> College Expenses > by Viking Hoof > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue Vers:1.3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex smiled as he woke up from some very pleasant dreams. A glance at his phone told him he'd woken up right on time, and a quick breathe of air told him that today was a good day. Alex's smile dropped as his body told him there was something heavy on the bed beside him. "Hey! Alex! Something happened to your connection so I decided to visit." Alexander stopped as he processed the voice. It was female, and he did not remember it at all. That meant someone he didn't know was in his room. His grandparents didn't have any cleaning people coming, and even if they did a cleaning person wouldn't violate his personal space like this. That meant someone had broken into his room... People who broke into rooms probably have a gun... They are usually obsessed, schizophrenic, or here to steal things, but she had mentioned his name and was confronting him. That meant crazy. He'd taken intro to psychology... H-he could talk her down... No he couldn't. Fuck me I'm dead. He thought, starting to sweat as he panicked. "Hey?" alex slowly turned, and was shocked to discover the speaker was a pale skinned, cute, but nerdy dressed girl with purple hair and a pink skunk stripe. Except she wasn't a normal nerd, she was taller, stronger, and probably faster than any nerd Alexander had ever met. She was crazy, smart, and strong... why couldn't he be the one who could get stalked by the girls who were crazy and just sexy? Not to say that the girl before him was ugly, but her excellent curves just weren't complemented by the outfit. "Yo, Equestria to Alexander." Crazy, obsessed, strong, sexy, and a pegasister. he figured he was either in heaven or needed an adult. "Respond or I'll spank you." "Wut." The nut job burst forward into light bubbly laughing. Smiling, she gave him a gentle push. "Hey, so college is expensive. I'm a princess with needs, let's work something out." ‘... does not compute, see customer support.’ "Okay, let's start with the body I'm putting you in. Don't worry, it will be small, skinny, but with some nice curves, just like you've always wanted." The young man felt his system reboot fail as his second darkest secret was dropped into his lap so casually by his stalker. He felt he was slowly becoming colder and colder. "But I get to pick the coat and mane color. You get to keep the eyes of course, you have nice eyes." ... well at least she... huh? ‘This crazy bitch is talking about putting me in a different body!? What the hell!?’ Alex screamed to himself in his mind. "Of course, I will also feed, dress, and protect you with all my resources both personally and as a princess." 'She keeps saying Princess like it wasn't crazy.' "Get out." Alex’s heart stopped as the words left his mouth. He had just tried to order around a crazy lady. Only bad things could- "Ohh, you have class today, and my spell won't cover that. I should let you get changed." Alexander blinked as miss crazy pants calmly strode out of my room. ‘What the fuck is going on?’ Alex stumbled out of his room half an hour later, having half convinced himself that the stalker was all just a dream. Unfortunately his eyes disagreed, and he was left staring in shock at the crazy girl from his room. She was sitting at the man’s grandmother's mahogany dining room table. It was at this point that he remembered both his grandparents were with his uncle in Oklahoma. Their house phones were in the kitchen, and the crazy pegasister was between him and there. The local cell phone signal was terrible, meaning he'd have to fight his way through to call the police. Alex slowly made his way over to his stalker, pulling out a chair on the opposite side of the table from her so that the candlesticks were between them. Remember kids, when addressing a stranger, keep weapons on hand at all times, and as many obstacles between you as is possible. "What do you want with me?" Alex said, staring his stalker dead in the eye, leaning over the table to reinforce his authority. "I know you like dicks." Alex’s hand on the table slipped. He missed the chair, the rug slipping underfoot as his weight dragged itself sideways. The young man was still in shock as his head cracked against the table. For a few moments his head swam with intense pain. When he could see again, the one claiming to be Twilight was kneeling next to his head pressing ice to it. "Let me talk." The girl interjected before he could say anything, Alex, having been compromised by his new head injury, didn't argue. "Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot, my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I've come to make you an offer I don't think you'll refuse." ‘That was... Fuck it's hard to think.’ "Now, you need to pay for college, I have enough money to buy your college, let alone pay your way through it. You're lonely, and I'm lonely. You like big fat cock, and I have a big fat cock." The young man stared at the crazy woman kneeling next to his head for what seemed like minutes, his injured brain trying to process the meaning behind the words she uttered. Needless to say, the meaning hit him like a metric fuck-ton of bricks when it arrived. "Now, I'm beginning to see you don't believe me. I shall let you recover and then present proof." ‘How nice of her, to not try to convince me while I have a head injury.’ Was Alex’s last thought before he blacked out. Alex rested for a few hours, missing all of his classes for that day. Twilight took care of him most of that time. It was all a blur to him, but he knew that much. Alex awoke a second time, she young man's sheets rolled gently under the his body, and his blanket crinkling as he turned turned. ‘... Crinkling? Blankets don’t crinkle.’ Alex’s eyes opened slowly, revealing that he was covered in paper. "Hey, be careful with that. It's a magically binding contract. One tear, and you're doomed to Tartarus." The man immediately stopped turning, and slowly removed his hands from under the paper. He couldn't see Twilight, but he had heard her. "M-mind magicking this off of me?" Immediately the document raised up in a reddish glow. Right away Alex noticed he had no pants. "Sorry, had to take them off to clean out your cute little butt." The young man’s face flushed with indignation and shame, and his heart rose to meet it. "Mmm, cute, but you should remember whose offering to bankroll your education.” He cut off the retort before it arrived. As much as he hated it, he knew she was right. "Good, now let's go over your contract." "Wai-" "Now to begin. And I quote, The first party, Twilight Sparkle, shall henceforth be known as Contractor. The second party, the one known as Alexander *censor*, son of *censor* and *censor*, shall henceforth be referred to as as Contractee." Twilight paused with a cough. "The Contractee must take the Contractor's phallus up the ass and allow for release inside same ass once per seven rotations of the sun and moon, known henceforth as a week. Once per week the Contractee must administer oral sex (to the best of their abilities) to the Contractor, or receive the Contractor's phallus up the ass a second time. The Contractee must cuddle with the contractor three times per rotation of the moon and sun. Acceptable snuggling is prolonged holding and stroking of a platonic nature, including sleeping together. The contractee must nuzzle the contractor's phallus three times a week for at least thirty seconds, go with the contractor on every other trip out of Ponyville the contractor makes, excluding trips to the Everfree, and to hostile nations, at the minimum. The Contractee must allow the Contractor to bind the contractee, gag the contractee, and spank the contractee after a period of six months has passed in the contract, but this only applies one hour before and after anal intercourse as mandated by this contract. If outside that time the contractee thinks the word banana three times while bound, the contractor must release all binds and gags, as well as any toys inserted into the contractee at the time." ‘ I... don't... waaeh?’ The young man felt like he had hit his head a second time as Twilight droned on and on about what constituted anal sex, what was release, what spanking was defined as, what ponyville meant. What constituted a hostile nation. Then she stopped... and she stared him in the eye as his brain struggled to process what she was reading off. It seemed she was content with what she saw, for she didn't give him long to think. "The Contractor may at no time strike, as defined under Equestrian law, the Contractee anywhere other than the area defined under 'article 7: spanking.' Doing so immediately breaks this contract, devouching Twilight of her title, possessions, and citizenship under Equestrian law. Exceptions are made for hoofbumping, to be defined under a-" A cold chill rolled along the man’s spine, but at the same time his apprehension drained away a little. Twilight continued to define shelter, food, what the size of the pension he was to be given, and even applied it to equivalents back on Earth to help define it for him. It was a damn good pension. It even had a clause stating that the Contractor could have someone else pay, but that any failure to properly deliver his payment would result in fines and... public spanking. After a while, she stopped again, coughing to regain his attention. "If at any time the Contractee invalidates this contract by action or inaction, then he/she shall be considered an oath breaker. As such the bindings of this spell become permanent, regardless of where he goes." And that was it... The woman just stopped. They didn't talk, she didn't try to convince Alex. The girl just left the contract there on his bed and left the room. Alex looked over the restrictions the contract placed on her. Sexual restraints, domestic restraints, social restraints... As far as the young man could tell, this contract would keep him perfectly safe... and make him a whore for the next 4 years. Twilight Sparkle would be his contractually obligated sugar daddy. He'd be her ... whore... for four years. But only her whore. According to the contract, Twilight could in no way shape or form obligate him to have sex with others. She couldn't even force him to do a threesome. There were allowances for making agreements around it, but those looked very strict. Every reading, Alex found one less reason to say no. By lunch time, the only reason he could think of was how much sex it asked for. If Alex was being honest with himself, he did like cocks. Alex knew he was bisexual through and through. Alex even thought futas were crazy hot... and here one was promising to make him sexy and then sex him up... he had dreamed of this... And here was a genie granting wishes. Alex stopped and pulled out his phone, sliding, typing, and then logging on to his banking app. Alex could only stare in shock... he was almost out of gas money... that was his ONLY money... he was... Alex wouldn't be able to drive to class a week from now. There is no way he could go to college... without... monetary help. If he didn't want to destroy everything he had worked for... Alex had to accept. His family couldn't afford to have him living with them again. There is no way he had enough money left to get a job... he wasn't ready. He wasn't ready for any of this! He needed more time... Four years ... and then another five in college... There was no other way... "Twilight!" Immediately the purple maned girl stepped back into his room. Alex looked back down at the contract, and the only thing he could think of was that I'd miss his computer. "What about things I own?" Twilight laughed lightly. "All of them will function at 100% in Equestria, even your internet." Alex stared at her, thinking over whether or not to leave this off, but in the end he pointed to the contract firmly. "Fine!" Twilight exclaimed, snapped her slim fingers, and the contract lengthened. Alex didn't bother rereading it , he just pulled out a pen and signed. In the land of equestria all was well. No more so than in a little town called ponyville however. For just on the outskirts of town stood a great crystal tree, easily three times the size of any two buildings in Ponyville put together. This grand specimen of magically shaped crystal wasn’t just in the form of a tree however, it also functioned as the palace to Equestria’s newest princess, one Twilight Sparkle. Princess Sparkle was currently alone in her castle, as none of her close friends had any spare time at the moment. In the castle’s library wandered the pony, idly looking for a specific book, “Alternate Forms of Spellcasting for the Magic Minded Earth Pony” was the book’s title, and she was looking for it for a specific reason, she had hidden a copy of an entirely different book inside that one because it hadn’t been checked out for the last 20 years, and she was absolutely certain she wouldn’t be disturbed while she read her hidden copy of ‘(enter name of well know porn book besides Fifty Shades of Grey.)’ As she continued her search she thought on why this was. Fluttershy was busy tending to a sick whale, how a whale got to a cottage in central Equestria she didn’t even want to know and classified this information under ‘Pinkie Pie and land whales’ and tried her best to not let it bother her. Applejack was in Manehattan for the Apple Family Reunion, this time hosted by the Oranges. Apparently the family pooled their profits and rented the entirety of Times Square for a week for this party. The mayor only assenting because of a gift basket filled with apple themed sex toys he’d bought earlier that year and was blackmailed into it. In fact, the only reason the lavender princess knew this was because Applejack got a letter from her relatives saying as such and decided to share. Her friends swore up and down that her face was beet red for an entire week after the ‘letter incident’. Rarity was up in Canterlot, schmoozing her way into the nobilities good graces, bringing Spike along as her personal bag hanger as she went. This irked the princess, not that Spike let her friend treat him like a slave, or that said friend treats her assistant/little brother like a slave, but that she wasn’t even told he would be leaving, and she hadn’t had time to reschedule around it. She also had her suspicions that Rarity’s social ambitions included no small amount of adultery, but she had no evidence to make such a claim, and she really didn’t want to go digging into her friend’s sex life anyway. Rainbow Dash was actually in Cloudsdale to renew her flight license, a necessity to any and all weather working pegasi as it was illegal to work the weather without one. It was a blatant scam set up by the Pegasus Council to cheat perfectly capable ponies of their bits to continue working, but it’s the way it is, and most pegasi would rather pay to renew their licenses than go through the hassle of removing a legislation none of the council members want removed. And Pinkie pie was in Las Pegasus to organize, in her own words, “A citywide fun-orgy”, that entire conversation went into the ‘Pinkie Pie and land whales’ folder of her mind. Now, just as princess Sparkle got her face back to its normal hue, discolored thanks to various thought surrounding the word ‘orgy’, she had found the book she had been looking for, and just as she brought it from the shelf with her magic she noticed a flash of pink smoke, that may or may not have actually consisted of small bears flying around in little pink leotards, out of the corner of her eye. Discord smiled as he made his traditional entrance, with one unique detail, he wasn't alone. Within his claws was a small colt, white of coat, grey of mane, with eyes shut and wings drooped. The small colt looked to be a teen, but a teen with the hips of a full grown mare, and a face that looked like that of a filly. In fact, you could only tell the gender because Discord was holding the colt under the forelegs, vertically. Leaving his underbelly and more upon display. "Your highness, I come bearing gifts." Princess Twilight Sparkle froze at the sound of his voice, slowly turning her head to look at the errant draconequus. When she did finally face him, her face would have been comparable to a tomato from the rather spectacular view of the stallion Discord was holding. "Ohh," Discord began with a sultry smile, "it completely slipped my mind. You would far prefer, "Discord turned the colt around and slung the cute thing over his shoulder, exposing his luscious plot and spreading his legs, "this position wouldn't you?" *sigh* “Discord, why exactly are you holding that stallion like that saying you have a gift, you know slavery has been outlawed in Equestria since its founding.” Her face somehow getting even redder as she shuffled her back legs, trying to reign in her quickly growing erection. "Slavery? You wound me! Why, slavery is the exact antithesis of what I am! Besides, he signed the contract of his own free will, with no pressuring from me." Discord spread the colts legs a bit wider, exposing him better for the Alicorn. “Discord! Stop that, it doesn’t look comfortable for the poor colt at all. Or myself for that matter. So please, put him down, and explain exactly what you meant by a contract.” The pony yelled, quickly switching over to what her friends call her ‘princess voice’. “Mmm, you two had both better get used to it, that is if he ever wants a chance to go home again.” > Treachery and Pleasure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 1: Treachery, and Pleasure “W-Wait, what? What do you mean ‘if he wants to go home again?’” The princess asked, air quotes nearly marking themselves as she spoke. Discord simply unrolled the contract before Twilight, revealing every rule and innuendo. “Of course, I can’t hold you to the document seeing as you never signed it, but if his end isn’t upheld.”Discord laughed darkly as he pointed to a clause buried in the middle of a large mess of legalese. “I’m afraid that he will be bound to the contract physically forever, and I’m also afraid that the contract can no longer leave Equestria.” Giving the contract a quick look over, meaning the princess read it word for word in its entirety, she gave a sigh and tried to massage the pain forming behind her eyes from the stress as she spoke. “Why, Discord. Just… Why, why would you go and do something like kidnap this poor colt and have him contractually obligated to have sex with me or be stuck here for the rest of his life. Speaking of, where’d you kidnap him from anyway?” “Again, I didn’t kidnap him. He signed the contract thinking it was you, and thus I had to bring him to you to fulfill it. We left a note.” Discord smiled as he set the colt down, on all fours, with his legs splayed out. Giving another sigh, and rubbing her head just a little harder, Twilight continued, wishing Celestia hadn’t thought to ‘reform’ him just then.