> The Problem with Being a Foal > by AlliePastel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pick Up Your Toys > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was sundown in Ponyville as the town’s wintery sky switched from a dim lighting to a cold black night sky. All the shops closed extra early now and Rarity’s boutique was no exception. Perhaps it was just the atmosphere as the town prepared for Hearths Warming that everything seemed so relaxed. Not a single eye was battered anymore; Hearths Warming Eve was a time for reconsolidation and peace among all ponies of Equestria. Amidst the quiet clopping of hooves among the street, inside the hallowed boutique were two young mares working patiently with their craft. In the one corner a white unicorn mare patiently sewed the last of her requested orders. She had spent countless hours doing over time in preparation for the short break that was to come. It was hard labor, but it was worth it. Creating over dozen dresses in mere hours was something she’d never accomplished before. Of course, creating all those dresses wouldn’t have been possible without the help from her timid assistant Coco Pommel. The poor young filly was exhausted. It wasn’t so much the work load as it was the hours. Months ago when Coco still lived in Manehattan, she was worked a lot but it was in small intervals. Not that she didn’t appreciate a good challenge, but this was a lot of stress for her. With a final push of her hooves, she fed the last of her silk fabric through the sewing machine. The end result being a fine ruffled trimming to a dress. She admired it for a few seconds until her tired eyes shut and she collapsed on the table. “Oh my dear…” Rarity said, trotting over and picking up the fabric with her magic, “I know things have been busy around here, but we’re done now.” Picking her head up from the table, Coco yawned stretching a bit, “W-wha? We are?” she questioned. Rarity mended the last line of ruffled fabric to her dress’s skirt. A formal winter gown with a glittery like Lolita styled ending. It was formal, perfect, and she simply adored it. Coco raised her head and sat back on her cushion. A searing white sensitivity shook her spine as she tried her best to keep her proper poster. She had to empress her boss, she always had to impress her boss, even if the two were on the best of terms. Frowning, the young filly turned her head towards the ground and whimpered, “I’m sorry Ms.Rarity. I-I’ve just been really tired lately and the studio has been so cold anymore. Please understand I don’t mean you any disrespect, I-it’s just hard for me to-“ “Coco…” Rarity interrupted, planting a hoof on her assistant’s muzzle, “You’re overreacting dear. You worry me sometimes.” “I-I’m sorry…” the timid mare replied. A subtle smirk appeared on the white unicorn’s muzzle as she sat on the ground next to her assistant. She was never much one for awkward situations, but having a little sister for so long had taught her a thing or two about when a pony was denying the truth. Resting a bit herself, Rarity hugged her assistant against her side as she asked, “Coco dear, whatever is a matter with you. I know you’re stressed out, we all are. But you’ve been acting really bizarre around me for a while now. Almost like you’re on the verge of telling me but you seemed pained every time you look at me.” Taking the hug in for a second, Coco melted against Rarity’s gentle figure. Her shaky hooves became relaxed as she had someone to hold unto. Her deep rooted physical strain didn’t seem so bad all of a sudden. She liked hugs. A bit more confident with her friend so close by, Coco bit her lip and looked at the ground, “H-have you ever had a special ‘something’ that kept you going. L-like something that you looked forward to everyday that you couldn’t share with anybody.” Rarity raised a suspicious eyebrow, “You mean like a guilty pleasure, do tell.” “Well…” Coco said, wrapped her hooves around each other, “I-I used to talk to my mom whenever I was stressed. Her and I used to be really close to each other, but I left her when I came to Ponyville. I love and appreciate the work, b-but I just-just…” she whimpered, covering her eyes. “You just miss her? Is there something you’ve been meaning to get off your chest dear? You’re always free to tell me, there’s no one here but us.” Rarity said, petting her intern’s mane. “Oh Ms.Rarity…” Coco said, diving into a hug around her friend’s waist, “I-I’ve been wanting t-to t-talk about this for s-so long b-b-but.” She struggled to finish her sentence as she broke into a sob. “W-woah dear, take it easy now.” Rarity cooed, patting Coco on the back, “That’s it, let it all out. Is there something you want to discuss? I am free you know? I’m actually free for Hearths Warming and a little more than that if you just need time to talk to someone.” Wiping the tears from her eyes, Coco looked up hopefully at the white unicorn, “Y-you really mean it?” she questioned. “Of course I do dear… I can have my bags ready by the end of the evening. Of course I’ll be a little while trekking through the snow and all. Still, I’ll be around later okay?” Coco calmed herself as she looked up at her friend, “O-Okay...” *** Inside a well-lit modern loft house, the young cream colored Coco paced back and forth on her wood laminated floors. It’d been so long since she had a guest over. Hopefully things didn’t look too ‘childish’ for Rarity’s sake. Climbing on top of the couch, Coco sat herself on her bed; a rather spacious couch that matched her own coat’s color. She wasn’t exactly proud of her accommodations, but what remained inside her real room had to remain secretive. Too bad the lock to the entrance was broken. Hopefully Rarity has a little bit of respect for privacy. Perhaps it was best if Rarity knew about her real room though, her real life; it’d definitely explain the stuffed animals and childish toys scattered across the living room like some nursery school. How she’d explain any of her dolls and action figures was beyond her, perhaps she could just biff it. Besides, the living room itself looked alright. Nothing was particularly out of place aside from her toys and other childish entities. It’ll be fine, just say she babysat and never got a chance to pick up. ‘Yeah, that sounds good!’ Coco thought to herself, trotting around the toys. An abrupt knock on the door startled her and she tripped unto a toy pony. The plastic poked her tummy as she fell onto it. She cuffed her hooves over her mouth, a dams’ worth of tears being held back under her eyes. “Ouch…” She muttered under her breath as she stood up. She looked over at the doorframe which stood guard to her accident. Trotting over to it, she answered meekly, “W-who’s there?” “Rarity Dear…” the voice returned. “Right…” Coco muttered, opening the door, “Hello. Sorry for the wait, I kinda was busy. Ms.Rarity, you brought a bag?” Rarity smiled, trotting in lightly, “Of course dear, a lady always has a backup plan.” Awestruck by the serial nature of Coco’s bizarrely pristine living room, it was all so well designed yet the actual décor was… ‘off-putting’. She walked in, curiously examining all the toys as she went. There were little figurines of princesses and nights, stuffed animals of all verities, and huge play sets scattered all across the floor. Not to mention the childish looking posters, coloring books, and other randomly assorted activities everywhere. Coco cleared a pathway, carefully moving each toy off to the side in a neat order. It was obvious that she cared for the toys, the way she nudged each one to the side with her hoof was all too gentle to be ‘efficient’. After several awkward moments of clearing toys, Coco had successfully made several straight alley ways in which some pony could roam about freely. An eyebrow raised, Rarity trotted over to the couch and crawled on top. At first she sat back and relaxed until she noticed a desperate impatient look on her apprentice’s face. It was bizarre, like Coco was worried. Her eyes fixed on something that was on the couch. Looking to her left, Rarity reached over and pulled up a small pony with a light yellow sundress that bared a similar coat to Coco. Coco hopped on top of the couch and reached out her hooves, desperately grabbing the doll and hugging it close to her chest, “I-I-I’m sorry…” she said, kissing the stuffed pony on the forehead. Looking up at Rarity, she hugged the animal close to her chest, “Her name is ‘Apple