> Love Song > by WhiteCloud > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Mother, Fluttershy, I’ll be back in an hour!” Caramel Glory called, climbing into the red wagon. The wagon pulled out of the Glory’s driveway in Fillydelphia. Fluttershy did not need to guess where her brother was going. He was going on a date with his beautiful marefriend Blossomforth. She stared wistfully at the fading wagon and wished she had Caramel. People often said that Fluttershy did not resemble her family members and they were not wrong. After all, she was an adopted foal. Fluttershy had beautiful pale pink mane and a slim body fit for a fifteen year old while Caramel’s handsome features and slick Jade mane resembled his fathers, who passed away years ago. Mrs. Marigold Glory, as most people called her, is a kind widow who was not beautiful for a mare of forty-eight. But her kind face had no wrinkles and her blonde mane showed no specks of grey. Fluttershy had a crush on Caramel for three years now, and she loved him far more than a brother. His blue eyes could catch any filly’s heart, but Fluttershy knew in her own heart that she loved Caramel more than anypony else in the world, even Mrs. Glory. Fluttershy spent the hour reading and waiting for Caramel as she always did. The clock ticked noisily and one could hear the sounds of Mrs. Glory’s knitting and her chair rocking throughout the house. Late into the night, the sound of keys at the door was heard and the door creaked open. A stallion by the name of Caramel of age eighteen stepped into the house quietly as a mouse and went up to his sister. She had fallen asleep waiting for him on the couch with her book across her lap. He went up and put her on his back with her head on his shoulder. The sleeping mare stirred but fell back into her slumber. Caramel stroked Fluttershy’s head gently for a while then kissed her cheek. The moment of silence was broken by the loud chiming of the grandfather’s clock, indicating that it was midnight. “Fluttershy, I know how you feel towards me.” Caramel whispered into the night and to his sleeping sister. His voice was soothing like a lullaby. “I am sorry I am unable to love you back more but I will always love you, almost as much as I love Blossomforth. You are a beautiful and gentle girl, like the night breeze that lures me to sleep each night. I have to go for a while now. Sleep well.” Caramel slowly lifted Fluttershy’s face up to his and gently placed his lips over hers. It was a short kiss but a true one. Seconds later the boy left again. Fluttershy opened her eyes and gazed at the empty driveway, trying to recall the kiss that she only half remembered, before falling asleep again. The quiet dawn in the house of the Glorys was once again disturbed by the shrill ringing of the phone. Fluttershy rose from the couch and picked up the phone that rang at two o’clock. A male voice spoke. “Miss Glory, this is Officer Steamer from the Fillydelphia Police Department. I think you’d better come down to South Street. There has been an accident involving your brother.” Then he hanged up. Fluttershy was still for a moment, before she threw down the receiver and screamed. “Mother!” Two mares, one young and one old arrived at South Street minutes later. Police wagons were everywhere and there was an ambulance. A small crowd was huddled around two bodies. Fluttershy and Marigold Glory rushed and pushed through the crowd to where the three officers were examining the two bodies. One was a stranger whose head was heavily bandaged and stains of blood were visible through the bandage. The other was Caramel. The boy’s head was bleeding heavily and blood stained his body which was full of cuts and bruises. Two more officers came with a stretcher and lifted the stranger onto it. “To the emergency room immediately. There might still be hope.” An officer said. “What about my brother? He needs to go to the hospital, too!” Fluttershy screamed with her voice shaking uncontrollably as she stared at the bloody heap that was her brother. “He needs to go! Somepony, bring a stretcher!” Fluttershy was shrieking, tears streaming down her face as she wrung her hooves desperately. “Miss Glory, I’m sorry. There is no need for Caramel to go to a hospital.” The officer said, trying to soothe the frantic girl. “Why not? That person went too! There’s still hope!” Fluttershy cried, shaking her head. “Caramel Glory is dead.” Fluttershy froze. Marigold Glory fainted but Fluttershy didn't. Before she knew what she was doing, she grabbed the officer. “You’re lying. Caramel said he was only going out for a little while. He’s coming back!” Fluttershy cried shrilly. At that moment, all she wanted was for her brother to come back. She thought she was going crazy. “I’m sorry, but he is dead.” The officer replied, looking sombre. He loosened himself from Fluttershy’s grip and walked away. Fluttershy knelt in front of Caramel. She stroked his soft grayish tangelo mane as he did to her earlier, staining her hooves with blood from his mane. Her tears spilled and she hugged Caramel tightly. The crowd slowly parted leaving behind Fluttershy and the dead Caramel. An officer came over and patted Fluttershy’s shoulder gently. “Miss Glory, we have to take your brother.” The officer waved his hoof and two other policemen gently pulled Fluttershy off Caramel. Fluttershy didn’t know why she didn’t object. She didn’t argue as well when Caramel was lifted onto a stretcher and covered in a white cloth. The sirens of the ambulance and police wagons softened as they slowly drove away. Fluttershy felt a fresh wave of tears in her eyes and she stood there staring at the disappearing wagons. Caramel Glory died on December 14th. “Fluttershy, have you packed all your things?” Marigold Glory called from downstairs. “Your plane to Ponyville leaves at six!” Fluttershy stuffed the rest of her clothes into her suitcase and snapped the suitcase shut. “Almost done, Mother!” the sixteen year old called back. She hesitated as she looked at a picture of her and Caramel. Her brother would have been nineteen if he hadn’t died. He had his hoof around Fluttershy in the picture and they were both smiling happily. It has been almost a year since the death of her brother. Fluttershy never really got over the tragic incident but much to her surprise, life soon became normal again for all others, but never for Fluttershy. A part of her had died and she knew it was her heart. The young filly decided to attend a music orchestra school in Ponyville. After Caramel’s death, they never shut down the small beach house Fluttershy’s brother owned, but nobody ever went there again. However, everything inside was still working. Fluttershy buried her thoughts and quickly placed the picture into her suitcase. She grabbed the suitcase and heaved it downstairs where her mother was waiting for her. “Come on, hurry up, dear.” Mrs. Glory beckoned, climbing into the wagon. The mother and daughter bided each other goodbye at the Pony Express. Marigold Glory kissed Fluttershy on the cheek and told her to be careful. Hours and hours later, the Pony Express stoped the Canterlot station. Fluttershy got off the train along with the other passengers. The station security staff stood still like statues at every entrance. The station wasn’t crowded. The filly’s eyes darted around for some sign of what she was looking for - a mare or stallion who represented the Ponyville Music School. Just then Fluttershy heard her name. “Miss Fluttershy Glory!” She spun around. A stallion dressed in a blue uniform gestured towards her. He ran over and took her suitcase and escorted her to a small group of ponies who were dressed similarly to him. The stallion was red-maned and freckled. His British accent was strong and he seemed very polite. “Miss Fluttershy, this is our president, Mr. Cheval. I’m Ace.” The red-maned introduced. Fluttershy nodded and shook hooves with Mr. Cheval. “Welcome, Miss Glory. We are honoured to have you attend our music school.” Mr. Cheval said warmly. “Thank you for coming all this way.” They escorted Fluttershy to a wagon and rode to the school. Ponyville was beautiful in an eerie way. Everything in Ponyville was so formal and exquisite. Fluttershy thought the architecture was unique and brilliant. They arrived at a white marble building and went inside. Pictures and portraits of the orchestra and extraordinary musicians were hung all over the wall. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, Fluttershy saw a lock of slick grayish tangelo mane disappear at a corner of the hallway. The girl’s breath got caught in her chest as Caramel’s grayish tangelo mane flashed across her mind. She dropped her suitcase and ran to the hall where she had seen the stallion. But just then, the doors opened and a crowd of students holding violins came out. Fluttershy searched frantically for the stallion but he was gone. “Fluttershy, is anything wrong?” the voice of Ace brought her back to her senses. “Oh, nothing.” Fluttershy hesitated, and then asked. “Is there a boy named Caramel Glory in the orchestra?” Ace looked at her, puzzled. “No, Fluttershy. Do you know somepony of that name?” he asked. Fluttershy’s looked at Ace and shook her head. Later, Fluttershy was brought to a dormitory where there were two beds. Ace brought Fluttershy to her bed, which was on the far right. “Fluttershy, I understand if you’re tired, but in an hour time, there will be a welcome ceremony for you. You can come if you wish.” Ace set down her suitcase and walked out. The mare peered around the dormitory and hung her clothes up in a closet that she shared with the other mare. She had just set down her picture of her and Caramel when the door opened and a mare entered. The mare glanced at Fluttershy, walked up to her and held out her hoof. Her fuchsia curls were dangling from an expensive butterfly manepin. “Hello, I’m Amberlocks. You share a room with me.” The mare said abruptly in a superior