> Beating an Undead Pony > by Ponymeat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Everything is Not Going to be Fine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What’s that smell? Spike what did you eat? With a groan, the purple alicorn opened her eyes. Twilight Sparkle rubbed her hoof against her head. Twilight sighed, expecting her bedroom to be the same one she had slept in since she came to Ponyville. But it was the new bedroom, in the new tree castle. Her heart sank as she remembered the library’s destruction a week ago. She looked down at the small bed on the other side of the room. She expected Spike to be fast asleep. Instead the covers we’re tossed onto Twilight’s own bed and the baby dragon nowhere to be seen. “Spike? Where are you?” Twilight cried out. “Spike. We all need to be well rested for tomorrow. I can’t have anypony falling asleep while we help the others move in. Especially if we want to be done in time for Nightmare Night. Spike?” Twilight’s horn glew, illuminating the room. She climbed out of bed, and held her hoof to the door. She could hear a muffled noise from downstairs. “Spike? What’s going on down there?” Twilight slowly opened the door, and trotted down the stairs. She was still getting used to the new accommodations. The castle was certainly fancier and more formal. It reminded her a lot of the castle in the Crystal Empire. But it just wasn’t the same. Twilight could hear the noise getting louder as she approached. She winced as she started to smell something rotting. Oh, I hope I didn’t leave dinner out. No, I doubled checked. Twilight thought to herself. She stopped as she felt something wet touch her right hind hoof. Twilight turned her head and as the light from her horn, Twilight’s jaw dropped in disgust. She had just stepped in a severed pegasus wing. Startled, Twilight lost her balance and fell down the stairs, making loud thuds all the way before landing in a heap on the bottom floor. “Twilight run!” Spike’s cry rang out. As Twilight raised her head, the light from her horn showed her something that made her want to scream. A pegasus pony was dragging herself along the floor though the blank eyes and saliva dripping from her mouth was the least of Twilight’s worries. The pegasus was missing not only her left wing but also the lower half of her body, blood and intestines being dragged behind. With another yelp, Twilight started backing away from the pegasus and ran right into Spike, whose claws were covered in blood. “Kill it! Kill it!” Spike yelped. Twilight looked at the pegasus and was surprised she wasn’t dead already. As she dragged herself closer to Twilight and Spike, she bumped a suit of armor, causing it to tip over. Twilight and Spike bolted out of the way as the armor came down. The pegasus failed to notice in time as the armor’s spear stabbed through her head. Twilight and Spike breathed heavily in unison, expecting the pegasus to get back up. “Spike, what’s going on?” Twilight cried. Spike clung to Twilight’s leg as he looked at the pegasus. “I don’t know! I heard a noise and found Cloudchaser trying to climb through the window and she tried to bite my head off!” Spike tried to pull Twilight away. Twilight looked at the pony, magically pulling the spear out of her head. Surely enough, it was Cloudchaser, one of the many mares that lived in Ponyville. Twilight almost didn’t want to know what happened to the pegasus’ sister, Flitter. “Is she a-a zombie?” Spike asked. Twilight shook her head in disbelief. “This can’t be real. Zombies only exist in those horror stories.” Twilight tried to rationalize. She slowly approached Cloudchaser’s broken form. “Where’s the rest of her body?” Spike twirled his fingers. He opened his mouth to answer, but hesitated as a loud scream came from deeper in the castle. “Rarity!” Spike cried. He and Twilight looked at each other before looking down the dark corridor. “Stay close to me.” Twilight ordered. Spike climbed onto Twilight’s back and winced. Owlicious, Twilight’s pet owl had perched himself behind Spike. Twilight looked back at Cloudchaser’s remains and started to worry. It’s an isolated incident. It has to be. A spell gone wrong. She thought to herself. As the trio traveled down the dark hallway, Twilight looked out a large window, giving her a good look at the town outside. Ponyville was usually empty during the late hours of the night. But this night there were a few ponies wandering around very slowly. She looked closer at an Earth Pony stallion as he turned his head revealing he too had the same dead eyes and decaying look. “It is zombies!” Spike exclaimed. Twilight looked back at the young dragon. “Rarity better be ok.” The three turned a corner arriving at the entrance to Rarity’s chambers, it’s double sided doors recognizable thanks to being emblazoned with the image of Rarity’s cutie mark, three blue diamond. “Twi? Spike? I take it ya’ll heard Rarity crying out?” Twilight stopped. Applejack, an orange Earth Pony with a blond mane and tail, was approaching from the other side of the corridor. Twilight rationalized that Applejack likely just got up, since she wasn’t wearing her trademark cowpony hat, nor was her mane tied back. “Yes. Applejack, have you looked outside recently?” Twilight asked. Applejack ruffled her mane with a fore hoof. “A’m not sure why ya ask but…” Applejack stopped as she looked outside. “What the hay? Why are thar dead ponies trottin’ about outside?” Twilight didn’t have the chance to answer as a magical blue aura engulfed Rarity’s door before opening. The white unicorn mare burst out of her bedchambers, slamming the door behind her. Her purple mane was frazzled, more so than Twilight had ever seen before. Spike slid off Twilight’s back and landed on his feet. “Rarity what are you…. “Don’t go in there! There’s a horrifying…” “Dead pony?” Spike asked. Rarity started breathing heavily. The group jumped back as a groan emerged from the other side of Rarity’s door. “No! You are not eating this lady!” Rarity exclaimed, kicking the door with her back hooves. “I can’t believe you made me do that.” Applejack grinned feeling proud. “Ya act like buckin’ is somethin’ to be ashamed of. If anything be proud ya even think of it as an option.” The farm pony explained. Owlicious hooted. “What is it, Owlicious?” Twilight asked. A cheerful “weeeeee” noise was coming from outside, getting louder and louder until it was replaced by the sound of breaking glass. The groaning coming from Rarity’s room stopped for a moment, and was replaced by the sound of young screaming, followed by a bubbly voice. “I’ll protect you.” The three ponies and Spike’s eyes widened. “PINKIE!” Rarity’s room still had boxes full of fabric and dresses on racks scattered about, having only recently been moved into Twilight’s castle. While Rarity normally would have been embarrassed by the mess, she and the others were more concerned about Pinkie Pie, the pink earth pony who was lying on the floor with back legs sticking in the air. A zombie pegasus was trying to stand up. “Pinkie hold on!” Twilight cried. With a glow from her horn, Twilight telekinetically picked up Pinkie, pulling her away from the zombie moments before it had the chance to bite her. Applejack galloped towards the zombie, kicking it in the ribs, knocking it to the ground. It whined with a muzzle full of blood and saliva. “Oh no ya don’t.” Applejack defiantly stated before slamming a fore hoof on the zombie pony’s head, smashing it flat. Rarity’s face turned green. “I think I’m going to be sick.” Rarity said in a muffled tone. Twilight wasn’t quite sure how that was possible since ponies couldn’t puke. “Mama?” “Dadda?” Pinkie scrambled behind Rarity’s bed. Applejack was the first to notice Pinkie’s fallen saddlebags, which were holding the Cake twins Pound and Pumpkin. “Don’t you worry. We’ll meet them outside the town. I promised.” Pinkie reassured. Twilight almost didn’t want to know what happened to Mr. and Mrs. Cake. “Pinkie, are you ok? And how exactly you get in here?” Twilight asked. Still holding the Cake twins in her forelegs, Pinkie pointed with her poofy tail towards the broken window. “Oh I used one of my party cannons to go flying. Mr. and Mrs. Cake told me to take the twins and get away.” She said. Pinkie looked back outside. “But I probably should check if their still there. A lot of zombie ponies in between us.” Rarity held a hoof to her forehead. “Goodness gracious there’s more of them out there?” Rarity’s looked out the window before collapsing, Spike having dropped a pillow on the ground for her just in case. “Thank you, Spikey-wikey.” Twilight shook her head at the sight of Spike blushing. The young dragon’s crush on Rarity wasn’t exactly unknown by Twilight. Or even Rarity herself. Owlicious hooted again. “Oh right, Owlicious, could you wake up Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy for me? We need to make sure nothing has happened to them.” Twilight ordered. Owlicsious hooted in reply, but as he flew off Twilight’s back, Applejack spoke up. “About that. Fluttershy left a few hours ago to check on her animals. And Rainbow Dash left some of her Darin’ Do books at home so she went to go get em.” The hint of uncertainty in Applejack’s voice wasn’t helping things. “If they ain’t back soon Ah think we all know the reason.” Rarity looked back defiantly. “Well we can’t let them become horrible undead monsters like that. Not on my watch.” She stated. The others nodded. Twilight looked up at Owlicious. “Owlicious, make sure every door and window is locked. Then be on the look out for any more zombies in case they try to get in.” Twilight ordered. Owlicious hooted before flying away. Spike contorted his face in confusion. “Hey wait a minute. Don’t you trust me to look after the castle?” He asked. Twilight laid a hoof on Spike’s shoulder. “Of course I do. But if I’m going out there I would rather have my number one assistant with me.” Twilight explained. Spike blushed. Twilight always knew exactly what to say to make him feel proud. “Now then, Fluttershy’s cottage is closer, we’ll head over there first…” Twilight would have kept talking, but stopped at the sight of Pinkie raising her fore leg in the air, much like a school filly answering a question. “Yes, Pinkie?” Pinkie twirled her hooves. “Well, I don’t know if Mr. and Mrs. Cake are ok. Can we check if they made it out of Sugarcube Corner? It’s on the way. Only take five minutes.” Pinkie looked back at the twins in her saddlebags. The faces they were giving Twilight were enough to melt ice. “Ok, but we need to be quick about it.” Spike peaked out the main entrance of the castle. The Cake’s bakery, Sugarcube Corner was within galloping distance. Only a pair of zombie earth ponies were wandering around. He looked back to his friends inside. “We can totally make it.” Spike said. The four ponies slowly looked outside. Spike slowly closed the door behind them, trying to make as little noise of possible. Rarity felt her heart race as the group was getting closer to Sugarcube Corner. She had a lot of unmade dresses that she was working on at her boutique that she still needed to move into the castle. Oh I hope these things won’t get their filthy hooves on my life’s work. Pinkie reached Sugarcube Corner first. The door was slightly ajar. She was about to open the door when her tail started twitching. “No, not now.” Rarity muttered. When Pinkie’s tail twitched it meant only one thing. Something was about to fall. Applejack looked up. “Incoming!” The Farm Pony exclaimed. The group scattered as a window frame fell to the ground, the glass shattering instantly. The two zombie ponies groaned as they turned their heads towards Sugarcube Corner. “Time to go.” Spike stammered. He opened the door allowing the four mares in first before slamming the door behind him. “Not me this time. Pinkie Pie swear.” Pinkie reassured. Flour, dough, and cake frosting was smeared all over the counter, tables and seats. “Mr. Cake! Mrs. Cake!” Pinkie cried. Twilight quickly ran over to her and slammed her hoof in Pinkie’s mouth to stop her from calling out again. “Pinkie. Zombies are attracted to noise. We need to be quiet.” Twilight whispered. Pinkie nodded back, seemingly not bothered by Twilight’s hoof in her mouth. “Rarity and Ah will check down ‘ere. The rest of ya’ll try upstairs.” Applejack suggested. The others nodded back before Twilight, Pinkie and Spike headed up the stairs. Spike looked back and motioned to Rarity. “But eh, call if you need anything.” He said quickly. Rarity smiled, making Spike’s heart race again. “Most appreciated, Spike.” Rarity replied. Spike let out a sigh of relief before following Twilight and Pinkie. Applejack climbed over the counter and looked into the kitchen. Unsurprisingly ingredients were scattered about, though in the center of the kitchen was a severed hoof. “Rare! Be careful back there. I found part of a trotter.” Applejack warned. Rarity was using her magic to levitate a mop, trying to clean up the mess. She looked back at the kitchen. Interesting choice of adjective for zombie. Rarity thought to herself. After a moment of hesitation Rarity responded. “You don’t think the rest of it is still here?” Applejack climbed over the counter again. “That’s what A’m reckoning.” Applejack pointed at the severed hoof. “Ya don’t recognize it do ya?” she asked. Rarity rubbed her face. She looked back at Applejack, noticing something she hadn’t before. “Applejack, if you don’t mind me saying, your mane looks very appropriate.” Rarity mentioned. Applejack felt a hoof through her mane in surprise. “Ah just woke up. Bed mane.” Applejack confessed. Rarity shook her head. “Well yes, I can tell. But for you it works. Of course it could use a touch up to make it look perfect. Remind me to help you with that when we are a little safer.” Rarity explained. Applejack couldn’t believe the sincerity in Rarity’s voice. For a moment she was almost tempted to take her up on her offer. “Rarity! Applejack!” The two looked up to see Spike running down the stairs. “You need to see this. You’re not going to believe it.” He started motioning for them to follow him upstairs. The two exchanged glances before following. Reaching the second floor, they saw Twilight and Pinkie staring into a room on the other side of the hall. “It doesn’t seem possible.” Twilight muttered. Pinkie looked at Twilight. “But it is. You’re looking at it.” Pinkie said. Twilight scratched her head. “But he doesn’t have the reach. And his size means he wouldn’t have the strength to withstand a zombie pony.” Twilight replied. Applejack and Rarity arrived at their end of the hall. “What the hay are ya’ll talkin’ about?” Applejack asked. Pinkie looked at Applejack. “Oh Gummy took out a whole bunch of zombies.” Pinkie explained. Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Gummy? Your pet alligator? Now, now Pinkie, I highly doubt he was able to…” Rarity stopped as she looked into the room. Severed body parts and guts were strewn about what used to be the twin’s room. And standing on top of several limbless and headless torsos was Gummy, the small, big-eyed alligator that Pinkie had been keeping as a pet for years. And just like Twilight and the others, Rarity found herself at a loss for words. Gummy baaed like a sheep. Finally Twilight broke the silence. “Sooooo, did you find the Cake’s down stairs? They aren’t up here.” She asked. Rarity shook her head. “Unfortunately there is no sign of them.” Rarity replied. “Now can we please get out of here? The sooner we get leave the better.” Applejack nodded in response. “Agreed. Ah hope Big McIntosh, Granny Smith and Applebloom are alright.” She said, referring to her family. Rarity slammed her hooves over her head. “Oh my goodness! Sweetie Belle! She’s still out there!” Rarity cried. Spike grabbed Rarity’s fore hooves. “Don’t worry. We’ll find your little sister. And everypony else. Trust me.” Spike said reassured. A loud thump rang out from downstairs. Spike let out a little scream. “We need to get out of here.” Twilight stated. Pinkie walked up to Twilight, Gummy sinking into her mane. “Don’t you worry. I know just the thing.” She motioned into the room. On of her party cannon’s was pointed towards the window. Rarity groaned. “I am going to regret this.” A zombie earth pony dragged itself along the ground, its hind hooves having been broken prior to being zombified. It stumbled towards a mass of other zombie ponies eating a fallen pony. Pinkie stuck her head out of a nearby bush. Her eyes widened at the sight of Mr. Cake’s baker hat lying on the ground by the zombies. Her jaw hit the ground with a loud thud. “What is going on out there?” Rarity asked from within the bush. Pinkie had to shake her head to recompose herself. “Nothing. We’re clear to go.” Pinkie ducked back into the bush. Her hooves stuck out of the bush as she walked away from the crowd of zombies. After turning a corner, she poked her head out again. Fluttershy’s cottage was in the distance. “We’re here.” Pinkie leapt out of the bush, with the others struggling out after her. “Pinkie! Stay together! If anything happens to the twins!” Twilight cried. But Pinkie had already reached the door, slamming it open with her fore hoof. Twilight and the others appeared by her side and they’re jaws hit the floor. In the cottage, Rainbow Dash was holding a weeping Fluttershy, both of whom were covered in blood and surrounded by dead animals strewn all about the cottage. Harry the bear’s head was crushed under a couch, at least four squirrels, chickens and ferrets had been flattened at the bottom of the stairs and Angel Bunny was lying headless mere feet from Fluttershy. “Rainbow Dash. What have we done? Angel he…” Fluttershy sobbed. Rainbow Dash gently stroked Fluttershy’s mane. “Shh. It’s ok. Everything is going to be fine.” Rainbow Dash calmly said. The cyan pegasus noticed the others in the doorway and shook her head. Everypony and Spike were gathered around Fluttershy’s garden. Several markers for all the animals were embedded in the freshly dug dirt. Applejack was still holding a shovel. Fluttershy wiped her eyes. She looked at an empty hole in front of Angel’s marker. A bunny-sized box was lying by hole. Rainbow Dash put her hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “Do you want me to do this?” She asked. Fluttershy shut her eyes. Rainbow Dash reached for the box, but Fluttershy grabbed her hoof. “I’ll do it.” Fluttershy muttered. She picked up the box, and lowered it into the hole. Applejack started shoveling dirt over the box until it was completely buried. “Why?” Fluttershy collapsed. “What did Angel and the others do to deserve this?” Spike looked at Twilight. “A better question is: Since when were animals able to become zombies?” he asked. Twilight scratched her head. In all the zombie stories she had read, they were always ponies. Pinkie Pie broke the silence. “Pound Cake? Pumpkin Cake?” Pinkie spun around in a circle. “Where are the twins? They were here a second ago!” “Pinkie…” “Flutters…” The group turned to the cottage’s entrance. Pound and Pumpkin were dragging a bag of flower along the ground by their mouths. “I don’t understand.” Rarity noted. Pinkie smiled. “Give it a second.” Pinkie replied. Surely enough Pound and Pumpkin held the bag over their heads and let the flower pour on all over themselves. Pinkie found herself giggling, though Fluttershy’s expression barely changed. Pinkie Pie jabbed Fluttershy in the ribs. “They’re trying to cheer you up. It works on them.” Fluttershy lowered her head, her mane covering her eyes. Applejack let out a big sigh. “Ah think she needs time, Pinkie.” Before she could continue however, a loud groan rang out. Everypony and Spike turned towards the trees that marked Fluttershy’s ranch to the Everfree Forest started to move. A group of zombie ponies emerged from the undergrowth, one of which was the earth pony Golden Harvest. “Here we go again.” Rainbow Dash groaned. She flapped her wings and hovered a few feet in the air. “Rainbow wait! We can’t stay here. We don’t know how many others in Ponyville are still alive. Finding survivors is more important.” Twilight said in a blunter tone than she intended. Though it was too late to go back on what she said now. Rainbow Dash folded her fore hooves realizing Twilight was right. Golden Harvest trotted within reach of Applejack. “Than lets skedaddle while thar’s still a chance! Move!” Applejack cried, kicking Golden Harvest in the face, cracking her neck. The group started to bolt away from the range, except for Fluttershy. “Come on Fluttershy! We need to go!” Twilight yelled back. The zombies were even closer to Fluttershy than ever. Finally she looked up with a face red with rage. “YOU. MONSTERS!” Fluttershy roared with fury. She flew around the zombie ponies tearing off their heads before stomping on them in quick succession. The others couldn’t believe what they were seeing, all sharing the same shocked expression. Fluttershy landed in the middle of the pile of zombie ponies snorting loudly. Her vision was red, but as colors returned, she looked down at the zombie ponies surrounding her, and the blood on her hooves. “Oh my.” Her eyes rolled up into the back of her head, her legs gave in and finally she collapsed to the ground. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were quick to run over to her side. Pinkie let out a loud cry before Rainbow Dash held a hoof to Fluttershy’s neck. “Uh Pinkie, she just passed out.” Pinkie stopped mid scream and smiled. “Oh. Okey dokie lokey then.” Pinkie bounced away. Rainbow Dash picked up Fluttershy, then turned around at the sound of more zombie groaning. “Oh come on how many of them are there?” A horde of zombie ponies shuffled out of the Everfree Forest in even greater number. “Yeah we’re leaving.” Rainbow thought to herself. Pinkie and Rarity scooped up the twins and the group fled as fast as they could. Fluttershy regained consciousness only for a moment, seeing her ranch swarmed with zombie ponies before passing out again. “Of all the things that would keep us stuck here.” Scootaloo poked her head out the window. The orange pegasus filly wasn’t worried about the zombie ponies outside the hospital below. No it was the smaller creature that had turned all of them to stone. “Is it still out there?” A squeaky voice asked from within. Scootaloo ducked her head back into the hospital room. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, Applejack and Rarity’s younger sisters respectively, were waiting for her to respond. Scootaloo scratched the back of her neck. “Eh, the cockatrice is still out there.” She finally said. Applebloom started pacing. “Oh! Mah family is probably wondering where ah am!” The yellow earth filly stammered. Sweetie Belle sat down on the unoccupied bed. She thought about how Rarity was reacting to her own disappearance. She’s probably hyperventilating. Sweetie Belle thought to herself. She remembered her older sister’s reaction to something as small as cleaning up a “perfectly arranged” mess in her room. A noxious smell entered her nostrils. “What is that?” She asked. The two other fillies started to smell it too. It resembled the scent of damp moss. “Thar probably starting to rot. Zombies do that right?” Applebloom suggested. Scootaloo looked back outside. Green puffs of smoke started appearing around the zombie ponies. Looking closer, she saw a cloaked figure approaching the hospital. The figure tossed a small bag at the zombie cockatrice, releasing more of the green smoke at it. The cockatrice convulsed violently before collapsing to the ground unmoving. The three fillies looked in awe as the figure tilted her head up at them. Slowly she pulled her hood back, revealing she was not a pony but a zebra. “ZECORA!” Applebloom cried out in joy. Zecora held out a hoof at the fillies. “Little fillies, I am afraid we are out of time. We must out last the undead, because for the moment, everything is not going to be fine.” > I Won't Let This Happen To You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Who’s bright idea was it to go to the town square!” Rainbow Dash held a zombie pony off her as it was biting down towards her. A blast of magical energy hit the zombie pony’s head, making it explode in a shower of blood and bone all over Rainbow Dash’s face. “Sorry Rainbow! It’s the head or nothing!” Twilight cried from several feet away, blasting three more zombies. The group had made it to town hall, but the surrounding area was infested with more zombies than they could care to count. Still Twilight was grateful that there were some survivors left. The blue earth pony Minuette, cream colored earth pony Bon Bon, and light green unicorn Lyra were tossing furniture at the horde from Minuette’s roof. “Where are they even coming from?” Spike exclaimed. Pinkie fired her party cannon, knocking three zombies out of the way. Pound and Pumpkin let out a wail in unison as several more zombie ponies approached from behind. “Pinkie darling! Look out!” Rarity cried. She picked up a rock with her magic and tossed it at the zombies. It only managed to hit one, but its neck was weakened enough to make its head fall off, which Applejack promptly stomped on. Lyra waved her hooves at the Mane Six. “Get out of there! Up here at least!” Lyra screamed. She turned back to Minuette and Bon Bon. “They’re not going to make it!” Bon Bon grabbed her friend by the shoulders. “Lyra, please. Panicking is not going to help.” Bon Bon pointed at horde below. “There’s no way to get them onto the roof. We blocked off the stairs inside remember? Assuming they could even make it to the house in the first place.” Bon Bon’s voice wavered. Did I really suggest we leave some pony to die? She thought to herself. A latter dropped down from the roof to the town square below. Bon Bon looked over to see Minuette lowering it in position with her magic. “We don’t do that, Bon Bon.” Minuette sneered. She looked back at the Mane Six below. “Princess Twilight! Climb!” Rainbow Dash took to the air, out of reach of the horde. She looked off in the distance. A group of zombie pegasi was struggling to stay flying as they flew towards town square from behind Minuette’s house. “Oh come on! Is the sky not even safe?” she groaned. Twilight looked up at the approaching zombie pegasi. “You might want to get down here!” Twilight exclaimed. Minuette turned back. In desperation she grabbed one of the toothbrushes she was keeping among the furniture, and stabbed it into a zombie pegasus’s head. “Its not a high jump. You can make it!” Minuette could barely believe what Twilight just said. “There is no way I’m going to…” Minuette tried to argue, before Bon Bon made the decision for her, by pushing Minuette off the roof. She turned to Lyra who was shaking her head. “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Lyra said, gleefully leaping to the ground below. A pegasus zombie reached at Bon Bon, who started struggling against its grip. “Bon Bon!” “Lyra, look out!” Minuette kicked a zombie pony in the face, a zombie that would have bitten Lyra if she had been a second later. Bon Bon lost her footing fell off the roof, collapsing on top of Minuette. “I’m ok. No really.” She muttered. Spike climbed over the railing and noticed somepony inside town hall through the window. “Hey! Let us in! We’re stuck out here!” Derpy, a cross-eyed Pegasus turned to her fellow survivors. A brown earth stallion wearing a green tie the townsponies referred to as The Doctor stepped from the crowd and stood by Derpy’s side. “Goodness.” The Doctor muttered to himself. He looked outside then turned towards Roseluck, the earth pony at the door and nodded. She was about to remove the wooden bar keeping the door locked, when a pink aura held it in place. “Don’t you dare let them in here.” The crowd of ponies backed out of the way as a light blue unicorn in a purple cape and wizard’s hat approached the Doctor. “That is wrong and you know it, Trixie.” The Doctor said as bluntly as he could. Trixie scoffed. “Gathering ponies here is the reason we even came to Town Hall in the first place.” The Doctor’s words made sense to Trixie, but she wasn’t willing to back down. “Trixie risked her life to get survivors here for you!” Trixie snapped, slamming her hoof down. “If that door is opened, the undead get in too.” The Doctor shook his head. This was not the time to argue. Finally Ponyville’s Mayor emerged from the crowd. “Both of you need to stop. Derpy, Roseluck, who is out there?” the Mayor asked. Derpy looked out the window. A Zombie Pony’s head slammed against the window and slid down. Spike then leapt into view. “Let us in!” he cried. Derpy looked back at the others. “He makes a strong argument.” Roseluck stated. Trixie slammed her hoof on the ground again. “And how do you plan to get them in here without getting any of the undead in? Too many ponies go out there and none of them will get back in.” Trixie warned. The Doctor looked back at the door and board keeping it shut. “We’re going to need more wood.” By this point Minuette’s group had reached the Mane Six and Spike, and were quickly surrounded. Pinkie bounced around a zombie unicorn, tying three balloons to its tail. She smiled and waved as the zombie was slowly but surely lifted into the air. “Bye-bye!” Pinkie beamed. Another zombie trotted towards her, its mouth gaping open. Pinkie spun around but before she could react, Applejack lassoed the zombie around its neck with her rope, pulling it to the ground before stomping on its head. “Ya might want to try to put em’ down this way! Ya will get it done quicker!” Applejack exclaimed. The horde was closing in. Fluttershy and Lyra were cowering in the middle of the group. Rainbow Dash was levitating a few feet over everypony’s head. She looked back at town hall and grimaced. “That’s it, I’m breaking down the door!” She started flapping her wings aiming herself at the entrance. After building up speed she flew towards the building. “Rainbow stop!” Twilight cried. “That will only make things worse!” But Rainbow Dash was much faster than Twilight, and started speeding towards the entrance. However at the last second the door opened, slamming Rainbow Dash against the window. The Doctor and Roseluck were pushing a path outside using wooden planks. The Mayor appeared in the doorway motioning with her forehoof. “Quickly everypony! Get inside!” She exclaimed. Lyra almost tripped over the stairs running towards her. The Doctor slammed a plank against three zombies as Rarity and Pinkie ran past him. However as Pinkie ran, her tail was brushed against the Mayor’s and was quickly entangled. “This usually doesn’t happen I swear!” Pinkie said. The Mayor resisted with all her strength until her tail was finally free. She stumbled back right as a zombie unicorn trotted towards her. “Mayor!” Twilight panicked and fired a bolt of magical energy, blasting the head off the zombie unicorn. The Mayor gasped in fear as she ran back into the town hall. “Minuette! Bon Bon! This way!” Roseluck screamed, slamming her plank against a zombie unicorn, its horn getting stuck in the plank. She let go of the plank as Minuette and Bon Bon ran past. Everypony managed to reach the entrance, with Twilight and Spike as the last ones inside before Roseluck slammed the door shut. Spike slid off of Twilight’s back gasping from exhaustion. “We made it. Thank Celestia we made it.” Spike gasped. Twilight nodded in agreement. The Doctor and Roseluck approached and bowed. “Your majesty. We didn’t know it was you out there.” Roseluck said. Twilight held her head. She hated it when other ponies bowed to her, status as a princess or not. “Now to be honest, we wouldn’t just leave any other ponies out there even if you weren’t there.” The Doctor was quick to note. Twilight smiled with relief. Rainbow Dash tapped on the Doctor’s back. “Good thing. Otherwise I might have had to bust my way in.” She boasted. That really wasn’t helping her case. Twilight looked around at the other ponies in the hall. As expected most of them were terrified. Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie had already started moving around through the crowd, no doubt looking for Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and the Cakes. “Princess Celestia has to know about this. Spike could you write her a letter…” Twilight started to order; only to notice Spike was already in the process of rolling up a piece of parchment. “I’m on it, Twilight.” Spike replied before breathing fire on the parchment. Twilight nodded, knowing it wouldn’t be long before Princess Celestia, one of the two rulers of Equestria, would respond and hopefully be able to sort out the zombies. “What were you thinking!” Twilight and Spike turned attention in the direction of the shout. Trixie was pointing at the Mayor, who was holding her neck. Countless other ponies turned to face the two. “You. We’re. Bitten.” Trixie snapped. The Mayor looked around nervously, the faces of the townsponies encompassing her sight. Finally the Mayor sighed and lowered her hoof, revealing a gruesome and bloody chunk of her neck bitten out. I was too late. Twilight thought to herself. “Somepony get Nurse Redheart!” A voice cried out. Trixie scoffed. “That won’t do any good. She’s going to become one of them.” She said. Rainbow Dash flew right into Trixie’s face. “Now hold up! You would throw our Mayor under the cart because of a nibble by one of those things.” Rainbow Dash argued. Trixie stared back defiantly. “She’s one of us. She means something to this town.” “She has meant nothing to your home. Not since….” Trixie found herself hesitating. “Trixie can not believe she is about to say this.” Twilight looked back at her. “Since when, Trixie?” Twilight asked. “Since you! Even before you became a princess. Everypony knows you’re the real power in this town. Trixie once thought she was the great and powerful one. Then you saved me from my own arrogance, and Trixie’s eyes were open to the truth. You’re precious mayor is nothing.” All eyes were on Trixie and dumbfounded. Nopony had ever been so callous towards the Mayor, not even her rivals in previous elections. The Mayor’s cough eventually broke the silence. She started to collapse and was quickly caught by Fluttershy and the Doctor. Nurse Redheart, a white earth pony with a pink mane emerged from the crowd carrying a first aid kit in her mouth. She quickly took out the bandages and began to cover the wound. “You don’t need to listen to her ma’am. We’ll keep you alive as long as we can.” Redheart reassured. The Mayor started breathing heavily. “You know I’m right about this.” Trixie argued. The Mayor shook her head. “I want to talk to Princess Twilight. Privately.” The Mayor muttered. Fluttershy started to tear up a bit. “Miss Mayor it’s ok. We’ll help you.” Fluttershy muttered. She looked at the Doctor and Redheart. “I told you. I want to talk to her. Please. Take me to my office.” The Mayor ordered. Twilight stepped forward but felt a sharp grip against her back hoof. She looked back seeing it was Spike hanging onto her. He shook his head. Somehow Twilight could tell what Spike was suggesting. “It won’t come to that Spike.” Twilight said. The look in his eyes alone made Twilight’s stomach turn. If the Mayor wanted her to do what she thought she did, and Spike was thinking the same thing, Twilight was going to be sicker than before. She nodded to Fluttershy, who let go of the Mayor. Everypony watched as Twilight and the Mayor slowly trotted out of the hall and up the stairs. Spike ran after but stopped at the stairs. The Mayor laid her head on her desk. By now the bandage was completely red with her blood. Twilight was standing opposite her breathing heavily with worry. “Mayor please, don’t make me do this.” Twilight begged. The Mayor looked up. Her eyes were duller, her face had started to sink in, and her coat was molting. “Trixie is wrong. You have always meant something to Ponyville.” “And what about this?” The Mayor motioned to her neck. “Am I going to become one of those horrible undead?” Twilight didn’t answer which was all The Mayor needed to see. “I can’t become one of them. I don’t want Ponyville to see me like that.” “I get that ma’am, but why me?” Twilight asked. Her heart sank at the thought of having to be the one to put the Mayor out of her misery. Twilight didn’t think she could ever go through with doing something like that even with the alternative. “Because I trust you. All of Ponyville does. Your majesty. Take care of them for me.” The Mayor muttered. Twilight started to pace back and forth. “I can’t do this.” Twilight thought to herself. A zombie was one thing but a living pony? The Mayor let out a deep breath. “Please. Make it end.” Twilight’s eyes widened. Spike ran towards the Mayor’s office. He reached for the door only for it to slowly open before he could do it himself. Twilight emerged from the office crying, her hooves covered in blood. Spike lowered his claws. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let you do that…” Spike started to say, but was quickly interrupted as Twilight hugged him. “I won’t let this happen to you, Spike. Not now or ever.” Slowly Spike wrapped his arms around Twilight. > This Isn't The Ponyville I Know > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where is that little filly? Why does she make herself so hard to find? Applejack thought to herself. She must have searched high and low all over the Town Hall but their wasn’t a trace of Applebloom to be found. Applejack trotted over to the latter leading to the observatory on the top floor. She pulled the rope down with her mouth and climbed up. Once inside she found Rainbow Dash standing at the end of the room looking out a telescope. “Dash, what do ya see?” Taken by surprise, Rainbow Dash banged her head against the telescope. “Hey Applejack. Pony feathers.” Rainbow Dash muttered to herself. Applejack tilted her head. Rainbow Dash was hiding something, she could tell. She looked at the telescope, which Rainbow Dash slammed to the ground. “Nothing to see out there. Nothing living that’s for sure.” She gave a very toothy grin, which only made Applejack more suspicious. “Not nothing is that it?” Applejack asked. Rainbow Dash nodded. The farm pony took a deep breath. “I know which direction Sweet Apple Acres is from here.” Rainbow Dash looked back at the telescope. She started to speak before being interrupted. “Show me. Ah want to see it.” “I won’t let you.” Rainbow Dash snapped. Applejack stepped closer getting right into Rainbow Dash’s face. “Ah suggest ya get out of mah way, Rainbow.” Applejack said. Rainbow Dash didn’t move a muscle. Applejack’s face turned red with anger. “Alright. Ya asked for it.” Applejack lifted her hoof, but it was Rainbow Dash who struck first, knocking Applejack to the ground. “There’s nothing out there.” Rainbow Dash said through gritted teeth. “Now stop asking me.” Having finally lost her patience, Applejack tackled Rainbow Dash to the ground, and then sprinted towards the telescope. In desperation Rainbow Dash wrapped her hooves around Applejack’s left hind leg. “No. You. Don’t!” She stammered as she jumped onto Applejack’s back. “Oh that’s how you want to play?” Applejack muttered. It suddenly occurred to Rainbow Dash just what she meant. However before she could act, Applejack started leaping around the room attempting to shake Rainbow Dash off. Feeling nauseous, Rainbow Dash started to flap her wings and hovered out of Applejack’s reach. She put a hoof to her face still feeling dizzy. “That was not a good idea…. Applejack no!” Rainbow Dash cried. Applejack was about to pick up the telescope. In a burst of speed, Rainbow Dash flew downwards and smashed it. “Whew. No need to look outside now, right Applejack? Applejack?” “The barn.” Rainbow Dash turned to face Applejack. Even without the telescope she could still see her home, Sweet Apple Acres, in the distance. The orchard was swarmed with zombie ponies and the barn doors were wide open. “Applejack don’t look.” Rainbow Dash argued, but to no avail. Applejack sat on her haunches with a thud. “Applebloom. Big Mac. Granny.” Rainbow Dash sat next to her friend. “Hey now. Blame the zombies, not yourself. Besides it’s your family we’re talking about. They’re probably fine.” Rainbow Dash reassured. Applejack looked back out the window. “I said don’t do this to yourself!” Rainbow screamed pulling her away from the window. “Ah need to see!” “No you don’t!” Finally losing her patience, Rainbow Dash slapped Applejack hard across the face. Applejack looked back in surprise. ‘What am Ah doing?’ she thought to herself. “Ah deserved that. Ah’ll only grieve if it is true. Mah family’s out there. And Ah’ll find em.” Applejack defiantly stated. “Exactly. Moping isn’t like you.” Rainbow Dash replied. Applejack smiled back. “We’ll find out what happened, promise.” “Much appreciated.” Applejack replied. She looked back at Rainbow Dash, and could tell something was wrong. Her eyes didn’t have the same confident aura to them as usual. Then it occurred to her that Rainbow Dash was avoiding something. “And what about yerself? Ya worried about Scootaloo?” Rainbow Dash turned away from Applejack. “Of course not. She’s out there. Looking for me probably….” Rainbow Dash lowered her head. Applejack took a step forward before Rainbow Dash spun around. “But I’ll see her eventually. Scoot’s knows how to handle her self. She had a great role model after all.” Applejack raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “Well, we’ll find her too. Don’t ya worry about that.” Applejack said. Rainbow Dash responded almost immediately. “I’m not worried.” She looked confident, but Applejack wasn’t convinced. Twilight was pacing back and forth at the top of the stairs. The townsponies on the ground floor were no doubt waiting for a response. Spike touched her right hind leg. “They have to be told eventually.” He mentioned. Twilight groaned. “And what am I supposed to tell them? That I just killed the Mayor and now I’m in charge? How do you think they’re going to react to that?” Twilight looked at her fore hooves. She had washed the Mayor’s blood off but in her mind she could still see it drying on her hooves. “Given what’s going on outside I think they’ll understand.” Spike said. But then he tilted his head sideways. “I think Trixie put the idea in their heads anyway.” Spike slammed his claws over his mouth as he realized just how bad that sounded. Twilight sighed. “I know. Come on. Your right the townsponies deserve to know the truth.” The two started walking down the stairs. “Spike, do you know how long I was up there?” Twilight asked. Spike shrugged. “Maybe an hour. Another reason they are probably wondering what’s going on.” He replied. Twilight thought for a minute. It was a little after midnight when she had her run in with Cloudchaser. How long had it been since then? Usually she was better at keeping track of time, but for whatever reason be it stress, adrenaline or lack of sleep Twilight was having remembering. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Spike reached the main hall and found everypony asleep on the floor, most of whom were covered by very warm, very welcoming blankets. Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. “Tempting I have to say.” Spike muttered. Twilight wanted to nod in agreement but couldn’t bring herself to do it. She trotted through the sleeping ponies until reaching Pinkie Pie, who was reading a book to the Cake twins and a group of foals. “What else can you be when the world can only see you as a monster? Oh hi Twilight!” Pinkie put the book down. The foals all turned to Twilight. “How did it…” However Pinkie couldn’t bring herself to ask. The look on Twilight’s face said it all. One of the foals, a chubby grey colt pulled his blanket over his head. “Truffle Shuffle its ok.” Pinkie reassured. Truffle Shuffle tossed and turned. Pina Colada, a light red unicorn filly bit her lip. “He almost got attacked earlier.” She explained. “I think he wants to be alone.” Pina Colada sat back down. Twilight looked back at Pinkie. “Just reading a bed time story. Got to keep smiling somehow.” Pinkie explained. Pinkie was always trying to get a smile out of other ponies. Twilight was just glad that even after everything that had happened throughout the night she was still doing it. “Um, Princess Twilight?” Twilight looked down to see a white colt with brown spots. “I remember you. Pipsqueak right?” Twilight asked. Pipsqueak nodded. Twilight first met the young colt on the previous Nightmare Night, and true to his name, Pipsqueak was still smaller than most foals in Ponyville. “That’s me. Um, I was wondering how you were going to deal with the zombie ponies outside?” he asked. Spike stepped forward. “Spike has already sent a letter to Princess Celestia. She will know what to do.” Twilight said. However something in her gut told Twilight that probably wasn’t the best thing she could have said. She herself was a princess now and the townsponies no doubt were going to be looking to her for advice, not Celestia. “I’m sure she’ll respond soon.” Spike mentioned. “Trust me, I’ll be the first to know.” Pipsqueak looked at Spike. “What about Princess Luna?” Pipsqueak chirped. Twilight thought for a moment. Celestia’s younger sister Luna was known to appear in ponies’ dreams. Right on cue Pipsqueak spoke up again. “I bet you can talk to her right away in your sleep. She’ll listen to you.” “Pipsqueak, I’m sure she would appear in anypony’s dreams not just mine.” Twilight said. “Still I suppose that is the best way I can get in contact with her at the moment.” “Um, Twilight?” Spike asked. Twilight spun around and gulped at the sight of the Doctor, Minuette and Derpy approaching. “Pinkie I better…” Twilight started to say but Pinkie raised her fore hoof. “Not a problem, Twilight. You go right ahead.” Pinkie opened the book again and resumed reading to the foals. Twilight and Spike walked over to the Doctor’s group, meeting them half way among the sleeping ponies. “Princess Twilight? Is-is it over?” Minuette muttered. Twilight shifted around uncomfortably before looking at Spike who shared the awkward feeling. “I’ll take care of her body.” Minuette trotted up the stairs past Twilight. “Your majesty, there is something else you should know.” The Doctor glanced at Derpy before facing Twilight again. “If you will follow me.” The Doctor and Derpy trotted down the hallway. The Doctor looked back expecting Twilight wasn’t following. She was, though was walking much slower than him. The chamber the Doctor and Derpy took Twilight and Spike was unlike the rest of town hall. Almost as if it came from a completely different building. It actually looked more like a large metal bunker with clocks strung up all over the wall and a giant golden hourglass in the center of the room. Derpy giggled at the mess. The Doctor shook his head. “Yes my apologies, Princess Twilight. Normally my office is neater than this.” The Doctor reassured. Spike slid off Twilight’s back and stepped right into a clock. “Yeah I kind of expected the town’s time keeper wouldn’t be this obsessed with clocks.” Spike said. The Doctor picked up the broken clock and started putting the pieces of glass back onto it. “I’m more than just a time keeper. Fixing clocks is something of a hobby of mine.” He put the clock down and faced Twilight. “But that isn’t why I asked you to come here. Your majesty, it is not supposed to be nighttime. Twilight looked at the giant hourglass. “Oh no your right.” Twilight started to think it through in her head. Surely Princess Luna would have lowered the moon and Princess Celestia would have raised the sun by now. “How long has night lasted?” “The sun was supposed to rise an hour and a forty three minutes ago.” The Doctor sighed dejectedly. Twilight and Spike’s eyes widened. “We thought you would know anything about it. We were wrong, weren’t we?” He asked. Twilight took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself. After a raised eyebrow from The Doctor she spoke up. “Everything is going to be fine. I will find out what is happening. In the meantime make sure the townsponies are calm. Panicking won’t help anything.” She bit her tongue hoping the Doctor wouldn’t notice the uncertainty in her voice. If he did than he didn’t say. The Doctor bowed. “As you wish.” The Doctor replied. “Derpy, we better get to work.” Derpy smiled before picking up several clocks with her fore hooves. As Twilight and Spike headed out of the office, Spike let out a loud, deep yawn. He had to hold his claw in front of his mouth to prevent embers from flying out. “Well I always did want to stay up all night. This isn’t what I had in mind though.” He said. Twilight looked down at her dragon companion. She knew that Spike was still a growing young man, and that deeper pitch to his yawn and cracks in his voice was proving it. “Really? Because I seem to recall you prefer sleeping in.” Twilight mentioned. Spike scoffed. “Remember how you wanted to sleep through Winter Wrap Up last year?” Spike looked up at Twilight. “Remember how I was able to stay up late last Nightmare Night?” Spike reminded. “Cause I was planning on doing so again.” Of course as he said that it occurred to Spike that Ponyville might not be able to celebrate this year. The two arrived back in the main hall where Pinkie and the foals had finally fallen asleep. “Well, we better give it a try.” Twilight said. Spike collapsed where he stood, almost immediately in a deep sleep. Twilight laid down on an unoccupied blanket and closed her eyes. “Princess Luna?” Twilight called out. The starry void she found herself in certainly felt like a dream. She started to wonder if Princess Luna was in somepony else’s dream. If that was true then Twilight was probably going to be here for a while. Then she heard a groan. “Is anypony there?” Twilight asked. A figure was hovering towards her. Twilight squinted her eyes to get a better look. The figure looked like Rainbow Dash, however her entire body looked like it had been severely burned. “Twilight….” She groaned. Twilight flapped her wings as hard as she could in a desperate attempt to get away. “ I already know this is a dream! I’m not falling for it, Rainbow!” Twilight started to panic as a yellow hoof touched her left wing. She turned her head and saw a blank eyed Fluttershy with a cracked skull staring at her. “Twilight…” “GET BACK!” Twilight screamed. Her horn started to glow before she unleashed a burst of purple energy, engulfing her vision. “What have I done?” “Ya'll know exactly what ya did, sugarcube.” The purple color started to fade away. Twilight rubbed her eyes. Rather than the void, she now found herself underwater. Holding a deep breath Twilight tried to swim upwards when she felt a strong grip around her tail. She looked back to see Applejack, blood seeping from many cuts across her body. Twilight screamed, not expecting she would actually be able to underwater. “Ya let us all die.” “No I didn’t!” Twilight screamed. She resisted as hard as she could, eventually breaking the surface of the water. Of course it wasn’t water once she could breath again. Instead Twilight found herself buried up to her neck in mud. And yet she was still spitting up water. “How is anypony supposed to understand dreams in the first place?” Twilight thought to herself. A shovel materialized over Twilight starting to dig her out of the mud on its own. Though she wasn’t going to question it. “Satisfied, deary?” Twilight struggled to get out of the mud faster as Rarity approached, one of her legs having been severed. “Yes. With the real Rarity.” Twilight raised her head, preparing to blast the dream with magic. What happened next probably shouldn’t have surprised Twilight but never the less her horn didn’t produce a magic spell, but rather made Pinkie appear in the sky above her. However the sight of a gaping cut across Pinkie's throat didn't help things, especially once the blood from her neck wound started spilling out onto Twilight. “Dream. Dream. It is a dream.” Twilight stammered. Pinkie’s blood dripped off Twilight’s head and started pooling around her. Twilight started to run again as the blood mixed with the mud. Twilight looked back at Rarity and Pinkie getting smaller in the distance but not because Twilight was getting farther away, but because they were shrinking. Twilight collapsed into the mud having run out of breath. “Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy. Applejack. Rarity. Pinkie Pie.” She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. “No. Those things were not my friends.” “It is good that you see that.” A stern, somewhat dramatic voice rang out. Twilight opened her eyes. Purple smoke had appeared around Twilight. And out of the smoke stepped Princess Luna, the dark blue alicorn with a corporeal mane and tail resembling the night sky. “It worked!” Twilight exclaimed, leaping to her hooves in excitement. “Princess Luna I’m so glad you found my dream.” Luna touched Twilight’s mane. “No doubt you have questions about the undead.” Luna stopped and looked away. “Questions that we do not have the answers to.” Twilight’s eyes widened. “But if there’s anypony who should know about dark magic…” Twilight’s voice lowered as she spoke until finally stopping. Luna’s past was considered a horror story unto itself to Equestria. If she thought Twilight was making an accusation based on that… “That came out wrong! I’m not blaming you or anything like that!” Twilight ran right into Luna’s face. “I was just… Princess Celestia showed me dark magic once! I thought the zombies would have been caused by it. That is what happened isn’t it?” Luna shook her head. “I apologize, but I do not know. The undead have never risen in Equestia in this number. But there is one thing you must see.” Luna spun around and started walking away. The moon rose before her larger than Twilight had ever seen it. She looked back at Twilight before walking into the moon. “Princess Luna! Wait up!” Twilight galloped towards the moon, running straight through it. “I know this place.” Twilight recognized the chamber she was standing in. She had been here before in the castle in Canterlot. This was Princess Celestia’s bedchamber. Twilight trotted further in, noticing Princess Celestia’s bed, with the covers thrown over a figure. Luna appeared behind Twilight, startling her. “I know this is not what you want to see. But you must.” Luna said. Twilight slowly approached the bed. She almost didn’t want to see what was underneath. Twilight took a huge gulp before moving the covers with her magic. Her mentor, the ruler of Equestia, Princess Celestia, was lying comatose under the covers. Her white coat was almost grey, her face had sunk in, and unlike her sister’s mane, Celestia’s was no longer corporeal, instead it was just as static as every other pony’s. Twilight screamed before stumbling back into Luna’s for hooves. “She has been like this for hours. And will not awaken.” Twilight looked up at Princess Luna. “I am sorry.” Twilight’s eyes started to water. “Me too.” Twilight said. Not once in her life had she seen Princess Celestia sick. On the contrary Twilight always assumed her immortality prevented her from getting sick in the first place. Twilight looked back at Princess Luna before having an epiphany. “If Princess Celestia is sick, could you perhaps raise the sun?” Princess Luna let out a big sigh. “It will not be easy.” Luna’s eyes glew brightly, engulfing Twilight’s vision once again, this time in bright white light. She called out to the Princess of the night but received no answer. Twilight took a step forward feeling incredible heat under her hoof. She looked down to see the ground around her ablaze, with bursts of fire erupting around her. Twilight flapped her wings and hovered over the fire though the intense heat was leaving her drenched in sweat. “Equestria?” Twilight muttered as she looked up. Above her was an upside down view of the Everfree Forest, Ponyville, and the surrounding farmlands. “A beautiful view. Isn’t it?” Twilight gasped in surprise. Luna appeared by her side in a poof of purple smoke. “Is this the sun?” Twilight asked. “Indeed. My sister has had many centuries of practice raising and lowering it. During my… exile, having to do the same for the moon took its toll on her.” Luna lowered herself onto the sun’s surface; her touch slowly turned it solid, making it resemble the moon. “It took her decades to truly master being able to move the sun and moon on her own. It can be done, but with my own magic with no aid from her own, it will not be easy.” It’s hard enough with the magic of just one alicorn. Twilight thought to herself, remembering the brief time she held the magic of both the Royal Sisters as well as Cadence, Princess of Love and her sister in law. It took Twilight a moment to realize Luna was in pain herself. “Princess Luna? Are you feeling alright?” Twilight felt stupid for asking, expecting a booming response. Instead Luna was smiling. “I cannot say how I truly feel. I am not ill if that is your question.” The area around Luna started to melt away. Twilight looked all around. “Not again.” Twilight muttered. Luna shook her head. “It is not what you think, Twilight Sparkle. You are merely awakening.” Luna explained. The princess of the night flew back up to Twilight’s level. “I will do what I can about raising the sun. And calm as many ponies as possible. I trust you can do the same.” Luna started to fade away. Twilight tried to move but found her legs and wings feeling heavy. “I’ll take care of Ponyville! Princess Luna!” Twilight cried. Luna was getting further and further away. With all her might Twilight tried to move, but it was to no avail. Luna stopped though the voice that emerged from her mouth was not her own, but Rarity’s. “Twilight, wake up!” Twilight groaned before rubbing her face with her hoof. She opened her eyes finding Rarity standing over her. The normally elegant unicorn was frazzled with her mane and coat being as unkempt as can be. “Thank goodness your awake. Twilight, we can’t stay here. No pony deserves the hard floor of town hall. Or have to listen to the noises coming from the undead outside. Something has to be done!” Rarity fell on all fours. Her mouth was shaking. “Sweetie Belle doesn’t deserve it.” Twilight had to take another deep breath; similar to the one she had done earlier in the Doctor’s office. “Your right, Rarity. This isn’t the Ponyville I know. And I want it back as much as anypony else.” Twilight stated defiantly. “But it will come back. I promise.” > Oh Come On > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Alright everypony listen up!” Rainbow Dash hovered a few feet off the ground facing several pegasi. Most of them were still groggy, having been woken up by her only a few minutes ago. “It’s going be dark out there, it’s going be hard to see. But we are going out there! And we are going to clear all the zombies out! ARE YOU READY!” Rainbow Dash screamed. Right on cue Bulk Biceps, an extremely muscle bound pegasus stallion, stood on his hind legs and screamed. “YEAH!” “That’s the spirit!” Rainbow Dash noticed Thunderlane and his little brother Rumble in the crowd. She had expected Thunderlane, but Rumble was still just a colt. It occurred to Rainbow Dash that she would not hear the end of it if anything happened to a colt, so she ultimately decided it was not a good idea for Rumble to join in. “Sorry Rumble, but you are too big of a risk.” Rumble felt offended. “Thunderlane said I could join you! I want to stop the zombies!” Rumble stammered. Rainbow Dash glared at Thunderlane. He started to sweat nervously. “Thunderlane! You promised!” Rumble yelped. Relenting, Thunderlane sighed. “I’m sorry bro. But Rainbow is right. I wouldn’t forgive myself if anything happened to you.” Thunderlane explained. Rumble sneered. “But what about you? What am I going to do if something happens to you?” Rainbow Dash lowered her self down to Rumble’s level. “Tell you what kid. Thunderlane will be with me for this mission. If he didn’t have a chance of making it out alive before than he certainly does now.” She promised. Thunderlane felt like he had just been kicked in the chest. “Miss Dash I wasn’t asking for protection.” Thunderlane said. “You’re not being protected. You’re doing the protecting. Remember?” Rainbow Dash looked back at the crowd. “Any other fillies and colts you sit this out too.” With several simultaneous groans, five Pegasus fillies walked away from the crowd. “You too, Scootaloo.” Then Rainbow Dash had a pang of guilt. “Oh, right.” Blossomforth, a white Pegasus mare with a pink and lime mane, raised her fore hoof over her head. “No Blossomforth, you are staying. You are not a filly.” “That’s not what I was going to say.” Blossomforth cleared her throat. “Do we even have enough ponies to take out all the monsters outside? There’s kind of a lot.” Rainbow Dash thought for a moment. Other than herself, the pegasi present were Thunderlane, Blossomforth, Bulk Biceps, Derpy, Cloud Kicker and Flitter. And Fluttershy. But she wasn’t in the group. How did I not notice that? Rainbow thought to herself. “Um one moment. Just sit tight.” Rainbow Dash stammered before flying down the hall. “Angel don’t go. You’re dinner’s almost ready. Yes is your favorite.” Rainbow Dash rubbed her neck. Fluttershy was still asleep. Rainbow Dash had no idea that Fluttershy spoke in her sleep, and she had known Fluttershy longer than any of her other friends. “Yes of course I’ll look after you.” Tears started to run down Fluttershy’s face. Rainbow Dash bit her lip. “You’ve had a rough enough day.” Rainbow Dash muttered. She picked up the end of Fluttershy’s covers with her mouth and draped the blanket over her shoulders. Rainbow Dash looked at Fluttershy’s face one last time before biting her own fore hoof and turning away. Stupid pretty Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash thought to herself. She looked at her wings, which were standing up right. Rainbow Dash let out a groan before flying away as fast as she could. The pegasi survivors were gathered around a map of Ponyville. Rainbow dash circled the houses on the north end of the town. “Cloud kicker, Blossomforth, Derpy, you three got the houses. Use them as cover if you have to. On my way over here I saw all the windows are wide open, so you won’t get trapped.” Rainbow Dash explained. Cloud Kicker smirked before wrapping her fore leg around Blossomforth’s shoulders. “We got this. Don’t we?” The lavender pegasus’ tone was almost too playful for Blossomforth. “You never change, Cloud Kicker.” The white pegasus muttered. Rainbow Dash nodded in response before circling all three of the bridges leading from Town Square to the rest of Ponyville. “Bulk Biceps, Cloudchaser, Flitter, the three of you…” Rainbow Dash didn’t get the chance to finish, as Flitter slammed her fore hoof onto the map. “My sister is already one of them.” Flitter stated grimly. She took the bow out of her cerulean mane. “We didn’t know what getting bitten by one of those monsters would do. Just before Cloudchaser stopped breathing she told me to run. So I did. And…” Flitter couldn’t bring herself to finish. Derpy gave Flitter a warm smile and held out a tissue. Flitter took it and blew her nose. “Thanks.” Derpy nodded. Rainbow Dash had to cough to cover up the heavy feeling she was getting in her chest. Thunderlane looked at the map, now crinkled from being stepped on. “I can do it. I can take the third bridge.” Thunderlane argued. Rainbow Dash face hoofed. “Yes but then there’s no pony to cover me when I take the train station and the remaining neighborhoods.” Of course Rainbow Dash was more than willing to handle her part on her own, if not for the promise she just made to Rumble. “Um what about your friend, Fluttershy?” Blossomforth asked. Rainbow Dash stomped her hoof in frustration. “She’s been though enough.” Rainbow Dash uttered, remembering the look on Fluttershy’s face when all the animals she had cared for over the years turned and tried to kill her. “Forget it I’ll just handle it myself. Thunderlane you’re with the bridge team.” Thunderlane didn’t look so certain anymore. “By yourself? Rainbow not even you are that good. If somepony’s not watching you….” Rainbow Dash slammed her hoof into Thunderlane’s mouth to shut him up. Cloud Kicker tried to hold back a laugh at the sight. “Sorry, sorry couldn’t help it.” She explained. Blossomforth rolled her eyes. “Yes, Thunderlane. I am that good.” Rainbow Dash snapped. She shook her head, realizing just how bad that sounded. “The flying ones are slow enough. Just keep yourselves alive.” Pinkie was holding a large window shut. The other pegasi were waiting eagerly for Rainbow Dash’s signal. “Get ready Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash ordered. A large smile appeared on Pinkie’s face. She gripped the window’s hinges tighter. Rainbow Dash started flapping her wings. “NOW!” Rainbow Dash cried. In a very close call, Pinkie managed to open the window half a second before Rainbow Dash sped out the building, leaving a streak of colors behind. The others waited. Rainbow Dash was supposed to perform a sonic rainboom in the sky to draw the zombie ponies’ attention. Pinkie poked her head outside. “Dashie? Where are you? Dashie?” Pinkie asked. A loud, booming groan rang out in the distance. Pinkie looked out towards the town. The clock tower was falling to the ground smashing several zombie ponies flat. But what came next made Pinkie’s eyes enlarge to the size of dinner plates. A full-grown dragon, twice the height of the typical homes in Ponyville, was dragging itself along the ground. Its green scales were falling off, its wings were dangling off its side, its eyes were completely blank, and its lower jaw was severed. “DASHIE! GET OUT OF THERE!” Pinkie screamed. “What is going on out there?” Thunderlane asked. Just as Pinkie turned back to face the pegasi, Rainbow Dash came flying back into the building, slamming Pinkie to the ground and tumbling along the floor. “We need a new plan.” Rainbow Dash muttered. Derpy trotted past Rainbow Dash and looked out the window. At the sight of the zombie dragon she became so scared that for a brief moment she was no longer cross eyed. She turned back to the crowd as her eyes returned to their usual state. She shook her head, prompting the others to look out the window at the zombie dragon. The remaining pegasi gasped in response. Bulk Biceps went so far as to let out a high pitch scream that didn’t even resemble his normally deep, booming voice. “Um, excuse me?” A small voice said. Rainbow Dash gulped as she noticed Fluttershy approach the group. She was wearing Pinkie’s saddlebags holding the Cake twins, both of whom were crying. “I think these two need their diapers changed. They are kind of stinky.” Pinkie nodded before picking up Pound and Pumpkin. “I got this.” Pinkie reassured. Rainbow Dash, Thunderlane and Cloud Kicker had to look away as Pinkie started to take off Pound’s diaper. With her mouth. “What? This is how Mr. Cake does it.” “Its still the nastiest thing I’ve ever seen. Please do it in the other room or something.” Blossomforth muttered. Fluttershy looked at Rainbow Dash. “What are you all doing up here?” She asked. Rainbow Dash started to sweat. How was she supposed to tell Fluttershy she purposefully left her out of her zombie removal plan? “We were…um…Flitter you tell her. Flitter?” Rainbow Dash looked around. Flitter was nowhere in sight. “I know you’re out here!” Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy looked outside. Flitter was flying around above the zombie ponies. “What is she doing out there?” Fluttershy muttered. Rainbow Dash opened the window. “Flitter get back in here! You can’t do that on your own!” Rainbow Dash demanded. Flitter kicked a zombie unicorn to the ground before stomping on its head. “Not until I find my sister!” Flitter snapped. She hit another zombie, knocking its lower jaw off. “And put her out of her misery.” She muttered to herself. Fluttershy looked around finally seeing the zombie dragon as it came closer towards Town Hall. Fluttershy wailed in terror, which drew the zombie dragon’s attention. “Get down!” Rainbow yelled at the top of her lungs. Everypony ducked down as the dragon scraped the side of its head against Town Hall. It collapsed under its own weight, bringing more of the building down on top of it, a large chunk of debris stabbing through its skull. Twilight and Rarity slowly turned their heads. Everypony else in the main hall started to wake up and look in their direction. The zombie dragon had collapsed the entire left half of Town Hall, leaving all of the survivors completely exposed. Barely a second had passed before a horde of zombie ponies shuttered towards the building. Without looking at Twilight, Rarity started to stutter. “Twilight?” “Yes, Rarity?” “We need to go.” Nopony was going to argue with that. Twilight fired a magical energy beam from her horn, materializing a barrier in front of the zombies though she knew it wouldn’t stay up for long. