> Rhapsody in Orange and Black > by dramatic_spoon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Something Strange. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lyra slowly opened one eye and sighed. The mare shifted her position, turning over in bed away from the wall. Her other eye opened and a smile crept onto her face: Big Macintosh smiled back and leaned forward, gently kissing her on the nose. “Mornin’ Beautiful,” He murmured. “Good morning, Mac.” Lyra sighed, “You know what today is right?” Big Macintosh shifted, bringing his body closer to Lyra, “Well, I’m ho-” The door slammed open as the sound of hooves plittered on the floor. Before either pony could respond, something landed on Big Macintosh’s stomach. “HOOFH!” Mac grunted as four hooves smashed into his stomach. Lyra bolted upright, as the assailant rolled off Big Macintosh and beamed at Lyra. “It’s Nightmare Night!” a rust-coated unicorn filly beamed at Lyra, “Me an’ Gem are gonna get all the candy tonight!” “Rhapsody, what did we tell you about jumping onto the bed?” Lyra scolded her daughter, “Mac you alright?” “Fine.” He wheezed out, “Think she missed my ribs.” “Um…I’m sorry?” Rhapsody nervously smiled back at her mother. “Apologize to your father, not me.” Rhapsody sulked as she turned her attention to Big Macintosh, “Sorry pa.” “It’s alright,” Mac grumbled as he got out of bed, “But you still got your chores t’ do.” “Awww….” Rhapsody whined and collapsed on the bed, “Do I gotta?” “It’s ‘Do I have to’, and yes you do.” “…Fine.” Rhapsody flopped onto her back. Her horn shimmered, pulling the blankets back over her, “I ain’t getting’ outta bed until it’s nighttime then.” “Rhapsody, you’re gonna work today,” Big Macintosh frowned. “I can’t hear you, I’m sleepin’.” Rhapsody turned away from her father and began to snore. With a roll of her eyes, Lyra’s magic flared to life, quickly wrapping the blanket around Rhapsody and lifting the struggling filly off the bed. “HEY!” Rhapsody’s muffled voice cried out. The blanket continued to wiggle around, struggling against the fabric. “Rhapsody. Unless you help your father with your chores, you are going to stay home tonight.” Lyra stated. The struggling stopped. “No Nightmare Night?” Rhapsody’s voice nearly broke as she asked. “Not unless you do your chores.” The bundled up blanket remains completely still and silent as Rhapsody pondered her options. Finally the blanket began to squirm again as Rhapsody stuck her head out. “Pumme down, I’ll do my chores.” “Good girl.” Lyra smiled as her aura vanished, dropping the blanket back onto the bed. A sulky Rhapsody crawled off and landed on the floor. “Now go eat your breakfast and get started.” “Fine…” The filly trotted out of the room, leaving her parents behind. “Bit harsh, don’t you think?” Mac asked his wife. “Not really,” she shook her head, “You have to go for the important things when dealing with kids.” “…You had a rough childhood, didn’t you?” “Mom was strict.” She shrugged. --- Rhapsody peeked out the window. The full moon stared back at her and her smile grew even larger. She leapt off the couch, landing with a slight jingle as the fake spurs, fake bandoliers and fake revolvers jingled. Rhapsody adjusted her bandana, vest and cowboy hat and she began to pace the room. Lyra and Big Macintosh entered the room: Lyra’s mane was hidden beneath a wide brimmed black hat, black domino mask over her eyes. She pushed her black cape aside, revealing a black waist sash and fake rapier. Big Macintosh was clad in a simple white shirt, beaten blue jacket, battered brown newsy cap, and a large stage razor tucked into his pocket. Rhapsody stared at him, cocking her head to the side. “Pa, how come you’re dressed like a homeless pony?” “I told it was a bad idea.” Lyra nudged him. “You’ll understand when you’re older.” Mac shook his head, “Did Bloom and Rumble come out yet?” “Nope.” “Apple Bloom!” Big Macintosh called up the stairs, “You done yet?” “Almost!” Apple Bloom came down the stairs in her costume: fake piercings studded her nose, lips and ears. Thick framed glasses were perched on her nose, and her mane was dyed black. She wore a loose flannel shirt and hoodie. Rhapsody and Lyra turned their attention to her, Lyra frowning and Rhapsody deep in thought. “What?” Apple Bloom shrugged, “I’m Bangarang.” “The musician? Ugh.” Lyra rolled her eyes, “I don’t see how Rumble can listen to that stuff.” “Speakin’a Rumble, wasn’t he up there with you?” Mac interrupted his sister’s retort, “What’s takin’ him?” “He’s embarrassed because someone lost a bet!” Apple Bloom glared up the stairs, “And he’s a sore loser.” “I’m not going.” Rumble’s voice called back. “We made a bet and you lost it! Ain’t no backin’ out of it now!” Apple Bloom punctuated her point with a stomp, knocking off one of her fake piercings, “Oh shoot.” “Rumble, we’re gonna be late if you don’t come on out,” Big Macintosh called out, “I don’t think you wanna explain why you didn’t