The Courageous and Awesome Trixie Lulamoon

by SuperChaosKG

First published

Life is never dull in Equestria. Join Trixie Lulamoon as she gains new powers and make new friends.

Life is never dull in Equestria. Two Years after the Great Ursa Minor Incident, Trixie Lulamoon has been successfully run out of town ten times. When she is given a second chance, well, let's just say things got a wee bit crazy. But don't worry! Whether its princess, ursas, dragons, meteors,music, parties, secrets, or even a blue box that travels through time, Trixie Lulamoon has it all covered. Maybe.


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Princess Luna was really bored. She was inside of her bedroom watching <i>My Little Humans</i> but it wasn't keeping her interest. No, Princess Luna much preferred if she had something better to do. However, she was done with all her royal duties. Night court was still 4 hours away. She made sure all her stars were correct and she made sure that her sister did not manage to troll her today (though there were 3 close calls.). As such, Luna wanted some entertainment.

"Tia!" she called

"Yes, sister?" said her sister as warped into the room.

"What do you do when you're bored?" Asked Luna

"Well, I like to-"

"Which doesn't involve trolling, sister."

"Oh. Well I check the monitors-"

"What monitors?" asked a curious Luna.

"NEVER YOU MIND! I check them and see what mess my student and her friends got themselves into. It's usually entertaining. It's like a TV show!"

Slowly, the devious princess of the night started to formulate a plan. "Sister, is your student special in any way?"

"Let's see... Element of Magic... librarian... bookworm... desperately wants mate but won't get one... Nope, not special at all. Just insane magical prowers."

"Did you just say prow-"

"Yes I did."

"... Never Mind." said Luna. "Is it hard teaching a student?"

"Oh no." said Celestia " I just have to review her progress in the magic of friendship. I don't have to do ANYTHING else."

And then Luna launched her bombshell. A bombshell that would change everything.

"Can I have a student?"

"Oh!" blurted Celestia "Um... I don't think so. You, um, don't know any unicorns that are very powerful. I don't think you CAN find one. But, tell you what. The next time there is an insane amount of magical prower-"


"Whatever, you say, Luna. - Magical prower, than I'll allow you to have him/her as your student." Celestia thought to herself Because of her banishment, Luna doesn't know its been YEARS since a great surge of magical power! She'll NEVER find a student! Oh, this is a great troll!

And so Luna waited, hoping for surge of magical power to alert her to her new student. But who could cause THAT?

Trixie Greta Powers Lulamoon was running for her life.

It was not an unfamiliar event. After all, this WAS only the tenth time she was being run out of town. This time, she didn't even say anything before a riot started and she had to flee. She was not surprised at this, considering her reputation.

Yes, Trixie's reputation. Trixie remembers it like it was yesterday. The day Trixie was run out of Ponyville. Ever since then, Trixie's performances always ended up getting her run outta town. Every single BUCKING time. It was getting ridiculous. But Trixie will guess that soon, she will inevitably be caught and get hit by rocks. Again.

Trixie's thoughts were mellowed as the mob started to gain on her. She quickly ducked into an alleyway. If she was lucky, then they would run past her and she could escape. After all, that's how it worked in the movies.

It didn't work.

"There she is!" said a stallion "<b>GET HER!!</b>" screamed another.

"No!" shouted Trixie. "Stay away from Trixie, you fiends! She's warning you! She has more magic than you could ever imagine!"

Trixie's cries started to sound more like begs. She closed her eyes and waited to get beat on.

Meanwhile, in Ponyville

"Ya sure about this, sugarcube?" said a orange mare with a blond mane and a hat. This was Applejack, element of honesty.

"Sure, no problem! This Rainboom is SURE to make to Wonderbolts notice me!" said another mare. This was a cyan pegasus with a mane of many colors. This was one of Applejack's best friends, Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty and town daredevil.

"Ah'm just sayin'," said Applejack, "that a Rainboom from that height might be dangerous. Ya might not be able to stop in time!"

Rainbow Dash completely disregarded this.

"Pfft. This is nothing! Okay, Ready, Set, GO!

"Wait a second, sugarcube!"

But it was too late. Dash was already headed to the ground. Just before she splattered, she quickly changed her angle. The momentum created a rainbow that simultaneously broke the sound barrier. It was a Sonic Rainboom, a large one that even spread to Fillydelphia.

"Ya think they saw it?"

"Probably not, sugarcube, but I'm sure somepony else did." said Applejack, comforting her friend.

Meanwhile, in Fillydelphia

Just as Trixie was about to get seriously hurt, a bright rainbow with a loud crash appeared in the sky. This somehow awakened something in Trixie and she suddenly exploded in a cloud of blue magic creating a surge of magical power. The surge temporarily blinded the angry mob. Trixie had absolutely no idea what was happening and could only watch as her new power "expanded" the back alley.

Back at Canterlot Castle,

"Sis, I have to tell you something." said a smirking Celestia, knowing full well that she finally trolled her sister today.

"What is it?" asked Luna

"I lied. You're not really going to-"

Suddenly, both sisters felt... something. It was like an earthquake, yet only then could feel it. It was the sound of something crazy happening in Everworld. Something that hadn't happen for years.

"Do you feel that? It was a surge of magical power!" said Luna, excitedly.

"What are you saying?!" yelled Celestia.

"Dear sister, I think I just found my new student." And before Princess Celestia could stop her, Luna teleported near the spot of energy.

"But.... But... But." sputtered the trolling sun princess.

The guards heard screaming and cursing for 20 minutes as she raged at the unfairity of this Everworld.

Meet and Greet

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In the resulting panic from the burst of magical energy, Trixie ran for her life. She bobbed and weaved through the crowd, managing to get out of the alley. Fir a second, it looked like Trixie might make it out of Fillydelphia unscathed. Of course, such things could never last for longer than 10 seconds.

"There she is! <b> GET HER!!!</b>cried that same stallion from the crowd. Almost immediately, the crowd turned to where Trixie was quietly trying to tiptoe away. "Oh, Celestiadammit." said Trixie exasperated as the chase went on once again. This time the crowd was even MORE enraged due to her magical explosion. They probably thought she was trying to kill them.

Trixie herself didn't know how it happened. All she knew was that she heard a giant explosion and saw a large rainbow. The showmare pushed the thoughts out of her head. She w.ould figure it out later. For now, she had to run for her life.

It didn't take long for Trixie to get cornered in another back alleyway. As she backed up, Trixie said, "N-Now, Tr-Trixie doesn't think she deserves this! She didn't even get to perform, after all! Heh heh!" At this point, Trixie was just trying to buy time before her immediate departure from Everworld's living realm.

"Oh PLEASE!", cried out the same stallion. (Who was starting to get on Trixie's nerves.) " We all know about your "performances". They almost destroyed a town once!!"

"That was two years ago!" Trixie tried to justify.

"So what? You can't teach a old hag like you new tricks! WE WILL NOT LET YOU DESTROY FILLYDELPHIA!!" screamed the stallion.

"YEAH!" shouted the rest of the crowd, voices dripping with malice and bloodlust. They started to advance on The defenseless pony. As Trixie curled into a ball so that she could get it over with-


Everypony, even Trixie was confused. Trixie didn't understand why the crowd would stop their advance when only one pony called them off. It was only as the crowd parted that Trixie saw who it was who stopped them and she knew why everypony froze..

It was Princess Luna, Alicorn of the night. She walked down the alleyway until she came face to face with a very shocked Trixie.

"Are you the one who calls herself the Great and Powerful Trixie?" said the regal figure.

If Trixie was not nervous before, she was sweating bullets now. "Ummm,... yes?"

Trixie braced herself. The fact that one of the princesses came to her meant she did something VERY bad.

"Then you must come with me." Luna's horn started to glow and Trixie heard a wonderful melody. It was only about 23 seconds long. However, it was uplifting and strong and strong all the same.

Luna played <b> The Melody of Night </b> (23 seconds people)

Suddenly, Trixie felt like she was being pulled! A blue Light entered her vision. When the light vanished, she was astounded, for she was in The princesses' throne room in Canterlot! And there, on the throne was Princess Celestia herself!

"Wha- Wha- Is this a dream?!"

"It is no dream, Trixie Lulamoon." said Luna.

Trixie turned and the moon princess was right next to her. Something clicked in Trixie's mind. <i> Wait... Throne room... plus princesses... plus mob... equals...</i>

"Oh please, don't kill Trixie!"

"It's too late for that, Lulamoon." said a very pissed off Celestia. "I sent Luna to get you so we could deal with you perfectly. After all, we don't want this to get... messy."


"Stop it, Tia! You're scaring her." Luna defended Trixie.

"Oh c'mon! I wasn't REALLY gonna hurt her. Besides, since I can't troll you today, she'll have to do!"

"Whatever." Luna turns to Trixie. "Why would you think we would hurt you?"

"Um... It's just the mob and... why else would you bring Trixie here?"

"Trixie, after the magical burst that you displayed out there, I came to an important decision. Patricia Greta Powers Lulamoon? How would you like to become my personal protége?"

"WHAT?!!" asked a bewildered Trixie. Never, in her wildest dreams did she ever think that she could become Princess Luna's... STUDENT?!! Trixie could barely process the very sentence!

"Yes, after your display of magical power, I believe that you are certainly worthy of the title of my student. Congratulations."


"Yes and as my student," Luna continued stopping Trixie's outburst" I believe that you are more than capable of becoming awesome. As such, your first mission is to create a home and business worthy of the princess' protége! Here. I am entrusting you with 1000 bits. Use it well, Trixie Lulamoon, 'fore in one month, I want to her good things!

"Oh, and to give you an incentive, I got you this." Luna pulled out two items. Trixie recognized them and immediately got tears in her eyes.

"M-My hat! My cape! Thank You!" cried Trixie as she put them on. "If you do not complete your task in a month, I will take them away. Remember that!"

"Yes, Oh my Luna, yes! Er-(cough)- Trixie will do as you ask her, princess!"

"Good. Now I will teleport you to the area know as the <i>Equestrian Plains</i> There, I want you to start your journey!

"Yes Ma'am! Trixie won't let you down!" Luna began a transportation spell. Soon Trixie was gone in a flurry of sparkles.

"Do you think we did the right thing, Luna?" asked Celestia.

"What?! The High and Mighty TROLLESTIA is having second thoughts?! UNHEARD OF!!" said Luna mockingly but playfully. Celestia started to blush at this nickname.

"This is different. She could actually get hurt. I may troll, but I don't hurt ponies!

"Don't you worry you long flowing mane, 'Tia! If I didn't think she could handle it, I wouldn't have sent her there! Besides,it will build character!"

What did Luna mean by this? It was the fact that she lied. She didn't really send Trixie to the Equestrian Plains. No that would be too easy! Nooo... Trixie didn't know but she was actually getting sent a little while North.

<i> To the Everfree Forest</i>.

