> Harmony's Call : Autumn's Story > by AutumnShy_88 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Birds of a Feather > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harmony's Call: Chapter One ~Birds of a Feather~ The sun shone overhead with a bright and warming light as I looked around dazed, my vision blurry and unclear as my eyes strained against the stunning light from above, by sheer instinct I cried out and seeking the warmth and comfort of a place I seemed to have been taken from, muffled voices above me spoke words I could not understand as I felt myself being picked up and seemingly cradled in warm and loving arms as the sun's rays were shielded from my eyes as I could not help but rest against whomever had protected me from that which I did not understand, and gave me warmth and security. Were my ears old enough I would have heard one of the soft voices from above speak. "He's an adorable little colt just like you were my darling, What should we call him dear?" The proud Colt and Mare looked over their newborn son with pride as the colt shielded his newborn son from the bright light with his wing as he spoke. "His coat is light as oak and his scruff of a mane is deep like chocolate that set above those two big honey-golden eyes of his, how about we call him, Autumn" The mare nodded as she tenderly nuzzled her colt's head with her nose, "Welcome home little Autumn" ~ Time marched on as the light colored and tiny colt grew into a rather timid and shy child, ever eager to learn how to fly as he'd flutter his little wings hopefully, managing a little hover off the ground as he would whinny with glee to just be off the ground, though always quick to run and hide behind his mother should any of the other young ones take notice of him. Autumn was as shy as he was curious, always gazing outside at all the activity outside and wandering around just outside their home among the clouds, his parents ever vigilant of where he was as to not allow him to wander near the edges of the clouds, as he was still too young to fly and they were quite over-protective of him as he was their only colt. ~ One day, As autumn wandered about the house, chasing after a tiny cirrus cloud that had floated in the window, his father noted that Autumn was opening his wings more and spreading them, an indication that his wings were ready to be trained to fly. With his primary feathers now coming in, Autumn's father decided it was about time to enroll their colt in flight school so he could spend more time with other colts and fillies his age and make some friends that both his parents felt he was in need of. They wished nothing more than to keep him as their little one for the rest of their days, but they knew better than to try and keep him under their wing forever. Alabaster, Autumn's father, was a protective and unintentionally imposing tower of feathers and hooves. Despite his size and generally caculating expression, Alabaster was a very kind and loving mate and father. A large and strong pegasus with a mane of goldenrod that covered a hide white as ivory and eyes of deep hazel as he approached the young pegasus as he pounced upon the tiny cirrius cloud. "Autumn, your mother and I have decided to enroll you in flight school, we can see that you're eager to use your wings and that's a VERY important part in every pegasi's life, the day they learn to fly. So we're sending you to Cloudsdale's Youth Flight Camp son. Autumn shook his head and looked back at his father with a look of concern. "How long do I stay at this school daddy? When do I get to come home?" Alabaster smiled softly as he replied. "It's a sort of summer camp son, You learn how to fly there in the day and sleep there at night as well son" Autumn's golden eyes went wide. "You mean I have to stay there all night and day father?" Alabaster nodded his head as he asked "Does that sound like something you might like to do Autumn? Meet some friends and learn how to fly together?" Autumn tilted his head and lightly shrugged as he hooved the floor softly, as he would always do when unsure of something. "You've got some time to think about it son, don't get discouraged by being away from home, I was scared at first when my parents sent me off to flight school, but after being there a few days, I found that I really liked it, for the most part anyways" Recalling certain memories of being tied to the flagpole and having his wings coated in honey while he slept, memories he felt best to not mention to his son right now. "Dad?" squeaked Autumn. "Yes my son?" responded Alabaster as he knelt down to his son's level. "Can I ride on your back one last time before we go to flight camp?" pleaded Autumn. Alabaster smiled widely as he lifted his son off the floor and tossed him into the air over and over as he laughed "You didn't think those pegasus at flight camp were gonna give you a ride like me now did you?" as he scooped his son on to his back and flew out the front door. Autumn whinnied with joy as he grasped his father's mane in his teeth as he stood and spread his wings as they flew through the air together for one last time, as the next time they flew together, it