Let's Race

by Patric12345

First published

With a team member falling apart the team is left trying to prevent him from joining his family. Where friendship and kindness failed a single action changes two lives forever. Though if it's for the better, only time will tell.

Silver a member of the Wonderbolts is already having a shitty life. His mother was killed when she was hit by lightning, his father was found dead in his apartment and his sister was diagnosed with cancer. The only thing that was keeping him from falling apart, but after a call from the hospital his walls begin to crumble and his depression finally breaks in. All it takes is one person to bring him back from it. But when he comes back darker secrets that his family has kept hidden for generations leak through.

Chapter 1: First Steps

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“Cheers to another day!” One man in the small group said.

“HERE HERE!” Another said, toasting his glass with the rest of them.

“Anything else you desire to say Silver?” One of the group asked.

“Drink up!” Silver laughed.

As the group started to drink one of them noticed another party enter. “Hey you guys! Come over here and join us!” He shouted across the large room, waving the second party over.

The members of the second party glanced at each other before shrugging and walking over to the other’s tables.

“We didn’t know you guys were here too!” One of the men in the second group, named Soarin’ said.

“Riiight. And you guys didn’t know we were paying!” Silver laughed.

“Now it’s a party.” Spitfire joked, leaning back in her chair and taking a drink.

“It’s great to see someone else thinks so.” Silver chuckled.

“Something seems a little…” One of the men with Silver started.

“Wh-” Silver was cut off as the man stood up and ran past everyone and into the bathroom. “Oh. That’s what he meant…” He nodded.

“I think he got TOO into it.” Spitfire said.

“I’m gonna guess you and your friends are here celebrating something…” Soarin’ started as he looked at Silver.

“Of course! We’re stepping back up in the world again! We finally have some place to call home base again.” Silver said almost triumphantly.

Spitfire tilted her head and smiled. “There he is.” She said almost to herself. Everyone turned and looked around, seeing no one.

Soarin looked curiously at Spitfire.

“Down here jackass.” A voice said.

Everyone at the table looked down. In front of the table was a very short pegasus, standing at about three feet. He had a very short mane, looking to be almost dyed by the many neon colors highlighting the golden brown of his hair. The rest of his body was a dull grayish brown. His wings were small as well, but still complimented his size. The feathers were ruffled and untidy, seeming almost out of place when compared to the rest of him. He wore a brown trench coat (if you can even call it that due to the size…). Under it was a black buttoned shirt with beige pants, held up by straps that went up over his shoulders.

The main thing everyone saw was the holster at his waist and the handle of a gun sticking out of it. “Hey Fire.” Spitfire said.

“Nice to see you Spit.” Fire chuckled.

“You’re a prick.” Spitfire said.

“Whatcha gonna do about it?” Fire challenged, straightening up to look tough, still far shorter than Spitfire was… Sitting down.

The two stared at each other for a few moments before laughing.

“Oookay.” Silver shrugged.

Everyone’s attention was snapped to a snort that came from the person who just sat down, the person was completely concealed by the coat and wide brimmed hat they had on.

“Who be him?” Fire asked.

The person leaned back in their chair and put their feet up on the table, a combat knife was sheathed in the left boot while the right had an empty sheath stuck in it.

“Don’t start…” Silver began.

The person looked at Silver before slapping him. “Shut up. I’m not doing anything wrong.” A female’s voice said.

“Ohhh damn, it’s his ex.” Spitfire said, sitting upright and into a more comfortable position. “Everyone get ready.”

“For what? I can’t slap my idiot of a friend?” The woman asked as she threw her hat towards Spitfire.

Silver sighed as he put his head in his hands.

“We all do it, but you do it in a specific way.” Spitfire laughed.

“Oh? What way is that?” The woman asked with a bemused look on her face.

“The same way you slapped me when we were dating.” Silver said.

“Aaaahhh, quite Silver.” The woman said, shushing him.

Soarin’ was staring intently at the woman.

“Like what you see?” The woman said in a joking tone.

Soarin’ looked away quickly.

“Damn it Sylph…” Silver grumbled.

“Shhh. The adults are talking.” Sylph chuckled.

“Excuse me?” Fire questioned, staring up at Sylph.

Sylph was silent for a moment. “Sorry. I mean the MATURE people are talking.” She said.

“Oh so you’re saying I’m pre-mature?” Fire asked.

“Do you take eve- No. I’m saying he is.” Sylph sighed. She grumbled something under her breath as she leaned back again, her eyes remaining on Fire.

Fire crossed his arms and stared intently, eye contact never leaving.

“This isn’t going to end well…” Silver grumbled.

“You know I didn’t take offence to you calling me a man.” Sylph said.

“Who said I was offended?” Fire asked.

“I know when someone’s offended.” Sylph said before she turned to Silver, “Ain’t that right Shorty?”

Silver just silently stared at her as a massive grin grew on her face.

