> The Reign Of Blood vs Drago > by DontFearTheSuperman > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1(revised) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Everfree forest, stood a ruined castle. The outside of it looked decrepit, the stone walls overgrown with vines and moss, the large gash in front of the castle, baring entrance, except by crossing an old rickety bridge, the once stained glass windows, shattered in places, leaking sunlight into the castle. But, strangely enough, the draw bridge to the castle looked almost new, the wood clearly meant to last. The inside also looked untouched by age. The curtains, which should've been covered in dust from years of neglect, didn't have a speck on them. The armor and weapons were all still gleaming, as if they had just been polished. Even the thrones, one with a moon symbol, one with a sun symbol, looked as if the owners had just left a couple days ago, and the seats eagerly awaited their master's returns. Some people call this place, the Palace of the Pony Sisters. A rightly title, since the rulers of this land, Princesses Celestia and Luna, used to rule from here. That is, before the Nightmare Moon incident. Then the castle had been left behind, simply standing there, waiting until it is needed once again. Suddenly, an arcane portal appeared in the middle of the inner castle. The dark vortex pulsed with arcane energy, threatening to take the carefully woven magic of Equestria and throw it all out of balance. If one were to look at the portal from the entryway, it would appear to be the Eye of Sauron, staring them down. A figure stepped through the portal, and landed on the hard stone floor without making a single sound. The portal snapped shut, leaving behind the bipedal figure, who looked around the castle. His face was concealed by the hood of his coat, which was a black cloak with a red cloud pattern, going all the way from the front to the back. Underneath that, was a vest and pants that looked like Albert Wesker's from Resident Evil 5. He was armed, made obvious by the massive katana strapped to his side. The katana was about 2ft long, and the sheath was covered in a red, black, and gold pattern, that seemed to pulsate with power. The being know as Drago, activated his enhanced hearing and eye sight, checking the surroundings for anything unusual. He was pretty sure no one had sensed his arrival, he had gone to from universes using that magic, and was an expert at keeping it hidden. Only three people in the Multiverse could have detected that portal, and Drago was the only one in this universe. However, even so, Drago had kept his guard up, When he arrived, he had sensed something, strange, about this Equestria. Most Equestria's he went to felt calm, peaceful, and not a hint of darkness was in them. However, this one felt like it was hiding a dark secret, and that secret was just waiting for the day it could get out. Drago decided to move out, but stayed alert for anything out of the oridinary. He has lived a long time, and most likely will live even longer, because of how cautious he was. He hardly trusted anyone, and those he did trust, only a little bit. Through his travels, he had learned not to trust in anyone or anything too much, it could get you killed. He made it to the break in the earth, but kept walking. When he was on the edge of the gash, he put a bit of magic into his feet, float walking over the entire whole. He made it to the other side, and kept his steady pace. He knew where he was going, he had done this dance a thousand times. He would go to Fluttershy's house, ask her to take him to Twilight, and then observe the situation from her house. Most likely convince her to call the Princesses to her house, including Candance, if that was where this world's timeline was. All the way to the cottage, Drago encountered little, to no resistance. This wasn't because he knew his way, it was because of his aura. Ever since Drago had become an expert on all things arcane, he had learned that every living being, magical or not, had an aura. Magical beings could harness this aura, and shift it so that it took on the feeling they wanted it to. It could be benevolent, tyrannical, or neutral, and the more powerful you were, the less of your aura you had to exert. Drago knew that he would've faced opposition in the Everfree, so he let out a miniscule amount of his aura. That amount was still enough to tell all of the hydras, cocaktrices, manticores, and timberwolves, one thing, "This is an Apex Predator. If you value your lives, you will run away." However, thanks to decades of practice, Drago was able to send that message without any of the Princesses being the wiser. As such, he made good time through the Everfree, and soon came upon, the small town of Ponyville. He instantly made a B-Line for Fluttershy's house, wanting to get it over with as soon as possible. But, even as he walked towards the normally peaceful mare's house, he still felt that same sense of dread. It was almost like- but it can't be that, right? He abandoned this train of thought when he arrived at Fluttershy's house, and knocked on the door. He caught some movement in the curtains out of the corner of his eye. He smiled, he knew how he would play this. The door squeaked open, and he saw the familiar mass of pink that was Fluttershy's mane, "H-h-hello?" Drago knelt down so his eyes were level with the mare and smiled, making sure to retract his canines to appear less threatening, " Hello there, my name is Drago, and I am new around here. Purhaps you could show me into town, Ms....?" She eased the door open, apparently liking to his calm demeanor, "Fl-Flut-t-ter-shy, and I-I- would be happy to s-s-show you around, Mr....?" Drago stood up and bowed slightly," Drago, my dear mare." She went inside for a bit, making sure her animals knew she would be gone. After about five minutes, she stepped out the door," O-K, let's go, at l-l-least if you want to." Drago smiled again, as the two of them walked towards Ponyville. She still had the same innocent look and sound, but she still felt, off. Soon, they were inside of Ponyville, "Excuse me, Fluttershy, but what is that tree there in the middle of town?" Drago questioned. Of course he knew what it was, but it was better to keep up the charade for now. "Oh, that's Princess Twilight Sparkle's house, it's also a public library. Would you like to meet her?" Fluttershy asked. Judging by the fact that she was using full sentences around him, he guessed she trusted him a little more. Which was more than he could say for the other ponies, who were all staring at him. He didn't care, whatever they said didn't matter to- 'Aw, was wondering when she would show up.' As he had this thought, Drago spun on his heel, facing directly behind him. With his right hand out, palm up. Right before Rainbow Dash hit Drago, she stopped in mid air, forward momentum completely gone. "Hello there, and how are you this fine morning Ms....?" Dash backed up, still hovering in the air as she looked towards Drago's outstretched palm," Rainbow Dash, and how did you do that?!" Drago placed his arm and back at his side, "It is said that even a calming stream can stop a raging river. And how's about this Ms. Dash, if you come by after I have rested and meet with Princess Sparkle, I'll teach you how to go faster than you already are?" Rainbow got right up in Drago's face," Hah! Yeah right! I'm already the fastest flyer in all of Equestria!" "Oh is that so?" Drago said as he appeared behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Rainbow shot up into the air, looking at the spot where Drago just was, but seeing nothing," Huh, wh-" "That Ms. Dash was an 'after image' if you are able to move fast enough, you can leave a sort of clone behind. That clone will disappear sure, but it will fool your enemies for a bit. I can teach you how to do this later if you would like?" Rainbow Dash seemed ecstatic," Not even the Wonderbolts can go that fast! You bet I'll come by later, uhhhhhh-" "Drago." "Drago! But I'm still watching you," she said as she sped off behind a cloud. Drago looked down at Fluttershy, whose mouth was hanging open," Shall we get going Fluttershy?" Fluttershy, who was still a bit shocked at how easily Drago disarmed a situation with Rainbow Dash, shook herself back to reality," Hmm, oh, right. Lets go." It took a bit, but Drago and Fluttershy made it to the front door of Twilight's library. Fluttershy knocked on the door, and a boyish voice was heard beyond it," Coming!" A small purple dragon opened the door," Hi Flutters! How are-," the dragon stopped mid sentence when he saw Drago standing next to Fluttershy. Drago could feel the surprise emanating from the boy dragon. He figured this would happen, he did look pretty intimidating after all. Drago smiled again," Hello there little one. My name is Drago, and I am a universe hopper. To put it simply, I can move from universe to universe at will. I am currently here because, I just created a portal and am feeling rather exhausted. So, after I met Fluttershy and we exchanged greetings, I asked her about this tree house. She told me that a Princess lives here, so I figured, what better place to get some good hospitality. Is your Princess currently home?" The dragon seemed to take a minute to figure out what Drago just said. Then he shook his head," Uhh, yeah she is, come on in," he opened the door and Fluttershy and Drago walked in, Drago having to duck to get in the door," Twilight! I got someone you might want to meet!" A purple alicorn suddenly teleported into the living room of the library," Ok Spike, who is.....that?" Drago held up his right hand to stem the tide of questions he knew would come soon," To answer any questions you might have, my name is Drago, I am a universe hopper able to travel through the Multiverse at will, I have an almost unlimited knowledge of the arcane magicks at my beck and call, and while I would be glad to share this things with- hold on," Drago turned around and raised his other hand. Much like Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, who had just shot through the front door, was stopped in mid air," You must be Pinkie Pie, I guessed that by your color and that mark on your flank. To answer your questions, I like parties, cupcakes, Red Velvet Cake, sugar cookies, and as something to both you and Twilight, I would answer more of your questions, but first I want rest a bit in the guest room. If that is OK?" The three mares, and one dragon, were stunned, this being, had just stopped Twilight's and Pinkie's stream of questions before they even began. "I'll take silence as a yes," Drago said as he began to walk up the steps," Oh by the way Twilight. Since you are clearly not the only Princess here, judging by the letters on your desk addressed to a 'Celestia', I would suggest getting her and any other princess level ponies to come here to greet me." Twilight shook herself out of the stuper she seemed to be in," Oh right, well have a good rest, Drago." Drago nodded then closed the door to the guest room. As soon as he was gone, the mares and dragon's expressions of happiness all changed to ones of plotting. The atmosphere did a 180 and turned from light and peppy, to dark and sinister. The mares themselves seemed to change as well. Their mouths began to drip with drool, as their rounded herbivore teeth turned into two rows of razor sharp canines. Their tongues blossomed into tentacles, that began to thrash around, wanting to taste the blood of their next meal. Spike saw a similar transformation, only his was accompanied with large black wings, that seemed to only be made out of flesh and bone. The spines were white bone, while the flaps were blood red with a thin film on them. The most disturbing parts were their eyes. They had changed to the blackest pits of the abyss, sporting a thinly rimmed red iris in the center. Speaking to her friends without moving her mouth Twilight said," Well, it looks like we've got a new addition for the Queen." "Chosen, think of the power she would wield if we had him," this came from Spike as he licked his lips at the thought of such a thing. "Didn't you here him, Spike? There are more universes than just