> Jeff Castell’s Equestrian Adventure > by Robo_MAS1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Crash Landed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 1: CRASH LANDED "Urgh... Where am I?" said a young stallion pegasus as he woke up from a stranger's bed. He heard a mumbling sound of zebra chanting as she brew something in the pot. As he tried to wake up, he founded himself in a serious bandage covered his left wing and his head. He felt very weak to stand up too. So he decided to stay in the bed for a moment, thinking how he got here. After the zebra done with her brewing session, she then came to him and gave him an unpleasant smell from a green potion for him to drink. She said that this potion will give him a temporary strength to do some minor activity like carrying small stuff. He drank the potion and showed his ugly face as the potion tasted somewhat like a detergent for him, which is disgusting. After he drank it, she said something to him "How are you feeling, after these time you've had been sleeping?” He didn't answer her question as he was confused with the situation. She then explained to him, "You are now in my house. Please don't be shy like a little mouse. Fly high in the sky, which is what you do. Crashing through my ceiling in the burning flames is really what happens to you". She pointed at the ceiling of the house and his burnt mane even though that is actually his natural colour. She also mentioned that he has been sleeping for three weeks since the day he crashed into her house. He disbelieved it upon hearing it. Their conversation was interrupted and she went to the door. As she opened it, she saw a purple mare, a unicorn, levitating something while standing in front of the door. "Hey Zecora, I brought the ingredient that you ask and um… by the way, how is he?" she asked the zebra. The pegasus suddenly acknowledged the zebra's name, Zecora. She told her about him and then moved aside to let her in. The first thing that she saw was a skinny, indigo, stallion pegasus who is covered with bandage. At the same time he saw a young lovely unicorn that is slightly younger in his perspective. His curiosity kicked in when he rose up from his spot and went a little bit closer to her face. She suddenly blushed as she had no idea what he's trying to do. He raised his hoof and touched her horn. He then shouted with a joyful and an excited feelings "Oh my goodness it's a real unicorn!!! I can't believe it that I'm finally seeing a unicorn for the very first time in my life". The atmosphere that surrounded the room immediately filled with awkwardness. "Anyway... why don't you come along with me back to Ponyville?" said the unicorn. Both Zecora and he were shocked due to her sudden movements but Zecora knew the reason why she asked that kind of question since the news of his not-so-pleasant arrival has been acknowledged by the Ruler of Equestria without everyone knew about it except for the unicorn and her. She then insists him to go along with her hoping that she could help him to go back home. He refused for at first but later accept her proposal. Finally, they went out from Zecora's house and went to Ponyville. On the way to Ponyville, she gave a little information about herself and he also did the same thing but neither of them reveal their names yet. She was found herself in a deep confusion when he told her that he came from a pegasus-only kingdom called ‘Pega-Paradise’. As far as she knew, there was no such place as this before. She even thought that her pegasus friends never heard of this place before. As the time passed by, they were finally arrive in Ponyville. The place was so busy with the ponies working as usual every day. He was amazed with the surrounding of it, he never visit any place like this before consider that this ‘place’ of his were almost exactly the same with Cloudsdale with the addition of flat mountain tops as a part of their territory. More like the place where that rainbow pegasus went to the Wonderbolt Academy. Among all of the buildings in this place, the only building that caught his attention was a tall oak tree with windows and a door. Judging by a view through the windows, he probably thought that it was just a normal library in the middle of Ponyville but there's something odd around the library, it has a mailbox with someone's name on it, probably her name. That is the very moment when he realized that this library is actually her home. “We’re here…” said the unicorn. He didn't saw that one coming. She suddenly called someone immediately as soon as they entered. "Oh, Spike! We have a special guest here. I need your help," she yelled. Suddenly, there's a green and purple baby dragon jumping from a borderless balcony upstairs. "Your #1 assistant is over here, may I help you?" said the dragon. "Spike, I need you to prepare a place for him to stay for a moment or maybe weeks, or even months." The dragon looks confused when she said so and asked for the reasons of it. She said that the princess ordered her to let him stay with her because she thought that he may have something up on his sleeve which was the reason why she asked her to get him from the Everfree forest. "Don't worry Twilight, it is