> [C] Potty Break > by scribe-feather > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Potty Break > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potty Break By Scribe Feather The sun began to set over Canterlot, covering the land in oranges and yellows before fading into dark blues. Celestia was busying herself with yet another day of solid work, stretching her limbs in different directions to relieve the tense muscles. The duties of a princess seemed never ending for the white alicorn. Three days of work and only four hours of sleep finally caught up with the busy princess. When she finally had the chance to break off and have a good night’s rest she didn’t waste any time. Celestia made a beeline to her bedroom, shut the door behind her, and collapsed onto her bed. The mattress felt like a soft cloud of comfort. She let out a heavy sigh and closed her eyes. Finally, she’d have some much needed shut eye. The white alicorn slumbered, but she never was one to dream. At the very least she would have very faint memories of a dream, but she would never say she dreamed at all. Not any more at least. Her mind was much too heavy with worry, always thinking about the well being of her kingdom, her loyal subjects. Not much room for dreams when you had such a busy schedule. The rare chances she got for sleep wasn’t wasted fantasizing about cheerful thoughts or imagining crazy scenarios, it was for rest. Sleep was just a tool to recharge, not to escape. After an undetermined amount of time, the white alicorn began to wake up. She felt well rested despite the sleep passing by in a matter of minutes. She hesitated for a moment, keeping her eyes closed as she didn’t move immediately. She knew the moment she decided to move it would begin the work heavy cycle all over again, dragging her through exhaustion and fatigue. However, despite the inevitable, Princess Celestia pulled herself up in her bed and began opening up her eyes. Her eyes ached for a moment, readjusting to the dimly lit room that started to brighten as she got use to the low light. She let out a tired yawn as she stretched a limb, allowing her eyes to refocus on the world around her. Much to the princess’s surprise, her eyes began to bring tall wooden bars into focus. These bars surrounded her entirely. A cage? A soft mattress was under her. A...Crib? Just when she was beginning to comprehend the cage around her a plastic crinkle erupted from her waist. Something soft hugged her waist from underneath her blanket. She briskly pulled the blanket to the side to reveal a thick, pink diaper that bulged between her legs. “What is going on?!” Celestia yelped, quickly rubbing her eyes to urge them to refocus. She pulled herself up into a sitting position and quickly looked around for anything that might help the situation. The face of her captors, a way to escape, or even a note detailing an explanation to all this! She found none of this. Instead, when the alicorn looked through the wooden bars of her seemingly impenetrable crib cage, she saw a well furnished nursery in the place of her old bedroom. Everything from the changing table to the crib seemed to be enlarged to fit her adult size. This wasn’t just a nursery for foals, this was a nursery for her! Her waking mind desperately tried to decode this confusing conundrum. The diaper couldn’t be removed for some reason, holding onto her waist tightly. She tried to lower the gate with her hooves and magic, but both appeared weak. She felt tired before she even attempted to weakly pull at the bars. Her magic seemed useless and her body appeared feeble and frail. Just...What was going on?! The princess looked around her crib cage for some sort of answer. Perhaps the pony who put her here left a note or something. If she couldn’t find anything around the nursery, perhaps they left it in her crib cage. She looked at the pillow that was still warm from her resting head, a spot of drool visible on it’s silky pillow case. She looked at the extra soft, baby blankets that were large enough to fit her, but still designed and printed to fit a foal. She then looked at a small pile of plushies that sat against the far corner of her crib. Now most of these plushies seemed rather usual. There was a phoenix plush, a rabbit plush, there was even a cute bear plush that didn’t seem at all vicious in it’s design. However, in front of the pile rested a plushie in the shape of somepony she never expected to see made into a plushie: Discord. The Discord plushie began moving. Slowly at first, the toy became more and more animated. The toy stood up on it’s minky feet, looking up at the diapered pony with it’s blinking bead eyes. “Enjoying yourself?” the plushie said in Discord’s voice, chuckling. “Discord,” Celestia concluded. Things started to make sense now. “What did you do!?” The plushie sighed and rolled its eyes. “What, a plushie can’t have a little fun?” The toy moved with Discord’s mannerisms, walking around the crib as he casually spoke. “I just saw how hard at work you’ve been lately and decided to give you a little break.” The plushie looked at the