would be side by side. ~ The next day, Autumn's parents, Alabaster and Lunara took Autumn into Cloudsdale as he marveled at the beautiful buildings made of cloud as he rode on Lunara's back. This was certainly not his first time in Cloudsdale, as he had spent his entire colthood living on the fringes of the bustling city in the sky, just outside the city life within an aged, but big and comfortable cumulus cloud with his parents. Stretching his wings as he felt the air rush below them, threatening to lift him off his mother's back as he whinnied and clung to her mane tightly as he closed his wings in shock. "Careful now Autumn, your wings are big enough to carry your weight now dear" spoke Lunara softly as she felt her colt latch on to her mane tightly, taking note that he was certainly getting heavier with age. Lunara was also a pegasus like Alabaster, but smaller and more slender, always soft spoken and willing to take others under her wing without a second word about it, quite literally usually. Her coat was a deep blue like the night sky, her mane was a pale blue and her eyes were emerald green. The two adult pegisi exchanged a warm and loving smile together as they touched down on the clouds just outside of the flight camp as Autumn looked around curiously. "Here we are kiddo, the same flight camp I went to when I was about your age son" spoke Alabaster as he observed their surroundings. "It seemed quite a bit bigger to me back then" he chuckled as they entered the training grounds together. Autumn clung to his father's hoof tightly when a group of older flyers soared just inches over the tops of their heads as they rocketed past with immense speed. Autumn's eyes went wide with amazement as they flew through the skies with speed like he'd never seen before, shrieking as a boom of thunder sounded from the group as they disappeared into the clouds. Alabaster raised his hoof as he smiled and looked into the eyes of his colt. "Just think son, that will be you someday soon, flying among the clouds like them, perhaps not quite as fast, but flying on your own two wings" Autumn released his grasp upon his father's hoof as an adult pegasus lead a small group of pegisi that looked Autumn's age, outside of the main building where they whinnied and played together. "Why don't you go over and say hello dear, go make some friends little Autumn" spoke Lunara as she gave his rear a soft tap with her nose as he timidly walked over to the small group of young colts and fillies. Alabaster laughed as he trotted off, calling for Lunara to follow him as he came to a stop at an old park bench nearby as Lunara's face got the same warm smile as Alabaster wore as she nodded her head in recollection. "This is where we first met as little ones, seems like it was just yesterday that we met here Al" spoke Lunara as she stood near the bench, recalling how she was just as shy as her young colt had to be feeling right now, keeping to herself as a young filly, totally taken by surprise when a young colt leapt on her back and... Lunara was startled from her thoughts as Alabaster leapt upon her back just like he had done all those years ago, Lunara shrieked and staggered as she struggled to support him. "Ally ! Oh goodness, you're..too...heavy....darling !" she spoke as they fell to the ground laughing. Alabaster gave his mate a tender kiss on the cheek as she laughed and looked up at him with an annoyed expression. "All these years together and you still don't know how to treat a lady properly Ally, and here I thought being with with a frail lil' filly like me would have set you straight on manners" she smirked, giving his muzzle a nuzzle. Alabaster rolled his eyes as he nipped at her mane. "For starters, you're about as frail as granite and back then you needed someone like me to get you out into the world before your wings grew into your sides" Meanwhile, Autumn had joined the small group of young pegasus and a few griffon cubs as he introduced himself. "Hi, my name's Autumn" he almost squeaked. A few paid no mind to him at all while two others walked up to him and shook his hoof. "The name's Rainbow Dash, This here's my best friend Gilda" gestured a light blue filly with a mane like he'd never seen before, displaying every color of the rainbow, giving credit to her colorful name as she pointed to a young griffon. "The speechless pony hidin' behind me is Fluttershy, good luck gettin her to talk to ya" Dash laughed softly as she rolled her eyes as she doubted this new colt would ever get her to make a peep. "Hello Rainbow Dash, it's... nice to meet you all" spoke Autumn quietly as the griffon seemed to look straight through him as another group of young colts cantered up to them small group. "Hey new kid ! There's no need in hanging with Rainbow "Crash" and her silly lil' friends, come with us and be somebody." Spoke a slightly older brown colt as Rainbow Dash glared at him. Autumn cowered somewhat as the older colt stared him down. "Well, are you gonna hang with us or not?" Autumn shook his head as Rainbow Dash stood between him and the older colt. "Autumn gave you an answer, he doesn't want to hang with a bunch of jerks like you, so buzz