ours. If we could gain his abilities, our Goddess would not only grow in power, but soon, she would rule over the Multiverse," this came from Fluttershy, whose personality also did a 180 with her body. "Oh! Oh! HIs body will make the most delicious cupcakes!" this was from Pinkie pie, who apparently still thought of sweets even after the change. Princess, can you hear me?" Twilight said as she looked to the sky, seeming to talk to the roof. Then, a voice even darker than theirs had become, spoke into each of their minds, "Yes, my Chosen, I heard everything Drago said. Do not worry, I shall bring Luna, Candance, and Shining Armor there as well, and together, he will fall before us." The mares all smiled to themselves, glad to know that their Goddess was coming to help them in their task. Unbeknown to them, Drago was listening right behind the door of the guest room. Drago had known something was up, which was why as soon as he entered the room, he locked the door and put up a ward spell on it. The ward spell it self was not very strong, however, any intruder who tried to step through, would receive a rather nasty shock, and would instantly awaken Drago. Not only that, but the ward was enhanced with a stealth charm, so it wouldn't be detected until after the intruder stepped through and so no one could listen in or(just in case) see anything he was doing. To be extra sure, he put wards on the walls and the windows, as well, then he put his ear to the door, and using his enhanced hearing, listened. He had heard the entire conversation and all it did was confirm his theory. You see, ever since he came to Ponyvile he noticed something odd about the citizens, they all had a connection to each other. Drago, being an expert in magic, had looked into the secret world hidden from anyone without major magical talent. What he saw was, that almost every pony had a line of magic connecting them to each other. He saw one that seemed to go far off into the distance, and used his magical sight to follow it. The magic led him straight to the Griffon Kingdom, where there were the same lines of magic connecting all of them. And some of those lines led to the Dragon Kingdom, then the Minotaur Kingdom, the Crystal Kingdom, The Zebra Realms(sorry can't remember the name), and finally ending at the Changeling Hive. However, all of these lines had one thing in common, they all led back to a single entity at Canterlot. This entity exuded an extreme amount of dark magic and energy. Its aura was huge and it had the rotten feel of death, decay, murder, and age on it. Sure there were a few spots of beings without the magical lines on them, but these were few and far between. Drago recognized this aura; he had faced many like it before. It was the aura of an Old God. Drago stopped listening to the conversation, no longer needing to hear them talk as he had already discovered their ploy. He got into bed and laid down closing his eyes and letting sleep take him. A wild grin crossed his face as he slept. 'This is gonna be fun.' > Chapter 2(rewritten a bit) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drago slowly opened his eyes. The sun was up, but its rays were hidden behind the drawn curtains. Drago got up, and took stock of his situation. If he was right, he was currently in an Equestria where Celestia was an Old God who apparently had a hive mind connection with just about every sentient being in Equestria and was coming here soon. He was inside of the guest room of Celestia's "Chosen" Twilight Sparkle. And if he wanted to get out of here, he was probably gonna have to kill a whole lot of beings to get out. He grimaced at the thought. Even with his advanced arcane knowledge, he still couldn't cast that portal spell without an area filled with magic. So far, he had only sensed two places like that, The Palace of the Pony Sisters, and The Canterlot Castle. Sure, he could just teleport to the Palace right now, but.......his inner white knight wouldn't let him. You see Drago is a warrior. As such, he does in fact, believe in the concept of honor. And his honor dictates, that he never leave an innocent soul behind. Sure, he had no problem leaving behind rapist, murders, and others who commit crimes simply because it "felt good". But, he had sworn on his life that, even if it led him straight through the bowels of Hell itself, he would save those few innocents. So he couldn't leave behind those small pockets of none turned beings, no one deserves to be replaced by one of those things(well except for Blueblood). Drago walked to the wall right of the room, and pulled his hood back. His features were not pretty. On the right side of his face, was a wall of scars. One vertically going down his eye, one going horizontally across his cheek, and other smaller ones that marked parts of his face. On the left side, his face was entirely clear. No bumps, no creases, no wrinkles, just smooth skin. Drago sighed as he created a mirror and took in his face. He knew why he was like this, it was one of his own choices. Just about everything in the Multiverse has a price, and in order to gain his powers, his were his eyes. His right eye glowed with a red light, while his left glowed with a blue light in contrast. These were the Crystals of Balance, some of the most powerful objects in the Multiverse. Drago blinked disguising the crystals so they looked like normal, pale blue eyes. He then created a wooden desk out of the tree's bark, and began to lay out his entire arsenal of weapons. For one thing, he had his katana Null, currently in its sheath. Drago pulled out the blade and watched the black fire as it danced around the blade of the sword. Null was a katana forged by Drago and the legendary sword smith, Masamune's spirit. They had worked day and night to create such a weapon, and their hard work paid off. Null's blade was about as long as Drago was tall, and he stood at a 6'8". Null's power(as you can probably guess from the name) allows it to negate all types of magic. This includes offensive, defensive, arcane, runic, and Godly magic. As such, Null is considered a God Killer sword. Whenever it stabs a being that is considered a God, it begins to drain their power and immortality into the blade, thus turning them mortal. The blade itself could kill Drago, however their was a failsafe in place. The sword had a mind of its own, and it highly respected Drago, primarily because he gave it worthy enemies to fight. Drago shook the sword, "Yo Null, you up and ready." "I have been ready my master," Null said in his stereotypical Japanese samurai voice," I have merely been bored just sitting around in my sheath all day." Drago rolled his eyes, "I still don't understand why you chose to talk like that. It makes you sound stupid." "This coming from the man who once tried to destroy a black hole by throwing a cheese sandwich into it?" "I thought it was just hungry!" Null sighed as Drago laid him down on the table. He then drew his massive European broadsword, William. The sword itself was bout 80 or so centimeters long, and much broader than Null. It was longer, however Drago had forged the blade down to a smaller version of what it once was. The reason for this, was to unleash its hidden power. The sword was named after William Wallace, a Scottish revolutionary, who led the Scots to many victories against the English. One of the most recognizable features for Wallace, was his massive Claymore. Drago had wanted a sword like that, so after shortening the blade, he put a lot of his power into it. Now the blade could grow up to the length of Sephiroth's sword, but still keep its broad blade. William could also adopt any element that Drago wanted him to at any moment in time. "Eh laddy, when are we gonna get to taste some blood?!" William said in his Scottish accent, also stereotypical. "Soon William, soon. Just be patient." "What do ye mean 'be patient'? Ain't ye the one who always sa-" Drago then placed William down on the desk. "Patience is a virtue, but that doesn't mean I have to like it," Drago finished for William. Drago, then began to place all of his weapons on the table. Thanks to the Bottemless Box Drago had gotten from his time in Dark Souls, he could carry an untold amount of weapons with him at all times. He had all sorts of guns, swords, knives, scythes, bows, arrows, crossbows, spears, axes. throwing knives, kunai, ect. Drago had so many weapons, that he had to extend the desk into a table, then the table into shelves, and then the shelves into lockers. And even then most of his weapons had to be put on the floor. Drago shook his head with a slight chuckle, surprised at the massive armory he had amassed over the years. 'Why do I have so many weapons again?' he mused to himself. He snapped his fingers, 'Oh yeah! Cause I'm always so motherfucking careful.' Drago had to admit, he was a bit paranoid. And of course by that he meant a lot! He almost never trusted anybody, kept his massive armory on him at all times, and had studied under every martial arts, sword, bow, gun, spear, ect. master in the Multiverse. He was recognized as a Master Ninja, Wizard, Swordsman, Knight, Theif, Assassin, and Bowman, in about ten universes. Though it was this exact caution that had saved his life more times than not. Satisfied with his loadout, he gathered up all of his loot. All his weapons but Null and William went back into the Box. He strapped William to his back and Null to his left hip, making sure to be able to pull them both out at a moments notice. He then lowered the ward around the door and stepped out into the living room. 'Time to meet another God.' When Drago came out of the door, he saw exactly who he expected to see. Sitting in a circle waiting for him were Celestia, Luna, Candance, Shining Armor, and the Elements of Harmony. The alicorns were at the front of the circle, the part facing towards the stairs, with Celestia at the head, Luna and Twilight to one side, and Shiniing and Candance to the other. Behind them were the remaining Elements, including Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy. As Drago descended the stairs, he noticed that they all looked at him with a mixture of impressions. Rarity seemed to be wondering about his clothes and who made them. Applejack looked unimpressed, while Rainbow seemed to be struggling to hold back her excitement at becoming faster. Ever the bookworm and scientist, Twilight looked like she was ready cut him open and pick his brain for information. Pinkie was, well, she just bounced with some crazy eyed expression on her face. Luna and Shining seemed to both be looking him up and down, no doubt trying to measure how much of threat he would be. Candance's expression seemed to be one of awe at how tall he was(only Celestia was able to look him in the eyes while sitting). Celestia tried to keep a straight face, her royal training at hiding her emotions asserting itself. But Drago saw through that. He could see that in her eyes she was analyzing him, ranking him, and planning to make him hers. There was a bit of an awkward silence was Drago descended the last stair. Celestia decided to be the first to speak," Hello there Drago. My name is Princess Celestia, one of the diarchs of Equestrai. My former student Twilight Sparkle told me of your arrival," she said indicating Twilight with a sweep of her wings. The then motioned towards Luna," This is my sister and other diarch, Princess Luna. Luna bowed a bit to Drago," It is a pleasure to meet thee. Pray tell, what is that weapon at your side?" she pointed to the katana at Drago's side. Drago glanced downward, "Oh this is just my weapon. I never go anywhere without it." "You know your going to have to give that thing to the guards when we get to Canterlot, right?" this tidbit came from Shining Armor, whose guard hadn't lessened a bit. Drago could sense that he didn't trust him, that was good. He knelt down, and looked Shining right in the eye, exerting a bit of his aura onto him, "No. I don't believe I will have to Mr....?" Shining stepped back a bit, as did the other ponies(except the alicorns. Drago didn't want to give too much of his power away just yet) "Shining....Shining Armor captain of the Royal Guard. Twilights brother and Husband to Celestia's niece Princess Candance," Shining put a hoof to his mouth, he didn't mean to say that much. Drago smiled. One advantage of exerting his aura over a weaker being was they were compelled to tell the truth. He stood up and looked at Celestia, raising his eyebrow in question, "I was not informed that we would be going to Canterlot." Celestia still kept a straight face as she answered, "Oh, yes. You see we are currently having a diplomatic situation in Canterlot and my sister and I figured that-" "It would be a good idea to bring me so I could meet the other rulers of the other kingdoms. Yes I can see how that would work," Drago said cutting Celestia off. Luna seemed angered by this and made it known my growling at Drago, "Watch your tongue nave! You speak to a princess!" Drago merely looked at her with a bored expression, "True, but she's not my princess." "Sister stand down, Drago was in the right, I am not his ruler nor is he one of my little ponies," Celestia said putting a hoof on her sister's shoulder. Luna seemed to accept this and relaxed a little, "Yes, right. Please forgive me Drago," she said with a small bow. Drago returned the bow, "No problem, you were only defending your sister. I can understand that. After all family is one of the most important things in the world." They all seemed to perk up a bit at this, especially Applejack and Shining. 