“Now that’s just rude.” Fire chuckled.

Silver grabbed his drink and downed it before signaling for another. “And this is why I’ve stopped dating…” He mumbled.

“Aww that’s so sweet… He still loves me.” Sylph laughed.

“You have such lovely friends Silver.” Spitfire joked.

“The same can be said for you…” Silver said. He paused for a moment before shaking his head, “Nah… That’s just my mind playing tricks on me…” He said quietly.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Spitfire questioned, leaning forward.

“Nothing. I ju-” He paused. “Oh… That’s…” He mumbled.

“God you’re slow.” Sylph said, giving Silver a playful shove.

Silver just let his head hit the table.

“I like her.” Fire said.

“Thanks.” Sylph said with a smile.

“Nnnn… fuck me…” Silver mumbled.

“Maybe later.” Fire waved dismissively.

“I wasn’t… I…” Silver muttered.

“Oh don’t worry… A nice revenge fuck always helps you out…” Sylph said, biting down on her lip as she tried to hide her laughter.

“Everyone loves revenge porn.” Spitfire said with the same held back laughter.

“Even if it is…” Sylph started.

“No… Just no…” Silver snapped.

“Oh come on… You aren’t the only man with… Okay you are…” Sylph started to laugh. “Oh god… the hole is so small…”

“Okay I feel like I’ve met my soul mate.” Fire joked.

“We’ll see.” Sylph said.

Silver just remained silent as he took a long sip from his new drink.

“So how did you two ‘meet’.” Spitfire asked.

“We were friends in school.” Silver said.

“So anti-climatic isn’t it?” Sylph joked as she hit Silver in the shoulder.

“Sometimes I wonder why we’re still friends.” Silver said.

“Hey I’m sure she doesn’t hate you.” Fire said, looking at Sylph.

“I don’t. You’re just too easy to pick on in that category…” Sylph said.

“Yeah I mean… We’re all friends here.” Spitfire said sincerely.

Silver sighed. “Yeah… I guess we are.” He shrugged.

Fire climbed up onto Sylph’s lap. “So what am I getting for Christmas?” He asked.

“I dunno… What do you want?” Sylph asked with a grin.

“God… damn it…” Silver grumbled quietly.

Spitfire burst into laughter and pressed her face into the table.

“I’m going to go get myself a hotel room so I can at least sleep tonight…” Silver said as he stood up from his chair.

“You go do that.” Sylph said, waving him off.

“I know where I’m sleeping tonight.” Fire said, kicking his feet up onto the table and leaning back into Sylph’s chest. “Ahhh… Perfect.”

“I find you really cute.” Sylph said, rubbing her knuckles into Fire’s head.

“Thanks toots.” Fire chuckled.

Sylph laughed and wrapped a single arm around him. “I noticed how you two aren’t using full names… So…” She said, looking down at Fire.

“Firefly.” Fire said.

“Where’d Silver vanish off too?” Soarin questioned.

“I don’t know he just does.” Sylph shrugged.

Silver walked back to the table and sat back down.

“Hey you.” Fire greeted.

“Hi.” Silver said as he leaned back in his chair.

Fire hopped to his feet and transferred roughly onto Silver’s lap. “So tell me about yourself.” He said.

Silver stared silently at Fire.

“Best to steer clear of that for a bit…” Sylph said, her demeanor darkening slightly.

“What? Did you kill someone or something?” Fire questioned.

“No. It’s nothing you need to worry about… Only my close friends need to know…” Silver mumbled.

“I’ve killed people, you can say so if you did.” Fire said, pulling out the holstered revolver and waving it around slowly.

“It’s not like that… Yet…” Silver said quietly.

“You’re holding out on us.” Spitfire said bluntly.

“That’s because you don’t fall into those t- that category.” Silver said in a blunt tone.

“I swear to god I’m going to slap you if you don’t start speaking normally.” Spitfire said.

“Kinda ominous aren’t ya Silver?” Fire said.

“I’m sorry…” Soarin said quietly.

“For what?” Spitfire asked curiously, turning to Soarin.

Silver just sighed and shook his head as he looked between Fire and Spitfire. “Spit it out!” Fire said.

“My sister was just found dead.” Silver stated, his voice cracking slightly. “Now it’s only me left in the family…”

Everyone at the table grew silent.

“There… are you happy now?” Silver asked as he looked down at the ground. A few tears glistening as they fell off of his face. “You… you wanted to know… Now… now you do…” He mumbled.

“Oh god… not her too…” Sylph mumbled.

“I’m… So sorry.” Spitfire stammered.

“There’s nothing anyone could have done… I’m just happy she lived longer then what the doctors said she would…” Silver said quietly.

“What happened?” Spitfire asked.

“Brain tumor…” Silver said.

“I had no idea…” Spitfire said.

“I’m pretty good at hiding things… Though I can’t say I’m too proud of that…” Silver laughed quietly.

