Love Letter

by Hardline Potato

First published

NOTE: This story serves more as a prequel to Light My Fire, however, you don't need to read Light My Fire to enjoy this story.

Today is Hearts and Hooves Day, a day where every pony in Equestria gives their special someponies their love and care. Usually everyone enjoys this day expecially Sweetie Belle, but for Spike, love is just a game for him since he knows that Rarity will never want a guy like him, however, that will soon change. When he receives a love letter from Sweetie Belle, Spike begins to reconsider his feelings for her older sister and asks Twilight for help while Sweetie Belle asks for Rarity's advice on what to do when Spike tells Sweetie if he has feelings for her or not.

No CMC tag since Scootaloo and Apple Bloom aren't major characters in the story.

Chapter One: The Letter

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Love Letter
A SpikeBelle fanfiction
By: DiamondBurritos

A young unicorn filly with a curly pink and purple mane hummed a little tune to herself as she opened the cards she got from all of her friends on this year's Hearts and Hooves Day. She would often giggle or smile when she read the compliments she received and even hugged the cards. Her fellow students around her simply rolled their eyes since seeing her act like this wasn't really a surprise.

Literally every pony in Ponyville knew that Hearts and Hooves Day was Sweetie's favorite holiday for one reason: all the love and care she gets from all of her friends. Sure, her older sister, Rarity, would often freak out when she received a card or letter from a stallion, but Sweetie was different. While Rarity often flirted with the stallions, Sweetie just said "Thank you" to the pony who gave her the card and smiled.

After skimming through the last of her cards, Sweetie put her cards into her saddlebag and sat on her desk quietly, waiting for the bell to ring. She looked around the room, the walls were covered in red, pink, and white streamers and fake red hearts with all of the students names on them. That was when Sweetie's concentration was interrupted when the sound of the school bell rang in her ears.

"Alright, class," Miss Cheerilee said from her desk as her students started to leave. "I hope you've had a great Hearts and Hooves Day! See you tomorrow!"

Sweetie exited the schoolhouse, still humming her little tune. Letting out a sigh, she began to walk to her sister's boutique, hoping she still had time to write her secret admirer her love letter.


"Rarity, I'm home!" Sweetie called out as she stepped into the Carousel Boutique, dropping her saddlebag on the floor near the stairs as she listened for a response from her sister. Sweetie remembered that the last time she was here, Rarity was re-organizing the boutique, causing all of her Sweetie's art supplies in a different place, possibly all crumpled up in a small shelf somewhere.

"Rarity?" she called out again in her high pitched voice before coming around a corner to her sister's dress studio, only to see Rarity sewing the finishing touches to one of her dresses.

The filly rolled her eyes and cleared her throat before walking up to her sister and tapping her shoulder lightly. This made the unicorn mare shriek and almost rip the finishing touches to dress. Rarity sighed angrily before staring into her little sister's green eyes. "Sweetie Belle!" she yelled in her face. "How many times did I tell you not to interrupt me when I'm working?!"

Sweetie blushed in embarrassment and sighed. "Sorry sis," she said ashamed. "I just wanted to ask you where my art supplies are."

"Oh," Rarity said, surprised. "They're in your room on your shelf, darling. Next time, don't interrupt me for such foolish things! Now, please leave and let me work, Sweetie."

Sweetie smiled and ran fast out of the dressing studio to her room, where her small bed and shelf were located. On top of the shelf was a big box, with corners of paper peeking out slightly. With a huge amount of effort, she used her magic to levitate the box and place it upon her bed, where she slipped out a clipboard from under her bed, a piece of paper and a pencil. With the pencil in her mouth, Sweetie began to write a letter to a very special dragon, a letter where she would admit her feelings for him without making a complete fool of herself.

"Dear Spike,

"I know this may seem weird to you: sending you letter like this, but I thought that this would be the best way to tell you how I truly feel about you. Gosh, this is gonna be embarrassing to write, but here we go.

"Ever since we met in Sugarcube Corner at Diamond Tiara's cute cenera, I knew that we would become close friends and I was right! I remember sometimes dragging you to the Crusader's adventures and you assisting us, and that one day, when Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, you and I were at Sugarcube Corner and the two of us had to share a milkshake together, that was when I realized I had fallen in love you.

"Since then, I have been trying to avoid admitting my feelings for you since I didn't know how you would react and we would still be friends. I know Hearts and Hooves Day isn't your favorite day of the year, but I'm taking this opportunity to admit myself to you and finally letting out the stress and nervousness from my crush on you.

"I hope you feel the same way about me, and if you don't, that's okay. We can still be friends, but I await your response.

Sweetie Belle, Your Secret Admirer"

After finishing her letter, Sweetie spit the pencil out of her mouth and gently placed the letter inside, sealing the envelope up and levitating it as she climbed off her bed and walked down the stars before grabbing her saddle bag and placing the letter in it.

She picked up her back and placed it upon her back, wrapping the straps around her waist before turning the doorknob. "Rarity," Sweetie yelled. "I'm going to go to Twilight's to get a book for a school project, okay?"

"Alright, Sweetie," her sister said from her studio. "Don't stay there for too long!"

After getting her sister's response, Sweetie exited the house and walked towards Twilight's library, where she would give Spike her love letter.

Meanwhile, Spike was sweeping the floor of the Golden Oak Library as Twilight was re-organizing her shelves when they heard a knock on the door. "Weird," Twilight said. "I thought we weren't expecting any pony to come today."

"Me too." Spike responded and placing the room against the wall and walked towards the front door. He turned the knob, only to find Sweetie Belle in front of him, the rays of Celestia's sun beaming on her coat. "Oh, hey Sweetie Belle!" Spike said.

"Hey, Spike! Hi, Twilight!" The filly said in her squeaky, high-pitched voice as she used her magic to open up her saddle bag and levitating a letter out. "This is for you, Spike. Read it when you have the time, okay?"

Spike raised an eyebrow, confused, but thanked her for the letter and the mare left, and he closed the door, looking at the red envelope. "What did Sweetie want, Spike?" Twilight asked with a smile.

"Nothing really," he replied. "She just wanted to give me a letter."

"A letter?" Twilight said in confusion, walking towards her assistant to look at the red envelope. "Why would she give you a letter?"

"Have no idea, but I'll read it," The dragon said, opening the letter with his sharp claws. "I don't wanna hurt her feelings."

Twilight nodded and walked away from her assistant and went back to work.

After opening the envelope, Spike took out the letter and began to read the work written on it. After finishing, the dragon's face was covered in blush as the letter slipped out of his hands, and with shocked eyes, Spike whispered. "Twilight, come here, please."