> When the hunter becomes the hunted > by Yoni > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > An unexpected wake up call > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is nothing quite like the feeling of waking up naturally. No pesky alarm clocks, no obligations, and no important events that preoccupy the mind and stir you awake. And the holy reason why is because today was sweet, blessed and welcomed Luna-given Saturday night, the most joyful of nights and the best one in your opinion by far. Just the feeling of waking up without having to get up immediately makes you smile sleepily. You snuggle deeper into your extra comfy blanket as a content sigh escapes your lips. Usually, you would have to wake up extremely early in the evening to see if you caught any prey in one of the many traps you have set around the Everfree. Then, you would have to carry said prey and drag it across the hostile forest all the way to your hut and skin it, leaving the clean hide in the sun while making sure every piece of meat is used. Living alone in the middle of nowhere can be tough, but it also keeps you on your hooves at all times. Once the meat has been used, either for immediate food or preserved for the harsh, uncontrolled winter of the Everfree, you take the dried skin off the rack and make all manner of furred and leather products, which in turn are sold for a hefty fee near one of the many thestral colonies surrounding the area. Your hut is not big by a long shot. The best way to describe it would be cozy. Most of the walls are covered with furs and hides to prevent cold from seeping through the simple logs that made said walls. The kitchen is basically a bunch of simple tools around an isolated fire pit which serves both to cook your food as well as to keep the house warm, it is also the only source of light you possess. There is a trap door in the far corner of the room leading down to the refrigerator, which is basically a basement. It is enchanted so that it always remains cold. That way, you can keep the meat fresh for long periods of time. There are no windows in the hut, nor does it have a front porch outside. Those kinds of luxuries are not worth the time, money, or energy. You are not poor, but you are far from being wealthy. This lifestyle suits you rather nicely, despite having to work your flank off almost every night of the week. But Saturdays nights are different. Saturdays nights are nights in which most activities around the colonies are at its lowest, which means it usually does not worth the trip to sell your products. Being a thestral yourself makes the hunting and gutting your prey much easier. Being born as a natural hunter with keen senses often makes the thestrals prime candidates for enlisting the royal guard, and even though being a soldier does has a certain appeal to it, it cannot compare to the thrill of the hunt. You turn around in your amazingly comfortable bed and move your head across the furry surface of your pillow. Yes, there is nothing better than to simply take it easy, sleep as much as you want, and just let the mind drift- Wait a minute! You do not have a furry pillow! Slowly opening your eyes, you try to understand what you are seeing in front of you, which by the feel of it, was a massive bulge of black fur, the blackest you have ever seen. And judging by the slow rise and fall of said bulge, as well as the odd heat it emanated, you can safely conclude that there is something alive with you in your bed. So, being the rational, calm, collective, and totally reasonable stallion that you are… you scream like a little filly as you fall off your bed. Luckily for you, your 'bed' was nothing more than a bunch of furs laid out on the floor, so there is not a lot of a height difference between the bed and the surface. You clamp your mouth shut, realizing that waking up whatever beast from the Everfree that have somewhat wandered into your bed is not the best of ideas. You slowly hyperventilate as the furry bulge shifts and flails its hooves to better grip the blanket and wrap it around itself. You heave a sigh of relief as it dawns to you that whatever have invaded your bed is a pony, and not some mindless beast that would have killed you without a second thought. Still, you now have an uninvited guest in your home, though why it chose to sleep next to you is beyond your understanding. You shakily rise to your hooves and ever so slowly make your way towards your bed to have a better view at your guest. The mass of fur was only partially concealed by your blanket, so you just about manage to take a small glimpse at the pony. At first glance, you manage to deduce that the pony was actually a mare, a big mare. Not big as in 'fat', but big as in… well… big. She was more close to the size of a Saddle Arabian than an Equestrian pony. Another odd thing about her was her absurdly long horn. Usually, a unicorn's horn is only half the length of his or her head, but the mare in your bed has a long and spikey horn that is at least double the length of a normal pony's head. The mare shifts again, and in doing so revealing a set of wings so long, that her wing span is probably longer than your hut from one end to another. Wait! Only alicorns possess both wings and horns, and that pony is unlike Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, or even Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. The only other alicorn you know that fits this mare's description is… A cold chill goes up your spine and along the rest of your body as you recognize the familiar features of the alicorn in front of you. It was the same alicorn that promised eternal night, the same alicorn that got trapped in the moon for a thousand years. And that same alicorn was sleeping in your bed. The last bits of your sanity finally crumble as you begin to cackle. At first it was subtle enough, but as time passes, the louder your chortle becomes. You laugh like a madpony, completely unaware of the shifting on your bed. All you can do is lie on your floor, holding your hind legs close to your barrel, and rock back and forth. It was not until you are physically unable to move that you regain your senses. You can feel something breathing down on your neck as you are being magically lifted from the ground. A moment later, you are face to face with two turquoise eyes glaring directly into your soul and freezing you to your very core. Nightmare Moon. "Why did you leave?" she asks coldly. "W-what…" you manage to stutter. "Why did you leave the bed? Or do we have to repeat ourselves a third time?" At this point, there is only one