already done" said the dragon as he led them to a labratory downstairs. He was, again, didn’t saw that one coming. As a pony who like science, his mind was on blank when he saw how complete it was here. It got some apparatus; chemicals, lethal and non-lethal; and one big machine that he had no idea what’s for. He grinned from ear to ear as he trotted downstairs. The unicorn silently whispered to her dragon, ”Spike, I actually would like to say that this is rude but then since he’s happy, I thought that this would be a nice place for him”. He then realized something missing from this perfect laboratory. “I just wondered, where the bed is?” he insisted. “Oh…” he pulled a dirty old bed from a dark corner “here you go. This should do the trick. Although you may need some work to do to get a better one since that you might stay here for quite a while or so”. The unicorn again whispered to the dragon, “You know what, Spike? I take back my words. That is just rude. By the way, how did you know that he was going to stay?” “Actually, Princess Celestia sent a letter while you’re out to Zecora’s house. Since that you’re not here at that moment, I sent a reply letter to her and she sent it back. She said that there will be some pony that will going to stay here for a long time, so I started working on a place for him. Since that the bedroom is kinda full and there was no border at all, which is one major safety hazard, I thought that the laboratory will be a great place for him”. “Great job, Spike,” she praised him as she stroked his head. She then talked back to the pegasus as she and her dragon walked back upstairs, “Well then, um… have fun and uh… feel free to decorate anything you want. I may be gone for quite a while right after this”. She closed the door and asked the dragon whether the princess had sent a letter or not. “Um… Twilight, I did just say that she sent a letter for you,” the dragon reminded her. She grabbed the letter with ashamed and opened it. As expected, the princess asked her to come to the castle at Canterlot to discuss about him. A thing that she didn’t expected to see in her letter was an access card to her throne room, which look like her last Gala ticket. She did mention in her letter that there was a threat going on in Canterlot. She grabbed her saddle bags and went to catch the train. Spike, on the other hand, was duty to keep the library clean. The pegasus went upstairs and decided to have a little talk with her but she was already gone. So he went for the dragon instead. “Um… hello there Spike, I’m not sure if I get your name right but how about we have a… little talk for a moment. It’s odd because I haven’t introduced myself to anyone since the last time I woke up from a long coma”. Just to kill some time he agreed with him and they both sat down, started to introduce each other. The dragon started first, “Well then, my name is Spike, as you would’ve guessed, and I am a baby dragon. I was born from an egg obviously, which was taken away from my parents. Later I hatched thanks to Twilight who used her powerful magic to hatch me for her entrance test to a famous school in Canterlot and her magic was so powerful that it got Princess Celestia’s attention. She did that when she was just a little filly. I was raised by her afterwards and now I’m her #1 assistant. The purple unicorn that you’ve just met is Twilight anyway”. He tried to be a great listener and tried not to think the fact that he is actually an orphan. He then began his turn, “Alright… I’m usually called Indigo Glider by my friends but my real name is actually Jeff Castell, pretty odd for a pony name am I right? I came from Pega-Paradise and suddenly I woke up only to find out that I crash landed somewhere in the forest and was rescued by a zebra. As far as I know that is just about it. I don’t know what to talk about me”. He left Spike in a confusion not knowing what he’s trying to talk about. Thus, he simplified his introduction, “How about this, my real name is Jeff Castell, I came from Pega-Paradise, one day I was crash landed somewhere in the forest and a zebra rescued me”. “You mean Zecora?” Spike implied. He asked about her a little more. Spike then explained a bit about her, “Every pony knows that she’s the best potion brewer in Equestria. Although every pony was afraid of her just because she’s a zebra and not like any other pony else, she lives in the Everfree Forest, famous for its weird creatures and paranormal activities. But now, every pony gets use to her and she doesn’t need to wear her cloak anymore”. They continued their talk for quite a long time until there were five ponies with their pets knocking the door. Meanwhile in Canterlot, Twilight finally arrived at the castle and rushed to the throne room. As expected from the letter, she saw two royal guards guarding the room. The guards asked for her access card as soon as she got closer to them. The guards opened the door and she quickly entered to meet the princess. “Princess Celestia, I’m here. Is there anything you want me to know about?” she asked her. “Ah Twilight, I’m so glad that you were here. Has Spike told you that he may stay with you?” the princess replied. She nodded indicating that she knew