Days To Remember

by RaveWolfeFurry

First published

awesome, aventurous, breath taking remember these days for they will not last for long.

This is the story of how Sea Green fell in love and married Red Feather. How she made her way through magic kindergarten and the path of how she became a Princess after the tragic death of her beloved friend and mentor, Princess Madora.

Days To Remember

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It’s an ordinary summer day in Ponyville. Birds are singing, animals are playing, and all the ponies in Equestria are getting along. As she woke up, Sea Green, was thrilled to go outside and enjoy the great weather. Sea Green loved playing with her friends and family, it always brought a giant smile to her face.

As she came in from playing, she noticed something had been highlighted on her calendar. Could it be? Today was her magic school test. Sea Green was no stranger to pressure. When she was seven, she had to preform a test in front of the entire kingdom, and attempt to impress her royal majesty, Princess Madora. Todays test was especially important to her because it would determine whether she’d get accepted into the magic kindergarten class at the royal castle in Canterlot. There, Sea Green hoped to pursue her love of magic, surrounded by all the teachers who could help her become a more talented unicorn. The test was to perform a teleportation by using the skills that she knew.

The next day, the mail pony came to deliver the mail like he does every morning. When Sea Green checked the mail, she noticed that one of the envelopes was addressed from Canterlot and had Princess Madora’s name on it. She grabbed the envelope, ran to her room, and closed the door. In her room, she opened the letter and read it to herself. Within seconds, all of Aquestria could hear her screaming from her room, I passed! She ran down the stairs to the kitchen and announced the good news to her family. Her parents were so proud of her.

When she showed up for her first day at magic kindergarten, a guard, who was standing in front of the entrance to the school told Sea Green she would not be joining the other ponies, but rather requested by Princess Madora. She rushed to Madora’s room and knocked on the door. Princess Madora told her to enter. Once Sea Green got into the room, she sat down.

“What is the problem Princess Madora? Why am I not in class with the other ponies?” asked Sea Green, confused.

“I've summoned you here because I have great news, I am going to be your personal teacher. I believe that you posses something special and that is why I am making you my student” said Princess Madora.

Sea Green was excited to become Princess Madora’s student. Later that night, when she arrived home and told her family about the day, they were excited for her and knew this would be an amazing opportunity. Her mother started crying because she was so happy. Every morning, Sea Green went to go see Princess Madora. Princess Madora was a very unique teacher, she never believed in staying indoors. Everyday Sea Green and the Princess would travel to different locations throughout Aquestria.

The day she graduated from magic kindergarten was a happy one. When Princess Madora gave Sea Green her certificate of graduation, she told Sea Green that she would always be her teacher and that she was always welcome to visit her in the castle. When Sea Green could not visit Madora, she would send a letter on what she had been doing, and the fun challenges she faced . A year has past since Sea Green graduated from magic kindergarten. Sea Green is getting more mature, but she still enjoys playing with her friends and family. She still studies magic and learns new spells, and gets better with every day that goes by. Though her powers grow, she never forgets who taught her first.
Every chance she got, Sea Green visited the princess. They sat down together in Madora’s room and spoke about what Sea Green was doing, and how she could become a better magical unicorn.

Today was a very special day, Sea Green’s 15th birthday. In the castle ball room with all her friends there, the DJ played music and all the unicorns in Aquestria were there dancing and having a great time. As everyone was singing and dancing, a slow song began to play. Sea Green didn’t know what to do. As she began to lose all hope, a pony named Red Feather walked up to her. It was as if time itself had paused for a brief moment. When he finally reached her, he asked her to dance. Sea Green was secretly in love with Red Feather. They danced and spent the night together; it was the most memorable moment of her life.

“Hey Sea Green” said Red Feather.
“Yes” responded Sea Green.
“Well I was wondering, if you wanted to be my special pony" said Red Feather shyly.
“Yes, I would love to be your special pony”. said Sea Green

They kissed to seal the deal.

Today was Sea Green’s birthday. At the castle, she received a lot of cool presents. Once she’d opened all her gifts, Princess Madora announced she had one last gift for her; but she would need everyone to follow her upstairs. As they walked up the stairs, excitement grew amongst all the ponies; everyone wondered what her last gift could possibly be. When they arrived upstairs, Princess Madora escorted the ponies to a closed door.

The princess told Sea Green “behind this door lies your final gift”.

As Sea Green opened the door, the most beautiful chamber she’d ever seen greeted her. However, she was still clueless as to what her gift was.

It was then that the princess announced “This beautiful chamber will be my gift to you”. Sea Green was speechless, just as she was ready to thank the princess, Red Feather walked up the stairs.

After the every pony went home, Read Feather and Sea Green went for a walk in the garden. Red Feather told Sea Green there was something he wanted to show her. He brought her to the top of a small hill. The clear dark sky, full of stars, and the moon shining bright was mesmerizing; Red feather knew how to be romantic. There they lied down holding hoofs and watched a meteor shower go by. When it was done, Red Feather walked Sea Green back to her room. She asked him if she wanted to stay over for the night but he had to refuse. His parents would punish him for being home late. The next day, Red Feather went to go and spend the day with Sea Green. They played in the park, then sat under a tree and had a pic nick. They laughed and then lied down to look at the clouds. Afterwards, they went for a walk in royal garden and Sea Green told all about how she became the student of Princess Madora. When they got back to her room, they had fun, played games and Red Feather slept over that night. The year after, on her 16th birthday, Red Feather asked Sea Green out to see a movie and after the movie ended Red Feather asked Sea Green a very important question.