take all th’ kids trick-or-treatin’ like you promised. You know how Gem an’ Tomahawk can be.” Silence followed Big Macintosh’s statement. After several moments, and audible sigh was heard, followed by a door creaking open. Rumble flittered down the stairs and landed next to Apple Bloom. Everyone stared at the stallion: the maid’s outfit clung to his body, showing off his muscles. Rumble looked down at the high heels he was wearing and sighed. “Do I have to wear the heels? They’re killing me.” “It’s all part of the costume.” Apple Bloom grinned back. Lyra opened her mouth to speak, but changed her mind. “Forget it, I don’t want to know.” She shook her head. “Uncle Rumble how come you’re dressed like a girl?” Rhapsody asked. “ ‘Cause he made a bet with me and I won.” Apple Bloom chuckled. “…You sure this is an appropriate costume for you t’ be goin’ around in?” Big Macintosh raised an eyebrow. “It’s Nightmare Night, Mac.” Apple Bloom continued on, “No pony batted and eye when you were that fella from Rocky Horror Picture Show. Y’know, with the lingerie an’ stuff.” “That was part of a theme,” Big Macintosh paused, “Besides it was a random drawin’ for who was who.” “It’s fine,” Lyra interrupted, “Rumble, if you want to stay behind, go ahead.” “No, I’ll do it.” Rumble sighed, “I heard Snips and Berry Pinch were going to go as a bride and groom.” He paused, “Snips is the bride.” “Ah.” Big Macintosh. “Can we get goin’ yet?” Rhapsody asked, “I don’t wanna miss the Cake’s haunted house, or Aunty Trixie’s magic show, An’ Miss Dinky said she was gonna read Scary Stories to tell in the Dark at th’ library, an’-” “Alright, we’ll get going.” Lyra interrupted her, “We still have to pick up Slide Rule and Flash, after all.” Rhapsody leapt out the front door, leaving the adults to catch up to her. “…She really has been looking forward to tonight, hasn’t she?” Rumble asked the others. “Eeyup.” Lyra and Big Macintosh replied in unison. > Paper faces on parade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rhapsody’s magic hammered the doorknocker against the door. After a short pause, she hammered it again. After another pause, she prepared to hammer it again. “Rhapsody, enough.” Lyra scolded her. “But…” The door slammed open. An angry Time Turner stuck his head out and looked around, only to find Rhapsody. The filly’s aura lifted her bag up. “Candy?” she beamed. “…and if I say no?” Rhapsody paused. After a few moments of thought, she whipped out both revolvers and smiled again. “Candy now?” she paused a moment and cocked the hammers, “Please?” Lyra’s aura yanked both toy guns out of Rhapsody’s aura, “I told your father it was a bad idea to give you these.” She muttered to herself. “Its fine, they’re only popguns right?” Turner chuckled, “So unless she…I don’t think I should finish that sen…” He trailed off as he noticed the rest of the group. “…Rumble, that cut looks terrible on you.” “…What?” “I said it looks terrible. You’d look much better if it was slightly higher.” He paused, “Oh, and Garters. Show off the legs.” “You’re really creeping me out right now,” Rumble and Apple Bloom replied in unison. “It happens from time to time,” Turner shrugged, “Cheerilee likes it when I we-” “I don’t want to hear it.” Lyra interrupted, “Now, we’re here to pick up Slide.” “She’s almost ready.” Turner ran a hoof through his mane, “As for Cheerilee she’s also ready. She said the two of you were going to Rarity’s little get-together?” “Eeyup.” Big Macintosh nodded, “She didn’t invite you?” “She did, but I’m not really one for parties,” he shrugged, “I figured I’d just stay at home, pass out candy for all the little fillies and colts. Also, I rigged up little booby trap to scare them if they step on the wrong spot.” “What’s it do?” Rhapsody asked, taking her attention away from her confiscated popguns. “A figure of the headless horse will pop up.” Time Turner smiled, “Scares them all. I tested it on Cheerilee and Slide Rule.” His smile faded, “I’m sleeping on the couch until Heart’s Warming Eve at the latest.” “Or you can wait until the Summer Sun Festival.” Cheerilee smiled as she passed her husband. The school teacher was clad in a loose fitting yukata, with a wide-brimmed conical straw hat on her head and a boken at her side. Behind her, Slide Rule trotted out. The filly wore a white, full-body spandex suit, with several purple bolts and a clock emblem on each leg. “…Mac, why are you dressed like Sweeney Todd?” Cheerilee pushed the hat out of her eyes. “…I’m not Sweeney Todd.” He sighed. “We should go get Flash Bulb before it’s too late.” Lyra interrupted. “Isn’t Flash going to the party?” Cheerilee asked. “He got called up at the last minute and Trixie is getting ready for her show tonight.” “I promise I ain’t gonna point’m at anyone,” Rhapsody whined, “Maybe Tomahawk, but he’s a jerk.” “…Fine. But if you threaten anyone over candy, Rumble is going to take you straight home.” Lyra informed her daughter. Rhapsody’s