“So, you tricked him into thinking you were me, and then took him without his consent, or the preemptive knowledge of his family. Discord, that’s both lying, and kidnapping.” Discord growled angrily as he appeared instantly in Twilight’s face. “I”... then he paused. After a few moments Discord regained his evil grin. “I’ll just have to wake him up and let him explain.” With a snap of his fingers, the colt on the floor began to stir. “H-huh, I guess she wasn’t lying about the body…” The colt said to himself, sitting on his haunches and staring at his forehooves, a crease forming in his brow as he thought. Twilight charged forward while she used a spell to nudge Discord back. She raised up the colt with her forehooves, not trusting Discord enough to use magic on what could possibly be a thaum trap. “Hey, can you tell me what your name is?.” The colt looked up, and was immediately perplexed by who he saw was questioning him. “Twilight… you know my name.” The alicorn grunted in frustration, an idea of what had gone on beginning to take root in her mind. “Humor me.” The mystery colt paused to rub the grime from his eyes. “My name’s Alex. C-can I have a small break before we start?” Twilight blinked in confusion at the colt’s response, but backed up as requested. She took the moment to look the colt up and down, and found herself beginning to sweat. To begin with the colt was the slimmest she had ever seen. He had a perfect feminine barrel and chest, adorable legs, and smooth neckline, which combined with a soft hair and gentle movements made him perfect to hold. He also had large eyes, a smooth snout, two perky ears, and most worryingly he had a large, luscious, dangerously spankable plot. Not that Twilight realized any of this. Unfortunately for the bookworm, thaumaturgical manuals lacked the soft porn terminology necessary to voice the desires that were rapidly coming to flame within the futanari’s heart. Flames the normally reserved alicorn was desperately trying to stomp out. "Start what?" Twilight asked as her normally reserved self lost to her curiosity. The colt gave her another look of confusion. “W-well.. the contract said that I… funny I can remember it, but it said that I had to give you a blowjob within two hours of arriving in Equestria.” “Y-yeah, but you aren’t seriously going to… Are you?” Twilight recoiled in shock and confusion. Her naive heart unable to comprehend what was happening. Both turned as Discord chuckled darkly. “You see Twilight, he’s here because of a magically binding contract he signed, of his own volition I might add, a contract that clearly states that should he fail to uphold his end of the agreed upon terms, he’s stuck here for the rest of his life. Those terms including sucking you off with in the next hour and 45 minutes. But you know all this already, don’t you, princess?” Twilight grudgingly nodded in acknowledgement. Twilight’s biggest confusion wasn’t about the set up. Discord knew what she thought about sex. He would of course use that against her. Her confusion was over the fact that the lord of Chaos had used a contract to do it, and that anypony had agreed. Twilight paused to consider her last thought. This was a pony, right? “Of course not, no pony would have signed a contract that was out of their talent, and of course there has never been a talent for riding cock. This little dear came from a planet far far away.” Twilight shook away her shock as thousands of mathematical and philosophical theories of extra terrestrial existence were confirmed by a loudmouthed psuedo-genie. Twilight and Discord turned, and were surprised to see the colt staring at Discord in wild eyed realization. “N-no…” The colt stuttered out in shocked disbelief. Discord chuckled wickedly and stroke his moustache in response. “Yes, I’m afraid the young hot nerd you saw was simply yours truly in a rather ingenious disguise. This prudish princess couldn’t even stutter out a pick up line, much less contractually oblige you to bounce on her cock.” Discord laughed harshly as the young colt began to tear up. If Twilight had to guess, he was probably starving and confused. “Twilight, this leaves things up to you. Shall you fulfill the contract, or will you leave this poor thing trapped here and penniless?” The colt turned to Discord in shock, his tears doubling as the news of just how badly he had messed up hit him like a sack full of lead. The thought of having someone sex him up for his own sake left him pretty despondent, his own self image having trouble accepting that anyone would say yes, even as his more… personal biology began to become excited at the thought. And the thought that the Princess Twilight Sparkle that hadn’t agreed to do so, and might not decide to go through with it, thus forever separating him from everything he knew and everyone he loved, honestly scared him. Twilight froze in indecision, her multitude of Princess based lessons doing little to prepare her for this insane situation. Discord lamely huffed in aggravation at the delay. *SEX SCENE AHEAD, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK* “Now, I believe the two of you are running out of time. Thankfully, miss Twilight doesn’t seem to need prep.” Twilight blushed brightly as she tried to back away and hide the erection reading the contract had given her. Discord put a stop to it with a snap of his fingers, positioning Twilight so that she was standing over the colt with Alex ending up face to face with her erection. Alex stared at the flared clock as Twilight nervously stood over them. Even though he knew he had to, even though he knew he wanted to, Alex couldn't find the courage to place his lips on Twilight's massive phallus. Part of it was shock. The idea that a futanari could become aroused because of him came in direct conflict with the way he had viewed himself, but the vast majority of it was just staring at how huge it was. "Mmm, it seems our cute little colt has cock fright. Of course, I'm sure a princess like you is brave enough to do what needs to be done." Discord set Twilight down in front of the cute but panicked little colt, the chaos god smiling as he saw Twilight’s mind fight over whether or not to use the cute colt’s throat like a cock sleeve. His pleasure doubled as he realized that her cute and naive side was slowly losing to her body. Quickly coming to a decision, Twilight used her magic to gently pry the colt’s mouth open and placed her flare on his tongue. Releasing his jaws, she then moved her hooves to his hips and held him. She rationalized it as keeping him from acting him his own best interest. Alex seized up as the cock flesh lay on his tongue. Absolutely nothing in his life before this had prepared him for this situation. Nevertheless, he found himself unable to pull away his body, or even just his tongue. To his surprise, the dick resting on the tip of his tongue actually tasted good. Getting nervous as she watched the clock run down, Twilight started moving her hips, careful not to go too far, but still reaching the back of the colts mouth. Twilight’s initiative gave Alexander the courage to finally push forward. He gagged as Twilight hit his throat, but for some reason he didn’t find any issue going farther after that. Discord smiled devilishly as things finally got underway. After stashing a small videocamera in the bookshelf for later review, he snapped his claws and poofed away in yet another cloud of smoke that may or may not have been made up of Tuxedo clad Hippopotami this time. As hormones quickly overrode the alicorn’s senses, Twilight put her hooves to use, pulling his head in time with her thrusts, quickly speeding them as she got closer to her climax. The sounds coming from Alex’s throat every time she entered it making it that much harder to control herself. Alex felt his mind start to go fuzzy. He was struggling to breathe around the cock, but at the same time, what he was breathing was saturated with the smell of Twilight’s sex, and lavender/honey scented shampoo, he noted. Hearing Alex’s gasping breath every time she retracted herself, Twilight couldn’t help but push harder with each thrust. Those same thrusts becoming shorter and more erratic as her head threatened to flare. And with hormones running rampant through her body, that’s exactly what it did. Alex’s sight whited out as the flare cut off the last of his airflow. He knew in the back of his mind that it could be a problem, but the taste, texture, and heat of the thing in his throat made it hard to fight, hard to think. Which became even harder when he felt a bulge pass through the cock in his mouth, shortly before he felt, and heard, semen being shot straight down his throat into his stomach. The heat was overwhelming, as was the smell while he was being pumped full, his stomach filling rapidly and his vision starting to go dark from lack of oxygen. Twilight groaned in intense pleasure as she slowly sashayed her hips back, dragging her flare out of the colt’s throat slowly as her shaft kept filling him up, her flare getting stuck on something momentarily. The tip of her dick, pressed almost painfully against the inside colt’s trachea entrance, was twitching in time with each shot of baby batter she fed him. Her pleasure tripled for just a moment as it finally popped out, and held steady as she continued her drain. Alex ran his tongue across her head, even as string after string of cum hit the back of his throat, his cheeks puffing out as his mouth was filled to capacity as well , semen leaking from the gap between the cock stuck in his mouth, and his lips. The lack of oxygen catching up to him as he felt himself drifting off to sleep, even as Twilight’s cock twitched in his mouth, still backlogging cum onto the palace floor. Twilight herself going out just as fast after she pulled out released 18 years of repressed sexual tension onto the colt’s face. Discord reappeared from whatever pocket dimension he was hiding in. He didn’t even bother hiding his own erection as he quickly secreted away the camera and turned to the two sex coma’d ponies. Much to his chagrin, it appeared that he had forgotten to include a back up for the colt’s respiratory system. With a put upon sigh, the chaos god pulled the colt out from under Twilight and turned him vertical, allowing the cum to slowly drain back into the colt’ stomach. He smiled as the specially designed organ turned the cum into the nutrients needed to maintain his adorably sexual shape. When the colt was done, Discord set him on top of Twilight’s back, chuckling at the backwardness of it before disappearing again to find Fluttershy. As much fun as solving the Princess’s extreme sexual suppression had been, the chaos deity had needs of his own. > Reasoning Rainbow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three curious fillies smiled as they held their ears against the door of the library. They had come to pick up some books on how to write erotic fiction about futas, whatever those were. Cherilee called it her ‘fetish’. None of them really knew what a fetish was, but they were willing to try anything to get their cutie marks! To their complete and utter surprise the door had been locked. They had been about to leave, but then they heard weird noises that seemed to be coming from inside. Scootaloo, a proud and blustering pegasus, thought it sounded like ponies were fighting inside. Applebloom, the small orange and red earth pony of the group, disagreed, saying that it sounded more like the ancient Zebrican ritual songs Zecora had shown her. Sweetie Belle, the small white unicorn, just blushed brightly, remembering the time she heard these same noises coming from her sister’s room and went to investigate, walking in on Rarity and a stallion doing... things. Twinkle Shine showed her teeth cheerfully as she strode down the street, stopping only to greet friends and family as she listened in on today’s “To-Do’s and Taboos”. The mare’s stride slowed to a crawl as she spotted three fillies with their ears plastered to the library door. Unofficially, Twinkle Shine was known as Ponyville’s local rumor-monger, a position she enjoyed quite a bit. Most ponies avoided her when not seeking to learn about the next possible pregnancy or divorce. More importantly, she would never pass on the opportunity to chance upon any particularly juicy news about the resident princess. “Hey girls, what are you up to?” She asked, ears twitching at the barely audible sounds coming from the library. “Not much Miss Shine, just trying to figure out what’s going on in the library. The door’s locked and there are weird noises coming from it.” Answered Sweetiebelle as her friends continued listening at the door and arguing quietly between themselves about whether it was fighting or singing. Twinkle Shine placed her ear against the door, and slowly a sinister smile spread across her face. Discord left his private voyeur session to observe the chatty cathy that had come to Twilight’s door. Unfortunately for Twilight, it gave him a wonderful idea. All it would take was just one snap of his fingers, and then “OHH FUUUCK ME HARDER!” Discord smiled as the replicated voice of Twilight echoed throughout the town. Today was a good day. Of course, he made sure Twilight and Alex weren’t disturbed in their cute little session. Parents hurried their children inside, young teenagers and the more conservative ponies around town blushed brightly, but Twinkle Shine simply stood still in open-mouthed in shock. It was a good shock. She had never even imagined the day she’d get to spread word of Princess Twilight getting laid far and wide. Her contacts in Manehatten would love this. This was the best day of her life… This needed a song. “Morning in Ponyville shimmers, morning in Ponyville’s to-op notch. Because Twilight has a stallion humping her crotch.” Twinkle Shine did a little spin as a crowd began to gather. “We ponyvillian’s always wondered, if Twilight actually had her female part, but now we all know better, because Twilight’s getting fucked hard!” A few ponies stepped forward, perverts, rumor-mongers, princess watchers, all of them rose up ready to sing. “There’s the sound, of slapping fle-esh, there’s the moans of orgasmic bliss. Our Ponyville, is so star studded and famous, Do you think this endless source of paparazzi fodder will ever end? We don’t think it will!” “Morning in Ponyville shimmers, morning in Ponyville’s to-op notch. Because Twilight has a stallion humping her crotch.” The growing crowd now twirled as they resang what was now the chorus. “We ponyvillian’s always wondered , if Twilight actually had her female part, but now we all know better, because Twilight’s getting fucked hard!” The crowd began to circle the tree library, lost in the magic of song as they let their hearts out to sing, “There’s the moneyed interviews, the constant REMA support. We’re all making money hooves down, and Twilight’s sex can only improve our cash income!” The whole crowd broke into a choreographed salsa session for a few moments before beginning their finale. “Morning in Ponyville shimmers, morning in Ponyville’s to-op notch. Because Twilight has a stallion huuuuuumpiiiiiiing heerrrrrrrrr CROOOOOOOOOOTCH!” The crowd threw up their hooves in exuberant lyrical climax, before each ran off to call the newspaper they worked for. Rainbow Dash smiled as she stealthily approached the library. She'd heard the orgasmic screams emanating from Twilights home, the moans were so loud that It was no wonder the whole town had heard them, too. Though she herself had been the only one willing to take the risk and try to find out who had finally fucked Twilight. Every stallion in town had been accounted for, and the town matchmakers were still reeling from having missed out on pairing up a princess. Rainbow Dash's smile grew. In a way, sneaking into the library was a service to the community. She was kinda like a reporter traveling into a hostile nation. One wrong move and she could lose her head, or the respect of one of her best friends, but she had to find out what was going on. The ponies had a right to know! Rainbow Dash, heroic motives in hoof, silently slipped into the bedroom window of the treebrary. To her shock, it was empty. She had never considered that the virginal princess would let anyone rut her except in the most traditional of fashions. Rainbow Dash, having had her only guess fouled, stopped to consider just where the librarian might be. The next obvious place was the library itself. The bookworm had once admitted she found paper a little sexy, after a few dozen sips of wine. Maybe the librarian had gotten kinky and reclined on a book pile while she was rutted. Unlikely, but Rainbow Dash had to admit it was kind of hawt. Rainbow crept down the stairs, unwilling to risk the sound of flying revealing her position. Thankfully, her Pegasus magic proved to be enough to prevent the stairs from creaking as she descended. Rainbow stopped halfway down as she spotted a blanket topped pile of something in the center of the main floor. It was a bit too small for two ponies, but taking a look around from her heightened position and not seeing any sign of Twilight, Rainbow zeroed in on this one mystery. Soft as a feather, the normally brash pegasus gently lifted up the blanket. She wasn't prepared for what she saw. In Ponyville’s market square. there was a group of ponies, too few to be a hoard, but too many to be a mob, really, it was just a generic crowd of colorful little horses. All of which were waiting on news from their polychromatic spy on the answer to the question on everybody's lips. ‘Who was fucking Twilight?’ The pegasus took a brief breath, and began her tale of intrigue, debauchery, and the total badassness that was herself. "O-okay, so as we all agreed, I snuck in just as planned, but she wasn't in the bedroom." There were several murmurs of disbelief from the gathered townsfolk. They too had expected the naive acting Princess to go the traditional route. "Did you get the wrong bedroom?” an anonymous voice yelled from the back of the crowd, an annoyed glare from Rainbow shutting them up. "Of course I got the right bedroom, and she wasn't there. I, reasonably, guessed that the book humper had decided to rut on a pile of books downstairs or something." The gathered crowd nodded in agreement. It was generally assumed, mostly thanks to Rarity, that Twilight masturbated with books from her "private" collection. "When I got there, all I could see was a blanket, too small for two fully grown ponies." The whole town gasped, each mind jumping to some perverted assumption or another. The most common was a shrinking spell, but a few of the less royalist ponies jumped to shotacolt, or perhaps, Celestia forbid, Blankflankophilia. "I, being the ninja I am, had no problem sneaking over to check inside." There were a couple chuckles and eye rolls from the crowd before Rainbow leveled a glare at them. "Good, now. I...I'm not sure any of you will believe me, so... let me just describe things in the order that I saw them..." Rainbow Dash steadied herself and took a deep breathe. A small sense of dread enveloped the crowd. Rainbow Dash almost never showed any weaknesses. This was serious. "O-okay... so I was right about it not being two full sized ponies, it was only one." Rainbow let out a sigh as the previously stated 'less royalist' ponies gasped sighs of their own in relief, in tandem, to a tune. It was really quite disturbing. After the short musical, and a yelled 'who was it!' from somepony in the back of the crowd, Rainbow continued. "Right, so as I was saying, I saw one pony, a mare. By then I heard Twi's shower was on so I figured I had a bit of time." At this, nearly the entire crowd gasped simultaneously before they started gossiping among themselves at the scandal that surrounded one of the princesses being a 'fillyfooler', or lesbian if you didn't feel like being rude and offensive. *Ahem* "If you'd let me finish!" Dash yelled, turning every eye on her again. "U-um, right, as I was saying, it was a mare. A pegasus mare, that couldn't have been older than eightteen. Her coat was white, her mane was... brown. She- she had a cutie mark of a , well I’m not sure what it was, and... she had the m-most adorable bedmane I've ever seen, and the- the cutest look on her face while she shook her luscious, grabbable- squeezable... rump in her slee..." Rainbow Dash's description petered off, her speech slowing as her eyes glazed over, mouth open and drooling even as her wings unfurled and stuck straight up into the air. "Rainbow!" A word yelled simultaneously by a crowd of ponies, turning it into more of a roar, successfully brought her mind away from her fantasies of Twilight's 'mare'friend. "Ow! What! Wait... Right, back to what I was saying about Twi's mare. She, well, she had jizz all over her face. I didn't notice it at first, 'cause her fur you know, but her head was pretty much covered in the stuff. I-I figured I'd make a quick run through twi's place to find the stallion, but just then the shower turned off. So I bolted, and here I am." "..." Was the entire crowds reaction to the revelation that not only had Princess Twilight Sparkle found a (still unknown) stallion, but that she had started a herd with him and an, according to Rainbow's still painfully stiff wings, quite attractive pegasus mare. “...Wait... Why were you close enough to her face to tell ‘white’ from white?” “U-um, no reason… At all, hehe.” Alex felt something crusting his face as he- “Oh yeah…” Alex wasn’t sure what to think as he rose up. He’d been tricked by Discord, face fucked by Twilight, and was also a pony. His life had pretty much done a- Alex’s eyes went wide ((which was really saying something, seeing as how they were big and cute by default)) as he saw the cornucopia of technology before him. There was way more than he had ever owned. He was about to lament the lack of a power socket, but then he realized that Discord had promised everything would work. Discord was a trickster god, but trickster gods had their own rules, most considered outright lies to be out of bounds, too easy. Alex knew he had some gaming to do. > Rapid Teleportation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight relaxed as she scrubbed the dried semen off of her belly. The afterglow of her pleasure showed in her cheeks as the warm water ran down her body and, with a small telekinetic flick, she began the process of applying her favorite lilac soap. This serene situation carried on for many hours, and despite her attempt earlier, Twilight was far too enraptured in the feeling of water cleaning her orgasmed body to leave the shower. That is, until she heard a very odd sound from downstairs. It was kind of like a rapid series of dull thuds. It was about now that Twilight remembered that she had an adorable little stallion downstairs, and that he had blown her, and that she hadn’t been very considerate at all. Overall the bookworm was beginning to feel very distraught about the fact that, perhaps, she had somehow emotionally hurt the colt downstairs. Twilight wasted no time in drying herself, possible emotional traumas and diagnosis going through her mind. That coupled with how she couldn’t possibly convince him to fulfill his suspicious magical contract without further scarring him. She’d drug him, but there was a consciousness clause in the contract. With increasing worry, Twilight rapidly descended the stairs. Sighting her target of worry, Twilight slowly began to approach, not wanting to scare him off. Oddly enough, Alex appeared to be smiling. He was also manipulating a small, plastic half-egg with his right wing. Now that she was close enough, she could hear a soft clicking noise. Twilight forgot her worries before she ever reached the desk. Her curiosity overtaking her worry as she approached from behind. “What’s that?” She asked, startling the colt fiddling with whatever-it-was. Twilight jumped back herself when the colt shouted out in frustration the moment his eyes returned to the screen. Followed by a strange hissing and a strange thunderous clap from a small device sitting next to the light screen Alex had been staring at. Twilight also stared at the screen, trying to work out just what the hell happened,and what the blocks coming from the bright screen were. After a bit of thought, and coming up with nothing, the mare opened her mouth in preparation to expel air through said passage in such a way as to establish verbal communication with the one known as Alex to inquire what the fuck she had just seen. Before she got to that point, however, the doorbell interrupted her, mouth still open and hoof raised. With a frustrated noise from the back of her throat that may have qualified as a grunt had she not been a princess, and as such, above sounds like that. She went to answer the summons of her doorbell. Filing the questions she had for her still unlabeled colt away in