tone. Fluttershy held out her own hoof and shook Amberlocks’s. “I’m Fluttershy Glory.” “Oh, so you’re the girl from Fillydelphia? Are you going to the ceremony? I wouldn’t miss all the attention for the world if I were you.” Amberlocks sat onto her own bed and popped a candy into her mouth. “I play the viola, what about you?” “I play the harp.” Fluttershy explained. She did not feel like engaging in a conversation with anypony right now, especially Amberlocks. Amberlocks seemed to read her thoughts and she hopped off her bed. “Well, I’m leaving.” The mare slammed the door behind her. An hour later Fluttershy stepped up onto the stage and was introduced to the orchestra of one hundred and seventy people. Fluttershy scanned the big orchestra with interest. It was certainly a good orchestra. Suddenly, Fluttershy spotted the grayish tangelo mane again. Once again, Fluttershy felt her heart hammer against her chest. The stallion’s mane was slicked back and his head was down as he studied the keys for the grand piano. Fluttershy dropped the microphone with a loud clang and all heads turned to her. Amberlocks and her huge group of friends smirked and giggled. The stallion looked up and Fluttershy gasped with shock. The boy was Caramel. His looked at her with his sapphire blue eyes, except ten times colder. He also had the same pale skin and beautiful grayish tangelo mane. “Caramel!” Fluttershy whispered with a voice hoarse with shock. The stallion stepped up to her. “What do you want, Glory?” he asked icily. “Oh, this is Thunderlane, our pianist.” Ace explained, looking rather embarrassed at Thunderlane’s rude attitude. “He’s rather inhospitable toward strangers.” However, Fluttershy didn't hear him. All she saw was her handsome brother standing alive in front of her. Tears filled her eyes and even Thunderlane seemed surprise as the teardrops slid down Fluttershy’s white face and dropped onto her harp. “You’re not dead.” Fluttershy whispered. “You are very much mistaken Glory. I never died. And my name is not Caramel, its Thunderlane, T-H-U-N-D-E-R-L-A-N-E, in case you can’t hear or spell.” The stallion turned on his hooves and went back to the piano. Why is Caramel being so mean and cold? Fluttershy thought. He doesn’t love me, he hates me. Why did he glare at me like that like he never knew me? Clapping her hooves over her mouth, Fluttershy sped out of the auditorium. “What did you call Thunderlane, Fluttershy Glory?” Amberlocks demanded, rounding on Fluttershy forcefully. Fluttershy was staring wistfully at the picture of her and Caramel. Amberlocks snatched the picture out of Fluttershy’s hooves. “How did you know Thunderlane?” she snapped, staring at the picture in disbelief and disgust. “That’s my brother Caramel when he was still alive.” Fluttershy said, reaching out to take her picture back. “Please give it to me.” Amberlocks smirked and held the picture out of reach. “You really like him, don’t you?” she asked. Fluttershy looked away but didn’t answer. To Fluttershy’s horror, Amberlocks dropped the picture. The glass frame crashed to the floor and shattered. The picture lay in the pieces of broken glass. “No!” Fluttershy cried, rushing down to pick up the picture. The girl felt her heart shatter the moment the glass broke. Tears streamed down Fluttershy’s face as she held the picture to her chest. “Why did you have to do that?” Fluttershy cried, glaring at Amberlocks with tear-filled eyes. “Oh, I’m so sorry. It just slipped out of my hooves.” Amberlocks said sarcastically. She moved her face closer to Fluttershy’s. “But I’m warning you, Fluttershy Glory, I like Thunderlane so stay away. He’s mine.” She stepped over the glass and stamped out, leaving Fluttershy and her shattered frame and heart behind. Neither Fluttershy nor Amberlocks mentioned anything about the picture incident. Fluttershy performed spectacularly for the next few days and their orchestra concert was a great success. Thunderlane walked over to his dormitory after an exhausting day of performance. His hooves were numb from playing. He reached his dormitory and found his dorm mate, Braeburn sitting on the floor with three cups upside down in front of him. “Want me to foretell your future for you, Thunderlane?” Braeburn asked, wrinkling his forehead. “No thanks, Braeburn. I’ve outgrown fortune-telling.” Thunderlane said coldly. “Come on Thunderlane. Try it.” Braeburn nagged, pulling on Thunderlane’s sleeve. The boy swung free and rolled his eyes, sitting down across Braeburn. “Pick one.” Braeburn instructed, mixing the three cups up. Thunderlane gave an impatient sigh and picked the middle one. Braeburn carefully opened the cup and took out a piece of paper. “Oh, this is a love spirit. It says the mare of your life is getting close to you now. You will find on her a card that says the same thing as I said to you.” Braeburn said, with a look of awe on his face. Thunderlane rolled his eyes in annoyance. “It’s just a bunch of crap as usual.” He muttered and climbed into bed. Fluttershy walked back to her dormitory after a day of music class. Suddenly, a shoulder knocked into hers and immense pain shot through her shoulder bones. It was Thunderlane. For a moment their eyes met. Fluttershy stared deep into Thunderlane’s blue eyes and saw something. She wasn’t sure what it was but it looked like a streak of sunlight through all the ice. She stared at him for a long while and he stared back. Fluttershy couldn’t believe that anypony could look so alike in this world. The girl thought of Caramel’s handsome face, his wonderful blue eyes and that he would be standing here right next to her joking and laughing like old times if he hadn’t died in that horrible accident. If it weren’t for that other stupid pony, Caramel would still be here. A single tear rolled down her cheek and she let it trickle down her chin. “Why do you always cry whenever you see me, Glory?” Thunderlane asked as he narrowed his eyes so they looked like slits. “You remind me of somepony,” Fluttershy said vaguely, looking as if she’s in a trance. “Somepony that meant the world to me. Somepony who would be here today if that wagon accident hadn’t occurred one year ago.” Fluttershy turned on her hooves and sped down the hall toward her dormitory. She hated facing Thunderlane. She didn’t look back to see Thunderlane staring after her for a long time. Somehow he remembered so clearly the way she looked at him. The way her tears rolled down her cheeks when she looked into his eyes. He slowly felt his heart crack. ‘Why would he care?’ Fluttershy thought. ‘Why would he care that she cried. Unless he is really Caramel?’ Before Fluttershy could think about how was that possible, something on the ground caught her eye. It was a card that was lying face down. Curiously, Fluttershy picked it up. “The boy of your life is getting closer.” Fluttershy read the card out loud. The girl smiled wanly. She didn’t believe in fortune telling, but she stuffed the card into her pocket and went off to her dormitory. Amberlocks sat in music class with her beady eyes focused on Thunderlane. How she loved his icy glare and his grayish tangelo mane. The time ticked by slowly as Amberlocks spent thirty minutes staring at the side of Thunderlane’s face. She noticed him glancing towards Fluttershy several times and her eyes narrowed into a sneer. ‘He never even looked at me.’ Amberlocks thought angrily, her glint filled with jealousy. What’s so great about that Fluttershy mare anyway? Amberlocks had always been known as the Princess of Beauty to all her schoolmates and her wealthy background was most admirable. Most stallions wanted to have Amberlocks as their marefriend. And yet, Amberlocks thought glumly, the only stallion she loved never even showed the slightest interest towards her. But somehow, Amberlocks was going to get what she wanted, even if her father’s money couldn’t buy it. Amberlocks took out her most expensive quill and slid it into Fluttershy’s schoolbag carefully and slowly. The girl glanced around to make sure no one was watching before she burst into a fit of fake tears. All heads turned to her. “Miss Amberlocks, what’s wrong?” the teacher, Ms. Jubilee asked. “My quill! My most expensive and precious quill is gone! It was a gift from my grandmare, before she died!” Amberlocks sobbed, pretending to look devastated. Everyone began to look around for her pen. “Everyone turn your bags inside out.” The teacher ordered. Everyone did so obediently. Amberlocks saw with grim satisfaction that Fluttershy looked dumbstruck when the quill fell out of her backpack. “Fluttershy Glory, how dare you!” Amberlocks cried, pointing a menacing hoof at Fluttershy. “You are a thief!” Everypony threw loathing looks at Fluttershy and the teacher scolded her. “Miss Glory, you must understand that thievery is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated at this school. I will have to report this. Do you have anything to say?” Fluttershy looked at Amberlocks in disbelief but did not say anything. Amberlocks sneered at her. “No, this is unacceptable, Ms. Jubilee. I will take the punishment.” Fluttershy said after a moment. Thunderlane stared at Fluttershy in astonishment. He saw Amberlocks frame Fluttershy. ‘Why hadn’t she denied it?’ He thought, bewildered. Long after class was over, Thunderlane watched Fluttershy wash the blackboard and scrub the tables. He stood waiting until she was done, then stepped up to her. “Want to go for a walk?” he asked quietly. Fluttershy looked up in surprise. Fluttershy and Thunderlane walked along the sandy beach in silence. They both stared at their hooves and the sand and were careful to avoid each other’s eyes. Finally, Thunderlane broke the silence. “Why didn’t you deny it and speak the truth? Look at your hooves, they are blistering and red from all that work and yet, why did you not tell the truth to avoid such pain?” he asked, finally finding his voice. It was his first time taking a walk with a girl and he never knew it would be so awkward. For a moment, Fluttershy didn’t reply, as if thinking of an answer. “Amberlocks is not somepony you would want to mess with. She is stubborn as a rock and wouldn’t give up until she gets her way. If I don't give up, she will think of more ways to accuse me.” Fluttershy replied earnestly. “You know, she seems very attracted to you.” Fluttershy added as an afterthought, or perhaps to change the subject. Thunderlane’s face darkened instantly. “That’s none of your business.” He said shortly. “I’ve known Amberlocks for a long time and she is not quite my type.” Fluttershy fell silent. “It’s getting cold, let’s go back inside.” Thunderlane suggested after another moment of silence. Fluttershy nodded and they started to walk back to the school. That night Fluttershy dreamt of Caramel again. She dreamt that he had come back to life and they were reunited. Her heart was filled with happiness. They were to be wedded. On the happiest day of Fluttershy’s life, just when it was the moment for Caramel to give Fluttershy her ring, Amberlocks came up and stabbed her in the back. She felt intense pain and saw Caramel fading away - Fluttershy woke up screaming and sobbing. It was then that she realized she was still in her dormitory and that Caramel was dead. It was close to midnight and to Fluttershy’s enormous relief, Amberlocks had not yet returned. Her thoughts drifted to Caramel and her heart sank. ‘Why did she have to think about him?’ She thought desperately. All she wanted was Caramel’s life back. Just then the dormitory door opened and the figure of a stallion came in. Fluttershy sat up with her eyes slightly unfocused. As her vision slowly cleared, she gasped. It was Caramel. “Fluttershy, are you alright?” Caramel said. “I heard you screaming.” Fluttershy threw her arms around Caramel’s neck. “Caramel, why did you have to leave me like that? You really… Really scare me when the police officer said you died in that crash!” Fluttershy murmured, hugging him close to her. Her tears were mingled with sweat from her dream and she held him tightly. Thunderlane was totally surprised. Fluttershy clung onto his neck and broke down completely. He didn’t know why he didn’t shove her off and snap at her to come back to reality, but he didn’t. He just let her hug him and weep. “How could you leave me like that? Do you know how much I missed you? I thought about you every night, Caramel. I love you so much.” Fluttershy wept and her voice was shattering. Thunderlane didn’t speak. “Caramel, please don’t leave me again…” Fluttershy gasped. Then, to Thunderlane’s astonishment, she pressed her soft lips on his and kissed him softly. ‘She is in so much pain and suffering.’ Thunderlane thought sadly. She must’ve loved Caramel with all of her heart. Tears slid rapidly down Fluttershy’s face from her half opened eyes. Just then, Fluttershy gasped in surprise and stopped kissing Thunderlane. “I… I’m so sorry, Thunderlane.” She apologized hastily. Thunderlane continued to stare at Fluttershy. “It’s alright.” He said, beginning to blush. “I’d better go now.” he said awkwardly. Fluttershy blushed and nodded. She draped a robe around her shoulders and escorted Thunderlane downstairs. “Could you tell me who Caramel is?” Thunderlane asked. Fluttershy looked at him and shook her head sadly. “I’m afraid not, Thunderlane,” she said quietly. “I’m sorry.” Thunderlane’s smile faded. “You know, it’s better if you stopped living in the shadow of that dead stallion!” he said stiffly and his lips pursed in a thin line. Fluttershy turned to Thunderlane in disbelief. “How I live my life is my business, not yours!” she snapped. “Use your brains, if you have any.” Thunderlane shot back. “What good is it to live your life thinking Caramel will be back, when he will never?” The mare felt a fresh wave of tears flow down her face. “And what would you know about love, Thunderlane?” she snapped coldly. “I bet a block of ice like you have never loved anypony in your life! How would you know how I loved Caramel?” Thunderlane didn’t answer. Fluttershy stared furiously at him for a moment, and then stormed back to her dormitory. She slammed her door shut. Amberlocks had not yet returned. Fluttershy was glad. She was getting sick of the mare’s taunting. Fluttershy stood fuming for a long time as hot tears sting her eyes bitterly. Thunderlane stood still in the hallway downstairs. Fluttershy’s words hurt him more than he could have ever imagined. He never thought any words could affect him so deeply. But she was right. He didn’t know anything about love until he met Fluttershy, until today. And he never did love anypony in his life. He didn’t know how to love. His father had been in a gang. He had lost money so he began taking money from Mrs. Flair’s side of the family. He killed Mrs. Flair's parents and was later assassinated by the gang leader. Mrs. Flair sent Thunderlane under the protection of a friend before jumping into a lake and died. Thunderlane lived for twelve years being tortured and enslaved by the couple whom he thought were his parents. Then the couple lost everything to a robbery and sold him to Mrs. Flair's aunt, an elderly woman who was too old to care for him. On her deathbed, she revealed the truth Thunderlane had never known. The old lady gave Thunderlane her small fortune and he attended the orchestra. Strongheart, upon hearing Thunderlane’s tragic life, took no money from him. He never did love. He did carry a little thankfulness for his mother’s aunt, who had told him the truth. He had spent his eighteen years of life in misery. Nobody could understand the pain and misery he went through. Now he lived with Strongheart and Mr. Cheval’s son and for the past two years, he had lived like a pony. Amberlocks watched silently behind the door. Her mouth formed an angry sneer of jealousy and she exhaled deeply. Her devious eyes were shining with malice towards Fluttershy. It was the next day and Fluttershy was finished with classes. The day was stormy and grey with thunder rumbling in a distance. She was putting her books into her locker when she spotted Amberlocks speeding toward her. “Fluttershy, I don’t know who did it! Come!” Amberlocks gasped, panting slightly. Fluttershy turned curiously and went after Amberlocks. Amberlocks led Fluttershy to their dormitory. Fluttershy opened the door and gasped. Her drawers were flung open and all her photos with Caramel were torn up and scattered over the floor. Tears stung her eyes as she ruched over to pick the ripped pieces of her photos. Her heart hurt like crazy and she slid onto the floor. Slowly, she felt her breath got caught in her throat. She couldn’t breathe. Amberlocks sneered behind Fluttershy’s back and quickly dropped a quill down onto the floor. Then she gasped. “Look!” Amberlocks cried as she bended down to pick up the pen again as Fluttershy turned around. “What is that?” she asked wearily. “This pen, it’s… It’s…“ Amberlocks stammered. “Whose is it, Amberlocks? Whose is it?” Fluttershy demanded, grabbing the pen. “It’s Thunderlane’s!” Amberlocks said slowly, studying Fluttershy’s face. Fluttershy’s eyes widened in horror and anger and then she ran out of the room. Amberlocks’s lips curled into a sneer. Fluttershy burst through Thunderlane’s door to find him studying. His dorm mate Braeburn was sprawled over his fortune cards. They both looked up in alarm. “Thunderlane!” Fluttershy shrieked, tears flooding down her cheeks. “How dare you do that!” “What are you talking about, Fluttershy?” Thunderlane asked, looking at her, puzzled. “Don’t deny it! Yesterday we fought and today I find my room wrecked and Caramel’s pictures torn up!” she screamed. “I knew something like that would happen.” Braeburn said. “Shut up Braeburn. Your room wrecked?” asked a concerned Thunderlane. “But who…” “And guess what I found?” Fluttershy went on. “This!” she threw the quill down onto the floor. Thunderlane stared at it. “That is not mine!” he cried, enraged. “Fluttershy, this is treacherous!” The girl covered her ears. “You know what’s treacherous? It is how I ever see anything good in a horrid person like you!” she snapped, before bolting out the door, leaving Thunderlane staring after her. Fluttershy cried and cried that night. She didn’t return to her dormitory because she knew Amberlocks would be smirking. Hence, Fluttershy spent the night walking around the area. She was not exactly angry, just heartbroken. She had trusted Thunderlane with her heart and also secretly loved him. Despite that, he did something beyond horrid, and now the shadow of Caramel weighed down on her even more. How could she have been so gullible and naive? Just then, Fluttershy felt the same pain strike her as it did when she found her wrecked photos. Her legs suddenly felt weak and they buckled beneath her. Her energy drained out of her slowly and she fell down. A loud noise threw Fluttershy out of her pain. She suddenly realized she was kneeling in the middle of the street and a wagon was roaring down the road. ‘Maybe this is how Caramel died’ she thought. A loud honk and a blinding flash of light. Maybe that’s it. The wagons driver yelled again but Fluttershy didn’t have the strength to move. White light blinded her and she knew nothing. Her fortune card fell out of her pocket and was crushed by the wheels of the wagon. Thunderlane ran down the dark street searching frantically for Fluttershy. He had never felt so worried in his life. His grayish tangelo mane flew behind him and he breathed heavily but didn’t stop. Far away, he heard a yell but a wagon was nowhere in sight. A horrible feeling struck his head and he began to run and shouting Fluttershy’s name at the same time. However, there was no response. Far ahead on the road lit by the dim street lights, Thunderlane saw what seemed like a large obstacle in the middle of the street. He ran closer and saw it was Fluttershy. There was little blood but there was blood at the corner of her mouth. Thunderlane was horrified. He picked up her body and began to run again, ignoring the cramp on his side. He ran faster than he ever had in his life, even though he was carrying Fluttershy. He felt a prickling tear at the corner of his eye but it didn’t fall. Ambulance sirens screeched as it sped down the road. Fluttershy was inside the ambulance on a stretcher and Thunderlane, Strongheart and Amberlocks were beside her. The three waited impatiently outside the emergency room. Thunderlane paced back and forth with a furrowed brow while Strongheart peered anxiously at the door. Amberlocks sat still as stone and looked deep in thoughts. ‘Fluttershy was now in the emergency room and it was all something that started out with her. If she hadn’t wrecked Caramel’s photos out of her jealousy, Fluttershy wouldn’t have left and got hit by the wagon. Damn it.’ Amberlocks thought. ‘She just had to get hit, didn’t she? But she probably knew about Amberlocks anyway. Fluttershy just wanted Thunderlane to like her more, that’s why she got hit on purpose. And plus, who told her to stay outside in the middle of the night anyway.’ Amberlocks thought. ‘Yes, that was it. Nothing on earth happens when it’s not supposed to. Life isn’t that on target.’ Amberlocks got angrier as she thought about it. ‘That little witch! She won’t get Thunderlane! Not while Amberlocks is around.’ Three hours later, the doctor came out to meet them. “Miss Glory is in no danger,” the doctor replied. Thunderlane sighed with relief. “There is no need to contact her mother. She just has a sprained ankle, a slightly twisted back and a few bruises. Fluttershy has been transferred to a regular ward. You may visit her.” Dawn slowly arises and Thunderlane was nodding off towards the wall. Fluttershy was still unconscious and he had been with her ever since. Amberlocks and Mr. Cheval had left later during the night. Fluttershy began to stir, causing Thunderlane to wake up with a start. Fluttershy’s eyes slowly fluttered open. She blinked and saw Thunderlane peering at her with concern written across every syllable of his handsome face. “Oh, hi.” Fluttershy said stiffly, sitting up. Thunderlane helped her awkwardly. “What are you doing here?” “I want to talk, Fluttershy.” Thunderlane said earnestly. They walked along the pretty hedges of the hospital garden. “So…” They said in unison. “You first.” Fluttershy said. “No, you’re a mare.” Thunderlane replied politely. “Have you been with me the whole time?” Fluttershy asked. Thunderlane nodded and she sighed. “You didn’t have to.” “Still think I wrecked your photos?” Thunderlane asked quietly. The mare didn’t reply for a long time. “I guess not. I was so stunned the moment Amberlocks told me it was your quill. And it hurt so much. I guess I blew up at you.” She said. “It’s still true; you can’t live in a shadow forever.” The stallion began cautiously. “And what would you know?” Fluttershy said coldly. “I don’t, but it doesn’t seem right.” Thunderlane said defiantly. “And why do you even care?” Fluttershy snapped, flaring up. “Because I care about you!” Thunderlane blurted out, stunned at his own daringness. Before he knew what he was doing, he threw his hooves around Fluttershy. “I… I love you.” Fluttershy stood still in Thunderlane’s embrace, stunned. Thunderlane loves her? Of all the mares who liked him, he loved her? He was just like Caramel. So sincere. So serious. Tears stung her eyes. Not tears of anger or sadness, but somehow tears of surprise and joy. Her hooves lingered uncertainly around his waist. She thought she would never love again, but now, she realized she was in love with Thunderlane. And she only just realizes that now. Fluttershy tightened her arms around Thunderlane and so did he, more confidently this time. They hugged for a long time, each admiring the other’s daringness. They were both stung by happiness and relieved that they have confessed their feelings for each other. Finally they broke apart. Fluttershy confessed she was tired and her twisted back was beginning to hurt and so they returned to the ward. Thunderlane sat by Fluttershy with her in his hooves. “Thunderlane, do you know what my favourite poem is?” Fluttershy whispered, her voice tired but happy. “Tell me.” Thunderlane said soothingly. “My mother read it to me when I was little. My father had died, so she chanted this poem often. It’s called” Love.” “Love is a legend, love is a story. Love is a feeling, an experience, and a memory. It’s something I can’t see, It’s something just for two. Yet I feel so special, When I’m with you. Through storm and fire, I feel the strong desire. Down cliffs and rivers, So we can be together, Up mountains and hills, Just me and you forever.” Fluttershy stopped and leaned on Thunderlane’s shoulder. “That’s lovely.” Thunderlane said. “I feel the same way towards you.” He smiled. Minutes passed and Fluttershy slowly fell asleep. Thunderlane laid her down and gently kissed her on the forehead. He then left. “Miss Fluttershy, you can leave today.” Dr. Hooves informed her. “Feeling better?” “I’m fully recovered due to your careful treatment. Thank you.” Fluttershy said, packing up her books. “You know, Mr. Thunderlane is a fine young man.” Dr. Hooves said suddenly. Fluttershy looked up in surprise. “Yes indeed he is.” “Do you really think he can replace Mr. Caramel’s place in your heart?” the doctor stopped cleaning and looked down at his hooves. “He will never be Caramel, you know. My wife died, and though I’ve met some fine young women, they will never replace her. Are you really loving him or just using him as a mere shadow of Caramel? If you’re just using him, you will hurt him more than you can imagine.” Fluttershy looked down too. Now that Dr. Hooves mentioned it, she wasn’t sure anymore if she wanted Thunderlane. She didn’t want to hurt him and use him merely because he looks like Caramel. She can’t pretend he is Caramel because he’s not. That would be too unfair for him. Fluttershy suddenly realized she was still standing in the ward. She quickly bid the doctor goodbye and left. Fluttershy reached her dormitory thirty minutes later. Amberlocks stood there, glaring at her. “Amberlocks, what…” Amberlocks slapped Fluttershy across the face. “You filthy little hag, how dare you get involved with Thunderlane?” the girl snapped, her face in a frightful glare. “I told you to stay away. He’s mine. You just like him because he looks like that wretched brother of yours, Caramel! You have to break up! You’re hurting Thunderlane rather than loving him!” she glared at Fluttershy, hate blazing in her blue eyes. Fluttershy stared intently at Amberlocks, tears in her eyes. They weren’t tears from the stinging pain but from the fact that Amberlocks was right. “I can give him real love! How can you just come in and break us apart? We were a fine couple before you came in! You’re so unfair to me and to him!” Amberlocks glowered at Fluttershy and then stormed out of the room. “Students, as you all know,” Mr. Cheval’s voice came through the loudspeaker. “The annual music ball is to be held in one week. The gym will not be available due to decorating works. Please prepare.” Thunderlane looked eagerly at Fluttershy. He had gone to the last ball with Amberlocks but this year, he was looking forward to a real nice and romantic time with Fluttershy. However, she wasn’t looking his way. Was she avoiding his eyes? After class, Thunderlane managed to catch up with Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, let’s go to the ball together.” He said, taking her hoof. “It’ll be great.” She didn’t reply. “Thunderlane, I… I don't think I’m going to the ball.” Fluttershy stammered, to Thunderlane’s surprise. “I’m a little ill this week. I think I’m going to rest for a bit.” Fluttershy shook free of Thunderlane and walked away with her head bowed. A few minutes later Amberlocks came up to Thunderlane to his dismay. “Thunderlane,” she said sweetly. “Since Fluttershy’s not going to the ball, are you willing to go again with me?” she batted her eyebrows furiously at him in a cute way. Thunderlane stared after Fluttershy who was well out of sight already. He then looked back at Amberlocks who was looking anxiously at him. He nodded. Amberlocks’s beautiful face broke into a smile. “It will be a success.” She took his hoof and gave it a gentle squeeze before leaving. “Fluttershy, please tell me what’s wrong.” Thunderlane begged. “I told you, I’m ill.” Fluttershy replied. “I can tell you’re avoiding me.” Fluttershy bit her lip then turned to him. “Thunderlane, I don’t want to hurt you OK? I don’t know if I really love you or I’m just seeing Caramel through you.” She blurted out. Thunderlane looked astounded. “But I thought…” “Yes, you thought I love you! I don’t know if it’s real love, Thunderlane! Just, please, go with Amberlocks!” Fluttershy began to tremble uncontrollably. She got up and ran all the way to the dormitory, well out of Thunderlane’s sight. “Fluttershy, you have to go to the ball.” Amberlocks pleaded with a purr in her voice. “Go with Ace. He asked you. That way you won’t hurt Thunderlane and you will get to have fun also.” Amberlocks reached into her suitcase and pulled out a beautiful red satin dress. She quickly matched it against Fluttershy’s body. “We’re about the same size. Here, this is a dress of mine. It fits you perfectly. You can have it.” Fluttershy looked at Amberlocks, surprised at her sudden kindness. “No, this is too beautiful and exquisite…” she began, but Amberlocks shoved the dress into Fluttershy’s arms. “You simply must go, Fluttershy. I’ll wait for you at the ball.” Amberlocks said hastily and left before Fluttershy could refuse. The night of the ball was cheerful and wonderful. Fluttershy finally gave in to Amberlocks’s endless nagging and decided to go to the ball dressed in the red satin dress. Amberlocks and her crowd of friends were to meet their dates in the gym but Ace waited for Fluttershy. Thunderlane and