> Pinkie.jpg > by Nightlock106 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pinkie.jpg > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle nudged the door of her sister's room, cringing as it made it's usual squealing noise. She looked inside to find Rarity fast asleep at her sewing desk. Rarity had been working her that whole day, desperately trying to finish her latest order from Hoity Toity for a new line of fall dresses. Sweetie Belle tiptoed her way into the room and over to her sister's bookshelf. There, she spotted what she was looking for. It was small, sleek, and still have that fresh from the box smell. Sweetie Belle quickly grabbed the item and raced off towards her room. Sweetie Belle happily hopped onto her bed and set the item down in front of her. She looked at the shinning silver top, the Apple logo shimmering brightly from the light in her room. She flipped the stop open and the screen lit up, a light bell tone sounding as the laptop turned on. Sweetie Belle had been waiting all day for this moment, and now it was finally upon her. The computer's home screen came up and Sweetie Belle rubbed her hooves together. Sweetie Belle ran her right hoof over the track pad and clicked on the Internet icon, quickly bringing up the Internet home screen. Sweetie quickly clicked on the search bar and typed in the name of her all time favorite site, PonyTube.com. It had been quiet some time since Sweetie Belle had last been on PonyTube, not since the last time she was caught using Rarity's old laptop without permission. Sweetie Belle wasn't really too worried about getting caught this time, however. She clicked on the site's video search and typed in the name of her favorite PonyTuber, PonDiePie, and started searching through the site's results. Before she clicked on a video, Sweetie Belle quickly remembered to plug in her headphones in order to keep Rarity from hearing PonDiePie's loud screaming. She then clicked on one of Pons's latest video and sat back against the headboard and watched as Pons played the game, Duck Simulator. "How's it going bros?" Pons exclaimed, happily greeting his many fans in the way he always did. "My name is PonDiePie. Today, I thought we'd do something a little different. Today, we are going to play, Duck Simulator. Are you bros ready?" Pons stared at the camera intently, waiting for a response, "I said, are you bros ready? If you're not...THEN TOO BAD!" The game cam up and Pons's face went down to the bottom left corner of the screen. The game was in the first person perspective. The scenery consisted of a lake that stretched far off into the distance, a few trees on both sides of the shore, and a sandy beach. "So this is it bros, the life of a duck." Pons let out a soft sigh and looked down for a moment. He looked back up towards his face cam, a huge grin plastered on his face, "BEST LIFE EVER! Let's see if we can go under water and get some fish." Pons started to fumble around his keyboard for a few minuted before finally finding the right key, sending the ducks head under the water only to reveal dark, murky water, "WHAT? NO FISH! Well goddamn it, I guess I'm going hungry for the winter." Sweetie Belle was rolling with laughter as she continued to watch Pons play a large variety or simulation games. Though, in the midst of her fun, Sweetie Belle heard a loud ting noise, causing her to jump in surprise. She looked at the screen to find that the video had stopped playing and the screen had changed. The screen was now showing a small icon of a flying envelope and a message that read, "You've got mail." Curious about what the message could be, Sweetie Belle clicked on the icon and started reading the email. Dear Sir/Ma'am, I found your email address through a mailing list. I would like to inform you that you must view the image attached to this email. After viewing the image, you must forward the email immediately, or suffer the consequences. Becoming even more curious, Sweetie Belle clicked on the email's attachment. Sweetie Belle nearly jumped out of her skin the second she laid eyes on the picture. It was sickening and horrifying. Sweetie Belle, nervously looked back at the screen, the image still staring back at her. The image was of Pinkie Pie. However, in the image, Pinkie Pie didn't have any eyes, and her mouth was cut into a large triangle that stretched down to her chest. Blood was covering the sides of Pinkie's mouth, and inside her wide mouth were multiple sets of smiling teeth. Not wanting to stare at the image any longer, Sweetie Belle quickly closed the email and turned off the computer. Sweetie Belle huddled against her headboard, tears running down her face. Suddenly, there was a loud bang coming from the foot of Sweetie's bed. Sweetie Belle scooted further up her headboard, afraid of what might be at the end of her bed. The loud bang sounded again, and again, and again. Finally, Sweetie Belle decided to crawl to the end of her bed to investigate the noise. She peeked over her mattress, letting out a sigh of relief when she saw that it was Opal slapping a ball against her bed. "You silly cat, you scared me." Sweetie Belle scooted back on her bed and continued to sit in her darkened room. She soon heard another loud thumping noise coming from behind her. Sweetie Belle turned around, only to find nothing behind her. "Calm down Sweetie Belle, it's only your imagination. Nothing more." Opal jumped up onto Sweetie's bed and began hissing at the empty space in front of Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle looked at Opal and began to become confused, "Opal, what has