thick diaper bulging between Celestia’s legs, “A ‘potty’ break, if you will.” It’s stitched mouth curled up into a smirk. The white alicorn huffed and pulled a baby blanket over lower half. “Get me out of this thing. I don’t need your help!” “So soon? Well that’s no fun,” the plushie started to float in midair, crossing it’s arms and shaking it’s head. “Why not just take your time. Get use to things.” “Discord!” “Alright,” The toy rolled its eyes. “Alright fine.” The plush held up a claw. It snapped it’s claws and disappeared into a flash of white light. In the same instant, Celestia’s pink diaper disappeared. “Finally,” Celestia mumbled as she peeked under the baby blanket. to see the diaper gone without a trace. She raised her head and found that she was still in the crib and her room was still a nursery. “Discord!” The princess yelled into the quiet and empty room. No response. Not moments after Celestia realized she had been tricked, the nursery door started to open. Bright light from the hallway flooded into the room, causing the alicorn to squint as waking eyes adjusted to the brightness. “Good morning little one!” an unfamiliar voice called out as a silhouette entered the room. The silhouette trotted closer to the princess’s crib until it loomed over the princess. A cheerful, pink unicorn came into focus with a soft, almost motherly smile. Despite being shorter than Celestia, her position made her look like a giant, looking down at the princess in her infantile crib. “Did we have a nice nap?” the pink unicorn asked softly as she lowered the crib gate with a white glow of her horn. “I’m not suppose to be here!” Celestia started, “Discord is up to his usual tricks again! What you’re doing is not right!” The pink unicorn blinked for a moment, but then smiled. “Aren’t we just a gabby gums this morning!” She lifted the alicorn up into the air with a glow from her horn, leaving the baby blanket behind in the crib, revealing Celestia’s exposed crotch. The other pony gasped. “Oh dear! Where’d your diapee go?” “I don’t need a diaper! Discord put me in it! Let go!” Again, the unicorn seemed to ignore Celestia. “Don’t worry, we’ll get a fresh clean diaper on you and you’ll be ready to eat breakfast.” Against her will, Celestia was magically lifted out of the crib and carried to the nearby changing table. She was slowly lowered onto the padded top of the changing table, resting her back on the nursery printed pad. Celestia tried to squirm her way off of the table, using all her strength to push against the unicorn and to pull herself out of the embarrassing position. The unicorn overpowered Celestia with her surprising strength. Celestia felt weak when she tried to fight against the smaller unicorn. She felt powerless like an foal, a magicless foal. The pink pony kept the princess steady as she shooed away the wiggling limbs of the white pony. Like a squirming toddler, Celestia was kept at bay by a single hoof as the other pony pulled out a fresh diaper and powder. The experienced caretaker made short work of the diaper change. With her magic, she effortlessly slid a fresh diaper underneath Celestia’s rump, giving the area a generous amount of powder. Celestia continued to squirm, but to no avail as she was changed into a diaper against her will. “Stop!” She forced out, but the other pony didn’t even respond. The new diaper was pulled up between her legs and taped around her waist, trapping her royal highness in a pink hued diaper with little cartoon ponies running across it’s face. “There!” The caretaker unicorn concluded as the diaper change finished. She smiled down at the larger alicorn before lifting her once more in the air with her magic. “Num num time!” Celestia was floated out of the nursery and into the castle hallways, allowing her to get her bearings. She recognized the section of the castle they were in. It was an older part of the castle, usually containing empty rooms that only guards patrolled now and again. Only these halls and forgotten rooms were given new life in this strange enchantment Celestia had fallen victim to. The halls were full of maids and guards passing through and entering the many rooms, keeping the area clean and safe. Typical of Discord for being thorough. Any pony who caught eyes with the princess didn’t bow like she was use to, but instead smiled a smile you’d only give a cute child. Any attempt at grabbing their attention, or a plea for her freedom was responded with cooing and light chuckles. No pony seemed to understand her or even recognize her as a royal pony. Celestia was carried into a new room, four doors down from the oversized nursery. The room seemed to have once been a mess hall or small cafeteria for the worker ponies. A quaint kitchen area with an adult sized high chair sat against one wall that greatly contrasted the plain color schemes of the cafeteria room. It was possible that Discord went the extra mile to add the needed adult foal supplies in the kitchen area, despite it being rather unnatural looking in the unchanged cafeteria. Celestia was lifted up into the pastale yellow highchair