Amberlocks stood chatting. Thunderlane wore a long and handsome black suit with a tie while Amberlocks also wore a red satin dress. The gym was crowded with people among which half of them were Amberlocks’s snobby and popular friends. Thunderlane’s mind kept drifting to Fluttershy and he went for the door twice with every intention to visit her but he was stopped by Amberlocks. Just then, Thunderlane’s eyes caught a flash of red on a person that just entered the gym. It was Fluttershy and Ace and she was wearing exactly what Amberlocks was wearing. Thunderlane was so shocked that he dropped his cookie. Amberlocks noticed and suddenly put a hoof to her head to pretend she was upset. “I feel so ashamed, Thunderlane. Fluttershy told me she didn’t like that dress and it was ugly and a waste of money. In spite of that, she went and bought the exact same one for the ball. I think I’ll go back to my dormitory before she sees me.” She sped away before Thunderlane could stop her. He stared at Fluttershy in stunned silence. He had a look of disbelief and disgust on his face. She had lied to him and she had lied to Amberlocks. She told him she wasn’t coming and yet she turns up with Ace. What kind of rotten heart does she have? Two days have passed since the ball and Thunderlane refuses to speak a single word to Fluttershy. He stayed with Amberlocks who was beyond happy. She had finally won Fluttershy Glory. Fluttershy began to feel the horrible pain more often and sometimes she felt weak and tired. She decided to ignore it but the pains and weakness were recurring more often so she went for a check up with Dr. Hooves. Fluttershy waited patiently outside the examination room while Dr. Hooves concluded the results. He came out two hours later with his face looked sombre. The conclusion paper shook in his trembling hooves. “Fluttershy, the results showed that you have leukaemia.” The doctor said. For a moment, Fluttershy was sure she had misunderstood him. “I… I’m sorry, Dr. Hooves?” “You have been diagnosed with leukaemia, a cancer that affects your blood.” Fluttershy looked carefully at the doctor to make sure he wasn’t joking. “M-Maybe you should do the results over again…” “Fluttershy, I did it three times already. There is no mistake.” The doctor said gravely. “I’m afraid the only way to cure leukaemia is through bone marrow transplant operation. However, it is difficult to get a suitable donor and the price is unreasonably high… I suppose you can always try medication...” “I’ll take that, then.” Fluttershy said quietly. The medicine bottle shook in Fluttershy’s hoof as she stumbled back to the school. Leukaemia? How could it be this serious? She never imagined it was that bad. What will she do now? Certainly she couldn’t afford the operation. But what else is there to do? Maybe, just maybe, Fluttershy thought, the medicine will cure me. I’ll just have to wait and pray. Thunderlane glanced uneasily around him. He had a feeling somepony had been following him ever since he had left Amberlocks. They had gone to a music class together before she went off shopping. A dark shadow flickered past again. Thunderlane spun around quickly but there was nobody in sight. Damn it, he thought. He escaped again. He moves really quickly. He was just about to turn back when the culprit lunged out at him. Thunderlane yelled in surprise but ducked just in time. The shadow fell a few feet before him but got up quickly in a flash. It was Ace. Ace pulled out a knife,its bloodthirsty edge pointed towards Thunderlane as if to deliver judgment. “Ace…” Fluttershy returned from the hospital with her ears pounding slightly. “You will not live for long,” Dr. Hooves’s words rung in her ears. “If you don’t do the operation, there is a chance that you will die shortly. Even with the operation, it can only extend your life span and not fully cure it.” Fluttershy was immersed in her thoughts when a deadly voice reached her ears. “I am son of the gang leader, your filthy father’s master.” It was Ace’s voice! Fluttershy quickly ducked behind a building to listen to the conversation. “My father?” Thunderlane’s said in a surprised voice. “Your father, Flair, was a filthy piece of crap. He stole money from my father when he was broke. He deserved to be killed. Now that my father is dead, the gang is dismissed, and I’m the only one who remains loyal to my father.” Ace held out the gleaming knife. Fluttershy clapped her hoof over her mouth in horror. She reached quietly into her purse and pulled out her cell phone. She glanced uneasily at them to see what Ace was doing. She dialled 911 and gave them the address. The police said they would be there shortly. She turned her attention back to Ace but Thunderlane was talking now. “I never knew my father and I don’t have one either.” He said coolly, glowering at Ace. “For years I have followed you to try and kill you. I have killed three of the disloyal gang members already. Now, I need to get rid of you.” Fluttershy gasped. She heard sirens, but Ace did not seem to notice. Fluttershy ran to the police wagons. Officers leapt out and they ran to Ace and Thunderlane. Halfway there, Fluttershy heard the scraping sound of metal hitting the ground. There was no doubt Ace had impailed the knife into Thunderlane. There was a muffled yell and Fluttershy’s heart stopped.' “Fluttershy,” Dr. Hooves informed Fluttershy who was waiting outside the emergency room anxiously. “The situation is grim. Thunderlane was stabbed severely in the stomach and a whole part of his liver is ruined. The only way to help him is for somepony to transfer part of their liver to him. But…” “I’ll do it.” Fluttershy said instantly. Dr. Hooves sighed. “I was afraid you would say that. But you have to understand that you have leukaemia and if you transfer your liver or part of it to Thunderlane, it will shorten your life span.” “Please, Dr. Brown… Please, I have to help him!” Fluttershy begged. The doctor sighed. “Well, alright. I see you truly love him.” “Please don’t tell him I did it.” Fluttershy said. The doctor looked astonished. “But why would you not want him to know of your love for him?” he asked. Fluttershy looked away. “I have hurt him enough. I don't want him to know that I sacrificed part of me. He’ll regret and feel bad for the rest of his life. Just say that you cured him, please.” The doctor sighed for the third time. “Well alright since you insist. Please come to the operation room.” The next day, Fluttershy’s operation to transfer part of her liver to Thunderlane was successfully completed. Thunderlane was still unconscious but Fluttershy was awake and getting ready to leave. “Thank you, Dr. Hooves. Please don’t tell Thunderlane. Take good care of him.” She said. Just then the door opened and Thunderlane entered. His face was pale and tired. Fluttershy gasped and hid herself quickly in the closet in the doctor’s office. “Thunderlane, what are you doing away from your bed?” she heard Dr. Hooves ask. “I’m alright, Doctor. Thank you. I expect I will be able to leave in a few days?” Thunderlane asked. Fluttershy thought his voice sounded hoarser and more strained then usual. Suddenly Fluttershy felt pain rapidly streaming through her bones and muscles. Her whole body felt immensely weak and rubbery. Her vision was blacking out. Fluttershy fell with a loud thud as she couldn’t control herself. Thunderlane turned as he was heading out for the door. Fluttershy was saved by some quick thinking from Dr. Hooves. “Oh, damn it. It must be the books in my closet again. And I just restacked them!” he said exasperatedly. Thunderlane smiled wanly and left. Fluttershy began to cry. She wanted Thunderlane to know she loved him, but she didn’t want to hurt him anymore. The doctor helped her out and let Fluttershy cry. “Hi mother. How are you?” Fluttershy said into the phone. It was night back at the dormitory and she was calling her mother. “I’m fine Fluttershy dear.” Marigold Glory’s voice replied. “And you?” “I’m…“ Fluttershy considered telling her mother about her situation, but decided against it. “I’m alright, mother. Can I ask you if you could ever forget father?” she asked quietly. “No Fluttershy, I will not forget your father ever.” Mrs. Glory answered. “I will not, and I cannot. Because once somepony is deep in your heart, you will never be able to forget him.” Fluttershy felt tears roll down her cheek. “Thanks, Mother.” She whispered. “I’ll talk to Thunderlane then.” She added vaguely before she knew what she was doing. “Thunderlane who?” Susan Glory suddenly demanded. “Thunderlane.” “Him?” cried Mrs. Glory to Fluttershy’s great surprise. “You have to break up. You cannot be with him.” “Why? Do you know him, mother?” “N-No. Well yes, Fluttershy. I’ll fax an article to you right now and then you’ll understand.” They chatted for a while longer before Fluttershy hung up. She watched the fax machine as an article was printed out. She read it, and gasped. December 28th, 2001 Mr. 4-Speed came to Fillydelphia for some meetings he had to attend in the name of his father, Mr. Cheval. It was then that he lost his young life. Late in the night of December 14th, his wagon collided with that of Caramel Glory’s and he was sent directly to the hospital. Caramel Glory was killed instantly after the crash. Leon had received a severe bump in the head and a variety of cuts but was in no big danger. He was sent back to Ponyville two days later, where he lived with his father and adopted stepbrother, Thunderlane. However, four days later, it was said he developed a tumour from a bump in his head and he died a week later. Fluttershy looked up, stunned. So it was Thunderlane’s brother who had killed Caramel. 