off... if you can that is." she grinned as the oldest colt narrowed his eyes at her. "Fine, hang with you stupid little friends Aww-dumb" Autumn hung his head as the colt made a hurtful insult of his name. "Don't let him get to ya, his mother must'a dropped him on his head." spoke a filly with a blue-grey coat, with a creamy blonde mane and tail. Autumn blushed as she smiled at him. "Silly me, I forgot to introduce myself to you, My name's Brighteyes, what's yours?" Autumn looked at the ground in shyness as the grey colored filly knelt down and looked him in the face with a curious smile, patiently awaiting him to tell her his name. "Autumn, My name's... Autumn." he spoke softly as an adult female pegasus called the young colts and filly's back inside as Alabaster and Lunara approached their son to say goodbye before they left to return home. "Well son, I think that's your group that's heading inside, better hop to it" laughed Alabaster as Lunara gave his left leg a kick as he said "hop to it" knowing he was referring to something else still. Lunara shot him a smirk as she watched him rub his leg with his other hoof as she knelt down to give her colt a loving kiss goodbye for now as he clung to her head, hugging her tightly as he smiled and ran off toward the door all the other colts were entering as he waved goodbye to Alabaster and Lunara as they took to the skies together. Ahead of him were going to be a very interesting course of events that would soon change his life forever in many different ways. ~ Autumn has already made his first new friends on his first day in attendance and flight school already looks like it's going to be a time to remember for sure, that is, if Autumn can come out of his shell and make the grade he's destined to. ... Read on and learn about Autumn's new friends and the lessons he will learn from more than just the flight teachers, but his newest friends as well in: Harmony's Call: Chapter Two: Young Wings and Painful Things > Young Wings & Painful Things > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harmony's Call: Chapter Two ~Young Wings and Painful Things~ "A bird can fly only as high as his wings will take him, an angel can only fly as low as the heavens permit, but for a pegasus, we fly high among the stars and low through the very treetops, flying as high and low as our hearts desire. The sky is our true home, and to it we shall eternally return. Born from the clouds themselves and willed into life by the ever-changing winds" ~LP The sun shone overhead brightly in the warm bliss of afternoon as pegisi both young and old took to the skies. Some flew with grace, like a weightless feather caught in a soft breeze. Others flew with amazing speed, wings tucked in as they flew through the air like daytime comets. For the small group around him however, Autumn's class of new flyers were none too prepared for such, or so the older flyers above would have thought anyways. Most of the young fillies and colts were able to fly, but their wings were still in need of training, and much like a fawn's first steps, their flight was a rather wobbly and uneasy one, for most of the young ones anyways. Such was not exactly the case for a young female griffon and a sky blue pegasus, They on the other hand, lived for the thrill of flying and were already quite skilled at such for their age, constantly competing with each other, endlessly aiming to show the other off, every display more darling and awesome than the last. Gilda and Dash had lived for being number one ever since their bodies could fly, determined to make a statement that they were the top of their class and never one's to back down from a challenge, no matter what it was. Competition was in their blood and they'd lose the former in the chase for flight skill superiority. "Everyone's attention please!" spoke their instructor as she called for her pupils collective attention as she continued. "Today we'll be going over the basics of proper take-off and gaining balance and altitude, who want's to try to take off first?" spoke their instructor as Dash and Gilda butted heads on who was going to show off to the class first, a young colt by the name of Hoops was first to step forward. "My name's Hoops teach, I want to fly first." he spoke with a pompous tone. Their instructor raised a brow at his "enthusiasm" as she nodded. "Very well Hoops, you may attempt to fly first, and my name is Cassey if you please." speaking with a hint of annoyance as Hoops laughed to himself at her response. "There's no "try" about it, I just "do" teach" Opening his wings widely as he lowered to the ground slightly, leaping forward as he thrust his wings down at the same time, both actions propelling him into the air, bringing his wings in as he raised them, flapping them as they unfolded once more, repeating the fluid motion as he raised into the air with ease. "Very well done Hoops, you've no doubt been training at home already" she spoke, honest surprise masking her realization that this one colt was going to be another one of those whom either excels at classes, or slacks off terribly, only time would tell in the end. "Alright, who's next to try?" spoke