Tides of Change

by Scripted Brony

First published

First there was a Triumvirate of the three pony kinds. Then a single King of Chaos. Then a reluctant Monarchy. Finaly a Hamarchy. Now it seems that after years of world peace the first world war will sparka fire of change in Equestria.

The Changlings have stirred up war with the Griffen Empire just north of Equestia. While the war rages terrorist attacks occur through out the wayward kingdom. As ponies bide there time idly waiting for instruction from their rulers Twilight is called to Manehatten by request of the mayor. She finds her self thrown into a life threatening predicament that leaves her questioning the status quo. Twilight is forced to decide between all that she knows and all that Equestria wants.

Chapter 1

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“Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Explosion in Canterlot shakes Equestria! Diamond Dog gang arrested for involvement in assignation plot! Changlings invade Griffin Empire; Princess offers aid to Griffins! Read all about it!” This was the sale pitch of every paper foal as Twilight rode through the normally busy streets of Manehatten. It didn’t matter which corner or which paper it was, they all had the same depressing headlines that seemed to mark the current times. She looked out the window of the carriage as they passed block after block of roadblocks that held back tides of irritated ponies stuck in traffic. They had been set up in advance by the local police of Manehatten, to better ensure her safety they told her.

Though she had not been a princess for long Twilight still found herself reminiscing on the days when the royalty of Equestria did not need so much security, certainly not from their own subjects. Perhaps the only time she could recall when excess security was needed was during her brother’s wedding, though a threat had been made by the Changlings at the time. Guards have always been in presence of royalty in the past. However before it was all for appearance sake save for a few occasions. She sighed and mumbled to herself. “I suppose the days of princesses traveling transparently through waving crowds are over.” The royal guard captain sitting across from her leaned forward.

“What was that Princess Twilight? Are you ok?” asked the Captain with a gruff voice

“Yes. I’m fine Captain Silver Knight.” replied Twilight with a depressed tone. As expected Silver Knight ignored the apparent sadness in Twilights voice and simply returned to stroking his gray goatee with his black hoof. Silver Knight had been a captain in the royal guard for years and his experience showed through his strict manner and seemingly cold exterior. He was renounced for doing his job thoroughly and by the book. When Twilight was told this by Princess Celestia she doubted it until she met the stallion. This strictness showed itself immediately to Twilight through the manner in which he addressed her. Even when asked not to he would always refer to her as Princess Twilight despite her still not being comfortable when being addressed as Princess.

It took mere months for her duties as Princess of Ponyvill to overwhelm her and her friends as events unfolded all across the lands. Crises after crises destabilizing the world as she knew it and with each one, another ton of responsibility added to her straining back. She greatly wished to relieve the stress. Perhaps, at the very least she could discuss her troubles with her friends, but they were all back at her now well fortified castle. There was nopony around her now but guards who each had their duty to protect her, not to discuss her problems. She glanced back at Silver Knight who continued stroking his goatee and glaring out the back window of the carriage.

She was thinking for a moment that just maybe she could simply talk openly to Silver Knight. However seeing his cold stare only reminded her of the other times she had tried and he had only replied with the same response: “You’re a princess. You must be strong for you subjects as I must be for my soldiers.” Silver Knights words echoed through her head. Perhaps it’ll be different this time said the tiny voice in Twilights head. Twilight raised her head and cleared her throat preparing herself to speak and attempting to get Silver Knight’s attention. Silver Knight’s gaze slowly shifted to Twilight and he raised an eyebrow at her. Twilight opened her mouth as she began to speak but stopped short when the carriage came to a sudden stop, jerking her forward.

Silver Knight looked out the window and began to brush his dark grey mane back with his hoof, paying special attention to any stray hairs. “We have arrived Princess Twilight.” Said Silver Knight as he dawned is platinum helm. He reached for the door to the carriage opening it and stepping out before Twilight. He looked to his left at the line of guards that stretched from the road to the front door of the building they had stopped in front of. He eyed each saluting guard carefully with an angry stare, making sure to make direct eye contact with each guard. He then did the same to the line of guards on his right. Seeing that all was in order he stepped to the side and saluted, giving Twilight the single that it was safe to exit the carriage.

Before exiting the carriage Twilight took a moment to gather herself. She closed her eyes and raises her head taking a deep breath and slowly releasing it through her nose. She opened her eyes and gracefully exited the carriage, spreading her wings when completely out of it. Silver lowered his hoof and fallowed Twilight as she walked down the lines of guards. Twilight’s smile was as close to cracking as glass being pelted by rocks. The best thing she could do to keep her royal posture was to focus on the door. As she approached the door the guards to the left and right opened them for her than returned to standing at perfect attention.

She nodded her head and in as steady as a voice as she could maintain thanked the two guards. Just as she began to enter, the glass door to her right shattered. Twilight moved her wing in front of her face to protect herself from the glass and then proceeded to look at the broken pain of glass. Quickly she looked over her shoulder and saw a lone unicorn stallion standing on the sidewalk. Her mouth dropped and she mumbled: “Who?” A brick surrounded with the purple aura of the unicorn’s magic floated next to him.

Twilight looked at the wide eyed grey unicorn and could see his unquestionable fear. He franticly looked at the guards as they turned to face him and with a twitch of his purple left eye the scarfed stallion released the brick from his magical grasp and ran in the opposite direction as four guards proceeded to peruse him. As Twilight began to order the guards to return and leave the pony alone Silver Knight and two guards began to push Twilight in side before she was able to object. She, Silver Knight and the two guards were all inside and the doors were now sealed shut with four guards standing outside them.

Twilight quickly turned to Silver Knight while he was addressing the other two guards. “Why in the name of Equestria did you just shove me in through the door way like that!?” yelled Twilight. Her face was flustered with an apparent anger that showed through even more so with her spread wings.

