
by Water Drop

First published

A disease has spread through out Equestria......

A disease has spread over most of Equestria the princesses are sick, the nurses and the doctors are sick. A young mare, Starlight, (at the age of 13) must go on a quest, to cure the sickness. On her quest,Starlight gains confidence,hope,courage and friends. The journey through Equestria begins, and all pony life depends on this young mare......
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________This is my first story, so hope you enjoy it!

The Disease

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Short History

Every thing was all fine in Equestria,
after Night Mare Moon had turned back to Princess Luna, and the ceromony for welcoming back Princess Luna.
That mist that Night Mare Moon had with her still remained and it was making it's way to spread through Equestria.......

The Present

I yawned loudly as I sat up in bed, and looked out my window, sun was shining, clouds were looking like cotton balls and on was shaped like a lollipop. I got out of bed and made my way over to my dressing table, I brushed my hair neatly and looked through the mirror at my reflection,
neatly brushed aqua hair, shining aqua eyes, white skin and a pair of white feathery wings. Sometimes i didn't think it was me it looked like someone else. I made my way downstairs then called out

"Mother! Father! Moonlight! I'm awake!"

I expected to hear chatter but i didn't, I went into the dining room and saw no pony, i was suprised because I always was the last one awake. I went up to my parent's bedroom and peeped through the door they were awake, I sighed with relief, but when i looked into the room a bit more, it wasn't a pretty sight, their hooves and hair were splattered with purple as if they had been dipped in purple paint, they started coughing like mad and I was worried sick. I checked on my sister, Moonlight, and she had just woken up, but she was fine. My brain was filled with horrid thoughts, but i won't mention them to you

I had to get information quickly, then it struck me, Twillight!
I made my way over to Twillight's libary then knocked on the door, Spike apeared at the door.

"May i speak to Twillight please?" I asked politely.

Spike said nothing but let me in, and pointed to the stairs i guessed that Twillight was up stairs and went up the stairs.



"May i please talk to you?"


Twillight replied and removed the book she was reading and put it on the shelf.
"My parents seem ill but my sister and I are perfectly fine.But i do not understand, what in Equestria is happening?" I asked.

Twillight sighed,"It is pony-itis, a vey severe disease and only ponies over age of 15 catch it, this disease is very contagious,"she said,"The princesses are very ill and the guards, the nurses and the doctors are all ill. My friends and I have the job to take care of them which i am very unsure about, since I am not the best at taking care of ponies." She added.

I nodded my head to say that I had understood.

"Thank you,"

I said and bowed, I left the room in silence and made my way back home.

The Letter

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When I came back home, I spotted my sister taking care of my mum and dad. I was glad she was so i could make some breakfast because I didn't have any breakfast in the morning and I was starving!
So i got my "unhealthy" breakfast out from the refrigerator!( By the way it was a cupcake)

I ate my cupcake and put the wrapper in the bin. I was half way up the stairs when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!"

I yelled and rushed over to the door and opened it. Outside was standing the "post pony" but today it was a fairly young pony, about my age, that had come.

"Excuse me, are you madame Starlight? I have a letter for her," the post pony said,

"yes, that would be me," I replied.

The post pony took a letter out from his saddle bag and handed it over to me. I took the letter from him and bowed, to say "thank you," the post pony knew what i had bowed for and bowed back, then he left. I closed the door gently and went up to my bedroom. I got comfterble and opened the letter, and laid it down on the bed(sometimes I really wish i was a unicorn, because it would make life a lot easier)
This is what the letter said:

To Starlight,
I know that you might be suprised that i have chosen you for this quest,
but please, as fast as you can make your way over to Canterlot.
It is very urgent.
Signed: Princess Celestia

When I finished reading, I took my eyes away from the letter, looked up at the wall, stared and blinked a few times.
Then I thought about it, Me? Why am I chosen to go on this quest? Isn't Twillight ment to go?????????????
That's when I realised I had to get to Canterlot as fast as i could. I rushed out of the house and flew over to the train station as fast as my wings could go. When I reached the train station, their wasn't any big queues, which was really good.
I went up to the counter and saw a filly, just about 10 years old, at the counter.