Cassy as she awaited for the next colt or filly to step forward. From within the group, Gilda grinned as she saw Autumn cowering in fear, giving his tail a quick nip as he whinnied in shock and ran forward, right into their awaiting flight instructor. Derpy glared at Gilda as she saw what the griffon had done, Gilda just stuck her tongue out at the filly and admired her claw work. "Ah, very good, now what's your name little colt?" spoke Cassy as she smiled down at the colt. Autumn looked up at her dumbfounded as he realized why she was asking his name. "Oh... uhm... My name is... Autumn" he gulped, knowing that he was next to exhibit his flight skills, of which he really had none, as he'd never flown on his own yet. Autumn cowered as Cassy lead him a safe distance away from the group, she couldn't hear his whisper over the others cheers and boos that he'd never actually flown on his own before. Autumn looked around not sure what to do, afraid to fly on his own, yet scared to look like a baby in front of the whole class. Shivering as he closed his eyes and opened his wings, recalling how he'd watched both his parents take off, seeming to leap into the sky and beat their wings was all it took. Jumping with all his might as he beat his wings as fast as they could, haphazardly lifting into the air as he spun and twirled, inverting as he plummeted toward the ground suddenly, opening his eyes at that very moment as he whinnied in terror as he saw everything in a blur, all could hear was the wind rushing past him and the many yells and screams from above, and then the world went into quiet darkness. ~ Back at their home, Lunara was busy tending to puffing and trimming the bushclouds in front of their home while Alabaster was busy watching the latest news from out of Canterlot, reports of unusual lunar activity had been made, but this had been in the news for years now, Obviously raising the sun and moon both was a laborious task, ever for their omnipresent and ever powerful ruler, Celestia. Alabaster shook his head as he turned the tv off and went to the kitchen to fetch Lunara a fresh drink of water, no doubt she had to be thirsty working in the clouds on a day as bright as this. It was just one of those days that nothing bad ever seemed to happen, weather that was because others only ventured outside into the heat if they absolutely had to, or because it was just too nice a day for dark clouds to loom overhead, whatever the reason, it was a beautiful day for Alabaster, for he had his beautiful mate with him, their adorable son and air in his lungs, and for Alabaster, that was all he needed to be happy. Lunara trimmed at the puffy formations with attention to detail as she raised a brow and chuckled, reaching into the bushy puff, retrieving a small plate of what appeared to be leftover broccoli. Shaking her head as she discovered just what Autumn had really done with his broccoli from a few nights ago. Chuckling to herself as she recalled that she was not too fond of the food item at his age either, if any filly of colt ever acted like their broccoli was good, they were likely hiding something from their parents, perhaps even the broccoli itself. Lunara sighed as she stood, admiring her hoof work, quite pleased of what she'd done as she licked her dry lips, what she wouldn't do for a... "Drink?" spoke Alabaster from behind her as he teasingly placed the glass of ice cold water against her side as she shrieked for more than one reason. "Alabaster Armstrong! You scared the yellow rainbow outta me!" she yelled, looking into his eyes sternly before taking the drink out of his hooves gratefully and sighing as she felt the pleasant sensation of the cool water running down her throat and cooling her off, keeping one eye fixed on her trickster husband. "Thank you for the drink darling, you read my mind as I was about to come inside for a drink, though I would not have given myself a startle like you felt so pleased at giving me Al." Alabaster just grinned at his easily spooked mate as he responded. "Eh, can I help it that I just love to see you dear? Even if you happen to be glaring at me like just now, I just want to see that beautiful face of yours look at me, regardless of it's expression." Lunara rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Yes dear, I hear you, Perhaps you should go find that beautiful face of yours then luv, as there's no one else here but a simple old home-mare and her colt." Alabaster grinned at her as he lovingly proved to her just who's beautiful face he was speaking of as he took her in his hooves and give her lips a loving kiss as he smiled at her warmly. "Now now luv, be careful about going around kissing gargoyles Ally, one might just come alive and attack you... or worse, fall in love with you." she spoke teasingly Alabaster just chuckled to himself as he grinned. "Oops, too late, One already has." ~ Flying... Fire that consumed all and reached high into the skies...Smoke that choked all of the air out of one's lungs...and Screams, those horrible, wailing, bloodcurdling screams that sent ice through your very soul... Looking around in a panic as destruction and terror surrounded