already. “Great, now I can tell something with you. As you may know, three weeks ago, he crash landed in the Everfree Forest and Zecora rescued him. During that time, I can feel a strange magic that surrounds him. That magic is probably trying to maintain his pony form and to avoid from being unstable. But after he woke up, that magic was suddenly... vanished. That magic is nowhere to be detected. And there’s something that disturbs me, how could no pony ever noticed the flaming ball flying across the sky other than me and Zecora?” she explained a little deeper about his arrival. “So, you were trying to say that he came from... another dimension that as far as we know that it was just a myth?” Twilight suggested. She said mostly no because she did not believe that a pegasus would have magic. As far as she knew, only unicorn can do that. Besides, there was no record of dimension traveling in the Equestria’s history. Other possible theories that he may be banished from his origin or just flying too fast, faster than what Rainbow Dash could achieve during her Sonic Rainboom state. Even so that still does not explain why he had a mysterious magic surrounds him. “Anyway princess, what’s with this ‘threat’ anyway?” she asked her. She actually had no idea what’s going on and suddenly, a voice came from nowhere, “What’s with this threat, hmm... well don’t you worry about it your highness, it was just a simulation by the Royal Guards who doing it without your permission. You can thank me later”. That voice, they recognized it. They took a look at their surroundings and saw a moving figure at the tinted glasses. She insisted him to stop playing a fool around her. “Fine, fine, whatever pleases you, your highness,” he went out from a tinted glass began to reassemble himself back together. He was a creature with various parts of animal in one body. A lion’s paw, a bat’s wing, a claw, a dragon’s tail, and just to top it off, a pony’s head with a fang and two different horns. “Discord, how long have you been hear our conversation?” The princess asked him. He did not believed what did he just heard. He replied to the princess with such a sarcastic manner, “Oh about a few seconds ago,” and he suddenly enraged a little, “Of course I was here all along, your ‘smarty-pants’ highness. Can’t you two see me wandering around these tinted glasses”? They both said no. He whispered in his tiny, little heart “THEY did not notice me? I was moving in front of them so many times and they did not see me? Huh, I suppose that they do need some attention training”. He continued “Anyway, I heard that there’s a newcomer at your house, Twilight. How about I come with you to Ponyville and meet with him for a moment?” he proposed. The princess rejected his proposal. “If you do anything to him, Discord, I’ll ask Twilight and her friends to send you back to your uncomfortable stone prison,” she warned him. “Never mind, I will always go back to Ponyville anyway at anytime,” he sighed. It was evening as she finally came back to Ponyville. She kept thinking about him whether that he did really come from alternate dimension or not. The princess’ theory is still plausible but contradicted with what was the princess thinking. Nevertheless, she walked back home and heard a loud rumbling noise from her house. She shouted as she opened the door, “WHAT’S GOING ON AROUND HERE!?!?!?” She saw her five friends’ pets including her own wrecking havoc around her house as Jeff and Spike were trying to stop them. From behind, she saw her friends rushed into her house to grab their pets. They were so sorry to her and also apologized to them too. She realized that she hasn’t introduced herself to him after meet him for quite a long time. “Um... by the way, I’m...” Her introduction was interrupted by him, “No need to, Twilight. Spike has told me about you already”. He added, “I also know your friends too, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and who am I missing? Ah yes, Fluttershy”. Her friends didn’t believe that she hasn’t introduced herself despite the fact that she’s the one who met him first. Anyway, they decided to go back home since it’s almost sunset already. What’s left behind was a messed up library with books scattered everywhere. Spike started cleaning with Twilight and Jeff wanted to help them but Twilight decided for him to sleep as she knew that he already had a plan for tomorrow. He just agreed with her and went to the laboratory downstairs. On the wall of the laboratory, he posted a to-do list and the first one was to find a job. He stressed that one as he knew that there will be no place with a vacant sign on it. Ponyville’s residents sure are busy working every day, so he will try his best to find one by tomorrow. As he lay on his bed he saw a motivation poster that he did earlier which said “Don’t let a question unattempt. Always try your best to answer everything even though you didn’t answer it correctly or you didn’t finish it entirely. Who knows that you get a mark for what you did” -ME. He laughed as he knew that he would be the only pony who could understand it and also crazy enough to put ‘ME’ instead of his name like every poster should. He blew the lantern and went for a deep sleep.