aura snatched the two popguns and jammed them back into her holsters. --- Rhapsody, Slide Rule and Flash Bulb continued down the street. The two fillies kept stealing glances at Flash Bulb: the colt wore the miniaturized uniform of a Canterlot royal guard, fake sword at his side. “What?” he asked the others. “Where did you get that?” Slide Rule tapped the helmet, “Is it real?” “It’s my dad’s. Stop poking it.” “Why does he have a miniature suit of armor?” Rhapsody asked. “Because it was his dad’s.” “…Why doe-” “I don’t know.” Flash Bulb interrupted, “Mom just found it when she was digging things out of the attic for tonight. She thought it would be cute if I wore it.” “What were you going to be otherwise?” Rhapsody continued on. “Star-Lord.” “…Everyone wants to be Star-Lord.” Slide Rule muttered. “Not me.” Rhapsody shook her head, “I wanted to be Princess Eira.” “So how did you end up as a cowboy?” Flash Bulb asked. “They ran out of Princess Costumes.” The group stopped in front of the Carousal Boutique: the sounds of ponies talking and music blared inside. Lyra trotted to the door and banged her hoof against it. The door opened, and Rarity looked out. The fashionista wore her own maid uniform, complete with a pair of wire-frame glasses. Rhapsody, Flash Bulb and Slide Rule held out their bags and smiled. “Candy?” Rhapsody asked. Rarity smiled, “Nothing here, I’m afraid. At least not yet.” She turned back inside, “Thunderlane, would you be a dear and let Gem know her friends are here?” After a few moments, Rarity moved to the side and Lightning Gem came out. The three foals stared at her in surprise: the sulking filly wore a sky blue dress, complete with flowing, almost transparent cape. Atop her head was a ridiculous looking hennin, complete with an extravagant veil and she wore her mane in a single long braid. She looked at the others and her frown intensified. “Don’t ask.” The filly growled. “Oh don’t be like that, it looks wonderful,” Rarity mused. “I still think the hat is overkill,” Thunderlane trotted to the front door, carrying an empty cloth bag. The pegasus wore a black suit top, red waistcoat under it, along with a flowing black opera cape. On the right side of his face was half a white opera mask. He pulled the hat off of Gem’s head and placed the bag on her back. “Now you behave.” Thunderlane looked up at Big Macintosh, “Are you suppose to be the Artful Dodger or something?” “Why can’t anyone get th’ costume right?” Big Macintosh grumbled, “Hasn’t any other pony seen Th’ Threepenny Opera?” “…No?” Thunderlane frowned, “Why?” “I’m Macheath,” the stallion motioned towards himself, expecting a response. Everyone blankly stared at him. The stallion sighed and began to sing. “Oh th’ shark, babe, has such teeth dear/ An’ it shows them, Pearly white/ Jus’ a jackknife has ol’ Macheath, babe?/ An’ he keeps it outta sight/” Big Macintosh paused as Rarity’s face lit up in recognition, “Oh, Mack the Knife.” He sighed and rolled his eyes. “Are Pinkie and Popper here yet?” “No, I think Pinkie was going to stay at the bakery and help with the haunted house,” Rarity paused, “as for Popper and Tomahawk…well, just look behind you.” The foals spun around to see Written Script, Party Popper and Tomahawk. The older unicorn wore little more than a deep red cape. Popper wore a shiny metallic jump-suit, complete with a yellow head obscuring helmet. The front of the helmet held a small screen that slowly flashed an alternating patter of question marks, exclamation marks, a cupcake, Pinkie’s cutie mark and Pokey’s cutie mark. Tomahawk wore a red leather jacket, complete with satchel. At his sides were a pair of ornate, futuristic blasters, loaded with foam darts, and his face was obscured by a bronze mask, complete with glowing red eyes. The trio stopped and the two colts pulled their masks off. “This thing is really hot,” Popper panted. “That’s everyone then.” Lyra frowned, “Where’s Dash?” “Dashie’s off doing her…y’know, usual thing.” Written Script shrugged, “She said she’d come afterwards.” “Alright then, we’ll leave y’all to enjoy your party,” Apple Bloom motioned for the foals to follow her, “C’mon kids.” “Behave,” Cheerilee told the group. “Remember what I told you, Rhapsody.” Lyra reminded her daughter. “Try not to get too dirty, Gem.” Rarity paused, “By the way, Rumble that looks horrible on you. The cut is not very flattering; you should have asked me for help.” “I’d rather just forget about this.” He grumbled. Apple Bloom led the group away from the shop. While they walked Tomahawk smirked at Gem. “What?” Gem snapped, “I’m Princess Eira. I wanted to be Star-lord, but mom said no.” “Hah,” Tomahawk stuck out his tongue, “I knew it, I got the best costume out of everyone.” Popper said something, only for his helmet to render it unintelligible. “What?” Everyone looked at him. The colt paused and pulled off the helmet. “I said you better not tease her too much,” he paused, “She kicked your butt last