> Why Are You In My Room? > by BrokeDudeDoesCommissions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sighed. "Why are you in my room? At two o' clock in the morning?" "It's too hot in the living room. Or whatever. Let me sleep in your bed." Diver, the Changeling, or whatever they're called, stood in my doorway with a disgruntled face. His pupil-less eyes were foggy and somewhat unsettling, which wasn't helped by the scowl they held. "'Or whatever?' Um, no, go away,” I retorted harshly as I flipped to my other side, my bare back facing him. “Oh, yeah sure...” with the sarcasm soaked in those words, I was worried what would happen next. A buzzing sound indicated that Diver had begun to fly. Oh God. I quickly turned back to face Diver, but he had left his previous position. Instead, he was maintaining flight a few feet above me. He had a devilish smirk that I knew well as he stopped fluttering his thin bug-like wings, letting gravity do its job and tugging him down heavily onto my stomach. “D-Diver, no-oohhfff!!” he landed squarely on my diaphragm, knocking the air out of my lungs. He snickered as I rolled to my right, making him slip off onto the bed. Gasping for air, I sat up and massaged my now slightly bruised stomach with both hands. “The...hell was...that?” I demanded through gasps. I shouldn't have been surprised, as Diver had done other such pranks, if they could even be called that, and quite frequently. “Let me sleep in your bed with you, asshole.” The sneer had gone, and had been replaced with a steep frown and scowl. Despite living with this insect...horse...thing for almost seven months, the expressions he did, accompanied with his sleek black coat and light blue eyes that were absent of pupils, still made me shudder. A few seconds of wheezing replenished my body with oxygen yet again, allowing me to respond. “Even if I drag you back to the living room and toss you back on the couch, you're still going to come back here and jump on me again, aren't you?” “Duh.” His face, or muzzle, I guessed, remained stone cold as he replied. “Jesus, fine, can I at least put underwear on?” It had been in the dead of August, so the dog days had beaten us poor Arizonians with days of constant 100°F, forcing those like me without air conditioning to sleep in the nude to avoid heat stroke in the night. I only had a very thin sheet covering my crotch. That was obviously to prevent Diver from seeing my junk should he ever show up in my room during the night uninvited, which was all the time. “No, deal with it, who cares if you're naked. I'm naked all the time.” Diver scoffed and tucked his wings tightly to his side and slumped down onto the bed. That's because you're a damn horse-bug thing, I thought to myself and sigh. At least he wasn't under the sheet with me. It was weird, though; even though Diver had requested some strange things before, (such as letting him hang around me when I watch Game of Thrones, which I absolutely love), he's never asked to sleep with me. Maybe he is a pansy. I mean, every time he hears the word, Twilight, he would flinch and act as if he had just been told he had a hit-man on him. I stared at the white ceiling. I rested my fore arm on my forehead and closed my eyes. I couldn't help but remember the first time I met Diver. It wasn't exactly the most graceful first meeting, but it certainly was memorable... ************************************************************************ January, just a week after Christmas. Decor had started to thin out as people tucked them away to be used again the next year. In comparison to other states, 45°F wasn't very cold, but to Arizonians, it was a chill requiring a layer or two. I, myself, wore a jeep cap, and a long-sleeved gray sweater over my work uniform. I was a cook, server, dishwasher, and basically everything at this family-owned restaurant called Rob's Burgers, which sounded suspiciously like one of my favorite television shows, but no one said anything. They serve mediocre burgers and fries; basic things. It was not that great, but I get free drinks and half-off food, like most employees at restaurants. I still nabbed some fries or chicken nuggets when I serve, though. I was surprised when they hired me, though; I was nineteen, graduated high school with a less than average GPA, and I never had a job. Grades aren't really that important when it came to restaurant work, however, job experience did. Not only that, Rob's Burgers hadn't been hiring for a while, since he'd always have his seemingly endless relatives working there. It seemed, however, that my late mother was a friend of Robert, and when she passed away of breast cancer a little under a year prior, he offered me a position at his restaurant. I never knew my father, and I had no other known living relatives that were willing or able to take me in, and since I had been over the age of eighteen at