not here to hurt any pony. Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye!” Pinkie said resolutely her fore hooves going through the motions similar to someone that just finished praying.

The shocked looks on the faces of the three mares turned to guilty.
I brought my gaze upon Twilight and Lyra “What she said is true minus a few details, I just did what I knew needed to be done for someone-“
“Somepony!” Pinkie corrected excitedly
“-somepony I care about.” I concluded

She pities you, she doesn’t truly care about you darkside whispered. And yet as I heard this, for the first time I realized that it was for once much more probable that it wasn’t true. Perhaps I can possess some qualities that encourages someone to care about me. At the time I still believed I did not deserve it but, I wasn’t willing to push this care away. I was selfish or at least that is how it felt.
“I did however, break into your home Lyra, and I accidentally damaged an ornate statue along with the gutter built into your balcony. In my defense it was the only way I could think of to get Pinkie and myself inside before we froze to death in the blizzard. I also burned logs in your fireplace and borrowed this quilt, satchel bag and journal, in fact you should probably take them back now.” I removed the leather satchel which still held the diary we obtained, and the ornate quilt and placed them on the floor next to Lyra.
The eyes of the two unicorn mares softened. Lyra walked over to me and placed a hoof on my arm.
“We believe you, and I want to apologize…. it’s just that the first human seen in centuries disappears for two whole days with a personal friend right after both of you leave the hospital.”

I lowered my eyes. That does sound pretty questionable and suspect.

“But, from Pinkie has said and how you have behaved I think we can say that we trust you.” She said with sincerity

“What about the statue and your mansion?” I asked surprised.

“Oh don’t worry about that I wouldn’t of cared even if it hadn’t been a daring survival scenario, and that old quilt has been gathering dust in my closet for years I’m glad it is giving somepony some much needed warmth.” Lyra said nonchalantly

“Plus there are hundreds of statues in the courtyard and most are just replicas I think I can manage without all of them being in perfect shape”. She gave a gentle smile and looked toward Twilight
“I think it’s about time we had some food, we can discuss everything over dinner.”
Twilight smiled nodding in agreement “I’ll grab Spike from the basement, he’s been cleaning up after us so much he’s practically been living down there.” She said guiltily
Lyra gave an apologetic smile “Well I think Bon Bon and myself can make dinner and if I run over to Bon Bon’s I can grab some gems for our superb assistant.”
“I could help in the kitchen-“ Twilight began

“No! I mean that’s alright Twilight! We got it, let us treat you for once you’ve given us so much and helped my research a ton.” Lyra responded quickly. I could tell there was another reason she didn’t want Twilight in the kitchen

Twilight smiled “You know that’s fine. And thank you girls.” Twilight looked over to Pinkie and myself “You two should make yourselves comfortable after hearing what you’ve been through I think a little relaxation is in order”. With that Twilight and the other two mares left to handle the tasks of making dinner and cleaning up the basement leaving pinkie and myself alone in the living room the fire still burning brightly.
“So! Sammy what do you want to do while we wait for dinner, we could make paper hats, paper boats, or build a rocket or even concoct a special potion that makes every pony super green! Or….!!”

“Wait super green? Why would you ever want to turn some pony green?”

“Well duh so they can get out of work and have more fun or you could totally use it as super stealthy camo in the woods!”
I laughed “that is true, but normally when I go over to someone’s house or when we have company we play board games. Like monopoly or Chess.”
“Monopoly!” Pinkie exclaimed “That sounds just like Gems and Bitopoly!” she reached into a crevice in the wall and pulled out a box with the title “Gems and Bitopoly- The Equestrian game of business.”

“It’s totally super fun and I’m really good at it!” Pinkie gave me a devilish smile “No pony has ever beaten me and I can teach you how to play!”
I smiled we did have some time to kill until dinner of which the smells were beginning to waft into the living room making my mouth water. Yeah a distraction from that smell would be nice.

I nodded my head “Alright Pinkie it sounds like fun just go easy on me I’m not entirely good at these kinds of games.” That was only the partial truth however, most of the time I’ve played monopoly has been when I played against my sister and those games lasted for hours. Most of the time it would be decided when someone got tired of playing and left to sleep or eat food. I guess that’s the problem with playing with only two people or rather a person and a pony in this instance.
Pinkie beamed and pulled the board out of its box and began to deal money while I picked out our tokens. We rolled dice to see who would get to go first and luck was on my side as it turns out. Placing my rather goofy looking token of a Pegasus in a flying contraption on GO I rolled once again. Pinkie watched with uncharacteristic attention as the die left my hand and tumbled on to the table.
“Here goes nothing…” I mumbled and thus our game began.