Blossom’. I’ve had her since I was a little filly!” she added nervously. “I see…” Rarity added, looking a bit uncomfortable. Her hooves sink against the arm rest as she gave Coco a minute to snuggle with her doll. Still feeling weary of her surroundings, she looked over at her friend, “You’re really into dolls aren’t you Coco? Such an eager girl, I’m surprise you’ve kept this habit from me for so long.” Smiling a little bit, Coco blushed. Looking around the room she looked cautiously at the ground, “I-I’m sorry about the mess. I-I’ve been collecting these- I mean. I’ve bought so many of these for the kids I baby sit that I…” she looked up at her unconvinced co-worker. Trying to contain her curiosity, Rarity just gave the girl a sympathetic smile. She reached her hoof unto her friend’s shoulder and cooed, “It’s quite alright dear, I’m sure you’re just a little ‘protective’ of your childhood or something. I know plenty of other ponies who like bizarre things you know?” Coco swallowed hard at the words ‘bizarre things’. Perhaps the toys were something Rarity didn’t mind, it probably didn’t really mean anything without the context. After all, she herself didn’t quite understand her desire to buy toys. All she knew was she liked cuddling and Apple Blossom had been doing that with her for all these years. Smiling Coco leaned back against her couch’s soft padded cushions. The next few moments of silence felt like an eternity, like nothing could break the tension in the air. She wanted to just start a pleasant conversation, but no words would come out of her mouth. Swallowing a bit louder than she intended, Rarity looked over at her stuffed animal cuddling friend and smirked, “You know I have a little sister you know?” “Really?” Coco questioned, rubbing her hoof up and down Apple Blossom’s ear; a nervous habit of hers. Rarity nodded her head as she leaned back a bit further in her seat. Her mind brought up several images of Sweetie Belle’s similarly toy plastered bed room as she made the comparison between the two places. Look over at Coco, her eyes drifted towards Coco’s ear stroking, “Yes, she’s nearly still just a filly. She’s almost out of her primary school, but she still has some behavioral flaws. Poor dear just can’t help but feel overwhelmed by stressful situations.” “You don’t say…” Coco whimpered, feeling a little bit guilty for bring the matter up. It was Hearth’s Warming Eve after all, things were supposed to be joyous. Scooting a little bit closer to her co-worker she spoke, “I-I Used to be that way when I was a little filly.” “I’m sure you were Coco. No offense, you seem so…” the white unicorn gestured her hoofs, trying to come up with the right word. “Stressed?” Coco added quite matter of factly. Shrugging her shoulders, Rarity sat up and looked at her friend. Blushing a little bit, she gave her friend a small smirk. ‘How do I put this?’ she thought to herself. “Well Dear…” Rarity said, trailing her eyes around the room, “The toys actually concern me a bit. How come you didn’t clean them up before I came her. No offense, I’m just curious.” Coco frowned a bit, looking at her stuff. She hugged her stuffed animal a little tighter to her chest and looked up slowly at Rarity, “I-I dunno. They’re my toys but I uh-um… I got them out for my niece to play with yesterday and never put them back; I just didn’t mind I guess.” Coco lied. The crème colored pony stared at her employer for a second as time slowly crept on by. She wanted to say something, but judging by Rarity’s perplexed facial expression, that didn’t sound like such a good idea. Was her own explanation that unbelievable? “I-I don’t why I invited you over. I just felt kinda lonely and all. M-my family all lives in Manehattan or Fillydephia and I had no one to spend the holiday with. Raising an eyebrow, Rarity pondered what her friend was saying. ‘If all her family lived elsewhere, then why would she have her niece over. It didn’t make sense’ she thought to herself. It was around this time she was getting right suspicious, more so than her usually well-mannered self would allow. Scooting over to her friend, she wrapped her hoof around Coco’s shoulder. Like she’d done so many times before with Sweetie Belle, she cooed in her friend’s ear, “Awe, it’s quite alright Dear; we can just relax a little if you want.” Looking at her friend reluctantly, Coco cracked a very subtle grin. It’d been a while since she even touched another pony. Her cuteness wasn’t the issue, it was usually her confidence that kept her from getting any affection. She was awful introverted the majority of the time. “A-are you sure?” she asked, tilting her head over on Rarity’s shoulder. Rarity let out a small giggle. Blushing a bit herself, “Actually I could use the little filly’s room if you don’t mind.” “Oh…” Coco said, tensing up a bit. She sat up straight again and pointed with her hoof, to a set of rooms back behind her. Trying to keep cool, she blushed, “I-I… Only use the right door. M-my bedroom is really messy too and I uh… please don’t.” she muttered, blushing a darker shade of red again. She really hadn’t thought anything out for this visit. Maybe she should have just stayed alone on Hearth’s Warming. It wasn’t like she hadn’t already expected to. Rarity was almost certainly going to find out now and she had no one to blame but herself. Staggering over the toys scattered across the floor, Rarity eventually made it to the bathroom’s doorway. She hit the lights, which blinded her temporarily as she shut the door. Coco listened carefully as she heard the two sounds she dreaded to hear. The first was the locking of the bathroom’s door and the second was the startup of the bathroom’s fan; she couldn’t hear a thing now. Rarity sat on top of the toilet and let her bladder loose. Looking up at the ceiling fan, she realized just how loud the contraption was; she couldn’t even hear herself peeing. Taking a bit of toilet paper she ‘cleaned’ herself and hopped off her porcelain seat. Something stuck her odd about the bathroom. Much like the living room, the bathroom had a bit of a ‘foal’s flair’ to it. The bathtub seemed to have contain bottles of bubble bath, not the kind a mare would use either. That wasn’t even to mention the plastic boat and duck she seemed to have stored at the bottom of the tub. This was bizarre, really bizarre. Opening the closet’s shutters, an array all the average pony products were displayed. Looking further down the shelf on a level that could only be reached when couching, a set of fabric curtains protected some mysterious floor level shelf. As quietly as she could, she undid a small snap that gave way to the curtain’s connections. Her jaw dropped as she gandered at what was in front of her. Using her magic, she pulled out a large piece of plastic… it was a mare sized training potty. At that, one with several used diapers inside of it. Gagging, Rarity set the plastic pink potty back into its place and redid the curtains, shutting the cabinet’s shutters once more. She closed her eyes and tried to think rationally for a moment. There was no way Coco was pretending to be a-a ‘foal’. She probably would tell her if she was really. It might be hard for her friend to answer, but her suspicions were peeked; she had no idea what was going on. She hit the switch to the power and opened the bathroom door. To her surprise, Coco had put away quite a few of her toys into a decorative pink chest. Walking over to her earth pony friend, Rarity took as seat right next to her. Coco turned her head to the side only to be surprised by her friend’s perplexed expression. Confused by Rarity, she set her toy breezie into the chest and asked “Is there something wrong?” Smirking, Rarity looked to the open bathroom entrance and back at her now nervous looking friend. Swallowing hard she looked her friend in the eye, “I-I-no.” she answered punctionally. “Well…” Rarity said, looking up at the ceiling in a quiet pause. It was difficult to put the question lightly. The only phrase that came to mind ‘what in tarnation is wrong with you’ was the only one way she could think of saying it. But that wouldn’t work now would it? “Hmm… how old is your niece? Mind me asking.” Coco set another toy in her chest. Her heart pounding faster with each second, she answered, “S-seven.” Rarity raised her eyebrows; Coco was almost certainly lying to her. A bit annoyed by her friend’s obvious avoidance, she looked at the ground disappointed. “Funny, most foals