gotten into you?" Opal hissed madly at Sweetie Belle before darting off out of the room. Sweetie Belle got up from her bed and closed the door before returning to her bed. Before she could climb onto her bed, the door to Sweetie Belle's room swung open and smacked loudly against the wall, causing the young filly to nearly piss herself. Sweetie Belle turned around to find that there was nopony at her door. She took a deep breath before walking over and closing the door again, this time locking the deadbolt. Again, Sweetie Belle walked back towards her bed, only this time, Rarity's laptop was on and the image from the email was sadistically staring back at her. Suddenly, a loud static began to emanate from the speakers, despite Sweetie Belle's headphones still being plugged into the computer. The static began to grow louder and louder, causing Sweetie Belle to quickly cover her ears. Once the static began to get to the point of ear shattering volume, it stopped abruptly. Sweetie Belle shakily removed her hooves from her ears and looked at the computer. The image was gone and was replaced with a message, "Time to suffer the consequences! ~Pinkie.jpg" The door to Sweetie Belle's room swung open again, the deadbolt breaking away and flying into the back of Sweetie's head. Sweetie Belle quickly turned around and tried to scream, but her voice was gone. Standing right at her door was the eyeless, multi-smiling Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie stood there motionless, staring happily at the horrified filly. A soft piddling sound echoed in the room as Sweetie lost control of her bladder muscles. Pinkie's sadistic smiles grew wider and she finally spoke in her usual, cheerful tone, "Aw, nopone likes a party pisser!" Pinkie quickly dashed over to Sweetie Belle and pinned her against the wall. Again, Sweetie Belle tried to scream for help, but her voice was once again caught in the back of her throat. "What's the matter? Pinkie got your tongue!" Pinkie Pie forced her hoof deep into Sweetie's mouth and pulled out the young filly's tongue. Pinkie Pie brought the tongue towards one of her mouths, it's tongue poking out to get a taste of the small mass of meat. Pinkie licked up and down Sweetie's tongue, happily giggling from the meaty taste. Before Sweetie could do anything, Pinkie Pie quickly brought Sweetie's tongue into her mouth and bit clean through it. While the one mouth chewed on the severed tongue, the rest of Pinkie's smiles began to smile even wider from the taste of fresh blood, "Mmm...juicy! Though, it could have used a little bit of salt. But that's no matter." Sweetie stared at the pink earth pony in complete horror. She tried to fight back and escape Pinkie's hold, but her strength had left her. "Now then, what shall I do with you next?" Pinkie brought on of her hooves to her chin in thought, clicking all of her tongues, "I know!" Pinkie Pie dragged Sweetie Belle back to her bed and tossed her onto it. Sweetie stood on her feet and tried to run, only to be caught by a black tendril poking through her bed. "Awww, it's cute how you think you can run away from me. But there's nothing you can do." More tendrils began to poke out of Sweetie's bed, quickly tying down the young pony. Sweetie struggled as best she could against the tendrils, but was completely helpless to stop them. Not wanting to lose the rest of her strength, Sweetie Belle stopped struggling and gave in to the tendrils' hold. Pinkie Pie stared down at the helpless filly, her mouths eagerly watering for more blood. "As much as I would love to finish you off right now, it wouldn't seem right to not play with my food before eating!" Before Sweetie Belle had time to think of what Pinkie meant, one of the tendrils began to rub against Sweetie's young marehood, causing her to let out a soft moan. Pinkie Pie watched blissfully as the tendril fondled Sweetie's virgin folds. The tendril wormed its way around every sensitive spot of the young filly's pussy before finally pushing itself deep into the tight depths. Sweetie let out a gurgled scream as the tendril pushed past her resistance and broke her hymen, ridding Sweetie or her virginity. Pinkie Pie was still staring sadistically as Sweetie Belle tried to fight being raped. Pinkie Pie soon reached her hoof down and began to rub and caress her sensitive marehood, sighing as she quickly became moist. The tendril continued to thrust itself in and out of Sweetie's tight pussy as it started to grow in size, painfully stretching out Sweetie Belle's insides. A second tendril made its way up to Sweetie Belle's plot and quickly dug itself into her rectum. Sweetie Belle couldn't take the forced pleasure for much longer, her holes quickly tightening around the intruding tendrils as her orgasm began to rock her whole body. Pinkie Pie began to vigorously rub her pussy as she watched Sweetie ride out her first orgasm. Before long, Pinkie began crying out Sweetie's name as her pleasure reached its peak and she began shooting pussy juice all over her hoof. Satisfied, the tendrils vanished from Sweetie's insides, leaving both of her holes to gape open. Pinkie Pie stared at Sweetie Belle, her breath heavy from her orgasm, "Well, I'm sorry to say that the fun has to end now. It was nice knowing you, Sweetie Belle." Pinkie Pie's many mouth open up and she began to devour the young filly. She ripped off massive chunks of Sweetie's flesh, making the young filly scream in agony. Sweetie Belle tried to fight against Pinkie with the last reserves of strength she had before Pinkie Pie finally bit into her head and devoured her brain.