> Night of Naughty Magic > by PhoKingAzn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > One Shot Story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Night of Naughty Magic By Jonathan Chung Nguyen Disclaimer: This is horrible written in 2 hours and should not be taken seriously It was a bright sunny morning in the land of Canterlot, The sunlight passing through the trees and fields, as faithful student Twilight Sparkles trots along the stone path to visit her mentor, Princess Celestia. It had been months since Twilight has seen her mentor, and an invitation to Canterlot's newly renovated library had set her on her way. As Twilight trots along the path to the giant golden gates, she stops to talk to the guardsman. "Good marrow, guardsman", Twilight said as she makes a friendly gesture towards him. Silent as Tom, the Guard kept his posture, as Twilight giggles to herself, trotting inside. There Princess Celestia greets her, "Ahh Twilight, its good to see you", Celestia says in a royally friendly tone. "Please, come in, the library is this way" As she trots down the royal halls with Twilight following. "So, what new books has the library acquired?" questioned Twilight as she follows Celestia. "Very new and innovating novels and philosophies. Also the library has obtain ancient history from Zecora", replied Celestia. As she opens the newly famished doors of the library. Inside, the library shined with newly framed shelves, accommodated with books lined across the room. There were rows and sections of shelves leading towards a tall window sill, with a door leading to a marble balcony. There was also a second story floor leading to a third attic. The floors were refurnished and bright with red carpet, as the walls where white as a cloud. Twilight was in awe as the two of them walked in. During the whole time inside the library, Celestia lead Twilight around the library. Showing her all of the categories and new innovative discoveries. But during the tour when Celestia was introducing a strange device called a computer, Twilight bumped into a shelf. "This is a new inventions the Flim Flam Brothers have made, I believe they call it a computer", explains Princess Celestia as she shows it to Twilight. Twilight amazed, walking backwards as she bumps into a shelf. In an explosion of pain, Twilight falls over as several books topple over her. Princess Celestia surprised, saying, "Twilight are you alright." As she walks towards her. "Ouchnn!" as Twilight says as regains her senses, to be holding a strange book. The book was in a dark charcoal color. It was aged and lamented with metal linings. It was rough on the cover and had a huge leather strap across it. On the cover strange letters where written with a symbol in the middle, with the library spell book tag on the side. Showing the strange book to Princess Celestia, she asked, "What is this book?" Princess Celestia, curious takes a closer look at the book and shutters. Twilight notices and asks, "What is the matter?" Princess Celestia calming a bit says, "That book is something many weren't able to do, it has strange effects on the user and also after the effects, it made the user terrified." Pausing a moment to look at the book... "I never tried it myself, but it looks threatening." Excited as Twilight was, learning that her mentor had not tried a spell before asks, "What if I try the spell?" as she holds the book close to her. "No!", yells Celestia "the book is to dangerous, i don't want my students to try such a dangerous task." As she uses her magic to lift the book back to the shelf. But as Celestia walks away, Twilight uses her magic to hide the book into a bag sack she had on her side. She was blinded by the fact that she is going to use spells her mentor never learn before... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was dark, Ponyville was asleep in the dark, dreamy night. As the moon glimmers over the grey mischievous clouds looming in the sky. The wind calm as the leaves bristle through the breeze. Stars, shining from a distance, as there laid silence across town. There, Twilight opens the door to her home, to be laughing eagerly. "Hehe, since I'm home I can finally read this book", whispering to herself. As she trots towards the library, closing the door behind her. Imagining to herself, "Oh Twilight you are amazing, learning a spell i never learned before" She lit candles in the room, illuminating the dark corners of the library. She sets the book down in the middle of the room as she attempts to find an ancient translator. Looking through her shelves of books, she manage to find an old dusty book, matching the language on the cover. The book she pulled out was named