the time of her death, I wasn't even their responsibility in the first place. She had left me her house and a small amount of money long enough to support myself without a job for a solid two months. Almost immediately, Rob offered me the job and even asked if I wanted to live at his house with his family, as my house would be hauntingly empty, despite it small size. I politely declined, however, as I'd already cost him by being a worker at his restaurant. I knew he hired me out of pity, but I still took it the offer with glee. I was worried what I would do without a source of income. I was glad I had him there. However, no amount of thankfulness made taking out the smelly-ass garbage out to the dumpster conveniently across the parking lot in freezing weather any less gross or tedious. It was late in the evening, and I was the one closing that night. Every one else had left, and I was doing last minute cleaning and general tidying up. All the other employees had left for home, and I was soon to follow. All I needed to do was take out the trash and I would be curled up in bed asleep soon. As I thought such things, a rustling in the green, greasy dumpster startled me. A raccoon, probably, I sighed. I had dealt with the critters before, so they were nothing special. I threw the lid open, raised my free hand, curled it into a fist and began to bang on the side of the dumpster. “Get out, I need to go home,” I yelled, more so to use the noise to scare it than to actually tell it to leave. “F-fuck off, man,” a raspy, weak voice called out from outside. I dropped the garbage bag and screamed. A homeless man? In the dumpster!? It wasn't unheard of, per se, but it still was a shocking happenstance. “H-hey, man, get out of there, you're not supposed to sleep there.” It sucks to sleep in smelly dumpster, but I gotta close, and it's kinda creepy. Not that he can help it, I guessed, it is pretty cold. He probably didn't have a blanket. He didn't sound too good, either. Like he hadn't eaten in a while. “Do...do you want to come inside for a second? I'm closing, but I could make a burger for you real quick, I...guess...” As I stood up on my toes and peered into the bin, I saw no man inside. I didn't know what exactly I saw. I didn't look for too long either, as I, yet again, jumped back and screamed. “Jesus! What the hell are you!?” “Stop...yelling...headache...” the creature wheezed back, still weak. I heard the clinking of bottles and general trash, and saw the thing rise out of the dumpster. It had pale blue eyes that had no pupils, a sleek black coat what seemed to be fur stained and caked in dirt and grime. There were wings on its back, much like a bug's, pitifully fluttering, and it's legs had large holes all through its legs, but there was no blood, as if it was born as such. It was quite small, about the size of golden retriever, but it's legs were shaped in the way a horse's legs would be, but it's head was round instead of long, and it had a misshapen horn protruding from its head, along with long fangs that reach the middle of its chin. It wasn't disgusting, but seeing something like that had definitely struck some fear in my heart at the time. It drooped over the edge of the dumpster, and slid onto the ground with a thud. It continued to wheeze for a second before saying something else. “Who...do you love?” It said through gasps. “What? How, what-” I was at a total loss for words. I literally couldn't piece together a proper sentence to respond. “Please, don't ask, just...tell me before...I...die...” Die!? Christ, how was I supposed to respond to that? For some reason, I complied. “M-my mother, Brianna. She died a year ago, but I really miss her, and I love her. A lot.” I sputtered the words out quickly and sharply, but they were true. “Th-thank you...” The...creature seemed pleased, and some of it's strength seemed to return. It lay on the ground for a few moments before it seemed it could stand. It then asked me my name and properly thanked me. I stared blankly at this thing looking up at me, smiling. I turned around, stumbled across the parking lot, and entered the store. I moved through the kitchen and sat down at a table, rubbing my forehead. What...was that? Am I high? Overworked? I really hoped it was just me thinking too much about my mother and hallucinating. Too bad. I wasn't. It suddenly hopped on the table I was leaning on, spooking me and causing me to pull my elbows away. “Oh God!” I shouted, “what are you!?” After I had had my little outburst, it went into a long, sudden spiel; It explained to me that it was something called a Changeling, a creature from another world that could morph into other beings, and promptly demonstrated. It told me that due to events he could not explain, he had been taken from his home world and tossed here. It had been wandering this city for about a week, most likely Christmas, I