'I must admit, they do some good impressions of their characters,' Drago mused to himself. Drago looked in Rainbow Dash's direction. She was currently hovering over the group of assembled ponies, " I'm sorry Ms. Dash, but I'm afraid our speed lesson will have to wait till another time." Dash nodded her understanding, but still looked a bit disappointed. He then turned to Pinkie, "And Pinkie, looks like your party for me will also have to wait." She giggled as she bounced, "No problem silly! We'll have all the time in the world for parties later!" Drago nodded pretending not to notice how creepy what she said hand sounded. He then addressed Rarity, "Oh, and who is this mare right here?" Drago bowed a bit, "Hello, I do not believe we have had the pleasure of meeting yet Ms.....?" Rarity seemed to blush a bit, most likely not expecting Drago to be such a gentleman, "Oh darling! It is good to see such a gentlecolt in this time. My name is Rarity and I must say that your cloak is beautiful, where did you get it." Drago stood up and smiled, "I made it myself actually. However, the material I used, that we'll have to talk about that later." Rarity seemed to accept this as Drago turned to greet Applejack. "Hello there, and who are you?" Applejack tipped her hat, "Howdy, mah name's Applejack! How are ya?" Drago materialized a hat on his head, "Well, I'm mighty fine today," he said mimicking Applejacks accent to the letter. He got a couple of snickers from his performance, but Celestia and Twilight seemed interested on where his hat came from. "How did you do that?" Twilight asked, floating a quill and parchment over to herself. Drago looked towards her and pointed toward the hat, "Oh this, I can conjure up just about anything using magic, watch." He then threw the hat in the air and Drago formed a horseshoe in his hand. He flung it at the hat, and once it hit, they both disappeared in a dazzling lightshow of magical power. All of the ponies clapped for Drago, clearly impressed by his display. Drago took bows to the applause he was getting, "Thank you, thank you, you're too kind." He then looked towards Candance once the clapping died down, "You've been awfully quiet Princess Candance. I guessed that from how your by Shining and he said he was your husband, also at how you're the only other alicorn in the room." Candance seemed taken by surprise, she thought Drago hadn't noticed her, "Oh right. Um, well I've been meaning to ask, have you ever loved somepony?" Drago froze, a memory he thought was lost coming back to him... "Cupa what are you doing?! Get back here!" "Good bye Drago. I'll always love you. Take good care of this world." "NOOOOOO!" and with that Cupa unleashed an explosion that rocked The End to its core. Drago, fought back his tears, not wanting these things to see him weak. Keeping his voice even he replied, "I did once, but she's gone now." The mood in the room took a sharp turn afterwards, no one really knowing what to say. Candance continued, "Wh-What happened to her?" Drago, his voice still even said, "She died saving my life and the lives of countless others. The memories we made shall be with me for a life time, maybe more." Candance and Fluttershy both rushed to Drago, hugging his arms, both saying this like, "You poor thing!" and "I'm so sorry for your lose" tears sliding off of his cloak. Once the mares were done and back in the circle, Drago returned his gaze to Celestia, "So, how are we getting to Canterlot?" "I was going to teleport us there. But if you have a preference...," she let the sentence drag on, waiting for an answer. Drago rubbed his chin, hidden from the ponies view cause before he left the room, he pulled his hood back up," Actually, I was hoping we could take a train there. Gives me a chance to see the rest of Ponyville. Map out the town so to speak." Celestia seemed a little disappointed, but tried to hide it behind a mask of indifference, "Hmmm. You would be good company during diplomatic talks." Drago laughed heartily at that, "Oh no no no, I don't believe so! I am more of a soldier than a politician. Then again, I guess they normally make the best ones!" Luna smiled at that, "Yes! Exactly! Soldiers are usually the ones not afraid to resort to force during peace talks," she looked towards Celestia, "We keep trying to tell our sister that, but she never listens!" "Lu lu, for the last time you can't just blast every single last diplomat who disagrees with you." "But Tia, it would be so much faster!" Luna whined like a child. Drago cleared his throat, hoping to get everyones attention, "As amusing as this squabble is, I believe I have a tour to take." And he began to walk towards the door. 'Welp, time to meet the locals.' Drago waited until the whole group caught up with him. Then he pushed the door open. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drago wasn't sure how he didn't expect it. The moment he opened the door, his heightened senses should of picked it up; maybe even before that. His senses had told him when ninjas were going to attack him. They had told him when a betrayal would happen. They had even let him guess what move his opponent was going to make at chess. But somehow, someway, this mint green mare was able to bypass all of those senses. And get the drop on Drago. Needless to say, he didn't take it well. She had originally only come to look at Drago's very human hands. However, that turned out to be a big mistake on her part, and on his part. As soon as her hoof tapped Drago's hand, he grabbed her by her neck, swung her up against the outside of the tree, and had Null up to her throat. The black flames were only inches from cutting her, she could be dead in an instant. Thankfully, Drago's common sense asserted itself here, and got him to look his would be adversary up and down. Turns out, it was Lyra Heartstrings. That Drago could understand. No matter how many Equestrias he had gone to, Lyra was always one of the first to jump him. Mainly to look at his hands. Thankfully she wasn't crying, of course that was only because her expression was still one of shock. When the others came outside and took in the scene most of them looked ready to attack Drago. But Drago had been in these kinds of situations before, he knew how to handle it. He gently set Lyra down, while holding Null away from her. He didn't want to start a fight yet, not until he had gotten a feel for the place. Learn how smart they are, and what they could do. "I'm so terribly sorry for that ma'am, please do forgive me," Drago gave a bow to Lyra. She seemed surprised, the sudden change in the human causing her a bit of shock," Um, it's fine- I guess." Drago stood up and nodded, then looked towards the others. They were all still in alert mode, ready to strike at a moments notice, "I must apologize for my behavior. You see I pride myself on my alertness, and when Ms. Lyra touched me, I reacted. I didn't mean to cause you or her any alarm and I am sorry. However, if it makes you feel any better, I shall put away my two current weapons." Shining seemed to get even more suspicious, "Two weapons? We can only see one." "Yes, that is because, my other weapon, William, is strapped to my back. It has an ability that allows it to fade in and out of existence, which is probably why you didn't see it when I went to the door. Now then," then both Null and William vanished into thin air and Drago's hands and back were empty. Twilight looked both surprised and interested, "How did you do that?" Drago looked to her with a smile, "Simply Ms. Twilight, I have a type of warp backpack technology." Rainbow looked confused, "What is that?" "To tell the truth I do not know how it works. All I know is, that it kind of 'phases' my weapons in and out of a pocket of space, thus allowing me to access them at anytime." Drago turned back to Lyra, and extended his right hand, "Now I believe we got off on the wrong hand there. My name is Drago. And yes and no, I'm human, but not exactly." Everyone seemed to calm down after Drago explained everything, but Lyra looked curious, "Huh. How can you be human but not human?" "I am a bit of a hybrid. I have absorbed many of my enemies, giving me their traits and abilities," Drago smiled as he thought of how he obtained the power to absorb things. He had gone to the Prototype universe and convinced Alex Mercer to convert him, you know during Prototype one, before Mercer became a huge jerk. But, once he did, Drago chose to leave Mercer's company, not wishing to help him on his insane quest. "To demonstrate," Drago then unfurled his wings. They were jet black in color, and looked like a bird's wings. This is how he wanted them, Raven wings. He could, of course, fly without them, but they just completed his look so well. Plus, he had modified them so they could become metal instead of organic, and launch jet boosters for a burst of speed. Everyone 'Oh'ed and 'Aw'ed at his wings. They were even larger then the Princesses, yet still looked built for speed. "So, Ms. Lyra, any questions." Then Lyra fainted. Apparently, the sight of a human hybrid with wings was too much for her brain to process, and it shut down. Twilight's and Rainbow's however, were going at full speed, "Can you actually fly with these? "How fast can you go with them?" "How did you get them?" "Can you go faster than me?" "Are they magic?" "Can you show me how to make mine bigger?" Drago put fingers to both mares mouths, "Yes. 2 light years, which are basically faster than the speed of light. I got them when I absorbed a dragon. Yes. A little of my own magic. They'll grow with age. And you guys aren't surprised at how I absorb dead creatures?" They all seemed to pause at that, trying to come up with something to say. Drago probed into Twilight's mind to see if his ploy had worked. Yep, they were worried that Drago had figured it out, and currently trying to come up with an excuse. Celestia did, "H-Hey, I think the train arriving! We must be going my little ponies, wouldn't want to be late!" At that they all sped off towards the town. Drago smiled, they had no idea how much he had discovered. Once they were in the Main Square of the town, Drago decided to test something, " Say can you guys tell me what the major spots around here are?" Pinkie jumped up to Drago's face, as some very upbeat music started, "Can we? Girls!" Yup. They went into one of those musical numbers that got the whole town in on it. Not wanted to let his ears bleed, Drago took out his headphones and Ipod, and began listening to his music(Songs end at around the same time). Once the musical and song were over, Drago looked at the gathered populace, "Sorry, I wasn't listening." "WHAAAAAAT!?" "But I got where everything was, there's the Library, Sugarcube Corner, Fluttershy's House, Cloudsdale, Town Hall, Apple Acres," and Drago continued to point to and out every shop in