4 Drunk Fillies

by TheBluWaffle

First published

When Applejack has some pegasi visitors, she remembers a certain drink in her barn that she had been saving for a time like this.

While telling funny and embarrassing stories to each other in the barn at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack remembers something hidden in the barn that she had put there a while back...a whole barrel of The Apple Family's homemade cider, with an added kick to it, which is perfect for a time like this.
The stories get spicy and a little bit more is revealed than expected!

A Little Drink

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Down on the fields of Sweet Apple Acres, in a big red barn at the center of it all, Applejack and a couple of pegasi friends were enjoying a very entertaining story that Applejack herself was telling.

"And that's how ah got myself stuck in a barrel of apples." She said with her usual southern accent. She sighed in slight disappointment.

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Derpy Hooves had listened intently to her, trying very hard not to laugh or make any comments. Finally, after much inside snickering to herself, Dash finally burst.

"BAHAHA!!!" She fell backwards off the hay, rolling around, clutching her stomach. The story itself was funny enough, but just the sight of the blue Pegasus losing it...well, that made everyone else laugh just as hard.

"Hahaa! Oh Rainbow...you crazy Pegasus, hehe!" Derpy said through her short breaths.

"My, my...poor Applejack. I still couldn't believe that you got your entire body stuck inside a small barrel." Fluttershy smiled and started chuckling. "The mere thought of it makes me want to laugh."

Applejack flushed from embarrassment. "Yeah yeah...Golly, Maybe I shouldn't have told that story..." She looked down. "That's one of my more embarrassin' ones." She muttered.

"Hahaha...oh come on AJ, hehe..." Rainbow Dash finally picked herself up, whipping some tears from her eyes. "You have to admit that it was pretty flippin funny!" She snickered. "Stuck in a barrel..." She nearly lost it again.

Applejack flushed again, smirking. It was kinda' hilarious...she just didn't like the fact that it was her own stupidity and wrongdoing that led to it.

"Yeah...ah guess you're right Rainbow..." She wanted to change the subject. "Uh, but enough about that. What about you three? Do y'all have any stories of your own?" She asked the three of them.

Fluttershy looked around nervously. "Well...I guess I..." She withdrew her decision, "Oh well, maybe I shouldn't..."

"Oh come on Fluttershy!" Derpy said.

"Yeah, were all friends here. Come on, tell us!" Dash encouraged.

"I'd love a good story." Applejack said, repositioning herself on the seat of hay.

"Oh, I guess...I could tell you...okay..." She cleared her throat and began.

"So, I was in my cot, a couple days ago, after caring for some injured birds, and I was really exhausted. Remember how hot it was, a couple days ago?"

"Yeah. It was like...a hundred and two?" Rainbow guessed.

"Somewhere around there." Applejack answered. She looked back to Fluttershy.

"Yes...and I was very exhausted. The heat had really gotten too me. So, I walked straight for my couch, and there was a blanket there."

"Okay?" Rainbow said in confusion.

"Wait, I'm not finished...so, I sat down, and all of a sudden, I hear this squeaking noise under me, and something moved under the blanket."

"Huh...strange..." Applejack said.

"And when I looked, I could see Angel staring at me from a few feet away, and he seemed...well, frightened and angry...at me. And I had to wonder what had happened..."

Dash had already started to snicker, because she knew what Fluttershy had done.

"I looked down at the blanket...and I gasped when I realized why he was staring at me..."

"Oh no..." Applejack said, shaking her head.

Fluttershy sighed. "I sat on Angel!"

Dash started laughing her butt off again. Applejack and Derpy both shook their heads.

"I felt so bad for him! I had sat on him without even realizing her was under the blanket! Oh...it was so embarrassing..." She blushed.

"Oh my Fluttershy..." Applejack took off her hat. "Angel must have been pretty darn upset with you."

"He was...very upset. He didn't even accept the carrot I offered him later. Oh...I hope her forgives me." She shook her head.

Applejack put a hoof on her shoulder. "Ah'm sure he will, sugarcube." Fluttershy smiled at her. They both looked to Rainbow Dash, whose loud laughs had disrupted their thinking.

"Aw shucks Rainbow...it's not that funny, is it?" Applejack asked.

She pushed herself up again, trying to catch a breath. "Heh, it's, hehe...pretty, ha...dang...hoohoo...funny, AJ."

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Always making things funnier than they should be..." She sat up and walked over to the other side of the barn, just to stretch her legs a bit.

"What about you Derpy? Do you have any stories to tell?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, I guess I could give it a shot..."

While Applejack was over there, she noticed a big brown object hidden between two bales of hay. She wondered what it was, and why it was there, but suddenly, something clicked in her brain, and she remembered what this hidden object was. She looked back at the three pegasi. Derpy was talking, with Dash and Fluttershy laughing along to her words. She was deciding something in her head.