are stall trained by then. Any reason your niece is having so many problems?” Blushing, Coco looked at her friend in a panic. Her mind started to fog up as she started rambling incoherent nonsense, “I-um… you see? I uh…” Rarity stood up and reached her hoof over to her friend’s shoulder, gathering her full attention. Her own sapphire blue eyes met with Coco’s worried turquois eyes as she whispered softly, “Tell me what’s going on her.” “Coco’s vison got blurry with tears as she begged a subtle way to put it. She knew this was bound to happen with some pony, but with her idol was another question. Her hooves tensed up as she took a deep breath and frowned… “I-I-I’m just a foal.” > Rarity's Onesie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity’s eyes opened wide as she considered her friend’s words. Unware of how to respond to her friend’s answer, she stuttered, “You-um... what?” Coco threw her hooves back, annoyed. “Ooh, darn me!” She groaned loudly. Turning away from her friend, she said ducking her head into her hooves. “I’m sorry for the language, I-I-just. I- know this would happen!” “Know what dear? I-I’m just a little bit confused by the context.” Rarity said, raising her eyebrow like she was offended. It wasn’t like she knew what was going on in her friend’s head. Waving a hoof lightly in front of her Coco’s face she asked, “What do you mean by ‘I’m a foal’?” Swallowing hard on her own unstable emotions, she shook her head, “I-I dunno! J-Just look in my room. Wait, no! Don’t! I-I just don’t know how to explain…” Curious of what her friend was talking about, Rarity set forth towards the crying girl’s bedroom. Her hoofs graced the golden metallic door hand’s side as she twisted it and opened way to a darkened cluttered room. She reached over and hit the light switch. To her astonishment, the entire room was decorated with a prissy pink overtone of fine finished wood and puffy pearly white and pink padding on every bit of furniture. At that the furniture was bizarrely infantile, a crib, a changing table, a playpen, a swing to name a few things; it was all there. “Oh my that’s-darling” she said, causally trotting into the nursery, leaving her confused mare friend behind. Coco soon followed her friend’s footsteps, being sure to take note of what all Rarity was looking at. Blushing, the crème coloured earth pony sat on her backside and asked, “Do you really think so?” “Why of course…” Rarity said, opening up the dresser and scanning her hoof through an array of clothes Coco had made for herself, “While I can’t say I was expecting something quite like this, the outcome could have been much worse. For a while there I would’ve sworn you kidnaped a foal.” Rarity looked at her blushing friend and gave a blushful smile, “Hehe, not that I would have suspected before I came here. All I needed was a little bit of context to your intentions with all that stuff. I assume you’d feel most comfortable playing ‘baby’ now wouldn’t you? Or do you usually take care of some other pony I don’t know about?” Standing up, Coco walked over to her friend being sure to not to make eye contact with her the whole way over. Still blushing a little bit she offered subtle grin, “I-I suppose you think this is a little weird, don’t you?” “Not at all-well; maybe a little. Nothing some time won’t remedy though. Curious though, when you role play do you uh- defecate yourself? I know foals have that sort of problem with their uh- ‘bodily functions’.” Coco smirked as she looked up at her friend. A few quiet blinks and the turn of the head was all the indication she gave rarity that she was surprised. Snapping out of her trans, she looked up at the ceiling as if to ignore the problem and blushed, “Oh… I might.” She whimpered under her breath. Taking the time to analyze her friend’s words, Rarity nodded her head in understanding. She hated the thought of having to clean up herself, let alone another pony. But the idea of serious immersion as a mother interested her, perhaps even more than it should. The thought brought up all sorts of concerning images to mind. Would the experience be too much for Coco, or even herself? At that, what would happen if some pony were to find out? Why it was so scandalous, so riveting, so-exciting. It made the white unicorn smile a bit on the inside. The very thought of caressing and caring for another pony was something she so rarely thought about. Well, at least not since Tenderhoof came to town so many moons ago; it definitely felt like it’d been too long of a wait. The decision heavy on her mind, Rarity tip toed around her response, “Well- I suppose we could start things off slow and go from there. It is Hearths Warming afterall. I’ve been really lonely myself…” she said, pacing up to Coco, “and I wouldn’t mind uh- ‘playing with you’.” “You mean it?” the crème colored earth pony questioned, lifting her unrested eyes up. A glimmer of hope beamed in their aqua lens as she asked, “Y-you wouldn’t mind?” “Of course not dear.” Rarity replied, giving her a friend a genuinely sympathetic smile. She could see the pain in Coco’s eyes, the mental strain seemed to resonate in the way she acted. Of course she’d agree to a frivolous activity like age play; even if it was a bit ‘raunchy’. Coco offered no spoken response. Instead, she flashed her friend a big grin in returned. With no further words to be spoken, she turned and trotted eagerly towards the nursery, “I-I don’t know where to start!” she cheered. Taking a deep breath, Rarity calmed herself as she walked towards Coco’s bedroom. This is definitely not the night of relaxation she had in mind earlier today. But as long as Coco was satisfied, she might as well be too. Rarity took into the awe-striking sight of the nursery. It was so, ‘modern’. No doubt it must of all been hoof-crafted by Coco, the sewing to all the padding had a similar stich pattern to the one her friend had often used. But it wasn’t just the stitching that caught Rarity off guard, the wood work was also divine. She’d never known Coco for being so constructive, but the nursery was definitely just that; it was well constructed. Even rest of the décor was astounding. The walls had been painted a light pink with an astounding white rose design. The windows had been shaded with a set of white roman blinds and the floor made of a rustic wooden laminate that was topped with several well-made rugs that matched the wall. The most astounding thing in the room was the foal swing. She could see how the crib was constructed, the changing table, really all the furniture but the swing. It too looked modern, It’s faux wooden design with the same pink accent that the rest of the room had. But unlike the rest of the décor, it was clearly electronically charged. “Do you like it?” Coco asked curiously. Trotting up to Rarity who appeared incised by the machine. Rarity nodded, not taking her eyes off the machine for one second. “I-It’s enormous, how did you ever make such a thing? You don’t even have magic.” Smiling, Coco shrugged her shoulders, “I dunno. My father was an architect. I guess it just came naturally. The difficult thing was learning how to get in and out. I made it so the tray lifts, but you just to just sort of fall forward without the proper balance. So, I added those vinyl straps around chest to provide additional protection.” “You don’t say?” Rarity said, striking a curious glance at the furniture’s safety features; they too seemed well thought out. It was incredible, Coco had only been here a year and she’d built such an incredible place for herself. Rarity followed her friend who was slowly climbing on top of her pink padded changing table and stuck the question, “Are you sure you want to just jump right on into things? We still have plenty of time to warm up to all this stuff. When was the last time you had someone role play with you, anyway dear?” Lying back, the earth pony smirked as she poured a plentiful amount of powder unto her bottom. Grabbing a diaper from the side tab, she lifted her bottom and answered, “Heh, I-I’ve never role played with somepony else.” “Let me help you dear!” Rarity said, taking charge in pushing the diaper under her friend’s bottom. Lowering her friend’s legs, she pulled up on the diaper and wrapped it snug around her waist. She flashed a proud smile as she looked at her work. Responding to her friend’s kindness, she rolled up unto her freshly padded behind. Her diaper was bit poufy, but she the subtle crinkles along