Bear Country: Part 1

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<b> Deep in the Everfree Forest </b>

When the mystical light vanished, Trixie Lulamoon turned around to gather her surroundings. She was expecting to find a meadow or a least flatland. This was not what Trixie was expecting at ALL! It was dark, mysterious and full of trees.

<i>This can't be right! Did the Great and Powerful Trixie go off course or something? </i>, Trixie thought to herself. Suddenly, another flash appeared a letter floated in front of Trixie. Using her magic, she unfurled it and started to read.

<u> Dear My faithful Student,

Did I say Equestrian Plains? I meant the Everfree Forest. So sorry. Oh, wait. No, I'm really not.
Ahhh, I LOVE a good troll in the morning! Anyway, I wouldn't send you there if I didn't think you could survive! What? Is the "Great and Powerful Trixie" afraid of a wittle forest? Your mission still stands! Now, get to it! </u>


Princess "Trolluna" Luna

<u> P.S.

Trixie was shocked, to say the least. Not only did, the princess send her here on purpose, she deliberately lied! Trixie was stuck here in this... this wretched place! Still, Trixie had a mission and she was sticking to it! <i> There must be SOMEPLACE to live and prosper! </i> ,she thought to herself. And so Trixie began her search for a home.
<i> Around a half hour later... </i>

After a half hour of continuous walking, The Great and Powerful Trixie found a large cave. <i> Well... Trixie certainly lived in worst places than this. Like that alley in... <b> Fillydelphia.</b> </i> thought the unicorn as she shuddered at the memory. And so, the azure mare walked into the cave and fell asleep.


A short while later, Trixie felt something hot on her neck. She slowly opened her eyes, about to yell at the perpetrator for waking the Great and Powerful Trixie, when she realized something. The thing waking her couldn't be a pony. The nearest town was... Ponyville(she grunted at the name) and that was awhile away!

So, she slowly turned around and saw a great beast. It was blue and its fur appeared to be made of stars. It seemed very pissed off and was growling a warning.

It was an Ursa Minor. A beast that had been plaguing Trixie's thoughts since the Ponyville incident.

"WHA!" yelled Trixie as she jumped back into the cave wall. The Ursa started to advance on her. "A-A-An Ur-Ursa M-M-Minor?!" cried Trixe "Trixie is in the cave of an URSA MINOR?!" The bear, enraged by her outburst, advanced even quicker. And then Trixie saw something that made her heart skip a beat.

There was another Ursa Minor. There were two Ursa Minors and one was about to eat her.

"NOOOOO!" shouted Trixie as she tried to formulate a terminate spell large enough for two Ursas. The Ursa was 10 feet away.









Trixie finally finished prepping the spell and in a panic, launched it at the two. An explosion occured and Trixie started to cough. She opened her eyes...

And the Ursas were still there.

<i> Well, Trixie guesses this... is the end </i> Trixie curled up to have a minimum amount of pain inflicted on her upon death. The Ursa opened its mouth and.., " WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, SLEEPING IN OUR CAVE?!"

Trixie blinked confused. "Wait. Did you "Yes I just talked! I ALWAYS talk but you equines never listen!"
<i> Has Trixie finally lost it? Well, everypony said she was crazy... wait a second. There's also the possibility that- how did I fail that badly? </i> In her rush for survival, she accidentally launched a TRANSLATE spell.

The other Ursa (who wore a pink bow for unknown reasons) came over and said "Guys, keep it down! Look, bro. I know you're angry that she's sleeping in our cave, but it's just a little pony. Besides, You don't want to-" It was too late. A rumbling was heard and felt and Trixie looked up even higher. Standing 25 stories was a purple furred bear with stars forming said fur. It appeared to be sleepy and VERY PISSED OFF.

<i> Oh shit.</i>

Trixie just accidentally woke up an Ursa Major.

Bear Country : Part 2

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The Ursa Major glared at Trixie with his piercing red eyes. Both Ursa Minors and the unicorn were frozen in fear.

The Ursa Major opened he mouth and roared, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY CAVE?!! AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY CHILDREN?!!" <i> Trixie guesses that he was caught in the translate spell to. That might have been what woken him up!</i> Trixie thought to herself, berating herself for using such a powerful spell in a panic.

The male Ursa Minor spoke up first. "Dad, what are you doing up?"

"I DIDN'T WANT TO GET UP!! BUT THAT-THAT PONY OVER THERE DISRUPTED MY PEACEFUL SLUMBER!! AND NOW, SHE'S GONNA DIE!!" The Ursa Major said in response. The Ursa Major started stepping toward Trixie.

Suddenly, the female said "Dad, wait! Maybe she's friendly?"

The Ursa Major did not respond to that happily.


"Hey! Don't be going around calling us sissies!" said the boy." Our talent is special!" As to demonstrate, the Ursa Minor shruck in size to a regular sized dog! "You see! We can chng our size to whatever we want!" "NO, <b>YOU</b> SEE THAT?! IT'S THAT KIND OF SHENANIGANS THAT SHOW HOW WEAK YOU ARE! WE URSAS ARE FEARSOME BECAUSE OF OUR SHEER SIZE!! WHY WOULD YOU SHRINK?!"

Suddenly, Trixie, spoke up "Y'know, perhaps they're not weak. They look pretty scary to Trixie-"



All three had a bad feeling a bout this. "Ummm... what do you do?" asked the female one hesitantly.
"I KILL THEM, OF COURSE." He pointed to the male minor "YOU." Then he pointed to the female one "YOU." Finally, he pointed to Trixie "AND YOU, ARE ALL GONNA DIE NOW. GOODBYE.<b> RAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!</b>

Every single one of them started to run as a crazy, deranged, an gigantic starbear chased after them.

"Huff-Huff! Hey!" cried the male Minor, "You have spells right? Do something!" "Are you CRAZY?! Trixie doesn't have the power to beat him! What about you?! You can change you size at will! Why don't YOU fight him?!" yelled a clearly agitated Trixie.

"Are you CRAZY?! I don't have the skills to beat him at his size!" "Will you two just SHUT UP!" cried the female from the back.

In a panic, Trixie used her magic to teleport them away...

20 yards to the cave's mouth.

"... Seriously?" asked the male "Best Trixie could do. KEEP RUNNING!!"

As it would turn out, that was just the edge needed to outrun the beast. The two bears and Trixie ran into the trees far away from the Ursa Major. "THAT'S RIGHT! YOU BETTER RUN! <b> RAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWRRRR!!!!!!!</b>



"Well, that was close." said a tired Trixie. The two bears and Trixie barely got a wink of sleep.

"Well look at what you did, pony!" said an equally tired male Ursa. "We have no home now!" "Don't worry!" said Trixie, "Trixie was looking for a new place to live anyway! We can find a new home! Oh wait!" Trixie almost forgot something. "Do you two have names?"

The duo looked at each other. They both said "No." "Well we can't have that can we? Let's see... You" Trixie pointed to the male "are Percy Minor Lulamoon and you" she pointed to the female "are Selena Minor Lulamoon!"

"What? Why is that our names?"

"It just came to Trixie. see how clever she is?" "And why do we have what I'm assuming to be YOUR last name?" "Because,1, Trixie is Great and Powerful and 2 it was the only last name we have at the moment."

"Hey its better than nothing, bro." said Selena. "... Fine." grumbled Percy.

"Don't worry! With Luna as her witness, Trixie will find us shelter! This she swears!"


Meanwhile in Canterlot...

Oh, I don't think Trixie knows just how much of a witness I am." said Luna as she watched the monitors with popcorn in her hoof. "Mwahahahaha!" </i>


<i>Trixie-Cam </i>

As Trixie raised her head to the heavens to announce this proclamation, a blue streak came in the sky. It appeared to be a meteor! As it fell down to the planet, it was also small enough to fit into Trixie's mouth.

We know this because as Trixie's mouth was opened, she swallowed it whole.

Trixie's body immediately started to convulse as she started slipped into unconsciousness.

"Trixie? Trixie! TRRRRRRIIIIIIIXXXXXXIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" said a tearful Selena.

But her cries were unheard of as Trixie's vision slowly faded to black.

Trixie's House Hunting

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Twilight Sparkle was checking the sky with her nifty telescope. Her number 1 assistant, Spike, was staring at her intently. "Twilight? Why are you using a telescope during daytime?" "Well Spike." repiled Twilight "I was actually tracking a meteor."

This made Spike very curious. "A meteor? Now?" "Yes, Spike. It seems to be a radioactive. It could be very dangerous to anypony-" "Ahem" said Spike. "-anyBODY who comes in contact with it! However, one thing puzzles me."

"What's that, Twilight?" asked the baby dragon "The meteor was very small. It would be relativly easy to lose it, but it's like it just... "blipped" out of existance! It doesn't even seem to have fallen to the groud and that's crazy! Rocks don't just vanish Spike!"

"Well where is it?" "Well, last time I saw it, it was falling to the Equestrian Plains, just outside of the Everfree Forest." "Well, okay, Twilight. I'm gonna just go to Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie could tell me anypony who went to that area today." "Thanks Spike."

As the baby dragon left to the bakery, Twilight thought to herself, <i> Oh, I hope nopony is hurt... </i>



Trixie Lulamoon thoght she was floating in blackness. She started to see things.

She heard a song. It had lyrics, but it wasn't supposed to have lyrics. That was very peculier. Knight Peculier.

She also saw a familiar place with cake and dresses.

She saw lime green, blue and white all around.

Finally, she heard something loud and... SOMETHING made her get very, very scared.

Trixie, for some reason tried her hardest to remember these 4 things. Finally, giving up, Trixie fell into a white light.


Same Trixie-Cam, different location.

Trixie Lulamoon started to awake. She turned and saw the two Ursa Minors staring at her, worried. Selena spoke first. "Trixie, you're awake! You were asleep for exactly one minute!" "A minute?" asked the unicorn as Percy also started to talk "Yeah. I thought that meteor you swallowed would totally end you. Heh Heh. Guess I was wrong."

Realizing what happened Trixie said, "The Great and Powerful Trixie will not allow a simple rock to disrupt our house hunting. The meteor will simply..." Trixie strained to say it "Pa-Pa-Pass in a little while. Come on you guys! Let's get to steppin'! And to searching!"

(Chaotic Note: The first song of this story and my career! And I just happen to not find an instrumental version of this song. -_- Usually, I would include an instrumental so you could sing along to the lyrics. Since that's not possible now, listen to the song and then sing the lyrics to the tune. Okay, you ready? Here's the song! Let's do this!)

(Start playing music. Finishes music and sings song to tune.)

Trixie's House Hunting.

<i>So the Lulamoons
Set off to find a new home
It's gonna be tough
A mare and two bears on their own</i>.

<i>There's a little house </i>
(Percy shrinks down and tries to go in)
<i>Percy's there going in</i>
(A chicken comes out, squawks and summons others to chase them)
<i>But that's a bad idea guys,
cause those chickens think you're jerks in the end!</i>

<i>Lying down on a side of a hill Thinkin' livin' in the clouds would be totally thrillin'!</i>
(Casting a clod walking spell, Trixie teleports them inside the house)
<i>'Less you find, something inside</i>
(Two pegasi with straight jackets on screamed at them and chased them out of their home)
<i>Like two cranky and crazy pegasi</i>!