Hm...it would make this night a lot more, interesting... She smirked and reached behind the hay to garb the item.

"You really did that?! I thought that was somepony else!"

"No...that was me...and, well...I was very flustered and embarrassed..." Derpy turned her head.

"I could see why..." Fluttershy said.

"Hey girls, I have a little surprise for ya'." Applejack said from the other side of the barn.

"Oh yeah? And what surprise would that be?" Dash asked skeptically.

She suddenly pulled a medium sized barrel out of the hay. The three pegasi stared at it.

"What it is?" Derpy asked.

"This is a special barrel of mah family's famous apple cider." She said with pride.

"What's so special about it?" Dash asked, crossing her hooves.

"Well, ah remember this cider having a special ingredient in it that gave it a certain...added kick to it. I can't remember why ah put it here. but...maybe it was for this reason, to share with mah friends!" She said with a smile.

"Oh...well, that's nice Applejack." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah. I agree. Thanks AJ." Rainbow said.

"No problem. Now, where are those mugs..." She rummaged around in the hay in search for the missing mugs. She remembered putting them with the barrel, but she couldn't find them. "Ah, here we are!" She pulled out four small mugs and set one of them in front of each of them. "Alright, let's have a drink, shall we?" She asked with a smile. She opened the top of the barrel, and they were immediately greeted with a very strong scent.

"Whoa...that smelled pretty strong..." Dash stated.

"Yeah. That's how we make it in the Apple Family." She dipped her cup in, getting her mug full of the strong liquid. "Come on now, don't be shy." She encouraged them.

They each looked ay each other, shrugged, and did the same thing. Fluttershy looked down into the mug full of dark liquid.

"Okay everypony, cheers!" They clanked their cups together, and took a drink at the exact same time. Dash, Derpy and Fluttershy coughed, for the liquid was just as strong as it smelled. After they regained their composure, looked at each other.

"Well, what did you think?" Applejack asked, optimistic for their answers.

"Well...it was pretty dang strong, that's for sure...whoo..." Dash shook her head.

"Yeah, and it had a pretty funky taste to it..." Fluttershy said.

Oh pony feathers! They don't like it! Applejack thought.

A smile grew on each of their faces.

"I really liked it!" Dash exclaimed.

"Me too!" Derpy agreed.

"Yeah...it mat ne strong but...I enjoyed the taste very much." Fluttershy said with a smile, and surprisingly, she was the first one to take another drink.

"Mmm...delicious." She chuckled. Dash and Derpy did the same. Applejack watched as the three Pegasus downed their first mug of cider, smiling from their reactions. What they didn't know was that this "secret ingredient" would the cause for some crazy stories later in the night, but Applejack knew that, and she had a feeling that she would be the only sober one at the end of the night.

Spiced Up Stories

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After downing her third mug of cider, Dash smiled towards the group.

"So, I was just sitting in the hall, minding my own, when all of a sudden, a huge BANG comes from some classroom near me!" Dash made an exploding hoof motion with some mouth sound effects. They gasped.

"What happened?" Derpy asked.

"Well, when I looked towards the room, I could see some colt sprinting out with some sort of...goo, on his face. The other classmates were staring at him, mouths agape from shock." She snickered. "I almost laughed at their reactions, but, you know, that would have been mean, and it would have made me look bad...but it was still hilarious!" She laughed.

"Aw...that poor kid..." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah...he didn't look so good...he was probably really embarrassed. I would be too if that had happened to me!" She stood up to get more cider, and she stumbled a bit. She nearly fell on Derpy.

"Whoa--hey!" Derpy caught her just before she fell.

"Whoops! Sorry Derpy. Heh...must've tripped or something..." She regained her composure and continued towards the barrel. Applejack watched this display, her eyes fixed on Rainbow Dash.

Hm...she's already starting to lose her balance... Applejack thought.

"Well...I think I'll get some more too...I just hope I don't stumble." Fluttershy chuckled, pretending to fall down, making falling noises. Applejack and Derpy laughed along with her, while Dash just gave her a sour look.

"Come on Flutters. That's way over exaggerating." She took a sip from her mug. Fluttershy snickered.

Hm...Fluttershy usually doesn't let herself out like that... Applejack thought.

"Hehehe. Yeah, maybe a little too much there Fluttershy." Derpy said. She stood up. "It's more like this!" She started stumbling through the barn, moving towards Rainbow with each staggering step. She finally stopped in front of her, leaning on her body slightly. She smiled at her, but she wasn't smiling back.

"Why are you girls making this such a big deal?" She asked, rolling her eyes.

"We just found it amusing." Fluttershy said, smiling. Rainbow sighed. She sat back down on her spot of hay.

She took a big swig of cider, then began on another story. "Okay, I have one more...and just a little warning, it gets...a little, well...steamy and...slightly embarrassing. I've actually, never told anyone this before..." She stuttered.

