> Royal Romance > by StormLuna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > After the Coronation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was standing on the balcony smiling and waving at the adoring crowd in Canterlot. She smiled and said, "Today I consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria. Thank you friends, thank you all." When Twilight headed back into the castle she bumped into Shining Armor and Cadence. Shining Armor had a huge smile on his face along with tears streaming down his face. Twilight smiled and asked "Shining Armor, are you crying?" Her brother replied "No, of course not. It's liquid pride! Totally different thing!" After she hugged her brother she was greeted by her friends. Applejack said, "Way to go princess!" Pinkie added, "Best coronation day ever!" They engaged in a group hug and Fluttershy added, "We all love you Twilight." Twilight replied, "I love you too girls." ******************************************************************************************** After spending more time with Spike and her friends, everypony was getting ready to head home. Celestia stopped them and said, "Ladies, Spike, I know you're all excited to get home and throw your own party for Twilight but she needs to stay here for a couple of days." Spike asked, "Why?" Celestia replied, "She just does." Spike was getting ready to say something when Celestia continued, "I'm sorry Spike, but she has to stay up here with my sister and I alone. We have a lot of important issues to discuss and we all have to be as focused as possible." Spike looked sad and replied, "Oh ok. I understand." Rarity could see the dragon was sad. She said, "Tell you what Spike, how about you and I go out and look for gems?" Spike's eyes lit up and he replied, "Really? I'd love that!" Celestia motioned for Spike and Twilight's friends to head to the train station and go home. Celestia motioned for Twilight to follow her to the throne room so they could begin to discuss some important issues. Once they got to the throne room Twilight nervously asked, "Princess Celestia, what will my role in Equestria be as a princess?" Celestia had never really thought about this and given that Luna and Cadence did not have much of anything to do with her development, it was pretty much up to Celestia what her role would be. Celestia replied, "Well right now I'm not sure. I am sure that through further studying you will discover what your true destiny will be." Luna slammed her hoof on the floor. She shouted, "Big sister, thou crowns her as a princess yet no role is provided for her?" Cadence, who is much closer to Twilight than Luna is added, "Princess Luna, I am sure she will grow into some sort of role." Celestia glared at her younger sister and growled, "Look, I would not have transformed her into an Alicorn if I did not have plans for her. Don't question me, ok?" Luna rolled her eyes and stormed out of the room. Celestia walked up to Twilight, put her wing around her and said, "Don't worry about her Twilight. No matter what happens, I will be here for you." Cadence added, "As will I." Twilight smiled knowing that two of the other princesses had her back but when Celestia put her wing around her, a warmth she had never really felt before rose up within her. She put her wing around Celestia and replied, "Thank you princess. I really appreciate that." Celestia said, "Twilight, you are a princess now. You don't have to call me princess anymore, you can just call me Celestia." Twilight replied, "Sorry your Majesty." Celestia gave Twilight a disapproving look and Twilight continued, "Sorry." Celestia knew that it would take time for Twilight to feel comfortable simply calling her by her name. She smiled and continued, "It's ok Twilight. Now let's go have some supper, I'm sure we're all hungry." The three headed to the dining hall and were greeted by a somewhat irritated Luna. While she knew that Twilight was now an Alicorn princess and there was nothing she could do about it, it still irritated Luna that her older sister would make Twilight an Alicorn yet have no real plan for what she would do. Normally during meals Celestia sits at the head of the table but during this meal she would sit close to the new princess while Luna sat at the head. Luna glared at Twilight and asked, "So Twilight, when does thou plan on going back to Ponyville to be with thy friends?" Before Twilight could respond Celestia interrupted, "Little sister, I want her to stay here for a couple of days so I can help her know more about what being a princess entails." Twilight smiled and replied, "Thank you princess." Luna's glare deepened as she asked, "Oh, and where is she going to be staying?" Celestia replied, "Little sister, she will be staying in her old room." The rest of the meal went by normally despite Luna's foul attitude. After they finished eating Twilight followed Celestia into the throne room while Luna and Cadence headed out onto the balcony. Cadence asked, "Luna, why are you so upset about Twilight being a princess?" Luna snapped, "We are not upset about Twilight becoming a princess. We are upset that Celestia simply makes her a princess but has no role for her." Cadence sighed, "Well I'm sure Celestia will have a role for her soon enough." Luna grunted and took off to do a patrol of the Everfree Forest. While she headed out Celestia began to discuss with Twilight numerous issues regarding governing, such as diplomacy with other nations, dealing with the nobility and gentry and handling dissidents in Equestria without resorting to violence. After a couple of hours it was time for bed. Twilight asked, "Prin.....I mean Celestia, is there anything else we need to discuss tonight?" Celestia smiled and replied, "No Twilight, we need to get some rest. We will discuss plenty more tomorrow." It had been years since Twilight slept in her old room and it felt strange to be turning in for the night in the same place where she did most of her growing up. While Celestia easily got to sleep, Twilight just couldn't. That moment earlier in the day where Celestia put her wing around her impacted her greatly. She just couldn't get it out of her mind and she began fantasizing about her and Celestia becoming much more than just fellow princesses, but marefriends, lovers and eventually getting married. > Royal Tensions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Midnight approached and Twilight still couldn't get to sleep. That moment where Celestia put her wing around her remained in her mind. Finally Twilight simply could not get to sleep and she thought maybe a stroll in the castle would calm her nerves. She first started pacing up and down the hall that ran from her room to the dining hall. Soon though, other thoughts ran through her mind. She decided she would take the risk of waking Celestia up and seeing if they could just talk. Twilight headed past the throne room and down the hallway that led to Celestia's sleeping chambers. To her amazement, Celestia's door was open. She stood there in the doorway and saw Celestia sleeping. Her heart skipped a beat as a surge of warmth filled every part of her body. She thought to herself, "She's so beautiful, she's so sweet, she's so perfect. I wish so much I could crawl into bed with her." Twilight just stood in the doorway watching her sleep for nearly an hour in a daze dreaming about a day when her and Celestia would be married. Eventually she actually began to head into Celestia's room. She was walking slowly towards Celestia's bed when suddenly she began to talk in her sleep. "No Luna, I will not fight you!" Celestia had begun to have a bad dream about the night that she had to banish her sister to the moon. This terrified Twilight but she knew that she couldn't just go galloping out of the room. She walked slowly out of Celestia's room and headed back towards her room. When she passed by the entrance to the throne room Luna was sitting in there on her throne. When she saw Twilight heading back towards her room she took flight and swooped down in front of Twilight. Seeing Luna landing in front of her with a scowl on her face terrified her. "Twilight Sparkle, what was thou doing coming from our sister's room?" Twilight replied, "Uh, uh, I just wanted to talk to her like I did as a filly." Luna's glare deepened into a full blown scowl. She got in Twilight's face and asked, "No Twilight Sparkle. What was thy true plan? We know something else was running through thy mind. Tell us the truth." Twilight broke down into tears. She cried, "No Luna, I really just wanted to talk to her." Luna growled, "Just get back to bed. We are sure that Celestia wants thou most alert tomorrow. GOOD NIGHT." Twilight headed back to bed with tears in her eyes. While she knew Celestia cared for her deeply, she was quickly becoming scared of the much less trustful Luna. She knew however that she could not just go telling Celestia what happened that night as she did not wish to get in trouble. The following morning Celestia woke up and raised the sun after Luna lowered the moon. She knocked on Twilight's door and said, "Twilight, wake up! We have a busy day ahead of us." Celestia would say this when she would wake Twilight up when she was a filly. Twilight got up, rushed to Celestia and hugged her. She excitedly said "Good morning Princess!" Celestia gave her a half smile and Twilight said, "Oh, I mean good morning Celestia." Celestia smiled and replied, "Good morning Twilight. Did you sleep well last night?" Twilight replied, "Oh not really. Maybe it is just because I am starting a new chapter in my life." Celestia motioned for Twilight to follow her to the dining hall. While Twilight was hoping that Celestia would sit next to her again that morning she resumed sitting at the head of the table, which meant Luna would be sitting right across from Twilight, with those cold, disapproving eyes. Twilight couldn't stand it anymore so she asked, "Luna, why do you always look at me like that? Why do you always give me this cold, uncaring glare?" Before Luna could say anything Celestia interrupted, "Twilight, you need to understand that is the look that she gives almost everypony." Twilight asked, "What do you mean she gives that look to almost everypony? Never once has she given my friends a look like that." Luna was getting sick and tired of Twilight's complaining. She said, "Twilight Sparkle, unlike thou, thy friends do not have anything they must prove to show that they deserve their role. Once thou proves thyself worthy of being a princess, then we shall drop the disapproving looks." The rest of their meal was quiet and tense. Once they finished their meal Luna glared at her sister and continued, "Big sister, we are headed to bed because we are most tired. Hopefully thou can help thy student figure out what her role is." Luna headed out of the dining hall towards her room to get some sleep. Celestia walked over to Twilight and pulled her close to her as she knew she needed some comforting. She said, "Don't worry about her Twilight. There is nothing she can do to you." Twilight wrapped her wing around Celestia and replied, "I am so happy you look out for me. I just wish that I could be by your side forever." Celestia was sort of shocked by this statement but she just figured she said it because she was kind of scared of Luna right now. She had no clue that Twilight truly meant it, that she would sacrifice being with her friends to be with her. > Return to Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two days passed all too quickly for Twilight and much too slow for Luna, who was ready for her to go back to Ponyville. As Twilight and Celestia stood out on the balcony facing Ponyville, Celestia could tell Twilight was nervous. She began to stroke her wing through Twilight's mane and said, "It is ok Twilight. Everything will be fine." Twilight replied, "I'm not worried about what my new role in Ponyville will be so much as I am worried about Luna coming to lecture me or hurt me in the night. It just scares me about how she thinks I'm not worthy of being a princess." Celestia pulled Twilight close and comforted her, "Don't worry about that Twilight. She knows better than to do anything to you. She knows you mean a lot to me. Now you better get home, I'm sure Spike and your friends are looking forward to seeing you again." Celestia pulling Twilight close and telling her that she means a lot to her put Twilight in a dream state. She pulled Celestia very close to her and wished that moment would never end. Celestia pulled away and continued, "Twilight, are you ok? You better get going." Twilight looked at Celestia with dreamy eyes and asked, "Can we see each other again soon?" Celestia smiled, nodded her head yes and motioned with her wing to fly back to Ponyville. Twilight took off towards home. Given that she was relatively new to flying she was still a bit wobbly in the sky but being in a dreamy state her flying was only worse. When she finally got back to Ponyville she crashed into her balcony. Spike came running up to greet her and asked, "Twilight, are you ok?" Twilight was laying there on her balcony with a dreamy smile on her face. Spike waved his hand in front of her face but got no response. He shouted, "SNAP OUT OF IT!" This startled Twilight. Once she got out of her dreamy state Spike again asked, "Twilight, are you ok?" Twilight replied, "Oh yeah, I'm ok Spike. I just have a lot of things on my mind." Spike could tell something was not right with the newly crowned princess. He asked, "Are you sure about that Twilight. You appeared to be in a daze when you crashed onto the balcony." Twilight replied, "Oh, well I'm just nervous about starting my new life as princess. I just don't want to let Celestia down." Spike knew Twilight was lying. He began to say something when there was a knock on the door. When Twilight answered the door there were her five friends. Pinkie jumped on Twilight and shouted, "How's our super-duper awesome friend doing?" Twilight replied, "Well I'm doing better seeing all of you." Pinkie asked, "So Twilight, are you ready for your totally awesome party we have planned for you at Sugarcube Corner?" Rainbow Dash sighed, "Pinkie, that was supposed to be a surprise." Twilight yawned, "Could we do that later. I didn't get much sleep up in Canterlot and I just want to get some rest." Applejack replied, "Well when y'all are ready just let us know." Twilight closed the door and headed up to her bed. Within two minutes of hitting her bed Twilight was sound asleep. While she was sleeping Spike decided to clean the library for her as a surprise but he just couldn't help but listen when Twilight began talking in her sleep. "I love you Celestia, please can't I just stay with you forever? Please don't make me go back to Ponyville. I want it to be just us forever." Twilight then began to breathe harder and moaned, "Oh Celestia, I love you! Celestia! Celestia! Please don't stop. Celestiiiiiiiiia!" When Spike heard her saying this in her sleep he was shocked and worried. He wondered if he should tell Twilight's friends or keep this to himself. Eventually he got back to cleaning the library but stopped every bit and continued to listen to Twilight talking and moaning in her sleep. He began to wrack his brain trying to figure out why she would be talking like that and moaning in her sleep. He thought to himself, "I'll ask Rarity, maybe she'll know." Once he finished cleaning the library he headed to The Carousel Boutique to get some answers. > Spike's Concerns > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Spike decided that he was going to tell Twilight's friends about her strange behavior he quietly left the library. He knew that if Twilight woke up and he was gone that she might get mad but this was bothering him so much that he decided that it was worth the risk. He ran over to Rarity's and knocked on the door. He stood there for a minute before Sweetie Belle answered the door, "Oh, hi Spike." Spike asked, "Sweetie Belle, is Rarity home? I really need to talk to her." Sweetie Belle replied, "No, she isn't home. She is with her friends getting something sweet to eat." Spike said, "Thanks." Spike then rushed over to Sugarcube Corner, which was on the other side of town. By the time he got there he was short of breath. He rushed through the door, saw all of Twilight's friends and said, "Something's really wrong with Twilight and I don't know what it is." Applejack asked, "What's wrong with Twilight sugar cube?" Spike replied, "She's talking and moaning in her sleep." Rarity asked, "Oh now Spike. Talking and moaning in one's sleep is completely normal. Sweetie Belle complains about hearing me do that all the time! What could she be saying that is worrying you?" Spike replied, "She was talking like she was talking to Celestia. She told her she loves her." Fluttershy interrupted, "Well I'm sure she does love the princess. They have always been close." Rainbow added, "Yeah, it is probably more like a mother/daughter type of love." Spike shouted, "You don't understand. She said that she loved her and told her she didn't want to go back to Ponyville. She said that she just wanted it to be them two forever and she would moan and call out Celestia's name." Rarity gasped, "She did what?" Spike continued, "Yeah, when she would call out Celestia's name she would really drag it out. I'm really worried about her. Don't tell her this but I think she has a crush on the princess." Rainbow laughed, "Yeah, uh huh Spike. I doubt Twilight has a crush on the princess." Applejack interrupted, "Now I know this may sound weird to y'all, but I could see that being the case. She has had kind of a dreamy look in her eyes at the very mention of Celestia's name here recently." Fluttershy added, "She has been acting a bit strange when Celestia is mentioned here recently." Rainbow asked, "But why do you think she would be moaning and calling out Celestia's name in her sleep. Something just doesn't seem right there." Rarity interrupted, "Well, I think we should go and ask Twilight what all of this is about." Everypony else agreed and headed back towards the library. When they headed in Twilight was still asleep and was still talking and moaning in her sleep. Rarity could tell by her tone of voice what was going on. She looked at her friends and said, "I think Twilight's dreams are...." she paused for a minute and listened further. She gasped, "Sexual in nature." Everypony's jaws dropped open. Fluttershy was terrified at the very thought of anypony having dreams like that. She shrieked, "WHAT?" This woke Twilight up, causing her to soar into the ceiling and crash down in front of her friends. Twilight snapped, "What are you guys doing here? I was sleeping!" Rarity replied, "Twilight darling, Spike is really worried about you and wanted us to check on you." Twilight snapped again, "Nopony calls me darling except Celestia!" Spike said, "Twilight, calm down. You know Rarity calls a lot of ponies darling." Twilight calmed down and began to cry a bit. She said, "I'm sorry girls. I didn't mean to snap at you, I was just startled when I was woken up." Rarity asked, "Twilight, when we came in we heard you breathing heavily and calling out Celestia's name. Are you ok?" Twilight became angry again and snapped, "What I dream about is MY business. If I want to have sexual dreams about.........." Twilight caught herself in mid sentence and said, "Look, now is not a good time to talk. Just leave me alone." Spike was leading Twilight's friends to the door and was getting ready to shut it when Twilight shouted "YOU TOO SPIKE! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Spike rushed out the door and followed the five ponies back to Sugarcube Corner. Once they got back Rainbow asked, "What the hay is wrong with her? Why would she yell at us like that?" Rarity replied, "I think it is because she is embarrassed that we heard her having a dream like that about Celestia." Applejack added, "Well Ah am wondering if maybe she is attracted to Celestia because of some sort of weird disorder where students get attracted to their teacher?" Rarity laughed, "Well if she is attracted to Celestia I wouldn't blame her. Celestia is the most beautiful pony in all of Equestria!" While everypony continued to discuss what they think is going on with Twilight back at the library Twilight is sitting on her bed with tears running down her cheeks. The dream she had was the most intense dream she ever had in her life. She cried, "I don't know how much longer I can take this. I have to see Celestia!" While Twilight kept saying to herself that she needed to see Celestia she feared how the princess would react if she simply told her that she loved her. She wanted to just go up and see Celestia but given that she had just got back from Canterlot, she realized that she would have to wait for a while. She thought to herself, "Now I just need to think of a way to keep Spike quiet." She sat their quietly for a minute and said to herself, "I know! I'll bribe him with ice cream! That will keep him quiet!" > Stress in Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A month passed since Twilight snapped at her friends and while Spike still did live in the library, he did not sleep in Twilight's room. Since she started having her dreams about Celestia, she forced him to sleep in the kitchen. She was not about to have him listening in and continuing to tell her friends about her dreams. Eventually these dreams and her passionate desire to be with Celestia caused her to withdraw from her friends. Five weeks after Twilight had basically stopped seeing her friends, they decided they would go see her and make her be sociable. Not too long after the sun rose that morning there was a knock at Twilight's door. Given that he was downstairs, Spike rushed to the door. When he opened it they all rushed in. Rarity rushed up stairs to find Twilight wrapped up in her covers. She nudged her and asked, "Twilight, are you ok?" Twilight jumped and crashed into the ceiling. She shouted, "Rarity, what the hay are you doing here?" Rarity replied, "Well, I am just worried about you. We are all worried about you." Twilight snapped, "I AM FINE! So go on home." She looked down and saw the rest of her friends and shouted, "GO HOME, ALL OF YOU!" Rainbow Dash flew up and shouted, "Look Twi, we know something is wrong. Everypony in town is beginning to wonder what is going on. I'm surprised Celestia hasn't tried to get in touch with you." Twilight got all dreamy eyed and said, "Celestia, the pony of my dreams!" Applejack heard this and said, "Forget her ladies. She's hopeless, completely hopeless." Applejack stormed out the door and was quickly followed by her friends. Spike shut the door and was faced with an angry Twilight. Twilight shouted, "Did you invite them over here? Did you want them to hear me talking in my sleep some more?" Spike replied, "No Twilight. Them knocking on the door even woke me up." Twilight angrily kicked a hole in the wall and shouted, "Spike, take a note." Spike grabbed a quill and scroll and was ready. Twilight said, "Dear Celestia, I really need to see you. I am having a lot of problems right now and I feel like you are the only one who can guide me through all this. Love, Twilight Sparkle." Just as Spike was getting ready to send the message, *BELCH*, Spike coughs up a message. Twilight opens it and it reads, "Dear Twilight, I have heard that you have been distancing yourself from not just your friends, but everypony in Ponyville. This behavior is unbecoming of a princess. I want you to come up to Canterlot alone as soon as possible." Spike asked, "What do......." Twilight ordered, "Write her back and tell her I'm on my way." Spike wrote the message and sent it off. For the first time in weeks Twilight left the library and took off towards Canterlot. While she knew that Celestia was not happy with her she was still excited to get to see her so she flew as fast as she could. It was not long until Twilight landed in the courtyard of Canterlot Castle and was greeted by Princess Luna. Twilight asked, "Princess Luna, what are you doing awake at this time of day?" Luna did not answer Twilight's question. She glared at Twilight and said, "Twilight Sparkle, our sister is most unhappy with thou. Thou had best get to the throne room. Our sister is expecting you." Twilight gulped, "Ok." She headed to the throne room and saw Celestia sitting up there on her throne with a scowl on her face. She growled, "Princess Twilight, we have heard many rumors that thou hast shut thyself in the library, thou art ignoring thy subjects, thou art treaing Spike like dirt and won't even talk to thy friends. Is this true?" Twilight replied, "I can explain." Celestia asked, "What is thy explanation?" Her glare deepened and she continued, "Perhaps our sister was right about thee. Perhaps thou are not prepared to be a princess." Twilight was terrified at the very sight of the one pony she holds most dear giving her a more angry glare than Luna had ever given her. She began to cry, "I'm sorry princess, it is just that I don't want to let you down." Celestia shouted, "Well thou hast let us down! The worst thing a princess can do is ignore her subjects. Perhaps we should remove thy wings and cut all ties with thee." Twilight was sobbing so loudly that it could be heard throughout the palace. Luna, who had headed to her sleeping chambers came rushing out to the throne room. She saw Twilight crying and asked, "Big sister, why is Twilight crying?" Celestia shouted, "BECAUSE SHE LET US DOWN! SHE IGNORES HER SUBJECTS, SHE YELLS AT HER FRIENDS AND SHE TREATS SPIKE LIKE DIRT!" Luna glared at Twilight and asked, "Princess Twilight, is this true?" Celestia interrupted, "She claims she has an explanation. We don't know about you but we want to hear it." Luna added, "As do we." With Celestia suddenly speaking like Luna does, Twilight knew that she was in more trouble than she had ever been in. Celestia's glare deepened further as she demanded, "Princess Twilight, tell us why thou hast been neglecting thy royal duties, NOW!" Twilight began to cry, "Princess Celestia, there is something I must admit. I love you. I have loved you ever since I matured. I never said anything because I didn't want you thinking I was a sicko. Once I became a princess I began having dreams of sexual nature about you. My friends discovered this and I was embarrassed and couldn't bring myself to even face the public because I didn't want everypony eventually knowing. Please forgive me princess, it is just that I love you and I do hope that maybe someday we can be marefriends and eventually be married." The throne room was suddenly so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Celestia got a huge grin on her face and started laughing hysterically, "That's a good one Twilight! We have heard a lot of things in our life but this has to be the craziest!" Celestia stopped laughing, glared at Twilight and continued, "Go to thy room Twilight. We have decided thou hast THREE days to prove thyself worthy or we shall take thy wings and remove thy title." Twilight went running to her old room crying and could hear Celestia beginning to laugh again. Luna had a scowl on her face and using the loudest form of the Canterlot Royal Voice she shouted, "STOP IT BIG SISTER, STOP IT!" Celestia stopped laughing and looked at her sister, whose eyes were shining a bright white. Luna continued, "Big sister, how could thou humiliate the pony who thinks more highly of thee than any other pony ever? We find thy action most rude and vicious. Thou owes Princess Twilight an apology!" Celestia sneered, "Oh and since when have you suddenly decided Twilight is deserving of anything?" Luna snapped, "Because she poured her heart out to thee and thou humiliates her. That took a lot of guts on her part. We know she cares deeply for thee and if she still does after this, we know it will be a love that will never die." Luna stood there, her eyes still glowing white and pointed her wing towards Twilight's room. She continued, "Go and apologize to her." What Luna said hit Celestia like a ton of bricks. She began to cry, rushed to and hugged her sister and said, "I never knew she truly felt like that. I thought she was just making it up to explain why she was ignoring her duties." Luna led Celestia to Twilight's room where they found her crying so hard that her pillow was sopping wet from her tears. Celestia waited around the corner while Luna headed in. She stood by her bed and nudged her with her wing. Twilight shouted, "GO AWAY! I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO ANYPONY RIGHT NOW!" In a calm, almost motherly voice Luna said, "Twilight Sparkle, I am sorry that my sister did that. She really wants to talk to you right now as she is sorry for what she said and did." Twilight lifted her head and had a strange feeling within her. It was not the calming, motherly tone of voice Luna was using with her, it was the fact that she was speaking in the first pony. Twilight sat up, hugged Luna and asked, "Luna, why are you speaking like that. I have never heard you speak like that before." Luna replied, "I am speaking like this because I am worried about you. My sister is outside waiting to speak to you. Do you feel comfortable talking to her?" Twilight still had some tears running down her face but she knew she would have to speak to Celestia sooner or later. She replied, "Yes, I am." Luna left the room and told Celestia, "Big sister, she is ready to speak to thee. Remember, she thinks most highly of thee. Thou be nice to her or thou shall have to answer to US!" Twilight sat there waiting for the pony she loves to go in and talk to her. While she was a bit scared she did know that suddenly she had a pony who did care about her so she was feeling a bit more comfortable. Celestia headed into Twilight's room nervous herself. When she got in there she saw Twilight sitting there on her bed, with a look of fear in her eyes yet she could sense some adoration and love coming from the purple Alicorn. While she was still in a state of shock over Twilight's admission, Celestia had something to say to Twilight that would shock her as well. > Twilight's Skepticism > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Celestia headed into Twilight's room the tension was so thick you would need a chainsaw to cut through it. Celestia smiled at Twilight and asked, "May I sit down next to you?" Twilight nervously replied, "Yeah, you can sit down." Celestia looked deep into Twilight's eyes and said, "Twilight, I am sorry for how I reacted in the throne room. I simply thought you said what you did because you were coming up with an excuse as to why you have been neglecting your royal duties." She scooted closer to Twilight and continued, "But as you know, my sister can pick up on many kinds of energies, whether they be dark, loving, caring, fear and many others. She told me of the energy that radiates from you. That is why I want to apologize." Twilight was unsure as to whether she should believe or trust the white Alicorn. Celestia began to put her wing around Twilight but she shied back. Twilight asked, "Princess, I want to know what your real motive is here. I heard you and Luna talking. Are you only apologizing to me because you are scared of Luna yourself or is this really sincere?" Celestia felt a great amount of pain within her as this was the first time Twilight had ever questioned her yet she could understand why she was doing so. Tears began to run down Celestia's face as she replied, "Twilight, I am really sincere. I feel terrible for how I reacted." Twilight sighed, "Celestia, as you know I have always cared for you deeply and after what I said in the throne room you probably know how I have felt for a very long time but right now I don't know if I can really trust you. I don't want to be laughed at again." Celestia knew that she may have lost the trust of Twilight for a very long time, perhaps forever. She felt a pain in her chest and she broke down crying, "Please Twilight, my apology is sincere. I just hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and perhaps love me. I don't know if you know this or not but I love you Twilight. I truly love you." Celestia was hoping that by her saying this that Twilight would return to normal and trust her again and love her. It did not have the desired results though as it only caused Twilight's suspicions to grow further. In a cold, emotionless voice she asked, "How do I know that what you are saying is true? How do I know what you are saying isn't just to placate me? How do I know you aren't simply trying to placate Luna? Before I can even trust you again, much less have feelings for you, I need to know this." Twilight's cold voice truly crushed Celestia's heart. Her sobbing continued to get louder and louder. Soon she was crying harder than Twilight was earlier that day. She begged, "Please Twilight, you have to understand that I was just upset that you weren't fulfilling your royal duties at the time. I didn't truly mean any of it." She paused and put her wing around Twilight. Twilight did not care for this though and she swatted her wing away. This only hurt Celestia further. She continued to cry, "Please just give me time to regain your trust. Could you stay up here for a few days so we can smooth things over?" Twilight replied, "Hmmmm.......let me think about this." Again in a cold voice she continued, "Ok, I'll stay here for a few days. This won't be easy but I do hope that I can trust you again." Celestia nodded and rushed out of Twilight's room crying towards her own. Luna took flight and landed in front of her sister. She asked, "Big sister, why are thou crying like this?" Celestia cried, "I'm crying because Twilight has suddenly become cold and skeptical. She has never been like this before towards me." Luna rolled her eyes and replied, "Well after what thou said to her earlier today we do not blame her. Thou crushed her young heart with thy belittling rant." She got in her sister's face and continued, "Tell us big sister, how would thou feel if the roles were reversed. Wouldn't thou feel betrayed and devastated if thou were in her hooves?" Celestia's sobbing intensified further as she realized what Luna was saying was the truth. She then began to think deeply about what if it were Twilight who did that to her. She asked, "Luna, can I tell you something?" Luna's voice calmed and she replied "Yes big sister, thou may tell us something." Celestia said, "Little sister, I have hid this from everypony but I do love Twilight. I have loved her ever since she matured but I knew that if I tried to hook up with her romantically, especially with her being my student, that it would make many ponies think badly of me." Luna asked, "Seriously? Thou truly loves her?" Celestia replied, "Little sister, you can pick up on many kinds of energy from just about everypony. I thought you would be able to tell that I loved her." Luna said, "Big sister, yes we can pick up on many energies and yes we have picked up on thy energy of love towards Twilight yet being our sister we thought thy energy may be misread by us." She scratched her head with her wing and continued, "We would suggest thou give Twilight her space for a couple of days." Celestia knew that Luna was right so she headed into her room to do some deep thinking while despite being dead tired and nodding off every now and then, Luna sat in on the throne in the event she was needed. She also realized that since she treated Twilight more like a daughter earlier that day, that the purple princess may come to her for advice, which she may not be prepared to give. > Luna's Advice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later that afternoon Luna was sitting on her throne half asleep when she felt somepony nudging her. This startled her and she took off, crashing into the ceiling. When she fell back down she saw it was Twilight. She said, "Twilight, thou startled us! Are thou ok?" Twilight replied, "Yes, I am ok. I just need to talk and ask for some advice." Luna asked, "What dost thou need advice about?" Twilight replied, "What to do about Celestia. I am not sure what to think right now. I want to believe her but I really don't know if I should or not. I used to trust her completely but right now I think she is simply saying what she is to placate me." She paused and asked, "Princess Luna, I know you can pick up on a lot of different types of energies, what do you think?" Luna replied, "Twilight Sparkle, we do know that our sister has feelings for you. She told us that she simply said those things because she thought thou were trying to make excuses. After we spent some time with her we know that she is telling the truth when she apologized." Twilight decided that she wanted Luna's opinion on why Celestia would do that if she does love her. She asked, "Princess Luna, if Celestia does love me, why would she treat me like that?" Luna replied, "Twilight, like we said earlier, we believe she did that because she thought thou were not taking thy royal duties seriously." Twilight asked, "Do you think she will keep treating me poorly or do you think she will return to being the sweet, caring Celestia she used to be?" Luna replied, "We believe that she truly is sorry and that she will return to being the Celestia that thou loves so much." Twilight asked, "I do have another question. With her knowing about the types of dreams I have about her, what do I say if she asks me about it?" Luna asked, "Does thou mean the sexual dreams?" Twilight replied, "Yes." This was a rather problematic question for Luna as she really doesn't have much knowledge of such things. She said, "Twilight, we do not know much about things like that as we have never had such types of dreams nor have we ever had sexual desires. We would suggest that thou speak to thy former foalsitter about this. She is the one who could help you out with this." Twilight replied, "But Cadence is not here." Twilight was stunned that Luna has never experienced sexual desires before. She continued, "Seriously Luna, you have never had sexual desires before? Have you even experienced love before?" Luna replied, "No, thy Princess of the Night has never experienced it nor have we ever desired it, we prefer to be single. Being a pony of the night, we prefer our solitude and find our personal space most pleasant." Twilight was shocked that Luna had never had the types of desires that other ponies have but realized that it is probably because of her nature and how her role in Equestria has shaped her. She asked, "I don't know if you know this or not but has Celestia ever felt the kinds of desires I have for her?" Luna blushed a bit and replied, "Well, uh...." Twilight asked, "Luna, you can pick up on that energy can't you?" Luna smiled and replied, "Yes, we can although often we wish that we could not. Our sister has had rather 'odd' desires in her life." Twilight's ears perked up and she asked, "Has she ever had any sexual desires involving me? Has she ever had sexy dreams about me?" Luna blushed again and replied, "To be fair to our sister, we do not feel as though it would be right to share that information." Twilight began jumping up and down and shouting, "She has, she has!" She calmed down and asked, "I wonder if they are as kinky as the ones I have about her?" Luna put her hoof over her face and replied, "We don't even want to know." Twilight hugged Luna and thanked her for being able to talk to her. She rushed back to her room and began to cheer loudly. She was shouting so loudly that it woke Celestia up. Celestia headed towards Twilight's room with a smile on her face. When she got there Twilight was gleefully saying to herself, "I know she loves me, I know she wants me!" Celestia interrupted her. With a huge smile she asked, "Who wants you Twilight?" Twilight went quiet and with a sheepish grin she said, "Uhhh......" Celestia motioned with her wing and said, "Follow me to my room Twilight. I think we need to talk." While part of Twilight was nervous she also had a feeling that Celestia was going to talk to her about her feelings for her. Just a couple hours ago she would have been scared to talk to Celestia but just like she used to be, she was ecstatic to have Celestia wanting to talk to her. Luna saw them pass in front of the entrance to the throne room and just shook her head. She thought to herself, "Big sister, can't thou just leave her alone for a bit?" > A Royal Relationship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Twilight and Celestia arrived to her room Celestia closed the door. She motioned for Twilight to sit on the bed and sat down next to her. "Twilight, I heard some of what you and my sister were talking about." Twilight interrupted, "I'm so sorry Celestia, I hope you aren't mad." Celestia replied, "No Twilight, I'm not mad." She giggled a bit and continued, "I find it really cute how you were asking my sister about my dreams." Twilight asked, "I hope you don't mind me asking this, but why has Luna never had romantic or sexual desires?" Celestia replied, "I can't be completely sure about this but when I was young Luna saw the heartache I went through when a mare I loved wound up dumping me for another pony. Luna was smaller than this mare but I still remember how she attacked her and put her in her place." Twilight asked, "Really?" Celestia laughed, "Really! She has had that fighting spirit in her basically from birth and it angered her that anypony would dare hurt my feelings. She saw me crying for days afterwards and tried to comfort me. I do remember her vowing that she would never allow herself to be hurt or used by anypony, which is why I think