a mental folder to ask him later. Twilight stared at the gray maned mayor of her small demesne, surprised at her unsummoned and unannounced arrival considering the situation she was currently dealing with, but it would be silly to think that Mayor Mare would be here because of Alex… right? Absolutely, but silly as it is, still possible. This thought doing nothing to settle her nerves as she spoke to the mayor. “Excuse the interuption Twilight, but I have a few questions to ask you. This may take a while, may I come in?” Twilight’s internal alarms immediately went off. Not an uncommon occurrence, and not normally accurate, but in this case, with her cum coated colt inside, she decided to not risk it. “U-um, actually, do you think we could just stand out here for your questions? Fresh air is g-good for the coat after all, and I haven’t been outside in days.” The Mayor’s nose flared momentarily, but her infamous poker playing skills took over, and she managed to just give Twilight a flat stare before beginning. ”Sure Twilight, whatever’s more comfortable for you. Now, before we start, I don’t know if you’ve heard but there are some… rumors, floating around about you.” “R-Rumors? What kind of rumors?” Twilight felt her panic rise inside of her, her deep personal panic. The one that she had hidden since she had first arrived. Her friends would find out about her dick! They might HATE her! Or worse, LUST after her! Twilight wasn’t sure why she was so afraid of her friends lusting after, but it had been a consistent worry since she’d read that one fanfic. Just thinking of it gave her the shivers. “Oh, nothing big.” Mayor Mare answered with a small smile. “I was just thinking we should get our dress shops to make matching sets for couples. Could be good for business.” Twilight’s eyes went wide as her brain processed what Mayor Mare was implying, and what she could infer from it. Neither was good. She wasn’t sure how, but somehow- Discord coughed softly. -everypony in town knew she had bucked. They knew she had a cute little colt inside, they knew she had a dick, her friends would be here any moment now to try and molest her, and then Celestia would arrive, and Celestia would magic away her cock for herself and then rut Twilight, and- “Twilight, are you okay?” Twilight jumped out the door in surprise, having forgotten that mayor mare was even there. “I-I’m fine, so, why come to me about the dress thing?” Mayor Mare blinked, having expected the bookworm to break down by now. It seemed she just had to turn up the pressure. “We were just wondering if perhaps you would be interested in ordering a set.” Twilight’s blood went cold as her fears were confirmed. She desperately looked around for a way out, then she remembered she had magic. Mayor Mare smiled as Twilight disappeared in a flash and the library door closed and locked itself. She could picture the newsy bits pouring in now. There would be an ink tax, sales tax, travel tax, perhaps even a film tax (they would discount locals of course). It would have been rash to do all that before, but now that she knew for sure... ohh yeah, she had a crowd of townies to inform of her success! Mayor Mare trotted off while the jingling of bits rang in her head. Alex frowned as Twilight left to answer the door. It seemed like she had been about to ask him something, but he wasn’t certain. “Excuse the interuption Twilight, but I have a few questions to ask you. This may take a while, may I come in?” Alex froze as he realized that there was still cum all over his face and upper body, and in him. Getting seen right now was not something he was up for. The colt turned to slide out of his chair, but his tail became tangled in the chair behind him, causing the whole set to wobble as he struggled to get out. “I was just thinking we should get our dress shops to make a matching sets for couples. Could be good for business.” Alex’s eyes flew open and he found the balance to slide out of the chair somewhere in his panic. Turning left, he saw that Twilight had left the kitchen open and bolted for it. After a short while there was a crack, prompting Alex to stick his head out of the kitchen. Twilight wasn’t anywhere that he could see, and the door was shut. “Huh.” Alex slowly left the kitchen, but stopped when he smelled himself. Unfortunately for him, day old semen did not smell so great. Alex looked around the room, taking real measure of it for the first time. One question came to his mind. “Why doesn’t a public library have a clearly marked bathroom?” Twilight blinked as the light of the space between faded from her eyes. The first thing that came to her sight were tiles of soft yellows and gentle blues. They made up the floor and half of the walls of the room she found herself in, which made it up to about her neck in height before changing to lacquered hardwood. In the center of the room there was what looked to be a swimming pool made up of the same tiles as the rest of it set directly into the floor. Twilight looked about, trying to identify where exactly she ended up. There were no signs, but she could begin to see a pattern in the tiles through the gentle waves of the water. “Twilight, what doth be thine reason for your presence in the royal bath-chamber?” The lunar princess was given an answer in the form of a flash of purple light and an empty space where her sister’s student had been standing. “Hmmm... Methinks princess Twilight is going to receive a royal visit in the near future.” Luna said to herself before lowering herself into the heated water of the bath and doing what she had originally gone to the room for. Twilight opened her eyes again as she left the in-between for a second time. Relief surged through her as she was not greeted with tile or water, but instead by the familiar sight of Rarity’s creations. Silently thanking Celestia that the alabaster unicorn was still out of town, Twilight began to charge up another spell. Then she stopped. Twilight remembered Mayor Mare’s words, and it gave her a convenient idea on how to hide Alex’s gender. She started looking through the dresses in the showroom trying to guess Alex’s size while simultaneously trying to find one that would look good on him. There was a rustling at the door. Twilight panicked, without thinking, or looking, she grabbed the first dress she saw and teleported back to the library. Alex sighed as his hooves fumbled with the faucet for the hundredth time. He felt his anger slowly simmering when they slipped as they had every other time. Why the fuck were shower faucets round?! He couldn’t comprehend it. As he had just been sitting in the tub for half an hour, Alex began to cramp as he climbed out of the porcelain tub. “Fuck!” Alex slipped as he began to lift his last leg out of the tub, smashing his balls on the rim as his body met the ground. For several minutes Alex slowly rocked back and forth, holding his aching crotch as pain throbbed throughout his body. That’s when Twilight arrived. Of course, in the haze that had descended on his mind due to the pain, he didn’t register the blinding flash of purple light that heralded her entrance. Nor the frilly… thing, in her telekinetic grip. “Um, Alex? Why exactly are you on the bathroom floor?” The princess asked, concern lacing her voice as she looked at the fallen stallion. The pained groan she got in response did little to abate that concern. “R-right, well. Can I do anything to help?” Another groan and a shake of his head was Alex’s answer, having had some experience with testicular injury in the past, and knowing that the best way to get rid of it is to just let it pass. “Okay. Um, do you think you could come down to the main room when you’re done? I have something for you to try on.” Twilight left Alex to his pain after he took a hoof away from holding his crotch long enough to wave her away. And so, Princess Twilight Sparkle found herself sitting on her couch staring wide-eyed at what she had just said she wanted Alex to try on. She regretted having rushed grabbing it. Alex slowly worked his way out of the bathroom and into the main room. “H-hey,” he croaked as he approached Twilight’s couch from behind, “what’s that you wanted me to try?” Twilight, engrossed as she was in the thing she was holding, didn’t hear Alex come down the stairs and walk up behind her, startling when he spoke, reflexive wing action nearly launched her into the bookcase on the opposite wall. As it was, she found herself upside down on the floor, the thing still in her magical grip. When she got herself back to her hooves, she walked back towards the stallion, dress floating beside her and a blush on her cheeks as she spoke. “O-oh nothing really, just... this” ‘This’ being the Gothic styled maid outfit she had grabbed from Rarity’s shop earlier. Alex stared at it open mouthed. Twilight rapidly came up with an explanation, unwilling to return, but unwilling to reveal alex has a cock, and thus that she has a cock. “I-I was thinking you could pose as my first maid, someone who had answered a-an ad I placed.” Alex stared at the dress again. “I-is that standard wear for a maid?” “Honestly? I have no idea, the only other maid outfits I’ve seen were in Canterlot castle, which looked almost nothing like this, but I don’t know if there isn’t somewhere else that uses this exact design.” Twilight explained, raising the dress, that started with a soft white lacy apron, then a tight corset, followed by more white frills, then a long elaborate skirt, with small tassels and more white lace. A few minutes, a bit of struggling, and a lot of magical manipulation later Twilight had slipped the dress onto her colt. As a final touch, Twilight adorned his four legs with almost full leg length black satin socks and a lacy white bonnet that fit behind his ears. Twilight stared at the unholy levels of sexy cuteness her colt was giving off while he sat on his haunches, one foreleg wrapped around the other, the satin rustling against itself as he stared up at her with teary, pleading eyes that seemed to just beg her to be gentle with him. “Fuck.” > Frill and Lace > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, when I got into town it was real quiet, you know, not a pony anywhere. And then suddenly there’s this shout that sounds like Twi, sayin’ to fuck her harder. So I go check it out, ya’know, and like, outside the library there’s all these ponies singing and dancing. I waited until they were done and asked what was going on. Turns out they heard Twi scream as well, and thought getting the face of the stallion that did her in the paper would be worth bits, big bits. But none of ‘em were mare enough to go in there and find out, something about hearing that Twi was crazy and would do things like turn them into dolls or something if they were caught. So, me being as awesome as I am, decided to volunteer to go find out, and you’ll never guess what I found.” Rainbow monologued at Fluttershy and Rarity, who were taking a break from caring for Walter the whale, as he was stable for now and taking a nap, and had just gotten off the train from Canterlot respectively. After meeting Rainbow at the station, Rarity had sent Spike to her house to drop her things off while they walked. The polychromatic mare had said that she wanted to go talk to Twilight about something and that Rarity would want to hear it too. On the way there they ran into Fluttershy, who was heading to the market to get some groceries, because feeding a whale was by no means easy, or cheap. When they got to talking, Rainbow brought up her need to talk to their princess friend and said that Fluttershy should come as well. Fluttershy being Fluttershy couldn’t find a real reason to refuse. Once they had continued on their journey to the library, Rarity asked why Rainbow needed to talk to Twilight so badly, which resulted in the monologue that Rainbow had produced earlier. Rainbow stopped talking when they rounded a corner and the library came into view, getting a thoughtful expression on her face before momentarily shifting to a pair of glazed eyes and a dopey smile, before she serious’d-the-fuck-up and a determined expression settled on her face. As they approached the door, they heard the sound of two ponies arguing. Both sounded female, one sounded like Twilight’s, but none of them could recognize the voice of the other mare. “Perhaps your mystery mare is in, Rainbow?” Rarity asked with a raised eyebrow at her friend. “Y-Yeah, maybe.” The cyan mare responded as she tried the door handle, the argument inside calming. “Aw mare, it’s still locked!?” Was hissed under the pegasus’ breath in frustration. “Please allow me, darling.” Rarity said, stopping the frustrated mare’s ineffectual jiggling of the door knob. She then lit her horn and, with a click, the door popped open... ...Just in time for them to see a young pegasus mare sitting on the library floor in a maid outfit, one that Rarity recognized. The mare looked close to crying as she looked up at twilight with one of her front hooves hugging the other. As well as all the mares at the door hearing a certain colorful word that all of them knew Twilight didn’t know. “Fuck.” Alex and Twilight turned in shocked silence as the door slammed into the wall of the tree. Both of their eyes immediately widened in surprise at the entrance of the three mares. After a few seconds of the two groups staring at each other, one of them broke the silence. “U-Um, hey girls. What are you doing here? ” The princess asked, breaking the others out of their staring contest with Alex, who had taken to looking at the floorboards to avoid their gazes. ‘ I thought I locked the door. ’ Alex was having a small panic attack of his own. Here he was in clothes he had dreamed of wearing some nights, and it scared him how good it felt. He had seen himself in the mirror in the bathroom. It had shocked him to say the least. If he could, he would probably have snuggled or fucked himself. He could easily imagine doing that to the form in the dress and socks Twilight had just put on him. Alex slowly shuffled behind Twilight. Just because he liked the way he looked didn’t mean he wasn’t embarrassed enough to die from being caught in it. Twilight looked on as the three stared at Alex, Dash having a silly smile on her face as she groped him with her eyes. Rarity, once she broke out of her shock seemed to be thinking about something on the edge of pissing her off, and Fluttershy seemed to be doing something similar to her 'stare' the difference being that A) she wasn't glaring, B) her jaw was figuratively dropped to the floor, and C) her wings had shot open with a little *pomf*. Rarity and Fluttershy both had trouble taking their eyes off the pony behind Twilight. She was just as Rainbow Dash had described. The short stature, the flared hips, the adorable blue eyes, the pure white coat, the brown hair. Fluttershy's eyes slowly glazed over, her brain flooding with epinephrine, dopamine, phenyl ethylamine and endorphins as every reward feedback system in her body was telling her to go forward and slip between the covers with the cute mare before her. And through those glazed eyes was Fluttershy's vision of the poor colt she thought was a mare. The background of her vision faded into a light pink as she stared at Alex's still watery eyes that were looking back at her, the blush that had grown on his face due to the unwanted attention framing them nicely, until her view was interrupted with a purple face she vaguely registered as belonging to one of her friends.The face’s lips moving as if she were saying something. Thankfully a yellow hoof came out of the left side of her vision and gently pushed the lavender interloper away. With visual contact re-established she went back to her fantasies as she stared. Until the purple one came back again, armed with words. "Fluttershy, are you alright? You're acting really, really weird right now." Fluttershy stopped herself and looked around, realizing that she had walked halfway to Alex. She wasn’t quite sure when that happened, but for some reason Alex still felt too far away. Already she found her hooves moving again. “Fluttershy!” Alex slowly backed up, confused at Fluttershy’s zombie-like approach. This whole situation was starting to get really weird. Alex stopped to consider how easily he was accepting all of this. He continued to back up, confused by (with) Fluttershy's zombie-like approach, the mare matching his pace until his back met one of the library shelves. Cowering as the strange mare came even closer. His eyes darted to the others in the room, who were all sharing confused glances while they watched the usually timid mare close in on him, not sure what she was doing or why but still absolutely certain she wouldn't hurt him. It was Fluttershy after all. His eyes came back to the front when he felt a pair of hooves squish his cheeks together, only to see a pair of vivid green eyes stare intensely into his soul. With an angry huff and a flash of light, Alex was teleported out of Fluttershy’s grasp, and onto Twilight’s back. “Okay, Fluttershy, please quit marehandling my maid.” Alex and the visitors turned to Twilight in confusion, but Alex managed to, sort of, hide his confusion under his lace bonnet. "Yes, that explains the outfit perfectly, Darling. Now, I wonder, how is it that the dear is wearing one of my designs when I haven't brought it to the public eye yet, Twilight? I am oh-so curious to hear how she got it." "W-Well, um. You see. Ah, well, it's like. *Ahem* You see my maid here c-came today to answer an add I put in for a maid, except, she didn't have h-her own uniform. So... I kinda went to the Carousel Boutique to look for s-something she could use until I could ask you to make one for her. Aheh, um, y-you aren't too mad at me, are you Rarity? I just couldn’t think to use any other tailor’s work, and this one was just so cute.” Twilight sweated profusely as she lied, hoping her flattery would win Rarity over . "Well, I must say she does look very nice in it. Mmm, I suppose I can't be mad at you for wanting her properly uniformed... Very well Darling, I forgive you for stealing the outfit, on one condition. You order a full wardrobe of the various designs I'll make around the base you stole, that you will return once I finish the first one. Does that sound fair, dear?" Twilight nodded eagerly, glad to have avoided disaster. “So Twi, who’s the sexy in socks?” Rainbow Dash inquired with a smile. "Sh-she's... Ice Closet! I, um, ran into her the last time I was up in Canterlot and we got to talking. She was coming on some hard times, so I offered her a job if she needed it. She, um, finally took me up on it earlier today." All three of the visiting mares nodded in at least a modicum of acceptance. “Fair enough… is she staying with you?” Rarity punctuated her question with an eyebrow wiggle, reminiscent of how Mayor Mare had acted before. "Um, no actually. I don't have a guest room, and w-while Ice and I are friends, I'm not comfortable sharing a bed with her, ((shrink)) just yet anyway ((shrink)). The couch is far too uncomfortable, and we, um, we were actually planning on going out to see if we could find a place today." “Oh Darling, you have not thought this through! I know of several ponies who would love to house this new friend of yours.” Rarity smiled as she put a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “In fact, I know of three sisters who would love to let her stay with them.” “Y-you do?” Twilight began nervously, glad her lie was paying off. Rarity nodded. “Of course, darling. I do believe that the spa sisters were renting out a loft for use. A very cozy one, unfortunately it’s not that spacious. On the other hoof, that just means it’s economical, and I can’t believe that your hiring budget is large enough to afford something too large.” Alex’s adorable and nibbleable ears perked up. He hadn’t even considered living with somepony else, but it would be a good idea now that he thought about it. It would give him time to consider how rapidly everything was moving, what Discord had tricked him into… if it could be considered trickery. Every way he looked at it, Discord had delivered exactly what he had promised while disguised as Twilight. Still… the reality that had been before him hadn’t really… made sense. It had all been so fantastical at the time, even with those hours of contemplation. H-he would be separated from everyone he knew and loved for four years, and then return with them having no clue of all the experiences he had been put through. It was a frightening concept… While Alex lost himself in thought, Rarity herself was thinking on the reaction she had seen from himthe pony when she had mentioned a place that he could stay. 'My, how curious. What in the world could make a pony confused to just hear that they would be staying somewhere with a roof? ...Oh, oh my. The poor dear's been homeless hasn't she? Yes, that's the only thing I can think of to justify a reaction like that. Though, that begs the question, just how did she get by? Was she a beggar? A thief perhaps?' Rarity broke from her thoughts to look at what she thought was a mare again. 'Well, I must say, for being homeless for as long as she had to have been, she certainly kept herself looking well... No, no it couldn't be. She... she made do by selling the only thing she had left... Herself. O-oh dear. To think, for a mare so young to be brought so low, a-and what must her cutie mark be with such a past? I can only imagine it would need to be... covered. That's why Twilight was so desperate for the uniform, if her cutie mark was really so bad, along with the poor mare being homeless it's little wonder Twilight took her in as she did. ‘But Twilight is such a naive mare, and Rainbow Dash implied there was a boyfriend who had covered this poor mare in cum. What sort of perverse situations… wait. No, Twilight would never force a mare to do that. Perhaps the boyfriend forced the mare after Twilight collapsed, and since he is not here…. Twilight is acting very odd. Perhaps she found out and is ashamed. Obviously that would mean that she had dumped her coltfriend. Poor dear, she is probably in shock after that happened. 