"Hm...what do you mean by, steamy?" Fluttershy asked.

"You'll see..." She took one more drink. "So, a couple weeks ago, I was at a party...remember Fluttershy? The one that you didn't go to?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh...hm, yes. I remember." She said.

"Anyway, so, we were at this party, and someone started busting out drinks...like, beers. I decided to be a good girl and not drink anything other that the punch. So, I was there with one of my old friends and, well, she had a couple of drinks, and...she got pretty wasted at that party. So, she like, asked me to go upstairs and everything, and I went along with it, you know...I knew she was drunk but--"

"I think I know where this is goin'." Applejack said, smirking.

Dash blushed. "Yeah well...she like, led me up to a room, and then to a bed, laughing and stumbling around like a deranged drunk, which is actually what she was at the time...and she fell backwards on it, and I laid down next to her...um..." She blushed again, her face a tad bit redder than before.

"Yes? Please continue..." Applejack tried.

"Oh..." Fluttershy said, looking at Applejack. She probably also had an idea of what was coming.

"So...uh, she like, started saying some weird stuff...some I couldn't remember...but...um...all of a sudden...she...she stared at me with those...sparkling eyes...and..." She gulped, blushing even harder. "She kissed me...v-very passionately...weather it was purposeful or not but...it really was a passion filled kiss." She sighed.

"You kissed another filly?!" Derpy asked in amazement and shock.

"Hey! She kissed me Derpy! She forced me into that situation!" Dash said, her cheeks becoming a crimson red.

"Wow Rainbow. Heh...what did you do after that?" Applejack asked, still a small smirk on her face.

Dash stayed silent for a moment. "Uh...well..." She started shifting uncomfortably on the hay, twiddling with her hooves. "We...um...we..." She muttered something that they couldn't hear.

"Wait wait...speak up missy..." Applejack demanded, raising an ear. She was getting a lot of satisfaction out of this, making Dash continue on with her story even if she was too embarrassed to say any more.

Dash sighed, knowing she couldn't get out of this without saying it..."We...made out for a while...kissing each other like crazy..." Her head drooped down. Fluttershy blushed. Applejack clapped her hooves together, chuckling. Derpy just looked around awkwardly,

"Oh my..." Was all Fluttershy made out.

"Yeah, uh...great, Rainbow...heh..." Derpy rubbed the back of her head with her hoof.

"So, RD, how was it?" Applejack asked.

"Shut up!" Rainbow pointed at Applejack angrily, still flushing in embarrassment.

"Tell me...and be honest..." Applejack demanded, not phased by her anger.

She put her hoof down, looking around at the others. She sighed, a smile forming.

"It felt...r-really good...I can't deny it. It was the first time I had ever kissed anyone and...uh, it felt a-amazing..." She chuckled lightly at herself. "For a drunk...she made a damn good kisser..." Applejack smiled at her.

"Uh...not that I'm not, like...enjoying this story and all but...could we...c-change the subject, please?" She put her head low. "I mean...if you don't mind...of course..." She said shyly.

"No, I agree. Let's change the subject." Derpy said. She went to the barrel, followed by Fluttershy. Dash and Applejack glanced at each other.

"Hmhmhm..." Applejack smiled.

"What?" Dash asked.

"Just...the story you told. Ah can believe it, but at the same time, Ah'm a little surprised. I just never expected you to be the first one to kiss anybody, know what I mean?" She asked.

Dash smiled. "Well, you shouldn't be! I'm like, the most popular Pegasus in school! Everyone loves me, with the exception of a couple colts." She walked towards the barrel, stumbling a bit. Applejack shook her head. She had a feeling that she wouldn't be standing for much longer...

4 Drunk Fillies

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The four fillies laughed hysterically from one of Applejack's stories. Derpy was sprawled out on the floor, Dash was leaning on some hay for support, and Fluttershy was still siting upright, but she was swaying a bit from her tipsiness.

"Okay...okay l-look...I was...b-being stupid..." She put her head in a hoof.

"Oh...hahahaha! A-Applejack, hahaha!" Dash fell over, grabbing the attention of everyone else, especially Derpy, who she was now right next too.

"D-Dash! What...hehe..." She rolled closer to her hysterical friend. "Dash...y-y-you're going...nuts!" Derpy exclaimed, before closing her eyes and laying her head down on her shoulder. Fluttershy smiled at them.

"Aw...hic you two a-are...c-cute...hic." She said.

"Hey..." Dash blushed. "I-I'm not...cute hic." She looked away, seemingly embarrassed.

"Aw...come on..." Derpy looked straight into her eyes. "D-Don't you think...that w-we could be, a...hic...cute l-little...p-pair?" She asked.

"I...I-I guess..." Rainbow stuttered.