coherent thought that you can come up with. "What?" Nightmare Moon growls as you feel yourself being magically yanked from your spot in mid-air and drifting towards your bed. Nightmare crawls back into the warm blanket and you feel yourself being drawn to the free space left on the bed. Once on the makeshift mattress, the magic that holds you in place ceases, only to be replaced by four strong hooves wrapping around your form and bringing you closer to the alicorn in your bed. You try to say something, to protest, to cry for help, to yell. But your voice is being effectively muffled by the furry chest you are being pressed into. You can hear Nightmare Moon sigh contently as she nuzzles the top of your head and magically lifting the blanket to cover the both of you, though because you are on par with Nightmare's chest, the blanket covers you completely and all you can see is darkness. "Hmm, so soft," Nightmare purrs. Soon, the close proximity starts to affect your senses. Your blanket was thin so you cannot really choke. No, it was the smell. Being a thestral, your sense of smell is highly developed, as well as your hearing, and what you currently smell is heavenly, roses with a hint of vanilla. Another thing you notice is Nightmare's breathing. It was constant and stable. You can feel her the rise and fall of her chest as well, not to mention the heat from being pressed against another living being. All those factors, combining with the fact that you are in bed with not just any mare, but Nightmare Moon herself, is causing a very startling reaction on your part. You can feel yourself getting excited by the second. Being physically embraced with Nightmare Moon makes your mind conjure up some very lewd thoughts. It does not help that she shifts ever so often and rubbing certain parts in your body. Soon, a much neglected part of your body is being persuaded out of his hiding hole as it becomes larger and firmer. It was just a matter of time until Nightmare realizes that there is a certain part in her cuddle teddy that was not quite so sleepy. She rubs it a few more times with her inner thighs. Her suspicions are being proven correctly when a long muffled groan is heard from you. Nightmare groans as she realizes that in your state of mind, sleep might not claim her easily. So, she decides there is only one way to shut you up. With a sudden yank, the blanket is being shoved away from the bed, leaving your stallionhood exposed to the warm air. Still trapped within Nightmare's clutches, you can do nothing as Nightmare deliberately rubs her inner thighs along your shaft in slow and gentle movements. You can feel yourself rub against something warm that turns moist the more you grind against it. You can feel Nightmare's breathing quickens as she tightens her grip around you, making each caress that more pleasurable. Suddenly, Nightmare stops her constant rubbing and instead opts to dry humping you. You can feel her wet lower regions with each contact of her pelvis with yours. The scent of roses and vanilla is getting stronger as well, clouding your mind and blurs your judgment. You are no longer pony as you mindlessly hump back, increasing the pleasure from the friction and causing you both to moan in pleasure. You try to shift your gaze upwards, seeing if what you are doing is affecting Nightmare in any way. Unfortunately, her grip is stronger than you initially thought. Your head is firmly locked in place. A small part of your mind starts to panic at the loss of sight. Being a thestral, sight was always a bit problematic. Unlike common belief, thestral see just as bad as any other ponies, so not being able to see entirely sends chills down your spine. But the larger part of your mind, currently controlled by your libido, finds the situation of complete helplessness arousing, suddenly becoming the prey rather than the predator. Nightmare stops abruptly and moans lustfully directly into your sensitive ears. A torrent of fluids rushes from deep inside Nightmare and coats your shaft with it. The smell of roses and vanilla is now stronger tenfold, further fueling your lust. It does not take long for Nightmare to realize that in her attempt to exhaust you, she involuntarily made herself a bit excited herself. With a groan, she rises from her place in the bed, startling you in the process, turns around, straddling your form, and promptly sits on your face. "Look at what you have done, peasant! Now satisfy your princess so she may go to sleep already. Lick!" You do not need a repeat this time round as your mind is now running solely on pure animalistic instincts. Your muzzle is already soaked from being shoved between the princess' moist thighs so all you can do really is open your mouth and bring your long thestral tongue into the play field. Your eyes widen when the first taste of Nightmare's fluids invade your mouth. Unlike her scent, the taste of her mare cum is totally different, sweet, but not overly so, with a bit of tanginess. It was like drinking nectar, and you cannot have enough. You close your eyes and within no time at all, you move your tongue all over Nightmare's outer lips and inside on them, lapping at Nightmare's cunt like it was the tastiest of lollipops and finally settling on sucking on it. And speaking of lollipops, Nightmare just found her to suck on. She first gives you a long and prolonged lick from the base of your shaft all the way up, giving the top a kiss that sends electrical bolts up your spine. She then uses her freakishly long tongue to reach for your testicles and fondle with them. You moan straight into Nightmare's clit, making her moan as well, the vibration travels up your spine and causes you to shiver in delight. You reopen your eyes and set your sights upon Nightmare's other hole, just inches away from you. You do not know why, but the thought of exploring it as well turns you on. You release Nightmare's nub with an audible 'pop' and move your tongue all the way up towards her other entrance. You slowly lick around the hole before promptly shoving the entirety of your tongue into her. You can hear a large intake of air followed immediately by Nightmare's loudest moan yet, right on the verge of screaming. She turns her head towards you and glaring at you. "Next time you pull a stunt like that you will ask for permission, are we understood, subject!" You nod eagerly while your tongue still deep inside of Nightmare. Not wanting to be outdone by a peasant, Nightmare opens her mouth wide and descends upon you. The sudden mix of warmness and tightness around you lower half almost pushes you over the