<i>The beach, Oh nooo, oh please don't go in their guys!</i>
(Sand Golem arise and try to kill them)
<i>You tried something like that before
and it just didn't turn out right!</i>

(Lyrics are self examplanatory)
<i>Find a cave, go inside, walk around and it seems alright
But Dragon comes out, quick as a tiger!
Bolted 'fore they found out he could not breathe fire! </i>

<i>You know you shold have stayed
And fought that gigantic astro-bear
But they were feeling terrified
They were super scared of his Ursa might.</i>

(Trixie starts speaking)
"Which is understandable. Cause Ursas are really terrible. They
don't want to be your homey and burnt out with dealing with ponies!"
(The Minor duo shot Trixie a look and growled. Trixie stops talking and the music turns normal)

<i>Ursa Major! Why do you hate her?</i>
(Ursa Major appears in a circle unseen to the trio , breaking the 4th wall in the process)
<i>Ursa Major! Can't you see these three are in pain?</i>

<i>So there's the Lulamoons</i>
(Get shot at by pixies while the 2 bears and mare are screaming)
<i>Traveling on familiar ground.
And I'm sure that by the end if the day</i>
(While running, the trio come to a cliff. Their weight makes a piece break off, slide down and leave them dizzy at the bottom)
<i>They'll be able to figure something out!</i>

(End Song)

"Arg! This isn't working! Not even a song of our failures could help us!" said a clearly aggravated Trixie "Wait, wasn't there supposed to be an instrumental to that song? Aw man! There were lyrics when there weren't supposed to be lyrics!" said an equally tired Selena, breaking the 4th wall. <i> Wait... Lyrics when there aren't supposed to lyrics? That's what was in the blackness!</i> thought Trixie to herself.

"Well there's only one place left." said Percy pointed to a nearby town. It had a bakery, boutique, and a large tree in the middle. Trixie's eyes widened as she remembered this town from her dream, which she now assumed was a vision since the things were coming true. It was also the town that singlehanded lead to her downfall.

<i><b> Ponyville. </i></b>

StarShine BrightLight

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<i> Chaotic Note: Do you notice something funny about this Chaotic Note? It's in italics! Yes, I finally figured out how to do things around here so no more breaking the pacing! Oh and if you see the other chapters you'll see another change! Not only did I fix all of that, but I also added the Trixie Fail Count! It's a counter showing all the times Trixie fails in this story. With that in mind, let's continue!" </i>


The place where her entire life was ruined.

Where her fake story cost her her caravan, her magic tools, her hat and cape( Which thankfully, Luna recreated).

And the Ursa Minor. Oh, the Ursa Minor! Those two colts... they didn't know it but they destroyed everything Trixie had accomplished.

And now these two wanted her to... RETURN?!

All these thoughts ran through Trixie's mind as she slowly backed away from the town. "Uh, huh. Nope. Trixie's not going back there." Vision or no vision, there was no way in hell Trixie would enter that town ever again.

"Well, why not?" asked Selena "Its full of your kind, you can earn money, and can actually have a house."

"Well... umm..." Trixie tried to think of an excuse.<i> Think! Think you moron, THINK!! AHA!!</i> Trixie thought to herself. "You two are Ursa Minors. Let's just say... this town had a bad experience with Ursas and leave it at that."

"We can get around that." said Percy as he started to shrink "Dogs with birth defects."

<i> Well that didn't work... Oh balls, Trixie's gonna have to tell them the truth, isn't she? Aw man... </i> "Okay, look. The ponies there do not like The Great and Powerful Trixie and she's not going back. Kapeesh?"

"Wait, how long were you gone?" asked Percy "Oh about two years." "Funny. Two years ago, two ponies woke me up and I think I did something to a town. Strange isn't it?"

As Trixie tried to act like she had nothing to do with that,"Well, how about a disguise?" asked Selena. "... That... could actually work. But how?" asked the mare. "How about using paint in that convient tool shed?" said Percy as he started to walk to a tool shed that the two girls didn't seem to notice.


<i> In the Tool Shed </i>

Trixie Lulamoon was searching everywhere but couldn't seem to find any paint. "You guys have any luck?" asked the Great and Powerful Trixie as she got down from her perch on a shelf. "Eeyup." said Percy putting three cans of paint on the floor. "The only colors I could find."

The colors were, suprise, surprise, lime green, blue and white. <i> The colors from Trixie's vision!</i> thought Trixie as she was absolutely positive that see saw the future.<i> Now something's gonna scare Trixie. But what?</i> Trixie thought some more.

Trixie got to work with the paint. She colored her coat Lime green with a lime green horn. Her mane was completely white with a blue stripe running the length of it. The same pattern was also on her tale. Finally, she expertly painted a perfect Transmutation Circle as her cutie mark which was a star with a circle around it. At the completion of her amazing painting, she looked like this.

"Alright. With these colors, The Great and Powerful Trixie will be unstoppable!" "You might want to talk in the first person." said a concerned Selena. "Okay. I-I-I... Trixie can't do it! She just won't use pronouns, then! Let's go, you two!


<i> Entrance to Ponyville </i>

<i> Trixie's first step into the town that destroyed everything. Alright, Trixie. Baby steps. </i>

She took a step... and bumped into a pony.

"Oh! Sorry..." said Trixie as she saw who she bumped into. The pony... was strange to say the least. She was very pink, witha bouncy mane that looked like it was impossible to have naturally. Her cutie mark was of three ballons.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I was just heading to work! It's the best place ever to work! You get free candy, cake and other stuff when you there! I wish my friends could work there, but they probably couldn't handle the stress... Oh I've never seen you before! What's your name? said the pony extremely fast. She seemed to be oozing with energy.

<i> Name? TRIXIE"S NAME! How could The Great and Powerful Trixie forget such an important component! Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! </i> Trapped, Trixie said the first thing that came to her mouth. "STARSHINE BRIGHTLIGHT!" Trixie pretty much yelled. <i> StarShine BrightLight? THAT'S the best this Great and Powerful mind can come up with?! What kind of idiot would fall for-</i> "Starshine Brightlight? Why that's a wonderful name! It sounds like a friend of mine. She's really smart. Are you smart? Wait! GASP!! You're not... MOVING HERE ARE YA!!" the pony said, also yelling.

"Umm... yes?" said a confused Trixie. "GASP!! Well we GOT to give you a welcome party! Oh, I'm such a silly filly! I almost forgot! My name's Pinkie Pie! Party Extroadnaire!" said Pinkie Pie, shaking Trixie's hoof. "The party will be at 8 at Sugarcube Corner! SEE YA!!" said the strange earth pony as she bounced off.

"... well that was the strangest conversation Trixie ever had. Anyway, that's not important now. It's time for Trixie to earn bits! That's means getting a job!"

A Fourtunate Occurence

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<i> Okay, a job. A job. Where can the Great and Powerful Trixie find a job? </i> Trixie thought to herself. She had been walking through Ponyville for the past 15 minutes looking for a place that was hiring. Luckily for Trixie, she must have been a better painter then she thought, because nopony paid her any mind as she went about her business as "Starshine Brightlight". Unluckily for said mare, she also couldn't find a job anywhere.

<i> This is crazy! Luna, the only place hiring is that sweet shop, and Trixie doesn't think she can stand working with that pink pony for too long... </i> As Trixie looked at the town in dismay, she wondered if this a sign. <i>Perhaps the Great and Powerful Trixie shouldn't even be in Ponyville. It would certainly be the end of her if she was found out. Luckily, this green coat, and white mane with blue stripe is awesome. Trixie even changed her cutie mark to a transmutation circle!</i> Trixie slowed and then stopped.


Trixie looked up and saw the sign on the building.

<b>Equestria Employment Center </b>

<i> Here for all your employment needs! </i>

<i> ... Well that's certainly convient! Let's see... what can Trixie do that is not performing </i> Trixie asked herself as she slowly came to the realization... that that was nothing. Trixie facehoofed in frusteration. <i> Wait. If Trixie told the future for herself, then maybe she can do it to other ponies! Yes! She'll become a fortune teller! She'll be an Equestrian Gypsy! </i> Trixie imagined what it would be like.

<i> That would be so cool! It's decided! The Great and Powerful Trixie will tell fortunes! </i>

"There you are! We've been looking all over for you!" Suddenly Percy and Selena came up in their dog-sized forms. "Who do you think you are, leaving us with that pink pony!" cried Percy angrily. "Umm..." Trixie looked at the ponies staring at them. "Starshine Brightlight?" Trixie asked with a nervous grin. "... Fine, call yourself that!" said Percy angrily

"Never mind that! Have to get a job! See you two later!" "Starshine" said as she trotted into the building. "Wait, no! *sigh :(" said Selena as the two Ursas sat and thought.

"Sooooo... want to play Mario Kart 7" asked Percy. "Heck Yeah!" said Selena.

"How did you say :( , anyway?"

"Like that."



The Center was completey empty except for the receptionist. He was a black stallion with a yellow mane. He had a what appeared to be a newspaper flipped to the jobs section as a cutie mark.

"Umm hello?" asked "Starshine" as she walked to the desk. "Ummm, Would like a job please." She said, careful not to say any pronouns that would give her away. "Name?" asked the stallion in a grumpy mood. "Umm, Starshine Brightlight?" "HAHAHA!!," said the Stallion "You're kidding, right? That's a TERRIBLE disguise and you know it! Thought you could get past old Mickey Nitpick with that paint but you should try harder!"

Trixie, shocked by how quickly he figured her out, was grateful to the universe that they were the only ponies there. "OH PLEASE!! DON'T TELL ANTPONY!! SHE"LL BE RUN OUTTA TOWN AGAIN!! SHE'LL BE ON THE STREETS!! AGAIN!! TRIXIE WILL DO ANYTHING!!" "Anything?" asked Mickey. "Anything that won't bump this fic to a mature rating." Trixie said flatly. "Okay, then. Wait, what did you say your name was?"

"Ummm... Patricia Lulamoon?" said Trixie nervously. "And the shortening is... Tell me. Is a nickname of yours...'The Great and Powerful Trixie'?" asked Mickey. "Ummm... Yes?"

It was like Mickey's entire demeanor did a 180. "Well then. We better get... <i><b> Started </i></b>." Mickey said with ice in his voice.

"Trixie doesn't know why... but she has a bad feeling about this." muttered Trixie as she trotted after Mickey into the next room.

That Nitpicking Jerk!: Part 1: Take A Chance!

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The Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon was walking now the halls of the Employment Center with Mickey Nitpick, a guy who seems to be the only pony in Ponyville who figured out who she was. Trixie, having a bad feeling about this, decided to not speak, something of which is completely out of character for her. "HEY!!" Well you know it's true...