with the soft plushness made her feel secure; even more secure than when she wasn’t wearing one. Hopping down from the changing table, Coco sat proudly on her padded rump and let Rarity get a good look at her. She felt a set of warm hooves undo her collar, then her bow. A light thud followed as she looked over at Rarity who confirmed her suspicions. “I thought I’d loosen you up a little bit darling, you look so tense anymore…” Rarity said, taking quick looks around the nursery before she set her eyes back on her mare friend, “I-I hate to see you looked so stressed. I know it’s all my fault darling, I just hate to think this whole ‘foal’ thing is some sort of guilty catharsis of yours.” Coco gave her a friend a sympathetic smile. It was nice to know Rarity did recognize her struggle. A gleam of hope in her eyes, she shook her head, “N-no… this obsession of mine reaches far beyond my simple depression... wait. No, I meant stress.” “Have you been feeling depressed dear?” Rarity asked, raising an eyebrow. The crème colored filly tilted her head from side to side before thinking of a decisive answer. When she had thought of one she shook her head, “No, I haven’t been feeling ‘depressed’. I-I think I’ve just been stressed out you know? It’s so hard working for commission, let alone the monotony of a small town life. I’m just so glad I get to spend some time with you.” “Really now?” Rarity asked, following Coco as she made her way over to the dresser. Pulling out several assorted items, Coco laid them on the ground for Rarity to see. The first and most noticeable piece was a pink blanket sleep with a bunny like design and a hood with rabbit ears. The second set was a plain white onesie with a pink trim around the sleeves and a cupcake in the front of it. “I-I picked them out for us…” Coco said, walking over to the changing table. She grabbed her baby powder with one hoof and bit into the plastic backing of a new diaper with her mouth. She spit the diaper on the ground and looked up at Rarity with a sly hope in her eyes, “I-I made the onesie for you- I-If you want to try the blanket sleeper instead, I’d understand!” Rarity blushed; looking a bit awestruck by the choice she was offered. Age play most certainly wasn’t her cup of tea, although Coco must have enjoyed it quite a lot to be so in-tuned with the life style. It couldn’t be all bad could it?” Swallowing hard, Rarity walked up to the clothing. Her hoofs clopped heavily on the wooden laminate as she struggled hard to take relaxed steps. Her mind raced with irrational thoughts as she pointed towards the onesie. She had no idea why she did it, but the mindset of infancy seemed like a good change in pace. A wide grin made its way unto Coco’s face as she clapped her hooves together, “Oh yes! I wasn’t sure if you wanted to be a baby or not too, but this changes everything. Ooh, I outta make you a ‘special’ foal bottle. It’ll really get you into the mood! How bout’ I go and make that while you get yourself nice and diapered! “Mmm… I’m not sure about that-or really this…” Rarity muttered, suddenly of her decision. The choice felt serial, acting like a foal was not proper and most certainly not lady like. Crouching, she sat down and picked up the onesie with her hooves. It was no doubt the work of her apprentice; it looked really well-crafted and even comfortable. The stitching was super fine and it felt softer than her own coat. Still, what if some pony saw her? “I-I can’t do it.” Rarity whimpered, setting down the outfit and looking back at her apprentice friend, “W-what if some pony were to see me? What of my reputation, what of our work?” Coco smirked, “But no pony will see us! My front door is locked!” “I saw you doing this 'foal stuff', didn’t I?” Rarity countered. Rolling her eyes, the crème pony sighed. She crouched beside Rarity and rested her head on her white cotton back. Her eyes closed, she nuzzled her friend, “No you didn’t. You saw my potty and then I told you. You don’t live like I do, you don’t wanna be a little foal. You want to relax and I can help you do that. So, what do you say?” The pressure built on Rarity as the temptation grew larger and larger. She shifted her eyes back and forth before finally breaking down with a drawn out moan, “Oooh! A-alright, I suppose I’m in.” Standing up, she pushed her friends weight off her back. She turned around and sat on her backside, slowly laying on to her back. A gleam of discontent on her face, she spread her legs wide open. “Do be gentle in ‘diapering’ me” She muttered as her cheeks became uncomfortably warm. Sighing, she closed her eyes as her bottom was lifted and dropped unto a soft crinkly cloud. Her mind focused elsewhere, she could think of nothing but how devious it was for another pony to be cleaning her bottom, to be taking care of one of the most private things in her life. She smelled the powder as it was formed in a cloud over her genitals; Coco had most certainly just poured it willy-nilly all over her body. “You know…” Rarity’s eyes shot wide open as she rolled unto her snuggly tapped diaper. Her mind racing, she looked up at her over-zealous friend. Her excitement became jaded as she felt comforted in her friend’s presence, having some pony to share the experience with made things a little bit easier. “How does it feel?” Coco asked, signaling Rarity to raise her hooves. Following her friend’s lead, Rarity lifted her hooves in the air. Perhaps it was just the adrenaline making her less conscience, but the desire to role play all of a sudden sounded like a good think. She smiled at the concept. Giggling a little bit, she cheered, “Comfy!” “Very good.” Coco said, pulling the back of the onesie’s bottom to the front, covering her friend’s diaper entirely. She set back, admiring her friend’s cute outfit. Maybe it was just the pride in her work speaking, but Rarity looked absolutely adorable. ‘Heh…’ she thought to herself as she picked up her dress, ‘I never thought I’d see Rarity so ‘loose’. Lifting the hoofie pajamas into the air, she pulled it over her head, laced her front hoof’s into the front sleeves and stretched her legs into the back sleeves. Her outfit snagged on her padded rear, she blushed, asking her friend for help, “Rarity, I need…” Rarity pulled the zipper down Coco’s stomach and over her thickly diapered bottom. While the thought was still on her mind, she pulled the bunny hood over her friend’s haggard hair and smiled, “There, you look absolutely precious!” she cooed. Blushing, Coco grinned, “Thanks’ Rarity!” she said, striking a little pose. The light in the nursery made things so much calmer. A combination of the cool winter air and the warming coziness of the indoors made everything feel so enjoyable. Then again, perhaps it was just the allure of having a play friend to share her feelings with that made things seem so laid back. While she wobbled with each step, not even her padded tushie could keep her from walking towards the playpen she so desired. She opened the mesh gate with her hoof and cheered as she hopped unto it’s foam padded play mat, “Come on Rarity, pway!” she cooed. A blush came across the unicorn’s face, it still felt so devious. A white static numbness hindered her steps as she made her way into the mesh prison. While inside, she shut the door with her magic. She looked around, stuffed animals on every side, let alone an abundance of little baby books and well-made hard toys. She watched Coco sit down and pick up a raddle. With a bit of ferocity, she banged the wooden head on the carpet several times, intrigued by the small shaking noise it made. It was amazing how quickly immersed Coco made herself. It was incredible, how come she couldn’t do it? Walking over to a large white stuffed bunny, she picked it up and gave it hug. She felt awkward, like she was ashamed- but she wasn’t. Confused, she looked at Coco. She asked trying to maintain her best ‘foal’ tone, “Wha uh- do?” she said, cringing a bit at how terrible of an actress she was. Coco stood up and wobbled over to the stuffed animal and gave it a big hug. As soon as she had full control over the stuffed animal, she toppled it to the ground. Smiling, she mounted the big bunny and started nuzzling it’s white furry chest with her head, “It’s sowft!” she cooed. A grin came across Rarity’s face as she remembered her friend words. She didn’t need to worry, she was with Coco; a pony who’d never betray her. She was safe away from the shackles of her day to day