like she weighed nothing. The thick, plastic tray was slipped back onto it’s rails, locking her in. She weakly tried to push at the chair, but nothing seemed to budge. She was trapped and once again placed in a powerless position. A small, plastic bowl of oatmeal was prepared for the pony, placed in front of her with a little plastic spoon. The steamy meal did seem tantalizing to Celestia. She was rather hungry. “Open up for the train!” the pink unicorn said in a chipper voice, floating a spoonful of oatmeal close to Celestia’s closed mouth. Celestia hesitated. She was hungry, sure, but could she really humiliate herself by allowing this caretaker pony to feed her? However, the caretaker pony was persistent. No matter how long Celestia refused to open her mouth, the unicorn was there to waiting for her. When she finally did decide that a little bit of humiliation was a fair price for a meal, the unicorn already had a spoonful of oatmeal ready for her. The meal slowly progressed spoonful by spoonful. Celestia found some solace in the warm feeling that the meal gave her insides. She didn’t realize just how hungry she was until she was in the thick of mealtime. The caretaker unicorn kept a steady pace, shoveling up bites of oatmeal and cooling it off for the diapered pony. A baby bottle of warm milk would occasionally float down in front of Celestia, popping into her mouth and giving her a few gulps of the liquid before the oatmeal feeding continued. Little did Celestia know, her bladder quickly filled up. Her humiliation had kept the need to use the toilet at bay until she was just about at her breaking point. Her body suddenly became tense and the caretaker pony picked up on it quickly. “What’s wrong, sweetie?” The pink unicorn asked, a spoonful of oatmeal floating by her head. “Please let me out of this thing.” “What’s wrong honey bun? Wanna get back to your toys?” “No no no! You don’t understand! I need to get out of this chair so I can pee!” “Oh you gotta go potty?” Celestia’s ears raised up as she looked at the other pony with wide eyes. So she understood THAT? “Let’s just get you out of that highchair and we’ll get you to the potty in no time!” The plastic, bulky tray was pulled off, releasing Celestia before she was lifted up into the air by a white glow once again. The alicorn was pulled out of the cafeteria at a quicker pace than when they entered. The pink unicorn briskly floated her back to the nursery. For the first time, in what seemed like forever, Celestia was placed on her feet, the plush, light blue carpet cradling her hooves like a soft cloud. Her limbs needed a moment to remember their strength, wobbling for a moment before she stood up and waited for the caretaker. The caretaker pony pulled out an oversized, pink training potty and plopped it down on an absorbent pad spread on the floor. An odd chill tickled Celestia’s spine as her eyes locked onto the plastic potty. At first she thought it was relief she was feeling, to avoid using her diapers. But there was something unsettling about the potty. Something put her off on the idea, mildly suggesting other alternatives. “Need help, honey?” the pink unicorn’s voice broke Celestia’s staring contest with the training potty. “I-In a minute! Okay! Just....Give me a minute...” Her hooves remained glued the the carpet. No matter how much her mind urged her to move, she remained motionless, eyes locked onto the large training potty in front of her. She was left frozen in place, unable to move for some strange reason. Just before she convinced her body to sit down, a growing warmth could be felt inside her diaper. Her body became stiff as a hissing cut the silence of the room. “O-oh no...” Celestia whimpered. She was wetting her diaper! The pink unicorn was the next one to notice. Looking up at the stunned alicorn and then trailing down to the pink diaper. She watched as the thirsty padding sucked up Celestia’s ‘accident’. She tsked quietly to herself, but didn’t scold the diapered pony. “Oh dear. That’s a shame.” The unicorn gave it a few more tsked as the diaper swelled with the warm liquid. “It’s alright honey. Accidents happen. Guess we’ll have to try again next time.” “B-but...I WANTED to use the potty...” Celestia mumbled to herself as she stared at the yellow padding the swayed between her legs. Her body glowed once more, lifting up into the air and carried over to the changing table once more. “No need to cry, little one,” the unicorn patiently said, “leave the diaper change to your Auntie Phosphor.” The diaper change proceeded much like her first one, however it felt enormously more embarrassing now that she had a wet diaper to be changed out of. Just like a real foal. The caretaker opened up her diaper, releasing a faint waft of urine into the air before wiping the area clean with baby scent. Celestia shivered as the cold wipes chilled her most intimate parts. A huge contrast compared to the warmth of the freshly soaked diaper. She could only lay there and wait, watching each wipe float down between her legs and clean her up, leaving behind a lovely nursery scent. A new