*cough* Anyway. "Who are you talking too?" asked Mickey smugly. "No one important." said Trixie HEY!! "Got you back ;)" Once again pronoucing emoticons...


They arrived at a large room. It was completely white, and not a speck of dirt was on the floor. Mickey pressed a button on the wall. "Creeper. Calling Creeper!" he spoke, this time being heard onn various speakers. Trixie, confused asked, "What are you doing?" Mickey quickly responed "Since you said you wanted to be a fortune teller, I have to see your skills in the arcane arts. As you know from your fake cutie mark," pointing a her cutie mark. "Arcane magic is dark and offensive. As such, you're going to fight for me."

Suddenly, in walked a strange creature. It was green, and had four legs, yet it was standing up upright like a pony. It had black eyes, was frowning and strangly enough, appeared to be made of vines! In fact, it sort of looked like this...

"Ah! There you are Creeper! Okay, miss Trixie, this is your opponent." said Mickey. "What-What the hell is that?" asked a shocked Trixie. "This is a creeper. Its a pony-made species created when unicorns were experimenting with vines and someone foolishly brought a muffin. NEVER bring muffins into an experiment. It will COMPLETELY derp it up!" ranted Mickey. "Anyway, you ready Creeper?"

The creature said, "You can call me by my first name. Its Astley." "Okay, fine. You will be refered to as Astley. I feel a reference coming on, but I don't know why... Anyway, I'll take to the sky and wach your duel, okay?" "The sky? Trixie's confused. She thought you were an earth pony." "Nope. We all have to wear suits to make it look like we have no abilities. The unicorns wear 'em too. See watch.

Mickey seemed to... do something which took off something on him. Now he had two black wings on his side. "I call it stuffy and an unnessary way to make everpony equal so some don't get better treatment than others." "Yeah? Well, Trixie calls it lazy writing." "True dat, sister!" said Astley. Wait-HEY!!


<i> Meanwhile, at Canterlot Castle... </i>

Luna was still watching the monitors while sipping some soda. "Trolling the author himself? Why you are doing exceptionally well, my student. Of course, not as good as mwa." Wait. You're PROUD of her?! What she did was terrible! "Oh?





"Okay Astley, beat up this unicorn! She deserves it!" said Mickey gloatingly and breaking my rant in the proceess. "HEY!!" said that mare again, like she deserved. Troll me twice, you get trolled too...

"You want me to beat up a mare?" asked Astley. Then Mickey came over and whispered to him, "I'll pay you triple if you break any limbs." Suddenly, Astley's whole expression changed as he started to smile. He walked over to the mare. "You are going to hurt." he said as he suddenly rushed her.

<b> The Exploding Reference, ASTLEY CREEPER

""SHOWTIME!!"" said Trixie </b>

Trixie: 50 (30)

Astley: 50 (?)

All of a sudden, everything looked different. Trixie was on the left side of the room and Astley was on the right. She also saw numbers under herself. "Wha-? What's going on?!" asked the Great and Powerful mare.

Mickey flew down and explained. "You're in a battle." said Mickey as he literally pointed to the points. "These are your hit points. Go down and so do you. The number in Parenthesis are Magic Points, allowing you to do attacks.

"What?" "Enough!" said Astley all of a sudden. "I want to get payed!" Astley rushed up to Trixie and EXPLODED!!Trixie's hit points dropped to 40.(Trixie Owned Count: 1) "Hey!" said Trixie. "Oh, did I mention that Creepers explode? Oh it causes no harm goes to them but to everyone in a 9 feet radius." said Mickey as he flew back down. "F- you, Mickey!" "Oh. Are you mad, miss Great and Powerful?" Mickey said smugly.

"Enough! The Great and Powerful Trixie is gonna get you for that!" Using MP, Trixie used the spell FireWorked. Suddenly, fireworks appeared. 4 out of 5 of them hit Astley, causing 20 points of damage.

Trixie: 40 (20)

Astley: 30 (?)

Astley came and blew some dust into Trixie's face. Stunned, Trixie couldn't defend as Astley flying kicked her. <b> CRITICAL!! </b> The kick did 20 points of damage.(Trixie Owned Count: 2) Trixie feel down from the hit. "HAHA!! Those were some very nice hit points you had there! Its such a SHAME something happened to them!!" Astley smirked gloatingly." Looks like all you are is The Weak and Helpless Loser!" said Mickey, laughing.

Trixie" 20 (20)

Astley: 30 (?)


<i> Loser. Weak. Helpless. </i> These words repeated into Trixie head. And she remembered. She remembered how she was teased for having less than average magic skills. She remembered the pain she had, when no one wanted to friend the non-magical unicorn. That was like a no-winged pegasus, or a weak earth pony.

But then,

She remembered the words of her Grandma, Tracy Brightsun. She said to the young filly, "If someone tries to make you seem weak, show 'em up. You are Great and Powerful, Trixie. You know that?" "I-I'm Great and Powerful?" asked the blue filly. "Yes, you are. Say it." "I-I am the great and powerful trixie." "Louder." pressured Tracy. "I am the great and powerful Trixie." "Louder!" "I AM THE Great and Powerful Trixie!!" "LOUDER!!" "I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE LULAMOON!! AND NO ONE WILL BRING ME DOWN!!"

The grandma chuckled. "Now, I don't know what that man you call a father teaches you, but ponies don't talk like that. They speak in the first-person. Try it. It makes you sound better and smarter." "Okay. I-Trixie will try." "Good. Now, if you ever forget that, sing this tune."

And Grandma Tracy Brightsun sung the most beautiful melody back then.


Here in present day, Trixie still remembered that song. She heard it in her head and it sounded much louder,cooler, retroy, and... boyish than she remembered.

(Start playing Trixie Theme "Take a Chance" Lyrics so you can sing along!)

Trixie got up. Using the last twenty points of MP she had left, she pulled back her front right hoof. Magical Energy started to form around it. Trixie looked utterly calm and serene. You would have sworn that cutie mark was real, the way she was handling that magic. Astley looked very, very scared.





The force of the punch was so great, that Astley went flying into a wall and for good reason. He took a full 50 points of Damage!! (Trixie Badass Count: 1)

<b> WIN!! </b>


Mickey was astouded at the powerful Trixie possesed. "Good Job, Trixie!" "Was there, EVER, any doubt?" the painted-green mare asked. "Yes" said Astley getting up from the wall. "Yes" said Mickey. Yes,I said. "..."

"However... since you fell to less than 50% health, I'll have to deduct some points" said Mickey. "GAHH!" cried Trixie as she fell anime style. "You-You NITPICK!!" "That's my last name. Don't wear it out. Now come, let's go to the second portion of the test." "What's that?" asked Trixie

Mickey turned and said "An Epic Rap Battle."



Name: Mickey Nitpick

Race: Pegasus

Colors: Black Coat, yellow mane.

Origin: I needed a character who would be rude as Trixie took her employment exam. He was originally an earth pony, but I found more scenes would be funnier in pegasus style. No, I didn't change it mid-chapters! No that suit wasn't lazy writing! (Shifty Eyes)


Name : Astley Creeper

Race: Creeper

Colors: Green skin, black eyes

Origin: I needed a monster to oppose Trixie in this battle. Then I got this comment-

Omg, Yogscast reference, though haft officially earned thyself one thousand glomps starting now.<i>

If you are reading this, Caberea, Thanks for giving me a giving me an idea for said monster. YOU have earned yourself a thousand glomps starting now.

Next Time: Did Mickey just say, Epic Rap Battle?</i>

That Nitpicking Jerk!: Part 2: EPIC RAP BATTLE!!

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<b> Chaotic Note: A specific part of this chapter has extreme language. Viewer discretion is advised.</b>

"What did you say?" asked the Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon. "I said, we are going to do an Epic Rap Battle as part of the test." "What the bloody hell does THAT have to do with fortune telling?" asked the lime green mare. "Well, you have to know how to think on your feet. A rap battle is an excellent way to do that... and i get the added bonus of watching you fail to Astley and I's rhymes." said Mickey, smirking.

"Wait, two to one? That's completely unfair! The Great and Powerful Trixie demands a partner!" Mickey thought for a moment, then signed. "Alright. You can pick anyone you want to to help you in this rap battle." "YES!" Astley went over and whispered something to Mickey. Suddenly Mickey got a huge grin in his face. "On the condition that the person in question know your real name." Trixie's entire face fell. <i> But you're the only pony who knows that! Trixie can't pick ANYPONY. Wait. </i>

"You said anyONE and the PERSON!! That means it doesn't have to be a pony!" "..." "YES!! Trixie'll be right back." Mickey didn't know, but Trixie knew one smart-plot who would be easy to rap alongside.


"I won bro! 30 secs to the finish line!" said Selena as her Peach was beating Percy's Luigi by a few seconds. "Oh you did, did you?" said Percy slowing down for some reason. "What are you doing?" "Get wrecked." is all Percy said.

Suddenly, Selena heard a whoosing sound. "Wait. Is that a... BLUE SHELL?!!" "I said, Get. Wrecked." replied Percy.

"No! So close! 5 secs! 4!



The blue shell hit.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" yelled Selena "OHHHHH!! Where's the salt now, sister? WHERE IS IT?!! said Percy as Luigi passed Peach for the win.

"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-" "Oh dear." cried Percy as he backed up "Percy." said Trixie running outside. "I want you to rap with Trixie." "FINE! FINE!! ANYTHING< JUST <b> GO!!! </b>. They left as Selena said,

"FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!" in an explosion of rage that could be heard all the way to Fillydelphia.


said Mickey as he saw Trixie come back in, dragging an Ursa colored... dog?

"Trixie's back, you two. And she brought her dog, Percy!"

Mickey and Astley could not suppress their laughter. "BWAHAHA!! Your dog?! Really?!:')" cried Mickey. "What's he gonna do, bark in rhymes? BWAHAHAHA!! :')" cried Astley. Percy was having none of that. "Oh, wanna go?"he yelled louldly enough to derail the laughter.

"Oh, he can talk. We let'e begin then." Mickey turned on a switch. "To help the format-"

The sign said

Trixie reads like this

<b> Mickey reads like this </b>

<u>Percy reads like this</u>

<i> Astley reads like this </i>

<b> You guys ready? Its time for an EPIC RAP BATTLE OF EQUESTRIA!!




BEGIN!! </b>

Alright everybody, its time to rap
Its time to beat these two pieces of crap!
With on our side, The Great and Powerful Trixie
We are the best rappers you'll ever see!

<b> You think you're hot, Trixie?
You must be mistaken
I'm telling the truth
And I'm not even hating!

You look ridiculous!
Worst thing I ever seen!
It looks like you leapt off the pages
of a porno magazine!</b>

What you say, you jerk?
You bucking Nitpick?
Just cause this is a rap battle
Don't mean you have to be dicks!

