Thunder Rolls

by pokefreak13

First published

A storm is brewing and while everyone else is trying to get home, a little girl sits alone waiting for her father.

A thunder storm is brewing, and while everyone else is trying to seek shelter, a little girl awaits for her father in the playground. Oblivious to what fate has in store for her.

There is also another child who seeks warmth on this stormy day, and a man who comes to her aid. Only to run out of time trying to get to his daughter.

Art work by Jacob Bading

And The Thunder Roles

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The wind howled outside and the rain pelted the muddy ground. Thunder could be heard in the distance.

Standing in the empty playground was a little girl with light pink hair. She was drenched from head to toe, but never moved from her place by the monkey bars.

“He’s just late.” She whispered to no one in particular, “Daddy will come get me any minute now.”

Her lips and toes were blue now, and she shivered constantly. However, like a faithful dog she stayed where she was.

“H-he’s just stuck in traffic again.” The girl said hopefully, “Yeah, daddy’s just stuck in traffic.”

But even she knew there was no traffic today.
Lying on the wet ground was a little girl with curly pink hair. Her left eye was swollen and her pink rain coat was torn to shreds.

“They were just mad because I forgot to bake them cupcakes.” She muttered under her breath, “Yeah, those kids just beat me up because I was eating a cupcake in front of them.”

“Pinkie, what happened to you?”

The beaten girl lifted her head a little and smiled when she saw an older girl with grey hair.

“Hi sis.” Pinkie smiled before slowly getting up, “Don’t worry about me, they were just mad because I was eating a cupcake in front of them.”

The older girl shook her head sadly and draped her raincoat over her little sister, “I don’t think whoever it is was angry about you eating a cupcake.” She exclaimed.

“Then why would they beat me, Maud?” Pinkie questioned, fear and confusion was written all over her face.

“I don’t know,” Maud confessed, “But we need to get going before you catch a cold.”

So the two sisters walked side by side towards their home, matching their footsteps with the pitter patter of the pouring rain.
Behind Joe’s Doughnut Shop was a small little girl with rainbow colored hair. Whenever thunder could be heard she cried out in fear and covered her eyes. A dirty blue blanket was draped over her frail body, but it did little to keep her warm.

Suddenly, the back door opened and a burly man with short brown hair came outside with a garbage can. The girl tried to make herself hidden, however it didn’t work and she could feel herself being lifted off the ground.

“Don’t be afraid.” The man said softly, “I’ve seen you hanging around my shop for a couple of months now. At first I thought nothing of it, but now.” He sighed and walked slowly towards the open door, “If I’d known that you were homeless I would’ve done something earlier.”

“W-what are you going to do with me?” squeaked the girl.

“Well I could always use an extra pair of hand helping me out in my shop.” The man replied, “So if I allow you to sleep in my office that I never use, will you help me in my shop?”

The girl smiled a little and nodded before resting her head on his chest and closing her eyes.

Once the man entered his office room, he gently placed her on the soft red carpet and draped a wool blanket from the back of his chair onto her.

“Good night kid.” He whispered into her ear before walking out and closing the door behind him.

He then checked the clock and gasped in horror, “Oh my,” he quickly grabbed his car keys and ran outside as fast as he could, “How could I forget about my own daughter!?” he cried out to no one in particular.
A muscular girl wearing a cowboy hat was walking home with a smile on her face. Unlike a lot of kids, she really loved the rain.

As she passed the playground, the farm girl quickly retraced her steps and gasped at the sight before her.

“Oh my gosh.” She gasped before running towards the girl with light pink hair, “Are ya okay sugar cube?” she asked.

The wet girl looked up and forced a smile on her blue lips, “D-don’t worry a-about m-me. D-daddy’s just s-stuck in traffic.”

“It’s eight o’clock at night, there is no traffic.” The country kid said, “Come on, ah’ll take ya ta ma home an’ get ya all warmed up.”

“NO!” the little girl cried out hoarsely, “W-what if I’m gone a-and daddy gets here? He’ll be s-so worried!”

“Fine,” the girl replied before picking up the soaking wet child, “Then ah’ll have ta bring ya by force.”

While the child tried to struggle free, the country girl could feel her pulse beginning to slow down.

“Let me go, please!” She whimpered.


The girl was beginning to jog now; the fear of having someone so young die in her arms fueled her adrenalin.

Don’t die, please don’t die. She thought to herself.

Once she turned the corner, she felt the girl’s pulse and began to panic, “Hey, ya awake?”

When the girl with light pink hair didn’t answer, she checked her pulse once again, only to collapse on her knees. There was no pulse.

“Ah…ah failed.” The girl gasped as reality finally began to sink in.


The girl turned around and saw a burly man with drown hair running towards her.

“My daughter is she okay?” he asked.

Anger flourished inside the girl, “How could ya!” She shouted angrily, “It’s eight o’clock and ya finally decide ta show up, what kind ov ah father are ya!?”

“Please, I lost track of time.” The man explained.

“Well ya should’ve come sooner because she’s dead!”

The man collapsed and picked up his dead daughter, tears were pouring down from his face.

“You’re right,” he said softly, “I’m a terrible father.” Then he broke down.

The country girl got up and just stood there, trying to take in the sight before her.

“She waited for ya.” She whispered.

“Stupid girl.” The man cried, “I told her that if I wasn’t there by five to go into a store.”

“A-ah know what it’s like ta loose someone,” the girl piped up, “It’ll always hurt, but ya need ta learn how ta heal.” She gazed at the father, “Do ya have someone that ya care about back home?”

“Y-You could say that.” He muttered.

“Then ya must heal, ah know it’s hard but ya need ta do it fer them.”

Then the country girl turned around and walked away. This time the storm only dampened her already somber mood.
“Look Maud, it’s a man.” Pinkie exclaimed, “I wonder why he looks so sad.”

Before Maud could stop her, Pinkie was already running towards the sadden man with a girl in his arms.

“Pinkie!” Maud called out before giving chase.

“Hey mister, why are you so sad?” Pinkie questioned.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” The man grumbled.

“Is she your daughter? How come she’s sleeping? I know it’s nighttime but,”

“JUST LEAVE US ALONE!” the man bellowed before running away, only to be blocked by a very angry Maud.

“You, here now.” She commanded her crying little sister, “You,” she shifted her gaze to the man, “Have no right to shout at my sister.”

The man looked away, muttered a quick apology, and walked away.

Once he was gone, Pinkie turned to her sister with confusion written all over her face, “I wonder why he’s so upset.”

“His daughter’s dead.” Maud answered before walking away.

Once Pinkie caught up, she looked at her sister with a sad smile, “Can we get him flowers tomorrow?”

“We don’t even know where he lives, Pinkie.”

“Yeah we do, he’s Doughnut Joe!”

Maud couldn’t help but crack a small smile, “Okay then, we’ll get him some flowers.”

“Yay, let’s get him roses and lilies.” Pinkie exclaimed.

Maud nodded her head in agreement before looking up at the stormy sky.



“Tonight, let’s pray for Joe and his daughter.”

“Yeah,” Maud replied, “I’m sure he can use it.”