she doesn't even like to forge close friendships, much less seek any relationships." Twilight asked, "But what about the Apple Family? She is really good friends with them." Celestia replied, "Well they are a very rare exception. They are down to earth and are hard working. That is why I think she considers them such good friends." Twilight asked, "Why didn't you do what Luna did? Why didn't you vow to do the same as Luna?" Celestia put her wing around Twilight and replied, "I didn't do that because true love is a wonderful experience, even if in the end you get hurt. Once you feel love, true love, it is something you want to experience again even if you have been hurt." Twilight asked, "Luna said she has never had sexual desires and that she never wants them, why is that?" Celestia replied, "Well that I'm not sure about. We just have completely different approaches to life. While she can pick up on my energy and understand my mindset quite well, I don't have that ability so I just have to go off of what I see. What I see in her is a pony who doesn't like other ponies violating her personal space and with thoughts like that, anything sexual would be the ultimate violation in her eyes." Celestia pulled Twilight closer to her, looked into her eyes and continued, "I honestly feel for her. I know being single is what she desires but love is something I could never just shut off." She moved in and gave Twilight a gentle kiss and continued, "And how romance she shuns, I have no idea. I know I could never do that either." Twilight's heart melted when Celestia kissed her. She fell forward into her hooves and dreamily asked, "Celestia, did-did you just kiss me?" Celestia held her close and began to stroke her wing through Twilight's mane. She replied, "Yes, I did Twilight. I take it that was your first?" Twilight replied, "Yes and I loved it. It was more than anything I could have ever dreamed of." Celestia realized that finally she could ask Twilight what she had been wanting to for years. She asked, "Twilight, I am wondering if you would be my marefriend?" Twilight was giddy with excitement. She leaped off the bed, started jumping up and down and said, "Yes Celestia! I would love to be your marefriend! I love you so much!" Celestia hugged Twilight and replied, "I love you too Twilight!" Twilight asked, "Celestia, I've never been in a relationship before. Is there some sort of book that I need to read about being in a relationship?" Celestia couldn't help but giggle a bit. She replied, "Oh Twilight, there is no book to read about being in a relationship. Our hearts guide us to what we truly desire." She pulled Twilight close to her again and continued, "I know you are happy that we are a couple now but you do have royal duties in Ponyville that you have to fulfill and I know your friends miss you so you should probably head back home soon." Twilight had a sad look in her eyes and asked, "Please, can't I stay here one more night?" Celestia smiled and replied, "Of course you can Twilight, but tonight would you mind sleeping with me?" Twilight's heart skipped a beat hearing Celestia ask this. She kissed Celestia and replied, "I would love to sleep with you!" They pulled each other close, looked deep into one another's eyes and began to kiss passionately. Surges of warmth were flowing through both Celestia and Twilight that they had never felt before. Celestia was shocked as very quickly she found Twilight rubbing her tongue up against her's and exploring every nook and crevice in her mouth. Neither pony wanted that moment to end but they knew it had to end soon as supper time was fast approaching. Twilight finally broke the kiss and was breathing heavily. She dreamily moaned, "Oh Celestia, I have never felt such pleasure before!" Celestia pulled her close and replied, "My beloved Twilight, I have experienced pleasure before but nothing like that, and kissing is just the beginning." Twilight got a huge smile on her face and wondered how anything could feel better than that. They were soon broke from their happy embrace as Luna shouted from out in the hall, "Big sister, Twilight, 'tis time for supper!" Both of their stomachs were growling quite loudly but in their wonderful afternoon neither one paid attention to it. Luna continued, "We hear thy stomachs growling loudly. Thou must be most hungry!" They headed into the throne room, walking as close together as possible with their wings around one another. Luna smiled and asked, "We take it that thou hast mended thy bridges?" In a dream like state Celestia replied, "Yes little sister, we have mended our bridges and then some." Luna said, "We figured as much with all the moaning thou wast doing." Celestia asked, "We were moaning so loud you could hear us?" Luna replied, "Yes, thou was moaning loudly, so loudly that thou woke us up from a most peaceful sleep." Luna could pick up on their energy and knows that they are going to be sharing the same bed that night but figured that supper was no place to bring something of that nature up. After supper Celestia lowered the sun and Luna raised the moon. Before Luna headed out on her patrol she smiled at Celestia and said, "Big sister, now don't go trying to go all the way tonight. Save something for further on in thy courtship with Twilight." Both Celestia and Twilight got sheepish grins on their faces knowing that Luna can pick up on their energy easily. Celestia smiled and replied, "I won't little sister. You better go out on your patrol." Luna headed to the balcony and headed north, towards the Everfree Forest while Celestia and Twilight headed to their bedroom. Celestia asked Twilight, "Twilight, when you said you hoped we could be married in the throne room, did you truly mean it?" Twilight replied, "Yes Celestia. I want us to be married someday. She pulled herself close to Celestia and asked, "Do you desire the same thing? Is that why Luna mentioned your courtship with me?" Celestia gave Twilight a deep kiss and replied, "Yes my love, I want nothing more than for us to be together forever." Knowing that they were truly on the same page they shut off the lights, laid in bed and began to kiss passionately again. Once they became tired they wrapped themselves tightly together and fell asleep. The one thing that both of them had desired for so long had come true, they fell asleep in one another's loving embrace. > Goodbye.....for Now > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night passed by all too quickly for the two princesses. In what seemed to be no time at all there was a loud bang on the door. Luna shouted, "Big sister, it is time for thou to raise the sun." Celestia sat up and asked, "Little sister, could you raise it for me. I want Twilight and I to have as much together time before she leaves as we can." Luna sighed loudly and replied, "Well ok, but thou knows that we can't always do thy royal duty." Luna headed out to lower the moon and raise the sun as Twilight began to stir. She looked up and saw Celestia's loving eyes staring straight at her. She asked, "Celestia, don't you have to go out and raise the sun?" Celestia replied, "Not today Twilight. Luna agreed to raise it for me so we can spend more time together. After all, you do have to return home later today." Twilight had a sad look on her face but knew that she had to. She sighed, "I know Celestia. I just hope the day will come soon when we can be together everyday for all of eternity." Celestia pulled Twilight close, began to stroke her wing through her mane and replied, "I feel the same way. Don't worry Twilight, that day will come eventually and if I have anything to do with it, it will be sooner rather than later." An hour later Celestia and Twilight got up and headed to the dining hall. There at the head of the table sat Luna with a slight grin on her face. She asked, "Big sister, didst thou take our advice?" Celestia asked, "What advice little sister?" Luna saw their breakfast coming and replied, "Now is not the best time for us to continue to discuss this. Such matters are not to be discussed over meals." Their breakfast went by rather quickly as unlike during previous days, there was a lot of good conversation rather than tense silence during their meal. Once they got done eating the three headed out to the balcony. Celestia gave Twilight a kiss and said, "Well you better get going Twilight my love. Don't worry, we will see each other again soon." Twilight asked, "Celestia, would it be ok if I told my friends about our relationship? Would it be ok if I told them that eventually we want to get married?" Celestia replied, "Well....." Luna interrupted, "Twilight Sparkle, we do not think it would be in anypony's best interests for thou to share the news of thy relationship with our sister with thy friends, or anypony for that matter." Celestia disagreed, "Little sister, I think it would be ok for her to share this with her friends as long as they won't tell anypony else." Twilight replied, "Well I could always make them Pinkie Promise." Celestia knew about the Pinkie Promise and how serious it is. She said, "Twilight, I think that is a good idea. I know how Pinkie is, she will keep her promise as will the rest of your friends." She looked off towards Ponyville, kissed Twilight and motioned for her to head home. As Twilight was getting ready to leave Celestia continued, "I love you Twilight. I do hope we can see each other soon. Next weekend perhaps?" Twilight replied, "I would love that! I can't wait to see you again!" Celestia gave Twilight one more kiss before taking flight to Ponyville. One thing neither princess knew though was that their kiss was seen by two ponies that they did not expect to see it nor wanted to know about their relationship this soon. It wouldn't be long until Celestia was met by these two and it would not be the most pleasant meeting. > Parental Anger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Twilight headed back home Celestia and Luna headed into the throne room. Luna could see a bit of sadness in her sister's eyes and was concerned. She asked, "Big sister, are thou already sad over Twilight's departure?" Celestia replied, "Yes, I am. You have no idea how close Twilight and I truly are. I know you can see that we are close and can feel the energy from us but you still don't truly understand the love we have for one another. You have no clue how it is to desire to be with somepony so badly that you feel empty without her." Luna rolled her eyes and asked, "Big sister, will thou be ok? We know thou is sad but thou hast to maintain thy composure as we need to get some sleep." Celestia replied, "Yes little sister, I can stay composed." While Luna was headed to bed the atmosphere in one of the houses in Canterlot, the Sparkle Family's house, was not very pleasant. After seeing Celestia kissing their daughter both parents were angry. Twilight Velvet, her mother, was pacing back and forth angrily in their kitchen and shouted, "I can't believe it. I can't bucking believe it. I never imagined Celestia would take advantage of our daughter." Crescent Sparkle*, her father, stomped his hoof into the floor and added, "I know. We put all our trust into her for so many years and now that our Twily is a princess all of a sudden she thinks she can seduce her into a relationship? She thinks just because she is no longer her student that she is just a piece of meat?" Velvet** suggested, "Perhaps we should go see Twilight and ask her what this is all about." Crescent replied, "No, I think we should let Twilight spend some time with her friends and calm down after this. I think we should go and pay Celestia a visit. I want to get answers out of her." Velvet agreed and they headed to the palace. They arrived at the main entrance and were confronted by two guardsponies. Both of them knew who they were so they happily led them to the throne room. While Celestia was sitting on her throne longing for Twilight, her thoughts were interrupted. "Your Majesty, you have a couple of guests." Celestia looked up to see Twilight's parents at the far end of the throne room. She motioned for them to come up to her and cheerfully asked, "Velvet, Crescent, how are you two doing today?" The two headed up to the front of the throne room with scowls on there faces. Velvet asked, "Don't give us that cheerful welcome princess. We know what you are doing with our daughter. Why were you kissing her before she headed back to Ponyville?" Celestia had a nervous look on her face and asked, "You saw us kissing?" Velvet replied, "Yes your Majesty, we saw you kissing our daughter. We want to know why you were kissing her." Celestia was so nervous that she did something that she has only done once before in her life, she began to stutter. "We-well you see, Twilight an-and I are in love." This brought out suspicions in both parents. They began to wonder if perhaps this relationship dated back to before Twilight was a princess, back when she was Celestia's student. Velvet demanded, "So princess, how long has this been going on? Have you two been in love since before she became a princess?" She raised her voice and continued, "Was this going on before she matured?" Crescent added, "If this was going on before she was crowned and especially if it started before she matured, we will expose you and all of Equestria will see you as a seductress." Celestia began to cry loudly which quickly woke Luna up. She rushed into the throne room and before she saw Twilight's parents she asked "Big sister, are thou ok? Why are thou crying?" Velvet, who seemed to have taken control of the conversation said, "Oh I see it is Princess Luna, the pony who has probably been hiding all of this." Luna gave Velvet a glare and asked, "What dost thou think we have been hiding?" She then realized that it was them who made her sister cry. She raised her voice and continued, "Why are thou making our sister cry?" Crescent snapped, "Don't play stupid with us your Majesty. You know of your precious sister's so-called relationship with our daughter. How long has it been going on? Since she was crowned a princess, since she matured, since she was a filly?" Velvet demanded, "Tell us princess or we'll expose both of you!" Luna's eyes began to glow white and using the loudest form of the Royal Canterlot Voice she shouted, "It is not wise to threaten us using wild accusations and blackmail. Unless thou wishes to be banished to the sun thou shall recant thy threat." Celestia shouted, "Little sister, STOP IT!" She lowered her voice and continued, "Luna, I know you are trying to protect me but we can't go threatening Twilight's parents with banishment." This caused Twilight's parents to only become more suspicious. Velvet asked, "So princess, if it were not for you wanting to get our daughter in bed would you prevent Luna from banishing us?" Crescent added, "I can see straight through you CELESTIA, you don't want us harmed so Twilight will want to marry you someday." Celestia said, "Well Crescent, Twilight does want to marry me some day just as I want to marry her someday. We had a long talk yesterday and we discovered how truly deep our love is for one another." Velvet snapped, "Come on Crescent, we're going to Ponyville and talking to Twilight about this." She glared at Celestia and continued, "I just hope you haven't brainwashed her into subservience to you so we can't get the truth out of her." The two stormed out of the throne room and headed to the train station. While both parents were so angry they could spit nails they knew that they would need to be calm and collected when they got to Ponyville, which would be easier for one than the other. The trip to Ponyville took a little over thirty minutes and as soon as they arrived they rushed over to the library, hoping to find Twilight. When they knocked on the door though, they got no answer. Velvet began banging on the door and shouted, "I know you're in there Twilight. I want to know about you and Celestia." Spike was rushing back to the library when he found the angry parents pounding on the door. He smiled and said, "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle, I take it you're looking for Twilight?" Crescent who was calmer than his wife replied, "Yes, we are. Do you know where she is?" Spike replied, "Yeah, she's over at Sugarcube Corner." Velvet sighed, "Oh and where is this place? Could you lead us there? We need to speak to our daughter." Spike happily replied, "Yes ma'am!" While they followed the dragon to the sweets shop Velvet had suspicions that he was firmly under Celestia's control but did not say anything. When they got there Pinkie was the first to greet them. She remembered them from Cadence and Shining Armor's wedding. She asked, "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle, can I get you anything sweet to eat?" Crescent replied, "Yeah......." Velvet interrupted, "No, we need to speak to our daughter." Twilight heard them and rushed to them, "Mom, dad! It is so good to see you!" Velvet snapped, "To the library Twilight. Your father and I need to speak to you, NOW!" Twilight was irritated that her parents would approach her like that, especially around her friends. Once they got to the library Velvet asked, "So Twilight, what was that kiss with Celestia all about?" Twilight asked, "Wait a minute, you saw Celestia and I kissing?" Crescent replied, "Yes, we saw you kissing. We are concerned that she is seducing you." Velvet added, "Look Twilight, it is just flat out wrong for you to be kissing Celestia, the pony who was your mentor and teacher for so long." She sighed and continued, "Not to mention she basically raised you after you got into her school. She was basically like a second mom to you." Twilight snapped, "Look mom, I have loved Celestia for a very long time and you know what? We opened up to one another and while both of us have had feelings for the other for years, she never acted on her feelings because she knew it was wrong." She stomped her hoof on the floor and continued, "You have no idea how much I wish we could have been marefriends long before just yesterday." Crescent asked, "Did you have these feelings before you came to Ponyville?" Twilight began to cry, "Yes dad, even before I came to Ponyville. She wanted me to make friends when she sent me here to prepare for the summer sun celebration, which I did. Yes my friends and I became close but the reason I stayed was because I thought it was what Celestia truly wanted for me." Velvet sneered, "So Twilight, you found Celestia attractive before you even came to Ponyville? Do you know how wrong that is?" Before Twilight could say anything, Crescent, who had quickly become more understanding interrupted, "Velvet, how is it wrong that our daughter developed feelings for Celestia once she came of age?" Velvet replied, "Look, I just think that is wrong. Celestia was basically a second mother for her......" Before she could finish her sentence Twilight interrupted, "Look mom, I can see why you are upset but you know what, basically from the first day I became attracted to her, I've wished we could share the same bed, cuddle and kiss every single day." Both parents' jaws dropped open. While Crescent was shocked, Velvet was mortified. She gasped, "You what?" Twilight replied, "You heard me, so if you have any problems with this yell at ME! Don't you dare go yell at Celestia, she never did anything wrong." Crescent said, "Well, we already went and voiced her concerns to her." Twilight could pick up from them that they went and yelled at her. She kicked a hole in the wall and yelled, "HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU GO BEHIND MY BACK LIKE THIS!" She pointed her hoof at the door and continued, "Just go home. I don't even want to look at you right now." They headed towards the train station and headed home. Crescent was beginning to feel really bad about them confronting Celestia before talking to Twilight but Velvet was madder than ever. She realized that what Twilight was saying was probably the truth but she just couldn't bring herself to accept Twilight's relationship with Celestia as she felt it was just flat out wrong. Back in the library Twilight was sitting on her bed crying. She was angry that they confronted Celestia over this before coming to her. She felt betrayed and realized that she could not trust them anymore. She began to worry that they, especially her mom, would try to sabotage her relationship with Celestia. > Providing Comfort > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Twilight's parents headed back to Canterlot there was a knock on her door. She headed downstairs and when she answered the door, her friends, who were very concerned, rushed in and gave her a hug. Rarity asked, "Twilight darling, why are you crying?" Twilight cried, "Because my parents, especially my mom, think it is horrible that Celestia and I are in