“You’re… very strong.” Fire said.

“Thanks…” Silver said with an almost forced smile.

“Why don’t you go back and sleep? You look like you need it now…” Sylph suggested.

“No… No don’t let me ruin your night… I can deal with this on my own.” Silver said.

“Do as the lady says. Do I have to sit in your lap again?” Fire questioned.

Silver sighed quietly and stood up, “Alright…” He said, “I’ll go.” He started walking to the front of the bar. “I guess I’ll see some of you tomorrow.” He waved weakly before he walked out into the night.

Fire looked up at Sylph. “I know he’s your ex but… Maybe you should make sure he gets home okay?” He suggested.

Sylph nodded and stood up, “That’s probably the best thing I can do for him right now.” She said as she walked out after Silver.

“Hey I’m coming too.” Spitfire said, standing up quickly. She walked over and lifted Fire onto her shoulders.

“Hey! I like to sit in your lap but don’t manhandle me.” Fire stated.

“You want down?” Spitfire asked.

There was a long pause. “Just walk.” Fire said.

“I’ll come with too.” Soarin’ said as he stood up and joined them.


Sylph and the others walked into the building Silver had entered just minutes before.

“I’ll go up and check his room.” Sylph said.

Fire just stared at Sylph, seeming to be waiting for something.

Sylph rolled her eyes and lifted Fire up onto her shoulders. “I thought you hated being manhandled.” Spitfire joked.

“It was a friendly hug that lead into putting me on her shoulders, not manhandling.” Fire said.

Sylph laughed before she walked upstairs with Fire still on her shoulders.

Soarin’ looked around before he noticed a door that was still hanging slightly open. “He could have gone through there.” He pointed out.

Spitfire shrugged and walked to the door, pushing it open slowly. “Silver?” She called.

Down the stairs on the other side she could hear the sound of muffled music being played accented by a grunt every few moments.

“He ain’t up here! You guys go and check the basement!” Sylph shouted from upstairs.

“Well if you really want me to, I mean I’ve heard of moving fast but…” Fire started.

“Not you.” Sylph said.

Spitfire started walking down the stairs, the music growing louder as she entered the basement that looked full of gym and workout equipment. She saw that in the far back Silver was doing a continuous set of pull ups. Spitfire approached him and crossed her arms, watching him closely.

Silver pulled himself completely up and held himself up for a minute before going back to his pull ups. Spitfire raised an eyebrow before walking over to where the music was playing, grabbing the dial and cranking it up to max.

Silver dropped down and covered his ears as he rushed over and unplugged the boombox. “Ah… what the hell was that for?” He questioned.

“Hey.” Spitfire waved.

Silver stared at her for a few moments, “Hey.” He said with a sigh.

“You okay? I think your workout equipment needs a little mercy.” Spitfire laughed, slugging Silver in the arm.

Silver stared at her before he sighed and turned around, he pulled a towel down from the top of the machine he was at and wiped his sweat away. “Fine.” He said.

“Hey, you need to rest dumbass.” Spitfire said sternly.

“I don’t need to rest.” Silver said as he leaned back against the wall.

“Is that Silver talking? Or is that his pride?” Spitfire asked.

“Let me rephrase that. I don’t want to sleep.” Silver said.

“You can still relax.” Spitfire said, shoving Silver to the ground.

Silver silently stared up at her. “Now you’re going to sit there and I’m going to make sure you don’t go on a marathon, got that?” Spitfire questioned.

“I’d like to see that.” He chuckled.

“I’m sure you would.” Spitfire teased, lowering herself down into his lap and crossing her arms again.

Silver sat up and stared directly at her eyes. “Is that all you’re going to do to try to stop me?” He asked.

“Do I have to do more?” Spitfire asked, placing her hands on his shoulders.

“You aren’t really holding me down…” He said as he moved his one hand up to her shoulder.

“Do you want to get up?” She asked softly, bringing her face closer to his.

“No.” He whispered, his other hand moving to her other shoulder. “I’m just beginning to wonder what it is you’re d-” He was cut off by her lips. He stiffened up for a split second before he closed his eyes slightly.

Spitfire pulled back, pressing her forehead against his and giving a small smile. “You know I care about you, right?” She asked.

“Yeah… I do.” Silver said, gently wrapping his arms around her.

“Then please, rest?” Spitfire asked in a half pleading, gentle voice.

“Okay.” He said softly. “Just…”

“I’m not going anywhere. I think Sylph and Fire are upstairs trying your room anyways.” Spitfire chuckled.

“I’m already used to her using my bed.” Silver laughed.

“Well you’d better get used to ME using it.” Spitfire said calmly.

“That won’t take too long.” He smiled.

Spitfire kissed him again, pulling away shortly after and resting her head on his shoulder. “I love you Silver.” She said.

“I love you too Spitfire.” Silver said softly as he gently caressed her back.