town. This seemed to relax the populace, but Luna still seemed angry as she trotted up to him, "And, pray tell, what caused you to not hear our spectacular performance?" Drago held up his Ipod, "Human music. If you want I can give you all a live concert." Most of the crowd cheered their approval, and Drago got into the middle of the crowd. He summoned his favorite guitar, it was black with red streaks going across it. Drago had perfected a type of magic that allowed him to play and sing the song(even if he didn't have all of the instruments) and sound just like the band who originally played it did. So, he summoned a mike and played. Yeah, you can be the greatest You can be the best You can be the King Kong banging on your chest You can beat the world You can beat the war You can talk to God, go banging on his door You can throw your hands up You can beat the clock (yeah) You can move a mountain You can break rocks You can be a master Don't wait for luck Dedicate yourself and you gon' find yourself Standing in the hall of fame (yeah) And the world's gonna know your name (yeah) 'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah) And the world's gonna know your name (yeah) And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame You can go the distance You can run the mile You can walk straight through hell with a smile You can be the hero You can get the gold Breaking all the records they thought never could be broke Yeah, do it for your people Do it for your pride How are you ever gonna know if you never even try? Do it for your country Do it for your name 'Cause there's gonna be a day... When you're standing in the hall of fame (yeah) And the world's gonna know your name (yeah) 'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah) And the world's gonna know your name (yeah) And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame Be a champion, be a champion, be a champion, be a champion On the walls of the hall of fame Be students Be teachers Be politicians Be preachers (Yeah) Be believers Be leaders Be astronauts Be champions Be truth seekers Be students Be teachers Be politicians Be preachers Be believers Be leaders Be astronauts Be champions Standing in the hall of fame (yeah, yeah, yeah) And the world's gonna know your name (yeah, yeah, yeah) 'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah, yeah, yeah) And the world's gonna know your name (yeah, yeah, yeah) And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame (Be a champion) You could be the greatest (Be a champion) You can be the best (Be a champion) You can be the King Kong banging on your chest (Be a champion) You could beat the world (Be a champion) You could beat the war (Be a champion) You could talk to God, go banging on his door (Be a champion) You can throw your hands up (Be a champion) You can beat the clock (yeah) (Be a champion) You can move a mountain (Be a champion) You can break rocks (Be a champion) You can be a master (Be a champion) Don't wait for luck (Be a champion) Dedicate yourself and you gonna find yourself (Be a champion) Standing in the hall of fame Once the song was over, Drago's guitar and mike disappeared. He looked at the crowd. All of their expressions said the exact same thing. He had inspired them. Soon a roar of applause was all that could be heard, as the ponies slammed their hooves together or into the ground. They sounded like a stampede was coming through town. Drago bowed deeply and picked up a lone rose that had fallen from the crowd. He sniffed it and it smelled wonderful. He always had a soft spot for nature, one of the reasons he didn't like ponies. They thought they could control nature through magic, but they were wrong. Nature is magic and vice versa. Using one to control the other is just sick. But he shall put up with it for now. The crowd dwindled as ponies went on about their business, and Drago and company began the trek to the station once again. "We must admit, thou played very well. Prehaps you will, do another of those, 'concerts' at the castle after the diplomacy is done." Drago did a little bow, "I'd be honored to L- hold on." Drago looked ahead and saw three fillies coming towards their party. He stopped walking, so did the others when he did. He saw that it was Sweetie Bell, Applebloom, and Scootalo. But that wasn't what had caused him to stop. Sweetie Bell had a eye patch. Drago stood in her path and bent down towards the filly, a serious expression on his face. Sweetie Bell backed up, the stranger making her a bit uncomfortable, "Uh, Rarity. Who is-" "Who did it?" Drago's sudden question surprised every one present. Especially Sweetie Bell, who was backing away from him. "I-I-I don't-" "Your eye patch doesn't fool me. I can see through it and I can sense any injuries on your body. Who did it?" Drago said with a bit more forcefulness. Rarity stepped forward, worried for her sister, "Sweetie, what's he talking about." Sweetie Bell looked down and removed her eye patch, revealing the swollen eye underneath. Everyone gasped, except for Drago, whose hand began to get a familiar itch. He knew this itch, it was face lust. "WHO?" Sweetie Bell broke down as her sister rushed to her, taking the crying filly in her arms," I-I-It was Diamond Tiara a-a-and Sliver Spoon! Th-The-They caught me without-" She didn't even have to finish. Drago was already running towards Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. He had already caught their auras and was in hot pursuit. "Where are you going, Drago?!" Candance called after him. But either he didn't hear or he didn't listen. Drago was pissed. Sure he hated ponies, but there were a couple of things he hated more than them. One: Sexism Two: Racism Three: Slavery Four: Snooty rich bullies who think they can get away with anything just because they have money. And five: people who say they hate fan fics, but yet read them anyway. Drago looked towards the readers, "I'm looking at you all of those haters who are still reading this or the Crimson Fucker is Here! But for those of you who are supporting the Author and giving him constructive criticism, thank you." Drago looked back towards his targets. He had been running pretty fast, and had acquired a lock on the two bullies. Both were heading towards Tiara's house, their backs to Drago. Drago held his hand out, flat, parallel to the ground. He began to focus and absorbed the powers of the elements into his right hand. It began to glow golden, as the elements of shadow, light, chaos, harmony, fire, water, earth, lighting, and others all fused into it. Drago then created a shadow clone of himself, its right hand radiating the same power that the originals was. They both brought their hands across their necks, holding the pinky out while still keeping it flat. Soon they were upon Tiara and Spoon, and as they jumped and spun in front of them, Drago said a small plea in his head. 'Lord Malideus, please, make my pimp hand strong!' Then they both shouted, "ATOMIC BITCH SLAP!!!!!!" They both brought their righteous pimp hands across the hos faces, causing time to slow down. The universe seemed to want to get every angle on this impressive bitch slapping. Soon, time resumed and the two hos were launched across the ground. They face planted hard into two trees on the edge of the Everfree forest, then their bodies slumped down, leaving a trail of blood down the tree. Drago and his clone looked at each other. They bro-fisted. The clone disappeared in a puff of smoke. There was one other title that Drago was proud of. Second Greatest Bitch Slapper in the multiverse, right behind Malideus, his idol. "Drago!" he heard Celestia's scream as the rest of them appeared. He was about to wave, when he sensed danger and dodged to the right. Shining Armor slid across the ground on his hooves, and turned to face Drago, "You fiend! So far you have assaulted three ponies! I say that warrants arrest!" Drago pointed an accusing finger at Shining, "OBJECTION MY GOOD SIR! I was merely seeing that justice was done! Tell me, what would you had done if bullies did that to your sister or wife?!" Shining once again seemed flustered at Drago's response, "Well, I, um..." "Exactly! You would've taken them out of sight and beat the crap out of them! Am I right?" "Shining Armor!" everyone's attention was drawn to Celestia, "I vouch for Drago, Faust knows I would've done the same thing if it had happened to Luna." Shining calmed down and dropped the matter. Then Drago spoke again, "Besides their fine, watch. Tiara! Spoon! Get yo bitch asses over here!" "Yes sir!" Suddenly, Diamond Tiara and Sliver Spoon were both at Drago's feet, eyes shining with the will to serve. They appeared relatively unharmed, except for a red mark on their cheeks that disappeared after a bit. Drago addressed all of them, "Your see, I don't normally use that move on females. When I use it on males, it cause them to disintegrate, but when I use it on females, it turns them into my bitches. In other words, they have to do everything I say." Drago sat at a window seat in the train, watching the landscape pass by. After clearing up everything with the CMC, the group had made it to the train station and gotten on. Drago was given a room alone, except for Tiara and Spoon, who waited on his every need. He noticed that when he had hit them, their connection to Celestia was broken. She couldn't control them anymore. Drago smirked. 'Get ready Celestia. There's a new king in town.' > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia was not happy. When you are an Old God, few things can surprise you. Normally you've lived sooo long, you've seen just about everything. Celestia was no exception. She's seen all of the fighters, berserkers, mages, archers, summoners, even the odd jester. She's faced deception, small rebellions, religious uprisings, tries at seduction(to her, her sister, niece, Chosen, and Chosen's friends), She's even faced other Gods who have come here to take over her domain. All of them had tried, but yet all of them had failed. Yet when Celestia fought them, she felt confident, knew she could win. When she looked at them, she saw an ant waiting to be crushed. But when she looked at Drago, she felt fear. She felt like the ant. "Is something troubling you, my Goddess?" she heard Applejack ask her. "No, my subject. I'm fine," She lied with an attempt at a smile, which is hard when your mouth is split open. Her and her subjects were currently in a train car together, while Drago was in the other. She had given the ticket vendor specific instructions, via mind link, to split up the group like this. After what she had observed, she needed to confer with her subjects, make a plan. And they didn't need Drago listening in on them. "Applejack,"she said turning to see the Element of Honesty, did Drago ever lie to us while we were in Ponyville?" It was a bit of a quirk that came with taking the Elements of Harmony and turning them into her children. For some reason, they all seemed to keep their Elements powers. Applejack held her forehead with a hoof, seemingly deep in thought, "I'm.....not sure, Goddess. Everything that feller said, felt like the truth." Celestia had done her best to get rid of that southern drawl that seemed to run in the Apple family. She had the most success with Applejack, who only slipped into it sometimes. Celestia was confused, something that was never good for Old Gods. While they are older than nowadays Gods, that usually just means they are more powerful, and more all knowing. They are always there, in the shadows of the younger Gods, just waiting for enough followers to give them power, and then they can strike. And with their knowledge from watching the world above, they know just about everything. In other words, when a younger God was confused, you had a problem. When an Old God was confused, you were screwed, "What exactly do you mean 'felt like the truth'?" "Well, normally, I'm able to tell when a ponies lying and when their telling the truth. But with Drago......It felt like something was blocking me from hearing the lies. I don't 'stand it myself," Applejack replied. Celestia sighed from the seat besides the window. She was the only one sitting, everyone else was in a semi circle facing