<i> I didn't even start! Don't front Lulamoon!
Your petty assumptions happened too soon!
It's you who's a bitch, not me, not him
You're chances of winning are looking pretty grim!</i>

<u> Maybe her chances are low
But certainly not mine!
Look at my coat!
Look at how the stars shine-</u>

<b> Starshine?
You mean
that poor disguise?
The same one that's literally hurting my eyes?
Look at you! You're weak! You're small! You're little and crazy!
And come on, even now, your owner looks slutty!</b>

You have no right to talk to Trixie like that!
How about you, you cock-sucking twat?
You say Trixie's a slut. You said she's a crazy cat
But you know that you simply can't tap that!

<i> Why would he even want to?
Look at your framing
Your looks are equilvalent
To a fake pony! A changeling! </i>

<u> You're a fake, you little penis-shaped prick!
You say you're partners,when really you're just a sidekick!
How does it feel when you're forced to know
That your entire being is indisposable?!</u>


(Astley literally exploded with rage.>

What? He shouldn't be allow to do that
Astley should be disqualified you little hack!!

<b> Naw, I'll allow it. On with the show!
Sorry Trixie! HaHa!! Are

Speaking of which,hey, look again!
We are right back to when I said BEGIN!!
Look here Trixie. Look at me!
You are insane, so says Mickey!

With a green coat, a white mane and a blue stripe in
Its easy to point out the pony with sin!
Even two years later, you little one-trick pony
Even now, you're still just ONE BIG PHONY!!</b>



(Mickey fell from the force)


<b> ... I concede </b>


(end rap battle)

Percy face was O.O'

Astley's face was O.O'

Mickey's was a combo of :'( and O.O'

Trixie was panting heavily.

"... Well. Trixie is calm now. She can't believe she started yelling. She even started talking in that broken english! So does she pass?"

"Y-Yes." said a still frightened Mickey

"yay. Trixie rocks. woohoo." said Trixie in a calm and low voice.

"That was so awesome, we didn't even say anything at the end, right Astley?" "Y-Yeah. That was too scary <b>TO </b> talk..."

And so, having passed the second test, The Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon, went on to her last one with a blushing Mickey, a terrified Astley, and a shocked Ursa Minor following close behind.


<b> Chaotic Note: O.O'. I never knew one pony could have so much rage and install so much fear in so maybe hearts.


I guessbthat's why she's The favorite Character and waifu of Chaos! ;) </b>

That Nitpicking Jerk!: Part 3: TAKE THAT!!

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Trixie Lulamoon, after her success in the Epic Rap Battle, was walking with her pegasus guide, his creeper friend, and her Ursa Minor friend. At that moment, Mickey abrutly said, "You two. Stay out here. I want to speak to Lulamoon alone." he said ushering Trixie into a room. It had a desk, a picture of a blue and purple building, and like everything in that place was, you guessed it, white.

Mickey closed the door. He turned around and was suddenly looking <b> VERY PISSED OFF. </b> "How? Why? How did you beat my best friend AND create a rap better than I? Its insane!! How Trixie? HOW?!!" siad an enraged Mickey. "Okay, what is your problem?" asked Trixie "Does this mean... you didn't want Trixie to pass?" Struggling to not rage, Mickey said "Of course, I wanted you to p-pass." "You sure?"asked the green mare again "OF-BUCKING-COURSE I SAID!!!"



"So... are you mad, bro?"


<b> BOOM </b>

Everything around Trixie except Mickey turned black. All of a sudden, multiple chains appeared around the employee. Three red locks dropped down to end the picture.

(Start playing this music on repeat. [Youtube? Brony, please, we got Youtube REPEAT Now!])

(What's going on? What's happening to me?)


(Did I just... speak in that broken english? Whatever's happening to me, I have no idea why)

(<b> You are in a Psyche-lock conversation.</b>)


(Who was that?!!) (<b> You may call me... Logic-Trixie. I am the part of your mind responsible for logic and intelligence. I was heightened by that meteor. It appears that now whenever you want information from a liar, this will happen. Break the locks with evidence, and they will spill the beans. You're speaking the first person because you normal way of speaking is illogical. And I'm answering your questions before they're asked because I can hear your thoughts.</b>)


(<b> Well hop to it!! I'll help with logic. Just break the locks and this will end.</b>)

(Okey-dokey. ... I have the strange complusion to say loki but I don't know why...)


"You're lying Mickey. You didn't want me to pass. I think you realize that was pretty obvious." said Trixie to the chained employee. Funnily enough, he didn't seem to notice. "Of course I did! That's what I keep saying!" "Oh no, you don't. I know you wanted me to fail. And I know that because-

<b> TAKE THAT!! </b>

-Would you try to get your friend to hurt me otherwise?"

"!" said Mickey as the symbol appeared over his head."How did you-"

"I have good hearing sir. Its not like you tried to hide your glee from the rafters as I got beat. However, you made one mistake. You underestimated me. "Gah."

Trixie was astouded as one of the three locks shattered like glass.

"Moving on, let's see why you hate me. I would think it was because of the Ursa Minor incident. However, I think there's a deeper reason. Mickey... did that Ursa Minor hurt some of your friends?"


"I noticed that Astley seems to be your only friend, huh? I can guess that there used to be more brcause-

<b> TAKE THAT!! </b>

-That building, is the same as this one." said Trixie pointing at the picture on the wall. "However, everything here is white now. Plus, you two seem to be the only testers. Thus, I can infer that this place got a paint job, and many were laid off. Am I right?" "Gah" said Mickey again

Another lock shattered.

"So why? Why do you hate me? Well I must say, I have a question.:Did you like my show?"


"So, the truth comes out. I see. You loved my show, didn't you? You and everyone were punished for liking the mare who came to town and accidently caused an Ursa Minor to come. "I object! Y-You have no proof!" "Oh, I have proof, alright. I know you liked my show because-

<b> TAKE THAT!! </b>

-You didn't come and run my out." "!" "I would have recognized a black pegasus, a yellow mane, and a Jobs Section cutie mark. But I didn't. You didn't chase cause you were a fan."


"I'm right. You hate me now, because I indirectly got your friends fired. And yet that wasn't my fault. You loved it and you didn't have to lie. And be honest, are your friends happy?"

"... They got high-paying jobs in Canterlot..."

"See? You don't have to hate. What's done is done. Its been two years, Mickey. So what you say? Cool?"



"Yes. Sure, Trixie. I-I apologize for my behavior." said Mickey with a smile.
And the final Psyche-Lock broke. All the chains disappeared and the background came back.

"... Well, that was an interesting experience. The Great and Powerful Trixie might just have made a new friend." "Yeah, I guess you did!" said Mickey with a smile. "Phwee. For a second there, you kinda scared... Trixie... WAHOO!! Trixie was scared! That means the vision came true! A little late but YEAH!!"

"Well, with all your training complete, here." said Mickey handing Trixie a card. "This is your license. You're now certified to tell fortunes. And with it, comes a free house." "Why?" "You were our 10,000 th customer this year!" "YAHOO!!"

Trixie ran out to find Astley and Percy playing Mario Party DS. "We got a house! Yes! Let's go an see it!" "You may win this round Luigi, but ONE DAY, Wario's a gonna win!" yelled Astley as the green mare and shape-shifting bear ran out to their new house.


<b> Phoenix Wright? I never played Phoenox Wright!


But I DO love Turnabout Storm!!

Brought to you by Painterly Pack!!

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Trixie Lulamoon and her two Ursa Minors were walking toward their new house. It was a regularly humble abode except it had a gold star at the top that read "Star Fortunes" "Looks like a fortune teller lived here before. Luckily, since the Great and Powerful Trixie is going to be a fortune teller, it will all be good!" said the green mare as they started to go inside.

An hour later as Trixie was about done packing, she found that it came with a TV, a fridge, a phone, and a bed and bathroom. There was a place for the kitchen and a storage/guest room at the back. "A toast," said Selena as they all were about to drink soda. "to a brand new life." "CHEERS!" they all said as they clicked their soda glasses together.However, an Ursa's power is more than a unicorn, so their force made Trixie drop her glasses, splashing soda all on her.

"2 hours and the first spill." said Trixie. She looked down. And then she saw something that made her freeze and go pale.

Where the soda was, was not green, but azure.

"Oh Luna no. Buck no." She quickly looked at the can of paint she brought (Just in case. It was actually pretty smart.). It read, <u> Painterly Pack Paint! Any liquids make it wipe right off! </u> "Are you serious right now? ANY? Any liquids will reveal Trixie to the world?" Trixie sighed. "Well, with just a bit of magic-"

"Um, Trixie." interrupted Selena. "But it says <u> Due to a sueing, I mean, misunderstanding involving a unicorn foal, this paint has antimagic infused! No magic shall make it unwashable ;) </u> It has an emoticon on the can. They must not have a good budget-" "ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!!" Screamed Trixie.

"Fine. Trixie will just buy new paint."she said plopping down to watch some TV. As it turned on, it was on the news by default. "Attention citizens! This just in! We are currently experiencing a shortage of paint! Three colors are having problems with production, These colors are, lime green, blue and white. The only available paint in these colors are made by <i> Painterly Pack Paint </i>. We hope you don't have any painting to do, as we go through these tough times.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!" said Trixie again. Suddenly she heard a knock on her door. "Starshine? Are you in there? C'mon, we're gonna be late!" said a high-pitched voice. "Who's there?" asked Trixie, slowly looking out the window. <i> Its that Pink pony! What was her name?... Pinkie Pie? Yeah! Pinkie Pie!! What's she doing here? C'mon Trixie think! What does she want?


"Oh, I'm sorry! I was just heading to work! It's the best place ever to work! You get free candy, cake and other stuff when you there! I wish my friends could work there, but they probably couldn't handle the stress... Oh I've never seen you before! What's your name? said the pony extremely fast. She seemed to be oozing with energy.

</i> Name? TRIXIE"S NAME! How could The Great and Powerful Trixie forget such an important component! Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! <i> Trapped, Trixie said the first thing that came to her mouth. "STARSHINE BRIGHTLIGHT!" Trixie pretty much yelled. </i> StarShine BrightLight? THAT'S the best this Great and Powerful mind can come up with?! What kind of idiot would fall for-<i> "Starshine Brightlight? Why that's a wonderful name! It sounds like a friend of mine. She's really smart. Are you smart? Wait! GASP!! You're not... MOVING HERE ARE YA!!" the pony said, also yelling.

"Umm... yes?" said a confused Trixie. "GASP!! Well we GOT to give you a welcome party! Oh, I'm such a silly filly! I almost forgot! My name's Pinkie Pie! Party Extroadnaire!" said Pinkie Pie, shaking Trixie's hoof. "The party will be at 8 at Sugarcube Corner! SEE YA!!" said the strange earth pony as she bounced off.


"Umm... yes?" said a confused Trixie. "GASP!! <b>Well we GOT to give you a welcome party! Oh, I'm such a silly filly! I almost forgot! My name's Pinkie Pie! Party Extroadnaire!" said Pinkie Pie, shaking Trixie's hoof. "The party will be at 8 at Sugarcube Corner! SEE YA!!</b>" said the strange earth pony as she bounced off.