time.” “…We’re not gonna talk about last time.” Tomahawk grumbled. “I’ll make a bet with you.” Gem cut off Popper’s response, “It’ll be a contest between the two of us. If I win, you have to switch costumes with me. If I lose…” “Then you’ll have to do girly stuff for a month,” Tomahawk flashed a toothy grin. “One week.” Gem responded. “Three. Otherwise no deal.” “Fine. Whoever gets the most candy wins, deal?” Gem stuck out a hoof. “Deal.” Tomahawk stuck out his own hoof and shook Gem’s. “…Do we get to be part of it? Popper asked. “I’m not.” Slide Rule interjected. “I’m gonna stay out too.” Flash Bulb added. “Me too.” Rhapsody nodded. “It’s just between the two of us then,” Gem responded, “You guys are the judges.” “Hey if you don’t hurry up, you’re going to miss the opening ceremony,” Rumble told them. “It doesn’t matter, it’s the same thing every year,” Apple Bloom grumbled, “I think th’ mayor’s been using the same, ratty ol’ clown costume since we were foals. Let’s just get started with th’ candy huntin’.” All the foals cheered in response. > The House of Myth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rhapsody knocked on the door. It slid open, and Bonbon came out, carrying several small bags of candy. “Nightmare Night!” all the ponies held up their bags, beaming. “Hello everypony,” Bonbon chuckled as she dropped the treats into their bags, “You look very pretty Gem.” “Thanks.” The pegasus muttered back in response. Bonbon looked up at Apple Bloom and Rumble, “I know you’re both a bit old for Nightmare Night candy, but do yo…” she trailed off as she stared at Rumble. “He lost a bet.” Apple Bloom quickly replied. “Please don’t say that the cut looks bad, or that it doesn’t accent my mane or fur, or that I need garters, or that I need to stuff the bust area, or that I would look better with thigh highs or that-” “I was just going to say that I think Serenity was wearing the same outfit.” Bonbon paused, “He lost a bet with Bulk and Noteworthy.” “…Why is everypony makin’ bets that involve maid uniforms?” Apple Bloom shook her head. “Anyway, like I was saying, here.” Bonbon tossed two bags of candy to Rumble, “I know you haven’t gone around for candy for a while, but everyone likes the home made stuff.” “Kids, what do you say to Mrs. Bonbon?” “Thank you!” the group beamed. Bonbon waved goodbye as the group turned and left. “So kids, you wanna go to the Cake’s next, or to the Library?” “The haunted house!” All of them cheered excitedly. “Welp, they’ve spoken, let’s go.” Apple Bloom shrugged. “Isn’t Scoots and Alula working at the haunted house too?” Rumble asked. “Yeah.” “And didn’t they say they were going to wear themed costumes?” “Eeyup.” “Did they say what they were going as?” “I have no idea.” Apple Bloom shrugged, “I jus’ hope they aren’t both wearin’ maid uniforms.” “It’s a really popular costume this year,” Rumble noted. “Yeah, I shoulda had you dress in a Sexy Wonderbolt costume,” Apple Bloom mused. “Isn’t that just a thong, mask and goggles?” “Eeyup.” Apple Bloom smiled. “What’s a thong?” Tomahawk asked as he pushed his mask up. “It’s…” Rumble trailed off as Apple Bloom shook her head. “I know what it is!” Slide Rule raised a hoof. “Well?” Tomahawk turned back to the filly. “It’s this thing that m-MRPH!” Slide Rule’s response was cut off as Apple Bloom placed a hoof on her mouth. “None of you need to know that yet,” Apple Bloom paused, “Or ever.” “…Can I eat some of my candy?” Rhapsody levitated a fun-sized candy bar out of her bag. “Just one for now. Y’know the Cakes always have good treats for the kids,” Apple Bloom took her hoof off of Slide Rule’s mouth, “Don’t tell them and I’ll give you whatever candy I get.” She whispered. Slide Rule’s eyes widened and the filly nodded in agreement. Rhapsody tore off the wrapper, stuffing the entire bar into her mouth. Popper slide off his helmet and tossed a piece of hard candy in his mouth. Flash Bulb pulled the cellophane off a lollipop and began to suck on it. Slide Rule pulled out a package labeled “Fun-sized! Craisins” and ripped off the top. Tomahawk and Lightning Gem looked down at their bags and then back up at the other. “The bet’s still on.” Tomahawk smirked. “I know.” “And here we are!” The group stopped at the bakery: the typical array of fake paper bats, ghost, and pumpkins adorned the windows and walls, while jack-o-lanterns sat at the door. A small line of other fillies and foals were lined up at the door and were watched by a pair of ponies, dressed in ridiculous outfits resembling a ketchup bottle and a mustard bottle. “Tch, look at that,” Tomahawk smirked, “stupid looking goofy costumes.” “Says the one wearing a cheap plastic mask,” Gem snarked back. “It’s not cheap plastic, its hard plastic and metal!” Tomahawk shot back. “Whatever.” “Kids, no fightin’,” Apple Bloom scolded the two, “Although…” Apple Bloom paused, looking closer at the two in the costumes, “It ain’t the Cakes.” “No, they’re doing their Raggedy Ann and