“My apologizes Princess Twilight, but it was no longer safe out there. We had to get you into the building as quickly as possible.” Silver Knight’s face remained expressionless as he addressed Twilights question.

Twilight lowered her wings and squinted at Silver Knight still angry with him. “What about the pony with the brick?” Twilight asked with a noticeable amount of spite in her voice.

“My guards will apprehend that traitor and he will be brought in for questioning.” Silver Knight then paused and looked to a mare who was cowering behind a desk on the far wall.

Twilight turned to the mare and approached her doing her best to put on a gentle face. “Hello, there ma’am, I’m Twilight Sparkle I’m here to see the mayor.” Twilight smiled doing her best to be comforting. The mare behind the desk rose so that more than her eyes were visible.

“That wasn’t a-a bomb was it?” said the terrified mare.

Twilight reached out a hoof and placed it on the mare’s shoulder. Though the mare did not appear to be, Twilight could feel her trembling terribly. “You have no need to worry. It was only a brick and the pony that threw it is gone.”

The mare’s eyes widened as and she looked up at Twilight. “G-gone?” she asked her fear seeming to have grown. Twilight nodded and the mare resumed crouching behind her desk. “The mayor will see you now. She’s on the t-third floor.” said the mare as she used her hoof to gesture to the door on her right. Twilight nodded and thanked the mare before pressing the button that opened the wooden elevator doors.

Twilight entered the elevator stepping to the side to ensure that Silver Knight had space to enter with her. “Keep guard in the lobby no one goes to the third floor till me and Princess Twilight have returned.” said Silver Knight as he entered the elevator. He didn’t need to turn around to know that the guards understood him and their orders. The guards saluted the back of Silver Knights helmet just as the doors closed.

Twilight began to raise her hoof to press the button for the third floor, but Silver Knight had done it for her before her hoof was anywhere near the panel. A soothing cello solo peace played into the elevator and the elevator began its slow rise to the third floor. Despite the calming music Twilight was still tense with anger towards Silver Knight. It was only the two of them in the elevator and Twilight used the opportunity to discuss what was on her mind.

“Silver” began Twilight closing her eyes “the pony who threw the brick. I want him to be given to the Manehatten police, if the mayor wants to press charges for the door.”

Nothing in Silver Knight’s stance changed as he swiftly answered. “Yes Princess Twilight. I will make sure he is transferred to the MPD immediately after he is interrogated.”

Twilight glared at Silver Knight who remained staring at the elevator door with the same expression he had during the entire trip. “Interrogation?” asked Twilight her anger now peaking “There will be no Interrogation! That pony was terrified enough when he realized what he had done, he doesn’t need to be any more afraid than he is now!”

Still Silver Knight did not change his stance. “He will not be harmed Princess Twilight, we simple need to know if he is involved in any kind of terroristic organization or if he’s an assassin.”

Twilight was shocked by Silver Knights reply. How acute was this stallion? Thought Twilight as she prepared to lash out the only way she could think of by giving a direct order. Twilight stomped a hoof down and narrowed her eyes at Silver Knight. “Caption!” Twilight paused and waited for him to look at her. When he did not move she tried again putting a more authoritative tone to her voice. “Caption!” Silver Knight turned his head to look Twilight in her eyes. She paused surprised that she was getting any results. “I am giving you a direct order, a royal order. You will immediately give the pony who threw the brick to the MPD if, and only if, the mayor presses chargers. Understood Caption?”

Silver Knight remained silent for a moment before replying. “Yes Princess Twilight.” He then returned to staring at the door. Twilight satisfied with the response returned to her normal stance. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, exhaling it slowly. Remember Twilight: You must look calm and collective. Just like Celestia would no matter the situation. After repeating the breathing exercise two more times she opened her eyes and put the comforting smile back on her face.

The elevator came to a stop and the wooden doors opened. Before them was a long wide hallway with several doors on both sides of the hall. At the end was a room with glass walls and a glass door. Presuming that it was the mayor’s office she stepped out of the elevator and began walking towards it. As Twilight and Silver Knight walked down the long hallway ponies would crack open the doors and stick their heads out as she passed. Though Twilight did not look directly at any of the ponies’ faces she could tell that each of them was concerned, some even appeared to be frightful.

Twilight’s emotions now shifted from anger driven tension to an awkward nervousness that she was unaccustomed to. The feelings seemed to grow the closer she got to the glass door of the mayor’s office. She could no longer hide the worried look in her eyes as her smile slowly started fade. She looked to her side to see if Silver Knight might have noticed the unease in the air. However Silver Knight’s entire composure, from his face to his stance, had expectedly not changed.

Receiving no comfort form Silver Knight Twilight raised a hoof to knock at the door, but paused to see if Silver Knight would do it for her. He remained still and Twilight gently tapped on the glass door with her hoof. She could see a tall black chair behind a wooden desk turn from the window. Siting in the chair was a light blue mare in a dark blue pin stripe suite. The small curls in her white mane bounced as she motioned for Twilight and Silver Knight to enter.

Twilight opened the door and stepped into the mayor’s office. From the outside of the room Twilight didn't realize how relaxing the mayor’s actual office was. Unlike the rest of the building her office had a bright white carpet and clouds painted on a blue ceiling. Book shelves sat on the far right wall and appeared to be filled with what Twilight could obviously see were Daring Do books. Twilight smirked happy to see another pony that had good taste in literature.

The mayor was adjusting her red tie that was loosely hung around her neck. After it was crookedly tightened around her collar the mayor placed her hoofs together on the table. “Princess Twilight! It is so very nice to meet you!” The mayor then attempted to bow while sitting in the chair and promptly hit her head on the desk in front of her. Twilight grinned and Silver Knight simple stood there as he always did. The mayor raised her head and shook it briefly. “I’m Mayor Mild Cloud; it’s an honor to be receiving you Princess Twilight! So what brings you to our faithful city?”