"Can I please have a ticket to Canterlot?"

I said and put the bits down on the counter. The filly silently gave me a ticket and put the bits in a bag. I boarded the train, very few ponies were scattered around the train seats and I wondered who would be driving the train. As I walked down the isle I could feel eyes turning around to look at me and I had to focus on one seat that I wanted to go to. I sat down on a seat and saw a little draw in the back of the seat which I was sitting behind of. I pulled the drawer out and I saw a bunch of magazines. The one on top had a picture of a pony modelling on it, wearing a small purple top, a short black and purple skirt and some purple shoes with heaps of sequins on it.

I continued to read the magazine, gossip, faishion blah blah blah.

When the train had reached Canter lot I got of the train and two(filly) guards were standing infront of the train,

"are you Starlight?"

one of the guards said. I nodded, "Follow me," the other guard said. I obeyed and followed them in silence.
We went through a whole range of halls and rooms.

We went through this underground tunnel into a large room. The guards went forward and I followed, until I was halfway across a voice called out to me.


The Start

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the voice repeated. I turned around and gasped, there on top of the tunnel I had just came through, was two thrones, and in them were the two princesses, Celestia and Luna.

"Starlight," Celestia repeated again.

"Y-y-y-y-es princess?"

I struggled to say,

"As you know I have chosen you for a specific "quest." Celestia coughed loudly, "You are probally wondering what quest you are going on, is that so?"she added and I nodded slowly. "Well, I assume that your parents are ill beacause of pony-itis. There is ONE cure for pony-itis and it includes a series of ingredieants Twillight told me that there will be 12 ingredients you will need to collect."

Celestia said.Twillight walked into the room with a cup of water, Celestia took it and drank, Fluttershy came into the room too, with another cup of water, this time, Luna took it and drank. They both stayed in the room sitting next to the princesses.

"For your quest you will need some equipment, so I have asked Twillight and her friends to give you some gifts for your quest."

Twillight and Fluttershy got down from the throne ledge and came infront of me, Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity entered the room all of them carrying bags of some sort. They all stood in a striaght line infront of me.

I started on Fluttershy, she pulled out a anklet, which looked as if it was made out of vines, and in the middle was a small pink stone shaped like a butterfly on it.

" Use this to help you communicate with animals, but it won't work so well if you use to frequently,"

Fluttershy said and I had to lift my hoof up and let her put the anklet on.

Next was Apple Jack, She pulled out some small shoes, which were brown and had a feather put on them.

"These will make ya feel as light as a feather and will let ya gallop faster than you are right now,"

Apple Jack said and I slipped the shoes on, in an instant I felt like I was carrying nothing.

Next up was Rarity, She pulled out a saddle bag from well, her BAG. The saddle back was white with Blue diamond gem stones on it and in the middle( where the flap was) was a shining purple diamond.

" For your belongings and can carry 20 objects,"

Rarity said and I slipped the saddle bag on.

Next up was the bouncing Pinkie Pie. From her bag she pulled out a paper bag, nothing fancy, just a normal, brown paper bag.

"A never ending supply of things to eat!"

Pinkie Pie said excitedly, STILL, bouncing(-_-).I put the paper bag in my saddle bag and continued.

Next up was Rainbow Dash, what she pulled out was a belt and a not-to-long socket for a sword.

" This sword is for those cool battles you have,"

Rainbow Dash said. I put the belt on and pulled out the sword, It was sparkling in the sun and was lovely shade of light blue.

Then it was Twillight who made a peice of paper appear.

"This a map to guide you through Equestria,"

Twillight said. I put the map into my saddle bag and next up were the two princesses.