That Welcome Party! In all the excitment, Trixie forgot! </i> Trixie stole a glance at the clock. It read 7:35 p.m. "You two. Distract her while Trixie gets dry and puts on more paint." Trixie whispered as she quirtly walked to the cans.

Turning to the pony at the door, Percy opened it and said, "Hi! We're talking dogs! That's weird right?" "Not at all! Applejack has a talking apple tree named Bloomberg, Starshine has two talking dogs, its all good!" said the pony with sheer enthusiasm.

"Ready to go, Pinkie Pie?" asked "Starshine" as she made her way to the door. "Yep!" "Oh, and uh, you didn't see anything through the window, did you?" "Nope!" said the pink one. "Yes, well let's go." "Okie Doki Loki!! Let's-a-go!"
<i> Wait. Let's-a-go? What is she, Italian? She might be, Trixie doesn't know this pony very well... wait, I thought saying loki after that was just a brain fart of hers! </i>

With those thoughts, the two mares made their way to the party as the two Ursas set up their 360 and started playing Castle Crashers.


<b> Chaotic Note: I don't care what the word count says, I think this chapter's a wee bit on the short side. Weird. Well at least it showed that paint is washable. You have NO idea the trouble that will bring folks. No idea.;)

Anyway, next chapter, we'll go to the party. Perhaps some people in the character tag get shown, eh? ;)

The Long Party w/ The Mane Six

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Trixie Lulamoon, disguised as Starshine Brightlight, and her companion, Pinkie Pie, were heading to The Sugarcube Corner for a welcoming party. Trixie was, of course, nervous that she was going to be found out, but she wouldn't let that distract her, even if she was shouting in her mind, <i> RUN!! RUN!! ABORT MISSION!! ABORT MISSION!!</i> (<b> Chaotic Note: SO MANY COMMAS!! AAAAAAAAAAAA!!</b>)

As they neared the place, Trixie was REALLY starting to sweat. She asked the pink earth pony, "Um... you sure about this?" asked our disguised, lime-green mare. "Of COURSE, I'm sure! What did I say, Party... What did I say? Oh well. Anyway, I bet you're gonna be the life of the party, Starshine!!" said Pinkie Pie, obiviously oblivious to "Starshine's" plight. And, before "Starshine" could protest any further, she opened the door and walked in.

The party was in full swing. There was cake, ice cream, soda, and of course, booze. The town drunk, Berry Punch, was dancing around with a lampshade on her head whille her sister, Cheerilee, tried to stop her. "Wow! Chaos was right!! The party IS in full swing!" said Pinkie- wait, what?

Pinkie Pie lead "Starshine" to a table of which a few mares and a stallion sat. Trixie, when seeing who they were, almost felt he blood run cold and her face get pale. She did not quite know who the yellow pegasus with the pink mane was. However, of course she knew who the rest were.

They were the ponies from her nightmares.

The first one was an orange pony with a blond mane and a brown hat. She remembered her. She did the rope thing on her. It MAY have caused that pony to rage so if she was found out, there would be blood. It would be on Trixie and it would be Trixie's own.

The next one was a marshmallow-white unicorn with a purple curly mane. That one was the one with the green hair. Trixie didn't want to meet her in a dark alley.

The only stallion at the table was a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane. Trixie remembered all to well what she did to him. She turned his own rainbow trail against him and tied him up with it. THAT one was so angry that when Trixie was running, he pretty much led the charge!! Yes, there was no doubt about it. He wouldn't hurt Trixie if she was found out.

He would MURDER her.

The last one, oh, the last one. That one was one where Trixie felt true fear. This was the mare with more power than she. The one that saved Ponyville, even while she was simply cowering. She had the ability to banish the creatureo(who she now realized was Percy) back to the forest of which it came from. At least she had a slimmer of a hope that she could escape before she was beaten. With this mare, she didn't stand a ghost of a chance.

In her thoughts of what would happen if she was discovered, she didn't notice that Pinkie Pie was speaking to her until the earth pony said, "STARSHINE!"


"?" said everyone at the table as question marks appeared over their heads. "Oh, um... never... mind?" said a sheepish "Starshine" "Dear, whatever are you talking about?" asked the white unicorn. "Nothing. Never mind." "Hmmm. Well anyway, Pinkie Pie, are you gonna introduce to your fancy new friend?" This time, it was the orange one who spoke.

"Okie Dokie Loki!! This is Starshine Brightlight everypony!" said the premier party pony. "Starshine", trying to be polite said, "Hello mares and stallion." "?" said everypony again as more question marks appeared. "What stallion?" asked the, surprise,surprise, rainbow-maned pegasus. "Why, you sir." "Umm, I'm a mare."

"Starshine's" grew a smile. "Oh a see. You're a transgender!"

The Pegasus's grin immedieatly dropped.

"No." he said

"Starshine" tried again.



"Starshine" took a look at the mane.




"<b> NO!! I! AM! A! STRAIGHT! GIRL!</b>"

The force of last line sent "Starshine" crashing to the ground. "SORRYSORRYSORRYITWILLNEVERHAAPPENAGAIN!!JUSTDON"THURTTHEFACE!!"

"... Um... okay. Sorry for yelling. I'm just... frustrated that everypony asks that!" "I...see." said "Starshine" struggling to speak in the first-person. "Anyway, what's your name?" "Oh, mine? Why I am Rainbow Dash! The fastest flier in Equestria!" the pegasus said, this time with a cocky grin. Trixie immdieatly thought, <i>Oh sure. When TRIXIE brags, its a crime! >-:(</i>

"Anyway, how about you?" asked "Starshine", asking the orange earth pony. "Well, howdy. Ma name's Applejack. Ah work and live at Sweet Apple Acres wit' my friends and family." said Applejack with a south-western accent.

"Applejack? Hmm. Thought...I... heard that name somewhere before. Say, do you know the Oranges?" Immediately, Applejack's face fell. "Um...Uh... Well-"

"Yes or no?"

"Um... SAY!! How 'bout you talk to Rarity!" said the cowpony quickly, pushing the white unicorn into "Starshine's" face.

"Oh, hello darling! I am Rarity Belle, a fashion designer here in Ponyville. I live and work at the Carousel Bountique-" "Sorry. Did you just say... carousel?" asked "Starshine". "Yes."





"Nevermind." said "Starshine as she moved on to the yellow pegasus. She would save the lavender one for last. "Hello there." she said. "Um... hi. My name's Fluttershy Waifu. I live in a cottage outside of Ponyville." "Okay. What do you do for a living?" ", I take care of the animals, miss Starshine." The pegasus said meekly. "So where outside of Ponyville do you live?" "Um... outside of the Everfree Forest."


Out loud, "Starshine" said "Wow. That must be SOME place to live right?" Fluttershy didn't say anything. She just shrank back. "OOOkay, so. What is your name, good mare" asked "Starshine" to the last of the mares.

"My name's Twilight Sparkle." <i> Twilight Sparkle. The unicorn that showed Trixie up. She'll remember that. </i> I'm the town librarian and am also studying friendship." <i> What? This is the mare that bested Trixie. One who studys... friendship. Again, what the freak? </i>. "Well that must be a... pretty diffulcultt subject." "Yeah, Twilight here is our resident egghead." said Dash, lightly ruffling Twilight's mane, annoying the mare in the process. Suddenly, Twilight started staring at Trixie.

"Did I meet you before? I could have sworn that I seen you before." A physical representation of Trixie appeared in Trixie's mind. Let's call her, Imagine-Trixie. Imagine-Trixie was shouting <i> NO!! NO!! YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN TRIXIE BEFORE IN YOUR LIFE!! </i> "Yes, you look just like-"

"I hope you have a great time in Ponyville!!" said Pinkie Pie. "Everyone LOVES Ponyville!! I love it! Twilight loves it! Cranky Doodle learned to love it!! Everyone!! Except for the meanies but they never stayed!" she continued. Imagine Trixie said <i> Trixie has a baaaad feeling about this. </i>. "Like who?"

"Like my ex-friend Gilda!" said Rainbow Dash. Everypony at the table except "Starshine" agreed. "Oh, and Flim and Flam! They tried to run ma business outta the market!!" Crys of "Yeah" and "That's right" and "Oatmeal" came from the table. "And let's not forget <b>HER</b>" said Rarity.

"Starshine" REALLY had a bad feeling about this.

"Who?" asked the lime-green mare cautiously "Why, that no good braggart Trixie!! No one liked her and most agree that if they ever saw her again, then her flank would be planks!" said Applejack. Starshine asked "How much is most?" "The poll said a whole 98% of Ponyville." responded AJ.

Imagine-Trixie was curled up into a ball, lightly brushing her mane saying, <i>It's fine. Everything's fine. All fine. Fine. Fine. Nothing wrong here.</i>. She said it like she was going to cry any second. "Y'know I was just thinking that Starshine looked like Trixie." said Twilight. "Starshine" paled. Everypony looked her. "Yes, I do say they look similiar, Darling." said a curious Rarity.

Imagine-Trixie was now flipping out. <i><b> NOOOO!! NOOO! NOO! THEY FIGURED IT OUT!! TRIXIE"S DOOMED! DOOMED!!</i></b> This time, she really was crying. "Naw." said Dash. "She doesn't have the bad personality."

<i> Thank you, Rainbow Dash </i>. "Oh, hey! Look at the time!! Gotta go and... feed the dogs! See you girls later!!" said "Starshine" as she ran to the door. "Yeah this chapter is getting rather long." said Pinkie Pi- I thought you to stop. "Sorry." That's better.

And so, Trixie Lulamoon, in her clever Starshine Brightlight coustume went home to Star Fortunes where the Ursas were playing Mario Party 6. They all went to bed soon after.


<b> Chaotic Note: O.O' I think this is our longest chapter, everybrony, pony and Trixsters especially. O.O' Wow.

I must say, a short chapter before and now a long chapter! Don't see that everyday... even if that short chapter was the 4th longest(How is it the 4th longest if nothing got done?)

Anyway, the next few chapters will be filler. Don't expect anything important to happen since this is where the Slice of Life tag comes in.

I'm Super Soni-Chaos Kinesis Gaia, and I remember so YOU don't have to. PEACE!! </b>

What ya mean you never had friends before?

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It was a normal day at Star Fortunes. The unicorn mare who resided there was eating her breakfast, a plate of pinecones, while her two Ursa Gamers were playing Mario Kart Wii. "Why do you even like those?" asked Selena looking up. "When you live on the run for two years, you eat anything you got." "How does one even digest-" "Not important Selena." said Trixie, barely looking up from her meal.

It bares mention that as they were talking, Percy won. It was the victory animation that alerted Selena back to the game. "YOU LITTLE CHEATER!!" "Get wrecked, sis." said the male bear, grinning. As they started to fight, Trixie heard a knock on the door.

"In a second!" cried Trixie, putting on the green, white, and blue paint for her Starshine disguise. She opened the door and who should be there but the pink pony from the party carrying something on he back. "Hi there!", she said grinning. "I brought you gifts!" Pinkie Pie took off a basket and handed it to "Starshine". It was filled up with cupcakes!

