> Heart's Desire(?) > by beatbox9988 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Yer ten o’clock.” A grey pegasus pony turned to the aforementioned direction with a curious gaze, and spotted a pink unicorn filly with a purple mane. “Six,” he murmured before he took another swig of his beer. His red companion raised an eyebrow at him, expressing his incredulity, before his lips turned into a smile. He chuckled. “Yer crazy, pops. I’d give ‘er at least an eight.” There he goes with that nickname again. It annoyed him to no end. He knew that he was an old pony, but he hated to be reminded of that fact. He turned to face his good friend, Big Mac. Everyone knew that he was a stallion of a few words, but his tongue would loosen up whenever he was angry, or drunk. In this case, it was the latter. But Tressle could hardly complain. Over time, he had developed a bond with the reserved stallion due to the fact that he would help out in his own garden whenever he could for a minimal wage. He didn’t want to admit it, even to himself, but he was incredibly grateful that Mac had helped him out as much as he did. These old bones weren’t what they used to be. Also, his wife couldn’t grow for beans. “Sure,” Tressle replied half-heartedly as he stared into the mug of his beverage. The bar that they were in was a real homey place, with lots of ponies chatting and mingling. It was a lively atmosphere. He peered up at his bar buddy, who was still staring at the aforementioned filly. “You should go talk to her.” Mac shook his head violently, and Tressle swore he couuld hear some sort of rattling noise, before he lowered his eyes to his own mug in hoof. “N-nah.” He took a swig of his cider. Tressle frowned at that. Being friends with the stallion, he had learned a couple of things about him. For one, he was incredibly shy, and it was difficult for him to approach mares. It was hard to believe that one of the most eligible bachelor in town had cold hooves, but that was the truth. “Mac,” Tressle began, slipping into a tone he’d usually reserve when he lectured his daughter. “Just go talk to her. Mares like a stallion with confidence.” It’s the same advice that he had given him time and time again, yet it had never worked to push the stallion into doing anything about his predicament, but Tressle saw no other way to help him. “Take it from a stallion who has experience.” “Ya mean the stallion that’s akin to a whipped dog?” he said, before he broke out into a hearty chuckle. Tressle chuckled as well, taking the comment in stride and giving him a lopsided grin. “‘Least I’m married.” The red stallion went quiet after that, and Tressle wondered if he had said something wrong, when suddenly the red stallion took another deep swig of his alcohol, and said, “I’ll do it.” He slammed the mug down with a loud clunk, before he got up from his stool and disappeared into the crowd. Tressle sat there with a blank expression, which slowly turned into a happy grin as his mind caught up with the recent events. He waved to get the bartender’s attention. This called for a celebration! ~0~ The door swung open suddenly, and a rather inebriated pegasus stumbled through the threshold, kicking the door close with a back hoof. Tressle hiccuped. He could foresee a morning with an intense hangover, but the warm buzz he felt made him feel like it’d be worth it. Giggling to himself, he ambled his way into the living room, where he came face to face with his wife, and she didn’t look so happy. Seeing his wife’s expression, Tressle sobered up slightly, and had the decency to look sheepish. His cheeks were flushed, but he was pretty sure that that was the alcohol at work. “H-hey Love,” he said, coaxing no visible reaction from her. “Don’t you ‘Hey Love’ me,” she hissed, scowling at him, causing his heart to skip. Why was she so angry? This wasn’t the first time that he had come home late and drunk, and she had never had an adverse reaction like this, so it must be something else entirely. The warm buzz had disappeared completely, replaced with an icy feeling of dread as he peered into his wife’s menacing red eyes. “W-what’s wrong, Love?” he said, trying and failing to keep the stutter from his voice. Deep inside his psych, he knew it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. His wife could read him like a book. Literally. Her insect-like wings twitched in irritation and so did one of her glassy red eyes as her horn lit up and brought a thong into his view. It was a very lacey white thong with a cute little red ribbon adorned in front of it. Tressle had no words and was utterly confused. “I found this in our bedroom, and it isn’t mine!” she said, raising her voice, before dropping to a whimper. “I thought you loved me…” He may not be a chageling like her, but even he could feel the hurt and betrayal in her voice. He made to console her, but as he took a step forward, his wife reciprocated with a step backwards. Seeing her distraught made his heart