a relationship." Everypony's jaws dropped open. Applejack asked, "Are y'all serious. Y'all are in a relationship with Celestia?" Twilight replied, "Yes, I am. We had a heart to heart talk up in Canterlot and we professed our love for one another." While her other friends were unsure as to whether this was really a good thing, Rarity was ecstatic. She hugged Twilight and asked, "Twilight darling, do you two have any plans to get married? I know I could make you two the most elegant gowns!" Twilight blushed and replied, "Well we did discuss that and we do hope that eventually we can be married." Rainbow was not sure that this would be a good idea. She rolled her eyes and asked, "Seriously Twi? How much do you two even know about each other?" Twilight replied, "Rainbow, for many years I was her student. I lived in the castle with her for years so both of us know one another very well. I think we are a perfect match and besides, both of us are very attracted to the other." Rarity could sense the uncertainty that her friends had about what Twilight told them and what her plans are. She asked, "Ladies, who do you think would be better for Twilight, Celestia who she has known for most of her life and will treat her good or somepony who may not be nice to her or only want to be with her because she is a princess?" Rarity's question caused the other ponies to think twice and realize that Celestia is the one for Twilight, not just because they love one another but also because she would not be after Twilight because she is a princess. There was one thing Fluttershy wanted to know though and she was going to find out. "Twilight, I want to ask you a question...um if it is okay with you, where would you and Celestia live if you get married?" Twilight replied, "Uh, I really don't know. Deep down I am wishing that we could live here in Ponyville and live more like a regular family would but we both have royal duties that we have to tend to and she has to raise and lower the sun. Yes I have seen Luna handle the sun before but I don't know if she would want to take on that task permanently." Applejack was wondering if maybe Twilight was getting ahead of herself. She asked, "Twilight, Ah know y'all are happy and all, but don't y'all think you're getting a bit ahead of yourself here? You two just professed your love for one another. Isn't a tad bit early to be discussing marriage?" Before Twilight could say anything Rarity interrupted, "Applejack, can't you see Twilight is happy? I don't see anything wrong with them talking about marriage." Applejack sighed, "Come on Rarity, try to look at this more practical like. They just now professed their love for one another and Ah think it is too early to talk about marriage. Ah don't want Twilight here to be getting her hopes up too much then get her heart broke if things don't work out." Twilight asked, "Girls, could you just be here for me? I just want somepony to not think what I am doing is horrible." Rarity replied, "Well I for one think it is absolutely wonderful. You are in a relationship with the most regal, most beautiful pony in all of Equestria." She looked back at her friends and asked, "Could you just be happy for Twilight and not go questioning every little thing?" The rest of Twilight's friends realized that Rarity was right and were there for her. Even though she pretended that she thought everything would be perfect, Applejack remained skeptical of this for a while. Not because she thought what Twilight was doing was wrong, but because she didn't want Twilight to get hurt. Up in Canterlot Celestia was feeling down as well. Despite being dead tired, Luna stayed awake to comfort her. Celestia asked, "Little sister, do you think that things will really work out? What if Twilight's parents try to sway her against us being together?" Luna replied, "Big sister, we do not think thou hast to worry about that. We know how Twilight is. She is strong and will not be swayed by her parents." Celestia asked, "What about Shining Armor? I know they are close and she would consider his opinion very important. What if he was to find out and sway her to not be with me?" Luna replied, "Oh we doubt he would do that. You know how protective she was of him when he almost wound up marrying Chrysalis disguised as Cadence? He is equally as protective of her and we are most sure that he would much rather her be with and eventually marry you than he would anypony else." Celestia realized that her younger sister was right. She also knew that Cadence, who Twilight is extremely close to, will probably be thrilled that her and Twilight were marefriends. Luna could sense the relief her sister felt and asked, "Feeling better big sister?" Celestia replied, "Yes, much better. I just realized that Cadence will be thrilled about our relationship and you know that with her being happy, that Shining Armor would be happy too." Luna smiled and said, "See big sister, thou hast nothing to worry about." Luna headed towards her sleeping chambers and yawned, "We are most tired. Since thou hast calmed down, we are going to get some sleep." > Twilight Velvet's Trip to the Crystal Empire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While the two princesses were being comforted, Velvet and Crescent were at home discussing what should be done. Velvet, who was much more against this than her husband had an idea. She said, "Crescent, I think we should pay Shining Armor and Cadence a visit and tell them about our concerns. I know Twilight would be more likely to listen to them, especially her brother. If we can get them to agree with us, they can talk to Twilight and I'm sure she will take their advice and end this ridiculous relationship with Celestia." Crescent replied, "I don't know if that is such a good idea. She is already mad enough at us and I don't feel like her being even madder." He shook his head and continued, "Do you want to lose her trust forever honey?" Velvet snapped, "Oh, so now you approve of this? Well you can stay here and idolize Celestia, I'll go up to the Crystal Empire on my own and convince Shining Armor and Cadence that this is wrong." She headed out the door and shouted, "I'll be back and I guarantee you, I'll end this." She slammed the door and headed out to the train station. She bought her ticket and was able to catch the train shortly afterwards. The trip there usually takes a couple of hours but it seemed to take forever to the angry mother. Once she arrives she rushes over to the castle to find Cadence out talking to some of her subjects. She rushes over to her and nudges her. Cadence immediately recognizes her and said, "Twilight Velvet! It is so good to see you!" She had a stunned look on her face and asked, "Where is Crescent?" Velvet replied, "We need to talk, all three of us. Crescent didn't come for reasons I can't discuss right now." Cadence could tell that this was a serious matter. Shining was up in the throne room so it didn't take long for Velvet to get her opportunity to discuss her concerns. When they headed into the throne room Shining saw his mom and rushed up to her. He hugged her and said, "Mom! It is so good to see you!" He looked around and asked, "Wait, where is dad?" Velvet rolled her eyes and replied, "He decided not to come because of a disagreement we had." Cadence asked, "Velvet, it seems like you have something important you wanted to talk to me about when you got here. What is going on?" Velvet replied, "Well, I don't know if you know this or not but Celestia and Twilight are marefriends now." Shining Armor asked, "Really? Twily is dating Celestia now?" Velvet slammed her hoof into the floor and snapped, "Yes. I saw them kissing on Celestia's balcony recently before she headed back to Ponyville. We approached Celestia about it first and she told us about how her and Twilight love each other. Even worse, Celestia has had these feelings for our Twily before she became a princess and Twilight told us that she has felt that way about Celestia since before her coronation as well." Shining Armor asked, "Mom, you know Celestia and Twilight are close. Why does this bother you so much? I am happy that she is in a relationship with somepony who loves her and won't try to seduce her solely so they could become royalty." Cadence added, "Velvet, you know my aunt will be good to her. She will be far better to her than anypony else ever could be and if that is what Twily wants, you should respect her decision." She glared at Velvet and continued, "Would you want her meddling in your love life?" Velvet growled, "Well no but still. Celestia was Twilight's teacher and mentor. She was also like a second mother to her. She did basically raise her from the moment she got her cutie mark." Shining Armor replied, "That is true but they are not blood related so I don't understand why you are so upset." Velvet finally decided she would add a point of view of her's that she had not mentioned to anypony until now. She snapped, "You know what? I was hoping she would hook up with a stallion. I was hoping that she would marry a member of the royal guard." She cast her gaze over at Cadence and continued, "Princess, you married my son and he was the captain of the royal guard and now he is a prince....." Shining interrupted, "Mom, Cadence and I truly love one another but this is a different story. I am CERTAIN that a lot of them would want to get with her so they could become a prince." He raised his voice and continued, "THEY WOULD USE HER MOM." He lowered his voice and continued, "And you know what? Most of them aren't even worthy of being in her presence, much less dating her." Cadence added, "Don't you want Twily to be happy? I know my aunt isn't getting with her for her own personal gain, her and Twilight are together because they truly love one another." Velvet finally realized that neither one of them would be swayed by her argument and angrily stormed out of the throne room. She shouted, "Fine, go ahead and support this. I'm going home." After she left for the train station Cadence had a concerned look on her face. She asked, "Shining, do you think maybe we should go to Ponyville and check on Twilight? I am worried about her." Shining replied, "I think that would be a good idea and besides, I think she needs to know about this." They decided it would be best if they waited until the following day to head to Ponyville so that Twilight could have some time with her friends. While they both knew that Twilight would be happy to see them, they also knew that Twilight would likely go into a rage once they told them about what Velvet had done. By waiting until the following day to leave, they had time to think of how they would handle Twilight's anger. > Royal Trip to Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day arrived and the royal couple of the Crystal Empire were headed to the train station. Both were very excited to see Twilight but were still having problems figuring out how to handle Twilight and her rage when they told her about Velvet's visiting them and voicing her concerns. Once they got on board their train they began to discuss this. Shining Armor suggested, "You know honey, I think we should just talk with her for a while and get her in a good mood before we break the news to her." Cadence disagreed, "Are you sure about that? I think it would be best if we get the bad news out of the way first and then the rest of the time we spend with her will be wonderful. After all, I would rather us leave with her having the good part of our trip fresh in her mind instead of the bad part." Shining replied, "Oh, ok. We'll do it your way AFTER our traditional hugs and the traditional dance and song you two do." Cadence smiled, "Well of course we will do that first!" While the royal couple were headed to Ponyville, Twilight and Spike were eating breakfast on what seemed to be an ordinary day. Twilight was a bit more tired than normal and had a sick look on her face. Spike noticed this and asked, "Twilight, are you ok? You just don't seem right this morning." Twilight replied, "Well I didn't get much sleep last night and I will admit, I am a bit sick to my stomach." Spike asked, "Why?" Twilight replied, "I'm just worried that my parents, especially my mom, are going to try to do something to sabotage the relationship that Celestia and I are in. She is so against us getting married but I don't care, she will not prevent me from marrying the one pony I love." After a bit more talking Twilight headed up to her room to try to get some more rest. She figured that she could go and visit her friends in the afternoon, when hopefully she would be feeling better. A couple hours later there was a knock on the door. Spike answered the door and there stood Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. Shining asked, "Spike, is Twilight home?" Twilight was laying up in her head and heard her brothers voice. She quickly rushed downstairs and hugged him. "Shining Armor, it is so good to see you!" "It's good to see you too sis!" After she broke the hug with her brother she immediately ran up to Cadence. Before they said anything else they started singing and dancing, Sunshine, Sunshine Ladybugs awake, Clap your hooves and do a little shake! After they finished they embraced and Twilight said, "Cadence! I'm so happy to see you!" Cadence replied, "It's so good to see you too!" Twilight was wondering though why they would show up unannounced. She asked, "Shining Armor, Cadence, normally you write me a letter letting me know when you will come, is something wrong?" Shining Armor replied, "Well sis, you might want to sit down for this. I have a feeling you might be mad after hearing it." Twilight had a feeling as to what happened. She asked, "Did our parents go up and bitch to you about my relationship with Celestia?" Shining Armor replied, "Well mom did. Dad wasn't with her because she said something about them having a disagreement over what she was coming to tell us." Twilight went into a rage. She shouted, "DAMN HER! DAMN HER! CAN'T SHE JUST LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE? UGH I'M SO MAD RIGHT NOW I WOULD SMACK HER IF I COULD." Twilight's face was redder than the apples at Sweet Apple Acres and was breathing heavily. Cadence put her wing around her and said, "Twilight, calm down. I know you're mad but I don't want anything happening to you and I know Celestia wouldn't." It took Twilight a couple of minutes to get her bearings straight and once she was calmed down she replied, "You're right Cadence. I know I shouldn't let it make me so mad but when your own parents don't support you it really hurts." Shining Armor asked, "Do you know anything about what the disagreement was about that caused dad to not come up with mom?" Twilight replied, "Well it seemed like by the time their visit with me was over, dad seemed more open to this. I won't go saying he supports it but I don't think he is all that opposed to it anymore." Shining Armor said, "I do know that mom is horribly against this. She tried to push her agenda on us thinking that she could cause us to take her side and talk you out of even being in a relationship with Celestia, much less marrying her." Cadence asked, "Has she told you why she is so against this?" Twilight replied, "Well she said that it is wrong because Celestia was my teacher and mentor, that along with the fact that she raised me from the moment I got my cutie mark." Cadence asked, "She never told you that she wished you would have hooked up with a stallion?" Twilight's jaw dropped open. She shouted, "WHAT? SHE WISHES THAT I WOULD HAVE HOOKED UP WITH A STALLION?" Shining replied, "Yep. She said that she wished that you would have married a member of the royal guard, but I told her that most of them aren't even worthy of being in your presence, much less dating you." She hugged her brother and said, "Thanks Shining, I really appreciate it." She got a sheepish grin on her face and continued, "And besides, I like mares, not stallions. I don't think she knows that and that is probably why she opposes this so much." Cadence hugged her and replied, "Don't let your mom tell you who to love. I know my aunt will never mistreat you and that she isn't with you for her own personal gain." Shining Armor added, "I told her that one of the guards or anypony else for that matter would use you just so they could become royalty. She didn't like it but oh well. She can either like it or lump it." Twilight again thanks her brother but then got a huge grin on her face. She asked, "Shining, can I ask you a question?" Shining nodded yes and Twilight continued, "Well I was wondering if you would want to be my stallion of honor?" Shining Armor had a beaming smile on his face and asked, "You want me to be your stallion of honor?" Twilight replied, "Well, yeah!" Shining Armor enthusiastically said yes and hugged her. Twilight then looked over to Cadence and asked, "Cadence, do you think that you and I could talk alone?" Cadence had a stunned look on her face. She asked, "Yeah sure but why does it have to be just us?" Twilight replied, "It just does." Shining Armor knew that his little sister needed some alone time with his wife and headed out the door to the cafe to get a bite to eat. While he was curious as to what Twilight wanted to talk to Cadence about he figured that she probably just wanted some time to spend alone with her and besides, he was quite hungry and soon his curiosity vanished as he began to chow down on a hearty meal. > Cadence's Advice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armor headed off to the cafe for some lunch leaving Cadence and Twilight to discuss things that they couldn't discuss while he was around. Cadence asked, "Twilight, what did you want to talk to me about that your brother had to leave?" Twilight replied, "Well I initially asked Luna about it but she told me to talk to you because she didn't have much knowledge in what I was asking her about." Cadence had a feeling that Twilight asked Luna about things that are sexual in nature but she wasn't completely sure. She asked, "Twilight, did you ask Luna about how to please Celestia?" Twilight got a sheepish grin on her face and replied, "Well yeah." Cadence giggled, "Oh Twily, that is so cute! How did Luna react to it?" Twilight replied, "Well she was shocked by it. She didn't react negatively to it by any means and she told me to talk to my former foalsitter about it." Cadence smiled and said, "Well ask me anything you want to and I'll try to answer it as good as I can." Twilight asked, "Well I am really unfamiliar with anything when it comes to pleasing another pony like that and I'll admit, I'm a little embarrassed to ask, but how do you please a mare?" Cadence replied, "Oh where do I begin? Well I don't know if you know this or not but Alicorns are much more sensitive than other races of ponies are. What might excite a regular unicorn will drive an Alicorn wild and believe me, Celestia will know how to give you pleasure beyond your wildest dreams." Twilight was sitting there dreamy eyed daydreaming about Celestia. Cadence continued to talk to her but she didn't hear a word of it. Cadence eventually noticed this and waved her hoof in front of her face. "TWILIGHT! Are you ok?" Twilight snapped out of it and said, "I'm sorry Cadence, you just mentioned Celestia's name and I began to fantasize about her." Cadence laughed, "Oh Twily, what are we going to do with you!" She looked Twilight right in the eyes and continued, "Twilight, I know you fantasize about Celestia at the very mention of her name but if you want to know how to satisfy her sexual desires you need to listen to me." Twilight nodded and Cadence continued, "Well the first way to really drive an Alicorn mare wild is by sucking on her horn. It will make every single part of her body tingle and she will be begging for more. It is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world Twilight, it is something that you and her both will never want to end." Twilight asked, "Really? That sounds really wonderful." Cadence warned, "But whatever you do, DO NOT rake your teeth on her horn or clamp your teeth down on it. That will cause her body to go into survival mode as it will think you are trying to rip the horn out and that may cause Celestia to throw you off and maybe even hurt you. She wouldn't mean to do it, it would just be her survival instincts kicking in." Twilight actually began to take notes which made Cadence giggle. She added, "Twily, you don't have to take notes on this! When you two are giving one another pleasure, your instincts will just tell you what to do and besides, that would kind of be awkward for you to have a notebook with you when you and Celestia are in bed!" Twilight replied, "Ok, you're right. I guess it is just habit for me." Cadence continued, "Another way to really please a mare is by running your