edge. Only by sheer willpower did you manage to contain yourself. You return to your frantic licking and prodding, too overwhelmed by the taste and scent to think coherently. It does not help that Nightmare sucks on you like her life depends on it. As you tend to the space between Nightmare's ass and cunt, you try to move your head to have a better view on what Nightmare is doing. Sensing your curiosity, Nightmare chuckles and rises on all hooves ever so slowly. Your tongue, still inside her ass, slowly slides outside from her hole as she rises to her full height. Nightmare then turns around and positions herself between your hind legs, looking at you with her piercing gaze. Without missing a beat, Nightmare is back to sucking on your rod, only this time, she keeps constant eye contact with you while making exaggerated slurping sounds. She moves up, and then down in a steady rhythm. Her mouth is heavenly. It is soft and tight and welcoming and warm. You mind goes absolutely crazy as the mare bobs her head frantically. She then released your stallionhood from her mouth and say simply and sultry, "Come for me, now!" That was the last straw as you feel a familiar pressure move across your shaft and bursts forth from the tip, covering Nightmare Moon's face with thick white ropes of goo. Her mouth is wide open despite the fact that most of the cum lands all across her muzzle and chest. Once the raging torrent subsides, Nightmare plunges again in an attempt to suck whatever might still be inside of you. Once satisfied, Nightmare uses her long tongue to get the rest of the cum that missed her mouth. She then opens her mouth wide open while playing with the cum inside of her mouth before closing it shut and gulping mouthful after mouthful of cum. You can see a bulge going down her swan like neck before she settles again next to you on the bed and latches onto you. "Now that we are satisfied, we will not tolerate any more interruptions," she declares. Finally, after probably having the greatest orgasm in your life, you truly understand the consequences of what you just did. 'I... just had sex with Nightmare Moon…' > A romp in the lake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You lay in your bed, unable to move due to a certain alicorn goddess. It is now ten PM, and even though you would like nothing more than to get up from bed, you cannot. You simply stare at the roof of your hut, your eye occasionally twitches. You squirm in your place, trying to find a more comfortable position, but your mind does not seem to cooperate. Instead it prefers to recall back the events from earlier. You try to shake the feelings away. You try to focus on other things, like hunting and skinning. But each and every time your mind pulls you back to Nightmare Moon. You wiggle a few more times, trying to escape the iron like grip of the dark mare. For a moment, you manage to slip a few inches and are about to fully escape your bed. But then Nightmare repositions herself and she now partially on top of you. Now not only you cannot move completely, you are also stuck in the least comfortable position. Luckily for you, it seems that your constant movement is waking up Nightmare Moon. So with a few more wiggles, you manage to fully awaken her, which –for some reason- you now find less than ideal. Nightmare yawns, and since she right on top of you, you get the front seat rows to be caught in her morning breath, which oddly resembled morning dew and a bit of sweetness. She then smacks her lips together and catches you off guard as she kisses you full on the lips. You cannot hold back the moan as you are assaulted by the alicorn princess. You are not even sure if this is considered rape. It is not like you are approving any of this, but you are not against it either. Her gentle force surprises you as Nightmare is far less aggressive than earlier today. Her surprisingly tender lips press softly against yours. Her tongue is swirling around your teeth, begging for entrance, and in your lust addled mind, you oblige. The two of you slowly make-out together as Nightmare's ethereal mane slowly caresses your cheeks. Her body presses firmly across your form, trapping you under her. And now that your tongues are intertwined, you can also taste something sweet. Was it her saliva! You quickly become addicted to it as you force your head against hers, deepening the kiss and making the two of you moan in lust and ecstasy. Your hooves instinctively wrap around Nightmare's neck as you pull her that much closer. Your small make-out session is cut short when Nightmare Moon removes her lips from yours and slowly rising on all four. "Bathroom," she murmurs sleepily. "Ah… what?" "It is too early for us to play thou stupid games, peasant. Whither is the privy?" It takes your brain a few seconds to fully comprehend what Nightmare said. "Oh, I don't have a restroom, at least not in the common sense of the word." "Then what do ye have in thy possession?" Nightmare asks, sounding more irritated by the second. "There's a pond a short walk to the north, I usually take a few necessities and go there." Nightmare sighs and moves towards the exit. "What a barbaric way of living, We cannot believe that out of all the peasants We have chosen thee…" she grumbles. But before you can inquire what Nightmare meant by choosing you, she already left. Realizing you are still in your bed, which by the way is covered in bodily fluids, you hop to your hooves and scramble towards a small cabinet near the bed. Inside it, there is a small collection of different assortments for your morning rituals, such as homemade toilet paper, a cheap comb, a sponge, different soaps, a toothbrush and toothpaste made by you. It contains a few different herbs and spring water. Your teeth must be at your best after all. Taking the contents of the cabinet and placing them inside a small basket, you follow Nightmare's example and take the small journey towards the pond up north. On your way there, you manage to detect Nightmare's scent. You know it is her scent because you are familiar with every other scent in the forest. Not to mention your tiny hut reeks of it. You shake your head and decide to focus on the forest instead. It is the start of a new night, and the forest is coming to life. Different nocturnal animals step out of their holes to greet you. None of them is naturally friendly, but you earned their respect. Mushrooms glow in the dark and illuminate the forest's floor with different shades of blue and green, some glowing moss also grows in these parts of the forest. You can detect a few tree nymphs peering