Princess Luna stepped up and levitated a necklace, It was a dark blue and had a white moon in the middle and two smaller diamonds on each side of it.

"To keep you safe at night,"

Luna said and I bowed and she levitated the necklace around my neck.

Celestia just said

"my gift is courage,"

I was rather confused by that but then,I guess not all gift have to be an object.

Leaving civilazation

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After I had taken all the gifts I went home to tell my family about it, my sister didn't believe it and I had no idea what my parents were thinking because of their illness. I was ready for tommorrow, the day I would be leaving for my journey. That night I snuggled up in my bed and sighed, I looked out the window and saw the stars, they were amazing, then I saw Luna's black figure coming towards ponyvill and when I put my head on my pillow again, I instantly fell asleep.

The next day, I got ready quickly and said goodbye to my family, I got out of the house and flew to the train station, 3 times the speed I normally go, because of those shoes Applejack gave me,I guess they work if you fly too.

At Canterlot, I had to take the train ride back to ponyville with two guards assisting me,they took me to infront of the Everfree forest, and all they said was"goodluck," and left me alone.

All alone. I took a deep breath and entered the forest, quietly. Every now and then I felt somepony was spying on me, but why would somepony else come to Everfree? When the rustling got frequent and the "being-spyed-on" feeling grew more frequent, I started to pull out the sword that Rainbow Dash gave me, and carried it as I walked.
Then, I came across a clearing and hear the rustle behind me, I slowly walked forward and followed the rustle. Then when I came so close to the bush that my sword was buried in the bushes I heard a


It was from a stallion, I staggered back and out of the bushes came a stallion.

The stallion was a pegusi, had white skin that looked like snow, His hair was like fire, yellow orange and red and gleaming orange eyes.
We stared at each other for about 5 minutes. I was the first one to break the silence.

"Sorry, I hurt you I kind of got scared, anyway, I'm Starlight," I said.

"I'm Blaize, sorry I was spying on you, I just wanted to know why you were here,"

He looked nervously at my sword on the ground, I instantly noticed I didn't put it back into it's socket, I blushed, because I was embarresed. I put it back into it's socket and moments of silence continued.

"Why ARE you here?" Blaize said

I explained why I was here and what I was doing. After I finished, he nodded to say he understood.
Then he looked nervously at the ground, he took a deep breath and said:

"Can I come along?"

he was looking at the ground in embarressment,I turned red and my heart was thumping. I looked back at him and he was still looking at the ground.

"Sure," I said.

He looked up and thought I was joking, but when he saw I was serious, His eyes brightened up but did not say anything.

"it's getting dark, I have a place we could both stay the night."

I nodded in agreement and I followed him through the bushes and into a clearing there was a small shelter made out of sticks,leaves and weeds. Under the shelter was a small rug made out of stitced up leaves. and underneath that was a floor made out of leaves. He let me get in first then he got under the rug too, I could feel his warmth flowing out of him, and I wished I could snuggle up closer to him, but that would make him embarresed.
I fell asleep slowly, also I have to admit to you, Blaize is kind of cute.

The Everfree forest

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I was woken up by a gentle nudge and saw kind, orange eyes looking down at me, in an instant I noticed it was Blaize's eyes. I got up and yawned quietly. Blaize had gone off somewhere and left me alone in the shelter, I saw some berries beside me and ate a few
just incase they were for Blaize and I to share. I decided to look around the small structure and see how it was assembled. The wohle thing was made out of sticks, mostly. the roof had sticks stuck together with dead grass and weeds, and on top of that was a big layer of leaves, stitched up together with weeds. It must have taken a very long time to assemble the structure.

I heard a rustle from the bushes and saw Blaize come out with a big wall of sticks. He ate the rest of the berries, and put the wall of sticks covering the entrance.

"So, you ready to set off?" Blaize said. "so soon?" I said, "well, it's best we leave early because it might give us a head start