Twilight raised an eyebrow and a small giggle escaped her. “It’s very nice to meet you Mayor Cloud and please call me Twilight. So why did you call us here Mayor?”

“I have no idea.” said Mild Cloud with a cheerful smile.

Well Mayor Cloud I don’t know if you don’t. You were the one who sent a letter to Canterlot requesting a conference here in the city.”

Mild Cloud blinked twice making a blank face. “I did?” She then jumped out of her chair and walked to the window. “Hmm I can’t seem to remember.” Mild Cloud then spread her wings and took flight slowly drifting around the room and rubbing her chin. Twilight could not help but be reminded of her friend Pinki Pie as Mild Cloud continued to circle around the room clueless as to her own reasons. After watching Mild Cloud complete her third lap around the room Twilight decided it might be time to help jog her memory. So she began to survey the room for clues.

Twilight looked down at Mild Cloud’s bare desk. Not a single paper or document to be found at its center, just pens crisscrossed and staked atop each other. At the front of the desk were a lamp, a paper weight, and a small glass case with a yellow circular object in it. Twilight leaned forward to better examine the object. The object was a small button with tiny black words that circled it reading: HEAD IN THE CLOUDS and CAN STILL HEAR YOU!

Twilight looked at the still flying Mild Cloud. “Mayor Cloud, what is this?”
Mild Cloud stopped her air pacing and floated down to look at the case before continuing her flying. “Oh that’s a campaign button from my second election. Has my newer slogan. My first one was: Always listens!” She said smiling. Mild Cloud slowly descended, the corner of her cheeks heading down as she did. With all four hoofs on the floor and her wings folded Mild Cloud turned to the window behind her desk.

“You see Princess Twilight. I was voted in to this office, chosen to be here, by the ponies of this city because I always listen to them. I’ve always heard their needs and met them. Heard they’re ideas and considered them.” Mild Cloud turned to Twilight with a serious look on her face.

Twilight smiled nervously at Mild Cloud. “Well Mayor Cloud I think that’s very honorable of you. I admire your ability to always lend your ear to the ponies of your city.”

“Thank you Princess” said Mild Cloud with the same serious look “but I must listen, if I want to stay mayor and help these ponies, than I must listen to them. No matter how much of a challenge it is.” Mild Cloud moved back to her desk and sat in her chair placing her hoofs together on her desk again. “As you could imagine Princess I do hear things that I personally disagree with. Luckily for me very few ponies have said such thing, until recently. That’s why I asked for Celestia to come here.”

Twilight bowed her head quickly realizing what Mild Cloud was hinting at. “And she is terribly sorry that she was unable to attend this meeting, but” Twilight raised her head and smiled “I’m here to represent her.”

Mild Cloud closed her eyes and sat silently for a moment. “Then brace yourself Princess, what I’m about to tell you may unease you.” Twilight stood as straight as she could, to try to appear ready for the worst. “The ponies of my city are taking about a new form of ruling.” Twilight felt a wave of worry wash over her as a knot began to tie itself in her stomach. “They seem to want to choose their leaders instead of live with them. They seem to want the ability to help guide this nation through these trialing times just as they have guided this city: through their votes.”

That was it; the knot in Twilight’s stomach was now tighter than any creative mind could ever hope to describe. She froze in place unsure of how to continue or address the problem if it even was a problem. “The ponies of the city would like to be given this ability. If they’re not I fear the worst for us all.” Mild Cloud opened her eyes and a tear rolled down her cheek as her voice began to break into a sad tone. “I’ve never heard so many ponies call for such change, and talk about doing such awful thing to get it!” Mild Cloud placed both hoofs flat on her desk and stood up leaning over it. “Please! Please Princess you must do something! Before ponies start getting hurt!”

Twilight was aghast and completely clueless as to what to do in the wake of Mild Cloud’s outburst. Mild Cloud receded back into her chair in a slump as tears started dripping from her eyes. Twilight looked to Silver Knight whose face had turned into a furious glare that he directed at Mild Cloud. Twilight could see that Silver Knight was going to be no help to her. What do I do?! What can I do?! Screamed Twilight in her mind as her eyes jumped around the room sporadically, unsure of how to respond.
Twilight looked outside at the setting sun and a better question came to her mind: What would Celistia do? Twilight took a deep breath and smiled trying once again to be encouraging.

She knew what to do. Twilight walked around the desk and put a comforting wing around Mild Cloud. “It’s going to be ok Mayor Cloud.” Mild Cloud raised her head and looked up at Twilight with tear filled eyes. “I’ll tell Princess Celestia exactly what you told me, but to make sure she understands.” Twilight paused and pulled Mild Cloud closer embracing her in a wing hug that Mild Cloud returned. “I need to understand.”

Mild Cloud buried her face into Twilight and asked between sniffs “What do you need to know?”

Twilight smiled happy to see Mild Cloud responding positively to her and proud of herself for taking control. “I need to know what your ponies might do, so that Celistia will understand just how much the ability to vote means to them.”

Mild Cloud tightened her hug. “T-they” she sputtered through small sobs. “They’ve talked about revolting taking the throne by force.”

Twilight fought back the dire panic that Mild Cloud’s statement brought to her and kept her supporting composure. “We won’t let it come to that Mayor. I’m sure Celestia will understand.” Mild Cloud looked up at Twilight with a small smile forming on her face. “She along with all the other Princesses will see to it that some changes are made and nopony will be hurt.”