Derpy slowly leaned her face in, smiling, and kissed the blue Pegasus on the lips, slowly and passionately. Dash was expecting it...somewhat,. She closed her eyes, embracing the kiss, adding a little tongue to the mix, increasing the passion.

"Ooooooo...Dash and Derpy a-are getting frisky now..." Applejack remarked, smirking.

"Oh...oh my..." Fluttershy blushed, watching the tongue dance in the hay.

After nearly a minute of rolling in the hay, they finally pulled away, smiling and panting lightly. The stared at each other for a moment, until Dash smirked and said;

"Y-You taste like...c-cider." She chuckled.

Derpy smiled. "S-So do you!" They laughed. Applejack smiled. Fluttershy sighed, holding her head.

Derpy sighed and nuzzled herself into Dashes fur.

"Did...d-did she just pass out?" Applejack asked.

"M-Maybe...Y-Yeah...I think s-so..." Dash said, lying her head down on the hay.

Applejack sighed. Time to wrap this party up. She stood up, nearly stumbling, and walked over to Dash. Fluttershy also stood up.


"Yes sugar cube?"

"I...I don't...f-feel--" She suddenly fell forward into Applejack, nearly knocking her off her hooves.

"Whoa, hey there...you feelin' alright s-sugar cube?" She asked.

"Mhhhh...I-I feel...dizzy..." She closed her eyes and groaned.

"Here, here...come on, let's get you to a bed..." She led her to the back off the barn, where four small beds awaited the tired fillies.

"Oh...wow...t-thank you..." She led her to a bed, and Fluttershy nearly fell over from dizziness. Applejack carefully laid her down, putting the covers over her soft body.

"Mhhh...thank you...AJ..." She shifted and smiled from the soft feeling. Applejack looked on at her still body.

Ah...ah just realized how...cute she is...oh, what am I thinking? She shook her head and walked off. She reached the two night-time lovers on the ground, smirking and snickering at their position.

Rainbow lifted her head a bit. She spotted AJ above her, and she smiled.

"H...Hey, A-Apple-hic--jack. How...h-how are y-y-you d-doin'?" She asked in her drunken tone.

"Ah'm quite fine, thank you." She raised an eyebrow at her. "However, y-you yourself there ain't lookin' so hot. Come on...you should get some sleep--"

"Wha? S-Sleep? hic, hic no way A-AJ! I'm..." She took a breath. "I-I'm perfectly...o-ok..." Her head slumped back. Applejack shook her head disapprovingly.

"Come on Rainbow...you're drunk..." She smirked.

"I'm n-not druhnk!" She slurred. "I'm not...drunk, A-Ahpplejack..." She tried raising a hoof, but she couldn't. AJ shrugged.

"Whatever. I'll be back in a second, after I take h-her..." She picked Derpy up and slung her gently over her back. She led her to the same set of beds that Fluttershy was already in, and laid her gently on one of them. It was amazing how quickly she passed out. One moment, she was tongue dancing with Rainbow Dash, the next moment, she was out cold. She sighed in her sleep, nuzzling herself into the soft fabric. Applejack also thought she looked cute as hell right now, but she shook the thought away. She walked back over to Dash, shaking her head as she approached the drunk, blue Pegasus.

"Dash, come on. You're drunk. You need your rest."

"I'm...not...d-drunk!" She tried standing up, but she immediately fell on her face, her flank in the air.

She looked up at AJ, who was looking down at her.

"Okay...m-maybe...I'm a little...tipsy b-but..."

AJ rolled her eyes. "Come on..." She grabbed her friend, who tried to resist, but she was so drunk and uncoordinated that she couldn't stop her. She led her to the same beds, and let her fall into it.

"Ahhhh..." She sighed.

"See? Not so bad, is it?" Applejack asked.

She nodded slowly in response. Maybe she was finally done talking for today. Applejack looked down for a second, but back to her friend.

"And...since you probably won't remember any of this tomorrow...I might as well do this..."

Applejack surprised her by planting a kiss on her lips. Dashes eyes opened wider than they had tonight. This really caught her off guard! It didn't last long, for she ended it a second later, leaving the drunk Pegasus flustered and slightly unsatisfied.

AJ licked her lips. "Mmm...Derpy was right...you do taste like cider." She smirked at her, flicking her tongue sensually.

Dash only stared, but then laid back down a moment later, sighing, closing her eyes. She passed out lest than a minute later.

AJ smiled at her sleeping figure. It was almost crazy to think how much that Pegasus had been through tonight. She revealed a lot with her one steamy story, and then when Derpy kissed her, well...that's when things really kicked off! It was...so fun though, and it looks as though they had a pretty good time as well. Now, the hard part is to come; hiding the barrel again and making it seem like they never had about...20 cups of alcoholic cider. The strong scent was still in the air too...which would pose another problem. That scent though, is what started this party, and also, what ends it.