responsibilities. What did it matter? A small blush formed on her face as she wobbled over to Coco and fell on top of her, hugging the mare tight around her waist. Giggling uncontrollably, she hugged her hooves around her protégés waist and planted a big kiss on her cheek, “Coco sowft too!” she cheered. Coco’s heart warmed up, the same with her body. Between the warmth of her friend and the surrounding nursery, everything felt so perfect for that instance. She felt like a foal again. Smiling, she started giggling uncontrollably too. > Milk and Brownies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Mmm, Coco…” Rarity hummed, hugging unto her friend from behind. The subtle warmness forming between the two made her melt like butter on hot bread, she felt so relaxed. Coco likewise smiled under the embrace of her friend. The thick diaper between her legs impeded her ability to use her back hooves much. She enjoyed the company anyway. It was really relaxing just cuddling like they were. Eventually she started feeling a little bit uncomfortable; it was difficult for her to hold still for too long without moving a little. Rarity must have felt the same way as she eventually climbed off and laid on her tummy. She’d noticed that Rarity was occupied with something, like something was catching her off guard; it was her crayons and coloring books. She tried never to draw much really, some of foalish doodles turned into sketches and when that happened, things got really ‘complicated’. Pacing over to her friend, she snatched the journal right out of her friend’s hands and held it tight to her chest. A coy smirk on her face, Coco blushed, “I uh- I don’t wanna talk about what’s in the journal right now. It’s a bit ‘personal’.” She leaned over to the cabinet space and shoved the journal into one of the cubbies. Looking back at Rarity, she tapped her hoof, “You still wanna draw? I got paper if you want.” Still giving her friend an empathetic smile, Rarity stood up and hobbled over to her friend. Reaching over to grab the paper, she looked her friend in the eye as if to stray away from the role play for just a few seconds. “We’re going to talk about the journal…” she said, sitting her behind on the floor. Returning to facial expression to a carefree grin, she gestured a hoof back to the area they were playing in. Slowly, Coco walked over to the slightly messy pile of crowns she’d made prior to the journal being taken away. It was around this time that she was starting to feel more concerned about the journal. There were just so many bad vibes from the drawings, so much deeper context. What if Rarity didn’t understand? Like a valve, the crème colored pony shut off the questions for a moment, building the pressure within her mind; none of it mattered now, she really just wanted to play. As she picked up a small half-used black crown with her mouth, she scribbled an array of random shapes with her mouth. She was actually quite skilled with crayons, but she didn’t want to think too into it. She was supposed to be having fun and that’s what she intended on doing. “Good?” Rarity questioned, raising a quaint little drawing in the air. It was a picture of Her and Coco together in a park. A prideful grin on her face, she set the paper down and drew a big heart on it. She looked at her earth pony friend; she couldn’t help but smile too. Without saying a word, the earth pony leaned over and hugged her friend around the neck. Her head fell heavy on Rarity’s white shoulder as she sighed affirmed her praise with a simple “Mmmhmm!” Her embrace was short lived as something else caught her attention. A subtle rumble in her stomach reminded her that’d she’d forgotten to do something; she forgot to eat. The wasn’t the first time she’d forgotten to eaten either. Heavy nights of plentiful deliveries always meant she was busy, it’s hard to eat when you already a full meal of priorities already. Her lack of preparation time came in handy, in the corner of the nursery sat a small white polyurethane fridge. She hadn’t always had a use for the fridge, but as her obsession with baby stuff became a bigger part of her relaxation, she found more infantile ways of couping with the simple things in life. Coco stood up and hobbled out of the mesh playpen and over to the fridge. Griping the handle, the mare pulled back to reveal the one staple food of her new life style, foal formula. It was a bizarre taste, a little bit like a regular powdery version of milk. It was definitely an acquired taste, but it packed a lot of nutrition. She picked one of the bottles up and looked at her friend, “Want baba?” she asked, stopping for a second to evaluate her speech. It felt like she was syncing into the ‘foal talk’ easier than usual today. The white unicorn’s face lit up with a joyed expression as she nodded her head in confirmation. It’d actually been several months since she’d last had a real milk based product; no doubt a result of her friend Pinkie Pie’s unwillingness to touch milk. She didn’t know why Pinkie denied touching the dairy product, but it was supposedly something to do with an accident involving a bad combination of Mrs.Cake’s breast milk and baking. The thought sent shivers down Rarity’s spine. The idea of being dressed and acting like a foal sounded like an alright idea, truly it showed a lot of self-respect at the least. It definitely wasn’t an easy task getting used to a diaper around her waist, but she would do anything to help a friend. It was actually a bit hard to imagine Coco might enjoy something that she never considered so taboo, this much. As her friend walked in front of her and handed her a bottle, Rarity was quick to give her friend a devious smile. A blush on her face, Rarity felt full of daring ideas today. Even one as shifty as the one she’d just thought of. “Coco, how’d you feel about real milk?” she asked a little bit unconfident even in herself. Coco grimaced at the thought. She knew what Rarity was thinking about, she was being asked to be breast fed. Sitting down, she looked Rarity in the eye as she made her pleasant descent unto her fours. Blushing a bit, she shrugged the question off with a light hearted giggled, “Hehe, ohh… no thanks. I-I’m already getting butterfly’s in my tummy.” She took a sip of the milk and looked back at her friend, “Thanky though!” Rarity felt embarrassed. She could have sworn Coco would have been into breast feed, then again, maybe not. It didn’t matter, she might have actually wanted to; she might have really been too woozy to drink anything dairy. Was Coco a light weight? Maybe she was just easily nauseous; no doubt a result of her confidence. Leaning her own head down, she grabbed the base of the bottle with both hooves and moved her lips over the amber rubber nipple. She closed her eyes and started suckling on the nipple, cold milk splashed against her tongue and the back of her throat with each small sip she took. It tasted delightful, delicious actually. It was odd, but formula tasted even sweeter than regular cattle milk. There was no telling what was added to the ingredients, there was no telling if it was really just formula. But it tasted good, a bit vanilla like actually. Curious, Rarity raised her head and grinned at her friend, “Coco, what in it?” she said, pointing at the bottle. Coughing into her hoof, Coco rolled her eyes in an attempt not to look directly at her friend, “Oh. Just milky and uh… powder.” She muttered. “Powder?” Rarity questioned. The crème colored pony gave her friend a nervous grin then nodded her head. Ignoring her playmate, she went back to suckling on her bottle. Rarity enjoyed her milk. She practically melted into the matt she rested on. The milk felt so rich and thick, yet so light in her mouth. The suckling became rhythmic, like an automatic response. She couldn’t imagine how amazing breast feeding must feel, it must be absolutely divine. Finishing her bottle, Rarity sipped the last of the liquid and nudged it to the side. Her mind stirring with pleasant thoughts, she folded her arms and rested her head on her hooves. “I’m gonna rest my eyes Coco…” Rarity said, sighing. “Sure thing…” Coco said, standing up and gathering the two bottles in her hooves. She knew Rarity would be up soon, for better or for worst. Perhaps it was just an adaptation, but she wasn’t nearly as effected by the ‘formula’ as she used to be. A part of her wanted to say something to Rarity, but a carefree experience is what age play is all