her. "Alright then, so we know he has a defense against Applejack's, did we ever come with a name for it actually?" All she got were ponies who found the ground very interesting. Ok, so from now on, we call it 'Lie detection' ok? Do we know anything else about him?" Shining Armor spoke up, "Well, if he is able to block out Applejacks lie detection, then we have to assume everything he told us up to this point may have been a lie." "Hey! Not everything! I've seen his speed myself! He can definitely go faster than me! I'm not sure about the speed of light though." Rainbow Dash said. Celestia turned to Twilight, "Chosen, have you been sensing any magic from him?" Her Chosen spoke up, "Well no, except when he used that move on Tiara and Spoon. What was it called, the 'Atomic Bitch Slap'?" Celestia winced at the mention of that name, she knew that was not a lie. She felt the move magically rip Tiara and Spoon from her control. Whenever she tried to reach those two in Drago's room, she didn't get anything. No thoughts. No movements. It was like someone had taken her children away from her. And she hated that feeling. "That most certainly was not a lie. Whatever it was, it caused me to lose my connection to those two fillies." Celestia closed her eyes in concentration, and went into her mindscape as she called it. It was the network that connected all of her subjects to her, all the way to the Changeling hive. "Attention my subjects, beware of the one called Drago's, 'Atomic Bitch Slap'. Do not let it touch you no matter what!" she gave these orders to all of her followers. She didn't want to have to feel that pain again. She opened her eyes and spoke to her gathered once more, "Anything else to report?" ]"Besides the fact that he has wings, is very alert, and possibly only has two weapons on him, no nothing else my Goddess," Luna said while bowing. Celestia nodded, "Luna, I want you to go in to his dreams, and see if you can find out anything else about him." Luna seemed a little surprised at the order. Celestia liked that. She had given each of her followers just enough free will to not be robots, but not challenge her either. You can tweak others like that after creating 'better' versions of them. "If you don't mind my asking my Goddess, but why?" Celestia attempted another smirk, "Because if there is one thing I know about males, stallions or not, no one can resist the charms of a beautiful mare." Luna, after seeing the wisdom in this, bowed her head, "May your will be done Goddess." With that she sat up next to Celestia, and closed her eyes. Celestia looked out the window, watching the landscape roll by. 'So that's how you want to play Drago, alright then. Lets play.' "Seriously, you two can go do....anything else besides stay with me." Drago said to the two fillies under his control. While he was glad that the two hos got what they deserved, he still didn't like them listening to him. Slavery, in any form, is still slavery. Which is one of the main reasons why he only uses the Atomic Bitch Slap on males or females who really piss him off. But, for the most part he only uses it on males, I mean it only disintegrates them. But the females, they're pretty much forced to serve him against any will of their own. While he was happy to learn that using it was a way to get them out of Celestia's control, he didn't like that they would just be put under his control. No one should have to live like that. So, whenever he gets some bitches this way, he tries his best to get them to do something of their own free will. "But all we want is to please you master!" unfortunately, it didn't work with these two. Drago attributed it to the fact that they had been under Celestia so long, that it was hot wired into their brains. He would have to find a way around that, but figured he could do it later. "Alright. Well it would please me, if you two were to go stand guard at the door. Tell me if anyone comes in or out. I'm going to sleep." They both saluted their pony way, and zipped over to watch the one door in the car. Drago had already put up the same ward he had used back in 'The Chosen's' guest room, on the door and window. Thus he didn't really need them guarding him. But he didn't really need sleep either. It was a little plan of his, while his information gathering was going smoothly, he needed a bit more before he could act. And what better way to get information about someone, then from their own blood sibling? Drago, stretched out on the cushion that normally is in train cars, which was quite small compared to him, and prepared to nap. He told himself to wake up once he thought he had gained enough info, and closed his eyes. Drago's eyes slowly opened. He got up and looked around the blackness that was his mind. He sighed, he liked it here. Here he didn't have to think about anything. Not his past, not his present, not his future, not anything. All he had to do, was rest. That rest of course was eliminated when he suddenly found himself in a room that looked like one of those police interrogation rooms. He was in a chair on the right side of a small square table. He sighed an unhappy sigh, he knew exactly who this was. Suddenly, black and red crows began to filter in to the room from nowhere. They began to take on the shape of a man in the other seat. The man was tall, about 5'11", and he radiated power. The crows formed a pin stripped black suit, with a matching tie and hat. This was the only person who could ever enter Drago's mind. He never knew his real name, he only ever introduced himself as... ...The Author. "Hey Drago, listen Luna's trying to get into your head," Drago saw this coming. The Author was one of the main reasons why no one could mind control him or get into his dreams, they had to go through The Author first. "I'm only telling you cause, I want to know if you want her here or not." "Let her in, her sister probably sent her here to seduce me, but I'm going to turn on the charm." Drago said using his winning smile. The Author laughed, "Since when did you have charm? If I remember correctly all your previous female party members either left you, or want you dead!" "Not Cupa." There was an awkward silence once Drago said that. The Author sighed, "I told you I'm working on that." "Well then work faster!" Drago said slamming his fist on the table. The Author didn't flinch, "You know that only you and the other two can get her back, so stop whining. Now do you want Luna here or not?" "Yeah, let her in." With that the landscape changed once again. Drago was on the moon, looking down at Equestria. The whole planet, looked exactly like earth from space. Now if only you could get past the brighter colors and cleaner atmosphere. "Hello, Luna. I see you somehow got into my memories of human women," Drago said as he turned towards Luna. Sure enough there she was in her moonlight dress and anthro. Drago of course, let her into his memories, he could stomach it a lot better if she was anthro. He wouldn't go too far, just far enough to get what he wanted. "I see you were expecting me," Luna said as she caused a couch to materialize out of moon rocks. She sat down and patted the seat next to her, gesturing for Drago to sit. He obliged, and then just stared out into space, watching the millions of stars that are mostly likely dead now. Luna got closer, hugging his arm, "So, do you want to talk about yourself?" Drago removed his hood, revealing his face, and looked her in the eyes, "Actually, how about we talk a bit about you?" Luna seemed surprised by this, "Oh, I'm sure you don't want anything to do with me, after all," she broke eye contact, biting her lip, "Everypony is afraid of me." "Oh I doubt that, I mean they don't have a reason to be," Drago said trying to sound reassuring. Luna looked up at the night sky, her sky, "Oh, but they do." "Well, I'm here to listen. I won't judge I promise." Luna looked to him, hope in her eyes, "Really?" Drago nodded. And then Luna recounted her time as Nightmare Moon. All the way from when she tried to take control, to when she got hit by the Elements. Drago knew this story, but if his plan was going to work he need to listen to Luna. "And that is how I reclaimed myself. But she is still with me, always trying to get out," Luna concluded tears threatening to come to her eyes. Drago asked the one question she never expected to hear, "Have you tried talking to her?" "What!?" "Well, I've been in your situation before. I have a part of myself that just wants to go bezerk and kill everyone. However, I talked to him, and we reached an agreement. Whenever, I am fighting people or when I want to punish an extreme jackass, like a rapist, he gets to come out and have some fun. However, all the other times, I'm in control. That way, I never hurt anyone who I don't want to." Luna looked unsure, "I don't know..." "Look," Drago said, "She is still a part of you, which means she's you. She's your violent side, no matter how much you want to ignore her. The more you ignore her, the stronger she gets and sooner or later, she's just gonna get out of control. Please, give it a try?" Luna looked at Drago's eyes. He had made sure to put as much trustworthiness into them as possible. Luna sighed, "I'll try." She stood up and looked out at the moonscape, "Nightmare Moon! I know your out there! Come on out!" "I have always been here, Luna," said a voice from behind the couch Drago was on. He got up and saw an alicorn who looked just like Luna except older, taller, and with more badass armor. Drago walked around the couch to her and held out his hand, "You must be Nightmare Moon, it is a pleasure." Nightmare seemed to hesitate a bit before shaking Drago's hand, "I'm sure it is." Drago decided to take control of the conversation, "So, from my understanding, you took over Luna and used her body to try to create an eternal night?" "Yes, for it was our birth right. They are our ponies two, but yet they all just love the dawn and fear the night." "I see, you want to be recognized for your actions," Drago said nodding, "You want ponies to see the night the way they do the dawn." "Correct, but yet my other self was too weak to accomplish this task." Luna turned around, fury evident on her fact, "Too weak?! I didn't want to hurt anypony!" Nightmare turned to her with the same fury on her face, "Which is exactly why our sister beat us!' "It's both of your faults." Both the mares turned on Drago, the fire in their eyes getting brighter, "You take that back!" they said in unison. Drago pressed on, "You both are only interested in what other people think of you. When in reality, you only need to know one thing." He pointed to both of the alicorns, "Are you happy with yourselves?" "Yes." "Are you?" "Y-yes," they both said with less certainty. "Are you?" It took a second, then they both bent their heads forward, "No, we're...we're not." "And why aren't you?" "Because, we always look for approval from other ponies, and our sister. And usually, those things cause us great distress. Hay, we only came here because our sister order us to seduce you." Drago took a small step towards both mares, "And do you want to seduce me." "No, we only want to know you." "Is that you talking or your sister?" "Us." Drago nodded, taking another step, "Alright then, my advice to you two would be, stop worrying about what other people think of you or the night you create. Only look for your approval. Is this night you created good to you? Yes? Then be happy with it and move on. No? Then get rid of it and start over. Never just give up because some ponies love your sister better than others. Be happy with what you do, and do it to the best of your ability. And if someone tries to hurt you or anyone you want to protect, hit them until they stop moving." Drago grabbed both mares in a group hug, "Be happy, because this is a rare occurrence for anyone." Both alicorns were surprised and tense for a few seconds, then they relaxed and hugged Drago back. They stayed that way for a couple minutes, until the alicorns broke the hold, "Thank you." "Now lets talk." Drago awoke in his car a few minutes later to the sound of a train's whistle. He looked out the window and saw that they were in Canterlot. 