behind their trees at you, diving behind them and giggling each time you focus on one. A few brave nymphs even go as far as to wave at you, and you wave back. You learned long time ago that if you respect the forest, it will respect you in kind. Unlike what most ponies believe, the Everfree forest is just as magical as any other place in Equestria. You can smell its breathing with each step of your hooves. You can feel its heart beat with each pulsating second. You can hear its soft melody with each flick of your ears. Yes, the Everfree forest truly comes to life during the night, and in more ways than one. Arriving at the pond, you already notice Nightmare at the center. The silvery rays of the moon manage to penetrate the thin canopy of leaves from above, outlining Nightmare's figure and making her appear radiant. She is using her hooves to slowly draw circles on her flank. You cannot help but focusing on her round, well-toned plot. It is like you are in a trance. You shake your head to the sides and tear your gaze from the undeniably beautiful goddess. You find a relatively secluded part near the water's edge and begin your nightly rituals. After concluding your business behind a nearby bush and making sure your teeth are sparkling clean, you submerge yourself into the pond, sighing as the stress seemingly washes away together with the filth and dirt. As you are about to reach for your soap, you feel a hoof slowly going from the base of your neck all the way across your spine. You spin around, only to be met by a wall of black fur. You feel your heart race as a hoof reaches for your chin and slowly lifts your head to meet two turquoise orbs. "We require for ye to wash us, peasant. Our hooves are not enough to rinse away the grime." You gulp hard, swallowing the sudden urge to say 'what' as well. You shakily nod your head. Pleased with your quick understanding, Nightmare turns around enough so her entire right side of her slim body is facing you. Not waiting for her to lose her patience, you take the sponge and the soap from the basket and start scrubbing. You only just started and already you can tell that there is nothing to scrub. Her coat, as far as you can tell, is already at top condition. You prepare to move someplace else since there is really no reason for you to keep scrubbing, but a grunt from Nightmare is all the warning the you need to not do it again, if she says scrub, you better damn scrub. So you continue scrubbing. You move slowly and gently across the exquisite coat of Nightmare Moon. You make sure to wash each area of her right side at least twice. You do not want to anger Nightmare Moon again. You prepare to scrub her side a third time, but Nightmare appears to have other plans in mind. She turns slightly, and in doing so she reveals her flank to your direction. Her transparent tail leaves you with an unobstructed view of her glistening marehood. Very slowly, you move the sponge towards the princess, and ever so gently move it in circular motions across her flanks. Nightmare coos in satisfaction and shifts her weight back, leaning to your touch. The fact that your face is on par with her marehood does not help your concentration at all. You finish with Nightmare's flanks and move across her inner thighs slowly. There is a tiny splash near you and you turn your gaze towards it to see what it is. It is a fish. A big… Juicy… Succulent… Mouthwatering… Tasty fish. You lick your lips in anticipation as you remember that you have not yet eaten breakfast. A sudden moan from Nightmare is causing you to jerk your head towards her again, and what you see causes your blood to freeze. You accidentally brushed the sponge across her clit! "Somepony is eager this morning," Nightmare coos as she moves her thighs back and forth, further stimulating her cunt while you stand there, stunned and slightly aroused, much to your dismay. You jerk backwards and promptly fall into the shallow waters. Your whole body is submerged except for your raging stallionhood. Your eyesight is distorted thanks to the water but you can vaguely see a black blob looming over you. A second later you feel something warm and moist clamp over your stallionhood, a slimy appendage snakes across the head as it licks at your member with vigor. A second later, the warm and wet sensation gradually engulfs the rest of your pride as you instinctively move your hips forward. You almost cum then and there as the slimy appendage start to stroke your balls while the soft pair of lips moves up and down. You stifle a moan and try to crawl away from the maddening sensation, only to be pinned into place by a black hoof pressing strongly, yet gently, on your chest. The sensations increase tenfold as your shaft is being sucked for all its worth. You can feel vibrations from the hungry maw as it swallows you whole, powerful and skilled throat muscles contract and relax around you. You cannot contain yourself any longer as you moan into the water. Bubbles rise from your mouth and float to the surface of the pond. Only when the last bubble goes 'bloop' do you realize that you are slowly suffocating. You try to swim back to the surface, hooves flailing and wings flaring, but nothing seems to break the mare's grip on your chest. Just before you succumb to unconsciousness, you feel a sudden gust of cold upon your stallionhood and then come the most surprising sensation thus far. Two powerful lips eagerly lock with yours as a slippery tongue none too gently invade your mouth. An abrupt intake of air rushes past your mouth and into your lungs, filling you with much needed oxygen. And just as quickly as the kiss started, it ended. At first you thought it was over, but then a different sensation encased your stallionhood. This feeling was moist too, but far hotter and with incomparable tightness. Again, your breath was taken away from you, causing you to jerk underwater. The black mass above you shifts and you can feel the same pair of plush lips press against yours and giving you oxygen. The pressure on your shaft changes as you can feel the mare above you slowly lifting herself, and when just the tip remains inside her sacred temple, she drops back down. The sudden movement of her innermost muscles working over your shaft is nothing short of euphoric. The way she moves her hips up and down is addictive. The sense of brief cold, immediately followed by a searing hotness that accompanies each thrust is pure bliss. And just as you are about to suffocate each time you ran out of air, Nightmare presses her lips against yours and pumping air to your lungs. Each thrust plants your