about. Rarity was going to be just fine, she knew it. Even if it meant an unfamiliar feeling. Stepping over to the mini fridge, Coco made quick work of refilling the bottles. She pulled out her ingredients from the fridge and mixed it into the bottles then set them back into the fridge. It was nice to be prepared. Speaking of which, she outta prepare for a diaper change or two. She trotted over to the changing table and pulled out the needed supplies, diapers, powder, and a lot of wipes. She knew what was coming; she pulled out a pacifier just in case. She staired concerned over her selection of items for a second, she needed one more thing that might make the upcoming experience a little bit easier for Rarity; a little bit more familiar. She walked over to the open section under the head rest of the changing table and pulled out a pretty pink potty chair. It was much like the one she had in the bathroom, but this one was a bit bigger. She’d ordered it special from one of her friend’s in Manehatten. On the side it read ‘my little potty’ and vibrant shades of pink, purple and everything in-between. It was perfect. She really did like the design of the seat. It was just like the foal seat she used to potty train with, not that it mattered. At first the seat was more of a security blanket than anything, now she just used it if she didn’t have time to clean up after an accident. She polished the seat with a baby wipe and threw it into the plastic container. Satisfied with its condition, she left it to work on some other stuff around the nursery. Perhaps now wasn’t the best time for her to be working, but it certainly felt like the nursery was getting dirty fast. It was probably best for her not to worry about it. The bear in the playpen really disturbed her though. Trotting into the playpen, past her friend, and towards the bear, she sat him up straight. She hated disorganization. Even her chaotic array of toys in the living room were at least a little bit organized. With nothing left in the room that needed to be done yet, Coco moseyed by Rarity and took a seat next to her tired friend. She dropped to her stomach and fours as she leaned her head against her friend’s soft white coat. She herself closed her eyes; there was no point in staying away. Rarity would no doubt wake her when she was needed. Yawning a bit, she climbed over the white unicorn. Her hooves stretched over her playmate’s back, her head rested upon her white overcoat, and her eyes gently shut closed. Images of various foalish activities swirled through her mind, but nothing seemed to be able to mimic the reality that was happening right now. Rarity was actually doing this with her. The best part of all was that she could touch Rarity and hold her. Just the idea of being able to be a foal around someone sent warm and fuzzy feelings up and down her body. With those thoughts in mind, she quickly fell asleep. *** “Huh? Oh my I-“Rarity moaned, clenching her stomach tight. Her eyes watered as she rolled unto her back, knocking her friend’s hooves off her in the process. She felt dense all over, but there was an acute displeasure centered in her stomach, she really had to use the restroom. Coco’s head hit the padded foam with a subtle ‘thip’ noise. Moaning, she lifted her head and watched as her playmate panicked over the feeling of an impending uncontrollable force. On the inside, she was smiling a bit, it was a bit comical of her to see Rarity panic in a non-detrimental way. On the other hoof, she also felt a little bit bad about not giving Rarity a heads up. She stood up and placed a hoof on her aching friend’s stomach, “It’s alright baby, you just rest up a little. Your sissy hadda make sure you potty.” She said, giving her playmate an uncertain grin. “You sissy didn’t wanna potty!” Rarity said, crawling on her stomach towards the gate of the nursery. Her body feeling cold from the inside out, her movements were shaky. She wanted to stand, but her hoofs felt so weak. Whatever movement that was inside her was making her tense up to an extreme. Her breathing went from subtle to a complete hyperventilation. She just couldn’t handle the pressure inside her. ‘How could this all happen this quickly? Everything was feeling so good up until this point.’ She thought to herself as she slowly paced towards the door. Coco trotted ahead of her playmate, her hardened hoofs clopping against the hard wood floors with each step she took. She made it to her potty and pointed at it, “Potty! Rarity potty!” With a bit of venom in her tone, Rarity hissed as she slowly made her way over to the potty step by step. She climbed unto the seat and relaxed a bit. Her diapered behind resting softly inside the ridges of the potty seat, she felt as the inevitable started to approach. Her own diaper pushed softly within the ridges, she couldn’t help but feel her diaper’s sheer ‘pomf’ meld to fit the interior of the seat. She looked down at her diaper, the bulky material was being covered by a large white onesie and it’s buttoned crouch. Panic quickly took over every fabric of her nerves as she tried fruitlessly to get the onesie undone. All of a sudden, a major push of her insides triggered a movement which she could feel moving inside her. The incoming wave forced a large warm mess from her rump. The mass rushed into her awaiting diaper, the push against the seat of her pants into her private crevices making her diaper bulge with density. A deep red blush changed the color of her face as she whined in discomfort, “Ew. Ew. Ew. Gross! Never again, it’s so icky! She took a few deep breathes, “Never again. No more formula. That was absolutely disgusting!” she complained, standing up from her seat. Her diaper sagged between her legs. The large mess inside the white crinkly undergarment made it impossible for it not sag a little. She hated the feeling of the mess. It felt too unfamiliar, too icky, too out of place. It felt like someone shoved a load of warm cake up against her buttocks and there was no physical way she could examine the damage. “Awe, my big sissy potty’d herself!” Coco giggled, watching as Rarity struggled to waddle elsewhere. “Poor filly…” she watched as her play-mate toddled around. It was obvious Rarity was confused, she just needed to relax a little. On the verge of sobbing, Rarity choked on her tears as she struggled to find a safe venue to sit. No matter where she chose, the end result was the same; she would end up just further pressing the mess into her coat. She gave up, with tears rushing down her face she sat on her messy bottom. She felt the mess slide her bottom around in her diaper a little as she felt another pressure building. Lifting her tail, she felt as more of the warm mess was pumped into her diaper against her own will. “Ugh! Make it stop!” she yelled as she rolled unto her back. She couldn’t stand the muddy feeling surrounding her rump. Frantically, she started kicking her bucking hooves around frantically, trying desperately to alleviate the feeling. Coco’s eyes opened wide as she ran up and grabbed her friend’s frantically moving hooves. “Calm down Rarity. It’s justa little mess. I’ve hadda worst!” she pleaded, feeling a little more than guilty now. Maybe this was a step too far, maybe. She trotted over to her changing supplies and picked them up with her hoofs. She dropped them off on the ground and searched desperately for the baby wipes. Frowning, she leaned in to undo her unicorn friend’s white onesie. The buttons came undone easily, but between the sheer odor of her friend’s mess and the constant high pitched whine in the background, things were nearly impossible. She closed her eyes and cringed as she remembered something, the pacifier. Reaching her hoof to her left, she picked a bright white pacifier and stuck it in her friend’s mouth. Usually she’d think twice about using a dusty pacifier, but Rarity clearly wasn’t paying attention. The pacifier shut the unicorn up, her whines turned into small whimpers as Coco undid her onesie. She cringed at the site, she’d done quite a number on herself. A part of her wanted to coo and comfort Rarity, but her foalish self made her giggle at the sight. It was a little bit funny now that it happened to someone else. But no, she couldn’t giggle, this was her friend. Sighing she sat back and turned her head from her friend’s spread legs. She had to remember who Rarity was and who she was supposed to be playing as. She honestly felt bad; she just couldn’t