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew down towards Twilight, though they wisely stayed a few meters off the ground. “I’m sorry. This is my fault. I made that dragon come here.” Fluttershy said weakly. Twilight shook her head. “Now is not the time to get worried.” Twilight reassured. “I disagree!” a voice cried out. Twilight wasn’t certain but it sounded like Lyra. Twilight started to hover over the survivors. “Everypony listen up! That shield is not going to last forever so here’s what we need to do. While the shield distracts the zombies we will make our way to the Castle.” Twilight explained. The survivors started murmuring among themselves. Applejack and Spike appeared below Twilight. “Twilight, if that dragon came from the Everfree Forest than thar’s no guarantee that it’ll hardly be the only type of trotter that crawls out of thar. “ Applejack explained. The farm pony looked at Twilight’s shield. The zombie ponies on the other side were now pushed up against it. “Uh, Twilight. Can we go yet?” Spike started to panic. Twilight nodded before turning back to the crowd. “Alright everypony. Stay calm and follow me.” The back door of Town Hall glowed with a purple aura as Twilight magically opened it. With some severe hesitation, she poked her head out the entrance. There were no zombie ponies; they were all behind her shield on the other side. However a single zombie of a different kind was devouring a dead earth pony. It was a mantacore, its scorpion tail having been severed and the flesh on half its face had been clawed off. Twilight glanced over at the pony it was eating. She recognized the blue stallion as one of Rarity’s own neighbors, Noteworthy. I think I’m going to be sick. Twilight thought to herself. Then another thought entered her mind. If the mantacore was preoccupied, there might be enough time to evacuate the survivors. “Twilight! What is going on out there!” Spike’s voice rang out. Twilight tumbled out of Town Hall in surprise. Rainbow Dash poked her head out looking at Twilight. “Is now really the time to be lying around?” A glare from Twilight shut her up though. “Just hurry past the mantacore. It should be a straight shot to the castle.” Twilight ordered. Rainbow Dash flew into the air, motioning to the survivor ponies inside. “You heard the Princess. Move!” Rainbow Dash was followed in the air by her original group of pegasi while the others started filing out of Town Hall. Rarity and Fluttershy helped Twilight stand up as they approached. As the crowd of survivors trotted past the mantacore Rainbow Dash spotted a zombie pegasus sticking out of one of the houses windows. More started to shift out of the houses in the group’s path. Looks like I can try out my plan after all. She thought to herself. She slowed herself down so she was side by side with Thunderlane. “Um, Miss Dash?” Thunderlane felt a lump form in his throat. He didn’t want to risk the original plan. There was no way to know if Rainbow Dash would be able to make it back to the larger group after causing a distraction. “I’m going.” Rainbow Dash proudly stated. Before Thunderlane could react Rainbow Dash flew up in the opposite direction of the group. Fluttershy was the first pony on the ground to take notice. “What are you doing?” Fluttershy muttered to herself. All the ponies took notice as Rainbow Dash picked up speed, and finally went fast enough to create a sonic rainboom in the sky, a massive, multi-colored burst of energy. The zombie ponies and mantacore stopped pushing themselves against Twilight’s magic shield and eating Noteworthy respectively, looking up at the loud, booming sonic rainboom. “Rainbow!” Twilight yelled. Rainbow Dash was too high in the sky to respond but was able to smile at the sight of the zombies looking up at the sonic rainboom. I knew that would work. Rainbow Dash was confident as the survivor ponies started running through the street. However after another quick glance Rainbow Dash saw something else. She was wondering just how a stone pony statue appeared in the horde of zombies. Until it occurred to her that it wasn’t a statue. It was Flitter. Applejack turned a corner, kicking a zombie pony in the head. The crowd of survivors had made it to the Old Ponies Home, a district where older ponies lived. Twilight’s castle was some distance away. We’ll make it. “Mama!” Pinkie felt the blood in her face cool as Pumpkin cried out. Despite the numerous bites to her face and torn up mane, Pinkie could still recognize one of the zombies as Mrs. Cake. Pumpkin and Pound started crying out to their mother, drawing the attention of other zombies through out the town. “Thunderlane! Cloud Kicker! Bulk Biceps! Take the left! Derpy! Blossomforth! Get the right!” Rainbow Dash cried. The five pegasi started to fly around the survivors, but by that point a zombie Pegasus had bitten a survivor on the neck. “Run for your lives!” Lyra yelled. Twilight looked back at the group. “Don’t separate! Stay together!” The Princess of Friendship attempted keep order but in a state of panic, no pony could be able to hear her over the screams. Zombie ponies were starting to appear all around the group. All thanks to the crying infants. Fluttershy ducked out of the way as a zombie Pegasus flew towards her. It ended up missing Fluttershy but Roseluck was not able to get out of the way in time. “Roseluck!” Fluttershy screamed. She felt a tug at her wings. She looked up to see Rainbow Dash was dragging her away. “Rainbow we can’t just… “I’m sorry, but no, there’s nothing we can do.” Rainbow Dash felt sick for saying something like that. But considering the zombies had already torn open Roseluck’s throat and stomach and had begun eating, she didn’t see many other options. Rainbow Dash looked around. The survivors had scattered throughout the neighborhood. Twilight and Spike were standing on the roof of the spa. “Stay in this direction!” Twilight cried out. Of course she wasn’t sure if anypony could hear her. Spike spun around and let out a small scream. A zombie timberwolf, a creature literally made out of tree bark, was trying to climb up the building. “No not you again!” Spike blew a gust of fire at the zombie timberwolf. Normally that would have made it fall apart. For this timberwolf however, it seemed to be ignoring the flames. Or at the very least it couldn’t feel them in its zombified state. “Oh come on!” Twilight could see her castle several hundred yards away. Then she got an idea. “Spike, the townsponies need a signal!” Twilight’s horn started to glow. Spike nodded before spitting out a huge burst of fire into the sky. Simultaneously Twilight fired a magical blast from her horn above her. “This way! Follow the signal!” A series of fire works started going off in the air. Twilight looked down to see Trixie casting a spell of her own making the fireworks. “If you’re trying to catch somepony’s attention, it will have to be bigger than that.” Trixie boasted. Twilight should have guessed that Trixie would try something. Being a former performer her logic made sense. “Come on. We’re almost there.” Spike reminded. Bulk Biceps smashed a zombie pony’s face in with one hoof. Then in quick succession he flew towards an approaching line of zombie ponies hitting each one’s head off as he flew by. “YEAH!” Bulk Biceps roared. He was feeling pumped, perhaps more so than he ever did in his life. Part of him wanted to stick behind and keep on fighting the zombie ponies. He tackled a zombie earth pony and started smashing its face in with both fore hooves. “Bulk Biceps! You need keep moving!” The Doctor cried as he and Redheart ran past the muscular pegasus. The Doctor stopped and saw the pile of zombie ponies devouring Roseluck. The Doctor held his fore hooves over his face in grief. Redheart put her fore leg around his back. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” Redheart muttered. If there is any saving grace… she thought to herself. There shouldn’t be enough left of her to come back as one of them. “Lyra get over here!” The Doctor looked to his right. Bon Bon was hiding under a bench waving at Lyra. The mint green unicorn was paralyzed with fear as several zombie ponies surrounded her. Bon Bon cried out again. “You can make it! Come on! Lyra!” “I can’t! There’s too many! Bon Bon help! Anypony!” Lyra cried. A rope dropped down by her face. Lyra looked up to see the town’s hot air balloon was hovering overhead. Minuette poked her head out of the basket. Lyra bit the rope with glee. “I’ve never been more happy to see you before in my life.” “Just climb!” Minuette ordered. Lyra started to pull herself up the rope before feeling a twinge of guilt. “Bon Bon! Hurry!” Bon Bon looked out from under the bench. “What about the castle!” Bon Bon hesitated for a moment before climbing out into the open. “Don’t you think that will be safer?” “Watch out!” The Doctor screamed. The zombie mantacore had followed the survivors. Bon Bon bolted out of the way towards the balloon, scrambling up the rope as fast as she could. Then she felt a sharp tug at her leg. She looked down to see Redheart holding on for dear life. “So sorry. I panicked.” The nurse pony explained. “I just wanted GGGGAAAAAHHHHH!” Bon Bon’s eyes widened. The zombie mantacore bit into Redheart’s flank, drawing blood immediately. “Some pony help!” Redheart continued to cry out in pain. Bon Bon looked up at Lyra and Minuette in the basket above. “Don’t just sit there! Get us out of here!” Bon Bon said. As the balloon rose, the mantacore tightened its bite on Redheart’s flank. Finally it bit through her flesh, biting off a huge chunk of her backside and feel, smashing its head against the ground upon landing. “I can fix this… I can fix this.” Redheart’s voice was as weary as it could possibly be. Bon Bon gulped. “No. You can’t. I’m sorry.” With her free hoof, Bon Bon started kicking Redheart in the face. “Please… give me a chance…. Bon Bon don’t do this!” the nurse pony begged. But Bon Bon remembered what Trixie said. She’s going to become one of them. Tears started forming in Bon Bon’s eyes as what she was doing really sunk in. But she didn’t want to take the risk. And with one last kick to the face, Redheart lost her grip and started tumbling down to Ponyville below. Bon Bon shut her eyes tight before hearing a loud thud. “What’s going on down there?” Lyra’s voice rang out. Bon Bon couldn’t bring herself to look at her friend. “Nurse Redheart…. lost her grip. I couldn’t save her.” Bon Bon felt the rope being raised up. I’m a monster. Bon Bon thought to herself. Lyra looked over the side of the basket. The Doctor was galloping after the balloon. “Hold up, ladies!” he cried almost out of breath. Lyra helped Bon Bon into the basket. “How are we supposed to get him up here? The rope isn’t long enough at this height.” Minuette asked. Lyra looked around. There were still a lot of zombie ponies around so landing wasn’t a choice. The Doctor collapsed from exhaustion. A trio of zombie ponies was trotting in his direction. “Well, it was nice while it lasted.” The Doctor shut his eyes expecting the end. An end that didn’t come. Instead he felt himself being lifted into the air. The Doctor opened his eyes and saw Derpy was carrying him by his forelegs. “I suppose I should have expected you would find me.” Derpy grinned. Which wasn’t all that surprising considering Derpy’s cheerfulness was second only to Pinkie. Finally reaching the hot air balloon Derpy dropped the Doctor in the basket with the others. “I guess we aren’t following Princess Twilight after all. Are we?” Minuette asked. The five ponies exchanged glances before looking back at the carnage below, slowly but surely shrinking in the distance. Rumble ran as fast as his small legs would let him. Thunderlane was flying overhead looking after him. “Just keep it up. We are almost there.” Thunderlane said. A zombie pegasus hovered towards him. Rumble opened his muzzle to warn him, but before Rumble could say anything Rainbow Dash tackled the zombie pegasus to the ground, smashing its face in. Thunderlane looked at Rainbow Dash with wide eyes. How did I miss that one? She’s good. He thought to himself. “Keep it up! We’re almost there! You too, Thunderlane. Stop checking me out and get to the castle!” Rainbow Dash ordered. Thunderlane blushed. She noticed that too? “I wasn’t…Miss Dash it’s not what out think…” “I said go! And for Celestia’s sake watch your back!” Rainbow Dash snapped. Yet another zombie pony was standing on its hind legs trying to reach Thunderlane. Groaning, Rainbow Dash started towards the zombie pony, before Bulk Biceps rammed through the zombie, its body exploding into little pieces. “YEAH!” Bulk Biceps snorted. The zombie pony’s blood and guts dripped all over his body. Rumble backed away freaked out by the huge pegasus. Seeing his little brother distressed, Thunderlane picked up the young colt. “I got ya.” Thunderlane reassured. On the one hoof he hated Thunderlane helping him fly but on the other hoof, the further away from Bulk Biceps he figured the better. Seeing Thunderlane holding Rumble, Cloud Kicker threw up her fore legs in frustration. “Well why didn’t we just do that in the first place.” She flew down and picked up Pipsqueak. “Come here little filly.” “Um, I’m a colt.” He stated. Cloud Kicker bit her lip, given she had taken pride in telling the difference between mares and stallions. “I-I knew that. I wanted to see if you knew.” Cloud Kicker stuttered. Blossomforth flew past her carrying Pina Colada and Truffle Shuffle. “Sure that’s what you intended.” “Shut up!” Owlicious was perched on the balcony of the castle. He could see the crowd of ponies approaching. With a hoot, he flew back inside. “Owlicious! Open the main entrance!” Twilight cried. The doors opened and the crowd of ponies poured into the entry chamber. A zombie unicorn reached its head in the doorway. “Oh no you don’t!” Spike snapped, slamming the door on the zombie unicorn, severing its head. It’s head continued to whiny. “Ugh, does some pony want to…” Spike didn’t get the chance to finish, as Bulk Biceps flew over to the severed head and stepped on it repeatedly. Spike looked around before backing away. Twilight stood on the grand staircase leading further into the castle. “Is anypony hurt? Are you all here?” Twilight asked. Rainbow Dash flew up to Twilight’s level. “Well, we lost a few ponies on the way over here.” Rainbow Dash’s limbs hang low as she hovered in the air. She saw the pain in Twilight’s face and quickly landed on the stairs. “But hey, most of them made it.” “What are we going to do?” Blossomforth called out from the crowd. The Mane Six and Spike gathered on the stairs. Twilight let out a deep breath before speaking up. “For now you will be safe. I would like to convene with my friends on our next step. Until then you have free reign of the castle.” She turned to Owlicious. “Owlicious, make them feel at home.” The owl rolled his eyes before flying towards the crowd. “That’s it? Your leaving us with an owl while you do nothing to stop the undead outside?” Trixie snapped. Fluttershy looked back at the show pony. “Please, we all need to stay calm.” Fluttershy replied, trying to hold back the tears. “We will find a way. We will find a way.” Fluttershy stopped. Rarity put a hoof on her shoulder. “That’s right. We shan’t be long everypony.” Rarity added. Twilight sat on her throne. Spike and the rest of the Mane Six were sitting on similar thrones in the Council of Friendship Chambers. Pinkie was letting the Cake twins wander around the chambers. Applejack was the last to take her seat, having gone back to her room to pick up her hat. “I guess the first thing is first. How are all of you feeling?” Twilight asked. Applejack kicked the ground beneath her. “Ah’d feel a lot calmer if the whole Apple Family was here. Best ah figur’ they’re at least together.” Applejack said. If they’re still alive. She thought to herself, thinking it was better not to say it out loud. Without getting out of her throne, Pinkie reached over and wrapped a fore leg around Applejack. “Well you got at least one Apple Pie here to watch your back. Kind of. It’s the thought that counts.” Pinkie’s words confused Fluttershy. “Pinkie Pie’s got you covered.” The Cake Twins looked at each other, both sharing the same expression. Raised eyebrows. Spike looked at Twilight. “So what did Princess Luna say?” he asked. The others turned their attention to Twilight, Pinkie having pulled a bag of popcorn out from behind her throne. Feeling uneasy, Twilight recounted her talk with Luna, deciding to leave out the nightmarish versions of her friends she saw. “S-she didn’t say what was making Princess Celestia sick did she?” Fluttershy uttered. “It wasn’t the blue flu was it?” Twilight shook her head. “No, Princess Celestia actually is sick.” Twilight replied, remembering when Discord had faked being sick with the blue flu. Then it occurred to Twilight. Discord. “Um, Twi? Ya ok over thar?” Applejack asked. Twilight shook her head. “I just had a horrible thought. What if Discord has something to do with the outbreak?” Twilight suggested. Fluttershy stood up from her throne. “Now wait a minute. He wouldn’t betray us.” She argued. Fluttershy stood in the center of the Council Chamber. “Not after what happened with Tirek. He has learned to understand true friendship. I trust Discord.” The irony of that statement hadn’t escaped Fluttershy’s notice, but she meant every word. Discord may have been the spirit of chaos for eons but she had no doubt he was truly reformed. As if on cue a disembodied voice spoke up. “How kind of you to believe in me.” Random animal body parts started to roll past the thrones and towards Fluttershy. She backed away as the body parts started to merge together. “Do you have to arrive in such a disgusting manner, Discord?” Rarity asked. Once his body was fully assembled, the ancient draconequus laughed. “What? Too close to home?” Discord smirked, expecting a reaction from the Mane Six. When one did not come up, he spoke again. “But in all seriousness why am I always under suspicion? This is just like when those evil vines from the Everfree forest attacked.” “But that was because of you.” Spike was quick to remind. Discord shrugged. “Well even I am not perfect.” He replied. Fluttershy looked up at Discord. “Um, Discord, you wouldn’t happen to know why the zombies are attacking?” She asked. The chamber fell silent as the yellow pegasus started to tap her hooves along the ground. Her unease was very apparent, though Twilight couldn’t tell if the Fluttershy was trying to hide it or not. “ Also you couldn’t by chance um, cure everypony who’s turned? Maybe bring some back to life?” Tears started swelling up in Fluttershy’s eyes. Rainbow Dash slumped back in her throne. She knew Fluttershy was talking about Angel. Some how she expected Discord wasn’t going to give her an answer she wanted to hear. “Fluttershy. I’m an omnipotent being with limitless power whose life span has lasted eons, and will no doubt last many more to come. But I’m not a miracle worker.” Discord explained. He gently tussled her mane. “The dead remain dead.” Fluttershy collapsed to the floor. The others quickly ran over to Fluttershy’s side. Rainbow Dash and Rarity helped Fluttershy sit up. “It’s ok, dear. It will be alright.” Rarity reassured. Of course Rarity wasn’t as certain of that herself, but she wouldn’t dare say that out loud. She turned to Discord. “You didn’t have to say it so bluntly.” Discord’s eyes widened. With a snap of his fingers, a book materialized in Discord’s hands. He started turning the pages. “Oh? Was it not Fluttershy who learned some times being too kind can actually keeping a friend from doing what they need to do? It may seem cruel but sometimes it is the kindest thing to do.” Discord continued to look through the book. Twilight recognized it as the same one the Mane Six had been keeping the lessons they had been learning over the past few months. “You are reading our journal again?” Twilight snapped, snatching the book with her magic. Discord raised an eyebrow. “You were certainly glad I did last time. Made you stronger. Didn’t it?” Discord let out a little laugh. Rainbow Dash scoffed. “If you’re telling us to use our new powers…” Rainbow Dash’s body released a flash of cyan colored light. The light dissipated, revealing Rainbow Dash had taken on her Friendship form, her mane and tail having grown, as well as adding the rainbow colors to her wings. “Then you should straight up say it.” Discord shook his head before responding. “Now where’s the fun in that?” “Ah suppose giving it a try couldn’t hurt.” Applejack said. Twilight motioned to the rest of the Mane Six, who gathered in a circle around the room. Spike stepped back, noticing the Cake Twins were now sitting in Pinkie’s throne. Twilight took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “Ok everypony. Lets do this.” Twilight opened her eyes as she felt the power flowing inside her. Herself, Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy were engulfed in light before taking on their Friendship forms as well. Like Rainbow Dash, their manes and tails grew longer, all with new highlights, yellow for Twilight, red for Applejack, yellow and green for Fluttershy, and blue and yellow for Pinkie. Discord took up Pinkie’s fallen bag of popcorn. “I’m going to enjoy this.” Discord leaned against the wall and watched the Mane Six as a multi-colored burst of energy through the stain glass windows, which he knew would travel all across Equestria. He smiled as the rainbow resided and the Mane Six reverted to their original forms. Applejack was the first to break the silence. “Well? Did it work?” The farm pony asked. Discord shrugged before snapping his fingers, teleporting himself, the Mane Six, and Spike onto the balcony outside. The group looked over the railing at the town below. Twilight’s heart sank at the sight of the zombie ponies wandering around unhindered. “Oh come on! That works on a demonic centaur but not a bunch of zombies!” Rainbow Dash snapped. And then, without warning, Discord pointed at a zombie unicorn, snapped his fingers, and the zombie exploded in a burst of blood and gore. Even after seeing Twilight do something similar a few hours before, seeing an entire pony’s body explode in such a way instead of just their head was absolutely revolting. “Of all the horrible ways you could possibly put one of those put a pony out of their misery does it have to be the most disgusting and violent way!” Rarity grabbed Discord’s face, and pulled him down to her eye level. “Don’t you dare do that to another pony. Understand!” Discord teleported out of Rarity’s grip, reappearing overhead, holding his hand to his chest. “You wound me, ‘darling’.” Discord reached into his chest, pulling his still beating heart out. Fluttershy had to hold her hooves over her eyes. Spike leaned against the railing, vomiting into the streets below. Discord put his heart back into his chest, much to the others relief. “I wouldn’t dream harming my precious little ponies. The undead ones well no guarantee.” Discord snapped his fingers again, and another zombie pony erupted into a shower of blood. “Discord!” Twilight roared, her wings extending up in rage. “Oh come on its fun. You should try it, princess. In the mean time I’ll be doing my favorite hobby.” The ancient draconequus gave another huge grin. Pinkie held a hoof to her chin in thought before speaking up. “Eavesdropping on us?” She chirped. Discord blushed. “Ok you got me.” Discord turned to Fluttershy. “We’re still on for tea time on Tuesday of course right?” Slowly Fluttershy looked up and nodded. “Good. I’ll see you all then.” And then in a flash of light, Discord was gone. > Don't Cry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Well that was a complete waste of our time.” Spike said to no pony in particular. He and the Mane Six had returned to the council chambers, though they didn’t sit back in their thrones. After what Discord did, the thrones seemed hollow. Rainbow Dash hovered over the rest of the group as a thought entered her mind. “You know there are probably still ponies out there.” She mentioned. Twilight let out a sigh. When she was outside she had noticed far more zombie ponies than living ones. Still, Rainbow Dash had a point. Applejack headed for the door. “Well I reckon we check Sweet Apple Acres first. For all we know mah family is still thar and can’t get out.” Pinkie bounced to her side. “Count me in. No pony should be stuck in a scary old farm surrounded by zombies.” Pinkie said. Applejack hardly considered Sweet Apple Acres scary but she assumed Pinkie didn’t mean it in such a harsh way. “Right. There is enough room for survivors here in the castle? Twilight?” Rarity asked. Twilight was still lost in thought. The castle has plenty of room. But what about beyond Ponyville? “Maybe we can make Ponyville into a kind of safe zone.” Twilight tapped on a crystal protruding out of the floor, which projected an image of Equestria on the ground. The others, including the Cake Twins, gathered around. Twilight motioned to the south of Ponyville. “Appleoosa is closest. If we could get the train running we can start bringing survivors here.” Twilight suggested. Rainbow Dash pointed to Cloudsdale. “Now hold up, how is Appleloosa closer? It’s a day’s trip. And we don’t even need the train to get to Cloudsdale.” She argued. “Just use that walking on clouds spell for the others and we can get there no problem.” Applejack elbowed Rainbow Dash in the ribs. “What was that for?” “Rainbow Dash, the Cloudsdale residents can skedaddle away from trouble a lot easier than the Appleloosans.” Applejack argued. Twilight could see where this discussion was going. Cloudsdale was where Rainbow Dash had grown up, while Applejack’s cousin Braeburn lived in Appleloosa. “Right now the train should be pointed in Appleloosa’s direction, and we can’t switch tracks here in Ponyville.” She put a hoof on Rainbow Dash’s shoulder. “But we’ll go to Cloudsdale too. I promise.” Twilight said. Rainbow Dash let out a small whiney. “Ok. You made your point.” She relented. “Good. Now, Rainbow Dash, you and Spike help Fluttershy get the train running.” Fluttershy blushed in shame. The reason why she specifically knew how to run the train was not something she liked being reminded of. “Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, you make any last run through the town to find any survivors.” Applejack and Rarity looked at each other before looking back at Twilight. “Um, Sugarcube, where are you going exactly?” Applejack asked. Twilight’s face darkened as she looked away from her friends. “I’m going to follow a hunch. But that means going to…” Twilight stopped in her tracks. Pinkie finally lost her patience, pulling Twilight by the wings so she was facing the group. “Come on! Don’t leave us in suspense.” Pinkie said, her voice cracking with each word. The others looked on in anticipation. “Tartarus.” Twilight finally admitted. The others gasped. Rainbow Dash flew right into Twilight’s face. “Now wait a minute! You’re not seriously thinking of talking to him are you?” Twilight gently pushed Rainbow Dash out of her personal space. “We put him there for a reason!” Rainbow Dash cried. Twilight face hoofed. “I know that. But I need to know why all of this is happening.” Twilight explained. Spike stepped forward. “You can’t go to Tartarus alone. I’m going with you.” Spike said, stomping his feet. “And your not talking me out of it.” Twilight wanted to argue against it, but Spike was stubborn. “We’ll meet at the train in an hour. And please be careful.” Twilight ordered. “Pinkie Pie Swear!” Pinkie quickly chimed in. Seeing hesitation in the others eyes, Pinkie stretched her neck out moving past each of her friends. “Everypony.” The others had no intention of seeing Pinkie angry so they all spoke up in unison. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” “Heart!” Fly!” “Cupcake! Eye!” Pinkie looked back at her throne. Pound and Pumpkin were leaping up and down in excitement. Pinkie held the two in her hooves and slid them into her saddlebags. “Ready.” Pinkie squeaked. Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “You’re not bringing the twins with, are you? It’s too dangerous for them.” Fluttershy muttered. Even though her own history with watching over foals was minimal she had this linger feeling bringing babies along on a dangerous scouting mission was an unnecessary risk on Pinkie’s part. “Maybe. But it’s up to me to watch out for Pound and Pumpkin.” Pinkie pulled her saddlebags onto her back and looked at the twins. “You hear that? Auntie Pinkie Pie is going to be your mommy and daddy now.” Twilight, Applejack and Rarity exchanged nervous glances before turning back to Pinkie. A realization had started to occur to all three of them. Twilight was the first to step forward. “Um, Pinkie…” Twilight wanted to keep going, but a glare from Pinkie shut her up. “I said I am going to be their mommy and daddy now.” The look in Pinkie’s eyes sent chills down Twilight’s spine. Her voice shivered as she finally responded. “Ok then. Lets. Lets go.” Sweet Apple Acres had always been Applejack’s home. She never saw it as anything more or less. True it was where much of Ponyville’s food supply came from but that was always secondary to her. This ain’t Sweet Apple Acres. Not any more. The rotting undead ponies were slowly shifting around the apple orchard. She was so engrossed in the zombie ponies she didn’t even notice when Rarity put a hoof on her shoulder. “Applejack, darling, are you ok?” Rarity asked. Applejack looked at a zombie earth pony as its side scrapped against a tree, cutting its side open, spilling its guts onto the tree. Applejack’s eyes shifted towards the zombie, her rage boiling to the surface. Loosing her patience, Applejack finally galloped towards the zombie pony, kicking it in the face. Rarity and Pinkie’s jaws dropped as Applejack started slamming her hooves against the zombie pony’s face. “Watch out!” Pinkie cried. Without turning around, Applejack bucked an approaching zombie pony, kicking its already loose head off its neck. “This. Ain’t. Sweet Apple Acres! Sweet Apple Acres was home!” Applejack bucked the tree in mid rant, pelting another approaching zombie with apples. “It doesn’t belong to a bunch of trotters! It belongs to the Apple Family!” Applejack picked up one of the fallen apples with her hoof. “These apples are food! Thar not meant to be used like this!” She tossed the apple as fast as she could, smashing into the face of another zombie pony. “Applejack! Please! We all have lost something!” Rarity stammered. “Pinkie, what do we do?” Pinkie took a breath before speeding towards Applejack and hugged her. The tension that had been building inside her slowly dissipate. She felt a small tug on her fore legs. Applejack looked down to see Pound and Pumpkin had climbed out of Pinkie’s saddlebags, and were hugging her legs. “Apple.” “Jack.” Pinkie looked into Applejack’s eyes. The warmth coming from Pinkie was welcoming. “You’ll get your home back! Your family is still out there!” Pinkie jabbed her hoof against Applejack’s heart. “And here.” Pinkie slowly moved her hoof to her own heart. “And here.” Rarity smiled, suddenly very happy Pinkie came with. It would seem Pinkie was good at making ponies smile, even without a single party decoration. “Thank ya, Pinkie. Ya’re right. We ain’t finding out what happened to Applebloom and the others dawdling around ‘ere. Lets check the barn and the house.” Determination had finally returned to Applejack’s voice. The barn doors felt heavier than usual. As Applejack pushed it open, her stomach turned, partially expecting to find more zombies. Instead there wasn’t a single being inside, alive or undead. Rarity poked her head into the barn, felt woozy at the sight of the blood beginning to stain the hay scattered around the barn floor. “Applejack? Do you need a moment?” Rarity asked. Applejack shook her head. Though she wasn’t ready to answer, she stepped into the barn. The hay shifting around as she stepped through didn’t feel familiar. Not like she had known before. The blood on the walls however looked familiar. Applejack looked down at the hay, and pushed it aside. A pile of brown dog hair was lying in a pool of blood. “Winona.” Applejack remembered when she first got her loyal canine companion. It wasn’t long after Applebloom was born, so she knew Winona didn’t have many more years left, since dogs lived much shorter lives than ponies. “Ah don’t know if its kinder to hope if she’s alive or not.” Once again Rarity was at a loss for words. Part of her was hoping Pinkie would appear behind her and comfort Applejack again. But she was no doubt still searching the house. Rarity approached Applejack feeling a knot in her stomach. “It is never easy.” She finally said. Applejack didn’t look at her. “Nope. If any than’ it only gets harder the more we see.” Applejack replied. Rarity started to sweat. If Applejack was referring to what she thought she was… “I’m so sorry, Applejack.” Rarity hugged Applejack trying to comfort her, but she was no Pinkie. “Ah haven’t blamed ya for it in years.” Applejack put her chin on Rarity’s head. “And that’s why we are never talking about it again. Understand?” Rarity pulled her head back. She’s repressing her feelings. “Not talking about it isn’t healthy.” Applejack scoffed. “Ya think this is the time and place?” Rarity stepped back. “That’s what Ah thought.” Applejack walked past Rarity towards the barn entrance. Pinkie often bounced when she walked and she instinctively wanted to do so as she headed down the corridors of the Apple Family’s house. But she remembered what Fluttershy had said and decided against it for the sake of the twins, still in her saddlebags. “No need to shake you up too much.” Pinkie patted Pumpkin on the head. “Oh I almost forgot.” Pinkie set the Twins down and reached into her saddlebags, pulling out a bottle of milk. However as she turned back to face the twins, they were gone. “Pound Cake! Pumpkin Cake!” Pinkie called out. “Pinkie.” “Pie.” The twin’s voices made Pinkie’s ears perk up. She trotted back down the stairs to the kitchen below. Pumpkin was using her magic to levitate herself towards the fridge before phasing through the door. “Oh no you don’t, young lady.” Pinkie said, opening the door. And despite having only been in the fridge for about a few seconds, Pumpkin had already buried herself in an apple pie. Pinkie reached in and picked out the pie, while Pumpkin continued eating. As Pinkie walked towards the table in the center of the kitchen, she couldn’t help but hear a second set of hooves walking along the floor. Pumpkin started crying, which was followed by a horrible groan. Pinkie spun around in time to see a zombie unicorn pony dragging itself towards her from the open door. Here we go. Pinkie thought to herself, but before she could react further, she felt her tail twitch. “NO!” With a loud thud, the fridge came tumbling down on the zombie pony, crushing it flat. And sitting on the fallen fridge was Pound. That’s my boy. Pinkie smiled as Pound giggled. My boy? Yes. My Boy. She looked back at Pumpkin finishing her pie. And my girl. Mine. Pinkie heard a loud gallop coming from outside. But Pinkie knew the zombie ponies couldn’t run, so she felt safe. Surely enough it was Applejack and Rarity who appeared before her. “What the hay is goin’ on in here?” Applejack asked. Pinkie held Pound in her forelegs. “Nothing. Just looking after my kids.” Pinkie reassured. Applejack and Rarity looked at each other. If Pinkie had gone so far as to call the Cake twins her own children, neither one of them had high hopes for Pinkie’s state of mind. Twilight felt her heart beating faster than she had felt before. Traveling down the stone stairwell leading down to the entrance to Tartarus filled her with dread, which seemed to get darker and darker the further down the two traveled. The torches were still lit, but their flames weren’t providing much light. Spike looked up at Twilight expecting her to say something, anything. “You, um, want me to light the way? Twilight? Twilight?” Spike waved his claw in front of Twilight’s face but got no reaction. “Ok I’ll do it then.” Spike noticed an unlit torch on the wall. He reached for it but Twilight held his shoulder. “We will not be needing that in a little bit.” Twilight explained. Spike wasn’t sure if he was ready to response, expecting the answer to appear right in front of him, making the need to ask unnecessary. And it turned out he was completely right as the second Twilight finished; a wave of fire blinded his vision. “Gah! What is that?” Spike was tempted to stumble back but again, expected that wouldn’t turn out well in his favor. Twilight shut her eyes tight as the light from the fire grew brighter. Well at least I know we are in the right direction. She thought to herself. Perhaps a darkness spell could help out…. no! That’s what it wants me to do! “Spike we need to wait out the flames. Then we can pass.” “Your sure?” “Yes! I think it wants us to go back. If we stay the flames will go away!” Twilight reasoned. Of course it was just a guess on her part and if she was wrong they could always just leave and find another way into Tartarus. However when she opened her eyes, the wall of flame was gone, and in its place was a cloaked figure waiting at the entrance to another cavern. She and Spike looked at each other before approaching the figure. The figure lifted its head, revealing he had no flesh or skin, only bones. “The Olden Pony!” Spike exclaimed, breathing fire at the figure. The Skeletal Pony’s cloak caught fire but the pony itself showed no reaction. After the cloak burned away, a new one materialized over its withered bones. “I am no Olden Pony. I am just here to keep good hearted souls from being trapped in this eternal torment.” The Skeletal Pony turned to Twilight. “What brings one of the Princesses and a young dragon to Tartarus?” He asked. Twilight looked ahead of the Skeletal Pony. Surely enough the giant three-headed dog Cerberus was sleeping peacefully further down the tunnel. “Your majesty?” The Skeletal Pony asked again. Twilight shook her head to regain her composure. “Something has happened to Equestria. And I believe a prisoner here is responsible.” Twilight explained. The Skeletal Pony tilted its head. “A prisoner? Not a deceased soul? There is only one living soul held in Tartarus.” The Skeletal Pony reached into his cloak, taking out a whistle. Despite having no lips he still put it in his mouth and was somehow able to use it. Cerberus awoke with a jolt before stepping out of Twilight’s way. “So where will I find him?” She asked. The Skeletal Pony turned its head away from Twilight. “Only one path is available. The one you seek. Follow it and you will get your answers, your majesty.” It turned attention to Spike. “Its ok, Spike is with me.” Twilight chimed in. The Skeletal Pony folded its fore hooves. “I have already explained to you that good hearted souls are not permitted in Tartarus for their own protection. Only Princesses or individuals on their orders are permitted to pass.” “I am with a princess. You might have noticed.” Spike noted. The Skeletal Pony looked back at Twilight. “Very well, but you will be watched. Good day your majesty.” Spike ran back up to Twilight and the two headed past Cerberus and into the cavern. “Well look who it is. The Princess of Friendship has come to visit me.” Twilight didn’t know what to say. There in a stone cage was Tirek, the most dangerous foe she had ever faced. His lack of power had had reduced him to a state where he was only slightly taller than Twilight, his muscles having shrunken down to the point his arms and legs were just skin and bones. The power his eye was gone, and his voice was no longer booming and loud, instead raspy with random coughs coming through as Tirek spoke. But the demonic centaur was still creeping Twilight out. “Answer me!” Tirek coughed. Spike spoke up first. “You can’t talk to her like that!” He snapped. Tirek rolled his eyes. “I’m disappointed, little dragon. Being the servant of a pony princess. Your species….” “Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard this before. Not listening.” Spike interrupted. Tirek turned his attention to Twilight. The glint in his eyes was just as unnerving as Twilight remembered it being a week before. “There are zombies wandering Equestria! Several ponies have already died!” Twilight exclaimed. Tirek folded his arms. “Is that so? Perhaps it is what you deserve.” Tirek replied. Don’t loose your cool. That’s what he wants you to do. Twilight thought to herself. Though her frustration was starting to get to the surface. “I want to know what you did.” She said. Tirek coughed again for at least a minute. “You presume I am responsible for the undead hordes.” Tirek laid down on the floor of his cage. “With all my great power and ability to strike out against Equestria from Tartarus itself.” Twilight bit her lip. Well when it’s put that way it does sound like implausi…NO! I will not doubt my judgment. And he’s not going to make me! Twilight started to wonder if Discord had similar doubts running through his head when he met Tirek for the first time. It’s not going to happen to me. It’s not. “You’re troubled, princess.” Tirek mentioned. Spike stepped in front of Twilight. “Just answer her question! What did you do!” Spike ordered, slamming his fists against Tirek’s cage. The demonic centaur’s eyes glew bright, encouraging Spike to back away. “I have done nothing to your precious Equestria. As much as I may enjoy the prospect of your suffering, it pains me to admit I have nothing do with the undead devouring your living.” Tirek cleared his throat before continuing. “Perhaps you should consider recent events for your answers. Perhaps the true cause is closer than you might think.” Tirek suggested. Twilight gulped in worry. Tirek’s words made sense. Even if he wasn’t imprisoned, Tirek’s powers didn’t consist of creating zombies. Theoretically only extremely powerful magic could possibly do that. “Twilight! I think we should go!” Spike cried. “Hold on, Spike.” Twilight turned back at Tirek. “What are you suggesting?” Spike thought for a moment before speaking up. “Don’t listen to him, Twilight! You didn’t cause this. That doesn’t even make sense.” He rationalized. Tirek’s eyes narrowed. “Doesn’t it, young dragon? Who is it that holds great power? Who is the one who comes into contact with a new ability through the study of magic? I don’t know about you, but that sounds like your precious Twilight Sparkle.” Tirek continued to speak, but his words felt drowned out to Twilight. She started snorting in rage, and her horn was glowing. Eventually the magical aura around her horn engulfed her entire body. Finally Twilight screamed, releasing a purple energy pulse burst from her body. Spike was flung backwards by the energy burst; Tirek stood his ground, the grin on his face expressed almost pride in Twilight’s outburst. Finally she spoke, Twilight’s voice now resembling the booming, royal Canterlot voice. “I am not a monster! I would never use magic to create undead, not even as an accident! And you, Tirek, have no right to insinuate such a thing!” Twilight roared. Spike managed to get his feet. He had seen Twilight freak out before, and had even seen her undergo magical freak-outs. But this was the first time she scared him. “Twilight! Twilight!” Spike called out. Tirek feel to his knees. “Your friend cannot hear you. And you know why.” He muttered. Spike defiantly looked up at Twilight before hugging her. Slowly the magical aura around Twilight dissipated. Her breathing started becoming more labored, and her eyes stopped glowing. “Spike? What did I do?” She asked. Spike held Twilight tighter. “Nothing, Twilight. Lets just go.” Twilight put her foreleg around the young dragon, feeling glad he was there. Tirek started laughing, but had to stop as he found himself coughing again. “You think your friendship will help you.” Tirek turned away from Twilight and Spike. “You are no protector of Equestria. Keep my words in your mind. And you will see the truth.” Twilight rubbed her hoof against her face before facing away from Tirek’s cage. “Spike, we’re leaving.” Twilight uttered. She and Spike trotted back down the cavern without looking back. But Twilight felt a knot in her chest as Tirek’s chuckling started ringing out throughout Tartarus. Spike wanted to say something but found himself at a loss of words. You killed me. Spike looked back. It wasn’t Tirek’s voice he was hearing. You’re life will be far worse than my death. The voice said again. Spike started breathing heavily. But he remained lost in thought, deciding not to bring it up with Twilight. Rainbow Dash looked into the burning coal box. Something about it disturbed her, probably the fact that Fluttershy of all ponies was able to set it. “Did you get all of that Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked. Remembering that Fluttershy was event talking to her, Rainbow Dash regained her composure. “Of course, how hard can it be?” She uttered. Rainbow Dash pulled down on the middle of three levers and heard a wheezing sound coming from the train’s wheels. Quickly Fluttershy pushed Rainbow Dash’s hoof away and slammed the lever back into its original position. “Please, be more careful. We don’t want to leave before the others arrive.” Fluttershy uttered. However her face softened when she noticed Rainbow Dash blushing in embarrassment. “Don’t worry. We’ll work on it.” Rainbow Dash scratched her mane trying to keep up a calm appearance. “Right. I’ll be on the look out for the others.” She said before flying out of the cab of the train and looked over at Ponyville. She was expecting zombie ponies to be swarming the streets but in the last few hours’ things had quieted down. There were perhaps only three or four out there at the moment. Now Rainbow Dash couldn’t be caught by surprise very easily, except perhaps by Pinkie, so when she felt a tug at her fore leg from out of nowhere she let out a little scream before spinning around and ramming the perpetrator the ground. It turned out it was just Fluttershy trying to get her attention, and now Rainbow Dash found her self on top of her, having tackled Fluttershy onto her back. “Oh my.” Fluttershy’s face was redder than all the apples in Sweet Apple Acres during Applebuck Season. Rainbow Dash found herself stammering trying to think of a response. “Y-you shouldn’t sneak up on a pony like that. They might think it’s a zombie.” Rainbow Dash finally said. Fluttershy held her fore hooves over her chest. “Well, I just wanted to show you something.” Fluttershy pointed upwards. Rainbow Dash looked out at the horizon. Slowly but surely the sun was rising. “It’s pretty. I mean, with everything we’ve been through. Its good to see. Isn’t it?” she asked. Rainbow Dash tilted her head up as the warm rays of the sun reached her face. “I guess it is. Better a few hours late than never.” “You bet.” Rainbow Dash lept off Fluttershy in surprise again. For what seemed like the millionth time Pinkie had snuck up on her. “What did I just say!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Pinkie turned her eyes at the sun and started playing with her mane. “Opsie.” Applejack and Rarity trotted by Rainbow Dash’s side, Rarity helping Fluttershy onto her haunches. “I hope this means our luck improving.” Rarity said at the sight of the sun. “Have Twilight and Spike returned?” However the lack of a response from Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy was really all Rarity needed. “Well I reckon they’ll be here. They still got a few minutes before we have to go looking for em.” Applejack suggested. Knowing Twi she’d freakin out about being late. That’ll stop her and Spike from gettin’ behind schedule. The group gathered on the station platform for the next few minutes. Eventually Fluttershy noticed Rarity wasn’t even looking out at the town, but down at her hooves. “I’m worried about Sweetie Belle too.” Fluttershy calmly said. Rarity smiled back, feeling thankful for her support. “Thank you, darling. I just hope Sweetie isn’t alone out there. Going away from Ponyville when she is still out there isn’t right.” Rarity brought up. Applejack let out a little sigh. “Ah know what ya mean. Though knowin’ mah sister and Scootaloo thar probably together by now. They have to be. Ah hope.” Applejack suggested. Rainbow Dash flew overhead to get a better look at the town. She looked in the direction the town’s hot air balloon was kept, but found it was gone. “Well that figures.” She looked back at the others. “Oh, just noticing the way for you to get to Cloudsdale is going to be harder.” Rainbow Dash tapped her hooves togther. “Still, I guess Cloudsdale is probably a ghost town by now.” Pinkie stood up, having another idea. “Oh! I know! All the zombie ponies fell through the clouds.” She suggested. Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Pegasus trotters can still fly.” She reminded. Pinkie shrugged. “Well that doesn’t mean they can stand on clouds anymore.” True this was all based on a hunch but Pinkie thought it was the most likely thing to expect. “Hey look its Twilight and Spike!” She noticed. Surely enough Twilight flew down from the sky, landing in the middle of the group. She started panting as Spike lept off her back. “Sorry I’m late. We didn’t make you worried did you? Because it is only by a few seconds but I am the one who suggested….” Twilight stammered, but found her mouth stuffed with Applejack’s hoof. “Relax, Twi. We aren’t goin’ to notice a few seconds.” She reassured. Pinkie’s eyes shifted away, since she did notice. “Well, perhaps we should get moving.” Twilight replied. However Pinkie noticed somepony heading towards the train station. “Some pony’s coming!” she mentioned. The others turned towards the approaching ponies, which turned out to be Trixie and Thunderlane. Twilight gulped before addressing the two. “What are you doing out of the castle? It’s not safe in the town just yet.” Twilight asked. Trixie stomped her hoof. “So you’re just going to leave? How is Trixie supposed to keep herself safe from the undead?” Trixie brought up. “Perhaps Trixie has been away from Ponyville for too long, but a town needs leadership.” She explained. Rainbow Dash folded her fore legs and looked at Thunderlane. “Do you have a problem too?” Rainbow Dash asked. Thunderlane stammered nervously, having hoping he wouldn’t have to talk to her directly. “Its just having the entire Council of Friendship away from the town during a crisis doesn’t seem right.” He finally stated. Twilight found that hard to argue with. But then she remembered when having a similar discussion with her friends before, and ultimately came to the conclusion that they needed each other. “I understand you’re worried. But please, we have every intention of watching over the town. But we need to get other survivors. That’s why we’re going.” Twilight explained. Thunderlane turned to Trixie. “See everything’s fine lets go.” He said as fast as he could. However Trixie put her hoof on his chest to stop him from going anywhere. “Now hold up. What about what happens while your gone? Trixie cannot defend herself against large numbers of undead. Trixie cannot live among townsponies and expect to survive.” She argued. Twilight had to tilt her head, having not expected that response of all things. “Trixie. Staying together is exactly what will keep you alive. You have to trust me on this.” Twilight looked back at her friends. “I used to think otherwise. But I was wrong.” Trixie sighed, taking off her wizard’s hat. “Very well. I’ll listen.” Trixie said. Thunderlane breathed a sigh of relief. “Then we won’t keep you. Good luck out there.” He chimed in. Fluttershy stuck her head out. “You too.” Fluttershy replied. Thunderlane smiled. A groan caught the group’s attention. A pair of zombie ponies was trotting towards the train station. Twilight looked at Trixie, who nodded back. The train started moving. Twilight and Pinkie looked out the window of their passenger car. The zombie pony horde was trotting after the train, though were barely able to keep up with the train as it gained speed. However the sight of Mrs. Cake in the horde made Pinkie retreat back into the passenger car. Twilight sighed as she heard Pinkie talking to the Cake Twins. “It’s ok. Don’t cry. Pinkie Pie will take care of you. I’ll be your mommy and daddy.” Twilight put her fore legs against the window. Some princess I turned out to be. Twilight’s stomach turned. Last she checked there were around four thousand inhabitants of Ponyville, and now there was less than twenty. Twilight was about to turn away from the window when she noticed something stuck in the ground. It was a zombified filly with a golden coat. Twilight cringed as she remembered something this very filly said on the previous Nightmare Night. But I wanted to be a zombie next year! > Through My Actions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Zecora she’s waking up!” A young voice cried. Flitter felt stiff as she awoke. She was lying on a bed, with a bag of ice over her eyes. Flitter tried to get up but a pair of strong hooves stopped her. Flitter was expecting a pony, but instead it was Zecora, the zebra that lived in the Everfree Forest. “You must not strain yourself, young Flitter. Your time as a statue has left your body weaker.” Zecora uttered in her exotic voice. “Statue? What happened to me? Where is everypony?” Flitter asked. Zecora gave Flitter a cup filled with a blue liquid. “You stared down a cockatrice in your haste. Fortunately some young fillies found you before you threw your life a way, what a waste.” Zecora explained. A yellow earth pony filly appeared by Zecora’s side. It was Applejack’s younger sister, Applebloom. “Zecora, how long is she going to be in bed?” Applebloom asked. “Ponyville has to have calmed down by now.” She looked back at the two fillies at Zecora’s dinner table, Rarity’s younger sister Sweetie Belle, and Rainbow Dash’s biggest fan Scootaloo, both of whom were watching the conversation. “Don’t let me interrupt you.” Scootaloo said. Flitter took a sip of Zecora’s potion. It was rather refreshing though she couldn’t quite put her hoof on what the taste was. “What was it you said I looked at? A cockatrice? Looked like a chicken to me.” Flitter explained. Sweetie Belle shook her head. “Yeah we thought that too the first time we saw one.” The young unicorn explained. Zecora laid Flitter’s head back down on her pillow. “Now get your rest, so that you can be back at your best.” Zecora turned to the other side of her home. Applebloom and Applejack’s older brother Big Macintosh, a large red stallion with a blond mane, was struggling to wrap bandages around his neck. Miss Cheerilee, a cherry colored earth pony and the fillies’ teacher, stopped him. “Here, let me give you a little help with that.” Cheerilee took the bandages from Big McIntosh, and reached around his neck to wrap the bandages. Big McIntosh smiled at his sister and his friends, who were cringing at the sight of Big McIntosh and Cheerilee. It took the teacher pony a moment before she caught on. “They still think there’s a thing between us, isn’t there?” Cheerilee whispered. Big McIntosh chuckled. “Eeyup.” A loud groan rang out from outside. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked out the window, seeing a pair of zombie timberwolves scratching at the side of Zecora’s house. “Yep, their still out there for some reason.” Sweetie Belle said. Scootaloo glanced back at her, dumbfounded at what she had just said. “What do you mean some reason? They want to eat us!” She exclaimed. Zecora laid a hoof on Scootaloo’s shoulder. “No wolves of wood can enter my home.” Zecora turned her head towards Sweetie Belle. “There is no need to be chilled to the bone.” Sweetie Belle set her hooves back onto the floor. She knew Zecora was trying to make her feel better, but sometimes the zebra was a little too out there for her. However her attention quickly turned to Flitter, who was trying to get out of bed. “Hey now. You really don’t look like you can travel.” Sweetie Belle squeaked. Flitter smiled at Sweetie Belle before getting back on her hooves. “I appreciate your concern. But I’m fine. Really.” Flitter winced in pain the second she finished speaking. Holding a hoof to her ribs, she took a deep breath before continuing. “I just want to find my sister. She…doesn’t deserve to be one of those creatures.” Zecora frowned. “It is commendable you want to save your sister’s soul. But for now you must rest so your mind and body are whole.” Zecora reached a hoof out towards Flitter, but she gently pushed it away. “Please. Cloudchaser is one of those things because of me. I have to fix this.” Flitter made her way to the door, but was stopped by a weak grip. Somehow she had failed to notice the elderly Earth Pony sitting in a chair near her bed. Granny Smith looked up at the scared pegasus. “Mah granddaughter is out thar. But throwin’ mah life away wouldn’t reunite me with her any time soon.” Granny Smith let go of Flitter and just stared back for a moment. The frailty in the rest of her body did not hinder the intensity in her eyes, having drawn the attention of everyone else in Zecora’s house. “And neither will you.” The elderly pony stated bluntly. Big McIntosh folded his fore hooves, knowing what was coming next. Surely enough Flitter collapsed onto her haunches and took a deep breath. “Your right. Your right there’s nothing I can do right now.” Flitter uttered with defeat. How can I be expected to do it on my own without being turned into a statue? Flitter turned back to Zecora. “Can you help me?” she asked. Zecora put a hoof on Flitter’s shoulder. “You’re sister would want you to live, which is not what this path will give.” Zecora moved her hoof from Flitter’s shoulder to her chin, gently moving Flitter’s head up to her eye level. “I can however, help you make your new life better.” Flitter’s eyes widened before pushing Zecora’s hoof away. “I don’t want a ‘new life’! I want my sister.“ Flitter collapsed to the ground. Though she held her hooves over her eyes, she could still feel Zecora, Granny Smith and the three fillies looking down on her. “I want my sister.” Applebloom lowered her head. “Me too.” She uttered. Scootaloo looked at Sweetie Belle, who was just standing there. After a quick jab to the ribs from Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle spoke up. “Um. Yeah me too. We all want our sisters too.” Sweetie Belle chimed in. Flitter pulled back her hooves and looked up at the three fillies. “What are you doing?” Flitter noticed Cheerliee approaching her. The teacher pony held out a welcoming hoof, expecting Flitter to take it. Flitter’s heart started pounding as she finally stood up on her own. “Why are you all being so nice? I don’t know any of you.” “I believe what the fillies have been trying to tell you is that what your feeling is not exclusive.” Cheerliee held her hoof to her chest and let out a big sigh before continuing. “Your right about one thing. We don’t know you. But that doesn’t mean we don’t know what you’re going through. So many of my little ponies are gone. Fresh faces that had whole lives ahead of them taken away.” Flitter’s face darkened as Cheerliee started to tear up. Foals don’t deserve it either. She thought to herself. With her old bones creaking with each movement, Granny Smith stepped out of her chair. Oh boy, here it comes. “Ah lost a child and a thar super special somepony years ago.” Big McIntosh and Applebloom sighed in unison, this particular topic one that they never want to talk about. “Stop it! Tell me how is this helping!” Flitter exclaimed, finally losing her patience. “So you lost ponies you cared about. You at least still have others still alive! But without Cloudchaser…” Flitter wanted to keep speaking, but the sad glances from others made her stop. “I’m…. alone. Don’t you get it? I’m not like you. I’m alone.” “Nope.” Flitter raised her head. How she didn’t notice a stallion as large as Big McIntosh trot towards her was beyond her. She started to quiver as Big McIntosh just stared down at her with ferocity in his eyes. Part of her was expecting the large stallion to strike her, or at the very least say something harsh. Here it comes. “You are not alone.” Big McIntosh uttered. Flitter blinked repeatedly, feeling both glad to hear those four wonderful words, but on the other hoof she still felt empty. After taking a long sigh, she looked around at the others. “No pony will replace Cloudchaser.” She looked at the three fillies, all of which had their ears draping down in response, with a heavy look looking at her. “But… I’ll try.” Sweetie Belle was the first to respond. “See? I told you she would come around eventually.” She looked at Scootaloo, who replied with a shrug. “Well of course. I mean what kind of pony wouldn’t think that.” The young pegasus said, rather unconvincingly. The warm rays of light from the sun poked through the trees, shining down on a trio of zombie timberwolves. While the warm rays of light from the sun were shining over Ponyville in the distance, the weather of the Everfree Forest had other plans. Dark rain clouds loomed over the area that surrounded Zecora’s home. The zombie timberwolves ignored the rain as it started to pelt down on their wooden bodies. Zecora and Flitter were the first to look out the window and notice. “It’s like they don’t even feel it.” Flitter muttered. Zecora shook her head, placing a hoof on Flitter’s shoulder. “Filling their bellies is the only concern of the undead. The lack of any other need is why they fill us with such dread.” Zecora looked up into the sky. She knew the Everfree would be bringing lightning down momentarily. “There is however, a way to avoid a grizzly fate. Using the undead as lightning bait.” Why do I feel I’m not going to like this? Flitter stepped out of the way as Zecora reached for a small wooden bowl filled with bits of powdered metal. “Open the window.” Zecora asked. Flitter blinked, expecting the mysterious zebra to say something else so that she would be able to rhyme as usual. When she didn’t, Flitter just shook her head and followed the order. With a light toss of the bowl, Zecora released the metal into the rain. Flitter’s eyes widened as the metal powder coated the timberwolves despite being completely soaked by this point. “Now we wait for the sky to bellow.” Oh there it is. The three fillies joined Zecora at the window. “Ah don’t see what this is supposed to do…” Applebloom began to say, but was quickly silenced by the booming sound of thunder. One that was loud enough to make both Sweetie Belle and Flitter to jump in surprise. Following the thunder came a bolt of lightning, striking the timberwolf. Though the zombified monster showed little reaction initially, a few seconds later it collapsed to the ground in pieces. “Awesome! But how did that work?” Scootaloo asked. Zecora nodded as she started to walk to the rack where she kept her cloak. “They need a brain to move around. Without it the undead quickly go back down.” Zecora explained, throwing her cloak over her body. Applebloom glanced at the door before returning her gaze to Zecora. “What are ya doing?” she asked. Flitter’s eyes widened before leaping to the ground, holding Zecora’s forehooves. “Don’t go out there! Not without me!” Flitter begged. Zecora’s expression didn’t change. She gently pushed Flitter’s hoof away and nodded. “There will be no abandoning. I shall search ahead for a path before you can start following.” Zecora explained. Flitter looked into Zecora’s eyes, finding herself at a loss for how to feel. There was so much strength and reassurance in the zebra’s voice. Once Flitter was out of the way, Zecora bolted out the door, becoming soaking wet within seconds. The remaining timberwolves slowly turned in her direction. Watching from the open door way, Applebloom had to squint to see the approaching timberwolves through the rain. “Zecora look out! Thar right on top of ya!” Applebloom cried. Zecora remained where she stood as the timberwolves made their way towards her. Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle exchanged glances. “What is she doing? She’s going to get eaten!” Sweetie Belle started to tap her forehooves against the floor of Zecora’s home. “We got to do something.” Before anypony could stop her, Applebloom bolted outside after Zecora. “What are you doing, young filly! Don’t go out and do something silly!” Zecora warned, holding out a hoof towards her. The zombie timberwolf lowered its saliva filled maw closer to Zecora. Groaning with frustration at Zecora not doing anything, Applebloom leapt on top of the zombie timberwolf’s head. The undead beast started shaking its neck, leaving Applebloom unable to do anything accept hold on tighter. By now Big McIntosh and Cheerliee had joined Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle at the doorway. ‘I can’t look.” Cheerliee held a hoof over her eyes. Big McIntosh gritted his teeth. And after a quick “Nope.” He stomped outside, ramming into the zombie timberwolf, breaking it apart into several pieces. Zecora’s eyes widened as bits of wood started flying. “Get back inside! Your yoke….” BOOM! Zecora and Applebloom were flung back as another bolt of lightning came down from the sky, striking the metal on Big McIntosh’s yoke. The large stallion wobbled before loosing his footing, and collapsed to the ground unconscious. “Big Mac! Come on Big Mac! Ya need to get up!” Applebloom cried, shaking his fallen form. Zecora noticed the pieces of wood start to pull themselves back together. “Zecora help!” Zecora reached into her cloak, puling out another hoof full of the powdered metal. “Once your brother is inside I ask you to stay. Or else he may be the one who will have to pay.” She explained. Applebloom’s heart sank as she looked back at Big McIntosh. “Alrighty. Ah’ll do it.” Applebloom finally said. Zecora smiled, then tossed the powder off into the distance, drawing more lightning away from her home. Then Zecora did something that took Applebloom completely by surprise. Zecora slipped under Big McIntosh’s fallen form, stood up tall with the large stallion on her back. “Please hurry!” Cheerliee turned to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. “Children, step back, give Zecora some room.” The two fillies quickly lept out of the way as Zecora and Applebloom re-entered her home. Letting Big McIntosh slide onto the floor, Zecora started rubbing her now sore back. “What your brother did was very brave. But now it’s his energy he must save.” Zecora said, as she had to take time to catch her breath. Flitter turned her eyes away from Big McIntosh to Zecora, enamored with what she just did. “Ah suggest ya get yer keester out of the way. I want to see mah grandson.” Flitter let out a little yelp in surprise, having not expected an old pony like Granny Smith able to sneak up on her the way she did. She held a hoof to Big McIntosh’s forehead before smiling. “He’ll be a’ok. Big Mac is just stunned. He’ll be back on his hooves in no time.” Granny Smith reassured. The tension felt by the other ponies quickly dissipated. It was Applebloom who was the first to notice Zecora leave, closing the door behind her. “Ya ain’t going anywhere, Appleloom.” Granny Smith said. “Wha? Don’t worry about little ole me.” Applebloom reassured. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stood by their friend’s side. “You bet. We won’t be letting Applebloom out of our sight.” Scootaloo added. “Count on us.” Sweetie Belle added. Applebloom glared at the two. This wasn’t like other instances when they were simply making something up to make older ponies believe something they wanted to hear. They really meant it. Gotta think about mah brother. If they’re actin’ like this imagine what Applejack would do? Applebloom thought to herself. The thought of Applejack turning into a clingy mother figure again was too much. This path was clearly wrong. What have I brought myself upon? Zecora asked herself. Although she had cleared the rogue clouds with out running into anymore zombified creatures, that didn’t change the fact the Everfree was still as dangerous as ever. Twice the ground had given way under Zecora’s weight, both times happened within the same minute. “Help…” Zecora closed her eyes, and held her forehooves together. The tiny voice rang through her ears again; trying to determine which direction it was coming from. “Somepony? Anypony?” Zecora’s ear’s perked up as she heard a saliva-filled snarl, followed by the small voice scream. Time is of the essence. A young one requires my presence. Zecora took off at a gallop, leaping over a fallen log and kept going until she reached a small chasm. Down below she spotted a little unicorn filly backed into the side of the wall, along with an older unicorn mare lying on the ground next to her as a zombie pony approached. “Somepony! Mommy!” The terrified filly cried. She shut her eyes and curled up next to the older mare. She found herself shaking as the sounds of the zombie ponies were getting closer and closer. However instead of the anticipated attack, she heard bones break and flesh tear. Slowly the filly turned her head back and opened her eyes. Zecora stood facing away from the two stepping one of the zombie pony’s head. The other lying immobile on the ground with a hoof print stomped into its skull. The filly started shaking the mare. “Amethyst! It’s Miss. Zecora! We’re safe! Amethyst!” “Young filly! You must keep your voice down. If bring attention to the undead still around.” Zecora explained, putting a hoof on the filly. The filly wiped her eyes. “Your right. I’m sorry. It’s my sister. Amethyst Star. She’s hurt.” The filly explained. Zecora inspected Amethyst’s neck. “She wasn’t bitten! Honest!” Zecora tried to lift Amethyst off the ground, but stopped when she screamed in agony. A sharp rock had penetrated Amethyst’s side, leaving a pool of blood that started to seep around the rest of the wounded unicorn’s body. “It would seem you speak the truth, but her wounds still need to be tended to.” Zecora reached around Amethyst’s back, feeling a broken spine underneath her skin. “I will take you to Ponyville, where she can be safe, as will you.” Zecora pulled Amethyst off the rock. The shriek that emerged from Amethyst’s muzzle was louder than louder than a dragon’s roar. “Stop! You’re hurting her! If we go to Ponyville she won’t make it!” The filly stood her ground in front of Zecora. “I won’t let you take her!” Zecora sighed. “Here, in the Everfree surrounded by undead, all you will find is bloodshed. Is that what you want? Is that the choice you believe is clever? But if you do this, little filly, you will regret it forever.” The filly stood there, and Zecora waited for her response. Finally the filly plopped onto her haunches, hitting the ground hard. “I just want Amethyst to wake up.” She said. Zecora picked up Amethyst and put the wounded mare her back. With a nod to the filly, Zecora started walking away, with the filly following behind. “Of course, I can’t spend our time together just calling you filly. Remind me, your name I’ve heard before, is it Dinky?” Zecora asked. Dinky hesitated before just saying “yes”. A zombie earth pony tried to reach out towards Trixie. Of course it couldn’t get very far since the lower half of its body had been torn off. As for why Trixie didn’t just stomp on its head and end it there, she didn’t understand. Why am I not killing this thing? She looked around. Much of Ponyville was clear, with a few zombie ponies wandering around the houses. She also wasn’t the only survivor out of the castle, some of which were killing similarly broken zombie pony bodies. “Thunderlane!” Trixie yelled. Thunderlane flew towards Trixie and landed next to her. He stuttered at the sight of the broken zombie pony before speaking up. “Um, why aren’t you…well…” “Who was this pony?” Trixie asked. Thunderlane looked at the zombie pony. “Why are you asking…?” “Just answer Trixie’s question! I want to know!” Trixie locked her jaw. The zombie pony snarled again. “I wasn’t asking you!” Trixie snapped. “Junebug. Her name was Junebug. I admit I didn’t know her that well but I guess being turned into one of these things is something I wouldn’t want to happen to anypony.” Thunderlane explained. Trixie didn’t respond right away, finding herself lost in thought. Thunderlane put a hoof on Trixie’s shoulder. “Miss. Trixie?” Trixie shook her head and pushed Thunderlane’s hoof off her. “Don’t call me ‘miss’.” Trixie snarled as she stomped onto Junebug’s head. “If you believe it is better to be dead than undead, then you are a much happier pony than Trixie.” The magician wiped her hooves against the grass. What’s that supposed to mean? Thunderlane remembered Trixie had run away from Ponyville in shame twice before. The worst Thunderlane ever had was a bad case of the feather flu. “I don’t know what to say.” “When did Trixie ask you to?” Trixie turned away from Thunderlane. She pulled at her cape, feeling hot under the collar. “It’s Trixie’s problem and Trixie will deal with it myself.” Trixie added. “But Princess Twilight said….” “I know what she said!” Trixie tossed her hat to the ground and stomped on it. Trixie can handle this. If she can so can Trixie. Thunderlane blinked multiple times as he watched Trixie walk away. “Hey Thunderlane, could you lend a hoof over here?” Thunderlane started hovering in the air as he saw Cloud Kicker approaching with Zecora and Dinky. “Coming.” Thunderlane called back. He flew towards Zecora, and together with Cloud Kicker he lifted Amethyst off the zebra’s back. “D-don’t hurt her.” Dinky stammered. Cloud Kicker reached over with a free hoof and gently patted Dinky on the head. “You have nothing to worry about. We’ll get her some help. Blossomforth and the others should be back from raiding the hospital.” She replied. Thunderlane then turned to Zecora. “Miss. Zecora. Could you take Dinky to the castle? We have other fillies and colts there.” Thunderlane suggested. Zecora readjusted her cloak. “As do I in my own home, and they need to be brought here as well. Allow me to do this and I will join you, along with Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.” Zecora said. Once again, Cloud Kicker found herself smirking. Figures those three are still alive. Certainly going to be a load off Applejack and Rarity’s minds. Trixie, Thunderlane, Cloud Kicker, Big McIntosh, and Zecora had gathered in the castle library. Of course because of the original library’s destruction the castle’s shelves were bare. Zecora had brought some herbal tea for the others to drink, though she was the only one who still had some left in her cup. Trixie looked at the basket by Zecora’s hooves and tossed it and the slips of paper inside to the ground. “This is a waste of time.” She argued. Cloud Kicker scoffed. “How? Asking everypony to vote on who’s in charge makes sense. Doesn’t it?” Cloud Kicker retorted. “Makes sense to me.” Thunderlane agreed. “Eeyup.” “A wise decision to be made. Tell us Trixie, what about this is making you afraid?” Zecora asked. “Trixie never said she was afraid! What Trixie is saying is without her here no matter who is put in charge your townsponies will not take them seriously!” She argued. “You mean Princess Twilight?” Thunderlane asked. Trixie rolled her eyes. “No Trixie refers to Photo Finish, of course I am talking about Twilight Sparkle! You are not the power of this town! None of you are! And you’ll be taken about as seriously as that pegasus with the funny eyes.” She started to pace back and forth as the others just watched. “Does anything Trixie says make sense?” “Nope.” “Ugh! And you! Can you say anything other than ‘eeyup’ and ‘nope’! It’s getting old!” Trixie snapped. Big McIntosh lowered his brow and approached Trixie. He naturally towered over the magician, his shadow covering her entire body. His size started to unnerve Trixie until she started sweating. “Here it comes.” Cloud Kicker muttered under her breath. “You’re not acting very polite.” Big McIntosh muttered. Trixie’s eyes widened as the large stallion continued. “If you don’t change that attitude it’s you that no pony will be able to trust. That is what will kill other ponies.” Big McIntosh moved back to the seat he had previously been sitting in, leaving Trixie gob smacked. “Wow.” Cloud Kicker flapped her wings in excitement. “Hardly anypony gets to hear you talk like that Mac. Maybe the townsponies should put you in charge.” She suggested. Big McIntosh simply shook his head. “Nope.” He said back. Thunderlane finished shifting through the papers. “Well the Townsponies made their decision.” Thunderlane mentioned. Cloud Kicker and Big McIntosh returned looks at Thunderlane in anticipation. “And they’ve picked Zecora.” Trixie’s jaw dropped to the floor. “Are you kidding me? What did I just say about…” Trixie started to argue, but the thought that Big McIntosh would get in her face again shut her up. Zecora finished her drink. “If the other ponies believe I am qualified to lead, than I shall. Perhaps through my actions I can gain Trixie’s trust, and become her pal.” > These Ponies Have Lost It > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So many of them.” Fluttershy felt her eyes water as she stared out the train coach. At the moment she was the only one who was still awake, as the rest of the group were fast asleep in their beds. Even the twins had finally calmed down and were napping side by side with Pinkie. But Fluttershy couldn’t bring herself to sleep again, even with several hours left of travel time. “Don’t worry Rarity. I’ll keep them away from you.” Spike muttered in his sleep. Of course even Spike’s muttering wasn’t enough to cheer her up even slightly. The grassy plains around the Ponyville area was starting to give way to the desert and mountain ranges where Appleloosa was located. Of course it wasn’t the enviorment that was bothering her. With each passing moment a zombified praire dog would occasionally pop into view. Half a zombie snake was slithering slowly around the rocks. The sounds of the train rocking along the rails filled Fluttershy’s ears, which was much louder than any of the zombified animals outside. It’s not fair. How were they supposed to help themselves? Fluttershy thought to herself. Then something caught her eye. A white blotch in a sea of brown outside. Fluttershy pressed her face against the window to get a better look. A rabbit was facing away from the tracks, eating something. “Angel?” Fluttershy muttered. Though she doubted the rabbit could hear her over the train’s roaring engine, it never the less turned its head towards the train, revealing it’s face had been clawed off, and its meal was a feret with its stomach torn open. “WHY!” Twilight bumped her head against the top bunk above her as Fluttershy’s cry woke the entire train car. The twins started wailing loudly. “It’s ok.” Pinkie reached into her saddlebags and took out a small bag of flour, dumping its contents on her mane. This got the twins laughing. “All better.” Pinkie said. Fluttershy wiped her eyes. “If you say so.” She muttered. Rainbow Dash and Rarity put their hooves on her shoulders. “Fluttershy, you’re trembling. Talk to us.” Rarity said. Fluttershy hadn’t even noticed before Rarity spoke up. She looked at Rarity, then Rainbow Dash, and then at the others. She stuttered, trying to speak up, but she felt too scared to do so. “Come on Fluttershy. You can tell us.” Rainbow Dash reassured. “What is bothering ya’ sugarcube?” Applejack asked. Finally relenting, Fluttershy pointed towards the window. Spike climbed onto Fluttershy’s bed to get a better view. “I don’t see anything…” “It’s the animals! They don’t have any pony to take care of them! It’s not fair they have to be turned into one of those monsters too!” Fluttershy cried. Rainbow Dash felt her stomach turn the longer the silence went. Finally she looked outside. A small group of zombie ponies were trotting towards the train tracks. She doubted they would make it since they all were missing limbs. “It’s not just them.” Rainbow Dash replied. “Rainbow Dash! How is that helping?” Applejack chimed in. Fluttershy shook her head. “No, she’s right. It’s not fair to happen to ponies too.” Fluttershy said. Letting gravity take over, she slumped out of Rainbow Dash and Rarity’s grip and onto her bed. Twilight scratched her mane, thinking of something, anything to say. Looking around she could tell the others were having similar thoughts. Except for Pinkie. “Flutters. Come with me.” Pinkie ordered, leaping out of her bed. Fluttershy pulled her covers over her head. Pinkie furled her brow before yanking Fluttershy’s sheets away. “Fluttershy. You need to see this.” “Pinkie what are you doing?” Twilight asked. Without answering, Pinkie reached across Fluttershy’s back, pulling her off the bed. “Just trust me. You’ll feel all better after this.” Pinkie promised. Fluttershy swallowed hard. “I don’t know Pinkie.” Fluttershy replied. Part of her wanted Pinkie to work her magic and make her feel better, but as for what she could do she was at a loss. Reluctantly she followed her friend to the other side of the train car. As Pinkie opened the door leading to the next coach, Fluttershy looked back at the others. “Come on Fluttershy. You need this.” Fluttershy turned back to Pinkie, who was already partially in the other coach. “Trust me.” She reassured. Taking another deep breath Fluttershy followed, closing the door behind her. Rainbow Dash started banging the back of her head against her bed frame. Spike held a claw to his face as her rythmn became rapider. Gridding his teeth, Spike looked down to the bunk below him. “Will you cut that out!” Spike roared. With a groan, Rainbow Dash stopped. “What am I supposed to do? I want to know what their doing in there!” Rainbow Dash argued. Rarity rolled onto her stomach to face Rainbow Dash. “We all are, Rainbow. But hurting yourself isn’t going to make them come back any faster.” She added. Twilight and Applejack reached their necks out from their respective beds. “Ah doubt Pinkie is causin’ any harm.” Applejack said. Twilight raised an eyebrow. Maybe not on purpose. She thought, remember a few weeks back when Pinkie said some really insensitive things to Fluttershy specifically. “Well duh. What I want to know is why we can’t be in on it.” Rainbow Dash argued. I should be in there. “Hey Twilight. You can see through walls right?” Spike couldn’t help but chuckle in response. “What’s so funny?” she asked “Just remembering when she tried out that spell for the first time. We were on our way to Sugarcube corner and she had her face buried in the spell book.” Spike explained. Twilight’s eyes widened as she started to remember what happened next. “So right as she does the spell she looks at Town Hall. And that’s when she saw the Mayor and three stallions…” Of course before Spike could finish his story, he found himself enveloped in a purple aura, and pulled off his bed and into Twilight’s forelegs. “Ok Spike, I don’t think we need the details.” She argued. Rainbow Dash tapped her hoof against her bed frame. “I still want to know what Pinkie Pie is doing in there.” She said. Twilight reached out with her magic, allowing her spell to make her eyes glow. She looked towards the other train coach, allowing her spell to take effect. Unfortunately all she could see were several mattresses piled in front of the other coach entrance. “It seems Pinkie thought of everything.” Twilight uttered. Rainbow Dash groaned again, letting herself slide off her bed. “How much longer till we get to Appleloosa?” The impatient pegasus asked. Applejack rolled her eyes and was about to answer, but before she could the entire train lurched, knocking the group around the coach. The rumbling continued as the train continued to move to the left. “I don’t think we’re on the rails anymore.” Spike pointed out. After about a minute of the train going out of control there was a creaking noise, followed by a loud bang. For a moment things seemed quiet. “Is it over?” Rarity asked. “It better be.” Applejack said, picking up her hat. Once she had regained her bearings, Rainbow Dash hovered a few feet in the air. “That’s it. I’m not waiting any more.” With no more patience left, Rainbow Dash opened the window and flew outside. “Whoa!” she cried from outside. Twilight and Spike were the first ones to look outside. Further down the train, the engine had fallen onto its side, with the first coach tilted in such a way its left wheels were in the air. “How the heck did that happen?” Spike asked. Rainbow Dash folded her forelegs. “You think it may have had to do with that buffalo over there?” She argued. Of course the bloody mess on the rails could barely be identified as a buffalo, just four severed hooves, some matted fur, and a lot of disembodied guts. Understandably, Spike vomited against the side of the train car. “Oh I understand how you feel.” Rarity said, patting Spike on the back. “That was certainly a doozy.” Yet again Rainbow Dash found herself startled by Pinkie suddenly appearing behind her, taking off a little bit higher in the air. “You just like doing that, don’t you?” Rainbow Dash stammered. Pinkie simply smiled back. A moment later Fluttershy walked up behind Pinkie, keeping her face partially covered by her mane. “Oh my.” Fluttershy muttered. Rarity poked her head out the window at the sight of Fluttershy. “There you two are. Tell me dears, what were you doing back there?” She asked. Fluttershy dug her forehoof into the ground. “Um, Pinkie was showing me something to cheer me up. But I Pinkie Promised to keep it a secret.” Fluttershy gave an uncertain grin, but looks from the others made her continue. “But you don’t need to worry about me. I feel better now.” She reassured. Twilight wasn’t convinced and she was certain the others were not. “We can talk about this a little later. We need to get this train back and running. Twilight noted. “Do not touch that train!” The sound of dozens of strong hooves pounding against the ground rang out. Pinkie waved at an approaching dust cloud. “What are ya doin? That could be more of em’ trotters makin’ thar way over here!” Applejack yelled. Pinkie reached up to her, despite the fact Applejack was still in the coach. “Don’t worry about that. It’s the buffalo tribe.” Pinkie wagged her knee joint. “If something scary was about to happen I’d be feeling pinchy.” She reassured. Pinkie sense. Of course. Twilight thought to herself. I’m still feeling sore about that. As the approaching dust cloud became closer, the group could see a dozen buffalo in the cloud. Once the buffalo were in range they started circling Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. “What’s the big idea? Don’t you remember us?” Rainbow Dash snapped. “Yeah you didn’t forget about my song? You gotta share~you gotta care…” Pinkie began to sing. Before she could continue, a powerful pounding noise came from within the herd. Right on cue the buffalo halted in place and a pair of buffalo stepped out of the way as their leader, Chief Thunderhooves approached. “Please. I do not need to hear that again. No one should ever here that, what ever you called it, again.” The Buffalo Leader groaned. Pinkie frowned as well as widening her eyes. But the “cute” face didn’t have much effect on the stoic Thunderhooves. “Beg pardon Chief but we need this train to get to Appleloosa.” Applejack explained. Thunderhooves adjusted his headdress and cleared his throat. “No you won’t. That thing is louder than my people. And loud noises attract these undead monsters. The settlers were attacked for this very reason.” Thunderhooves explained. Applejack’s heart sank with those words. “But some of em' made it out right? Braeburn and em’ are ok right?” She asked. Thunderhooves didn’t answer. The other buffalo started to mutter to each other. “She asked you a question.” Rainbow Dash said. “I heard her, Rainbow Dash. I was thinking of the best way to explain.” Thunderhooves quickly replied. “I’ll do it.” A little voice called out. The smallest of the buffalo, a calf named Little Strongheart, appeared by Thunderhooves’ side. “Oh and hey there Rainbow Dash.” She and Rainbow Dash proceeded to bump forehooves. “I hate to be that guy.” Spike waved his claw to get the ponies and buffalo’s attention. “But we really shouldn’t be talking out in the open like this.” Right on cue the Cake Twins started crying. “Chief! The dragon is right. More of the undead are coming towards us.” Another buffalo reported. Thunderhooves looked over his shoulder. A group of zombie ponies, cyoties and ferrets were slowly making their way around the rock formations towards the train. “I want all of you out of that train. Now. We can out run them.” He ordered. The noises the twins were making quickly drew his attention. “And keep those foals quiet!” Pinkie’s left eye twitched. “I’m so sorry. But that sounded like you have some kind of problem with my kids.” Pinkie said between gritted teeth. She felt a hoof land between her back and her loin. “Pinkie please. We need to go.” Fluttershy said in a small voice. Pinkie took a deep breath before smiling again. “Okie dokie lokie.” “Pinkie Pie?” Pinkie looked over from the fire to Little Strongheart. The trip back to the buffalo camp was quick though it was still getting dark. Various members of the tribe were checking food supplies around the camp, while the Mane Six, Spike and Little Strongheart were sitting by one of several campfires. “Yes Little Strongheart? What’s wrong?” She replied. Little Strongheart held up her bowl of mushy buffalo food. Food that Gummy was swimming in. “This yours?” Little Strongheart asked, raising an eyebrow. Pinkie just shrugged. “Well Gummy has to eat too.” Pinkie suggested. Applejack coughed to get Little Strongheart’s attention. “Strongheart, ya still haven’t told us wha happened to Appleloosa.” The farm pony demanded. Little Strongheart set her bowl down and bit her lip. “Right. I guess I did set myself up be the one to tell you. All right. Here it goes.” Little Strongheart took a deep breath, and then had to take a second one after looking at Applejack. “When all this started we sent scouts to check on the settlers to make sure they were ok. Only three of them came back with word that Appleloosa…” Again Little Strongheart hesitated. “Take your time if you need to.” Twilight suggested. Applejack shook her head. “Right. But Ah still want to know.” Applejack added. Twilight looked back at her with an expression on her face that had “not helping” written all over it. Little Strongheart scratched her neck in unnerving worry. “Ok. Here it goes.” She muttered. “They found Appleloosa on fire pony heads were impaled on poles around the town, and the apple orchard been chopped down.” A long silence fell upon the group. Fluttershy covered her mouth with her forehooves. Pinkie’s jaw hit the ground. And Applejack’s eyes widened. “I’m sorry. The tribe has gotten a lot of friends among the settlers…” “You had to find somepony! Anypony still alive!” Applejack cried, shaking Little Strongheart. “I don’t know! I wasn’t part of the scouting party! I just know the rest of the tribe was told.” She explained. Applejack took of her hat and stomped it to the ground. “Trotters don’t put pony heads on poles and tear down apple trees! Ya’ll didn’t think to find out why that is?” Applejack was now shaking. Rarity was the first to approach her. “Please dear, you need to calm down.” Rarity said in a soothing voice. A voice that sadly wasn’t enough to affect Applejack’s mood. “Ah want to know about Braeburn. Ah want to know about Bloomberg. I want to know who did this. It ain’t the trotters. They don’t have the brains to do it!” Applejack rationalized. Twilight tapped her forehoof to her chin as she thought about that. “Applejack. Do you need a hug again?” Pinkie asked. “Pinkie, Ah don’t… oh who am Ah kiddin’? Yes Ah do.” Applejack said. She barely moved as Pinkie embrassed her friend, with the twins hugging her legs again. “But if it isn’t the zombies than what did do all those things to Appleloosa?” Spike asked. “Like I said. We don’t know, it was like that when we found it. Chief Thunderhooves has had the tribe on the move to avoid this happening to us too. He thinks there are hostile ponies out there.” Little Strongheart answered. “Now hold up. ‘Hostile ponies’? What kind of pony would raize a town to the ground while there are zombies all over the place?” Rainbow Dash argued. “That’s what the Chief believes. That’s why we’ve been avoiding Dodge Junction since this all started. And why we blocked off the train tracks with one of those monsters, to stop any others from coming this way.” Little Strongheart explained. Twilight looked up. “That was you who put that undead buffalo on the tracks?” She asked. “Somepony could have been hurt!” Rarity added. “But you weren’t.” Little Strongheart argued. Twilight stood up and let her wings stand up. “We are trying to get survivors to Ponyville. This can not continue.” She said with conviction. Spike grinned and gently punched Twilight’s foreleg. “Way to go Twilight. Showing off those princess skills.” The young dragon said. Little Strongheart’s eyes drifted from Twilight to above her head. Twilight felt hot breath coming down on her. She looked up to see Thunderhooves standing defiantly behind her. “We recognize you’re authority among ponies. We acknowledge you’re status as a princess. But here is the thing, Twilight Sparkle. You are not our princess.” The Buffalo Leader explained. Twilight sank back as Thunderhooves started looking around at the others. “Finding survivors may be commendable. But there are none. And I will not risk my tribe by involving ourselves with others.” “But you let us here.” Pinkie chimmed in. “You gave us more of that mushy stuff. And it was still tasty.” Thunderhooves let out a tired sigh. “You are friends. But we cannot take that risk again. If you intend to stay I will welcome it. If intend to leave I will not stop you. But I will not allow my tribe to follow should you choose to leave.” Thunderhooves stated. “Now if you will excuse me, there are others I must attend to. As should you Little Strongheart.” “I will in a minute, Chief.” Little Strongheart replied. The buffalo leader shook his head in disbelief before moving further into the camp. “Ya’ll said you didn’t check Dodge Junction yet. Ah know a pony who lives thar. Maybe they will know what happened.” Applejack said. Little Strongheart looked back in Thunderhooves’ direction before addressing the others. “Perhaps…if I wanted to know about ponies living there. Perhaps if I wanted to know what’s going on in Equestria…” “Then ‘perhaps’ you’d be willing to cover for us?” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “Something like that.” Little Strongheart replied. “You’ll find it on the other side of that mountain range.” She pointed to the mountain range in the distance. Lights were faintly emerging from the other side. “Good luck.” “Thank you, Little Strongheart. We’ll bring information back to you as well.” Twilight promised. The trip was largely silent. Even thought Rainbow Dash was doing her usual thing by flying over the rest of the group as they climbed the mountain, it was Applejack who was in the front of the group, moving as determined as possible. She was tiring, finding it difficult to focus as she pulled herself up the cliffs. Finally she stepped on a loose bit of rock, and lost her grip. “No you don’t!” Rainbow Dash said, catching Applejack before she could fall very far. “Applejack, if you’re tired please, tell us.” Twilight added. Applejack reached out for the mountainside again. “Mighty kind of ya. But A’ll manage. Really.” She promised. Twilight wasn’t so certain about that, Applejack had let her stubbornness get the better of her before. As the light of the sun decended and the moon rose into the sky, the group finally reached the top of the mountain, which was flatter than it looked from affar. “Finally. That climb was awful!” Rarity said. “And really Pinkie, you should not have made the trip in that outfit.” “Aw! But it’s still Nightmare Night.” Pinkie replied in a defeated tone. Twilight had noticed Pinkie had pulled an outfit out of her saddlebags before leaving the camp, but she hadn’t noticed exactly what it was before now. A blue shirt and pink skirt almost identical to the one worn by the “other” Pinkie Pie. How Pinkie knew what her counterpart from another dimension dressed like was a question Twilight didn’t even want to ask. “Forget about costumes. Dodge Junction’s practically in buckin’ distance.” Applejack called out the others. Unfortunately the slope was much steeper on the other side of the mountain the one the group had just finished climbing, and Applejack wasn’t looking where she was going. With one last step, Applejack started rolling down the mountain. “Applejack!” Twilight lept towards Applejack and grabbed her forehooves, then Rarity grabbing her hindlegs, then Spike, then Fluttershy, then Pinkie, and finally Rainbow Dash. However as strong as Rainbow Dash liked to think of herself as, she couldn’t hold the weight of five other ponies and a baby dragon, and the group started sliding down the mountainside. All were screaming, with the acception of Pinkie, who was just enjoying the ride. “Please make it stop!” Fluttershy begged. “How the heck are we supposed to stop!” Spike cried. Applejack looked back at her friends before getting a determined look on her face. “Ya’ll better hold on tight! It’s gonna be quite a ride!” Applejack said. This aut to be interestin’. She thought to herself. Steering her body, Applejack slid the group around jagged rocks poking out of the mountain slope. “Applejack!” Spike cried. “A’m workin’ on it, Spike!” She called back. “Zombie!” Spike screamed. Applejack looked ahead where a zombie pony was stuck in the rocks up ahead, half the flesh of its face was missing. Most likely grinded off by falling off the mountainside. “Twi! Think ya’ can hit that one with a spell or two?” Applejack asked. Twilight pulled her face away from the ground to be able to see the zombie pony getting closer and closer. “Slow down! I can’t hit it bouncing like this!” Twilight said. Applejack dug her forelegs into the mountainside to slow herself down, though she was still moving pretty fast. “Rainbow! A little help here!” Applejack yelled. Feeling pressure bearing down on her, Rainbow Dash flapped her wings faster to make the group fall slower still. “That enough Twi?” “It should be!” Twilight called back. Letting her magic take over, Twilight fired a bolt of magical energy at the zombie pony, blasting it in the chest, making it’s heart fall out, but it barely reacted. “It didn’t work!” Spike cried! “I know Spike! I almost got it!” Twilight fired two more bolts of magic energy, the first one blasted the zombie pony’s foreleg off, and the second one finally hit its skull. “Yeeehhhhaaaahhhh! Nice shot Twi.” Applejack cried. “We’re not going to crash are we?” Fluttershy asked. “Unfortunately. Hang on tight. It’s about to get bumpy.” Applejack said. Surely enough the group was reaching the end of the slope and found themselves collapsing on top of each other once they reached the ground level. “What a rush. What do you think kids?” Pinkie reached to her saddlebags. The twins within had permanent expressions of shock on their young faces. “Maybe I should have closed the bags.” “Yes Pinkie. You should have.” Rarity replied. It took the group a while to get to their feet, their legs having been tangled together in the fall. “I didn’t break anything did I?” Rarity asked. Spike quickly touched her back, feeling her shoulder. “Um, I can’t tell.” Spike admitted. He felt shivers run down his spine as he touched Rarity, and his quivering wasn’t easy to hide. “It’s the thought that counts. Your can be so sweet sometimes Spikey-wikey.” Rarity said. Spike’s heart lept at the comment. Ones that always got his hopes up that Rarity could like him the same way he liked her. The last time the Mane Six had been to Dodge Junction, it’s old timey feel and look was warm, not all that different from Appleloosa. Not as rural as Ponyville but not as advanced as Canterlot or Manehatten. And most of all, it was not surrounded by zombie ponies impaled on wooden poles. “What in tarnation?” Applejack asked. “Matches Little Strongheart’s description.” Twilight muttered to herself. Rainbow Dash approached one of the impaled zombies. It tried to reach out to her with it’s mostly severed hoof. “Well lookie here!” A voice called out. A pair of Earth Pony stallions trotted from around the poles towards the Mane Six. “If Ah didn’t know any better, we got ourselves some lost ponies.” The smaller stallion noted. His larger friend was quick to respond. “Not just any ponies, that’s the one Miss Jubilee talks about all the time.” The other stallion reminded, pointing to Applejack. “Me? Ah know Cherry Jubilee and Ah have a history but she still talks about me?” Applejack asked. The two stallions started laughing. “Are ya kiddin’? Miss Jubiliee barely talks about anythin’ else. If ya don’t believe us we can show ya.” The larger stallion explained. “Can you explain why you have a bunch of zombies strung up like that?” Rainbow Dash asked. The smaller stallion just scoffed. “Oh that. Would you believe that was Miss Jubiliee’s idea to keep neighsayers out of the town? This aut to make em’ think twice about messing with the town.” He explained. “Rather morbid way of doing so don’t you think?” Rarity noted. “And what about Appleloossa?” “Yeah you want to explain why Appleloosa has your ‘welcoming party’ too?” Rainbow Dash said. “So ya’ll know about that. Then you’ll definitely want to talk to Miss Jubilee.” The smaller stallion replied. This is getting more and more suspicious by the minute. Twilight thought to herself. “Yes, please take us to her.” She suggested. “Well alrighty then. Follow us.” Following the two stallions turned out to be a bad idea. Once the Mane Six and Spike had arrived in the town pub they were quickly pony piled by dozens of other ponies. “What’s the big idea!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “It’s very simple my dear.” A posh voice replied. A mare with a dollied up mane approached the Mane Six. “Applejack, it’s so good to see you again. I’ve missed you.” “Cherry Jubilee? What is goin’ on here?” Applejack asked. Jubiliee flicked her mane back before getting right in Applejack’s face. “Applejack, you don’t know? Surely you remember when you decided to do some work for me. Before taking off without an explanation. That wasn’t very nice, Applejack. We’ve been wanting for you to come back and explain yourself.” Jubilee explained. “You could have just written.” Spike muttered to himself. “Miss. Jubiliee, do you know about what happened to Appleloosa? The town was attacked.” Twilight asked. “Yeah, they also had ponies on poles. You want to explain what that was all about?” Rainbow Dash added. Jubilee looked around at the other ponies in the pub. “Like I said, we needed to keep the neighsayers away from us. I don’t like having ponies leaving me, so I decided to keep the ones who was willing to join us, and as for the others, well…” Jubiliee shrugged, leaving the others speechless. Accept for Applejack. “Where is Braeburn? What did you do to him!” She demanded. Jubiliee let out a little giggle. “Ah yes, the Apple. He is fine. We’ve put him to good use here. We can do the same for you and your friends if ya like. We like having ponies join us.” Jubiliee explained. “Like hay I will!” Applejack roared. She started kicking with her hindlegs, knocking the ponies holding her down off her. Rainbow Dash flew ou of the grip of the ponies holding her down, leaving a streaking rainbow behind. The remaining ponies backed off, allowing Twilight and the others to get back up. “Miss. Jubiliee, we are taking the Applelossan’s to Ponyville. And you will not stop us.” Twilight said with defiance. “Well who am I to get in the way of a princess. By all means. I’m certain my boys agree. Don’t you boys?” Jubiliee replied, raising an eyebrow. Before Twillight could respond, she felt something heavy hit her in the back of the head. As she started to fall unconscious the last thing she saw was Fluttershy and Rarity fall to the ground as well before blacking out. “Ah. Mah ackin’ head.” Applejack raised her head, noticing she was lying on a bed. She tried to get back up, but felt an intense pain in all of her legs. Her scream was loud, but not as much as the sound of the bones in her legs breaking. Jubiliee’s voice started talking from the shadows. “I told you Applejack. I’ve missed you. Of course I couldn’t let you walk away again. As much as I enjoy your quick hooves and strong back, you’d use both to leave me again.” Taking Applejack by surprise, Jubiliee tackled Applejack to the ground with a very big smile on her face. “Where are my friends!” Applejack roared. Jubiliee giggled again. “Don’t worry about your friends. My boys are still deciding if they should join us. But not you however. You I want.” Jubiliee lowered her head down Applejack’s body, down her chest, rubbing her hoof on Applejack’s fur. “Oh I have missed you.” “What do you think you are doing? Get yer mits off me!” Applejack cried, but with all her legs broken she could barely move. Her heart started to race faster as she felt Jubilee’s tougue on one of her hind legs. “Stop! You’re making a mistaaaaakkkkkeeeeeeee!” Applejack started to cry, as she was powerless to stop Jubiliee from touching her in some very private places. “YES! YES! APPLEJACK!” Jubiliee colapsed on the bed next to Applejack panting from both exhaustion and pleasure. The crippled farm pony’s face was still wet from crying, feeling horrible pain all over her body. “That was wonderful. Take my word for it Applejack. You’ll like it soon enough.” Jubiliee promised. She moved her hoof down Applejack’s body again. “You’re a sick pony! Ya’ll are!” “No Applejack. With undead all around us, it’s best to enjoy life. When you can. And on that subject, I’m feeling in the mood for another round.” She rolled Applejack onto her back, feeling great pleasure the entire time. As the hours went on, only one thought was going through Applejack’s wounded mind. These ponies have lost it. > Ah Just Want To Go Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It’s good to see ya’ll up and about.” Twilight felt her head pounding like crazy. She tried to move only to find she had a long rope wrapped around her body, restricting her wings and keeping her from moving her forelegs. Rarity and Fluttershy were propped up against the wall next to her also tied up. “Oh thank goodness your ok.” Fluttershy muttered. “You had us worried to no end, Twilight.” Rarity added. Twilight observed her surroundings. She guessed that they were in the cellar of the pub given the barrels all around them. A stallion in a wide brimmed hat stood at the foot of a flight of stairs. “As was Ah. Didn’t think Ah hit ya that hard.” The stallion said. Twilight quickly shook her head. “What have you done? Where is everypony else?” She asked. The stallion motioned over to one of the larger barrels. Two mares were holding Pinkie over a barrel of cider, dunking her head in the barrel multiple times. “Mmm. That’s pretty good.” Pinkie chirped. “This isn’t working. She likes it.” One of the mares said to her companion. “Just keep trying, she’s bound to get tired of it eventually.” Her companion rationalized. “Are you kidding me? Cider’s delicious.” Pinkie replied. The stallion laid a hoof on his face before approaching the others. “Well while your friend is being entertained perhaps Ah should let you in on the plan.” The stallion held up a hoof. “We’re going to give you a choice. Join us, or not. Simple as that. “ “And why, after tying us up and separating us from our friends would we do that?” Rarity argued. The Stallion stared at Rarity for half a minute before responding. “Oh sorry little lady, just looking at your perty face thar.” The stallion turned his attention to Fluttershy and smiled. “Of course you’re a cute little thang yerself.” Fluttershy closed her eyes and tilted her head down. “Please Mister. Let me and my friends go. We just wanted to help.” Fluttershy whimpered. “Ya’ll are helpin’. Lot of good ponies that we want to be friends with. Of course we can’t exactly let ya’ll go now. Miss Jubilie wouldn’t like that one bit. That’s why Appleloosa isn’t a town anymore. Now thar part of us. At least the ones willing to be our friends.” Twilight gritted her teeth. “That isn’t how friendship works! You can’t just force somepony into it! It’s something that has to be mutual between others!” Twilight argued. The stallion shrugged. “Ah suppose the Princess of Friendship would have a pretty strong opinion. Too bad Miss. Jubiliee makes more sense to me.” The Stallion motioned over to the mares, which on cue dropped Pinkie onto the ground. “Ya’ll can have a place here. Herdin’, harvestin’, entertainin’, it’s all possible. But if ya ain’t willin’ to be friends, well we can’t let ya walk away.” The pair of mares started dragging Pinkie up the stairs. “What are you doing with her!” Rarity cried. The stallion ignored her, instead trottin behind the cider barrels. “She wouldn’t give us an answer. So she’s stayin’ until she does. Now as for ya’ll…” The stallion emerged from behind the barrels, holding a sharpened wooden pole in his forehooves. “I’m gonna have to ask for an answer. So what’s it gonna be?” he asked. Twilight gritted her teeth, letting her horn glowing quite brightly. Rarity’s expression didn’t change, continuing to just look at the stallion in discust. He wouldn’t dare. She thought to herself. Fluttershy however, had her head lowered, as her panting started growing more and more rapid. The sensitive pegasus started muttering. The stallion put down the wooden pole, raising an eyebrow. “Ya’ll have to speak up, little lady. A’m afraid Ah didn’t quite get all of that.” The stallion asked. Fluttershy raised her head, revealing angry eyes filled with tears. “You. Won’t. Hurt. My. Friends!” The stallion stumbled onto his back as Fluttershy’s cry rang throughout the cellar. Feeling rage surging through her body, Fluttershy forced herself to her forelegs, breathing as heavily as she could. Taking advantage of the distraction, Twilight looked over at Rarity, using her magic to untie the ropes around her friend. “Please, ma’am, A’m just followin’ an ideal. If ya’ll heard Miss. Jubiliee last night maybe ya’d understand.” The stallion stammered, dragging himself along the floor away from Fluttershy, leaving a stream of urine in his wake. “No. No I wouldn’t.” Fluttershy let her forelegs land on the ground as Twilight magically untied her. The stallion backed up against the wall, with Fluttershy staring him right in the face, mere inches from his muzzle. “Um, Fluttershy? I think you got him.” Twilight chimmed in. Fluttershy didn’t notice, instead continuing to stare at the stallion. Finally the stallion collapsed to the ground crying in fear. “Fluttershy! Surely that is enough?” Rarity asked. Fluttershy blinked, feling like she had just come out of a trance. She looked down at the terrified stallion. “Too much?” Fluttershy muttered. She had used her “Stare” power before, but it had always been on animals to get them to behave. Seeing a pony scared out of their wits was something new to her. Fluttershy would have expected this feeling to be horrific, but she wasn’t feeling it. Instead, she felt satified. “Twilight? Rarity?” Rarity gently placed a hoof on Fluttershy’s chest. “It’s ok. You didn’t hurt anypony.” Rarity explained in a gentle tone. Twilight approached the crying stallion. “Stay back! Just leave me alone!” he cried. Twilight felt a trickle down her spine. “We need to find the others.” She turned to Rarity and Fluttershy. Rarity had regained her composure, but Fluttershy was still looking down, lost in thought. “Absolutely. No pony should stay in this dreadful place any longer than we already have.” Rarity replied. “Young man, would you please come down from there?” Spike looked down from the rooftop he managed to climb up to. Two chubby mares and one thin one were standing below, the thin one taking off her bonnet and waving at him. “We won’t get anywhere if ya ain’t even willin’ to talk.” The mare said. “Why the heck should I?” Spike cried back. He looked over at the makeshift fence. A pair of zombie ponies walked right into the path of the wooden poles, continuing to reach towards the town despite being impaled. “Ugh. Could you at least stab them in the head? At least then they won’t keep coming at me.” The mares looked at the fence. The number of zombie ponies on the poles was making the fence creak. “Could you get that?” One of the mares asked her companions. The middle one nodded, put her bonnet back on and trotted towards the fence, leaving the two chubby ones behind, looking away from Spike, instead at their companion. Now’s my chance. Spike lept off the roof, feeling his feet sting as he landed. Ignoring the pain Spike bolted past the two other mares before bumping into another pony. “Stay back or I’ll…” Spike stopped. This pony he recognized, the Sheriff of Appleloosa, Silverstar. “You thar. You’re one of Applejack’s friends. What are ya doing here? Cherry didn’t mention any newcomers.” Silverstar asked. Spike took a step back. He remembered what Jubilee had said before about about Appleloosans that apparently did join her. But Spike thought she was lying. Seeing somepony, the sheriff of all ponies, standing before him along side these crazy ponies was just unnerving. “Why are you with these ponies? After what they did.” Spike uttered in surprise. Silverstar looked away, letting out a sigh of shame. “They killed alota mah ponies. Ah had no choice but to go along.” Silverstar motioned for Spike to follow him as he made his way towards a large building. Spike hesitated, thinking Silverstar might be leading him into a trap. Still he figured if he could out run a pair of mares he might be able to out run Silverstar. I hope. Spike started after Silverstar, his heart beating faster and faster with each step. “Does anypony know yer here?” Silverstar stopped at the building’s railed porch. He looked down at Spike, who simply nodded. His ears perked up at the sound of hooves tapping against wood. Before Spike could stop him, Silverstar grabbed a burlap sack off the porch, and forced it over Spike’s head, scooping him up and tying up the sack. “Just stay inside. Trust me.” He whispered. Silverstar tossed the sack over his shoulder as Jubiliee emerged from the building with a very big smile on her face. “Howdy, Madam. Ya’ll lookin’ much cheerier then A’h last saw ya.” Silverstar noted, tipping his hat. Jubilee smiled back as she removed Silverstar’s hat with her mouth, then tussled his mane with a free hoof. “Oh A’ve never been happier, Sheriff. A pony A’h love very much has joined us a couple hours ago. Ahhh. Applejack.” Jubiliee closed her eyes, lost in her happy thoughts. Silverstar nodded in response, putting his hat back on. “Ah remember you promised to let me know when newcomers arrive.” Silverstar noted. “After all, ya wanted me to make sure they are no threat to the town.” Jubiliee couldn’t help but giggle. “That’s what Ah like about ya, Sheriff Friendly. Ya always have other ponies concerns above yer own.” Jubiliee looked up into the night sky. “Yer right of course. Applejack did come with friends. Mah boys are convincing some of them now to join us. Sadly two of them refused.” She looked back at Silverstar and shrugged. “We have no choice. We have to find em and take care of em. Ya understand don’t ya?” Silverstar didn’t answer right away. Jubiliee raised an eyebrow. “Sheriff Friendly?” “It’s Silverstar.” “Sheriff.” “Yes Ah understand.” “Good. Anyway, Ah’ll see ya in the mornin’. We all have a lot of work tomorra.” Jubiliee ordered. Jubiliee skipped back into the building humming the whole way. Once she was inside Silverstar took a huge breath and opened the sack, giving Spike some air. “Did ya get all that?” Silverstar asked. Spike didn’t answer right away, instead taking several breaths. “Sorry. Ah didn’t know if she knew about ya. But Ah take it yer one of the friends who refused.” “You could say that. Really thought why would any of us want to join that nut.” Spike replied. He couldn’t believe that Silverstar was looking guilty at Spike’s words. “Come on!” Silverstar shoved a hoof in Spike’s mouth to keep him from talking. “Keep yer voice down! Ya want Jubiliee or any other pony to hear ya?” The Sherriff pony snapped. Spike pushed Silverstar’s hoof away. “I need to find them.” Spike said to himself. Silverstar stroked his chin. “Well Ah do know a few places where ya can look. But Ah can’t leave mah ponies here either. If yer able to find yer friends take us with ya.” Silverstar reached into the brim of his hat, giving Spike a piece of paper. On it was a map of Dodge Junction with some buildings circled in red. “Alright. You can do this, Spike.” The young dragon muttered to himself. Wait, why should I bring these ponies with? They joined Jubiliee. Spike stared twirling his claws as he continued to ponder what to do. However many ponies from Appleloosa were still alive didn’t change the fact they had joined the ponies of Dodge Junction in their weird ‘stabbing ponies on poles ideas’. “Just let me know when yer ready and Ah’ll get my ponies so we can get out of ere’.” Silverstar reminded. Spike watched Silverstar trot away, afraid to trust him. “He’s not a bad pony. They are. What would Twilight do?” Spike asked himself. A loud wizzing sound caught his attention. Looking up into the sky, he sawy a purple streak of magical energy flying upwards into the air. “Twilight!” he cried. “Is that all you got? Come on!” Rainbow Dash kicked into the dirt with her hindlegs as hard as she could. Four Dodge Junction mares had brought Rainbow Dash to the edge of Dodge Junction, tied each of her legs to a length of rope and was trying to pull in all four directions. Rainbow Dash continued to kick and resist their grip. “If you were willin’ to be our friend we wouldn’t have to do this.” One of the ponies said, trying to hide their exhaustion. Rainbow Dash had been resisting for the past hour, and her legs were starting to hurt. Good thing I still have my wings. Rainbow Dash flapped her wings as hard as she could, starting to levitate in the air. “Pull!” The four ponies tugged at the ropes around Rainbow Dash as hard as they could, pulling her back down to the ground. “Will somepony hurry this up? We aren’t getting’ anywhere.” Rainbow Dash looked up. A fifth pony was approaching with one of the sharpened wooden poles in his mouth. “Hey Ah remember ya. Yer one of Applejack’s friends aren’t ya?” Rainbow Dash had heard that friendly voice before. Even with a messier mane, and grime and dust covering much of his body, she could recognize a pretty colt like Braeburn anywhere. “Hold it ladies. We don’t need to hurt this one.” Braeburn argued. The four other mares exchanged glances before the one holding the ropes around Rainbow Dash’s right foreleg spoke up. “Sorry to say this Brae, but she won’t be our friend. We have to put her down.” She explained. “Surely ya understand that. Now could you please finish er off?” the mare on Rainbow Dash’s right hindleg side asked. Braeburn started to sweat as he looked back and forth from the wooden pole in his hooves to Rainbow Dash. “Don’t you dare!” Rainbow Dash cried. She pulled bucked back, kicking the two mares behind her in their faces. “Brae give us a hoof already!” Braeburn dropped the pole and backed away. Ah can’t do this. What is wrong with me? Yeah, keep them distracted. Rainbow Dash thought to herself. Continuing to flap her wings, Rainbow Dash pulled the two remaining mares forward. Feeling her leg joints weakening, Rainbow Dash had to reach forward with her mouth, biting down on the fallen pole. “No don’t touch that!” One of the mares exclaimed, letting go of her rope. Rainbow Dash swung the pole with all her remaining strength, with the intent on smacking the mare as she lept forward. Instead, she landed chest first on the pointed end. “Whoa nelly!” Braeburn whinnied. Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened as the mare stopped breathing and lowered her head. “Dash did you just kill somepony?” Rainbow Dash dropped the pole, letting the mare drop to the ground. Her blood started pooling around her body, cuing the three remaining mares to back away slowly. “T-that wasn’t what I was trying to do. I swear.” Rainbow Dash stuttered. The three mares bolted back into the town quivering the whole town. Rainbow Dash looked back at Braeburn, who likewise was also shaking at the sight of the dead mare. “Come on! They’ve been doing the exact same thing to how many other ponies?” Rainbow Dash asked. “That doesn’t make it any easier to watch.” Braeburn muttered. Rainbow Dash looked at the dead mare. It wasn’t the same as killing a zombie pony. Those creatures weren’t alive. Come on. You can take it. Daring Do has killed ponies. If she can I can. Right? “Braeburn, where are my friends?” Braeburn blinked. “Ah didn’t even know ya’ll were here until now. Ya’ll here to help? Sheriff Silverstar sent out a possy to look for help.” He asked. Rainbow Dash scratched her mane. “Guess it’s a good thing we arrived then.” Rainbow Dash hovered in the air. “Come with me, were getting the others out of here.” “Quick question. How ya plan to find em?” Braeburn asked. Before Rainbow Dash could respond, a burst of magical energy shot into the air, forming a big purple star in the night sky. “That’s how.” Jubiliee stroked Applejack’s face. She didn’t like the fact Applejack was furious at her, but was still hopeful she would eventually grow to love her back. She gently pressed her lips against Applejack’s. “Applejack…” Jubiliee muttered. She flinched at the sound of a loud booming noise outside. “I’ll check on it, darling.” Applejack grtted her teeth. Only Rarity deserves to say that. Jubiliee opened her bedroom window in time to see the purple star appear in the sky. “Hm. Such a shame.” Jubiliee picked up the mane pins on her nightstand. “Don’t you worry Applejack. Ah’ll take care of this.” Once Jubiliee had finished tying up her hair she trotted for the bedroom door. Before she could exit, she heard heavy breathing coming from Applejack. “Is somethin’ wrong, love?” Applejack narrowed her eyes at her captor. “If mah friends don’t kill ya…. Ah will.” Applejack groaned. By now she had more injuries than just her broken legs, several cuts across her body had been made the more she resisted Jubiliee. “Don’t say such thangs. I love ya. And ya’ll will love me. Trust me. I’ll be back soon.” Jubiliee reassured. Applejack closed her eyes as Jubiliee left the room. Ponies don’t do what you did. Jubiliee pushed her way past a large group of ponies that were gathered in the town’s square. Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie were starring down the group of ponies. The Cake Twins were poking their heads out of Pinkie’s saddlebags. “Young ladies, have ya made yer decision?” Jubiliee asked. Rarity was the first one to speak up. “Not at all.” Rarity stepped forward. “You act proper and pretend everything you are doing is normal. It is not!” Rarity noted. Jubiliee took a deep breath. “It seems it’s time Ah need to explain mah self to ya.” Jubiliee replied. Fluttershy raised a hoof. “Please don’t.” She squeaked. Twilight took a step forward. “Sorry Fluttershy, but I want to hear this.” Twilight said. Jubiliee’s eyes moved from Twilight’s horn to her wings before continuing. “Very well your majesty. As you have seen, the dead are walkin’ around eatin’ livin’ ponies. We all have heard what Princess Luna has said in our dreams. Equestria is fallin’ apart. “Hasn’t it only been two days?” Pinkie chimed in. Jubiliee ignored her and continued. “And if it’s fallin apart we need to make the most of what we had. We need to cling to our friends. Ah don’t want to see friends go away. And if they don’t want to be friends then so be it. Not every pony in Appleloosa was unwilling to be friends. And that’s why they are still here. See for yourself. Sheriff!” Jubiliee looked very confident with herself as Silverstar emerged from the crowd. “Hey it’s you. Didn’t think I’d be seeing you here.” Pinkie pointed out. Silverstar sighed. “Neither did Ah.” “See? Sheriff Friendly here decided to join us. It’s why everypony is here.” Jubiliee explained. Twilight extended her wings. “Is it? Is it because they are actually friends with you? Or is it because their afraid you’ll kill them? Extending friendship to others isn’t meant to be a life or death thing. You can’t decide it yourself. It’s something shared between others, not decided by one pony.” Twilight argued. The ponies in the crowd started to talk among themselves. Pinkie poked Twilight in the ribs. “Keep it up. You’re doing great.” Pinkie whispered. “They’re loving it.” “I am not.” Jubiliee said, stomping her forehoof. Twilight continued. “We won’t force you to go with us to Ponyville. You still can though. You don’t have to listen to Cherry Jubiliee about any of this.” The talk among the ponies in the crowd continued. “No! No! They are mah friends! Ya ain’t taken any of em from me!” Jubiliee cried. “Not. Friends!" “Twilight. Friend.” Pinkie looked back at the Cake Twins. “I’m so proud of you.” Pinkie said, holding back the tears of joy. Silverstar looked to the ground before approaching Twilight’s group. “Sheriff. What are ya doin’?” Jubiliee asked through gritted teeth. The sheriff smacked Jubiliee in the face with his tail. “Somethin’ ah should have done a long time ago.” Silverstar replied. Braeburn emerged from the crowd. “Me too.” Braeburn added with defiance. Jubiliee felt somepony tapping on her shoulder. “What!” Before she could react in any other way, Jubiliee found herself on the ground. Rainbow Dash was standing proud over her. “That was for my friends.” She boasted. Rainbow Dash turned to the rest of the crowd. “And what about the rest of you?” One by one the ponies in the crowd walked away from Jubiliee. “Don’t leave me!” Jubiliee begged. “Ah need ponies! Ah need Applejack!” Jubiliee begged. “What did you do to her?” Rainbow Dash demanded. A scream rang out from the back of the crowd. A large amount of zombie ponies were piling onto ponies. “Rainbow, where are they coming from?” Twilight asked. Rainbow Dash flew up into the air to get a better view. The fence at the edge of town had finally collapsed from the weight of all the zombie ponies and now more were making their way towards the town. “Incoming!” She cried. The crowd of ponies started to scatter. “No! Stay together!” Twilight screamed, blasting a zombie pony in the head with a blast of magical energy. Braeburn was the first to stop running. “Yeah. Ah think Ah see what ya doin’. Come on everypony!” Braeburn called out to the townsponies. One by one they started kicking zombie ponies in the head. Rarity backed into a wall to avoid getting kicked by accident. “Pinkie! Not you too!” Rarity screamed. Pinkie looked down. A zombie pony was nawing on her right boot. Thinking fast, Pinkie tied a balloon around the zombie pony’s neck, making it fly off into the sky. Pinkie looked at Rarity’s terrified expression. “Oh don’t worry about me. It didn’t get through my boots.” Pinkie pulled her boot off, revealing no bite marks. Rarity took a huge breath as Pinkie wrapped a foreleg around her fetlock. “Good thing I was wearing this outfit after all.” Pinkie notted. “Ah yes. Truly an outfit can save a pony’s life.” Rarity replied. Spike turned a corner, running as fast as he could. Hold on, Twilight I’m coming. Spike saw Town Square in the distance, and the large number of zombie ponies reaching the crowd of ponies. “There’s some justice.” Spike took a step forward right as a zombie pony trotted towards him. “Whoa!” He screamed. Spike swiped his claws against a zombie pony’s throat. Meat started to spill out on top of him as he backed away. Not hindered by the bones in its neck exposed, the zombie pony trotted forward. Spike looked at his claws again. His sharp claws. “Only one way to find out.” Spike muttered. Leaping out of the way as the zombie pony started snapping it’s jaws in his direction, Spike jabbed his claws into the back of the zombie pony’s skull. What am I doing? Spike pressed his weight down harder on the zombie pony, forcing it to the ground. Spike pulled his claws out of the holes in the zombie pony’s head, finding bits of brain stuck in his claws. “Gah! What the heck is wrong with me!” Spike exclaimed. Another snarl caught his attention. Spike spun around in time to see another zombie pony with no forelegs trying to crawl along the ground. Spike’s heart raced as it got closer and closer, before giving him a wide berth. Why didn’t want me. Wait why should I care? That’s a good thing. Spike wiped some of the blood off his face. The blood maybe? Spike’s thoughts were quick to change at the sight of Jubiliee trying to sneak into a building. You. Jubiliee took the pins out of her mane as she made her way down the hall. Her mind was racing thinking of all the ponies outside. The townsponies she considered friends had just left her. “At least I still have Applejack.” She said to herself. Opening the door to her bedroom, Jubiliee smiled at the sight of Applejack lying on her bed. Ah’m warning ya. Stay back.” Applejack muttered. Jubiliee jumped onto Applejack’s chest, pinning her broken legs. “You have nothin’ to fear from me. Ah care about ya too much.” Jubiliee replied, forcing another kiss on Applejack. Slowly she moved her hooves across Applejack’s body, making her shiver. “Even if all of Equestria refuses to be mah friend, Ah still have you.” “Ah. Am. Not. Yer. Friend.” Jubiliee didn’t respond, instead started planting gentle kisses along Applejack’s body. “What in the name of Celestia!” Spike had to shut his eyes and force his claws over his face at the sight of Jubiliee sticking her muzzle between Applejack’s hindlegs. “Spike. Don’t look.” Applejack weakly uttered. “What is she doing…” Spike started to ask, before he heard Jubiliee scream in pain. Against Applejack’s order, and his better judgement, Spike opened his eyes. Jubiliee had fallen off the bed, holding neck as blood seeped out. Applejack was panting heavily with a muzzle covered in blood. Jubiliee’s blood. “Please. Applejack. Help me.” Jubiliee begged. Applejack’s eyes widened in surprise. “Help you? After what ya just did! Not a chance!” Applejack roared. Spike stepped around Jubiliee towards Applejack. “Applejack. Was she doing what I think she was?” Spike asked. Applejack lowered her head back onto her pillow and nodded. “Spike. Get me out of ere’.” Applejack shut her eyes and started to cry. “Ah just want to go home.” > It Is Time For You To Leave > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “That aut to be the last of them.” Rainbow Dash called out. Twilight looked around. Rainbow Dash wasn’t wrong, but with the fence still down, it was only a matter of time before more arrived. Silverstar was the next pony to speak up. “Ah think it’s time we all got outta here. We all have had enough of this town.” Silverstar motioned to the surrounding townsponies, a dozen of which were quick to start saying their agreements in unison. “Please, calm down. We aren’t staying here.” Twilight had to take a deep breath before continuing. Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie emerged from the crowd while Twilight was getting her bearings. “Everypony gather together any belongings you need and we’ll meet back here in five minutes.” Twilight ordered. As the crowd dispersed Twilight’s friends gathered around her. “Helping these ponies is all well and good, but what do we do about Applejack and Spike?” Rarity asked. “I don’t want to stay here any longer either, but to leave them behind…” “We aren’t leaving anypony behind. Don’t even think that.” Rainbow Dash flew right into Rarity’s face in response. Pinkie’s ears perked up at the sound not of hooves but of claws digging through the dirt. She squinted her eyes. Through the darkness she could see a distinct orange figure being carried along the ground by a smaller purple one. “I think I see them!” The others turned around at Pinkie’s words. Spike was carrying Applejack’s limp body on his back, her weight forcing Spike to walk on all fours. Twilight and Rainbow Dash ran ahead of the others. “Spike!” “Applejack!” Spike felt his knees give way. He wanted to fall over but Applejack’s heavy breathing was enough for him to keep going. Got get her out of here. Anywhere but here. Spike thought to himself. Twilight and Rainbow Dash started to lift Applejack off Spike’s back, though hesitated as Applejack screamed in pain. “Sorry, sorry, sorry! Let me try something else.” Twilight’s horn started glowing, as did Applejack’s body as she started to levitate off the ground. Once she was in the air, Twilight was able to get a good look at the cuts along Applejack’s body. Each and every one matched the scars Applejack had in her nightmare. No, not a nightmare. A premonition. Wait what am I thinking? This has to be a coincidence. Twilight shook her head, deciding not to think about it too hard. Rainbow Dash turned her attention to Spike. “What the heck happened to her?” Spike stuttered. How do I tell them? He thought to himself. Rarity put a hoof on Applejack’s bloody muzzle. “Goodness. If only I brought my wash cloth with me.” Rarity started to move her hoof, but bumped it against Fluttershy’s, who was reaching for Applejack’s forehead. “Of course.” Rarity backed away, allowing Fluttershy to touch Applejack’s forehead. “Oh my! You’re burning up!” Fluttershy squeaked. Looking at Applejack’s broken legs, Fluttershy found herself breathing heavily. “What do we do?” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “You mean you don’t know?” “Well…I’ve fixed up bunnies and birds and bears and walruses before. I don’t know how to reset broken bones on ponies.” Fluttershy admitted. “I suppose I can try something.” Twilight focused her magic on Applejack’s legs. “Twi…Ah don’t think GGGAAAAHHHH!” Applejack screamed in agony as her legs twisted with a loud crack. Pinkie had to hold her hooves over Pound and Pumpkin’s ears to keep them from hearing it and making them cry as well. “AH! Sorry, sorry, sorry! That was supposed to help.” “It didn’t.” Rainbow Dash looked around. Already a group of zombie ponies were slowly but surely making their way towards Dodge Junction. “You want me to get these ones?” she asked. A nod from Twilight was all she needed to speed off to take care of them. “Gee, Applejack, what were they doing to you? I might need to throw two parties to cheer you up.” Pinkie looked back at the Cake Twins. “Well ok, three parties; one for escaping Dodge Junction, and two to cheer up Auntie Applejack. You like that?” “Applejack!” “Party!” “That’s my kids.” Pinkie smiled. “So what do you think?” “Not now, Pinkie. Just get me outta ere.” Applejack lowered her head. Get me as far from ere’ as ya can. Spike placed a claw on Applejack’s back. “Do you want me to tell them?” he asked. “Yes please.” Rarity interrupted. “Applejack, dear, you can tell us.” Applejack closed her eyes, feeling her stomach turn. She was seriously regretting lying to her friends the last time they had been in Dodge Junction. That way she felt she could get away with lying this time. Nope. If Ah lie they’ll know. “Alrighty. Ah’ll tell ‘em, Spike.” Applejack took a deep breath. “Cherry Jubiliee didn’t want me to resist. She kissed me. She kissed me a lot. Touched me. Ah didn’t want to be touched. But Ah couldn’t stop her.” Applejack started to cry. Rarity and Fluttershy sat down next to the wounded pony, gently nuzzling her. “Just let it all out, dear.” Rarity muttered. Pinkie’s face sank, her mane starting to droop. “Maybe…maybe we should hold off on a party.” Twilight looked at Spike. “Spike, where is Cherry Jubiliee?” That auta stop the bleedin. Jubiliee had tied one of her ascots around her neck to cover up Applejack’s bite. Whoa, still a little dizzy. She thought to herself. Finding the lightheadedness too much to handle, Jubiliee quickly collapsed onto the floor in the pool of blood that had been accumulating for the past few minutes. “There. Everythin’ is back to normal. Right Applejack? Applejack love?” Jubiliee struggled back onto her bed, only to find it empty. “Now where did ya go?” Then she remembered Spike. “That little sneak. Well, mah boys will keep him from getting’ far.” Jubiliee rolled off the bed, falling back into the pool of blood. Not the bodily fluid Ah’d like to be covered in. “You got a lot of nerve!” Jubiliee had barely any time to react before finding herself pinned to the wall, with Rainbow Dash right in her face. “How did ya get away from mah boys?” Again Jubiliee had no time to react as she felt a strong punch to the gut. “You violated my friend! What kind of pony does that!” Rainbow Dash screamed. Jubiliee let out a cough before answering. “A pony who loves her. Ah’ve missed Applejack for a long time. Figured she would grow to love me back.” Jubiliee said though bursts of coughs. Rainbow Dash felt her rage boil hotter than ever before. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t kill you right now.” Rainbow Dash asked. Jubiliee’s eyes widened, feeling nothing but horror. “Y-you wouldn’t. It’s wrong.” “Oh that’s rich coming from you Miss Stabby-Stabby!” “The Appleloosans didn’t want to be mah friends. Ah had to do it to keep them from harmin’ me.” Jubiliee explained. Rainbow Dash punched Jubiliee in the neck, reopening the wound. “You don’t know the meaning of the word friend. Hay, you don’t know what equinity means.” Jubiliee looked over Rainbow Dash’s shoulder. Twilight was standing over by the bedroom entrance. “Princess! You wouldn’t let her kill me? Would ya?” She begged. Twilight didn’t answer right away. She knew this wasn’t going to be easy. I forgave Discord after all he did. Can I forgive Cherry Jubiliee? Should I forgive her? Twilight looked away. “I don’t know. I’ve never dealt with this situation before.” Twilight admitted. Rainbow Dash dropped Jubiliee to the ground. “You heard Applejack. We can’t just let this monster get away with what she did.” Rainbow Dash glared at Jubiliee, who was cowering in the corner. “We can lock her up.” Twilight trotted up to Rainbow Dash’s side. Part of her wanted to just let Rainbow Dash kill Jubiliee. But she had to put her position as a princess into consideration. “Does your castle even have a dungeon?” “No, but the Castle of the Two Sisters does. We can keep her there until we can solve our zombie crisis.” Stuttering from Jubiliee caught Twilight and Rainbow Dash’s attention. “Now what?” Rainbow Dash asked. Jubiliee shut her eyes and looked away. Rainbow Dash reached over and pulled Jubiliee’s chin to face her. “What. Did. You. Say?” “It won’t end. Those undead ponies will be around forever.” Jubiliee said, resisting the urge to cry. Ultimately she couldn’t hold back the tears and started to weep into Rainbow Dash’s chest. “Get off of me!” Rainbow Dash shoved Jubiliee away, the back of her head smacking against the side of the wall with a crack. “Alright Rainbow Dash, that’s enough. I’ll take it from here.” Twilight gently pushed Rainbow Dash out of the way. Jubiliee felt her fore hooves getting heavier. Looking down she saw Twilight had conjured up some hoofcuffs on her legs. “Princess Twilight. Am Ah a bad pony?” Twilight scratched her mane. As much as she didn’t want to say it, the circumstances gave her no choice. “Yes.” The forced march from Dodge Junction to the Buffalo Camp was quiet. Pinkie looked through the crowd. She could feel the negative vibe between the surviving Appleloosans and the ponies of Dodge Junction. Braeburn noticed Pinkie was lagging behind, and slowed down so he could walk next to her. “Talk to me, cuz. Aren’t ya supposed to be the cherry one?” The cowpony asked. Pinkie let out a little laugh. “That’s me. I’ve just never seen so many unhappy ponies in one place before. The Manehattan Ponies may have been a bunch of big ole’ grumpy pantseses but not like this.” Pinkie explained. Braeburn shrugged. “Well, can’t say Ah’ve ever been to Manehattan before, Ah’m no city pony.” Braeburn looked ahead of the crowd where Applejack was being carried by Twilight and Rainbow Dash. “Can’t say Ah don’t understand why everypony is so quiet.” “Too.” “Quiet.” Braeburn looked over at the Cake Twins in Pinkie’s saddlebags. “Well howdy little ones.” Braeburn tipped his hat. Reaching out with her baby magic, Pumpkin pulled Braeburn’s hat off his head and started chewing on it. “No. We don’t take other ponies hats. Give it back little missy.” Pinkie ordered. Pumkin reluctantly dropped Braeburn’s hat, giving Pinkie a wide-eyed expression. “Ah she can have it. Ah got plenty more at home.” Braeburn said. Pumkin cheered as she started chewing on his hat again. Braeburn laughed. “And to think, ya’ll were pregnant when ya wore that showpony outfit. Seems kinda silly don’t ya agree?” “Oh I wasn’t…” Pinkie stopped herself. No. Pound and Pumpkin are my foals. “Maybe a little silly.” Unbenonced to Pinkie and Braeburn, Rarity could hear their conversation from a few yards away. They are not your children, Pinkie. “They are actually Carrot and Cup Cake’s children.” Rarity corrected. Pinkie gave a nasty death glare to Rarity, though Braeburn didn’t notice. “The Cakes? Ah’ve heard of em. Thar business sometimes ship baked goods to Aaaaappppplllleeeelllllooooosssssaaaa!” Braeburn whinnied. “Don’t know why ya’ll decided to bring em here though.” “Well, unfortunately, Mr and Mrs. Cake are…no longer with us.” Rarity explained. Braeburn’s heart sank. “What a shame. Still good on ya to take care of thar kids.” Braeburn looked back at the twins. “Exactly. I’ll be there mommy and daddy from now on.” Both? Braeburn asked himself. Ah she’s silly. “So Braeburn, what was it Jubiliee was forcing you to do before we arrived?” Rarity asked. Braeburn scratched his neck. “Well, it’s a little embarassin’.” He admitted. “They wanted somepony to work in thar cherry factories. Frankly ah’d rather work in the fields or even in the rodeo. Can’t exactly say why and Apple would want to work in a cherry factory.” Rarity and Pinkie exchanged glances. I believe I can think of a reason. Of course Rarity didn’t feel the need to bring up Applejack working in a cherry factory. I wouldn’t dare embarrass her further after all she has been through. Little Strongheart lept up a small rock where a rooster was already perched on. “Is it time?” Little Strongheart asked. The rooster looked into the sky. The moon was slowly dipping beneath the horizon. “Well it’s a bit behind schedule but I’ll get right on it.” The rooster turned back to the sky. Little Strongheart sighed. She wasn’t expecting a response from the Mane Six any time soon, but that didn’t mean she didn’t feel concerned about their well-being. I better not have sent them to their doom. Little Strongheart scanned the horizon. A zombie ferret was eating the remains of a dead pony, but stopped once it started to move around, it’s guts spilling out onto the zombie ferret. And this is why I’m so glad I don’t eat meat. “Oh here it comes.” The rooster waved its wings in front of Little Strongheart. “You might want to stand back. I’m gonna get loud.” “Somehow I think I can take it…” “COCKA DOODLE DOO!” Little Strongheart felt her ears ringing in pain, causing her to fall off the rock. The sun rising in the sky shining it’s rays brightly in her face wasn’t making her growing headache much better. “I tried to warn you…” The rooster started to say, but was abruptly stopped as the zombie pony bit down on it’s head. “Back you undead monster!” Little Strongheart bent her forelegs before kicking the zombie pony in the head, knocking it to the ground. It reached towards Little Strongheart, the rooster stuck in its maw. “I said back!” Little Strongheart tackled the zombie pony to the ground, stomping on its head. “Hey Strongheart!” Little Strongheart smiled. “There’s a voice I’ve been hoping to hear.” Looking back over the horizon, where a large group of ponies were trotting in her direction. “Hey Dash! Good to see you in one…piece…um…” Little Strongheart found it hard to continue at the sight of Applejack’s wounded form and Cherry Jubiliee in the crowd. “Um, you want to explain what the Dodge Junction ponies are doing here?” Rainbow Dash glared at Twilight, folding her forelegs. “We offered a safe place to live without having to kill anypony.” Twilight explained. Jubiliee shut her eyes. “But our friend got hurt. Could your tribe help her out?” Little Strongheart examined Applejack. “Well I think our shabuffalo can do something about these legs. But the tribe is almost ready to move out and find a new safe haven.” Rainbow Dash set her self down on the ground. “But you said…” “I know what I said. I tried to talk the chief into staying but he can be so stubborn.” Little Strongheart admitted. Silverstar was quick to emerge from the crowd of ponies, having been pushing his way through the crowd since the conversation began. “Take me to him. Ah know exactly what to say to get Thunderhooves thinkin’ our way of thinkin’.” The Sheriff explained. “Are you sure about that?” Twilight asked, thinking about the previous negotiations between the Appleloosans and the Buffalo. Silverstar tipped his hat in respect. “Ah appreciate yer concern, Princess. But a lot has changed since ya were last here. Some of us are more than friends with members of the tribe.” He noted. Spike scratched the spines on his head. “Now when you say more than friends you mean…” Then the young dragon caught on. Oh. How does that even work? Then he thought about his own feelings for Rarity, which made his first thought ironic. “Yeah forget I said anything." Rainbow Dash flew in a circular motion around the shabuffalo’s teepee. Spike and the rest of the Mane Six bar Applejack and Fluttershy were sitting around the teepee, slowly loosing their patence with their pegasus friend. “Rainbow dear, that isn’t making anything going faster.” Rarity noted. Rainbow Dash pulled on her mane. “But Applejack has been in there for hours!” She cried. “At least let the rest of us in and not just Fluttershy.” “Hey we should at least be glad Silverstar was able to talk the Buffalo into staying at all.” Spike chimed in. “I’m just saying.” Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but scoff at Spike’s words. “Spike, if it was Twilight or Rarity in there you’d be pacing right along side me.” “Hey!” “Well it’s true.” Rainbow Dash smirked at the sight of Twilight and Rarity blushing. Rainbow Dash held a hoof against the entry flap of the teepee. “Maybe I can take a peak or two.” “Rainbow wait.” Rainbow Dash backed up as Fluttershy emerged from the teepee, wearing an oversized headdress. One that Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but snicker at. “Oh this? The shabuffalo told me to wear this for the treatment.” Fluttershy explained. Fluttershy turned her head facing the rest of her friends as they gathered around. “So what they say? Don’t leave us in suspense!” Pinkie exclaimed. Fluttershy backed up a step with a squeak. “Please?” “Well the shabuffalo said she can fix Applejack’s legs. She won’t be able to walk for a few weeks thought.” Fluttershy explained. Twilight nodded back. “That won’t be a problem. Once we get the train working she won’t have to.” Twilight noted. Fluttershy shrank back further. “But it’s not just her legs. Is it?” Fluttershy shook her head, slamming her eyes shut. “What is it?” “The Shabuffalo said…she said…” Fluttershy covered her face with a forehoof. “I can’t do this.” Rainbow Dash placed a hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “Yes you can.” “Ok.” Fluttershy took a breath before continuing. “She says Applejack’s soul is hurt. S-she will have thoughts of Cherry Jubiliee ra… um, hurting her for the rest of her life.” The group fell silent and remained that way for the rest of the morning. Mmmm. Somethin’ smells good. Applejack woke up from her nap, still feeling weak. Turning her head she found Braeburn sitting by her side. “Howdy, Applejack. Glad yer up. Yer friends will certainly be glad to hear from ya.” Braeburn noted. Applejack chuckled. “Yeah, Ah bet.” Applejack tried to get back up, but found it hard to sit up. Braeburn had to hold Applejack’s back to help her sit up straight. “Ya know thar’s a mare in Ponyville who sits like this all the time.” “That’s weird.” “Eeyup. So will Ah be able to use Bucky McGillicuddy and Kicks McGee any time soon?” Applejack asked. It took Braeburn a minute to realize she was talking about her legs. “Oh that. Well Ah didn’t ask, but Ah doubt you’d be able to walk any time soon.” Braeburn said. Applejack slamed her head back into her pillow. After a second of silence Applejack’s eyes widened. “G-get this pillow out of here! Please!” Braeburn quickly pulled the pillow out from under Applejack’s head. She clutched the sheet covering her body while breathing heavily. “Sorry, Ah just remembered…somthin’.” Braeburn nodded. “Ah understand. Yer friends told me what Jubiliee did.” Braeburn stood up and started pacing.” Ah’m not gonna lie. Ah didn’t think she had it in her to do anythin’ like this.” “Yer not kiddin’. Ya’ll plannin’ on joinin’ us in Ponyville?” “Braeburn stopped in his tracks. “Applejack yer avoiding the topic.” Applejack scrunched up her face. “Well Ah ain’t talkin’ about it. And ya don’t look like no therapist to me.” Applejack realized what she just said, and whinnied. “Sorry cousin. Didn’t mean to snap at ya like that. Ah’m not myself right now.” “Bah. Apologizin’ ain’t necessary. We all know yer emotions are actin up.” Braeburn looked outside before turning his attention back to his cousin. “Ah know Ah’ve had more than a few thoughts gallopin’ through mah head.” Applejack felt intrigued. “Do tell.” “Oh ya’ll don’t want to know about mah thoughts.” Braeburn felt a lump in his throught form. Especially after what ya’ll been through. “Ah might surprise ya.” Braeburn clicked his teeth before answering. “Well alrighty than. Before all this undead pony business started a party pony moseyed into town to help us host a party with the Buffalo in Aaaapppllllleeeellllooossssaaaa!” “Braeburn.” “Sorry, sometimes Ah can’t help mahself. Anyway, durin’ the party Ah met a stallion the party pony had brought in to do the music. A unicorn callin’ himself Long Play. We got to talkin’ and well… we got pretty close after that. Still are, meetin’ together when ever we can. Hope he’s alright.” Applejack shrugged. “Ah don’t see why Ah would be bothered by ya’ll found a good friend.” Braeburn rolled his eyes. “Well Long Play and Ah are little bit more than friends. He was rather impressed with… um… mah little pony.” Whoah here it comes. Braeburn thought to himself. He was expecting Applejack to be disgusted. But the reaction never came. “That don’t bother ya’ll?” “Brae, plenty of mares think the same as yerself. Ya’ll have nothin’ to be ashamed of.” “What? Oh no not that. Ah’ve been at peace with that since Ah was a colt. Ah meant mentionin’…. um, the topic of pony rides.” Braeburn explained. And surely enough once the words “pony rides” came up Applejack started to shutter. “Yeah, that’s the reaction Ah expected. Tell ya what? Why don’t Ah make it up to ya’ll.” Applejack was starting to feel clammy. “How ya reckon ya do that?” “Easy. Ah'll show ya how big and strong Bloomberg has grown.” Applejack bolted back up into her sitting position, still in pain but ignoring most of it. “Bloomberg? But Ah thought they cut down the orchard.” She exclaimed. “They did. But some of the trees are still standin’. Ah’ll ask yer friends and the buffalo if they’ll let me take ya there.” Braeburn promised. Applejack smiled for the first time in what felt like an eternity. “Somethin’ good at last.” “Oh come on Twilight. That sounds like a good idea to me.” Twilight looked down at Pinkie, who was holding onto her forelegs. She turned her attention to Braeburn. “Thank’s for putting this idea in her head.” Twilight said. Rainbow Dash hovered towards Twilight. “I don’t see any problem here.” Rainbow Dash argued. Twilight folded her forelegs. “It’s not that I don’t want to help Applejack, I do.” Twilight looked in the direction of Applejack’s teepee. “It’s just not safe here. Can you imagine what would happen if if the zombie ponies found out about us?” “You put up a valid argument, Princess.” Twilight looked up to see Chief Thunderhooves standing tall over her. “If we stay any longer we will be overwhelmed.” Thunderhooves turned his attention to the group of zombie ponies trotting around the area outside the camp. “Eventually that small number will become many.” Braeburn trotted up to Thunderhooves. “Just a couple hours longer. Than we can all skedaddle outta ‘ere.” Rarity leaned closer to Fluttershy. “Darling, perhaps you could persuade him. You’re cute, he might listen to you.” She whispered. Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “What? I don’t know. That doesn’t seem right.” Rarity scoffed. “Well don’t worry. I shall give it a try.” Rarity slowly walked over to Thunderhooves, putting on her best 'fine lady' face. “Our friend would greatly appreciate this chance. For her?” Thunderhooves groaned. He could tell what Rarity was doing, but he was too tired of arguing to say no. “Alright. Help your friend, then we are leaving.” “You’re too kind.” Rarity said with a smirk. Applejack looked out from the cart her friends were carrying her in. “Are ya sure Ah can’t walk with ya?” Rainbow Dash turned around to face her friend. “Believe me, I know how you feel.” She reassured. Rarity however, found herself shaking her head. “We all do dear. But you simply can not hurt yourself any further.” Rarity added. Not helping, Rarity. Rainbow Dash thought to herself. Braeburn motioned over to the Mane Six and Spike. “Here we are.” Applejack was expecting Braeburn would call out Appleloosa’s name again, but a good look at the town was enough to see why he didn’t. The train station was still standing but most of the buildings, from the saloon, to Silverstar’s office, to the town clock tower had been damaged in some capacity. Walking through the empty streets was understandably unnerving. Braeburn actually started to sweat. Fluttershy was the first to notice. “I’m sorry. Your home didn’t deserve this.” She held a foreleg around Braeburn’s back to confort him. “That’s mighty kind of ya to think. Come to think of it, Ah can’t imagine any town that deserves this.” Braeburn pointed towards several wooden poles embedded in the ground. Spike and Rarity had to look away as they got close enough to see the severed pony heads stabbed into the poles. We’ll I can think of a few. Rainbow Dash thought to herself. She glanced over at Twilight. You know what I’m thinking about don’t you? Twilight didn’t respond, though Rainbow Dash felt she didn’t have to. Wouldn’t be surprised if you had a mind reading spell though. “Ah see him.” Applejack called out. Twilight squinted to get a better look. The apple orchard was a few dozen yards away, but she couldn’t see any specific trees. “Don’t ya worry, cousin. We’re almost there.” Braeburn said. Applejack bit her tongue. In a matter of minutes they had reached the apple orchard. Most of the trees had been cut down, with at least a dozen still standing. A zombie pony was lying on the ground near the tallest tree, it’s body having been squashed flat with it’s organs spilling out, though that didn’t stop it from reaching out with it’s remaining hooves at the group. “Get that trotter away from Bloomberg!” Applejack roared. “I got this one!” Rainbow Dash sped towards the flattened zombie pony, leaving a streak of colors in her wake, smashing its head against the ground. “I’m guessing this is it?” Applejack readjusted herself in the cart so she could get a better view. “Yes. Golly, Bloomberg. You’ve gotten so big.” Applejack’s sorrow slowly started to fade away. When Bloomberg had been planted in the orchard it was easily five feet tall with thick leaves and a tough trunk. Now it was a third as tall with it’s leaves now an even brighter shade of green. And the apples on its branches were bigger and reder than before. “Girls. Can Ah…can Ah touch him?” She asked.. Twilight bit her lip. “Applejack, I understand this is important to you.” Rarity leaned her head in the cart. “But a tree is not fabric. They don’t have a variety of textures or…” “Rarity please! Ah need this!” Applejack pleaded. Rarity looked at Twilight and Rainbow Dash. “Sure. Everypony stand back.” Twilight ordered. Twilight focused her magic on Applejack, slowly levitating her out of the cart. Applejack tried to move her left foreleg but found it hard to move without hurting it hurting. “Applejack, let me do it.” Twilight took a step forward, moving Applejack’s foreleg. Applejack smiled as her hoof finaly touched Bloomberg’s trunk. “Ah’ve missed ya too, Bloomberg.” Applejack uttered. Spike heard the sound of hooves crunching against fallen leaves. Surely enough a zombie pony was making its way towards the group. “Um, I everypony. We got company.” Spike backed away, bumping into Pinkie. “Just give me a moment.” Applejack replied. Spike started to shake as the zombie pony trotted closer and closer. Twilight and Fluttershy looked around. More zombie ponies were making there way towards the group. “Applejack…” spike stuttered. “Ya’ve grown into a big and strong tree. Stay strong for mommy.” Applejack turned her attention back to her friends. “Ok, Ah’m ready. Let’s get outta ere.” Bloomberg seems nice. Fluttershy thought to herself. The trip back to the Buffalo Camp felt quicker than the trip to Appleloosa. At least that’s how Applejack felt. Maybe it was because she didn’t have to any walking. Rarity however, was starting to feel her hooves cramp up from all the walking she had done. “When we get back to Ponyville, I am going to the Spa. I’m sure a lot of the townsponies could use it.” Rarity informed the others. That does sound nice. Fluttershy thought to herself. Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Whatever you think.” Rarity looked up at her flying friend. “Oh, Rainbow Dash. We all know you love it.” Rainbow Dash simply groaned in response. Pinkie bounced between the two. Braeburn smirked. “Applejack, ya’ll have some amusing friends.” He noted. Applejack nodded in agreement. Suddenly Braeburn came to a stop. “Whoa nelly! What happened ‘ere?” He called out. “What? What happened?” Applejack asked, poking her head out of the cart. Most of the teepees in the buffalo camp were torn down, with several dead ponies and buffalo were strewn about. The surviving buffalo and ponies were clearing the dead away, with a few still crying over dead bodies. Little Strongheart ran up to the group as they approached. “Your back. You won’t believe what happened.” She exclaimed. Rainbow Dash flapped her wings harder. “It was Jubiliee wasn’t it! I knew we shouldn’t have brought her and her ponies with us!” Rainbow Dash slammed her hoof to the ground in rage. “No it wasn’t the Dodge Junction ponies. After you left a horde of the undead creatures took us by surprise.” “Yes, and it is because of you.” Thunderhooves loudly stomped his way towards the Mane Six, with Silverstar close behind. “How the heck is it our fault?” Rainbow Dash asked. Thunderhooves snorted in anger. “I told you you’re train was loud and attracts attention.” Thunderhooves said. Silverstar looked up at the Buffalo Chief. “Hold up, you don’t know that.” He argued. “The horde was traveling by your railroad. These ponies were followed.” Thunderhooves and Silverstar continued to argue, butting heads together. Guilt started to fill up inside Twilight. “He’s right.” Twilight muttered. Rarity raised an eybrow. “Now, now Twilight. How could we have known?” Thunderhooves stood over Rarity. “Maybe couldn’t have. But that doesn’t change the fact I warned you this would happen. Now I have lost members of my tribe because of you.” Twilight’s ears fell as Thunderhooves shadow loomed over. “We are done. Take your ponies and leave.” The Buffalo Chief demanded. Rainbow Dash flew right into Thunderhooves face. “Hey you can’t talk to her like that!” “Rainbow, stop. We’ll do as you ask.” Twilight said. Pinkie’s eyes widened. “But Twilight this isn’t your fault.” She chimed in. Thunderhooves snorted again. Silverstar walked between him and Twilight. “Hold up. Seperating now is a terrible idea. We need the princess and her friends.” Silverstar motioned to the others. But Thunderhooves didn’t budge. “Go with them then. I will not let your princess endanger my tribe any longer.” He looked back at Twilight one last time. “It is time for you to leave.” > I Don't See A Bite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “A little more to the left. Almost got it, Twilight. Just a little more.” Twilight groaned. Pinkie may have had her heart in the right place, but she really didn’t need help levitating the train engine back on the track. “I can see where I’m putting it. Pinkie.” Twilight lifted her head up higher. The engine wasn’t as hard to move as she thought, it was getting it to land perfectly on the tracks that was the hard part. Twice now she had managed to get most of the wheels aligned, but there was always one or two that slipped off the track. “Hey Twilight!” Taken by surprise, Twilight dropped the engine with a loud thud. “Yes, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight groaned. Rainbow Dash flew down to Twilight’s eye level and took a breath. “The buffalo are a no go. Strongheart says they don’t want to separate.” Rainbow Dash lowered her head. “Dang it, why are we going along with this?” Pinkie tilted her head. “What do you mean?” “I mean why don’t we just make them come with? You know, for their own safety.” Rainbow Dash folded her forehooves once she realized Twilight was avoiding eye contact. “Twilight.” “We can’t.” Twilight muttered. “We’d be no better than Cherry Jubiliee.” Rainbow Dash looked around. The surviving Appleloosans and Dodge Junction ponies had already boarded the coaches, some of whom were looking out the windows. Rainbow Dash couldn’t hear what they were saying through the glass, she wasn’t surprised when the onlookers disappeared from view. “Where is Jubiliee anyway?” Rainbow Dash asked. Pinkie motioned over to the caboose at the end of the train. “We locked her up in the back. No way she can hurt anypony in the caboose.” Pinkie looked back at the Cake Twins in her saddlebag. “She was a real meany wasn’t she? Well she won’t do any of that again.” Pound clapped his forehooves in agreement. Pumpkin was too distracted chewing on Braeburn’s hat. Rainbow Dash turned her attention back to Twilight. “What about the others?” “Spike found some provisions in one of the coaches, so I asked him and Rarity to pass them around the townsponies. Fluttershy is comforting Applejack.” Twilight glanced over at Pinkie. “Of course I asked Pinkie here to do that.” Pinkie raised a hoof overhead. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll be right there. Right after I help you with the engine.” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “And I told you I can handle it. I need Fluttershy in that engine to get it started as soon as possible.” Twilight explained. Again, Rainbow Dash found a wave of uneasiness build up in her body at the thought of Fluttershy starting a fire. “Zombie!” “There!” The three friends perked up at the Cake Twin’s words and looked around. Pinkie felt a pinchy feeling in her knee once she laid eyes on a dozen zombie ponies making their way towards the train. “Stay with Mommy.” Pinkie held the Cake Twins close. Twilight turned back to her friends. “Pinkie, get Fluttershy in the engine’s cab. Rainbow Dash, hold of those zombies as long as you can!” Twilight ordered. Rainbow Dash sped off towards the zombies while Pinkie bolted into one of the train coaches. Twilight turned her attention to the engine. She wrapped it in her magic, feeling sweat dripping down the side of her face as she levitated the engine a few inches off the ground. Come on, come on, come on! Twilight slammed her eyes shut. She could hear the crunch of bone, no doubt Rainbow Dash slamming a zombie pony’s head in. “Fluttershy! We need you!” Pinkie’s voice called out from the coach. Twilight took a series of breaths, hoping it would calm herself. She opened her eyes. The engine’s wheels were finally in line with the track. Yes! Just gently lower it down… Twilight gulped as she put the train down, finally on the tracks. “I did it! Rainbow, I got it! Get back here!” Rainbow Dash slammed a pair of zombie ponies heads together. She hovered over the rest of the zombies, all of which were reaching up in vain at her. “You get Fluttershy in that engine. I got these things.” Rainbow Dash stuck her tongue out at the zombies. “But Rainbow!” “Just get her to start the train!” Rainbow Dash argued. Twilight felt a shiver down her spine. She tapped her forehooves against the ground. “It’s ok, Twilight. I’m here.” Twilight’s heart lept as she saw Fluttershy slowly climb down the coach’s steps. “I’ll do it.” Fluttershy squeaked. “Please hurry.” Twilight jerked her head back and forth between the slow moving and scared Fluttershy, and the more confident but still outnumbered Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow!” “I said I got this!” What am I doing? Twilight asked herself. She felt her heart skip several beats as a zombie pony’s maw was open wide behind Rainbow Dash, its teeth only a few feet away from her wings. “Rainbow, look out!” Twilight extended her own wings, and flew as fast as she could towards Rainbow Dash, tackling her to the ground. “What’s the big idea…. whoa!” Rainbow Dash cried, getting a better look at the zombie pony looming over her, one that had most of its face clawed off. Twilight screamed before firing a bolt of energy from her horn, blowing the zombie pony’s head off, splattering blood and bone all over her and Rainbow Dash. “Eh. Sorry about that.” Twilight muttered. Rainbow Dash wiped a hunk of flesh off her face. “You know I’m starting to think you like seeing me with gore on my face.” Rainbow Dash smirked. Although Twilight’s face was red with blood, Rainbow Dash could still see her friend blushing. “INCOMING!” The two friends looked up in time to see a bunch of streamers and balloons fly through the air and hit a zombie with enough force to knock the top of its head off. Surely enough, a number of yards away, was Pinkie, leaning against one of her party cannons. “What? I told you before. I never leave home without one of these.” The smell of smoke filled the air. Fluttershy took a step back away from the fireplace to stare out at the mountains around her. The train was starting to pick up speed; making the various shapes around her become blurred. Fluttershy let her mind wander, thinking about everything that had happened in the past few days. Why did Angel have to die? Why did so many ponies have to die? Why did Applejack have to get…hurt? “Why could’t Discord just make it all go away?” “You sure you even want me to?” Fluttershy took a small leap back in surprise. The flame in the firebox no longer looked like a regular fire. Rather the fire took the shape of Discord’s smirking face. “Oh. You startled me.” A firey claw emerged from the firebox, making a gesture as Discord spoke. “I do tend to do that. So…” Discord snapped his fingers. A cup of tea materialized in Fluttershy’s hooves. Discord similarly took a sip of tea from his own cup of fire. “You’re not doing so well in Appleloosa are ya?” Fluttershy sat down on her haunches and lowered her head. Discord raised his eyebrow. “Things haven’t gone well.” Fluttershy finally said. Discord’s firey image briefly shifted into the shape of a pony ear. “I’m all ears.” Discord quickly shifted back to his own appearance in the flames, his claws on his chin showing great interest. “Well, um, we picked up some ponies in Dodge Junction. But they d-did things.” Fluttershy rested her forelegs on the ground, hesitating to go into detail. “Excuse me.” Fluttershy took another sip of her tea. “Personally I didn’t find it very impressive. Stabbing decapitated heads, psh. Surely they could have come up with something more creative than that. Maybe spinning the bodies in the air as bits and pieces fly off, now that would be a show.” Discord’s eyes widened when Fluttershy stomped up to the flames with an angry expression. “Yeah, old habits die hard.” “I didn’t find it very funny.” Fluttershy replied, though to Discord’s surprise it was in her usual soft tone. “If I could keep all of this from happening I would. And so should you.” Fluttershy shrank back. I have to stop saying such things. Discord held his paw to his face, dragging it down from his forehead to his chin. “About that Fluttershy…” Discord snapped his fingers, blinding Fluttershy in a bright white light. Oh no. Don't take me away from the train. Fluttershy rubbed her eyes. The blinding light only lasted for a second, but her eyes were had to get used to it. Before she opened her eyes again, she felt rock underhoof instead of the wooden floor of the endine. “Discord?” Fluttershy asked. Her vision cleared, revealing she was now standing on top of a mountain, grassy plains stretched over the horizon. “Lovely spot wouldn’t you say?” Discord asked, wrapping his long neck along Fluttershy’s body. Fluttershy leapt back again. “What did you do? Oh, what are my friends are going to do when they find out I’m missing?” Fluttershy gulped down the rest of her tea to keep herself from panicking. Discord waved his claw nonchalauntly. “Bah. Not a problem.” Discord snapped his fingers. With another flash of light, the rest of the Mane Six materialized in a circle around himself and Fluttershy. Applejack groaned as her back hit the ground. Rainbow Dash hovered into the air. “What the? Discord?” Rainbow Dash stuttered. The ancient draconequus shrugged. “Hey, Fluttershy was worried you would notice she was gone. Seemed like an easy fix to me.” Discord replied. Rarity tapped her forehoof against the ground. “I was in the middle of speaking with somepony.” She said. “Was there any reason we couldn’t we have this conversation on the train?” Rarity’s rant was quickly interrupted as the ground started to split underneath the group. A massive tatzlewurm slowly emerged from the ground. Its skin was rotted, with pieces of flesh were ripped off. Not that thing again. Twilight thought to herself. “What is the meaning of this!” Rarity cried. Discord nonchalantly floated over to the tatzlewurm. “Answering a question. I hope you don’t mind.” Discord snapped his fingers. The tatzlewurm froze in place; its wounds began healing themselves. “Timber.” Discord muttered before teleporting out of the tatzlewurm’s shadow. “What’s that supposed to…”Applejack started to ask, but everypony’s attention was drawn to Pinkie’s twitching tail. “Nevermind.” Rainbow Dash picked up Applejack as the rest of the group got out of the way of the tatzlewurm. Surely enough the beast collapsed to the ground, partially sliding back into the ground. Discord appeared on top of the dead tatzlewurm, wearing a hunting outfit. “Got a big one this time.” Discord joked. Twilight shook her head. “You really should see yourselves. Like you got a stick under your tail or something.” Fluttershy raised her head. “B-but if you could do this, then could you…” Discord teleported off the top of the tatzlewurm, reappearing by the beast’s maw. “I did something.” “Still looks dead to me.” Pinkie noted. Discord reached her mane, pulling Gummy out and began petting the baby alligator. “Yeeeeeesssss. But it’s not undead anymore.” Discord reassured. Twilight stared intently at the dead tatzlewurm. “That’s what happens when I quote unquote cure them.” Discord shook his head. “Sorry to say, but the dead stay dead.” “But Discord…” Fluttershy tried to continue but Discord placed a finger on her mouth. “I’m sorry. Truly. But this is all I can do.” Discord snapped his fingers. The wounds started to reappear on the tatzlewurm. “What are you doing!” Twilight exclaimed. The tatzlewurm opened its blank eyes. Discord snapped his fingers; making the undead creature die again. “Proving a point.” Discord reached an arm out of sight of the Mane Six, literally pulling the interior of the train engine around the group. “What? I can’t teleport you around the same way every time. That’d be boring." Discord looked at his wrist. "And three, two, one.” Right on cue, Spike opened the door. “There you are, I’ve been looking for you guys everywhere. Discord.” “Ah don’t mind me, Spike. I won’t be bothering you.” Discord promised. Spike felt something weighing down his head. Reaching up, Spike noticed Gummy had somehow ended up on top of him. “Much.” Spike looked out the window as the sun started to decend beyond the horizon. “It’s like the day’s are getting shorter or something.” He said to no pony in particular. The rest of the Mane Six looked over from their seats. “Luna’s probably still getting used to moving the sun. When Celestia had to move the sun and moon on her own she had trouble herself.” Twilight noted. Rainbow Dash turned her head to face Twilight. “Let me guess. You read that in some book somewhere?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Well actually I asked her.” Twilight scratched her mane. “As disappointing as the Gala ended up being, I did manage to sneak a few questions in before the guest became too unbearable.” Twilight stared down at her hoof. Still hurts shaking so many ponies hooves in one night. Rarity noticed Applejack was no longer paying attention to the conversation, instead just staring blankly out the window. She got up from her seat and sat down next to her friend. “Please, talk to us Applejack.” Pinkie popped up from behind Applejack’s seat. “Yeah, no pony wants to be a grumpy pants forever.” She chimed in. Applejack rolled her eyes. “Mighty kind of ya’ll. But Ah’m fine. Really.” Applejack set her chin on the window. Rarity cleared her throat. “If I may say so, dear. You were never a very convincing liar.” Rarity laid a hoof on Applejack’s. The farm pony winced as she felt a sharp pain in her hoof. Discord had healed her broken bones before leaving but Rarity’s soft touch filled Applejack’s mind with thoughts of Jubiliee. “Get yer mits of me.” “Applejack, I’m here to help you…” “NOW!” Rarity and Pinkie stumbled back from the shere force of Applejack yelling. “Ah’m sorry. Ah don’t need to be mad at ya’ll. Ah just… don’t touch mah legs. Or mah mane. Or mah face. Or….” Applejack slammed her head down on her chair. Rainbow Dash put a foreleg around Twilight’s neck. “What do you want to do?” She whispered. Twilight shook her head. “I-I stand by what I said last night. We’ll keep Jubiliee in the Castle of Two Sisters.” Twilight looked back at Applejack. “But as for Applejack. I don’t know. I don’t think there’s a spell that can calm her down. I don’t know if I want to.” Rainbow Dash slumped down in their seat. “What do you mean you don’t want to? Look at her.” “I mean I don’t want to force it on her. Maybe we should just give Rarity’s idea a try.” Twilight explained. Rainbow Dash shook her head. Spike turned back from his seat, scooting between Twilight and Rainbow Dash. “Hey now, don’t pretend you don’t feel better after a spa visit.” “Maybe.” Rainbow Dash groaned. “But this isn’t about me. Remember? Applejack? You know, the one with the hat?” “Psh, not this hat.” Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Spike spun around in time to see Applejack take her hat off, and tossed it out the window. “Don’t look at me like that. Ah’ve got plenty of em at home.” Maybe Ah’ll think about her less without it. Ah was wrong! Ah was so wrong! Applejack felt tears stream down her face as she struggled with all her might. She felt bed sheets beneath her. “No. Ah’m gettin’ outta ere!” Applejack lept out of bed. It was too dark to see anything. As such Applejack stumbled around until she bumped into something soft. It was Jubiliee, wearing a black dress. “Thar ya are mah love.” “Jubiliee! Get back!” Applejack roared. She spun around kicking with her hindlegs as hard as she could. Jubiliee stumbled back. “Ya’ll ain’t gettin’ me again!” Applejack looked around. She spotted a length of rope tied around the bed frame. “Applejack. That wasn’t very nice.” Jubiliee muttered. Applejack grabbed the rope with her mouth. “Well if ya want to make things more interestin’, Ah’ll take it.” Applejack’s face grew red with rage. “This ain’t plannin’ on usin’ this as a whip.” Applejack threw the rope around Jubiliee’s neck. “Oh yeeessss. Applejack! Ah’ve been a bad filly.” Jubiliee collapsed to the ground panting in excitement. “Yeah. Ya’ll been a very, very misbehavin’ pony. Ya’ll should be…punished.” Applejack tugged against the rope. Jubiliee raised her forehooves as her breathing became more rapid. “Applejack…” Jubiliee managed to sputter out between several coughs. Applejack lept back onto the bed, pulling harder and harder. “Ah love ya.” Jubiliee’s eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her breathing stopped. With one last tug, Applejack finally snapped Jubiliee’s neck. “Too bad this is a dream.” Applejack muttered. “How did you know?” A familiar voice asked. Applejack turned her head. A blue light started illuminating the darkness around her. “Because…mah friends would have tried to stop me.” Applejack admitted. She sat down hard on the bed. Princess Luna emerged from the blue light holding out a washcloth. “Thanks.” Applejack used it to wipe her face. “Got anythang to eat? It’s been a while since Ah’ve taken a bite of anythang.” “Most ponies wouldn’t be so chipper after dreaming about strangling somepony.” Princess Luna noted. Applejack avoided eye contact. “Applejack. Listen to me when I speak to you.” “Ah don’t want to talk about it.” “APPLEJACK!” Taken by surprise, Applejack found herself flung off the bed by the force of Princess Luna’s scream. “Gah. Was that really necessary?” Applejack snapped. “Sometimes there are things I must do. You can not live your life with such thoughts.” The Princess of the Night explained. “So what? Ya’ll sayin’ Ah should just forgive her? Little hard to do somethin’ like that.” Applejack argued. Princess Luna closed her eyes. An image of the moon rose up from behind her. “Spending any amount of your life with anger is not a life worth living. Such anger leaves only suffering.” Princess Luna looked back at her image of the moon. It zoomed in closer to the moon’s surface, revealing a dark blotch in one of its many craters. “That’s you.” “That’s Nightmare Moon. The monster my own anger turned me into. A thousand years of anger and grief is not a life worth living.” Applejack squinted her eyes. Nightmare Moon was crying. Applejack felt a lump in her throat. “Sorry, Princess. But Ah don’t know if Ah have it in me.” “I’m not asking you to forgive. I am asking you to let go. I held onto my anger for a thousand years. It wasn’t worth it.” Princess Luna flapped her wings, hovering in the air. “You still have your friends. Your family.” “Tsh. Yeah. Ah guess Ah do. Where ever mah family are.” Applejack muttered. Princess Luna smiled. “They are closer than you think. They are waiting for you.” Applejack’s eyes widened, spinning around to face Princess Luna. “It’s time to wake up. Your family is waiting for you.” Princess Luna’s body radiated with light, blinding Applejack. “Wait! Come back! What are ya’ll talkin’ about!” Applejack bolted away, sweat dripping down her body. Pinkie and Fluttershy were sitting on the ajoining seat, patiently waiting. “Oh good. You’re awake. You had us worried when you didn’t wake up.” Fluttershy muttered. “You were talking in your sleep.” Pinkie added. “More like talkin’ to Princess Luna. Well Ah’m up. What’s goin’ on?” Applejack asked. A huge grin appeared on Pinkie’s face. “We’re back in Ponyville. Someponies are waiting for you.” Pinkie said. Applejack lept to her hooves. She could hear Fluttershy calling out to her but Applejackw as already heading for the exit. That’s what Luna meant. She jumped out of the coach and onto the station platform. She jerked her head around. The Appleloosa and Dodge Junction poines were gathered around. Rainbow Dash was giving Scootaloo a nookie. Rarity was hugging Sweetie Belle so hard the little unicorn filly’s face was red. “Where are ya’ll?” “Applejack!” Applejack’s heart lept and the young voice filled her ears. Surely enough she finally spotted her family in the crowd. “Applebloom. Big Mac. Granny.” Applejack trotted up to her family members, entering a group hug. “Ah’ve missed ya’ll so much.” “We missed you too.” Applebloom said. “We all did.” Granny Smith added. “Eeyup.” Applejack opened her eyes, feeling another pony hug her from behind. “You too, Pinkie.” Pinkie just giggled. The Apple Family embrace lasted only a few minutes. Applejack understood it couldn’t last forever. But she certainly wanted it to. The door to the caboose opened with a click. Twilight and Spike exchanged nervous glances before entering. “Cherry Jubiliee? We’ve made it back to Ponyville.” Twilight called out. Jubiliee didn’t answer. “She is up to something.” Spike suggested. Twilight didn’t want to believe it. But the nagging feeling in the back of her mind made her partially agree. “Let’s just get her.” Twilight took a step into the caboose. Spike peaked in once Twilight was fully inside. Something was swinging in the shadows on the other side of the caboose. “Spike, could you come in here please?” Spike’s heart skipped a beat as he followed Twilight inside. The two approached the swinging figure. Twilight pulled her wings over her eyes once she finally got a good look. “Why would she do this?” Spike asked. Twilight’s lip trembled. The swinging figure was Jubiliee. A rope was tied around her neck, leaving her hanging from a hook on the ceiling. A note was pinned onto Jubiliee’s body with only two words written on it. I’m sorry. “Oh my gosh. What have we done? She shouldn’t have been left in here alone.” Twilight muttered. Twilight reached out with her magic, snapping the rope. Jubiliee’s body collapsed to the floor. Spike held a claw to her neck. “She’s gone.” Spike said. Twilight lowered her head. How long had she been hanging there? Twilight shut her eyes, imagining what could have possibly happened. The thought of Jubiliee pacing back and forth, filled with guilt, before finally killing herself. “GAH!” Twilight opened her eyes. Spike was stumbling back from Jubiliee’s body. Jubiliee raised her head, snarling with a mouth full of saliva, snapping her maw in Spike’s direction. “Look out!” Twilight exclaimed, magically pulling Spike away from Jubiliee. The undead pony slowly turned to face Twilight. I can’t believe I’m about to do this! “Twilight do something!” Spike screamed. Twilight fired a bolt of magic energy at Jubiliee, blowing a hole in her head. Jubiliee’s corpse collapsed to the ground, bits of brain and blood seeping out towards the two. “How the heck did she turn into one of those things!” Twilight scanned her eyes across Jubiliee’s body. “I don’t see a bite.” “There has to be. Her dead body just got up and attacked.” Spike insisted. “But there isn’t. She hung herself.” Twilight reminded. Spike’s eyes shifted back to Jubiliee’s body. “So, what are you saying? They’ll turn into a zombie anyway?” He asked. Twilight didn’t answer. Her ears perked up at the sound of Rainbow Dash outside. "Twilight! What’s going on in there!” “Something bad, Dash. Something bad.” Twilight replied. Rainbow Dash poked her head into the caboose. “Is that Jubiliee?” Rainbow Dash asked. All Twilight could do was just nod in response. > Liar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “If becoming an undead monster does not require a bite, then it seems our survival has become a greater fight.” The crowd of ponies had gathered on the platform around the caboose. Twilight, Spike and Rainbow Dash had taken a step back to let Zecora examine Jubiliee’s body. Rainbow Dash looked back and forth between the crowd and Zecora. “Now hold up, since when? Zombies spread by biting ponies. Every boo…um zombie movie I’ve seen does that.” Twilight’s eyes finally moved away from Jubiliee’s body. “Yes, but the thing is, Rainbow, those were all fictional. We’ve never had a real zombie to compare them to.” Twilight explained. Twilight turned her attention to the crowd. I have to say something. Spike folded his arms. “That probably explains why there are so many of them.” He uttered. Zecora reached over and closed Jubiliee’s eyes. Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow as Zecora started muttering something to herself in her native language. “She really doesn’t deserve what ever you’re doing.” Rainbow Dash noted. Zecora looked back with a stoic expression. “She did some pretty bad things.” “Perhaps. Though your argument assumes she did not feel guilt. Ending her own life reveals what she felt.” Zecora lifted Jubiliee’s body onto her back. “As with any lost life this pony deserves to be buried.” She turned to face Twilight. “As for the townsponies, your long absence has left many worried.” Twilight nodded. “Me too.” Twilight and Spike stepped out of the caboose to address the crowd. However before Twilight could even open her mouth to speak, Flitter burst forth from the crowd, giving Twilight a big hug. “Um, Flitter? What are you…” Flitter started to cry. “Thank you, princess.” Thank you? Twilight asked herself. She glanced over at Rarity, who was still clutching Sweetie Belle close. Rarity simply shrugged. Twilight turned her attention back to Flitter. “I’m not sure what you mean. I know we were gone longer than planned but I’m not sure what we did since we left.” Flitter raised her head, revealing eyes filled with tears. “You put my sister out of her misery. Thank you, thank you.” Flitter let go of Twilight and began kissing her hooves. Twilight’s face turned bright red. Oh, right. Cloudchaser. Twilight thought to herself. “Um, Flitter, you don’t need to do this.” Twilight said. Within seconds of speaking, Flitter rose to her hooves, her face inches from Twilight’s. “Of course I do! Cloudchaser died because of me! I had to make things right and you saved her! Please, your majesty, let me make it up to you!” Flitter begged. Twilight swallowed hard. This kind of behavior was exactly what she was afraid would happen ever since she gained her wings. She looked at the dozens of ponies on the platform. Their eyes all fixated on her. “I understand you are all scared. I am too. I’m sure all of us could use a respite after everything that has happened over this week.” Twilight turned her attention to Rarity. “Rarity, do you think you can get the spa working again?” She asked. Rarity smiled. “Absolutely. Give me a few hours and everypony in town will be in heaven.” Rarity boasted. “Good. Take a team of ponies with you. There might still be some zombies in the area.” Twilight ordered. Trixie emerged from the crowd, her head held high. “We have been removing these undead monsters for the past few days. Trixie can continue to so while your friend does her sweep of the spa area.” Trixie explained. Twilight approached, making Trixie feel a knot in her stomach. What is this feeling? She thought to herself. “Thank you for the vote of confidence, Trixie.” Twilight replied. “There’s something I never thought I’d hear.” Spike muttered to himself. His attention quickly shifted to Rarity as she gently pulled him close. “I’d like you come with me, Spikey-wikey. Would you like that?” Rarity asked. Spike felt himself become tongue tied as he struggled to say something, anything coherent. “Great.” Rarity turned her attention back to Twilight. “We will be back soon.” Rarity glanced around the area. The spa was a couple dozen yards away, but something stopped her. “What are we waiting for?” Rarity looked back at the small group that had joined her. Spike, Trixie and Thunderlane were uneasy, though Pinkie didn’t’ look worried at all. Rarity groaned at the sight of the Cake Twins in her saddlebag. “Pinkie Pie, darling. You should not have come with the twins. This is too dangerous for babies.” Rarity argued. “That’s what I said.” Thunderlane added. Pinkie glanced back at him, which made Thunderlane shut up immediately. “Don’t you worry. I’ve taken good care of Pound and Pumpkin before and that isn’t going to change.” Pinkie reassured. Spike was more convinced that it was simply good luck on Pinkie’s part that nothing had happened to the Cake Twins yet, but arguing with Pinkie never went well in the past, so he just shrugged and accepted it. “Oh very well. We better go.” Rarity noted. Slowly the group started trotting towards the spa. A single zombie pegasus was flying around the windows. It turned its head to snarl at the group just long enough to get a firework to the face fired at it by Trixie. Rarity reached out with her magic, slowly opening the door. She screamed as several zombie ponies started pouring out of the spa. “Watch out!” Spike screamed, spitting out a volley of fire from his mouth. The zombie ponies were quickly caught ablaze, but showed no reaction to it whatsoever. Thunderlane hovered into the air to get a better view. “You stay down here and help Trixie!” Trixie roared, setting off another firework in a zombie unicorn’s mouth. “Just trust me. I got this.” Thunderlane promised. He then flew downward, slamming down onto a zombie Earth Pony’s back, snapping its spine. A pair of zombie ponies bit down on Pinkie’s skirt. “Not for you!” Pinkie called out, leaping backward, squishing the zombie ponies flat against the ground. One of the zombie ponies snarled at Pound. The baby pegasus laughed as he jabbed his hoof into its skull. That’s my boy. Pinkie thought to herself. Spike jammed his claws into the skull of another zombie pony, spurting blood all over the young dragon. “For crying out loud. How did they even get in there?” He asked, trying to pull his claws free. A zombie unicorn trotted slowly towards Spike. “Spike!” Rarity cried out. Spike held his free claw to his chin, remembering when the zombie pony in Dodge Junction seemed to ignore him. This is going to get nasty. Spike thought to himself. “Hang on Rarity, I got an idea.” Spike called out. He took a breath before stabbing his free claw into the zombie pony’s stomach, pulling its guts out, letting it blood and intestines spill out all over him. “Spike that is disqusting.” Rarity uttered. The approaching zombie pony finally reached Spike. He felt his heart race as fast as it could. Come on! Please work! SPLAT! Spike opened his eyes. Thunderlane was standing on top of the zombie pony, having landed on top of its head from above. “You really shouldn’t just stand around.” Thunderlane noted. Spike facepalmed. “I was trying something.” Spike said. He looked around. Pinkie and Trixie had killed the remaining zombie ponies, save one, though it was floating higher and higher into the air, several balloons tied to its forelegs. “Well so much for my idea.” “You! The little dragon!” Trixie pointed a hoof at Spike. “Were you bitten!” Spike stumbled back. “What! No! I did this to myself!” He cried. Rarity shuttered at all the guts lathered all over Spike. “If you didn’t need a spa treatment before you certainly need one now, Spikey.” Rarity muttered. “Yeah. I know.” Spike replied. “It’s just, back in Dodge Junction, a zombie didn’t notice me when I was covered in blood. It was like it thought I was a zombie too.” “Makes sense to me.” Pinkie chimed in. Somehow Spike wasn’t surprised. Trixie pushed her way past Spike, magically pulled some guts out of a zombie, and lathered it all over her face. “Goodness gracious, Trixie! You don’t need to do that too!” Rarity exclaimed. Trixie raised an eyebrow. “There might be more in there. I am not taking that chance.” Trixie argued. Pinkie put a hoof to her shoulder before a lit candle appeared over her head. “Oh! Acting like zombies to fool them! Lets try it. Pass me that zombie’s liver please.” Pinkie said with excitement in her voice. Rarity groaned. “Come on Rarity. We have to at least try.” Spike argued. My kingdom for a nice hot bath. Ew. I don’t think this pony’s food was fully digested. Rarity thought to herself. She opened her eyes, looking at the rest of the group, who likewise were covered in the blood and gore of the zombie ponies. “Ok. Lets just do this. For the town.” Rarity uttered. She took a huge breath before taking a step into the Spa. A zombie pony was hanging over the information desk. Pinkie trotted further into the spa. A fallen zombie opened its mouth, but otherwise showed no reaction to her. “I think its working.” Pinkie whispered. The rest of the group spread out through the building. Spike opened the door leading to the sauna. A week’s worth of steam burst forth from the door. Spike had to wave his claws to see through the steam. A pair of badly burned zombie ponies were lying on the wooden benches. Here goes nothing. Spike stepped into the sauna. The blood all over him started to steam as well. But the zombie ponies didn’t notice Spike’s arrival. He took a huge gulp before approaching one of the zombie ponies, staring it right in the face. Its head was slightly moving, but other wise didn’t seem to notice Spike. The young dragon smiled with pride. I think its working. He quickly stabbed his claw into its skull, killing the zombie. The other one moved its head towards Spike. Quickly thinking he stabbed it in the head with his other claw. “Spike! What’s going on in there!” Rarity called out from outside. “Nothing, Rarity! I just know its working!” Rarity approached a linen closet. The door was shaking. She couldn’t make out the words, but Rarity was able to make out that it wasn’t the snarls and groans of a zombie pony. “Is some pony there?” “Go away!” “Please! We don’t want any trouble!” Rarity recognized those voices anywere. “Aloe? Lotus? Is that you?” The door opened, and a pair of earth ponies mares, one with a pink coat and blue mane, and the other with a blue coat and pink mane, tumbled out of the closet, their limbs still tangled together. “Rarity? What happened to you?” The blue pony, Lotus, asked. “You look like you took a bath in blood.” The pinky pony, Aloe, added. Rarity looked down at her blood soaked coat. “That’s not too far off.” Rarity waved her hoof at Thunderlane on the other side of the room. “Thunderlane, could you give me a hoof over here? These two need a respite and fast.” Rarity ordered. Thunderlane approached. Lotus had to leap back into the closet at the sight of the bloody stallion. “Why do mares always look at me like that?” Thunderlane asked. Rarity eyed up the stallion. “Darling, I believe it may have something to do with the blood. Because I don’t think it’s because of your stature.” Rarity commented. She thinks I look good? Thunderlane asked himself. He turned his attention to the Spa ponies. “You haven’t been in there all week have you?” Aloe felt up her shoulders, her lip trembling. Lotus hugged her sister, hoping to comfort her. “We got scared. There were so many of them out there.” Aloe muttered. Soft enough that Rarity could barely hear her. “Please. Forgive us.” Lotus said. Rarity wanted to put a hoof on her shoulder, but hesitated because of the blood. “When this all started, we took cover and…after a couple hours we heard hooves banging on the walls outside.” Aloe slammed her eyes shut. “It was those monsters!” She screamed. “Not ponies!” “Well we did make a break from Town Hall to the Castle. You might have heard us.” Thunderlane rationalized. Lotus shook her head. “Its not that. We heard ponies. Ponies who wanted in.” Lotus started to shake. “NO! IT WAS THE MONSTERS!” Aloe roared. Rarity put a hoof to her mouth. They wouldn’t have… no! Not Aloe and Lotus. They would never just ignore cries for help. Rarity thought to herself. “Darlings don’t think about it. Lets just open up the Spa. The townsponies could use it. I wouldn’t mind a nice bath myself.” She explained. “I-its safe?” Aloe asked. Rarity gave a warm smile. “It is safe.” She reassured. “Oooooohhhh. I didn’t think a hot tub could be this comfortable.” Twilight leaned her head against the side of the tub. Spike, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were likewise in relaxing in the tub as well. “Feels good doesn’t it?” Scootaloo noted, waving a hoof in the air. Her wings sprung open. “Ops.” Sweetie Belle said with a smirk. Scootaloo scrunched up her face in embaressment. Rainbow Dash pulled the young pegasus closer. “Ah, you’ll get used to it.” Rainbow Dash looked back over at Twilight. “After all, it didn’t’ take long before your wings popped out too.” “Not all of us have had wings their whole life.” Twilight snapped, sinking deeper into the water. Spike reached his claws around his back, feeling an itch. “Give it some time.” He muttered, hoping nopony would hear him. Rarity however, did notice his words. “Time for what, Spikey?” She asked. Spik snapped his head up in response. “Oh nothing. Nothing. Just thinking about…well, I’m going to have wings too. Someday.” Spike replied. Scootaloo looked back at her own wings. Me too. Real wings. Aloe climbed up the steps to the tub, carrying a large bucket of hot water in her mouth. “Would any pony care for more?” She asked. Rarity’s eyes widened. “Absolutely.” Rarity noted. Slowly Aloe poured the hot water onto Rarity’s head. Rarity let out a huge sigh of relief. “Finally. No undead monsters. No crazy ponies. We can just relax.” Rarity said. Twilight nodded. At least for now. She thought. She knew they would need to leave and find more survivors, but at least for now things seemed calm. “Perhaps this will give Applejack the time she needs.” Twilight suggested. “What’s she up to anyway?” Rainbow Dash asked. Sweetie Belle emerged from the water, brushing her mane out of her eyes. “Applebloom said she and the rest of the Apples are going to the steam room.” She looked up at her older sister. “What happened to Applejack while you were gone? She was so quiet.” Rarity didn’t answer. Explaining what happened in Dodge Junction was something she was hoping she wouldn’t need to repeat. Sweetie is innocent. She doesn’t need to know. Of course not everypony was relaxing in one of the hot tubs, mud baths, or saunas. Trixie felt severe guilt as she watched Twilight and her friends bathe. Of course Twilight was the only one she was actually focusing on. “Checking out the princess are we?” Trixie lept back in surprise, bumping into Cloud Kicker. “What are you doing?” Trixie snapped. “Hey, don’t mind me, I won’t judge. She’s cute in her own, bookworm kind of way.” Cloud Kicker insisted. Trixie gritted her teeth. “That isn’t what Trixie was doing. I was simply…. on the look out. You never know when more of those creatures are going to appear.” Trixie argued. Cloud Kicker raised an eyebrow and smirked. “It. Is. True.” Cloud Kicker couldn’t help but laugh. “Funny, but I know that look when I see it.” “Yes. You no doubt gave it to every pony in this town.” “Hey, that’s nothing to be ashamed of. I imagine a lot of ponies are having that particular brand of fun right now.” Cloud Kicker shrugged. “Heck, I was planning on joining Blossomforth in one of those hot tubs for a pony ride later on.” Trixie rubbed her eyes in disgust. “Uh, why did you feel the need to bring that up?” Trixie took her hat off, shaking her head. “Because you want to get a pony ride from Princess Twilight. If you were really wanted to ‘be on the look out’ you’d be outside on guard duty with Bulk Biceps.” Cloud Kicker noted. Trixie felt her heart racing and her cheeks flushing. “Fine. That is exactly what I am going to do.” Trixie snapped, stomping towards the door. “Whatever. I still ain’t convinced.” Cloud Kicker muttered. She thought that she should just go join Blossomforth, but Cloud Kicker’s curiousity got the better of her. Surely enough she flapped her wings once before following Trixie outside. “Ok, that wasn’t what I was expecting.” Cloud Kicker uttered to herself. A Group of rugged looking ponies were surrounding Bulk Biceps, pointing sharpened pieces of wood at the massive stallion. Eight mares, and seven stallions, mostly pegasi in striped jumpsuits. “You just need to stand back. Nopony needs to get hurt.” The lone earth pony stallion among the group muttered. Trixie stomped her hoof down. “What is the meaning of this!” She cried. One of the mares looked over at Trixie. Before Trixie or Cloud Kicker could react, she tossed her ball and chain, whacking Cloud Kicker across the face with the ball, and striking Trixie with the chain. The Earth pony stallion raised his hoof. “Easy now. We’re already considered neighsayers before. We can still be civil.” He argued. Cloud Kicker flew a few feet into the air. “You want to explain what a bunch of neighsayers are doing here?” She asked. The earth pony stallion, the one she assumed was the leader, calmly trotted over to her. “Well, being in a dungeon is hardly the best place to be in any situation. Much less when there are undead trotting around Equestria. We figured we have to find a place to stay. And I have to say, Ponyville here is quite tempting.” He turned back to his fellow Neighsayers. “Am I right?” “Aye!” They called out in unison. “I see. Any reason you have your weapons pointed at our friend?” Cloud Kicker asked. The Lead Neighsayer ruffled a hoof through his short mane. “Well, here’s the thing. We have a lot of friends ourselves. More than that you see here. Obviously this town isn’t big enough to hold both our friends, and your friends.” Cloud Kicker heard a wizing sound. She instinctively flew out of the way as another spear wized past her. Bulk Biceps punched four of the Neighsayers in a row before feeling a shape pain in his side. One of the pegasi had stabbed him between his ribs. Trixie lept back as two of the Neighsayers flew towards her. Cloud Kicker punched a Neighsayer with all her might in between his hindlegs, flooring him instantly. “Hey, hey!” The Lead Neighsayer called out, trying to calm his followers. Before he could continue, Trixie grabbed him from behind, shoving a firework in his mouth. “Stop!” One of the Neighsayer mares cried. The fighting stopped, as all eyes turned to Trixie. “We just need a place to stay. Let him go.” Another Neighsayer explained. Trixie looked at the Lead Neighsayer. He nodded back. “Is that so? ” Trixie stated. Her horn starting to glow. Cloud Kicker got back to her hooves. “Let him go, and we’ll find somewhere else. Please lady. He’s the only one keeping us together.” A third Neighsayer explained. Trixie eyed up the Neighsayer. Several scars on his hooves and face made her doubtful. “If she lets your man go, you’ll leave?” Cloud Kicker asked. One of the Neighsayers nodded. Trixie looked down at the Lead Neighsayer. He wasn’t scared. She turned her attention to the other Neighsayers, all of whom were looking on with fear. I have a good thing going in Ponyville. And I’m not going to let some Neighsayers ruin it now. Trixie lit the firework. “Liar.” Twilight emerged fromt the spa with Spike and Fluttershy in tow. “Well that was nice…. OH MY GOODNESS!” Fluttershy exclaimed. Right outside the spa, all of the Neighsayers laid dead on the ground, surrounding Trixie. Cloud Kicker and Bulk Biceps were still picking themselves up from the fight. “Wha-what happened here?” Twilight asked. Cloud Kicker wiped some blood off her face. “Trixie happened.” She replied. Twilight approached Trixie, careful to step over the bodies. “Trixie. What did you do?” Trixie slowly turned her head to face Twilight. “I protected Ponyville.” > Let's Call It A Service > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Gah, I thought that hot tub would get rid of this itch?” Twilight raised an eyebrow at Spike, who was rubbing his back against his throne. “Spike. You’ve itched before. It will pass.” She noted. Spike stopped scratching and slumped down in his throne. The rest of the Mane Six were staring at him from their thrones. He felt his face flush with heat as he blushed. “Sorry about that.” “Right.” Rainbow Dash rose from her throne and began hovering a few feet over the ground. “Now what about the Neighsayers? What are we going to do about his friends?” She asked. Fluttershy rubbed her hooves together. “Um, maybe we should just explain what happened?” Rainbow Dash facehoofed. “Right. They will totally understand one of us blew up their leader’s head and hid the bodies. That will go over well.” Rainbow Dash replied. Spike raised a claw. “There’s nothing stopping us from just making something up.” Spike suggested. Of course Spike’s mood fell at the sight of an uneasy looking Twilight and Applejack. “Come on, we can just say we found the bodies?” “I don’t think we should.” Twilight readjusted herself in her throne before continuing. “Celestia wouldn’t lie to anypony. Not even neighsayers. I’m sure we can reason with them.” Twilight rationalized. Rarity felt her stomach turn. “As repugnant as it might be, I agree with Spikey.” She admitted. Spike smiled, though he still felt it was bittersweet. “If they were willing to attack once they might not hesitate to do it again.” “If that’s what they want then fine.” Rainbow Dash folded her forelegs. “Somehow I doubt they can beat us in a fight.” Twilight rose from her throne, spreading her wings out wide. “I will not fight other ponies. That isn’t what got me these…” Twilight pointed to her wings, then to the ground. “Or this castle….” She then motioned her hoof at each of her friends. “Or any of you.” “Well actually you did get this castle because you won a fight against Tirek…” Spike began to say, though he was quickly silenced by Twilight magically sealing his mouth shut. “My point is we shouldn’t fight other ponies just because of what they might do. We were able to get the Dodge Junction ponies to join us without fighting and we will do the same with the Neighsayers.” Twilight took a breath. Her friends were all looking at her with wide eyes. I wasn’t too authorial was I? She asked herself. As everypony else was speaking, Pinkie was rubbing her chin inquisitively. Fluttershy finally noticed. “You’ve been quiet, Pinkie.” “Yes, darling. Applejack I understand, but surely you would have something to say about our situation by now.” Rarity added. Pinkie shrugged. “I say the more ponies the merrier.” Pinkie replied. “This just means more ponies are still alive. Isn’t that what’s important?” “Not if they want to take Ponyville away from us!” Rainbow Dash argued. “Cloud Kicker told me they don’t think the town has enough room for all of us and them.” “They could be wrong.” Twilight stated. She tapped on the crystal in the center of the room. A map of the town appeared on the floor around the thrones. Twilight began motioning to each town block as she spoke. “We can probably fit all our survivors in just one town block. If we include the Dodge Junction ponies and Appleloosans, then there might just be enough space for the Neighsayers.” “Now hold up. You promised we would go to Cloudsdale once we came back.” Rainbow Dash snapped, flying right into Twilight’s face. “I’d rather give the empty houses to good ponies.” “Dash, we have enough room. We can’t just abandon ponies out there. Not with the zombies wandering around.” Twilight argued back. “We’ll go to Cloudsdale, but right now we have to deal with the Neighsayers.” Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes. “We can’t? Or you can't?” “Now hold up Rainbow.” Rarity got out of her throne and approached Twilight and Rainbow Dash. “What exactly are you implying?” “I’m not implying anything. I’m saying that Twilight is worried neighsayers will think less of their princess.” Twilight couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “I am not! I’ve told you before that I don’t care what other ponies think of me! As a princess or as a pony!” Twilight hadn’t noticed yet, but she was snorting in rage. She felt a hoof on her shoulder. It was Applejack. “Take it easy, Twi. Rainbow isn’t one of them.” Applejack said calmly. “You’re right.” Twilight took a deep breath. “I should save that f-for ponies who…” She froze in place. Spike finally managed to get his mouth open by prying his lower jaw down. “Gah! Ponies who deserve it?” He asked, still rubbing his jaw. The room fell silent once again. A silence that was quickly ended by a knock on the door. “Who could that be?” Pinkie asked. “Probably Owlicious. I asked him to be on the look out and let us know if anything changes outside.” Twilight explained. She trotted over to the door and opened it with her magic. Surely enough Owlicious was hovering overhead, a note in his beak. “Thank you.” Twilight took the note and began reading it. “Well?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Some ponies in jumpsuits were spotted outside of town. Dungeon jumpsuits.” Twilight said. “Tsh. The Neighsayers truly should have abandoned such gawdy outfits a long time ago.” Rarity chimed in. “So what do we do?” Fluttershy asked. Twilight gulped before taking a huge breath. “We talk to them.” Twilight answered. She turned to the door, but found herself held back by a strong hoof. Applejack’s hoof. “Don’t.” She muttered. Twilight scrunched her face in dismay. “I-we have to.” Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth were hovering in the air overlooking the grassy plains that surrounded Ponyville. While there was a pair of zombie ponies still wandering about, it was the large crowd of living ponies approaching that had Bossomforth worried. Cloud Kicker lowered her pair of binoculars, noticing her close friend’s concern. “Hey relax. I sent the owl. I’m sure the princess will be here and we can get this all sorted out.” Cloud Kicker reassured. Blossomforth wasn’t convinced, not with the deep gash under Cloud Kicker’s eye. “Well, pardon me for not be as sure.” Blossomforth replied. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity appeared behind the two pegasi; Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy having flown, and Rarity carried by Twilight’s magic. “We got your message.” Twilight said. Blossomforth took a huge sigh of relief. “Princess Twilight, we spotted the Neighsayers heading this way. There must be dozens of them.” Blossomforth muttered. Cloud Kicker turned her attention to Rainbow Dash. “Captain, what do you want us to do?” “We got this. You head on back. There were some stray zombies heading to the town.” Rainbow Dash ordered. Cloud Kicker made a playful salute before she and Blossomforth flew back towards Ponyville. “I hope this works.” Fluttershy said under her breath. Rarity nuzzled her friend. “Of course it will.” She promised. Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity started towards the crowd of Neighsayers. Rainbow Dash quickly flew over to the zombie ponies, stomping one’s head into the ground, the other’s head she severed from its body. One of the neighsayers, a unicorn mare, ran ahead of the group. “Well look what we have here mares and gentlecolts. More survivors.” She called out. Fluttershy ducked behind Rarity as the rest of the neighsayers reached them. “Pretty ones, aren’t they?” A grizzled earth pony stallion noted. The unicorn mare motioned to the other neighsayers. “Not just pretty ones, my friends. This purple one is an alicorn.” She said. The neighsayers began to murmur among themselves. The unicorn mare gave a quick bow. “Forgive us, your majesty. Some of us have spent decades in a dungeon. If the biters have been good for anything, it was allowing us to get away at last.” She explained. Twilight swallowed hard. “Well I’m sure we can all put that aside. We’ve been staying in Ponyville since the outbreak started.” “Ponyville you say?” The Unicorn mare tugged at her collar. “Well, that is quite kind of you to offer. Our boss was looking for a new place to call our own. Somewhere that the biters can’t get at us.” Rarity took a step forward. “Not to sound suspicious, but why, may I ask, are a group of neighsayers doing out of a dungeon?” “Well.” The Unicorn mare replied. “We can’t exactly stay in a dungeon that is on fire now, can we?” Another mare, also a unicorn, appeared by her fellow neighsayer’s side. This one was much larger with a broken horn. “Come on already. Ask them!” She demanded. “Ask us what?” Fluttershy wimpered. The large unicorn mare grunted loudly before answering. “Our boss went looking and he hasn’t come back. Have you seen him?” Twilight closed her eyes. I can do this. I can do this. She thought to herself. However she found herself quickly startled by a hoof touching her. “Sorry Twilight.” Rainbow Dash said. “I was just letting you know I got the zombies.” “Wait a minute I recognize that voice anywhere!” A smooth voice called out. Neighsayers started to back out of the way as a pegasus stallion pushed his way through the crowd. Rainbow Dash’s eyes wided. She had not seen the stallion in years, but his light blue coat and multicolored mane, the same colors as herself, were as clear as could be. “Rainbow Dash?” “Rainbow Dad!” Rainbow Dash sped past Twilight, and into the open hooves of her father. “I can’t believe it. Dashie, its so good to see you!” “I’ll say.” Rainbow Dash replied. The larger unicorn mare raised an eyebrow. “You know this mare, old man?” “Of course I do! Hey! Everypony! You’re not going to believe this! My daughter is alive!” Rainbow Dad called out. Rainbow Dash pulled her father towards her friends. “Of course, Rainbow Dad, these are my friends. Twilight Sparkle, that one’s Rarity, and I’m sure you know who this is.” Rainbow Dash pulled Fluttershy close. “Ah, how could I forget? Dear, Fluttershy. My how you have grown in to a fine young mare.” He turned his attention to Rarity. “And… you, Rarity. I must say my daughter knows some refined company.” Rainbow Dad took Rarity’s hoof and gently kissed it. Rarity pulled back and blushed. “Rainbow, you’re father is such a flatterer.” Rarity said, her face red with embarrassment. “And Twilight. So good to see another princess around. I imagine even Celestia can't do all the work of ruling Equestria on her own. Good on her to find another princess.” Rainbow Dad took Twilight’s hoof and kissed it as well. What do I say! What do I say! What do I say! “Um, I, er. Thank you Mr…” “Oh, just call me Rainbow Dad. Everypony does.” Rainbow Dad looked back at the crowd of neighsayers. “Isn’t that right?” The neighsayers were quick to respond, all chanting the name “Rainbow Dad” “Oh man, this is so cool! I bet you got a lot of dungeon stories to tell!” Rainbow Dash squeeked, holding her forehooves to her mouth. Her father nodded back. “Indeed I do. I’d love to do some catching up. And of course get to know you’re beautiful friends.” Rainbow Dad’s eyes darted between the others. “Well, we certainly have a place for you in Ponyville. Don’t we, Twilight?” Rarity noted. “Wha? Oh of course.” “Excellent! This is going to be great, I can tell. Come, everypony, it looks like we found a place to stay!” Rainbow Dad cried out. As the two groups began trotting back towards Ponyville, Rainbow Dash flew down to ground level to speak to Twilight. “Well what do you know? Looks like we had nothing to worry about after all.” She exclaimed, her excitement having not dissipated in the slightest. Twilight however, feeling tension build up in her back. “Yes, I suppose so.” She had to think about her next words carefully, since she had no intention of offending Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow, why was your father in a dungeon?” She asked. Rainbow Dash bit her lip. Hard enough to draw blood, which was certainly not something Twilight was expecting. “Well, I don’t know. He was just, taken away from me one day. I was never told what he did or if he even did anything.” Rainbow Dash’s tone quickly changed back to her estatic feeling. “But who cares? He’s back now! The most awesome dad in all of Equestria!” Ugh! What an awful day! Twilight collapsed backwards onto her bed, her horn scratching up against the crystal bedframe. She and her friends had just spent the past few hours getting all the survivors acclimated with Ponyville, and getting ponies to cooperate. “Spike are you there? Spike?” Twilight looked up. She had expected Spike to be fast asleep in his bed. Then she remembered he had been invited to a card game with some of the neighsayers. “Hm. Neighsayers. Don’t know if I should be saying that.” “Oh there’s plenty of good ponies among us.” Twilight sat up straight. Rainbow Dad was leaning against the doorframe. He had ditched his dungeon jumpsuit, revealing his body was sleak like Rainbow Dash, but his legs were much larger. “Rainbow Dad? I thought you would be spending time with Rainbow.” “Hm. Oh I have. I got the chance to talk her ear off good. Probably will be doing a lot of that tomorrow as well.” Rainbow Dad trotted over to Twilight’s bedside. “So, what are you doing here?” Twilight asked. Rainbow Dad raised an eyebrow. “You’re majesty. I know what’s been going on with all these biters going around attacking every living thing in sight. I can only imagine hiding your anxiety from others must take it’s toll.” “Oh that’s kind of you, but I’m ok. Really.” “Hm. And to think, Dashie said that Applejack was a bad liar. I know how to read ponies. You have so much tension.” Rainbow Dad lept onto Twilight’s bed, and began gently rubbing her back. “Oh. That actually feels pretty good.” Twilight muttered. Her wings slowly unfurled upward. “I’ll say. Tell you what. How’s about I spend the night here? Help you relieve some of that stress?” Twilight rolled over in surprise. “A-are you serious?” Rainbow Dad was no doubt older than Twilight’s own father, and yet, here he was, making a proposition to her. “You’re a stressed out mare. A beautiful stressed out mare. I’m willing to offer such a…lets call it a service.” Twilight felt her heart race faster than it probably should. Her breathing became heavier. “Well…I have had a more difficult week than usual.” She eyed up Rainbow Dad’s features again. I…he’s right. Rainbow Dash stumbled down the hallways of the castle. A lampshade was stuck to her hoof but she didn’t care. “Pinkie certainly knows how to make ponies comfortable.” She said to herself. This is great. Rainbow Dad is back, and soon we’ll be getting Cloudsdale back too! It can’t get any better than this! “Ah! Ah! Rainbow Dad! AAAAHHHH!” Rainbow Dash’s wings sprung up in surprise. She heard loud thumping coming from Twilight’s room. She pressed her ear against the door. “I aim to please… your highnEEEESSS!!” “Yes! Yes!” Rainbow Dash had to take a step back. Probably should have warned Twilight ahead of time. Dad’s quite the mare’s stallion. > Everypony Needs To Find Happiness Somewhere > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It’s Fluttershy.” “Fluttershy wasn’t the one who became a princess.” “That doesn’t mean anything!” Gah! Can’t a pony try to sleep! Bon Bon opened her eyes. She looked out the balloon basket. Lyra, Minuette and Derpy were sitting around a dying campfire arguing amongst each other. The Doctor was sitting on a rock looking out into the night sky. “What are you you three doing?” Bon Bon asked. “We’re trying to decide who is best pony.” Lyra replied with a shrug. Bon Bon couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Come on, Bonnie, back me up here. Tell Minuette here that Twilight is best pony.” “Fluttershy is best pony and you know it.” Minuette argued, getting right into Lyra’s face. Derpy pushed her forehooves between the two, forcing them apart. “You got to be kidding me. You want the zombies to find our camp?” Bon Bon stepped out of the basket. “Because your arguing will certainly catch their attention. You can’t possibly approve of this, Doctor?” The Doctor looked back at the group. “Well personally I was always partial to Pinkie Pie.” He turned his attention to Derpy. “Let me guess, you think it’s Applejack, don’t you Derpy?” Derpy nodded with a huge smile. “Yes, that makes sense.” Bon Bon facehoofed. Sweet Celestia it’s like talking to a bunch of foals. “I’m just saying…” Minuette waved a hoof. “If you’re so adorable that you can get a god of chaos to change their ways, it’s hard to argue that anypony else is best pony.” She explained. Lyra raised an eyebrow. “Oh so Twilight being a princess doesn’t help her cred, but Fluttershy being cute is?” Derpy poked the fire with a stick. “And you’re not going to explain your decision, are ya?” Derpy just shrugged. Bon Bon trotted up to the Doctor as Lyra and Minuette continued to argue. “Are you going to just let them act like that?” The Doctor reached into his fur, taking out a pocket watch. “Why not?” Is he serious? “Doctor, if they were loud enough to wake me up than they will certainly catch any zombie’s attention.” Bon Bon locked her jaw. When The Doctor noticed he put a hoof around the stressed earth pony. “The way I see it, we all could use a distraction from time to time. Let them have this moment.” The Doctor felt Bon Bon’s back tense up. “Feels like you could use it yourself.” Bon Bon snapped her head back, stepping out of The Doctor’s grip. “I’m fine. Really.” The Doctor took a deep breath. He recognized her tone, one that made it clear she was hiding something. “Can you promise me something, Bon Bon?” He asked. Bon Bon scratched her neck. “Bon Bon?” “I heard you.” “Well you didn’t answer my question.” Bon Bon rolled her eyes. She had a pretty good idea as to what The Doctor was trying to do; it was something Lyra had done many times before. Of course “What?” “When we reach the Crystal Empire, will you relax?” The Doctor held Bon Bon’s face with his forehooves. She reached up to stop him, but the glare in his eyes made her stop. “Bon Bon. This tension isn’t helping.” The Doctor let go of Bon Bon. “Just because we live in a bad Equestria, doesn’t mean we have to let that affect us.” Please… give me a chance…. Bon Bon don’t do this! Bon Bon shivered, remembering the look on Redheart’s bloody face. Blood there because she herself was kicking her. “How? How are we supposed to look at all of this and be the same pony we were before?” “Has something changed, Bon Bon?” Bon Bon blinked. “Has something changed? I’m sleeping in a cramped hot air balloon with four other ponies instead of my bed. There are dead ponies wandering around….” Bon Bon stopped her rant as she finally noticed The Doctor’s hoof on her mouth. “Not Equestria, that goes without saying. I was asking if you have changed. Because you don’t have to.” Bon Bon had to really process The Doctor’s words. Well I certainly have never killed anypony before. “I suppose not.” She lied. “Lyra has been telling me I need to lighten up for years.” “Exactly. I’m not saying don’t be careful, just don’t let all of this hurt you.” The Doctor retorted. Bon Bon felt a shiver go down her back, wondering if that was even possible. Derpy scooted past her and tapped The Doctor on the shoulder. “Ah of course, it’s your turn on watch. Sure thing.” “Um, are you sure you want….” Bon Bon began to say but The Doctor was quick to respond. “I watch from afar when she’s on point.” He whispered. “In case she misses anything.” Derpy held a hoof over her forehead as she looked out over the horizon. “I’m going back to sleep.” Bon Bon trotted back towards the basket. Naturally she couldn’t help but roll her eyes when she saw Lyra and Minuette’s discussion was still going on. “You sleep with a Twilight plushie don’t you?” Minuette asked. Lyra’s face grew beet red. “N-no.” She snapped. Bon Bon crawled back into the basket. Yes you do. She thought to herself. The group had gotten the balloon up in the air within a few hours and was continuing towards the Crystal Empire as planned. Derpy tied the rope around herself so she could pull the balloon while the others rode inside. “Remember Derpy, its north, not south.” The Doctor was quick to remind. Derpy giggled as she turned to face the correct direction. The silly pegasus took off into the air, pulling the balloon along with her. “Well at least you remembered to tell her this time.” Minuette noted. The Doctor just strugged. “What can I say? We didn’t have a plan before.” The Doctor rationalized. “Why not just go where ever we felt like.” Bon Bon leaned against the basket, her forehooves dangling out. “Sometimes I feel like I’m the only pony who’s even paying attention to what’s happening around us.” Lyra laid down against Bon Bon’s back, her forelegs wrapped around Bon Bon’s neck. “More like the only pony here who has a stick up their tail.” Bon Bon rested her chin against the basket. In response, Lyra nuzzled her friend. “Bonnie. We’ll be safe soon. Doesn’t that mean anything?” “Safe. There’s a word I wouldn’t describe any place with any more.” Bon Bon muttered under her breath. Minuette rubbed her jaw, trying to imagine the glistening infrastructure of the Crystal Empire. The last time she was there she only really seen the arena the Equestria Games were being held, not getting the chance to see any other part of the empire. “Soooo, Anypony been to the Crystal Empire before? Besides for the games of course.” She asked. “A couple of times.” The Doctor said. “Never stayed for too long though. Not a whole lot happens there. Friendly ponies though.” “Betcha they aren’t.” The Doctor and Minuette’s attention was drawn to Lyra, who was pointing to the ground below. An isolated building made from stone was in ruin. Flames were engulfing the grassy plains around, the fence surrounding the structure was broken, and zombie ponies were wandering around. “Any ideas?” Lyra asked. Bon Bon sat back down on her haunches. “It’s a dungeon, who do you think it could it be?” “All I see are zombies.” The Doctor noted. “Assuming any of the neighsayers inside is a bit much.” “Some of them probably are neighsayers.” Minuette suggested. “Well here’s hoping they didn’t get out.” Bon Bon muttered. The Doctor and Minuette shared the same expression for disbelief. “I wouldn’t wish being turned into a zombie on my worst enemy.” The Doctor replied. Lyra raised an eyebrow. “Do you even have a greatest enemy?’” She asked. The Doctor didn’t answer right away. He seemed to be mulling the question around in his head a bit. “Not in a while.” Before Lyra could respond, the sound of Derpy grunting rang out through her ears. The others attention turned to Derpy, who was trying to push a zombie pegasus away from her. “Hold on Derpy!” The Doctor cried. “Lyra, use your magic!” “M-me? What do I do?” She stuttered. Derpy backed herself up against the basket. The zombie pegasus snarled loudly as it flew closer. “D-Derpy get back here!” “Oh I’ll get it!” Minuette’s horn began glowing. The same blue aura her horn gave off appeared over the wings of the zombie pegasus. “Come on!” “What are you doing?” Lyra cried. The Doctor put a hoof on Lyra’s shoulder. “Trust her. I think I know what Minuette is trying to do.” Minuette started to groan. The zombie pegasus’ wings began to spred out, the sound of cracking bone emerging from the undead pony. Finally its wings popped off, leaving the rest of zombie pegasus’ body to tumble down hundreds of feet below. The Doctor helped Derpy climb back into the basket. “It’s ok. I got you.” He reassured. Derpy’s shaking stopped as he stroked her mane. Bon Bon looked out of the basket, watching the zombie pony fall. Bon Bon cringed, remembering Redheart falling to her death as well. "I-I’m sorry.” Lyra muttered. The others looked back at her. “I panicked. Those things are just…” Bon Bon’s heart sank. She wanted to confort her friend, but all she could think about was Redheart. How can I make her feel better when I can’t even do that for myself? The rest of the trip was mostly quiet. Which was fine as far as Bon Bon was concerned. Minuette really didn’t have much to say. Lyra on the other hand, couldn’t sit idle. Her twitching had been gradually becoming more and more intense. “Lyra, will you please knock it off?” Bon Bon groaned. “I can’t! We almost er…we kind of…I didn’t…” Derpy reached over and patted Lyra’s shoulder. Her warm smile convinced Lyra to at the very least smile back. “It doesn’t seem like Derpy holds it against you.” Minuette noted. Bon Bon couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt. I should be the one comforting my friend. MY friend. She thought to herself. “Doctor, are we there yet?” She snapped. The Doctor looked out over the mountains that dotted the horizon. Off in the distance, was a magical dome on the ground. “Yes, I do say we are almost there.” He recognized the magical barrier as the same one that had briefly been used to keep Canterlot safe. I should have expected Captain Armor would use that shielding spell. The four mares gathered by the Doctor’s side to get a better view. Gradually the Crystal Empire was getting easier to see through the shield. The glimmer from the crystalline structures within was enough to make a big smile appear on Derpy and Lyra’s faces. “So shiny.” Lyra said with great enthusiasm. “Seems just as pretty every time I see it.” Minuette couldn’t help but nod in agreement. “Nothing quite like it in Equestria.” “Well, with the acception of the new castle back in Pony….” The Doctor stopped himself. No, better not mention Ponyville. Not now. This is a good moment. Derpy’s rubbed her eyes and gulped. “What is it, Derpy? You see something?” Minuette asked. The cross-eyed Pegasus pointed to the ground around the shield. Minuette’s jaw dropped. Zombie ponies were swarming around the Crystal Empire, their faces pressed against the shield, pushing against it with all their strength. “There must be thousands.” Lyra shrank back into the balloon and resumed twitching. Derpy began pointing at one zombie pony at a time. The Doctor simply shook his head. “I don’t believe counting is necessary, Derpy.” He noted. The balloon was getting closer and closer. Lyra’s face was wet with sweat. “It’s ok. They don’t see us. They won’t see us.” “We’re going to be ok. Somepony has to be on watch. They’ll see us. They have to.” Minuette stated. They better. Derpy drew her attention back to the horde. Some of the zombie ponies slid their faces off the shield and drew their attention to the balloon. She slammed her forehoof against her mouth to keep herself from screaming. Lyra however, didn’t feel the same compusion. “LET US IN! PLEASE!” Bon Bon pulled Lyra back, holding both forehooves over Lyra’s mouth. But she reacted too late. Dozens of zombie pegasi started fly up towards the balloon. Lyra tried to scream again, though Bon Bon tightened her grip. “Shut up, your going to get us all killed.” “No pony is going to die. Just stay calm.” The Doctor said. He turned his attention back to the shield. A small hole opened up a few feet higher than the balloon. “There! Somepony must have seen us.” A group of pegasi in crystal armor covered in blood emerged from the hole. “Oh no, more of them!” Lyra lost her composure. “Don’t eat us!” One of the pegasi put his orange hooves against the basket. He had to do a double take at the sight of Lyra. “Mint…. Er, It’s ok ma’am. We are here to rescue you.” The pegasus noted. Each of the crystal pegasi guards picked up one of the group members, while the sole pegasus that wasn’t a crystal pony picked up Lyra, carrying her through the hole in the shield, which quickly closed behind him. “What about the balloon?” Minuette asked. “Can’t risk it. Now come on. The Princess and Prince are going to be glad to finally see other survivors.” The guard holding her explained. She looked back one last time as the hot air balloon started drifting away from the shield and out of sight. A crowd of Crystal Ponies had gathered around the Crystal Heart in the center of the empire. The Doctor’s group was quickly dropped off not far from the Heart itself. The crowd began to talk amongst themselves. “Where are you from!” “What is going on out there!” “What happened to the ponies out there!” Derpy had to hover in the air to avoid the crowd. The others were not so lucky, as they were swarmed by the questioning crystal ponies in seconds. The regular pegasus guard had to push through the crowd to get closer to The Doctor’s group. “Please, give them some breathing room. Please, we won’t get answers by just attacking Minty and her friends like this.” He explained. “Minty?” Lyra asked. Bon Bon turned her head. “I think he’s talking about you.” The pegasus guard coughed. “Oh, um. Sorry ma’am. You just…well I used to know somepony who….well…” He stopped talking out of embarrassment. “Captain!” Shining Armor, a white unicorn stallion in purple armor emerged from the crowd, all of whom graciously backed away so he could approach unapposed. “Oh, good to see you. This all of them, Flash?” He asked. The pegasus nodded back. “Good. I’ll take it from here. You get yourselves cleaned off. You’re a mess.” Shining Armor ordered. Flash took his leave with the four crystal guard ponies. “You’re majesty, I don’t mean to be blunt…” Minuette wiped off some of the blood on her back left behind by the guards. “But why are your men look like they’ve been sprayed with a hose? But with blood instead of water?” She asked. Shining Armor scratched his neck. “Well, it helps them blend in with the horde. Come on, this isn’t a good place to talk. I’ll take you inside. Princess Cadence will want to know about what’s going on out there.” And so will I. As Shining Armor led the group into the castle above, The Doctor glanced at the Crystal Heart. It was glowing brightly, more so than the crystal ponies even. He started to wonder what part it had to play in the thousands of zombie ponies outside. Princess Cadence was pacing back and forth in her throne room. She adjusted her regalia. While she preferred more casual outings, it helped if she at least looked presentable for the survivors. “Shining, where are you?” Right on cue her husband arrived with The Doctor’s group. “Oh thank goodness. When we heard no word from the rest of Equestria we started to fear the worst.” Cadence noted. The Doctor pulled on his collar. “Well it is certainly good that you care.” “Of course I care. That’s why we sent an envoy to find more survivors.” Cadence replied. Shining Armor trotted over to Cadence. “Honey, I’m afraid this group wasn’t with the envoy.” He explained. “What? Then how did you know to come here?” She asked. “We thought it would be the safest place to be.” Minuette answered. “Ponyville’s a bust so…” “PONYVILLE!” Shining Armor and Cadence exclaimed simultaneously. Bon Bon bit her lip. “I suppose we have come quite far…” Lyra tapped on Bon Bon’s shoulder. “Bon Bon. Princess Twilight is Captain Shining Armor’s sister and Princess Cadence’s Sister-in-law.” She whispered. Oh ponyfeathers. The Doctor pushed his way past Minutte and Lyra to address Shining Armor and Cadence directly. “Your majesties.” He took a deep breath. “What Bon Bon meant to say is Ponyville was not in the best condition when we escaped.” Oh bugger, I'm just digging a deeper hole. “B-but I’m sure Twilight and her friends made it out as well.” The Doctor had to cover his mouth to hide his twitching mouth. “I mean…if random noponies like us can make it out heroes like them certainly can.” Lyra added, though she wasn’t sure how much it was going to help. Shining Armor and Cadence turned away from the group and held each other close. “We can’t give up.” Cadence whispered. “I know. Twily’s still alive. She has to be. If she wasn’t I would know. I just…I just know she’s ok.” Shining Armor whispered back. The two took a deep breath in unison before turning back to the group. “W-we thank you for letting us know what you do. We’ll find a place for you to stay. The Crystal Empire has plenty of room.” Cadence uttered. Derpy, Lyra and Bon Bon felt most of their built up tension ease up. “That’s the first good thing I’ve heard in days.” Bon Bon regretted saying that when Shining Armor took a gulp. For whatever it’s worth. The Doctor put a hoof to his chin. “Your majesties, do you mind if I ask you something? If that’s ok with you?” “Certainly. We are trying to be as welcoming as we can after all.” Shining Armor replied. Er. Maybe it would have been easier if I were told no. The Doctor thought to himself. “Well, there is the horde outside. They wouldn’t’ happen to be attracted to the Crystal Empire would it?” “Doctor!” Minuette snapped. “You can’t just assume something like that. Not to their faces.” “I’m afraid it’s true.” Shining Armor sighed. Derpy tilted her head in confusion. “Your majesty, surely the Crystal Heart would keep them away. Shouldn’t it?” Minuette asked. Cadence shook her head. “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid that isn’t so. The Crystal Heart is meant to bring love and joy throughout the land. Unfortunately, it seems the undead are drawn to love.” The Princess of Love closed her eyes. She didn’t want to see their reaction. Her own feelings of guilt at being unable to do anything about it was enough. The evening air felt nice against Lyra’s mane. She and Bon Bon were having a nice walk along the crystal streets. Most of the crystal ponies also wandering the around were no longer watching them. “Finally, no weird looks.” Bon Bon intentionally said out loud. “Well that’s not very nice.” “Neither is staring.” The two friends were about to walk past a pub. They probably would have just kept walking if they hadn’t noticed the two ponies inside. Two crystal stallions in guard armor probably didn’t notice Lyra or Bon Bon. They were too lost in a deep kiss. “Hm. I guess this place has that affect on ponies.” Lyra whispered. Bon Bon didn’t answer. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to. “Hey. Everypony needs to find happiness somewhere? Right?” Lyra held her friend’s hoof. Bon Bon closed her eyes and thought about it for a moment. “Bon Bon?” Bon Bon smiled for the first time since the outbreak began. “You’re right.” > Why Should I Believe Anything You Say > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Just need a couple dozen balloons and we’ll be good to go.” Rarity was tempted to just faint right then and there. For the past hour she and several other ponies had been bringing down balloons from Pinkie’s room, carrying them from Sugarcube Corner to the center of town, and then tying them around her body. “Pinkie, please! Surely this is enough?” She groaned. “My back has gone numb.” Her tone quickly changed as she felt her hooves lift off the ground. “Pinkie! What is going on!” Pinkie reached up and grabbed Rarity’s forehooves. “Don’t worry, Rarity. I’m not letting you fly away yet. We still need to get balloons for me and Applejack.” Pinkie walked backwards on her hindlegs until she reached the Town Hall. “Just hold on.” Pinkie pulled Rarity’s hooves towards the railing, giving her the chance to grab on. “I don't see how I have much of a choice!” Applejack and Rainbow Dash trotted over with more balloons, some of which were already tied around Applejack. “Well lookie here. Look’s like yer plan to get us non-flyin’ ponies to Cloudsdale aut to work after all.” Applejack noted. Rarity gritted her teeth, finding it hard to imagine Applejack would be saying that if their positions had been reversed. “Well, good to see somepony is at least up again.” She muttered. Applejack let out a small whiny and looked away. Rarity felt her grip on the railing start to slip. “Pinkie, I don’t know how much longer I can hold on.” “Don’t you worry about that! Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps should be on the way here with Bulk Biceps’ weight set. That should keep you steady until it’s time to go.” Pinkie explained. Rainbow Dash cocked her head, remembering that out of all the ponies she would never say has much physical strength, it would be Fluttershy. “Does Bulk Biceps really need help with that? I mean…” “Support, darling.” Rarity had to reach down with her hind legs to get a better grip on the railing. “She told us that Bulk Biceps hasn’t been himself lately. Though if you ask me I don’t see much of a difference.” No pony ain’t themselves lately. Applejack pondered. Admittedly Fluttershy knew Bulk Biceps better than her so as far as Applejack knew, perhaps there was something off about the musle bound pegasus after all. “We’re almost there. This way.” Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s attention was turned caught by the approach of Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps. Fluttershy was flying backwards, guiding Bulk Biceps, who was also flying though much lower to the ground. Bulk Biceps was carrying dozens of weights on his back, thought that didn’t seem to be what was keeping him from moving at his normal speed. “Thank goodness. I’ve been terrified I might be carried off into the sky.” Rarity let go of the railing to make a gesture, though she was quick to grab back onto the railing. “I’m sorry.” Bulk Biceps muttered. His voice quivering, unlike his normal loud tone. “It’s ok, we are here now.” Fluttershy stroked the side of Bulk Biceps’ neck. Pinkie bounced over to Fluttershy. “I just…. there’s no….” Bulk Biceps stammered, finding himself unable to speak up. “What is it?” Pinkie asked. “UNDEAD! GOTTA SMASH EM! TEAR THEM APPART!” Bulk Biceps was loud enough to knock the others off their hooves. Fluttershy got up first. “Please, remember what we said. You don’t need to do that.” Fluttershy squeaked. Bulk Biceps’ snorted as loudly as he could; his breathing was getting sparatic the more he did so. “Bulk Biceps, please.” Bulk Biceps closed his eyes as his snorting changed to deep breaths. “I-I don’t…. I don’t think….” He couldn’t finish his sentence. All Bulk Biceps could do was just look away. However this was a mistake. A zombie unicorn was trotting around the surrounding houses. “GET SOME!” Bulk Biceps dropped his weight set and sped towards the zombie unicorn, tackling it to the ground, and smashing its face. He pounded his hooves into the undead creature, it’s head quickly flattened against the grass. But Bulk Biceps just kept pounding the bloody remains, bits of brain, blood and bone flying sent flying with each pound. “YEAH!” “Alright, alright! Ah think ya got em.” Applejack walked over to Bulk Biceps, getting blood splattered on her face as she got closer. “YYYYYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!” “Quiet. Please.” Fluttershy flew over to Bulk Biceps, which prompted him to stop pounding the zombie pony. “The adrenaline. It has power!” Bulk Biceps tore off one of the zombie pony’s legs, and began beating it against its back. “I can feel it! Can you feel it!” Fluttershy grinded her hooves into the dirt as she stood her ground. “No. No pony should.” Bulk Biceps spun around, knocking Fluttershy to the ground. Not on your life buddy. Rainbow Dash sped towards Bulk Biceps at her top speed, punting Bulk Biceps in the gut. Though he was easily three times larger than Rainbow Dash, the speed at which she went was enough to make him topple over, splattering the remains of the zombie pony all over his back. Bulk Biceps let out a massive roar, the clear pleasure in his tone made Rainbow Dash want to punch him again. “What’s the matter with you!” “Please. Yelling like that will make more of them appear.” Fluttershy pleaded. Bulk Biceps clattered his teeth together. “No. We don’t that.” “W-we don’t want…. We don’t….” Bulk Biceps looked over at the others. Rarity looked straight up scared while Applejack and Rainbow Dash just looked furious. Pinkie was looking on with intrigue. “I-I-I um.” Bulk Biceps covered his face with his hooves and flew away from Town Square. “Fluttershy?” Pinkie bounced over to her. “What’s happening with him?” “H-he likes to fight those things. It makes him feel good.” Fluttershy explained in a tiny voice. “He finds it thrilling.” Rarity shook her head. “There is nothing thrilling about killing these things.” She felt her grip slipping again. “Um, Pinkie, now that they have the weights could you please GET THESE BALLOONS OFF ME!” “Okie dokie lokie.” Pinkie reached around Rarity’s back to untie the balloons, but was distracted by the sight of Twilight and Spike approaching. “Opsie, we’re almost ready to go.” Rarity longed for her fainting couch. “I don’t even want to know.” Spike muttered to nopony in particular. Twilight seemed to be in a bit of a daze, and didn’t react. Once she noticed Twilight’s trance, Rainbow Dash let out a snicker. “Hm. Have fun with Rainbow Dad?” Twilight was quick to react. “Wha? Sorry, I was just um, thinking.” Sure you were. Rainbow Dash thought to herself. Pinkie trotted over to Spike, having already tied several balloons around her body. Spike’s eyes widened at the sight of Rarity, realizing what Pinkie were about to do. “Um, thanks but no thanks.” He backed up next to Twilight. Twilight simply nodded back at Pinkie. “He can stick with me on the trip to Cloudsdale.” Twilight noted. Pinkie’s ears drooped as she felt a twinge of disapointment. She had been looking forward to tying balloons to all of her friends. “I just thought it would be fun to fly there on balloons.” “Well….” Rarity felt a tingle travel down her legs and numbness start to affect her neck. “Maybe not everypony. Pinkie Pie, please get these balloons off of me!” “Sorry about that.” Pinkie darted to Rarity, quickly tying untying the balloon from Rarity. Rarity collapsed to the groundletting out a sigh of relief. “At last.” Now you know how I felt staying in one spot forever. Rainbow Dash thought back to when Rarity had used her to create one of her outfits some time ago, and she still couldn’t forget how much it chaifed. “Somepony pass me the weights!” Pinkie called out to the group, feeling the balloons start to lift her off the ground. As Rainbow Dash started carrying the weights over to Pinkie, Fluttershy tapped Twilight on the shoulder. “Um, Twilight, you didn’t happen to see Bulk Biceps on the way here, did you?” “I can’t say I did.” Twilight looked around the surrounding area. “Why? What was he doing?” “Well, he’s not doing very well. He wants to keep fighting the zombie ponies. It’s making him restless.” Fluttershy explained. Of course she herself was feeling restless too. Maybe it was just being in proximity to Bulk Biceps, maybe it was the fact a zombie was able to sneak up on her so easily, or perhaps it was trying to explain to Twilight. Pinkie started to lift into the air due to the balloons tied to her. “You ready to go? This is going to be fun!” Rarity rubbed her hooves against her face, not looking forward to being tied up again. “It will be better when you’re not holding onto anything.” Pinkie noted. “Yes. I’ve already talked to Zecora, she’ll take care of things here while we’re gone.” Hopefully the Dodge Junction ponies and the Neighsayers won’t do anything in the meantime. She thought to herself. “Wait!” A squeaky voice cried out. The group spun around to see the rest of the Apple Family, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Rainbow Dad approach. The three fillies reached the group first, all three of whom lept into the forelegs of Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity respectively. “Ya’ll really have to go on yer own?” Applebloom asked. “At least let us go with you!” Scootaloo noted. Granny Smith was the first adult to respond. “Now hold up. That ain’t why we’re all here.” Granny Smith and Big McIntosh trotted over to Applejack’s side. “After everythang that has happened….” “Ah ain’t leavin’ mah friends in the dust. Ah gotta go.” Applejack started to shiver, trying not to think about what happened in Dodge Junction. And failing. “Not all of you have to go right?” Sweetie Belle walked back and forth between Rarity and Applejack. “I mean…you scared us enough the last time you left town.” “Hey, now, we didn’t even know where you were last time.” Rainbow Dash put a wing around Scootaloo. “And as for you, well, if you came with me, who’s going to watch over your friends?” She turned her attention to her father, who was shaking his head in amusement. “What?” “Nothing. Just liking what I’m hearing from you.” Rainbow Dad gave a coy smile to Twilight, who couldn’t help but blush. “Course, I’d be remised if I didn’t tell you to take care of my daughter.” Pinkie took Rainbow Dad by surprise, rising up into sight. “We got that all taken care of! Nopony will get hurt. Pinkie Promise!” “Heart! Fly!” “Cupcake! Eye!” Pinkie grinned in response to the Cake Twins, who were sitting on the railing of Town Hall. “Exactly!” Big McIntosh let out a deep whiny. “Nope.” He muttered. “Big Mac!” Granny Smith snapped. The large stallion raised his head up high. “Ya’ll can’t keep that promise. It’s dangerous out thar.” Though Big McIntosh’s tone didn’t change, his lip started to tremble. “Ya couldn’t keep that Jubiliee pony away from mah sister. Ya can’t do any thang about the trotters all over Equestria.” Pinkie thought she could avoid the issue by backing away from Big McIntosh, but he simply trotted after her. “Don’t ya dare make a promise ya can’t keep.” Big McIntosh’s tone was down right scaring everypony present. The Cake Twins were on the verge of tears. Fluttershy broke the silence. “Y-you don’t really believe that? Do you, Big McIntosh?” Big McIntosh took a deep breath. “Eeyup.” Pinkie couldn’t stop blinking. She wanted to say something, anything, but for the first time in a long time, she found herself at a loss for words. Spike was so terrified he was actually able to ignore the itch in his back. “Sooooo.” Rainbow Dash twirled her mane. “We need to get a move on.” She said, trying desperately to change the topic. Sweetie Belle looked up at her older sister. “Don’t you listen to Big Mac. We’ll be back.” Rarity promised. Big McIntosh groaned incredulously. “Ah didn’t say ya’ll wouldn’t come back.” All eyes turned to him again. “I know ya’ll will. Ah said don’t make promises ya can’t keep.” “Ah appreciate yer concern. Mighty kind of ya, Big Mac.” Applejack smiled, feeling a warmth in her stomach as the tension felt by everypony else started to fade. “Well just be careful, that’s all.” Granny Smith said. “Or Ah’ll kick yer kesters.” I needed that. Twilight thought to herself. Rarity couldn’t feel her hooves. The balloons carrying her, Applejack and Pinkie were doing their job all too well. Of course looking down at Equestria as they got higher and higher was getting unnerving. Pinkie floated up to her eye level. “See? I told you it would work.” “Oh that was not in doubt, darling.” Rarity did her best not to look down. “Though it is certainly not the most optimal method of travel.” “Hey, you get used to it.” Rainbow Dash reassured, hovering higher than the rest of the group. She noticed Fluttershy wasn’t exactly comfortable flying up hundreds of feet in the air either. “Come on, back me up here.” Rainbow Dash asked. Fluttershy muttered something under her breath, too soft to hear. “Maybe. I guess.” Twilight answered. She looked at Spike on her back, who was still scratching himself. Twilight felt a sharp pain in her back as loose scales fell off Spike and landed in her fur. “Spike. Could you hold up on that until we get to Cloudsdale?” “I can’t help it!” Spike continued scratching his back, causing him to loose his balance, sliding into Twilight’ s left wing. This in turn caused Twilight to tumble down, bumping into Applejack’s flank. “AAHHH! DON’T TOUCH ME THAR!” Twilight and Applejack forced themselves apart, resulting in Spike falling off Twilight’s back. “SPIKE!” Twilight cried. Rainbow Dash turned herself downward and sped after the falling dragon. Twilight and Applejack were pushed back as Rainbow Dash disappeared in a streak of multicolored light, flying down at her top speed, and catching Spike before he could fall any further. “Gotcha! Don’t scare me like that.” Rainbow Dash panted. She flew up to Twilight’s level. Spike couldn’t speak. He was still in shock. “Let me help.” Twilight reached over, helping Spike onto her back. As she did so, she got a wiff of Rainbow Dash’s scent. It had never really bothered her before, but that was before she met Rainbow Dad, whose scent wasn’t all that different. Realizing that she was showing her distraction in her face, Twilight quickly shook her head to try and get the thought out of her mind. “Um, um, Spike! Right! Spike how are you doing?” Twilight stuttered. Spike stopped panting. “I’m ok. Really. I’m certainly not itching for a while.” Of course he regretted doing so immediately, as the itchy feeling started to tingle down his spine. “Oh, lookie there!” Pinkie cried. Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Spike looked up. The bottom of Cloudsdale was now within sight. It was the largest cloud in the sky, and the only one that looked “heavier” than the others. “We made it.” At last. Rarity imagined the release of getting her balloons untied from her in a matter of minutes. Noticing a purple aura appearing around her body, Rarity looked down at Twilight, who surely enough, was casting the “walk on cloud” spell on her, Applejack, Pinkie and Spike. So this is what this spell feels like. Normally Cloudsdale would be bussling with activity, pegasi of all ages flying around, using the numerous pillars and cloud rings in the air as obstacles to avoid. Workers in hardhats would be drilling and forming new structures all over the town. It was how Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had known Cloudsdale to be like all their lives. But the others certainly wouldn’t have that feeling with the empty streets. “Not the homecoming I was expecting.” Rainbow Dash muttered to no pony in particular. Fluttershy took a step forward, the soft quishy clouds beneath her hooves leaving almost no imprint at all. “Where is everypony?” She muttered. Pinkie bounced to her side. “Well I can think of one way.” Pinkie tooking a huge breathe of air. Realizing what Pinkie was about to do, Twilight, Rarity and Spike bolted to her side, slamming Pinkie’s mouth shut. “SHHHH!” They said in unison. “You want to attract more of those zombies!” Spike snapped. Pinkie jumped up into the air to get a better look at the town around her. The rest of the group looked at Pinkie in surprise as she hung in the air for half a minute before landing back on the clouds. “Don’t see anypony so far.” She looked at the twins in her saddlebags. “You see anypony?” Rarity rubbed her foreleg. “Pinkie Pie, I don’t think the babies can see any…” “Fluffy!” “Birdy!” Twilight and Spike ran ahead of the group, walking up a flight of stairs, leading up to a rotunda. Spike had to squint his eyes to get a better view of the structures in the distance. “I got nothing.” He noted. Twilight couldn’t make out a living being around either. Not even fallen zombie bodies that had strewned across Appleloosa. “I assumed there would at least be corpses.” Rainbow Dash took Twilight by surprise by taking a flying leap and landing hard next to her. “Come on, Twilight. We didn’t keep bodies around in Ponyville. Why should anypony here leave bodies around?” Rainbow Dash looked back at the others, who were making their way up the stairs. “Alright everypony. Let’s split up and try to find…” “No!” Applejack stopped moving, which motivated Fluttershy and Pinkie to stop as well. “We ain’t seperatin’. At all.” Applejack said as firmly as she could. Fluttershy raised a forehoof. “I agree. We could get lost if we did that.” BOOM! The entire group jumped in surprise at the booming sound of thunder. The Cake Twins started crying in response. “No! I got this.” Pinkie shuffled into her bag, pulling out a small flour sack and poured its contents all over her. The twins began laughing before Pinkie was fully covered with flour. “All better.” “Yes, but where did that come from?” Rarity asked. Another roaring burst of thunder rang out, spooking the group again. “Rainbow?” “Sounds like somepony is using the thunder machines.” She suggested. “Thunder wouldn’t be able to hurt zombies.” Twilight replied. She imagined lightning might be effective if it hit a zombie in the head, but thunder was just noise. Applejack scanned the surrounding area. A buzzing sound was slowly but surely getting louder. “Woah nelly. We need to go. Now.” “What is it?” Pinkie asked. Applejack pointed to the north. The others gathered around Applejack to get a better look. Fluttershy’s eyes widened. Parasprites, hundreds of them, were buzzing towards the group. “Ya’ll think thar trotters?” Applejack tilted her head towards her friends. “Let’s not stick around to find out.” Fluttershy muttered, backing up past the rest of the group. Thunder roared out a third time. “Everypony take cover!” Twilight cried. Of course there wasn’t much cover, leaving the group no choice but to run in the opposite direction. “Rainbow! Please tell me there’s somewhere we can hide?” Rarity panted, almost tripping over her own hooves as she tried to keep up with the others. “There’s eh, some…” Rainbow Dash’s mind was drawing a blank. Once the group was out of the rotunda, she noticed a resturant with its window shattered. “There!” Spike was the first to reach the resturant, opening the door and motioning to the Mane Six. “Hurry!” Spike looked back and forth from his friends piling into the resturant and the parasprites off in the distance. “Spike! Get in here!” Twilight couldn’t wait for him, and instead pulled Spike indoors with her magic, slamming the door shut. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie glanced out the broken window to get a better look at the parasprite horde outside. “If only I had my trombone.” Pinkie said to herself. Of coruse Spike had his doubts that would work this time around. The little buzzing creatures swarmed the streets, some were missing wings, others were missing lower jaws, but all were zombified. “Nopony make a sound.” Twilight ordered. Rarity backed into one of the tables in the resturant, almost falling to the ground, but Spike caught her. “Thank you, Spikey.” Pinkie trotted away from the door, and stepped over the counter. “Maybe there’s something in the kitchen we can use.” She suggested. “Good idea.” Twilight replied. “If there’s any food in stock bring it out here. We can use it as bait.” “Assuming they haven’t already eaten it.” Spike pointed out. “Spike!” “What? Those things eat more than I do.” A statement that Twilight found hard to argue with. “PINKIE!” “PIE!” The group’s attention was quick to move from the parasprites outside to the Cake Twin’s cries from the kitchen. Pinkie struggled to crawl along the ground. Her blood was pooling around her as she moved. “Don’t look. Pound Cake. Pumpkin Cake.” The door to the kitchen flung open, allowing the others to pour inside. “PINKIE!” Rainbow Dash cried. Blood was spurting out of three huge gashes running along her Pinkie’s neck. Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity reached Pinkie’s fallen form first, Rarity holding Pinkie upright, pressing a napkin against her wounds. “Pinkie Pie, talk to me! What happened?” Applejack asked. “She got in my way.” A raspy voice rang out. Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth as a familiar face emerged from behind the fallen stove. It was Gilda, a griffon and former friend. “Gilda! What are you doing here!” Rainbow Dash flew into Gilda’s face, holding her by the sides of her head. “Dash, woud you kindly get your big horse face out of mine!” “NO! You did this to Pinkie didn’t you!” Fluttershy began to look around the kitchen; opening as many cabinets she could, as quickly as she could. “Rainbow Dash, please don't argue with her, Pinkie needs our help. Help me find something I can use to sew her up.” Fluttershy begged. “She’s already gone.” Gilda crossed her arms and looked at Rarity. “Out of the way, dweep. I’ll finish her off.” Before Gilda could react, she found herself on the floor, a painful punch from Rainbow Dash having knocked her down. “You’ve done enough.” Rainbow Dash snapped. ‘Ya’ll got a lot of nerve to say that.” Applejack added. Oh give me a break. Gilda thought to herself. While Rainbow Dash continued staring down Gilda, Twilight called upon her magic, opening all the cabinets at once. Spike climbed onto the counter to reach one of the cabinets. Surely enough there was a string spool among the utencils. “Rarity!” Spike tossed the spool to Rarity, who caught it with her magic. Gilda rolled her eyes. “It’s not going to work…” “SHUT UP, GILDA!” Rainbow Dash stepped on Gilda’s wing, making the griffon squawk in pain. She looked back at Pinkie. “Twilight, do you have a spell that can act like anesthetic?” Fluttershy meekly asked. Twilight had to think deeply for a moment before realizing she had uncovered a numbing spell during her studies. “Twilight, we are on a deadline!” Rarity snapped. Pinkie tried to speak, but only spit out a mouthful of blood. Gotta do something! Something! Twilight pointed her horn at Pinkie’s wounds, casting her numbing spell. “Fluttershy, do your thang. Hurry!” Applejack backed up to allow Fluttershy to work on Pinkie’s wounds. Fluttershy dropped the spool, feeling her stomach turn from all the blood. Rarity touched Fluttershy’s hoof. “I’ll do it.” “Are you sure?” “It’s no trouble. I’ve done plenty of sewing before.” Of course it was always a dress or suit, not another pony. There was something demented about it, even knowing many doctors have done it before. With each stitch she couldn’t help but wince. And Pinkie’s groans of pain were not helping. Never the less, Rarity knew for a fact that Fluttershy wouldn’t be able to do it herself. For Pinkie Pie. And Fluttershy. “Are you done?” Gilda asked. She didn’t see the point of even trying to save Pinkie. “Can I kill her? I’d be doing her a favor.” Twilight extended her wings. “Don’t you care at all? You were the one who did this.” “Psh. Is that supposed to be threatening? Besides, she came in here slowly without making a sound so I thought she was one of those things. Yell at her, not me.” Gilda argued. Why was I friends with this jerk again? Rainbow Dash stomped her hoof. “What are you even doing here, Gilda? I thought you wouldn’t want to anything to do with ponies.” Part of her didn’t want to hear, since she knew she wasn’t going to like it. “Well I certainly didn’t want to stick around with a bunch of ponies. But then the dead started getting back up and eating things.” Gilda explained. “Your Wonderbolts were doing pretty good keeping them back. Until the little bugs showed up. Ate everything in sight.” All Gilda’s words were sounding far more familiar than what was comfortable. When parasprites had attacked Ponyville the previous year they tore the whole town apart in less than an afternoon. “Gilda, do you know if there’s anypony still alive?” Twilight asked. “There were.” Gilda looked back at Rainbow Dash. “The Wonderbolts said they were going to make as much noise as they could to bait out the bugs. Course they're probably dead.” She showed little reaction to Rainbow Dash grabbing her fur. “No way! The Wonderbolts can handle parasprites just fine!” She didn’t care that she was getting spit on Gilda’s face as she spoke. Nopony insulted the Wonderbolts like that in front of her. “You heard that thunder earlier? That was them, trying to play hero, hoping ponies who can’t defend themselves will run away.” “Ya mind telling us where are they now exactly?” Applejack asked. Gilda shrugged. “They got caught by the bugs. Had to take cover while they were eaten.” The griffon found herself hit by Rainbow Dash again. “You abandoned them to die!” “What did you expect me to do?” Gilda replied. “Those things ate everything in their path. The Wonderbolts wanted me to run, so I did. You want your idols to have died for nothing…” “SPITFIRE AND SOARIN ARE NOT DEAD!” Rainbow Dash roared with all her might. Spike started biting his claws. “Rainbow, they might hear you.” He muttered. Rainbow Dash collapsed to the floor. “They're not dead. They're not dead.” “I don’t hear any thunder, Dash.” Gilda rubbed the cheek her former friend had hit her. “Make your own conclusions.” Twilight gulped, thinking that was actually a rational assumption to make. “Why should I believe anything you say?” Rainbow Dash buried her face in her hooves. “You almost took my friend’s head off…. they're not dead. They're not dead.” Wait a moment. ‘Almost took my friend’s head off.’ Twilight began to think back. Horror started shivering through her body as she remembered her nightmare. The one where Pinkie appeared to her as a severed head. No. That’s not possible. Just because Applejack gets hurt the same way doesn’t mean anything. However another look at the two Earth ponies and the injuries they bore, only made Twilight’s fear increase, her teeth chattering away as she tried to hold back a nervous break down. Pinkie mustered enough strength to lift her head up. Dashie…. She thought to herself before finally passing out from blood loss. > I've Been Worried About You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “This is a waste of time.” Though she wasn’t hit again, Gilda was expecting it. Rather the ponies and the young dragon just ignored her as they loaded Pinkie into a pegasus chariot. “No its not. Zecora has remidies that should be able to save Pinkie’s life.” Twilight replied. She turned her attention to Spike. “Good job finding this chariot garage, Spike.” Spike looked aroud the mostly empty garage. "Yeah, be glad I found one that had a chariot left." “Pinkie…” “Pie….” Rarity picked up the Cake Twins in her forehooves. Before the foals could start crying again, she gently rocked the twins back and forth. “Shhh. It’s ok dearies. Pinkie Pie will be getting help soon.” Rainbow Dash was helping Twilight put one of the harnesses for the chariot on her back, having already strapped herself into the other. “Since when were you good with kids, Rarity?” She asked. Rarity looked back up, still rubbing Pound’s forehead. “You could say I have had practice. With Sweetie Belle. Mother and Father believed I owed them for all the trouble I gave them as a filly, so I raised her as much as them.” Fluttershy noticed Pinkie trying to move around in the chariot. “Pinkie, try not to move. Your stitches might come loose….” “I want…. to…. see…. My kids….” “Somehow I doubt you will again.” Gilda stated. She looked over at Rainbow Dash. Somehow she knew exactly what her former friend was going to say but decided to just let her say it. “Gilda just shut up. You’ll regret it.” Gilda scoffed. She wasn’t afraid of a pony, any pony, much less one that, as far as she was concerned, was going to only last a little while longer. “Why? I’m telling you what you should already know. She’s gonna die.” The Cake Twins let out dual cries. This time the wailing was louder than before. Loud enough for Applejack, who was standing guard outside, to hear. “Will ya’ll quiet those foals down! Can’t have those varmits findin’ us!” Twilight and Rainbow Dash pulled the chariot out of the garage. “Get in.” Rainbow Dash ordered. As the rest of the ponies and Spike piled into the chariot with Pinkie, Rainbow Dash found herself hesitating. “Rainbow?” Twilight gulped. The look on her friend’s face was one Rainbow Dash didn’t show very often. The word “heartbroken” was written all over her. “I’m sorry. I know you grew up here. If you need anything I’m here.” She promised. “Hey Dash!” Rainbow Dash looked at Gilda, who gave her wings a flap. “What she said.” Rainbow Dash was stunned. After what happened when Gilda visited Ponyville she hadn’t expected Gilda to say anything particularly pleasant again. “I-I-I, thanks. Gilda.” She stuttered in surprise. Gilda shrugged. “Don’t go soft on me now. You’ve spent enough time among dweebs as is.” Some never change. “Alright. I’m ready. Twilight, we’ll have to take off at a running start.” Twilight nodded back. She and Rainbow Dash darted towards the cloudy streets, Rainbow Dash directing the chariot towards the edge of Cloudsdale. Gilda flew overhead, motioning over to Rainbow Dash. “What are you doing wasting your time down there!” She exclaimed. Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash, trying to keep up the pace. “Just trust me, Twilight. We aren’t exactly flying down.” Rainbow Dash said with a smirk. Without a chance to respond, Twilight was pushed into the chariot as it reached the edge of the clouds. “We’re taking the fast way!” “AAAAAAAHHHHHH!” The screams of everypony inside the chariot rang out as it toppled down to the surface faster and faster. “Dash you idiot.” Gilda muttered to herself. The force of the chariot falling was forcing Rainbow Dash against the front of it. “This was a terrible idea!” Spike exclaimed. Rarity was holding onto the Cake Twins as tightly as she could, while Fluttershy was clinging onto her seat for dear life. “Rainbow! What were you thinking!” “Just trust me! I’m not gonna let you fall!” Pinkie struggled to open her eyes. Her mouth was open but Applejack couldn’t hear what she was trying to say. “What? What is it?” “Help Gummy….” “What?” Applejack was quickly answered, as the small alligator was flung out of Pinkie’s mane, the speed of the chariot falling being much faster than Gummy’s speed. “Get that alligator!” Twilight and Fluttershy reached out to grab Gummy, though Fluttershy had to stop, lest she loose her grip on the chariot’s railing. Twilight managed to ensnare Gummy with her magic, but because of how fast the chariot was falling, she ultimately lost the range of her spell. “Gummy….” Fluttershy slammed her watery eyes shut. I’m sorry, Pinkie. Rainbow Dash struggled to turn her neck against the chariot, though she couldn’t get a good view of the others. “Twilight! Get ready!” “To do what!” “Just fly up!” Twilight had a feeling as to what Rainbow Dash was planning, and she didn’t like it. “Rainbow if you’re thinking what I think you are…” “Oh yes! Get ready!” Rainbow Dash called back. She looked down. The surface was only a few thousand feet down. At the angle the group was falling, Rainbow Dash figured they would land in one of the fields of Sweet Apple Acres. “On three! One!” Rainbow Dash shifted her body upward. “Two!” She looked up and started flapping her wings against the side of the chariot. “Three!” Right of the back, Rainbow Dash knew her plan wasn’t perfect. In hindsight she probably wouldn’t have done it, but there was nothing she could do about it now. As she and Twilight flew upward, the whiplash snapped the chariot in two. Applejack, Rarity, and Spike were able to hold on, but Fluttershy and Pinkie continued falling with the lower half of the chariot. “Pinkie!” Twilight screamed. “Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash called out. “Fly!” Fluttershy flapped her wings as fast as she could, allowing her to stay in the air. But Pinkie kept falling, hitting her back against the roof of Applejack’s house, and sliding ten feet down to the ground, missing a wagon of hay, instead hitting her head on a stone. “PINKIE!” The remaining half of the chariot landed on the ground with a thud, the others lepping out to Pinkie’s side before they could catch their bearings. Rarity held a hoof to Pinkie’s neck. “S-she’s not breathing.” “SHUT UP! YES SHE IS!” Rainbow Dash roared, holding Pinkie over her shoulder. “Zecora can do something.” “That looked like it hurt….” Fluttershy began to mutter, but Rainbow Dash reached her neck over to Fluttershy, mere inches from her face. “She’s gonna be fine! Besides it’s Pinkie we’re talking about here. She’s tough. Pies are tougher than rocks.” Rainbow Dash flapped her wings. A zombie pony had noticed the group, and was slowly trotting towards them. Twilight closed her eyes. She wasn’t a medical expert, but the amount of trauma Pinkie endured had to be life threatening. “Lets just get her back to town.” Zecora was meditating. She had brought most of her herbs, potions and trinkets from her home in the Everfree to her quarters in the castle. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t quite the same, it wasn’t the first time she had to pack up everything and leave. “It would seem that something is very wrong.” She took a breath, feeling the bad vibes of most of the survivors in Ponyville. “Something has happened that does not belong.” “Zecora!” Zecora turned her head to the door. Rainbow Dash smashed the door to pieces as she flew in. “Zecora! Pinkie’s hurt! Do something!” Zecora got out of the way as Rainbow Dash set Pinkie on Zecora’s bed. Zecora examined Pinkie’s neck wound. The crude stitches were already starting to fall out. She touched Pinkie’s neck, feeling broken bones. “Zecora!” Rainbow Dash stomped her hooves against the ground. Zecora glared back. “Quite severe indeed, I will see what I can do for your friend. I suggest you stay back, lest my attempts to heal her come a premature end.” Zecora reassured. She gently pushed her hooves against Rainbow Dash, pushing her into the corridor outside. “Oh no you don’t! I am not leaving a friend’s side again!” Rainbow Dash argued, but Zecora jabbed Rainbow Dash in the ribs, flooring her. “Please leave me to my work, there is much to do. If there are any changes, I will send Applebloom to summon you.” Zecora trotted back into her quarters. Rainbow Dash bit her lip, looking at Pinkie’s unmoving form. This isn’t my fault! It’s not my fault! I didn’t do this to Pinkie! Rainbow Dash kept repeating to herself, stomping down the hallway. She punched a suit of armor, knocking it to pieces in rage. “Gilda. Why didn’t you look where you were pointing those freaking talons of yours!” “Did I hear that right?” A familiar voice said. Rainbow Dash turned around to see her father approaching. “Gilda’s here? Seems like only yesterday the two of you were playing together in my back yard….” “Shut up Dad! I’m not in the mood!” Rainbow Dash didn’t care that she had just snapped at her father, something she normally would never do. She continued to angrily walk down the corridor with Rainbow Dad following. “What happened, Dashie? Maybe I can help?” Rainbow Dad asked. Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth and rolled her eyes. She could hear the sounds of hooves against the crystal floors. As she expected, Twilight and the others were running up the nearby stair well. “Rainbow, what happened?” Fluttershy asked, gasping for breath. “You flew so fast we couldn’t keep up.” Twilight noted. “Is Pinkie….” Rainbow Dash stopped Twilight by shoving her hoof in Twilight’s mouth. “Zecora’s got her. Now would you please get my dad off my back?” “Dashie, what happened out there? I heard about your falling out with Gilda but…” Rainbow Dad started to say, but his daughter was quick to respond. “I don’t want to talk about it!” Rainbow Dash looked back at Twilight. “Please distract him or something. Get another pony ride from him or something I don’t care.” Rainbow Dash pushed past Spike and Rarity, slamming her hooves on the stairs with each step. “Goodness heavens. Rainbow has never been this angry before.” Rarity pointed out. “Well…she did take it pretty hard when she was kicked out of Flight School.” Rainbow Dad noted. “She wouldn’t come out of her room for days.” “That’s not anger, that’s grief.” Rarity corrected. This was a topic that she was quite familiar with, Rarity having come to terms with the fact she was quite the drama queen herself. “There’s quite a difference. Staying in one’s room for extended periods of time is not rage, it’s wallowing in self-pity. Now rage would detail….” “We’ll talk later squirt.” Rarity stopped. Everypony and Spike turned around to hear Rainbow Dash further down the stair well. Scootaloo’s voice emerged from the stair well next. “But Rainbow Dash we need you!” “Get one of the others. I have to kick a certain griffon’s butt.” “But Rainbow Dash!” “We’ll talk later squirt! Good bye!” The group exchanged uneasy glances. Rainbow Dash had always given Scootaloo the time of day, so to hear her just dismiss the young filly was unnerving. “Way to make chills run up mah back.” Applejack said to nopony in particular. Scootaloo ran up the stairs. She rubbed her eyes to hide the tears from the others. “Princess Twilight! We need you!” “What, what’s going on?” Twilight asked. “Somepony’s killed Rumble!” Thunderlane sat in the center of his living room, staring at the remains of his little brother smeared all over the apholstry. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were staring out the window in the hopes of avoiding eye contact. “I told you fillies to just leave me alone.” “We can’t do that. We knew Rumble too.” Sweetie Belle insisted. “My sister and her friends can fix this.” “Fix this? How does somepony fix this!” Thunderlane’s tears began to mix in with Rumble’s blood. “You can’t! No pony can!” Applebloom looked out the window again. She could see Twilight, Spike, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy approaching. “Just hang in thar. Here they come now.” She looked over at Sweetie Belle. “Don’t say anything.” I told you Scootaloo would find somepony. Sweetie Belle thought to herself with a smirk. The group trotted inside, though Spike took one look at Rumble’s remains, and bolted back outside to puke. Fluttershy likewise stumbled back, slamming her hooves over her eyes. Rarity put a hoof around Fluttershy to comfort her. “You don’t have to look.” “Thank you.” Fluttershy muttered. Applejack cocked her jaw, and took her hat off. “Ah’m sorry, Thunderlane.” Applejack was the first one to apporoach, putting a hoof on Thunderlane’s shoulder. The grieving stallion pushed Applejack away. “Please just leave me alone.” He repeated. Twilight turned her attention to the fillies. “Applebloom, what happened here? Did any zombies get in?” She asked. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle started talking over each other. Twilight groaned, unable to make out what either filly was saying. “One at a time. Please.” Sweetie Belle nodded back. “Rumble said he needed to go check on something in his house. That it looked clear to move around town.” “Which it was, Ah swear!” Applebloom added. Applejack put her hat back on. “We believe ya, sugarcube. It just ain’t easy to look at.” The elder Apple Sister replied. “This don’t look like anythang a trotter would do.” “Go away.” Thunderlane muttered under his breath. “A’m just sayin’ this don’t look like they tried to eat him. Trampled more likely.” Applejack noted. Spike re-entered the living room, rubbing his chin. “What kind of zombie doesn’t try to eat ponies?” He asked. Thunderlane stomped his hooves. “It wasn’t one of those zombies!” He spun around, standing face to face with Twilight. “It was one of those Neighsayers YOU brought into town!” Twilight winced at the thought. Spike pushed his way between Twilight and Thunderlane. “Oh hold up. Don’t go yelling at her for something you can’t prove.” He argued. “Well who else could it have been?” Fluttershy took a step forward. “Um, can I say something?” Twilight and Thunderlane glanced over at Fluttershy. “M-maybe we should bury Rumble instead of fighting.” Thunderlane slumped back down to the ground. “You’re right. Just…. Just give me a minute.” Thunderlane collapsed in front of Rumble’s remains. “I’m sorry little bro.” Rarity held Sweetie Belle close. “Stay with me, Sweetie.” Rainbow Dash was getting tired from flying around at top speed for hours, but she refused to stop. “GILDA! I KNOW YOU’RE OUT THERE!” Rainbow Dash flapped her wings hard, her sides feeling sour from so much of it. “GILDA!” “Dash!” Rainbow Dash raised her head. A familiar brown figure was flying down towards her. “You’re here. Good.” Rainbow Dash said, pounding her forehooves together. Gilda hovered overhead, a condescending look all over her face. One of her talons was clenched tight. “You’ve been looking for me haven’t you?” “Cut it out Gilda! We’re going to Ponyville, and you are going to make up for what you did!” Gilda folded her talons. “Don’t look at me, I’m not the one who practically threw her off Cloudsdale.” Rainbow Dash’s blood was boiling. Her teeth clenched so tight her gums were starting to bleed. “Gilda. Pinkie might die. How can you not care?” “Because we are all going to die. Why should any of your friends be any different?” Gilda closed her eyes. “What’s it going to take to get you to realize that?” Rainbow Dash couldn’t contain her rage any more, tackling Gilda, forcing her downward towards the surface. “Gilda! You maniac!” Gilda grabbed Rainbow Dash’s face with her free talon. “You attacked me!” She squaked back. Rainbow Dash kicked Gilda in the chest as hard as she could, making the griffon fall faster, hitting the grassy plains. YOU did that to Pinkie! Not Me! Rainbow Dash’s punches were getting weaker and she knew it. “Now get up!” Gilda touched her now broken beak. “Glad you got that out of your system, Dash?” Gilda muttered. Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened. “I did deserve a smack down don’t you think?” “Y-yeah. Yeah you did.” “You may spend more time with pony dweebs than should…” Gilda rose to her talons and paws. “But you’re still the Dash I know.” “No.” Rainbow Dash hovered in the air over Gilda. “I’m not the same pony I was back in the Junior Speedsters. I stick by my friends, and I don’t care what other ponies or griffon’s think about it.” Gilda smirked. “Well. If you don’t care, then you be the one who gives her this.” Rainbow Dash opened her eyes wide. Night had fallen. The Ponyville, Applelossa, Dodge Junction survivors and Neighsayers had gathered outside Ponyville. Grave markers were dotting the landscape. Thunderlane stood before Rumble’s marker without making a sound. Twilight, Spike, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy were in front of the crowd. “We should say something.” Rarity pointed out. Applejack shook her head. “Let him grieve.” Applejack interrupted. “We all need it.” Rarity wanted to argue, but was stopped when Flitter pushed her way past the two. “Excuse me.” She muttered. Instead of going to Thunderlane, Flitter instead moved over to her sister’s marker. “Hey Cloudchaser. I’ve missed you so much.” Spike looked around at the other markers, until his line of sight reached the Mayor’s marker. “Twilight. When we were in Town hall before….” “I meant it Spike. This is NOT going to happen to you. I won’t let it.” Twilight snapped. She turned her attention to the rest of the ponies in the crowd. She could see Rainbow Dad was one of the on lookers. “There you are.” “Is something wrong, your majesty?” He asked. “Could you gather the ponies from the dungeon in the Castle’s Mane Hall? I want to talk to all of you.” Twilight took a breath. Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Sure thing, your majesty. Might take a while.” Rainbow Dad headed off, pushing his way deeper into the crowd. “Twilight, yer not seriously considerin’ what Thunderlane said?” Applejack didn’t like the idea of throwing acusations around with no proof. “I just want to talk to them. I want know their side of things.” Twilight was quick to respond. “Lets go check on Pinkie. Zecora applied a green goo to Pinkie’s neck before applying bandages. She could hear hoof steps clanging against the floor in the corridor outside. “It seems you have company on its way. I’m not convinced I should keep them at bay.” She said to herself. Twilight’s group appeared in the doorway. “Zecora how’s Pinkie?” Fluttershy asked. Zecora stepped out of the way, revealing Pinkie lying on her bed with herbs of various colors covering wounds all over her body. “Pinkie!” Fluttershy ran over to Pinkie’s side. As the others gathered, a smile appeared on Pinkie’s face. “She knows that she is surrounded by her friends, clearly her belief in you never ends.” Zecora noted. “I don’t think I follow.” Spike replied. “She means Pinkie knew we’d be here for her.” Twilight explained. “Good.” A raspy voice replied. Applejack and Rarity turned around. Rainbow Dash and Gilda were holding each other up as they made their way in. “Rainbow Dash. Just where have you been? You look awful.” Rarity asked. Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Eh, Gilda and I were roughing each other up. Kind of needed it.” Rainbow Dash looked at Gilda, who was avoiding eye contact. “Hey, look at me, you agreed to this.” “Yeah, I did. And I’m already starting to regret it.” Gilda turned her attention to Pinkie. “Hey, Pinkie Pie.” She snapped. “Look who I got.” Gilda unclenched her talon. Pinkie’s eyes opened wide. Gummy held in Gilda’s talon, his wall-eyed stare unchanged. Applejack tipped her hat to Gilda. “Well would ya look at that? Ya found the little guy.” “Gummy.” Pinkie muttered. Gilda set the little alligator by Pinkie’s side. “Yeah, the little pest wrapped his little mouth around my head when you lost him. Would have just tossed him aside….but I figured you would want it back.” Gilda said nonchalantly. “Thanks, Gilda.” Pinkie said weakly. Gilda looked away. “Don’t mind her.” Rainbow Dash said. “Gilda has a sick stuck up her tail like you wouldn’t believe.” Zecora’s ears perked up. “You will have to forgive my interruption, but we have another guest. One whose arrival will certainly be for the best.” Pinkie tilted her head down to get a better view of a familiar grey coated, purple maned pony wearing a plain dress. “Maud.” Pinkie’s older sister trotted past Rainbow Dash and Gilda. “Pinkie, your alive.” She said in her usual monitone voice. “I’ve been worried about you.” Applejack smiled. That’s a good older sister all right. She thought to herself. > Oh No They Don't > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I haven’t been looking forward to this, Spike.” Twilight and Spike stood at the top of the stairs, glancing around the mane hall. The dozens of Neighsayers were gathered around, fluttershy was still motioning the last of them inside the castle. “But you knew this was coming.” Spike commented. “Of course. I assumed I would have something related to Princess Celestia’s court, but I didn’t think the first dispute would be a colt murder.” Twilight started tapping her hooves together. “Maybe meeting diplomats from the Mustangia or even…” Twilight gulped. Spike raised an eyebrow. “Even…. What?” “I-I was going to say open relations with Equestria and the-the other world.” Twilight replied. “But now it’s got me worried about Sunset Shimmer. I hope she’s ok.” Twilight closed her eyes. “I doubt zombies exist on the other side of that mirror.” Spike reassured. He figured a world without magic wouldn’t have zombies. Twilight on the other hoof wasn’t as certain. That world reflects Equestria enough to make me wonder. Twilight thought to herself. She continued to think about Sunset and what ever could be happening to her, so much that she didn’t notice Fluttershy hovering over to her. “Um, Twilight?” Fluttershy backed up as Twilight let out a little yelp in surprise. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” Fluttershy set down on the stairs next to Twilight and Spike. “But I think that’s all of them.” She reported. Rainbow Dad stepped forward from the crowd. “She’s right. Isn’t that right everypony?” The elder pegasus’ call was given a loud ‘aye’ in response by the other Neighsayers. The other members of the Mane Six bar Pinkie decended from higher up the staircase to Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy’s level. “Well, we are ready.” Rarity said. “Lets get this case over and done with.” Applejack added. A teal earth pony mare with a shaved mane spoke out from the crowd. “You’re blaming us for what happened to that kid aren’t you!” She cried. Rainbow Dad reacted before Twilight could, pushing his hooves against the mare’s shoulders. “Not helping. We’re their guests after all.” He explained. Privately Twilight was glad he said that. “We are not here to point hooves at anypony.” Twilight looked over at her friends, hoping one of them would speak up. When none of them did, she continued. “But we can’t over look the possibility that Rumble was murdered. That’s why we wish to know why all of you were imprisoned in the first place.” Applejack couldn’t help but find herself impressed with Twilight’s diction. “If ya don’t mind me sayin’….” Applejack whispered, giving Twilight a little nudge. “But ya’ll startin’ to sound more and more like Princess Celestia.” “What? I-I wasn’t trying to…” Twilight began to stutter, but was quickly stopped by a touched shoulder from Spike. “I think she was trying to give a compliment.” Spike folded his arms. “I’d take it.” He quickly blushed when he noticed Rarity smiling with approval. “Well said.” Rarity turned her attention back to the Neighsayers. “So, when we ask, we would like you to tell us your crime. For deciding who is not fit to be a suspect, of course.” She clarified. Numerous Neighsayers began to speak among themselves. Rainbow Dash, feeling some ponies might not cooperate, flew to the mane entrance and locked it shut, then flew back to her spot on the stair case, hoping she had flown fast enough that nopony had noticed. “Allright everypony! The sooner we get this done the sooner you can go.” Fluttershy raised her head. “Would anypony like to start?” She asked with a smile. After a series of ‘daww’s from the crowd, a brown pegasus mare wearing an eyepatch stepped forward. “I’ll go I guess.” All eyes turned towards the eyepatch wearing pony. “Welp. Simply point I tried to talk a waiter into giving me a free meal. One thing lead to another and I…may or may not have assaulted most of the staff.” “I bet that’s the story behind the eyepatch.” Rainbow Dash responded. Rarity gave her a glare. “What can I say?” The eyepatch wearing pony said in a casual tone. “Nopony should charge at a unicorn standing at eye level with ya. Might end up getting a nasty poke.” Similar stories were recalled by the Neighsayers as the night continued. Crimes that ranged from burglary to getting into fights with Canterlot guards. As far as Applejack was concerned, these ponies were not killers. Rainbow Dash was getting tired of hearing minor crimes, she wanted to hear the ‘good’ stuff. Rarity and Fluttershy just wanted the meeting to end. Spike was too busy taking notes to formulate an opinion at the moment. And Twilight felt like her stomach was about to burst from her body from nerves. “So it turns out failing to escape a dungeon does increase your years.” A scared unicorn mare admitted. She then looked at the next Neighsayer in the que; Rainbow Dad. “Wha? Me?” He asked with a stutter, almost like he wasn’t expecting to have a turn at all. Rainbow Dash’s lack of attention vanished completely. “Um would it be possible to have this discussion in private?” “I’m afraid so. It ensures all parties will tell the truth.” Twilight explained. She locked her jaw, feeling she wasn’t going to like Rainbow Dad’s response. Rainbow Dad looked around at his fellow Neighsayers before trotting up the stairs, and put his hooves around Twilight. “Your majesty, please. I don’t want to say this in front of my daughter.” He whispered. Twilight grinded her hooves against the ground. “I can’t do that. I won’t give special treatment.” Twilight answered back. Rainbow Dash stepped between the two. “Yeah Dad. What did you do to get yourself locked up?” She folded her forelegs. “Been wondering that for years.” Rainbow Dad began to scratch his mane and breathing heavily. Finally he muttered something under his breath, though nopony could hear it. “Dad!” Rainbow Dash cried. Her father wiped his eyes. “It’s ok. You can tell us.” Fluttershy muttered. Rainbow Dad covered his face with his hooves in guilt. The Neighsayers started talking among each other once more. “No. No I can’t.” He slumped against the stairs in shame. “Not to you.” He said, again under his breath. Applejack tapped a forehoof against the ground. “Afraid we’re all gonna need an answer from ya, Rainbow Dad.” “Applejack, he’s distraught.” Fluttershy argued. “It’s ok. Take your time.” Rainbow Dad groaned. “I can’t!” He turned back to Twilight, his eyes wet from tears. “Princess, please. I can’t say it in front of Dashie. Please. I’ll tell you just…not in front of her.” Spike had to hold Rainbow Dad away to keep him from moving any closer to Twilight. “You know, the guy who stole from the royal bakery made it sound like it was worse than it really was. For all we know that applies to your story.” He pointed out. The pony in question ducked behind a pair of other ponies in the crowd. “I saw that.” Spike pointed out. Twilight laid a hoof on Rainbow Dad’s face. “Just tell us.” Rainbow Dad took a deep breath. “Alright. I was incarcerated because…. Of first degree ponyslaughter.” He finally admitted. Rarity and Fluttershy gasped. “Are you kidding me!” Rainbow Dash roared. Spike and Applejack had to hold Rainbow Dash back to prevent her from straight up attacking her father. “Dash! That’s enough!” Applejack snapped. Rainbow Dad trotted back down the stairs in defeat. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Rainbow Dash followed him down as the Neighsayers resumed telling their own stories. As they spoke, Applejack leaned over to speak to Twilight. “Twi, Ah’m not suggestin’ we assume anythang about Rainbow Dad, Dash can probably vouch for him.” Rarity raised an eyebrow. “We cannot simply outrule the possibility merely because he is Rainbow’s father.” “Look at er’. Dash is already mad enough as is. We can’t make thar relationship worse.” Applejack argued. “Ya don’t separate family. Ya don’t.” Twilight scrunched up her face, her two friends talking to each other through her ears made her feel like she was being pulled around between Applejack and Rarity. “Stop. Please, we will settle this in a moment!” The Neighsayer stallion currently speaking stopped telling his story. “Excuse me?” “Not you, you’re ok.” Twilight noted. She looked at Spike, who was still taking notes. Realizing Twilight was now looking at him, Spike motioned at her with a wave of his claw. “I got it. This guy’s the last one.” He pointed out. Twilight’s ears drooped as she took a sigh of relief. “Thank you Spike.” She turned her attention to the Neighsayers. “We appreciate your time. You may go to bed; we will talk more in the morning. Dash, please unlock the door.” “I’m busy!” Rainbow Dash snapped before resuming her argument with her father. “I’ll get it.” Spike groaned, heading for the entrance. Fluttershy smiled as the Neighsayers started trotting out of the castle. “Oh thank goodness. It’s finally over.” The others looked over at Fluttershy, not a one agreed with her statement. “Perhaps the killer ain’t a Neighsayer.” Realizing what she just said, Applejack was quick to correct herself. “One of them Ah mean. Killin’ a colt just ain’t right.” “I just hope it wasn’t Rainbow Dad. He seems like such a nice pony.” Fluttershy chimed in. Twilight pondered the thought for a moment. “Fluttershy, how well did you know Rainbow’s father?” She asked. Fluttershy held a hoof to her chin. “Well, when we were fillies, he would always take Rainbow and I out for lunch after flight school. He would always be so friendly to the waitresses. He always managed to convince them to come visit after they got off work.” Twilight locked her jaw. Something tells me he was more than just ‘friendly with them. Fluttershy continued. “He was even one of the ponies who went looking for me when I fell from Cloudsdale.” She dug her hoof in the ground. “He said he saw me as a kind of second daughter.” Rarity’s eyes widened. “Really now? And what did Rainbow think about this?” “And yer parents?” Applejack added. Fluttershy lowered her head, her mane covering much of her face. “Oh, Rainbow was ok with it. Really.” She lied. And the others could tell. Twilight’s ears perked up at the sound of flapping wings. She looked up to see Owlicious hovering overhead. A pocket watch was dangling from his mouth, revealing it was one in the morning. “Have we been up that long?” Twilight asked nopony in particular. “We should be getting some rest. We have a long day ahead of us.” “What do you mean?” Spike asked. “We should start asking other ponies what they were doing when Rumble was killed. But not now. We need rest.” Twilight explained. “I’m all for that.” Spike said, collapsing to the ground half passed out. Twilight couldn’t help but smile. All tuckered out. I don’t blame him. She thought to herself. Twilight let her head hit her pillow hard. Everything that had happened over the past week; the zombie ponies, the deaths, Celestia’s sickness, Jubiliee and the Dodge Junction ponies, Applejack, Pinkie, Rumble, Rainbow Dad, part of her wanted to just not wake up in the morning. “I wonder.” Twilight reached out with her magic, pulling a book out from under her bed. “The History of Royal Decrees.” She read outloud. She opened the book, hoping to find some accounts similar to what has transpired. She read through the book at her usual quick pace. “Cases of treason against Equestria…. disputes with other lands…. Here we are, murders.” Twilight should have guessed the cases mentioned in the book were multiple murders at once, with evidence brought to Celestia to decide the verdict. What was suspicious was that the convicted were consistently jailed. Yes, mercy that’s just like Celestia. But what were you thinking? Celestia’s opinions were suspiciously absent from the book. Twilight double-checked the forward. “The following records are meant to be viewed for educational purposes only. Princess Celestia’s personal accounts of the events will not be available for public use. This collection of records has been approved by Princess Celestia's personal assistant, Raven. Dang it!” Twilight buried her face in the book. She did have books from Celestia’s personal files before, all of which were lost when Tirek destroyed the Golden Oaks Library. “What do I do, Celestia?” Twilight’s thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of crying. She sat up straight when a knock on her door rang out. “It’s open.” Rainbow Dad slowly entered Twilight’s room. His face was wet from tears. “You think I killed that boy?” Twilight got to her hooves. She thought about what Celestia might do. Think, think, think. Twilight raised her head. “Did you?” Rainbow Dad lept forward, crying into Twilight’s chest. “No! Absolutely not! I would never harm a colt!” Rainbow Dad sobbed. “But…. I would kill somepony who would do it.” Twilight took a deep breath. “What are you saying?" Rainbow Dad closed his eyes. “Dashie considers Fluttershy a very good friend. She cares about her a lot. And I grew care about her as well. But her parents did not. They hated her. They wanted her to be the best flyer in Equestria. It’s the reason they even had her in the first place. But she couldn’t match my Dashie. And they knew it.” Rainbow Dad looked up at Twilight. She readjusted her position so she was sitting down, making it easier to hold onto him. “Fluttershy never talks about her family.” “I don’t blame her. They treated her like less than nothing. They would push her hard, but she just wanted to go to the surface and see the animals. They hurt her. So badly.” “Why didn’t you tell anypony?” “Because I let my feelings get the better of me. I love my daughter. The thought, of someponies treating their own daughter in such a way…I couldn’t control my anger.” Twilight let Rainbow Dad cry some more. Her heart sank as she began to speak. “So you killed Fluttershy’s parents?” “I put them down like the monsters they were!” Rainbow Dad pushed himself away from Twilight, the shame he had felt for years was now bubbling to the surface. “I begged the guards who came for me never to reveal what I did to Dashie or Fluttershy. I begged Celestia to just let me rot away in a dungeon forever without revealing why I did it. Bless her for keeping it from Dashie.” Twilight started walking in circles. The last time pony that came to her in such a sad state was Sunset Shimmer. And Twilight had offered friendship to her. A pony who tried to kill her. “Rainbow Dad, you should tell them what happened.” “No!” Rainbow Dad cried. “They can never know. It would destroy them.” He sat down next to Twilight. “I want my daughter…. daughters to be happy. They don’t need to know.” I hope he doesn’t know about Pinkie promises. “If it comes from somewhere other than you, it will be worse.” Twilight explained. I know it did for me. She thought to herself, remembering when Rarity and Fluttershy asked her to keep a secret from each other, and that was much less severe than this, and yet she still found it eating her up on the inside at the time. “I don’t know, your majesty. Maybe.” Rainbow Dad stood up. “I’ll think about it.” Twilight climbed back into bed. Even more thoughts filled her head, making her wonder if she would even be able to sleep. She watched Rainbow Dad open the door, stand in the doorway, but then shut it. “Your majesty. Can… I stay with you for the night? I don’t think I can face my daughter right now.” Twilight thought about it for a moment. This could make things worse for all she knew. Getting close to Rainbow Dad might cause more of a problem. But if she was going to be the Princess of Friendship, Twilight felt she needed to be welcome to her subjects. “Ok. Come here.” Twilight motioned to Rainbow Dad. He slowly climbed into bed next to her. “Thank you. I’ll try not to bother you.” He muttered, cuddling with Twilight. Fluttershy trotted down the hallway towards the kitchen. She was only half awake when she heard several loud thuds from within. “Angel. Don’t worry. I’ll get you you’re midnight snack.” She muttered. Fluttershy put her foreleg against her eyes as she opened the door. She wasn’t expecting anypony to be in the kitchen at this hour, so seeing Maud was surprising. “Hello Fluttershy.” Maud uttered. As Fluttershy’s sleepy mind started to wake, her eyes opened wide at the sight of blood oozing from Maud’s mane. “Maud? What happened!” Fluttershy cried. Maud pointed behind the counter. Fluttershy slowly trotted to Maud’s side and gasped in horror. Bulk Biceps was lying on the ground holding his stomach, groaning in pain. “Bulk Biceps!” Fluttershy kneeled to Bulk Biceps’ side, gently touching the muscular pegasus’ ribs. He let out a high pitch wail in pain. “I’m sorry.” Fluttershy whispered back. “He tried to kill me.” Fluttershy spun around and rose to her hooves. “What?” Maud reached into her pocket and took out her pet rock Boulder. “Boulder was thirsty, so I came to get him some water.” Maud said in her usual flat tone. “Then Bulk Biceps came here. He said he needed an adrenaline rush. He thought killing me would get it. So I hit him.” Fluttershy’s lower lip trembled. “No. Bulk Biceps is my friend. He would never hurt anypony. He’s gentle.” Fluttershy reasoned. Maud shrugged. “I’m just telling you what happened.” Maud put Boulder in a cup of water on the counter. “Maud, doesn’t that hurt?” Fluttershy asked. Maud put a hoof to her head wound. “Yes.” “But it doesn’t bother you?” Maud blinked twice. “Yes. I should get some bandages. Good night.” Maud picked up Boulder and trotted out of the kitchen like nothing had happened. Fluttershy kneeled down to Bulk Biceps, who was still rubbing his stomach. “B-Bulk Biceps. D-did you kill Rumble?” She asked. Bulk Biceps laid his head against the crystal floor, rubbing his neck. Fluttershy reached over and touched his neck. “Shh. It’s ok. Just tell me.” Bulk Biceps’ hooves trembled. Sweet rolled down his face until finally he said one small phrase. “Yeah.” “So what are we supposed to do now?” The Mane Six and Spike bar Pinkie were sitting in their thrones, and like all the previous meetings in the throne room, the mood was far from cheerful. Fluttershy looked down. “Why would he confess?” She asked. Applejack folded her forehooves. “Why do ya think? He feels guilty. With good reason.” Applejack noted. “Course that still don’t explain what we’re gonna do with him.” “Fluttershy, you said before he gets a thrill from killing zombies?” Twilight asked. Fluttershy weakly nodded her head. “I don’t understand it. He just…likes to hit them. I tried to get him to stop. But he can’t control himself.” She explained. “Betcha there were no trotters around at the time, so he settles on a colt. Sick.” Applejack chimed in. Fluttershy got out of her throne and began to circle the room. “Wait, he isn’t himself. It’s the zombies that did this to him. If they never appeared he wouldn’t even have these urges.” She rationalized. Rarity got up and put a foreleg around Fluttershy. “We understand Fluttershy, dear. Those horrible creatures have brought out the worst in all of us. But that doesn’t change what happened.” She explained. “I’m afraid she’s right.” Twilight added. “But if he’s not in his right state of mind, maybe we can have him do something to make up for it.” She figured this would be a decent compromise, have some kind of justice but also a chance for redemption. Estatic, Fluttershy lept into the air, flapping her wings as fast as hard as she could. “Of course. Reforming Bulk Biceps. This will be great!” She held her hooves together. Rainbow Dash slumped back in her throne. “Yeah, if he doesn’t kill himself too.” “DASH!” Twilight, Spike, Applejack and Rarity snapped. “What? That’s what Jubiliee did.” She reminded. Applejack groaned, leaning one hoof against the leg rest. Thanks a lot for remindin’ us of her of all ponies. Applejack thought to herself. “So we’ll help him?” Fluttershy asked her friends. Spike shifted around in his seat. “Can we even make a decision without Pinkie Pie?” He asked. Twilight looked at Pinkie’s empty throne. “You’re right. We shouldn’t keep her out of a council. As for Bulk Biceps, we can keep him contained until Pinkie gets better.” She declared. Rarity nodded back in approval. Fluttershy took a little gulp. “D-do we have to keep him in a dungeon? I mean, the Everfree forest is so dangerous, and keeping him in the Castle of Two Sisters might be too much.” “You didn’t object when we decided to do this for Jubiliee.” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “Besides, I’m pretty sure he can handle himself if any of those things got inside. Something Jubiliee probably couldn’t do.” She put her fore legs behind her head, confident she was right. “Again, did you have to remind us of her?” Applejack said with less patience. “Alright, alright. I get it.” Rainbow Dash replied. “Boy, Pinkie is probably not going to like a word of this.” Spike glanced over at entrance. “Hang on, none of you have told her yet?” he asked. The others didn’t answer. “Shouldn’t she at least know what’s going on?” “Of course not, Spikey. Would you want to hear such horrible things while you recovering from a horrible injury?” Rarity asked. Spike slumped back in his throne. “Eh, fair enough, she has enough things going on thinking the Cake Twins are her kids.” Spike admitted. Twilight felt a twinge of guilt. “Perhaps that’s another thing we should talk to her about.” Twilight muttered under her breath. “Good luck. Unless you want to get a punch to the back of the head.” Rainbow Dash got out of her throne. “I’m starting to think she actually believes it herself.” “Which is not healthy.” Rarity said. Before Rainbow Dash could respond, the group heard a knock at the door. Feeling déjà vu, Twilight opened the double doors with her magic. Maud took a step into the throne room. “What’s going on Maud?” Twilight asked. Maud blinked. “Parasprites are coming to Ponyville.” She stated. “WHAT!” The group cried in unison. Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth were standing watch at the borders of Sweet Apple Acres. Blossomforth looked back and forth from Ponyville to the approaching swarm appearing in the distance. “I’m telling you, we need to take cover!” She exclaimed. “And I’m telling you we can hold this position a little longer. Look, here comes the Council.” Cloud Kicker pointed at Twilight and the others as they approached. Fluttershy’s mouth opened wide in surprise. “Oh my.” “Goodness, there must be thousands of them.” Rarity added. Applejack tipped her hat. “Ya’ll think they followed us?” Twilight didn’t want to answer, though she didn’t need to, as Rainbow Dash was the first to respond. “Oh no they don’t. They already got Cloudsdale. They are NOT getting Ponyville!” Rainbow cried, hovering in the air defiantly. As for how she was going to get rid of the parasprites, that she had no plan. > What Did I Miss > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “And the plan is…. is….” The others stared at Rainbow Dash. She hovered a few feet overhead scratching her mane. “What we are going to do. Oh that’s easy, we….” Rainbow Dash landed on the ground. What is the plan? She thought to herself. Spike looked around. A zombie unicorn was trotting around a few yards away. “I think I got something.” Rarity felt her stomach turn. “Spike, please tell me you are not thinking what I think you are?” She asked. “Unfortunately. But if zombie ponies don’t notice us when we’re covered in their blood….” Spike stopped, not comfortable with his own idea. “Pinkie might know.” Fluttershy mumbled under her breath. The others turned to face her. “I mean… she knew about parasprites before any of us did.” “Well Pinkie ain’t ‘ere. So we’re gonna have to just go with Spike’s idea.” Applejack trotted over to the zombie unicorn, punched it in the face, and knocking it to the ground before stomping on its head. “Come and get it. Ah guess.” As Applejack and Spike started smearing the zombie pony’s guts on themselves, Twilight began to think. “That isn’t going to be enough.” She noted. “There are hundreds of ponies in Ponyville right now.” “T-their still coming.” Fluttershy pointed at the zombie parasprite horde. “She’s right, we can’t argue what to do here. We need to get back to Ponyville.” Twilight noted. The five friends galloped through Ponyville, catching the attention of numerous ponies dotted around the town. “Everypony go into a house and stay there!” Twilight called out. Rainbow Dash noticed Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle running towards the group. “You heard her! Get moving!” Rainbow Dash cried. “But Rainbow Dash, we have another problem!” Scootaloo flapped her wings as hard as she could, trying to get off the ground. Not willing to wait, Rainbow Dash flew down and scooped her up. “This is probably a bigger deal, squirt.” Rainbow Dash said. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle ran up to their own sisters, Applebloom going so far as to put her hooves on Applejack’s chest. In a moment of pure panic, Applejack pushed her sister away. “Applebloom wait! Ah didn’t mean it!” Applejack stammered as quickly she could. She never willing pushed Applebloom away like that. Not even when rumors about Zecora had her quivering in fear. “A-applejack.” Applebloom said under her breath. Sweetie Belle reached over Applebloom’s shoulder. “She didn’t mean it. You know that.” Sweetie Belle reassured. Applebloom was quick to respond. “Ah know that.” Applebloom replied unconvincingly. Sweetie Belle’s ears perked up at the sound of loud buzzing. “Is that them?” She asked. Applejack and Rarity looked back. The parasprite horde was at least a few miles away, but it was steadily getting closer. “Yes! Run!” Twilight screamed. “Everypony back inside!” “YEAH!” Rainbow Dash was surprised whenever Bulk Biceps managed to get a good burst of speed while training for the Equestria Games, but this time was something else entirely. Getting floored along with the rest of her friends as the huge pegasus flew through them felt down right offensive. “Oh now you show some speed!” She roared. Fluttershy got up first. “Bulk Biceps! Come back!” “No! This is what I’ve been waiting for!” Bulk Biceps exclaimed. “Lots to smash!” “Are you crazy!” Twilight asked, not caring she wasn’t sounding ‘princessy’. “There’s too many for anypony to take on by themselves!” “You’ll be eaten alive!” Spike added. Bulk Biceps looked back at the group, breathing heavily. He locked eyes with Fluttershy. For a moment, Bulk Biceps’ burning rage dissipated. “I-I-I….” Bulk Biceps stammered. He lowered himself down to the ground and started scratching his mane. “I gotta…” Fluttershy touched Bulk Biceps’ muzzle and smiled. “No. You don’t have to.” She whispered into his ear. Fluttershy let Bulk Biceps take a deep breath before responding. “Lets just go.” “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Spike chimed in. He looked back at the approaching parasprites. They weren’t picking up speed, bu they were going to reach Town Square in a matter of minutes. “Think we can make it back to the castle?” he asked. Twilight shook her head. “No, We’ll have to take cover in one of the houses.” She ran over to the closest house and banged on the door. “Go away!” A muffled voice called out from within. Ponyfeathers. It’s Thunderlane. Applejack thought to herself, recognizing the voice. “Thunderlane! Let us in! We’re about to get eaten!” Rainbow Dash flew over to one of the windows. She could see Thunderlane sitting on a stained couch looking blankly at the wall. “Hey!” Thunderlane looked up, and rubbed his eyes at the sight of Rainbow Dash. “Oh, sorry. Didn’t know it was you.” Thunderlane got up from his couch and walked out of Rainbow Dash’s sight. Twilight backed up as she heard a clicking sound from the other side of the door. “It’s open!” Thunderlane said. Sweetie Belle screamed as the parasprites were now within walking distance of the group. “Don’t panic!” Twilight opened the door with her magic. “Everypony inside! Now!” She ordered. The rest of the group poured into Thunderlane’s house except for Bulk Biceps. He stomped his forehooves into the ground. “YEAH!” He screamed, ready to charge at the parasprites. He felt a soft tug on his hind legs. He looked back to see Fluttershy holding onto him. “Please. Don’t do it.” She begged. Bulk Biceps gritted his teeth. He never had this much trouble resisting his urges before. Gotta do it! Gotta…NO! Taking Fluttershy by surprise, the muscle bound pegasus picked up Fluttershy and lept into Thunderlane’s house before slamming the door shut behind him. Flitter could hear the ponies around town running in panic. But not her. She just kept looking at Cloudchaser’s grave. “Sister. I thought knowing would be easier.” Flitter muttered to herself. “You’re at peace.” She placed a hoof on her sister’s marker. “My little pony, It is understandable you need time to grieve.” Flitter turned her neck to see Zecora approach. She was wearing her cloak, which was covered in blood. “Zecora?” “But right now shelter is what you need.” Zecora’s eyes darted from Flitter to the approaching parasprite horde. “They will devour any pony unfortunate enough to get their path. It is best we leave before we suffer the parasprites wrath.” Flitter sat down in front of Cloudchaser’s grave. “Just leave me alone. I want to be with my sister.” “You will be, in more ways than one. I don’t believe your life is done.” Zecora argued, pulling back her hood. “I can’t have Cloudchaser back.” Flitter trotted away from the graves, walking into the path of the parasprites. “This is the best alternative. Just let me go. I’ll be with Cloudchaser in a minute. “ This pony is broken. She needs time to heal. “Young flitter! I know how you feel. Loss of a loved one is painful, this much is true. But it is possible to live for her as well as for you.” Flitter ignored Zecora, taking another step forward. She took a deep breath and unfurled her wings. “I’ll see you soon, Cloudchaser.” Zecora gritted her teeth. She had no intention of abandoning a confused pony, no matter what. But the horde was getting closer, making less and less likely she would mak e it to and the nearest building, Cheerliee’s schoolhouse, in time to take cover. “ Young mare, your spirits may be low.” My sister. “ But now is the time to go!” My love. With her patience spent, Zecora tackled Flitter to the ground, tossing her bloody cloak over Flitter. Flitter opened her muzzle to speak, but Zecora slammed a hoof over her mouth. “Stay quiet so that we may live.” Flitter’s stopped struggling once she and Zecora locked eyes. “I-I don’t know w-what to do….” Zecora reached forward with a free hoof, dragging herself and Flitter along the ground. Flitter’s breathing became labored as the buzzing of the zombie parasprites above. She was feeling a greater sense of fear as Zecora continued to crawl. Flitter looked up at Zecora. She was astounded by the determination in the zebra’s face. “Why are you doing this for me?” Zecora stopped crawling. “It would seem you did not take the eldest Apple sibling’s words to heart. There are those who care about you, and do not want to see you torn apart.” Zecora gave Flitter a gentle pat on the head before continuing to crawl along the ground. Zecora cares about me. Flitter felt her heart twist into knots; her depression was changing into fear. She didn’t want somepony else to take Cloudchaser’s place in her heart. Flitter shut her eyes tightly. That’s not what SHE wants. It’s not. And I’m not some lovesick filly. “Young Flitter, we have reached our destination.” Flitter opened her eyes. The single step leading into the schoolhouse lay on the ground before her. In a burst of speed Flitter simply wasn’t used to, Zecora forced the door open, pulling Flitter and herself into the schoolhouse, slamming the door shut behind her. Zecora rose up onto all fours, trotting towards Cheerliee’s desk, leaving Flitter lying on the floor. “Are we safe?” Flitter asked. Zecora examined the windows along the walls, feeling the window frames to get a good feel on their sturdyness. “It would appear we have taken shelter in a safe location.” Zecora pushed a few of the desks out of the way. Flitter slowly got back up and looked at the parasprites outside. CLANG! CLANG! Flitter fell backwards, hitting her head hard against one of the chairs. “What is that?” Zecora looked up at the ceiling. The ringing of the bell on the roof above was getting louder and more frenquent. It would seem somepony wishes to make the ultimate sacrifice. The true question though, is if it will suffice. “Finally.” Scootaloo leaned against the side of the wall. “Started to think you weren’t coming.” She said bluntly. “Not me. Ah knew ya’ll were gonna be alright.” Applebloom stated. Rarity trotted over to Thunderlane, who had already gone back to his couch. “I’m so sorry to disturb you, darling.” Rarity tilted her head. It looked as if Thunderlane was in a kind of trance, what with his lack of a response. “We will try to be good house guests.” She turned her attention back to the others. Bulk Biceps curled himself into a corner while Spike and the three fillies were staring out the window. “What do you see?” Rarity asked. “Well, I guess it was a good thing we didn’t try to run for the castle.” Sweetie Belle answered. The zombie parasprites blocked their vision of the town outside. The horde was so big that she couldn’t tell where it ended and where it began. “They can’t get in can they?” “I doubt it. They don’t have the cognative ability to eat anything else.” Twilight explained. “Even if they are the same ones from last time. Even if my spell is still in affect, they are zombies. They won’t try to eat the town’s infrastructure.” I hope. Rainbow Dash hovered over the fillies to get a better look outside. She tried not to think about Cloudsdale and what could have happened when the parasprites attacked. “No! Get out of my head!” Rainbow Dash collapsed to the floor, her forehooves slammed against her face. Thunderlane didn’t move a muscle, but he did work up the nerve to at mutter under his breath. “Dash?” “N-nothing! It’s nothing.” Rainbow Dash got back on all fours and dusted herself off, trying to keep her cool. Scootaloo couldn’t help but look at her idol with confusion. “Yes, squirt?” “N-nothing!” Scootaloo repeated. “I didn’t say anything. Applebloom, did I say anything?” “Um, not really.” Applebloom said in confusion. Twilight trotted over to the three fillies. “Twilight, how are going to get rid of these things?” Twilight didn’t answer right away. Her mind started racing with ideas. Pinkie’s method of luring parasprites away with music could work; assuming anypony besides her could do it. “I can’t. I gotta… I have to…” Every pony bar Thunderlane’s attention was driven towards Bulk Biceps. He started rubbing his sides, shaking violently. Fluttershy looked at her friends before flying over him, gently rubbing his back. “I can’t do this.” Bulk Biceps was sweating profusely. “I can’t be around him.” “Yes, you can.” Fluttershy lowered herself down to eye level. “I know its not easy. But you can do it.” “What is he on about?” Rainbow Dash asked. Fluttershy pointed at Thunderlane, who still showed no reaction. “Oh. Yeah.” “Let me outside.” Bulk Biceps lifted his head. “Please.” “Are you kiddin’ me? Ya’ll gonna get eaten alive if ya go out there!” Applejack argued. Bulk Biceps tried to speak, but his teeth chattering was making it hard to make out what he was saying. “Come again?” Sweetie Belle asked. “That’s what I want.” Bulk Biceps started to tear up. “I can’t live with this.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened. “Don’t say it!” Unbenonced to anypony else in the room, Thunderlane started to slowly turn his head. “I can't. I killed that…” “Please! Now is not the time!” Rarity interrupted. “No! Fluttershy! I’m sorry!” Bulk Biceps’ voice was getting louder with each word. “I have to make up for this!” “Shut up!” Spike snapped. “The zombies will hear you!” “I want them to! I deserve to get eaten!” “Nopony deserves that!” Fluttershy squeaked. “Colt killers like me do!” Rainbow Dash and Rarity facehoofed with two loud smacks. Spike slumped down to the ground groaning. After a long pause, Thunderlane finally spoke up. “It was you.” Twilight and Applejack ran up to Thunderlane, holding him back so he couldn’t stand up. “Before you say anythang…” Applejack started to say, before Bulk Biceps started crying. Applebloom stepped away from the window. “What? What are ya’ll talkin’ about?” “I killed that boy.” Bulk Biceps sputtered out through bursts of tears. “What!” The three fillies exclaimed. “Everypony! Stop talking so loud!” Spike screamed, not realizing the irony of doing so until after he did it. “Rumble….” Thunderlane looked at Bulk Biceps. His expression didn’t change, nor did his tone. “Why would you do this?” “Thunderlane. He can’t control himself.” Fluttershy stepped away from Bulk Biceps, slowly walking towards Thunderlane. “L-let us take care of him.” Thunderlane tried to stand up, but was promptly pushed back onto the couch by Twilight and Applejack. “We were going to tell you…” Twilight had to compose herself, taking a deep breath before continuing. “But we are going to have to ask you to leave this matter to us.” “Ya’ll don’t need to worry about gettin’ even with him.” Applejack added. “Get even?” Thunderlane muttered. “Yes. What he did was wrong. And he knows it was wrong.” Twilight extended her wings, putting on her best authoritative voice. “Bulk Biceps will be punished and has agreed to make up for what he did.” She looked over to Bulk Biceps. “Isn’t that right?” Bulk Biceps closed his eyes, shrinking back into the corner. Fluttershy took a step forward, but he held a hoof out. “I’m sorry. I have to do this.” His tiny wings started flapping. “No. Too many ponies have already….” Fluttershy put her forehooves on Bulk Biceps chest. His wings stopped flapping. “Don’t go out there. I don’t want to loose my friend.” Exhaustion filled Bulk Biceps’ large form. He collapsed to the ground, panting heavily. “Friend.” He closed his eyes. Everypony else looked at Fluttershy, who put a hoof to Bulk Biceps’ neck. “It’s ok. He just passed out.” Fluttershy pushed a few strands of her mane out of her face. “He really is a gentle pony. He just…” “Has no self control?” Applebloom interrupted. Fluttershy’s eyes darted back and forth before responding. “Yes.” She sighed. Nopony wanted to say anything. Thunderlane kept staring at Bulk Biceps’ unconscious form. Getting tired of the negative vibes in the room, Rarity finally spoke up. “Thunderlane, would you be ok if Applejack and Spike used your restroom to clean themselves up?” Huh. Totally forgot about this. Spike thought to himself, looking at the dried blood on his claws. In hindsight, Spike was really glad he didn’t scratch himself at any point. “Thunderlane?” Rarity put a hoof around the tramatized stallion, who showed no reaction. “My dear, if you would please? No pony wants to be covered in blood for any longer than necessary.” “I’ve been sitting in my brother’s blood for the past hour.” Thunderlane stood up. Twilight and Applejack braced themselves for Thunderlane’s next move. Instead of going for Bulk Biceps, instead he simply walked out of the living room. “He’s not going to get better, is he?” Scootaloo asked. Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I’m not the kind of pony who can answer that.” She turned her attention to Fluttershy. After a long pause, Rainbow Dash spoke up again. “I was referring to you, by the way.” Fluttershy stopped rubbing Bulk Biceps’ mane. “Oh, I’m sorry. I was trying to….” CLANG! CLANG! Spike, Fluttershy, and Sweetie Belle lept backwards in surprise, Spike even going so far as to spit out a burst of green flame, hitting Twilight in the face. “Gah! Twilight! Are you ok!” Spike stammered out. Fortunately the flames didn’t linger. All it did was slightly singe her mane. “Don’t worry about it, Spike.” Not the first time you’ve done this. “Well Ah don’t care if the bell’s ringin’. Ah ain’t goin’ to school today.” Applebloom argued. Applejack wanted to put a hoof around her little sister’s shoulder, but found herself hesitating. “It’s probably not what yer thinkin’, Sugarcube.” Applejack suggested. Rainbow Dash’s ears drooped as a horrible thought entered her mind. “Gilda. You idiot!” “What are you talking about?” Twilight would have continued if Rainbow Dash didn’t fly right into her face. “It’s like what happened at Cloudsdale! Gilda’s gonna get herself killed!” “We don’t know that.” Twilight argued. Spike stepped forward, holding his claws out so Twilight and Rainbow Dash were able to get a good look at the zombie grunge all over him. “Eh, I suppose…I could go look.” The ponies gathered around Spike. “Not by yerself. I got plenty of thar blood on me too.” Applejack noted. “I don’t like this.” Rarity held Spike’s chin. “Going by yourselves sound like a horrible idea.” “I don’t like the idea of going out there at all.” Fluttershy added. “I’ll be careful! Really!” He argued. Twilight locked eyes with Applejack. “Don’t ya’ll worry. We’ll be practically invisible to the little varmints. Promise.” Applejack took a deep breath, tipping her hat slightly. “Wish us luck.” “If any pony can get out of there alive you can do it, sis!” Applebloom chimed in. A little smile appeared on Applejack’s face. Considering her own confidence with Applebloom’s survival when the outbreak began, it was calming to know the little filly had just as much faith in her. “Spike, just go look and come straight back.” Twilight ordered. “I don’t want you in more danger than necessary.” A loud “whosh” interrupted Spike’s train of thought. Noticing Rainbow Dash was no longer present, the others turned their attention to the now open door. “DASH!” Twilight exclaimed. Fortunately there were no parasprites in the immediate vicinity. Rainbow Dash didn’t care though. As far as she was concerned she could out fly living ones, much less undead ones. Gilda if you’re doing what I think you’re doing, I’m gonna kick your butt! Cheerliee’s schoolhouse was only a few minutes away at top speed. The loud ringing of its bell was beginning to hurt Rainbow Dash’s ears. As the adrenline pumped through the speedy pegasus’ body, so did her frustration. Rainbow Dash flapped her wings harder and harder as the schoolhouse was finally within sight. The parasprite horde was forcing its way through the small doorway. “Dash!” Rainbow Dash hated abrupt stops while at speed. Getting pulled down by the legs was even worse, as a strong grip forced her to the ground. Surely enough, it was Gilda, holding Rainbow Dash against the grass. “What are you thinking! You’re going to get yourself killed!” Gilda snapped. Rainbow couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Me? What about you? You rang that bell didn’t you!” “Take it easy Dash. It’s all part of the plan.” Gilda let go of Rainbow Dash’s legs. “Give it a sec.” Gilda looked back at the parasprites as the last of the horde disappeared into the schoolhouse. “Hey zebra! That’s your cue!” Rainbow Dash rolled onto her back so she could get a better view. Surely enough, Zecora was speeding around the corner of the schoolhouse, slamming the door shut. “It’s Zecora, as I have already told you.” Zecora reached into her cloak, taking out a small pouch. She opened the door ever so slightly tossing it inside before shutting it closed. After a few seconds, passed the entire schoolhouse burst into flames. “Blech. That’s what those things smell like when they burn.” Gilda muttered. Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. She remembered the various pranks they pulled in the Junior Speedsters, though vandalism was not one of them. Realizing Rainbow Dash was giving her a death glare, Gilda spoke up. “You thought I was using myself as bait. Yeah right.” “Tsh. Figures. The Wonderbolts are braver than you.” Rainbow Dash muttered under her breath. “And less practical.” Gilda replied. She had to cover her nostrils with her talon. “Seriously, rotting flesh is bad enough. Burning rotting flesh though…think I’m gonna hurl.” “You smell something cooking?” Gilda groaned at the sight of Applejack and Spike’s approach. Seeing the gore covering their bodies, she sharpened her talons against each other. “Your friends or not…. I gotta take em out.” “Their not zombies you idiot! It’s a disguise!” Rainbow Dash snapped, forcing Gilda’s talons to the ground. “Well excuse me for being careful.” You don’t know the meaning of the word careful. Rainbow Dash thought to herself. Applejack stopped dead in her tracks once she got a good look at the buring schoolhouse. I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, Applejack! “Wha? Shut up, Rarity. Ah said we ain’t talkin’ about it.” She muttered under her breath. Failing to realize Spike could hear her. “Excuse me?” Spike asked. Regaining her composure, Applejack patted Spike on the head. “Nothin’ ya need to worry about, Spike.” Applejack trotted up to Rainbow Dash. “Dangerous comin’ out ere without trotter blood on ya.” “That what you call them?” Gilda crossed her talons. “Ones in Cloudsdale didn’t exactly ‘trot’.” She noted. It took a little over an hour for the rest of the survivors to make their way out of their hiding places. Twilight and Spike stood before the crowd as it arrived at the ruins of the schoolhouse. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy hovered out of the crowd to speak. “That’s everypony.” Rainbow Dash reported. “So no casualties then?” Twilight asked. Silverstar and Rainbow Dad emerged from the crowd. Silverstar took off his hat. Even though his mustache covered his muzzle, Twilight could still tell he was not going to report anything good. “That ain’t entirely true. A couple of mah ponies didn’t make it to cover in time.” Silverstar closed his eyes. Likewise Rainbow Dad shook his head. “I saw one of my guys eaten alive too.” He looked up at his daughter and smiled. “Of course, I just knew my Dashie would come out alive.” Rainbow Dash chuckled slightly while she scratched her mane. “Come on Rainbow Dad. That’s not surprising.” Twilight took deep breath before addressing the crowd. “Ok everypony. Tha’s all I needed to know. Now take some time to rest.” The crowd began to disperse, with the exception of Rainbow Dad. He looked over at Twilight, making his expression darken. He felt like an elephant was sititng on his chest as he spoke up. “Dashie. Flutters. Can we talk? In private?” Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy exchanged glances before following him. He’s going to tell them. Good. Twilight thought to herself. Spike took another look at the schoolhouse ruins. Applejack and Cheerliee were just stairing at the smolding remains. He figured Cheerliee would take its loss pretty hard, but wasn’t expecting Applejack to be distraught too. “You want to talk to them?” He asked Twilight. Before Twilight could respond, Rarity trotted past her. “Leave it to me.” Rarity said. She took a small step forward. Cheerliee was the first to notice. “Hello Rarity. It’s not that bad.” Cheerliee motioned to her. “I’m certain the schoolhouse can be up and running again in no time.” Rarity raised an eyebrow. The quivering in Cheerliee’s voice was hardly convincing. “How would you like it if I helped you with the renovations?” Rarity asked. She put a hoof around Cheerliee’s shoulder before the teacher pony could respond. “We could easily make it more presentable than before. It could go a long way to make little fillies enjoy going.” Even though she had yet to start crying, she still wiped her eyes. “You would do that?” “Of course. Rebuilding the schoolhouse from the ground up is certainly a worthy goal.” Rarity reassured. Cheerliee’s smile made her smile back. She then looked over at Applejack. “Ah don’t wanna talk about it, Rares.” Rarity trotted over to her friend. As much as she wanted to hold Applejack to comfort her, she knew better than to touch her. “Applejack. What happened ten years ago haunts me as well, dear….” “SHUT UP RARITY!” Rarity would have hit her head against the ground if Twilight and Spike didn’t catch her in time. “Thank you dears.” “Of course.” Spike replied. “Applejack, what was that all about?” Twilight asked. Applejack stomped a hoof to the ground in fury. “Ah just…Ah want to move on! But Rarity keeps wantin’ to talk about it. Well Ah ain’t havin’ any of it!” Applejack continued to grumble to herself as she trotted away. “What did I miss?” Twilight had take a step back in surprise. Spike and Rarity turned their attention to Pinkie, who was slowly trotting towards them with Maud’s help. “Pinkie, you really shouldn’t sneak up on ponies like that.” Rarity said. Maud applied pressure to the bandages wrapped around Pinkie’s neck with a hoof. “She wanted to know what was goin on.” Maud stated. “I like what you did with your mane Twilight.” Twilight blushed, since the last time Spike singed her mane was frankly embarrassing on her part. Pinkie tilted her head at the sight of the schoolhouse ruins. “Oh no. Applejack’s all upset now, isn’t she?” Pinkie asked. Rarity nodded back. “How do you know about that?” Twilight scratched her head. Rarity stopped her from scratching. “The thing is Twilight…. Before you came to Ponyville, less than pleasant events occurred here.” Rarity shook her head. “And it’s my fault.” Still smittened from when he caught her, Spike couldn’t help but chuckle. “How bad could it have been?” Pinkie and Rarity exchanged glances before Rarity worked up the courage to speak. “It’s not something I like to speak of. The thing is…. I’m the reason Applejack’s parents are dead.” > It Was My Fault > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Must you be so uncouth!” “Don’t ya go judging a hard workin’ filly!” Oh, Applejack and I gave each other such a hard time in our school years. I would arrive to school in a timely and orderly manner, well primed and prepared for my day. Applejack would come straight out of the fields, and…it showed. Recess most days were the two of us going back and forth like the immature fillies we were. “Do Ah look like the kind of pony interested in that kind of thang? Ah spend mah mornin’s doing somethin’ productive.” Applejack would say. And I would respond. “Making one’s self presentable is as productive as a lady could be. Surely it wouldn’t hurt to take a bath before coming to school!” On our better days, we wouldn’t attract the attention of our fellow school foals. Sadly, I cannot say we had many. They would stare at our arguments when they should have been playing. Our own fault, I suppose. “I can asure you, you don’t have to be such a mess.” I finally said one day. I wrapped a foreleg around Applejack’s neck, holding my other leg outwards. “Give me half an hour, and you will be the talk of the town.” “Ya ain’t gettin’ me in front of a mirror with yer fancy makeup and perfumes.” Applejack continued to argue. But I was not willing to let it go, you could say I was far more stubborn during my filly years. “Nonsense, Applejack. You will be thanking me when I am finished with you.” I examined Applejack thoroughly. I heard some snide remarks from the fillies watching us, but I payed them no mind. I was preparing myself for a challenge. “Yer wastin’ yer time…” “IDEA!” I exclaimed. “A single braid in your mane is nice, but you would look wonderful if it was knotted fully! Perhaps an ascot as well, that would look wonderful on you. Tell me, do you wear clothes when you are doing your farming work?” Sadly I could not continue that day as the bell marked the end of that day’s recess. But I was not focused on the remainder of class, I couldn’t stop thinking about how I was going to make Applejack look fabulous. So much so I couldn’t stop staring at her from my desk. But it would seem I was getting on her nerves, because she decided it would be the best option to throw a crumpled up piece of paper at me. “Ah ain’t doin it! So get those thoughts outta yer mind!” She whispered. Of course, Applejack’s voice was just as distinct ten years ago as it was today. The Doctor stopped his lecture…. “Hey. I don’t remember the Doctor being our teacher.” Pinkie interrupted. Rarity took a long sigh, slumping back in her throne. Twilight, Spike, and Pinkie were likewise sitting in their own thrones, listening to her story. Pound was sitting on Pinkie’s head, half buried in her mane, while Pumpkin was chewing on Pinkie’s throne. Twilight turned her attention to Pinkie. “Um, Pinkie, I don’t think it could have been Cheerliee.” Twilight noted. Rarity scrunched up her face. “Of course not. She was one our classmates. All though by that point she was passionate about becoming a teacher herself.” Rarity’s ears lowered as she glanced away from the others. “But this is about my history with Applejack.” Rarity took a large gulp. “Rarity.” Spike got out of his throne and walked over to her. “You can tell us anything.” Spike reassured, holding Rarity’s hoof with both claws. Rarity blushed as she let out a little giggle. “How gentledragonly of you.” Rarity’s eyes darted over to the Cake Twins. “Of course I don’t’ believe this is a tale infants should hear.” Pinkie reached over and picked up Pumpkin, rocking her back and forth in her forelegs. “Don’t be silly. Their with their mommy and daddy.” After an awkard pause, Pinkie spoke up again. “That’s me.” They are not your children, Pinkie. Twilight thought to herself. She took a breath. “Go on Rarity.” “Thank you, darling.” Rarity readjusted herself in her throne. “Well, The Doctor told us to meet with him after school hours. Our conflicts must have been tiresome. Fortunately, I reacted to this in a calm, rational manner.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Of all the worst things that could happen, this is the! Worst! Possible! Thing!” Applejack paced back and forth in the empty school house, with a condescending glare. “Ah don’t like this any more than ya’ll. Ma, Pa and Granny ain’t gonna like me bein’ late.” She argued. But unlike her, I was not so confident. I swore to my parents I would be a good filly. Not a misbehaving little ruffian. “My concern, Applejack, being in trouble. Aren’t you concerned about that in the slightest?” “Course not. It’s the Apple Family work schedule that Ah care about. Little Applebloom’s has set us back enough as is.” That was the first I had learned about Applebloom’s existence. So of course, I was estatic. “You have a little sister! Why didn’t you mention her sooner! She must be so cute! Not that your older brother doesn’t have a certain charm.” My voice must have sounded like Sweetie Belle’s I was so excited. Of course my attitude was quick to change as the Doctor finished saying his farewells to our classmates, closing the door behind him to face us. I must have ducked behind my seat, as he started to chuckle. “Easy now, young lady. You don’t need to go hiding just yet.” His smooth voice uttered. “But the two of you must realize that the class room is a place of learning, not fighting.” “We know that Mr. Doctor. Well, Ah know that at least.” Applejack noted. I took offense to that, immediately speaking up. “Now hold up just a moment. What exactly are you implying?” I asked, getting out of my seat. Applejack glared back at me, her expression of irritation matching my own. “Ya’ll we’re the one sayin’ Ah ain’t some fancy shmansy pony like yerself.” “I was merely suggesting you at least try to be a proper lady.” “Some of us don’t want to be a ‘proper lady’. Some of us like being a farm pony.” “But of course, but that doesn’t mean you can’t look proper. Or at least take a bath!” By this point our faces were touching, letting me catch a full whiff of her scent. She smelled like a combination of a wet dog and sweat. “Why do ya’ll even care! It ain’t like it affects ya!” Finally the Doctor interviened, pushing the two of us away from each other. “Oh bugger. That’s enough. Both of you.” He demanded, his voice going from its usual calm to authoritative. “Rarity started it!” “I did not!” “Enough!” The Doctor exclaimed. That certainly stopped us. He readjusted his tie before he spoke up again. And what he had to say was the exact opposite of what I wanted to hear. “This has gone on long enough between the two of you. Tomorrow, I want to meet with your parents before school.” I felt like my heart was going to burst. I was a bad filly. And now I had gotten myself into a situation that required a parent-teacher confrence. I ran up to the Doctor, holding my hooves over his chest. “Please!” I begged. “Anything but that! My parents will never let me live it down!” I didn’t see what Applejack was doing, but she was not happy about our current situation either. “Erm, Mr. Doctor? Mah folks are a little busy. They get up in the we hours of the mornin’ to go to work.” “I have spoken to your parents before, Applejack.” The Doctor noted. “They will be willing to make an exception for this.” He gently lowered my hooves back down to the ground. “It is for the best.” But I would have none of it. “Mr. Doctor! My parents won’t be able to handle it! They think I’m a good filly!” “Which I am positive you are, Rarity. But this rubbish between the two of you cannot continue. It is getting in the way of your lessons. I will be expecting you to be there as well.” But I refused to go back home that night. I was not going to become a bad filly. Instead I went to my boutique…. “I’m confused. You owned Carousel Boutique as a filly?” Spike asked. Twilight and Rarity both looked at Spike with slight irritation. “Sorry.” “As I was saying. Instead I went to my boutique and put my skills to work….” Using our class picture as a baseline, I practiced styling my mane so I could work my magic on Applejack the following morning. It certainly didn’t look good on me, but it wasn’t for my own benefit. At least, not in a direct sense. “How can Applejack go out in public like this?” I asked myself. As the sun was going down, I started to panic. It occurred to me that Mother and Father would be too busy taking care of Sweetie Belle at the time to become suspicious of my disappearance, I was still scared of what Applejack’s parents would be like. “This looks like an all nighter job.” I began to sew together three vests for Applejack and her parents. My young mind rationalized a fashionable gift would be enough to put us on good terms, and prevent any more mishaps. I didn’t have a filly manquin at the time, so I had to swallow my pride and use my own measurements to make it. Once it was done, I looked in the mirror and felt sick. It did not match my style at all. And I still had two adult vests to make. “Apples or not, I must do my best! Every pony deserves that much!” I continued to create vest after vest, using every material I could think of. I finally decided on vests made from nylon, acrylic, and polyester layerings. Magnifique! Well, for a filly at least. “At last. And that only took…” I looked up at the clock. It was already five in the morning. “Goodness! I need to hurry!” I made my way to the schoolhouse as quickly as I could. I was foolish to believe I could make it to school before the Apples. I took a quick glance to check and surely enough, Applejack and her parents were waiting. For the second time, Pinkie interrupted Rarity’s story. “What were they like?” Rarity sighed. “Well, Applejack is a spitting image of her mother. With a green coat and a mane style closer to Applebloom’s. As for her father, well you could certainly tell where Big McIntosh gets his good looks.” “G-good looks?” Spike stuttered. “You know what I mean, Spikey-Wikey.” Rarity reassured, holding Spike’s chin. “Even you must admit he is a most impressive stallion. But as I was saying, I composed myself, and prepared for our meeting.” I slowly opened the door, performing my most gracious trot. “Well, lookie here. Ya’ll must be Rarity.” Applejack’s Mother noted. “Whatcha got thar?” Applejack’s Father asked. I smiled with pride. “I am so glad you asked, Mr. Apple. A gift for the two of you. A stylish vest for the hotter days of the season.” I hovered the vests over to Applejack’s parents, who took them with intruque. As for Applejack herself, she was suspicious of my motives. “What are ya up to Rarity? Where are yer parents?” I avoided the question, using my magic to put Applejack’s vest over her body. I held a hoof to my mouth, impressed with my work and how well it managed to fit her. I was tired, I didn’t have my beauty sleep, but it would seem I was successful. “So? What do you think? Tell me!” I was so uncouth with that squeal, but Applejack’s parents seemed to like my vests. “Looks good on ya, sugercube.” Applejack’s Mother said to her spouse. “Right back at ya.” Sadly Applejack was not as pleased. “Rarity. Can we have a word? Outside?” I hid my worry as the two of us stepped out of the schoolhouse, the russling of Applejack’s vest scrapping against ground. “Applejack! Please! You don’t drag acrylic along the ground!” Applejack pushed me away, closing the door behind her. “Rarity, yer not getting’ to mah folks by brown nosen em.” I let out a large gasp in offense. “I beg your pardon? I am trying to set things right.” I snapped. Already I could feel another argument with Applejack coming on. I didn’t want it to happen, but there wasn’t anything I could do. “Yer makin’ a bigger deal about this than ya need to. So go get yer folks so we can move on!” I shook my head, confident I could get through this without Mother and Father getting involved. But then I smelled something burning. “No.” Twilight muttered. “Rarity you aren’t suggesting what I think you are?” Rarity was on the verge of tears. “Yes. In my tired state, I failed to remember that all three fabrics I made the vests from are very flamible. The Schoolhouse was in flames within less than a minute. Applejack tried to open the door, but it was no use.” Spike had to take a step back in shock. Pinkie’s eyes grew bigger than her head. “That can’t be!” “I’m afraid it is, darling.” Rarity couldn’t hold back her tears any longer. The others exchanged glances before walking over to her side. Spike put an arm around her, but was taken by surprise when Rarity gave him a big hug. “It’s ok.” Spike gasped out. “No it’s not! By the time help came it was already too late!” Applejack had collapsed to the ground as the flames died down. The firepegasi were clearing debris from the ruins. Some of our classmates were happy the schoolhouse was gone, no doubt the following four week break from school while it was being repared had a lot to do with it. But not Applejack. “Applejack!” I held Applejack tightly. She didn’t react, how could she? “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Rarity continued to wail. “Rarity, that wasn’t your fault.” Spike said as calmly as he could, but it was no use. “Yes! It was my fault!” “No.” Twilight and Pinkie spun around to face the throne room entrance. Applejack was poking her head through the open doorway. “Applejack.” Twilight muttered. Rarity wiped her eyes, giving her a better view of her friend’s arrival. “Ah already told ya. Ah don’t hold it against ya.” Applejack stated. “I forgave ya long ago.” Rarity watched Applejack walk away, at a loss for words, and how to feel. > We Have Our Duties I Suggest We Do Them > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Why did I follow the others!” A lone neighsayer unicorn bolted towards the outskirts of the Everfree Forest. Her heart was pounding so hard she was having trouble moving. “This town was a terrible idea! Regular zombies are bad enough. Knew I should have just made a B-line for Las Pegasus.” The neighsayer stammered out. Losing her balance, she finally collapsed to the ground. SNAP! “Where are you? Show yourself!” She exclaimed, forcing herself to her forehooves, her hindlegs still dragging along the ground. You’re loosing it. It’s nothing. The Neighsayer put her weight onto her forelegs, causing her hooves to dig into the ground. But rather than feeling just dirt, she felt something soft. “What is this?” The Neighsayer began digging into the dirt, until she saw a pony’s flank. “No.” She dug faster and faster, pushing past the dirt. More and more of the pony seemed familiar. The pony was wearing the same dungeon outfit she was wearing. Her eyes widened as she finally fully dug out the pony, revealing he had no head. “Sweet Celestia. T-they lied! I got to get out of here!” The Neighsayer fell onto her back in panic. She rolled over to her stomach as quickly as she could, scampering away from the dead pony, but in her desperation, failed to notice a steep drop. Her body ached like crazy as she rolled down the hill, the muscles in her legs twisting and tearing. Landing on her neck, the neighsayer let out a loud wail. No. Not here. Not now. The Neighsayer tried to get back up, but the pain in her legs was too much for her. Her ears perked up as she heard snarling. She squinted her eyes to get a better look. A bipedal dog was making its way towards her. “Hey! You there! I need help!” Fear filled The Neighsayer’s body as the dog drew closer, revealing bits of flesh had fallen off its face, no flesh remained on either of its claws, and its rib cage was exposed. “GAH! SOMEPONY! PLEASE!” The Neighsayer looked back and forth from the dog and the cliff above. A smile appeared on her face as she saw a pony standing in the shadows above her. “Please! Help me up! I won’t tell anypony! I swear!” The pony didn’t respond. The Neighsayer looked at the approaching zombie. “No. You won’t.” “Pppppllllleeeeeeaaaaasssseeee!” The Neighsayer begged in vain, as the zombie dog chomped on her back. Her screams continued as the pony remorselessly trotted away. Rainbow Dash put a hoof against the door to Fluttershy’s room. She could tell it wasn’t locked, but something was stopping her from going inside. “Fluttershy. Please don’t be mad at Rainbow Dad. He didn’t mean to…” Rainbow Dash began to say, but felt a pang of guilt running through her. Who am I kidding? Yes he did. “Any luck?” Rainbow Dash turned her attention to Applejack approaching from further down the hall. “Psh. She hasn’t come out for days. What am I supposed to say?” Applejack tilted her had upwards. She briefly hesitated before speaking her mind. “Well, Ah’m thinkin’ we let her stay behind for the next trip outta town” Applejack suggested. As much sense as that made to Rainbow Dash, she didn’t want to leave Fluttershy all by herself. “It doesn’t seem right.” “Ah know. But neither does sittin’ idle.” Applejack replied. She pressed her ear against Fluttershy’s door. “Ya’ll ok about stayin’ ere, Fluttershy? Give ya some time?” “That’s a terrible idea.” Rainbow Dash pushed Applejack back. She felt bad about it almost immediately after Applejack started wincing. “Sorry. But Fluttershy needs us. Sulking about her parents won’t do anything. Not by herself.” Applejack wanted to respond, she really did. But it would involve talking about her parents. Nope. Rarity’s already brought that up when she shouldn’t. Ah certainly won’t. Rainbow Dash turned her attention back to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy. Come out. I’m the one who told Rainbow Dad what your parents were like. Be mad at me.” “That ain’t gonna help. If anythang it will be worse.” “Just let me talk!” Rainbow Dash pushed the door slightly, leaving it ajar. Just enough to see an empty bed. “Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash pushed the door open further. Fluttershy was sitting in a corner, her face was still damp, no doubt from crying. “Talk to me. Please. I don’t want you to be mad….” Fluttershy muttered under her breath. Confused, Rainbow Dash glanced back at Applejack before entering the room. “Come again?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I-I said I’m not….” Fluttershy tried to say, but found it hard to get the words out. She took a deep breath, feeling Rainbow Dash’s hoof on her shoulder. Fluttershy opened her eyes to see Applejack and Rainbow Dash sitting on both sides of her. “Ya’ll can tell us anythang.” Applejack said. Rainbow Dash swirled her tongue around in her mouth, unsure about how willing Applejack would be to talk if their positions were reversed. “I’m not mad. I’m happy. And I shouldn’t be.” Fluttershy uttered, covering her face again. “They were horrible ponies. They wanted me to be something I wasn’t. The pushed me, they wanted the best flyer in Equestria. But instead they got me." “Hey! Listen to me.” Rainbow Dash grabbed Fluttershy’s face with her forehooves, turning Fluttershy’s neck so she could look her friend in the eyes. “You didn’t need them. You deserved better than those things.” “They were still my parents!” Fluttershy squealed. “Rainbow Dad may have helped me. But that doesn’t make it right. I’m supposed to love them.” Rainbow Dash pulled her closer into a full embrace. “Not if they’re like that.” She muttered. Applejack reached over to put her fore leg around Fluttershy, but stopped just short, feeling an uncomfortable tingle go down her back. “Er, Flutters, family don’t abuse each other.” “But they did.” Fluttershy started shaking. “When the died I was…. and now I’m….” Fluttershy’s tone was becoming softer and softer, until she just stopped talking entirely. Applejack trotted over to the window. She could see a trio of zombie ponies at the outskirts of Ponyville being fended off by Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth. “It’s these dang trotters. Makin’ everypony unnerved.” Applejack put her hoof against the window frame, feeling the diction in her voice getting intense. “Makin’ us all think about death all the time. That’s not somethin’ we should be doin’. We should be thinkin’ of our normal lives. An honest day’s work, hot meals, family bonding. That sort of thang.” “Don’t forget about having fun!” Rainbow Dash took a breath. “You just can’t help yourself can you, Pinkie? Always got to take me by surprise.” Think I’d be used to it by now. Pinkie walked over to her friends, both Cake Twins asleep in her saddlebags. “Sure ya want to have those two with ya for this Pinkie? Could wake up any second.” Applejack asked. Pinkie simply twirled her left foreleg. “Don’t you worry about that. I’ve got them all taken care of. Bottles on standby, filled with yummy chocolate milk. Pound here really likes it. Me too really.” Pinkie explained, reaching into the saddlebags, careful not to wake the Twins, and taking a sip of chocolate milk out of one of the baby bottles. “Hmm. Could use a little frosting.” “Pinkie. Ah really don’t think now’s the time.” Applejack noted. Pinkie’s face darkened. “It’s never a bad time for chocolate milk.” She argued. Pinkie held the bottle out to Fluttershy. The sensitive pegasus lifted her head away from Rainbow Dash’s chest to get a better look. “Here you go, Fluttershy. It will make you feel better.” All eyes were on Fluttershy, who simply stared at the bottle. A minute passed before she finally took it. After another minute, she took a sip. “Thank you, Pinkie.” Fluttershy muttered, wiping her lips. Feeling proud of herself, a big smile appeared on her face. The scar on her neck started to sting, but she didn’t care. “Remember what happened on the train.” Pinkie said in a squeaky voice. Fluttershy mustered enough strength to stand on all fours. “My work here is done.” Pinkie gave a little salute before making her way back to the hallway outside. Rainbow Dash grabbed her hoof. “Hold it. What did you mean? What happened that day? I want to know.” Rainbow Dash ordered. Pinkie let out a little giggle. “I can’t tell you that, Dashie. We Pinkie Promised.” Pinkie replied. Though her expression didn’t change, she never the less glanced over at Applejack, who looked away in return. Rainbow Dash lowered her head. Some days I really hate the Pinkie Promise. She thought to herself. A little smile appeared on Fluttershy’s face. The sight of the sleeping Cake Twins was always something that made her feel better. Just then she remembered something. “Oh no. I almost forgot! Rarity scheduled a day at the spa for us.” “You got to be kidding me.” Rainbow Dash groaned, holding a hoof against her cheek. Bearing the exact same expression, Rainbow Dash finally lowered her hoof so Aloe could apply her face cream. “Why did I let you talk me into this?” Rainbow Dash asked. Rarity, who was lying down on a table with a hot towel over her back, arched her neck in Rainbow Dash’s direction. “Because this is the best way to relieve tension.” Rarity argued. Spike emerged from the sauna, steam billowing out from behind him. “Won’t argue with that.” Spike agreed. Pinkie poked her head out of the tub she, Fluttershy, Applejack, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were soaking in. “Its just a shame Twilight didn’t want to join us.” Pinkie noted. Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yeah well, Rainbow Dad’s using his brand of tension relief for her.” Rarity quickly looked over at her little sister. “Rainbow, please, must you talk about that of all things in front of fillies?” She whispered, trying not to catch the three fillies attention. Applebloom however, heard everything. “Whatcha talkin’ about?” Applebloom asked. Applejack shook her head. “Ah’ll tell ya when yer older.” Applejack promised. Scootaloo climbed out of the tub, with Lotus already waiting with a towel for the young pegasus. “Thanks.” Scootaloo wrapped herself in the towel, leaving only her face uncovered. “Are you talking about a ‘pony ride’ Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo asked. Rarity held her forehooves to her mouth. Fluttershy’s eyes widened with surprise. “Oh my.” Fluttershy muttered. Rarity stood up, trotting over to Rainbow Dash’s seat. “Goodness gracious, Rainbow. You had…. ‘The talk’ with Scootaloo? Isn’t she a bit young for that?” “I’m out.” Spike chimed in, not wanting any part of their conversation. “Need me, I’ll be in the sauna.” “Mr. Spike!” Lotus called out. “You shouldn’t be in there for longer than three hours. You could suffer some serious damage.” “Dragon, remember? I’ve swum in lava before. I’ll be fine.” Spike reassured, closing the sauna door behind him. Rainbow Dash turned her attention back to Rarity. “Why not? You’d prefer it if Scoots heard it on the streets?” Rarity facehoofed. Knowing Scootaloo wasn’t much older than Sweetie Belle, she felt such topics were inappropriate for fillies her age. She glanced over at Scootaloo, who seemed to not be paying attention to the conversation. “What are they talking about?