backside deeper into the bottom of the shallow lake as your stallionhood is being used to completely fill the mare above you. You can hear her moan now, even though submerged. She must be pretty damn load then. You almost completely lose your mind as a familiar pressure builds in the base of your shaft. You start thrusting your hips up instinctively as a result, faster and faster with each passing second. The moans above you become loader as a result and they in turn spur you even forward until you cannot keep up any longer. You scream into the water as you experience a mind wrecking orgasm the likes you have never felt before. Thick strands of sticky goodness gush into the tight mare above you. Her muscles contract around your shaft, sucking your balls dry. This sensation alone is enough to cause your shaft to spasm. Finally, the weight above you is lifted and you are able to resurface. You gasp once you break the surface of the lake, realizing that you stayed underwater for at least five minutes since the last time Nightmare gave you air. You move your eyes across the pond, searching for any signs of Nightmare. You see her lying on the grass next to the lake. Her face is tinted red with blush. Her chest rises and falls rapidly, and her tight cunt is constantly leaking a steady stream of your seed. You do not know whether to feel proud, or terrified. What if you accidentally impregnated her? What will happen to the foal? Can you even raise a foal with Nightmare Moon? And why are you even thinking about raising a foal with Nightmare Moon?! Then it hits you. What if this was not Nightmare Moon? What if this is an imposter trying to gain free fucks from you? It would be a cold day in Tartarus before Nightmare Moon, the mare who tried to make the night last forever, would steep so low as to have sexual engagement with the likes of you. Finally, Nightmare rises on all fours and looks at you, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Well? Art thou going to stand there all day, or art thou going to help us dry ourselves?" That does it! Whoever that imposter is, it cannot be Nightmare Moon. "N-No!" you proclaim. Your hooves shake slightly in their place. Nightmare takes a step back, her eyes wide and her mouth agape. She was not expecting that response from you. Nevertheless, once the initial shock wears off, her mouth closes with an audible 'snap' and her eyes narrow into tiny slits. "What… did thou just said?!" She says in a dangerously low voice, a small growl can be heard from the base of her throat. "I-I said no. You c-can stick your request s-s-straight up your plot hole!" you utter. Your hooves are now shaking violently, making ripples across the water surface. Nightmare lowers her head as she exposes her teeth. "Let me break it down to you, peasant!" she spats as she closes the distance between you, forsaking her old language in the process. "You are mine and mine alone. If we tell you to jump, you ask 'how high'. If I tell you to dry me off, you make damn sure that every single hair on my body is water-free. And if I tell you to rut me silly, you place your dick into my cunt until your balls shrivel and drop!" You are now in full panic mode as Nightmare touches your nose with hers. You can feel her hot breath across your face as you are about to shit bricks. Throwing caution to the wind, you move back in order to put some distance between you and glare at Nightmare right back. You are royally screwed either way so why the heck not. "Oh yeah! Well you can take your hunted, thousand years old vagina and bite me, because there's no way, no how I'm continuing with this ridiculous situation. You want to fuck, buy yourself a bucking dildo you… you… you hag!" "That does it!" Nightmare charges her horn as the air around you suddenly smells of ozone. You hear a small crackle and just barely leap into the air before the water is struck by a lightning bolt. Your wings flap steadily but your mind screams at you. Before you can register what happens next, Nightmare spreads her wings and leaps straight at you. You manage to dodge the spear- like horn of the crazy alicorn before picking a random direction and zip past the trees. You hear her roar behind you, the noise spurs you even further. It's the fastest you have ever flown. A tree to your right is singed to a pile of ash as you double your efforts. You bank to the left and then immediately to the right, trying to shake Nightmare off your tail. Unfortunately, she's got quicker reflexes than you originally thought, and she was not fazed by your quick turns. You begin to sweat as you feel her breath on your neck. The sounds of powerful wings penetrate your ears and make you slightly whimper. Something catches your eye as you zip past the forest: An especially dense line of trees stands in your way. There's no way around it, and the only passage is a small hole, just barely big enough for a pony your size to fly through. You give another powerful flap and aim for the hole in the bark. Nightmare seems to realize your plans as well, seeing as she's firing more spells at you. You dive as a thunderbolt misses your head by mere inches. You fly close to the ground, your wings create a cloud of dust in your wake. You use the momentarily distraction to aim straight at the hole. You fold your wings to your sides at the last second, and shoot like a bolt through the hole as small pieces of wood scrape against your sides and cut across your body. You land unceremoniously on the other side of the wall of trees but you wait naught for Nightmare to blast her way through it as you pick yourself up and spread your wings. The look of pure horror and confusion crosses your face when you land straight on your muzzle instead of flying. You look back at your wings and curse silently. The membrane between your thin fingers was tattered in some places, rendering your wings useless. You feel your blood run cold when you feel a large rumble from behind you. You scramble back to your hooves and start running instead. Despite what urban legends and myths span around thestrals say, you do not, nor do any other thestral, have good eyesight. It does not matter if it's day or night. Your eyesight is just as good as any other pony, so running at full speed inside the Everfree at night is not preferable. Using echolocation is almost useless as well. By the time you emit ultrasonic sounds and 'see' the general layout of your immediate vicinity, you already zip past it to put as much distance between you and Nightmare. Luckily, you had one advantage over Nightmare. You knew this place like the back of your