“Sea Green” said Red Feather as Sea Green’s turned around to give him her attention.

“Will you marry me?” asked Red Feather.

As soon as Red Feather ended the phrase, she jumped and hugged him and responded “yes”.
Sea Green decided to keep the news to her self. She did not tell anypony that she was getting married.

3 months has passed since Red Feather asked Sea Green to marry her. One day, Sea Green and Red Feather were on their way to go tell princess Madora and tell her that they were getting married. But when they walked into Princess Madora’s room the tables had turned for the worst. Madora was happy to see Red Feather and Sea Green and she told them to come and sit down next to her while Madora lay down in her bed and started talking.

“I am sorry to tell you this and I wish there was a way to fix it. Sea Green, I am dying” said Madora.
As soon as Red Feather heard the bad news, he knew that he should leave them alone together. As Red Feather was leaving the room, Sea Green started to cry and screamed. When Red Feather left the room, he was heart broken. He went to go to the royal garden, where they had their first kiss on Sea Green’s 15th birthday, then ran off and disappeared and was never herd from again.

“But you can’t die, there is still a lot that I have to learn and things we can do together” said Sea Green.
Madora told Sea Green “

"When I die, Equestria will be left with no Princess. I believe that you should take the throne; it will be the right thing to do. There is much that I have taught you and much more to learn.”
Sea Green was shocked, the fact that Princess Madora who was her personal teacher for 10 years ever since she started magic kindergarten, was dying and how Madora told Sea Green that she was the one who was to take her place as princess after her death.

“I don’t know if I can do it” said Sea Green.

“There is no need to worry Sea Green. I have seen what you are capable of doing and I know that you are ready to take on such a big responsibility” as Madora said to Sea Green.

1 month has passed; Sea Green has being spending the last 4 weeks with her. Talking about the good memories and the traveling they did together. Eventually, the day that Sea Green feared the most, the saddest day of her life. The day that, Princess Madora died. In Princess Madora’s bedroom, were Sea Green sat next to her on her last hour.
“Sea Green my dear, it is time” said Madora.

“What do you mean, by it is time?” Sea Green responded.

“It’s time, for you to be a leader. When I die, you will wear this crown with dignity, loyalty, courage and pride. When you carry this crown, you carry all of Equestria with you.” said Madora with many tears dripping down her face.
Sea Green wiped her tears off her face and nodded.

“Now, close your eyes and open them when I say to” said Madora.

“Ok” responded Sea Green

Sea Green closed her eyes. Princess Madora with her last breath gave Sea Green her magic and with that she grew wings.

“You can open them now my dear and embrace your new title Princess Sea Green” said Madora
Sea Green opened her eyes. She looked behind her at her new wings.

She looked back at Princess Madora and hugged her and said “thank you”.

She stood up and looked down at her mentor. Her head bent down, bursting into tears and started to walk towards the gallery. When she got to the gallery, the captain of the royal guard announced:

“Princess Madora has died, but a new princess has being chosen. A pony who was the closest to Princess Madora, she was her loyal student and a good friend. Behold Princess Sea Green”

The guard announced for silence of the crowd. Princess Sea Green was about to give a speech.
Before Sea Green started her speech, a pony stood beside her. She looked beside her and saw that the pony standing next to her was the pony she loved. Red Feather was standing by her side and told her that he was there for her. She replied by kissing him on the cheek and saying thank you. Then she began her speech.
It has being 10 years that I had Princess Madora as a mentor. She war respectful to everypony, she loved to see ever pony smile and have fun. We will be forever grateful for what she has done when she was on the throne. Before Princess Madora died, she gave me her throne for she thought that I was ready to do my part to be a Princess. She will always be in our hearts; her smile will be another picture embedded in our minds that we will always remember. She told me to wear this crown with pride and that I shall do. Let’s take a moment of silence to remember our beloved Princess Madora”

When Sea Green finished her speech Red Feather pulled something out of his pocket a little box, kneeled and asked the question that she had been waiting ever since they started dating. In front of everypony in Equestria Red Feather said “Sea Green, will you marry me?” As soon as Red Feather finished asking his question Sea Green responded “YES” as she jumped into his arms. On the same day that Princess Madora died they got married.
It has being a year since Princess Madora died. Over the course of the last year, Sea Green has overcome a lot of challenges being princess. Every morning she would go to visit Princess Madora’s grave. She always told her what is happening in Equestria as if Princess Madora was still alive. Today was a good day. This morning when Sea Green went to visit Princess Madora’s grave. Red Feather would always be there standing by her side every morning. He always was there when she needed him the most. She started to talk.

“Good morning Madora” said Sea Green.

“I come with good news; I now have a student of my own. I will guide and teach her the things that you have taught me. I wish that you were here, watching me, giving me guidance helping me make hard decisions. I will always remember the days we had together. The day I became your student, the day that I graduated from magic kindergarten, the day you gave me a room in the castle and the day you died and gave me your thrown. I am forever thankful of what you have given me. Well I must go now. See you tomorrow morning”. As Princess Sea Green left she felt a burst of wind and looked to the sky and said “the days we spent together, I will always remember”.