help but giggle a little. Rarity was such a dramatic pony; it was hard not to feel a little loss of empathy. Still, she was her sissy right now. Even if she was the younger of the two, she was still the more experienced. This is what she did want to happen after all. Smiling, Coco set her hooves on her friend’s diaper tabs and cooed, “Awe, time to change wittle Rawity!” > In the Thick of It > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coco gripped the tabs in her hooves; she ripped back the tabs and let the soggy diaper fall flat on the hard wooden floor. Her eyes opened wide as she looked at the brown mess all over her friend’s cotton white bottom. “Oh my Celestia!” she giggled as she pulled out a few wipes from her side. Moving her hooves as quickly as she could, she used the magic wipes to smear off her friend’s mess. She stroked each clean wipe up and down her friend’s crevasses and bottom so many times, it felt like she was at it for hours. Eventually, her friend’s bottom once again looked like it’s usual pristine self again, even the parts of it she wished not to think to much of. She reached over to the powder and coated every uncovered bit with a small layer of white powder. Try as she did to cause little dismay, she still had to use her hooves to reach some of the harder places. The powdering all done, she lifted her friend’s spread legs into the air and quickly pushed a fresh puffy white diaper under her friend’s bottom. She pulled the front of the diaper up to the waist and wrapped the back up towards the front. Rarity was shaking, her entire body unnerved. For reasons she couldn’t quite pinpoint, she felt petrified. All she could see was her friend’s curious expression and the bulge that came of her the horizon line of her own tummy. With the help of her friend’s hooves, she rolled back unto her padded bottom. Without thinking about it, she sat perfectly still as she suckled lightly on her pacifier. She looked at her friend’s grin and puckered her eyebrows. “Wha?” she asked, behind the plastic mouth guard. Coco giggled a little, Rarity looked absolutely precious. She shook her head, getting back into her role as a foal. “Hehe, I cwean you!” she cheered, clapping her hooves before placing them over her semi-smug expression. She reached over to grab the white unicorn’s hooves. With the same happy expression on her face, she leaned in nuzzling her friend’s poufy coated chest with her nose. It tickled a bit, but Rarity’s coat was really soft; no doubt a result of good grooming. “Mmm, sissy soft!” she said, really pressing her head against her playmate’s chest. Rarity meanwhile cringed at the site and feeling. She understood the affection, but she was really feeling like a wreck right now. Still, she wrapped a hoof around Coco and leaned her head on her sister’s shoulder. “Mmm, tanks Coco” she sounded beneath her pacifier. Why was she sucking on it again? Her eyebrows puckered again as she spit it out. “Yuck.” She muttered. “Sissy no like binky?” Coco asked, backing out the hug and turning her head to the side. She changed her sights towards the ground and spotted the white pacifier. Picking it up, she rubbed it against her chest and stuck it in her mouth. Watching the scene unfold in front of her, the white unicorn stuck her tongue out. The pacifier looked a little nasty, let alone it had her own spit on it. Perhaps Coco wasn’t as pristine as she thought. Then again, perhaps Coco is just really enjoying her role as a foal. It was all possible really. It probably didn’t matter; the nursery was almost certainly spotless. Even if the pacifier was picked straight off the ground, the ground itself was probably clean. Of course she wouldn’t have risked it, but then again she really didn’t want to lose any more than her dignity tonight. The night outside wearily crept up on Coco as she looked out her room’s glaringly foggy windows. It would’ve looked pitch black outside had it not been for the street lights. Crystal white snowflakes gleamed down the lighted night sky; it was obvious that the snowflakes would soon coat everything in a white powdery frost. As it so happened, Ponyville’s usual dirt paths were quickly turning from a hardened light brown into a frothy white crystalized linen. The whole town seemed to be tucked away in their cozy little cottage homes as the cold winter weather seemed to get progressively more inclement. “Feels good doesn’t it?” Rarity asks, walking up behind Coco wrapping her hoof around the crème colored pony’s neck. She sat down and gazed curiously out the window, “The winter air is so brutal around these parts of Equestria. We’re lucky to be together. You know? In this house that is.” “It’s beautiful…” The earth pony muttered, nearly unable to keep the pacifier in her mouth. “Mmm- I see a gleam of beauty in your eyes every time you look out that window, out at the world, into toil. I don’t know what it is about you that keeps you so motivated…” Rarity turns her eyes back towards her friend, “I suppose it might be passion for the job, but your job seems to be what makes you passionate about this obsession of yours in the first place.” Coco smirked, letting the pacifier drop from her mouth. A small string of drool followed as it plummeted towards the ground. She wiped her hoof across her mouth and looked at her playmate, “I-I don’t know why I do this Rarity. Anymore it seems like this life is compensating for something, like I’m working to be remembered by all when it really doesn’t matter in the end.” Raising an eyebrow, Rarity questioned her friend, “Is there something on your mind dear?” She turned her attention towards the window again, “I know it’s rough, but you know your work is appreciated right?” “Psht, yeah.” Coco exclaimed, rolling her eyes. In all honesty, she knew her work was appreciated, but what of her as a the actual creator. Siri went her whole life being credited as the creator of the work she stole. Did it really matter who was making the clothes so long as they were being made? “Well-you are important Coco.” Rarity said, looking down at her tummy for a second. She reached her hooves down and undid the buttons, letting the two open flaps give way to a poufy white diaper. She stretched her hooves high in the air and used her magic to tug the white shirt off her body. “Huh?” Coco questioned, “You don’t wanna play anymore?” Concerned, she turned away from the window and towards her friend. She honestly could guess that Rarity was going to leave her; it wouldn’t be the first time she’d been stabbed in the back. She always had a bad time with commitment, even friendships. Tugging the shirt over her head with one final pull, Rarity dropped the onesies unto the ground, “No, I’m just a bit done with being a foal. I think being your momma might be a little bit more fun for both of us.” “Huh, then why are you leaving on the diaper?” The earth pony asked, poking at the side of Rarity’s diapered behind. “Oh, you know. I’m probably going to go ‘potty’ by the end of the night…” Rarity replied, making quotation mark signs with her hooves. “Well, that and the diapers add a nice curve to my figure.” She joked, wiggling her plot a little. “Hehe, alright.” Coco sighed, giving her friend a subtle grin. She always enjoyed Rarity’s humor, she really was a funny pony despite all her faults; not that she had many faults. Usually her friend was on the up and up, always running back and forth in the pursuit of being more socially accepted. It was nice seeing her fit so naturally in a role that ignored the rest of her social life. Coco smiled, trotting towards the playpen. She always enjoyed it, it was a nice way to play and stay tidy. Not to mention the foam padding made traveling on hooves super comfortable. She could also rest on the padding, which was nice. It was always nice to be able to just rest. A sudden glowing force stopped Coco in her place, she couldn’t move. A voice came behind her chimed, “Mmm… Momma wants to have some fun with her baby. I think it’s time I feed her something, maybe a jar of baby food.” The force lifted her into the air and brought her backwards against her will. Her body tensed up but then relaxed, the aura was blue; a clear indicator that Rarity was in charge of her movements. She watched as the window became smaller as a distance became more apparent. The blind closed as she was lifted over a plastic tray; she was being set down in her swing. Her face grew a wide smile as she was set unto the