Andy thing again,” Rumble shook his head, “Pumpkin said she was going to be Princess Luna and I don’t know what. Something to do with the haunted house, I think.” “Yeah well…” Apple Bloom paused as the two condiments turned towards them. The mustard bottle beamed at the group, her yellow fur blending into the bottle. The ketchup bottle sighed and waved a weary hoof. “Hiya A.B.” Scootaloo sighed. “….Scoots, that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen ya wear.” “It was Alula’s idea.” Scootaloo paused as she looked at Rumble, “and Rumble’s costume isn’t much better.” “I lost a bet, I didn’t have a choice.” “I lost one too; you think I wanted to be in this?” Scootaloo motioned towards the suit, “I suggested Dirty Pair.” Rumble paused, “…What did you bet on?” “What Pound was going to dress as.” “Hi kids!” Alula beamed at the group, “Ready for the haunted house?” the six responded in a flurry of nods. “Ok, but before you can go in, you need to leave all props out here. That means the blasters and popguns.” “…Really?” Tomahawk pouted. “Well last year you nearly burnt the library down, after you-” “Ok, I get it.” he grumbled, levitating both of his blasters into Alula’s outstretched hoof. Rhapsody followed suit, dropping both popguns into her hoof. “They don’t fire nothin’.” She grumbled. “We still don’t want them on the tour,” Alula beamed, “Have fun!” Lightning Gem pushed open the door and the group entered, huddling near each other. Popper took off his helmet and gasped. “I can’t see anything.” “…Your mom didn’t tell you what they were going to do? Tomahawk stared at him. “Nope,” Popper shook his head, “She didn’t want me to ruin the surprise.” The group slowly began to walk into the abandoned bakery. Fake walls were put up forcing the group to walk through a maze. “It’s not very sc-” Popper paused, realizing his foot was in something, “I stepped on something and it went squish.” “What?” Tomahawk flipped his mask down, and flicked a switch: the eyes of his mask lit up, casting a weak red light over the floor. The scattered remains of green goop sunk into the floor and on Popper’s hoof. “What is it?” Slide Rule asked as Popper lifted his hoof and placed it in his mouth, “Don’t do that, that’s gross.” “It tastes like Lime gelatin.” “Don’t eat it off the ground, that’s gross.” Gem pushed past Popper, continuing down the maze. As she passed on of the walls, something fell from the top of the maze, pelting Gem in small objects. She stifled a short, sharp scream as the others rushed over. “What is it?” Flash picked up one of the objects. Tomahawk looked over, his eye lights illuminating what Flash held: a small fuzzy plastic spider. “…Fake spiders?” Tomahawk snickered and pushed up his mask, “You screamed over fake spiders? What a-” His sentence was cut off by a large thump, causing all five to scream and try and bunch behind each other. Their struggles stopped at the sound of chains dragging on the floor, the scrap of metal on metal and the soft sounds of weeping. “This is probably why they took our blasters away,” Rhapsody pushed Flash in front of her, “’Cause otherwise we’d be shooting at everything.” “They didn’t take our helmets away,” Popper pushed his at Lighting Gem, “You use it.” “Me? What am I going to do with a hel-” Gem was cut off as something leapt out of the shadows and landed in front of them. The group screamed in terror. --- “…So you’re sayin’ they ain’t goin’ out?” Apple Bloom shook her head, “Figures.” “I don’t know why everyone thinks Dinky and Pipsqueak like each other,” Scootaloo shook her head, “I mean, he’s got that annoying voice and…” She trailed off as the lights inside Sugarcube corner flickered back on. The door slammed open and the group ran back outside, plucking their blasters and popguns from Alula. “What, was it that bad?” Rumble asked. Another pony exited the bakery. Pumpkin Cake’s mane and fur had been dyed darker colors, and a pair of fake cardboard wings remained strapped to her back. She rolled her eyes and sighed. “Sorry folks, we’re going to take a short break. I need to get my idiot brother to the hospital.” She ignored the chorus of groans and whines as her horn lit up. The unconscious form of Pound Cake, dressed in a black coverall with a skeleton pattern and black and white face paint levitated out of the bakery door. She began her way down the road, pausing at the group. “What happened?” Rumble asked. “He scared them a little too much,” Pumpkin rolled her eyes, “When he jumped out to scare them some more, Gem threw Popper’s helmet at him and hit him in the face.” “That doesn’t seem so bad.” “And then Tomahawk head butted him. That mask is metal and hard plastic, I’m surprised it didn’t break hitting his head.” > Black Magic Women > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I can’t believe you knocked someone out with that head of yours,” Apple Bloom shook her head as they continued to the town hall. “He scared me.” Tomahawk replied