Mild Cloud slid out of Twilight’s comforting embrace and back into her chair now smiling and whipping tears from her eyes. “Thank you Princess, I just knew you’d help take care of this.” Mild Cloud finished wiping her eyes and stood up giving one final hug to Twilight before walking to the door. Twilight fallowed smiling feeling proud of her self for cheering Mild Cloud up. However she could not ignore the feeling of dread that seemed to have filled her very soul. Mild Cloud turned and smiled cheerfully at Twilight, just as she had done before, and proceeded to open the door to her office.

“Everypony listen!” Mild Cloud called out into the office with a bubbly cheerful voice. Ponies opened the doors along the hallway one by one. Some walked into the hallway other stayed in the door ways and leaned out to see Mild Cloud. “I know you were all worried and you all had a right to be. However Princess Twilight has assured me that not only will nopony be hurt but she would convince Celestia to approve voting for Equestria as a nation!”

Ponies exchanged surprised glances and mumbled to each as Twilight tapped Mild Cloud on the shoulder with her hoof. “Actually Mayor Cloud I didn’t. “ Twilight was cut off as ponies began stomping there front hoofs in applause and cheering. Twilight smiled awkwardly unsure if she should correct Mild Cloud but hesitated when she was about to. She looked at the smiling applauding ponies then at the smiling mayor. “Don’t worry everypony. I will talk to Celestia about this.” Satisfied with her response Twilight began walking through the cheering hall.

About halfway through she realized Silver Knight was still standing in Mild Cloud’s office. “Caption Silver Knight!” called out Twilight. “We need to get going Caption!” Silver Knight stiffly turned and walked straight through the hall. Twilight fallowed behind Silver Knight wondering why he appeared to be so tense and in such a hurry. The two entered the elevator and turned but before Twilight could say good bye, Silver Knight hit the button on the elevator.

The doors closed just as Twilight had raised her hoof. “Why did you start the elevator so quickly?!” barked Twilight. She glared angrily at Silver Knight who remained still and silent. Twilight leaned forward so that she could see Silver Knight’s face. He looked as he always did, but Twilight could feel something was different about it. The glare no long seemed to have an authoritative purpose. For once it seemed like he was actually expressing something.

“Caption, are you ok?” asked Twilight cautiously.

Silver Knight sighed “Yes Princess Twilight, I’m fine.”
The fury in Silver Knight’s voice was more than apparent to Twilight. Silver Knight had been Twilight’s personal guard for a month and though he had always appeared angry, he never actually was. It startled Twilight to see him so furious that he could not keep his strict posture. “Silver” she paused unsure if she should continue until she remembered the good job she did with Mild Cloud. “Silver are you ok? Is there anything upsetting you?”

“No Princess Twilight.” replied Silver in a dry and still very angry tone.

Twilight put her comforting smile back on “Then why did you press the button so fast?”

Silver Knight closed his eyes “You weren’t safe there Princess.”

Twilight’s comforting smile broke into a look of confusion. “What do you mean I wasn’t safe?”

Silver Knight met Twilight’s confused gaze with his own furious one. “You heard what that traitor was talking about. Treachery and treason of the highest degree! That mayor and her whole city are threats to your safety.” Silver Knight stomped his hoof down and prepared to continue, however Twilight had already heard enough.

Twilight narrowed her eyes no longer wanting to comfort Silver Knight, but to stop him. “That is enough Capitan!” shouted the flustered Twilight “I don’t know how you got the idea that any of those ponies were a threat! Not a single pony in there meant us any harm! Maybe, just maybe, somepony out there wants to hurt us! But you can’t just go assuming everypony is out to get us!” Twilight continued to meet Silver Knights glare completely unaware that the elevator had reached the lobby.

Silver Knight said nothing and exited the elevator out into the lobby. Twilight’s gaze fallowed Silver Knight into the lobby and she blushed in embarrassment. Her eye’s widened for a moment and she asked herself “How long were we in the lobby?” She looked around the lobby and saw that the desk clerk from before was no longer there, however the two guards were. They stood with their swords drawn in a fighting stance, facing the door. Twilight couldn’t see past the row of guards standing just outside the glass doors, but she could hear a commotion of uncoordinated screams and chants coming from outside.

“What is the situation?” asked Silver as he immediately addressed his guards.

“Sir!” said one of the guards being sure not to drop his sward while he talked “A large crowd gathered outside about eight minutes ago. The MPD have closed the street in front of the building and the rest of the guards have formed a perimeter around the entrance.”

“Very good, where is the officer in charge? I’d like to discuss a plan to get the Princess out of here.”

Twilight stepped in stopping the guard from answering so that she could ask her own question. “Where is the clerk? Is she ok?”

The guard looked at Twilight, slightly confused as to why she would ask. “Uh yes Princess. She panicked when the crowd showed up and locked herself in the broom closet over there.” The guard gestured to a metal door on the far wall.

“And the officer in charge?” interjected Silver Knight.

“The Chief of Police arrived shortly after his officers, he went into the closet to talk to the mare.” answered the guard quickly and without flaw.

“Why?” asked Silver Knight with a raised eyebrow.

“It’s his daughter sir.”

Silver Knight nodded and turned to Twilight. “Stay put Princess Twilight. This lobby is the safest place to be right now.” He then trotted towards the closet but stopped when they heard the loud sound of rock hitting mettle come from outside. Twilight quickly turned to the door just in time to see one of the guards fall to the ground. Twilight could now see out the shattered pane in the door. She could see a mob of ponies in the street in front of the building and at the front holding a brick with his purple magic was a grey unicorn.