horn into her marehood. That actually provides a great amount of pleasure for both of you. She will love the sensation of your horn in her and the feeling of her vaginal wall around your horn will feel a lot like it is being sucked on, which will drive you wild. It works even better if the vaginal muscles are tightened as much as possible, so when Celestia is doing that to you, tighten your muscles as much as possible." Twilight blushed and asked, "Will she tighten her muscles on me?" Cadence replied, "Of course she will Twilight! She knows how to please a mare in the bedroom." Cadence began to smell something sweet, a smell that she knew Celestia would love. She looked at Twilight and noticed the area around Twilight's marehood was wet. She smiled and asked, "Twilight, have you been fantasizing about Celestia putting her horn in you?" Twilight had an embarrassed grin on her face and replied, "Yeah, you just make it sound so wonderful and I can't help myself." Cadence continued, "I can understand that." She smiled and continued, "Another thing that will drive her wild is if you start to suck on her marehood and what will drive her even more wild will be if you run your tongue up into her while you are sucking on her. Oh and I will tell you, when I have an orgasm it is the most wonderful feeling in the world." Twilight was well learned on many things. She could answer a question on astronomy easily, a question regarding history in nothing flat but when it came to topics that are sexual in nature, Twilight knew nothing except for what Cadence had told her earlier. Twilight asked, "Cadence, I don't want to sound dumb but what is an orgasm?" Cadence replied, "An orgasm is basically a sensory overload you experience from experiencing sexual pleasure, and if you are sucking on Celestia when she has one, your mouth will be filled with her nectar." Twilight asked, "Her nectar? Do you mean like what came out of me when I was fantasizing about Celestia?" Cadence replied, "Yes Twily. I have never tasted it myself but from what I understand it is the sweetest, tastiest thing that a pony can swallow." Twilight asked, "Really? Do you think I will like her nectar?" Cadence replied, "I'm sure you'll love her nectar Twilight just as I know she will love yours." Just as Cadence was about to say something else, the door opened as Shining Armor got back from lunch. He let out a belch and asked, "So did you two talk about everything you wanted to." While Twilight was hoping that she could have heard more, Cadence had pretty much told her everything that she needed to know. She replied "Yeah we discussed everything we needed to." Twilight was happy to suddenly know so much but now she wanted to see Celestia and try all this out more than ever. She was wondering if she went up to see Celestia if they would do some of the things she talked about or if that is something that they would wait to do until after marriage. Her thoughts were interrupted by Cadence and Shining Armor letting her know that they needed to head home. Twilight accompanied them to the train station and after they left she headed home. Spike saw her heading home and ran towards the library. He asked, "Twilight, did your visit with Cadence and your brother go ok?" Twilight replied, "Yeah, it went alright." Before he could say anything else *BELCH* Twilight opened the scroll that Spike coughed up and she read it out loud. "Dear Twilight, I would very much appreciate it if you and your friends could come up to Canterlot as soon as possible. This is extremely important. Let me know when you will be able to make it. Love, Celestia" Twilight was giddy with excitement when she read this. She told Spike to reply to Celestia and let her know that she would be there tomorrow morning. Spike sent the reply off. He was wondering what this might be about. He asked, "Twilight, what do you think this is about?" Twilight replied, "I'm not sure but it must be important if she wants all of us up there. We need to go and let my friends know about this." She rushed towards the door and continued, "Come on Spike, let's go." > Twilight's Anticipation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was giddy with excitement that Celestia wanted to see her. She was even more giddy that she wanted her to bring her friends with her. She knew that things were getting serious with her marefriend wanting everypony there. She said, "Come on Spike, we need to go tell my friends about this." Spike replied, "Yes ma'am!" Twilight decided they should go to Sugarcube Corner as they usually get together in the afternoons. When they got there, sure enough, were all five of her friends. She came in bouncing up and down with a huge smile on her face. Rarity asked, "Twilight, darling, whatever has you in such a good mood?" Twilight levitated the letter over to Rarity and she read it before passing it on to everypony else. Rarity smiled and said, "You know Twilight, I have a feeling something very special is about to happen." Twilight asked, "What do you think is about to happen?" Rarity replied, "I don't want to ruin it for you, I want you to be surprised when Celestia meets with you over whatever this is." Applejack herself was very curious as to what this was about. She asked, "So Twilight, when are we going up to Canterlot?" Twilight replied, "Well when I had Spike reply to her I told her that we would be there tomorrow, but I really wish that we could just go up there now." Her friends could tell that she was wanting to leave right away. Rarity said, "Twilight, I can tell that you want us to go now. I know you said that we would be up there tomorrow but perhaps if we get up there this evening, Celestia will be really happy." Twilight replied, "I agree, let's get going." They immediately headed over to the train station and caught the next train to Canterlot. While everypony was happy to be going to Canterlot, Twilight was ecstatic. They had seen Twilight excited before but she was bouncing around in the car more like Pinkie would, so they figured that she was simply excited yet they did not know the level of excitement that Twilight was feeling. While she did not say anything, Twilight had a feeling that Celestia was going to ask her the ultimate question, the question that would change both of their lives forever. The train ride that seemed to take forever for Twilight ended forty minutes later. She along with her friends rushed off the train and headed up to the throne room. Twilight's look of pure joy changed to one of disappointment when she saw Luna sitting on the throne. Luna saw this and asked, "Twilight Sparkle, why dost thou have such a sad look on thy face?" Twilight replied, "Well I was hoping to see Celestia." Luna knew about the letter that Twilight had sent saying she would be there tomorrow. She replied, "Twilight, our sister was not expecting thou and thy friends to arrive until tomorrow morning so she went out shopping." Twilight got a huge smile on her face as she had a feeling what Celestia was out shopping for. Luna could sense the energy radiating from Twilight she continued, "Twilight, we do not know what she went shopping for so we do not think thou should get thy hopes up too high." Twilight could understand Luna's point but still couldn't stop smiling. Luna was smiling as well as deep down she knew what Celestia had went out for. She smiled at Twilight and her friends and said, "Come with us to the dining hall, thou must be most hungry." Applejack replied, "Thank you your Majesty but shouldn't we wait for Celestia." Luna put her wing up to her face as she knew Applejack made a good point. She replied, "Thank you dear Applejack, our sister would have been most upset had we started supper without her." An hour later Celestia arrived back at the castle and headed to the throne room. She was surprised and happy to see Twilight and her friends up there. Her and Twilight ran up to one another and despite being in front of everypony else, they gave each other a passionate kiss without even thinking. Quickly they broke the kiss after realizing that everypony saw them. Twilight said, "I'm sorry Celestia, I was just so happy to see you I didn't even think about everypony seeing us." Celestia smiled and replied, "It's alright Twilight, I'm guilty of the same thing and besides, everypony knows we love each other so it's not like this would be unexpected." Luna pointed her wing towards the dining hall and said, "Now that our sister is home, we think that we should go and eat. We don't know about everypony else, but we are most hungry." Everypony followed her to the dining hall anticipating a large meal, but would be disappointed at first as the two sisters had not anticipated so many guests, but before the end of the meal, there would be more than enough food for all. > The Proposal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That night supper was a much happier time than normal. Like she did when Twilight had her first meal after her coronation, she sat next to Twilight while Luna sat at the head of the table. Applejack was surprised by this and asked, "Princess Luna, so how often do y'all get to sit at the head of the table?" Luna replied, "Not very often dear Applejack. The last time we did this was right after Twilight's coronation." Twilight and Celestia looked at one another and smiled. Luna smiled and asked, "So big sister, what are thy plans for tonight?" She put her wing around Twilight and replied, "I plan on talking to Twilight about things." Luna continued to smile as she knew exactly what she was going to talk to the purple Alicorn about but didn't want to say anything during their meal. Once they finished their meal Celestia began to lead Twilight towards her sleeping chambers when Luna said, "Ahem big sister, thou has thy royal duties thou must do. The sun needs to be set so we may raise our moon." Celestia replied, "Oh alright little sister. I was going to see if you would lower the sun for me so Twilight and I could have more time together, but let's do this." Luna was irritated that Celestia was wanting to pawn her duty off on her especially since she would have all night and the whole day tomorrow to talk to Twilight but knew how Celestia can be at times. After they took care of their duties Celestia rushed back into the castle to an excited Twilight. Celestia motioned for Twilight to follow her to her sleeping chambers. Once they got there she motioned for Twilight to sit on her bed and shut the door. Celestia did not wish to flat out ask Twilight the big question right away. She sat next to her, put her wing around her and asked, "So Twilight, how have things been going in Ponyville since your last visit?" Twilight replied, "Well for the most part things have been going well except for the fact that my parents came to visit me regarding our relationship. Initially both of them were against it but I think my father doesn't have anything against it now. My mom on the other hand, she is horribly against it. She kept on saying that we shouldn't be together because you were like a second mother to me." Celestia had a disgusted look on her face. She replied, "Ugh, why must she be like this." She calmed down and continued, "Twilight, I hope you won't be mad at me but I am really upset with your mom right now. She shouldn't be meddling like this." Twilight smiled and said, "I'm not mad at you. I agree with you completely on this. I don't know about you but I am not going to let my parents affect me and my love for you one bit." Celestia asked, "Does your brother and Cadence know about how they feel?" Twilight replied, "Yes, they do. They came to see me recently. They are both really happy for me and when we do eventually get married, Shining Armor will be my best stallion." Celestia got a huge grin on her face. She said, "Wow, so you're already doing some advance planning!" She knew that the perfect time had come, the time to ask the most important question that she would ever ask anypony so she opened her nightstand, levitated a box out of it and got down on one knee. She opened the box, took the ring out of it and asked, "Twilight Sparkle, you know I love you very much. Will you marry me? Will you make me the happiest pony in the universe?" Twilight took the ring and levitated it onto her horn. She embraced Celestia and replied, "Yes, yes, yes I will marry you Celestia!" The two looked lovingly into one another's eyes and began to kiss passionately. After what seemed to be the longest kiss in history, they broke the kiss. Twilight said, "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to ask me that Celestia! I can't believe that the dream I've had for years has finally come true! I love you so much Celestia, I love you more than anything!" Celestia replied, "I too have been waiting for a long time for this moment Twilight. Had I thought it would not have caused an uproar across all of Equestria, I would have proposed to you a long time ago. My love for you has run deep for a long time and you have no idea how hard it was for me to let you stay in Ponyville." She paused and continued, "If you loved me so much, why did you stay in Ponyville?" Twilight replied, "I stayed in Ponyville because it is what I thought you truly wanted for me." She gave Celestia a gentle kiss and continued, "Perhaps I was supposed to stay in Ponyville. Had I not been there with my friends, Nightmare Moon would have shrouded Equestria in permanent darkness, you would not be here, we would never have defeated Discord and we would never have been able to save the Crystal Empire from King Sombra." Celestia knew her student was right. She interrupted, "Perhaps it was all necessary for us to wait this long but as they say, 'good things come to those who wait.'" Twilight replied, "You're right Celestia." She then jumped on top of Celestia and began to tickle her, causing her to giggle and laugh. Twilight continued, "You know honey, you are so cute when you giggle like that!" Celestia began to tickle Twilight back causing her to laugh. Celestia giggled, "Oh Twily, you're laugh is so adorable too." While they were experiencing their first moments of engagement, Twilight's friends and Luna were out in the throne room. Applejack asked, "So your Majesty, what do y'all think they are talking about?" Luna replied, "We are not sure but we do think they are most happy right now." Rarity had a huge smile on her face and asked, "Do you think Celestia might have asked Twilight to marry her?" Luna got a sheepish grin on her face as she knew that was what Celestia asked her. Given her ability to pick up on things, she knew that Twilight said yes. Luna replied, "Well we shall see." Luna's stomach began to growl as she was hungry for her traditional night snack before she headed out on her patrol. She headed back and ordered the chefs to fix a snack for her and Twilight's friends. That night Luna planned on staying in later than normal because she knew that her sister and new fiancee would come out before too long and announce their good news. > Early Plans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally an hour after Celestia proposed to Twilight, they headed back to the dining hall to find a curious group of friends. They saw the huge smiles on their faces and more importantly, the horn ring on Twilight. Rarity rushed to Twilight, hugged her and asked, "Twilight darling, you're getting married!" Twilight smiled and replied, "Yep, I'm getting married!" The ring Celestia gave Twilight was huge, the largest that anypony had ever seen. While Rarity was amazed by the ring Celestia had given Twilight, she couldn't help but be a bit envious. She continued, "Twilight, your ring is absolutely magnificent! I wish I could find a stallion to give me a ring like that!" Twilight replied, "Oh Rarity, I'm sure someday you'll find that special somepony." Rarity realized that Twilight was right and decided to just drop the issue. She asked, "I take it you are going to need gowns? When do you want me to get started?" Before Twilight could say anything Celestia interrupted, "It would be great if you could get started right away. I want our wedding to take place as soon as possible." Twilight smiled and added, "I agree with Celestia. I think you should get started right away." Rarity asked, "So how many gowns will I have to make? I'm sure you will have bridesmaids." Twilight replied, "While Shining Armor will be my Stallion of Honor, I do hope that you and the rest of my friends will be my bridesmaids and I am hoping that Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo will be the flower girls." Celestia added, "And I plan on having Cadence as my Maid of Honor." Rarity asked, "What about Luna? What will her role be?" Luna replied, "We shall preside over the ceremony so we will not be needing any apparel." Rarity got a sick look on her face. She said, "Ok, that will be eleven dresses." She started getting panicky and continued, "Oh, and I have to get you and Cadence measured! Celestia replied, "Don't worry Rarity! We're not going to rush you." Applejack asked, "So, are y'all going to need somepony to do catering for this? If y'all do, I'd be happy to do it." Twilight replied, "Of course you can do the catering Applejack and before you ask Fluttershy, I do think your songbird choir should be present." Fluttershy smiled and replied, "Oh what an honor!" Celestia knew that she wouldn't have to ask Rainbow about this because she knew she would gladly do it. Celestia commented, "And Rainbow Dash, we would really appreciate it if you would perform a sonic rainboom while Twilight and I kiss after saying I do." Rainbow got a beaming smile on her face and shouted, "Hay yeah I will! This is going to be the BEST WEDDING EVER!" Twilight continued, "Pinkie, do you think you could host the reception for us since you did such a good job with Cadence and Shining Armor's reception?" Pinkie enthusiastically accepted Twilight's offer and everypony was ecstatic with the wedding planning that was going on. Even Luna, who generally doesn't get excited for things like this was excited as she was happy to see her sister so happy. Rarity suddenly realized something. She realized that after their marriage that Twilight will probably be moving back to Canterlot and her face went from being joyous to sad. Celestia asked, "Rarity, what is wrong? Why the long face?" Rarity began to tear up and replied, "I am so happy for you but I guess I feel bad for me because I know Twilight will be returning to Canterlot." Celestia said, "Well that might not be the case." Luna gasped, "What? What dost thou mean by that big sister?" Celestia replied, "This is something that you, Twilight and myself will discuss in private." After about another hour of talking and planning things more in detail Celestia yawned, "It is getting late and I think we all need to hit the hay." Luna added, "And I need to go out on my patrol." Applejack asked, "So where all of us going to be sleeping tonight?" Celestia replied, "Well you will all be staying in the VIP bedrooms except for Twilight, who will be staying in with me." The two princesses blushed when Twilight's friends started telling them to not get too 'busy.' After that they headed to bed while Luna headed out to the Everfree Forest. While Twilight and Celestia headed to her room for their first night together of being engaged, Twilight's friends headed to the VIP bedroom. As hard as they tried, they simply could not get to sleep because so many thoughts were running through their minds. While some were ecstatic for Twilight, others were very concerned as they thought all this was moving much too quickly. > Parental Acceptance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After getting some much needed sleep that night there was banging on Celestia's door, which startled both her and her new fiancee. Luna shouted, "Big sister, thou hast to get up to raise the sun!" Celestia grunted, "Can't you just do it for me? Twilight and I are trying to sleep." This frustrated Luna because it seemed as though Celestia was trying to pawn her duty of raising the sun off on her more and more. Then she remembered something from the night before. She remembered how she said something about how Twilight may not be returning to Canterlot so she decided she would raise it for her. "Ok Celestia, I will raise it for you." She then cheerfully continued, "But you know, I can't do it for you forever!" There was something about her tone of voice when she finished her statement that brought a smile to Twilight's face. Deep down, she had a feeling that Celestia might consider moving to Ponyville with her. Twilight asked, "Celestia, why did Luna sound so cheerful when she said that she couldn't raise the sun for you forever?" Celestia gave Twilight a gentle kiss and replied, "Oh I don't know, maybe she is just trying to sound happy for us." Thirty