while checking his mask, “I don’t think it’s broken.” He flicked the switch on, blinding himself with the eye lights. “…Well, you ruined the haunted house for everyone else.” Gem grumbled, “Almond Joy and his friends were behind us in that line.” “It’s only Almond,” Rhapsody shrugged, “He doesn’t like us anyway.” The group stopped as a crowd gathered around a stage. The Mayor, in a ridiculous looking clown suit, stepped forward towards a podium. “Fillies, Gentlecolts and foals! You all know what time it is, so I present to you…” The mayor’s response was cut off as green fog began to engulf the podium. With a look of mock terror, the mayor quickly abandoned the stage, nearly tripping over her clown shoes. The fog began to swirl together, spinning faster and fast. Suddenly a bright flash caused everypony to flinch and take their eyes off the stage. As the smoke cleared, Zecora appeared in the middle of the stage, her usual Mohawk gone in favor of curls. Replacing her usual array of golden rings was a black jacket with a purple undershirt. “It seems to be Nightmare Night once again,” Zecora paused to place a black top hat on her head and smile, “So it seems that the show must begin. Gather around, colts, mares and foals, and y-” Zecora was cut off at a second explosion of fireworks, knocking off her hat. As the fireworks cleared, Trixie stepped forward, clad in her own black jacket, white undershirt and top hat. The magician reeled up onto her hind legs as she took her own hat off. “PRESENTING…THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRI…” she trailed off as Zecora glared at her, “…Trixie was not informed that you would be here.” “Nothing here should be explained, for I thought you abstained.” The zebra grumbled as she placed her hat back on. “Yes, well…” Trixie went back onto all four hooves and placed her hat back on, “I changed my mind.” “Such careless actions are offensive, two magicians be quite expensive?” “There’s no need for two,” Trixie’s smirk returned, “For I have enough for all!” “Such arrogance has no excuse, why should I suffer this abuse?” Zecora turned back to the crowd, “So tell us audience, shall I depart and leave this fool, or shall I stay and let us duel?” “You wish to challenge me? Inconceivable!” “That word works not in the way you use, but are you afraid that you may lose? For this is my domain, not yours, and my magic show endures.” Zecora rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Trixie. “You’ve done this for years!” Trixie barked back, “Let some new blood take over.” “Then a duel shall decide, which will stay and who shall hide,” Zecora looked back at the crowd, “But perhaps we should let them choose, for if they demand how can we refuse? So my friends please inform, shall one stay or shall both perform?” The crowd erupted into cheers and calls in favor of the two. “So you see, for performance they thirst, perhaps I should be kind and let you go first.” Zecora smiled as she stepped back. “Hmph!” Trixie huffed as she stepped forward, “Then let the best mare win.” She flashed a flawless smile at the crowd before taking off her hat, “Let’s start this with something I know everypony will enjoy. I need two pieces of candy.” Tomahawk smirked as his aura flared up and two pieces flew out of Golden Gem’s bag. “HEY!” “Heh.” Tomahawk stuck out his tongue before noticing two pieces of candy float out of his bag, “HEY!” He whipped around as Rhapsody stuck out her tongue, her own aura alight. “…Well, I suppose I can make due with four,” Trixie rolled her eyes and engulfed the candy in her own aura. The showmare tilted her head, allowing her hat to fall to the stage, landing upside down. In a puff of pink smoke, a wand appeared in Trixie’s mouth. “Now then, let’s begin with something easy.” Her aura gripped the wand, and brought the candy to her. She tapped each individual piece with her wand, dropping it into the hat. Another puff of pink smoke engulfed the hat, accompanied by several sparks. As it cleared, Trixie reached into the hat with her wand, and pulled out four sleeping bats, their fur the color of the candies. She gently blew on them, awakening the bats who took to the air. As they flew over the crowd, the bats exploded over the foals, showering them with candy. While Tomahawk and Lightning Gem began to fight over the candy, the others took the opportunity to silently gather it up. Trixie scooped up her hat and bowed to the audience. “A decent start, I must confess, but not enough to impress me, surely you jest?” Zecora stepped forward, “After all it is Nightmare Night, and for my trick, I think it will fright. For horrors and screams are what we need, so for my trick, I need him to succeed.” Zecora reached into a pocket and pulled out a hoofful of silver dust. The mare blew on it, scattering the dust, which quickly began to glow and spin. A small silver whirlwind formed, in the middle of the stage, sucking Trixie’s hat off the stage. The whirlwind