diaper floated from the stack, Celestia’s legs lifting up into the air to make way for the fluffy, pillow like garment. Her rump seemed to float as it rested upon the new diaper. As embarrassing as wearing and wetting these diapers were to Celestia, she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of satisfaction, being free of the clammy diaper and being put into a fresh one. “All done!” The caretaker called out, throwing her hooves up into the air theatrically. “Now you have a little time before your nappy nap, so I’ll let you play for a bit, okay?” Phosphor didn’t wait for an answer, and Celestia was too caught up in the whole baby treatment to give her one. Celestia was floated down to the soft carpet floor and rested in the middle of a bunch of toys. “Play nicely, little one,” the unicorn said in a cheery voice before trotting out of the room. Once again, Celestia was left alone with her thoughts. Her cheeks seemed to endlessly flare up red from all the public humiliation she experienced and she was powerless to resist. She was trapped in this diaper, unable to do much against whatever Phosphor subjected her to. “Not even the training potty?” A familiar voice was heard. “For being such a ‘big girl’, you sure have a tough time acting like one.” Celestia shot a glance down at the floor where the same Discord plushie could be found, leaning against a leg of the changing table with a knowing smirk. He must have witness the entire thing. She scowled at the toy. “It would have been humiliating! I wasn’t going to sit down on some toddler potty and pee in front of a stranger.” “So you wet your diapers?” The alicorn paused. Hearing it out loud, the logic seemed really flawed. “I was...Embarrassed...” “Well no matter. I just came to check up on some things.” The Discord plushie floated around Celestia’s headspace. “And it looks like things are going along nicely.” “What are you talking about?” The alicorn asked firmly. “Tah tah,” and with that, the plushie disappeared in a flash, leaving Celestia alone in her crib once more. Discord didn’t bother returning to clarify whatever he was talking about. Celestia was just left with her toys to kill time till her alleged naptime. The toys were left on the floor, unplayed with by the alicorn. She may have been forced to sleep in a crib and wet herself, but there was no way she was going to willingly demean herself by playing with the colorful toys. She simply sat there in the silence of the nursery, killing time till her playtime was over. Eventually, after a tedious amount of silence passed, the caretaker pony returned to the nursery with the same smile she left with. She pulled the diaper pony up into the air and tucked her back into her large crib. Celestia didn’t resist, she couldn’t if she wanted to. She simply watched as the caretaker pony pulled the soft baby blanket over her body and pulled the crib’s gate up into its locking position. The nursery’s main lights were flicked off, leaving only the gentle, blue glow of a nightlight. Celestia laid on her back and just stared up at the ceiling, idely watching the starry mobile that twirled above her. She didn’t feel tired at first, but the magical spell of the soft pillow, warm blankets, and spinning mobile seemed to have an effect on the diapered pony. Her eyes fought a losing battle with sleepiness, opening and closing multiple times as the battle went on. Eventually, Celestia found herself falling asleep, drifting off into a restful nap. her pacifier slowed to a halt in her mouth as her body became lax. For the first time in years, Celestia actually found herself dreaming. And these were rather innocent and light hearted dreams. Her shoulders seemed lighter, not having the weight of princess responsibilities weighing them down. She dreamed of tranquil and calming scenes of lush meadows and flowing fields of grass. All of the locations were rather magical and peaceful to the diapered pony, she never knew she could achieve such a calm. She imagined herself walking through the calm fields, her dream self being able to walk normally on her own four hooves. No diaper was visible, or at least none that she could see. She was at peace here, among the tall grass and the gentle gusts of wind. Suddenly she felt the dream shift a bit, like someone struck the world with hammer, causing it to rumble. The world seemed to darken as she felt a strange pressure build up in her lower body. The colors faded and soon her vision followed suit. Back in her crib, Celestia’s stomach loudly groaned causing her eyes to open wide in panic. No...Not that... Celestia pulled herself up from under her warm blankets and desperately pulled at the wooden bars that trapped her inside. Every pull was weak and her magic failed to help. Every passing second made the alicorn more frantic in her actions, a growing sense of dread filling the back of her mind. “Can anypony hear me!?” Celestia cried out from her wooden cage. Her tummy twisted and churned as she winced and cringed. The pain became even stronger with each passing minute. Sweat grew on Celestia’s forehead as she held