'I hope what I did for Luna helped,' he thought as he got up and walked out of the cabin, 'Because shits about to hit the fan.' > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drago stood there wondering, 'How did it come to this again?' He thought back to the point where they had just gotten off the train. Drago walked out of the cabin, his hood back up. He called Tiara and Spoon to him, and began to make his way out towards the door. When he arrived, he saw his escorts all waiting for him at the exit. He nodded to each of them and stepped down on to the station platform. He looked around at the crowd and noticed something, strange. In all of his years of dealing with nobles, Drago had come across two patterns when it came to their actions around new beings. One: They would glare at it and instantly start to question what it is doing invading their 'elegant' space. Two: They would be pointing and running in fear of it. But, none of the nobles seemed to even spare him a passing glance. They all just went about their daily business, as if Drago had been with them since they were children. No screaming, no glaring, no nothing. As the rest of his party got off the train, Drago turned to Celestia, "Hey Celestia." She turned to him, "Yes Drago?" "Umm, what's with all of the nobles?" Drago said using his thumb to indicate the still walking ponies. "Hmm?" Celestia tilted her head, a questioning look in her eyes. "In all my experiences with nobles, they don't just ignore it when something new comes into their city. Most of the time, they just run in fear of it, or start to glare and gossip." "Oh, don't worry about that, my sister and I have completely broken the nobles of that behavior. Believe me," she said this with an(attempt) at a motherly smile. Drago wasn't buying it for a second. It was clear that Celestia had ordered her subjects to not overreact when he got there. Cute trick, if only Drago didn't know nobles so well. "Alright then, lets get going," Drago said beginning to lead them all towards the castle, which wasn't hard to spot since it was on a cliff. "So are we taking the long way to the castle or the short way?" Drago asked while slightly turning his head to look back at his entourage. "We think the short way would be best, we wouldn't want to keep the dignitaries waiting any longer, would we our sister?" Luna asked Celestia. She nodded, "Yes, Luna is correct, I believe I know a shortcut through the city, allow me to lead." Drago nodded and fell back a bit so Celestia was in the front. "So, Drago my sister tells me she visited you in your dreams." "That she did Celestia, and I must say she is quite the conversationalist." Rainbow flew up next to Drago, "So that's all you did while we were on the train?" She began to raise an eyebrow in suspicion. "Yes, in fact it was Ms. Dash," Drago said with finality, ending the conversation. They began to walk through the streets of Canterlot, the city just the way Drago remembered it. He still could hardly stand all of the colors, but he steeled himself. He looked down at Tiara and Spoon, both fillies still looking up at him, their eyes shining. Tiara was on his left, and Spoon was on his right, "Can you two please, not stand so close to me? It's kind of uncomfortable." They both bowed their heads and walked a respectable distance away from Drago. Drago thought for a second he felt Celestia glaring at him, but when he looked back, she was just staring straight ahead. Shining was looking at them with concern, "How long does, whatever you did to them, last anyway?" Drago noticed that all of the ponies ears perked up at the question. Obviously, they were wondering how long it would be until Tiara and Spoon could be brought back under Celestia's hoof. Drago wasn't nervous, but a tiny bit worried. He knew if he told them, it would give them a huge advantage over him, "Well-" "HEY! What's the big idea?! Why in Tartarus did you bump into me bitch?!" "What are you talking about?! You're the one who bumped into me dweeb!" Thank the universe for that. They all stopped walking and turned towards the commotion. Apparently, two griffons were currently staring each other down. One, a male judging by how much taller he was then the other, looked to be a guard griffon. He had on leather armor, and carried two scimitars on straps in his armor. His fur was blue in color, and covered in patches that looked like scares, while his body looked dark green, like swamp water. The female griffon, looked to be your average griffon. White fur with a brown body color and golden beak. However, this griffon was special, because Drago knew who she was. Gilda Behertz. Out of all of the characters and species in Equestria, the griffons were the main ones Drago could tolerate. They were basically Equestria's version of the Spartans, but not as awesome. Their warrior culture fit Drago like a glove, and if there was one griffon he liked the most, it would be Gilda. Out of all of them, she was one of the few to get an entire episode devoted to her. And if there was one thing Drago learned from fighting the griffons himself, it was to not fight someone out of your league, unless you knew you could beat them. And right now Gilda was way out of her league. Drago could tell, the male's stance, the way he carried himself, this man was a warrior, maybe a captain. He had far more training than Gilda, and could crush her like a bug. But he also knew that Gilda wasn't one to back down. Gilda was having a bad day. She had just arrived in Canterlot to deliver some fish for the coming dignitary to eat. She should have been assigned to guard duty, but someone(CloudHorn) was apparently a good enough cock sucker to weasel the position away from her. Now here she was walking through the crowd of snobbish, dweeb ponies, when this fucking griffon smashes into her. To be fair she wasn't looking where she was going, but she didn't really care at that point. "Hey! What's the big Idea?!" Gilda was furious at this point. She didn't care who this fucker was, he just rammed straight into her and thought it was her fault! She didn't bother listening to the tiny voice in her head, telling her to back down, "What are you talking about?! Your the one who bumped into me dweeb!" "Do you know who I am hatchling!? I'm the captain of the Griffon Royal Guard, as such you should be the one apologizing to me!" the male said. "I wouldn't care if you sprang fully formed from the head of Zeus, you bumped into me!" Gilda said, getting closer to her opponent. "Who the heck is Zeus?!" "How should I know?! All I do know is that there is currently a bitch in front of me too stubborn to say 'I'm sorry'!" The captain of the guard sneered at Gilda, his right talon drawing a scimitar. "Why you little..." he raised the scimitar above his head, bringing it down in an arcing strike. Gilda went wide eyed, she hadn't seen him draw it until it was too late. She close her eyes waiting for death. But it never came. "Excuse me," some kind of biped creature had grabbed the captains talon in its claws, "but it is not very warrior like to kill an unarmed opponent." Drago had been watching the entire exchange. Knowing Gilda, things were going to get out of hand very quickly. Seeing the captain's right arm tense up, Drago thought 'Called it' and moved quickly, dashing to the griffon. He grabbed the arm when it was in mid swing, saving Gilda and stopping the male in his tracks. "Excuse me, " he began, still keeping a firm hold on the surprised griffons face. By now they had both turned to face him, their eyes growing wide at the sight of an unfamiliar biped. Gilda fell over on to her right side, relief making her body go slack. Also, Drago noticed, a small crowd had formed around them, eagerly waiting for Drago's next move. None more so, than Celestia herself. He knew this was her doing, she probably planned this from the start. A way to test his abilities and see what type of person he was. It was clear that Luna had kept her promise and not told Celestia much. He focused back on the situation at hand, "but it is not very warrior like to kill an unarmed opponent." He let the male griffon's hand go, and the male scrambled backwards, drawing his other scimitar as he got into a bipedial stance. He held one sword horizontal and the other vertical, "Who or what the heck are you?!" The griffon had gone to Drago's left, so Drago only focused his left eye on him, "My name, my dear sir, is Drago. And I would appreciate it if you were to kindly, apologize to the griffon you clearly bumped into." Drago looked towards Gilda's prone form, "Excuse me, what is your name young lady?" "G-g-g-g-Gilda, Gilda Behertz," she said still a bit shocked at what happened. "Well, then Gilda, if you do not mind, I would like to be your champion in this fight." Gilda shot up and hovered next to Drago. While she was happy he had requested to fight for her, her wounded pride caused her to get angry, "Hey! I can take care of myself, and I don't need you to fight my battles for me!" Drago turned to face the male griffon, "That maybe true, but as you can see..." Drago shouted out, "Excuse me, but would you please tell us your name?" "It's ThunderClaw!" "ThunderClaw here is certainly much more experienced and stronger than you, as evidenced by the scars on his body," Drago by pointing to ThunderClaw. Gilda looked ThunderClaw over and began to rethink her options. Of course, Drago knew she would be fine. Luna had told him how Celestia's 'children' can reform themselves from a single cell, though it takes them a long time. If Gilda were to attack, she would have been defeated, then reformed later on. But Drago also knew that these creatures still had that same sense of self preservation that all intelligent life has. The drive to survive, no matter what the cost. He saw Gilda visibly swallow her pride, then she turned to him, "Alright fine. But don't think this means I owe you!" Drago bowed to her, "Thank you ma'dam, the only thing I ask is that if I win, you will fight with me if the I ever request it." "I said NOT to think I owe you!" "You do not owe me. But according to the rules of the warriors and champions, 'If someone will fight for a ladies honor, he may ask a boon of her, no matter what it is. YOU don't owe me. But your honor does." Gilda looked down, "Fine, whatever." She knew there was no arguing with that, unless she wanted to completely lose her honor. As a warrior she couldn't let that happen. "May your will be done then," and with that Drago was gone. The next thing ThunderClaw knew, Drago had him by his face. 