slowly began to expand, forcing Trixie and the nervous ponies close to the stage to step backwards away from it. Finally the whirlwind exploded outwards, revealing Flash Sentry, still clad in his guard armor. “…So then we had to cl…” Flash blinked, “Trixie? Why are you…” He paused again, looking around, “Why am I back in Ponyville?” “For this trick, I need a volunteer, and your wife, it seems is quite clear. For what better way to make you disappear?” “…Wait, what?” Four boards shot out of the stage, surrounding Flash Sentry and forcing him to stand on his hind legs.. Before he could flap his wings and leap out of the box, a final panel of wood slammed down on it, sealing him in. “You shall now see a new trick I have developed in force!” Zecora smiled, pulling out a large saw from her hat. The mare began her work, sawing through the lower third of the box, eventually cutting through it. She quickly withdrew the blade, revealing no blood on it and began cutting through the top third as the crowd watched on in silence. As she finished the final cut, she spun the saw around, causing the blade to vanish in a blink of an eye. Zecora smiled at the tense crowd before pushing the box onto its side. The chunks of wood collapsed to the floor, revealing nothing within them. “Now, you must all be waiting for the main course, but patience I shall ask for, there’s no need to be coarse.” Zecora smiled and stepped to the side, revealing a neat pile of severed hooves and wings, absent of blood. “There’s no need to panic, the reveal is in due course. But I must ask my friend to back away from the source.” Zecora motioned for Trixie to step to the side. The mare did so, only to leap further back at a pile of fur, Flash Sentry’s cutie mark on the largest piece. “And now for the finale, a tour de force!” Zecora motioned for Rhapsody to come up on the stage. The filly excitedly leapt onto stage, still carrying her bag of candy. Zecora smiled and reached into the bag, pulling something wrapped in a towel out of the bag. “That wasn’t in there before.” Rhapsody blinked. Zecora held up the item and slowly unwrapped the towel. As she dropped the towel to the floor, several gasp and screams of horror escaped the crowd: Flash’s disembodied head sat in Zecora’s hooves. The head yawned and slowly opened his eyes. “Oh man, Trixie, I had the strangest dream I…”He trailed off as a look of confusion appeared on his face, “I can’t feel my legs.” “For my friends, this trick is called The Divorce.” Zecora smiled. Zecora burst out into villainous laughter and disappeared in a burst of sickly green smoke. Flash’s head landed snout first against the ground. “…And here we thought you weren’t an evil enchantress,” Trixie rolled her eyes, as she engulfed Flash’s head in her aura, bringing it towards her. “That sai-” “Trixie, why can’t I feel my wings?” “Hmm? Oh, Zecora did something to separate your body into parts.” Trixie spun Flash’s head around to look at the pile of dismembered parts, “See?” Flash stared in silence, taking in his situation, “You know, I thought I’d be a bit more freaked out over this, but after the whole thing with Porcina and the new Changeling armies, I’m not.” “Yes well…” Trixie extended her aura to gather the rest of his body parts, “This might be a bit messy.” “…How am I even talking without a thorax? Heck, how am I breathing?” Flash looked out at the crowd, “Who brought Flash Bulb here? Is he watching this?” “Sorry Mr. Sentry, we didn’t know you were gonna be part of the show.” Rumble apologized. “…That dress looks pretty bad on you, kid.” Flash attempted to shake his head and failed, “I mean…that lace pattern really?” “...Is this really an appropriate conversation to be having right now?” Trixie spun Flash’s head around to face her, “You are severed head and you’re more worried about how Rumble looks in a maid uniform than whether or not your son is traumatized?” “I’m fine mom.” Flash Bulb called out. “Thank you,” Trixie turned her attention back to Flash. The magician stomped her hoof on the stage, causing a massive fishtank full of water to appear. With casual indifference, she began to toss the various severed parts into the tank as Flash’s head watched. “Um…Trix, what are you doing?” “Putting you back together, duh.” “Yeah, but… won’t I drown if you throw my head in there?” “Probably not.” Trixie muttered “…What?” “Just go in there.” Trixie dropped Flash’s head into the tank and quickly covered it with her cape, “…You know I’ve never done this before.” “…I would hope so, mom.” Flash Bulb sighed. “Yes, well…” Trixe trailed off as the something stirred beneath the cape, “Oh, look, he’s back to normal.” The mare tore her cape off the fishtank, revealing it to be completely empty. The mare flipped over the tank, looking inside for any sign of Flash. “…That can’t be good.” Trixie’s hat began to shake and expand atop her head. In panic, she tossed it away and stepped back as the same sickly green smoke