4-Speed had killed Caramel. Thunderlane was as good as the murderer of her brother. Thunderlane bumped headlong into Fluttershy after music class the next day. She looked up at him firmly. “Fluttershy, let’s not break up.” Thunderlane, said, grabbing her arm. She looked up at him and gave him a look. He wasn’t quite sure what it meant. “I’m sorry, Thunderlane. We were never meant to be together. We can never be together either.” She said. She swung free of him and walked away. As she did, a piece of white fax fell out from her bag. Thunderlane picked it up and read it. As he did, his eyes widened in horror and he understood. His brother had killed Caramel, the person Fluttershy had loved the most in her life. “Father, how did 4-Speed die?” Thunderlane asked Flair. The man stopped in his tracks and looked at Thunderlane in surprise. “Why do you ask?” he asked sharply. “Tell me!” Thunderlane exclaimed. “Don’t you know he died of cancer?” Strongheart said. “He killed Caramel Glory, Fluttershy’s brother, and then developed tumour from the crash, right?” Thunderlane cried. His father froze. “How did you find out?” Thunderlane shoved the fax into his father’s face. The man read it and sighed. “I knew how much you love Fluttershy and I didn’t want you to know.” Mr. Cheval said. “How did things become this way?” Thunderlane yelled. “Why is love so unfair? Now she will hate me forever. I am the brother of Caramel’s murderer!” Meanwhile, Fluttershy was back in her dormitory with her cell phone held tightly in her hooves. She dialled Caramel’s beach house number hesitantly. Fluttershy waited for the four rings to pass before hearing Caramel’s voice, “Please leave a message.” “Caramel,” Fluttershy whispered into the receiver with her voice choked with misery. “I haven’t called you in a long time. How are you? I am in love with the brother of your murderer. I can’t control my emotions, Caramel. You had always given me good advice. Please help me.” Fluttershy paused so that her tears would not spill. She swallowed a lump in her throat and went on. “Help me, Caramel. I don’t know if I should love him or not. Mother said a person who is deep in your heart is unforgettable. That person was you but I’m not sure if Thunderlane has replaced you or not. Please help me decide…” Fluttershy’s voice trailed off as she broke down completely. She felt burning pain in her muscles and it drained out her energy. She squinted with pain as the telephone receiver fell out of her hoof and crashed to the ground. The power button hit the floor and the phone shut off. Fluttershy slumped onto the floor and clutched her chest, wincing in pain. She crawled to her bed and climbed in. Fluttershy didn’t know how long she slept. However it was school break and she didn’t have to worry about school. When she woke up, the sun was shining through the curtains. She still felt weak but didn’t feel any pain. Fluttershy got up and dressed herself. She was about to leave when there was a knock on her door. Fluttershy opened it and found Thunderlane standing at the doorway. “Oh, hello.” Fluttershy said quietly. Thunderlane studied her. “Fluttershy, you look terrible.” He said, concerned. He reached out to touch her face but stopped. “Uh… I just wanted to tell you that Mr. Cheval has appointed me to study in Canterlot and… and…” he stopped and looked down. “And well… I just wanted to tell you that.” He turned to walk away. Fluttershy felt her heart break again. Thunderlane was going to leave her. ‘What should I do?’ She thought desperately. He is going away right now, leaving me forever just like Caramel. Before Fluttershy could decide what to do, she ran up and hugged Thunderlane around the waist. He stopped moving and stood still. “Thunderlane, I love you!” Fluttershy whispered. Her tears fell and she laid her head on the back of his shoulder. She tightened her hooves around him. Thunderlane felt the prickling feeling at the corner of his eye again. However, he didn’t let the tear fall. He placed his hooves on hers. Thunderlane and Fluttershy walked along the sandy beach with the waves crashing at their bare feet. “I’m sorry, Fluttershy.” Thunderlane said after a moment of silence. “It’s ok... It’s not your fault.” Fluttershy said quietly, shifting her hooves. “And plus, it’s already in the past. You’re right; I can’t live in the past and the shadow forever.” She felt a sudden gust of wind hit her insides and closed her eyes and waited for it to go away. “I’ll leave on the day after tomorrow. My stuff is packed already.” Thunderlane said awkwardly. Fluttershy took his hoof. “Thunderlane, when will you come back?” she asked. “In a year.” The boy replied. Fluttershy thought about how long and painful that period of time would be without him. Tell him not to go! He’ll listen. A part of her brain was saying that. She opened her mouth but the other half of her brain restrained her. No! If you want him to be happy, think for him, think for his career. This is very important to him, let him go. She suddenly felt weak and her stomach churned with pain. Fluttershy put her hooves over her stomach and she knelt down while still holding Thunderlane’s hoof. Her weight pulled him back. “What’s wrong, Fluttershy?” he asked. “I… I slipped and I fell.” Fluttershy said before she could stop herself. It was the lamest lie she had ever heard herself tell. Thunderlane laughed and pulled her up. “Good luck there, Thunderlane. I’ll wait for you to return.” Fluttershy said, squeezing his hoof. He squeezed her hoof in return to show his appreciation. Fluttershy felt her stomach churn again and she flinched. Thunderlane put his hoof around her waist and she felt better. Her vision was clearing. “Thunderlane, it’s cold. I think I’ll go rest now.” Fluttershy said. “I’ll walk you to your dormitory.” Thunderlane offered. “How could you let him go?” Amberlocks pointed a hoof at Fluttershy and screamed. “I let him go because it was his wish.” Fluttershy said sincerely and sat down on her bed. “Fluttershy Glory! How dare you say you give him true love!” Amberlocks shouted. “If I were you, I would not leave him! If I were you, I would always be at his side! If I were you…” “Amberlocks, you’re only thinking about what you want. How could you be so selfish?” Fluttershy took a step toward Amberlocks and asked. “How could you say you truly love him? Have you ever considered what he wants? You think about what you want him to do! Not what he wants for himself!” she stopped and glared back for once. Amberlocks sneered. “There are many ways to love. You always think that everything you do is for the best. However, it doesn’t mean that your way is the best way. And just because I don’t want him to leave doesn’t mean I don’t truly love Thunderlane!” Amberlocks turned on her heels and stormed out. “Thunderlane, please don’t go to Canterlot!” Amberlocks begged. She and Thunderlane were in an empty classroom. “I’m your marefriend, please don’t leave me!” she hugged Thunderlane. “Amberlocks I’m sorry, but I have to go.” Thunderlane said. “Even Fluttershy…” “Then let’s get married and I’ll go with you!” Amberlocks went on as she tries to stop Thunderlane from mentioning Fluttershy’s name. “What are you talking about, Amberlocks?” “Why is that girl so much better than me?” Amberlocks screamed. “If Fluttershy said this to you instead of me today, would you say yes?” “I’m not going to answer that question.” “Why not?” “Because Fluttershy would never be so unreasonable!” Amberlocks burst into tears. “Do you mean that loving you and not wanting to loose you is being unreasonable? Fine, go to Canterlot! I don’t care!” she ran out sobbing. “Thunderlane, take care.” Fluttershy said. They were at the train terminal. “Remember, I’ll wait for you.” Thunderlane nodded. “Amberlocks came to me yesterday and said loads of nonsense. She didn’t want me to leave.” Fluttershy forced a laugh. “Well, I don’t want you to leave either. But you’re coming back.” They bided goodbye and Thunderlane turned toward the departing gate. Fluttershy stood gazing after him. She didn’t want him to go. She wanted to call him to come back. The pain that struck Fluttershy got worse as she watched Thunderlane step into the terminal gateway. ‘Thunderlane, don’t go.’ she whispered in her heart as tears started to flood her eyes. Thunderlane, please don’t go, I need you. Fluttershy felt her vision blacking out and she placed a hoof on her head to steady herself. Thunderlane, come back... Please don’t leave me. Come back. However, the train had taken off. She watched the train’s wheels turn faster and faster and Thunderlane was gone. Fluttershy felt tortured by pain. She coughed and felt something on her hoof. Fluttershy slowly lifted her hoof from her mouth. It was blood. She had coughed blood. Fluttershy stumbled back to her dormitory to find Amberlocks waiting for her. “You let him go?” she whispered with a hoarse voice from crying. She rounded up on Fluttershy. “Why did you let him go?” she raised a fist and punched Fluttershy across the face. Fluttershy didn’t move. She stood still feeling numbed. Amberlocks screamed and ran out of the dormitory sobbing and screaming. Fluttershy fell onto her bed. For the next three weeks, Fluttershy coughed blood often. It was harder to hide her leukaemia. She was often tired and skipped half her classes. Once she even almost fainted in class. Thunderlane phoned every week, saying cheerfully that he was doing well. Fluttershy cried every time he phoned but hid it from him. She couldn’t bear to end his happiness. Amberlocks wandered into the hospital for her annual health check up. She had just seen Dr. Shade, her private physician, and was informed that she was as healthy as ever. She was walking past the cancer hallway when she heard Fluttershy’s voice. “Dr. Hooves, I have been coughing blood often. Does this mean anything?” Fluttershy asked. Amberlocks hid behind the door to listen to the conversation. “Fluttershy, I’m sorry. Your leukaemia is getting worse. I’m afraid you will not live for another two months.” Dr. Hooves said. Amberlocks gasped silently. ‘So that was why Fluttershy looked so pale lately.’ She thought. Tears of regret welled up in her eyes. ‘How horrible, Fluttershy had leukaemia, and she is dying! However, she’s still so young. She’s not even seventeen!’ Amberlocks thought tearfully. ‘She let Thunderlane go and suffered all that pain and torture alone. She only wants the best for Thunderlane and not herself. She truly loved Thunderlane. I could never do what she did.’ Amberlocks thought. ‘I don’t deserve Thunderlane. Fluttershy is dying and Thunderlane is not even by her side.’ “I understand.” Fluttershy said. “Thank you, Dr. Hooves.” She was about to leave when Dr. Hooves stopped her. “Is Mr. Thunderlane here?” he asked. “He went to Canterlot.” “But why did you let him go when you needed him most?” the doctor asked. “It’s what he wanted.” Fluttershy answered. “I know I cannot be with him forever anymore. I don’t want him to know and freak out. I want everything to stay normal. He’s happy right now, and I don’t want to ruin it. I want him to be happy forever even after I die. I hope he marries Amberlocks and have children. They are a good match as he is so handsome and Amberlocks is also very pretty…” Amberlocks bolted out of the hallway as she is unable to bear it anymore. She slid down a wall and sobbed out loud. ‘How could she be so horrible to Fluttershy in the past?’ She put her head on her knees and wept shamefully. Her eyes caught sight of a pay phone in front of her. She stood up and picked it up. She shoved some coins into it. ‘Thunderlane has to come back. He has to come back and be with Fluttershy. They belong together.’ She held the phone close to her ears and dialled Thunderlane’s number. It rang three times before he picked it up. Thunderlane picked up the phone. “Hello?” “Thunderlane, this is Amberlocks.” Amberlocks replied with a hoarse and sad voice. “Hi Amberlocks.” “You have to come back to Ponyville as soon as possible.” She said. Thunderlane became a little annoyed at Amberlocks’s stubbornness. “Listen Amberlocks. I can’t just leave right now. Listen I can’t come back. For the last time…” “It’s about Fluttershy.” Amberlocks interrupted. She began to cry. “You have to come back to her right now. She… She…” “What’s wrong with Fluttershy? Amberlocks, what’s wrong with her?” Thunderlane demanded as he began to panic. “She’s ill with leukaemia. The doctor says she can’t live for more than two months!” Amberlocks’s voice sobbed into the receiver. Thunderlane hung up. He felt his heart stop. ‘Fluttershy is sick. She is dying. How could he have left her alone?’ At the train station, she looked as if she was pleading him to stay with her and yet he still left. He let her down and disappointed her, like what he had done so many times before. Thunderlane went into his black wagon and raced towards the train station to catch the earliest possible train back to Ponyville. Fluttershy walked down the hallway of the school. She is going to die soon and would never be able to see Thunderlane ever again. He left her. She was afraid he would leave her just like what Caramel did but she was going to leave him soon instead. She is going to make Thunderlane endure all the pain she had gone through. Fluttershy didn’t want to die. She wanted to be with Thunderlane forever. Suddenly, an immense pain shot through her body. Her veins, bones and muscles felt as if they were on fire. She felt her vision go blur again and this time, her head was spinning too. She knew she was going to die. She’s going to die right in the middle of the hallway. Die in front of all her schoolmates. Die without a last look at Thunderlane. Her legs finally gave away beneath her. Her books fell with a loud thud onto the marble floor and she fell with her books. Everypony in the hallway turned to look at her. The moment she hit the floor, Fluttershy’s eyes closed and she lay still. Thunderlane ran all the way out of the train station. He waved frantically for a cab and climbed in. The cab broke down halfway there so Thunderlane had to run the rest of the way. His mane flew behind him and he felt sweat trickling down his forehead. Fluttershy is waiting for him in the hospital. She is still alive and waiting for him. He had to see her. He could see her pale face wincing in pain and she was crying and gasping. Thunderlane quickened his pace. Amberlocks was waiting outside the hospital. Tears stained her white face and she has a blank expression. “Amberlocks, where’s Fluttershy?” Thunderlane grabbed her shoulders and asked. Amberlocks didn’t reply but sobbed silently. “Thunderlane she’s in the emergency room right now. Dr. Hooves said her condition worsened. She fainted in the hallway. He reckons she could not live past the next three weeks.” Amberlocks said before breaking down completely. Thunderlane stumbled back looking stunned. He felt his ears pounding and before he knew it, he bolted toward the emergency room. “Fluttershy!” he shouted frantically trying to burst into the emergency room. Strongheart and another doctor held him back. Thunderlane fought desperately but couldn’t free himself. “Thunderlane, calm down!” Mr. Cheval ordered as he gripping his son’s shoulders and shook it hard. “How can I calm down?” Thunderlane yelled. “Fluttershy’s lying in the emergency room dying! How can you expect me to calm down?” “You’re not helping Fluttershy being this way! Calm down!” Thunderlane looked at his father wearily. “Father, I just want Fluttershy back! I just want her back…“ Strongheart clasped a hoof on Thunderlane’s back. “Fluttershy Glory, you are the meanest person in the entire universe.” Thunderlane said with a quiet and soothing voice. “We said we would be together. We promised each other we would never part. How could you be so cruel to me? How could you do this to me?” He hit her gently as he felt the prickly feeling in his eyes. “How could you make me worry about you like this? In Canterlot, I think about you everyday, and you have to hurt me like this. Fluttershy Glory, you’re horrible. How could you make me go through all the pain you went through for Caramel?” Thunderlane paused to swallow the prickly feeling. The ward was silent, and Fluttershy remained motionless. Thunderlane was unable to say anything anymore. He put his head face-down by Fluttershy’s cold hoof. “Fluttershy, I love you. For our love, please… Please wake up!” he wanted to cry, but somehow he just couldn’t. “I’ve changed for you, please wake up for me.” Moments ticked by and there was a soft murmur from the mare. “Thunderlane… Thunderlane…” Fluttershy was calling his name softly in a hoarse whisper. Thunderlane raised his head in disbelief. Fluttershy was stirring slowly. She closed her hoof gently around Thunderlane’s. “Take me to the beach, Thunderlane.” Her voice was hardly above a whisper and her lips were colorless. “Alright.” Thunderlane said soothingly. He gently picked up the fragile girl. Thunderlane carried Fluttershy along the beach with her face pressed against his. Their foreheads touched fondly. “Why didn't you tell me?” Thunderlane asked as he watched her pale pink mane blow around her. “I’m sorry, Thunderlane.” Fluttershy whispered. Her voice was soft and tired. She felt tears slide silently down her cheeks. “I don’t want to die, Thunderlane.” Thunderlane lay Fluttershy down carefully and sat down next to her on a large rock. Her skirt fluttered around her hooves and the sun blinded her slightly on the windy December day. “I don’t want you to die either, Fluttershy.” Thunderlane said as he wiped her tears away. “Thunderlane, I know I won’t be able to live any much longer.” Fluttershy said quietly. “Let our hearts connect forever. No matter what happens, I’ll always be there for you. No matter what happens, our hearts will always be together, ok?” Thunderlane looked at her fondly, his grayish tangelo mane whipping out behind him. He nodded and placed his hooves behind him on the cold rock. “Look at the ocean, it is very violent today.” He said. “Yes, I love the ocean. It’s calm sometimes, but violent and unsure at other times, just like our love.” She turned to Thunderlane. “Thunderlane, my heart will never leave you.” She closed her eyes, and so did he. They both leaned forward in unison and kissed very gently. Thunderlane placed his hoof on Fluttershy’s cold face and ran it through her soft pale pink mane like a comb. They kissed in front of the roaring ocean under the pale sunset. “Thunderlane, can you sing me a lullaby?” Fluttershy said quietly. They were back at school in Thunderlane’s dormitory. Fluttershy was lying in Thunderlane’s arms because she didn’t want to go back to the hospital. Thunderlane has been with her for every second since he got back to Ponyville. Strongheart had called Mrs. Glory. Even though Fluttershy objected to it, Mr. Cheval insisted that her mother be with her. “I don’t know any lullabies, Fluttershy, but I have a poem. It’s called ‘Together’. This is how it goes.” “I’ll hold your hoof and help you stand when you need me. I’ll truly love you and be your eyes when you are blind. I’ll help you find your way and be your compass when you are lost. I’ll keep you warm and be your blanket when you are cold. But I believe when we’re together, we can accomplish whatever we want. We will hold hooves, side-by-side, with nothing to worry and nothing to hide. We can be together. Just you and me together forever.” “That is a beautiful poem, Thunderlane.” Fluttershy murmured sleepily as her eyelids felt heavy. She put her head onto his shoulder and murmured. “Can you do all that for me?” Thunderlane kissed her on the cheek. “Of course I can. I would do anything for you. Remember, our hearts are connected.” He hugged her tightly. “I’ll remember…” Fluttershy’s voice trailed off and she fell into a deep slumber. “Fluttershy!” Mrs. Glory burst through the door and ran up to her daughter with a duffel bag clinging limply out of her hoof. She studied her daughter. Fluttershy looked so pale, so weak and fragile. She stroked her daughter’s face and hugged her tightly. “Hi, Mother.” Fluttershy said. Mrs. Glory began to sob. “Mother, what’s wrong?” “Oh, my dear, what