> Tides of a Rare Christmas: Hearts' Warming Eve > by Ponyess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Tides of a Rare Christmas 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The snow is falling, and it is merely a week to the merry night of the tidings. I felt the urge to do something kind for my friends, and all the Ponies I know. Timidely, I trotted off to Rarity, in hopes she had an idea, maybe she knew what I needed to do. The Boutique may be in the middle of town and it is starting to bite, but I knew I had to go. As I finally got to her door, the Butterflies on my flanks no longer looks the healthy light pink, so I hurried in, into the small outer room. “Tidings!” I whispered in merry, but frozen tones as the door slammed shut behind my tail. “Tidings, Flutter Shy. You look as if you need a cup of seasonal Tea!” she exclaimed in reply. “Thanks, I could have that Tea, right about now. Then we can talk at length of what I had in mind!” I continued. “Then I will have the Tea ready in a moment, then you can explain it in your own good time!” she put forth. “It’s so cold, even my butterflies freeze. In this case, the Tea is great!” I confessed. “Yes, the Tea is great. What we need now, is a pair of red boots, the thigh high once with a white and fluffy trim!” she put forth as she pour up the Tea. “If you had a pair of these red boots, that would be wonderful. I sure could use a pair of them right now. If my hooves are warm, I would be much warmer myself too!” I responded, with a slight shiver for effect. “I think I could come up with a pair for you too, if I just look carefully!” she pointed out, just after she had the first sip of the tea. The room soon found a new quiet, as we took terms, slowly and carefully sipping on our respective cups. The Tea is not merely warm, it is steaming hot. So hot I had to blow the steam of the top before I could even dare the first sip, but it did me a world of good, washing the frost off of my main and tail. “You certainly could use another cup!” she pronounced, just before pouring us a second cup. “I’m afraid you are right. Not to complain about the Tea, it has just the right seasonal joy to it. I could sit here all day, just to enjoy the Tea with you, Rarity!” I dared. --- --- --- > Pink Influences 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I entered the Boutique, slipping in from the cold, I realised I was not alone. I hear the voice of a second friend, as timid and quiet as Flutter Shy may be. Yet it is undeniably her voice and influence on the mood of the room I had just entered. “Tidings!” I exclaimed in seasonal merry tones as I continued into the room, just after the chimes had told their tale of my entrance. “Tidings, Pinkie Pie!” Rarity exclaimed in greetings. “Tidings!” Flutter Shy filled in an instant later. “Would you share a cup of seasonal tea with us, Pinkie Pie?” Rarity enquired sweetly. “Please, say yes!” Flutter Shy exclaimed in her more shy voice. “It sure is cold enough to call for a cup of tea and the seasonal blend would be just about right, right now. I hope you still do have enough water boiling, Rarity!” I responded. “Keeping boiling water is a seasonal duty on my part, as a matter of generosity, you know. Besides, I make certain I always have enough tea at all time, there can be no excuses. I take it, you would like some tea as a remedy for the cold outside, just like the rest of us?” Rarity clarified. “Yes, please. Your tea is always the best in Ponyville and the cold does call for something hot!” I responded. “Nice to hear some Ponies acknowledge my teas. The cold has gone on long enough to be well past the common demand of vests and boots too, I reckon!” Rarity pondered. “I’d ask Dashie about the weather, but I could do something about the low spirits, you know!” I pondered. “Thank you, Pinkie Pie. I am certain Rainbow Dash is on top of the situation. For now, we will just have to make due with hot tea and warm clothes, as much as some of us hates it. Although it is an opportunity for me, both in making clothes for every Pony of Ponyville and to show my generosity!” Rarity pointed out. “Good thing we do have Dashie on our side. She knows her weathers, alright. Just as we are lucky to have you, helping us keep warm. As to the spirits, that would be where I came in. I still could make use of some warm clothes, or my jolly pink hide would turn a sad cerise in no time flat. I constantly need to be seen outside, aside from acquiring the ingreadients for baking the sweets and pastries I know every pony loves, even in these frigid temperatures!” I responded with a giggle. “We sure don’t want to see a single day without you or your pastries!” Flutters put forth in a subdued tone. “No, Flutter Shy. We certainly would not want that. What suit would you need to keep going?” Rarity enquired in an eager voice, seeing images of future designs before her very eyes. “Since you asked, I could make use of a set of red boots to keep my hooves warm, maybe a deer suit for my body would be good too!” I responded. “You’re such a Deer, Pinkie!” Flutters breathed. “If you need a Deer suit and feels like wearing it, I am only too happy to make it for you, the red boots included!” Rarity interjected, in her more reassuring and assertive tone of voice with a smile creeping onto her face. “Just as you told Spike. Be a Deer. Wasn’t it? although, in this case, it would be an interesting and amusing situation for the season!” I merely pointed out. “I guess I forgot. Do you need any more reasoning?” Rarity concluded. --- --- ---