The grey unicorn remained frozen in fear, his body unwilling to move. His eyes widened with fear as he looked to the target of his brick. The esteemed Princess Twilight looked to him and appeared to mumble what he could have only imagined to have been: kill him. His eyes jumped sporadically from guard to guard as they all began to turn towards him. His nerve had shattered like the glass of the door. His eye twitched making his fear apparent. With the twitch of his eye the last of his concentration was gone. His magic that kept the brick floating vanished allowing the brick to hit the ground.

In a sudden rush of unexplained energy the unicorn turned and hurried away running at speeds even he was unaware he could reach. He didn’t need to turn to know that guards were running after him. One of the princesses of Equestria had just given an order for him to be killed there was no question as to if he was being pursued or not. The only thing he was unsure of was if he could escape the royal guard.

He continued running but could feel his pace slow and heard a voice yell from behind him “Stop!” he knew for a fact now that he was being perused. “Running is only going to make it worse when we catch you!” shouted a different voice from behind. This only spurred him into trying to raise his slowing pace. He crossed one of the barricaded intersections just as the police were taking the barricades down. As he crossed the street another guard called from behind him. “Stop that stallion! He assaulted the princess!”
Once again the gray unicorn didn’t bother turning to see if more authorities were chasing him down, he simple kept running. He was coming up to an intersection where the last blockade was being moved onto the side walk.

“It’s now or never!” he said to himself between breaths. He quickly ran across the street just as the traffic started moving barely avoiding being trampled by a taxi.

He slowed his pace and turned to see heavy traffic exiting the intersection and fill the main street, with no royal guards or police fallowing him. “That was to close.” He said gasping for breath. “I can’t believe that happened!” He then turned and trotted down the now slowly crowding sidewalk. Now that the royal guard wasn’t right behind him he could go to the place that’s always been his safe haven: Moriarty’s Bar.

He kept up a steady trot through the city sidewalks as what was left of the evening traffic cleared. The unicorn looked to the light of the setting sun that shined from behind the buildings. He arrived at his destination marked by a little neon sign that read, Moriarty’s. He entered the wooden green door to the dimly lit bar. The bar itself stretched from the right wall to the center of the room and turned towards the back wall stopping with just enough room to get behind it. Along the far left wall were two pool tables with lights hanger over them illuminating only the tops of the tables. One of the pool tables was surround by a crowd of ponies wearing dark colored hooded jackets with red bandannas tied around there necks.

The brown stallion walked across the darkly colored, dimly lit, wooden floor to the bar. He settled into one of the red toped bar stools and let his head drop to the counter in exhaustion. “Oh why hello there Onyx.” said the pony behind the bar counter cleaning a glass out with a rag. “So you gonna buy somethen’ or am I gonna have to throw you out sober this time?” Onyx looked up at the pale green earth stallion and grinned finding his threat humors because of the pony’s thick Irish accent. The earth pony raised a black greying eyebrow and pushed back his greying black hair, making sure it rested behind his ears. “Well I guess it’s gonna be the later.”

As the pony rose a hoof to his mouth to whistle Onyx raised a hoof in protest. “Wait Moriarty” said Onyx in a tired voice. “I’ll have bottle of cider.”

Moriarty put a hoof down on the counter and laughed “You sure you don’t want onea’ ya Apple-Tine’s?”

Onyx raised his head “Don’t mess with me Moriarty, I just ran about five blocks to get here now give me a bottle of cider, straight.”

“Well fine, then ya don’t have to get pissy boy-o.” Moriarty bent down behind the counter “Apple family or Gold Barrel?”

“Which is cheaper?”

“Gold Barrel it is then.” Moriarty stood back up and placed a brown bottle on the table. The black label on the bottle depicted a gold cider barrel with the word, Gold Barrel Cider, circling it. Moriarty grabbed a bottle opener and popped the top off the bottle. "There ya go boy-o, I’ll just put it on ya tab.”

“Thanks Moriarty.” said Onyx picking up the bottle and taking two big gulps before slamming it back down on the table. “Tastes like some bad apples got in the brew.”

Moriarty let out another mocking laugh “Well that’s what ya get when ya order the cheap stuff.”

Onyx took another drink slamming the bottle back down again “How do they stay in business with cider like this?!”
Onyx raised the glass to take another drink and Moriarty forced it back down with his hoof leaning towards Onyx “If ya slam that drink on me counter one more time I’m gonna triple the interest on your tab.”

Onyx frowned “Sorry about that Moriarty. I just had a rough day.”

“Well I don’t give a damn if ya drink it away just don’t go smashing me counters.” Moriarty grabbed another glass and started cleaning it with the same rag. “What happened to ya anyways? Girl leave you for one of them Canterlot stallions?”

Onyx hung his head shaking it and keeping a hoof on the bottle of cider. “No it was” Onyx raised his head looking at Moriarty with a confused look. “Wait, what girl?”

“Never mind it boy-o, just idle gossip. Now go on with it.”

“Well I had a little encounter with some royalty at the mayor’s office.” Onyx took another large gulp finishing the bottle. “Can I get another?”

Moriarty reached under the counter coming back up with another bottle of Gold Barrel. “See it grows on ya. Now keep going what happened? Which princess was it?”

Onyx motioned for Moriarty to open the beer and Moriarty sighed popping off the top again. “Well it was Princess Twilight and I was just passing through you know?” Onyx stopped to take a few small gulps of cider. “I mean I didn’t know that nopony was supposed to be on the street or anything! It’s not like they had a sign up!”

Moriarty’s brow wrinkled and he slowly placed the glass he was cleaning down. “An’ then?”

“Well the princess looked at me and well…” Onyx trailed off stopping to look at the door of the bar. Moriarty looked at the door and placed a hoof on the counter then returned his gaze to Onyx who took another drink. “She ordered the guards to kill me and I ran.”

Moriarty leaned over the counter with a look of pure anger. “And ya came here ya dunce?!”