ache. “Scarlet, please,” he said, tears at the corners of his eyes, threatening to spill over and stain his coat. “You’ve got to believe me. I didn’t do anything.” The next couple of minutes passed without anyone saying a word, and it was torture for the pegasus. A sense of dread filled him as time passed as he desperately tried to come up with something to say. His eyes caught a glint of something in the dim lighting of their living room. It was one of his wife’s fangs, peeking out at the edge of her mouth. Was she smiling? Unable to hold back, Scarlet started chuckling, before erupting into full blown laughter. Her hooves folded under her, and she collapsed in a heap of laughing changeling. Tressle’s face had gone from a range of emotions; from shock and bewilderment, to realization and disbelief, and finally settled into tired annoyance. “I’m so glad that playing with my emotions is so amusing to you,” he said flatly. “The look on your face!” she said breathlessly, tears in her eyes. She raised a chitinous hoof to wipe her eyes. After her mirth died down, she stood up, still with a smug grin on her face. She rubbed her hoof over her breast nonchalantly, “I still got it.” “Yeah, that’s great honey,” he said tiredly. He could feel the beginnings of a hangover already, and he desperately needed an aspirin. Or a hammer. Whichever he could get his hooves on first. She looked at him apathetically. “That’s what you get for coming home so late,” she began, “also, I’ve got another idea for us to try out in the bedroom,” she said with glee, smiling wide and showing off her fangs, which would normally intimidate any other pony, but Tressle had long since gotten used to it. “Oh joy,” he responded sarcastically, a scowl on his face. Scarlet paused at that, sensing her husband’s apparent grumpiness. “If you agree to do it, I know a little spell that would get rid of your headache real quick,” she said, a devious smile on her lips. Tressle didn’t like that smile, but her offer was tempting. “Wait, if you know a spell that can cure hangovers, why haven’t you used it before?” Tressle inquired. “If you had known about that, what would stop you from going out and getting drunk every night?” she retorted with a small frown, her wing buzzing in irritation. She had a point, he realised. She smiled. “So do we have deal~?” she sing songed in a voice that was practically laced with honey. Something tells him that he wasn’t going to like it, but it was either that or the oncoming headache that would leave him feeling like crap. “Fine,” he relented, already regretting his decision. “Perfect!” she exclaimed jubilantly, clopping her hooves in excitement. Her horn lighted up in a blood-red glow, and she approached him, before tapping his forehead lightly with her horn. Instantly, Tressle could feel his head grow lighter, and the room stopped spinning like he was on a boat halfway to a shipwreck. She fluttered her wings, lifting off the ground slightly as she made 180 degree turn, and proceeded to hover out of the living room. The cute white thong was enveloped in her red glow, and proceeded to be levitated away and out of sight as she turned a corner. Tressle would never understand why she’d go through with such a tedious process. She could very easily have just transformed into someone or something (he was not about to rule that out) right here in the living room. He supposed that it was because she enjoyed teasing him so. He hated to admit it, but it was working. Every time she did this, he would always get anxious as to what would emerge instead of his wife. It had to do something with the thong she had obviously just bought, but that was all he knew. He sighed heavily as he sat down on one of the many couches in the living room. He assumed that his daughter was out sleeping at another friend’s place or something like that. His wife might be relentless in her cheeky ways, but she was also smart. He might be overreacting to the situation; who knows? Maybe he’d enjoy it. Luna knows that he had enjoyed it the last time they had done something like this. He still couldn’t look at Dinky or Derpy in the eye, but it was totally worth it. What emerged however, suddenly made him reconsider his hastily thought out deal. There, standing in all its glory, was Big Mac. In a thong. He leaned on the wall, crossing all four of his hooves, and said, “Howdy, parder.” Complete with a straw of hay dangling on one side of his mouth, he sauntered over to Tressle, a smug smile plastered on his face. Tressle took a moment to pick up his jaw up from the ground. When he did, it closed with an audible ‘click’. He cleared his throat, and with all the calmness he could muster, said, ”What the fuck?!” Tears pricked at the corners of Mac’s eyes as he struggled to hold back a chortle. Tressle gave his ‘wife’ and exasperated look, complete with bags under his eyes that made him look much older. His face deadpanned, and he crossed his forelegs over his barrel, expecting