began to pour out of it. Flash’s head popped out of the hat, gasping for air. “Probably not my ass.” He muttered as he pulled himself out of the hat. Zecora reappeared on stage smiling at the crowd as she was joined by Trixie. “Entertaining you all is always a delight, that is all for the show, happy Nightmare Night!” The two bowed as the crowd cheered. > Closing Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The old mare lay in her bed, and shivered slightly as the cold wind blew through her house “Oh how I wish I had some company on this cold, lonely night,” she muttered as she closed her eyes and fell asleep. At midnight she was awoken with a start by a loud… THUMP! Something was on her roof! The elderly mare huddled beneath her bed sheets as the thumping made its way to the chimney… “I got a question.” Rhapsody raised a hoof, interrupting the story. Dinky paused, putting the book down. “Yes?” “If the mare’s cold how come she didn’t make a fire? Cause if she got a chimney, she has a fire place right?” “Because it’s very dangerous to fall asleep with a fire going,” Dinky replied, “If a log rolled out, or if any flaming wood fell out, it could cause her house to burn down.” “oh.” “Anyway,” Dinky coughed and returned to the story: As the thumping made its way to the chimney. She paused in fear, as something struggled into the chimney, and landed in her room with a… WUMP! Something had fallen down the chimney! As the mare huddled under her sheets, something rolled out of the fireplace and hit the wall, near her bed. The mare peeked out from under her sheets and saw a head! The head opened its eyes and smiled at the mare. “Wh..why are you here?” she stammered. “Why? You asked from company.” “What do you come for?” “Me?” the head suddenly shot upwards, into the air as a body stumbled out of the fireplace. “I come for-” “YOU!” Dinky dropped the book and lashed out with her aura, brushing the tip of each foal’s ears. They all screamed in terror and dropped to the ground, trying to protect themselves. After a few moments, they scampered back onto their hooves as Dinky picked her book up and closed it. “I think that’s enough for tonight,” a creepy smile crawled onto her face, “After all...I’m sure you want to go to bed before midnight.” “Wh…what’s at midnight?” Tomahawk asked. “That is a secret.” Dinky’s smile grew, “But that is for another time.” “Alright then Everypony,” Apple Bloom interrupted, “Why don’t y’all give Dinky a round of applause for tonight’s nightmares?” Dinky stood up and took a bow as the fillies and colts cheered. --- “Welp, that went better than last year,” Rumble stated as the group continued down the road. “Yeah, I don’t know what Dinky was thinkin’ reading them Night of the Dead.” Apple Bloom shook her head. The group paused in front of Carousal Boutique. The shop’s lights remained on, but no noise came from inside. Apple Bloom frowned and knocked on the door. Big Macintosh answered it. “Oh, you’re back,” He paused looking back inside, “I reckon you all can sleep over tonight.” “Why?” Tomahawk and Gem asked in unison. “Because everypony had a little too much to drink,” He paused, “I’m sure it’ll be alright with all your parents.” “…Even Lyra?” Apple Bloom asked. Big Macintosh stepped out of the shop. Lyra laid on his back, giggling uncontrollably. “’Specially Lyra.” “Hi Rhapso..Rap..wap…daughter.” Lyra giggled as she looked at Rhapsody, “Hadda good time?” “I did momma, we saw uncle Flash get turned into a head, we got candy from Missus Bonbon an’ everyone kept talkin’ about Uncle Rumble’s dress.” “I think Apple Bloom just has a fetish for dressin’ him up like a girl,” Lyra giggled and rolled around on Big Mac’s back. “I told you th’ stop.” He muttered, “Bloom, you take Rumble and go ahead, get th’ livin’ room set up so they can sleep there.” “Alright Mac.” --- Big Macintosh pushed the door open as the foals poured into the living room. Popper, Flash and Slide Rule dumped out their candy onto the floor while Gem and Tomahawk glared at each other. “Alright you all settle down, I’m gonna put Lyra t’ bed.” The stallion started up the stairs as the mare on his back snored. “How much did you get?” Tomahawk smugly asked. “I don’t know I still have to count.” Gem looked into the bag, “Are we counting the toothbrushes Missus Colgate gave us?” “No,” Tomahawk looked into the bag. “This is a lot more than I thought.” “Yeah, I don’t think we can co-” Popper snatched up both bags, weighting them. “Tomahawk has one hundred and seventy three pieces. So does Gem.” He dropped both bags again, “What are you gonna do if you tie?” “…I didn’t think about that.” Tomahawk yawned, “I’ll do it in the morning.” “Hey, you kids better go to sleep,” Apple Bloom smiled, “It’s almost midnight and you know what Miss Dinky said.” “Night Aunty Apple Bloom.” The six responded, taking off their costumes. The six crawled onto the mattress sheets on the floor and pulled blankets over themselves. “G’night kids.”