thought to myself, and had begun to starve since it could not find it's source of food. I still have no idea what it was I did that saved him as he refuses to tell me what it was, but he does tell me that it was thanks to me that he was still alive. He then asked his first question. “Hey, you have a house right? Most humans apparently do. Can I live with you?” ************************************************************************ And that brought me to another extremely notable day in my life. That I met him day swam through my head as I drifted into unconsciousness. Even though he was sweet when I first met him, he quickly turned into a sneaky, tricky and spiteful thing that took much pleasure in bringing misfortune on me. If I would ever respond in violence or pranks, he would threaten to take my form and do unspeakable things in my name. Since I would rather not have my name dirtied, I would just accept what happened to me. Along with his food source, he would refuse to tell me his real name as well. Not wanting to spawn an argument, I quickly named him Diver, as when I first met him, he was in the middle of a dumpster dive. He accepted it rather easily, as if he was thoroughly relieved not having to reveal his real name. Even though Diver could be a real nuisance, it was nice to have a roommate. Living alone was slowly grating on me, enough to make it hard to get out of bed sometimes. Just as I thought that, I had felt something gently slide across me. I was almost asleep, so I didn't react immediately. Diver probably inevitably stole the sheets off of me.. No big deal. I had expected such anyways. I suddenly remembered, however, that the only thing keeping my genitals from open air was that sheet, but just as I was about to do something about it, I felt something else. Something wet, and thin. And long. Like a...a tongue. I was still groggy, so my reaction time was understandably horrid. I looked around the room, sleep still caked in my eyes, but still able to see that Diver was not in his original position. Had he left? Then what was that wet feeling? The second I thought that, I pinpointed where the feeling was. It was on my dick. Oh God. Quickly, the sensation turned from a thin wetness to a full moisture enveloping my dick. I felt some suction and something moving up and down across it. The tongue-like sensation returned, but this time, it wasn't slight. The tongue began to caress the head of my dick, spinning around it and slathering it in saliva. Needless to say, I was erect instantly. I was awake now, and I quickly looked down at my crotch. Diver was down there, his head bobbing up and down the shaft, a slurping sound covered by the moaning and heavy breathing from Diver. I was too shocked to notice that I was close to an orgasm. Diver quickly glanced at my shocked face, than did a double take. He was probably not expecting me to notice, Lord knows why. He stopped, took his mouth from my dick before I could cum. His face was as shocked as I mine. Just as I was about to say something, he quickly took flight... ...And landed on my face. His ass was pressed against my lips preventing me from opening it. His balls were on my chin, the skin a different texture than his hide. My words were muffled, but I was desperately asking Diver why his ass was in my face. As I was yelling into his ass, he situated himself, his flank spreading onto my cheeks, revealing his asshole. I was disgusted for a second until I realized it wasn't caked in...I didn't even want to think about it. Did he...did he clean himself? For this? He was planning this? “Eat my ass,” Diver said. “We do this in our world, and I know you do it here, too. I've seen those things you watch. Now do it to me.” The command in his voice was frightening, as was his asshole literally on my lips. He mentioned he's seen the porn I watch. I didn't know if he understood the concept of different sexualities, but I was embarrassed to know that he found out I was bisexual. Literally no one knew except for me. And now him. I...can't say I hadn't thought about these kinds of things about Diver. Maybe I'm sick, but I always wondered what it would be like to...have sex with him. I'd never had sex with anyone, male or female. It wasn't so much of a lust for Diver, more so just a curiosity. Though, it was a shame it had to be so violent. I gulped down a knot in my throat. I was scared, but I had might as well do as he says. I feared what he would do if I didn't listen to him. I lifted my hands, freed my face, and held Diver's ass inches from my face. I slowly opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue. “Hey, you better not throw me o-hhhaaaaahhhh,” he let out a great sigh of pleasure when my tongue entered his asshole. I spread his cheeks with my thumbs, and wiggled my tongue around the inside. Much like people on the internet described, it didn't taste as bad as