> Sweet Dreams > by Spider8ite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sweet Dreams are made of this...? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweet Dreams Spectrum Shine The summer brought a lot of heat that  tormented Equestria for days until the weather teams from Cloudsdale  brought dark rainclouds to cover the biggest star. Almost as if  listening to their lamenting, the clouds let their tears cleanse the souls and bodies of those unfortunate souls who walked the earth with a thin, steady and bracing rain. Night fell and with it came a slight breeze, forcing the ponies to withdraw their blankets from the closet for the first time in a month so they could sleep in comfort. Along with its stars, the crescent moon hid behind the incessantly weeping clouds  in the heavenly vault. In Canterlot, the Princess of the Sun was resting in her royal chamber, her great curved body resting beneath a thin, revealing pink sheet. She kept her front legs and her hind knees turned inwardly to her barrel, lying on her side; her chest rising and falling slowly with each breath while traveling in her dreams. A shadow slipped  into the room through the open window, gliding across the purple carpet that covered the floor of the chamber. The shadow crept around the bed; if Celestia was awake, she would have seen the reflection of the ebony body in front of her unlit fireplace  in her big mirror. A mysterious figure craned her neck forward, brushing her teeth against the sharp eared alicorn, followed by a soft whisper and a pinch. "Sweet dreams, Celestia." The words made the princess wake immediately,  with her magenta eyes wide. Her breathing now rapid and shallow as she looked from side to side for the source of the disturbance, but found she was alone in her chambers, or so she thought. With a hoof resting against her chest, she remained silent as she tried to gather her thoughts. Unable to do so, she got up and trotted to the window, leaning against the railing to watch the falling water for a moment in an attempt to calm down. Her pink mane was  tossed by the wind while the alicorn reflected for a moment on what might have happened. Celestia took a hoof to the ear that seemed to be throbbing, and looked at the result. She  saw a small drop of blood, and a shiver ran through her spine which resulted in the solar princess ruffling her wings reflexively. Whatever had happened, it was not just a dream. Minutes later, the white alicorn stood in front of two huge wooden doors that were proptly opened by a pair of guards, she nodded and trotted into the throne room. Sitting upon her tiny throne, Luna was in a deep trance, her eyes closed while working in the world of dreams. Celestia walked slowly toward her, letting the sound of her hooves warn her sister of her presence. "Celestia?" asked the little blue alicorn as she opened her eyes slowly. "You seem troubled sister, did something happen?" Celestia replied with a nod, not wanting to worry her little sister without being sure that something was wrong. "I just had a weird dream and woke up, I dreamt I saw someone I had not seen a in a long time" the solar princess said with a faraway look in her eyes. Luna's ears pricked up and she tilted her head slightly to the side, "That is troubling; you did not have any dreams yet tonight, sister." The white mare bit her lip before releasing a sigh and shaking her head, "Then it must have just been my mind playing tricks on me. Thank you sister, I bid you goodnight." She said. The gesture was reciprocated by her sister. Leaving Luna to her nightly duties, she turned and left the throne room and nodded to the guards again. The way to her room was not long, though her ​​thoughts mingled with the soothing sound of rain and the hypnotic flicker of the candles that illuminated the hallway, which yanked her from reality for a moment. When she came to, Celestia was back in front of the doors to her room. Shuddering at the memory of the events that woke her, she decided to take a walk around the castle. Her body felt hot and feverish, even with the cold air making its presence known.  Looking at the rain through a window, several ideas crossed her mind and a small smile crossed her muzzle. Slightly expanding her wings, the monarch broke into a gallop towards one of the balconies, but without slowing or even finishing opening her wings, she just leapt out into the abyss with closed eyes. Her white body fell at a breakneck speed, leaving behind a trail of pink mane and tail; her heartbeat fast with the  adrenaline that pumped throughout her body. For a moment, the monarch and the rain were one as they plummeted in unison toward the castle grounds so far below... With a mighty flap of her wings, the alicorn spun around and stretched her huge limbs, ascending back to the heavens. She had escaped death by a few feet and the feeling was indescribable. She felt her body burn with the exertion, accompanied by the taste of satisfaction felt by accomplishing a death-defying feat. This night felt special to Celestia somehow, though she could not quite place a hoof on why. She decided to drop the matter and enjoy the rain that soothed her mind and body. ‘I really must do this sort of thing more often. This is definitely an escape from dealing with stuffy nobles all day.’ Celestia mused to herself as she tore through the night sky, flying  high enough to return to the capital of her kingdom  She decided she did not want to return just yet, and so she flew to the waters that formed a waterfall on the side of the mountain housing Canterlot. During her approach,  she noticed  how the currents were more violent  than normal, caused by the constant raining. ‘I really should send a report to Cloudsd-’ Celestia’s train of thought was interrupted, as something as violent as the waterfall hit her at full speed, and she was in the water before she could even realize what it was. Her eyes opened and all she could see was a silhouette as she swam back to the surface. Celestia was confused by what had just occured, and was curious as to whether or not she she had been attacked. Emerging, she noticed that the figure had relocated to the riverbank. Maybe it was a joke? She could have sworn the silhouette looked like that of an alicorn, but the only other two alicorns besides Celestia were Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance; the latter currently residing in the Crystal Empire. Only Luna could or would pull a prank like that, but Celestia doubted that her sister would leave the throne room so early. With no other options, Celestia  took a plunge and followed. When her head broke the surface of the water, a  black hoof -one so dark that only one could be guilty of possessing it- adorned by a light blue metal horseshoe was offered to help pull Celestia from the water. Looking up, her heart filled with anger as her blood began to boil. "Nightmare Moon!? How dare you!" she cried as she threw away the hoof, quickly jumping out of the water. "Oh dear Celestia, so that's how you'll get me?" the black mare responded with a smile, her eyes staring at Celestia as her turquoise mane flowed from beneath her helmet. "Even when I play with you?" she asked as she took a few steps back; her armor clinking as she moved. "I have no patience for your games! What do you want?” Celestia said as she took  a defensive stance, lowering her head to aim her horn if necessary. "What do I want?" she replied as she also lowered her head. Celestia blinked briefly as Nightmare Moon took her helmet off with a wink, catching the ruler of Equestria by surprise, "You call me here and then still ask me why I came?" The white alicorn looked at the smile of her rival for a moment, something that made her even more confused. "I called you? Absolute nonesense!" she barked without looking away from the black body in front of her. "Celestia please, you look so silly that way, stand down, that horn of yours won’t be needed…for now." She said as she watched the white alicorn lift her head with a confused look on her face. Nightmare proceededed to unclasp her own  breastplate with one of her hooves. "Good girl, now tell me darling, don’t you think it's a bit late to be taking a shower in the rain?" The hoof undressing the armor caught Celestia’s eye and made her blush. Such a reaction seemed silly to the solar monarch since  ponies normally walk around naked, but the act of undressing  was still something appealing since the meaning was the same; to show someone that you are open, and defenseless. "I did not hear your answer." Nightmare Moon stated with a smile as another piece of her armor fell in the green grass, only to magically disappear soon after as with her helmet, leaving Nightmare with naught but her armored horseshoes. "Silence!" Celestia finally answered, shaking her head as she stepped back with a hoof against her forehead. Her head throbbed, she felt hot and maybe ready for a swoon. The white alicorn returned her gaze in time to see Nightmare covering the distance between them, trotting with slow and deliberate steps toward her. When she was standing in front of Celestia, Nightmare slowly removed her own front right protective horseshoe with her teeth. Even with the metal in her mouth, the black mare positioned her bare hoof against Celestia’s forehead and caressed her tenderly. This action was met with an annoyed huff, but Celestia did  not walk away, but instead let the warmness caress her. Something in that situation calmed and comforted her, so she decided to let the black mare continue. "You're cute when you leave that ‘high and mighty’ pose, you know?" She was ready to protest, but the hoof moved to the top of her head and stroked her mane while playing with her ears, causing Celestia to lower her head and put aside any rebuttle as the rain continued to drench the mares. "You have dreamt of  me, isn’t this much  true?" Nightmare received a head shake  in response, "So you do not remember?" She said as she approached, leaving her lips very close to one of Celestia’s ears. "I even left a mark." Nightmare finished; this time nibbling on the white alicorn’s  neck. Gritting her teeth, Celestia planted her hooves and pulled her neck to the side in an attempt to keep from losing control while pushing Nightmare away. "Do not bite me!" The nightmare stepped forward, pressing her chest against the her target, the contrast of colors of their hair was something attractive and exciting to Nightmare. Celestia felt something underneath grip her between her front leg and torso, and before she could complain, the world suddenly spun around her,  and she found herself on the ground, being pressed against the grass by an ebony body as big as her. "You have no power over me, dear. Quite the contrary, in fact." With the princess pinned underneath her, Nightmare Moon positioned her snout into the crook of Celestia’s neck, bathing the wet fur with her heated breath, "First I became this nightmare, and then your wish." the nightmare said as she felt Celestia relax. "Honey... you fear my presence because I'm the only one who can dominate you...it fills you with fear..." her fangs pierced the delicate skin, causing a light crimson to trickle out, which was soon taken by rain. "And that excites you." Celestia struggled and tried to remove the mare from atop her, only to be tamed by a pair of fangs pressing against her neck, wrenching moans from deep in her throat. Could Nightmare be right? She could fight, but did not, as there was something in the sweet pain of having her neck pierced. To feel someone stronger imposing the rules caused the flame inside to burn ever brighter... A moan escaped from her lips, and looking down she could see her enemy dragging her tongue over her neck, alternating with soft licks and kisses against the drenched fur of Celestia’s coat. "You…have visited me?" Celestia cooed as she closed her eyes and leaned her head back. "Every night, for a long time." Nightmare replied with a