his wife to say something. His ‘wife’ barked out a laugh, but thankfully did nothing more than that. Seeing Mac in that frilly little thing was disturbing enough. Which reminded him that he needed to keep his eyes on the red stallion’s face. “You promised, Tressle~!” Mac sing songed, the tone of voice completely foreign and alien to his vocal range. “B-but-,” he stuttered, but was unable to say anything coherent. “Take it as a punishment for all those late night outs,” he said, before his voice dropped to a whisper, his head moving uncomfortably close to the grey pegasus’ until he could feel the stallion’s breath tickling his ear. “Besides, I think this is only fair, right?” Mac licked Tressle’s ear. Tressle jumped back suddenly, his wings flaring out as he sunk into the couch. “I’m not comfortable with this!” he protested as he held out a hoof defensively, his cheeks flushed in utter embarrassment. Mac laughed good naturedly, smiling widely and putting up his two hooves close to his face in a feminine like position and giving out a squee, before he slid close to Tressle, his face mere inches away. “You know you’re just so cute when you’re flustered,” he said before he gave Tressle a loving peck on the nose. To Tressle’s credit, he managed to keep the contents in his stomach in check. “I think you know that I’m not into that, Scarlet,” Tressle said, feeling sick. “Well, you weren’t into little fillies before our little ‘session’ now were you?” Mac said with a raised eyebrow. She had another point. Hurrah, he thought sarcastically. “Now get into character,” the red stallion said. Tressle made to protest, but Mac cut him off before he could say anything. “Get. In. To. Character.” Mac’s eyes narrowed dangerously at each word. Despite him knowing that the pony in front of him was his wife, the size of the large stallion (which was approximately twice of his) intimidated him greatly. He wisely shut his mouth. Mac smiled. “Good. Now ask me why I’m wearing a thong.” Tressle rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. In a flat voice, he asked, “Why are you wearing a thong, Mac?” Big Mac goes silent for a moment, and cast his gaze downwards. Upon closer inspection, Tressle could make out the small signs of a blush on his red coat. Finally, he looked up, his eyes wide and starry. “I-I have a confession to make.” Oh brother. “I’ve always had feelings for you, pardner. This is why I’ve never had a marefriend before.” He turned his face away in shame, unable to look at Tressle in the eye. And then he turned to face the pegasus, “Now console me.” Tressle grumbled. “Why must you make this so sappy?” “Because a little foreplay goes a long way, Tressle,” Mac said, dropping his southern twang and giving him a disapproving look. Tressle huffed. “Fine.” Tressle got off the couch, and made his way to the red stallion. “It’s okay, Mac. I understand.” “Ya do?” Mac asked hopefully, a ghost of a smile on his lips as he wiped away some errant tears. “Yeah, I guess,” the pegasus replied half heartedly. Mac grabbed him in a hug, and closed the gap between their muzzles. Tressle didn’t realize what was happening until their lips touched. His immediate reaction would have been to push him away, but after some contemplation, he decided not to. He wouldn’t have been able to anyway. The smell of hay and apples were the first thing that greeted his mouth. His ‘wife’ had really gone out of her way to make this as realistic as possible, which only disturbed him more. He suddenly felt something prodding his lips, swiping incessantly, demanding to be let in. Reluctantly, Tressle’s lips parted, allowing the coarse flat tongue of a stallion enter his oral cavity. Tressle’s contributions were minor compared to the stallion that was going at a feverish pace, from wrestling his tongue to exploring the spaces behind the back of his teeth. They broke apart, a small crystalline trail of their saliva bridging the gap from their muzzles. “Ah need ya now, big boy,” Mac said in that deep, low voice of his. “Let’s take this to the bedroom.” Mac turned around, his tail trailing along the side of Tressle’s body, and flicking up at Tressle’s chin, reasing him. Tressle’s eyes were subconsciously drawn to Mac’s haunches, watching those two strong flanks sway side to side, more than they usually do. And much to Tressle’s chagrin, caught a glimpse of the frilly white thong stretched in between his butt cheeks. In his defense, the really white fabric on Mac’s red coat was really hard not to notice. He sighed heavily. He had lost count on how many times he had done so tonight. After a moment to regain his composure, he trotted sluggishly towards their shared bedroom, where he will see the surprises that are in store for him. Why me? ~0~ The door creaked open as the pegasus stepped into the dimly lit room. He spotted Big Mac, lying stretched out on the bed in a ‘come hither’ pose. His back was to him, giving Tressle a gratuitous view of his round, red ass. He