“Well…” said Onyx as he raised the bottle for another drink. Before Onyx got the chance Moriarty swiped it from his hoof and tossed it at the wall at the end of the bar. The glass broke with a loud shattering noise and the idle chatter coming from the group of ponies in the back stopped. “What the hay Moriarty!”

Moriarty grabbed Onyx by the scarf and pulled him nose to nose. Onyx’s surprised look intensified when he met Moriarty’s enraged light blue eyes. “Ya rock brained idiot! You just pissed off a genocidal would-be princess and the first place you came was here?!”

“Well y-yeah.” stuttered Onyx now fearful that Moriarty would turn him in. “Look Moriarty i-it was a mistake coming, right? How about I just go? You don’t want any trouble; me coming here was a mistake!”

Moriarty pushed Onyx to the floor than proceeded to walk around the bar in a hurry. “Actually its good thing you came here Onyx me ol’ pal.” Moriarty’s tone was now fearful sinister and Onyx stood up getting ready to run. “Now ya get to pay the tab ya been building up for the last seven months! Not only that but it’s been doubled since I’m gonna have be dealing those potato peeln’ police!” Onyx’s eye twitched and as he turned to run but Moriarty grabbed his scarf, pulling him back. “Oh ya ain’t getten away from me that easy boy-o!”

Moriarty raised a hoof to strike Onyx but just as Moriarty pulled his hoof back another hoof stopped his. Onyx looked to see who had intervened but the pony’s black hood was up and a red bandanna was hiding all but his eyes. “Let go of me ya filth or I’ll have your” The pony shoved Moriarty into his bar interrupting him. “You’ll have my what?!” shouted the pony. Moriarty was stunned by the shove, leaving him wide eyed and speechless. The pony then turned his attention to Onyx who was raising a hoof to open the door. “You.” said the hooded pony. “The boss wants to talk to you.”

Onyx smiled a nervous smile and fallowed the pony to the crowded pool table. The crowd opened like doors to a prison and Onyx found himself face to face with a stallion sitting in a chair. The stallion’s hood was down and his face was completely visible to Onyx. The stallion was a light gray and had blonde hair that was spiked back. He looked up at Onyx with eye’s the color of tombstones and smiled a menacing smile.

Onyx smiled back now completely on edge. He looked back at Moriarty who had moved back behind the counter and continued cleaning glasses. “If ya gonna kill’em do it outside.” said Moriarty just before squinting angrily at Onyx. The rest of the hooded ponies closed the hole they had made for Onyx who was now surrounded by the strange stallions. Onyx swallowed a dry nervous swallow.

“You wanna tell me what you told that old bucker over there?” asked the light grey stallion.

“Well” Onyx looked at the ponies around him smiling nervously “I um ran into one of the princess.”

“I heard that part tell me what happened.”

“Yeah tell’em ya urchin!” shouted Moriarty from the front of the room “Tell’em an’ pay up, then get the buck out of here!”

All the ponies in the room now eyed Onyx who stood there sweating bullets. “I um…” one of the hooded ponies tilted the light over the pool table directly into Onyx’s face. His pupils shrank as he stood frozen by the light and the pressure. His mind was racing; he was clueless as to what response would be the one that would get him out of the situation. Should I lie again? Thought Onyx in his head. Maybe these guy’s won’t turn me in? What if there’s a reward? What if they help hide me? What if- His thoughts were interrupted when one of the ponies slammed his hoof on the floor and yelled “Answer the boss!”

Onyx’s eye twitched and he jumped “Nothing! I didn’t do anything! I had no idea the street was closed!” Onyx dropped to his back knees and put his front hoofs together. “Please don’t turn me in please!” Onyx looked up at the pony who he now assumed was the boss.

The boss of the group of hooded ponies laughed and slowly the entire group joined. “I’m not going to turn you in boulder brain.” said the boss stallion offering a hoof to help Onyx up. Accepting the hoof of the boss Onyx rose to his feet along with the boss of the group. “One more thing though, did I see a button on your scarf?”

Onyx held out one of the ends of his scarf holding it up for the leader to see. “Yup sure is.” Pinned to his scarf was a small white button with the words, Freedom Movement, written in bold on it. “It’s a Freedom Movement button. Do you know the Freedom Movement?”

The leader grinned “Do I? Boy’s buttons!” each member of the group then reached into the pockets of their collective jackets and all of them pulled out a Freedom Movement button, pinning it onto their chests. Onyx smiled and the boss poked him in the chest with his hoof. “You my friend are a victim of the princesses’ cruel misuse and abuse of power, and I think it’s time we tell other’s about it and go show her royal hyenas what we think of it!”

Moriarty groaned “Great, just great, gangsters with political views. You Red Square lads should keep you noses out of politics, you’ll live longer.” The group looked at Moriarty who was unfazed by their collective glares. “Go ahead Sling, take ya ol band of boy-o’s and raise hay! Just do it some other place!”

Sling, the leader of the group, started grabbing empty cider bottles “That’s a good idea Mort!” he then directed his attention to Onyx “You go with my boy’s to the Freedom Movement HQ; I’ll see you guys at the mayor’s office.”

Onyx quickly nodded, “C’mon guys let’s go!” he then ran out of the bar with all the ponies close behind, followed by Sling who was hobbling out of the bar hoofs full with empty bottles. Moriarty was left alone in his bar cleaning the last glass. “It’s like the ol’ sayin’ goes” said Moriarty as he placed the last clean glass down in the row. “Necessity knows no law, but that bastard is paying his tab revolution or not.” Moriarty leaned against the counter and began whistling to himself in the empty bar.