The Wonders of Nihon! Excited and eager, Twilight flipped open the translator to learn about the strange language of neighponese. Flipping open the translator, she managed to translate the cover of the strange book to Kuro Seisho. In the exact same moment she said the words, the book glows a deep teal as the pages flipped to a red lamented page with a phrase written on it. Fascinated, Twilight opens the book to translate the words: Seiteki gyakutai, Seiteki gyakutai, Watashi no karada, Nyusatsuji. In that moment, the book began to glow again, changing from the color teal, to a dark blue. Shock and a bit frighten, twilight stares away as words, the same glow as the book, begin to appear. Then suddenly, out of the blue ritual circle a dark skinny figure grows from the book. It shifts and slithers like a snake, constantly growing longer and longer, turning into a deep blue color. Then suddenly, the long tentacle grabs on to Twilight's Hoof and pulls her close. Twilight now scared, attempts to claw away from the horror. As more tentacles appear from the book, wrapping around Twilight, "NOOOoooo", screamed Twilight as she continues to attempt to crawl away "Get away!" The tentacle continues to grab onto Twilight. The slippy thick limb pulls Twilight close to the book. As two others limbs pry Twilight's legs open. Twilight Terrified screams, "NOoo not there...." But was cut off as the thick Tentacle penetrated deep inside her. Wiggling and churning her insides. Its other limbs toying with her. As other membranes lift her up. When another limb penetrating Twilight's ass, thrusting deep inside her. As Twilight moans, choking a bit on her own saliva from the extent of pleasure being exerted into her. As another limb is lounged into her mouth, twisting. Twilight burning, and feeling strange, twitches, and stretches as tentacles and limbs are thrusting deep inside her. The slimy limb sliding in and out of her insides. Feeling Twilight up with distinct pain and pleasure. Her mouth swallowing a limb, deep inside her throat. As the the penetrating tentacles, throb and pulse. Hot and aroused from the steamy limbs thrusting deep into her. "Awwwhnnn AWwwhnnn, I'm losing my MIND!", moaned Twilight. As the Tentacles thrusts deeper, and deeeper insider her. Twisting and churning her insides into a mush. The limb inside her mouth plunging into her. As Twilight shakes like a rag doll in the air. As more limbs appear from the book, toying around with Twilight. "OohhHH Oooohhh", moans Twilight as she gets tossed and turned in serveral directions. Plunged in and out insanely. Twilight losing it, starting to enjoy it moaning loud, as she gets penetrated deep inside by the Tentacles. Twilight burning up, her mind blanking out, senseless... as the limbs impale her from all sides. As the Tentacals right penetrate all of the way to the end of her Vagina, she moans loudly...climaxes as the Tentacle, limbs spew out white semen inside and outside of her. The book cease to glow, as the Tentacles retreat inside the book, closing... Twilight laying on the floor, senseless, covered with a thick layer of semen, dripping from her cunt... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Twilight is writing a letter to Celestia Dear Princess Celestia, Yesterday, I secretly took the book from the library you specifically told me not to read. I am sorry for disobeying your words, but i just wanted to impress you. About the book itself, it was frightening and terrifying at first, but i discovered that a layer of truth laid behind it You faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle > Author's Notes/ Morale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Notes Well first off, there is no morale. Unless you really want to be creative with this. Yeah, I understand the story has tons of grammatical issues and pacing problems. Basically this story is a PhoKing take on a hentai. I got the idea from connecting series of ideas together. It was bound to happen some day, so i made my own. For those who believe that my story is that horrible, you could always write your own you know? Actually though, I want those people to enlighten me. Make a story, with the same basic plot and make it more amazing then mines. Simple enough for some people. During the writing process of this story. I was probably tripping balls on what to type. I have to admit, typing this kind of story drains your morale quickly. Not from creativity or anything, but the fact your writing a tentacle rape of a pony using a magical book. I'm fully aware of this and I also wanted to see people's reaction. I found it very satisfying in the very end. Maybe some day I'll make it longer and better [That's what she said]