hoof. You run aimlessly until you spot a landmark. It was a taller than usual tree with a thick bark, darker leafs and a heavy fruity scent coming from the tree. You smirk internally as you draw nearer. Only when you are practically hugging the tree you can see a small, barely visible hovel near the bark. Quickly, you dive straight into the hovel, praying that Nightmare won't be able to detect you. "The tree should mask my scent," you mutter, trying to calm your nerves. "I hope…" Minutes turn into hours and still no sign of Nightmare. The forest is deathly quiet as the wind stops howling. You remained in the hovel for all this time, not moving in the slightest and keeping both ears at high alert. It seems that the quietness only served to stress you even further. At least when you heard Nightmare during the chase you knew where she was, even if it she was just behind you, but now, with no voice to be heard and no sound to detect, it feels like you are being watched. You know something is out there. You know Nightmare is out there. But you can't bring yourself to move a single muscle. Your heart, despite being still for so long, was still beating rather fast for your liking. You almost yelp in surprise and shock when you hear the rustling of leafs nearby. Your breathing comes to a stop as you your gaze lands upon the source of the noise. A few bushes straight ahead of you were moving. Something was coming this way. You feel your blood run cold and your body turn rigid as you focus every bit of attention towards the bushes. You almost scream when you see Nightmare Moon emerging from the shrubbery, the only thing stopping you was her look. She was breathing heavily. Her wings drape across the ground. Her fur is matted with dirt and scratches. Her mane, once wispy and ethereal, is now limp. Her eyes are no longer filled with hate but concern, rather. A few dry trails of tears glisten to the moon's silvery glow. Every few seconds her voice would hitch, like she was about to start crying again. "Where are you?" she barely whispers. Her once demanding and terror inducing tone was now pleading and desperate. "Please… come back to me…" She takes a few more steps before her legs betray her and she collapses to the hard, unforgiving ground. Her heavy breathing turns labored as fresh tears flow down her cheeks. She gives one last desperate whimper before falling unconscious. You just stand there, unable to understand what you are seeing. If she was a fake Nightmare Moon, she just sealed the deal. There is just no way the real Nightmare moon would act like this. And yet, the look of pure helplessness on her face can't be a fake, can it? Nightmare Moon was renowned for her tricks and the manipulation of matter, so it won't surprise you that it was just a ruse to lure you out of hiding so she could exact her revenge upon your mortal soul. So being the rational, level headed thestral that you are. You chose the obvious, reasonable, and completely safe tactic. You come out of hiding and approach the downed Nightmare Moon. Despite your brain trying to tell you it was all an act, and that Nightmare would spring into action at any second now, nothing happens. Nightmare Moon stays down. The only sign that she is still alive is the very slow rise and fall of her chest. As you draw near, you notice that her body is slightly transparent. She looks weak, and pathetic. It's like a shroud of fear that was constantly wrapped around her have disappeared. She does not look like the scary monster the stories always tell. Slowly, you take another careful step towards her. You are now right above her. You extend your hoof forward and slowly, carefully nudge her once. She does not respond, but you do notice something. The patch on Nightmare's body you touched with your hoof turns more vivid to look at. It was, however, quickly becoming transparent the second you remove your hoof from her. Bit by bit, you step backwards as quiet as possible. Once you make sure you are out of hearing distance, you turn tail and walk away. "Phew… I got away from… her…" You gently crane your head to gaze back at Nightmare as questions fill your head. Is it the right thing to do? Will Nightmare just wake up and resume the hunt? Can you leave her behind?" Sighing in defeat, you shake your head. "No… it would be wrong of me…" Begrudgingly, you turn and go back to where Nightmare Moon still lies unconscious. You gently pick her up and place her on your back. Once you make sure she won't fall off, you start the long trek back to your home. "I just know it's going to bite me in the flank in the end..." > The truth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightmare Moon groans as she tries to find a comfortable position. Memories of the chase are still vivid in her mind, but everything beyond that is just a painful blur. Nightmare turns, sighing in contempt as she finds solace in the fact that she was comfortable, warm, and… wait what! Faster than a rabbit during mating season, Nightmare Moon rises from where she is laying. A quick scan of her surroundings confirms her suspicions. She was back in your shack. It is, however, that very fact that confuses her. Why was she is back in your shack in the first place? She may not remember what happened before falling unconscious, but she is pretty sure it was not near this place. Trying to get up from bed proves to be futile. The bed feels heavenly, despite being nothing but a bunch of furs and sheets on the ground. And even if she wanted to get up, Nightmare is too weak to even lift the blankets off of her. A moment later Nightmare notices a new thing. Something was cooking and smelling D-E-L-elicious. Only now does Nightmare realizes just how hungry she is. She did not eat for what felt like forever, and whatever is cooking inside the cooking pot makes her mouth to water. Nightmare tries using her magic to levitate the cooking pot over to her, but her horn does nothing more than sputtering a few light blue sparks. Huffing in agitation, Nightmare rests her head back on the pillow and mutters to herself. Not noticing the creaking of the door. You enter as quiet as possible to your shack, afraid to wake up Nightmare Moon. You cross the room silently and check the cooking pot above the gentle flames. It seems that the rabbit stew is coming along nicely, only a few more minutes and it would be complete. You crane your head towards the saddle bag on your left and extract a few herbs and spices to add a bit more flavor to the stew. You make sure that all the ingredients are mixed properly before putting out the flames. All the is left now