back the inevitable. “P-please!” The final plea was the last thing to escape the cringing pony’s mouth before her body decided to act. Celestia moaned loudly as her bowels began to push. A thick, squishy mess slipped into her diaper and she could only wait for it to end. The weight pushed the padding down, causing the diaper to sag between her legs as she squatted. Grunts and moans could be heard from the princess as she helplessly soiled herself. Finally, after what seemed like hours, the diaper filling ended. Celestia was left with the relief of empty bowels at the expense of a squishy diaper that quickly stunk up the room. Celestia was left a quivering mess. Never before had she felt so powerless, so out of control over her life. The messy diaper was her breaking point and before long she was left crying in the crib. HER crib, because she was a baby. The alicorn whimpered as she watched intently through the crib’s wooden bars. She watched the nursery door with pleaful eyes, hoping for the pink pony to walk in at any moment. As if answering her prayers, the door slowly opened, revealing Phosphor with her warm smile. “Poopy,” Celestia whimpered out. In her miserable state, she didn’t care that she was using a childish vocabulary. She just wanted out of the disgusting mess. “Oh, you got a poopy diapee?” the caretaker answered back with an understanding gaze. Celestia nodded with tear streaked cheeks. Her crying turning into childish whimpers. “Awww, it’s alright, little one.” The crib gate was lowered and Celestia was very carefully transferred over to the changing table. She cried louder as the squishy mess inside her diaper pressed against the firm padding of the changing table. A pacifier popped into Celestia’s mouth, which actually caught her off guard. Instinct took over and she began sucking on the rubber nipple of the pink pacifier. It seemed to actually help. The sagging diaper seemed slightly less worrying to her. “There we go,” the pink unicorn said. Celestia whimpered behind the pacifier as she instinctively sucked on it between cries. The soiled diaper was opened and pulled out from under the alicorn’s rump. The pink unicorn worked quickly to rid of the nasty stink that clung to Celestia’s messy rump with wipes. The crying slowly turned to sniffling when she was finally changed into a new diaper. Her eyes were still wet, but Celestia found some solace in knowing that she no longer had to sit in her own filth. She wiped an eye as she looked down at her fluffy diaper. It did kinda feel nice to be in a fresh one... “There,” Phosphor said as she sprinkled some fluffy powder onto the other pony and taped her into a fresh diaper. “No more stinkies and ready for beddie byes.” The unicorn floated Celestia back to her crib and tucked her in again. “Have a good night sweetie. Just remember that I’ll be here if you need me.” “Th-thank you...” Celestia whimpered behind her pacifier. Although the caretaker couldn’t understand her, she was grateful for the unicorn to rid of the smelly mess. Moments later, Celestia was left alone in the dimly lit room. The fresh diaper crinkled beneath her and a small smile actually managed to appear on the pony’s face. At least she’d be able to enjoy her pleasant dreams again... ✶✶✶✶✶ Two weeks passed and Discord wasn’t even seen once in that time. Nothing changed for Celestia and she had started to grow use to the routine of a toddler. Her life was simpler and didn’t require her fighting it every step of the way. Things went along easier when she didn’t fight. She learned to enjoy diaper changes because they always helped her get out of smelly diapers or uncomfortably clammy diapers. Auntie Phosphor was always there to change her and Celestia found herself relying on the maternal pony. Num num times meant tasty foods and filled bellies. Play times were fun and nap times were always embraced. She didn’t need to fight it. She was happier this way. Celestia started to stir in her crib. Another good night’s sleep left her refreshed and smiling as she opened her eyes to the morning. She no longer worried about the rigorous sun raising schedule that ran her life for many years. She didn’t mind the thick diaper that crinkled every time she moved. Without worrying about it, Celestia raised her rump into the air and began pushing. Her weakened bowels instantly reacted, pushing a smelly mess into the waiting diaper as she grunted like an infant. The once regal princess filled her diapers without batting an eye. She smiled as she plopped down onto the crib’s mattress, letting a trail of drool dribble out the corner of her mouth. She closed her eyes and relaxed, waiting for the usual caretaker pony to walk through the nursery door and change her. Same as every morning now. This was her morning routine. The door opened and Celestia didn’t even raise her head to see who it was. She was pretty confident that it was Auntie Phosphor as usual. She was too busy reveling in the blissful relaxation of her baby land. “Morning sister,” a different voice called out, causing Celestia’s eyes to bust open. “Luna?!” the white alicorn