minutes there was another bang on Celestia's door. Again it was Luna. "Big sister, Twilight, it is time for breakfast. Twilight's friends are waiting and besides, thou must be most hungry. We can hear thy stomachs growling." Twilight replied, "Ok Luna, we're coming." A few minutes later Twilight and Celestia arrived in the dining hall. While for the most part her envy had subsided, she couldn't help but find herself drawn to that huge ring on Twilight's horn. Celestia saw her eying it and asked, "Rarity, why are you staring so intently at Twilight's ring?" Rarity replied, "I'm sorry your Majesty, I just can't help but admire Twilight's ring. You know how I am when it comes to gems!" Twilight was much more understanding than Celestia was when it came to Rarity staring at her ring. She added, "Don't worry about her Celestia, you don't have to worry about her taking my ring. She is a good enough friend that I know she wouldn't do anything like that." Celestia replied, "Well she better not!" Luna wanted to lighten the mood as she could tell that her sister was getting upset with Rarity. Luna asked, "Big sister, Twilight, what are thy plans for today?" The two had not initially made any plans but then Twilight decided that the time had come to let her parents know that it was official. She looked up at her fiancee and asked, "Celestia sweetie, would it be ok if we visited my parents? I think they need to know that this is official now." Celestia had a nervous look on her face. She replied, "I'm not sure. I know you said your father has become more open to us being together but I'm still worried about your mom. I know she is really against us being together and I don't want to agitate her further." Twilight asked, "Celestia, what can she do to stop us? Perhaps her seeing my ring on my horn will finally wake her up and she will know that there is nothing she can do. I don't expect her to be happy, I just want her to know that there is nothing she can do." Celestia replied, "Ok Twilight, we will go and pay them a visit." After a relatively normal breakfast the two princesses headed over towards the Sparkle Family's house. Twilight knocked on the door and for a minute there was no answer. This frustrated the two, especially Twilight. Just as they were getting ready to leave the door opened. They were greeted by Crescent Sparkle. Crescent asked, "Twilight, Princess Celestia, what are you two doing here?" He took a closer look at his daughter and gasped, "What.....what is that on your horn?" Twilight asked, "Can we come in? We need to talk to you and mom." Crescent showed them the way in. Velvet was sitting in on the couch when she saw her daughter and Celestia walk in. Immediately she got a scowl on her face. She asked, "Celestia, what are you doing here? Bring my daughter here to rub it in my face that you have complete control over MY DAUGHTER?" Celestia replied, "No Velvet, we have come over here to tell you ourselves that we are engaged." Velvet took a closer look at Twilight and gasped, "You really are!" Her emotions began to change from that to an angry pony to an elated pony. She rushed to Twilight and hugged her. When she saw the ring on Twilight's horn she realized that Celestia truly was serious about loving Twilight. She broke down into tears and continued, "I'm so sorry you two. I hope you can forgive me for my anger." While Twilight was still skeptical, Celestia's eyes lit up and she replied, "It's ok Velvet. I can understand your concerns, mothers are normally protective of their daughters." Crescent asked, "Your Majesty, do your parents know about you marrying Twilight?" Celestia began to tear up and replied, "My parents do not know. Neither Luna or myself have heard from them in well over a thousand years." Velvet asked, "Where do your parents even live?" Celestia replied, "It is an awfully long story about what happened between them, Luna and myself so I will keep it short. Around a hundred years after Luna was born and we had mastered our roles of handling the sun and moon, they decided that we no longer needed them in our lives so they just took off and left. All they said is that they were going to a distant island somewhere and to leave them alone so even if I could get a hold of them, they wouldn't come anyway." Crescent said, "Well don't worry, soon we'll be your in-laws and you can talk with us like you would your own parents." Celestia replied, "Thanks Crescent, I really appreciate that." Twilight's eyes grew wide and she excitedly said, "Mom, we're going to have to get you measured! After all, you will need a mother of the bride dress!" Velvet hugged Twilight and replied, "That's right, I will!" Celestia asked, "Well everypony, do you think we should head up to the Crystal Empire and let Cadence and Shining Armor know that this is official?" Velvet excitedly replied, "Yes! I think that would be good." Crescent asked, "So when do you two want this wedding to take place?" Twilight replied, "Well we are kind of hoping that it would be sooner rather than later." Both Crescent and Velvet enthusiastically agreed to that plan and headed to the train station so they could get to the Crystal Empire as soon as possible. They wanted to notify them, get them back to Canterlot and get all the proper preparations up and going so the wedding could take place as soon as possible. > A Joyous trip to the Crystal Empire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A couple hours after departing from Canterlot, Celestia, Twilight and her parents arrived in the Crystal Empire. Once they arrived they rushed to the castle and were met by a couple of guards. The guards knew exactly who they were and led them up to the throne room. Cadence saw them being led in and the first thing she did was rush up to Twilight where they did their dance and sang, "Sunshine, sunshine Lady bugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" Shortly after that Cadence looked at Twilight and was shocked when she saw the ring on her horn. She gasped, "Oh my goodness Twilight, your ring is beautiful!" Twilight replied, "I know. Celestia knows a beautiful ring when she sees one." Celestia added, "Well the most beautiful pony in the world deserves the most beautiful ring in the world." It wasn't too long until Shining Armor came into the throne room and the first ponies he saw were Velvet and Crescent. He ran up to his parents, hugged them and said, "Mom, dad! It's so good to see you two!" Velvet excitedly replied, "It's good to see you too!" She pointed her hoof over in the direction of Twilight, Celestia and Cadence and asked, "Shining, have you seen Twily's horn ring! It is HUGE!" Shining looked over and was shocked by it. He replied, "Wow mom, it is amazing." He smiled and continued, "I take it you aren't so upset about Twilight and Celestia being engaged anymore?" Velvet replied, "I'm not upset at all now that I know Celestia truly loves her. I also did some deep thinking and realized that you were right when you said that a royal guardspony would simply use her. I really feel bad about everything that I did now." Crescent knew that Twilight had grown very close with her friends and wondered if she would be taken away from her friends upon marrying Celestia. He asked, "Shining, do you know what their plans are regarding Twilight and her friends? I know she will really miss them once she moves back to Canterlot after the wedding." Celestia heard this and walked over to Twilight's family. She said, "I heard what you said about Twilight and her friends. I too have had these concerns and I have decided that before the wedding that Luna, Twilight and myself will discuss this." Velvet asked, "Why would Luna have to be involved?" While Twilight and Cadence continued a very happy discussion about her future, Celestia replied, "Luna has to be involved because I am considering having a castle built for the two of us in Ponyville and giving Luna control over just about everything regarding affairs in Canterlot, even full control of raising and lowering both the moon and sun. That way Twilight won't have to be parted from her friends." While Velvet knew that Celestia did truly love Twilight, this caused her to realize that Twilight must be the most important thing in the world to Celestia. She asked, "Really? Twilight really means so much to you?" Celestia replied, "Yes, she means that much to me. I would even sacrifice my immortality for her. That is how much she means to me." Crescent asked, "With her being an Alicorn now, isn't she immortal too?" Celestia replied, "Yes, she is so chances are as long as our love endures, which I know it will, we will always be happily married." Cadence could hear a bit of what they were talking about and motioned for Twilight to follow her to go talk to them. While she was not going to bring it up she did think that they need to get things moving along. She asked, "Everypony, do you think maybe we should get heading to Canterlot? There is a lot of stuff that goes into planning a wedding." She started to get more panicky as she continued, "Twilight, Celestia, you two will need to be measured. Velvet, you will have to be measured. Twilight, your friends will have to be measured. We need to find somepony to cater the reception, we need somepony to provide music." By this time Cadence was in a full blown panic. Twilight tried to calm her down. She replied, "Cadence, don't worry. I have it covered. I know my friends will be more than happy to help out with everything." This did calm Cadence down some. She looked towards the door and said, "Come on everypony, let's get going. After all, I know you two want to have this wedding sooner rather than later!" Everypony enthusiastically headed towards the train station for the return trip to Canterlot. What initially looked like what was going to be a wedding that would not be approved by all now looked like what would be the most joyous event in the lives of just about everypony. > An Important Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the way back to Canterlot they had their own car for privacy. The first to start their discussion was Celestia. She asked, "Twilight, when we get back to Canterlot you, Luna and myself have to have an important discussion. We also have to go to Ponyville and speak to your friends to see if they will aid in making our wedding truly wonderful. Do you think we should all go to Ponyville together or shall we send Cadence and your family to Ponyville while we stay in Canterlot for that discussion?" Twilight seriously replied, "Well I would rather us all go to Ponyville together. It would just seem more professional that we do it that way rather than only some of us go to start planning this." Celestia knew this would be Twilight's answer. She giggled, "I knew you were going to say that!" Velvet interrupted, "No offense your Majesty, but if you knew she was going to say that, why did you ask her that?" Celestia replied, "I just wanted to be completely sure and besides, hearing her get all serious when she answers a question is so adorable to me. It has always been something that I have liked and since we have been in love, something I find sweet and adorable." Before they knew it the train arrived in Canterlot and they exited the car. Crescent asked, "So what are we going to do right now? I am so hungry." Celestia replied, "Well we will gather in the dining hall for a good hearty meal. After that you four can go have some fun and just enjoy yourselves while Twilight and I have our meeting with Luna." Shining Armor really wondered what this meeting was all about. While he trusted Celestia completely, he still had a doubt or two about Luna. He asked, "Your Majesty, what is this meeting going to be about. You two haven't angered Luna have you?" Celestia replied, "No, we haven't angered Luna. We just have to discuss some important things." When they arrived in the dining hall Luna was already there, and like she did right after Twilight's coronation, she was sitting at the head of the table. Cadence had a shocked look on her face and asked, "Luna, shouldn't Celestia be sitting at the head of the table?" Before Luna could reply Celestia interrupted, "It's ok Cadence, I want to sit next to my sweet Twily." Luna noticed that Twilight's parents were with them and was a bit suspicious of them being there but didn't want to cause any stress so she decided to ask them a question that would let her know how their moods really were. She asked, "Hello Velvet, hello Crescent. How is thy day treating thee?" Velvet cheerfully replied, "Things are going great! I am so happy to see that my daughter is going to be marrying a pony who won't try to take advantage of her." Luna asked, "What about thou Crescent? How is thy day treating thee?" Crescent replied, "I am feeling the same way that my wife is. I am happy that Twilight is marrying a wonderful pony who won't take advantage of her. To be honest, I haven't felt this good in a very long time." Luna had a smile on her face as she could tell that Twilight's parents were telling the truth, which would make not just their meal more pleasant, but the wedding planning and the wedding itself would flow more smoothly. Just as she was thinking this their meal arrived. Luna was licking her chops and said, "This looks delicious!" While everypony else had a daffodil sandwich and green beans on their plate, Luna had a steak (medium rare) along with some oats and bacon on her plate. Cadence saw this and asked, "Luna, how in Equestria can you stand to eat that? I swear, you are the only pony I know that eats meat." Luna replied, "Because it's good! Thou should try it sometime!" Cadence said, "I'll pass, the thoughts of killing an animal just to eat it sickens me." Luna was rather irritated by Cadence's comment so she decided to lighten the mood. She asked, "Cadence, Shining Armor, how are things going in the Crystal Empire?" Cadence replied, "Well pretty much the same as usual, very uneventful." She sighed and continued, "I wish something exciting would happen up there. Nothing like the Sombra incident but still, sometimes life there is actually boring." Celestia asked, "Seriously Cadence? I would rather deal with an uneventful life than having villains to deal with basically every year." Cadence sighed, "Well I guess you're right. I just like a little excitement every now and then." Once they finished their meal and casual discussion, Luna decided the time had come to hold that meeting with Twilight. She raised her voice and asked, "Twilight, Celestia, dost thou think perhaps we should have our meeting?" Celestia replied, "I do." She motioned with her wing towards the throne room and continued, "Twilight, let's go to the throne room so Luna may speak with us. This is extremely important." While Twilight's parents, Shining Armor and Cadence headed out of the castle Luna led Celestia and Twilight into the throne room. Twilight had a very nervous look on her face and asked, "Princess Luna, what is all this about." She gulped and continued, "Are you mad at me over something." Luna smiled and replied, "Twilight, there is no reason for thou to be so nervous. We are not upset with thee." She looked at her sister and continued, "Big sister, we know thou wanted us to have a meeting with Twilight but we are not even certain why thou wished to have this." Celestia knew the time had come to tell Luna why she wanted this. She began, "Little sister, as you know Twilight and I will be getting married and this does bring up one issue that is very important to me, and that is where we are going to live." This shocked Luna as she had assumed that the two would live in Canterlot because both of them, especially Celestia, had very important royal duties. She asked, "Big sister, why is this such an important issue to thee? Thou knows that thou has very important royal duties which thou must take care of." Celestia replied, "I know Luna but you know that Twilight and I have a love that is stronger than any other love that has existed and I want her to be happy and I will do anything to make her happy." Luna was shocked by this. Suddenly she had a scowl on her face. She looked at Twilight and asked, "Princess Twilight, what would thou desire the most? Would thou desire for thou and Celestia to live here in Canterlot or would thou prefer if thou and she lived in Ponyville?" Twilight nervously replied, "Well I am going to be honest, in a perfect world I would prefer that we live in Ponyville so I would not be parted from my friends." Luna took this as Twilight being self centered. She asked, "Big sister, what does thou think about thy fiancee wishing this? Dost thou find this self centered?" Celestia replied, "Luna, actually I find this a very positive thing. I truly do wish that the two of us to be happy and I will admit, sometimes I wish that my life wasn't so hectic. I think that Twilight and I living in Ponyville would be a wonderful change of pace in life." Luna's eyes began to shine white. Using the loudest form of the Royal Canterlot Voice she shouted "Big sister, thou hast MANY ROYAL DUTIES which thou must perform. Thou must raise and lower the sun. Thou hast court everyday, thou hast dignitaries to meet with and too many more to count." Celestia replied, "Little sister, don't you think you could just handle those for me? I know you would be perfectly capable of handling everything." Luna screamed, "And when are we supposed to sleep? Thou knows that we cannot stay awake twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week." Celestia replied, "I am sure you could either start staying awake during the day or you could reschedule all these meetings to where they would take place at night." Luna continued, "Big sister, if thou does this, thou does know that both thou and Twilight would have to come up to Canterlot or the Crystal Empire when foreign leaders come for meetings. Thou can not just stay in Ponyville and live this fairy tale life which thou and Twilight desires." Celestia replied, "We know that and trust me, both of us will make those. Please just agree to this." Luna suddenly calmed down and realized that perhaps things would be less stressful if Celestia no longer lived in Canterlot. She replied, "Big sister, we have decided that it would be the best for thy marriage to Twilight if both Twilight and thee lived together in Ponyville. We shall raise and lower the sun and handle all other duties for thee so thou and thy wife will be happy." Both Twilight's and Celestia's eyes lit up. Twilight asked, "Really?" Luna replied, "Yes Twilight, really." Celestia and Twilight embraced and began to kiss. The two of them had never been happier in their life. While deep down Celestia began to wonder if Luna would try to take over everything and crown herself Queen of Equestria, she no longer cared. The number one priority in her life was Twilight, the love of her life, and that she would do anything so they could live more like a normal married couple. > Planning for the Big Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A couple days pass and everypony decides it is time to go to Ponyville to see if Twilight's friends will assist in making this wedding as good as Cadence and Shining Armor's. As they headed to the train station Velvet asked, "So I take it everything is ok? I take it Luna will handle all the major duties?" Celestia replied, "Yes, she will. It was not easy convincing her but in the end we were able to convince her that our happiness is what matters the most." For the longest time Velvet had her suspicions about Celestia and of course once she saw Twilight's horn ring she knew that Celestia truly loved her but now that Celestia was going to sacrifice most of her duties to be with Twilight, she knew that Celestia was the perfect pony for her daughter but now had concerns over Luna's motives behind allowing this. She asked, "Celestia, aren't you worried that with you handing most of your duties over to Luna that she might try to crown herself queen, which would basically leave you and Twilight with very little power?" Celestia replied, "I'm glad you're worried about this but I don't think she would do that. Now if it were back right before I had to banish her I know she would have done it in a heartbeat, but she is a much calmer, more reasonable sister than she used to be." The trip to Ponyville seemed to be a rather short one compared to others because everypony was happily chatting and focusing on the future, which looked to be full of hope and happiness. When they finally arrived Celestia and Twilight headed over to Sugarcube Corner as it was the time of day when Twilight's friends usually have their get-togethers. Pinkie greeted them at the door with a huge smile, "Hi everypony, do you want something sweet to eat?" Twilight replied, "Yeah that would be nice but Celestia and I have some very important things to talk