is to wait for the stew to cool down before it is- "You're here." You let out high-pitched squeak as you jump in your place, spin in mid-air, attach to the ceiling, arch your back, and hiss in the direction that the voice comes from. All without realizing you are doing it. Nightmares looks at you with wide eyes while doing a pretty convincing imitation of a fish. When words finally form in her head again, she speaks up, "Get down from there, you look silly." You comply almost automatically, rubbing the back of your head and looking away from Nightmare. "Umm, sorry." Nightmare looks at you for a few more moments before she sighs. "It's fine, just… come over here… I-I mean- thine master commands you!" You are about to say 'no', about to tell her to go screw herself, but the look in her eyes… it give you pause. Something about her seems so different now. Nightmare Moon is suddenly not so scary anymore. In fact, you actually find yourself feeling like you have the upper hoof. You slowly approach the mare, looking for any signs of malice in her eyes, which avoided your gaze, until you are right next to her, sitting on your rump. She lays her head back on the pillow, releasing a gasp of air from her lungs, as if holding her head upright was tiresome. She wiggles herself closer to you until she reaches to the base of your hooves. She then uses her own hooves to weakly latch onto then. You look down at the tired mare, not sure what to do. You lift a hoof and gently stroke Nightmare behind the ears. She responds in kind by closing her eyes and tilting her head, giving you greater access. You notice that her fur where you are touching her is slightly changing. It becomes more vibrant. "Umm… Nightmare?" "Hmm?" "What are you doing?" you ask. Nightmare opens her eyes and raises them to look at you. She looks a lot less tired now, and her eyes seem to be more focused. She wiggles in the bed again, moving away and offering you a place next to her. "I'll explain everything, just please, lay next to me… I… need it." You are not sure how to respond to that. It was only a day ago that Nightmare was chasing you through the forest and firing spells at you. And here she is, looking submissive as ever. You are not sure what forces compel you to do it, but you obey the mare's wishes nonetheless, moving into your bed. Almost immediately, Nightmare latches onto you completely. She closes her eyes as she nuzzles your body. Being so close to Nightmare, you definitely notice a change in her body. When you carried her back to your shack, her fur was transparent and dull, and her mane was like a heavy fog, falling on the ground. But when she touches you, her fur turns to its once beautiful, healthy shade of black, and her mane is also turns more active and 'floaty'. A few more minutes of tense silence pass before you dare open your mouth. "So… about that explanation…" Nightmare opens her eyes and for a fraction of a second, you can see the malice back in her eyes, but it soon vanishes as she blinks and releases a sign. "I was afraid of this," she says, pausing to collect her thoughts. "Tell me, what do you know about me, about my escape from the moon?" You are caught off guard by this question. Is Nightmare trying to trick you? Her story is not exactly a good one. "W-well," you stutter. "You tried to take over Equestria, b-but the elements of harmony stopped you and… turned you back to Luna?" Instead of the tantrum you expect Nightmare to cause, she instead sighs again and pulling you tighter against her velvety coat. "Is that what ponies are told? That Luna was back? That Nightmare Moon was destroyed? Fools, the lot of them! The elements of harmony did not purge me from Luna, it is not how they work. The elements cannot destroy, they can only fix. When the elements were used against me, I was ripped away from Luna. I'm not the powerful alicorn I was anymore. Instead, the elements wanted to teach me a lesson. They turned me into a leech, a creature that can only live on the back of another. "The elements turned me into a creature similar to those inferior, chitin-covered changelings. I was sentenced to feed on the love of others. But unlike changelings, I had to earn it willingly. "Luckily for me, I found a loophole. Apparently, lust is almost just as fulfilling, and I was able to use what little of my power to disguise myself and mated with different stallions. Unfortunately, lust, although a good temporarily substitution, was not enough, and soon I found myself without the powers to even conceal myself. That's when I found you. "Bat ponies, unlike regular ponies, are much more potent when it comes to… extracting your energy. The shadow essence that naturally formulates in your body makes it easier for me to gain access to your lust, and I was able to gather enough power to keep myself alive a little longer. But when I chased you through the woods, I exhausted almost all of my powers. Even this, just being next to you, is enough to keep me somewhat alive." You stay quiet throughout the entire story, trying to take it all in. So this was the real Nightmare Moon, well, sort of. And as far as you understand, the elements are trying to reform her, despite using somewhat unconventional ways. It was a lot to process, that is for sure, but at least it clears some of the confusion. "So… it was Twilight Sparkle that made you… this?" you ask, not quite sure if that is the best way of phrasing it. But despite that, Nightmare Moon shakes her head. "No. When I said the elements turned me into this I meant the actual elements. Not those idiot fillies. They don't even understand the power that they possess. The elements are alive in a sense, and they are the ones who did this to me without even the element bearers' knowledge." You are now officially confused. So the elements of harmony are trying to reform Nightmare Moon by turning her into a sort of sex leech, and she uses physical contact to keep herself alive. You almost chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Has it not for the fact that Nightmare Moon is nuzzling your entire body you would have thought it was some kind of bad erotica tale. And speaking of erotica, you notice Nightmare is nuzzling more than just your face. One of her hind legs is working on your sheath, encouraging your member to come out of his hiding place. You moan into Nightmare's ears as she slowly massages your hardening member. You part your lips slightly, panting at the growing pleasure. Your eyes widen as Nightmare exploits the opportunity and connect her lips with yours. Her long, forked tongue snakes into your mouth and