I thought. It didn't taste like anything, really, it was just warm. Diver was light enough for me to hold comfortably, so there was no intense strain. I could have gone so far as to say I was enjoying myself, as well. I continued to lick his asshole, focusing on the rim. He gasped and moaned, and I could feel him throw his head back but his weight shifting. “Mmmm, keep going, Gerry,” Diver lost his aggressive tone, and seemed to focus on the pleasure I was giving him. I continued my rimming for a few seconds before I got an idea. I threw my weight forward, causing Diver to fall onto the bed. I still gripped his flanks in my hand, but, I was no longer eating his ass. “H-hey, don't stop, that was good! What the hell, ma-hhhhaaaannnnn~!” His ass was in the air and his front legs were folded under him, causing his back to have a pleasing downward curve to it. His tail was lifted into the air, which was seemingly begging me to grab it. I gripped the base of it and sharply pressed in against his back. He squeaked, and his ass cheeks spread, yet again revealing his asshole, this time slick with my saliva. I cradled his balls with my free hand, and shoved as much tongue as I could into him. He practically screamed as I writhed my tongue inside. “Keep...goooiiinnnnggg.” I could feel him push his ass into me, a gesture that I took well. I took my tongue out, licked viciously around his ass, and then shoved it back in. Diver was losing his mind, the sensation of my tongue inside of him, and me massaging his balls must be too much for him. Still tonguing him, I removed my hand from his balls and started to rub his cock. It wasn't very long, since he was so small, but it had width and had enough length for me to work its shaft. Diver was panting heavily. He was squirming about, as if he didn't know which sensation to respond to, me licking his ass or rubbing his cock. Just as I had begun to pick speed in my rubs and licks, he pulled himself away from me. “What's wrong, did I hurt you or something?” I asked before Diver bucked me squarely in the chest, knocking me back onto the bed. I was just about to demand and answer when he stood over me, his legs on either side of me. “Put it in my ass now,” Diver commanded. I was erect now, so my dick stood straight up, and was slightly touching his ass. I took no time to wonder, I would have done so eventually myself. I placed my hand on his lower back, and pushed him down on my cock. Diver's face twisted for a second, but my dick felt no resistance entering his asshole. My saliva must have been sufficient lubricant. In mere seconds, he was already riding my dick. The sound of his silky ass cheeks smacking against my crotch when he went down was strangely satisfying. My toes curled as I bit lip, reveling in my first time having sex. People would always describe the underwhelming realization that sex wasn't as they expected, but that was most likely due to the fact they did not have a partner as satisfying as this. The feeling of something so small able to comfortably hold my dick, the silkiness of his coat, was something I, to this day, don't understand. He pressed his hole-filled legs against my chest as he bounced on my dick, moaning and grunting all the while. I held his flanks in my hands, guiding him up and down my cock. Soon, the dominance shifted from Diver to myself. I threw him off of my chest and loomed over him. Before he had a chance to say anything, I grabbed his back legs just under the joint, pushed them to the bed, and pumped viciously. He threw his head back against the bed and let out a throaty groan. I could see the lighter shade of his blue eyes peering up at me. His mouth was open, tongue dangling out of the side of his mouth. “Don't you dare...stop...hah...” Diver slurred his speech as if the hard fucking I was giving him made it hard for him to speak. Seeing Diver's normally smirking face soaked in sexual pleasure drove me wild. I took one hand off of his leg and wrapped it around his dick. I was close to coming, and I was going to make sure he came with me. Just as I thought that, a thick like of white shot out from his dick and slapped onto his chest; one, two, no, three more times his shot out sperm onto his black chest. Diver came before me, how rude! Despite him coming, I continued jacking him off as I fucked his asshole, harder then before. Diver squeaked out unintelligible words as I mercilessly railed him for a few final pumps, then finally filling his ass with my cum. Gasping for air and sweat dripping off my forehead, I looked down at my partner's post-sex face. His stared back at me, covered in sweat and his own seed, tongue still drooping out and a small line of drool from the other side. “You...fed me...so...much...love...” I didn't exactly understand what he had just said, but I just took it as orgasmic gibberish as I flopped backwards onto the bed, exhausted.