turned her head to meet eyes with her sister who looked down at her diapered sister with a warm smile. “Luna! Get out! I don’t want you seeing me l-like this!” Luna didn’t respond and instead sniffed the air above the crib. “Hmmm, smells like somepony made a stinky!” For the first time in weeks, Celestia’s cheeks flared up like her first nights as a baby. Having the familiar caretaker pony changing her poopy diapers was one thing, but her SISTER?! “Luna no!” Celestia barked out as the crib’s gate was lowered. “I don’t want you to change me! It’s too embarrassing!” But Luna didn’t hear a word of it. Her horn started to glow, cloaking Celestia in a magical aura. “Not to worry, sister. We’ll have you changed in no time.” With her diaper sagging between her legs, Celestia was floated back to the all too familiar changing table. It was typical for Auntie Phosphor to change Celestia’s diapers no matter what the state of it. But in her two weeks of being a giant foal, Celestia was never changed by anypony else, let alone her sister. Her complacency took a back seat to a newfound of embarrassment and humiliating exposure as Luna began the diaper change. Celestia tried to delay the inevitable, but any attempt at covering up her diaper with her hooves were thwarted away by a single hoof from Luna. She instead used her hooves to cover her eyes as her cheeks wouldn’t stop blushing. “Please please just be quick!” Celestia said to herself out loud. She could feel a tear or two watering up her eyes. “Shh shh shh, no need to cry, sister. A fresh diapee’s coming!” Luna talked to her older sister in a deeming tone. Celestia’s diaper was untaped and opened, releasing a strong, foul odor. Celestia had kind of gotten use to the smell. She never had to stay in it for long because Auntie Phosphor was always there to change her. Celestia’s eyes remained closed as Luna pulled the messy diaper out from under her, wiped her rump clean, and replaced the diaper with a fresh, crinkly one. “There you go! A nice, fresh diapee!” Luna chirped to her ‘little’ sister, but Celestia refused to open her teary eyes. She just wanted this to be over. Luna then paused, waiting for her sister to at least break a smile. “Not even a little smile?” She cooed at her diapered sister. There was a pause. A long enough pause to make Celestia think that Luna somehow left without her noticing. Another quiet minute passed and then another. Suddenly Luna leaned over the changing table and surprised Celestia was a loud raspberry on her belly. Celestia yelped and let out a giggle. The power of the tickling raspberry was too much for the embarrassed alicorn. Luna smiled at the giggling pony, “thought so,” she simply said, pulling Celestia off the table. Celestia’s legs wobbled for a moment as she was placed on the ground. She managed to stand there on her own for at least five seconds before her body gave out and she plopped down on her fresh diaper. A ploom of powder pushed up from the back of her diaper, tickling her nose with it’s infantile scent. “Now let us see if we can find a lovely dress for the royal ball,” Luna added, digging into the nearby closet. The white alicorn’s eyes shot open as she became stiff as a board. Royal ball?! “Here we go!” Luna chimed in, floating out a lovely pink and white dress from the closet. Celestia could hardly believe just how girly this dress was. It had multiple layers to it, giving it a bulby look to it’s back. The designer appeared to have made the dress with ease in mind, making it simple for caretakers to slip it on squirming toddlers. It was made even more embarrassing to see that this toddler dress was her size. The dress was floated closer to the alicorn and she closed her eyes in a cringe. She could barely stand subjecting herself to the embarrassing garment. She could feel her body being moved about as fabric layers were pulled up and pulled down around her body. She dared not open her eyes, too humiliated by such an infantile dress. The soft fabric brushed across her coat as Luna dressed her like a foal. “There! Don’t you look adorable!” Luna finally spoke, taking a few steps back from the cringing diaper pony. Celestia finally opened her eyes, bracing herself for the worst. She looked at her reflection in a full body mirror and just about got what she was expecting. Her dress was overly freu freu that even the most risky of designers wouldn’t design for adults. It emphasized cuteness and had overly exaggerated ‘princess-like’ qualities to it. It didn’t even try to cover up her thick diaper that seemed to balloon in the back of the dress with a translucent pink designer diaper cover drawing more attention to it with it’s adorable, starry pattern. She met her own eyes in the mirror again and sighed a defeated sigh. Same face, same body, but she almost didn’t recognize herself underneath the girly pink diaper. ✶✶✶✶✶ An hour later, the two sisters entered the main Canterlot ballroom, a lovely, expansive room that was the finest the castle had to offer to the Canterlot elite. Long banners of autumn oranges, reds, and yellows hung from the high