"Thanks Pinkie Pie. Though... I... wonder why you did this." said a wincing "Starshine". "Oh isn't it obivious, you silly filly? Its because you're my friend!" responded Pinkie Pie with a large smile. "Friend? Your friend? Friends do this for each other?" asked a confused "Starshine". "Why of course! Why? Don't your friends do it for you?"


"Oh wait! Don't tell me! I got this... GASP! You never had a friend before?!" screamed the pink one as she gasped loudly. <i> How is this one so perceptive?</i> "Yes. Never had a friend before." said the green mare in responce.

"GASP! What ya mean you never had any friends before? Oh wait! Chapter Drop! ;)"


"Um... yes. Never had friends before. Heh Heh." <i> Is she getting suspicious? Luna, Trixie can't tell with this mare!</i>

"Well that's odd." said Pinkie Pie."Why not?" "Um..." <i>Think, Trixie, Think!</i>

"Was a repo mare!" yelled "Starshine".

"Huh?" questioned Pinkie Pie. <i>Just roll with it Trixie.</i>

"Yes... a repo mare. Don't pay the bills, we can steal your stuff. Not very easy to make friends when your job makes people cry, right? Heh Heh." said "Starshine". "Oo,Oo! I understand totally! But now that you're a fortune teller and all, how about you try to make some!" said Pinkie Pie with a flourish.

<i>Make friends with YOU? Trixie huniliated your friends, was humiliated by one of your friends, one's last name is a synonym for "OHMYFREAKINGLUNAITSSOCUTEKAWAII!!!1!" and the more time Trixie spends with them, the greater chance that she'll be found out. Nope. Trixie thinks this is a bad idea.</i>

"Do you mean friends with you? Um, don't think that that's a good idea."

"Well, why not?"

"Um... just because."

"There must be a reason!"

"Um... because... um... YOU"RE REALLY STRANGE!"

Pinkie Pie thought for a moment. She responded with, "Well, you silly filly, everypony in this town is strange. Or crazy. I forget what Twilight said exactly. Anyway, Rainbow brags alot and crashes almost just as much, Twilight's a bit nerdy, AJ can be a wee bit stubborn, Rarity can be a bit of a drama queen, According to the newspaper... I'm an out-of-control party drunk... I MEAN ANIMAL!!" The last one was said with a bit of force."Fluttershy is shy and she shys alot. And you seem adverse to using first-person pronouns like I or me."

<i>She noticed? Hey wait.</i> "Shy? What's shying?" "GASP! You never shyed before? Why, you must be really brave!" cried the pink pony. "Really, what is it?. "How do I describe it? Hmm." wondered Pinkie Pie

She then proceeded pull out a phone. She dialed a number and then waited for the pony to pick up. Then she said, "Ahha yeah. Need one. Yes, neccesary. Its Shy. The verb. No, don't use that website, use your own words. Yes. Ah huh. Okay I'll tell her. Bye." Pinkie hang up. She cleared her throat and said,

<b>Shy v.

To jump in fright or shock,usually in reference to an equine. </b>

"Who'd ya call? Sparkle?" asked Trixie. "Nope. Sweetie Belle. She's the resident walking dictionary!" said Pinkie with a smile. "Besides, since most of the readers don't know what that meant, well now they know!"

"And knowledge is half the battle!"


They both started laughing." See, Starshine? We did a meme, broke the 4th wall, and made a reference to a <i>Hasbro</i> franchise other that My Little Pony! We MUST become friends!

Stop. What did I say.

"Sorry. Anyway, the point is, Starshine, that, even with all of these quirks, the're still my bestest friends! True friends can look past differences and do things together that they both like. They don't try to change the person or even themselves, they embrace it, learn to get along, learn from it and then they go off and have fun. So just because I'm strange, Starshine, doesn't mean we can't be friends! :).

"Starshine" blinked. She than said, "Who are you and what have you done to the seemingly ditzy pony that was just talking?"

"I admit that that friendship lesson WAS kinda out of nowhere. What do you expect when one of my friends studies friendship? Which reminds me, I'll have to tell Twilight that one. Don't worry. Random musings on life only happen on Tuesdays! Like that time that I watched paint dry or when I watched grass grow!

She's smarter than she looks.

"Thanks, Chaos!"


"So, now can we be friends?"



"*sign"<i> Even though Trixie KNOWS she'll regret this,</i>"Sure."

Pinkie Pie, literally, exploded in a rocket of pink sparkles. As she came back down, she was confused at why Trixie looked so startled. "What?" she asked. "... Nothing." responded Starshine.

"Oh! I know something we can do now that we're friends!"

"What is it?" asked "Starshine".

"We can- Oh look at that word count! Sorry, but I'm afraid I'll have to tell you next chapter!" Pinkie proceded to grab some black paint from no where and STARTED TO PAINT THE SCREEN BLACK!!


Life's A Happy Song

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"So now, I can tell you what I wanted to do." said the 4th wall breaker. "But first, AHEM.

<b> While possible to read light and dark, due to the fact that we shall use HTML colors, please turn your page setting to dark.</b>

"What?" asked a confused "Starshine" "What did you think would happen when I started talking like this?" "How did you do that?" "!" "HOW DID... I... DO THAT?!""Today, Starshine Brightlight, to eliminate the use of "said" we shall be speaking in colors for the rest of the chapter!

"Why?" "Because, you silly filly, we're gonna sing a duet! "Wait, why? What would compel you to sing?" 'Because I just made a new friend and I want to sing about friendship!"


"Oh! Before we start, I should probably explain something. Ahem.

I break the 4th wall

Don't know what's happening.

When we speak on different lines, we spoke sepearately!

I like stallions

When we speak on the same line, that means that we spoke simultaneously!


"What? I like stallions.


Do YOU like stallions? Or maybe... mares? Wink."


At some point Starshine will speak by herself. At that point, STOP THE MUSIC!! She'll speak by herself. And thus, without further ado,

Start Playing this music Hey, that's my line! Grumble Grumble...

Everything is great, Everything's in groove,
Got the whole wide on the edge of my hooves

Everything is perfect, it's falling into place,
I can't seem to wipe this smile off my face.

Life's a happy song
When there's someone by your side to sing along.

When you're alone, life can be little rough,
It makes you feel like you're three foot tall,

When it's just you, well times can be tough,
When there's no one there to catch your fall.

( Not in music. Said in pause: NOW YOU TRY)
Everything is great, everything's in groove,
I've got the whole wide world on the edge of my hooves

Everything is perfect, it's falling into place,
I can't seem to wipe this smile off my face.

(Starshine starts to get a huge smile and begins to truly enjoy herself)

Life smells like a rose,
with someone to paint,
and someone to pose!

Life's a piece of cake,
With someone to pedal,
and someone to brake!

Life is full of glee,
With someone to saw,
and someone to see!

Life's a happy song,
When there's someone by my side to sing along!

I've got everything that I need,right in front of me,
Nothing's stopping me, nothing that I can't be with you,
Right herenext to me,

"Life's a piece of cake!", said Mr. Cake
With someone to give,
and someone to take!

"Life's a piece of pie!" said Mrs. Cake
With someone to wash,
and someone to dry!

Life's an easy road!" said Mickey and Astley
With someone beside you to share the load!

"Life is like the sky!" said Rainbow Dash
With someone to soar,
and someone to fly!

"Life is not aloof!" said Derpy
When someone's there to lend a hoof!

"Life's a bunch of flowers!" said Rose
With someone to while away the hours!

"Life is like a wish." said The Doctor
. . . Eh, yes it is!

Life's a happy song,
When there's someone by my side to sing along!

I've got everything that I need, right in front of me!
Nothing's stopping me, nothing that I can't be with you
Right here next to me!

I've got everything that I need


(Vinyl stops DJing)

Sorry. Got super-excited.
Its time for your solo.
Tha's okay right?
Yeah. Sure.

(Octavia starts playing)

Everything's Great
Everything's Grand
Because Pinkie Pie's my very first friend

Always been just me.
Been very lonely
Glad the lonliness has come to an end

And that's okay
Cause I know today
I know how it is going to be

Everyone will see,
as I get down on my knees
and say,"Ponies, will you accept me?"

(She literally is on her knees, asking.)


(The Ponies smile, Octavia stops, and Vinyl Starts up again.)


I've got everything that I need, right in front of me,
Nothing's stopping me nothing that I can't be with you
Right here next to me

YOU'VE got everything that you need, right in front of YOU,
Nothing's stopping YOU, nothing that YOU can't do,
That the world can throw at you

Life's a happy song! "When there's someone by your side to sing!" said Twilight
Life's a happy song!, "When there's someone by your side to sing!" said Big Macintosh
Life's a happy song!
When there's someone by your side to sing along!

(End song and set back to light) (This song is in fact a parody of this song, which can be found, here. The tune for Trixie's solo can also be found in that version. The solo, for some reason, does not have an instrumental.

The crowd started to disperse, chatting about the song they just sung, and its meaning. "Woo! That was fun, wasn't it, Starshine?" said Pinkie Pie. "No more colors?" asked the lime green mare. "Nope. The duet is over so no more colors. 3 hours. 3 hours Chaos spent with those colors, slowly going insane from the diffulculty."

Alright, I'll give you that one. Trixsters, appreciate the hell I went through to do that.

"Never had any friends, darling?" said a voice.

The two mares turned to see the rest of the mane six waling towards them. "We we'll be your friends, sugarcube." said Applejack, grinning. "Oh goody! We're all bestest most best friends now, Starshine!" "Yeah. Guess we are. Though that was the hardest thing I ever done." said "Starshine", wincing "What?" asked Twilight.

"Speaking in the first-person." replied "Starshine" "Oh, of course." said Rainbow, facehoofing. "So what are you going to do now?" asked Twilight. "Going home and play some games." "Can we come? Um... if that's okay with you..." said the fluttering and shy pony. "Sure." came the reply.


"You two still going at it? O.O;" cried "Starshine" as all seven mares walked into Star Fortunes. "Mr. freakin', stinkin', rankin', cheatin' Doom here won't stop." "You're doing a MarioPartyTV reference? Really? That's sad." said Percy, trying to peel his sister off of him.

It was while watching the two Ursa Gamers that Trixie realized something. <i>The Great and Powerful Trixie is now friends with 4 ponies who would kill her if she is found out.

She is so Screwed</i>


<b>Chaotic Note: I love MarioPartyTV. It should have more viewers. There are also more MarioPartyTV videos at MrDoom8000. It's where I got "Get Wrecked" and Salt.

I didn't realize there was already a brony version of this song until halfway through. I would never copy so I just adjusted a FEW lyrics. And yes, it did take 3 fucking hours for these colors man. THREE. HOURS. *Chech clock* 3 and a half!

I'm Super Soni-Chaos Kinesis Gaia, and I remember it, so YOU don't have to. Peace.

And then Trixie was a foalsitter.