Onyx ran out into the emptying city streets as carriages found their destinations for the night. In the streets, city work wagons being pulled by jumpsuit wearing ponies pulled up next to the street curbs. More ponies wearing the blue jumpsuits climbed out the wagons. Each broke into teams of two, in each team one pony carried a ladder and the other a can. Onyx motioned for the group of ponies to fallow him as he ran down the sidewalk ignoring the city workers.

Sling stepped out of the bar onto the side walk and struggled to keep from dropping any of the bottles. Sling looked around the streets of Mainehatten and grinned happy to see his city in the dusk of the setting sun. “Scuse me kid.” said a voice from behind. Sling turned to see two ponies wearing jumpsuits. “You gonna move kid?” asked the pony holding the ladder. Sling nodded and moved to the side giving the work ponies access to the street lamp in front of Moriarty’s bar.

The pony with the ladder leaned it against the lamp, climbing on the first three steps. The other handed the pony on the ladder the can and the pony promptly climbed the latter while the other waited at the bottom. “Time to refill the oil already?” asked Sling in a casual manner.

“Yep.” said the pony at the base of the ladder. “Mayor has us lighting these things sooner and burning them longer. She thinks or better yet some group of idiotic voters, thinks it’ll cut down on crime in the area.”

“Really sounds like it’d just help keep running criminals form tripping.”

The worker chuckled “Sounds about right, now we gotta refill these lamps three times a week.” The workers eyes lowered to the bottles Sling was holding with his front leg. “Taken’ those bottles to the dump for Moriarty? You must got some light debt if that’s all he’s making you do.”

“Yeah something like that man.” The pony on the ladder climbed down with a can of oil in his mouth. Sling eyed the oil and his grin grew. “You guys must have a lot of spare lamp oil around. You keep it all at the city warehouse?” The pony took the can from the other and nodded. “Thanks a lot man, I got to get going.” Sling took a few steps away from the two workers and shifted his torso around.

“What’s a matter kid, got an itch on your back?” asked the pony carrying the ladder.

Sling looked over his shoulder with the same smile as before. “If you two are really tired of the mayor’s crap, you should head to her office.”

The two ponies exchanged glances. “Why’s that?” asked the ladder bearing pony.

“The Freedom Movement’s gonna throw Princess Twilight and the mayor a going away party.” Sling shifted around and his jacket moved up his back as two wings revealed themselves. Sling stretched his wings out flapping them a few times.
The work ponies made curious faces. "I thought the Freedom Movement hated the princesses?"

"They do." said Sling flapping his wings once again.

“Say kid, why don’t you go buy a jacket with wing holes in it?”

Once again Sling looked over his shoulder with a smile. “Because cops get really surprised when the earth pony they cornered in the alleyway takes flight.” Sling then flapped his wing four times and took off through the air, leaving the two ponies staring as he flew away. The pony holding the can of oil slowly placed it on the ground and began to walk away down the sidewalk.
“Where you go’en?” asked the pony holding the ladder.

The other pony continued to walk away shouting back his reply “To the mayor’s office!”

Now Twilight was the one frozen with a painful fear as a raging crowd of ponies pushed against the wall of police stallions around the front street of the building. Every royal guard that was present surrounded the doors and their unconscious comrade. Each had a sword drawn and pointed in the direction of the raving ponies in the crowd. How could this be happening? Twilight’s body refused to allow her to talk forcing her voice to echo through her head.

“What happened to Privet Stonewall?!” yelled Silver Knight over the growing noise.

Why? Why is this happening?

“Stonewall was hit with a brick sir. Privet Spear is getting him back on his hoofs now!” replied one of the guards.

I don’t want this. I don’t want any of this.

“What the hay is going on out here?!” shouted a dark brown stallion with a short grey mane and matching tale dressed in a blue police uniform.

Silver Knight turned to greet the stallion. “I presume you’re the Police Chief?”

“Yes I am Chief Shield, Noble Shield, now what is going on out there?!”

“I am Caption Silver Knight. Caption of the royal guard in Ponyvill and right now your police officers are allowing these rebellious hooligans to push in the perimeter.”

Noble Shield removed his blue police hat and looked down at the floor, closing his eyes in concentration. Noble Shields horn started to glow a bright blue as he stood silently nodding his head. “Ok I’ll have two dozen more officers here in fifteen minutes.” Before Silver Knight had a chance to ask Noble Shield answered. “It’s a communication spell, inspired by the one your royal guard uses.”

I just want to go home!

“Impressive. Have you called for riot control?”

“No Caption Knight I only requested officers; riot control would only insight more violence from the crowd.”

Silver Knight narrowed his already angry eyes at Noble Shield “Princess Twilight’s safety is on the line and you want to waste time corralling that mess outside?”

“If we react violently so will they!”

“It’s blatantly obvious that we don’t have time to risk the safety of her majesty with calming them down, especially not while that mob pushes through these doors!”

What can I do?

“Well we can’t just start cutting down my civilians!”

“Civilians?!” shouted Silver Knight “Those aren’t civilians they are rebels! Criminals who want to overthrow not only Princess Twilight but all of the royalty in Equestria!”

“You don’t know that!”

“I do! That unqualified mayor of yours confirmed what the ponies of this city wanted: Treason of the highest caliber!”

Noble Shield’s eye’s widened, stunned by Silver Knight’s words. He turned his shocked gaze to the ground. “I told her not to tell anypony.” mumbled Noble Shield “I told her we’d sort it out, corral them somehow.”

“You what!” blurted Silver Knight “You want to repeat that loud enough for the princess to hear!”
Noble Shield raised his head and met Silver Knight’s gaze. “I told the mayor not to tell anypony outside the city about that, because I knew radicals like you would push things to far!”