'Oh yeah that's how I got here' Drago thought as he shoved ThunderClaw forward, taking his feet out from under him. Drago then let go of the offending griffon's face and, while he was still falling, formed his hand into a fist. He then focused a tiny ounce of his magic into his hand, as he slammed it into the griffon's chest. The resounding shockwave from ThunderClaw hitting the ground, blew back the manes of all the ponies present. Drago brought his fist back up, and slammed into the griffon, hearing his bones crack as he screeched in pain. ThunderClaw tried to slash at Drago with his scimitars, but Drago was ready. He gabbed the griffon's wrist and twisted them, causing ThunderClaw to grunt in agony. Drago wrenched the swords from his grasp and put them up to the griffon's neck in a crisscrossing manor. "I believe you owe GIlda an apology," Drago told the prone griffon. Knowing he was beaten, ThunderClaw choked out, "I'm sorry." Drago grabbed his head and brought him to his feet, "Say it so all of these nice people can hear you!" "Don't you mean ponies," some random voice from the crowd said. Drago turned towards where he thought the voice came from, "If I ever start saying that while I am here, I will slice my own neck." He turned back to the griffon in his grasp, "Say it!" "I'M SORRY!" Drago dropped the griffon on the ground. He looked in Gilda's direction, "Lady Gilda, does this satisfy you." Then Drago looked at her wings, which were standing at attention. He pointed to them, "I shall take that as a yes." Gilda, cheeks turning red, sped off without another word. He turned towards Celestia, "I believe that in order to avoid further problems, I would like you to teleport us to the castle, if it's not too much trouble." Celestia still seemed deep in thought. Not thinking she heard him, Drago walked up to her and snapped his fingers. She shook her head as she came back to reality, "Hmmm. Oh, Uh, no Drago, it's no trouble at all." She turned towards the rest of the party, "Everypony gather round, were teleporting!" After everyone was in a circle, with Drago in the middle, Celestia focused her magic into a golden aura that encased the party. Soon, they were gone. When Drago discovered he was going to Canterlot castle, he thought it would be a trap. The question was, what kind of trap was it going to be. Were they going to poison his food, wait until they got him alone then attack him, send an assassin at him while he was asleep, try to magically bind him as soon as he walked through the gates? He was expecting some kind of subterfuge, however, he always expected it to a subtle trap. When they appeared in the Throne room of the castle, Drago was not expecting to see an entire army of dragons, griffons, changelings, Royal Guards, Night Guards, and minotaurs surrounding him about 5ft from the door, and the thrones themselves. They all had one thing in common, their eyes were black, like the abyss, and their mouths were filled with tentacles, and dripping with drool. He was not expecting this kind of trap. But that did not mean he couldn't beat it. Sensing danger, Drago moved quickly dodging Shining Armor's lunge, his mouth filled with sharp teeth, ready to take a bite out of Drago. Shining missed, and hit the floor with a hard 'CRAK', signifying his broken teeth. Drago moved in front of Celestia, and made Null appear at his side. With his right hand, he withdrew Null and swung it in a diagonal slash, aiming for her chest. Drago's fight had finally begun. > Chapter 6 (edited a little bit) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gilda shook her head, "Stop thinking about him!" After Drago had taken down ThunderClaw, Gilda sped away to the griffon capital. The whole way there, she couldn't get Drago out of her head. Unknown to most, Gilda had a small semblance of how magic felt. She got it after being around Rainbow Dash's 'friends' for a little bit. The only thing she really knew, was what magic 'felt' like coming off of a powerful person. She was able to feel this when she was around Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, and Luna. All of their magic told her that to face them in battle would mean suicide. However, she always felt their magic at its fullest. They wore it around like a cloak, a testament to why they are alicorns. But with Drago, Gilda got just a small sense of his power when he fought ThunderClaw. But from that small sense, Gilda could tell he was more powerful than all of the alicorns combined. His power, she couldn't explain it. It just felt like it towered over everyone, but yet he could control it. It felt like, if he wanted to, he could take down this entire planet, by himself, in three days. That is what attracted her to him. In griffon, and just regular society, it is natural for the females to go after the most desirable males. This mostly meant to go after whatever male is the most powerful out of all the others, the one who could beat all the rest. Before, Celestia was top dog around here, as such there weren't a lot of hook ups, since both the males and females desired her. But, with Drago coming here, that changed. Gilda shook her head again, but no matter what she did, her thoughts kept coming back to him. Call it instinct, or whatever you want, but she really couldn't let him go. It was a mixture of her pride, competitive attitude, and need. Her pride and attitude, demanded that she beat every other female out there, and get him to be hers. While she needed him to be able to protect any children they had, thus securing their legacy on the planet. While she was having these thoughts, Gilda stopped in her mid air, her wings flapping against the wind. She heard someone call her name. And not just any someone, Drago. "Gilda, I'm calling in that boon." She instantly reversed direction, and sped off towards where his voice had come from. She wasn't sure what she could do for him now, but she didn't care. She saw that she was heading towards the Canterlot castle, and felt a tug on her mind. Her Goddess was asking for her help, but she shook it off. She broke free of Celestia's control, using a mixture of three things. Willpower. Duty. And love. 15 minutes before Gilda turned around Time seemed to slow down for Drago, as Null left his sheath. Celestia was in front of him, mid transformation, her eyes going wide at how Drago was able to get close to her this quickly. She knew he was fast, but didn't expect him to be able to get at her this quick. As the rest of the party bore down on Drago, hoping to latch on to his skin and bit deep, Null continued to travel into Drago's right hand. He brought it out and slashed Celestia diagonally across the chest. Before one blood drop could even fall, Drago jumped back and hopped across the heads of his opponents towards the thrones. He landed on his feet, back to the army, and called William forth onto his back. Gripping the handle with is left hand, he brought is out and held both of his weapons by his side. When time turned back to normally, and his party got up from the shock of the fact they just tried to eat the floor, Drago looked towards the wound the gave Celestia. Just as Luna told him, Celestia's skin quickly patched itself up, and soon not even a scar was left. Drago grinned, the one thing Celestia didn't see, were the black flames Null's cut had left behind. Rather than dissipate, they went inside of Celestia's skin, along with all of her healed tissue. She didn't feel it, because Drago had yet to activate it. Drago spoke to his swords using telepathy, 'Alright boys, the fun starts now.' 'We shall burn the flesh from their bones!' Null said, his voice holding greater vim. 'Oy! It's about time ya wee lady!' William said, his usually drunken voice now more coherent. Drago watched the army, waiting to see them make a move. The crowd parted down the middle, across the gap, walked Celestia, and her entourage. Their black gazes shifted up and down Drago's body, like predators watching as their prey was backed into a corner. Once they were at the front of the army, the gap closed, giving Drago the image of a the Black Gate of Mordor shutting. An uneasy silence fell on the throne room, until Celestia broke it, You'll have to forgive me for the deception Drago, but I'm afraid this was inevitable. Sooner or later, you would've died, then joined us. However, as you yourself intrigue me, I shall give you a choice. One: you can choose to fight us and we will make your death slow and painful. Or surrender now, and we will make it quick." She said this entire sentence with a bored expression, like she had done this countless times before. She probably figured most people would go for the former. Drago was not most people, "Or I can choose option 3." Celestia laughed, a laughed that resonated with a darkness only seen in Hell, "Oh my dear Drago, there is no option 3." "I must disagree my dear, there is always an option 3." Celestia's laughing stopped, and her eyes narrowed, "Oh, then pray tell, what is this 'option 3'." Drago pointed Null at the left most corner of the army, and began to drag it to the right, "I kill every single last one of you, and walk out of here and get some manticore to eat." There was silence for a bit, until the entire room, erupted into laughter. All of the mane six began to roll on the floor, holding their sides, and the rest of the army joined in as well. Getting himself under a bit of control, Shining said, "Kill us all!? You maybe strong Drago, but there is no way anypony could pull that off. And to top it off, you're alone!" Drago smile grew wider, "Oh but who says I'm alone." That was when everyone stopped laughing and looked at the elephants in the room. Almost the entire army had thought what Drago said was funny. Except for Luna, Silver Spoon, and Diamond Tiara. They all began to make their way over to the throne, until they stood on each side of Drago, Luna on the left, and the others on the right. For the most part, the entire army was shocked, evidenced by the fact that they stopped laughing, got up right, and now their jaws were on the floor. It wasn't Tiara and Spoon's desertion that surprised them, Celestia had warned them about how Drago was able to severe the connection. But Luna's betrayal, now that was new. "Lu Lu, what are you doing?" Celestia asked her sister, for the first time allowing her voice to show confusion. "What We believe is right sister. When We visited Drago in his dreams, he gave us something we have not had in a long time. Peace of mind, " Luna replied, her voice not showing a hint of remorse. "But, I can still feel the connection-AGGH!" Celestia cried out at the end of her sentence, her head pounding like a jackhammer. "You mean that flimsy magical connection you have with your slaves? Yeah, I took care of that when Luna was in my dreams. The only reason you haven't felt it till now is because I placed lots of magical blockers on it so you wouldn't find out about it until just now," Drago said, smugness in his voice. "Also, when Luna was in my head, we planned this whole entire thing out, and she told me what every single last one of you can do, so you can't surprise me, at least not yet." While still holding her head, Celestia replied, "I have underestimated you Drago, however, this doesn't change a thing, it's still only four against," she paused to count how many soldiers she had, "180, 200, 310 soldiers!" "Correction, it's five against 310 soldiers." The army began to look around, startled at the seemingly invisible voice. However, Celestia and her gang didn't look around the room, but right at Luna. When the rest of the army caught what they were staring at, they all gasped in horror. At Luna's shadow was slowly going out to her left side, and growing in length. The shadow itself grew to be taller than Celestia and then it moved upward, turning from 2D to 3D. No introduction or description was needed for the form the shadow took. Every species there had heard the stories of what she did years ago, of who she was. Nightmare Moon. "But how? We already got rid of you?!" Twilight asked, her mind swirling with reasons on how Nightmare Moon could come back. "Also, how in the world did you get your own body?!" Nightmare spoke up, her voice seeming to echo across the room, "That is all thanks to Drago." She looked over at Drago and nodded to him, he just waved it off, "Meh, tweren't nothin'. All I did was the one thing nobody ever thought of, I talked to you. That and used a bit of shadow magic to allow you to gain your own body, and move as far away from Luna as you want. To put it into laymens terms, you are no longer shackled to Luna, you're your own person." Celestia seemed taken aback, "But, that kind of high level magic.... Only a very powerful-." Celestia seemed thoughtful for a minute, before attempting to smile again, "You surprise me yet again Drago, I look forward to having you under my thrall. And while, your 'crew' I believe it is called, is impressive, it is still only five." "Oh, thanks for reminding me," Drago looked towards the ceiling and shouted, "Gilda, I'm calling in that boon you owe me." For five minutes nothing happened, then Gilda sped through the window, breaking it, and appearing on Drago's right side. She skidded to halt, bringing up dust in her wake, before looking at Drago with wide eyes, "Yes Drago! What do you need?!" Drago noticed the girlish squee in her voice, "Kind of eager aren't we, Gilda?" Gilda got the hint and composed herself, standing next to Drago, facing the army, "T-th-that's only because, IIIIIII, want to get this 'boon' thing cleared up! OK!?" Drago nodded and turned back to Celestia, "That makes six, now just to arm up." Drago raised his sword Null high into the sky. "By the black flames! I gift you with Null's power!" And then...nothing happened. Drago kept holding Null in the air and things got awkward. "Ehhhh, give me a second," Drago said as he brought his katana down and