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It was another day at Sweet Apple Acres. After much salt was had over Mario Party yesterday, Applejack had to work double to make up for spent with her friends. Her brother, Big Macintosh, was in her plow making sure all the fields were ready for new crops. Granny Smith was taking her nap. And Applebloom was doing some weekend studying.

At least, that SHOULD have been what Applebloom was doing.

No, instead, the little earth pony was in the living room hopping around her sister, who was busy making her namesake. "C'mon, Applejack! I gotta go wit' the girls so we can find our cutie marks!" "No, Applebloom. Ah thought I told you to finish studing."

"But, Sis! Ah am finished studing! Ah promise!! Besides, we were gonna try out some new things today!" "Like?" asked Applejack. "Uh, I don't know yet." repiled Applebloom.

Applejack facehoofed, "Now, why should Ah trust that you're not going to git yourself in trouble when you don't even know what you're doing?" "Um... big sister intuition?" asked Applebloom with a nervous grin. Applejack crossed her front hooves. "Please?" "No."




It was starting to get on AJ's nerves.


"ALRIGHT!! Fine. But when you get back, you better know the answers to some questions." "YAY!!" yelled Applebloom, racing to the door. But just before she left,


Applejack rolled her eyes and opened the door. She saw a gray pegasus with a mailbag on her flank on the ground. "Good morning, Der-" She then noticed that the pegasus had straight eyes, instead of the usual derp. "Oh, hi Ditzy Doo. Where's your sister?"

"Somewhere with The Doctor. She had the nerve to push her entire mailload on me! Do you not know how diffulcult it is to juggle two at once? No wonder I crashed. Anyway. MAILCALL!!"

"Derpy- I mean Ditzy-"

Ditzy Doo frowned.

"Ditzy Doo, you don't have to yell when Ah'm right in front of you." "Hmm.. I see. Okay, I won't." "Tell your sister that, okay?" "'kay. Later." The pegasus flew off to other mailboxes across Equestria.

"All Right. Let's see here. Bill, Bill, Junk, Bill, Junk. Hey! It's a fancy letter. And it's for you, Applebllom." "Wow!! I get fancy letters?" "Seems you do today. Open it and let's see what it says."

Applebloom opened the letter. It read,

<i> Applebloom Apple:

You and your two friends, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo Winds, have generated enough desturuction as to use up 50,000 bits from the Ponyville City Budget. We have no idea how three schoolfillies did this, though when asked, Miss Belle reported that on that day, the three fillies decided to be, quote, Cutie Mark Crusaders Demolitionists-</i>

"DEMOLITIONIST?!!" yelled Applejack. "We didn't know the fire would spread that far!" cried Appleblooom.

<i>-. As such from hence forth, the three fillies listed shall now be forced to have a guardian. This guardian will take full responsibility for the actions of these minors and pay for damages. If we see you three, "Crusading" without a guardian, then the guardians will be fined.

-Ponyville Officials. </i>

"You three tryed-" "Well, that's not important right now!! Applejack, can you watch our crusades?"

"Well, I would love to make sure that you three fillies don't do nothing crazy like ARSON!!" Applebloom winced. Applejack resumed "But Ah gotta finish makin' this here applejack today. Sorry, sis. Tell you what. I'll go see if one of my friends are open." And so, Applejack picked up the phone and dialed


"I'm sorry, Applejack, but we just got really busy. Summer readimg event and all." said Twilight, running around the library. "The one time you're busy-" Applejack hung up.


"I have a big order and I need to finish it today. If I don't do it in time, it will become THE. WORST.-" Applejack hung up. "Applebloom. If someone starts saying that, walk away. It only makes them seem more annoying then they are."


"What Rarity said!" "Wait. How did you even-" Pinkie Pie hung up.


"Listen, AJ. I may be damn good with kids. But I have better things to do today than foalsit the CMC. You'll have to find someone else." "Okay. That's fine." Applejack hung up. Rainbow Dash resumed her nap.


"I'm sorry, Applejack. But Angel just got a mean summer cold. It'll take all day to take care of him. I hope you're not mad at me." "No, it's fine. Sorry for disturbing." "Oh, it's no problem-" Applejack heard a sneeze. "I got to go. Goodbye." Fluttershy hung up.


"Who's free? Who's free?" Applejack was trying to find anypony else to take the three fillies. "Does this mean we can't go crusadin'?" asked Applebloom. "No. Ah just gotta think of somepony who's not busy." Applejack got an idea.

"How 'bout Starshine?" "Starshine? Who's Starshine?" "Starshine Brighlight. She's the new fortune-tellin' mare! I think that she gets a 2 week starting vacation, if fortune-tellin's like any other business here in Ponyville!"

And so, Applejack and Applebloom headed to Star Fortunes. Along the way, they picked up Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle so that Starshine could meet all of them.

If Applejack knew the real name of who she was entrusting these three fillies with, she would never have taken them, and would have probably run her out of town single-handedly.


The Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon was eating some pinecones when she heard the doorbell. Throwing on her green,blue, and white Painterly Pack Paint, she opened the door. There stood Applejack and three fillies she never saw before.

One had a bow, one looked a lot like a small Rarity, and one had wings too small to fly. "Starshine, Ah need ya help." Deciding to be a huge ham (As usual), Trixie responded, "I heard you require the services of The Gre-" Realizing what she was about tosay, she quickly said, "Me. My services. Why?"

"Ah need you to foalsit these three foals. They kinda got in trouble with FIRE!!" shouted AJ, making the CMC flinch.

"Ya gotten help us-" said Applebloom

"'Cause we need to find our cutie marks!" followed up Sweetie Belle.

"After all, we are-" started Scootaloo.

"THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!! YAY!!" they all screamed at once.

"Starshine" was a bit thrown back from the loud outburst. "So you want me to foalsit little ponies who play with fire, have loud voices and don't know when to quit at something? Like say, a showmare?" "Yeah, like that crazy mare Trixie."

After hearing that," Percy." stated "Starshine". Percy handed her some shades that she put on.

"CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!" shouted "Starshine"

The other four ponies, and two Ursa Gamers, blinked and gave her a look.

"I'll pick you guys up after school, okay?" asked "Starshine". "Fine." the CMC said as one. "C'mon girls. Let's go swimming!" "NOT CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS SWIMMERS!! YAY!!" they all screamed as they raced to the pool.

And so, "Starshine Brightlight" spent the rest of that Friday trying to figure out what she was going to do..


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<i> Saturday </i>

The Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon was doing what all mares do on Saturdays : Shopping! After all, come Monday she would have three hungry mouths to feed, mouths that didn't eat moonlight like her other roommates.

It was not as easy as it should have been, considering the absurd prices of one salesstallion.

"Twenty bits for A cherry?! That's outrageous!" cried Trixie, once again in her Starshine Brightlight disguise.

"This market sets prices on what ponies are willing to pay. 20 is the highest we got and it's how it will stay."

"What moron suggested that price?"


Fluttershy didn't know why, but she felt like somepony was talking about her.


"Forget the cherries. I'll go somewhere else." Trixie left the store in disgust at the odd prices. In her place came a white mare with a red mane. A flower cutie mark on her flank, she too seemed disgusted at the prices.

<i> Stupid Merchant. Who does he think he is, trying to swindle the Great and Powerful Trixie. </i> The mare's thoughts were interrupted by a commotion.

Looking to her right, Trixie observed a strange earth pony stallion wearing a red tie.. Taned brown, muscular and with a jet black manestyle, the pony wasn't all that interesting.

What was interesting was what the stallion was doing.

He appeared to be searching around for a mare. He was asking any female their name. The thing is, the names he would ask were different every time.

"Are you Jasmine?" asked the stallion with an odd Trottingham accent.

"No." said a mare.

"Are you Daisy?" asked the stallion.

"That's my friend." replied the pony buying cheeries.

Finally, the odd earth pony came to Trixie and started asking her questions as well.

"Are you Professor Watson?"

Trixie decided to answer truthfully and not say anything sarcastic. Even if the perfect comeback was sitting on the tip of her tongue.

"No." repleied Trixie. She tried to sidestep the stallion. He moved in rhytem.

"Are you perhaps... Maya Fey?"

Now Trixie realized that there was a problem with the stallion. Whether he was braindamaged or just off his meds was anypony's guess.

"No. Leave me alone." Trixie turned to leave. Like a reality-warper, there was that same stallion.



"Rose Tyler?"

"Rose? Rose? Rose is the stupidest name I could think of."

The mare buying cherries came over and smacked Trixie upside the head. Angry at all this results-

"MY NAME IS STARSHINE!!" shouted Trixie, loud enough to rattle the windows of some stalls.

"Say that again, miss?" asked the stallion. it was almost as if this was the response he wanted.

"My name is Starshine Brightlight. I'm a fortune teller. Now LEAVE. ME. ALONE." With a huff of frustration, Trixie planned to leave the earth pony in the dust. What she wasn't expected was a cry of-


The force of the exclamation made Trixie trip and fall. "What's so fantastic?"

"You are JUST the mare I'm looking for! I need you to come with me.

There was no way Trixie was going anywhere with this whackjob and she said it as such.

"Come with you? You? Hell no, you might rape me!" cried Trixie, already building up her magic reserves.

"I wouldn't do that. Though, it's very important. In fact, if you don't, you'll die on the spot. I guaruntee it." The stallion seemed unfazed by her proclamation.

"Are you threating me, you psycho?" Trixie could already feel her magic leaking in rage.

"Oh no. It's not a threat. It's a promise... Miss Lulamoon."

All of Trixie's thoughts were evaporated instantaneously. For once in her life, The boastful mare couldn't give a response. In fact, she barely twitched in signaling she was alive and not a statue.

"Cat got your tongue? I have that effect on ponies. Now, come along, Trixie. You wouldn't want your secret to be spilled, right? Trust me, you'll thank me for this.

Trixie walked with the stallion in defeat.


The pair stopped at a blue box on the side of the road. The mere sight of it made Trixie turn around and say, "Trixie is a unicorn. She will drop you and burn your insides the second you touch her or her amazing plot."

"Oh, don't worry about that, Trixie. You aren't my type anyway. Now, let's come in.

Reluctantly, The Great and Powerful Trixie and her eccentric host walked into the strange blue box.


"It's ... bigger on the inside." Trixie was awed at the space

"I know. Awesome, isn't it?" The earth pony walked over to a control panel.

"Now, the TARDIS here will take us to our location." The earth pony told Trixie, telling her how they were going to go.

"But that's crazy. How would you even do that?" asked the curious Lulamoon

"Like this." The stallion pulled a few levers and pressed a few buttons.

Suddenly, the entire room shook and trembled. Trixie was nearly thrown to the ground in the rush. With her life, quite literally, flashing before her eyes, she only had one question.


"Oh me?" asked the surprisingly clam earth pony. "I'm The Doctor. Pleased to meet you. ALLONS-Y!!"

And with that proclamation, the strange blue box did a twirl and disappeared off the face of Everworld.