didn’t know whether Big Mac was usually this curvy, or his wife had made some modifications. Thong aside, he saw that Mac was looking over his shoulder, his emerald eyes lidded in an inviting way. He crossed the distance to his bed, and stopped at the foot of it. “Climb on up,” Mac said with a sensual smile. Tressle climbed onto the bed, hearing it creak slightly as it adjusted to his weight. Mac climbed on top of him, and pushed him down gently with his two big hooves. “Shh,” Mac shushed. “Just relax.” He then turned around, giving Tressle a full, unobstructed view of his ass, cutie mark and all. The thong was stretched thin, obviously many sizes too small, and through it he could see Mac’s balls, which were almost the size of oranges. The thin underwear struggled to contain it all, barely being able to cover the two orbs. Looking past that, Tressle could see Mac’s member, already peeking out of its sheathe and already at half mast. The heavy scent of male filled Tressle’s nostrils, threatening to suffocate him and making his head swim. He prayed to whatever deity that this would be over quick. He wanted to open his mouth to protest, that he was completely not into stallions, but he knew his words would fall on deaf ears, so why waste his breath? Mac crawled forward a little, until his hips were where Tressle’s crotch was, and slowly began to gyrate. Looks like Mac insisted on putting a little show. The stallion above Tressle looked over his shoulder, most likely gauging his reaction. Tressle looked at the ass in front of him, and tried to appreciate it. If his wife was putting so much effort into it, he felt like he was obliged to at least try to enjoy it. Much to his surprise, after a minute or two of the impromptu lap dance, it garnered a positive reaction from his crotch. I can’t believe this, Tressle thought as his ears folded in shame. He was actually getting hard! Tressle’s member grew out of its sheath, and Mac groaned in approval. He backed up, and delicately position Tressle’s half erect dick in between his ass cheeks, before moving his hips up and down. The soft contact of Mac’s fur and the soft fabric of the lacy underwear contributed into getting Tressle fully erect and eliciting a confused groan from the aroused pegasus. Mac continued his actions, his butt cheeks slamming down on Tressle hips, causing little ripples to reverberate from the point of contact, hot dogging Tressle’s member. Slowly, he came to a stop, his haunches resting on Tressle’s hips as the pegasus’s member gave a twitch of disapproval, a glob of pre leaking out and landing on the small of Mac’s back. “Now that yer all nice and hard, let’s have a little friendly contest.” Now what? thought the nervous pegasus. He could feel his heart drumming away in his ears, and he was starting to perspire. He shivered in a mixture of excitement and anxiety as Mac stood up slightly, and backed up, and Tressle was once again presented with Mac’s one eyed snake. The grey pegasus stared at it like a deer caught in the headlights. “Here’s the rules,” the red stallion said, snapping Tressle out of his trance. “whoever cums first gets to be the bottom.” Without wasting any more time, Mac dove in, capturing Tressle’s throbbing member in between his hot lips, taking it all the way to the middle. Tressle gasped and his body spasmed at the sudden onslaught of pleasure shooting up his spine. The red stallion bobbed his head on his member at a swift pace, causing Tressle to groan helplessly, his tongue sticking off the side of his mouth. Big Mac continued bobbing his head, on Tressle’s member, each time swallowing more and more of his length with each downward pass. Tressle was lost in his own world of pleasure, before he felt something poke his nose. Tressle was brought back to reality as he realised that it was Mac’s dick that booped him on the nose, leaving a trail of pre cum in its wake. Also, he had remembered Mac’s words and the competition that they were supposedly having. Bottom… Mac’s voice echoed in his head. Tressle’s eyes widened in horror. Needing no further incentive, and no longer caring that he was going to suck a stallion off, he parted his muzzle, and lifted his head, capturing the dark mottled stallion’s dick. The first thing Tressle realised was how salty it was. The second was that it wasn’t as bad as he thought it would’ve been. Granted he had no prior experience to compare it to, but he had always thought that a stallion’s dick would taste more… unpleasant. As time went on, he knew that he needed to work fast. If the throbbing in his dick was any indication, he could tell that he didn’t have much time before he released. Growing bold, he closed his eyes tight and focused on the pleasurable sensations down south in an effort to distract him from what he was about to do. Taking a deep breath that filled his senses with sweat and the smell of male, he pushed his head upwards, forcing more and more of Big Mac’s length into his mouth. He