him, barely even recognizing where he was till it dawned on him, He was home, or close to home anyway. This literal hell that surrounded him was none other than downtown Cloudsdale. Running as fast as his legs could carry him, he leapt into the air trying to fly as he would make it home sooner if he did so, but instead of a powerful flight, his wings faltered and he crashed into the pavement with a sickly thud as he went end over end in pain, righting himself against the agonizing pain that shot through his every limb, yet his pride stung even more as he, a pegasus, could not even fly to his own home, of which he could see now in the distance. Dashing up to the front door as he looked in horror as the well trimmed cloudbushes before his home, were charred into ash. Dashing inside before hearing his name being called from outside, falling to the floor and crashing into a desk that one held a varied arrangement of his mother's favorite flowers in his desperate attempt to turn around and run back outside, righting himself as he ran outside, only to catch a glimpse of both his parents plummeting toward the ground, either unconscious or worse, it did not matter at the time, for he lept off the edge of the clouds without a second thought and dived after them, tucking his wings tightly to his sides as he caught up to them, only because their larger forms fell slower than his own. The ground being only mere moments away now, he knew he only had enough time to say goodbye, and with that, Autumn kissed his mother on the cheek. "I love you too my son" she softly spoke, just before the uncaring ground claimed their lives. ~ "NOOOOOO!!!" A nurse pony ran over to Autumn's side as she had to fight to restrain him. "Please calm down Autumn! You're going to hurt yourself even worse! You've obviously had a nightmare child!" she pleaded as Autumn's eyes dashed around the room as he calmed down slightly. "Where am I? What's going on? Where's my mom and dad?" Autumn cried as his conscious body screamed in pain as he wailed out in miserable agony. "You're at the Cloudsdale hospital child, you gave us all a scare, for a moment we thought we might lose you Autumn, Your parents are worried sick about you, they are just outside, If you promise me you'll keep still, I'll go get them dear, Promise? she spoke as she comforted the young colt. Autumn nodded his head, obeying her as he relaxed and laid back down quietly. "I Promise" "There's a good boy, now you keep still until I get back with your parents dear, i'll only be gone for a moment" she spoke softly as Autumn nodded, beginning to cry softly as he realized, he could not feel anything in his wings. He was too afraid to see if he even still had any, he'd heard stories about how Pegisi had bad accidents and woke up in the hospital without their wings. Autumn was scared, all he could do was cry and wait. ~ Earlier that day, Lunara and Alabaster had been having a peaceful day back home, thinking about how their son must be having his first lessons in the immensely important part of learning how to fly. It was a moment of mixed feelings as they both realized when he returned home, it would be with memories of flight school, the everlasting skill of flight and a major boost of self-confidence. Still... It was somewhat bittersweet for them to realize there would never be another day he'd want or be able to ask for a ride on either of their backs. Parenthood was truly a never ending wonder of happiness and heartbreak for certain. Though nothing could have shattered their world as much as the news a teenage pegisi brought them on this beautiful day. He flew in from the north with alarming speed, landing without slowing as he made the rest of the short distance to their home in a flat-out gallop as he came to a sharp stop before them and nodded his head as graciously as a pegasus completely out of wind pegasus could as he wasted no time at delivering the message he brought. "Your son Autumn has been taken to the Cloudsdale hospital from an injury at the flight academy" he spoke between breaths. Somewhere between "Autumn" and "hospital" a great rush of wind threatened to sweep the younger pegasi right off his hooves as Alabaster had unfolded his wings and took to the skies in a powerful flap of his wings, Lunara not far behind him, always having been the quicker flyer of them as she soon caught up to him. Yet this was no race back from the day of flight school, All they had to hear was their colt's name and the word "hospital" used in the same sentence to know there was nothing more important to them then their son's health and happiness, and both were in limbo as they dashed toward the hospital, praying to Celestia with all their hearts that their little colt was alright. Suddenly, their fears of never getting to carry their son again just took a wicked turn for the worst, as they may very well be carrying him just one last time. ... To his final resting place... Discover Autumn's fate, Meet new friends and discover just what it means to live and cry, Read on in: Harmony's Call: Chapter Three: Wings Clipped and The Words That Slipped (Extra: Autumn's favorite band - The Chirpington Chirpers)