Five Nights At Pinkie's

by ConfusementIsKey

First published

Saphira Sprinkles has taken the job at Pinkie Pie's amazing Cupcakearia! Only paying a hundred and twenty dollars a week doesn't sound all that cool, but supposedly five days will do. If she can survive the main six robotic puppets hungry f

Saphira Sprinkles is a mess. She's in college, and needs a job- bad. That's when she see's a job application in the news article for Pinkie Pie's Amazing Cupcakearia, which for only a hundred and twenty dollars a week doesn't sound so well, but it beats nothing. Her first night on the job, and she finds out why no one would take the job.
The one's that did take it, are missing.
The puppets are moving.
She has a week to survive, and get enough money up to leave the job for good.
But if such said fails, these puppets are not hesitant to stuff a rulebreaker's dead body into Pinkie.

[My Little Pony version of Five Nights at Freddy's. Original Creepypasta is narrorated by Mr. Creepypasta on YouTube. Also, this story will be posted on Wattpad after publishment here, on my account. (Hint: Why it says Viciousthekiller on the coverphoto.) The game is available at the appstore in case others didn't know. You're welcome.]


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"Mooom!" Screamed a filly, hitting the videogame in front of her with her forehoof impatiently, "This game froze!"

The mother sighed, her mane a large nest of mess, about as everywhere as somepony her daughters age coloring a picture of her and doing scribbly-lines for the hair. She trotted up to her young child, and looked on the screen. The purple alicorn princess was frozen on the screen, and she raised her hoof and pressed a couple buttons. She sighed as her ear twitched as the manager walked by, his head hung a little low.

"Excuse me," she said, walking up to him, "The game over there is frozen,-"

"I apologize," He said, trotting over and unplugging the machine from the wall. "I'll call somepony to come and fix it."
He then trotted away, leaving the mother and the filly behind.

"Mommy, I wanna play that game!" She pointed back to the powered-off arcade game system.

"No sweetie, It doesn't work." She replied. Her daughter then threw a fit and her mother tried calming her down, but it didn't work until she said, " We can go open presents? Would you like that?"

She silenced her wailing and looked at her mother, "Y-yes."

"Come along then," She said, trotting to the stage. Her daughter followed, and her mother walked up to one of the show workers.

"She's ready for presents, and after presents, we can raise the curtains." She said with a smile. He smiled and nodded, and she went to the front. Another pony tapped the microphone, making sure it worked before he spoke, "Filly s and Foals, ponies of all ages, get ready for the number one party pony in all of Ponyville, Pinkie!"

The sound of party cannons went off, and towers of gifts appeared behind the curtains. A pink mare jumped from behind the presents, smiling and dancing in a cheerful tone,

"Ooooohhhh happy happy birthday,
to you,
to you,
happy happy birthday,
to you,
to you,
I wish you happily from your head to your hooves,
happy happy birthday,
to you~"

The animatic Pinkie Pie did a perfect split on the last note
of her birthday carol, all the young ponies screaming in
excitement and happiness.

"Hi there kiddos!" Said the robotic mare, a smile on her face, "Ready to get our super duper party bash on?"

The ponies yelled and stomped their hooves against the floor in applause. The pink pony nodded and said, "I think that's a yes! Now come on my little ponies, let's call out to our favorite party friends. Oh buddiieesss!" She sang. Then, Applejack and Rarity came trotting in, followed by Fluttershy. All the robotic puppets stood in front of the crowd.

"Howdy all ya'll youngsters," Said Applejack, "We ready for presents?"

All of the ponies, once again, screamed in agreement. Ponies start passing presents to the birthday filly. With every few gifts, the ponies would say things like "Hoove-tacular!" Or "That's a hootin' gift!"

When the presents were done, all of the characters were on stage, having all their band equipment such as banjos and drums.

"Everypony ready to put on a show?" Said the pink mare. Yeahs were hollered back in return before Applejack called out a "Ye-ha!" To start out the music. All the happy pony characters sung as the ponies stomped their hooves onto the ground, stomping to the beat. After singing a few songs, the curtains were closed again. The birthday pony frowned, and turned to her mother, "Mom, where's Pinkie going?"

"She's getting ready for the next show," She said, "She'll be back."

"But I want her here NOW!" She said as she stomped her right hoof to the tile floor.

"Now, now, dear, if you'd just wait-"

Suddenly, the curtains pulled up, opening with Applejack and Rarity facing each other and talking to each other.

"Hiya Rarity," She began. "Say, you wanna know my favorite part about this place?"

"Oh tell me dear, I'm dying to know!" Exclaimed Rarity.

"Well, ya gotta guess first silly!" She said as she did some weird hobo laughter. Rarity's hoof rose to her chin, as if she was to look lost in thought.

"Hm. Could it be the cupcakes?"

"I like cupcakes..." Said a yellow mare, with a light pink mane and an apron around her kneck with the quote, "I love to eat" sewn to the front of it.

"Now Fluttershy, what would we do without a hungry pony? I bet any of us could have guessed that be your favorite part."

"I guess you're right, Rarity." Said Fluttershy.

"We all know Fluttershy's a fan of our treats," Said Applejack, "But it ain't mine."

"Is it the band?"


"Is it Pinkie?"


"Well spit it out, Applejack dear."

"Mah favorite part is when all of us get together, and make the fillies and foals happy." She stated."And none of that could ever be done without the help of our amazing friend, Pinkie Pie!"

With the point of a hoof and the turn of heads, Pinkie came happily bouncing on the stage.

"Did somepony say my name?" She asked.

"Just talkin' about how much of a success we are with you, Pinkie." Said the orange cowmare.

"Aw shucks, not me!" She said with a giggle. She then paused, and stood on her back legs, "Say, we're missing somepony, aren't we?"

"You're right Pinkie," said Rarity, "I wonder where Dashie could be..."

"Help me ponies to call here out. Oh Dasshhhiiieee~" She said. Then the sound of echoing footsteps filled the air and then a cyan mare appeared on stage.

"What's all that fussin' over, huh? Cool ponies have cool things to do. Pinkie better be doing her cool thing, or else Imma have to dash it down to her mind!"

"Now, now, Dashie, being with us is cool! Don't you think?"

"Not as cool as kicking clouds and racing," Said the rainbow pony. She opened her robotic wings and got down to a attacking position, "Let's battle Pinkie, you and me! Right here, right now!"

Pinkie only giggled. The rest of the show went on until it was time for cupcakes, and all the ponies were propped on the stage. The fillies and foals all ate their cupcakes, and went back to arcade gaming. The birthday filly fooled around with the puppets, climbing on Rainbow Dash's back.

"Mommy, mommy, look! It's the weird pony!" She said. Her mother looked up and said, "Yes, I see that sweetie."
The manager looked up at the small pony and put on a smile as best he could.

"Sweetie, get down from there, we can't be messing with the ponies-"

"You're not my mommy, you can't tell me what to do!" She said, proceeding to mess with the animatic Rainbow Dash. The manager then turned to the adult, saying, "Ma'am, could you please ask your daughter to get off the robots?"

"She's fine," she said in an aggrivated tone, "She's not hurting anything."

"Mommy, look!" Called out the child, sticking her face into Rainbow Dash's mouth. "It looks so stupid-"


The small pony's body hit the floor with a loud plop,
and the sound of frightened blood curling screams filled the air.