happened?” Mrs. Glory said. Fluttershy felt pain shoot through her body and her body felt cold. “It’s alright, Mother.” Fluttershy managed to choke out. Her muscles were weakening again. “Fluttershy, look at you. You’ve grown so much skinnier!” her mother put her hooves around Fluttershy and turned to Thunderlane. “Thunderlane, dear. Thank you for taking care of my little girl.” She said, tears in her eyes. Thunderlane nodded. “Fluttershy, you should go back to the hospital. You will go through the operation.” Mrs. Glory insisted. Thunderlane and Mrs. Glory escorted her to the hospital where they filled in papers for the operation. “Mrs. Glory, please go and rest for a while. I’ll take care of Fluttershy.” Thunderlane offered. The lady smiled wanly. “Alright, I’ll go wait outside while you two chat.” She said, patting his shoulder. Thunderlane sat down next to Fluttershy and she grabbed his hoof. “Thunderlane, I’m scared. I don't want to have surgery.” She said and her eyes looked frightened. Thunderlane took her in his arms and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll be right next to you, Fluttershy. Don’t worry.” He said gently. “I’m afraid of dying.” Fluttershy confessed. “Everyone thinks I’m so noble and brave but nobody understands how scared I am inside. I don’t want to die.” She began to tremble slightly. Thunderlane hugged her tighter. “Everything will be OK.” He soothed. He hugged her for a long time, until she spoke. “Thunderlane, go get some rest.” She said. Thunderlane smiled and nodded. Fluttershy noticed dark shadows under his blue eyes and he did not harden his grayish tangelo mane with gel today. Fluttershy watched him leave and her heart began to hammer with fear. She was so scared, she was so afraid of death. She sat up and put her head against her knees as she cried in the dark. She felt so lonely, so lost… The door to the ward opened and Amberlocks stepped in. She was crying as well. “You called Thunderlane, Amberlocks. Thank you.” Fluttershy said through her sobs. Amberlocks nodded and hugged Fluttershy hesitantly. “I’m so sorry!” she whispered. Fluttershy hugged her back. “Amberlocks, I’m so scared. I don't want to have the operation. I don't want to!” Amberlocks held Fluttershy’s head gently. “Fluttershy, be brave. Not for me. Not for Thunderlane, but for yourself.” She encouraged. Both mares wept to drown their sorrows. Neither knew how long they wept but it made them both feel better. “Thunderlane, Mrs. Glory, Amberlocks, Fluttershy’s conditions has worsened.” Dr. Hooves said. “There is no hope. She can’t have the operation anymore. We have arranged for your last visits.” He walked away to his office. Mrs. Glory fell back onto the bench with tears flooding down her cheeks. Amberlocks gasped and Thunderlane shook his head before turning on his heels and racing out of the hospital. He ran with all his might until he stumbled and couldn’t run anymore. He put his hooves on the fountain in front of him and stared at his reflection. They were so close to extending Fluttershy’s life span. Now, she is going to die. He could not keep his promise and be with her forever. Thunderlane threw back his head and shot off into the December night sky. Mrs. Glory and Amberlocks sat by Fluttershy’s bedside. The air was filled with misery as even the weather was mourning. The wind howled and it began to rain. “Fluttershy, please wake up,” Mrs. Glory sobbed. “Mother is sorry. I owe you so much. I wasn't able to protect you, just like I couldn’t protect Caramel and you father. Why am I so useless…” “Mrs. Glory, I beg you to stop being this way.” Amberlocks said. “Fluttershy doesn’t need us to sob over her right now. She needs encouragement.” “You’re right, Amberlocks.” Mrs. Glory said. She turned back to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, look at all who love you so much. Look around. Open your eyes, sit up, and look around. We all love you so much, please wake up!” Despite all their talk, Fluttershy remained motionless and lifeless. It was seven o’clock in the morning in the ward. There was nopony except the patient in the ward. The clock struck seven and the patient’s hooves moved very slightly. Her eyelids twitched and fluttered open, like a butterfly spreading its wings. Fluttershy sat up very slowly. The last time she was conscious, she coughed blood and couldn’t breathe. However, her breath is back now. She got up slowly and walked along the hallway. For some reason, she was glad of the eerie silence and peacefulness. The hallways were empty and Fluttershy went down to the beach. She bent down before the rock she had sat together with Thunderlane and took out a piece of chalk. Fluttershy wrote the words very slowly as her hoof shook from weakness, “Fluttershy and Thunderlane Forever.” Then, she sat down on the rock to gaze at the churning ocean. “Dr. Hooves, where is Fluttershy?” Thunderlane demanded. The doctor turned, startled. “She’s not in the ward?” “No, I went to the ward but it was empty.” Thunderlane replied as he began to panic. He turned to search for Fluttershy again but Dr. Hooves grabbed his arm. “She truly loves you.” The doctor said. “You never knew how much. That time you got stabbed, it was she who gave you part of her liver. Even though she knew that if she did so, her life span will shorten. She saved you, not me. Go find her.” Thunderlane swung free of the doctor looking shocked. It was Fluttershy who had saved him. If it wasn’t for Fluttershy, he would be dead. If it wasn’t for him, Fluttershy would be able to live longer today. It was his fault. Thunderlane bolted out the hospital gates towards the beach, where he assumed she was. He was right. Far away seated on a rock, there was a figure in blue. He ran up to her but froze as he was three feet away. She turned and gazed back at him. They stared at each other for a moment and then Thunderlane, for the first time in his life, started to cry. He ran up and hugged Fluttershy. He kissed her cheek and her forehead. The tears he had been holding back his whole life spilled. “Fluttershy, why did you have to save me?” Thunderlane cried as tears streamed down his pale face. “I’m so sorry!” Fluttershy lay in his embrace. “Don’t be sorry Thunderlane. If I hadn’t saved you, my happiness wouldn’t have lasted.” She said as silent tears poured down her face. He hugged her like he could never let go as she lay on his lap. Fluttershy suddenly felt immense pain penetrate her body and she flinched. Her energy was drained and her lips were colorless and dry. “I love you, Thunderlane.” She whispered. “I love you, Fluttershy.” Thunderlane said. He could feel her energy draining and he knew she was dying. More tears leaked out of his eyes. “Remember the time when we first met? You were really mean to me.” Fluttershy said. Thunderlane nodded. “And the time when you accidentally kissed me.” “When our eyes first met.” “When we first broke up.” “When we first kissed.” Fluttershy’s voice got softer as she spoke. Thunderlane held her tighter. “Thunderlane, remember the poem I read to you?” “I remember every word.” “Can you read it with me?” Fluttershy asked. Thunderlane nodded as tears flooded his eyes again. Fluttershy smiled and began to clap as she chanted. Thunderlane joined in. “Love is a legend, love is a story. Love is a feeling, an experience, and a memory. It’s something I can’t see, It’s something just for two. Yet I feel so special, When I’m with you. Through storm and fire, I feel the strong desire. Down cliffs and rivers, So we can be together, Up mountains and hills, Just me and you forever.” They stopped together. Fluttershy’s arms felt heavy but she managed a soft laugh as she struggled to keep her eyes open. “Thunderlane, now let’s read your poem.” “I’ll hold your hoof and help you stand when you need me. I’ll truly love you and be your eyes when you are blind. I’ll help you find your way and be your compass when you are lost. I’ll keep you warm and be your blanket when you are cold. But I believe when we’re together, we can accomplish whatever we want. We will hold hooves… side-by-side… With… nothing… to worry…” Fluttershy stopped clapping and chanting. Her hooves fell onto her lap and her head rolled to the side against Thunderlane’s shoulder. Thunderlane felt tears penetrate his eyes but he did not stop. He continued chanting and clapping and finished the poem. “And nothing to hide. We can be together. Just you and me together forever.” Thunderlane looked down at Fluttershy but she had died. He felt pain strike through his heart and he cupped her head in his hooves. “Fluttershy, I’ll be your compass and blanket! I’ll be your anything! Fluttershy, please don’t go! Fluttershy!!!” he held her head and shouted as more tears streamed down his cheeks. A huge wave crashed against the rock with the words, “Fluttershy and Thunderlane Forever”. The words were washed away by that wave along with Fluttershy’s life. Fluttershy Glory died on December 14th, exactly two years after her brother’s death. Thunderlane stood by the ocean. It was three months after Fluttershy’s death. He glared at the ocean with tears falling unashamedly down his cheeks. He had promised Fluttershy they would be together forever, and he had decided that if she couldn’t stay with him, he would go to her. He took a step into the cold ocean… and then took another step … and then another… ~ Epilogue ~ Three years later Amberlocks and her husband Thunderlane watched their infant foal crawl in his play pen. Thunderlane was saved by Amberlocks but he lost his memory when he tried to drown himself. Amberlocks gazed at her happy family. She was filled with joy at what was given to her today, and she would never forget Fluttershy Glory, the girl who gave her all she had today. Far away, they could hear an orchestra playing the song of love. Fluttershy Glory, you will always be Thunderlane’s girl… Thunderlane’s memory… Thunderlane’s love… His princess… His angel… And Thunderlane’s universe…