ceiling. Leaves were the key design point of the ballroom, taking the form of tablecloths, wall decorations, and stained glass windows. Despite the weeks she had spent regressed as a foal, soiling herself, and being fed, Celestia still recognized the Autumn Leaves Ball. It was an annual ceremony Canterlot had to celebrate the beginning of autumn. The night was punctuated by the magical turning of the leaves that was usually kicked off by one of the royal sisters. In that single night of mingling and dancing, every tree in Canterlot was changed from shades of green to vibrant shades of reds and yellows and browns. Hundreds of guests had already arrived to the ball, all of them in fancy dresses and gowns or freshly pressed tuxes and suits. The ball was the true definition of elegance and fancy. Celestia tried to hide behind her smaller sister when they entered the room, cowering like a toddler. She suddenly stuck out like sore thumb, no longer in the safety of her nursery or that single hall Auntie Phosphor carried her around in. Now she was among the rich and famous of Canterlot, most of whom she knew by name. She dared not glance from behind Luna, feeling like every eye was on her as they walked closer to the center of the room. Luna greatly contrasted her ‘baby’ sister. She wore an elegant dress of long, flowing, blue fabrics of dark and black hues, complimenting her coat and mane nicely. She looked like a real princess, not like the one Celestia seemed to dress up as for Nightmare Night. Guests quickly gathered around the diapered pony and cooed at the cute ‘foal’. She cowered closer to her sister, amplifying their cute comments. There was no real place to hide for the white alicorn as guests circled around the two royal sisters as one ‘aww filled’ mob. “Oh my! She is just adorable!” a teal unicorn in a fancy dress cooed.. “Why don’t we let her have the honors of turning the first tree.” “She’s just a foal, though.” Luna quickly spoke up, minding her sister’s safety. Or at least minding her limits that she THOUGHT she had. “I think a big tree might be too much for her.” “Then a leaf. Just one leaf to begin the ceremony!” Another pony chimed in from the crowd. The other guests seemed to agree. Luna paused and looked at her older sister. “Well...Would you like to try, sweetie? It’s okay if you don’t.” Right off the bat, Celestia wanted to refuse the offer. To stand in front of a crowd of gawkers? NO WAY! She wouldn’t dare commit herself to such humiliation! The decision was made up in her mind so quickly, she had already opened her mouth to say no. But as she thought it over, her mouth slowly closed. It was a simple leaf. And if she pulled this off, perhaps the other ponies would think better of her. Perhaps they would see less of a foal and more a grown, mature pony who once raised the sun every morning. “O-okay,” the white alicorn finally said with a nod. The crowd moved to the garden outside, the two sisters kept inside the circle. The area was surrounded with big oak trees, carefully trimmed into neat spheres. The large group walked across smooth cobblestone paths that cut through the garden area. Cleanly cut flower shrubs dotted the ground, giving the lush green grass a splash of color. Luna and Celestia stopped by a small, stone table where a green leaf was plucked from a nearby tree and placed on top. The crowd moved to circle around the small table and the alicorns, watching with stares and whispers amongst themselves. Celestia tried to ignore the stares from the many prim and proper ponies that circled the park area. Everypony seemed to want to see the little foal try and start the ceremony all by herself. She focused on the single green leaf that sat on the table. Only sparks fizzed out of her horn as she concentrated hard. The world began to fade around her as her tunnel vision focused on the single leave. The fact that it hadn’t happened immediately was a bit deterrenting for the diapered pony. It was such a simple spell in her experienced eye. A spell that she’s casted many times in the past for the same ball. She could remember turning the color of entire trees at the beginning of ceremonies without breaking a sweat. But now she was struggling with a single leaf. Just one leaf. Celestia was firm on her decision. Diaper or not, she wasn’t going to let some spell Discord casted prevent her from using magic. She was convinced that with sheer willpower, she’d be able to break through this endless humiliation and powerlessness. She got red in the face as she steadily grew more and more frustrated at herself. Her magic refused to go beyond the occasional spark. Sweat grew on her brow as she scowled at the single leaf. Minutes passed and the leaf was still green. Finally the strain was too much, and the diapered pony was forced to break her gaze in exhaustion. She finally broke away from her staring contest with the leaf and began panting. “Aww, can’t seem to do it yet.” A soft spoken, red unicorn chimed in. “Maybe next year, little one.” Suddenly, Luna could be heard sniffing the air before Celestia felt the back of her dress being pulled