Silver Knight took a step back taking on a calmer look and tone. “My loyalty to the crowns is as appropriate as any other ponies.” Silver Knight returned to the commanding stance and expression he wore before. “I may have not pushed first, but I can assure you I will push back.” Silver Knight turned to the two guards still pointing their swords to the door and cleared his throat. “Prepare yourself guard. It is time to put all of your training to practice by clearing a path to the carriage.” The guards nodded in confirmation and began to approach the door.

“Wait!” shout a panicked looking Mild Cloud from the open elevator. “You can’t do this!” Mild Cloud ran out of the elevator to Silver Knight. “Let me talk to them, if I tell them what Twilight said they’re sure to calm down!”

“Or they’ll butcher you and fill this very lobby. I’m sorry mayor but the time for talk has passed now it is time for action.”
Silver Knight turned his back to Mild Cloud walking to the door. Noble Shield put a comforting hoof on Mild Cloud’s shoulder just before she scrambled to Twilight shaking her as she frantically spoke. “Please Twilight! Please stop him, if a single pony dies a rebellion is insured!”

Twilight looked down at Mild Cloud and blinked. Her mind slowed down from its fearful racing, allowing her to finally focus on the situation in depth. She looked to Silver Knight who proceeded to push open the doors and raise a hoof in the direction of the crowd. “Wait!” shouted Twilight “Do not take another step or speak a single word to my guards.” Twilight’s eyes were narrowed at the still Silver Knight.

She walked to him with her head held high. “Step away from the door Commander Knight.”
Silver Knight turned “But Princess Twilight these rebels will...”

“Not a word!” interrupted Twilight. Silver Knight lowered his head, quietly stepping to the side along with the guards. “Come on Mayor Cloud; let’s talk to your ponies.” Mild Cloud smiled and fallowed Twilight out the door. The streets of Manehatten were well lit by the full moon above the raving crowd. Twilight spread her wings her face somber and serious. Mild Cloud stood next to Twilight smiling a seemingly fearless smile that Twilight returned for a moment before turning her attention again to the crowd before her.
“There she is!” shouted a voice from the crowd. Just then a brick came soaring towards Twilight’s face. Without flinching, Twilight’s horn glowed and she caught the brick in her magical grasp. Slowly she lowered it to the ground smirking. Realizing the smirk had disrupted her serious look she quickly corrected herself.

“Guards!” said Twilight in a calm and assertive tone “Sheath your swords and stand down!” The collection of royal guards around Twilight exchanged curious looks then did as they were told. As the last guard sheathed his sword and stood at an uneasy attention Noble Shield exited the building. He stood next to Twilight and put his right hoof to his lips letting out a whistle loud enough to make Twilight’s ears ring. The crowd’s uncoordinated noise lowered and all but a few lessened their pushing against the wall of police ponies.

Noble Shield looked to Twilight with a proud smile. “I think that’s as quiet as I can get them.”

“Thank you.” replied Twilight as she bowed her head to Noble Shield who did the same. She then looked upon the restless crowd. “Ponies of Manehatten please listen to me; I have something very important to say that you all will be very happy to hear!” Twilight paused giving the crowd a chance to reply with any crude comments they wanted. Nopony in the crowd said anything loud enough for Twilight to hear and so she took in a deep breath and continued. “You see the Mayor and I-“

A large fiery explosion engulfed the carriage cutting Twilight off and causing ponies in the crowd to scream out in fear. The guards quickly drew their swords as Silver knight came rushing out of the building. All looked frantically around before somepony shouted: “Up there!” All eyes looked to the sky where a single pegasus wearing a dark hoodie hovered. He grabbed another bottle from the large satchel that hung loosely around his neck, and brought it close to the flame of the lighter he held in his mouth.

“What are you doing?!” shouted Onyx from the crowd below.

Sling rolled his eyes and spoke doing his best not to drop his lighter “I’m saving your flanks, look!” Sling pointed down the street. The focus of everpony was brought to four black wagons that came barreling towards the crowd. On the side of each wagon in bold white letters it read: SWAT

With a jolt of fear Noble Shield yelled out “What!? I asked for more officers not SWAT!” he looked to Twilight in a panic “I swear princess I asked for officers!” Twilight’s mind started to race out of control again as she took a step back just before freezing entirely.

“You see!” shouted Sling to the crowd below him “That authoritarian was only buying time before she had you all killed!” Onyx looked up at Sling with a raised eyebrow as Sling lit another bottle. “What? I know big words too!” yelled Sling throwing another bottle this time into the crowd of royal guard’s behind Twilight.

Twilight’s eyes fallowed the bottle as it impacted next to Silver Knight. Silver Knight frantically jumped to the side as flames erupted, engulfing guards in flaming oil. Twilight’s mind was now racing faster than it ever had before. The image of fire covered royal guards burned itself into her mind.

“Princess!” shouted Silver Knight, his right flank and leg covered in a raging fire.

Twilight looked to the crawling Silver Knight then quickly up at the bottle throwing pony. A lit bottle was hurtling directly at her. Her fear kept her grounded and her mind continued to race, repeating one phrase a thousand times in her head. Home, go home. Twilight’s horn glowed with her purple magic. As the bottle came within inches of Twilight’s nose her eyes were filled with a flash of white light that quickly dissipated.

When she could see again she found herself standing in a crystal like room. She looked below her to see a decorative golden circle on the crystal like floor. She slowly looked around the dark room to see six crystal thrones around the circle. Two large doors opened behind her and she turned to face the bright light as five familiar mares entered the room.

“Alright who’s in here?” shouted Rainbow Dash just before becoming as silent as the other four mares.

“Twi, is that you?” said Applejack in a concerned voice. A small smile formed on Twilight’s face as she slowly allowed herself to drop to the floor, her eyes shutting. “Twilight!” shouted Applejack running to Twilight’s side.