'It-it would also explain why Twilight lied about her couch earlier. I know for a fact that her couch is simply divine to fall asleep on, especially seeing how many times she has slept on it after one of her many late night study sessions and been fine afterwards. It would make sense that Ice would want to spend as little time here as possible after something like that. Twilight probably feels so much guilt over the matter. ‘This is the worst possible thing!’ “Rarity… are you okay?” Twilight asked, concerned for her friends as they were all acting a bit odd. > DANGER! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and co. jumped back as Rarity snapped back to reality. “Spaaaa time!” The alabaster fashionista shouted. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Alex all blinked in confusion in response. “R-rarity, what are you talking about?” Twilight inquired first, her nerves spiking as the situation slipped further from her control. “Yeah, really Rare’s, what’re you on about?” Rainbow Dash added to her friend’s question. “Well girls, it’s quite simple. Why don’t we all go to the spa? Twilight and Ice need to go anyway to get her lodging sorted out, so we might as well come along. Fluttershy and I can get our spa day in a little early, Twilight and Ice can join us once they’ve sorted things out with the sisters, and you, Rainbow Dash, can come and experience the magic the sisters do for yourself.” Rarity said, her attention almost solely on Rainbow as she did. The Rainbow maned pegasus blinked in confusion, prompting a grunt of frustration from the fancy unicorn. Twilight’s magic surged a little as her natural instincts for protectiveness of her mate overpowered a few of her magical levies, forcing her subconscious to draw up the plans for a shield powerful enough to stop the unicorn who was threatening her mate. Except, she wasn’t sure why her magic felt Rarity was a threat to Alex. Whatever the reason, the magical prodigy had enough control to cloak her magic. Now was not the time to cause an incident, and with a unicorn and two pegasi a confrontation would go badly. Alex looked about as his skin tingled, trying to find the source of the disturbance, but couldn’t see anything odd going on. While Twilight was freaking out over trying to figure out how her friend was ‘threatening’ Alex, said friend had pulled another friend with a distinctive polychromatic mane to the side to have a chat with her in semi-privacy. “Yo Rares, what’s with this spa thing. You know I don’t dig the fru fru junk you and Fluttershy do. It’s all fine for you two, but don’t drag me into it.” “That, my dear Rainbow Dash, is because I have something else in mind for your presence at the spa. I need to speak with you and Fluttershy in private as soon as possible, this being as soon as it’ll get.” “Rares, seriously. I don’t do spa’s” At that, Rarity gave a little thought into what would convince Rainow to join her, and very quickly came up with the perfect thing “... Well perhaps, but if I recall correctly Twilight and Ice will be joining us after they organize for her to stay with them. And as I also seem to recall, one of those treatments will be a massage, where she’ll have to be… naked for all to see” Rainbow Dash frowned. “But Rarity, we’re naked all the time... why does it matter if she’s naked at the spa?” “Well, perhaps I forgot to mention one small, insignificant little thing. It’s an oiled massage, I’m sure you can just imagine what she’d look like in that situation.” Rainbow kept her frown, until she proved her friend right and her mind wandered over to the classified folders of her personal fantasies. Most of the recent entries featuring Ice Closet, one of those entries, in fact, including an oil slicked pair of ponies wrestling in more than one turn of the phrase. With an almighty blush and a pair of erect wings Rainbow gave her friend an answer. “Alright fine, you have a point. I’ll come along, but only so I get to watch Ice, got it?” “And if I just so happen to wish to speak to you privately before you do?” “Yeah, sure. This better be important though.” Rainbow said before going somewhere private to get her wings under control. Twilight set Alex aside as Rarity wandered off to talk with Rainbow, feeling that now was the best chance she was going to get to talk with him before they got dragged out to the spa. “Hey, Alex.” “Yes, Twilight?” “Well, I just wanted to say a few things, as well as warn you before we go. First, I think you should keep the dress on as much as possible while we’re there, I don’t think I need to tell you why.Second, watch out for Rainbow and Fluttershy. Rainbow because it’s obvious to me that she likes you and that’s saying a lot, and Fluttershy because I’ve honestly never seen her act like she did around you before and I’m pretty sure I don’t want her doing whatever she was going to. Third, especially watch out for Rarity, she has this way of making you tell her things you don’t want her to know, and then thanking her for getting you to tell her. Really, I don’t understand it, but right now it’s a problem if she decides she want’s to know everything she can get on ‘Ice Closet’, and I really want to keep them from finding out as long as possible.” “S-so… you’re ashamed that you’re a futa… or is it that you have a thing for things my shape?” Alex asked as his heart dropped a little. Regardless which it was, it hurt that she had bucked him in the throat and was now embarrassed about it “Um… Well, when you put it like that it sounds kind of pathetic, but yeah. I guess I am ashamed of what I am. Why else would I have hidden it from everypony?” Alex’s ears dropped as Twilight’s last word hit him a bit harder than he could handle right then. “I-I don’t think it’s anything to be ashamed of.” Twilight glared at Alex, but relented after a few moments. “Look… I know you’re a nice colt, how bad you seem to feel about all this proves that, but this is something I’ve been hiding my whole life. I’m really stressed right now with everything that’s going on, and honestly? A trip to the spa sounds like it would really help.” Twilight said, a sigh escaping her lips. “R-right now, I just really want to relax. Just go to the spa and get a massage and not have to worry about my friends finding out about me, or- Twilight was cut off as a crazy blue blur shoved both of them towards the door. “Hey, pep up! Rarity says a massage is just the thing to get rid of her worries. I’m not gonna try it, but you two sure as heck get to!” Especially you Ice. Rainbow Dash added mentally as she shepherded the two out the door before they could get out a response. She was going to see oiled up filly, even if it killed her. Rarity pulled Fluttershy aside to chat while Rainbow was pushing the others out the door. “Darling, there’s something I’d like to tell you before we head out.” “Oh? W-what is it Rarity?” “Well, I have some thoughts about Twlilght’s friend, Ice Closet that I’d like to run past you while we’re at the spa, I just thought I’d avoid surprising you with them when we got there.” “Well, th-thank you Rarity, I don’t really like most surprises, they're just so… surprising. Um, if you don’t mind me asking, what do you want to say about Ice?” “Well, darling, just a couple thoughts I had on where she came from, what she used to do, things like that. Now, we really should go lest Rainbow gets too impatient waiting for us and does something rash.” > 5: an incorrectly numbered chapter just to f*ck with all of you. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy blushed lightly as Rarity dragged her along. All she wanted to do was march right up to Ice and confess herself, but that would mean talking to Ice… and that would be… “Oh my.” Fluttershy almost hid behind her wings again. That had been weird enough to explain to Rarity the first time. “Fluttershy, darling? Is something the matter?” “...Oh, n-not really Rarity. J-just thinking.” “Thinking about what darling? It’s a bit rude to say something like that and not explain.” “Um… Ice. I-I was wondering what she’s doing right now.” “Hey guys!” Rarity and Fluttershy ducked in unison as Rainbow Dash sailed overhead at close range. “H-hey Dash, how is Ice? Is she okay? Is she hungry. I bet the poor dear is so hungry. “She sounded fine to me…” Dash petered off, realizing her friend wasn’t even listening. “Look, Flutters’. That chick is Twi’s. I don’t think you going in is advisable. I know it’s rare for you to look at ponies like this, but you have to tone it down! Even if you’ve got a chance, this crazy fixation type of affection will just drive her away!” Fluttershy blushed and shied away behind her wings. “B-but that s-soft fur… those eyes… she’s b-beautiful!” “I know that, ‘Shy, but you’ve got to learn a little subtlety when pursuing a filly. Take it from me, they don’t always like you strutting your stuff too much.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes as Rarity had a“coughing” fit. “*hem* Well, Rainbow, it would seem you’re quite the, how you would say, ‘filly’s mare’ aren’t you?” “Seriously Rares? Even the fastest pony alive needs to take it slow beneath the sheets. If you find that hard to believe, you can shove it up your-” “Girls, I thought we were going to the spa. What the buck are you talking about out here?” All three conspirators turned as their familiar purple prey stepped in between them. “Nothing. Let’s go!” Alex looked around nervously as Twilight lead him down the street after Rainbow Dash. He knew he should have been more confused, but everything still carried a tint of surrealism. The tint of disbelief had disappeared when the shock of Discord's trick struck him. But it came roaring back while he was literally deep throating the magical purple land narwhal’s enormous purple prick.. Alex sighed as he forced his pulse to calm down. Fangirling over a purple horse-cock with black speckles wouldn't help anything. Even if it did smell like a sex god's bedroom and was as warm as a space heater. Even if it did shoot out so much thick, creamy and delicious cum that a sex goddess would whore herself out over it. Even if... Funny, Alex couldn't remember being this poetic back when it was actually buried in his throat. It must have been the oxygen deprivation. Alex stopped to wonder what it would be like to be- "Alex, we're here." Alex jerked back to reality with a massive blush. "Now, remember, the odd colored sister knows about my... condition. Don't let anypony but her close." 'Wait, when the fuck did Twilight say that?' Alex shook off his confusion, too embarrassed to ask questions about things she had supposedly already talked to him about. The Spa was... actually par for the course, compared to the surrounding town's buildings. It was obviously solid, but it was shaped and colored like a massive tent. On the front was a sign featuring a white pony with a long flowy mane of gold. The peaks in the tent were tiny little gilded fleur de Lis statues, although they could have been made from real gold for all I knew.The center statue was of an elaborate crown. Despite the design of the tent, there were massive floor-to-ceiling windows that probably drove the electricity bills through the roof. And to top it all off the door had hearts. The door had hearts. Equestrian architects deserved no mercy or quarter. I smiled as I remembered the episode where they went to Manehatten. Perhaps not all Equestrian architects were execution worthy, maybe. Regardless, this building's designer had a small spike filled pit awaiting him, just as soon as I could make the pit and find him. Twilight opened the door for me magically, and I stepped in. Inside was far better than the outside. There was a round room with waiting chairs and a desk with, who I recognized as,one of the spa twins. Aloe smiled as she gently pressed her pink hooves against the back of the earthpony mare on the table, and gently breathed out along her neck. Admittedly the breathing thing was more relaxing for pegasi, but earthponies enjoyed it as well. It also moved an annoying blue strand of hair that had been bothering her. *ding* She didn't stop what she was doing, lotus was working the desk today and ,honestly, she prefered the more hooves on interaction with their clients over desk work. *ding* Lotus smiled as the entry bell rang, thoughts of bit purses jingling in her head. The entry bell was one of her favorite sounds, aside from the moans and cricks of a satisfied customer. She looked up, but to her disappointment it was an unfamiliar mare, Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy. If Lotus was being honest, she far preferred stallions to mares. Lotus turned down to make note of a set of Rarity package purchases. "Hey, are you going to serve us?" Lotus turned back in shock at the sound of the speed jockey addressing her. She had seen the prismatic mane, but the pegasus had never actually come into the spa. For a moment she didn't know what to say. "Miss Lotus?" Lotus quickly recovered with a smile. Customers were customers after all. "Of course dear. Miss Rarity, I assume you want the usual?" As always the unicorn nodded. "Miss Twilight, I assume you are requesting miss Vera's attendance today?" The unicorn nodded, but pointed to her maid companion as well. “She’ll also be requiring Vera’s services.” Lotus' snout scrunched up, much like it had when Twilight first requested to use Vera’s services. Before that point, no pony had requested her younger sister's services, unfortunately. While Lotus might hate everypony who refused to use her sister’s services, she could understand their reluctance to hire a-a futanari. But her sister had come crying to her once Twilight's session with her ended. It seemed the unicorn was far more accepting of the unusual than the majority of the town's residents. Regardless, it would be terrible for business if another mare got surprised by Vera's... multi functionality. "Princess, are you sure that-" Twilight gave her a stare that could curdle manticore milk. Lotus quickly dropped the question. "Two Raritys, two Twilights, and a Wonderbolt." "Wait, WONDERBOLT?!" Lotus jumped back as the blue Pegasus flew up into her face and stared into her eyes. "What do you mean Wonderbolt?" Lotus rapidly backed away from the aggressive eagle stare of the fastest pony in existence. "W-well, I just assumed you'd want what they ordered back when they visited during tornado season." The rainbow maned one huffed but backed up. Lotus let out a relieved sigh. Once she was sure Rainbow Dash wasn't attacking her, she turned the desk sign to 'be right back,' and slipped behind the curtain. Vera sighed as she scrubbed down the tub. Twilight's bi-monthly appointment wasn't for a few more days, and until then scrubbing was all her sisters had for her. They never liked to make her do all the cleaning but, in the end, she had to carry her own weight, and she refused to work less than she did already. Much to her chagrin, though, even with all the cleaning she did, she still clocked less hours than her older sisters. Not with Twilight though. When Twilight visited for an appointment, it was like a fairy tale. Vera became the royal attendant, and it was her that got to pamper purple pony princesses. It was her that got to make them sigh and smile. To top it all off, the Princess had trusted Vera with a secret not even her closest friends knew. It was a secret that united them, and allowed Princess Twilight to share other things with Vera that she trusted with no other. They were just the same! Vera's heart soared just thinking of the fateful day a few months ago, the day that Twilight had revealed the extra little bit between her legs. The day Vera fell in love... "Hey Vera!" Vera turned in shock as the well remembered voice of the Princess, Twilight Sparkle, graced her ears. Today wasn't a spa day, w-was Twilight here just to visit her? P-perhaps... Vera stopped when she spotted what looked like a cute maid right out of a neighponese anime cartoon behind the purple princess. Who was this interloper? Who dared to interfere in her duties as the Princess's attendant?! "Vera, are you okay?" Vera shook off her confusion. The answer was obvious. Twilight just had a servant who confessed that she was interested in futas and she was trying to play matchmaker or something. The princess normally lowered the notice-me-not spell she kept on her cock in public, and she hadn't lowered it now. All Vera would have to do was let the maid down gently and Twilight was hers again. "Of course, my Princess. Might I ask who your friend is?" Twilight blinked uncertainly, but turned to the maid. Now that she was looking harder, Vera noticed that the maid was standing behind Princess Twilight, but at the same time pressed against the purple prize. "This is ... Vera, I'm sorry, but I need you to promise to keep what I'm about to say a secret." Vera recoiled in shock. The Princess trusted her implicitly. She had confided everything to Vera before. No, perhaps this maid carried a secret that Twilight was trying to protect, but she could only tell Vera with a promise of secrecy because the maid had placed a Geas on the princess. "I swear, Princess." Twilight let out a sigh of relief, and then she began to approach. Vera chuckled awkwardly as Twilight stared her down, but deep inside a pit of dread was growing. "Vera. This is Alex. As far as anyone else knows his name is Ice Closet." Vera turned in shock to the young... pony in the maid outfit. Surely Twilight had meant 'her' name was Ice Closet? "Twilight, but, he-his shape. Surely you're joking!" Vera's heart dropped in confusion as Twilight slowly shook her head no. Why was Twilight hiding the fact that he was a colt, unless... "Your highness, a-are you two bucking?" Vera's heart tore as Twilight's face blanched. Twilight was in a relationship. Vera never stood a chance. "Oh." Vera sagged in defeat, she'd been beaten by a colt in a dress. This was it. If even her highness thought she was not worth even touching, then- Vera looked back up as Twilight wiped away tears she didn't know she'd been crying. "Vera's it's all really complicated. This wasn't my idea." Vera stopped cold as a small drop of hope glimmered in her eyes. "I won't lie, I find him attractive, but if I don't buck him he'll never be able to see his family again." Vera took a deep ragged breath in as she struggled to understand what was going on. The way Twilight put it... Vera couldn't understand what could possibly keep the colt from going home. Twilight was the Princess of MAGIC! Vera knew that even her earth pony magic could do amazing things in times of extremity. Twilight had all three, she should be able to do anything! "Vera. I need him to stay with you and your sisters." Vera's mind lit on fire as an idea struck her. T-twilight might never love her, but she could use Alex as leverage to force Twilight to notice her a little. She could never refuse her Princess, but just a chance to see her more, to talk to her more would be invaluable if she ever hoped to become more than a confidant. "I-I'll do it, but on one condition." Twilight's ears rose questioningly, but Vera held back her request as her mind raced to perfect it. Too forceful and Twilight would feel betrayed, too weak and she wouldn't have gained anything. "You must... p-pay me with a nice dinner every few weeks. We never see each other enough, and I think a request like this means that I deserve a chance to be more of a friend than somepony you hire twice a month." Twilight let out a sigh of relief, and Vera's heart soared as Twilight have her an honest smile. "Vera, all you had to do was ask. I'd love to be better friends." Vera surged forward and held Princess Twilight for the first time. Her heart kept replaying the word love again and again, even though she knew that wasn't what the Princess had meant. Vera's heart soared as she slipped out of her Princess' hold to go prepare a nice bath and a set of heated towels. She gave the colt in the dress another look over. She could tell just by looking that he couldn't handle the same heat Twilight could. She'd have to time the removal of one set of the towels just right. Too soon and they would be too cold for him. Too late and they'd be too hot. Vera wasn't worried. She'd get it right if she didn't get distracted. Making ponies relax was her passion after all. > *Nibbling On Heart Strings* > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity smiled as Lotus trotted off to fulfill a series of odd requests that would surely give her some time alone with her friends. Aloe was already working out Rainbow Dash's muscles, and that would take hours. As much as she respected and trusted the spa family, this matter was one that was between the Elements of Harmony and nopony else. “Now that we can speak privately girls, I have a few things to bring up.” Rarity stated, looking at her friends “Uh-huh, yeah. Could we hurry this up? I might be missing out on a show here.” Rainbow responded from her table in the corner of the room where she waited for her ‘wonderbolt’ massage. “Um. Rarity? D-do you think that maybe you could tell us? I don’t mean to be a bother b-but Lotus might come back soon and you did say you didn’t want her to hear what it is.” “Of course… I suppose the first thing I should say is that I think that Ice has been… homeless for a fair bit before Twilight took her in, maybe for years before that.” “Rare’s? Twilight pretty much told us that.” Rainbow spoke again from her waiting table. “... That may be the case, darling, she was still likely homeless before Twilight took her in.” Rainbow groaned and put her face to the table. “O-oh my. You really think so?” “Yes, I do darling, though there is something else.” Fluttershy