up. “Well, something ELSE has changed color it seems.” Celestia felt her blood run cold as a few coos could be heard from the crowd. “Excuse us,” Luna continued, parting a second of the crowd to get to a more private part of the ball. Celestia’s face turned red as Luna guided her out of the crowd. Her stride now had the tell tale waddle that let everypony know where they were heading. Her diaper now warm and heavy from the public fill up. It was sort of a good thing that she was off to get changed though, any longer in the garden and she would have broken under the pressure of the crowd’s expectations. A smelly diaper was a small price to pay and might have not been the WORST thing to happen to the royal pony. ✶✶✶✶✶ Mundane weeks passed by quickly after that day. There was no need to hold onto anything mature when the entire world perceived her as a foal. The royal ball was proof of that. She cared less and less about what ponies would think of her if they saw her in a diaper. Before she only felt comfortable allowing Auntie Phosphor to change her, but now she freely used her diapers, not worrying about who would change her because no matter what, it meant that she’d be fresh and clean. To an outside observer, Celestia went through some drastic changes since she first work up in her large crib. The Princess however didn’t seem to mind the change. She barely noticed how much the new lifestyle took over. She could barely remember her past habits. Everything sort of turned to mush from underuse. Her days were now of the life of a foal. They were spent in diapers and she now couldn’t imagine doing without them. Public outings were common place, but no matter where she was taken, everypony didn’t see the proud Princess of the Sun, they just saw a foal. She often wanted nothing more than to just lay lazily in her crib, letting the warm milk of her bedtime bottle dribble into her mouth as she watched the mobile above her spin around and around and around. “You seem to have adjusted well,” Discord’s voice again. Celestia raised her head up from her pillow to see the Discord plushie floating down to the space of mattress in front of the diapered pony’s head. Instead of a scowl or a demand to be changed back, Celestia remained quiet. She suckled on her purple pacifier as she watched the toy walk about, giving him her undivided attention. “I must be honest, I never planned for it to go this far...Not at first,” the plush explained. “Why have you come back? To laugh at me?” Celestia’s old self showed through as she scowled. However the pacifier made her look more like a pouting toddler then the Princess of the Sun. “Oh Celestia, I told you before. I wanted to help you relax after such a busy schedule.” The toy trotted carelessly around the crib as it spoke. “This has just been a dream. An alternate reality of sorts to help you relax and that one reason alone.” “Then why are you here?” “To make you an offer” the plushie started, locking eyes with Celestia. “I can make this world your reality. I can make it so your life of a princess never happened and you can live your days in the carefree environment that I’ve created here for you.” “What about the Kingdom? What will happen to the real reality if I say yes?” “Let us not worry about that. Such deep thinking can give a baby an awful headache.” the plush smirked, shrugging off Celestia’s words. “What you should think about is how happy you've been with a diaper around your waist and a pacifier in your mouth. ” “I sometimes think about it though...” Celestia’s maturity revealed itself, if not for this moment as she spoke. “I think about how busy I use to be raising the sun...And being a princess.” “But you've enjoyed your new life, haven’t you?” “Mhmm,” the diapered pony nodded. “Then how about it?” “I...I would like that...” The plushie grinned devilishly as it planted its feet onto the mattress. It raised it’s hand and snapped it’s fingers, producing a white light that seemed to envelope Celestia. The light grew brighter and then brighter. It grew bright as the sun and soon was the only thing Celestia could see. She squinted tighter and tighter until her eyes couldn't stand the light and she seemed to pass out. The magic taking hold of her dream and manifesting it into reality. Memories of her life faded like overexposed photos. They continued to exist, but now felt looser and were difficult to remember fully. The dream and reality switched places flawlessly as Celestia shielded her eyes from the bright light. Soon the transformation was complete and the white light started to fade. The glare faded as quickly as it appeared, leaving the nursery quiet once more. Just for a moment, a fragment of a memory from when she raised the sun floated into her mind...But only for a moment, before disappearing forever, leaving a happy smile on Celestia’s sleepy face. Her diaper began to warm as her bladder cut loose the moment the last memory of her old life faded away. She likes playtime. She liked naptime. She liked snuggling her Discord plush that never again took on a life of it’s own. She liked being a baby.