smile, taking great delight in the pleasure she was bestowing on her rival. It was difficult to explain how things had gotten to this point. Both mares were so different and harbored a mutual hatred since the beginning of time, but also respected the power of one another. After all,  they were the only ones to have such  strong and imposing bodies, and they were more equal than they would like to admit. The contrast of dark and light was beyond their fur; it ran as deep as their souls, yet  they had more curiosity for one another than hostility at times, despite being sworn enemies. Sinners will understand what is going on here;  what is forbidden is a sin that leaves a wonderful taste in your mouth and tinges the spirit with a delicious guilt. Celestia rested a hoof on top of her partner's head, stroking her eatheral blue mane as her head moved down to the base of Nightmare’s neck, biting and sucking on it with uninhibited lust under the open sky. Soon, Celestia’s neck was covered with red stripes caused by irritation as her skin was repeatedly scraped by a pair of sharp fangs. White fur was terrible for hiding that kind of thing, and  hickeys were also beginning to make their appearance, yet all she could, or wanted to do was moan and squirm in the throes of pleasure. The fangs finally left her neck, moving to the middle of her chest where they glided up and down provocatively, Celestia was sure Nightmare wanted to make sure that would  leave marks, as it would be difficult to explain to Luna what had happened, but she left that to think about another time. Soon, the sharp attacks ceased and her chest was covered by  downward trailing kisses, and in an attempt to get into a more comfortable position Celestia tried to move, but was quickly reprimanded with increased pressure against her body. Realizing what Celestia was attempting, Nightmare aided the white mare; caressing her side near her Cutie Mark, scraping it gently with the tip of a hoof. The target alicorn spread her wings across the grass as she felt a hoof sliding on the bottom of her thigh, treating sensitive parts with much more love than she had treated her chest and neck. Her back arched as she felt soft lips covering one of her teats, sucking and pulling while a tongue stroked her nipple, eliciting gasps and moans from Celestia. The cold water continued to fall from the heavens, helping to keep their heat in check as the  two alicorns explored each other. Their heavy breathing could be observed easily in the form of small white clouds. Celestia had difficulties in steadying her voice and proceeded to call  Nightmare’s name, as Nightmare just moved up and sealed the white alicorn’s lips in a passionate kiss. While their lips massaged each other and their tongues danced and played, the white mare felt something press against her intimacy which was crying out for some attention by this point. Nightmare moved her hooves all around Celestia’s body, feeling her curves while grinding against Celestia’s swollen lips, eliciting gasps and groans which were silenced by a fiery kiss from Nightmare. Nightmare Moon finally pulled away; giving respite to her prey who was writhing in pleasure while trying to grind her hips against the nightmare’s leg in an attempt to sate her desire. "I want to use you..." the ebony alicorn said, flashing a small smile as she stroked Celestia’s face. "And abuse you." She leaned over and provacatively kissed her lips lightly. "I wonder what's inside..." Her smile twisted into something perverted as her muzzle slid over Celetia’s barrel and just stopped between her legs. “Nightmare…” Nightmare did not aknowledge her name being called. The black mare looked at Celestia, and then looked at the alabaster princess’ wet and swollen lips.. She let loose a light laugh, and blew, making Celestia squirm at the feeling of icy breath in this hot region. “Looks like you want this, hmm?” She said without looking at Celestia, just at the drops of pre-cum as they leaked out. “Y-yes… I n-need to relieve my stress… please?” Celestia was not a mare that gave up easily, but Nightmare Moon had these effects on her. And in fact, she loved this. “Since you’re asking oh so nicely, you will recieve your little reward…” Celestia let out a soft moan as Nightmare approached her prize. Without giving Celestia warning, she got to work running her tongue over the day princess’ swollen clit, making her pant. The movements were slow, but precise. Doing exactly what Nightmare knew Celestia loved. While she sucked on Celestia’s nub, Nightmare rubbed Celestia’s Cutie Mark with a hoof, knowing that this was her most sensitive area. Immediately after, Celestia began thrusting her hips forward, begging the black mare to go deeper. And that's what she did, running her tongue deeper into her companion, feeling her inner walls tighten around her tongue. The taste of Celestia was indeed different; sweet but at the same time bitter, just like Nightmare liked. Nightmare hit Celestia’s G-spot, making her let out a scream of pleasure. Nightmare continued to caress the spot until she felt Celestia fully tighten around her tongue. Nightmare knew what was going to happen, but they were just beginning. “Nightmare… I-I’m going to…” Celestia’s eyes rolled back in their sockets as an orgasmic wave passed through her body, releasing the reward for Nightmare’s efforts. “Nightmare!!!” Celestia screamed as her fluids shot into Nightmare’s mouth. “I-I… Hate you…” Celestia said weakly. Nightmare smiled, “I hate you too, Celly.” The two mares continued to test the endurance of one another until dawn, when the morning sun would renew  the deadly contrast between the two. They would leave for their homes and continue their lives as if nothing had happened. They would continue this cycle of  hate and -if necessary- violence until the end of time. But as their dreams and desires continue to spark,  infernos of both spite and passion will continue to be lit. Sweet dreams are made of this. Who am I to disagree?