to you about." Rainbow's ears perked up and she excitedly asked, "Do you want me to do a sonic rainboom as you two say your I do's?" Twilight replied, "Yeah, we were wondering if you would do that." Rainbow started flying around in the room shouting, "Ohmygosh, a sonic rainboom at a friend's wedding, this is going to be SO AWESOME!" Once Rainbow calmed down they decided to continue their discussion. Twilight asked, "Applejack, I am wondering if you would want to be in charge of catering the wedding?" Applejack replied, "Why Ah'd be honored to Twilight! What all sorts of things would you like for me to make?" Celestia suggested, "Well I think it would be nice if you could bring a mixture of everything you usually do and I don't know if Twilight will want the Wonderbolts at our wedding or not but I'm sure that Soarin' would want some apple pie." Twilight interrupted, "Of course I'd like the Wonderbolts to be there so Applejack, make sure you make enough apple pies." Applejack replied, "Don't worry about it y'all, I'll make sure Soarin' has enough to eat." Celestia asked, "Fluttershy, do you think you could bring your songbird choir up to provide the music?" Fluttershy replied, "Of course your Majesty!" Celestia asked, "Rarity, do you think you could make the gowns for Twilight, Cadence, all the bridesmaids and myself?" Rarity replied, "Of course your Majesty." Rarity wondered who Twilight was going to have as her Maid of Honor. She asked, "Twilight, who is going to be your maid of honor?" Twilight replied, "Well since I was his best mare in his wedding, I have asked Shining Armor to be my stallion of honor and don't worry, he already has something to wear so he won't need measuring." Rarity began to give Twilight puppy dog eyes and cried, "But Twilight, you and I are the bestest of friends! Isn't the brides best friend always her maid of honor." The rest of her friends glared at Rarity over her comment. Twilight replied, "Rarity, you are all equally as good of friends to me as the one next to you and besides, Shining Armor is my BBBFF." Celestia interrupted, "BBBFF?" Twilight replied, "Big brother best friend forever." Celestia said, "I forgot about how close you two have always been, not to mention how you've saved his flank more times than I can count." Rarity sighed, "Oh ok Twilight, I understand that but still, couldn't you have me be the highest level pony in your regular bridesmaids?" Twilight snapped, "No Rarity. You are all equally as good friends to me. Please, I want things to go as stress free as possible." Pinkie jumped on Twilight and asked, "Twilight, do you want me to do the reception? I promise you it will be fun-fun-fun!" Twilight replied, "Of course Pinkie, why wouldn't I ask you to?" Rarity asked, "So your Majesties, when do you plan on getting married, next week, next month?" Celestia replied, "Well we were hoping to hold the wedding this Saturday." Everypony gasped. Applejack said, "But your Majesty, that is only four days from now. We're all going to have to work non-stop to have everything ready in time. Ah'm going to have to get an urgent message to mah family in Appaloosa to get up to Canterlot so we can have everything ready." Rarity added, "Your Majesty, I can understand you two wanting to hold your ceremonies soon but I have to get everypony measured and I have to make seven dresses!" Twilight interrupted, "Well actually you will have to make nine because mom will need a mother of the bride dress and Cadence is going to be Celestia's maid of honor." Rarity sighed, put her hoof to her forehead and fainted. Celestia saw this and realized that perhaps the upcoming weekend would not be the best time to do this. She sighed, "Twilight, would it be ok if we pushed the wedding back a week? I want this to be the best wedding and four days isn't enough time to make it the perfect wedding." Twilight replied, "Of course we can, although I do think all of us need to go to Canterlot as soon as possible and start getting things ready, especially Rarity because she will be very busy." Rarity was finally coming to and wasn't sure if she dreamed it or if she was going to be expected to make nine dresses. She wearily asked, "Twilight, was I just dreaming this or did you and Celestia want me to make nine dresses by Saturday?" Twilight replied, "It's ok Rarity, we decided to push it back a week so it wouldn't be so stressful for you." Rarity said, "Thanks but still, that is nine dresses in eleven days." Applejack asked, "Twilight, would you be ok if some of us wore the same dresses we wore for your brother's wedding so Rarity won't be so stressed?" Twilight replied, "Of course I wouldn't mind! What about you Celestia, would you mind?" Celestia replied, "It wouldn't bother me at all. It is up to them." All of Twilight's friends gathered together and with the exception of Rarity, decided that they would simply wear their dresses from Cadence's wedding. This greatly calmed everypony, especially Rarity who would now only need to make five dresses instead of nine. Rarity smiled and said, "Well this will make things much easier. All I need to do is get everypony who will need new dresses measured and I can get started." Applejack added, "And now Ah will have plenty of time to get mah relatives in Appaloosa up to Canterlot so we can get plenty of food cooked." Twilight replied, "Yep, you will. Now I think in a couple of days we should all get up to Canterlot and get ready for this. Celestia and I want this to be the best wedding ever." Celestia and Twilight were both relieved that everything was going according to plan and they were even happier that this time around there wouldn't be anything such as a changeling invasion to ruin everything. While they were excited, the time going up to the wedding would fly by all too quickly as preparing for a wedding and the reception is no easy task, especially for Rarity who would be making the dresses. > The Final, Frantic Preparations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ten days had passed and it was the day before the wedding and things in Canterlot could not be more frantic. The Apple family was working overtime in the kitchen, Rarity had measured everypony and was rushing to get the dresses done, Fluttershy was making sure her songbird choir sounded perfect, Pinkie was going through everything making sure the reception would be perfect but Rainbow was relaxing so that she would have all her strength for the sonic rainboom. Twilight and Celestia were watching all of this go on with smiles on their faces. "Do you think everything will go ok tomorrow sweetie?" asked Twilight Celestia replied, "I'm sure it will. I don't think we have any changelings running around here and all the other villains have either been reformed, destroyed or locked away." While the two continued to discuss things calmly, things in the kitchen were not so peaceful. "Apple Fritter, we need to step up the pace on those fritters! We need at least 500 of them ready for the reception tomorrow!" Shouted Applejack. Apple Fritter replied, "Applejack, I'm working on these as quick as I can. After all, you're the one who puts so much emphasis on quality ahead of quantity!" She slammed her hooves on the table and continued, "If you don't think I'm doing a good enough job how about YOU come and help me!" Applejack rolled her eyes and sighed, "Because Ah have to make sure everything is running smoothly! Now move, move! We need to pick up the pace!" Despite being elderly, Granny Smith was working on the apple pies. Because of her experience, she was churning out apple pies at the right pace. Applejack said, "Good job Granny, y'all are doing great work there!" Granny replied, "Well you know I've been doing this for over fifty years so I would think that I'm doing great work!" In the throne room where Fluttershy had her songbirds practicing things were much quieter, although they were not going quite as well as Fluttershy had hoped. During one of their practices Fluttershy felt a tap on her shoulder. She shrieked causing her birds to go flying all over the room. Luna said, "We are most sorry Fluttershy, we did not mean to frighten your birds." Fluttershy replied, "Oh it's ok your Majesty! Is something wrong?" Luna said, "Well your birds sound good for the most part but that red one seems to be quite a bit off key. We are wondering if you could perhaps talk to him and let him know." Fluttershy replied, "Ok, he was a bit off key." She had a nervous look in her eyes and continued, "I don't mean to be a bother your Majesty, but do you think Twilight and Celestia will be happy together?" Luna smiled and replied, "Yes Fluttershy, we believe that they will be perfectly happy together. We will admit, we were not sure if this was such a good idea at first but after learning a few things thy Princess of the Night has come to realize that our sister is the only pony who would treat Twilight right." Fluttershy said, "Well that is good. With the way Velvet was acting there for a while I thought maybe Celestia might be mean to Twilight or use her." Luna glared at her and growled, "Fluttershy, our sister would NEVER mistreat Twilight. She loves her more than anything in this world. She loves her even more than her royal duties, and that is something she cares greatly about and just so you know, Celestia has no reason to mistreat her or take advantage of her!" Fluttershy shied back and replied, "Um, ok. I'm sorry your Majesty." Luna realized how easy Fluttershy was to scare so she calmed down and continued, "We are most sorry dear Fluttershy, we did not mean to scare thou. We just know that our sister would never harm Twilight." After that clarification the conversation between Luna and Fluttershy became a lot more peaceful. Up in the castle suite Pinkie was planning the reception while Rarity was working on dresses. Pinkie was bombarding Rarity with questions regarding music and other activities and finally Rarity got sick of it. She shouted, "Pinkie, can't you see I'm working on Twilight's dress right now? Her dress has to be beyond perfect!" Pinkie replied, "I know but I just want your opinion on the music." Rarity slammed her hooves on the floor and shouted, "Pinkie, YOU are the party planner so you should know what is best! You did perfect with Cadence's reception." She sighed and continued, "Could you go somewhere else to plan this? Celestia and Twilight's dresses are going to be the hardest because they have to be beyond perfect." Pinkie gave Rarity a puppy dog look and replied, "Oh, ok. I understand." Down in the courtyard the Cutie Mark Crusaders were practicing walking and throwing flowers out of baskets. Sweetie Belle was a bit nervous because again they had a huge role to play in a royal wedding. She asked, "Do you think we're doing this right?" Scootaloo replied, "Sweetie Belle, we're just walking around throwing flowers out of baskets. I don't think there is a wrong way to do it." Apple Bloom added, "Yeah and we did a perfect job last time so why wouldn't we do a great job this time?" Sweetie Belle replied, "Well I guess this is where I'm a lot like my sister. I want everything to be perfect. I don't want Princess Celestia to get upset with us for not doing it right and maybe banish us to the moon." Scootaloo laughed, "You're too paranoid Sweetie Belle. You know she ain't going to banish us to the moon and before you bring it up, Luna ain't going to banish us to the sun either." Sweetie Belle felt a bit embarrassed and replied, "Ok, you're right. I just worry too much." Finally a couple hours after supper everything was finished. The Apple family had the meal and all the desserts finished, Rarity, after several days of hard work, finished the dresses, Pinkie had everything ready and Fluttershy was finally able to get all her birds to sing in unison. In the kitchen Applejack asked, "Well Granny, do y'all think everything will turn out ok? Do y'all think the guests will like the food?" Granny replied, "Of course they will. They liked it at the last wedding we did didn't they?" Applejack said, "They did but y'all know how nervous Ah get, I want things to work out perfectly." In the castle suite just as she finished Celestia's dress, Rarity collapsed on the floor out of pure exhaustion. She said to herself, "I really hope these fit everypony because if they don't, this will be the worst wedding ever and Twilight will probably not want me as a friend anymore." After raising the moon all was calm in the castle. Everypony was extremely tired and Celestia and Twilight were observing the tradition of the bride and bride not seeing each other within so long before the wedding so that night Twilight did fall asleep in her old room. She just could not get to sleep that night. While she knew that everything between her and Celestia would be perfect, it was the details of the ceremony itself that was keeping her up. She kept thinking to herself, "What if the dresses don't fit, what if Fluttershy's birds sing off key, what if there isn't enough food, what if the food tastes bad, what if Pinkie ruins the reception, what if Rainbow fails on her attempt to do a sonic rainboom?" It wasn't until around midnight until she was finally able to calm herself down to where she was able to get some sleep. While she spent a great amount of time worrying, Celestia fell asleep quickly as she knew that regardless whether things ran smoothly or not, that after tomorrow her and Twilight would be joined together in marriage for all eternity, which caused her to fall asleep with a huge smile on her face. > An Important Morning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night seemed to fly by for everypony, especially Luna who had to not only stay up all night to make sure that no problems arose but also had to stay up for the whole day because of the wedding. That morning Celestia was early to rise as she was excited. She needed to talk and knew she would find her sister out on the balcony. She headed out to the balcony and tapped Luna on the shoulder to get her attention. Luna turned around and asked, "Big sister, shouldn't thou be in bed? Thou hast a most important day today. We would think thou would want to be most alert." Celestia replied, "I know big sister but still, this is a huge day in my life. I can't help but be excited. I have experienced love before but not love that has led to marriage. I'll be honest, I honestly don't know how to act once I am married." Luna said, "Well thou are asking the wrong pony about married life! We would suggest that thou talk to thy Mare of Honor since she is married. She should be able to give you some good advice." Celestia replied, "I know little sister. I just don't want to disappoint Twilight. I don't want her to think I'm an unloving wife." This brought a smile to Luna's face. She laughed, "Come on now big sister, thou knows that thou doesn't have to worry about Twilight thinking that." Celestia was really having her concerns over the way Luna was talking. It was not so much the advice she was giving but it is the manner in which she speaks and she decided to address it. She asked, "Luna, I know it is how you speak but during the ceremony could you please not speak in the old Canterlot language and PLEASE do not speak in the third pony. Could you please just speak normally?" Luna replied, "We didn't plan on speaking the way we normally do while we preside over thy ceremony. We know that would make everypony feel most uncomfortable and would most likely anger thyself and Twilight." Celestia continued, "And could you please not use the word most in front of half of everything you say? We get what you are saying little sister, we don't need you to pound the point home the way you do when you speak." Luna sighed, "Fine. We will speaketh as thou speaketh but once thy wedding is over we shall return to speaking in our normal manner of speaking." Celestia sighed, "Thanks little sister. I really appreciate that." Soon it was time for Luna to lower the moon and Celestia to raise the sun. The morning light shone in through everypony's windows. The light woke Twilight up and she was the most excited she had ever been in her life. She jumped out of bed, started jumping around her room shouting, "Today is the day! Finally, my dreams will come true today!" Shining Armor heard this and rushed to her room. She was jumping around so jubilantly that she nearly crashed into a mirror. Shining used his magic to stop her. He said, "Twily, I know you're excited but you have to be careful. You could have seriously hurt yourself." Twilight replied, "I'm sorry Shining, I'm just so excited I can't contain myself." Shining and Twilight decided to head down into town to grab a bite to eat before everypony had to get ready since it is bad luck for the brides to see one another before their wedding on their wedding day. At the cafe they ran into Twilight's friends. Rarity was the first to say something, "Twilight darling, are you ready for your big day?" Twilight replied, "You bet I am and girls, I'm so happy you're going to be such an important part of such an important day in my life." Applejack said, "Well Twilight, we're awful honored that you want us to be your bridesmaids, aren't we ladies?" Everypony enthusiastically agreed and sat down to have their breakfast. Rainbow realized that nopony had seen the Cutie Mark Crusaders yet that morning. She asked, "Has anypony seen the girls? They are an important part of this too." Rarity replied, "Oh I'm betting they just overslept. I don't think we have anything to worry about." Twilight added, "Well I hope they show up. I will not be happy if the flower girls don't show up." Just as she was saying this the girls were running to the cafe out of breath. When they got there Scootaloo said, "We're sorry everypony, we overslept." Twilight asked, "Girls, the sun seemed to be brighter than normal this morning. How could you possibly sleep in?" Apple Bloom replied, "Well you know our window faces the west and it does have a very thick curtain hanging in front of it, so we thought it was still night until just a while ago." Applejack said, "Well alright everypony, let's get some food in our guts and then get ready for this. After all, everything runs more smoothly when y'all have a full stomach." After eating they all headed to the castle to get ready for the wedding. Twilight and her friends headed into her old room to get dressed for the ceremony. Rarity showed Twilight her dress and she thought it was wonderful. "Rarity, this dress you made me is perfect! The accents even bring out my eyes more!" Rarity replied, "Well Twilight, I wanted something that would look great on you and after all, you deserve nothing short of the best." Before anypony could say anything else Velvet came barging in through the door. She gasped, "I'm so sorry I'm late everypony. Crescent and I were up late last night and we overslept. I hope you're not mad at me." Twilight replied, "Why would we be mad at you mom? What matters is that you're here." While Twilight and her group were getting dressed and talking about the future over in her room Celestia and Cadence were getting ready. Celestia seemed to be more nervous this morning than she did the night before. She asked, "Cadence, do you think everything will be ok?" Cadence laughed, "Oh Aunt Celestia, everything will be fine! I don't think we have any changelings, dark unicorns, rowdy draconeqqueses or mares of nightmares to worry about! Why are you so worried anyway?" Celestia replied, "I honestly don't know. Maybe it is just because the ceremony is just a few hours away and I want things to go without a hitch." Celestia remembered about what her sister had said to her earlier that morning and continued, "Cadence, what is married life like anyway? What sorts of roles do married ponies have?" Cadence replied, "Well with Shining Armor and myself it is an equal give and take. Of course we have chefs to do our cooking and maids to do the cleaning so that stuff we don't have to worry about. I am assuming that you and Twilight will have the same?" Celestia replied, "Well I'm not really sure about that. At first we will be living in the library until we can get a castle built down there and then we will move into there. So initially we may have to take on traditional roles." Cadence asked, "Celestia, why don't you just use your magic to build a castle down there. I know Twilight loves the library but I don't think there is room for more than one pony to live in there." Celestia replied, "That is true. I'm sure she will probably agree with you and after all, I don't think Twilight likes cramped conditions, even if it is with a pony that she loves." Cadence asked, "What about Spike? What is going to happen to him?" Celestia replied, "Well I know he will still live with us. After all, Twilight has had him since the moment she hatched him. She basically thinks