towards his face. "Null, what is going on.... You don't feel like it!?.....Listen I need those armor and weapon sets right now!.....I don't care if it makes you dizzy just do it!" Celestia looked towards Luna, "Are you sure you picked the right side, sister?" "Shut up, Tia!" both Luna and Nightmare said at the same time. Drago's face lite up, as he lifted Null into the air again, "Alright, it should work-" And then the flames from Null's blade exploded outwards, blanketing the area around the thrones in dark fire. Drago, Luna, Nightmare, Tiara, Spoon, and Glida were all engulfed until they couldn't be seen. The army flinched as the heat of the flames grew in intensity, threatening to set them ablaze as well. When they first saw the wall of fire, they were sure Drago had killed them all. Then the flames cleared. Drago himself was relatively unchanged, but his sword William was now glowing with ethereal black flames licking it. The four ponies, and one griffon, however, were drastically changed. In Luna and Nightmare's places, stood two alicorns in completely black armor. The armor itself seemed to ripple with magically energy, the air around it shimmering every so often. The armor looked both sturdy enough to survive a warhammer, but light enough to be able to move quickly in. Laced with the emblems of the moon, the armor made the alicorns hard to tell apart, other than their height difference. On their backs were twin moonsteel long swords, that glinted with moonlight and had black fire moving in waves from the bases to the tips. Tiara and Spoon, were similarly armored, except they had red bows with black fire tipped arrows. The bows seemed to fade in and out of reality, giving them a ghostly look. Finally, Gilda's mid section was covered in black leather armor. The armor had runes etched into it, that spread throughout her arms and talons, allowing her access to flame magic. On top of that, each of her wings had runes in them, allowing them to extend into black flame curved blades. She could use these blades to cut foes with her wings, or pull them out and use them with her claws. The runes on her wings allowed her for a never ending supply of these blades. They all looked themselves over, seemingly awestruck at their new attire. "This is new. I did not expect you to gift us which such awesome armaments." Luna said flexing her wings, which stayed the same, but had a little bit of armor on them. "It is true, thou hath done a wonderful job," praised Nightmare floating her sword out with her magic and giving it a few test swings. "Wow, just, wow," Gilda said, putting her claws out in front of herself. A small wave of black fire shot out, startling her, causing her to hop back a bit. Once she realized she had done that, she tried it multiple times, getting a feel for it. "Our master gifts us with weapons!" Tiara shouted in glee. "That means he is pleased with us!" Spoon replied. Pinkie shook her head, "Oh I get Gildy, Lu Lu, and NIghty, but why bows for Tiara and Spoon author!? It makes no sense!" The entire crowd looked at Pinkie like she was insane. Except Drago who simply said, "Oh, whenever someone becomes my bitch, I give them enhanced strength, speed, and weapon proficiency, my hoes gotta be able to fight!" Now the crowd looked at Drago like he was insane. "You can understand her?!" Twilight asked. "How?" "That's not important, what is important, is that you are about to die. Charge!" Drago shouted as his party ran towards the enemy army, all of them drawing their weapons, and Gilda taking to the skies. "Everypony! Charge!" Celestia shouted. While the army marched forth, Celestia and the mane six stayed behind to watch the proceedings. As Drago and his party charged their adversaries, a dark part of Drago's mind looked on through his eyes. The dark being chuckled with amusement. "This will be a bloodbath." > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drago was no stranger to a massive fight. He had been in war before, and it wasn't pretty. He has been outgunned, outnumbered, outmatched, yet still he came out on top. This battle was no exception as he waded into the thick of the enemy force. They piled on top of him, and his party, hoping that their number advantage would win the day. They were wrong. Drago's party sprung forth from the mass of enemies, creating a shockwave of black flame as they all jumped into the air, reaching the roof of the room. The flyers, dragons, changelings, pegasi, and griffons, moved fast. But they were not fast enough as Gilda flew to the front and released a wave of fire over the airborne foes. Screams of burning agony and pain were heard, as they fell to the ground. However, Gilda failed to hit an adult Dragon, who flew past the fire. It was coming towards her, its mouth open to a new easy meal, the tentacles thrashing about. However, that was the way its mouth stayed as, Drago got in front of Gilda, his raven wings flapping in the wind. He brought William to bear in a horizontal slash. The slash burned through flesh and bone, causing both parts of the Dragon to drop to the ground. Gilda was stunned for a second, before she realized the mistake she made, "Drago I'm-" "Save it for when the battle's over! Luna, Nightmare, throw me into the middle of the remaining maggots!" Drago shouted to his comrades. Luna and Nightmare looked at Drago with confusion. "Are thou crazy?" Luna asked. "I agree, thou would surely-" Nightmare was about to say before Drago cut her off. "Just do it!" Not exactly wanting to make Drago mad for fear of his true wrath, they both grabbed him in their magic. Their horns both glowed a dark blue, as they brought Drago back, then fired him down towards the mass of enemies. Drago folded his wings against his back, and put both of his sword arms forward. Increasing his speed using magic, Drago shot towards the throng of monsters like a missile. As if to add to this, black fire started to envelop his figure, increasing his speed, but not seeming to burn him in the slightest. He finally crashed to the ground in an explosion of flame, taking out a great many of the small army. Dust settled across the area where Drago landed. It could almost be considered No Mans Land as every you looked, you saw burning patches of fire, body parts of all types, and you could smell blood and death. The rest of Drago's party came down around him. He shot his right arm up, bringing Null in a full circle over his head, "I just did a scan of the area outside of the dust! We have killed about 110 of then! The 200 that are left are currently surrounding us, so I suggest we get back to back, and get ready to fight!" Without further encouraging, everyone got into a circle as the dust began to clear. Sure enough, the entire enemy force was running towards them on all sides. When they were almost upon them, Drago shouted out, "NO ONE GETS INSIDE THIS CIRCLE!" Drago moved fast, cutting the enemies left and right as they got in front of him. None were able to get past his wall of blades as he cut them down. Drago allowed his vision to go red for a second, as he released the reigns on his demonic side for a bit. He eventually got bored of the continued meet grinder, and pushed his foes back with a shockwave. Then, he sheathed Null and William and closed his eyes. The world around him grew dark as he ceased to see, to feel, to breathe. When he opened his eyes, they were glowing a red and blue color. He grabbed Null and William's grips and brought them out. Using his magic he fired two massive waves of energy towards the remaining enemies in front of him, one horizontal, one vertical. The waves tore through the floor and columns until they finally reached the stunned enemies, causing an explosion of black fire. When the dust from the blast cleared no opposition was left. Luna and Nightmare were fighting almost in perfect tandem. Luna would slash foes to pieces, while Nightmare would blast them to bits. One dragon tried to get past them, but he was held in the air by NIghtmare while Luna filled him with magic until he was about to burst. Then Nightmare threw him into the horde and he exploded with black fire, not leaving a single enemy in front of them alive. Tiara and Spoon didn't let a single enemy get close to them. They were firing arrows faster than their foes could recognize. Soon they got into a rhythm and if you looked at them all you would see is a blur. While their enemies were riddled with enough arrows to be considered a volley from an entire unit. Finally, with a gleam in their eyes, they brought their bows together. The bows started to burn hotter, as they brought their hooves back and fired one last arrow. I think you know what happened when that arrow hit the enemy position. Gilda slashed left and right in a biped stance with two swords in her talons. For the most part she was just like Drago, as they both moved faster than the eye could see. However, while Gilda was skilled, could not keep the enemies at bay. One of the griffons was able to get a bite into her right gauntlet, forcing her to break her stride and drop her sword. But then, she grabbed him by his face, and fired a massive laser of black fire out at the remaining enemy. She moved it from side to side, killing anything left in her path. She looked at her arm, and was amazed that the bite hadn't even gone through the armor. Before anyone knew it, the entire area was clear of foes. But Drago knew better. he had noticed that none of the unicorns had been in that force. Only the melee troops were there. He looked towards where Celestia was and saw in front of her a line of unicorns all ready to fire off a spell. They launched the spell at party, smug looks on their faces. They put all of their power into this attack and expect Drago to easily fall to it. Drago instead merely said, "Bitches please," and before the spell hit them, he backhanded it back at the unicorns. Apparently it was an acid spell, because as soon as it hit the casters, they melted into nothing but bones. Drago pointed Null at Celestia, "Bitch, was that all you got?" Celestia merely smiled, "Drago, what makes you think you were actually able to kill my children." That was when Drago smiled, "Oh you mean the fact that they can regenerate from a single cell? Yeah I got that." He brought Null up to his left shoulder. "Null. Burn them away," and then a tornado of black fire engulfed the entire throne room in front of Celestia. She covered her face as the vortex spun around the room, making visibility zero. Then when the fire cleared, standing in the middle of the room, were Drago and his party. And not even a single cell remained of the enemy army. "You see, Celestia, my sword Null can do a number of things. For one, like its name implies, it can nullify all types of magic. Runic, black, white, all of them. It doesn't matter what type, Null can nullify it. Along with that, whenever I cut someone with Null's blade, its black flames 'mark' the person. I can then activate the flames whenever I want to no matter how far away I am. And the flames will not stop burning until, every cell of the being is consumed in black fire. Not only that, but it can also negate the healing properties that come from being immortal or invincible, thus making it a God Killer weapon." While neither her face, nor her voice betrayed it, Celestia was worried. This weapon could in fact be her downfall! Then she thought about it a little more, and realized it could also be Drago's, "That maybe, but you have yet to kill all of my children." "Oh you mean the mane six, Candance, and Shining Armor about to pounces on us right....NOW!" As if on que, the affor-mentioned ponies jumped down from the roof of the throne room. However, instead of landing on top of our heroes like they planned to, Luna and Nightmare, grabbed them with their magic and launched them at the floor. The enemy ponies flipped and bounded until they were standing up right, in front of Drago's party. Drago could almost here an announcer going, "ALRIGHT! THE MATCH UPS HAVE BEEN SET!" Drago VS Pinkie Pie and Applejack! Glida VS Rainbow Dash and Rarity! Luna and Nightmare Moon VS Twilight and Shining Armor! And Diamond Tiara and SIlver Spoon VS Fluttershy and Candance! LET THE BATTLE'S......BEGIN!