lays siege against your tongue. The kiss, unlike the previous day, was lustful and needy. Nightmare cups your face and pulls you even closer against her. During all this, Nightmare stopped using her hind leg and instead grinding her eager, soaking wet cunt across your shaft. Her natural fluids drip from your member and unto your pelvis, making your lower half drenched in her mare juices. You moan loudly into Nightmare's mouth, finding the stimulation too amazing to express in mere words. Not that you can speak regardless. Suddenly, Nightmare breaks the kiss. Her face is flush and her panting sends warm air across your face. You do not even care who she is at this point. All your mind can think about is the smoking hot mare in front of you and her needy cunt below you. You shift in bed until you are lying on top of Nightmare. Your member is prodding her hot entrance. You give her one final, meaningful look before you shove your entire length into her. Nightmare throws her head backwards at the sudden move, screaming in pain and delight. Her inner walls work across your member, massaging it and trying to pull it even deeper. You groan as you try to pull your member out from the wet confines of Nightmare's cunt, her muscles try in vain to keep you in. When only your flat head is still inside of her, you shove everything back in again. This time, both of you scream as lightning bolts travels up your spines. You enter a constant rhythm of pounding into Nightmare's cunt. She was far tighter than any mare you have been with before, and the slightly musky smell of your bodily fluids was intoxicating, serving only to fuel your lust and endless libido. Nightmare grabs your shoulders and pulls you in for yet another fierce kiss. You keep thrusting your member into her as you exchange saliva. Her tight hole makes it difficult to concentrate on anything else. She just felt so heavenly. Anything from her hot cunt, to her silky coat, and even her wispy mane were just so wonderful. For the first time since the two of you met, you truly felt attracted to her. You can feel Nightmare's muscles spasm beneath you. Her hind hooves interlock behind your back, keeping you hilted inside of her as more fluids gush out of her needy hole. The clenching of muscles sends you over the edge as well, and you scream to the ceiling above as you paint Nightmare's insides white. You slide off of Nightmare's barrel. Your member exits her tight hole with a 'pop'. A trail of semen pours from Nightmare's cunt as she scoops it with her hoof and licks it clean off. Nightmare makes sure you are watching as she spreads herself on top of your bed and cleans herself up. The erotic display was enough to get your member at full mast again. You feel a tingly sensation travels up your body as Nightmare picks you up with her magic, and pinning you on your back. She stands up and moves to straddle your form, a coy smile works its way on her muzzle. "So… the servant thinks he can defile our body at will, is he? Perhaps a punishment is in order…" She drops herself onto your body and starts grind herself on top of you, her eyes never leave yours as she slowly works her cunt all across your member. You grunt as you feel her hot entrance rub against your overly sensitive head. Nightmare extends her tongue from her mouth and slides across your face. You shudder at the feeling of the wet appendage on your fur, and slowly extend your own tongue. Nightmare coils her tongue around yours before locking lips again, pulling your tongue into her mouth before doing as she pleases with it. Meanwhile, her rubbing down below stopped as she angles herself. Your eyes snap open as she pierces her other hole onto you. Nightmare pulls her head away, smirking. "You think… ahh… a lowly servant such as you… ohh… is worthy of my pussy?!" You can feel her tail hole grip your member like a vice. It is far tighter than her cunt and slightly warmer too. Nightmare charges your lips again as you hilt inside her. She moans into your mouth as she starts moving up and down on your shaft, picking up the speed as time passes. Nightmare breaks the kiss with a gasp. Her wings now fully extended and flap a few times. You place your hooves right on top of Nightmare's cutie marks and shove yourself into her every time she comes down. You grit your teeth as the sounds of your thighs collide in a wet smack. You look as Nightmare's mane moves like a tentacle across her body, caressing her thighs and teats. She moans loudly as the sensations overwhelm her senses. You too feel yourself going over the edge as well. In a feat of strength, you push yourself upwards, forcing Nightmare on her back. "You fiend!" she screeches. "How dare you- ahhhhh!" You sink your teeth into Nightmare's exposed neck, drawing her sweet blood as you feel yourself cum inside her tail hole. Nightmare responds in kind by biting your neck as well as she comes hard on your underbelly, her juices completely drench your lower half. Still basking in the afterglow, you keep sucking on Nightmare's blood as she on yours. It is a sort of a ritual between bat ponies. Such a thing as sucking each other's blood is the most intimate thing a bat pony can share with his mate. Looking down, you see Nightmare is looking slightly different. Her scleras, once light shade turquoise, are now white. Her mane, instead of being ethereal, is now a real, light blue mane. She still has her black coat but it looks… not evil. She looks up at you, then down to herself. Her eyes fill with tears. "I… I'm alive…" she whispers, a single tear slides across her cheek. "Finally, I can feel my heart." She looks up at you before kissing you. It was not fierce, nor was it needy. It was a simple peck on the lips, yet somehow, it conveyed more emotion than all of her previous kisses combined. "Thank you," she chokes, "Thank you. By willingly giving your love, and opening your heart for me, I am finally released from all the hatred and malice." You smile down at her, wiping her tear. You place your ear on top of her chest and feel her heart beating. It was calm and gentle. You are about to say something when the door to your shack is blasted away. And in comes Princess Luna, using her Canterlot voice. "Finally, we hath found thy, thine foul beast! We will personally extinguish-" Luna stops in her tracks once she sees the two of you. Your flaccid penis is still inside of Nightmare, and even if Luna somehow did not notice your bodily fluids on your messed up bed, the smell was impossible to ignore. Knowing that you are probably screwed not matter what, you can only say, "Hey Luna, wanna join?"