of him as a son and I do know that if I wanted her to send him away, she would probably send me away and besides, he has pulled her flank out of the fire too many times to count." Cadence laughed, "Yeah, like when he stopped Sombra from eating the crystal heart!" Once Cadence had Celestia calmed down entirely and into a more cheerful mood, she asked, "Celestia, how do I look in my dress? Does it look ok?" Celestia replied, "Cadence, it looks great. How does mine look?" Cadence replied, "It looks great on you. The way Rarity made it the accents on it really bring out your eyes, which is something that I know Twilight will notice." Celestia asked, "Do you think she will like that?" Cadence replied, "Oh if I know her as well as I think I do, it will make her want to start the honeymoon early and if your honeymoon winds up being anything like the dreams she has, you are going to have the time of your life." Celestia asked, "Oh, and how do you know this?" Cadence replied, "Well she told me. Trust me Celestia, I think you two are going to have plenty of wonderful nights in bed. Now with that, Spike may need to sleep in the other end of your castle if you don't want him hearing you two." Celestia and Cadence both began to laugh imagining how Spike would react if he heard them in the act. While they were enjoying one another's company, Luna was in her room preparing for her role. While it may not seem like it, overseeing a wedding ceremony is much tougher than it looks. Luna was becoming worried that she may mess things up and cause everypony to think badly of her. She grabbed another cup of coffee and sighed, "Come on Luna, we can do this. We have stayed awake for a whole night and a whole day before so this should be nothing." Soon the excessive amount of caffeine she had consumed was beginning to make her a bit jittery. She found herself tapping her hoof on her dresser at a very fast pace. It wasn't until about fifteen minutes after she started it that she noticed herself doing it. She shouted, "Damn it Luna! Focus! We can't be like this on the most important day in thy sister's life! We need to be completely focused!" Luna soon realized that it was all the coffee that she had been drinking. She grabbed some water and began to guzzle it. After a while it did begin to calm her down. She sighed, "Well I'm starting to calm down and now all I need is a good hearty meal before all of this gets started." She was deep in thought when suddenly she began to lick her chops and salivate. She continued to herself, "Bacon, pork chops, oats, hay and lots of cider! That's what I will have for lunch!" > A Royal Wedding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After days of preparation, hours of anxiety and a good hearty meal, everything was finally ready to go. Ponies began to fill the seats in the throne room and Luna was up at the podium. Twilight's parents headed straight up to the front. Velvet smiled and asked, "Hi Princess, how are you feeling today?" Luna replied, "We are doing alright. We are most happy for our sister and Twilight, but I'm nervous that we will screw things up somewhere along the line." Velvet laughed, "Don't worry about it your Majesty, I'm sure you'll do just fine!" Soon Celestia and Cadence arrived and headed up to the podium. Celestia had a nervous smile on her face and Luna could tell it. She asked, "Big sister, are thou ok? Thou seems to be nervous." Celestia replied, "I am a bit nervous little sister but who wouldn't be nervous on one of the most important days in their life?" She then noticed that Luna was still using the old Canterlot way of speaking. She asked, "Luna, I thought you were going to speak normally for this? You promised me you would." Luna replied, "I'm sorry big sister. I supposed that since the ceremony has not started yet that I could speak like I always do." Celestia asked, "Do you think you could just start speaking like ponies do in the modern era now so you won't slip up during the ceremony?" Luna replied, "Yes big sister, I can do that." Celestia asked, "Oh, I think both of us should probably just address one another by name rather than calling one another big sister and little sister since you will be addressing me by name during the ceremony." Luna replied, "Good point Celestia, good point. We should start doing that now." Cadence interrupted, "You know something Celestia? I never imagined that Luna would be overseeing your wedding one day. To be honest, I never thought you would get married to start with." Celestia replied, "For many, many centuries I never imagined I would be either." Cadence asked, "What about you Luna? Do you think you will ever get married?" Luna replied, "No, I do not think so. I do not desire romance nor do I have plans to seek it. I prefer to be single. It is just my nature and how my role in Equestria has shaped me. I like my freedom and solitude. I have no desire to have to cater to somepony else's needs." Despite Cadence having a completely opposite nature than Luna does she could understand. While Luna continued her discussion with her sister and Cadence, in her old room Twilight, Shining Armor, her bridesmaids and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were having their own discussion. Twilight asked, "So big brother, are you ready for this?" Shining replied, "You bet I am sis. You have no idea how happy I am for you, to see that you are marrying a pony you love and one who won't try to take advantage of you or use you to become royalty." While she was excited for Twilight, Applejack was also concerned about the timing of the reception since she didn't want the food to go bad. She interrupted, "Twilight, Ah know you're excited about the wedding, but how long after you two finish your vows will the reception be starting? Ah don't want the food to be getting old and stale." While this did not surprise Twilight it also kind of irritated her. She snapped, "Applejack, here I am about to get married and you are more concerned about the reception and whether your food is going to be ok? Do you even care about me getting married?" Applejack replied, "Twilight, of course Ah care about you getting married. You know how Ah am, Ah want the reception to be just as perfect as the ceremony itself." Twilight rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the girls. She asked, "Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, are you three ready to do your part?" Apple Bloom replied, "Of course we are Princess Twilight. Ah just hope we don't let y'all down." Twilight said, "Oh Apple Bloom, I'm sure you three will do just fine. You did great when Cadence got married and given that you three are a lot closer to me, I know you'll do perfect." Fluttershy's birds were also in with them. After Cadence's wedding they were well trained and were already holding up the long train on Twilight's gown. Twilight asked her birds, "Are you guys ready to carry Twilight's train? Do you know the song you're supposed to sing?" Her birds began to chirp loudly letting Fluttershy know that they were indeed ready for this. Fifteen minutes later there was a knock on the door. It was one of the unicorn guards. He said, "Alright everypony, this starts in ten minutes. Come on Shining Armor, you need to be up at the altar waiting for Twilight." Shining Armor replied, "Alright." He smiled at his sister and said, "I'll see you soon little sis! I am so happy for you." Twilight nodded as her brother headed off and her and her company got ready. Out of everypony, Rarity seemed to be the most nervous one of all. Twilight saw this and asked, "Rarity, why are you so nervous? You don't have anything to worry about!" Rarity replied, "Well Twilight I guess I can't help but remember what happened the last time there was a wedding here, those horrible changelings, that evil Chrysalis, your brother being brainwashed." Twilight interrupted, "Rarity, everything will be fine. There have been no threats made against Canterlot and besides, Chrysalis was blasted into oblivion." A knock on the door interrupted them. It was the same unicorn guard from earlier. He said, "Alright ladies, the time has come. Let's get this started." They headed towards the throne room and as the bridesmaids entered, the section of Fluttershy's bird choir that had been placed in the throne room began to sing. All the bridesmaids were walking gracefully towards the altar until Rarity tripped over her hooves. This caused everypony in attendance to gasp. When Rarity got back up on her hooves she blushed a bit and continued to proceed to the altar. Next up were the Cutie Mark Crusaders throwing flowers into the aisle readying it for Twilight. The birds went quiet momentarily until Twilight began to enter the room. As she did, both bird choirs began to chirp the wedding march. It took a dozen birds to carry Twilight's train as it was longer than Cadence's was when she got married. The purple accenting on her gown really brought her eyes out more and she had her mane curled a bit. Celestia saw this and her heart skipped a beat. While she had thought Twilight was the most beautiful pony she had ever seen for a very long time, she looks much, much more beautiful than she ever had before. Celestia's heart skipped a beat, she became a bit weak in the knees and she said, "Cadence, I have never seen such beauty in my life." Cadence had to catch her before she fell. She whispered, "Celestia, you can't fall over! It wouldn't look good!" Celestia nodded as Twilight reached the altar. The two princesses stood there facing one another as Luna began to speak. She started, "Mares and gentlestallions, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Princess Celestia of Canterlot and Princess Twilight Sparkle of Ponyville. Their love is strong, their love is infinite and despite having rough times during their relationship and in the times before they admitted their love for one another, their desire to be together endured." After addressing the crowd further and going into further detail about the love the two princesses share, she began the vows. She started, "Princess Celestia of Canterlot, do you take this mare, Princess Twilight Sparkle of Ponyville, to be your lawfully wed wife, to have and to hold through all times, good and bad, for better or for worse?" Celestia replied, "I do." Luna continued, "And do you Princess Twilight Sparkle of Ponyville, take this mare, Princess Celestia of Canterlot to be your lawfully wed wife, to have and to hold through all times, good and bad, for better or for worse?" Twilight replied, "I do." Luna looked at Shining Armor and asked, "Shining Armor, may we have the rings please?" Shining Armor handed Luna the rings. Using their magic the two princesses levitated the rings onto the other's horn. As they did this Luna said, "And by the power invested in me, Princess Luna of Canterlot, the city of Canterlot and the nation of Equestria, I now pronounce you mare and mare. You may kiss the bride." The two engaged in a passionate kiss as the crowd inside began to cheer. The newly wed couple headed out towards the balcony where an adoring crowd was waiting. Luna nudged Rainbow and said, "Rainbow, this is your cue. Go out and do a sonic rainboom." Rainbow bolted towards the exit so quickly that her dress flew off of her. As Celestia and Twilight reached the balcony they smiled and waved at the crowd. Rainbow was soaring through the sky and then *BOOM* she did her sonic rainboom. As she did this she shouted, "BEST WEDDING EVER!" The crowd cheered as the sky was graced with a beautiful rainbow as the new royal couple arrived at the balcony. They were soon joined by those who were with them in the wedding. Shining Armor nudged Twilight and said, "Twily, I'm so happy for you!" Twilight smiled and replied, "Not as happy as I am that you were my best stallion!" While normally a new royal couple would address the crowd, Twilight and Celestia decided to follow what Cadence and Shining Armor did, they headed back inside and readied themselves for the reception, which was the part that both Applejack and Pinkie had been looking forward to. While life would soon change for Celestia and Twilight, it would also change for Luna as her life would suddenly be much more hectic but she has been through a lot and knew that she could handle it. > A New Era > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That night the reception went off without a hitch, Applejack's food was perfect and Pinkie nailed it when it came to the music and festivities that would take place. As Twilight and Celestia were getting into their carriage, Twilight realized she forgot to throw the bouquet so she got back out and tossed it. Rarity was standing in the crowd and as she saw it coming, she shoved everypony else out of the way. When she caught it she shouted, "MINE!" Everypony scowled at Rarity but unlike after Cadence's wedding, she did not surrender the bouquet. She was dancing around shouting, "I'm the next one to get married, I'm the next one to get married!" As the carriage carrying the new couple headed out of town and the crowd was dispersing, Cadence stood by Luna and asked, "Luna, now that Celestia and Twilight will be living together in Ponyville and most of the royal duties will be yours, how do you plan on doing things?" Luna replied, "Well we think that we shall change things to where everything will happen at night. Court will be held at night, all meetings involving foreign dignitaries that take place in Canterlot shall take place at night and unless we have to travel, we shall continue to sleep during the day as we do now" Cadence asked, "So basically you are going to continue to be a nocturnal pony?" Luna replied, "Yes, that is what our plans are. Thy Princess of the Night has been a nocturnal pony since birth and she has no plans on changing that." Cadence asked, "Well what if foreign dignitaries refuse to meet with all of us at night?" Luna replied, "Well we may have to make some adjustments to our schedule for that but for pretty much everything else, it will happen at night." The following two weeks flew by for Celestia and Twilight as they had the time of their lives during their honeymoon. When they returned to Ponyville they were greeted by Luna and Cadence in the library. When they opened the door and saw the other two princesses in there Celestia shrieked, "How did you two get in here?" Luna snickered, "Oh silly sister, you know we can teleport and besides, we need to speak with thee and thy wife over thy housing arrangements." Twilight asked, "Yeah, I figured you would. While I love it here in the library it will be way too cramped for Celestia and I both to live in here. Celestia sweetie, do you think we could get Canterlot's finest builders to build our castle for us?" Celestia replied, "Why do that and have to wait a long time for our new home to be built when we can use our magic to create our new home?" Twilight asked, "But what are we going to do as far as the library goes? I don't want to give it up or at least not be able to have access to all the books in there." Luna replied, "Twilight, we are not sure as to whether this is true or not but we have heard many rumors that nopony here ever checks out any books. Is that true?" Twilight replied, "Yes, it is." She smiled at Celestia and asked, "Celestia, would it be ok if I simply moved all the books into our new castle with us?" Celestia replied, "Of course it would. I could never take away one of the things that makes you so happy!" Spike was upstairs sleeping when he was awoken by their discussion. He headed downstairs and asked, "Twilight, was I dreaming things or did I hear something about you having your own castle now?" Twilight replied, "We don't yet but very soon Celestia and I will." Spike asked, "So the rumors of you two living here in Ponyville are true?" Twilight replied, "Yes Spike, they are." Luna pointed her wing towards the door and said, "Alright everypony, let's get this done. It is going to require massive amounts of energy and Cadence and I have to travel home today." They all headed out to the south end of town where the four princesses stood side by side. They all began to focus deeply and began to levitate off of the ground. Their eyes were shining a bright white and powerful bolts of energy shot out of their horns. This lasted for around ten minutes when suddenly a large castle appeared before them. Once the energy stopped flowing out of them and they returned to the ground, they were exhausted. Spike was amazed by this. He ran up to Twilight and asked, "Twilight, is that where we're going to live?" Twilight wearily replied, "Yeah, this is where we are going to live now." Celestia added, "And guess what Spike? You'll have your own room now too. Isn't that exciting?" While Spike had always wished he could have his own room he knew that he would miss sleeping in his basket at the foot of Twilight's bed. He knew that he would miss just being able to talk to her in the middle of the night if something was bothering him. He asked, "Twilight, Celestia, would I ever be able to sleep in there with you two because sometimes I like to just talk in the middle of the night." Twilight replied, "I'm afraid not Spike. Since Celestia and I are married now you won't be able to stay in there. There are things that married couples do that are meant to be private, things that aren't meant for baby dragons to be exposed to." Spike sighed in sadness, "Ok, I understand." Celestia interrupted, "Don't worry though Spike. We'll always be here if you need to talk during the daytime and besides, there should be plenty more to eat." Spike's eyes lit up and he asked, "More to eat? Really?" Celestia replied, "Yeah, really!" It was a bit later in the afternoon than they had thought and after using so much energy in creating a new castle, all four princesses were exhausted. Cadence asked, "I don't mean to be a bother you two but do you think that I could spend the night. I'm horribly exhausted." Luna added, "As are we." Twilight replied, "I'm sure there aren't any shortage of bedrooms in there. Let's go in and take a look." They headed into the castle and sure enough, there were more than enough bedrooms although they were all on the separate side of the castle from where Twilight and Celestia's master suite was located. As they walked around in there Luna commented, "Wow, this place is amazing!" They found the master suite and headed in, it was even fancier and more majestic than Celestia's bedroom up in Canterlot is and it was so elegant that it put Luna's sleeping chambers to shame. Luna had an idea. She figured that since her sister would no longer be using it that she would see if she could have her old room. "Big sister, since thou is going to live here now, may we have thy old bedroom?" Celestia figured this would happen. She replied, "Well Luna, since I won't be living there anymore, yes you can have it and I have a feeling that you will probably have upgrades added to it so it will be like this one." Luna laughed, "Thou knows us much too well!" Twilight asked, "Well Celestia shall we show these two the rooms they will be staying in and show Spike his room?" Celestia replied, "Sure." When they got to Spike's new room it was beyond what the dragon could ever imagine. No longer would he be confined to a small basket, but instead he would have a good sized bed. Spike hoped up on his new bed and it was the most comfortable thing he had ever felt. He said, "Wow, thank you Twilight! This is the most comfortable bed I have ever sat on!" Celestia laughed, "Oh just wait until you lay in it. You'll probably never have another sleepless night again in your life." After they finished checking out the rest of the palace their stomachs were growling loudly. Celestia asked, "Twilight, what shall we have for supper?" Twilight replied, "I'm not sure. We'll have to eat out until we can get some chefs hired because after all, I'm not that good of a cook!" Celestia laughed, "Neither am I Twilight. I don't even remember the last time I had to cook anything." As they headed out to supper Twilight and Celestia were as happy as they could be. Their dream that they had had for years had finally come true, they were married, they had their own palace and they could live a fairly stress free life. Luna was happy as well since she could finally take on the responsibilities that a princess is supposed to have and even more, now she would be the primary princess in Equestria. No longer would she always be stuck in her sister's shadow. A new era in Equestria had begun, one which held a bright future but was still under the threat of ancient villains returning from their prisons. This would wind up becoming reality much sooner than anypony would have expected and the villain that will soon return will be far more evil and destructive than all of the previous villains combined.