gagged, tears springing forth from the corners of his eyes, but he held firm. The only thing he knew about giving head was that you couldn’t use your teeth. It was surprising difficult for the pegasus to do so, as he constantly felt his teeth grazing against the hot flesh. He paused and pulled back slightly, allowing some air to enter his depraved lungs, before willing his jaw to go slack. He went in again, sinking even more than before, reaching all the way up to Mac’s medial ring, eliciting a loud grunt from the stallion above him. As Mac continued to bob his head on Tressle’s cock at a feverish pace, he knew that it wasn’t enough. His only hope at beating Mac now was that he had more control over his equipment. He withdrew his head, and pushed back in again, ignoring the gagging sensation, and he brought a hoof up to lightly fondle the bigger stallion’s scrotum. The result was immediate as he felt the stallion’s body begin to quake and twitch. Tressle smiled around his mouthful. Maybe he was going to win after all. This continued on for what seemed like minutes with no one giving way. Each time Mac quickened his pace, expertly bobbing his head on Tressle’s cock, Tressle would reply in kind by taking the whole of the massive stallion’s length into his mouth. Despite his best efforts, the sensations running up and down his body, originating from his nether regions, proved to be too much for him to handle. With a loud grunt muffled by his mouthful, he came. Thick, hot ropey strands fired into Mac’s wet mouth, coating the insides with white pony goo. The red stallion released the member in his mouth in surprise, allowing it to bob in the air freely, letting the semen spurt freely and landing directly on Mac’s face and mane. During his ejaculation, Tressle moaned loudly and deeply, causing pleasant vibrations to course through Mac, and he could no longer hold back either. Truth be told, he was on the brink for a long time, and now that he had clearly won the challenge, he saw no reason to hold back his own release. Tressle’s mind snapped back to reality as he felt Mac’s member throb heavily, and his member seemingly growing twice its original girth. Big Mac came, and while doing so, had instinctively thrust into Tressle’s mouth, lodging it deep inside his throat. Tressle’s eyes widened in alarm as copious amounts of semen was pumped straight into his stomach, but no amount of effort could push the stallion off of him. He batted against Mac’s withers uselessly as he was fucked in the face. Lost in his own bliss, he started bucking into Tressle’s mouth. Tongue hanging out lazily, and his eyes rolled back, he was lost in a haze of his own pleasure, too far gone to think about anything else. After what seemed like an eternity, Mac pulled out, causing a lewd ‘schlick’ sound as he did so. The air felt cool around Big Mac’s member, causing him to shudder slightly. He slumped to his side, his breaths coming slow and heavy. Tressle sputtered weakly, a couple of strands of semen leaking out of the corners of his mouth. He could have done nothing to stop Mac’s sudden onslaught. His mind was a jumble of emotions. On one hoof, he enjoyed receiving the blowjob. On the other hoof, he didn’t exactly enjoy giving it. He still couldn’t see the benefit of being with a stallion as opposed to a mare. A mare didn’t have a dick. No dick means no blowjob. For a moment, no one said anything, each trying to collect their breaths. “Well, that was interesting,” Mac said, breaking the calm silence. The stench of sweat and other unmentionable odours filled the air, causing Tressle to wrinkle his nose. “I guess,” replied Tressle. He prodded his stomach with a hoof, grimacing as he felt the impossible amount of pony spunk sloshing within. He felt a little sick. Another bout of silence. “I suppose I should fill my end of the deal, huh?” said Tressle suddenly, sounding resigned to his fate. He sighed heavily, his breath coming out in a tuft of smoke. “Let’s just get this over with.” The sex so far wasn’t as bad as he had initially thought it would have been, but he wasn’t about to openly admit it yet, and he was definitely not looking forward to the next part. Mac climbed on top of Tressle so that they were face to face, their coats and semi flaccid dicks brushing against each other. At this point, Tressle couldn’t care less. Bright green eyes met tired blue ones, and they stared at each other for a time, before Mac closed the small gap between them. Their lips intertwined, but this time, it was a fair battle, with Mac taking on a more sedated pace. They parted. “Thank you for doing this,” Mac said, his eyes soft and caring. Tressle could tell that that was his wife speaking, and she was being sincere for once. Perhaps this had nothing to do with the punishment at all, and something that she had wanted to do all along. It looks like the punishment was just a convenient excuse. Maybe she was afraid of rejection? After everything he had been