> Applejack's Railway Adventure > by Trainboy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Applejack's Adventure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack waited on the platform of Ponyville station one summer morning. Contrary to summer it was bitterly cold. Applejack had to wear one of Rarity's jackets (Which she was none too pleased about.) "Ah well" she muttered to herself "At least the apple crates will be here too" Applejack had initially been sent to the station to collect Apple crates for the Applebuck season, but as soon as Rarity had heard, she also gave Applejack the task of collecting the new fabrics from Manehatten. Applejack liked Rarity, but she did get on her nerves every so often. Today, unfortunately, was no different. Finally after some muttering under her breath, the locomotive came into the platform. Applejack stood back as the steam came racing along the platform, before consuming her and the other ponies on the platform. By the time the steam cleared, the porters were already busily packing and unloading parcels, boxes and bags. One porter was trying to squeeze a rather plump pony in through the narrow doors. Applejack giggled and went to find her crates and Rarity's fabrics. She found the crates in the guard's van. That's when she saw the locomotive driver on the platform. She raised her hat to say thank you, but the driver didn't see her. Applejack moved a little closer, but the driver got back on the footplate. "Wait! Driver?" she called. But she wasn't thinking about what she was doing. She hopped on the footplate, just as the guard blew the whistle and after an answer from the locomotive's, the train started with a will. It was only then Applejack knew where she was. "Aw nuts" she muttered. "You lookin' for a ride missy" came a voice. It was the driver. He was a light brown pony with hazel eyes and a brown mane and tail, he wore a boiler suit and a cap bearing the letters 'E.Q.R' "Nice to have somepony on the footplate every once in a while" "Uh gee thanks" Applejack smiled, rubbing the back of her head. "I'm Loconeer." the driver added. "and you are?" "Uhm Applejack" Applejack replied "Look your offer for a rahde is nahce an' all but i really gotta get back." "Oh of course" Loconeer smiled "I apologize missy" Then with a hoof on the whistle and a hoof on the brake, he stopped the train. "Thank ya kahndly sir" Applejack smiled, "Oh don't give it a thought" Loconeer smiled, "Oh by the way there are some crates for you in the guard's van" "Thanks again" Applejack waved, but they were interrupted. "'Ere now what's goin' on" said the conductor peering around the back of the locomotive. "Sounds like you had quite an adventure this morning" Smiled Twilight as Applejack and herself were wandering the town square. "You betcha" Applejack smiled "How kahnd of the draver to stahp for me" "It's a great friendship example" smiled Twilight "and it would make a great letter to princess Celestia" Applejack rolled her eyes, she knew how much Twilight wanted to write letters to the princess. "Naw i gotta go and see Rar..." Suddenly Applejack remembered. "Oh no, ah got the crates, but ah didn't get the fabrics" "Ohhhhh" said Twilight "Well good luck trying to talk your way outta that one" Applejack was just outside Rarity's place when she heard a phenomenally loud shrieking from inside, Rarity then flew straight through the door and over the hill behind her house. Applejack was puzzled, she crept inside only to find Sweetie Belle. "What was it this tahme?" she asked. "A spider" Sweetie Belle said, holding up a rather large spider. "Raht" smiled Applejack, who was rather glad Rarity wasn't there to hear what she was about to say. She then told Sweetie Belle about her adventure on the train and how she'd forgotten the fabrics. "YOU WHAT!" Applejack looked behind her and saw the furious eye of Rarity through the window. "Uhhh i better go" she smiled, before shooting off in a streak of Orange. Applejack didn't know where the fabrics were, but she knew where to get answers. Quickly she ran up to the station and saw the station master. "Ah just need to clarify" she began "If some fabrics from Manehatten came on the train this morning" "Ah yes" said the station master "But they were sent back up to Manehatten." "What?" said Applejack, but she looked at the destination board and saw the next train to Manehatten was in two minutes "Okay thanks" she smiled before standing on the platform. The train swept the platform with steam, Applejack was reminded of that morning. She smiled as she got on and the train started. Although, what she hadn't seen is that on the destination board on the platform, the train for Manehatten was on platform 1, the one she got on was the train to Dodge Junction. "Well ah maht as well get 40 winks" she smiled, pulling her hat over her eyes. The train stormed through the Equestrian countryside, it's whistle blowing and it's coupling rods clanking. By the time Applejack was jerked awake, it was nearing sundown. "Hang own a sec" she said looking at the station sign "Dodge Junction? Oh dear what am ah gonna do?" She walked out onto the platform and asked one of the porters. "Excuse me, when's the next train to Manehatten?" "There ain't no trains to Manehatten this time of evening miss, sorry" said the porter, hastily getting back to work. "Applejack!" came a sudden cry. Applejack looked and Loconeer was in the yard waving. "Of course" she said, she trotted on over. "What are you doing here?" asked Loconeer. Applejack then explained about her adventure so far, "But ah gotta get to Manehatten to be able to get Rarity's fabrics" she finished "Quite a story" smiled Loconeer "In fact, i'm just about to set off to Manehatten to be able to get some post for Ponyville, you want a ride?" Applejack couldn't believe her luck. "Yes please!" she beamed. As the locomotive moved through the sunset, Applejack leaned out the window to see the beautiful city of Manehatten coming over the horizon. "Manehatten, here we come Wooo Hooo!" Applejack shouted. The locomotive responded with a whistle and Loconeer started to slow down so they could stop easily when they got to the yard. Manehatten depot was bigger than any other depot in the area. Loconeer stopped the locomotive next to a train of empty post wagons. Applejack had to gallop over to the station to collect the fabrics. She came back with her hooves full and placed the fabrics in the brake van. The conductor didn't mind a bit. "Ok" smiled Applejack, clambering up to the cab again "We're good" Loconeer blew the deep toned whistle, he added steam and the locomotive responded with a will, gradually getting faster and faster as they sped along. It was dark now, Applejack looked up at the stars. It seemed to her that some of them were appearing and disappearing as they went along, but she soon found out it was the steam and smoke that was blotting them out. When they arrived in Ponyville, Applejack got her fabrics, thanked Loconeer well over his fair share of gratitude and also thanked the conductor for letting her store Rarity's fabrics in the brake van. She was so tired when she got home, she fell asleep almost before she hit the sack. The next morning, Rarity was very relieved and grateful to have received her fabrics at last. Twilight then called for Spike. "Write this down" she smiled. "Dear Princess Celestia My friend Applejack is very good for her mistakes, it's amazing to see what lengths she'll go to, to make her friends happy. She learned this when Loconeer first went through the trouble of stopping the whole train just so she could get back home. If it also wasn't for him, Rarity wouldn't have received her fabrics on time. It was another small Applejack adventure and i know you're proud of her, she even likes to spend a little time at the railway these days, maybe you'll meet Loconeer someday. As always, your faithful student Twilight Sparkle."