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Well, Rainbow Dash told me when a mare and a stallion love each other very much, or are just looking to have a fun Saturday evening….” “Scootaloo! Don’t you dare finish that sentence, young lady! I will not have my sister hear such vulgar material until she’s ready!” Rarity snapped. Sweetie Belle groaned. “How can I be ready for it if I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Sweetie Belle pulled herself out of the tub, trotting towards her older sister, Aloe wrapping her in a towel as she headed towards Rarity. “You’re my sister. Not Mom.” “Well Mother and Father are not here right now. And that makes me your legal guardian for the time being.” Rarity reminded. Pinkie put a hoof to her chin. “Hm. Where have Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles been this whole time anyway?” She asked seemingly no pony. Applebloom raised an eyebrow at Applejack. “What are ya’ll staring at me fer?” Applejack folded her forehooves. Applebloom didn’t respond, not that she needed to. At least yer not actin’ like that. Again. Applebloom thought to herself. All eyes turned to Spike as he emerged from the sauna once more, holding a piece of parchment. “Eh, sorry to say this but, I got a message from Princess Luna.” Spike said. Pinkie lept out of the tub, lying on the ground with her hooves on her cheeks, anticipation radiating from her. Spike looked at the others before reading the letter out loud. Dearest Council of Friendship, I fear we may have a disaster brewing on the coastal cities of Manehattan, Fillydelphia, and Baltimare. However I am not comfortable putting this into words. Go to sleep immediately so that I may speak to you face to face. You’re Princess of the Night, Luna Spike rolled the letter up, expecting a reaction from his friends. Instead Applebloom was the one who broke the silence. “Ya’ll think Babs is in danger?” Applejack reached over to the hat rack, putting her hat back on. “Welp. Only one way to find out. Come on everypony. Time for bed, Ah guess.” “Oh, you can use the lobby. There should be plenty of room for all of you.” Aloe suggested. She then turned her attention to the three fillies. “The three of you of course can use our facilities for as long as you want.” As Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinke left the bathing room Rarity approaching her saddlebags in the corner of the room. “You’re a darling. Let me just give you your payment and we should all be good to go.” Rarity said. Lotus put a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. “That’s not necessary, Miss Rarity.” “I beg your pardon?” Rarity stopped digging into her bag. “You are still making good use of your services even as undead swarm Equestria. You deserve payment.” Aloe stood next to her sister. “Yes, but we have talked about it. And we are not sure how much bits are worth anymore.” “Its ok, Miss Rarity. You have always been a good customer. Consider this visit on the house.” Lotus added. Reluctantly, Rarity zipped up her bag, putting them on her back. “Very well. But I am going to pay you next time. Taking advantage of another pony’s generosity is a horrible thing to do. Come Spikey.” Rarity motioned to the young dragon. “Actually, someone has to go tell Twilight. Might as well be me.” Spike said, his voice filled with dread. This isn’t going to be easy to see. Spike stood outside Twilight’s room. The door wasn’t locked, but the muffled noises coming from within were enough to make Spike hesitate. I can't believe I'm about to do this. Spike knocked on the door. After a few seconds, he could hear Twilight’s voice, consisting mostly of heavy gasps. “Just a minute, Spike. Almost done.” Spike leaned his back against the wall, sliding down to the ground. After exactly one minute passed, Spike heard a sound come from Twilight’s room. It was definitely her voice, and it was certainly a sound Spike had never heard Twilight make before. Though Twilight was definitely enjoyed making it. “Are you done? It’s urgent.” Spike said through the door. “Sure. Come on in. It’s open.” Twilight called back. Taking a huge gulp, Spike opened the door. Twilight and Rainbow Dad were lying together on Twilight’s bed; their manes were messier than the worst case of bed mane Spike had ever seen, with a light sheen coming off both their coats. “Spike! How’s it going?” Rainbow Dad asked nonchalantly. Resisting the urge to vomit, Spike walked over Twilight’s side of the bed. His stomach turned as the smell coming from Twilight and Rainbow Dad’s bodies filled his nostrils. “It’s Princess Luna. She wants to talk to us. You know, in our dreams. Something’s happened.” Spike reported, doing his best to avoid eye contact. Rainbow Dad shifted his position so he was sitting up. “I can go, if you want.” Yes please go. Spike thought to himself. “That would probably be for the best. I will see you later.” Twilight replied. Spike hoped he was just hearing things, as Rainbow Dad climbed out of Twilight’s bed, with what he thought was a sloshing sound. “Ok. I should probably check on my crew. Somepony didn’t report in last night. Better make sure everything's alright. If you need anything else, your majesty, let me know. I’ll talk to you then.” Rainbow Dad planted a gentle kiss on Twilight’s forehead before leaving. Noticing Spike was shivering, Twilight was quick to console him. “I’m sorry you had to see that, Spike.” Twilight’s face scrunched up, a lump forming in her throat. Spike rubbed his eyes as hard as he could. “It’s ok. I’m fine. Really. But if it’s all the same to you, I’ll be sleeping in my room for this meeting.” As far as Spike was concerned, he couldn’t get out of Twilight’s room fast enough. Twilight reached out with her magic, pulling her covers up to her chin, and closed her eyes. Twilight opened her eyes. She found herself in Celestia’s throne room, where the other members of the Mane Six were already waiting. “Sorry I’m late.” She trotted over to the others, just in time for Spike to materialize by her side. “Yer out like a light when it comes to sleep ain’t ya?” Applejack asked. Spike simply shrugged. Twilight then looked at Rainbow Dash, who had a blank expression on her face. “Don’t say anything, Twilight. I’m used to it.” She reassured. Pinkie looked over Twilight’s shoulder and waved. “Hiya Cadance! Hiya Shining Armor!” Twilight spun around, and surely enough, Cadance and Shining Armor were making their way towards the group. Shining Armor was the first to speak up. “Twily!” “Shining Armor! Cadance!” Twilight bolted over to her brother and sister in law. Twilight and Cadance proceeded to do their special chant and hoofshake. Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake! Rarity tilted her head, feeling a warm feeling in her chest. “That always was sweet.” Rarity pointed out. Fluttershy nodded in agreement. A blue aura appeared in the center of the room, blinding everypony and Spike. After a moment, the blue light faded away, and the Princess of the Night stood in its place. “Good you are all here.” Luna trotted past Twilight, Shining Armor and Cadance, and looked at one of the stain glass windows. The others trotted over to her side as the image on the glass changed from a depiction of Discord’s defeat the previous year, into a Manehatten street in ruin. “Why are you showing us this?” Fluttershy asked, shrinking back. Luna spared a single glance at Fluttershy before looking back at the window. “Because somepony is on a misguided mission. The surviving ponies of the urban enviorment are scared. Undead swarm the streets and now a pony of great influence plans to remove them. By destroying the three cities.” As Luna finshed her speech, she let out a nasty cough. Rainbow Dash flapped her wings and hovered of the ground up until she reached eye level with Luna. “You ok, Princess?” Now with a better look, Rainbow Dash could see the color in Luna’s eyes was fading. “Eh, Princess Luna?” “I am fine, Miss Dash. But I appreciate your concern.” Luna cleared her throat before continuing. “As much as I wish I could deal with this matter personally, I do not wish to leave my sister alone. Or leave Canterlot undefended. It is why I ask you, the Council of Friendship, to save the coastal cities.” Cadance lowered her head. “I wish I could be send on a mission once in a while.” She looked around at the others present. “Did I just say that out loud?” “Yes. Any internal thoughts you may have become external in dreams.” Luna clarified. “Princess Luna…” Shining Armor took a step forward. “Who is this pony?” Luna held a hoof forward. A unicorn holding a knife in his mouth appeared on the ajoining window. His white fur was caked in blood, but it wasn’t enough to cover his cutie mark, a trio of crowns. “T-that’s Fancy Pants! No. That can’t be right!” Rarity stammered out. Luna closed her eyes. “I’m afraid this is true. Mr. Pants believes he can save the cities by destroying them. As of now he is gathering survivors he believes ‘can’ still be saved. Unforunately, that is not all of them.” Luna explained. Rarity paced back and forth. She respected Fancy Pants, as the first high class pony to notice her during a trip to Canterlot, she never saw him as the kind of pony who would loose their mind to the madness going on. “This can’t be true. There has to be more to this. I need to know.” “I am sure there is. But there is something else I must say to you. It concerns the nature of these undead.” The throne room around the group speed away from them, making Fluttershy feel dizzy. As their surroundings stopped, they found themselves in the courtyard of the Crystal Empire. Spike felt his mouth water at the sight of the Crystal Heart. “We know they want the heart.” Shining Armor blurted out. Twilight tilted her head in confusion. “What do you mean?” She asked. Cadance walked over to the Heart, placing a hoof against it. “The zombies are drawn to love. We’ve put a shield around the Empire, but more appear every day.” Cadance explained in a defeated tone. “And that is why you must get rid of the Crystal Heart.” Luna replied. Applejack tipped her hat. “Pardon me for sayin’ this Princess, but after all the trouble we went through to find you want us to just toss it away?” Luna took a breath. She didn’t answer right away. Her pause was long enough for Twilight and Fluttershy to notice the lines under her eyes. “Um, Princess Luna….” Fluttershy began to say, but Luna stomped her hoof against the ground. “My well being is not something you need to concern your self with, Fluttershy. Now I realize the Heart means a lot to the Crystal Ponies, but we must do what is best for all of Equestria.” Spike felt his spine shiver. “You killed me.” A dark voice rang out through the pony’s ears. “Sorry. That was me.” Spike bit his lip. “When we went to Tartarus I thought I heard…. you know what it doesn’t matter.” “I know Sombra haunts you Spike, but he is long dead. The Heart does not need to ward him off any longer. And the threat of the undead is why the Heart needs to be removed. Take it away from Equestria, as far away as possible.” Luna explained. Pinkie looked around at her friends. She realized she would have to be the one to speak up. “Okie, dokie, lokie. Save the cities from Fancy Pants for us, go hide the Crystal Heart for Cadance. We can do that.” “Pinkie, I don’t think it will be that easy….” Twilight began to say, but was interrupted by Rarity pushing her way past Twilight. “I agree with Pinkie. We have our duties. I suggest we do them.” Rarity held a hoof to her chest. “We will do as you command, Princess.” “That’s all I can ask. Well, there is one more thing I want you to do.” Luna said with a smile on her face. “What’s that?” Pinkie asked. “I want you to wake up.” Pinkie sat up straight in surprise. She looked over at Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were stiring awake as well. Rarity however, was already up and brushing her mane, looking at the mirror behind the counter. “Ah, good, your awake. It’s time.” Rarity blurted out as quickly as she can. “Alright, alright, Im getting up. Hold your horses.” Rainbow Dash groaned. Fluttershy pushed her mane out of her eyes. As determined as Rarity might have been, Fluttershy was not so confident. > You're Going To Pay For This > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “And where exactly do you plan on going?” Rainbow Dash hovered a few feet over the station platform. Gilda stood before her with the same condescending glare Rainbow Dash was all too familiar with. “You heard me, Dash. Ponyville’s not for me.” Gilda looked over at the train just in time for the engine’s whisle to sound. “Better I just take off now.” “Why?” Gilda lept forward in surprise. Rainbow Dash smiled in relief. “Good to see you are able to sneak up on somepony other than me, Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash muttered to herself. Pinkie trotted over to Gilda’s side, who pushed Pinkie away before she could get too close. “Get away from me you pink pest.” Gilda snapped. “If there’s anyone I’m not gonna let chain me down to this dump it certainly isn’t you.” Gilda then turned her attention to Rainbow Dash, her stern expression softening slightly. “Look, Dash, I staying in one place will get me killed. If you were smart you’d do the same.” “That’s not true.” Pinkie noted. “We’ve stayed together and we’re all just fine.” “Said the pony with the slashed throat.” Gilda replied. Rainbow Dash landed onto the platform and walked right up to Gilda, her muzzle only a few inches from Gilda’s beak. “You were the one who did that to her!” “Yeah. I did. You want to know why that happened?” Gilda pushed Rainbow Dash out of her face before continuing. Part of her hated that she had to explain herself, especially to Rainbow Dash. “Because I was trying to stay alive. Being in large groups mean your going to run the risk of exactly that happening. By yourself….” Gilda stopped herself. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie realized she was staring at something. Surely enough, a zombie pony was slowly dragging its decaying form onto the platform. “Here we go.” Gilda pushed past Rainbow Dash. “Hey wait a minute!” Rainbow Dash called out to Gilda. She simply ignored Rainbow Dash as she stared at the zombie pony, and waited until it was in striking distance. Her contempt filled expression didn’t change as she dug her talons into the zombie pony’s head. “These things are the only thing I need to worry about. Staying on the move by myself ensures that.” Gilda explained. “I say pack up and leave this dump and do the same.” Rainbow Dash felt a lump form in her throat. Part of her hoped Gilda would get over herself some day. She just won’t change. “No.” Gilda turned away from Rainbow Dash and Pinkie. After not responding, Pinkie took a step forward. Gilda’s wings perked up, and avoided eye contact. “Then I guess this is good bye, Dash.” “Come on. You don’t have to go. Stay with us.” Pinkie trotted over to Gilda’s side, but the griffon flapped her wings and started to hover into the air. “Gilda!” Pinkie cried. She twisted her neck to get a better look at Gilda’s face. And for the brief glimps she was able to get, she saw Gilda had shut her eyes tight, tears were streaming down her face. Pinkie stopped moving as Gilda took off at top speed, flying away from Ponyville. Rainbow dash stomped her hoof. “Gilda. You just don’t care about anypony but yourself.” Pinkie turned back to face Rainbow Dash. “You’re not going after her?” “What’s the point?” Rainbow Dash lowered her head. She made her way towards the nearest train car. She stopped when she felt Pinkie’s foreleg wrapped a foreleg around her neck. “She’s not worth it anymore Pinkie.” “B-but she was your friend.” “Yeah. Was.” Rainbow Dash wanted to just move on, but the ache in her heart wasn’t letting her. Stupid heart! “No! Not stupid!” Pinkie exclaimed. Before Rainbow Dash had the chance to ask how Pinkie knew what she was thinking, Pinkie gave Rainbow Dash a big hug. “You have to believe she will be back! When have you ever given up on a friend before?” Rainbow Dash took a deep breath, putting more thought into the question than she felt she should be. “I….” “Would you kindly get in the train!” Rainbow Dash and Pinkie’s attention was drawn to Rarity, who was leaning out the window of one of the passenger cars. “We have to get some answers from Fancy Pants. And I would prefer it if we do so as soon as possible!” “Okie, dokey lokie!” Pinkie replied, pulling Rainbow Dash not into the same passenger car as the one Rarity and the others were waiting, but in one of the empty ones. Pinkie looked back outside with anticipation, holding a hoof over Rainbow Dash’s mouth. A big smile appeared on Pinkie’s face as the train started moving. Understandably confused, Rainbow Dash pushed Pinkie’s hoof away from her muzzle so she could speak. “What are you doing?” Pinkie looked over at both ends of the passenger car. Using speed usually reserved for Rainbow Dash herself, Pinkie ran to both ends of the passenger car and locked both doors. “There we go. Now we can’t be interrupted.” Now Rainbow Dash was really curious. “What are you up to, Pinkie?” Pinkie placed a hoof on Rainbow Dash’s chest. “I’m gonna make you feel better. Just remember, don’t tell anypony. Pinkie promise!” Make me feel good eh? Time to find out what you did to make Fluttershy feel better. “Cross my heart and hope to fly.” “Stick a cupcake in my eye!” Pinkie continued, mimicking the very action she was saying. Spike looked back and forth from the passenger car door to Twilight, Applejack, and the Cake Twins, all of whom were also staring with anticipation. Rarity on the other hoof had her attention drawn to the passing scenery. The door leading to the engine opened, and in came Fluttershy. “What’s going on?” Fluttershy asked. Spike folded his arms and shrugged. “Pinkie and Dash are up to something.” Spike explained. Almost immediately Fluttershy turned bright red. “Oh. Um. Ok.” She muttered under her breath. Twilight, Applejack, Spike, and even the Cake Twins raised an eyebrow at Fluttershy’s choice of words. Fluttershy lowered her head, letting her mane cover half her face. “Why are you looking at me like that?” “Pinkie’s doin’ what she did for ya in thar isn’t she?” Applejack asked. “Fluttershy, tell us.” Twilight ordered. She regretted saying it immediately, leaping out of her seat so she could defend herself. “We’re just concerned.” “Pinkie!” “Promise!” Spike sat next to the Cake Twins. “Hey, whose side are you on?” “No.” Fluttershy gathered her courage, and trotted over to her friends. “I’m sorry. But Pound and Pumpkin are right. I Pinkie Promised.” Twilight bit her lip. Sometimes she felt the Pinkie Promise was more of a hinderance than anything else. Applejack slumped in her seat in defeat. “Ah fine. Be that way.” “But Applejack…” Twilight started to say, but Applejack was quick to interrupt. “Come on. This is a Pinkie Promise we’re talkin’ about. Fluttershy breaks it and Pinke will know.” Applejack said, speaking from experience. “It certainly isn’t pretty.” Spike added. Rarity turned her attention to the others. “Can we please focus on something else please?” Rarity got up from her seat and approached her fallen saddlebags. “There is still the matter of Princess Luna’s claims about Fancy Pants.” “Wha? Ya don’t believe her? Ah doubt Princess Luna knows how to be a liar.” Applejack pointed out. Rarity stopped digging in her saddlebags to respond. “Applejack, Fancy Pants is not the kind of pony who would try to destroy one city, let alone three. If there is any of the Canterlot elite that is a good pony, it is he.” Rarity explained. She looked over at Twilight, and her expression of disbelief. “It is true.” Applejack tipped her hat to cover her eyes. “Cherry Jubiliee didn’t seem like a bad pony when Ah met her either.” She muttered under her breath. Twilight scratched her neck. “Rarity. I know you respect Fancy Pants, Hoity Toity, Photo Finish and ponies like them…” “If Princess Luna told you Starswirl the Bearded was not the pony history claims he was, surely you would be in doubt too.” Rarity interrupted. Spike walked over to Rarity’s side in mid rant. “Or somepony else like your brother? Or even Princess Celestia herself! You would want answers!” “Yes…” Twilight said before thinking. “But I wouldn’t obsess over it.” Spike rolled his eyes. “Yes you would.” He uttered under his breath, hoping Twilight couldn’t hear him. She did of course. “Now who’s switching sides?” Twilight asked. Rarity held Spike close, which made the young dragon’s chest feel heavy. “He is merely stating a fact. Isn’t that right, Spikey-wikey?” Rarity tilted her head slightly, giving her best lady smile. Feeling flustered, Spike started to babble incoherently. “Not fair, Rarity.” Twilight groaned. Taking advantage of Spike’s crush. I thought you knew better. A minute of thought passed before Twilight thought up a good counter point. “Spike. You’ve been there before. Remember? The dragons during their migration? They didn’t live up to your expectations.” Spike groaned. That day certainly wasn't a high point in his life. “Well. I-um….” “Please. Don’t argue.” Fluttershy hovered a few inches over the floor, stopping between Twilight and Rarity. “It never helps.” Fluttershy looked out the window. The train had long passed grassy plains of Ponyville. The mountain ranges just outside the city of Baltimare were now the only thing in view. “We’re almost there.” Trying to ignore the feelings of guilt, Rarity flipped her mane to regain her composure. “I suppose there is the bigger issue of what we are going to say to Fancy Pants.” “Don’t see what more we need to ask other than ‘what the hay are ya doin’? Makes sense to me.” Applejack suggested. “Well yes, but I would prefer to know if there is any truth to what Princess Luna said before saying anything of the sort.” “And if he ain’t willin’ to reason?” Applejack asked. “He will be.” Rarity said with determination. He gave me a chance. It is only fair I return the favor. SSSSSLLLLLLLOOOOOSSSSSHHHHHH! The train didn’t come to a complete stop, but the sudden decrease in speed was enough to knock Rarity and Fluttershy to the ground. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie burst into the passenger car. “What was that!” Rainbow Dash cried. “Are we here?” Pinkie added. Fluttershy got back to her hooves. “Oh no. Spike, could you come with me for a minute?” Fluttershy bolted to the end of the passenger car. Her heart sank at the sight of water leaking from the engine on the other side of the door. “Fluttershy?” Spike backed away as Fluttershy opened the door. He was glad he did too, as the moment Fluttershy opened the door, water began flowing from the engine into the passenger car. “I’m not gonna like this.” Spike muttered as he and Fluttershy headed into the engine. “Everypony look!” Rarity cried. Twilight and Applejack joined her by the windows to get a good look. The city of Baltimare was getting closer, but even at the distance they were at, at least a mile away, they could still tell what happened. Most of the skyscrapers had collapsed into the flooded streets below. “How could this happen?” Rarity asked nopony in particular. Twilight looked over at Rarity’s saddlebags, now floating in the water in the passenger car. She reached out with her magic and pulled out Rarity’s map of Equestria. “Let me see.” Twilight’s eyes darted around Baltimare and its surounding areas. Baltimare was located right next to Horse Shoe Bay, which had a dam keeping the city safe from the coastline. “I think I see what caused this.” Feeling determined, Rainbow Dash opened the window. “Only one way to find out.” “Rainbow! You can’t go out there by yourself!” Rarity argued. Rainbow Dash was halfway out the window before climbing back inside to respond. “Well were not going anywhere with the train. Might as well fly ahead to see if anypony’s still alive.” “Good.” “Luck.” Rainbow Dash glanced over at the Cake Twins. “See, they’re confident in me.” Twilight facehoofed. “Rainbow. They’re babies. Not exactly the most knowledgeable ponies.” Pinkie let out a loud gasp. “Not knowledgeable ponies! How could you say that? They beat me at chess every time we play.” “Check.” “Mate.” Pinkie’s ears drooped down in defeat. “See what I mean.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Well I don’t like the idea of splitting up. If we can get the train to go any farther….” “Not gonna happen.” The others turned their attention to Spike and Fluttershy as they re-emerged from the engine. “Whole thing’s flooded. No way I can light a fire with that coal.” Spike explained. “What do we do now?” Fluttershy looked at the flooded city. “It’s not safe in there.” Fluttershy looked up as the train stopped. Twilight rubbed her chin as she started to think. Rainbow Dash put her hooves against the window. “Well I can look at least. No flying zombies out there.” “That you know of.” Rarity noted. “I’m sorry Rainbow, but you would be throwing your life away if you go out there.” “Good thing I’m not going alone.” Rainbow Dash then turned her attention to Twilight and Fluttershy. “W-wait. You don’t mean…” Fluttershy began to stutter, but Twilight was quick to interrupt. “Dash, splitting up is not a good idea.” Twilight argued. She stood her ground as Rainbow Dash slammed the window shut and faced her. Twilight took a breath to avoid sounding too authoritive. “A zombie pony can sneak up on us if we are not in a large group.” “Well we can’t just leave any survivors in there!” Rainbow Dash cried. “The flood couldn’t have gotten all of them!” “Pony!” “There!” Spike glanced back outside. A single unicorn mare was swimming as fast as she could towards the train. “I see them.” Spike replied. The Mane Six scrambled back to the windows. “I know her!” Rarity opened the window. “Upper Crust! This way!” Rarity shifted her gaze around the passenger car. “There has to be a life raft around here somewhere.” Rainbow Dash flapped her wings. “Who needs life rafts when you got these babies?” Before anypony could stop her, Rainbow Dash darted out the window. “Help is on the way!” Rainbow Dash called out. “Help!” A second voice called out. Rainbow Dash looked farther towards the city. Another unicorn mare was struggling to stay afloat. “Save me!” “What about me?” Upper Crust called out. “Hold your horses, I’m working on it!” Rainbow Dash snapped. Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up as she heard hooves smacking against the water. She looked down to see Rarity and Pinkie on a life raft, paddling towards Upper Crust. “We will save her. Go help the other one.” Rarity ordered. Rainbow Dash saluted before turning her attention to the other mare. Flapping her wings faster, Rainbow Dash flew towards the pink unicorn mare, grabbing her from under her forelegs. Rainbow Dash’s heart sank as when she pulled the mare out of the water, a zombie pony came up with, its teeth having dug deep into her flank. “What are you waiting for? Kill it! Before it bites me!” The mare screamed. Rainbow Dash bit her tongue. I save her, she dies later. I let her go, she dies right now. Neither is a very good option. “Hurry!” the mare begged. “Its almost here!” Rainbow Dash nodded back. “Ok. Now it is.” Rainbow Dash kicked downward with her hindlegs, breaking the zombie pony’s upper jaw, making it collapse back into the water. “Thank you! Thank you so much! I thought I was a goner!” The mare hugged Rainbow Dash tightly. “Yeah. You’re not going to want to thank me in a few minutes.” Rainbow Dash muttered to herself. Still holding onto the mare, Rainbow Dash flew back towards the train, but stopped short of entering as Rarity and Pinkie were still helping Upper Crust inside. The doorway had been opened partially to allow multiple ponies in at once. Fluttershy peaked her head out the door. “Rainbow. Is she….” “Unfortunately.” Rainbow Dash interrupted. The mare looked over her shoulder, fear started running through her body. “What what is wrong with me?” The mare stammered. Rainbow Dash ignored her, instead carrying her into the passenger car. Rarity turned her attention to the mare Rainbow Dash had rescued and recognized immediately. Even with her coat and mane soaking wet, much like Upper Crust, the mare was a pony that Rarity did not part on good terms with. “Hello Suri.” Suri Polimare, Rarity’s former friend, pushed herself away from Rainbow Dash, standing tall specifically to defy Rarity. “Hello Rarity. I wasn’t expecting you of all ponies would survive.” Rainbow Dash folded her forelegs. “And why is that?” Suri replied with a scoff. Upper Crust shook her head to dry herself off. “Excuse me, but why are we still here?” She then turned her attention to Suri. “And why did you let one of those things in here?” Twilight trotted over to Upper Crust’s side. “Now hold up. She’s alive. That’s why we came here. To find survivors.” Twilight explained. “Yeah, about that…” Rainbow Dash pointed to Suri’s bite. Iritated, Suri glanced at her flank, and let out a loud wail. “No! No that! Anything but that!” Suri begged. Rarity touched Twilight and pulled her aside from the rest of the group. “Twilight, Suri stole my dress designs and almost made me loose Fasion Week… but I wouldn’t wish becoming a zombie on even her.” Twilight twirled her hooves, feeling tension build up in her chest. Not again. “We can…. maybe… keep her comfortable until….” “You all stay away from me!” Twilight and Rarity turned back to Suri, who was backing away into the wall. Upper Crust continued moving back and forth between Applejack and Rainbow Dash. “Will one of you hurry up and kill this zombie!” “I’m not a zombie! I’ll be fine. Really.” Suri covered her flank with her tail. “I can stitch this back up and be fine. I mean it.” “That won’t work and you know it.” Upper Crust argued. Upper Crust put her hoof on Applejack’s chest, with the intent to get her to do as she said. Of course the moment Upper Crust touched Applejack, the former Canterlot Elite pony found herself smacked across the the face. “How dare you!” Fluttershy bent down to try to help Upper Crust back up, but she turned her nose up at Fluttershy. “Please don’t be mad at Applejack. She’s just been through a lot.” “I will feel better when we no longer have a zombie among us!” Upper Crust screamed. “And what if it was your husband? Would you be so quick to kill Jet Set!” Suri snapped back. Upper Crust was silent for a full minute before running at Suri, slamming her head into one of the seats. Applejack and Rainbow Dash had to hold Upper Crust back to prevent her from causing any more pain. “Take it easy!” Rainbow Dash ordered. “Yer actin’ like a crazy pony!” Applejack added. Ignoring the two, Upper Crust started ranting and raving. “Don’t you dare bring him into this! After what Fancy Pants did! You don’t deserve the right to call yourself a civilized pony!” “I’m not the one being restrained!” “Please!” Fluttershy squeaked. She looked at Upper Crust and Suri. “We shouldn’t be fighting amongst ourselves.” Rarity felt proud of her friend. “I agree. Fancy Pants is still out there and having an argument will only waste our time, giving us no chance to stop him before he does anything to Manehattan and Fillydelphia.” “Works for me.” Spike added, slamming the door shut. “So lets not worry about yelling at each other and get the heck out of here.” “Now hold up. We didn’t even look in the city. For all we know there are more ponies in Baltimare still alive besides two.” Rainbow Dash noted. Upper Crust sighed, not even bothering to hide her contempt. “There isn’t any. Fancy Pants killed everypony else.” “That is not true and you know it!” Suri snapped. “Ponies you left behind to die! Including me!” “Where are they?” Twilight asked. Suri sat down on one of the seats. “Miss Polimare. We need to know.” “No you don’t.” Suri avoided eye contact. “Now their dead. We had shelter; we had a place to hide when the flood started. But then she let the zombies in! I barely got away.” Spike leaned against the wall, rubbing his back against it. “So Baltimare is a no go.” He said to himself. Rarity stomped her forehoof. “But it is not too late to save Manehattan and Fillydelphia.” Rarity stated. Upper Crust rolled her eyes. “Do you disagree?” “Of course I do.” Upper Crust lowered her head. “Fancy Pants departed with his new ‘friends’ hours ago. We are better off just leaving and going somewhere safe.” “Find!” “Ponies!” Upper Crust turned her head to face the Cake Twins, both of whom were sitting on one of the passenger seats. “And will somepony put those brats in their place?” Pinkie’s expression darkened. Fluttershy backed away as Pinkie approached Upper Crust. “Those. Are. My. Babies!” Steam burst out of Pinkie’s ears as she spoke. “Pound and Pumkin are NOT BRATS!” Pinkie picked up the crying foals and rocked them back and forth in her forelegs. Applejack leaned closer to Rainbow Dash so she could whisper in her friend’s ear. “Ya think we should switch? Ya know, hold her back now?” Rainbow Dash shook her head in surprise. “Are you kidding me? It’s Pinkie. We’d never be able to do that.” “That’s enough! All of you!” Rarity walked up to Suri. “We will…. take care of you later. We musn’t waste anymore of our time.” Twilight flapped her wings and nodded in agreement. “She’s right. Fluttershy, Spike, try to get the fire going again. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, come with me, let’s see if we can get the train onto dryer tracks.” Twilight ordered. She then turned her attention to Rarity and Pinkie. As for Rarity and Pinkie, just make sure Suri and Miss Crust….” “I am NOT a ‘miss’. I did have a husband.” Upper Crust was quick to correct. Twilight took a breath before continuing. “Ok. Mrs. Crust as comfortable as possible.” While Pinkie, Upper Crust and the twins took their seats, and the others headed into the engine and outside respectively, Rarity looked at Suri’s bite again. “That will not be easy. But if I must.” “Yes, just sit there and wait for me to die.” Suri snapped. She opened her mouth to speak again, but found herself coughing instead. Rarity glanced over at Pinkie before trotting over to her former friend. “Stay away from me.” Rarity’s eyes narrowed. Suri’s presense only served to remind Rarity of another pony. One she had, for all intents and purposes, saved from Suri. “Where is Coco?” Suri turned her nose up at Rarity. “Tell me what happened to my assistant!” “The assistant you stole from me! The one that forced me to leave Manehattan!” Suri covered her face in her hooves, trying to hide her embarrassment. “After Fashion Week she revealed what I had done. My boutique was closed off and I had no choice but to take up work elsewhere. But the Fashion Ponies of Baltimare had already learned about it, and I couldn’t find work. I was forced to live out in the streets after that like some common rural pony. All because of you!” Suri sat down hard on an empty seat, looking out the window. “You and Pommel ruined my life.” Rarity’s eyes widened. She was still angry with Suri over what happened, but the very visible bite mark made her sympathetic. “Suri. I didn’t want to be your enemy. But you forced it when you took advantage of my generosity and abused Coco.” “I saw an opportuntity to get ahead of the game and I took it. It doesn’t matter what kind of steps are needed to take them. Manehattan taught me that.” Suri slammed her eyes shut. Of all the ponies that had to be here. It had to be her. “Look, Rarity. Just leave me alone. I’ll try not to bother anypony while I slowly die.” Taking a closer look at Suri, Rarity could tell it wasn’t going to be very long. There was no way of knowing how long the zombie pony was biting her, but Suri’s pink coat was already starting to fade in color. “Perhaps….” “I’m done talking to you.” Suri snapped. Rarity grinded her teeth. Loosing her patience she grabbed Suri’s face. “Suri! You spent time around Fancy Pants. You know exactly what he is going to do to Manehattan and Baltimare! Tell me why he is doing this!” Rarity ordered, the tone in her voice getting progressively louder. Suri pushed Rarity’s hooves away. “He’s given up. Aparently we higher class ponies don’t deserve to survive.” Suri touched her bite mark. Now that the salt water from the river was no longer numming the pain, the bite was starting to sting. “How does it feel?” “Like one of those things bit me on the flank! How do you think it feels!” “The zombies?” Pinkie chimed in from the other side of the passenger car. “Nopony asked you!” Suri roared. Rarity sat down next to her. “Suri, don’t talk to her like that. Pinkie is just like that. Making ponies feel better is what she lives for.” “Sounds rather boring.” Suri said. She lowered her head against seat, letting her mind wander. “Suri. We need to know where he is going next.” Rarity put a hoof on Suri’s shoulder. “Why should I? I have a few hours left at most. If Fancy Pants has given up why shouldn’t I?” Suri grumbled. “I don’t believe that. That is not the kind of pony Fancy Pants is.” Rarity tapped her hind leg impatently wating for a response. “Suri.” “Well whatever pony you think Fancy Pants is he isn’t anymore. Not since losing that clingy model friend of his.” Rarity’s jaw dropped. “Fleur Dis Lee? No not her.” “Yes her. The monsters tore her apart. And took Fancy Pant’s senses with her.” Rarity and Suri felt the train start to move backwards. “Well, I see your friends are useful for something at least.” “Suri! Must you be like this!” “Why do you care about me? If our positions were reversed I doubt I would be comforting you.” Suri turned to face the window. “Then I guess I am not you.” Rarity replied. Suri rolled her eyes. “Look, you want to see Fancy Pants for yourself, fine, your funeral. He should be heading to Fillydelphia, assuming he hasn’t destroyed that city too. You’ll see I’m right.” By the time the train was close enough to see Fillydelphia in over the horizon, the sun was already setting. Spike, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie stuck their necks out the windows to get a good view. “Well the city’s intact.” Spike stopped himself to itch his back before continuing. “For now.” Rainbow Dash looked out over the mountainous landscape that surrounded the city. “Not a lot of cover out there.” She explained. Pinkie climbed back into the passenger car. The Cake Twins had fallen asleep during the trip, and were resting peacefully in her saddlebags. Maybe you two are ok. Of course you are. Fluttershy emerged from the engine, wearing a conductor’s hat. The others in the passenger car turned their attention to her. “We’re here. And its…. there’s so many of them out there.” Fluttershy said shivering. “Of course it is going to be difficult. Why wouldn’t it be?” Upper Crust mumbled under her breath. Twilight looked out the window and her eyes widened in fear. The domed train station up ahead was surrounded by hundreds of zombie ponies. And in the center of the herd was a massive zombie dragon. Its lower jaw had been severed, and most of its left wing had been bitten off, no doubt by many zombies at once. Applejack and Rainbow Dash took another look out the windows. “Oh you got to be kidding me!” Applejack exclaimed. Rarity looked over at Suri, who was lying on her seat with a blanket over her. “Just rest, Suri. We’ll be back for you.” “I told you to leave me alone.” Suri said weakly. Rarity took a deep breath. Spike scratched his neck. “Well, time to use the usual strategy I guess.” Rainbow Dash nodded. “I'll get the first one that tries to get inside.” Rainbow Dash noted. Upper Crust started pacing back and forth. Twilight got out of her seat to confront her. “Upper Crust, it will be ok. We have a plan.” “I have no intention of going out there. I would rather live.” Upper Crust retorted. “If you want to waste your lives that’s fine by me. I will be in the caboose.” She walked past Suri. “And not with the zombie.” “I’m not dead yet.” Suri coughed out. Upper Crust touched the door leading to the next passenger car. “You might as well be.” “If you insist. We have business here.” Rarity replied. The train started to slow down. The heard of zombie ponies was starting to block the view outside. Twilight took several deep breaths. Applejack dug on of her hind legs into the ground, ready to fight. Spike held the exit door of the passenger car, ready to open on Twilight’s word. “Fluttershy?” Twilight asked. “We’re almost at the platform.” Unfortunately. Fluttershy thought to herself. Steam from the train blocked the group’s view of the zombies outside as the train finally came to a hault. “Spike.” Twilight stopped her self as the sound of hooves pounding against the side of the passenger car rang out. “Open the door.” Feeling his heart pounding a million miles a second, Spike swung the door open. So many zombie ponies tried to force themselves inside; they got theselves stuck in the doorway. Applejack and Rainbow Dash exchanged glances. “Well look at that. Talk about luck.” Applejack hit the zombie unicorn in the front of the crowd, breaking its skull. “Stand back!” Twilight cried. Her horn glew brightly, releasing a burst of magical energy, knocking the zombie ponies out of the doorway. Rainbow Dash slammed the door as hard as she could. “Hard part dealt with.” She said nonchalantly. Spike nodded back, and then knelt down to the dead zombie. “Everypony you might want to plug your nose. This is going to stink.” Spike warned. He closed his eyes before digging his claws into the zombie pony. Upper Crust could barely believe what she was seeing. “What in Equestria are you doing!” “Its…. how we’re gonna sneak past them. As long as they think we’re a zombie.” Spike explained, pulling the zombie pony’s intestines out. “Oh my goodness. Princess Twilight, Miss Rarity, you can’t possibly think of doing something so undignified!” Upper Crust argued. Twilight walked over to Spike, who gave her one of the zombie pony’s guts to smear on her. “We have to.” Rarity felt her stomach turn. “I would prefer it if we didn’t have to do it. But some things must be done.” Rarity swallowed hard before smearing some of the zombie pony’s blood on her face. Ugh. It is going to take hours to get the smell out. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew out the window first. None of the zombie ponies seemed to notice. “I think its safe.” Fluttershy whispered. Spike crawled out the window after them, coming face to face with a zombie unicorn. His heart raced yet again, but thankfully the zombie blood on him kept him from being noticed. Gradually Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, and Rarity climbed outside. “Oh my goodness.” Rarity muttered under her breath. Pinkie’s knee felt pinchy. “Oh no.” She said. “Ah don’t think we need the Pinkie Sense to tell this is scary.” Applejack noted. She took a couple step forward. “Here goes nothin’.” The group started walking forward. The streets up ahead didn’t have as many zombies as the train station, but they did have at least a few dozen yards to travel. Fluttershy felt sweat drip down her head, her eyes started to sting as the sweat and zombie blood started mixing together. “Rainbow….” “Just close your eyes. I’ll keep watch for you.” Rainbow Dash promised. Pinkie closed her saddlebags to keep Pound and Pumpkin out of sight. “Pinkie’s got you. I just need you to stay quiet.” Pinkie whispered. Unfortnately her voice wasn’t quiet enough for Spike’s liking. “Pinkie, keep your voice down!” Spike scratched his back. He wanted to keep moving, but the urge to scratch was too great. “Spikey-wikey. You musn’t stop.” Rarity begged. Spike felt tears build up in his eyes, but tried to hold them back. He felt another tingle surge through his body. Spike opened his eyes, realizing Twilight was holding him with her magic. “Thanks.” Spike took a sigh of relief. Twilight nodded back before continuing forward. Rainbow Dash looked at the zombie dragon. It was crawling its way towards the train. “Please don’t do it. Please don’t do it. Please don’t….” But Rainbow Dash’s fear was well founded. The zombie dragon lost its footing, collapsing onto the train. The first three passenger cars were flattened, and the engines whistle started blowing loudly. “We got to move!” “No! It’s loud and it will distract the zombies! We keep going!” Twilight ordered. Surely enough the zombie horde started forcing its way towards the engine. “See? We’re almost there.” A pinchy feeling ran up Pinkie’s knee again. “Girls…” Pinkie stopped dead in her tracks as her tail started twitching. “Any thing but that!” Spike uttered. “Take cover!” Pinkie exclaimed. Several zombie ponies turned around to face the group. “Pinkie why did you do that?” Rarity exclaimed. BOOM! The group looked up at the mountainrange on the other side of the train station just in time to see a blume of fire and smoke burst out from high up on the mountain. Fluttershy squinted her eyes. Surely rocks started tumbling downward. “AVALANCHE!” Fluttershy panicked. Twilight’s horn glew again, picking up Spike and placing him on her back. “Run for it!” She cried. Unfortunately the group only managed to run about a yard before the rockslide reached the train station. The zombie dragon tumbled on top of the horde before it and the train was completely buried. “Look out!” Rainbow Dash cried. Before Rainbow Dash could do anything, Twilight, Spike, Rarity and Applejack fell down a large flight of stairs to the lower levels. “Hold on! I’m coming!” “Rainbow!” Fluttershy tackled Rainbow Dash into the ticket booth as hard as she could. “Fluttershy, what are you…” Rainbow Dash started to say, but stopped short as the rockslide reached the ticket booth, the rocks and dirt slamming against the glass frames. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy clung to each other as the glass ticket booth was completely buried by the rockslide. “Rainbow?” “Yeah Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I’m sorry.” Rainbow Dash stroked Fluttershy’s mane. “Don’t be.” The longest minute of their lives passed, until finally rumbing sound outside stopped. “Are we dead?” Fluttershy wimpered. Rainbow Dash started to breath heavily. Her claustrophobia was getting the better of her. “Not yet.” Then she thought something. “The others! Their still out there!” Rainbow Dash pounded on the glass frame. “Twilight! AJ! Pinkie! Anypony!” Spike started coughing. He looked up to see Twilight and Applejack picking themselves up. He scanned the area around them. “Where the heck are we?” Rarity crawled over to Spike, helping him to his feet. “By all appearances, this is the station’s gift shop and eatery.” Rarity looked around at the soveniers that lined the walls. “Yeah, but how do we get outta here?” Applejack asked. Twilight looked at the gigantic barricade of bolders blocking their way to the upper levels. “Where’s everypony else?” Twilight hovered in the air to get a better look. But she didn’t see any sign of Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy or Pinkie. “I don’t see them.” Rarity walked over to the barricade. “This will take forever to clear this mess.” She reached out with her magic, grabbing the smallest rock she could. She managed to pull it free, then turned to face her friends. “Perhaps this is not the best option. I’m sure there’s another GGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” Twilight covered her mouth in horror. Spike’s jaw dropped, while Applejack fell to her knees. A zombie pony’s head was sticking out of the rubble, its jaws sunk deep into Rarity’s left hind leg. “RARITY!” They all shouted. They all ran to Rarity’s side, Applejack stomping on the zombie pony’s head for good measure. Twilight and Spike pulled Rarity’s forelegs over their shoulders so they could carry her. “Somepony do something!” Spike cried. He and Twilight dragged Rarity over to the dinning tables. Rarity was panting as heavily as she could. “Twilight what do we do!” “I don’t know!” Twilgiht cried back. No. Not one of my friends. Not Rarity. Applejack jumped behind one of the counters. “Gotta be somethin’ here.” Then she spotted the fire axe still in its case on the wall. “That’ll do.” With a strong kick, Applejack broke the glass, and dragged the fire axe along the ground in her mouth. “Stand back.” “What are you doing!” Spike screamed. “Savin’ her life!” Applejack swung the axe as hard as she could, the blade hitting Rarity’s leg slightly above the bite. Twilight had to hold Spike back to keep him from doing anything. NO!” Spike cried. “Applejack, are you sure this is going to work?” Twilight asked. “No! But Ah gotta try somthin'.” Applejack took another swing, cutting deeper into Rarity’s leg. She wailed in excruciating pain like never before. “RARITY!” “Spikey-wikey.” Spike and Rarity’s eye’s locked. “I’ll be ok. Let her do this.” Rarity clenched her teeth, and shut her eyes. “Applejack. Get it off! Please!” Sorry Ah have to do this, Rares. Applejack brought the axe down one last time, severing Rarity’s leg. She let out yet another scream before passing out. “She’s bleedin’ like a stuffed pig.” Twilight loosened her grip on Spike. “Spike. She needs to have the wound cauterized.” Spike couldn’t believe what he just heard. “What! Me!” “Hurry up! Spike she needs it!” Applejack exclaimed. Spike ran to Rarity’s side. Seeing her in so much pain made him feel like his heart was going to explode. The itch in his back now started hurting. “I’m sorry Rarity!” Spike took a deep breath in before letting out a burst of flame from his mouth. Rarity’s stub shook as the flames burned away at the severed arteries. “Spike.” Twilight muttered. “What?” “You have wings.” Twilight pointed to Spike’s back. Surely enough a pair of purple and green wings had sprouted from the spot on his back that was itching. “Who cares about these!” He had a feeling he was going to grow wings eventually, but right now Rarity was the only thing on his mind at the moment. “Did we save her?” Twilight and Applejack stood over Rarity’s unconscious form. “I hope. We better… make sure she’s ok before trying to find the others.” Twilight stated. Applejack nodded in agreement. Applejack picked up Rarity, laying her friend along her back. “I got her. Come on. There has to be a doctor’s office somewhere here.” Applejack suggested. Twilight noticed Spike staring at Rarity’s severed leg. “Spike. We can’t stay here. Spike.” Spike picked up the severed leg. “Fancy Pants. You are going to pay for this.” The young dragon dropped Rarity’s severed leg. “I’m sorry. I should have… should have…” “This wasn’t your fault.” Twilight gave Spike a hug. His new wings were poking her legs but Twilight didn’t care. “We never could have predicted this.” “You’re just saying that.” “No. I'm not.” Twilight hugged Spike tighter. Spike couldn’t hold back the tears any longer, and started bawling his eyes out. “Just tell me Rarity is going to be ok.” Twilight looked back at Applejack, then at the unconscious Rarity, and then back to Spike. “Yes. We’ll save her.” “Thank you, Twilight.” > I Am Sorry Darling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You got to be somewhere under here!” Pinkie’s hooves started to ache. She had been digging at the mountain of rubble that used to be the train station all night. She twisted her neck to face the Cake Twins keeping watch. “Anything yet?” “No zombie!” “Ponies here!” Pinkie wiped the sweat from her forehead. “You’re doing great. Just keep looking.” Pinkie resumed digging. “I’ll have our friends out in no time.” Pinkie muttered, her voice quivering from exhaustion. Gotta get you out of there. Gotta get you out of here. Pinkie stopped herself. A sharp pain ran down the scar on her neck. The Cake Twins, noticing Pinkie’s pain, crawled over to her side. “Its ok. Mommy and Daddy Pinkie is a-ok. Don’t you worry.” She managed to babble out. Pinkie’s vision began to blur. She didn’t want to stop, she was determined to continue, but her body was aching all over. Finally Pinkie’s legs gave out, making her slump onto her belly. “Pinkie.” “Pie.” Pinkie struggled with all her strength to stay awake. “I’m ok. Just. Need…” Pinkie tried to say more, but ultimately couldn’t hold back her sleepyness any longer, and passed out. Pound and Pumpkin exchanged worried glances before crawling over to Pinkie. Pound started pushing Pinkie’s side with his forehooves.” “Wake up.” “Pinkie Pie.” Pumpkin looked up at the zombie dragon still buried up to its neck in the rubble. Bits of rock around its neck began to slide downward. Pumkin reached out with her still volatile foal magic, stopping the rocks in place. “Yay!” The zombie dragon now had a good look at the Cake Twins, it began to stir. More debris began to fall. “No!” Pound held up his hooves, catching a rock that was easily four times bigger than he was. “Pumpkin.” Pumpkin reached out with her magic again, lifting the boulder so her brother could move. The zombie dragon’s struggle started to pay off, as it managed to get one of its giant claws free. Fear filled the Cake Twins as rocks tumbled towards them. Pound flapped his wings to get airborne, but dust filled his little foal lungs, making him hesitate. The little pegasus foal coughed loudly, which only hastened the zombie dragon’s urge. “Pinkie.” “Wake up!” But Pinkie wouldn’t budge. The zombie dragon pulled on its buried claw again, tearing it off from the elbow down. Using its remaining claw, the zombie dragon started to drag itself towards the Cake Twins. Pound held his forehooves against his eyes, his young mind trying to form more than two words at a time. “Pinkie. Help.” He managed to blurt out. 
 Terrified, Pumpkin pushed against Pinkie’s side. Her plan was to roll Pinkie along the ground to get her out of the way. Seeing what his sister was doing, Pound landed next to her and helped push. His near super strength was enough to get Pinkie's unconscious form to start moving. "Pound stop!" Pound did as he was told. Pumpkin pointed to Pinkie's neck. Pushing her along the ground had reopened Pinkie's neck wound. "Push?" Pumpkin shook her head. "Pull." Pound hovered into the air, still holding onto Pinkie's side. Using Pound's strength and Pumpkin's magic, the Cake Twins found moving Pinkie was now a lot easier. "Should have." "Thought of.....this...." Pumpkin scrunched her little filly face, struggling to form the words. "Before?" "Yeah." The Cake Twins were feeling confident as they brought Pinkie towards a near by building, a motel that looked like it had been run down long before any zombie pony appeared in Equestria. Unfortunately they had little understanding of how to be gentle, and ended up slamming Pinkie against the entry way. Pumpkin crawled into the lobby, eager to find somepony else inside. The receptionist was still sitting at her desk, her back facing away from the entrance. "Help." Pumpkin squeaked. The receptionist turned her head, and collapsed behind her desk. "Lady?" Pound flew to his sister's side. His lip quivered as the receptionist crawled out from behind the counter, revealing the lower half of her body was missing. The Cake Twins simply couldn't help themselves as they started crying. Their high pitched wails rang through Pinkie's ears, the familiar sounds of their cries reaching her brain. Pound Cake? Pumpkin Cake? Pinkie's mind began racing. Her eyelids felt heavy, she wanted to open them. "G-gum-gummy." Pinkie struggled to mutter. She could feel her mane moving on its own, followed by the distinct feeling of a baby alligator crawling down her body. Go get em, Gummy. Pinkie tried to move her legs, slowly but surely managing to get a hoof up to her neck. She could tell that the warm liquid she was feeling around her neck was her own blood. Must have had another accident. "YAY!" Two tiny voices rang out. Two voices that Pinkie loved hearing. "P-pound. Pumpkin." "Pinkie!" "Pie!" Pinkie mustered all her strength to open her eyes. The Cake Twins were cuddled up beside her. "Your ok." Pinkie put her forelegs around the Cake Twins, giving them a big hug. At least to the best of her abilities given her lack of stamina at the moment. As the Cake Twins nuzzled up against Pinkie's belly, she turned her attention to Gummy. The big eyed alligator baby was standing still by the receptionist zombie pony's severed head. "Good boy, Gummy." Pinkie closed her eyes, feeling as proud of her faithful pet. Until she felt a familiar twitch in her tail. "Uh oh." "Pinkie clutched onto the Cake Twins and forced herself away from the entryway. Which she was really happy about because after a second passed, debris from the giant pile of rocks and dirt started pouring into the hotel lobby. "That. Was...." "Too. Close...." Pinkie took a deep breath. "Tell me about it." Pinkie rested her head against the receptionist's desk. As it shook, something fell off the desk and onto Gummy. Pinkie's jaw dropped as she got a good look. It was a golden toupee, the same one she had given to her friend Cranky some time ago. The Cake Twins laughed at the sight of Gummy wearing the hair piece, but Pinkie was filled with dread. No. Not Cranky too. Please not him too. Woosh! A gust of wind blew through the entry way, blowing dirt into Pinkie's face. She and the Cake Twins started coughing for a full minute before stopping. Pinkie rubbed her eyes before smiling once again. "Rainbow! Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash was standing tall and proud in the entry way, with Fluttershy clinging to her side. "See? Told you a Sonic Rainboom would get us out of there." Rainbow Dash boasted. Fluttershy barely had any time to react before Pinkie leapt forward, giving the two a big hug, her eyes watery from both joy and the dust. "Your alive!" Pinkie cried. "I knew you'd be ok! I just knew it!" Fluttershy simply smiled back, though Rainbow Dash felt the need to speak up. "Of course. We couldn't leave you like that." feeling Pinkie's grip becoming tighter, Rainbow Dash let out a little cough. "Pinkie. Your doing that thing again." Pinkie quickly leapt backwards. "Opsie. Got carried away there." Fluttershy examined Pinkie's neck wound. "Oh dear. We should bandage that." Before Fluttershy could do anything, a loud "Thump" came from outside. The zombie dragon was mostly free from the rubble, only its legs were still buried. It's remaining claw reached through the walls of the motel, its head blocking the entry way. The Cake Twins started crying again. "Move! Now!" Rainbow Dash ordered, pushing Fluttershy and Pinkie away from the entrance. Unfortunately the zombie dragon's arm was now fully in the lobby, its claw reaching downward towards the group. "Not on my watch!" Rainbow Dash said with defiance. She flapped her wings as hard as she positioning herself directly towards the zombie dragon's face. "Rainbow!" Fluttershy called out. The zombie dragon lifted its upper jaw, unable to bite down on Rainbow Dash as her wings picked up speed. "Just what I wanted." Rainbow Dash muttered to herself. Once the zombie dragon's jaw was high enough, she took off, becoming a streak of rainbow light, flying straight through the zombie dragon's head. The zombie dragon's claw stopped moving as the massive undead beast's brain finally stopped working. Picking up the Cake Twins, Pinkie slowly climbed up the zombie dragon's snout, and out of the motel. Fluttershy didn't want to be scared. She knew the dragon was dead, it simply couldn't hurt her or anypony else. But that didn't stop her from hesitating. She noticed Gummy following her master outside, which helped her muster her courage. I can do this. Fluttershy lifted herself off the ground, hovering a few inches in the air as she followed Pinkie outside. Once outdoors, she could see Rainbow Dash, covered in the zombie dragon's blood and gore, flying in circles. "And that is how you take out a dragon! Boom!" The thrill of victory had gotten to Rainbow Dash's head, and she knew it. Eh, a little pride every once in a while. "I'm just glad we made it out of there in one piece." Fluttershy noted. "I just hope Twilight and the others are safe." Rainbow Dash shook her mane, getting dragon blood on Fluttershy and Pinkie, though only the former seemed to care. "Your not the only one." Rainbow Dash replied. The three friends glanced back at the remains of the train station. Wordless, they approached the stairway to the lower levels, which were still blocked off by rocks and debris. "They better be safe." Hot water never bothered Spike. It was always a good indicator for him that he would be taking a shower first whenever the water was too hot for Twilight. So the shower in nursing station he and the others discovered having only hot water wasn't an issue. Though he couldn't tell what was louder; the rushing water, or the clattering of loose scales falling off his body. He opened his eyes. Through the steam he could see Twilight and Applejack tending to Rarity on the nearby bed. "Let me see her." Spike grumbled. Twilight glanced back over at her friend. "We can't have you shedding scales all over Rarity while she recovers." Twilight nodded to Applejack, who was applying disinfectant to Rarity's stump. She nodded, giving Twilight the incentive to speak up again. "Don't worry, Spike. We'll take good care of her." Spike looked at his raw, scaleless arms. They seemed a bit longer than they usually were, which would certainly take some getting used to. "I'm ok. Really." Spike reassured. Applejack finished wrapping bandages around Rarity's stump, tying them as tightly as she could. "Not that we don't believe ya, Spike. But that ain't best for Rarity at the moment." "I can help!" Twilight pushed the shower curtain open. Spike's new skin was a much darker shade of purple than his old one, the loose scales now filled the shower up to the young dragon's knees. "Yes you can. In a minute. You still got a little left." Twilight explained. Spike groaned, slamming his back against the shower. The remaining scales on his back broke with a loud "Crunch" His raw skin hurt as he touched the shower walls, but he didn't care. "Spike..." "I said I'm fine!" He lied. "I want to see Rarity!" Tired after a very long night, Twilight let out a big sigh. "Ok." Instinctively Twilight reached out with her magic as Spike tried to get out of the shower, stopping him from moving. "But after you get the last of the scales out. You still have some around your... um...." "I see it." Spike said. He slammed his fist between his legs, the remaining scales breaking instantly. He bit his tongue hard to keep himself from screaming. Applejack crossed her hind legs. "Wow. Ah felt that. And Ah ain't even a stallion." Spike coughed "Glad Someone else shares the pain." Spike stood upright, revealing that he was now as tall as Twilight. His new wings were at least two feet long, and his snout was longer than a mare's but not quite as long as a stallion's. "Can I see Rarity now?" Twilight wordlessly turned off the shower and gave Spike a towel with her magic. Normally Spike had no problem with towels, he loved how soft they came out after laundry day. But the touch against his new skin made him go slower than he normally would. Once he was done, he stretched his wings and stepped out of the shower. The hard floor was cold, which made him walk even slower. Eventually he reached Rarity's side. "Rarity. Rarity? It's me. Spike." "Ah don't think she can hear ya, Spike. Rare's out cold." Applejack noted. Spike looked at Rarity's stump. "I don't care what his excuse is. When I find Fancy Pants, I'm burning him alive!" Spike growled. He reached a claw out to touch Rarity's face, but stopped short. "AGH! I can't even touch her! Why did I have to molt NOW of all times!" "Spike. We know what your going through...." Twilight began to say, but Spike was quick to interrupt. "Understand? Understand! How! You want to go ahead and touch somepony, you are able to go right ahead and do it! You want a pony ride from Rainbow's dad, nothing's stopping you!" Spike sat down hard on the floor, his new, longer tail stinging from the impact. "But.... can't be with Rarity. I never could. I love her, but...she's a beautiful, grown mare. I'm just a dragon. A baby dragon. And now I can't even be by her side while she's hurt. All because of this!" Spike ranted, holding up his sharp claws. "Part of me always knew it was pointless. Hoping Rarity could feel the same way about me that I do about her. Just....never really sank in until now." Twilight and Applejack sat down next to Spike. "Don't say thing's like that." Applejack said. "Ya care about her. She knows ya care. That's all that matters." "Exactly. Spike, Rarity still sees you as a good friend." Twilight added. "Just like I do. And Applejack. And Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, and Fluttershy. Right?" "Right." Applejack took off her hat. "Spike. Ya ain't the only one worried about Rarity's well bein'. We don't know what's gonna happen to her." Applejack looked up at Rarity. "Best we can do now is wait until she's well enough to travel. And hope Rainbow and the others made it out ok." Spike felt his stomach turn. He had been so fixated on Rarity loosing her leg that he completely forgot about the others. "Whatever." Spike stood up. I'll stay here. Watch over Rarity." "You don't have to do that by yourself, Spike." Twilight reassured. "We can take care of her together." Twilight got back up so she could talk to Spike eye-to-eye. "You don't have to blame yourself for what happened." Spike shook his head. "Don't worry. I don't. I blame Fancy Pants." Spike continued gazing at Rarity. "He's going to pay." "That isn't what Rarity would have wanted." Twilight reminded. Spike swallowed hard. "I know. I just.... I don't know....Grah!" Spike punched the floor, breaking the tiles and hurting his hand. Applejack picked her hat back up, but didn't put it on her head. "Twi. Can Ah talk to ya for a sec?" While Spike's attention was turned fully to Rarity's unconscious form, Applejack pulled Twilight out of the nursing station, and into the mall outside. "What do ya really think?" Twilight's eyes widened. "What are you talking about?" "Don't go playin' no pronoun game with me, Twi. Ya'll were holdin' back. Think Ah can't tell?" Applejack looked over Twilight's shoulder to get a better view of Rarity. "About her recoverin'. Not what Spike wanted to hear." Twilight scratched her mane. "I-I think she'll be ok." "Twilight." Twilight lowered her head. "She lost a lot of blood. I mean, cutting her leg off might have worked but..." "Yeah that's what I thought." Applejack said. "Look here, Twilight. Ah'll tell it to ya straight. We ain't goin' anywhere until we know what is gonna happen. But Ah don't want to see Rarity turn into a trotter." Applejack closed her eyes. "A'm not gonna see it. If it happens.....Ah don't think Ah'll be able to do it." Well that wasn't the reaction I was expecting. Twilight thought to herself. "I don't think I could bring myself to do it either." "Exactly what Ah was thinkin'. And Ah know Spike certainly won't go through with it. So what do ya want to do?" Applejack asked. "If it was me in thar, I'd hope ya'll would put me down without a second thought." "Applejack! How could you say that!" Twilight exclaimed. "Better dead than undead. But that's me. We're talking about Rarity. If we can't go through with it, and we don't want to see her turn into a trotter, than what does that leave us with?" "I don't know." Twilight looked away. Applejack grinded her teeth in frustration. "Ya gotta know! Yer the smart one! Yer the princess! Yer the one who put down Mayor Mare...." "THAT WAS DIFFERENT!" Twilight roared, her voice sounding like booming thunder, and her eyes glowing with magical energy. Twilight rubbed her eyes, trying to cancel out her spell. "Lets just....wait and see." Twilight spun around to go back into the nursing station. She felt disheartened when she saw Spike glaring at her. "How much of that did you hear?" Spike walked around Rarity's bed side solely so he could have his back turned away from Twilight. "Everything." Twilight didn't need a mirror to tell that her face was now as white as Rarity's coat. Sunlight peaked through the small window above. The sun's rays shined in Rarity's face. A groan emerged from her muzzle. Spike, who was slumped over Rarity's bed forced himself awake. He clutched onto Rarity's forehoof. "Rarity." He muttered under his breath. Slowly, Rarity inhaled through her nose, and breathed out her mouth. Spike smiled with joy. "Yes. You made it. You made it through the night. I knew you would." "Spikey-wikey." Spike put his arms around Rarity, gently shaking her in the hopes of waking her up. "I'm here." Spike said softly. Rarity opened her eyes. Spike was enamored by her graceful gaze like never before. "I'll always be here for you." Spike started to cry. "What's wrong, Spikey-wikey?" Rarity coyly asked. Spike wiped away his tears. "Rarity. I-I love you." Spike then kissed Rarity. To his surprise, her free foreleg wrapped around his neck as she kissed back. Yes. Yes. "Rarity. Rar..." Spike felt a sharp pain in his mouth. Rarity was biting his tongue. Spike opened his eyes. Rarity's coat had rotted and turned grey. Like a zombie pony. "Rarity." Spike sputtered out. Her grip tightened as she bit down on his neck. Blood started spraying out, preventing Spike from being able to scream. Rarity dug her teeth into his neck deeper and deeper, each bite hurting less and less. But that was because Spike was feeling his body convulsing. Spike's arms dropped down as he lost all his strength. Rarity. Spike. Spike's weight made himself and Rarity fall off the bed. His vision was now completely red with his own blood as Rarity continued tearing at his neck with her teeth, moving down his body. Spike. Rarity took another bite, this one of Spike's chest. Though he could feel the pain growing, he couldn't resist any more. When Rarity finally reached his heart, Spike's eyes rolled into the back of his head. You might as well eat my heart. I can't give it any other way. SPIKE! Spike screamed as he opened his eyes. Twilight was standing over him, holding his sweaty shoulders. "Goodness Spike. You scared me." Twilight let go of Spike, letting him sit upright. He reached out with his free claw and ran it against his neck and stomach. "You sounded like you were having a nightmare." Spike covered his face in his hands. "The worst I've ever had." Twilight pushed Spike's claws out of the way and smiled. "Well things are about to get a lot better." Twilight leaned out of the way. Spike's heart leapt with joy at the sight of Rarity alive and well. Forcing himself to his feet, Spike embraced Rarity. "Thank Celestia you're ok!" Applejack trotted over to Rarity's side, putting her hat on her friend's head. "Ain't we all glad ya made it through the night." Applejack glanced over at the chair leg she had tied to Rarity's stump. "Ya think ya'll be able to walk ok with that?" Rarity examined the makeshift peg leg. "Well, it may not be the most attractive prosthetic but it will do for now." Rarity was certain that, with the right materials, she could fix it up so that it would suit her style better. "And Spike, I must say, you look very grown up." "You think so!" Spike folded his arms, feeling proud. "I do like where this is going. I'll look even better once my mustache grows in." Twilight shook her head. Same old Spike. "This way!" A familiar voice called out. Twilight, Applejack and Rarity's ears perked up at the voice. "Pinkie Pie?" Spike asked. Twilight nodded in agreement. Applejack poked her head out the nursing station. "Well lookie here. Pin...." Applejack didn't get a chance to finish, as Pinkie came leaping towards her, giving her a surprise hug, the added weight of not just Pinkie, but the Cake Twins as well pinned Applejack to the ground. Another pony touching her made Applejack's skin crawl, but for now decided it was for the best to just suck it up. "Glad to see you too, Pinkie." "I missed you all so much! I don't know what we would have done if you didn't...GAH!" Pinkie gasped at the sight of Rarity's peg leg. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew into the nursing station after her. "Yes this is a new if unintended addition to look." Rarity noted. Rainbow dash couldn't help but smirk. "But now you have a cool peg leg." Rainbow Dash argued. Fluttershy pushed her mane out of her eyes. "What happened?" "Rarity got bit." Applejack explained. "But we took care of it. Now yer no worse for ware. Right Rarity?" "So it would seem." Rarity looked out the window. "Now what of the rest of Fillydephia?" Rainbow Dash lowered herself to the ground. "It's a bust. Whole city's buried." She explained. "That mountain that buried us wasn't the only one. I did a quick check, all the mountains around Fillydelphia had their own little avalanche." Twilight stepped forward. "We survived. Other ponies had to have made it too." Rarity sighed. "As much as it behooves me to say this, we mustn't tarry here much longer. Manehattan is all that's left. We simply cannot allow Fancy Pants to destroy it too." She reminded. "B-but what about other ponies? Somepony had to have survived the avalanches. Right?" Fluttershy suggested. "Didn't we leave those two in the train?" Spike noted. Rarity placed a forehoof against her forehead. "Oh my. How did I forget about Suri? She and Upper Crust must be absolutely terrified. Trapped in a train car with no air." Rarity shuttered at the thought. "If there alive in there." Rainbow Dash added. Course Suri was on the brink of death before the avalanche. She thought to herself. "Well, we shouldn't leave without being certain." Rarity stood her ground. "Leaving would be the kind of thing they would do. And we are not like Suri." "Ok, Rarity. We'll go look." Twilight promised. "And then, you need to get some rest." "Twilight, darling, if there is anypony who understands that time is of the essence, surely it would be you." Rarity suggested. Twilight blinked, not wanting to admit her own habit of keeping things on a tight schedule. "Shall I take your silence as agreement?" "Wha? Oh right. Lets just go to the train for now. We will decide our next course of action there." Twilight stated. Rarity and Spike stared at what was left of Upper Crust. Her body was crushed under several boulders that managed to burst through the side of the caboose. Spike lifted the rock covering her face. He and Rarity had to look away, as there wasn't much of Upper Crust's face left. "Poor thing." Rarity muttered. Spike raised an eyebrow in surprise. "But didn't you say she and her husband were real jerks to you during your Canterlot visit?" Spike asked. Rarity approached Upper Crust's broken form. "Absolutely. But think about it. She stayed behind because she thought she would be safe." Rarity bent down to pick something up. Spike arched his neck to get a better look. Upper Crust's horn had broken off and was lying near an unused knapsack. "I can only hope she didn't suffer long." "She didn't turn into a zombie. That's good enough for me." Spike said to himself. Applejack emerged from the caboose door leading to the end passenger car. "Twi and Flutters are tryin' to salvage what's left of the engine. As far as Ah'm concerned though it's scrap metal now." Applejack trotted over to Upper Crust's remains. "Nasty." "Applejack. You know what happened to Suri." Rarity uttered. Applejack bit her lip. "Yeah. Listen. Ah know you and she didn't part on good terms. But if ya'd rather I put her down...." Rarity pushed her forehoof into Applejack's mouth. "Say no more. Suri and I may have ended our friendship on a bitter note, but we were friends once. Where is she?" Applejack sighed, and motioned for Rarity and Spike to follow. Suri's broken legs prevented her from being able to move. She reached out to Rarity, who was standing over her broken, zombified form. Rarity sighed, and picked up a rock with her magic. She looked at Suri once more. "I'm not going to lie to you Suri. When you stole my dress designs, I wanted to do this to you. I had most unladylike thoughts about what I would do to get my revenge. But I had my friends, they helped me move on, and I would like to think that I did." Rarity blinked once. "I know you cannot respond to what I am saying. But I would at least like to think that, maybe, things could have been different." Rarity knelt down, lowering the rock closer to Suri's head. "What I am trying to say is that I am sorry, darling." > This Explains A Lot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "No pony here." "No pony here." Pinkie looked back at the Cake Twins sticking out of her saddlebags. They were facing away from her, staring out at the ruined city below. She took a quick glance over the roof top she was standing on. "Hey! I think I can see Ponyville from here!" Rainbow Dash hovered over to Pinkie's side. "I don't see anything." Rainbow Dash shrugged. She wasn't worried about falling off the skyscraper for obvious reasons, and she didn't see any zombie pegasi, but one wrong slip and Pinkie could easily fall. Bah. I'd catch her. No question about it. Rainbow Dash grinned, but her expression softened as she turned her attention to the Cake Twins. But, would I be able to get to them in time....What I am I saying? Of course I can! Rainbow Dash flew in a circle, reassuring herself that she could get the job done. "And there's Manehattan!" Rainbow Dash bumped into Pinkie to get a good look. "Where!" "There!" Pinkie pointed her hoof off in a northern direction. Rainbow Dash had to squint her eyes to get a good look. The mountain range was blocking most of her view of the horizon beyond. "I can't get a good look from here." Rainbow Dash took off into the air, flying a dozen yards away from the building. From here she was able to see a large number of still intact buildings between a gap in the mountain range. As she hovered high over the city, her eyes began to wander. The debris from the landslide covered the streets, and thankfully any zombies still around were buried underneath. As she continued looking around, she spotted what looked like a zeppelin parked several miles away. "Hey Pinkie!" "What!" "I think I see something we can use!" "You what!" "I SAID I SEE SOMETHING WE CAN USE!" "WHAT!" Rainbow Dash face hoofed. She's doing this on purpose. Rainbow Dash lowered her hoof and took a breath. As she started fluttering back towards Pinkie, she noticed Fluttershy through one of the windows of the building, running away from a herd of zombie ponies. "Hey, Pinkie. Fluttershy's in trouble!" "No way! Where!" Pinkie arched her neck downward to get a better look. Maybe it was because of fatigue, or maybe it was a lack of attention, but either way, her forehooves gave out. Pinkie let out a loud yelp as she hit the side of the building. Rainbow Dash couldn't tell what was stopping her from falling, until she got closer. Surely enough Pound and Pumpkin were hanging onto Pinkie's hindlegs, struggling to hold their guardian up. "Don't! "Fall!" Rainbow Dash picked up speed, grabbing Pinkie's forelegs to help support her. "Good job you two." Rainbow Dash said proudly. After helping Pinkie back onto the roof, Rainbow Dash's attention turned to the hatch leading back into the building. Fluttershy scrambled out onto the roof top panting heavily. "Fluttershy! What happened!" Fluttershy didn't stop panting. Rather she pointed back towards the open latch. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie took a peak inside. The floor below was completely covered by a large mass of zombie ponies. "We can't go back that way." Fluttershy gasped. No kiddin'. Rainbow Dash casually shut the hatch. "Don't worry. You and I got this." Rainbow Dash reassured, flapping her wings. "You hear that Pound and Pumpkin? We're going for a ride!" Pinkie exclaimed. Rainbow Dash wrapped her forelegs around Pinkie's body, lifting her off her hooves. The Cake Twins cried out in joy as Rainbow Dash started flying. Fluttershy fluttered after her friend, her eyes fixated on the Cake Twins. "Um. Rainbow Dash? Maybe I can....maybe hold the Twins?" Fluttershy held out her forehooves. "I mean. So you don't have to take all the weight?" "Their not heavy. Their my kids!" Pinkie chimed in. Rainbow Dash shook her head before facing Fluttershy. "Nah. I got this. I'm not interested in straining you too." Rainbow Dash explained. Then she got another idea. "Actually there is something you can do. Let Twi and the others know we found something." Fluttershy dug her hoof into the roof. "I can't. I lost my Cutie Signal down there." She muttered. Going back to get it would be a terrible idea now, so she started thinking of alternatives. "S-should I go look for them instead?" "Yeah go ahead. We'll get the air ship up and at it." Rainbow Dash replied. Pinkie looked up at her friend. "We probably shouldn't split up." Fluttershy noted. Pinkie reached into her saddlebags. "Did I pack my Cutie Signal?" She asked herself. A pair of bottles filled with milk, two bibs, and Pumpkin's purple octopus plushie but there was no sign of her Cutie Signal. "Oopsie. I guess not." Rainbow Dash groaned. "Look. You got a straight shot to the train station. You should be fine." "But Rainbow..." "Fluttershy. Look at me." Rainbow Dash grabbed Fluttershy's face. "I wouldn't make you do something I wasn't willing to do myself." Although she only stared at Fluttershy for a few seconds, it felt like hours. As she let go of Fluttershy's face, Pinkie popped up, taking Rainbow Dash by surprise once again, giving Fluttershy a big hug. "I believe in you!" Pinkie exclaimed. Pinkie's excitement made her grip so tight Fluttershy found herself gasping for air. "Pinkie...." Fluttershy sputtered. Pinkie quickly released Fluttershy. "Guess I don't know my own strength." "Sure, Pinkie." Rainbow Dash muttered to herself. "But seriously, good luck." Rainbow Dash smirked. Doing her best to overcome her nervousness, Fluttershy eventually took off towards the train station. Rainbow Dash exchanged glances with Pinkie. "What? She'll be fine." "I know. That's why I said 'I believe in you'." Pinkie replied. Applejack gave a large rock on the debris pile a strong kick, knocking it into the air. "Whewie. That took forever. Go ahead Twi!" She called out. Twilight took a step forward, extending out her wings. Reaching out with her magic, Twilight grabbed the engine and pulled. As she gritted her teeth from the strain, sparks started flying from her glowing horn. Spike and Rarity had to leap out of the way to avoid getting hit. "Watch it!" Spike exclaimed. Twilight didn't give a direct answer, instead letting out a loud groan. Raising her head high, her groan turned into a scream as the train started to move. I've lifted heavier things than this. What is going on? Twilight thought to herself. Her vision shifted to the debris pile, which reached the top of the train station. Perhaps we haven't moved enough debris. Rarity locked her jaw. She inspected the debris at the top of the pile. A small rock fell from the top of the pile, followed by another. And another, and another. "Applejack! Watch out!" Applejack looked up, leaping out of the way of the falling rocks. Twilight canceled out her spell, making the engine clang against the rails. The debris began to shutter before the rocks started tumbling down. "All of ya! Move!" Applejack pointed forward before bolting out the train station. Thought Twilight and Spike were able to keep up, Rarity could not. "Rarity!" Spike cried. Rarity's heart pounded hard, which took most of her attention away from her surroundings. Failing to notice a broken tile on the floor, Rarity's peg leg broke as she came into contact with it, making her collapse to the ground. "NO!" Spike spun around and ran up to Rarity's side. "Spike! What are you doing! Run!" Rarity ordered. Ignoring her, Spike lifted Rarity into his arms. "Not without you." Spike only managed to take a step forward before a rock hit him in his new wings. The pain forced Spike to drop Rarity, collapsing to the ground himself. "Rarity! Run!" Rarity struggled to stand. She wasn't used to walking with only three legs, so she had to go much slower than usual. Picking up Spike with her magic, she gently ran a hoof across his chin. "Not without you." Spike's heart leapt, his eyes widened in surprise, and his wings sprung open. "I-I don't..." "Hush, Spike. Now is not the time." Rarity interrupted. She struggled to move forward. I suppose I should be grateful we are far enough away. She thought to herself. The sound of a spell being activated compelled Rarity to look up. Their was still debris above her and Spike, though it was being held in place by a purple aura. Twilight and Applejack were still in the entry way of the train station, Twilight's horn glowing as she held the debris up with her magic. "You're almost there!" Twilight exclaimed. Spike took a sigh of relief as he and Rarity finally reached the entry way. Applejack reached out a hoof to help Rarity balance herself. "Ah gotcha. Just follow me." Applejack walked backwards in front of Rarity while Spike guided her, until all four of them were out in the streets. "Twi, thar clear!" Twilight's horn stopped glowing, and the debris collapsed onto the floor of the train station with a loud thud. Twilight and Rarity collapsed to the ground, both taking a sigh of relief. "That. Was a waste of time." Spike said to no pony in particular. He flapped his wings to try and make the pain go away. "Hey Twilight, you think preening works on dragon wings?" Applejack's expression darkened. "Ya'll might wanna worry about that some other time." Rarity wobbled over to her friend. "What ever do you....mean.... oh." Rarity felt her heart shoot up into her throat. Off in the distance, following the train tracks leading into Fillydelphia, was a massive herd of zombie ponies. So many zombie ponies that Twilight couldn't see anything behind the herd. "Not again." Spike face palmed. "Haven't we had enough trouble for one day?" "Doesn't look like it. Move!" Twilight ordered. "There's got to be somewhere we can wait them out in the city." I hope. The four friends glanced around the area around the train station. Applejack climbed up the debris covering the streets. Twilight hovered in the air to get a better look. "See anythang?" Applejack asked. Rarity struggled to climb up to Applejack's side. Spike held up Rarity's stump so she could balance herself, but his eyes were only on the approaching herd. "Chief Thunderhooves was right. Trains attract zombies!" Spike exchanged glances with the others, who were not pleased with what he said. "I'm just saying!" "Pretty sure the avalanche had somethin' to do with it too." Applejack noted. Rarity poked Spike in the ribs to get his attention. "Spike! Spike!" Rarity grabbed Spike's face. "Spike!" "Wha. What?" "I need you to pay attention. Please." Rarity's breathing became heavy as she and Spike locked eyes. "Spike." Rarity felt her hooves lift off the rocks, as Spike pulled Rarity into his arms. "I'm all over it." Spike promised. After reaching the first intersection of the street, Twilight noticed an open window on an apartment building on the other side of the four corners. Since the debris was at least four stories tall, that meant using the now buried entrance was not an option. "Guys! I think I found a safe spot!" Twilight stood by the open window. But as the four friends reached the open window, they were able to get a better look, revealing a zombie pony trapped under an upside down sofa. "Because of course that happens!" Spike roared. In a panic, Twilight slammed her forehooves against Spike's mouth to keep him from screaming again. She looked over at the herd off in the distance. "Maybe we should keep looking." Twilight muttered. Rarity glanced over at the zombie pony inside. "I would prefer we take our chances with one zombie pony over a thousand." Rarity examined the cracked window frame. "Perhaps if some pony could get inside and take care of our unwelcome host, so it would be safe for the rest of us." Spike let out a gradually worsening groan. "Alright I'll do it." Rarity shook her head. "That's generous of you, but I was referring to myself." Rarity placed a hoof on her chest. "I am the most slender between the four of us, so I can squeeze in this gap and deal with the one inside." "Rares, ya've already been bitten once. Ah'm not lookin' forward to seeing that happen again." Applejack argued. Rarity's brow crinkled in irritation. "Rarity...." "We don't have the time to argue. Twilight, darling, you agree with me, don't you?" Rarity asked. Twilight's attention was still on the herd. "No!" Spike snapped. "We'll find somewhere else to hide!" "That's not an option, Spike." Twilight spun round to face Rarity. "Just be careful." "WHAT!" Spike and Applejack exclaimed in unison. Rarity bent down towards the window. "I know all about being careful." Rarity uttered before climbing inside. Fear gripped Spike's entire body. He couldn't bear the thought of Rarity in trouble, and got down on all fours. "Spike what are you doing!" Twilight exclaimed. Spike ignored her, putting a claw on the window frame. From his angle he was able to see Rarity on top of the sofa. From what he could tell, it looked like she was trying to crush the zombie pony underneath by adding her own weight onto the sofa. "Rarity!" Spike called out to her. Rarity motioned over to the young dragon. "You think its safe?" "As safe as I can make it. I suggest you hurry though." Rarity replied. Spike scrambled into the ruined living room, followed by Twilight and Applejack. Twilight slammed the window closed with her magic while Applejack stomped on the zombie pony's head. "Better safe than sorry." Applejack noted. Rarity slumped off the sofa. As far as she was concerned, that was very appropriate. Twilight glanced around the counter into the adjoining kitchen. The fridge had collapsed, and some debris from the avalanche had made it's way through the small window above the sink, but fortunately she saw no sign of another zombie pony. "It looks clear." Twilight trotted back to her friends, who were flipping the sofa right side up. "But we can't stay here." "Right. Rainbow and the others are gonna be wondering what happened to us." Applejack paced back and forth. "And they ain't gonna be thinkin' the best when they see all them trotters outside." "Yeah but they would at least look for us." Spike added. "Perhaps they will get a good view of us from the roof?" Rarity suggested. Twilight nodded in agreement. "Good idea. It's probably the safest place right now." Twilight made her way to the apartment exit. Assuming there are no pegasi in the herd. She took a glance around the hallway outside. "Clear." She whispered back to her friends. The group slowly made their way out of the apartment. Spike made it to the elevator on the other end of the hall first. There better not be another zombie inside. Spike thought to himself. He nodded at each of the others as they waited for the elevator to arrive. The wait was getting more and more intense, which wasn't made any better with Spike's heavy breathing. Applejack spun around, ready to kick with her hind legs. Twilight and Rarity's horn's glew, preparing to case a spell. Spike wiped sweat from his brow. With a ding, the door opened, revealing a dead unicorn lying in the corner, its stomach ripped open, its guts spilling out. Twin blasts from Twilight and Rarity blasted a pair of holes in the unicorn's head. "I suppose it is for the best. Given the alternative." Rarity noted. The ride up to the roof was awkward to say the least. None of the four friends said a word, instead staring at what was left of the dead unicorn. Twilight exchanged glances with her friends before approaching the unicorn. Using her magic, she lifted the unicorn's neck up. "Twilight, I'm pretty sure we stopped it from coming back." Spike said. He locked his jaw, noticing Twilight's eyes widen. "Twilight?" Spike took a step forward. He placed a claw on his eyes in grief. "What is it?" Rarity asked. Spike pointed at a third hole in the unicorn's head. "Oh. Well then." Applejack folded her forehooves. "We couldn't tell earlier. Better let not to take the chance." "Yes..." Twilight laid the unicorn's head back down. "But then who killed this pony?" Before any of the others could respond, the elevator reached the top floor. Applejack shrugged. "Here goes nothing." However the group was more than relieved when the elevator door opened. "Fluttershy!" They all cried together. Fluttershy smiled at the sight of her friends. "Twilight! Rarity! Applejack! Spike! thank goodness you made it." Fluttershy exclaimed as loudly as she could, which was admittedly slightly above what most ponies would call a normal conversational tone. Twilight took a step forward. "You saw us?" "Yes. I thought I could get to you from up here." "Well good on ya." Applejack trotted to Fluttershy's side. "But ya want to tell us what happened to Rainbow and Pinkie?" Fluttershy shook her head in worry. "I didn't want to go alone. But they said some pony needs to tell you what is going on." She looked back at the hallway she was standing in. "We found an airship." Spike pumped his fist. "Sweet. No way the zombies can follow us with one of those." "But I didn't want to leave them! You said splitting up was a bad idea!" "It...is." Twilight said. She glanced around the hallway. "Lets try not to let it happen again." "Oh absolutely. I hated flying around by myself. When I saw the train station I...I..." Fluttershy stopped herself, lowering her head, letting her mane cover her face. "Fluttershy. It's ok. We made it out just...." Twilight began to say, but started to feel a little light headed. Realizing her friends were staring, she shook her head to regain her composure. "We survived. That is what's important. Now take us to this air ship." "Ok." Fluttershy trotted over to the end of the open window at the end of the hallway. A huge smile appeared on her face. "Look!" She called out to the others. They gathered around the window, where a huge balloon with a passenger basket was passing by. Pinkie poked her head out the basket and waved at Fluttershy. "I knew you could do it!" Rarity glanced at her stump before taking one final look at Fillydelphia, before it disappeared over the horizon. Spike put a claw on her shoulder. "Rarity, talk to me." Spike pleaded. Not wanting to look unrefined, Rarity flicked her mane to regain her composure. "You have nothing to worry about, Spikey. I am as fine as I can be. Given the circumstances." Rarity turned her attention to the rest of the Mane Six, all of whom were staring at her. "I mean it. Truly." Rainbow Dash scoffed. "Yeah. Who here believed that?" Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie and both of the Cake Twins immediately raised a fore leg in response. Rainbow Dash looked over at Fluttershy. "You didn't?" "Well...." Avoiding the question, Fluttershy turned to Rarity. "You have been quiet since we left." Rarity closed her eyes, smiled, and let out a little giggle. "Its a little silly. You don't need to know about it." Pinkie slinked over to Rarity, putting a fore leg around her friend. "You can tell us anything. Nothing is too silly for us." Rarity blushed. "I don't know about that. I mean, after what Fancy Pants has done, my missing leg is hardly worth worrying about. Going back and getting my old leg has no reason to be a priority." She waited a minute, expecting at least Pinkie to start laughing. When neither she nor any of the others did so, she spoke up. "You don't find that sentimentality silly?" Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Hey it's not like you lost your horn. Or I lost my wings or something like that. You can still walk. Eventually." Spike sat down in the corner of the balloon. "Yeah. We don't need to worry about that. Or Fancy Pants." Spike started muttering under his breath. "Um, Spike?" Twilight asked. Spike faced away from the group and muttered again. "Spike. What did you say." With a groan, Spike spun around to face his friends. "I said 'Because when I find Fancy Pants, I'm gonna kill him." Spike snorted. Rarity blinked twice, Spike's grim expression and tone was flat out scaring her. "Spike. We can't just go around killing ponies." Twilight noted. Spike folded his arms. "We've been doing that for weeks." Spike leaned against the side of the basket. "What makes Fancy Pants any different?" "Because he is a living pony." Rarity argued. "Ponies are not those horrible creatures." "He flooded a whole city and buried another!" Spike turned away from his friends. Smoke billowed from his nostrils as he took several breaths. "That's even worse. What's stopping him from being a horrible creature too? It didn't stop Cherry Jubilee." Applejack tossed her hat to the floor in frustration. "Hey! Let's not talk about her shall we?" She snapped. "And what about Bulk Biceps? Most ponies don't go around killing foals because they can't control themselves!" Fluttershy had to hold her hoof over her eyes for a moment. "I-it's more complicated than that." "My point..." Spike grumbled, stomping his foot. "Is that the zombies have some competition in the 'horrible creatures' department!" Spike slumped down the the floor of the basket. The Mane Six were quiet for a long time. Occasionally some pony would take a glance at Rarity's stump or Spike, but would quickly look away. Somepony say something. Pinkie thought to herself. Please? Twilight found herself lost in thought. She looked over at Applejack, who was pacing back and forth. Applejack was... hurt....by Jubilee. She then turned her attention to Pinkie, who was cradling the Cake Twins in her forelegs. Pinkie almost lost her head..... Twilight started to sweat as she looked over at Rarity's stump. And Rarity lost a leg. The skin under her fur felt clamy as she thought back to her nightmare. Please. Please oh please oh please. Let this be a coincidence. Rainbow Dash let out a huge yawned. "How much farther is Manehattan?" She asked. Fluttershy looked out over the horizon. From what she could tell, the green speck miles away was the Manehattan statue. "Look out!" Before Fluttershy and a chance to respond, Rainbow Dash pulled her down to the floor of the basket. And just in time too, as a firework flew into the basket and exploded. Rarity coughed as the smoke billowed throughout the basket. "What in the world just happened?" Pinkie glanced over the edge of the basket. A gigantic smile appeared on her face as she caught a glimpse of two brown specks on the ground below. "OHMYGOSHICAN'TBELIEVEITTHISISAMAZING!" Pinkie bolted towards the balloon controls in the center of the basket and slammed the throttle down, forcing the balloon down to the surface as fast as it could. Unaffected by the smoke, Spike walked through the cloud so he could get a better look at the grassy plain below. "Pinkie. What's going on? What did you see?" Spike asked. But Pinkie was too excited to answer properly. Spike took another look at the surface. He could make out two distinct figures standing by a wooden cart filled with fireworks. "We see you!" Spike called out to the two. "Don't shoot another..." Spike abruptly stopped as another firework came flying towards him. Thinking quickly, he swatted away the firework once it was within his reach. "What's the big idea!" Rainbow Dash hovered out of the balloon, shaking her hoof at the two figures. "Are you trying to get us killed!" Pinkie couldn't contain her excitement any longer, and leapt out of the basket, despite still being ten feet above the surface. Twilight and Rarity appeared by Spike's side on the edge of the basket. "Pinkie! You ok?" Twilight cried. "You can not do such things while still holding the Twins!" Rarity added. Pinkie ignored the stinging pain in her legs as she stood up. She readjusted her saddlebags, which still held the very shocked Cake Twins. "See? We're a-ok!" "Lets go!" "Again!' A warmth ran through Pinkie's chest. That's my kids. She thought to herself. Twilight and Rainbow Dash guided the balloon down to the surface, Pinkie bolted towards the two figures in the distance. "Is that Cranky and Matilda?" Fluttershy asked. Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked over at Pinkie in the distance. Surely enough she was giving the two elderly donkey's a big hug. Feeling his lungs compress from Pinkie's strength, Cranky knew he had to say something. "Yeah. We. Missed you too, Pinkie." He sputtered. Matilda looked over Pinkie's shoulder at the Cake Twins. "Pinkie. Are those the baker's children?" Pinkie's eyes widened. Her mane slightly "deflated" as she let go of Cranky and Matilda. "Yes." She muttered, closing her eyes. While Matilda was distracted by Pinkie's mane and coat color dulling, Cranky turned his attention to the rest of the Mane Six and Spike as they approached. "I'm guessing you want an explanation for.... sweet Celestia on a pogo stick!" Cranky pointed to Rarity. "What happened to you!" "W-we didn't do that did we?" Matilda asked sheepishly. Rarity glanced over at Spike before answering. "Thankfully no. I had an unfortunate incident in Fillydelphia. But I am perfectly fine now." Rarity explained. Cranky leaned over and whispered in Matilda's ear. "Dear, I think she was bitten." "What do we do?" Matilda asked. "It's ok." Fluttershy hovered between the two donkeys. "Applejack removed the bitten leg before it was too late." Cranky however, was still skeptical. "And that worked?" "Yes. It happened last night." Twilight replied. "And Rarity's shown none of the symptoms so far." Matilda lowered her head. "If only we knew about this sooner." Twilight tilted her head. "What do you mean?" "The pony in charge of our little group lost his girlfriend to one of those dead things." Cranky explained. "Poor kid was devastated. If we knew just removing the bitten leg works she might still be alive." Twilight put a hoof to her chin. That can't be right. Suri said she was torn apart. "Cranky, Matilda. This leader of yours." Rarity taped her forehooves together, not noticing Spike struggling to keep her remaining hindleg balanced. "He wouldn't by chance be Fancy Pants? One of Canterlot's renouned Elite, would he?" "Wait that's his name?" Cranky looked over at Matilda. "I thought that was just the kid taking jabs at him." "Kid?" Pinkie muttered under her breath. Rainbow Dash's ears perked up as she heard snarling off in the distance. She turned around in time to see several zombie ponies slowly but surely making their way through the field and towards the group. "Because of course they show up." "We are not safe here." Matilda noted. "Come. We've been staying with a couple other ponies in Hollow Shades. Town's not far from here. We'll take you there." Matilda looked over at Rarity. "I imagine Fancy Pants will be glad to see you." Spike snarled. "He's not in Manehattan?" "Now's not a good spot to be talking. Come on. It's this way." Cranky slid into his wagon's harness. "Pinkie you coming?" Pinkie raised her head, looking like she just came out of a trance. "What? I mean. Of course!" Pound and Pumpkin looked at each other in concern for their guardian. "Pinkie's." "Lost it." Even after everything that had transpired, Rarity still couldn't get used to the sight of run down old towns, and Hollow Shades was no exception. The survivors had set up a wooden barricade around the town, but it was low enough for her to get a glimpse of the run down old huts, some of which had either holes in their roofs or no rooftop at all. Cranky pounded his hoof against the barricade's gate. "Kid! Open up! We got more stragglers." He looked back at the Mane Six and Spike. "Important stragglers." Fluttershy looked up at Rainbow Dash. "How are we more important than anypony else?" Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Um, hello? Council of Friendship?" Rainbow Dash reached down and pulled on Twilight's left wing. "Princess?" "Ow." Twilight bluntly said. "Sorry." Rainbow Dash let go of her friend's wing. "But, you know what I mean." "I know." Fluttershy tapped her forehooves together. "But if somepony's lost and needs shelter would be let in no matter who they are Wouldn't' they?" Listening in on their conversation, Cranky interrupted before Twilight or Rainbow Dash had a chance to respond. "Not if their dangerous." Matilda rolled her eyes at Cranky's pessimism. A young voice spoke up from the other side of the barricade. "I know what Fancy Pants said..." With a loud creak, the gate slid open. "But come on in." If Ah didn't know any better that was.... Applejack began to think to herself, but her thoughts were quickly interrupted at the sight of a familiar orange filly on the other side of the barricade. "Well look here. If it isn't little cousin Babs Seed!" Babs Seed blew her mane out of her eyes before approaching the group. "Cousin Applejack! Good to see you!" Applejack chuckled. "Same to ya'll, Babs. Apple Bloom and her friends are gonna be mighty happy to learn yer alive." "Well now. I wasn't expecting we'd be reuniting family today." Matilda said to Cranky. Cranky unhooked the wagon's harness of his back. "Assuming that Fancy Pants will let them stay." Babs Seed scoffed. "No way. If isn't letting Applejack and her friends stay, then he's loosing his guard filly." She looked up at Applejack. "That's me." "That's what Ah figured." Applejack turned her attention to Cranky and Matilda. "Wanna tell me why 'important' ponies ain't allowed in?" "Hypocrite." All eyes turned to Spike. "What? It's true. Probably wants to be the only 'elite' pony around." "Now, now, Spike." Rarity hobbled over to his side. "The Fancy Pants I knew was was welcoming of any aspiring Canterlot Elite, if they deserved it." Babs Seed climbed back up the barricade. "Love to catch up, cousin. But Ah got to keep watch. Ya never know what might happen." She looked over at Cranky and Matilda. "Ya two think ya could bring em to Fancy Pants for me? Nah shift ain't up." Matilda scratched the back of her neck. She and Cranky sighed in unison. "Well, the thing is, we kind of wanted to have a private talk." Matilda locked her jaw and blinked once. "With Pinkie." Pinkie's ears shot upward. "Y-you mean it?" She stammered. "What is this about exactly?" Twilight asked. Cranky rolled his eyes. "What part of private did you not get." Cranky felt Matilda tap his side. "Princess." He added. Pinkie put her foreleg around Twilight's neck. "Don't worry Twilight. I've been looking forward to this. You don't need to worry about little ole me!" Pinkie then slunk around Cranky and Matilda. "You have no idea how EXCITING THIS IS!" Babs Seed picked up a set of binoculars on top of the barricade. "Fine. Thar's a lake on the other side of town. Ah'd start lookin' for Fancy Pants thar." Good. Spike cracked his knuckles in anticipation. He was going to enjoy this. Fancy Pants wiped the sweat from his face, though it did little good. His reflection in the water showed off his bloodshot eyes and disheveled mane. He swallowed hard. "I can't. Fleur. I....." Fancy Pants slammed his fore hooves against his temples. He wanted to just jump into the water and breath it in until he was dead. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Fancy Pants leaned forward. He hesitated as he heard the pier creak behind him. "Mr. Pants?" Fancy Pants gasped. "Go-go away! I don't want anypony to see this!" "If yo don't want anypony to see then you shouldn't be out in the open!" A second, raspier voice called out. Letting out a loud neigh, Fancy Pants leapt into the lake. "Rarity screamed in terror. "Somepony stop him!" Spike remained in place while the rest of the group galloped to the edge of the pier. Applejack and Rainbow Dash leapt into the water after Fancy Pants. Where are you? Rainbow Dash asked herself. Applejack pointed a ways down. Fancy Pants' mouth was wide open, sucking in water. Swimming as fast as they could, Rainbow Dash grabbed Fancy Pants' flailing legs, while Applejack slammed his muzzle shut. Fancy Pants tried to resist, but Rainbow Dash's grip on his legs was too strong for him. Applejack turned herself back up, swimming towards the surface. Just before she could break the surface, bubbles started forming below her. Below her, Rainbow Dash was struggling to hold her breath. Applejack called out to her friend, but only a stream of bubbles emerged from her mouth. With a splash, Rarity appeared in the water next to her. Rarity's horn started to glow, forming a bubble around Rainbow Dash's head. Giving her friends a nod, Rainbow Dash swam up to their level. Together they broke the surface of the water. "It worked!" Twilight focused on her friends and the unmoving Fancy Pants. Using her magic, she dragged them across the water until they were back on the pier. Spike couldn't hold back his concern any longer, let Rarity lean on his side. "Are you ok? Why did you do that!" Rarity continued gasping for air. "I. Needed. To do it." Twilight and Fluttershy examined Fancy Pants. Twilight touched his chest, to while Fluttershy pressed her ear against his neck. "He's not breathing." Twilight panicked. "Stand back!" Fluttershy took in a lung full of air before breathing down Fancy Pants' mouth. "Fluttershy. Is now. A good time to. Do that?" Rainbow Dash sputtered. Applejack spat out more water. "She's doin' CPR, Dash." After a third breath, Fluttershy felt Fancy Pants' lips move, his tongue sticking in her mouth. Fluttershy leapt back in surprise, her face bright red from embarrassment. "Fleur." Fancy Pants opened his eyes. "No. No you're not her. I'm alive." Twilight kneeled down to Fancy Pants' eye level. "Of course. We're not going to just let you kill yourself." "NO! You don't know what I did!" Fancy Pants covered his face in his hooves, curling into a ball. Spike stomped his foot. "We know exactly what you did." Spike folded his arms. "LOOK AT ME!" "Spikey. That is not helping." Rarity gently nudged Spike out of the way. "Fancy Pants. Do you remember me?" Fancy Pants locked eyes with Rarity. "Miss. Rarity. Yes I remember. You were staying at Princess Celestia's castle." Fancy Pants gazed at the others. "And your Ponyville friends. I envy you, Miss. Rarity. You have your friends to ground you to the common ponies." Fancy Pants closed his eyes. Spike showed off his razor sharp teeth. "You destroyed Fillydelphia and Baltimare!" He pointed to Rarity's stump. "Rarity lost her leg because of you!" "SPIKE!" Twilight and Rarity snapped. Fancy Pants crawled towards the edge of the pier. "No you don't." Rainbow Dash tackled Fancy Pants, preventing him from moving. "We didn't drag you back up here for nothing." "M-maybe we should talk about this somewhere else?" Fluttershy suggested. Twilight nodded in agreement. "I agree. Fancy Pants, which one of these houses are yours?" "Um, Rarity?" Rarity smiled at the sound of a familiar voice. "So good to see you are still alive, Coco." She turned her attention to her Manehattan assistant, Coco Pommel, approaching. "I feared the worst." Coco adjusted the ascot around her neck. "Me too. I know we were supposed keep writing letters but with the zombies..." Coco's train of thought was interrupted a the sight of Fancy Pants. "Mr. Pants? What happened here?" "Coco, he needs medical attention. May we use your home?" Rarity asked. Coco eyed up the emotionally wounded stallion. "I guess. Come with me." Spike snapped his head back to face the lake. Why didn't we just let him die? Noticing Spike wasn't following the group, Applejack turned around and sat down next to Spike. "Ah know what yer feelin'." "You're just saying that." "No Ah ain't!" Applejack hit Spike in the back of the head. "After what Jubilee did Ah wanted to throttle her. I wanted to kill her. So bad." Applejack noticed her hat floating in the water. "You gonna get that?" Spike asked. "In a sec. Right know, ya'll need to know somethin'." Applejack let out a little whiney. "It hurts. It hurts a lot. But it don't last." Spike looked up at Applejack.. "You at least got to bite Jubiliee's throat out before she killed herself." "And it ain't satisfyin'." Applejack picked up her hat. "Just lettin' ya'll know." Applejack got back up and trotted down the pier. Spike blinked once as he let Applejack's words sink in. Using her magic, Rarity pulled a blanket over Fancy Pants' shoulders. "Thank you, Miss. Rarity." His eyes scanned Coco's two room house. The couch wasn't very comfortable, but as far as he was concerned he didn't deserve comfort. "And you, Miss. Pommel. I. I..." Fancy Pants shook his head in shame. "I don't deserve this." Twilight exchanged glances with Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy before speaking up. "Fancy Pants. Maybe you'll feel better if you, um, tell us what happened to Fleur." "I don't know, your majesty. I suppose I would have to if you order me to." Fancy Pants muttered. After a minute passed, Fancy Pants face hoofed. "Alright, alright. Fleur was scared. As would any pony. When the undead swarmed Manehattan, we took refuge in the Manefare Hotel. We were not the only high class ponies there. And Jet Set made sure of it." "That place is huge!" Rainbow Dash argued. "What do you mean 'he made sure of it'?" "Exactly what you think it means. He bared entry for ponies we didn't recognize. Upper Crust rationalized it by saying if there were any ponies that needed to survive such a catastrophe, it would be us." Fancy Pants pulled his covers over his chest. "Fleur didn't like it, but we were safe. The living stopped trying to get in after the first week. But then we made a mistake. Hoity and Photo couldn't handle being cooped up in the hotel for long. They snuck out one night, and forgot to lock the doors behind them. We had to abandon the city entirely. So many." Applejack leaned against the wall. The longer Fancy Pants' account went, the more familiar it seemed. Almost don't wanna know to those two. "Hoity Totty and Photo Finish. Whatever happened to them?" Rarity asked. "We never found them." Fancy Pants replied. "But the worst was yet to come. Fleur. One of those things. We thought we were clear of the city. But one of those creatures must have fallen, because it was low enough to the ground to bite her on the leg." Rarity's blood froze. Goodness graceous. She glanced down at her stump. "I don't know what to say." "Jet wanted to just leave her behind. I refused. He continued to argue against it as we traveled. We eventually reached Hollow Shades, some survivors from Manehattan..." Fancy Pants looked at Coco. "Like Miss. Pommel here, let us in. Reminded me a lot of you, Miss Rarity." Rarity blushed. "But by the time we found Hollow Shades, Fleur couldn't move anymore. Jet and Upper wanted to just throw her out and let Celestia sort it out. So that night, Fleur and I went into the woods. As far as Jet and Upper were concerned, Fleur died alone and scared. But I stayed with her to the end." Fancy Pants gritted his teeth. "Jet didn't care. As long as 'us better ponies' were still alive. A herd of undead diamond dogs could rampage through Hollow Shades, and as long as us 'elite' ponies survived, he and Upper wouldn't care in the slightest." Fancy Pants slowly stood up. "That's what convinced me. Ponies like Jet and Upper. Ponies like me. Our survival should not take priority over the common pony. We don't deserve it. So I tricked them into coming to Baltimare. And that's when I opened the flood gates." "I can't believe it." Coco backed away from Fancy Pants. "That's horrible." "I know. I've already dealt with Fillydelphia as well. The plan was to destroy Manehattan tonight. And myself. But I can't do it again. For all I know some pony has made their way their and could die." "What were you going to do?" Rarity asked. Fancy Pants didn't answer. "Fancy Pants. What was your plan?" Twilight said with authority. "Hollow Shades is a mining town." Fancy Pants explained. I took some unused dynamite, and was prepared to blow up the Manehattan bridge. That way the undead, and any surviving 'elite' ponies, wouldn't be able to escape. Equestria's better off without ponies like me." Spike was well aware of the surviving ponies staring at him as he sat on a bench. But he didn't care. He wanted to give Fancy Pants a piece of his mind. But Twilight and Rarity wouldn't let him. "Hey there Spike!" Spike was so spaced out he didn't even notice Pinkie approaching, each Cake Twin cradled in her forelegs. "Oh, hey Pinkie. You done with Cranky and Matilda?" Pinkie sat down next to Spike. He had never seen her this passive before. "Yes. And they've changed their minds." Spike raised an eyebrow. "About?" Pinkie's lip began to tremble. "Before the zombies showed up, they told me they wanted a baby. And they...." Pinkie started to cry on Spike's shoulder. "And they asked me to be the mother." "What! I-I mean why?" Pinkie wiped her nose with her fetlock. "Matilda says she can't have children. But they could trust a family member or a good friend. So they asked me." Pinkie set the Cake Twins between her and Spike. "Cranky said I could have some time to think it over." Spike's eyes darted around. "And you were going to say....yes?" "Of course! I was going to be Cranky and Matilda's baby's mommy! Wouldn't you want to be your friend's baby's mommy!" Pinkie didn't wait for Spike to reply before continuing. "But now....now they don't want a baby anymore. They said it would be too dangerous now." Pinkie burst into tears yet again. Spike felt his stomach turn. "Pinkie." "Not happy." Spike patted Pound on the head. This explains a lot. > It's Been Too Long > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Bonnie! Come on Bonnie!" Lyra pushed the covers off her body, sitting up in bed. Bon Bon was on the balcony outside, looking out at the night sky. Lyra let out a little whiney, but Bon Bon still didn't respond. "Bon Bon. Come to bed." Lyra put her forehooves together. "Please? I'm really starting to worry about you." Bon Bon shifted her gaze from the stars above to the crystal streets below. Her and Lyra's apartment was, at best, four stories up. It's not the same. It's pretty. But it's not Ponyville. "Bonnie!" "Can't a pony let their thoughts stew in peace!" Lyra dragged herself out of bed and trotted towards her friend. Lyra smiled before opening her mouth to speak. At the last second, she decided instead to wrap her fore legs around Bon Bon. Bon Bon grumbled, but didn't resist. Bonnie.... Lyra nuzzled Bon Bon's neck, smelling something on Bon Bon's coat. Her own scent. "I thought I could make you happy with some...." What's a good term for this? Oh I know! "bed time fun." It took a moment for Lyra's words to register to Bon Bon. "What? No. No it wasn't you. I did enjoy it." Bon Bon reciprocated Lyra's hug. "I mean, I just, never thought you and I would do that." Lyra stroked Bon Bon's mane. The way Lyra saw it, if ponies like each other enough, why not go for a pony ride? She cared about Bon Bon so it made perfect sense to her. "It can't be that strange. I mean, this is nothing compared to some of the weird things that's been happening lately." Lyra wanted to take back what she said the moment she heard a groan from Bon Bon. "Bon Bon!" Sick of talking, Bon Bon pushed Lyra away. "I'm homesick alright! I miss Ponyville! I want those zombies outside to go away!" Bon Bon dangled her hooves over the side of the railing. "Maybe then we can...I don't know....figure out what happens next." Lyra shrugged. "Does anything need to happen next?" Bon Bon could barely believe what she just heard. Mortified, Bon Bon fell backwards onto one of the chairs on the balcony. "Yes something needs to happen next! Talk about us!" "Ok." Lyra sat down next to Bon Bon. "Lets talk." "Y-you mean right now?" Bon Bon asked. "I thought that's what you wanted. Er, maybe not a few minutes ago but you were just being a grumpy pants." Not that much has changed. Bon Bon thought she would be used to her friend's directness by now, but apparently not. Recomposing herself, Bon Bon took a breath before speaking up. "I guess first thing's first. If those horrible monsters didn't show up, and we never had to leave Ponyville, would we still have..." Bon Bon felt a lump forming in her throat. The more she thought about what happened in Ponyville, and with Redheart, the more she started to feel her skin under her coat crawl. "Bonnie?" "Would we have ever made love if all of this never happened?" Lyra nonchalantly waved her fore hoof. "Is that what you're calling it? 'Made love'? No need to be so fancy about it." "I'm serious!" Bon Bon roared, not caring if she woke any sleeping Crystal Ponies within earshot. "If we didn't come here..." Bon Bon started to say, grinded her teeth when she noticed Lyra snickering. "Sorry. It's just...you said co...." "Gah!" Bon Bon just couldn't take it any longer. She got out of her chair and flipped it over the railing. "You are such an immature little filly! You know that!" Storming back inside, Bon Bon angrily jumped back into bed, pulling the sheets over her head. I guess I got her back in bed after all. Lyra thought to herself. Even if it wasn't the way she was hoping. Her ears perked up at the sound of knocking on the door inside. "You get it!" Bon Bon snapped, her voice muffled by her covers. "Looks like the horseshoe is on the hoof." Lyra muttered to herself, thinking of how it would usually be her saying that to Bon Bon if any pony came to their house early in the morning. Lyra trotted back inside and opened the door, finding a very concerned looking Doctor and Minuette on the other side. Lyra forced a smile, but even she knew no pony would think everything was fine based on it. "Hey Doc, Minuette. What brings you up at this hour?" Minuette raised an eyebrow. "I think you know why we're here." She and The Doctor exchanged glances before continued. "You and Bon Bon are having a bit of a tiff?" "I don't know what her problem is. First she doesn't want to talk, then she does want to talk, then she's flipping out over what I have to say..." Lyra blinked twice after noticing the Doctor's inquisitive expression. "What are you looking at me like that for?" The Doctor ruffled his mane. "Well, how do I put this? Lyra, do you remember what happened in Ponyville? He asked. Lyra tilted her head in confusion. "What was there to see? There were zombies and I was panicking." Lyra noted. The Doctor and Minuette exchanged nervous glances again. "Hey stop that." The Doctor put a foreleg around Lyra. "Lyra, we need to talk." "Great, more talking. Because that worked out so well a few minutes ago. HEY BONNIE!" Lyra called out. "I'm going out for a bit with The Doc and Minuette!" "Good!" Bon Bon screamed back, covering her face with her pillow. Derpy couldn't help but be disappointed. When The Doctor said they were going to Donut Joe's place, she was expecting the same shop from Canterlot. The Crystal Empire's branch was nice, but the coffee and donuts were not the same. She, the Doctor, Minuette and Lyra were sitting together one of the booths, and were the only ones around. Even the pony behind the counter had stepped out for a while. Lyra however, was more concerned about Bon Bon. "Oh please. Are you sure Nurse Redheart didn't just fall?" Lyra asked. The Doctor took a sip of his coffee. "I had a good enough look from the ground. Derpy had an even better view from the air." Derpy stopped playing with her donut long enough to nod back in agreement. Minutte reached over the counter to hold Lyra's hoof. "I don't blame Bon Bon. I mean Nurse Redheart was bitten. I don't think there was any saving her given how much of her the manicore managed to tear off her flank..." "Now hold up." Lyra interrupted. "Are you saying you would have done what Bon Bon did?" Minutte took a sip of her coffee to deliberately avoid answering. The Doctor tapped his forehooves together. "Perhaps if I was given a chance to examine her I could find a way to...well at the very least we could make her feel more comfortable before dying." The Doctor explained. His chest felt heavy. "The point is as pragmatic as her choice may be, we believe this is haunting Bon Bon. It's not healthy." Lyra rubbed her eyes. "But if its eating her up on the inside..." Lyra quickly sat up straight, realizing what she just said. "Wow that was a poor choice of words." "I agree." The Doctor noted. "You think?" Minuette said simulteniously. Lyra groaned. "Whatever, as I was saying, why didn't she tell me?" Lyra rested her chin on her forelegs. "I tell her everything. Something's bothering me she knows about it." Minuette took a bite of her donut. "Literally everything?" "Isn't that what friends are for? I'd share anything with her. Food, bits, our bed..." "Oh well that explains it." Minutte interrupted. Lyra got up out of her seat, ready to challenge Minuette. "What do you mean 'that explains it'?" "Lyra, she thinks you don't take you're relationship with her seriously." Minutte said, not even trying to hide her irritation. "If your description of events are any indication." Lyra didn't know how to respond. He mind raced, her stomach felt heavy, and her throat felt dry. "She's my best friend. She knows I love her. Right?" Minuette sighed. "Lyra, think about it. I mean, if I spent the night with a pony I fancy, and they were nonchalant about the whole thing, I'd be under the impression I was used too." Lyra grabbed Minuette's face. "I didn't use any pony! I was trying to cheer her up!" The Doctor got up from the booth. "I think that is part of the problem. Lyra, would the two of you have spent the night together if we were still in Ponyville, if there was no threat of the undead? If Bon Bon never had to kill Nurse Redheart?" "I...what difference doe that make?" Lyra asked. "What's the point of asking 'what if'? We're here and there's nothing we can do about it. So why worry?" "Because Bon Bon is worried about it." Minuette muttered, taking a sip of her coffee. Lyra facehooved, dragging her hooves down her face and pulling her eyelids down. I hate it when other ponies are right. Derpy's attention was drawn away from her friends as she heard the shop's door open. A pegasus guard, the same one that helped her and the others into the Crystal Empire, trotted into the shop, not paying attention to the group, the bags under his eyes being a good enough indicator for her that this guard was too tired to notice. He pounded his forehooves on the counter, trying to get the baker's attention. "Hey!" "She stepped out side for a moment. I'm sure she won't be much longer." The Doctor said. The guard slammed his head against the counter. "Need my coffee." The guard muttered. Derpy looked at her cup, which was still filled. She poked the Doctor in the ribs to get his attention, and then pointed to her cup. "Did you already drink from it?" He asked. Derpy shook her head. "Alright go ahead." If your going to be friendly, at least be sanitary while you're at it. Derpy sat next to the guard, placing her coffee in front of him. "Oh thank you miss. You have no idea how much help this is." The guard grabbed the cup, chugging down the whole thing in one big swig. "Ah. That's better." The guard rubbed his face and looked at Derpy, and couldn't help but notice her crossed eyes. "Um. Miss. You have... well how do I put this?" "She's ok. There's nothing wrong with her." Minuette called out. "Yeah. Derpy's eyes have always look like that. As far back as I can remember." Lyra added. The guard spun around and noticed Lyra. He groaned and face hooved again. "No..." Lyra glanced back at the Doctor and Minuette. "Was it something I said? Again?" The baker, an Earth Pony mare with a pale purple crystal coat, emerged from kitchen behind the counter. "Ah, there you are Flash. Don't worry. I got your usual brewing now." Flash opened his eyes. "Thanks. I appreciate it." "I don't doubt that." The baker tilted her head, noticing just how tired Flash looked. "You don't look so good." Flash shrugged. "Captain Shining Armor's been doubling patrols. Making sure none of those dead ponies get inside. Seems pointless with his shield still holding but what do I know? I'm just a lieutenant. And not a crystal pony." "Neither is the captain and the princess." The Baker was quick to point out. Out of the corner of his eye, the Doctor noticed a glint coming from outside. He opened the door and inspected the spear Flash had left leaning against the side of the shop. He was surprised to find sparkling blood caking the tip. His attention grabbed, the Doctor walked over to Flash's side. "Perhaps I am stepping beyond my boundaries, but I couldn't help but notice your weapon has has been used recently." Flash waved his hoof. "We occasionally go outside to thin the horde on the other side of the shield. Sometimes not all of us make it, and we have to turn our weapons on our comrades." He explained. "What if their not bitten?" Lyra asked. Flash shifted in his seat, really not wanting to answer the question. "You know, like if you made a mistake..." "NOW your hitting a topic I'm not allowed to talk about! Please just drop it Mint...ma'am." Flash stuttered. Lyra tilted her head. "That's the second time you did that. Who exactly do you think I am?" Lyra asked. Flash shook his head. "Mr. Flash?" "AAAAAHHHHH!" Every pony in the shop turn their attention to Derpy, who was looking outside. The Doctor bolted to Derpy's side. "Derpy what is it?" He realized asking wasn't necessary when he noticed a pony in a dark robe flying over the roof tops, the Crystal Heart strapped to their side. "Guardsman!" The Doctor cried. "A thief is making off with the Crystal Heart!" Flash's wings sprung up in surprise. "Leave it to me." Flash ran outside, picking up his spear. "I'll have to put my order on hold." He said to the baker. "I know, I know. Duty calls." The Baker said with a hint of disappointment in her voice. Lyra watched Flash leaving, and couldn't help but wonder if she should step in. "Hey Doc. You think he'll be ok on his own?" "I don't see why not." The Doctor shrugged. "I mean, he is a...trained...guard..." The Doctor stopped, realizing what he was about to say. "Hm. I see why your concerned." "Come on. Let's be real here." Minuette argued. "Even without the best track record when dealing with Nightmare Moon...and the Changeling Army....and the Centaur Demon...." Minuette looked up in time to notice The Doctor, Lyra and Derpy had already left. "Oh come on! A random thief is nothing compared to those. Right?" "Why are you asking me?" The baker asked. Minuette let her thoughts stew for moment. "Ma'am. While we're on the topic of asking questions, do you mind if I ask you one?" "I'm not a ma'am, I'm a baker. Just call me Amber Waves. And you kind of already did ask a question. But sure, go ahead." Minuette got out of her booth and sat down by the counter. "I noticed that, Flash was it, seems to think my friend is someone else. Who is he mistaking her for?" Amber Waves sighed. "Flash had a...crush on a mare a few years back. A pony by the name of Minty. He told me she was someone he loved very much, but she couldn't love him back." "She had some pony else in her heart?" Minuette asked. "I'm afraid so. Kimono I think her name was. Flash hoped that if he was a good enough friend, maybe, just maybe, he had a chance with Minty. Didn't turn out so well." Amber Waves turn her back to face away from Minuette, feeling her eyes starting to water, and not wanting to show it. "Hit Flash especially hard when she specifically promised that if she and Kimono ever wanted a foal, they'd let Flash be the donor...only to decide to go the magical route to have a child instead. Without telling him until after their foal was born." Minuette felt disgusted. "Why would he even want to think about her after what happened?" "He loved her. Plain and simple. Your Lyra friend looking an awful lot like her doesn't help." Amber Waves wiped her eyes before facing Minuette again. "You're coffee's getting cold I see." She said nonchalantly. Minuette was so focused on Amber Wave's story she had completely forgotten about her drink. "Oh. That's ok. Think I've had enough." Minute pushed her cup away from her. "Should probably do something about The Doctor and Lyra before they get themselves in trouble." Amber Waves watched each step Minuette took as she departed. She touched her heart. "Why do I keep thinking about that story?" The cloaked pony landed on a roof top about eight stories up, staring down at the streets below. The pony noticed Flash approaching from below. "Princess!" Cadence pulled her hood back. "Flash what are you doing here! I don't want to draw attention to myself." Flash landed on the roof next to her and bowed. "I'm afraid it's too late for that, your majesty. Some civilians spotted you a few blocks away." Cadence stomped her hoof. "Darn. I was so close." "What do I tell the ponies who saw you?" Flash asked. "As long as they can't tell the difference between the fake Heart from the real thing we should be safe. I have to go." Candence leapt off the roof, taking flight towards the edge of the shield. Unfortunately she didn't get very far before she felt a pair of hooves wrap around her forelegs. Cadence looked down to see Derpy holding onto her tightly. In a panic, Flash picked up his spear, ready to toss it as hard as he could. Before he had a chance to do so, The Doctor appeared by his side, smacking the spear out of his grip. "What are you doing!" Flash snapped. "You might hit Derpy." The Doctor inspected Derpy's struggle with 'the cloaked figure'. "Hm. There's a slight breeze. maybe if you scooted a little to my right..." "I got this!" Lyra pushed her way past The Doctor and Flash, reaching out with her magic, grabbing Cadence's cloak. "I have you now." "NO!" Flash pushed Lyra off her hooves as hard as he could, but it was already too late, as Lyra's magic pulled Cadence and Derpy backwards, both mares slamming against the side of the building hard. "PRINCESS CADENCE!" "Cadence?!" The Doctor and Lyra exclaimed together. Her head ringing, Cadence waved her fore legs in the general direction she thought Flash was. "I'm ok. just a little..." Cadence stammered. Unfocused, Cadence's wings stopped flapping, causing her to start tumbling down to the ground below. "Derpy! Save the princess!" Lyra exclaimed. Derpy shook her head to regain her senses. Flying downward as fast as she could, Derpy grabbed onto Cadence, flipping herself over at the last second, making her back hit the ground hard to soften the blow for Cadence. "Princess Cadence!" Flash took off his sweat drenched helmet and started hyperventilating. Please be ok. If anything's happened to her Captain Shining Armor is going to have my head! Cadence rolled off of Derpy, the cold ground was quite the contrast from Derpy's fur. "Oh no. Are you ok?" Cadence picked up Derpy in her forelegs. Derpy couldn't speak, the pain was too much for her. All she could do was cry. "Cadence! What happened here!" Cadence felt relieved at the sight of her husband rushing towards her. "I was spotted. This mare tried to help me. She looks hurt." Cadence touched Derpy's back. "It looks like she broke her back." Shining Armor closed his eyes. This was supposed to be a simple mission. "Ok. We just need to find a doctor for her." Right on cue, the Doctor, Lyra, and Flash emerged from the building. "You!" Shining Armor pointed to The Doctor. "This pony is hurt. You said you're a doctor right?" "Derpy....I-I'm not a medical practitioner. I mean, I'm The Doctor but I'm not..." "Fine! Flash! Get this mare to the hospital." Shining Armor ordered. "Sir! Yes sir!" Flash picked up Derpy, carrying her on his back. The Doctor wanted to follow, but was still curious about Cadence's actions. "Doc, I think we should..." Lyra began to say, but The Doctor spoke up before she could continue. "You're majesty, help me understand. What were you doing with the Crystal Heart?" The Doctor reached to pick up the fallen Heart, but Shining Armor snatched it up first. "She..." Shining Armor said. Improvising was not his specialty, but felt he had to make up something just this once. "Well the thing is..." "She was moving it to a safe place." The Doctor and Lyra were so fixated on Derpy's injury that they had failed to notice Minuette's approach. "Just in case some pony decided to pull a fast one." Minuette looked at Cadence and Shining Armor. "Right?" Cadence realized what Minuette was doing. "Oh, yes. Of course. That's what I was doing." I suppose that technically isn't a lie. Shining Armor thought to himself. "That's what I thought." Minuette put her forelegs around the Doctor and Lyra. "Now let's do something that concerns us. Derpy." "But Minuette..." Lyra muttered. "No butts. Our friend is hurt." Minuette started pushing The Doctor and Lyra away from the two royal ponies. "Now let's leave them to do what they got to do and be there for Derpy." The Doctor stopped resisting and just trotted forward. But his curiosity was peaked, and he knew this wouldn't' be the last he heard of this. Shining Armor took a sigh of relief. "Thank Celestia. I thought we were caught for a second. You ok, Cadence?" Cadence stretched her legs before getting back up. "A little sore but I think I'll be ok. The poor pony took worst of the fall for me once she realized who I was. Shining. Do you know what will happen when we take the Heart away from the Empire?" Cadence asked. "I'm not worried and about him coming back." Shining Armor noted. He looked up at the shield above. "But that's not what you're worried about." "No it's not. You can't keep the shield up indefinitely. Not without this." Cadence held Shining Armor's hoof. "Maybe we shouldn't do this after all." "Hey, Cadence. It will be ok. I don't need the heart for strength." Shining Armor gave Cadence a kiss. "I have you." Cadence blushed. "I guess you have a point." I thought I was supposed to be the hopeless romantic? A Crystal Guard approached Shining Armor and Cadence. "Um, your majesties?" Shining Armor stood tall. "Report soldier." "Sir, there's a large group of ponies outside the shield." Cadence stood up. "We better help them." The Crystal Guard tilted his head. "Actually Princess, they seem to be handling their own just fine." Cadence wouldn't have believed it if she wasn't seeing it with her own eyes. Hundreds of ponies, far more than the massive horde of undead ponies. Kicks and punches; zombie ponies' heads were stomped, their limbs were flung into the air, nothing was stopping this group. "Wow. These ponies are good. I could use guards like them." Shining Armor admitted. The zombie pony closest to the shield reached towards Shining Armor and Cadence just in time for one of the living ponies, a pink pegasus mare with a blue mane, to stomp onto it's back. Nice try pal. But your dead meat. And dead meat isn't meant to move around on it's own." the mare boasted before slamming her fore hooves on the zombie pony's head, making it pop like a grape. "Hey, Princess Cadence. You mind letting me and my friends in?" Cadence jabed her distracted husband in the ribs. "Wha? Oh right." Shining raised his head up high, opening a hole in the shield. The pink mare motioned to her group. "Come on in. We're clear." As the group of ponies poured inside, another mare, a unicorn with a pale coat and a green and red mane, tapped on the pink mare's shoulder. "How'd we do, Gusty?" "All nasties taken out, no casualties boss. We're good." Gusty explained. "Nice!" the pink mare replied, giving her friend a high hoof. Shining Armor grinned. "You'd been doing pretty well for yourself miss..." "Firefly." The Pink mare answered. "And before you ask, yes that is the same name as the creator of the Wonderbolts. Save your jokes. Not because I'd be offended of course. It's because I've heard every single one. You literally can not tell me one I've never heard before." While Shining Armor stared wracking his brain to think of a joke, Cadence's gaze shifted to Firefly's friend. "And you are, Gusty right? You two have gathered quite the number of friends." Gusty shrugged. "What can I say. Firefly and I are popular ponies. Ponies want to learn how to fight zombie ponies, they come to us. Am I right?" A loud "Aye" rang out from the large crowd. Firefly smiled. "Course, helps if we have a place to stay. And we figured the Crystal Empire is isolated, easy to defend, the perfect place to train, get a bite to eat, things like that." Cadence exchanged glances with Shining Armor before responding. "We do have room for you. You might have to share housing with some of the ponies already here but if your ok with that..." "I'm good. You good?" Firefly asked Gusty. "That's perfect for me." Gusty noted back. "Good to hear." Cadence touched Shining Armor's neck. "Shining, would you and your guards help get Firefly and Gusty's friends aclimated? There's something I need to take care of. I'll join you when I'm done, of course." "If you don't mind me asking, princess, but what are you up to?" Gusty asked. Shining Armor stood between Cadence and Gusty. I'm afraid strictly Cadence's concern and her's alone. In any case. Come with me, I'll take care of all of you." Married stallion or not, I wouldn't mind you taking care of me. Firefly thought to herself. Lyra face hoofed. While she and Minuette were able to sit in the waiting room, The Doctor was paced back and forth. "Doc, I don't think the pacing is going to make the surgery go any faster."Minuette said. "You never know until you try it, my friend." The Doctor noted. Lyra folded her forelegs. "I don't know, I'm with the Doctor on this one. I don't think I can wait forever. Who knows how long Derpy's going to be in there?" Minuette looked at the clock on the wall. "It's been five minutes." "That's five minutes more than I am comfortable with." The Doctor looked at his own pocket watch. "Make it five minutes and forty one seconds. Derpy..." The Doctor held his head. "She's my responsibility. I don't think I could forgive myself if something happened to her." Lyra's let out a soft, but long sigh. After thinking about it for another few minutes, she got out of her seat, and headed for the door. "Where are you going?" Minuette asked. "I'm going to be Bon Bon's friend." Lyra muttered. The Doctor and Minuette looked at each other. After a second, Minuette smiled. "Progress." "Undeniably." Bon Bon was so certain that she would be fully asleep in in a matter of minutes. But the loud "slam" of her apartment door dashed any hopes of that being true. "Lyra, could you please be a little more quiet..."Bon Bon started to grumble, but a deep kiss from Lyra stopped her. "Lyra?" "Bon Bon, It meant something to me too. I love you, and don't you forget it." Lyra shift her position on the bed so she was now on top of Bon Bon. She could fee her heart race, and after putting a hoof on Bon Bon's chest, could feel her friend's heart race too. "I don't care about what happened to Redheart." "How do you know about that?" Bon Bon asked with absolute dread. "It doesn't matter. We will always be friends. No mater what happens. As far as I'm concerned, this was inevitable." Lyra gave Bon Bon another kiss, and was happier than she ever had felt before in her life when she realized Bon Bon was kissing back. Gusty took in a deep breath. She could feel the love radiating from Lyra and Bon Bon's apartment from the hallway outside. "Now there's a familiar feeling." Gusty turned her attention to Firefly approaching from the other side. of the hall. "There you are boss. What do you think about this place?" Firefly leaned against a the wall. "I can definitely say it's been too long since we have had such good luck. This place is perfect. The princess and her colt toy are none the wiser." "Awesome. Just say the word and I'll let the rest of the crew know when to strike." Gusty replied, giving Firefly another high hoof. The two mares trotted back down the hallway towards the elevator. "I see your really in character." Firefly noted. Gusty reached out with her magic, activating the elevator. "Its not only fun, but it's a great way to safe face." Gusty let Firefly enter the elevator first once it arrived. "You never know who could be listening." Firefly and Gusty took their place in the elevator. "Your majesty." Firefly grinned as the elevator door closed, and for a split second, her blue eyes changed to the color green.