through, Tressle managed to crack a smile. He had made her happy, and that was good enough for him. Once he could get rid of the taste of his own semen in his mouth, he’ll be right as rain. If his wife wanted to experience what it was like to be a stallion, then who was he to complain? Celestia knows that all the lustful evenings that they had shared together were tailored for him, and perhaps this time it was time to pay her back for everything she had done for him. His smile grew wider. He realised, that if she wanted this, he would happily oblige her. Even if that meant getting fucked in the ass. His smile dipped a little. Tressle closed the gap between them again, much to Big Mac’s surprise. The kiss that followed was a quick one, but one full of renewed vigor. Tressle pushed Big Mac off of him, and he turned around, crouching low and sticking his flank up in the air. He assumed that this would be the easiest position for them to commit the act. Mac smiled wide, seeing his husband presenting himself for him. “Now hold on there, pardner,” he drawled, earning a curious glance from the presenting pegasus. “I know just the thing to spice things up a little.” ~0~ Tressle assumed his position again, presenting himself to the massive stallion, only this time, he wasn’t completely unclothed. Now donning the frilly white panties that Mac was wearing, and white frilly socks to go with it, he actually felt more naked than he ever did before. His ears folded and his cheeks flushed. He shifted slightly in his position, feeling the soft fabric brush along his skin and his sensitive member, causing pleasant sensations to course through him. Apparently, presenting himself wasn’t enough to satisfy the other occupant in the room, as he had suggested to doll himself up a bit. This is embarrassing, thought the embarrassed pegasus. The socks were pulled all the was up to about three quarters of his legs, making his flank appear more round. The thong was pulled up under his tail, only barely hiding his taint away. “Who’s the mare now?” Mac chuckled, clearly deriving more enjoyment out of this than the pegasus. Tressle grumbled in response. Tressle’s stomach did a backflip as he felt Mac’s presence behind him. The bed creaked and groaned, but he could barely hear it through the blood rushing through his ears. He shivered as he felt Mac exhale on his dock. He felt Mac pull back his undergarment, exposing his asshole. Tressle closed his eyes, expecting the worst. He yelped rather unstallionlike as he felt something wet and slimy prod him… there. “What are you doing?!” he exclaimed incredulously. “Jes relax,” was all Mac’s response. He placed his two strong hooves on Tressle’s flanks, massaging them gently as he swiped his tongue against Tressle’s pony hole again, earning a grunt from the pegasus. “Need to get ye all nice and ready…” Tressle couldn't believe what was happening! It was so filthy, yet… not completely unpleasant. Like everything that had transpired the whole night, he was once again unsure of what to feel about the whole ordeal. He cringed as yet another alien sensation coursed through him. Mac slipped his tongue into Tressle, licking unabashedly and without restraint. Tressle could only groan helplessly, his forelegs going limp and his hind legs threatening to do the same. He trembled and quaked, but Mac held him firm, keeping Tressle upright with his strong hooves. Tressle was once again fully erect, his dick throbbing rather painfully and leaking a small amount of pre. After what felt like a long time, Mac stopped his oral ministrations, and licked his lips. “Are ya ready?” he asked in anticipation. He stood up on hind legs, his forelegs resting on Tressle’s lower back for support. After a little bit of effort, he managed to align his member to Tressle’s entrance. Realizing that he was being addressed, Tressle replied, “Yeah.” His voice was shaky and nervous, but he showed no signs of backing down. Mac spared one last concerned glance, before he pushed his hips forward. Despite being lubricated by Mac’s saliva, it was still difficult for him to achieve penetration. He grunted in frustration. “Ya need to relax a little more,” he stated, poking and prodding the pegasus. Tressle grunted in response, and took in a deep breath in through his nose, before releasing it through his mouth. He repeated this a couple more times, feeling his muscles relax. He allowed himself a small smile as he felt the tension slowly ebb away. Mac grinned, and began pushing his hips again, looking for entrance. Tressle yelped as the head of the member popped in, the first couple of inches sliding inside suddenly. Tressle started breathing heavily. Mac wasn’t done yet, however, as he continued to push in, his hooves still on Tressle’s flanks, massaging them, urging for him to relax. With strong legs, Mac struggled to push the rest of his length in, which proved to be more difficult by the second. He looked down to his husband’s cute little rump, and