cocked her head to the side in curiosity. ”R-really? She wasn’t just homeless? O-oh dear, I feel even worse for her now. I-it’s not something too bad is it?” "Fluttershy, I'm going to be honest, this will sound crazy, but I think Ice Closet isn't who Twilight says she is. I think she was a... prostitute." Rarity frowned as Fluttershy's eyes opened wide in disbelief. "C-crazy right? But think about it! She hides her cutie mark, she didn't have a job before Twilight hired her, she's always hiding behind Twilight, and Twilight herself is really protective." Fluttershy frowned as she processed Rarity's points. All of them were true, but she wasn't sure the facts indicated what Rarity claimed. Twilight frowned as Vera went about the room, completing various tasks. She'd known Vera had feelings for her, but she hadn't realized it'd gotten this bad. She still hadn't decided whether or not she was interested in returning her feelings, but then again, she hadn't expected to react so intimately to seeing Vera cry. Perhaps there was potential there... On the other hoof, Twilight had no idea what to do about Alex. All she knew was that he wanted to go home, but he'd been desperate enough to become an indentured servant and take cock up the ass. As much as Twilight hated to admit it, the scientific method wasn't always the best way to find things out about ponies, and it was really bad form to steal their diaries to read about them. That left two other avenues for the pursuit of knowledge about ponies, asking questions, and observing. As nice as it would be for Alex to just hand her an essay detailing everything about himself, it would be very unlikely considering the situation. Discord was the only one who knew about the colt, so she couldn't ask anypony but Alex about Alex. Twilight looked down at Alex as he observed Vera work. He seemed curious enough from what she'd seen. His life couldn't have been all that bad. Only one way to find out readily. "Tell me about yourself." Alex's ears perked up at the unexpected question. He turned towards Twilight to answer, but he wasn't quite sure how to. Normally he replied to such a question with his name, purpose of being here, and then let the class move on, but Twilight knew the answers to all of that, and this wasn't a classroom. He's asked plenty of other people that question, but he was never asked the question much himself. "Umm... what do you want to know?" Twilight frowned at the odd response. Most ponies would have listed off their cutie mark, what they did for work, what they enjoyed in a friend. She'd never actually heard somepony not be able to answer the question. "Well, interests, hobbies, anything. Four years is a long time, but it's better that we get to know each other now." Alex's head dropped in thought at the reminder of how long he'd been stupid enough to sign on for. Four years didn't seem like much when they promise to literally send you back in time at the start, but now that he was living it... four years was a fucking lot. It could be worse, Discord could have taken him as a sex slave instead of dumping him with Twilight. Twilight wasn't so bad. Alex reconsidered the question. "There's honestly not much to talk about. I'm a freshman in college, lower middle class, not nearly as good looking as Discord made my pony body look, I like books and video games, and I have ADHD." Alex paused as he tried to think of something more to say that wouldn't make him look too bad. His heart sank a little when he realized that what he had said was all that he could come up with. He felt a hoof raising his head up. "That's a start, tell me more." Alex blushed a little as Twilight pulled her hoof away. He wasn't used to that sort of intimate touching. "I-I enjoy origami and drawing, but I haven't done either in a long time. Mostly I just write now." Twilight's mind twisted in confusion. If Alex liked to draw and... whatever that other thing was, why would he stop doing it? That would be like her saying she liked magic, but didn't do it as much anymore. It was unthinkable. Speaking of talents, what did Alex's cutie mark mean? She'd seen it several times, but no matter how hard she thought about it, she couldn’t figure out what it was. "Alex, what does your cutie mark mean?" Twilight watched as Alex's ears twitched in confusion, and was herself confused when Alex had to turn back to look. How does he not know his own mark?! Alex's eyes roamed over his own rear end, trying to decipher what he was seeing. It looked like a purple-ish circle with an arrow crossed by a perpendicular line, intersecting a pink circle with an arrow. He'd seen similar symbols before. The second looked like the symbol for male, but that would make the first one a cross between the symbols for the male and female gender. The colors were all wrong, and it wasn't looped together, so it wasn't marriage. The circle of the male, with a half male/half female tail piercing... no... Of all the stupid things for Discord to make his body's cutie mark,he'd decided to say give Alex a cutie mark for- "Taking futa cock." Twilight's jaw dropped in disbelief. Sexual cutie marks were... impossible! There were talents which could be used during coitus, but there was no way Alex's cutie mark literally meant taking cock up the ass. "Alex, there's no way that..." Twilight leaned in closer. From a certain angle it kinda looked like the purple one was... piercing the pink one, but that didn't mean... Oh Celestia, it did. Twilight's jaw dropped in shock. This had to be the work of Discord. Fate in Equestria was never so cruel. Twilight knew that occasionally ponies had to turn to seedy means to make cash, but that had never been their destiny. Twilight frowned as she turned to see Alex's downcast face. He didn't deserve this mess. He didn't deserve her. Vera stared at the scene with a storm growing in her own heart. As glad as she was that Alex and Twilight weren't actually a couple, she couldn't stand seeing Princess Twilight cry, and from what she could tell, the colt named Alex was in acute distress. Out of the corner of her eye Twilight saw Vera signaling that the water was ready. She smiled as she recalled the healing properties of a good hot bath. Alex jerked in surprise as Twilight used a soft telekinetic field to lift him into the tub, but the colt quickly realized that struggling was pointless. With one gentle motion, Twilight submerged him up to his neck in the water. All of this while she herself walked over and slipped into the tub. The effects were immediate. Alex's tears disappeared, and Twilight could see a layer of stress dissolve. Alex looked over to Twilight in confusion, but the purple pony simply smiled as a small glob of shampoo floated over to his mane in her telekinetic grip. Vera sighed forlornly as she watched the Princess be her wonderful self. If the look on Alex's face was any indication, it wouldn't be long before she had a driven competitor for Twilight's romantic affections. She tried to think of a way to intervene, but she could see that right now that she would only annoy Twilight. With another quieter sigh she left so she at least wouldn’t have to watch. Alex awkwardly shifted as gentle magic ran through his hair. He'd had his hair washed at a barbershop a couple times, but he'd never bathed with someone before. His unease tripled as Twilight began to move the shampoo down his neck, scrubbing the fur along the way. He'd never had anyone wash his body except for his parents, he'd never even been nude in front of someone else before! As Twilight worked her way down his foreleg, it became too much for him and he found himself slipping forcefully out of her magic. "Hey!" "S-sorry, but I-" Alex was cut off with a "eep" as the scrubbing resumed around his middle Twilight grunted in frustration as the colt's small form wriggled out of her telekinetic grasp for the third time. She wasn't sure how he was doing it, but if he did it one more time before she could properly scrub him then- Our purple protagonist smiled as an awful idea came to her. Whenever she misbehaved in the bathroom as a filly, her mother had this special little trick where she'd hold Twilight's ear between her teeth. If Twilight resisted, it hurt, if she stayed still her mother would slowly grind her teeth back and forth giving her an excellent ear massage. A good ear massage was like resting your head against a warm pillow or having your mane stroked, it was just relaxing. Alex had really big ears, he'd love it. Twilight smiled as she resumed scrubbing and Alex again broke out of her hold, but this time she was prepared. As he slid out of her telekinetic grip she lunged forward and caught him before he could react. As predicted, Alex let out a soft pleasant sound that was music to her ears. It was music she wanted to hear more of. Alex blushed bright red as Twilight gently nibbled the back of his ear. He wasn't sure why she was doing it, but it selt a lot like what he imagined a super intense scalp massage on steroids would feel like. He realized that she was still scrubbing, but at the same time what she was doing to his ear overpowered any of the awkwardness caused by the scrubbing. Twilight stepped in closer, without letting go of his ear, but he couldn't find the will to resist as her teeth slowly shimmied down the side and back of his ear, each touch sending sparks flying through his brain. Then she hit the top. Alex’s whole body shivered as she nibbled the very tip of his ear. It was like… having a dozen hands all massaging his head, but there was this extra sensation. Twilight smiled as she worked the soap further down Alex’s body. All that was left was the… flanks. Twilight shivered a little as her magic stroked Alex’s plot gently while still being firm enough to clean it. How in Tartarus are these soo bucking plush?! Momentarily taking her attention off his ear, Twilight gasped as she realized there were a few splotches of cum on his flanks. They’d been incredibly lucky that no one had seen that. With a new intensity brought about by a small panic, Twilight increased the pressure she was putting on his flanks with her soap. She abandoned his ear and stood up and out of the water to get a better look, just so she could see if there were any other random cum splotches. There definitely wasn’t any other reason that she was staring at his big, squishy flanks. Even if those flanks looked like they were begging for a firm spank to jiggle them. Twilight realized Alex's flanks had been clean a few minutes ago, and she’d just been stroking his plot back and forth. Embarrassed, she turned her head to face him, but she was confused when she found him staring at her own hips. A soft breeze rolled through the room, and Twilight was suddenly acutely aware that she had a rock hard erection. With a quick glance she could see that Alex's hips were raised a bit higher, and his tail was flagging at an absurd angle with steamy water dripping from it. Twilight's eyes suddenly began rejecting her orders and turned to admire Alex's bubble butt again. The cutie marks were gone. Alex's flanks were suddenly very empty, it was almost... Twilight smiled as her horn decided to magically give the colt's plot a quick swat against her will. She had a very good idea on how to fill those sad, empty flanks. Alex stared at the large cock protruding from Twilight’s crotch. Even though he’d seen it before, it was still shocking to watch it just hang there… imagining trying to fit a tool of that size into his plot. Alex almost jumped in surprise as Twilight suddenly nuzzled up against his neck. “Twilight, what are you-?” Alex’s voice disappeared as Twilight softly nipped at his withers. The feeling of her teeth on his body activated horse instincts that were ingrained into his pony body’s brain chemistry. Those hard wired instincts screamed at him to turn and raise his flanks in the air. This is what he had agreed to do, what he had sold in exchange for a college education. It was also the dirty little fantasy that he kept hidden from the real world. Twilight smiled as Alex showed all the right signs, his breathing was erratic, his body tense but pliant, and, as she'd already observed, his tail was flagging like a ship at sea. He was almost ready, she'd just have to push him over the edge. With one movement she had her teeth back on the tip of his right ear, gently nomming the part that had gotten such a nice reaction the first time. Twilight’s nibbling flowed down Alex’s body, following the contours formed by his back. Her teeth dug into the nape of his neck as she picked him up in her magic and laid him over the edge of the bathtub that they were currently soaking in. Her heart rate increased as her body prepared to rut the body beneath it, her hips bucking against air as she moved around behind Alex. Twilight’s horn glowed as her magic cleaned his internal tunnels in preparation for her drilling equipment. His entrance moistening as her magic applied a layer of lubrication to make the mining exploration easier on both of them. Her cock pressing against the last barrier between their copulation, Twilight gave Alex one last chance to back down. “Alex,” She panted into his ear, nibbling on the tip. “Do you want this?” In response, Alex pressed his plot against her massive member, pressing head of the purple prick between his soft pillowy and letting out a gasp at the warmth that was emanating from it. In a soft husky voice he responded, “You have no bucking idea.” Taking this as her cue, Twilight thrust her equipment into him. Trying to be gentle while also trying to get as much into him as possible. Her eyes rolled up as his tight little entrance squeezed down on her almost dangerously, stopping her momentarily with just the head of her cock in, forcing her to slow to a crawl to avoid splitting his whole body in two. The sensations were excruciatingly slow, but she didn’t want to hurt her mate. If she went too quickly she could break him, and then they’d be unable to mate. And if they were unable to mate, then the contract wouldn’t be fulfilled and Alex would be stuck there and she’d lose everything. She’d lose her cro… Fuck it, she needed him wrapped around her cock now. Twilight slowly nibbled around Alex’s ear to ease the pain as she pressed relentlessly into him. She could hear him squeak adorably as each vein passed inside him, motivating her to see what sound he made when her hips hit his. She wasn’t disappointed. The moment the base of his tail tickled her stomach, Alex let out the neediest, horniest, cutest little moan she had ever heard. The sheer pleasure of hearing it sending pulses down her body and along her cock, stirring up his insides just a little. Alex moaned at the feeling of fullness coming from his backside. He’d never felt anything like this before. The toys hidden away in his bedside dresser back on earth had never given him anything close to the feeling of warmth or life that was emanating from the monster in his backside. By the time they had reached this crescendo, Twilight had long forgotten her panic. she leaned forward and seized his still sensitive right ear between her teeth, effectively trapping him between her head and cock. With her new sensitive little lever in her teeth, Twilight began pulling Alex forward, and up the shaft, pulling her hips back until only the tip was left inside of him. She raised her hips a bit before she reversed her motion and slowly began to spear him again on her erection. Only for Twilight to slam past the last few inches and rock his body forward as their hips met. Immediately the colt's wings spread out on either side of her. With a smile she raised pulled her forehooves from the edge of the tub and wrapped her legs around Alex's wings for better leverage. Alex gasped as her leg brushed against the base of his wings, but he squealed as she gave him a quick little deep fuck thrust. Over and over this happened, her thrusts becoming longer, wider, harder, and faster, their pace increasing and their moans and gasps growing in volume each time she slammed the last few inches, until it was surprising that no-one from the other side of town had come to investigate the source of the noises. This entire time Twilight had been slamming pretty irregularly, changing direction every time. Every thrust was mind blowing, until she slammed downward, hitting something inside of Alex that he had been looking for all his life. With one loud and even more feminine shout he began to buck back even harder, and his cock began to gently dribble cum. This continued for what seemed like forever, Twilight thrusting hard down into the colt, driving him to moan at a high pitch, inspiring her to thrust harder. A vicious self feeding cycle of lust and need filling Alex again and again. Twilight’s pre flowed like a river, adding to the lube and giving her that extra glide in those last few inches. Finally, in a crescendo of lust and bodily fluids, they came as one. Twilight filling Alex with her Royal Payload, and Alex leaking into the bath tub water with his own essence. It didn’t stop there, Twilight was far from finished. With a cute little “squeak” of surprise from Alex, she began to thrust again. With one swat upon his flanks with her forehoof his ass tightened around her even tighter, and with each thrust she pushed and pulled all of the cum she had poured into him like the plunger on a syringe. Alex bucked dreamily as the thrusting increased and decreased the pressure inside of him. He jolted and moaned each time Twilight gave him a new swat to renew his tightness, keeping his insides perpetually pressed against every micrometer of her cock. His whole body felt like it was being fucked. Twilight grunted with pleasure and surprise as each swat made him squeeze her like a warm fleshy vice. She’d read about all of this in a couple books from her private collection, but seeing all of it in action… being in the action was beyond her wildest dreams. Twilight grinned gleefully as she felt her second wind coming, surging with energy as she redoubled her efforts. As one final effort, Twilight reared up with Alex still speared on her cock, using her hips and gravity to slowly drag him the last few millimeters while her cock exploded into him with unending buckets of cum. She gave her hips a few more upward thrusts as her cum squeezed out of Alex around her cock before setting him back down on the tub edge. A couple minutes later, Twilight pulled out of Alex. A small fountain of purple princess produce flowed out of Alex, forming a thin layer on top of the water in the bath tub. There was a flash somewhere around his hips, but she was too caught up in the afterglow of her orgasm to notice. As their breathing calmed down, Twilight stepped down from Alex’s plot. She gave the back of his neck a quick a nuzzle and placed a brief kiss on his cheek. “That was fun.” Alex dreamily moaned as she pulled from him to lay down in the warm water and wash herself off. She giggled as she watched him breathe softly, gone from this world. Twilight stopped as the reality of everything she had done came in as the cum stains in her coat came out. She’d literally rutted a colt till he fainted… she… she was a pervert! Twilight’s eyes went wide with a sudden realization. “I’m telling you Twilight, you shouldn’t knock it till you try it.” It was a few weeks prior, Discord had been harassing her, making her blush with description of his sexual conquests throughout the centuries. Normally she ignored it, but this time- “Discord, I’m trying to work! Keep your perverted filth to yourself!” Twilight had just been too busy to deal with his horse apples. she’d pushed him away, upset him. “Why Twilight, I thought that somepony as perverted as you would appreciate my help.” Twilight knew she shouldn’t have been so defensive about it, but she was just so tired of dealing with him. “I’m not a pervert!” Discord had just smiled at her and gave her a condescending pat on the head. “We’ll see.” “Oh Celestia no.” > Unedited > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash smiled as she approached the door. She had used her ninja skills to escape aloe, and she had snuck past Vera. It would be nice seeing Ice naked again. Seeing her in that maid outfit just made what was under it mysterious, and mysterious was damn sexy. Our prismatic mare smiled as she reached the spa’s private room, her private sexy little shangri-la. A private sexy little shangri-la that she knew her friends would be mad about her looking in on. Not that she’d let them know about it if she could help it. With one final step she stood before the door. The mysterious door behind which all of her sexy hopes and dreams lay. Rainbow Dash put her hoof to the handle. And kept it there for a moment as she thought about the reasoning behind why it was called a ‘hand’le, as far as she knew ponies don’t have anything called hands. ‘Wait… Why do I suddenly care about the naming conventions behind handles? And how in the name of Celestia’s great rainbow beard do I suddenly know what ‘convention’ means?! DAMN YOU TWILIGHT!’ Our prismatic ‘heroine’ yelled in her mind as she came to the realization that her eggheaded friend was, in all probability, behind her sudden jump in intelligence. With a disdainful scowl, which could only be helped by oiled up filly, Rainbow Dash opened up the door. Nothing could have prepared her for what she saw. Twilight smiled as she lay Alex down on the edge of the tub. The colt deserved some rest after that performance. Perhaps after she drained him a bit she would call in Vera, and she could give him the works. Still, it would be better to ask. "Alex?" Twilight gave the colt a nudge with her right forehoof, and then she waited. All she got was an ear twitch. Perhaps he had fallen asleep in exhaustion? "Aaaaalex?" A hoof twitch this time. Twilight listened closely. He was barely breathing?! Twilight looked around for whatever might be the cause. No spell, his throat was unrestricted, mouth open fine. What could possibly? Twilight looked down. Normally her cock was half her body length. Alex was just 2/3 her body length. He was taking her to the hilt. Buck. Twilight rapidly backed up with rising urgency. When she simply ended up dragging him backwards, she placed her hooves on his back, and yanked. The colt gasped for air, and Twilight mentally celebrated not killing him. Until small niggling doubts crept forward in her mind. But how had he even taken that much?! A pony's digestive tract wasn't designed to take anything thing that long and hard. It was long yes, but it coiled and turned. Oh Faust, his insides must be a mess! “Alex? Alex!” Twilight gave the colt a insistent shake with her magic, and begged Faust that he would be okay. “Mmmmm” Twilight cried in relief, glad she hadn’t turned the colt’s insides into mashed potatoes. Rainbow Dash stumbled down the hall in a shocked stupor. Twilight was a dickgirl... a futa. So fucking awesome! She could understand how it would cause a problem for some, Vera for example, but as a Princess Twilight could have caused a bucking stir with that massive fuck stick. Rainbow Dash hated how some ponies treated futas. She was a true Pegasus, raised on freedom and carrying her head in the clouds! Justice, liberty! FUCK YEAH! Dash shook away her stupor and seriously considered the huge news she had stumbled upon. Perhaps, unlike the filly she'd told the crowd about earlier today, she should keep this news to herself. Nopony suspected yet, and Twi would not appreciate her sharing this info. As she snuck her way back to the spa’s main chamber Rainbow kept thinking back to what she saw Twilight doing. When she eventually made it to the room, she saw that neither of her friends had noticed her absence, and that Lotus hadn’t finished with the list of meaningless chores Rarity had asked her to do. Which she was actually doing for some reason and not say, sitting just outside the door with her ear pressed to it to listen in on what they were talking about. No, Aloe was the one doing that, until an irritated huff from Rainbow sent her packing. Celestia smiled as she strutted out of the audience hall. Today's court hadn't felt as long and torturous as usual, and that was cause for celebration. Perhaps she would sample one of her mighty guards? Jogging a mile a day helped to preserve thrusting power, and that something she appreciated greatly. Alternatively, she could perhaps entice a fresh faced maid into her bathing chamber. Nothing wrong with something soft to hold. Hmm, perhaps a combination if the two? She'd been hearing recent reports of an increase in the futa population, a rather reasonable mutation when one considers how much magical radiation ponies absorb. First they got horns on their head, why not horns between their legs! Like most magically irradiated appendages, futas probably were a bit more substantial. Stronger unicorns had longer horns, but not always. Unfortunately for Twilight, some unicorns weren't showers. Fortunately for Twilight, her Alicorn growth should fix that any day now! Hopefully... Celestia smiled as she passed a particularly virulent looking, but also innocent and new, guard. Perhaps she'd try a futa tomorrow. "My dear guard, would you please come to my quarters at once? It seems a stray cat has wandered in." The guard followed her all the way to her quarters. He wasn't ready for what he saw. Twilight slowly lifted herself out of the tub. She turned to cast an auto-heating spell, but was pleasantly surprised when she discovered a earth pony heating system already in place. Twilight frowned as she turned towards the door. She hated to leave Alex unattended, but there was a distressed futa nearby, who's heart she was breaking. As hypocritical as it seemed to her to worry about Vera after railing Alex, she did. The Earthpony had been an honest companion, who wasn't exactly badly shaped either. She was a smart independent mare, who could see reason. If Twilight showed Vera the contract, explained Alex's situation, then the futa would be forgiving. … She hoped. Alex sighed pleasantly as his dreams flittered away. If he remembered correctly, then it was the weekend. He knew for a fact he didn't have work to do this Saturday, and it certainly wasn't Sunday. Hmm? It seems he had fallen asleep in the bath. No matter, his bedroom was near the bathroom, and towels were always handy. He tried to stand up. His stomach sloshed awkwardly. He must have eaten too much soup. His mouth tasted salty, so it was probably tortilla soup. Ohh wait. Alex groaned in anger as reality came flooding back. He was cute and fuckable and walked on four legs. Discord had tricked him, but Twilight was bucking him anyway. He'd wake up like this once a week for four years, or he'd never see another human again. To make matters worse, his fate was literally just taking cock up the... His flanks felt different. It wasn't the gaping sensation of air on insides, he'd had enough toy time at home to know that feeling. No, this was the flanks themselves. Alex opened his eyes and turned. He wasn't prepared for what he saw. It was about the same mark as last time, but now Twilight's six pointed star was nestled into the futa symbol's circle. Now whenever somepony checked out his mark they'd immediately think something was off, unless... He could say it was a complicated spell matrix. No pony with any knowledge about that kind of thing would accept it, unless by some cosmic mischance it was a magic sigil, but ponyville was pretty earth-pony centric, and the farmer variety were usually ignorant of such things from what he saw in the show. Not that there was anything wrong with that. They had practical things to do that they loved, but that left little time for theory. Hmm, so hopefully no one would figure out that Twi was a futa, because then the meaning was a mite bit clearer. Regardless, his literal pony destiny was getting railed by a futa. This shit had to be accruing some serious cosmic brownie points. Alex crept out of the tub as best he could. That wasn't saying much, but he definitely made the attempt. His gaping, sore, and, some would say, still fuckable butthole made the trip difficult but he managed to get over and out. Next, he gave his surroundings a good look over. Not much to say, just pink and soft blue striped walls and a wooden door. He wondered momentarily why he hadn't looked around more before, but he chocked it up to just being in a funk after having sold his body away. Twilight must have fucked the funk right out of him. The thought alone arroused a uncharacteristic giggle out of the colt. Turning to the last corner, Alex spotted the maid outfit Twilight dressed him up in. As much as he hated wearing it the first time, better that than to betray Twilight's secret. But, how would he get it on? The small colt approached the dress, and gave it a curious nuzzle. Suddenly, with no warning the dress seized upon the colt, wrestling him to the ground! Out of nowhere the socks attacked his hooves, and the bows his mane. Alex fought desperately to escape the satin and silk bindings, but it was no use. Within moments the colt lay on the ground, exhausted and fully dressed. "Ohh." Alex rolled back onto his now socked hooves, and gave a experimental stretch. Everything seemed to be on properly. He still wasn't quite sure why the outfit fit, but it certainly fit him snugly. It was probably a spell. But if they had a spell like this, then why bother with measurements? Rarity always had a measuring tape in the show. He'd have to ask about it later. He had bigger questions now, like "where the fuck is Twilight?" and the ever excellent "what the hay am I supposed to do now?". Both of them deserved answers. Answers he wouldn't get standing around here. Alex confronted the doorknob, in all its inexplicable hoof-hating roundness. Looking down, he considered the flat shape of his hooves, and how he hadn’t been able to turn shower nozzles. On the other hoof, he had operated the bathroom’s round doorknob. What was the difference between the two? Alex gave the doorknob before him an inquisitive turn with his hoof. Much like the library doors, it turned with his hoof. It didn’t feel like Twilight’s magic. Perhaps making hoof magic compatible doorknobs is a cutie mark? Perhaps there was a little workshop where a little old earthpony rubbed doorknobs a certain way, just so that hoof magic rubbed off onto them. Alex turned the knob the other way. Perhaps he wasn’t holding the doorknob, it was holding him. Unlikely, it would either be strong enough to turn the knob against the spring or weak enough to let go, but nothing was impossible. Alex gave the doorknob a few more jiggles. Nothing came to him. He turned the handle all the way, and pulled open the door. Nothing ambushed him but a hall. The walls and floors and the ceiling were all like the room he had just been in. Where was everypony? Alex heard chatting. If he remembered the trip in correctly, it was the main room. He approached cautiously. Just as he was about to open the door, it was ripped open, and a mysterious force knocked him inside. Alex felt panic rise as he struggled to keep the skirt over his bits. "Oh dear, I'm so sorry!" Alex grunted as another force, what he realized to be magic, lifted him back onto his feet. With a relieved sigh Alex pushed the skirt back into place. Seeing Rarity and Aloe, Alex tried his best to reassure them with a smile. "Miss Ice, are you okay?!" Alex felt the coat on his neck tingle as a voice that was far too intimate invaded his ears rolled over his back. He barely restrained the urge to jump in fright, and turned to confrontface... Fluttershy? Fluttershy smiled as she stared into the eyes of an angel. They were a stunning sky blue. A small Pegasus instinct in the back of her mind was insisting she fly into them. Of course she didn't. That would hurt Ice Closet, and hurting Ice Closet was the last thing she wanted! Fluttershy blushed as she thought of what she did want. Rarity smiled uneasily and gently used her magic to lift Ice Closet up and out of harm. She wasn't sure where Twilight was, but this might be the only oppurtunity she got to find out more about Ice. "Dear, would you mind clearing a few things up for us?" Rarity smiled hollowly as the filly turned back to her. She wasn't sure why, but it seemed like the maid knew her. Obviously Twikight had told Ice all about her friends. "It's just that we wanted to know more about how you and Twilight met. It just seems like there is a lot going on we don't know, and as Twilight's friends we're concerned. "No." Rarity frowned at the rather unclear answer. "'No' what dear?" Rarity leaned in close to gauge his exact reaction. "No, I don't think I'd be comfortable telling all of you just yet." Rarity frowned as the maid nervously twitched. Something was definetly going on there. "Can you at least tell us more about yourself?" The maid shook her head no, twice as nervously as before. Rarity smiled as her theory rapidly gained a second wind. She'd just have to trick Ice into letting something slip. It was for the dear's own good. > Confessions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VH: LAST TIME, ON COLLEGE EXPENSES! RARITY THE TRICKSY TAILOR OF THE TWICE THRICED GROUP WE KNOW AS THE MANE 6 WAS BEING A NOSEY OUT OF CHARACTER BITCH, WHICH DOESN’T MATTER BECAUSE THE SHOW DOESN’T HAVE THEM FUCKING EACH OTHER SO THEY’RE ALL OUT OF CHARACTER ANYWAY. ALSO, UNBEKNOWNST TO OUR DEAR VIEWERS, SHE HAS A MYSTERIOUS TRAUMA THAT COMPELS HER TO SPY ON TWILIGHT’S LOVER. K: Actually she’s just displacing her own massive sexual frustration and desire for someone besides Applejack because they’re paired together so often that I’d like to see something different, like Derpy maybe, or Roseluck... Yeah, lets go with Roseluck, she needs more love. VH: BUT BACK TO THE STORY!: Alex backpedaled as stealthily as possible, which was not at all since his two interrogators, Rarity and Fluttershy, were already standing right in front of him, and had more brains than a rock. “Dear, come relax. You look so tense.” Alex rolled her eyes at the B grade villain dialogue. Then chilled as he spotted some massage oil being levitated in the corner of his big cute eyes. “Rares, I’m fine. I just need to talk to Twilight.” Alex smiled as she felt his flank smack into the doorframe. Almost- the door was telekinetically closed before he could make a run for it. “A-are you sure you don’t want to stick around Ice?” Fluttershy asked, that stupid sexy face of hers starting to pout. Alex’s heart twisted in on itself wanting to cuddle that face, but he just kept reminding himself that he was cuter and that he could hold himself once he was safe. Fluttershy found herself trotting towards the cute filly for the second time that day, again totally against her will. Well, more like without her will saying anything about it one way or the other. In fact, her will was perfectly happy to be getting closer and closer to cute little Ice. Especially with that convenient bottle of massage oil right behind the cute little mare. Alex didn’t stand a chance. As soon as Twilight was out of the picture, he was helpless to stop the two larger mares from ponyhandling him onto a massage table. Nor could he stop Fluttershy from giving a massage that was way too touchy-feely-gropey for his liking. Nor could he stop Rarity from questioning him. “So dear, just in case Pinkie plans a party for you, what sort of foods do you like?” Alex blinked at the seemingly innocent question. “I, um, I like sour things, lemon pie for example.” Rarity blinked. Was enjoying sour things weird for ponies? They enjoyed hot foods, cold foods, why not sour? Wait, was Rarity writing it down?! The heck?! “So, what’s your favorite color?” “Red.” “Favorite music?” “Electronic.” “Favorite past times?” “What do you mean?” “What do you do for fun, darling.” Alex searched desperately for something that would fit the given past and at least half the truth. “Ummm… drawing is nice.” “It certainly is, but surely you do things besides draw?” “I write short stories, but they never go anywhere.” “Oh? Why is that? I imagine that if I had ever written anything I would want to see it through.” “Would if I could.” “Could? is there something stopping you?” “Eh, not good enough.”Alex blanched as Rarity wrote that down too. “Now then, perhaps you do something besides drawing and writing? I would imagine that to be the case, no pony’s that two dimensional.” “I...uh…” Alex drooped a little. “Well… I like sci… nevermind.” “...Sci?” “nothing.” “Alright darling, now, what about your favorite type of book?” “... I refuse to answer any more questions without my lawyer present.” If you can’t be honest, then be weird. These ponies probably had a dozen working lie detection spells on the market. “... Darling? Did you just threaten me with legal counsel?” Alex refused to look at her. “sigh.” Twilight Frowned as she ushered Alex out of the spa. “Did you really threaten her with legal counsel?” He didn’t bother looking at Twilight either. "If you can't outsmart them, then you be weird." He muttered as if answering. Twilight gave his mane a rustle. "Where were you that whole time anyway?" He continued, trying to get her attention away from his head while he put his mane back into place. Vera sighed gently as she mixed up a fresh batch of massage oil. The spa sisters salon used their own mixture of oils and scents to make their signature massage oil. Her back to the door of one of the spa’s back rooms as she faced the mixing table, her ear twitched when she noticed the pop of the door’s latch as it opened. Twilight slipped in quietly after checking that both her friends and Vera’s sisters weren’t around to keep their conversation private. As much as she loved them, platonically, she knew that there was no way the entire town wouldn’t hear about her secretly meeting one of the spa sisters in the back room alone if it got back to either Rarity or Rainbow. "V-Vera we need to talk." Twilight began nervously. Vera jumped softly, but didn't panic. Her ears, however, folded as they were along with the visible nervousness in her body language and that she hadn’t turned to speak with her told Twilight all she needed to know about just how close Vera had come to panicking. “W-What do you want to talk about princess?” "Y-you've been a great friend to me, and I know you want to be more, and I just want you to know..." Twilight blushed. "If this whole mess hadn't come up I wouldn't have had any issue saying yes, and even though there is this mess I might not be able to say no." Vera felt her heart soar. Dreams were coming true, right here, so far from her bed. "The thing is." Vera felt her heart stop. "I can't leave Alex's contract broken. It isn't money or anything like that. If I fail he'll never get to go home again." Vera nodded, uncertain where this was going. "So while I will say yes, I can't drop Alex. Whether or not you want to ask knowing that..." Vera wasn't a dumb mare or a haughty mare. She knew that if she let Twilight go now, the Alicorn's heart wouldn't remain true for four years. At the same time she wasn't too good to take a princess of the realm with a colt on the side. True love was staring her in the eye, con routed baggage bearing love, but love nonetheless. She'd be a fool to reject. Now to tell Twilight that. Twilight blinked in surprise as a soft pair of lips embraced her own. Twilight smiled as Vera nuzzled up to her. Alex smiled half heartedly as the approached the treebrary. "I'm sorry I'm messing things up for you." He apologized gently. The two futanaris giggled softly and flanked him on either side. "Don't be. If it wasn't for you, I might have never gotten the push needed to confess to Twilight." Vera admitted gently into his ear. "Plus," Twilight whispered in the other, "in order to ensure things are fair, we've decided that she gets a turn with you every once in a while." Alex shivered. > Property Rights Violations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So my plan of having you stay at the spa is out." Alex turned to Twilight in confusion. "Why?" "We realized that it would be impossible to keep your secret while you were walking from there to the library." Vera answered, causing the colt to turn his head to the other side. “... How so?” "One curious Pegasus and a breeze is what separates you from public scrutiny." Alex considered that scenario. His normally perverted mind saw no issue with a stallion sniffing up his skirt, but his sense of decency and practicality won out, and he conceded the point with a nod. “So, me and Twilight are thinking about what your uniform is going to look like. We like what you have now, but I want more frills on the socks.” Alex stopped in his tracks. He wasn't stopping in confusion or anger, he fully agreed with her thoughts on the frilly socks. What stopped him was the realization that he was in the tree castle when he first arrived, but sometime during the blowjob it had changed into the treebrary. Had they been teleported? Twilight hadn’t noticed a flash of light or heard any snapping from Discord. He was pretty enthralled by cock at the time, but even then, there should have been some disorientation. “Was hoping you wouldn’t notice that.” Alex went from still in contemplation to frozen in fear as the voice of Discord echoed in his head. Discord appeared in front of Alex, but from the way that no-pony else reacted he guessed that he was the only one able to see him. “Look, it’s like this. In the dimension with the crystal castle, Twi’ never fucked your brains out and never hooked up with Vera. Eventually she rejects you too, and you are stuck here forever against your will. I’m not that mean. I could only continue this in good spirit if you had pretty good chances of being able to go home if you held up your end to the best of your abilities…. literally!” Discord sniggered as Alex blushed at his joke. “It’s a shame, I had to make Tirek not exist. It was fun pretending to be weaker than him for a few days, a nice vacation. The draconequus snapped his fingers and a tiny little tirek in a cage appeared swung precariously on a small rope. He gave a evil grin and a little smile, and the cage shook like a leaf in a wind. “Ohh well. Don’t bother trying to think about that other dimension. I’m afraid you will go quite mad, trust me, I know from experience.” Alex shivered as the cruel smile pierced his good mood. “Back to reality!” Alex blinked as the seemingly normal reality began. If he had to describe the feeling, it was like watching a movie, and then somebody presses play. Alex knew it didn’t make sense, but that was the best he could do with his poor mortal nerve endings. Alex stumbled forward as the step his brain had insisted he was making actually happened. Vera and Twilight gave him a worried look, but he gave them his best reassuring smile. He wasn’t quite sure they’d believe him. “Still not quite used to these hooves.” But they bought that. To them it would make sense, to them it sounded real. Alex smiled nervously, not even having to fake embarrassment. Of course, that was one of his skills, he lied. Late project, rush it. Unprepared for a presentation, get them to giggle and you’ll do alright. He wasn’t too great at it, but he could fool most people. By most people he meant everyone with middling intelligence. He was also great at forcing himself to feel indifferent, which really pissed his teachers off, but took away the sting when they were shouting at him in a quiet angry voice. Kept them from slapping his face off for laughing too hard at them. Alex forced a smile back onto his face, he didn’t want to worry anyone. The Treebrary was gently lit, but Alex couldn’t recall them leaving any lights on. “Twilight?” “Yes Al-Ice?” Twilight responded, stopping to see what the human turned-pony turned-cocksock wanted while Vera continued ahead a couple of steps before realizing her company had stopped. Alex blinked in confusion, but “ahh’ed” in realization when he spotted a few mares nearby giving him weird looks. “Um, I was just wondering if you left the light on when we went to the spa earlier.” Alex/Ice Closet/Cocksock said, pointing out the lit window. “I didn’t, you two stay behind me, I’ll go in first.” Alex and Vera nodded in agreement. Twilight reached for the door handle with her magic, preparing herself for what she might find waiting in her home, Alex hiding behind her and Vera leaning against the wall on one side of the door. When Twilight burst the door open, after undoing the latch to avoid unnecessary damage to her house/city property she found that none of them were prepared for what they saw. The crowd of milling naked ponies in every open space in the library. They were not naked in the sense that they lacked clothes, naked in that they were bearing out EVERYTHING. Tails were turned to the side, ropes crisscrossed flesh, bits of flesh were shaved strategically. It was a sexual Mos Eisely. “... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOME?!” Alex stared in shock as the crowd roared in celebration and began rutting again, completely ignoring the purple pony’s great wrath. This great raucous activity did stop when a purple glow surrounded the interlopers. “GET OUT!” With a glow of her horn and a flick of her head the crowd made a rapid magical egress via teleportation into a nearby body of water. Alex determined this by the sound of a gigantic splash in the distance, and the fact that the ponies stopped being in the library all at once. He felt very scientific at that moment. "Twi... What… what the hell was that?!" Vera muttered in complete shock a and confusion. Alex nodded in agreement to the question. Twi shrugged past them and trotted to the center of the room, where they found what appeared to be a pile of stuff covered by semen. There was something niggling in the back of Alex’s mind, something screaming at him with a big scary voice. “Where the hell did they get all of this lab equipment?” Alex felt a sinking feeling in his chest. “Ohh no.” Alex stared in horror at the pile of objects, a few electronics, legos and a whole lot of semen. "Nooooooo!" Alex charged towards the pile and desperately digged at the pile, scooping the spooge and dumping it to the side. Twilight teleported the pile of spooge to the same place she had sent the revelers. Alex anxiously twitched as he pressed the small button on the side of the large white box. The tension in the the room dropped and he rolled to the side in relief as the small box lit up. "Alex, isn't this the strange electrical box I saw you with earlier?" The white colt nodded as he hugged the box as if it was his foal. "So what is this thing?" Twilight jumped back as Alex hissed at her. At first she worried that the colt had been possessed, but that worry passed as he gave her a regretful look. "I did teleport all of the semen, is it still working?" Twilight inquired as gently as possible. "If you got all of it then it should be fine." Alex muttered as he began hooking up specific wires. Vera gave Twilight an even more confused look. “You never said he was an electrician!” Vera practically shouted, Alex turned and gave her a confused look, which left all three ponies in the room staring at each other in utter confusion. Twilight grunted in frustration and started magically sorting out all of the plastic bricks and other nick nacks that lacked wiring, Alex continued to be an ‘electrician’, and Vera continued to be confused yet vaguely interested. Twilight’s eyes lit up in recognition, while Vera gawked in shock as the large rectangular thin box lit up on the side that said “s-V-msung” “Ohh! That’s what these are. What’s the thicker white box for?” “It’s what contains all the important bits, the flat thingy is just a viewing screen to show me what I’m doing.” Twilight nodded along, pretending this all made sense. “You have computers right?” Twilight nodded along, still in pretend mode. “It’s like that but more advanced… and with games.” “That’s neat… what else can it do?” Vera inquired gently. “Porn.” Both Vera and Twilight turned towards the box with a sudden renewed interest. “It’s a printer too?” Alex sighed in frustration. “I’ll show you two tomorrow, where are the beds? Today has been a mess of hormones and confusing emotions, right now I just want to sleep.” Twilight nodded in agreement, and actually meant it this time. “Come on everypony, to the Batcave!” Vera and Alex stared at Twilight in shock. “What, I’m Batmare, Celestia is Supermare, Rainbow Dash is the Flash. We aren’t just the Elements of Harmony and Princesses…” > Super Heroes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We...We have hobbies too!” Twilight finished indignantly. “Wut?” “It’s a roleplaying game… I just thought that you’d be into that sort of thing.” Alex wasn’t sure if he should have been offended, or complimented that she had read him like a book. "I usually play a half elf, half nordic, crossbow markswoman. Haven't heard of this one” Alex lied. It was Twilight's turn to look confused, but before long she shrugged in acknowledgement. "So what are some other characters?" "Cadance and Shining Armor are Black Canary and Green Arrow, and Luna is Nightwing. I taught Luna how to play myself." Alex stared in half shock at the statistical impossibility being presented to him. The first set kinda made sense. Celestia was powered by the sun and way op, thus she was Superman; Twilight had a basement full of technology and was a genius, Batman; Rainbow Dash was fast and hid secret genius and insight, the Flash. It all made sense. Deciding to tempt his sanity, Alex opened his mouth a third time. "Who else plays, and what are their character names?" "Applejack is Wonder Mare, Fluttershy is Aquamare, Sweetie Belle is the current Robin, and Applebloom keeps changing hers. Pinkie used to play, but she kept managing to make her characters some variation of this way op one called Deadpool. It wasn't fun for anypony, so now she sticks to helping the GM run things." "And who is the GM?" Alex asked, barely clinging to that last thread. "It's Scootaloo, she does it professionally. It's how she can afford the cute little house on the edge of town. She prefers Sci-Fi, but we pay her in food." The last thread snapped. "Twilight, I'm about to faint. Please teleport me to a bed." Alex didn't see the purple alicorn giggle, he was too busy being unconscious in the basement's bat themed bed. Twilight nuzzled Vera encouragingly, barely holding onto her own threads of sanity. Her grip was far more secure. Her mental grip having had much more exercise in the vicinity of Pinkie Pie. "Let's go cuddle or something." Vera shrugged, licking Twilight’s cheek and swapping her confusion for exhaustion. The leader of the cult of the Sex Goddess Twilight struggled out of Ponyville's fishing pond. Several of his followers slipped on water challenged fish laying on the shore. He hadn’t revealed it to his followers, but he had suspected that his Dark Mistress of the bedroom would do this. He had told them to pack towels to wipe off the bodily fluids after the divine orgy. He hadn’t expected the sudden shower of semen. Nopony would, unless you were positioned under a couple dozen sex crazed cultists, but the sky above Bedroom Fervor was nightly but pretty clear. No clouds of dicks in sight. Bedroom Fervor smiled as he finally made it to dry land, only having slipped on two fish and a vagina, which just smelled like fish. He didn’t bother shaking off the semen coating that stuck to his coat. “FOLLOWERS!” Most of the cultists, and several passing ponies who had been watching the spectacle, gave Bedroom Fervor their full attention. “I have failed you. I have lead us to our mistress’ quarters before she has embraced her full power. I beg for one of you to replace me.” Bedroom slyly hid his smile as several ponies decried his statement, helpfully cleaning up that fact that he had messed up. Most cult leaders made the mistake of proclaiming perfection. Nopony was perfect, certainly not himself. It was simply that others were farther from perfection than he was. “If you shall not replace me, then I beg you to listen. Our lady may have rejected our gift this time, but I suspect that it will not be long before she discovers her power and rewards us for our future donations. We must bide our time until that time comes. I was rash, and I fear I may have garnered our lady’s ire.” Bedroom Fervor smiled as several ponies gave him supportive smiles, the fools. “But I have learned, and we will prepare the world for the seeding by the one true goddess’ rise.” Bedroom wiggled his eyebrows at that last double innuendo inspiring humor from his followers. His past lives had relied on being above his followers, but ponies were different. A pony who acted normally would never be suspected by other ponies. Ponies obeyed their gods, but followed their fellow pony to the grave. At first it had seemed like a barrier, but he had quickly found a way to use it to his advantage, this way. The average joe, simple approach to cult leadership. Bedroom regretted forgetting his name, becoming a low stud pony, but it had given him contacts with the more perverse and sexually… unsatisfied. They were ponies whose society’s apparent perfection had not quite given everything they needed. Perfect members for his cult. Alex stirred gently. Unfamiliar grey and dark blue sheets graced his vision. Unlike the last time, he was damn certain where he was. He was in Twilight's basement, and the contract required that he had to go nuzzle Twilight's cock for a while. The contract had been very specific on that. He half wished that he could forget some parts of the contract, that it wasn't permanently seared into his mind. But they were seared permanently into his brain, and it was impossible for him to forget. There was no easy way out. He either gave up on returning to earth or he got fucked by Twi. It wasn’t a hard choice now, he kinda wanted her to fuck him. But would he be saying that four years from now… Alex tossed the question aside and climbed out of the bed. He had a cock to nuzzle. Alex stumbled up the basement steps, ignoring the batman paraphernalia. Twilight seemed to be obsessed with the roleplay she claimed to participate in. He liked to roleplay, but this was too much. Then again, Twilight would probably be this intense about everything. It was an admirable trait, from a certain perspective. As somepony who was apathetic to the point of detriment, only to panick back into mediocrity, Alex did admire this trait. It impressed to say the least. Alex stumbled at the top of the stairs, landing face first into a very familiar crotch. "You remembered too." The familiar voice of Twilight inquired. "Hey Twilight." Alex answered to the purple dick with black splotches resting on his snout. With nothing better to do, he gently rubbed it’s length against the tip of his nose. “Can’t that wait till I’m sitting or laying down?” Alex gave Twilight an insistent nuzzle of an answer. “If this wasn’t the most pleasant sensation I’ve ever felt you’d be out on your ass." Alex felt a giggle well up inside of him. Yup, definitely a giggle… Certainly not stale cum splashing around inside of him, threatening to leak out his body. The thought of which by no means gave him a stiffy as he dug his face into her crotch, at all, seriously. “Mmmmm, You don’t really mean that, do you Twilight?” Alex asked, his nose at the base of her meat stick as he spoke, trying to get his mind off of the erection he was by no means having and the shifting of his stomach as it seemed to react to his thought of a cum splattered future. “Mmm, I admit that being buried deep in your throat was more exhilarating, but this is sort of like taking a shower, a slow pleasure.” Twilight punctuated her point with a gentle thrust across Alex’s muzzle. Alex revelled in the smell and warmth, tempted to just lay his head down and take a nap on Twilight’s face warmer. But such was not to be, as at that particular moment one Vera the hermaphroditic masseuse walked in on them and blurted the first thing that came to her mind. “Hey Twi, you didn’t say being a superhero came with a complimentary cock warmer.” > Revenge of Rarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex ducked forward as Twilight jerked in surprise. The contract required him to maintain constant contact with her crotch, he couldn’t just nuzzle off and on. He overcompensated and ended up nuzzling all the way to her hips, his gentle fur rubbing sensuously along her shaft. “F-fuuuuck. Alex, I think you’re gonna need to suck me off after this, my dick might implode if you don’t.” Alex gave Twilight a glare over the top of her slightly flared cock. He didn’t say anything, because any complaint would be nullified by the fact that he was contractually obliged to be her sex slave, or more accurately, contractually obliged to do things a sex slave would do, to/for her. Since technically it was Discord who was the other signee. Of course, it was a magical contract. Alex knew he should be fighting against the contract, but something deep inside him insisted that he would lose. As if Discord had actually imprinted the idea that resistance was futile into his brain. Alex's silly worries were forgotten with a simple thrust of Twilight's hips across his snout. The movement giving his senses a fresh blast of the addictive cock smell. "Hey Twi?" Alex froze as a second cock joined the fray, sliding sideways across the top of his head and covering him in shadow. "I was wondering, how exactly are we going to share him? I mean, yeah I'm dating you, but I'd like a romp with this cutie, just to see what the fuss is all about." Alex might have complained that he wasn't a fucktoy, but he was far too lost in revelling in the two cocks to care. Both of the futas rapidly found their erections were straining to get touched as the colt gently rubbed, nuzzled, and sniffed both their cocks like he had an addiction. Twilight groaned as her urge to rut was beginning to exponentially increase, approaching the point of gooey fun rapidly and without real breaks. As if sensing this, the colt between her legs seemed to double his efforts, doing just about everything but sucking or licking to get her off. All three of them froze as the door opened. “Twilight dear, Spike is back and we are... hooooooOOOOOHHH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL?!” Alex, Twilight, and Vera all turned and stared at the suddenly prostrate form of Rarity who happened to be crushing a small luggage Twilight identified as belonging to a purple fire breathing lizard. Normally there would be a scene cut here, but due to complaints from unnamed people (me) that our chapters were becoming too short, we have decided that there will be no cuts. Alex turned his eyes to the clock behind Vera, but didn’t stop nuzzling. “Twi, what are we going to do? If I stop nuzzling now we’d have to start all over.” Twilight paused to recall what the contract said. “You mean we’d have to do this again today just because we were short a few seconds?” “Yeah.” Both Vera and Twilight looked down to Alex and silently came to an agreement. As one they yanked their hips away from his cheeks. “Hey!” “Alex, Rarity could be hurt.” Twilight lied. Vera barely suppressed a giggle and tried her best to find other bits of Alex to rest her needy appendage on. The colt-shaped cock warmer just grumbled. *In a parallel universe where this story is governed by authors, one of which has no idea what he’s doing* “MMMm…… Alex…. Right there... Harder… Harder Alex, Harder” “This is as hard as I can go” “Well you’re no fun” *Alex puts the word CAT down on the scrabble board* Tschloken: All spelling and grammar mistakes here are on purpoise. *Meanwhile in equestria, a place totally not fiction or imagined in someone’s brain-thing* Twilight levitated Rarity onto the couch in the main area of the library while Vera went to go get some water. Once she had placed Rarity onto the couch she looked around for Alex and couldn’t see him, she deduced that he had sneaked back down into her batcave to avoid having to go spelunking. “Alex get back up here!” She called down the batcase (The stairs were shaped like bats). There no response. She huffed and walked into the kitchen to see what was taking Vera so long. What she found upon entering the kitchen was a bucket of water on the ground next the freezer. A freezer with a very Vera-esque plot sticking out of it. A plot that was shaking in her face. Twilight felt her cock twitch a little. “Vera? Why are you in the freezer?” “I’m looking for the ice” She responded, rolling around in the freezer so that her head was sticking out instead of her flank. “Why?” “Nevermind… what is the ice for though?” “To wake Rarity up of course.” “It’s in the other Freezer. The one in the basement, behind the door.” “Thanks Twi-Twi.” Vera jumps out of the freezer, and trots out of the door with the bucket of water, running her tail under Twilight’s jaw as she trots past. Twilight stops as she hears the door to the basement open and then shut, before turning around to go and check on Rarity. "Rares?" Twilight inquired of the still sleeping mare. With a thankful sigh at the lack of any reaction, Twilight turned to the basement. Twilight smiled as Vera came back up with a bucket of ice hanging from her mouth. “So how exactly are we gonna break this to her?” Twi asked looking back to her prostrate friend. She caught a look from Vera out of the corner of her eye. “What?” “She’s your friend, you know her better than I do. Why are you asking me?” Alex wandered up the steps just shortly after Vera had, his curiosity about the purpose of the ice winning over his desire to mope. Also, he was hungry, like SERIOUSLY hungry. Like, he could eat a dozen… eat a dozen cookies hungry. Or pizza… fuck, now he wanted pizza. Alex quickly abandoned the idea of investigating and began his quest for pizza. Would there be a pizzeria in Ponyville? Would Twilight have a frozen pizza? He knew they had cheese, and he couldn’t think of anything else, aside from the eggs for dough, that would be an issue. Then he remembered that they ate eggs. It really brightened Alex’s day. If they could convince chickens to give up their unborn children as food, perhaps he could convince the pigs to give him their dead. Not that he had any clue how to butcher meat, and was probably worse at his non-skill now that he had hooves. Alex discarded such thoughts. They were merely distractions on the road to pizza. To be with pizza is to be full, and to be full was happiness. Thus, pizza was the purest expression of joy, especially when it was a thin crust pizza with pepperoni, pineapple, and a light dusting of red pepper seasoning, y'know, the stuff they include with thin crusts at papa John's Pizza. Alex spotted Twilight and Vera discussing something over the reclined form of Rarity. He turned and went to the kitchen intent on fulfilling his search for the wonder of fullness. The kitchen was rather plain, but for some reason he couldn't recall if he had ever seen the kitchen back on the show. It was an okay kitchen, could be improved with some bacon, or pizza. Everything was better with pizza. Perhaps… even penis was better with pizza. He could recall a scene where a girl ate a cum covered pizza in a hentai game, would that be just as good in real life? Blegh, probably not. Still, it wouldn't kill him to try it. What other foods might cum go good on? The first thing that came to his mind was a hotdog, then there were corndogs too, cinnamon rolls maybe? Sandviches, cupcakes, regular cakes, . “AAAAAGGGHGGHGHGGHG!” Came a shrill voice from the other room, the room Rarity had been in. Alex put two and two together and decided that maybe he should recon the situation. Twilight smiled at Vera as she prepared the bucket of ice. “You sure this is a good idea?” Vera nodded, Twi nodded that she was ready. They threw the ice. “AAAAAGGGGHHGHGHHGGH!” Came the shrill retort of a unfortunatly ice covered mare. “THE FUCK!? DICKS, COLTS, ICE, ESPECIALLY ICE! WHAT THE CUNT?!” Twilight blanched at the continuous stream of rather unladylike screams and shouts. “Rarity! “WHO THE FUCK DUMPS ICE ON A SLEEPING MARE, WHY DO YOU HAVE A DICK, WHY IS YOUR MAID A COLT?!” “Rarity!” “AAAAAAAAAAAAGHGHGHGH!” “RARITY!” Twilight seized the mare’s mouth closed with a quick spell. With a quick glance she spotted Alex in the corner of her eye. He appeared to be nodding permission to her. She couldn’t lie about everything “Rarity, yeah my maid is a guy, though I was just using a strap on.” Twilight caught a glare out of the corner of her eye, and hoped that she hadn’t pissed Vera off too badly. “peeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” Twilight face-hoofed gently. “Rarity, it’s complicated.” Twilight insisted, hoping her even tone would snap Rarity out of it. “nnnnnnnn” Rarity continued, completely oblivious. “iiiiiiiiiiii” Twilight looked around the room for something to snap Rarity out of it. Again, she spotted Alex. “He might be up for modeling work if you are interested.” “sssss- huh? But he’s too small.” “Too small for a stallion, but I’m sure if you are nice he might be a model for some of your feminine clothes.” “Well, those are flanks a seamstress would kill for.” Twilight gave a half smile. “Just don’t go overboard.” Vera cut in as she gave Twilight another glare. “Yes… so you mentioned Spike?” “TWI?!” Both Twilight and Vera had to hold back a facehoof as a familiar reptilian voice echo from the kitchen. Alex backed the way from the reptile as he struggled to keep his skirt from hiking up. “The library is back there, these are private living quarters. Please leave.” Alex glanced at the delicious pizza he had discovered in the fridge before glancing back to Spike who was between him and it. “I’m actually staying here, so if you don’t mind…” “TWI!” Spike shouted out, causing Alex to jolt in surprise. “Sorry, but I don’t just let any stranger snack in our kitchen.” “B-but I do live here, A-and I’m really r-really hungry. Can I-I please have the pizza?” Alex/Ice Closet asked the nubby purple dragon, unintentionally using the cliched, overly effective puppy dog eyes. An obvious blush crossed Spike’s face as his sensibilities were assaulted by the weapons grade cuteness that Ice was exuding, opening his mouth to tell him (that he thought was a her) that he could, in fact, eat the pizza so long as he stopped trying to give him a heart attack. Though that particular action was interrupted by a particular purple mare that was particularly incensed at that moment. “What is it spi-, Oh, hey A-Ice, what’s going on Spike?” Twilight asked, glaring lightly at her purple reptilian assistant/slave. “Um, I-I was going to ask you if she,” he pointed and Alex, “was living with us now.” He finished, turning from the non-purple mare in the room to avoid a serious heart condition. “Yeah, actually h-she is Spike, she’s the new maid.” Twilight told her reptilian slaveboy. “Yeah, yeah okay, good to know. Y-your name is Ice, r-right? Umm, welcome to the family? Right, I’mma go clean something.” The slaveboy said, walking(waddling) away, his face burning in embarrassment and shame that he almost let a stranger into their fridge because she was cute, he thought he was immune to it ever since Sweeties cute ‘give me what I want’ face stopped having an effect on him. Back in the kitchen, Alex was standing next to Twilight, a frozen pizza balanced triumphantly on his head. He turned to Twilight, a question burning through his mind. “Twilight? Do you have any pineapples?” > Mama Mia, that's a nice plot! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight paused as she turned back to Alex, a strange scent catching her attention. “Alex, did you check to see if that pizza was still any good?” “No, no I did not. Should probably do that before eating it, huh?” Alex opened the pizza box, and then proceeded to gag his little lungs out as the stink of rotting frozen pizza raced up his nostrils and into his pony-smell-receptor-things. Twilight promptly grabbed the pizza-box out of Alex’s hooves with her magic, slamming the lid back down and dumping the box into the trash. “Come on,” She sighed. “The Pizzeria is open, we can go there.” Alex’s sickened face lit up with a smile. “C-can we get a pineapple to put on the pizza there?” Alex asked, a hopeful shine in his eyes. “Do you really want pineapple put on your pizza? Is that why you were asking if I had any earlier?” Twilight asked, a quizzical look on her face as her mind tried to comprehend why anyone would want to put a pineapple of all things on a pizza. “U-um yeah, it’s not that weird is it?” “Yes Alex, it kind of is. But lucky for you I have one hanging around here somewhere.” Twilight responded before she started searching for the pokey fruit of horribleness. “Twilight how could you!“ Vera shouted quietly, a look of pure indignation gracing her face as she marched up to the purple alicorn princess of friendship. Twilight, having just found the pineapple under one of the kitchen cupboards, pulled herself out and turned to face the irate spa master, pineapple floating in her magic next to her head. Twilight flinched as a pair of yellow hooves suddenly found a crushed pineapple between them, the fruit’s life blood coating the fruit murderer’s hooves and the faces of both mares. The juice splattered hooves resting on Twilights cheeks as Vera put her face directly in front of Twilight’s, her iris’s little more than pinpricks as she stared into the purple mare’s eyes. ”I. Hate. Pineapple.” The spa mare nearly growled, her face pushing against Twilight’s with each syllable of her vocalised hatred for the fruit. “But, that aside, we need to talk. Now.” Vera continued, pulling back from her ‘marefriend’, her eyes back to their normal, if still pissed, state. “Alex, would you mind checking on Spike?” Twilight asked, Alex shrugged and trotted out of the room. “Vera I’m-” “Twi, I can’t believe you went and dumped Rarity on Alex. Not only did you perpetuate the lie about your gender, you left him out to dry!” Twilight flinched back at the blunt accusation. “Look, let’s just go out, get pizza, calm down, and then come back and talk about it.” Vera huffed at Twilight, but decided to not object to this. None of them had really eaten today, that, and she just then noticed the smell that seemed to be permeating the room, a trip into town suddenly seeming like a very welcome prospect. Twilight smiled as she spotted a second pineapple she was keeping for allergy experiments she had been conducting a few days ago. “I’ll just cut this one up for the road.” *** Alex trotted up the stairs towards the bedroom that Spike shared with Twilight, opening the door and trotting into the room, only to get an eyeful of Spike masturbating on top of Twilight’s bed. “Uhhh…” Alex’s mind froze, having not expected the scene in front of him. Before Spike could notice him, Alex backed out of the room as quietly as possible. *** Alex sat next to Twilight in a booth at the local ponyville pizzeria. After discovering that the pizza was bad, and surviving the accompanying assault on his nose, everypony had decided to head out for dinner to escape the smell now permeating through the library. Alex ignored the cock eagerly rubbing across his rear, he ignored the spitballs the colt behind him was sticking to his mane the very aroused/disgusted spafuta in the corner across from him. He had more important things to worry about, like pineapple pizza. "Aaaalex, take a break and move a bit to the side would you?" A familiar adorkable voice begged from above, it being less than half as cute as he was, Alex had no trouble ignoring it in the face of the Asgardian feast laid before him. Canadian Haybacon (a poor substitute for pepperoni) and pineapple (thankfully the best he had ever had), on a thin crust pizza, with extra sauce, and some red pepper flakes on top. "Alex, you are squishing my dick." Twilight whispered weakly. “Pizza.” > Far From Over > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex stumbled in through the treebrary door sleepily as he, Vera, and Twi arrived home from the pizzeria. Yawning, Alex left the two of them to discuss things as they needed, he made for the basement, and its warm, warm batbed. Alex swung open the basement and trotted down the batstairs, once there he threw back the batcovers and laid down in the batbed to get some batsleep. Little did he know that as he drifted into the realm of wanton fantasies and brain rest, a pair of green eyes watched him, never straying from him, never even twitching away for a moment, and as the mind behind these so very intent eyes waited for his breath to steady as a sign that he was asleep and vulnerable to its every whim, the lips below it’s eyes parting in a shuddering sigh as it thought on what was to come. As the happenings below… Happened. Twilight Sparkle, princess of friendship, previous element of magic, ex student of a particular sun goddess and nerdly unicorn extraordinaire was facing her incensed marefriend in the kitchen while she mentally prepared her defenses to weather the accusations to be made against her. “I can’t believe... “ Twi began to flinch, but was left confused as Vera trailed off. “How could you just go dumping Alex’s secret, and then hide your own as if being a futanari was something you were completely ashamed of. Are you so ashamed of my body too?” Twilight’s head and ears hung low as the two shots hit their mark. The third barb was a near hit, but Twilight wouldn’t ever let herself really consider being ashamed for Vera. Twilight stepped forward and wrapped a wing around Vera. “I-I was scared. I’m sorry for slipping up, but I’ve had to deal with coming out phobias in the middle of bucking Canterlot. I used to see fillies with a bit extra going home with black eyes and their parents too scared to do anything just because the filly who hit them had parents who were in the know.” Twilight sagged at the admission. “I’m not ashamed of you Vera, I’m scared.” Twilight finished lamely. The two of them let the silence continue, and used that minute to be thoughtful. “We need to bucking talk our issues out.” Vera commented lamely. “Yeah.” Twilight affirmed, just as lamely. Alex ducked low as the yellow blur passed overhead with the net again. His unusually small frame had saved him twice now, but she wouldn’t miss a third time. He only had one chance for getting up the- Alex grunted as the net slammed into him, throwing both him and the yellow blur into the wall, his spine serving to protect his attacker from the wrath of the batment’s wall. Unfortunately for him. What was fortunate for him though was that he was too unconscious to feel his head proceed to fall to the batfloor, his assailant landing on him, then tying him up just a little too tightly, and smacking his head on the window frame on his way out. *Thunk* Twilight and Vera turned in shock as a ruckus arose from the basement. “The Tartarus?!” Vera muttered in surprise. Twilight wasted little time dashing for the door to the basement, but by the time she flung it open, Alex was gone, leaving just a window letting in the early evening breeze. Twilight let out a soft sigh in frustration. “I was waiting for this. Come on Vera, we need to find the Elements of Harmony.” “Seriously?” “Yeah, it was probably Trixie or someone like that, was about time for her fifth comeback anyway.” “Fifth? But she’s only been in Ponyville three times, how can she have come back 4 times, if she’s only even been here three?” “Oh, I guess you wouldn’t know about that time Rainbow Dash spotted her coming into town and we used magic to force her to have a picnic with us instead.” Vera blinked. “... What?” Was the word, not of the day, but still used several times, that came out of Vera’s speaking hole as she shot a look at her marefriend. “Yeah, and I guess you wouldn’t know about that time that Sombra tried to rob a bank, but he couldn’t do much since he was basically a floating horn. He ended up just poking the bank teller for an hour before we got there and put him in a box.” Vera looked to Twilight uncertainly. “You’re shitting me, right?” Twilight shook her head. “Nope… We should probably get Pinkie. This will probably end up being something stupid.” “Probably, but what if it’s Chrysialis’s return, or Turok the Pony Hunter, or Nightmare Moon?!” “Vera, for every serious threat that you all in Ponyville hear about, we have three idiots with a toilet paper tube horn trying to hold a entire town hostage with a cheese grater. We are basically mental health officials with a magical rainbow taser.” Vera felt her back legs go weak. “It’s really a lot more boring than anyone thinks, and it’s not like we even get any perks for it. The pizza place didn’t even recognize me, a fucking Princess. Everyone in Manehatten treated us like shit while some stupid pop star gets thousands of fans flocking to her.” Vera wasn’t sure how to deal with this new bit of Twilight. “I guess, I guess I never thought about it like that.” “Well, I have thought about it like that, and it’s incredibly stupid. For the last time, no fucking fuschia balloons, only red ones. Pony eyes were made to notice the sharper colors more clearly,and I’m not having fucking fuschia balloons.” Pinkie pulled away from the phone to take in a breathe of fresh air. “If you can’t find any fucking red balloons, I’m sure you could use your fucking period to paint them.” Pinkie’s rant stopped, she hung up the phone, and she smiled as Twilight came over the hill with Vera, one of the many ponies in town who wanted to shack up with Twilight. She was smiling because she had won the pot. She always won. It seemed that Pipsqueak’s birthday would be getting the pirate themed streamers she wanted to put up. Pinkie took a moment to wonder if she would ever run out of gambling places that she could win money at? It was unlikely, there was always a cherry casino owner that doubted her abilities. Those ones always lost the most money, and consequently earned her the most. “Hey Twi, whatcha up to?” Pinkie spoke up as the Purple unicorn herself approached along with Vera. “Hey Pinkie, we have a shoebox situation, somepony kidnapped my maid and I could use your help gathering the girls.” “The colt?’ “I-uh… yeah.” Twilight didn’t bother questioning how Pinkie knew, Vera also knew better than to ask. “Well, if you’re looking for Alex you won’t be needing me and the girls to help.” Pinkie responded, an uncharacteristically small, yet mischievous, smile gracing her features “And why, my very, very, pink acquaintance, would that be?” Vera answered the pink enigma that her marefriend was friends with. “That’s ‘cause we don’t need the ‘magical rainbow taser’ for this one! Or rather, we couldn’t use it in the first place because we’d be missing one of the girls because we’d be aiming it at her.” Pinkie continued, a thoughtful frown on her face as she summoned a thinking hoof to rub her chin while she thought on the moral quandaries that shooting her friends with magical rainbow tasers brings up. “W-what do you mean by ‘aiming it at her’ Pinkie?” The purple-er of the two talking to the pink one asked, worry lacing her tone due to the thoughts that came along with the sentence. “Oh that’s easy Twi-twi. Al’s over at Fluttershy’s house.” The pink one said, smiling again, her thoughtfulness being shed at Twilight’s question. “WHAT?” Twilight shouted, Quickly breaking away from the conversation to run as fast as she could over to Flutershy’s place, dragging Vera along in her rush to rescue her ‘maid’, forgetting entirely that she was one of the most powerful unicorns on the planet and could have simply teleported there and saved herself about 20 minutes. Pinkie stood where Twilight and vera left her, giving a wry smile as her friend ran off into the distance. Then pulled a phone out of her mane, dialed a specific business number, and walked away from the commotion that was bound to stir up at the little cottage on the edge of the everfree. “Yo, Lane, I hope for your sake you have my money this afternoon. I Don’t think I have to remind you what’s going to happen at little Rumble’s birthday party if you don’t.” > Ha! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex gasped as the foot long dildo finally bottomed out. He tried to wriggle free, but the cruel hands of his tormentor held him down, keeping the strange throbbing rubber trapped deep inside of him. "Unfortunately, we will have to continue your training later, you are about to wake up." Alex frowned in confusion, unsure as to what his tormentor was planning ne- Alex opened his eyes to complete darkness. It felt as if there was pressure around his eyes. He tried looking up. There was a thin line of light. We're these painted over goggles? Double eyepatches? The pressure made goggles the more probable answer. Taking stock of his position, Alex found himself on some sort of fetish table, his head hanging off of it while his arms and wings were strapped to it behind his back and his rump was in the air, a spreader bar, he assumed, and various lengths of rope made sure he couldn’t bend his knees and was exposing himself as much as possible without strapping his tail. Biting the proverbial bullet, he tried to speak. "Owwo?" Alex blinked in confusion as he discovered a strange rubbery perforated ball positioned peculiarly in his mouth. He had meant to say hello. "O-oh, I'm sorry, but you can't talk yet." Alex turned to the shockingly familiar voice of the mare in yellow. "U-er-y?" Alex flinched as something touched him, only to be left almost disappointed when a leather strap rather pitifully slapped against him the second time. "No, I am Nightmare Butterfly, and you must obey me!" Alex wasn't sure if he was supposed to cower or laugh. "Now, hold still as I take you!" Alex froze, more in shock than fear. Alex awaited the coming penetration, relaxing his anus to make the ‘unpleasurable’ sensation tolerable. Alex kept waiting, doing his best to stay calm. Whatever was taking so long had to be big, ‘Nightmare Butterfly’ mumbling under her breath as she tinkered with something. Alex tensed as a pair of hooves gently made contact with his face, softly massaging his cheeks. Was she going to do something to his face? Bukkake? There was, a tickling sensation? on his cheek. Was she into feather play? Should he brace for feathery impact? The tickling sensation continued on his cheek, not deviating once. Was… was this it? Was she just going to tickle his cheek the whole time? “eh i’ a it?” Alex heard a quiet sob. “I-I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have… I’m a monster!” There was a sound of hooves clopping away. Fucking Hell. “Ewwo?” The gentle sound of sobbing was the only response he got. He heard the creaking of an unoiled hinge. "She's probably got him tied up down here." He heard a very familiar voice state. A voice that belonged to (one or the other) “Mmmmph!” Alex ‘cried’.. Successfully getting the attention of the mare’s upstairs. *sniff*”Oh, oh d-dear. This isn’t g-good.” Alex heard from the corner before the sound of flapping wings and an opening door came to his ears. Dammit Fluttershy Don’t run away! You need to help me explain to Twilight that you didn’t do anything to me! Alex yelled in his mind, the only thing coming out of his mouth being a few muffled expletives. The sound of an opening window quenching his irritation. “There he is Vera! Help me get him out of this stuff.” Alex felt his bindings quickly disappearing until they finally got to the ‘blindfold’, his hooves coming up to take out the ball gag himself. “Are you alright Alex?” Twilight asked the colt as he blinked, his eyes trying to adjust to the surprisingly well lit sex dungeon he found himself in, sitting up on the table he also felt a breeze come from the currently open window set into the wall behind him. "I think so. Is there anything weird on my face?" Twilight and Vera nervously trotted up the steps of Fluttershy’s small woodland home. Fluttershy had fled upstairs as they had come up from the basement, but they could still hear her crying upstairs as they approached a second time. Alex had stayed downstairs. They approached gently, not wanting to drive their yellow friend to flight, well Twilight’s yellow friend, Vera was an acquaintance at best. They trotted slowly up the stairs, anticipating that they would have to move fast to stop the pegasus if she tried to escape through the window. Alex trotted up slowly behind Vera and Twilight, careful to try and time his steps with theirs in order to hide his presence. It was an interesting procedure with four hooves. “Flutters?” Alex froze as a what he assumed to be Flutter’s bedroom door creaked open just out of sight. “I’m a horrible pony!” Alex heard two ponies charging over what sounded like hardwood followed by more cloth shuffling. “Noooo.” Flapping? “I-I forced myself on him!” Alex heard grunts which seemed to come from Vera and Twilight. “Flutters, you tickled his cheek.” Alex nodded along, glad that Twilight and Vera were being honest. “I used my eyelashes to use him to sate my appetite.” Wait what? “Flutters, that isn’t even a thing!” No… wait…. “But Angel said…” Seriously? “Angel?” Of course. “Angel said that what I want to do to Alex is called butterfly kissing, and that it was of the utmost deviance! I-I didn’t want to do it, but I didn’t know how else we could…” FUCKING BUTTERFLY KISSES! “Could?” Alex leaned in closer. “Couple…” “Flutters… do you meant to tell me that you don’t know what sex is?!” Fucking ponyland. “Sex?” Of course she wouldn’t, because that made so much sense, sarcasm. “Fuck, okay, Vera make sure Alex is okay. This is going to take a while.” “Okay, when a mommy loves a daddy… “ Alex dashed back down the stairs so that Vera wouldn’t catch him at the door. While he hadn’t overhead anything that he shouldn’t have known, it would be embarrassing to be caught eavesdropping. "P-please, no more!" Thunderlane cried out as yet another hoof made contact with his face. Said abuse causing it to turn red. He was currently inside his own home, Pinkie sitting on the couch across from where he was 'tied up', as out in his yard his little brother Rumble was running around with his friends to burn off some post-cake energy and woefully unaware of his 'big bro's' predicament. "I'm sorry Pinkie! I couldn't get you the money on time because I got laid off last week. It won't happen again, I can get you the money in a few more days, just make it stop! Please!" "What was that Thunderlane? I couldn't hear you over how... ADORABLE YOU ARE AS A BABY! Look at this one girls! It's him in his first bath!" Pinkie yelled to the group of mares sitting around his living room, turning the photo album around so they could all see the little black colt in a little bathtub looking at the camera with teary eyes that made every mare in the room let out a drawn out 'Dawww~' when they saw it. "Nooooooooo! Stop touching my face! Seriously Pinkie, make it stop! I got the message!" Pinkie gave him a small smile. "No, Thunderlane, I don't think you do. You see, this is the third time I've extended your loan payment. This is the last time I'm going to do so. If you don't have my money in the next three days I'm going to make you wish for nothing more than that you hadn't gained my ire. Now, I have somewhere to be. Remember, three. days. Thunderlane. Have fun girls!" Pinkie yelled on her way out the door, giving the mares a collective wink and quickly hopping her way across town. "H-hey girls, any of you hiring?" Thunderlane asked rather nervously. Pinkie heard giggling right before the door closed behind her. "Hmmm, I wonder how Twilight's rescue is going? Nyeh, I'll find out later. Hey Ditzy! How's the family?"