infantile textured padding of the swing. She felt her backside meld into the thick poufy padding of her diaper as it let out a subtle ‘pomf’ of air. She blushed a deep shade of red as a set of vinyl straps wrapped calmly across her tummy and chest. “Mmm, very good…” Rarity said, proud of her work. Trotting over to the fridge, she pulled out a jar of yellow foal mush out. The jar itself wasn’t an average foal jar, it was a mason jar, an entire pint of foal food in what she imagined was a banana-esc flavor. “Oh my…” Coco bellowed, her eyes growing wide as Rarity uncapped the jar and levitated a table spoon full of the mush towards her mouth. Reluctantly, she opened her mouth and slurped the crème in like a large lot of jello. “Awe, baby likes her mushy wushy food…” Rarity cooed, repeating the process of cycling the banana puree into her ‘daughter’s’ mouth. It was obvious Coco was having a hard time stomaching her food. It was adorable the way the yellow mush dribbled down her chin and unto her dress and diaper. The earth pony moaned, grabbing hold of her tummy as she shook her head. “No hungee!” she muttered as more of the mush was forced into her mouth. Slobbering her lifted her hooves and swatted the spoon away. If Rarity was a real mother, she might have been mad, but she wasn’t a real mother. Perhaps she was just stepping over her regular bounds as a mother, but she really was enjoying watching Coco struggling to eat her foal food, she really was just like a real baby. She knew her friend’s limits though. Levitating the bottle back, she capped it and set it on the ground. There was no doubt that the feeding wasn’t necessarily, the bottle of formula was enough for her and probably Coco too. But, Coco deserved to really feel like a baby. Right? For the poor earth pony who was forced to endure her ‘mamma’s’ feeding, she had no choice but to endure the fullness she felt inside her stomach. It took a minute, but she knew exactly why her friend did this to her. Simply put, it was probably a little bit of revenge. In all truth, Rarity wanted nothing other than to treat Coco like a true foal. Sure the feeding was a bit brutal, perhaps even uncalled for. But it was done to let her friend appreciate the situation all the more. “So… how about I read you a story?” Rarity asked, curiously trotting over to the playpen. Her curiosity was sparked by her friend’s note book. It wasn’t like Coco to hide her concepts; she was never one for taking real pride in her work. She was almost certainly hiding something. No doubt Rarity was overstepping her friend’s personal limits not that it would stop her. She was a pony of gossip after all, while she’d never hurt her friend by exposing a secret, the obligation to know overwhelmed her desire to maintain empathetic. Besides, perhaps leaving something taboo like a secret sketchbook out in the open was a calling card waiting to be answered. It’s not like there was much among the two that could embarrass either of them, they’d been through so much this evening, it was a crime not to be as open as possible. The padding inside the playpen felt nice on her hooves, it reminded her of the padding around her backside. Perhaps more elastic than the crinkly undergarment she was wearing, but it felt divine opposed to the hard wood she’d been trotting on. Coco watched in a silent anticipation as Rarity rummaged through her books in pursuit of the secret one she’d put back earlier. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Rarity, but the content inside the book was too new to be explained. She didn’t want to have to explain it; it was all done on a fly. She wanted to say something but her stomach was churning, each second she felt the tension building like weight on a high wire. Waves of pressure building each second, the waves causing the integrity of the dam to lessen as time went by. Something inside her wanted to scream at Rarity to stop, but some bizarre impulse in her mind didn’t allow it. The ache in her stomach was too strong; she’d be fighting too many fights at once. She didn’t want to lose both of them, not yet. Rarity meanwhile lay on her stomach as she opened the journal. Its hard textured outer service offered way to an array of firm sheets of thin white sheets of paper. There was no denying it, this was the journal she’d seen earlier; it was very detailed compared to the other few she’d already checked. Her mind scanned up the page as she traced her hoof among the lightly colored cyan line. The text quite clearly read, ‘Worthless foal’. It was undeniable, the journal was a diary; more or less a sketch diary. This page in particular was dated over a year ago; she’d drawn a clear image of her dressed as a foal. Not only was she dressed like a foal, but she was also in the center of a page shrouded by darkness with gleaming angry eyes spotting her from every direction. Rarity felt hollow inside all of a sudden. She looked over at Coco who was hardly paying attention to her actions. The poor baby looked so out of it, she didn’t even have her eyes open. Her hooves tensed up as she turned the page to reveal more and more evidence that propagated the reason for the nursery to exist. Perhaps the journal was just a formal expression of her resentment from the world, or perhaps it was something much darker and elaborate. But the solution to Rarity was obvious; it was time for a nap. Coco opened her weary eyes as her stomach hit another sore note; Rarity was trotting in front of her carrying a sympathetic smile. “What is it?” Coco asked, trying her best not to bring up the journal. “It’s nothing dear, now I want you to relax…” Rarity said, using her magic to turn the dial up into a five number; a gentle setting. She watched in awe as the machine started rocking her friend back and forth. Rarity cleared her throat, “Let me tell you a story about a young girl...” she said, levitating a blanket over to her friend. She watched as Coco grabbed the fuzzy colorful throw blanket and snuggled it, it made her grin. “There’s a young girl named Coco Pomell who’s a little bit timid, but she makes up for it in her honest and eager work ethic. It’s no wonder why she’s so well known as an upcoming artist where she works, she’s a fantastic soul and ponies want a piece of her in the expressions she delivers in every stitch of fabric she sows. There’s no reason for her to feel ashamed, she’s such a hard worker and she has a very loving momma who promises to stay by her side every step of the way.” Coco raised an eyebrow as she listened carefully to her friend’s improvised speech. It almost certainly wasn’t a story but it was still a nice sentiment. It made her smile on the inside as well as the outside, she was lucky to have a friend as good as Rarity. Returning the warm smile, Rarity made a gesture with her hoof, “Go ahead Coco, I want you to go potty…” She smiled, bringing a napkin to Coco’s face as she wiped the baby food off the side of her lips. It was nice to have some pony to look after. While it was fun to be a foal, the night was short and she really wanted to get her message out to Coco before the night was through. Giggling a bit, she sat on her padded rump and watched for the inevitable to happen. As she observed her friend making some light grunting noises, her eyes traced down to her friend’s diaper which hug out at the bottom of her dress. While she couldn’t see much beyond the plastic divider divided that separated Coco’s legs, she could hear and smell as Coco shamefully filled her diaper. It made her smile even wider on the inside knowing that Coco was once again feeling content physically, hopefully she understood the words she’d said on emotional level too. Sighing in relief, Coco nuzzled her head against her blanket as she shifted happily in her messy diaper to find a cozy spot. The world around her seemed to black as she struggled to keep her eyes open. Everything felt so warm and cozy to her, everything felt like it didn’t matter anymore and it didn’t. She closed her eyes and let the gentle rock of her swing help her drift off into sleep. “Hehe, such a foal…” Rarity said, stepping towards the crib. Her horn lit up as the room’s lights dimmed. She opened up the crib’s entrance and stepped inside. Using her magic one last time, she brought an item to her hooves and looked around the room for wondering eyes. She slipped the amber nipple into her mouth as she plopped down on the mattress, tummy first. It was a good time to be alive.