unable to help himself, gave it a spank. The stallion underneath him yelped loudly, before he turned to face him, his cheeks flushed and brow furrowed in embarrassment. Mac couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. He was just so happy that he could have a partner that was so understanding. Honestly, he didn’t expect him to go with it this far, and for that he was grateful. He knew it was well out of his comfort zone, but Tressle was willing to try it out for his sake. He was touched. He leaned forward, causing the bed to creak due to his weight, and thanks to his larger frame, his head reached his partner’s. “Are ya all right?” his tone was soft, caring. His breath tickled the side of Tressle’s face. “I’m fine,” came the reply. Mac didn’t really buy that. Mac closed his eyes and peppered kisses on the side of Tressle’s neck, interspersed with little nibbles with his blunt teeth. His husband would have done the same, and now he was simply returning the favor. In response to his actions, the stallion underneath him moaned, and his cheeks grew even redder. He could feel him relax a little more, and he took the opportunity to slide a few more precious inches inside. Tressle spoke, his voice strained, breathless, “How much more?” Mac could feel that only half of his member was currently buried inside, but he didn’t want to cause any worry, so he said, “Jes a little more.” He continued to push, and Tressle gritted his teeth. Hard. “Are you okay?” Mac asked as he paused, concern dripping from his voice. “Keep going.” In truth, there was a strange pleasurable sensation interlaced with the pain he was feeling. He once read something about stallions having their sweet spot located somewhere there. Something called the prostate, and that it was very receptive to stimulation. At least, that was what he assumed was happening. He gasped as he felt Mac’s hips against his rump. He couldn’t believe it. Looking back, he could see that Mac’s hips were pressed firmly against Tressle’s rump. He took a pillow and bit on it to muffle his cries. “Are you ready?” Mac asked, his labored breathing hot against Tressle’s neck. Mac pulled back, his member sliding out at an agonizing pace, until only the tip of it was left in. Tressle moaned as the red stallion rolled his hips, and slid his member back in. It went in easier that time, and their hips met once again. Slowly, Mac repeated his actions. Every time he thrusted, Tressle would moan loudly. The pegasus’ own member was rock hard, grinding painfully against the bed sheets as he was getting rutted from behind. The bigger stallion increased his pace, and the worn bed began to rock under his weight. The stallion being taken from behind spread his hind legs a little further apart, granting Mac easier access as their hips met almost constantly. Tressle wished that he could deny it, but he couldn’t lie about the fact that he was getting more than a little pleasure from being screwed in the ass. Right now, he could not possibly think of anything more gay than what was transpiring, but he could not care less. After all of this was over, he’d need to rethink his sexuality. Big Mac was thrusting with all he had now, and the pleasure increased twofold. Tressle bit on the pillow harder, barely suppressing the cries of pleasure that threatened to come out. His dick throbbed, and despite ejaculating just a few minutes prior, he could feel the familiar tightening sensation in his balls. Mac grunted loudly, and his pace grew erratic, the bed creaking violently as Mac slammed his hip into Tressle’s supple behind loudly. Instead of the short quick thrusts, Mac now turned to slow, deep ones. Tressle could feel every inch of it. From the point it enters, to his heavy balls slapping against his dock, begging to be released of its contents. The pain was still there, but it turned into a dull ringing in the back of his mind. Mac thrusted one last time, causing Tressle to shudder violently, his teeth chattering uncontrollably. Time seemed to freeze for the pegasus as white hot fire lanced through his body. His eyes clenched closed, and his teeth barred as he felt one of the most intense orgasms of his life. Thick ropey strands of his semen shot out violently straight onto the bed sheets, staining them with the white essence. He could feel Mac pulling out, and something really warm and gooey landing on his back and wings, and some drizzling onto his flank. He collapsed on his side, panting and out of breath. Utterly exhausted, he barely registered the form of Big Mac as he sidled up next to him and hugging him gently. His coat, while matted with sweat, was pleasantly soft and inviting. He sank into Mac’s warm embrace, their flaccid penises coming in contact sending a shiver to Tressle, but he paid it no mind. “Thank you,” said the red stallion. Tressle snuggled deeper into the red stallion’s embrace, the powerful thumping of the stallion’s heartbeat accompanied him as he drifted off to sleep.